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2 The overview of chapters 18-19 show us Matthews theme in this section.

5 Rabbis found 613 commandments in the OT, and five grounds for divorce. Marriage was considered a covenant, an Alliance

6 Common theme found throughout the OT prophets. Ezekiel gives a good example. Cf Jer 3-4

7 Paul reflects this understanding of marriage as well.

8 Hillel and Shammai Two different schools of interpretation that existed in the time of Jesus on earth.

9 The question posed to Jesus is about how to interpret Deut. 24

10 Hillel and Shammai understood the passage differently. The House of Shammai held that a man may only divorce his wife for a serious transgression, but the House of Hillel allowed divorce for even trivial offenses, such as burning a meal.

11 Look at the context of this passage: It is not about divorce, but remarriage.

12 Jesus tells them that the focus is supposed to be on marriage not divorce. Similar to only talking about automobiles and accidents.

13 Jesus takes them to task because they werent interpreting scripture properly. They were proof-texting.

14 Jesus attacks their interpretation. Jesus is answering a question about how to understand the Deut. passage, and about marriage on a secondary level.



17 Teaching about children

18 The Kingdom Belongs to Children (19:13-15) Jesus here reiterates his teaching in 18:1-6, which his disciples have apparently forgotten. Like their culture, they think "children should be seen and not heard." Children were low-status dependents; they had to trust adults and receive what they provided. Disciples did not want their teacher interrupted, and Jesus' disciples did not want these children, low in status, to deter Jesus from more important matters (Mt 19:13).


20 This has to do with the rulers relationship with God. He posed questions to Jesus, and we are told that he could not make a decision or commitment because of the conflicting relationship he has with his wealth.

21 Jesus did not say that it was impossible for a rich man to be his disciple. Rich people can become citizens where God rules. God will help them, but it is difficult for them to forget their money. Matthew himself left his good job to follow Jesus (Matthew 9:9). Zacchaeus promised to pay back all the money that he had taken from people. He also said that he would give half his money to help poor people (Luke 19:1-10). Also there was Barnabus

Luke 12:13-21 Who sits on the throne of your life? How important is money and possessions in your life? Who owns them? Or do they own you?

Relationships What is your relationship with God? What is your relationship with others? God is offering us a new vocation. How will we respond?

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