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I want to talk to you this morning about the Response to Biblical Intercession The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.2 Timothy 1:5 From the Message 1 Tim 1:5-7 The whole point of what were urging is simply lovelove uncontaminated by self-interest and counterfeit faith, a life open to God. Those who fail to keep to this point soon wander off into cul-de-sacs of gossip. They set themselves up as experts on religious issues, but havent the remotest idea of what theyre holding forth with such imposing eloquence. The Point? he clearest demonstration of the Glory of God is Love! T Love for God and for one another which alone is amazing and should rightfully be declared as our highest expression of success in the Christian life! The Bibilical Basis of Intercession the Revelation and Declaration of the Character of God. Moses Numbers 14:11-19 The Goal of Biblical Intercssion - The Glory of God revealed upon the earth. Numbers 14:22 The Result of Biblical Intercession His glory manifested in and through us Transformation! 2 Corinthians 3:18 This is not a job or an accomplishment to be achieved but rather a Truth to be believed! is God who made light shine in our hearts to see the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 2 Cor 4:6 The Gospel declares I have been loved eternally by an uncreated God Amazing! But I cannot become aware of this without the work of the Spirit who gives me faith....Ephesians 2:4-10 Now pause for a moment if you realize this you are among a limited number of the population of the planet! By the Spirit I have been enabled to love in response I have become a lover of God and said yes to partnership with Him! According to Jesus in Mark 12:29-31 it does not get any deeper or powerful than that. Religion drives us away from love! Always calls attention to what we need to do or have not done. Fear.....have I done enough.....have I missed something. Excessive preoccupation with ourselves....that can look one of two ways Have I performed my spiritual acts.... Or the other side of don't is the preoccupation with Freedom to do whatever we want. Either way it is to make it about us. And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 05/04/12 page 1


This is something that Paul rehearses in I Corinthians 13.... and is the basis of some of the most stunning prayers of the New Testament Eph3 :16, Col 1:9-11 Beloved I have become convinced that the Shema Dt 6:5, Mark 12:29-31 in the context of the Gospel my goodness it reflects all these things The Basis, Goal, Result and Response of Biblical Intercession! Some have described this as the Jews Most Powerful Prayer Said in the morning and evening - from the Cradle to the Grave..... Shema Hear - LISTEN - Pay attention * While I am not ready to make sweeping statements yet I must say that I believe that the reality of the Christian life is lived out in the listening....hearing the Voice! In the Voice God made plan His leadership.... God's People - Pay attention my people.....this is an active individual and corporate call.....Listen... The Lord There is a a Psalmist put it...the Lord is on His throne.... let the earth be silent! There is a God in the Universe and a God in the Earth......God is.... Our God He is the Creator - sustainer and universal CEO.....whether He is Acknowledged or not! The Lord - This same God

Iisrael -

Hashem -

Elokenu -

Hashem Echad -

Is One He is Unity....what He is unfolding in the earth and my life is His Purpose....! My point this morning The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 1 Timothy 1:5 NASB The Response to Biblical Intercession the Revelation of Love that becomes both our identity knowing we are loved and have become lovers of God and others. Second becomes our motivation The True Response of Biblical Intercession is Love as our identity and our motivation. Otherwise we can end up a whole lot like John in Luke 9 Jesus have a wrong spirit! Verse 55 And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 05/04/12 page 2


In Luke 9 we see John and the heart wrestle....finally ends with them asking Jesus to send fire from Heaven and burn up a village! Really! Here is the same guy that Jesus named....Mark 3:17 James and John 'Sons of Thunder' They have some serious passion and zeal. Watch this...They just asked ' we want to sit on the right and left' ( Mark 10:33-41) They have just shut down a bad meeting willing to demonstrate leadership. Now they are on an errand for Jesus...they did not receive us....'should we fry em?'

Before we get hard on James and John this is the reality. We can engage in intercession with less than good motives. Prayer Testimonies are important release faith. When we connect the dots and see the result of our partnership with Heaven. Critical that we see this If we see, judge or discern Intercession on the basis of anything other than the Glory of God in and through us. Power Encounter Special Visions Insight etc. we can begin to attach our success in Intercssion to something other than the success of the Cross. Potential is to get preoccupied or distracted from the primary reward which is Jesus potiential for discouragement etc increases.

The Response of Mark 12:28-31 is not lets fry em! But love! Now John gets there at the end of his life as an old man he in the end writes 5 books of the New Testament but more than that is known as the Apostle of Love! The words of Jesus have taken deep root....John 15:9 ...abide in My love... Back up a bit Chapter 14:18-21 rehearses what had become at that point the comfort, compass heading and response of his life. I have nothing to prove if I know I am loved by the Father, the Son and love in return! This is the man that Jesus asks to take care of his own mother John 19:27 yet in the end 5 times he refers to himself towards the end of his life as the one that Jesus Loved. Put his head on Jesus in those difficult moments that he did not understand he had learned to rest in love! Later in his life he writes 3 Love Epistles make his joy complete (1:4) almost a personal testimony of how had learned to live in unoffended love towards God. He goes on to say there is no fear ( tradition says he was boiled in oil and then sent into exile) in love....perfect love drives out fear. This is not some wall saying but reality And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 05/04/12 page 3


In the Revelation he sees things that no man could even begin to describe (sees the gates of the Holy City with his name on it....really!) yet as the basis of his description of the Revelation, he reminds us its about the One who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood. Rev 1:5

John went from a wrong spirit about being a 'Son of Thunder' to a transformation into The Apostle of Love! Point Resting in Love and Responding in Love remain the clearest demonstration of the Glory of God. 1 John 4:7-8 ..the one who lives in love knows God....for God is love! You know what is powerful about this? Even a child can discern this....not about visions, power etc. Moving from a wrong Spirit to a right Spirit Love remains the clearest demonstration of this shift! It is also how we experience Romans 12 Transformation in the Spirit. And participating in the promise of Gods heart My Glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. So where do we begin? Choose to agree with what God says about us! 1. God loves me like He loves Jesus John 15/17 (vs 22-26). This alone should blow our mind and shatter every insecurity to its core. Confession ' Jesus you feel about me like the Father feels about You. I am your beloved, your favorite. You delight in me. 2. Jesus knew the greatness of mans brokeness but he still choose Redemption and in so doing choose us! Your love demonstrated in redemption is greater than any brokeness in humanity. Confession 'Jesus You desire me. I lean on Your heart because I love you. That is who I am and that is what I do!

And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 05/04/12 page 4

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