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For example, during the 1980s, retention to Year 12 rose from 34 per cent in 1980 to 64 per cent in 1990.

The one exception to this trend towards dependency has been the involvement of students in part-time work. In August 1992, 47 per cent of full-time tertiary students aged less than 25 years and 31 per cent of school students aged 15 to 19 years were in the labour force. Overall, however, there is an increasing trend for young people to stay at home with their parents for a longer period of time. In 1992, for example, 55 per of young men aged 2024 years were still living with their parents compared with 46 per cent at the end of the 1970s. This situation calls into question the current

parents and children anticipate the day where the latter is totally independent and living their individual lives. It is accepted and expected that young adults eventually obtain a job and leave the parental home. In fact, this is the definition of true adulthood and maturity. However, t!

The dynamics of dependency on age structure and consumption Heinrich Hock and David. N.Weil

The question of dependency lies at the centre of government policies in relation to young people, especially policies relating to income support. The variable amounts paid to unemployed young people in the social security system according to their age are based on the notion that parents can be expected to provide much of the support before the young person reaches age 18, and some of the support between ages 18 and 20.

Additional work by Karasawa et al. [9], Azadivar [2] and Parry et al. [11] deals with the design of an AS/RS and the determination of its throughput bysimulation and optimization techniques. Several researchers addressed the problem of the optimal handling unit (pallet or container) size, to be used in material handling and warehousing systems. Steudell [13], Tanchoco and Agee[14], Tanchoco et al. [15] and Grasso and Tanchoco [5] stu

died various aspects of this subject. The last two references incorporate the size of the pallet, or unit load, in evaluation of the optimal lot sizes for multi-inventory systems with limited storage space. In a report on a specific case, Normandin [10] has demonstrated that using the 'best-size' container can result in considerable savings. A simulation model combining container size and warehouse capacity considerations, in an AS/RS environment, was developed by Kadosh [8]. The general results, reflecting the stochasticnature of the flow of goods, are similar to those reported by Rosenblatt a nd Roll [12]. Nevertheless, container size was foundto affect strongly overall warehousing costs. In this paper, we present an analytical framework for approximating the optimal size of a warehouse container. The approximation is based on series of generalizations and specific assumptions. However, these are valid for a wide range of real life situations. The underlying assumptions of the model are presented in the following section

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