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UniversidadAlasPeruanas DireccinUniversitariadeEducacinaDistancia(DUED) CalleLosLirios144,SanIsidro.LimaPer Telf.(511)4221808 ImpresoenlostalleresgrficosdelaUniversidadAlasPeruanas Av.SanFelipe1109,JessMara.LimaPer Telf.(511)2660195 Derechosreservados.Noestpermitidalareproduccintotaloparcialdelaobraporcualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografa, el tratamiento informtico y electrnico sinlaautorizacindelaUniversidadAlasPeruanas. 2009



1. Presentacin de la Gua Didctica 2. Presentacin de la docente-tutora. 3. Introduccin a la asignatura. 4. Objetivos 5. Requisitos 6. Contenidos 7. Fuentes de informacin. 8. Medios didcticos 9. Actividad obligatoria 10. Evaluacin 11 Orientaciones para el estudio de la asignatura 12. Orientaciones para las tutoras

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

1.Presentaci P ndelaGu adidctica a

Estim mado participante:

dial saludo o. Esperam mos que la experiencia que va a iniciar en e la Reciba un cord natura de Ingls VI de e la Escuela Profesion nal de Inge eniera Indu ustrial y Escuela asign Profe esional de Ingeniera I d Sistemas e Inform de tica, en la modalidad de Educac cin a Dista ancia, le res sulte signific cativa para su desarrol llo personal l y profesion nal.

Por r qu es im mportante el e uso de la a Gua Did ctica?

G Didc ctica es una herramienta impo ortante porq que permit te brindarle e las La Gua orien ntaciones necesarias para p facilita ar su apren ndizaje de la asignatu ura. Por ello, es nece esaria su le ectura comp prensiva y permanente p e, para que e pueda des senvolverse e con xito o en el desa arrollo de es ste ciclo.

Par ra qu sirv ve la Gua didctica? d

Para abre eviar el tiem mpo al ten ner respues stas de las s probables s preguntas s que pudiera us sted hacerse en el desarrollo de su s proceso de d aprendiz zaje. Para orien ntar el uso correcto de el material en e el apren ndizaje de la asignatur ra del Ingls.

l es la est tructura de e la Gua didctica? Cu

G didctic ca ha sido estructurada e a de la sigu uiente mane era: La Gua Presentac cin de la Gua Did ctica: Exp plica lo que e es la Gu a didctica a, sus partes, e in ndicaciones s de su corr recto uso. Presentac cin de la Docente - Tutora: Aq qu se detalla la trayec ctoria profes sional del docent te.


Introduccin a la asignatura: En ella se explicar detalladamente cmo se desarrollar el curso durante el ciclo. Objetivos: Nuestro curso tiene cuatro objetivos, orientados a desarrollar la expresin oral y escrita, as como la comprensin de textos. Requisitos: Son los conocimientos previos con los que usted cuenta. Contenidos del curso: Sern aprendidos de acuerdo a las unidades didcticas programadas. Fuentes de informacin: En esta seccin se le proporcionar una bibliografa bsica y complementaria. Medios didcticos: Son los soportes o vas de comunicacin que usted podr utilizar a lo largo del curso para el aprendizaje de la asignatura, como son: las unidades didcticas, el libro Mega 2 y el CD.

Actividades: Son las tareas produccin del idioma Ingls.

de aplicacin que medirn sus habilidades de

Evaluacin: Explica el sistema de evaluacin de la asignatura, en ste caso se considera el examen parcial, el examen final, el examen sustitutorio y la actividad acadmica.

Orientaciones para el estudio: Sugiere cmo estudiar cada unidad didctica en relacin con sus objetivos. los cuales sern explicados en forma detallada posteriormente.

Recomendaciones acerca de la tutora: Intenta brindarle orientacin y apoyo acerca de sus dudas sobre aspectos acadmicos durante el desarrollo de la asignatura.

Le recomendamos que lea detenidamente este documento y lo considere una gua que deber utilizar en Todo su Proceso de Estudio, consultndolo cada vez que sea necesario.

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

Se sugie ere, asimismo, que en n el caso de d buscar un u aspecto o especfic co, no dude en n ver el ndice que se encuentra en la parte e inicial de esta gua, cuya finalidad d es facilita ar la consulta ar. rpid da ubicaci n del tema o aspec cto que req quiera

de que cuen nta con el apoyo a de la docente-tu utora, para a alcanzar la meta Recuerd de lograr el conocim miento y apr robacin de e este curso o.


La Universidad Alas Peruanas tiene el compromiso de contribuir a la educacin y al progreso de la sociedad dentro de un marco constituido por el conocimiento y la tica; por esta razn nos esforzamos en contar con una selecta plana docente que cubra las expectativas de la modalidad a distancia y que brinde un servicio constante de apoyo y asesoramiento pedaggico.

Consciente de esto, la universidad presenta a la docentetutora Liliana Hilda Mantilla Escobar, Licenciada en Educacin, Especialidad Idioma Extranjero - Ingls en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, con estudios de Maestra en Enseanza de Ingls como Lengua Extranjera en la Universidad de Piura, con Diplomados en Enseanza de Espaol para Extranjeros del Instituto Cervantes de Espaa y en Realidad Nacional de la Universidad Alas Peruanas. Actualmente se desempea como profesora del curso de Ingls en la Facultad de Ingeniera de Sistemas en la Universidad Alas Peruanas; en la modalidad presencial y a distancia, y en la Escuela de Traduccin e Interpretacin en la Facultad de Lenguas Modernas de la Universidad Particular Ricardo Palma. Es coordinadora del Programa de Idiomas Extranjeros de la Escuela de Negocios Globales en la Facultad de Ciencias Econmicas de la Universidad Ricardo Palma y Vocal del Tribunal del Examen Oral de Espaol para Extranjeros en el Convenio Marco Universidad Ricardo Palma - Instituto Cervantes de Espaa.

Ha sido capacitadora en el rea de Idioma Extranjero en la Universidad Sedes Sapientae. As mismo se ha desempeado como coordinadora y docente de Idioma Ingls en el colegio Sor Ana de los ngeles en los niveles de primaria y secundaria.

Recuerde siempre que el docente siempre estar gustoso de resolver sus interrogantes.

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

3.Introd duccinalaasignatura a

ormativos Datos Info 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 A Asignatura C Ciclo acadm mico C Crditos N Naturaleza R Requisito : Ingls VI : VI V :2 : Obligatoria O : Ingls V

El curso c de In ngls tiene e como fin nalidad que e usted

desarrolle las habilid dades

comu unicativas del d idioma en e forma ora al y escrita, el curso se llevar a cabo de ma anera intera activa, prop poniendo diferentes sit tuaciones con diversos s propsitos s vinculados s a la cotid dianidad de su vida pe ersonal, fam miliar y soc cial; tambi n desarro ollar estrat tegias que le permitir rn compre ender texto os orales y escritos, cuya capa acidad im mplica

nstruir el se entido oral y escrito de el texto, tend dr que dis stinguir las ideas principales recon y sec cundarias te eniendo en cuenta las s estructuras s lingsticas present tadas.

a que pued da desarrol llar estos aprendizajes a s, usted co ontar con tres materiales Para impo ortantes: El libro Mega 2, su CD y la Gua did dctica.

El lib bro Mega 2

Este libro es el material ob bligatorio pa ara nuestra asignatura. . En l uste ed encontrar los enidos del curso c y los ejercicios para p el desarrollo de habilidades. h . El libro Me ega 2 conte cuen nta con la siguiente est tructura: a) Skills dev velopments s Listening: Donde us sted escuchar dilogo os y textos sencillos s sted leer textos t senc cillos del entorno pers sonal, familiar y Reading: Donde us social.


Speaking: Donde usted tendr la oportunidad de desarrollar la expresin oral a travs de dilogos con la ayuda de un familiar o amigo que conozca el idioma ingls. Writing: Donde usted podr redactar textos sencillos con respecto a los contenidos aprendidos. b) Grammar focus: Es la parte de los contenidos gramaticales que estudiar en forma gradual, en cada unidad, y que es aplicada en las diferentes actividades que tiene el libro. Para profundizar los contenidos usted tambin cuenta con el Workbook-2. c) Vocabulary: Es la presentacin del lxico de los contenidos, y es aprendido gradualmente en cada unidad a travs de todas las actividades del texto. Los anexos de las unidades didcticas Son instrumentos de apoyo que le servirn de gua para que usted pueda utilizar adecuadamente el libro y mantener la misma estructura del texto. Las unidades

didcticas para el curso de Ingls VI estn desarrolladas en ingls. Para que usted pueda comprender las instrucciones le recomendamos que revise el vocabulario de los cursos anteriores y el glosario que se cita al comienzo de cada unidad.

La asignatura est organizada en cuatro unidades didcticas. Cada unidad responde a un conjunto de contenidos y actividades planteadas significativamente en el libro Mega 2. Para que usted pueda comprender mejor como estn organizada las

unidades, le sugerimos que observe el siguiente esquema:

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

Unidad d didctica a
Unidad 7 Food cin) (continuac

Material didctico

M Mega Book k2

Re epaso Past t simple Qu uantifiers Sk kills developm ment Sp pecial days in Japan Lets check

Pgina as 88 - 90

Unidad 8 ons of motion n Prepositio

Pr repositions of motion Th hat was 100 years y ago Co ould for requests Sk kills developm ments Cu ulture spot Le ets check Ju ust for fun Ho ow good are you?

Pgina as 91 - 104

Unidad 9 Detailed physical p description ns

Deta ailed physical desc criptions Were e you flirting with the boys s? Past t continuous Refle exive pronou uns Skills s developme ent Lets s check

Pgina as 105 - 114

Unidad 10 p Personal possessions

Personal possessi ions e to Would you like kstreet boys? Back Would like to + ver rb Adve erbs Quiz: How much m reme ember? Skills s development Culture spot s check Let Jus st for fun How w good are yo ou?



Pginas 115- 128

can you


En la Unidad didctica 7, usted har un repaso de los contenidos que se estudiaron en el quinto ciclo, las comidas ms importantes utilizadas en las diferentes

celebraciones como cumpleaos o el Da de Accin de Gracias, las formas de expresar cantidades utilizando cuantificadores como mucho (a lot of), poco (a little) entre otros, y los sustantivos contables y no contables.

En la Unidad didctica 8, usted lograr narrar experiencias pasadas utilizando los verbos y adverbios del tiempo pasado, tambin podr preguntar e indicar cmo llegar a un lugar haciendo preguntas con el verbo podra (could) y utilizando preposiciones de movimiento como cruce la pista (cross the road), doble a la izquierda / derecha (turn left / right), siga de frente (go straight), etc.

En la Unidad didctica 9, usted aprender a describir la apariencia fsica de las personas y podr contar experiencias del pasado que ocurrieron simultneamente utilizando el presente progresivo y los pronombres reflexivos.

En la Unidad didctica 10, usted podr preguntar sobre lo que prefieren hacer sus amigos utilizando la expresin Te gustara? (Would you like?) y utilizar

adverbios de modo regulares e irregulares, para expresar cmo hacer cosas.


El CD es un material complementario que lo ayudar a desarrollar la comprensin oral en Ingls, en l encontrar todas las pistas para cada unidad.

El workbook
El workbook es un material de apoyo del libro Mega y de la Unidad didctica, que le permitir reforzar el vocabulario y los contenidos gramaticales de cada unidad.

Cunto tiempo debe dedicar al estudio de este curso?

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

El curso c de In ngls VI est t programado para que q los par rticipantes le dediquen n seis horas s semanale es, por eso le aconseja amos una debida d orga anizacin de e su tiempo o a fin de que q le permita mplir con la as actividad des a desarrollar durante el tie empo cum

propuesto para la asignatura.



A continuacin te presentamos los objetivos del Curso de Ingles VI: Objetivos generales Comprender textos orales y escritos relacionados a su entorno personal, experiencias del pasado y su entorno social. Producir textos orales y escritos acerca de su entorno personal, experiencias del pasado y su vida social. Unidad didctica
Unidad 7 Food (continuacin)

Objetivos especficos Expresarse en forma oral y escrita

acerca de eventos del pasado

Semanas de estudio

Comprende textos orales y

escritos acerca del otros pases

1ra 2da semana

Unidad 8 Prepositions of motion

Expresarse en forma oral y escrita

haciendo y respondiendo preguntas

Comprender textos orales y escritos

sobre personajes famosos

3ra 4ta semana

Examen parcial
Unidad 9 Detailed physical descriptions

4ta semana Expresarse en forma oral y escrita

narrando historias del pasado

Comprender texto orales y

escritos relacionados a personas

5ta 6ta semana

Unidad 10 Personal possessions

Expresarse en forma oral y escrita

describiendo sus bienes ms 7ma 8va semana valiosos Comprender textos orales y escritos acerca de los objetos de valor de otras personas.

Examen final Examen sustitutorio

8va semana 9na semana

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial


a plan de estudios e Con relacin al

Habe er aprobado o la asignatura Ingls V. V

pecto al as specto acad dmico Resp Para a obtener un u ptimo aprendizaje a es necesa ario que us sted haya a aprendido estos conte enidos. Present P simp ple of be Af ffirmative, negative n and d interrogative form. Present P simple (other verbs) v Affirm mative, negative, Interr rogative, ye es/ no q questions, W - questio Wh ons. Subjects S pro onouns Possessive P a adjectives There T is / Th here are S Some / any

The T genitive e s Demostrative D e pronouns s Can C for perm mission, an nd possibility y Im mperatives Object O prono ouns Prepositions P s of place P Present con ntinuous

ve adjective Demonstrati D es One O / ones Present P sim mple compar red with pre esent progre essive Countable C and uncount table nouns s


Should / shouldnt for obligations Like + verb + ing Object pronouns How much, how many Future going to/ will Possessive pronouns Comparative and superlative adjectives Past simple of be Past simple of regular and irregular verbs Past time adverbs

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

6.Con ntenidos

ntifiers. Quan En el e siguiente e cuadro, se s presenta an los aspe ectos de la a asignatura a de desa arrollados en n cada unid dad didctic ca: Unidad didctica Seman nas de estu udio Ingl s VI

Conteni idos

Mega Book 2

S Siete

Repa aso de Qua antifiers: a lot Pgina as of, lo ots of, plenty y of, a few. 88 90 0 Past simple irreg gular verbs Spec cial days in Japan

1ra 2da semana

O Ocho

Pre epositions of o motion Adverb ago Mo odal could fo or requests Wa as this the Roman R Tita anic? Famous Presidents Are e you too go ood to bwe true e?

Pgina as 91 - 10 04

3ra 4ta semana s

N Nueve

Deta ailed physica al desc criptions Past continuous s Refle exive pronouns My most m embarrassing momen nt Personal posses ssions Would like to + verb v Adve erbs can much How reme ember? A rap p artist Bow w Wow America and Britain

Pgina as 105- 11 14

5ta 6ta semana s

D Diez

Pgina as 115 128 you y

7ma 8va a semana




Bibliografa bsica Su lectura es de carcter obligatorio, ya que lo ayudar desarrollar las cuatro habilidades que se requiere para el aprendizaje del idioma ingls DE COURSEY, Dan (2004) Mega Book 2. Mc Millan Mega Book es el material de estudio que utilizar durante todo el ciclo. El texto contiene diferentes actividades para que usted pueda leer, escribir, escuchar y hablar.

MANTILLA ESCOBAR, Liliana Gua didctica- Ingls VI. Documento que contiene una explicacin detallada de cada unos de los pasos que usted debe seguir para utilizar apropiadamente el libro Mega 2.


Bibliografa complementaria Es el material de estudio cuya lectura no es obligatoria, pero le permitir profundizar y mejorar su aprendizaje acerca del correcto uso de la gramtica inglesa e identificar y aprender el significado de las palabras nuevas. Se indica las principales fuentes de informacin para el estudio de este curso.

DE COURSEY, Dan. (2004). Mega -Wokbook 2 . Mc Millan Este es un libro de ejercicios del Libro Mega 2, que tiene como finalidad reforzar el vocabulario y la gramtica aprendida en cada unidad.

MURPHY, Raynold. (1998). Essential Grammar In Use. Cambridge University Press, 2da ed. USA. Este es un texto basado en el uso de la gramtica, de fcil comprensin y contiene ejercicios de aplicacin para cada uno de los contenidos.

FUCHS, Marjorie. (1994). Focus on Grammar 1 Workbook Longman. Es un cuaderno de trabajo para el estudiante donde se refuerza la gramtica bsica.

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

SWA AN, Michael. (1987). Practical P English Usa age. Edit O Oxford University Pres ss. Es un u libro que e sirve com mo gua para los prob blemas gram maticales, como difere entes tipos de uso, reg glas, diferen ncias entre palabras et tc.

BUR RGUESS, Pe eter. (2001) ). Dictionar ry of Englis sh (Oxford students dictionary of English). Ed Oxford Univ versity Pres ss New Yor rk. o de consulta para el es studiante. Es un diccionario didctico



Pasaremos a especificar aquellos medios que utilizaremos en el desarrollo del curso.



La Gua Didctica

Contiene informacin necesaria para ayudarle a organizar su estudio. Presenta la asignatura, la explicacin de los objetivos, los requisitos que necesita, los medios que va a utilizar para alcanzar sus aprendizajes, los contenidos de la asignatura, la orientacin bibliogrfica, las actividades obligatorias, la evaluacin, las orientaciones para el estudio de la asignatura y las orientaciones de las tutoras

Las unidades didcticas

Son los materiales de importancia

que deben ser utilizados antes de utilizar el

libro Mega Book 2. Aqu no slo encontrar un material para esclarecer las actividades del libro, sino que contar con la explicacin de la gramtica y ejercicios de reforzamiento. Su elaboracin est en ingls bsico para que usted se familiarice con el idioma objetivo.

Libro Mega 2 constituye uno de los materiales bsicos para el desarrollo de su aprendizaje.

Workbook es un material que le permitir reforzar el nuevo vocabulario y contenidos gramaticales del libro Mega 2


El CD es el material que le permitir escuchar los dilogos y lecturas del libro Mega 2 y su uso ser explicado en las unidades didcticas.

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial


CAMPUS VIRTUAL orno de ap prendizaje desarrollad d o por la Universidad U Alas Peruanas. Es el ento Ser un medio m impor rtante para el desarrollo de las ac ctividades a lo largo de e todo el curso, dicho d medio o facilitar su interacc cin con su us docentes s y compa eros, permitiend do la com municacin mediante herramien ntas como o, las sala a de conferenci ia, ayudas, links inter resantes. Su S consulta durante cada seman na de estudio es s muy recom mendada. La ruta we eb es la sigu uiente:

Ruta a Web del Campus C Virtual: http://dued.up.e

e Campus Virtual encontrar las Aulas Virtu uales (una por cada c curso en qu ue se En el haya a matriculad do). En cada a aula virtu ual usted vis sualizar:

0201 1-0XXXX XXXXXXX XXXX CICLO O 200X-X Docent te : Correo o Electrnic co (E-mail)

Orientacion nes General les del Curso Cronogram ma del Curso o Foro de De ebate Ma ateriales del l Curso Compaeros de d Cu urso Env vo de Exm menes Env vo de Trab bajos Fin nales Vis sualizar Tra abajos Env viados Vis sualizar Not tas

Sala de Co onversacin Sala de Co onferencias

InglsVIGuadid dctica

Orientacio ones Gene erales En esta op pcin desca argar un archivo con informacin n importante e que lo ayu udar en el dese empeo del curso.

Cronograma del cur rso Aqu tiene e usted el Cronogra ama de Ev valuaciones s (Examen n Parcial, Final, Sustitutorio y Trabajo o acadmico o), y el hora ario del curs so.

Foro de Debate D A travs de d esta secc cin se rea alizarn los debates ac cadmicos d definidos pa ara el curso: el docente d plan ntear tema as a ser discutidos, con n la finalida ad de profun ndizar o aclarar temas de la asignatu ura y usted d puede pa articipar del foro cuando lo mbin plante eando sus dudas d o comentando sobre s lo apr rendido. desee, tam

Par ra acceder al foro deber ingres sar al curso o desde el Foro de De ebate

c campus virtu ual y lo enco ontrar como o

n Sala de Conversaci partado el docente d y al lumno intera actuarn en n lnea a tra avs del cha at. Se En este ap emplea cu uando hay dificultades d tcnicas en n la Sala de e Conferenc cias.

Sala de Conferencia as En este ap partado doc cente y alum mno interac ctan en lne ea. Es el es spacio en el aula virtual en el que usted encontr rar al tutor r para recib bir su ases soramiento, para iar opinione es, pregunta as y respue estas acerca a del curso. . Los horario os de intercambi tutora est tn especif ficados en esta secci n. Tenga en e cuenta que a esta a sala ingresan to odos los pa articipantes. . Recuerde adems qu ue: 1. Para utilizar u adec cuadamente e esta Sala a debe tene er conectad dos audfon nos y parlant tes. 2. Instala ar con antici ipacin el programa de e la Sala de e Conferenc cia.

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

3. Ingresa ar a la sala a identificndote con su u NOMBRE E COMPLETO (Nombres y apellid dos)

Adems se s recomienda:

1. 2.

Utiliza ar micrfono o para pode er hablar con el tutor o exposito or. Presta ar atencin n a las ins strucciones durante la a charla pa ara manten ner el orden n dentro de la Sala.


Leer el e manual de d uso de la a Sala.

Para pode er acceder a la sala de d conferencias deber ingresar al a cur rso desde el l campus vir rtual y la enc contrar com mo: Sala de Conferencias. Recuerde que debe tener prep parados sus s audfonos o parlantes y micrfono. a

El pr rocedimiento de acceso o y adecuad da comunic cacin a trav vs de la a sala de co onferencias se s encuentra a detallado e en el aparta ado 12 de la presen nte Gua Did dctica titulad do Orientaci iones para l las tutoras.

Compae eros de cur rso Este cono o muestra la lista de alumnos matriculado m s en el curso, sus fo otos y correos, para que usted pueda relacionarse e con ellos y realizar t tambin trabajos grupales.

E Envo de ex xmenes Se emplea a para envia ar las evaluaciones esc critas, en lo os plazos es stablecidos. .

Envo de trabajos t fin nales Permite en nviar la Acti ividad acadmica al do ocente del curso. c

InglsVIGuadid dctica

Visualizar r trabajos enviados e A travs de esta opcin o uste ed puede asegurarse e de que su trabajo o fue do. correctamente enviad

Visualizar r notas Con este enlace e pued de ir viendo o las califica aciones del curso.

Final lmente en:

d Curso Material del En esta opcin o enc contrar la presentac cin del do ocente, ayu udas y en nlaces interesante es que le enve e el docente. Al in ngresar ust ted ver es sta imagen en la parte supe erior:

so Estructura del curs Al elegir esta e opcin usted podr acceder a pantalla si iguiente:

S Slabo del curso c G Gua del cu urso U Unidades d didcticas

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

Estos doc cumentos: Slabo, S Gu a del curso o y Unidades didctic cas estarn a su disposici n en la pa antalla para a que pued da revisarlo os e informarse y estu udiar, desde el momento en e que se matricule (pago en el e banco y registro en e su Unidad Descentraliz ada). De esta D e forma incluso si usted viaj ja, podr seguir s estudiando sin neces sidad de trasladarse lle evando los libros.

n usted cont tar con: En esta seccin

Presentac cin del Docen nte Modelo de e Examen Trabajo fin nal Ayudas Autoevaluaciones Enlaces In nteresantes

Pres sentacin de el docente Es la a presentacin que el docente d hac ce de su asignatura.

Mode elo de exam men Es el e espacio desde d donde usted podr descarg gar un mod delo de exa amen, de ta al forma que pueda pr repararse adecuadame ente para s su evaluaci n. El mode elo de exam men, como bien dice su s nombre, es una dem mostracin de la forma en que ve endr elabo orado el exa amen original.

Trab bajo final Es el e espacio en e el Aula Virtual V en el que usted podr desc cargar el trabajo final que necesita desarr rollar y ent tregar en el e plazo que figura en e el cale endario de evaluaci n., No olvide o desc cargarlo pa ara que pueda p elabo orarlo.

InglsVIGuadid dctica

Ayud das En este e espacio usted po odr desca argar o com mpartir las ayudas qu ue se coloc carn cada a semana de estudio o para refo orzar o com mplementar r sus cono ocimientos; ellos son pa arte de las evaluacione es del prese ente curso.

Pa ara acceder a las ayuda as deber ing gresar al cu urso desde el e cam mpus virtua al a Ayu udas Mat terial del Cu urso y luego oa

Auto oevaluacione es Aqu el docent te colocar preguntas s, problema as o ejercicios que usted desa arrollar pa ara asegura arse el ade ecuado nive el de comprensin de los tema as desarrolla ados cada semana. s

Enlaces Interesantes Es el e espacio donde d el do ocente colo ocar rutas o enlaces a pginas web, con temas t de la a semana.

Para acceder a los s enlaces inte eresantes de eber ingres sar al curso desde el campus virtual v a E Enlaces interesantes Material del Curso y luego a

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

Es el med dio que usted utilizar para comu unicarse co on el docen nte plantendole sus dudas s o comenta arios respe ecto de los temas del curso. Si usted tiene algn inconvenie ente con su us notas, tr telo a trav s de este medio; la U Universidad le ha proporcion nado un n correo o electrnico q que vien ne a ser:

cdigo@m mail.uap.ed, dond de cdigo es su cd digo de ma atrcula, ejemplo:; la clave debe solicitarl la en la Coo ordinacin de d su escentraliza ada luego de haber efe ectuado el pago p de ma atrcula y pri imera Unidad De cuota.


pode er

acced der




tp://server.m, o en su defecto ingrese a la htt pg gina web ht ttp:// desde d donde encontrar un vn nculo de acce eso al correo o electrnico.

En la a parte infe erior de cada a aula virtua al ver:

Tiene un cuadro c con los nombre es de todas las autorida ades de su Facultad.

Para que usted u pueda a realizar sus pedidos. .

s los documentos que usted de eber cono ocer para c cumplir con n sus Con todos obligaciones, ejercer sus derech hos, cumplir con las normas n de su Facultad d, as

InglsVIGuadid dctica

como efe ectuar trm mites siguie endo las in nstancias apropiadas s, para evitarse inconvenie entes, frustr raciones o demoras d

ANUALES MA Gua de Atencin A al Alumno A Gua del Estudiante E a Distancia UAP Presenta acin y gene eralidades de d la univer rsidad Sobre la Direccin Universitaria U a de Educacin a Dista ancia (DUED) Informacin y orient taciones bs sicas para el e alumno Compone entes del si istema de educacin e a distancia Campo de d accin y perfil profes sional Gua de manejo del Campus Virtual V Gua de manejo del Correo Ele ectrnico Gua de In nstalacin y Manual de e Sala de Conferencias s Gua de configuraci c n de audio y micrfono o

PR ROCEDIMIE ENTOS Actualizac cin de Mat trcula Reserva de d Matrcula a Cambio de Unidad Descentraliz D ada (UDED D) Constanci ia de Estudios Certificado o de Estudios Traslado de d Modalida ad de Estud dios

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

Con todos s los program mas que us sted deber trabajar:

Acro obat Reade er Abre e archivos de d extensin PDF. WinZip Zipe ea/Comprim me y deszipe ea/descomp prime arch hivos reduciendo el tam mao de los s arch hivos coloc ndolos en un u solo obje eto con exte ensin .zip Micr rosoft Editor de Ecua aciones Agre ega ecuacio ones a sus documento d s de MS Offic ce. Visu ual C# 2005 5 Express Edition E Herr ramienta de e desarrollo de softwar re. Vers sin de prue eba de 30 das. d Revise la gua de d instalacin aqu Ado obe Flash CS3 C Herr ramienta pa ara desarrol llar contenid do din mico y mult timedia par ra presentac ciones e Inter rnet. Vers sin de prue eba de 30 das. d Mini itab Es un u programa a diseado para ejecut tar func ciones estad dsticas bs sicas y avan nzadas.



Para afianzar los conocimientos del curso de Ingls VI, se tiene que desarrollar y presentar segn cronograma establecido, el Trabajo acadmico. As mismo se deben desarrollar todas las Actividades sugeridas por el tutor, que no se envan, pero refuerzan su aprendizaje.


Trabajo acadmico Su cumplimiento en cuanto al desarrollo adecuado y entrega oportuna es de carcter obligatorio, es decir segn lo programado en el Aula virtual; usted debe desarrollar el trabajo asignado bajo este rubro teniendo en cuenta la fecha lmite para la presentacin, pudiendo antes del plazo, consultar con el Docente.

La elaboracin de esta actividad, medir sus conocimientos a lo largo del curso y le permitir desarrollar su habilidad de expresin escrita.

Cabe mencionar que es requisito de aprobacin del curso y deben ser remitidas segn cronograma antes del Examen Final.

Visite desde su aula virtual, accediendo al espacio llamado Materiales del curso, en el espacio denominado Trabajo Acadmico encontrar el trabajo a desarrollar, las explicaciones sobre cmo ha de desarrollarse y los detalles pertinentes que usted necesitar conocer para realizarlo sin mayores dificultades. Recuerde que el Trabajo acadmico no lo encontrar en el presente texto, nicamente en su Aula Virtual.


Actividades sugeridas y autoevaluacin Usted encontrar las actividades sugeridas al final de cada unidad como un material de apoyo a los contenidos.

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

Las auto oevaluacion nes sern colocadas por el doc cente del c curso en el aula virtual. Recuerde, el docen nte utilizar el aula virtual tambin para su ugerir

des prctica as y autoeva aluaciones. actividad

IMPORTAN NTE. Estim mado alumno, usted enviar so olamente unT Trabajo aca admico, el cual debe ser entrega ado en la fe echa que el docente d se ale, por cu ualquiera de e las siguien ntes alterna ativas: 1. Public ndola en el e aula virtual: el alumn no ingresa y adjunta su acti ividad oblig gatoria usan ndo el enla ace o link e envo de activid dades. 2. Por correo electr nico a: epis bajos desp pus de la l fecha lmite o No se aceptarn trab tregados mediante m c cualquier va v diferent te de las d dos aqu ent me encionadas s. * Las actividades que se e encuentra an en el tex xto servirn n para su aut toaprendiza aje, mas no n para la calificaci n, por lo que no deb bern ser remitidas. Usted solo o deber realizar r y r remitir la act tividad que se s le indica a en el aula virtual.

Es indispe ensable que e usted siga a las instruc cciones y re ecomendac ciones para cada actividad. Los casos de d copia tot tal o parcial tendrn el calificativo de cero 0 .

senta en la fecha corre espondiente e el trabajo acadmico o, se le asig gnar Si no pres el calificati ivo de cero 0 y no ten ndr una fecha opciona al

, deber ser individual. . Recuerde que el trabajo, por su naturaleza,



A continuacin se detallarn los criterios de evaluacin de esta asignatura:



Son evaluaciones que usted rendir, segn se detalle en Cronograma del curso. Dichos exmenes consisten en: Examen parcial Examen final Examen sustitutorio El sistema de calificacin para los Exmenes parcial y final es de cero a 20 siendo la nota aprobatoria de 11. Usted puede acceder al Examen sustitutorio bajo las siguientes circunstancias: h No haber sido evaluado en el Examen parcial o final. Reemplaza slo a uno. h Haber desaprobado el Examen parcial o Examen final. h Desea mejorar su promedio. h La nota del Examen sustitutorio reemplaza nicamente al Examen parcial o Final. h Nunca reemplazar las notas de las actividades acadmicas o el Promedio final.

A continuacin le sealamos la semana de estudios en la que sern evaluados los exmenes: Examen Examen parcial Examen final Examen sustitutorio Semana de estudio 4ta semana 8va semana 9na semana

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial


Trabajo acadmico

Son los tra abajos que usted debe e entregar obligatoriam o ente para a aprobar el curso. El detalle lo encont trar en el e aula virtu ual. Es im mportante q que usted visite cotidianam mente el Fo oro del Aula a Virtual pa ara tener co onocimiento os detallado os de las actividades del cu urso, al mis smo tiempo o visite en espacio e llam mado Materiales , Trabajo acadmico. a Ah encon ntrar la ac ctividad o actividades s que del curso, tendr que e desarrolla ar. El porcent taje de crite erios evalua ativos e enc cuentran en el Aula Vir rtual, accediendo a Visualiz zar notas.



Al iniciar el estudio del curso le recomendamos siga el siguiente proceso:

Lectura detenida del ndice, introduccin y objetivos de la Gua Didctica. As podr tener una idea general de la magnitud y alcances del trabajo que va a realizar.

Revisin del libro Mega 2 para reconocer la estructura del texto. Escuche el CD de audio, y siga las indicaciones de su docente, para cada unidad. No avance en los contenidos sin estar seguro de sus conocimientos. Recuerde que debe desarrollar las habilidades de escuchar y hablar, leer y escribir. No deje de revisar el aula virtual. El dejar de hacerlo le impedir lograr su aprendizaje. Investigue acerca de los contenidos tratados, en otras fuentes, esto le permitir emitir opiniones y consultas a su tutor, de manera acertada. Recuerde que debe hacer uso de 6 horas semanales para el estudio del presente curso. Organice su tiempo de estudio. Instale su audfono y micrfono para comunicarse por audio con el docente a travs de la Sala de conferencia. Recuerde que sin ellos no podr lograr los objetivos del curso.

Responda y pregunte por audio al docente sin interferir en una conversacin ya iniciada. Sea prudente al intervenir para no romper el dilogo iniciado por parte del docente con otro estudiante.

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial

12.Orientac cionesparalastutoras s

s tutoras se s brindar n a travs s de la web b: http//due Median nte la Estas tutora telemtica o virtua al, usted se s comunic car con la a docente en la Sala de ferencia a la cual pue ede acceder r desde el Aula A Virtual previamen nte dispues sta en conf el Ca ampus virtu ual de la Universidad, es importa ante que to ome en cue enta lo sigu uiente antes s de ingresa ar a la sala de conferencia: h h Realice un na lectura previa p antes s de ingresa ar a las tutor ras virtuale es. Prepare un n listado de e preguntas antes de in ngresar al aula a virtual

m a continuaci n los acue erdos para lograr una mejor com municacin en la Se muestran sala de conferen ncia. h

Si usted quiere q formu ular una pre egunta, deb be enviar el e signo inte errogante ? ? en la Sala de e conferenc cia. Con est ta seal el docente le dar el us so de la pal labra, recuerde que q debe se er el docen nte quien le autorice pa ara plantear r su interrog gante o su come entario.

Si usted esta e escribi iendo un mensaje m en la sala de e conferenc cia y no tie ene la posibilidad d de escribir ms carac cteres, colo oque al final tres puntos s suspensiv vos . . . y enve este men nsaje, esta seal le ind dicar que usted no ha a culminado o con pacin sino o que segu uir escribie endo otro nuevo men nsaje, por ende su particip todos esta arn a la exp pectativa de e lo que ust ted siga esc cribiendo.

Utilice la sala de co onferencia para temas s acadmic cos, si uste ed tiene alguna s su ca alificacin ha aga su consulta a trav vs del corre eo electrnico al pregunta sobre tutor de la asignatura.

L tutora telemtica es para resolver asuntos La a es strictamente e a acadmicos s. Si usted necesita qu ue el docen nte le aclare e el puntaje e o obtenido en alguna a de su us calificaciones, utilice el e correo elec ctrnico.


Comentarios y preguntas que podra hacer He estado estudiando y tengo estas dudas He estado desarrollando este ejercicio y no entiendo estos pasos No entend este punto. Me lo podra explicar? Cmo puedo hacer para entender mejor esta unidad temtica? Qu me recomienda para estudiar mejor?. He obtenido de Internet algunos artculos de aplicaciones, me gustara enviarlos para que los revise Dnde podra encontrar otros casos prcticos de aplicacin?, etc. Estas son buenas seales de que ha estudiado, que le interesa el curso, que es un estudiante preocupado y responsable digno de ayuda y apoyo. Se le recuerda que debe tener presente estas consideraciones cuando acuda a la tutora telemtica:


Haga primero el intento de solucionar sus inquietudes estudiando con seriedad, consultando la bibliografa pertinente e intercambiando opiniones con sus compaeros, etc. Si despus de ello persiste la duda, haga preguntas especficas y no del tema en general. De lo contrario, indicara que no ests haciendo su mejor esfuerzo para aprender.


Formule sus preguntas de forma concreta y precisa. Esto ayudar a que el tutor est en mejores condiciones para atenderlo y evita confusiones innecesarias.


No haga preguntas rebuscadas o que no sean pertinentes al tema. El tiempo es un recurso valioso para todos.


Respete el horario establecido para la tutora y exmenes. Si usted estudia a ltimo minuto, lo ms probable es que no podamos atender sus requerimientos de la misma forma. Por eso, se le sugiere elaborar y cumplir un horario de actividades con la finalidad de que esto lo ayude a organizarse en su estudio, prcticas y evaluaciones.

Escue elaProfesionalde d IngenieraIn ndustrial


Como est tudiante de e ingeniera a, debe con ntar con la as herramie entas y equ uipos para usar r en las tuto oras y eva aluaciones: : PC mnimo: m In ntel Pentiu um IV, 1 GB G RAM, Lectora L CD D, HD 80 GB, G 2 puer rtos USB. Inter rnet Audfonos rfono Micr Cm mara Web.


Las indicaciones sobr re las evalu uaciones es stn dadas en e las respe ectivas unid dades giere que no n haga pre eguntas ref ferentes a si las didcticas, por lo que se le sug nes son fc ciles o no; qu pasar r si usted no aprueb ba, etc. Estamos evaluacion para apoyarlo, pero solicite s la ay yuda en form ma necesar ria, clara y o oportuna.


Respete el e horario es stablecido para p la tutora. Si estudia a ltimo o minuto, lo o ms probable es e que no podamos p ate ender sus requerimien r ntos de la m misma forma a. Por eso se le sugiere s elab borar y cum mplir un horario de actividades, co on la finalida ad de que esto le e ayude a organizarse o dio, prctica as y evaluac ciones. en el estud

lmente, le damos d las gracias po or la atenci n prestada a augurand dole xitos en el Final aprendizaje de Ingls VI.

El libro de texto resulta bueno e interesante, porque conjuga la experiencia y conocimientos del docente sobre la materia y la compilacin de informacin de diversas fuentes (bibliogrficas y/o electrnicas) cuidadosamente seleccionadas y citadas. Se hace la presente aclaracin a fin de deslindar responsabilidades por plagio literario.



InglsVIUnidaddidctica I





- Quantifiers UNIT 7 FOOD - Past simple of irregular verbs

Food - Fruits -Vegetables - Meat Nouns: - countable - uncountable

-Talking about past events. - Write about special days.




- Reviewing words that express quantity. - Reviewing regular and irregular verbs in past tense. - Recognizing countable and uncountable nouns. - Writing about special days in our country. - Talking about past events.

InglsVIUnidaddidctica I


Welcome to English VI, the course given by Alas Peruanas University that will help you to know new ways to communicate your ideas and thoughts in a language that is spoken by more than 750 million people in 75 countries around the world. The experience you are having is of great value because of the use of technology and this on-line course let the students who participate be at the forefront of education. Nowadays, the globalized world and the internet let us be up to date with the latest trends and the knowledge, and good use of English is a must between professionals. Continents and countries where English is spoken




Unit 7 Foods

In this unit you will learn to Recognize food vocabulary. Talk about past events in your life. Read and write about other countries main festivities and your own important dates.

Welcome to unit 7. Before opening the book we will review some basic food vocabulary. Remember there are three main kinds of food: Vegetables, fruits and meat. Complete the charts below. Use a dictionary to help you:
On-line dictionary

InglsVIUnidaddidctica I


FRUITS Write the fruit you see:

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

VEGETABLES Write the vegetables you see:

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Write the kind of meat you can see: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________


Countable or uncountable nouns

Remember: Countable nouns are nouns that you can count and have singular and plural as for example: One apple, two apples, etc. Uncountable nouns are nouns that can not be counted and do not have plural as for example: Fish, meat, sugar, etc

VOCABULARY In English there is some food that can be counted and some that can not. Write the Spanish meaning of each food and learn which are countable or uncountable.
COUNTABLE NOUNS ( have plural) English Oranges Grapes Lemons Strawberries Apples Eggs Grapes Tomatoes Onions Carrots Peas Beans Mushrooms Potatoes Spanish ___naranjas____ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ English Bread Butter Cheese Chicken Coffee Milk Tea Melon Beef Tuna Rice Sugar Flour Oil Salt Pepper UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS (do not have plural) Spanish ____pan_____ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

InglsVIUnidaddidctica I

Used with countable nouns A lot of Plenty of Many A few Used with uncountable nouns A lot of Lots of Much A little

Lets practice Example: Circle the correct answer: a.There is a few sugar in the kitchen. b.There is a little sugar in the kitchen. The correct answer is b because sugar is an uncountable noun and with uncountable nouns, we have to use a little not a few. Exercises: 1) a. I dont have many apples. b. I dont have much apples. 2) a. We have lots of tea. b. We have a few tea. 3) a. There is many butter in the bread. b. There is a lot of butter in the bread.

Now that we know very well about food in English and which ones are countable and uncountable nouns we can start using the book. Please open your book on page 88:


Pages 88 - 89 Special days in Japan 1. Read about Special days in Japan. 2.Answer the comprehension questions on page 89. Be careful! Some are in the present tense and some are in the past. 3.Check that you have used the same verb tense as in the questions. 4. Check your answers in the answer key section at the back of the students guide.

Page 89 Special days in the United States 1. Read the activities done in special days in the United States. 2. Choose an activity for each special day. Write it in the chart. 3. Listen to the Cd track 23 and check. 5. Check your answers in the answer key section at the back of the students guide.

Page 89 What is your favorite special day? Find a friend or a relative who speaks English. Talk to him or her about an important day for you. Answer these questions: 1. What is your favorite special day? 2. Why is it important? 3. Where did you go? 4. What did you do?

InglsVIUnidaddidctica I

Page 89 My favorite special day Write a six sentence paragraph about a special day in your life. Use past tense. Follow the example:

My favorite special day was last year September 13th. It was my birthday and my husband prepared a big dinner. All my family and a lot of friends went to my house. I received many presents .We danced and had a wonderful time. I will never forget that birthday party!



I. Write the past of these verbs:

1. Work ______________ 2. Begin _____________ 3. Break ______________ 4. Stay 5. Live ______________ ______________

6. Eat 7. Get

______________ ______________

8. Start ______________ 9. Dance ______________ 10. Write ______________

II. Put the verbs in brackets () in the past simple:


Leonardo Di Caprio, the star of Romeo and Juliet and Titanic, (be) _was_ born on 11

I only (have) 3. _________ good grades when I (sit) 4. _______ next to someone very smart, he (tell) 5. _________ us. At 12 he (decide) 6. ____________ to become an actor. He (do) 7. ___________ TV roles and

November 1974. He (get) 1.

__________ his first job as an actor at the age of 5 in a Romper Room. At school Leo (not do) 2. _________ well. TV show called

commercials at first. Then he (star)

InglsVIUnidaddidctica I

8. __________ in This boy life with Robert de Niro and (become) 9. ___________ famous.






___________ to our reporter, and I (be) 14. __________ glad. I (not want) 15. ___________ to stand up and speak in front of all those

He (win) 10. ___________ an Oscar nomination for his part in Whats eating Gilbert Grape? but he (not win) 11. ___________ the Oscar. Tommy Lee Jones (win) 12.

people. In The Quick and the Dead Sharon Stone (kiss) 16. _____________ him. It (be) 17. ____________ a very quick kiss. He (not enjoy) 18. _________ it very much.



Fill in the blanks with one of the words from the box:

a lot of any



a few

- a little


1. How _______________ potatoes do you need? 2. We only have ____________ eggs. We have to buy more. 3. A: Do we have __________ oranges? table. 4. A: How _____________ rice do you need? B: Two kilos please. B: Yes, There are four on the

5. Dont buy any fruit. There are ________________ bananas and apples. 6. A: Do you like sugar in your coffee? B: Just ___________ please. B: Three

7. A: How _________ carrots do you need to make the salad? please. 8. There are only ____________ onions. We have to buy more.


Healthy Eating
Do you want to be healthy? Perhaps you need to go on a diet. Start the day by drinking a glass of water or orange juice. ..but no coffee or tea, and no milk or sugar, please! For lunch, dont eat any fried foodFrench fries, or burgers, for example some grilled fish, perhaps with some green vegetables, is really good for you. Do you want some pasta for lunch? Ok. But dont put any cheese or tomato sauce on top! Dont eat any desserts which contain cream, butter or chocolate! If you are still hungry, eat some fruit, or have some nuts. They are really healthy! And to drinkjust water! It hasnt got any calories so you can drink as much as you want. For dinner, have some soup and bread, but remember - no butter! Its simple...but delicious.

Circle T for true or F for false: 1. To start the day healthy, drink a cup of coffee. 2. Green vegetables are good for your health. 3. Pasta is good but without any cheese or tomato sauce. 4. Nuts and fruit are not healthy food. 5. To drink we should have only water. T T T T T F F F F F

InglsVIUnidaddidctica I

Open your book on page 90.

This test will help you to know what you have learnt and what you need to review. You should answer it in 60 minutes. Do not look for the answers in the book while you do it. .

1 Write the name of the food under each picture. Be careful. You may need to use either singular or plural. Example :

GRAMMAR CHECK 2 Choose the correct word for each sentence. You will find three possible answers.


Read each alternative and choose the correct one. a. much b. many c. plenty

Example: How ________ cousins do you have in Australia? How much is not the answer. Much is used with uncountable nouns and we can count our cousins. How plenty is not the answer. How plenty doesnt exist. How many is the correct answer. Many is used with countable nouns.


So the correct answer is: a. much b. many c. plenty

Put the verbs in the past tense. - Read the complete text before answering the exercise. - Now that you have a general idea of the text, answer it. - Be careful to write the verbs in the past tense correctly. Example: We __made____ (make) pancakes for breakfast yesterday. The answer is made, no maded because make is an irregular verb.

Complete the questions with much or many. Put the verbs in the past simple. Remember that much is used with uncountable nouns and many with countable nouns. All the expressions are in past tense. Be careful with the negative and questions. Examples:

Noun + didnt + verb( present tense)

Question word+ noun + did + subject +verb (p.t.)

I didnt eat chicken yesterday

How much chicken did you eat ?

Correct the mistake in each sentence. Read each sentence carefully. There is something wrong in each one: - You may need an extra word to complete the idea. - You may need to change one word for another. - Maybe two words are not in the correct order and you have to change them. - Or maybe one of the words is not needed.

InglsVIUnidaddidctica I

Example: We made a lots of sandwiches for the picnic. - The expressions for quantity are: a lot of or lots of - A lots of is not correct because they are mixing the singular article a with the plural lots of. T - The correct answer is: We made a lot of sandwiches for the picnic.



UNIT 7 ANSWER KEY Complete the chart below

Fruit oranges strawberries lemon kiwi fruit

Vegetables tomatoes potatoes cucumber carrots

Meat fish beef chicken

Write the Spanish meaning of each noun COUNTABLE Oranges naranjas Grapes uvas Lemons limones Strawberries fresas Apples manzanas Eggs huevos Tomatoes tomates Onions cebollas Carrots zanahorias Peas alberjas Beans frejoles Mushrooms hongos Potatoes papas Cucumber pepinos UNCOUNTABLE pan mantequilla queso pollo cafe leche te melon carne de res atun arroz azucar harina aceite sal pimiento

Bread Butter Cheese Chicken Coffee Milk Tea Melon Beef Tuna Rice Sugar Flour Oil Salt Pepper

Exercises: 1) a.

2) a

3) b. (Page 89)

Reading section 2. About a hundred. 3. Beans, eggs, fish, meat, and vegetables. 4. The end of winter. 5. To keep bad things away. 6. They dressed up as devils. 7. They make a display in the best room of the house. 8. The emperor and his wife. 9. They put kites in the shape of fish outside the house. 10. Takumas

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Listening section:
Valentines day boyfriend. Independence day Halloween Thanksgiving day Christmas day July 4 October 31 November December 25 February 14

(Page 89)
I made a card and sent it to my

We watched fireworks. We dressed up as witches and ghosts. We ate turkey and pumpkin pie. We gave each other present.

Extra activities

I. Write the past of these verbs: 1. Work worked 2. Begin began 3. Break broke 4. Stay stayed 5. Live lived 6. Eat ate 7. Get got 8. Start started 9. Dance danced 10. Write wrote


Put the verbs in brackets () in the past simple: 1. got 2. didnt do 3. had 4. sat 5. told 6. decided 7. did 8. started 9. became 10. won 11. didnt win 12. won 13. said 14. was 15. didnt want 16. kissed 17. was 18. didnt enjoy


III. Fill in the blanks with one of the words from the box: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. many a few any much a lot of a little many a few

InglsVIUnidaddidctica I

Reading Circle T for true or F for false:


1. F

2. T

3. T


5. T



( Page 90)

2. Orange

3. Lemon 4. Mushrooms 5. Peas

6. Potatoes


2. Choose the correct word:






3. Put the verb in the past simple: 2. ate had 5. came put 3. went saw 6. took gave 4. found bought

4. Complete the questions with much or many. Put the verbs in the past simple. 3. fell 4. many 8. did you find 5. did you make 9. found 6. didnt make 7. Much 12. Put

10. much

11. did she put


5. Correct the mistake in each sentence: 2. There arent many eggs left. 3. There are plenty of lemons on the table. 4. How many cards did you get for your birthday? 5. Can you buy a few apples at the market? 6. Did the teacher get angry with you?



(UNIT 8)

InglsVI Unidaddidctica II


In this unit you will learn to Use prepositions of motion to ask for and give directions. Make and respond to requests. Write about important historical figures.

Welcome to unit 8. - In this unit we will learn more about prepositions of motion. These words will let you give directions. - Its important that you memorize the vocabulary below:



GRAMMAR - Ago - Past simple of regular and irregular verbs. - Could I.? for requests. - Imperatives: giving directions.

VOCABULARY Prepositions of motion: - into / up / down - through / over - past / toward - under / across - along PLACES

SKILLS - Making and responding to requests. - Asking for and giving directions. - Write about an important person.


InglsVI Unidaddidctica II


FUNCTIONS - Use of prepositions of motion to ask for and give directions. - Make and respond to requests. - Use of imperatives for asking and giving directions. - Writing about important historical figures.




Circle the prepositions :
1.My house is next to the hospital. 2.The pencils are in the school bag 3.The university is on Salaverry Avenue. 4.Sue is coming back on Sunday. 5. I came to live here in 1999. 6 M l t t t8 l k

Lets remember: What are Prepositions?

Prepositions are words that specify place, direction, and time. There are three types of prepositions. PREPOSITIONS OF TIME : Define time Example: My classes start at Example: My house is next to the hospital. 8oclock. PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE: Clarify the place where someone or something is.

PREPOSITIONS OF MOTION: They clarify the direction of someone or something.

Examples: under, up, down, over, etc.

InglsVI Unidaddidctica II

We will learn more about prepositions of motion in unit 8.

Did you circle the same words as in the examples? Yes? Now you are ready to start unit 8.



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LETS PRACTICE Look at the pictures. Circle the correct preposition of motion: 1. The man is walking along / across the river. 2. The camel is going toward / over the pyramid. 3. The soldier is crossing past / under the fence. 4. Peter is crawling through / toward the grass. 5. The plane is flying past / into the bridge. 6. The driver past / down the finish line. 7. The car is going up / over the holes. 8. Susan went up / down the stairs to wash the clothes. 9. Tomas is driving along / across the river. 10. My brother walked up / over the hill.


Page 91

and Read
Prepositions of motion

1. Play the Cd track 24 2.Listen, read and repeat the correct pronunciation of each preposition of motion. 3. Write sentences with the prepositions of motion. Follow the example on the book. 4.

Page 92

and Read
That was 100 years ago

Listen about a trip to the Winchester Mystery house in San Jose: 1.Play the CD track 25 and listen to the dialogue. 2. Listen again and read the pictures on pages 92 and 93. Follow the green arrow.

Page 92 - Exercise 2 1.Read the sentences carefully. 2. Put the story in order. 3.Write a number beside each sentence. Number one is already done. 4.Check your answer in the unit 8 answer key.

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Page 92 Exercise 3 Match the questions to the answers: 1.Look at the example. The question is about the trip, you have to find the correct answer. 2. Read each question carefully. Is it in present or past tense? 3. Look for the answer. Be Careful..! Is the answer in present or past tense? 4.The question and the answer have to be in the same tense. 5.Check your answer in the unit 8 answer key.

Page 93 Exercise 4 1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 2. Ask him or her questions 1 to 5 about the reading. (Page 92). 3. Listen to his / her answers. 4. Now he or she asks you questions 6 to 10 on page 92. 5. Tell him/ her your answers about the reading.


Grammar Focus
Ago is used to describe the past.

AGO (1998) past I finished school 8 years ago. NOW (2008) present
Im studying in the university now.

Check your irregular verb list to remember verbs in past tense. (Book, page 136)

Grammar practice
Page 93 Exercise 5 1. Subtract 1992 from the year 2008 to answer how long ago these things were. 2.Write the answer in your notebook. 3.Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit. Example: The Olympic Games were in Barcelona in 1992. That was 16 years ago. (Notice the subtraction: 2008 - 1992 = 16) Page 93 Exercise 6 Answer the questions about yourself using ago: 1.Read the example carefully. 2.Write answers about your personal experience. 3.Notice that all the verbs are irregular.

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4.Check possible answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Page 94 Exercise 7

and Read

1.Look at the map. Notice the you are here sign. 2.Listen to the dialogue on the Cd track 26 3.Listen again and read the dialogue between the tourist and Dad. 4.Read the dialogue and trace the directions with a pencil on the map.

Page 94 - Exercise 8 1. Look at the directions (a to f) and the six small maps (a to f). 2.Match the six directions to the six pictures.

Page 95 Exercise 9 What are the destinations?

1.Look at the big map on page 94. 2.You have to find the three destinations starting on the Greenville Town Square. 3.You can trace the route on the map with a pencil.


Page 95

Grammar Focus.
Could for request
Could is a very polite way to request something. (Can is also used to request, but it is more informal)

You are in your boss office and you have to make an important phone call. What do you say? Could I use your telephone please? (Polite and very formal) or Can I use your telephone please? (Less polite and informal) Notice how the question with could or can is structured: Could you help me, please?

Could + subject + verb + direct object

You have to use Could I ? but , if you are with a friend you can say : Can I ?

Grammar practice
Page 95 Exercise 10 Write polite requests using the prompts. Use affirmative or negative answers according to the picture. Remember Could is used with the base form of the verb. Example: Could I borrow your dictionary?
Could + verb base form

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Talk time
Page 95- Exercise 11a Listen to the Cd track 11a and repeat the sentences. Page 95 - Exercise 11b 1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 2. Ask for directions to one of the places on the map. 3. Give directions to one of the places on the map. Page 96 Exercise 11c Imagine you are an American tourist. 1. Think about a place near your house. 2.Prepare a mini dialogue asking for and giving directions to find the place.

Page 95 Exercise 12 Write a paragraph giving the directions to find the place you talked about in exercise 11c. Use present tense. Follow the example:

To go to the hospital cross the road and take your left. Walk along Salaverry Avenue for four blocks until you see a little park on the corner. Turn right and the hospital will be right in front of you.



and Read

Page 96 Exercise 13

1.Look at the places in the map and listen to the dialogue in the CD track 28. 2.Listen and read. 3. Start in the pink arrow. 4.Write the letters of the places in the order they are mentioned.

Pronunciation //
Page 97 Exercise 14A In this activity you will learn a new sound in English: // The sound // is considered a short vowel for its sound is short as in: teacher, // toward // or river //

1.Read the words and pronounce them aloud. 2.Listen and repeat the words you listen in the CD track 29. 3.Read the words you listen, notice that the underlined letters are all different. 4. Listen and repeat again. Notice the letters are different but the sound is the same. Page 97 Exercise 14B 1.Listen to the words in the CD track 30. 2.Listen again and underline the // sound in each word. 3.Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

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and Speak

Page 97 Exercise 15a Listen to the CD track 31 and check the correct answer A or B. Example: - In exercise number one you will listen go into the cave. - Observe pictures A and B; the red arrow ( into. - The correct answer is B. Page 97 Exercise 15b 1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 2.Choose a drawing and give your partner the instruction. 3.Your partner has to tell you what number and letter the picture is. ) is showing

Play Find the treasure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Find a friend to play Find the treasure and practice talking in English. Choose a place to hide a treasure. Write out the instructions. Read the instructions to your partner. Your partner has to find the treasure.

Good Luck!


Was this the Roman Titanic?

Page 98 WARM UP Look at the picture on page 98. Answer these questions: 1. What do you see? 2. Is it a big or a little ship? 3. How many people do you see? 4. Are they dressed in modern clothes? 5. Where do you think they are going? To understand the reading you have to know that - Rome was the center of a large empire centuries ago. - The phrase Roman Titanic means a large passenger ship during the days of the Roman Empire.

Page 98 -99 Exercise 1 1.Look at the pictures on page 99. 2.Read the text on page 98 and number the pictures in the order of the text.

Page 99 Exercise 2 1.Listen to the CD track 32. 2. Answer the questions. 3. Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

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1.Find a friend to practice talking in English. 2. Ask your partner questions A 1 to 7. 3. Listen to his / her answers. 4. Correct his / her answers if it is necessary. 5. Your partner asks you questions B 1 to 6 6.Listen to the questions and answer according to what you remember. 4. Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Page 99 Exercise 4 Write a paragraph about something interesting that you found on your last vacation. Start by answering the question on exercise 4. Follow the example: 1. Where were you? 2. What did you find? 3.Where did you find it? 4.What did you do with it? I was in Cuzco. I found a ring. I found it in my hotel. I gave it to the hotel receptionist.

When I finished school I went to Cuzco with my school friends. I went to the hotel bathroom and there I found a beautiful gold ring. It has a big blue stone and two diamonds. I wanted to keep it but I gave it to the hotel receptionist.


Study Tip
Page 99 In this section you will review the past simple of irregular verbs. 1. Complete the chart with the past tense of the verbs. 2.Remember all the verbs are irregular. 3. Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.


and Read

Page 100 Exercise 1 FAMOUS PRESIDENTS 1. Read the text in silence. 2. Close your book. 3.Listen to the CD track 33. 4.Open your book. 5.Listen to the CD again and read in silence.

Page 101 Exercise 2 What do the words in exercise 2 mean? 1.Reread the text and try to guess the vocabulary words. 2.Use each words context to try to decipher their meaning. 3.Write a sentence for each word. 4.Check possible answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

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Page 101 - Exercise 3 1.Complete the sample answer in exercise number one. (Abraham Lincoln) 2.Read the questions carefully. 3.Answer the questions. 4.Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Page 101 Exercise 4 1. Choose the correct answers to the questions. 2. Write five similar exercises about the history of Peru. 3.Follow the example: Example: What was the capital of the Incas Empire? a. In Lima b. In Arequipa c. In Cuzco The correct answer is little C.



I. Circle the correct alternative: 1.I would like to walk _________the beach. a. along a. onto a. into b. up b. into c. under c. through 2. Hurry up! We are supposed to _________ that bus. 3.Would you put the butter back _________ the fridge? b. toward c. past


4.The train went _________ the tunnel. a. past a. up a. down a. under a. along a. into a. up b. past c. through 5.Can you swim _________ the river? b. across c. under b. over b. into b. down b. past c. toward c. up c. past c. over 6.He could kick the ball _________ the goal. 7.You should go _________ the bridge to arrive to the beach. 8.Can you ski _________ that hill? 9.Will you go _________ the post office? 10. My brother is climbing _________ a tree now. b. through c. toward

II. Circle the correct answer. 1.My last vacation was now / a year ago. 2. I am living in Miraflores a month ago / these days. 3.Are you in classes lately / two weeks ago? 4.We arrived in Rio two days ago / frequently. 5.Excuse me; do you speak English frequently / two years ago?

III. Read about the situation and decide which is the correct answer : 1. You are waiting for a job interview. When you are in the door of the office you say: a. Can I come in? b. Could I come in

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2. Your friend calls to invite you to his birthday party. He says: a. Can you come to my party? b. Could you come to my party?

3. Your classmates need your help with the computer. They say: a. Can you help us? b. Could you help us? 4. You want to ask your boss to raise your salary. You call him and say: a. Can I talk to you? b. Could I talk to you? 5. You want to present a project to the General Manager of your company. You say: a. Can I present you a new project? b. Could I present you a new project?



Greetings around the World In international business, its important to know how to greet people from different countries. In most business situations, shaking hands is the usual greeting, but people in different places shake hands in different ways. In France, for example, handshakes are very quick. In Brazil, people take more time to shake hands. In both Brazil and France, its common to shake hands with people when you arrive and leave. People do not usually shake hands as often in the U.S. In many parts of Asia, handshakes are gentle and can last 10 seconds. Handshakes are common in China, but it is also appropriate to nod your head when you meet a person for the first time. In the U.S., handshakes arent usually that long. Here are some things to remember when you shake hands in English-speaking countries: Look at the persons eyes and smile. Shake hands firmly, but not too hard. Shake hands for only 2 or 3 seconds.

Read the article again. Use the words in the box to identify where these greetings are used: Asia Brazil China - France - U.S. a. Give a quick handshake. b. Shake hands for about 10 seconds. c. You can shake hands or nod your head. d. Shake hands when you arrive and leave. ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ and

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Open your book on page 102. This test will help you to know what you have learnt and what you need to review. You should answer it in 60 minutes. Do not look for the answers in the book while you do it. VOCABULARY CHECK
Choose the correct word for each sentence You will find three possible answers. Read each alternative and choose the correct one. Example: Im going to count to three and jump ________ the swimming pool. a. into b. down c. across You can not jump down a swimming pool or across the swimming pool. The only possible answer is into.

So the correct answer is: a. into b. down c. across


Match the phrases. Write requests with could. Remember : Could + base form
of the verb

Could is used for polite request.


You have to match sentences 1 to 6 to the polite requests given in letters A to F. Example: 1. Bens in the shower ____ E. Could you call again in ten minutes? The answer to number 1 is E. Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Write sentences with ago: Example: We saw him at eight oclock. Now its ten oclock. We saw him two hours ago.

Read the example carefully:

Remember: Ago is always used with past tense. Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Write sentences by putting the words in order: Example: get / right / intersection / the / to / Turn / when / you Turn right when you get to the intersection.

Read the example carefully:

Start with the capital letter. Be sure you understand what you write. Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Correct the mistake in each sentence: Example : Could pass me the sugar, please? After could you need a subject. The correct sentence is:

Read the example carefully:

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Could you pass me the sugar, please? Before answering the exercises read them, check what kind of mistake they have. Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Page 103



Answer Yes, I did or No, I didnt in each category Be honest..! Read the score section. How much did you get is each one?


_________ _________ _________


_________ _________ _________

- Whats your score? ________ - Read the analysis. Are you too good to be true?


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LETS PRACTICE Look at the pictures. Circle the correct preposition of motion, 1. across 2. toward 3. under 4. through 5. into 6. past. 7. over 8. down 9. along 10. up


Page 92 - Exercise 2 Page 92 - Exercise 3

2, 5, 7, 8, 3, 2, 4, 6, 1 2e, 3j, 4d, 5g, 6f, 7a, 8h, 9b, 10c

Grammar practice 1. The world cup in Italy was 19 years ago. 2. The Americans landed on the moon 40 years ago. 3. The first Tour to France bike race was 106 years ago.

(Page 93 Exercise 5)

4. Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly an airplane across the Atlantic 57 years ago.

Possible answers: 1. I went to a birthday party two weeks ago. 2. I ate chocolate ice cream four days ago. 3. I last rode a train 25 years ago. 4. I last bought a present for my mom a week ago. 5. I last saw a funny movie six months ago. 6. I last have a picnic a year ago.

(Page 93 Exercise 6)


Comprehension: - Match the directions to pictures A F:

(Page 94 - Exercise 8) 1f, 2b, 3d, 4c, 5a, 6e

- Read: 1. The restrooms 2. The boathouse

(Page 95 - Exercise 9) 3. The grocery store

Grammar Practice 2. Could I borrow your cell phone, please? 3. Could I listen to your CD , please? 4. Could I use your computer, please? 5. Could you pass me the sugar , please? 6.Could you carry my backpack ?

(Page 95 - Exercise 10) No, Im sorry. Im afraid I cant. Yes, of course. Yes, of course. Yes, of course. No, Im sorry. Im afraid I cant.

Listen and read h, g, e, a, f, b, c, d

(Page 96 - Exercise 13)

Pronunciation 1. along / /

/ / 2. about // 3. river //

(Page 97 - Exercise 14b) 4. ago // 5. Tiger //

Listen and speak 2a, 3b, 4b, 5b

(Page 97 - Exercise 15a)

SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Read Was this the Roman Titanic? b, a, c. e, d (Page 98 Exercise 1)

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Listen 1. He was a swimming teacher. 2. It was 500cm tall. 3. Three meters. 4. Large, comfortable sofas.

(Page 98 Exercise 2)

Speak A 2. Very rich Roman families. 3. Because there was a big storm. 4. Two thousand years ago. 5. Giuseppe Russo. 6. The face of a black panther. 7. More treasure

(Page 99 Exercise B 1. A statue of Mercury. 2. It was 500cm tall. 3. Two thousand years. 4. No, it was one of the largest ships. 5. About three meters from the beach. 6. No, but there was a bath

STUDY TIP Put Get Take put got took Sink Find Have sank found had

CULTURE DEVELOPMENT Vocabulary: Surveyor Troops War Lawyer Politician Slaves (Page 101 Exercise 2) : An engineer who helps to plan towns. : Military personnel. : An armed conflict between enemies. : A Person who studied law. : A person who works in civil administration. : A person who is owned by someone. Formal education: Studies at the university to get a professional degree.


Freedom Hero Handsome

: To act or speak or think with independence. : A person with courage. : A good looking person.

COMPREHENSION 2. Surveyor. 3. To gain its freedom. 4. In 1783 5. A poor family. 6. People in the south wanted independence from the north. 7. The slaves got their freedom and the civil war ended. 8. Yes, he did. 9. Yes, he was.

(Page 101 Exercise 3) 10. - He was the youngest president . - He was the first Roman Catholic president. - He was the youngest president to die in office.

LETS CHECK Vocabulary: 1) 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6b Grammar check 2) 2f, 3b, 4c, 5d, 6a 3) Write sentences with ago 2. We bought it three days ago. 5. I called her half an hour ago. 6. They left the house two hours ago. 7. I wrote to her ten months ago. 8. She came here twelve days ago

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4) Write sentences by putting the words in order 2. Could you tell me the way to the book store. 3. I started reading this book three days ago. 4. He jumped into the lake and swam across it. 5. It took two hours to get here on the bus. 6. When did you last make a cake for your mom 5) Correct the mistake in each sentence 2. I started doing this exercise a minute ago. 3. When did you last read a really funny book. 4. I didnt buy anything at the museum shop. 5. My dog jumped over the gate and ran into the field.


Detailed Physical Descriptions

(UNIT 9)

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In this unit you will learn to Recognize adjectives to describe physical appearance. Give advice. Write an e-mail.

We will learn adjectives that describe physical appearance. Read the adjectives below and memorize their meaning.






UNIT 9 DETAILED PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONS - Past continuous - Reflexive pronouns

Detailed physical descriptions. - Medium length. - Wavy hair.

- Describe physical appearance. - Write an e-mail describing your appearance and character

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- Describing peoples physical appearance. - Reviewing actions done at the moment of speaking. - Giving advice. - Writing an e-mail describing your appearance character.




Welcome to unit 9. Before opening the book we will review some parts of the body. Write the parts of the body in the picture below. You can use a dictionary if needed.

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HAIR Long Short Medium Length Straight Curly Wavy - largo - corto - mediano - lacio - rizado - ondulado Spiky - pelos de punta

Cropped - muy corto Bangs - flequillo cerquillo

Mustache- bigote Beard Hair FACE - barba - pelo

Nose Check Lip Chin Tongue

- nariz - mejilla - labio - barbilla - lengua

Mouth Tooth Teeth Ear Eye Forehead

- boca - diente - dientes - oreja - ojo - frente

OTHERS Pale Dark Freckle - palido - moreno - peca Scar Mole Nails - cicatriz - lunar - uas


LETS PRACTICE Look at the pictures. Match the hairstyle to the sentences:

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______

1. Anas hair is long. 2. My mothers hair is short and curly. 3. I dont like cropped hair. 4. Toms hair is short and spiky. 5. The boys hair is blonde and with bangs.

Write the number of the correct word next to each arrow:

1. Eye 2. Nose 3. Mouth 4. Hair 5. Ear 6. Chin 7. Forehead 8. Neck 9. Shoulder 10. Eyebrow 11. Cheek Check your answers in the unit 9 answer key.

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Page 105 Exercise 1

1. Find a partner to talk in English. 2. Look at the pictures and talk about the hairstyle of five people you know. 3. Follow the example:

Bill has short straight hair.

Page 105

and play
Exercise 2 Simon Says

1.Play with a partner. 2.You have to follow the command which starts with Simon says 1. Play the CD track 34 Remember! Only do what starts with Simon says 2.Follow the example:

CD: Simon says: touch your nose. nose)

(You have to touch your

Simon says: run

(You have to run)



and Read

Page 105 Exercise 3

Are you pale or dark?

Do you have a scar?

Are your nails long?

1. Listen and read to the CD track 35 2. Point o the pictures that are true for you. 3. Talk with your partner about your family members.


and Read

Page 106 Exercise 1

1.Read the dialogue and circle all the verbs that end in ing 2.Are the verbs in present or past tense? 3. Play the Cd track 36 and listen to the dialogue. 4.Play the CD again, now listen and read.

Page 106 - Exercise 2 1.Read the questions carefully. 2.Answer the questions. 3. Check. If the questions is in present tense is the answers in present tense? 4. If the questions is in past tense is the answers in past tense? 1.Check your answer in the unit 9 answer key.

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Grammar Focus

Yesterday Susan wasnt in class. She was studying in the library

Yesterday 3:30
Susan went to the library.
was/were + Ving

Susan was in the library

Susan left the library

Use the Past Continuous to describe an action that was in progress at a time in the past. It puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past.

Grammar practice
Page 106 Exercise 3 1.Complete the sentences using was or were. 2. Write the answer in your book. 3.Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit. Example: Kate ________ flirting with the boys at the bus stop. Kate is a singular noun. Its pronoun is SHE Remember: He, She , it I, you, we, they Was Were

The answer is: Kate wasnt flirting with the boys at the bus stop.


Page 107 Exercise 4 Answer the questions about yourself using ago: 1. Look at the pictures and read the example carefully. 2.You have to write two sentences in past progressive for each pair of pictures. 3. Notice that sentences 4.Check possible answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit Example: is for affirmative sentences and is for negative

She was working on the computer

He wasnt playing computer games

Page 107 Exercise 5a 1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 2. Ask him or her questions about what he / she was doing at 5 0clock yesterday afternoon. 3. Listen to his / her answers.

Page 107 Exercise 5b 4. Now you tell him / her what you were doing.

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and Read

Page 108 Exercise 6 1. Play the CD track 37. 2. Listen to the dialogue and read it. 3. Underline the past continuous verbs in the dialogue. Example : Were you talking in the class?

Page 108 Exercise 7 1.Look at the example. 2.Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 3.Check possible answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.


Grammar Focus
Yesterday Susan wasnt in class. She was studying in the library Form I / he / she / it Positive I was speaking. Negative I was not speaking. You were not speaking Question Was I speaking?

you / we / they

You were speaking

Were you speaking?

Questions: Short answers: Page 108

Were you talking in class? Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt

Was Kate reading a book? Yes, she was. / No, she wasnt

1. Look at the chart on your book. 2.Remember the short answers for the past continuous.

Grammar practice
Page 108 Exercise 8 1.Look at the example below. 2.Complete the questions and short answers using the past continuous. 3.Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit. Example: A: __________ the boy playing in a game? B. Yes, he ___________. The boy is a singular noun. Its pronoun is HE. Remember: He, she, it I, you, we, they was were

The answer is : A: Was the boy playing a game? B: Yes, he was.

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Page 108 Exercise 9a

1. How much can you remember about Kates day at school yesterday? 2. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 3. Ask and answer about Kates day at school yesterday. 4. Take notes. Page 108 Exercise 9a 1. Look at exercise 1 and check your answers.

Page 109 Exercise 10 1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 2.Read the questions and answers on the chart. 3. Look at the picture. What is the family doing? 4.Read the chart and answer. 5. Ask and answer questions about your partners family. 6.Help yourself with the answers given on the chart.

Talk time
Page 109- Exercise 11a

1.Read the phrases in the box. 2.Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box. 3.Listen to the Cd track 38 and check your answers.


Page 109 - Exercise 11b 1. Look at the sentences in exercise 11A. 2. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English about who says each phrase in your family.

Example: I say, I was only joking.


and Read
Bats Wing Soup

Page 110 Exercise 12

1. Read the text and find past continuous verbs. 2. Play the CD track 39 Listen to the story. 3. Play the CD again, listen and read.

Page 110 Exercise 13 1. Look at the pictures on exercise 13 2.Read the text and put the pictures in the order of the story. 3.Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.

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Grammar Focus
The man is looking in the mirror He is looking at himself
(the same person )

Reflexive pronouns:
They are usually used when the object of a sentence is the same as the subject,


REFLEXIVE PRONOUN myself yourself himself herself Itself yourselves ourselves themselves

Ann Brushes her hair herself.

Pete takes a shower himself.

Nobody helps Ann or Pete. They do things themselves


Grammar practice
Page 111 Exercise 14 1.Look at the example below. 2.Complete the sentences using the correct reflexive pronoun. 3.Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit. Example: Okay, everybody. The sandwiches are in the kitchen, so I want

all of you to help ______________

The person wants the people to make their own sandwiches: The answer is yourselves.

I want all of you to help yourselves.

Page 111 Exercise 15a


/ /

In this activity you will learn two new sound in English : //

The sound // is considered a short vowel for its sound is short as in : hot, // wash // or dog //

The sound // is considered a long vowel for its sound is long as in : arm, // father // or door //

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1. Read the words and pronounce them aloud. 2. Listen and repeat the words you listen in the CD track 40. 3. Read the words you listen. 4. Listen and repeat again. Notice the difference between // which is longer and // which is shorter.

Page 111 Exercise 15b 1.Listen to the words in the CD track 41. 2.Listen again and write the words in the correct column 3.Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.


Page 111 Exercise 16 1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 2. Help each other to tell the story on page 111. 3.Replay the CD and check if you story is similar to the CD.

Page 111 Exercise 17 1.Listen to the CD track 42 2. You will listen to Serena, Kate Dylan and Malik. Each one will say a different ending for the story. 3.Choose the best one. You can take notes to help yourself.

Page 111 Exercise 18 1.Write a description of a character in a movie. 2.Read the example in the book.

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Page 111 Exercise 19 Write your own ending to the story. Do not repeat the children endings. Follow the example: 1. Did Anabel drink the soup? .

2.What happened at the end of the story? .

Anabel didnt want the soup so she thanked and said that she had to go to school and run back to her house. When she arrived, her mother said: Anabel, there is a bowl of soup for you, a man with along beard and mustache brought it for us. Its delicious! Anabel didnt tell her mother that it was Bats Wing soup!


Pages 112 - 113

Exercise 1

1. Look at the pictures on Page 112. 2.Read the sentences on page 113. 3.Put the sentence sin the correct order following the pictures on page 112. 4. Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Page 113 Exercise 2 1.Read the text. 2.Can you guess what any of the missing words might be? 3.As you see they are all parts of the body. 4.Listen to the CD track 42 and fill in the missing words. 5. Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.

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Page 113 Exercise 3

and write

1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 2. Look at the chart and help yourself following the suggestions on the chart. 3. Tell your funny story to your partner. 4. Listen to your partners story.

Page 113 Exercise 4 Write your partners story. Use past tense. ( simple and continuous) Follow the example:

Where was your partner? What was he doing? What happened? How did the story end?

He was in the park. He was playing football. The ball disappeared.

Everybody started looking for the ball. They didnt find it. A group of girls was looking at them laughing. They started playing soccer with their ball. Carlos was playing football in the park with his friends. When one of the boys kicked the ball out of the field, it disappeared. They all started looking for it but they couldnt find it. There was a group of girls that was looking and laughing at them. When they left the field the girls started playing soccer with their ball.


GRAMMAR REVIEW Exercises on past progressive. Decide whether to use was or were: 1. Boris __________ learning English last year. 2. Last Monday the children ___________ playing in the park. 3.Your father _________ reading a magazine here an hour ago. 4. My friends _________ watching TV last Sunday afternoon. 5.The dog _________ drinking water and he didnt see me. 6.________ the students taking an exam? 7. Yesterday I wasnt in the party. I _______ at home doing my homework. 8.They are in love. They _________ kissing in the park yesterday at night. Write positive sentences in past progressive. Example : you / play / cards You were playing cards___ 1.Alice / walk / around the lake. __________________________________________________________ 2. We / read / a book about Australia. __________________________________________________________ 3. Linda / look for / her ring. __________________________________________________________ 4. Fiona and Sam / visit / the castle. __________________________________________________________ 5. Ben / wash / the car. __________________________________________________________

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Write negative sentences in past progressive. Example. Sarah and Luke / not / work Sarah and Luke werent working 1. Barry / not / drive / a lorry. ______________________________________________________ 2. Mandy / not / have / lunch. ______________________________________________________ 3. Albert / not / play / tennis. ______________________________________________________ 4. Taylor and Bob / not / cycle / home. ______________________________________________________ 5. Annie and her sister / not / clean / the table. ______________________________________________________ Write questions in past progressive: Example : Rachel / feed / the cat. Was Rachel feeding the cat? 1. The children / paint / a picture. _____________________________________________________________ 2. Jason and Aron / run / down the street. ____________________________________________________________ 3. Betty / do / her homework. _____________________________________________________________ 4. Cindy and James / make / dinner. _____________________________________________________________ 5. Rebecca / watch / Star Trek. _____________________________________________________________


Information questions. Ask questions for the answers. Example: Henry was living in London last year. Where was Henry living last year? In London

1. Anita was working at a restaurant last week. ____________________________________________________________ Last week 2. Ricky was waiting for Holly. ____________________________________________________________ Ricky. 3. Sara was singing a song. _____________________________________________________________ Singing a song. 4. Joe was reading a book. _____________________________________________________________ A book 5. At six o'clock, Myriam and her family were having dinner. _____________________________________________________________ At six oclock. Choose the correct reflexive pronouns from the box and complete the sentences.

myself - yourself - himself - herself - itself - ourselves - yourselves themselves

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1) Robert made this T-shirt himself. 2) Lisa did the homework _________________ . 3) We prepared all the party_________________ . 4) Emma, did you take the photo all by_________________ ? 5) I wrote this poem _________________. 6) He cut ________________with the knife while he was doing the dishes. 7) The lion can defend ________________ . 8) My mother often talks to _________________ . 9) Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help _________________ 10) It was extremely loud in class, so Alice and Doris couldn't concentrate ______________ . Read the article. Then complete the chart.

Meet Phil Knight

Phil Knight is the founder and CEO of Nike, a famous sports and fitness company. He is from Oregon, USA. He is 65 and is a very rich man. He is married, and his wifes name is Penny. They have two sons and one daughter. Knight loves sport, including tennis, running and golf. He also likes fast cars. He says, I love the fact that Nike is about sports. He has a tattoo of the Nike logo on his left leg. Knights ad agency is Wieden & Kennedy. At his first meeting with Wieden, Knight said, Hi, Im Phil Knight. And I hate advertising. But they are still partners after 21 years. At meetings with Wieden, Knight is relaxed and tells jokes. He wears blue jeans, a T-shirt and suit jackets, and a pair of Nike shoes. Knight is interested in Asia, specially Japan. His office is full of objects from Asia. It is in Nikes World Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon. Answer True or False 1. Phil Knight is the head of Nike. 2. He isnt very rich. 3. Knight is married with two children. 4. His wife name is Penny. 5. Knights tattoo is on his right leg. 6. Knights office is full of objects from Australia. 7. Knights office is in California. ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________


Open your book on page 114. This test will help you to know what you have learnt and what you need to review. You should answer it in 60 minutes. Do not look for the answers in the book while you do it.

1 Complete each sentence with the correct word: Read each word in the box. All the words describe physical appearance. Read each sentences and complete it with a word from the box. Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.

2 Choose the correct word for each sentence. You will find three possible answers. Read each alternative and choose the correct one.
Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Example: Look at the dog. Its really enjoying _____________ a. herself b. themselves c. itself It is the pronoun for dog. (It =dog)

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It is a personal pronoun and its reflexive pronoun is itself

So the correct answer is: Look at the dog. Its really enjoying _____________ a. herself b. themselves c. itself

3 Choose the correct word for each sentence. You will find three possible answers. Read each alternative and choose the correct one. Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit. a. Did you b. Was you c. Were you to be + Ving

Example: __________ listening in class this morning? - Listening is a continuous tense. It needs a verb to be. __________ listening in class this morning? a. Did you 4 b. Was you c. Were you

- The pronoun YOU is used with WERE. The correct answer is C.

Write sentences in the past continuous. Example: We (sit) in the park. We were sitting in the park Remember : The past continuous is always used with was / were + Verb+ing 5 Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Read the example carefully:

Write sentences by putting the words in order.

Read the example carefully:

Example: Help / juice / orange / some / to / yourselves Help yourselves to some orange juice.
Start with the capital letter. Be sure you understand what you write. Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.


Correct the mistake in each sentence.

Read the example carefully:

Example : She made that soup himself. She is the pronoun for a woman. Himself is the reflexive pronoun for a man. There is not concordance. The correct answer is: She made that soup herself. Before answering the exercises read them, check what kind of mistake they have.


InglsVI Unidaddidctica III

Unit 9 Answer Key

Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Vocabulary: Complete using these words: 1. Hair 2. Ear 3. Leg 4. Eye 5. Nose

6. Mouth 7. Hand 8. Arm 9. Foot

Look at the pictures. Match the hairstyle to the sentences 1.B 2.E 3.C 4.D 5.A

Write the correct word next to each arrow:

hair forehead ear cheek neck shoulder eyebrow eye nose mouth chin

Comprehension Page 106 - Exercise 2

Read the questions carefully.

2. Because she had to see her teacher after class. 3. Bad 4. About how to write a story. 5. A day out with the Backstreet Boys. 6. To enter the competition.


Grammar practice Page 106 Exercise 3 were

2.was 3.wasnt

4. were

5. werent


Page 107 Exercise 4 2. I was playing the guitar. I wasnt listening to aCD. 3. We were making pumpkin pie. We werent making sandwiches. 4. You were watching TV. You werent doing homework. 5. They were snowboarding. They were skiing. 6. It was snowing. It wasnt raining.

Comprehension 2. 30 minutes. 3. Her English teacher.

Page 108 Exercise 7

4. Because she was reading a magazine under the desk.

Grammar practice 2. Were; werent 3. Was; wasnt

Page 108 Exercise 8 4. Were; was 5. Were; were

Comprehension 3. E 4.b 5.c

(Page 110 Exercise 13 )2.a

Grammar practice 2. Themselves

(Page 111 Exercise 14) 6. Ourselves 7. Itself

3. Yourself 4. Herself 5. Myself

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Pronunciation // story, your

(Page 111 Exercise 15b) // tall, stop, blond

Skills Development Put the pictures in order:

(Pages 112 - 113 Exercise 1) 4, 6, 5, 2, 1, 3

Listen 2. Mouth 3. Hand 4. Face 5. Feet

(Page 113 Exercise 2 ) 6. Tooth



Exercises on past progressive. Decide whether to use was or were:

9.was 10. were 11. was 12. were 13. was. 14. were 15. was 16 .were

Write positive sentences in past progressive 6.Alice was walking around the lake. 7. We were reading a book about Australia. 8. Linda was looking for her ring. 9.Fiona and Sam were visiting the castle. 10. Ben was washing the car.

Write negative sentences in past progressive. 1. Barry wasnt driving a lorry. 2. Mandy wasnt having lunch. 3. Albert wasnt playing tennis. 4. Taylor and Bob werent cycling home. 5. Annie and her sister werent cleaning the table.

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Write questions in past progressive: 6. Were the children painting a picture? 7. Were Jason and Aaron running down the street? 8. Was Betty doing her homework? 9. Were Cindy and James making dinner? 10. Was Rebecca watching Star Trek?

Information questions. Ask questions for the answers. 1. When was Anita working in a restaurant? 2. Who was waiting for Holly? 3. What was Sarah doing? 4. What was Joe reading? 5. What time were Myriam and her family having dinner?

Choose the correct reflexive pronouns from the box and complete the sentences 2. herself 8. herself 3. ourselves 9. yourself 4. yourself 5. myself 6. himself 7. itself 10. Themselves

Read the article and complete the chart 1.True 2.False 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. false


Lets check
VOCABULARY CHECK 1. Complete each sentence with the correct word: 2. Eyes 3. Pale 4. Curly 5. Forehead 6. Chin

(Page 114)

GRAMMAR CHECK 2 .Choose the correct word for each sentence. 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A

3. Choose the correct word for each sentence. 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A 4. Write sentences in the past continuous 2. What were you and Joey talking about just now? 3. At five oclock, we were watching a movie called Scream. 4. She wasnt thinking, and she told him about the party. 5. Were they waiting for you outside the movie theater? 5. Write sentences by putting the words in order. 2. We were really enjoying ourselves at the park. 3. What were you doing with those boxes? 4. Mark wasnt having a good time at the party. 5. Why were you looking at the trash can? 6. Correct the mistake in each sentence. 2. They didnt enjoy themselves at the carnival. 3. She was wearing purple lipstick at the Halloween party. 4. Why was he sitting in that cold dark room?



(UNIT 10)

InglsVI Unidaddidctica IV


In this unit you will learn to Talk about your personal possessions. Make phone calls. Narrate about events in the past.

Welcome to unit 10. In this unit we will learn to talk about personal possessions, and to answer phone calls. Lets remember some basic vocabulary.



- Would like to + verb UNIT 10 PERSONAL POSSESSIONS - Regular and irregular adverbs - Review of present and past tenses -Making phone calls - Nouns related to personal possessions - Writing about personal possessions

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FUNCTIONS - Talking about personal possession. - Making phone calls.


- Reviewing every day actions. - Narrating about events in the past. IV UNIDAD DIDCTICA





Welcome to unit 10. Before opening the book we will review some vocabulary related to your personal possessions.




key ring

Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the pictures: 1. 2. Dont forget to bring your ___________ to take pictures. I cant enter to my house. I cant find my ____________.

3. When I was a child I used to skate in my ____________ . wallet dairy

InglsVI Unidaddidctica IV

4. What a beautiful ____________. It looks nice in your neck 5. I realized I lost my ________________ when I had to pay the bill in the restaurant and I didnt find it. 6. Your hair is terrible. Dont you have a_____________ ? 7. John loves reading. He has a lot of ______________ . 8. I would like to have a _____________ to listen to music. necklace 9. A: What time is it? B. I dont have a ____________, sorry. 10. Last week I bought a pair of shoes and a same color _________ 11. Did you used to write a __________ when you were young? 12. The doctor advice me to wear __________. I cant see very well. glasses


CD player




and Write

Page 115 Exercise 1 1. Look at the pictures and recognize each thing. 2. Listen to the CD track 44 And write the numbers of the object that Michael mention. 3. Listen again and write the numbers of the objects that Courtney has. 4. Check your answer in the unit 10 answer key. Page 115 Exercise 2 1. Look at the pictures and check the things you have.


Page 115 Exercise 3 1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 2. Tell your partner what you have. 3. Your partner will check the things he / she listens. 4. Check the answers together.




Page 116 Exercise 1. Would you like to meet the backstreet boys? Listen to the dialogue. Kate and her friends have won a competition. 1.Play the CD track 45 and listen to the dialogue. 2.Listen again and read the dialogue. 3.Read the dialogue and circle the verbs in present continuous.

Page 116 - Exercise 2 1.Read the questions. 2.Write the answers. 3.Check your answer in the unit 11 answer key.

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Grammar Focus
Page 116 would like to + verb

Which question is more polite?

1. Do you want to meet the Backstreet boys? Yes, I do. 2. Would you like to meet the Backstreet boys? Yes, I would. The answer is letter B. To express what you like you can say:

Id love to meet the Backstreet boys.

Remember: - Would like is a polite way to offer something. - Id is the contracted form of I would. - Would like is always followed by a verb. The answers to say yes or no are: Yes, I would. or No, I wouldnt. would like to + verb

Grammar practice
Page 117 Exercise 3 1. Read the incomplete dialogue. 2. Complete the missing words. 3. Check your answer in the unit 11 answer key.



/ / // / / //

In this activity you will learn two new sounds in English: The sound /

/ //

are considered short vowels for its sound is short as in or bat, apple // //

come, rum, blood / / / / //

Page 117 Exercise 4a

1. Open your books and read the words pronouncing them aloud. 2. Listen and repeat the words you listen in the CD track 46. 3. Listen and repeat again. 4. Notice the sound /

/ is the sound for the letter U.

Page 117 Exercise 4b 1. Listen to the CD track 47. 2. Notice the difference in the sounds/ 3.

/ //

/ / is the sound for the letter U and // is the sound for the letter

Page 117 Exercise 4c 1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 2. Say any of the words. 3. Your partner has to identify which word you say.

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Page 117 Exercise 5 1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in English. 2. Read the questions and answers in the box. 3. Use would like as much as possible. 4. Ask and answer the questions in the box.

Talk time
Page 117 Exercise 6a 1. Play the CD track 48. 2. Listen and read the dialogue. Page 117 Exercise 6b

1. Find a friend or a relative to practice talking in the phone in English. 2. Read the information about Dracula and James Bond. 3. Role- play the phone dialogues. 4. Follow the model in exercise 6a.


Page 117 Exercise 6c 1. Memorize your part of the dialogue. 2. Act out your phone dialogue.


and Read

Page 118 Exercise 7

1.Listen to the dialogue in the CD track 49 2.Listen and read. 3. Find a friend or a relative to practice the dialogue in pairs.

Page 118 - Exercise 8 1.Read the example. 2.Answer the questions. 3.Check your answer in the unit 10 answer key.

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Grammar Focus
Page 118 Regular and irregular adverbs

Adverbs give more information about a verb. They tell us how something is done. Example: How does he sing? He sings beautifully.

Rule: Adverbs are often formed by adding -ly to an adjective. Example: beautiful - beautifully, careful - carefully But there are other adverbs which are different: Adverbs can be regular or irregular:


they can be regular quick - quickly easy - easily irregular hard - hard good - well

To make regular adverbs, add ly to the adjective

Irregular adverbs change or remain the same.


Grammar practice
Page 118 Exercise 9 1. Read the adjectives on the box. 2. Make them into adverbs. 3. Check in a dictionary which adverbs are regular and which are irregular. 4. Use them to complete the sentences. 5. Check your answers in the unit 10 answer key.


and Speak

Page 119 Exercise 10a How well do you know yourself? 1. The sentences in the reading describe people abilities and routines. 2. Read them carefully and check the ones that describe you. 3. Find a friend or a relative to describe each other. Page 119 Exercise 10b 1.Find a friend or relative to practice talking in English. 2. Read aloud the sentences that describe your partner. Read the examples. 3. Listen to the sentences that your partner thinks describe you.

Page 119 Exercise 11 1. Find a friend or relative to practice talking in English. 2.Look at the items. Youll see them in the photos on pages 116 and 118. 3. Ask and answer questions about the items following the examples. 4. Check your answers in the unit 10 answer key. 5.

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QUIZ: How much can you remember? Page 120 Exercise 12 1. Look at the pictures on pages 120 and 121. 2. Look for the photos at the previous units. What page is each one on? 3.Read the chart and choose a sentence from each column to describe the photo. 4.Write each sentence under the correct picture. 5. Check your answer in the unit 10 answer key.

Page 121 Exercise 13

1.Open your book on page 133. 2. Read about the boys favorite possession in his childhood. 3.Follow the model to write about your favorite possessions.


A rap artist BOW WOW

Page 122 Read the information about one of Bow Wow songs.
Artist Album Label Song Bow Wow Beware of Dog Sony The Future

Released September 26, 2000

Rap songs have to rhyme. Read aloud part of one of Bow Wow songs. Chorus: Have you ever seen me I'm the future I represent how it's gone be I'm the future Born in 1987 I'm the future Party people get ready I'm the future.

Page 123 Exercise 1 1. Read the text about Bow Wow on page 122. 2. Complete the empty spaces in the puzzle. 3. His most famous fan name will appear on the blue line. 4. Check your answer in the unit 10 answer key.

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Listen Page 123 Exercise 2a Bow wows fans are talking about him. 1. Listen to the CD track 50. 2. Complete the notes. 3. Check your answer in the unit 10 answer key.

Page 123 Exercise 2b 1. Listen to the CD again. 2. Answer the question. 3. Check your answer in the unit 10 answer key.

Page 123 Exercise 3 1.Find a friend to practice talking in English. 2.Role-play an interview asking questions 1 to 8. 3.Listen to his / her answers. Use the information on page 122. 4. Correct your partners answers if necessary. 5.Check your answers in the Unit 10 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Write Page 123 Exercise 4 Read the sentences about Bow Wow and write similar ones about you. Check possible answers in the Unit 10 answer key page at the end of the unit.


Page 123 Exercise 5 1.Find a friend to practice talking in English. 2. Talk about yourself according to your answers on exercise 4.


Listen to your partner talking about himself.

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Page 124 Exercise 1

and write
American and Britain

1. Look at each pair of pictures and read the information given. 2. Can you recognize if each one is America or Britain? 3. Write America or Britain in the correct place. 4. How is it in Peru? Complete the information. 5. Check your answers in the Unit 10 answer key page at the end of the unit. 6. Page 125 Exercise 2 1.Read the chart and use the internet or an encyclopedia if you dont know the information about America, Britain and your country. 2.Check your answers in the Unit 10 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Page 125 Exercise 3 Listen to the dialogue in the CD track 51. Which word from the list below Can you listen to ?


What do the words in the chart mean? 1.The words in the box are use in American English. 2.Read the list of words in the British English column. 3. Match the words in the box to the ones in British English. 4.Check answers in the Unit 10 answer key page at the end of the unit.


and Write

Page 125 Exercise 4 1. Read the profile about the Empire State Building. 2. Notice the information about important facts and figures. 3. Choose a famous building and write about it following the model. 4. Give information about important facts and figures.

Study tip


1. Read the model of the fun telephone conversations and write similar ones. 2. Learn the dialogs you wrote and practice them with a partner.

InglsVI Unidaddidctica IV


Would like. I. Rewrite the following affirmative statements as questions and negative statements. Example: He would like to help us. Would he like to help us? He wouldnt like to help us. 1. She would find it easy. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. They would be on time. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

II. Complete the following polite requests and suggestions using would Example: _____ you ____ some help? (to like) Would you like some help? 1. _____ you please ______ me the way to the post office? (to tell) 2. ________ you _________ to visit the library? (to prefer) 3. _________ you please __________ here? (to wait) 4. I _________ not _____________ that excursion. (to recommend) 5.. _________ you ___________ the door, please? (to open)


ADVERBS III. Fill in the blank with the adverb which corresponds to the adjective given. Example: He did the work as carefully as possible. (careful) They won the game easily. (easy)

1. The children played _____________. (noisy) 2. Everything is proceeding ___________. (good) 3. Please drive ____________. (slow) 4. Please close the door _______. (quiet) 5. We came to work ____________. (early) 6. She ____________ filled in the answers. (quick) 7. He likes to drive ____________. (fast) 8. She did ____ in the competition. (good)


IV. Present, present continuous, past or past continuous. Read each sentence and write the correct time tense next to it. : Example: My parents are living in Paris. Present continuous_________________________ Did you go to the party yesterday? Past tense_________________________________ 1. At the moment, I am doing my homework. __________________________________________ 2. He reads the paper every day. __________________________________________

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3. Yesterday at 6:30 I was studying in the library. __________________________________________ 4. She traveled to Argentina last week. __________________________________________ 5. Now its raining. __________________________________________

6. They travel to Mexico every year. __________________________________________ 7. Look! Luis is riding a bike. __________________________________________ 8. She always answers her exams correctly. __________________________________________ 9. You are never late. __________________________________________ 10. My father was listening to the radio when you called. __________________________________________


Open your book on page 126. This test will help you to know what you have learnt and what you need to review. You should answer it in 60 minutes. Do not look for the answers in the book while you do it.

VOCABULARY CHECK Match the personal possessions to the clues.

1.Read the words in the box. Be sure you understand their meaning. 2.Read the sentences carefully. 3.Write each word next to its meaning as in the example.

Put the correct verb in the correct verb tense: past simple or past continuous. Remember: The past continuous is used when an action is interrupted by another. Example: They (open / do) their homework when the door suddenly. (open / do) They were doing their homework when the door suddenly opened. 1. Read each sentence carefully. 2. Which action is interrupted by another? 3. Check your answers in the Unit 10 answer key page at the end of the unit.

InglsVI Unidaddidctica IV

Choose the correct adverb for each sentence.

1. Read the adverbs in the box. Be sure you understand their meaning. 2. Read the sentences carefully. 3. Write each word next to its meaning as in the example. 4. Check your answers in the Unit 8 answer key page at the end of the unit.

4 Choose the correct word for each sentence: 1. You will find three possible answers. 2. Read each alternative and choose the correct one. 3. Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Example: Where did you __________ your earring? a. found 1. 2. 3. b. find c. finding

The question is in past tense. The auxiliary did shows it. According to the rule did is used with a verb in present tense. The only verb in present tense is find, so the correct answer is B.

Where did you __________ your earring? a. found b. find c. finding

4. Check your answers in the Unit 9 answer key page at the end of the unit.

Correct the mistake in each sentence:

Read the example carefully: Example: Why you laughing when I came in?


- The expression has an ing form which shows a continuous tense. To be + Ving

- A continuous tense needs the verb to be - The expression when I came in is in past tense. - The correct answer is Why were you laughing when I came in? Before answering the exercises read them, check what kind of mistake they have. Check your answers in the Unit 10 answer key page at the end of the unit.

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Page 127 1. Make up a chain story in the Past tense. 1. Read the verbs in the box. Be sure you know all of them. 2. Start with a sentence using one of the verbs and continue with another using another verb from the box. 2. Find a friend or relative to practice talking in English. 1. One of you will go to page 127 and the other one to page138. 2. Ask and answer questions describing the people in the picture so your partner will give you his or her name. 3. Read the example on page 127. 3. Sing a song. 1. Open your book on page 134. 2. Work with a partner. Can you guess the missing words? 3. Listen to the CD track to check your answers. 4. Open your book on page 135. 5. Read and listen to the song. 6. Read the phrases on exercise 2 and match them with their meaning.




I. Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the pictures: 2. key ring 3. skate board 7. books 8. CD player 9. watch 4. necklace 10. purse 5. wallet 11. diary 6. comb 12. glasses


Listen and Write

(Page 115 Exercise 1) Courtney: 4, 7, 8, 9, 10

Michael : 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12

Answer the questions

(page 115 Exercise 2)

2. Because Kate and her friends are the winners of the competition. 3. Because it was so funny. 4. A portable CD player each. 5. The Backstreet Boys are making a video in Los Angeles.

Grammar practice

(page 115 Exercise 3)

1b. Id

2a. Would - to

2b. Id

3a. Would

4a. like - would

Answer the questions

(page 118 Exercise 8)

2. At the studio. 3. The Backstreet Boys. 4. They think that its fantastic. 5. No they dont

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Grammar practice

(page 119 Exercise 9)

2. well

3. safely

4. quietly 5. fast

6. Early


(page 119 Exercise 11)

Cell phone: Malik Red wallet: Kate CD player: Kate

sunglasses: Malik earrings necklace : Serena : Dylan

diary: Kate blue wallet: Dylan

Extra: Page 120

1.Unit two page 23

2.Unit four page 48

They were at the beach. They were cooking hot dogs. They burned them.

3.Unit five page 60

They were at Dylans house. They were doing their Geography homework. Dylan cooked pizza.

4.Unit six page 70

They were in town. They were doing a sponsored walk. They raised $ 100 for the hospital.

5.Unit seven page 86 They were in the kitchen. They were making mashed potato. Jamie threw some at Kate.

6. Unit eight page 92 They were at Kate and Jamies house. They were putting their sleeping bags and tents in the car. They went to San Jose.


Read: Page 123 - Exercise 1.

2. American

3. Destinys child

4. Ohio 5. Number

6. No

7. A

Puzzle answers: Bow Wows most famous fan is Madonna


Page 123 Exercise 2a

Age Birthday

: :

15 March 9th : 5

He started rapping when he was He lives in : His house has: Ohio

A go-cart track, a basketball court, a swimming pool.

Free time activities : Basketball.


Page 123 Exercise 2b.

He doesnt have many friends of his own age.

Read and write.

Page 124 Exercise 1

1. America

2. Britain 3. America

4. Britain 5. America

6. Britain

InglsVI Unidaddidctica IV

Complete the chart. Page 125 Exercise 2

The USA Area Capital Population Head of state Current Tourist features 9,629.091 Km2 Washington DC 280,562,489 President George Bush The dollar The White house , the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty,Yellowstone National Park

The United Kingdom 244,820km2 London 59778,000 Queen Elizabeth II The pound (sterling) The tower of London. Big Ben. Buckingham Palace, Edinburgh Castle, the Lake District


Page 125 Exercise 3

1. Cookie

2. french fries

3. potato chips 4. movie theater

5. soccer

6. cell phone

7. mall 8. sweater

9. sneakers 10. pharmacy



I. Rewrite the following affirmative statements as questions and negative statements.

1. Would she find it easy? 1. Would they be on time? 2. She wouldnt find it easy. 2. He wouldnt like to help .

II. Complete the following polite requests and suggestions using would
1. Would - tell 4. 2. Would - prefer 3. Would wait 5. Would - open Would recommend

III. Fill in the blank with the adverb which corresponds to the adjective given. 1. noisily 5. early 2. well 6. quickly 7. fast 3. slowly 8.well 4. quietly

IV. Simple Present, present continuous, past tense or past continuous.

1. Present continuous. 2. Simple present. 3. Past continuous. 4. Past tense. 5. Present continuous. 6. Simple present. 7. Present continuous. 8. Simple present. 9. Simple present. 10. Past continuous.

InglsVIUnidaddidctica IV

Lets check
Vocabulary check. Page - 126 Exercise 1

2. 7.

Cell phone 3. Purse Comb

4. Wallet 5. Sunglasses 10. Earring

6.diary 11. bracelet

8. Watch 9. Key ring

Grammar check

Exercise 2 2. She was taking a shower when she heard the telephone. 3. How fast was he running when he fell? 4. I was walking down the streets when I met Amy. 5. We were going to the mall when we found $10 dollars. 6. Where were you sitting when you saw the ghost?

Exercise 3 2. slowly 4. quietly 5. well 6. Late

Exercise 4 2.A 3. C 4.A 5.B 6.B

Exercise 5 2. I was eating an apple when my tooth fell out. 3. He didnt hurt himself when he fell off his bike. 4. She didnt burn herself badly at the barbecue. 5. Where were they standing when you saw them? 6. She got in trouble at school last week.



1. 2. 3.

Open your book on pages 134 and 135. Listen to t the CD tracks 52 and 53. Sing the songs.

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