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1. Democratic Leadership style Group participates in decision making Leader acts as facilitator Leader has concern for group members

A leadership style where a leader encourages employee participation in decision-making, persuasive or consultative Advantages: better decisions, employee motivation Disadvantages: delayed decision, long consultation CHARACTERISTICS WHEN EFFECTIVE -high degree of skill and motivation among group members -a sense of team exists -routines are familiar to participants WHEN INEFFECTIVE -low sense of team /interdepende nce -members have low degree of skill / knowledge -group expects what to be told what to do EXAMPLES

-decisions are made by the majority

-Canada, U.S

-power rests in the body of citizens and the head of government is not a king or queen (monarch)

2. Autocratic Leadership style Leader dominates group Commands rather than makes suggestions Maintains strong control Sometimes punitive

A leadership style where the leader makes all decisions independently or without consulting with others Advantages: good in certain circumstances, such as urgent tasks or military actions Disadvantages: poor decisions, poor level of employee motivation


WHEN EFFECTIVE -time is limited in decision making -individuals/ group lack still and knowledge -group members / citizens do not get along or are unable to co-operate

WHEN INEFFECTIVE -developing a strong sense of team is a goal -group members or citizens have some degree of skill /knowledge


-tells others what to do -limits discussion on ideas -can be elected into power and is a less extreme form of totalitarianism -decisions are made by a king or queen (monarch)

-developing a strong sense of team is a goal -group members or citizens have some degree of skill /knowledge

3. Charismatic Leadership style The Charismatic Leader gathers followers, through dint of personality and charm, rather than any form of external power or authority. Some prominent qualities of a charismatic leader are as follows: Vision. Speech. High Principles. Emotional Sensitivity. Personality. Charisma.

ADVANTAGES OF CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP Ability to affect change. Energetic and driving leader. Sensitivity to people emotions. Supportive environment. Vision and Articulation.

DISADVANTAGES OF CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP Over Reliance on Leader. Lack of Clarity. Failure of Vision. Misarticulating Goals. Poor Management. Autonomy. Broken Trust.

4. Laissez-faire Leadership style Leader is passive, nondirective, inactive All decision making left to group Little, if any, leader guidance or support

A leadership style where employees are encouraged to make their own decisions within limits. Advantages: more freedom for employees Disadvantages: few guidelines, little incentive, poor motivation, maybe a mess





-no group leader or recognized system of government

-a state of social disorder due to lack of government

-time is available -group is motivated and /or a sense of team exists -members of the group have some degree of skill/knowledge

-group is unmotivated -members have little skill or knowledge -high degree of conflict is present


5. Situational Leadership style The fundamental underpinning of the situational leadership theory is that there is no single "best" style of leadership. Effective leadership is task-relevant, and the most successful leaders are those that adapt their leadership style to the maturity ("the capacity to set high but attainable goals, willingness and ability to take responsibility for the task, and relevant education and/or experience of an individual or a group for the task") of the individual or group they are attempting to lead or influence. Effective leadership varies, not only with the person or group that is being influenced, but it also depends on the task, job or function that needs to be accomplished. The nurse manager assesses each nurses needs and determines which leadership behaviors will help the nurse to do the work with the fewest problem. The nurse manager first considers the staff nurses ability (knowledge, skills and experience) then determines the nurses willingness (confidence, commitment, motivation and energy) to complete a given task. The nurse manger, in a particular situation, either tells or teaches the staff what to do and explains the benefits in learning from a new situation. He participates with the subordinate in doing a special procedure that the subordinate is not familiar with.

Steps in utilizing situational leadership style are as follows:

Assess the situation Assess the group members Select the style or blending of styles best for the situation

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