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Country and Regional Support Department

Key Results Annual Country Report 2004

Country: UCC/UCO name:


Contact details: Office address Phone/fax email

Bureau ONUSIDA 4me tage Immeuble de l'UNICEF Avenue GAOURANG N'DJAMENA TCHAD BP 1146 Tel 235 52 09 40/54 Fax 235 51 7405


Guidelines Section I: Country Situation Analysis The national response Challenges and emerging issues Section II: Donor Support Table of major donor support to national AIDS response Section III: Joint UN Action on HIV and AIDS Table of major UN initiatives on HIV and AIDS UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS UNAIDS Secretariat country office UN-ISP Section IV: UNAIDS Secretariat Five Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective 1: Empower leadership for an effective response at the country level Strategic Objective 2: Mobilize and empower country-level public, private, civil society partnerships Strategic Objective 3: Enable and strengthen country management of strategic information Strategic Objective 4: Build capacities to plan, track, monitor and evaluate country responses Strategic Objective 5: Facilitate access to technical and financial resources at country level Section V: Thematic Issues 3 by 5 UN advocacy Publications and best practices UN learning strategy on HIV/AIDS PAF UNAIDS global strategy on HIV/AIDS and security UNAIDS country programme support funds Review of this Reporting Format

This annual report is to be completed by each UNAIDS Country Coordinator and UNAIDS Country Officer at the end of the year. The focus for 2004 reporting has been broadened to include more information on the activities of the entire UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS, rather than just the UNAIDS Secretariat representative This report is not intended to describe in detail all the HIV/AIDS-related activities by Cosponsors at country level, but inclusion of Cosponsors HIV/AIDS-related activities are expected to provide a more complete picture of the work of the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS. Theme Group members should be requested to provide information not already in the possession of the UCC/UCO. A table has been provided to facilitate this. However, completion of this report is the responsibility of the UCC/UCO, not the Theme Group. In all reporting, please emphasize results over processes. Annual reports for 2004 must be submitted by e-mail to your Programme Development Adviser (PDA) and the CRD Communications Officer, Chris Fontaine (, by 10 JANUARY 2005. This is a strict deadline, as timely receipt of these reports is critical to many other activities of the UNAIDS Secretariat. Despite the many teething pains associated with the shift to annual reporting in 2003, the first batch of reports fulfilled their goal of being broadly useful for the preparation of field visits and speeches by UNAIDS senior management, as well as both internal and external requests to CRD for country-specific information. The 2003 annual reports were also the basis for the publication UNAIDS at Country Level: progress report 2003, which was launched at the June 2003 meeting of the Programme Coordinating Board and distributed at the XV International AIDS Conference, arousing significant interest among our donor and development partners. The 2004 template has been simplified in response to feedback received on the 2003 report. There are more indicator check boxes and fewer requests for narrative text, which should speed completion of the format. Additionally, the template incorporates all major annual needs for public information on the national AIDS response and country-level UNAIDS support. Lastly, initial plans a year ago for a formal mid-year report have been scrapped, as ad-hoc and topical surveys by the CRD Director provided supplemental information that filled gaps between annual reports. It is anticipated that this formula (one annual report plus a handful of short topical reports throughout the year) will also be adequate for 2005. UCCs/UCOs covering multiple countries There is unfortunately no definitive guidance for UCCs covering multiple countries, as you yourselves know best what approach would make the most sense for your individual situations. A suggested approach is to make the narrative sections cover all the countries you cover (we would then use the same summary for each country page of the website, noting clearly that the UCC is covering multiple countries), and then file separate indicator reports for each country. However, this may prove too great a reporting burden for those who cover more than two countries. At a minimum, please provide indicator data for the country where you do the most work. Getting started Minimum requirements: Word 2000 or more recent versions of Word are required. If you do not have at least Word 2000, please ask your local IT support to upgrade Word before starting to complete the form. Document names: Save the blank template on your hard drive or in My Documents in case you need to start over. Then make a copy and modify the file name by replacing Template with your country (ex: Kenya_Key_Results_Annual_Report_2004). Please do not leave blank spaces in the name. Use underscores instead (ex: Burkina_Faso_Key_Results_Annual_Report).

Properties: Open the new document. Click on the File tab and select Properties. In the Summary section, replace the XXXX in the Title field with the name of your country (ex: Myanmar Annual Report 2004). In the Author field, enter your full name, surname first. (ex: Sidibe, Michel) Yes/No questions: Please only check yes or no for each question. We did not have time to build in code that unchecked one if the other was selected. If both or neither are checked, it will be recorded as no response. Numerical responses: Several questions call for the selection of a number that represents a response on a pre-determined scale. For these questions, only one digit may be entered into the grey field next to the question. The response must be entered into the grey field to be registered. Narrative responses: Responses to all questions calling for a narrative response must be entered into the grey field presented at the end of the question. The grey field will expand as text is entered, but the character length of each response has been electronically limited. The physical size of the box containing the grey field is also fixed. Plenty of space has been provided for the maximum character length. However, if too many spaces are entered between sentences or paragraphs, the size of the box can still be exceeded before the maximum character length is reached. If this happens, the text will hide behind box. It can still be captured by our database, but no one reading the report itself can see it. It is most likely that one may encounter this problem when filling out the tables. Please avoid this problem by maximizing the use of the space provided in the box. Narrative responses, part 2: The length of narrative responses has been limited to inspire the drafting of concise summaries that emphasize concrete results. After the maximum amount of characters/words of a narrative response is reached, if additional information/documentation is considered critical for inclusion, it must be submitted as a separate annex. Please only submit annexes if they are absolutely necessary. Public information/internal UN use only: Sections specifically marked public information will be used for country-specific sections of the UNAIDS website and the UNAIDS annual report. It may be appropriate to seek Theme Group Chair sign off for these sections, but it is not an absolute requirement for UCCs reporting to the Secretariat. Additional sections are marked internal UN use only to inspire frank reporting by the UCC and/or Theme Group on issues that are inappropriate for the public domain. All other sections will be used in analyses for both public and internal use. Tables: For the tables, we tried to provide more rows than you would ever need. However, if you use all the rows provided and feel that critical information is being omitted, please submit additional rows in a separate Word file. Navigation: You can move from question to question using the Tab key or the arrow keys on your keyboard, or by using your mouse to scroll through the template and click on boxes. If you experience technical problems or have questions regarding the content of the template, please contact CRD Communications Officer Chris Fontaine (, +41 22 791 1695) or UNAIDS Helpdesk ( Reminder These reports are considered internal UNAIDS documents. They will not be posted on the UNAIDS public website, although the entire report will be stored electronically in Geneva. Just like the 2003 reports, a link will be placed on the homepage of the UNAIDS intranet site ( to facilitate their viewing by Secretariat staff. UNAIDS Cosponsors will be provided the full reports upon request.

SECTION I: COUNTRY SITUATION ANALYSIS 1. Summarize and analyze the national response to HIV and AIDS, including: The overall national coordination of government, civil society and private sector initiatives; Donor support and donor coordination; How changes in the country situation over the past year affected progress, either positively or negatively. 1a. Public information for posting on UNAIDS website and country annexes of UNAIDS annual report (maximum of 300 words) 1.La prvalence du VIH dans la population gnrale est estime 4,9% (2003) ingalement rpartie dans le pays. La situation pidmiologique peut tre considre comme explosive cause de la frquence du multi partenariat sexuel sans utilisation de prservatifs, des conditions socioconomiques rendant les jeunes filles et les femmes vulnrables, des situations de conflits et de postconflits, des migrations internes et externes, de lanalphabtisme, de la pauvret, et de laccs limit aux soins et aux services de prvention. 2.Les consquences de la situation post conflit en Rpublique Centrafricaine voisine du Sud ntaient pas encore rsorbes (60 000 rfugis sont dans deux rgions frontalires du Sud), quand le conflit du Darfour lEst a clat en septembre 2003. Plus de 150 000 rfugis soudanais sont installs dans deux rgions de lEst du Tchad. 3.La rponse nationale au VIH/SIDA avec le soutien des partenaires au dveloppement ne permet pas lheure actuelle dinverser la tendance volutive de linfection VIH/SIDA. Le gouvernement, au plus haut niveau manifeste son engagement politique par lallocation de nouvelles ressources la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA (Budget national, fonds PPTE, prt IDA) et par le soutien peu effectif une approche multisectorielle et dcentralise de la lutte, le dveloppement du partenariat, la rvision de la lgislation, les initiatives daccs aux soins, limplication des PVVIH et le soutien deux initiatives sous-rgionales de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA. Par ailleurs le document Cadre Stratgique National 2005-2009 vient dtre labor et est en cours de validation. Une partie des activits du futur plan multisectoriel sera finance par le Fonds Mondial.

1b. Supplemental information for internal UN use only (optional - maximum of 200 words) Le Tchad est un trs grand pays enclav (1, 284 000 Km2) avec une grande tradition de migration interne et externe et qui est marque par trois dcennies de conflits arms internes et externes, avec pour corollaire linscurit, linstabilit politique et peu daide des partenaires Le Tchad a une population denviron 7,5 millions (1999), dont 3.2 millions ont entre 15 et 49 dge. Le taux de croissance annuel est de 2.9% (1998). Lesprance de vie est de 47 ans (1998); et le taux dalphabtisation des adultes est de 48%. Le PNB est bas (230 en 1997), mais lexploitation des ressources ptrolires apportera une nouvelle perspective au dveloppement du pays.

2. List and briefly elaborate on the challenges and emerging issues that stakeholders will have to consider in 2005 2a. Public information for posting on UNAIDS website and country annexes of UNAIDS annual report (maximum of 200 words) 1 Parmi les dfis il y a : La faiblesse du leadership national et de la dcentralisation de la lutte La faiblesse de la coordination nationale, du partenariat avec la socit civile et avec les partenaires au dveloppement Les programmes de prvention nont pas ladhsion de beaucoup de leaders et dcideurs et tout le monde ny a pas accs. Laccs trs limit aux soins cause de la faiblesse gnrale du systme de sant Le dni du SIDA et la stigmatisation lie au VIH/SIDA subsistent chez certains leaders. La faiblesse de la qualit et de la couverture de tous les programmes 2. Les priorits nationales retenues sont : Ladoption du Cadre stratgique national 2005-2009 devant aboutir un plan national multisectoriel Ladoption de la restructuration des organes du PNLS et la mise en place dun systme de suivi&valuation et dun systme dinformation sur la rponse nationale. La mise en place dun cadre de concertation pour le renforcement du partenariat national et local Llargissement des programmes en cours (PTME, ARV, Prvention chez les jeunes et rfugis, prservatifs, CDV, soutien aux PVVIH). La mise en uvre des plans daction financs par le Fonds Mondial

2b. Supplemental information for internal UN use only (optional - maximum of 200 words)

SECTION II: DONOR SUPPORT 1. Complete the table with the major multilateral and bilateral contributions to both government and non-government efforts to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic. If support is part of a regional programme/project, please make a note and estimate the proportion being spent in country. Donor Focus area(s) Estimated contribution Amount (US$) 18 500 000 timeframe 2004-2008

Fonds Mondial

Prevention/PTME/CDV/Scurit transfusionnelle/ARV/OEV


Marketing social des prservatifs

3 000 000



Traitement des IST

4 000 000



Prvention du VIH dans les coles

200 000



Prvention du VIH chez les populations mobiles Prgramme intgr (Surveillance/IST/Prvention) Prvention du VIH chez les populations mobiles Soutien communautaire

150 000


Bank Africaine de Dveloppement (BAD) Taiwan/Care International World Vision ONG

3 500 000


1 000 000


400 000


BELACD ONG Catholique Margaret Sanger Center ONG Africare ONG

Prvention et soutien

150 000


Prvention chez les Jeunes

250 000


Prvention et soutien communautaire

200 000


SECTION III: JOINT UN ACTION ON HIV/AIDS 1. Complete the table below with the major ongoing HIV/AIDS initiatives undertaken jointly by UN agencies or by individual Cosponsors. (NOTE: PAF reporting is in Section V) Cosponsor(s) Programme/activity Brief description of Estimated budget and other title programme/activity, including Amount Timeframe UN agencies 2004 results (US$) PNUD Conversations Soutien communautaire 1 118 2003communautaires/pr renforcement institutionnel 000 2005 ojet d'appui la (systme d'information) lutte contre le Approche multisectorielle VIH/SIDA UNICEF Projet SIDA/Projet protection/Projet Rfugis PTME/OEV/Rfugis/Prvention dans les coles/Programme intgr de communication 145 000 20032004


Plan d'action pays

Surveillance/Scurit transfusionnelle/formation/souti en instiitutionnel

50 000



Projet intgr Sant de la Reproduction

Soins IST/Prvention chez les femmes /condom/KIT PEP pour les rfugis

684 300


Banque Mondiale

Projets: PPLS PASS FOSAP NGO Projet sur FAP


Prvention/Soins IO/IST/Renforcement institutionnel/CDV/Scurit tranfusionnelle/Etudes/Soutien aux PVVIH, aux OEV et aux veuves Soutien institutionnel/Rseau de PVVIH/Prparation Fonds Mondial

17 450 000


70 000


2. Briefly summarize the activities of the UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS during 2004. 2a. Public information for posting on UNAIDS website and country annexes of UNAIDS annual report (maximum of 300 words) Les activits dappui du Groupe Thmatique sur le VIH/SIDA se rsument comme suit : Au sein du SNU 1.Prise en compte du VIH/SIDA dans le processus dlaboration des documents du SNU (Rapport CCA et matrice des priorits de lUNDAF et projets CAP 2004 et 2005, Rapport annuel du Coordonnateur rsident du SNU) 2.Mise en uvre du plan conjoint du SNU dappui la rponse nationale au VIH/SIDA Soutien au nationaux 1.Participation aux travaux du CCM du Fonds Mondial et ses groupes de travail (rflexion sur le secrtariat excutif, passation de march) 2.Appui au bnficiaire principal du Fonds mondial (finalisation des documents, plan de suivi valuation, projets des sous-bnficiaires) 3.Participation au processus de mise en uvre de laudit institutionnel des organes du PNLS (termes de rfrence, runions de suivi, de restitution et de validation) 4.Participation au processus dlaboration du Cadre stratgique de la rponse nationale 2005-2009 (runions prparations, ateliers de restitution et de validation des rapports, ateliers rgionaux et sectoriels.) 5.Appui au processus de dmarrage de lInitiative des Pays riverains des fleuves Congo et Oubangui-Chari. 6.Appui aux rseaux nationaux (CONALUS pour le plaidoyer, CONAJELUS pour les jeunes, SWAA et CELIAF pour les femmes et Coordination des Associations de PVVIH) et aux confessions (Eglises vangliques et Commission Episcopale de Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA) 7.Appui au processus de planification stratgique de la rponse au VIH/SIDA dans 8 dpartements ministriels (Sant, Education, Action sociale, Justice, Arme, Communication, Agriculture, fonction publique et travail) et dans le secteur priv (analyse de situation et de la rponse, ateliers de restitution et de validation, laboration des plans sectoriels). 8.Commmoration de la Journe mondiale SIDA (Gounou gaya et Moundou) place sous la prsidence effective du chef de lEtat et de la premire dame de la Rpublique.

2b. Supplemental information for internal UN use only (optional - maximum of 200 words)

3. List and briefly describe the plans/objectives of the UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS for 2005 (public information - maximum of 200 words) 1. LEquipe Pays du SNU en collaboration avec les autres partenaires continuera le plaidoyer et lappui pour : 1.Amener le gouvernement, les organisations de la socit civile et le priv mettre en place le cadre organisationnel du PNLS propos par laudit institutionnel et qui prvoit : un conseil national de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA multisectoriel rattach la primature et un Secrtariat Excutif du CNLS dcentralis. 2.Mobiliser les ressources pour le financement du plan de mise en uvre du CNS 2005-2009 3.Mettre en oeuvre les composantes du projet financ par le Fonds Mondial et le FAP ONUSIDA. 4.Renforcer les comptences des intervenants nationaux dans la mise en place dun cadre commun de suivi valuation des interventions et dun systme dinformation pays. Ces diffrentes actions sont conformes aux priorits de l'UNDAF et sont inscrites dans le plan conjoint dappui du SNU la rponse nationale au VIH/SIDA.

4. Describe the top three achievements of the UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in 2004, highlighting the role played by the UCC/UCO. (maximum of 200 words each) 4a. Le Groupe Thmatique et l'ONUSIDA ont jou un rle crucial dans l'oprationalisation des projets financs par le Fonds Mondial. En effet, les points focaux du Groupe Technique de Travail sur le VIH/SIDA (GTT) et le Coordonnauteur Pays de l'ONUSIDA (CPO) ont particip toutes les runions de finalisation de documents (sous composantes du projet, plan de suivi valuation) et ateliers de prparation des plans semestriels et de mise niveau des intervenants. Ces efforts ont permis la signature de sous contrats avec une dizaine de sous-bnficiaires publics, privs et confessionnels. Ces diffrentes actions ont t facilites par une mission d'appui de 5 jours d'un consultant financ par l'ONUSIDA. Le CPO a particip toutes les tapes de cette mission et il a veill la mise en uvre effective de ses recommandations par le bnficiaire principal et par le CCM. Les nationaux ont pu bnfici de l'exprience acquise dans des pays comme le Togo et le Bnin. Le dmarrage effectif des activits du projet financ par le fonds Mondial constitue une tape importante dans le processus d'institutionnalisation de l'approche multisectorielle et multidisciplinaire de la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA. Il a permis aussi de mieux situer les acteurs de la lutte dans leurs rles respectifs selon leurs mandats spcifiques

4b. Le Tchad en tait au troisime exercice dans le processus d'laboration du Cadre Stratgique National de la rponse au VIH/SIDA (CSN). L'appui du GT/GTT et du CPO a permis de faire de ce document un outils indispensable pour l'oprationalisation du principe du Three Ones au Tchad. En effet, en dehors de sa vocation essentielle de prise en compte des ralits de la situation du VIH/SIDA et des capacits de rponses actuelles et futures, le CSN a intgr les trois dimensions d'une lutte efficace. En effet, 1 Le CSN constitue la base d'une programmation commune puisqu'elle tient compte des rsultats des actions actuelles et futures de l'ensemble des intervenants tous les niveaux. 2 Il offre aussi le cadre unique de suivi et d'valuation des rsulats des interventions projettes par l'ensemble des intervenants et de leurs partenaires. 3 Le CSN dfinit un cadre institutionnel et organisationnel qui permettra s'il est appliqu correctement de garantir une autorit unique dans le cadre d'un leadership national renforc et d'un partenariat multisectoriel et dcentralis.

4c. Une des priorits du GT/GTT pour 2004 a t l'largissement du partenariat dans la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA. Pour cela les points focaux et le CPO ont apport un soutien effectif au renforcement des rseaux nationaux et des structures de coordination des confessions religieuses. Ils ont galement contribu la consolidation des rapports entre les noyaux antiSIDA des 8 ministres chefs de files impliqus dans la mise en uvre de plans d'action et les organisations de ls socit civile regroups dans cinq rseaux (CONALUS pour le plaidoyer, CONAJELUS pour les jeunes, SWAA pour les femmes, CELIAF pour les droits humains, et la Coordination des associations de PVVIH). Les fonds de plaidoyer et FAP de l'ONUSIDA ont t utiliss cet effet. Par ailleurs le CPO a particip diverses rencontres organises par les confessions religieuses dans le cadre de l'laboration de leurs plans d'action (Comit Episcopal de lutte contre le SIDA, ATBAM, EEMET, Femmes des Eglises Evangliques..) Le plaidoyer auprs du patronat priv Tchadien a permis le dmarrage des activits de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA dans une trentaine d'entreprises publiques et prives y compris le complexe ptrolier de Doba)

5. Indicate membership of the Theme Group UNAIDS Secretariat UNHCR UNICEF WFP UNDP UNFPA UNODC ILO UNESCO WHO World Bank Other (if yes, list in space below) FAO NB: Le PNUCID, le BIT et l'UNESCO ne sont pas reprsents au TCHAD 6. How often does the Theme Group meet? 0 Enter value: 0=less than four times a year 1=quarterly 2=every second month 3=monthly 4=fortnightly 5=weekly 7. Rate the overall participation of UN agency heads: 1 Enter value: 0= inconsistent 1=good 2=excellent 8. Does the Theme Group have an advocacy strategy? Yes No If yes, please email a copy of the strategy to Advocacy and Campaigns Chief Leyla Alyanak 9. Name, agency and contact information of current TG Chair: ( Niameogo CyrilleReprsentant de l'UNICEF Telephone: +235 51 84 41 Fax: +235 51 74 65 E-mail: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

9a. Anticipated length of term: 2 ans 9b. Is the Resident Coordinator the current Theme Group Chair? Yes No

9c. Briefly summarize system for determining and changing the TG Chair (maximum 100 words) Le Groupe Thmatique (GT) se compose des reprsentants des agences coparrainantes et des autres agences du Systme des Nations Unies reprsents au Tchad (HCR, FAO, FMI) Le Coordonnateur Rsident (CR) assure la mise en place du GT et veille son bon fonctionnement. Le CR dlgue cette responsabilit un prsident de GT. Celui-ci est dsign pour deux ans parmi les reprsentants des agences du SNU de facon collgiale, en tenant compte de la disponibilit et de lengagement. Le Prsident du GT assume la responsabilit de dynamiser et dorienter laction commune de lensemble des coparrainants et autres agences.

10. List the names and titles of all staff employed by the UNAIDS Secretariat. If they are funded from outside the Secretariat, please note the funding source. 1 Kourouma Kkoura Coordonnateur de Programme Pays 2 Houda Hassan Assistante Administrative 3 Hissein Adda Chauffeur 4 Youssouf Saleh Agent d'entretien

11. List and briefly describe the Technical Working Groups on HIV/AIDS in country with UN participation and /or leadership: 1.Le GT sappuie sur un Groupe Technique de Travail (GTT) runissant les points focaux des agences du Systme des Nations Unies (SNU). Sont galement membres du GTT, les Experts de projets SIDA des Agences, le responsable du Dispensaire des Nations Unies, lAssistant spcial du Coordonnateur rsident du SNU et la responsable de la communication interagence. 2.La prsidence du GTT est tournante et assure par le vice prsident du GT (lOMS). La coprsidence est permanente et assure par le Coordonnateur du PNLS 3.Les runions tournantes (chez le prsident et le co-prsident) se tiennent une fois par mois avec la participation, selon les cas, dautres Intervenants.

12. Answer the following questions on UN Implementation Support Plans: 12a. Status of UN-ISP 3 Enter value: 0= no ISP planned or in place 1= ISP under development 2= finalized 3=being implemented 12b. If an ISP is under development, finalized or being implemented, what is its timeframe? Start year: 2003 End year: 2004

12c. If an ISP is under development, finalized or being implemented, list its main strategic objectives: 1.Habiliter le leadership, pour une riposte effective lchelon pays (fonction transversale n1 du PCB) 2.Mobiliser et habiliter les partenariats public/priv/socit civile lchelon pays (fonction transversale n4 du PCB) 3.Permettre et renforcer la gestion pays de linformation stratgique (fonction transversale n2 du PCB) 4.Dvelopper les capacits de planification, de suivi, de surveillance et dvaluation des ripostes pays (fonction transversale n3 du PCB) 5.Faciliter laccs aux ressources techniques et financires lchelon pays (fonction transversale n5 du PCB) 13. Is HIV/AIDS included in CCA/UNDAF? Yes No 14. How can headquarters and your regional RST/ICT better support your efforts in 2005? (max 200 words) Les besoins d'appui portent sur: 1 Le Plaidoyer faire auprs des leaders et dcideurs du pays 2 L'assistance technique sous forme de mission ponctuelle d'appui dans: ** La mobilisation des ressources pour le financement du plan national multisectoriel en cours d'laboration **La mise en place d'un cadre appropri de suivi et l'valuation **La mise en place d'un systme d'information pays oprationnel 3 La mise disposition du Fonds de soutien mettre en uvre par le Coordonnateur Pays de l'ONUSIDA.

SECTION IV: UNAIDS SECRETARIAT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective 1: Empower leadership for an effective response at the country level 1. Country has a national AIDS coordinating authority? Yes If yes, enter the official title of the authority in the space below. No

2. National AIDS coordinating authority has a multisectoral board that meets regularly? Yes No 3. National government official of higher rank than a Cabinet Minister plays an active role on NAC board? Yes No If yes, elaborate briefly in the comment space below

4. THREE ONES: the national coordinating authority 4a. NAC recognized by all major country-level partners as the ONE national AIDS coordinating authority? Yes No If there are only minor coordination issues, please check yes. A no response is meant to indicate significant coordination problems. 4b. Does the coordinating authority have a clear mandate for coordination of the response across ALL sectors? Yes No 4c. Does the coordinating authority take decisions on allocation of resources for all major HIV/AIDS programmes? Yes No 4d. Does the coordinating authority play a lead role in the CCM and/or other major coordination mechanisms for HIV/ AIDS-related development aid? Yes No 4e. Does the coordinating authority have the capability to monitor and report on the inputs of all sectors and partners relative to national strategies and priorities? Yes No 5. For the following questions, please respond by entering a number to from the following scale: 0=no technical capacity 1=some capacity exists, but needs reinforcement. 2=sufficient capacity 5a. Does NAC have technical capacity for coordination? 0 5b. Does NAC have technical capacity for M&E? 0 5c. Does NAC have technical capacity for resource mobilization and tracking? 0 5d. Does NAC have technical capacity strategic information management? 0 6. Enter additional comments or elaborations on Strategic Objective 1 in the space below. (optional 150 words maximum) Suite l'audit institutionnel des organes de la rponse nationale au VIH/SIDA, un projet de cadre organisationnel et institutionnel du PNLS a t propos, mais il n'est pas encore adopt. Ce projet prvoit: * un Conseil National de lutte contre VIH/SIDA (CNLS) prsid par le Premier Ministre; * un Secrtariat Excutif du CNLS (SEN) autonome et reprsent dans chaque rgion assurant la coordination de l'ensemble des interventions. Le SEN devra disposer d'units charges du suivi et valuation, du suivi de la gestion des ressources et du systme d'information sur la rponse du pays au VIH/SIDA.

Strategic Objective 2: Mobilize and empower country-level public, private, civil society partnerships 1. Which of the following bodies exists? (enter yes for more than one if necessary) NAC board with regular participation of NGOs, UN and donors Yes No Government-led national partnership forum NGO-led partnership forum Donor-led partnership forum Private sector-led partnership forum Expanded Theme Group CCM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No

Yes No 2. Which of the above (if any) is the dominant partnership forum? Enter answer in box below.CCM 3. Is a process in place for regular participatory reviews of the national HIV/AIDS framework or NSP? Yes No If answer is yes, briefly describe the system and note when the last review occurred (maximum 100 words): Le Cadre Stratgique national vient d'tre labor, mais il n'a pas encore t distribu pour amendement en vue de son adoption.

4. Rate the level of participation of the following stakeholders in national AIDS planning and reviews, using the following scale: 0=no participation 1=insufficient participation with no signs of improvement 2=insufficient, yet increasing participation 3=full participation 4a. UN 3 4b. Donors 1 4c. NGOs/civil society 3 4d. Private sector 2 4e. Faith-based orgs 2 4f. PLWHA 3 4g. Line ministries 3 4h. District and local authorities 1 4i. Womens groups 2 4j. Media 3 5. Is the World AIDS Campaign (WAC) operational in your country? Yes No 6. Who are the lead NGOs that participate in the WAC? Enter response in the space below. Rseau des Associations de PVVIH/CONALUS/CONAJELUS 7. Is there another AIDS campaign with national reach that is organized by a group of NGOs working together? Yes No If yes, identify the lead organizer in the space below.

8. Enter additional comments or elaborations on the responses to Strategic Objective 2 in the space below. (optional 150 words maximum) Diffrents forums de partenariat ont t mis en place notamment : 1 CONALUS (regroupe une trentaine d'associations et coordonne le plaidoyer) 2 Coordination du Rseau de PVVIH 3 CONAJELUS (regroupe 60 Associations de jeunes) 4 SWAA-CAFELS (regroupe dune dizaine d'associations de femmes) 5 Confessions: CELS/EEMET (Toutes les flises vangliques et catholiques) 6.Conseil National du Patronat Tchadien 7 Rseau des parlementaires pour la sant de la reproduction

Strategic Objective 3: Enable and strengthen country management of strategic information 1. When was the last time HIV surveillance was conducted in the country? Enter date Fvrier 2003 2. Date of last HIV surveillance report? Enter date Mars 2004 3. Which groups are covered by HIV surveillance? 3a. Antenatal clinics? 3b. Sex workers? 3c. MSMs? Yes Yes Yes No No No

3d. IDUs? Yes No 3e. others (write in space below) Donnes des banques de sang et des malades tuberculeux 4. Have any consensus workshops on HIV prevalence been conducted? Yes No 4a. If answer to above is yes, enter date of last workshop 5. Are any consensus workshops being planned? Yes No 5a. If answer to above is yes, enter planned date of workshop. 6. In the space below, enter the last HIV prevalence estimate released by NAC, its age range, and the date of its publication. 5,2% de 5 587 femmes enceintes frquentant les services des sant sont sropositives (leurs ges varient de 14-45 ans) Rapport du PNLS de mars 2004 7. Has a DHS+ survey (Demographic and Health Survey including HIV/AIDS) been conducted? Yes No 7a. If answer to above is yes, enter date of the surveys completion. Enter date 8. Is a DHS+ survey being planned? Yes No 8a. If answer to above is yes, enter planned date of the surveys start.

9. Enter additional comments or elaborations on Strategic Objective 3 in the space below. (optional 150 words maximum) 1 Systme d'information sur la rponse nationale au VIH/SIDA a t mis en place au PNLS avec l'appui de l'OMS et du PNUD, mais son dmarrage effectif est conditionn par la restructuration du PNLS pour la mise en place d'une vritable unit travaillant avec tous les secteurs et les diffrents projets. 2.Une enqute nationale de sroprvalence du VIH est prvue en 2005

Strategic Objective 4: Build capacities to plan, track, monitor and evaluate country responses 1. Is there one authority coordinating and operationalizing national monitoring and evaluation on HIV/AIDS? Yes No 1a. Does UNAIDS provide the M&E authority with technical support? Yes No 2. Is there one national M&E coordination forum (working group) composed of key M&E partners from government, donor agencies, UN system organizations, academic institutions and civil society? Yes No 2a. Does UNAIDS provide technical support to this forum? Yes No 3. Is there one national multisectoral M&E plan endorsed by major stakeholders? Yes No 3a. Did UNAIDS provide support to its formulation? Yes No 4. Does the M&E plan include a set of standardized indicators? Yes No 5. Does the M&E plan include a budget for implementation? Yes No 6. Is there one national-level database with key data on serological and behaviour surveillance, coverage of essential services, financial tracking and impact of the epidemic? Yes No 7. Briefly describe UNAIDS technical support in ensuring the development and implementation of a single and coherent M&E system (maximum 150 words) Non prioritaie en 2004, mais prvu en 2005

8. Briefly describe the status of M&E practices and challenges encountered during the reporting period, and briefly state the UNAIDS Secretariats recommendations for improvement in 2005. Response should consider biological surveillance, behavioural surveillance, programme monitoring, household survey(s) and qualitative survey(s) (maximum 150 words) La situation actuelle se caractrise par: * La diversit des systmes de suivi et d'valuation (Fond Mondial, PPLS, Projets) * L'absence d'une structure nationale de coordination du suivi et de l'valuation * L'absence de personnes ressources formes sur le suivi et l'valuation des projets et programmes. Il y a donc un besoin d'assistance technique pour harmoniser et faire un lien avec les systmes existants en vue de la mise en place d'une unit de systme d'information sur la rponse nationale

9. Is there an up-to-date national strategic framework on HIV/AIDS (or NSP), i.e one that spells out national priorities, priority programme areas, and broad indicative budget needs? Yes No 10. What is the timeframe of the current national HIV/AIDS framework or NSP? Start year: 2005 End year: 2009 11. Is the strategic plan/framework recognized by all major partners national and international as the overarching framework that informs their inputs? Yes No If answer is no, briefly elaborate the national strategic planning situation in space below.(maximum 150 words) Le document produit n'est pas encore distribu pour recueillir les commentaires des principaux partenaires.

12. Is the strategic plan/framework costed and budgeted?



13. Is the strategic plan/framework being implemented? Yes No 14. Was the strategic plan/framework developed through an inclusive, government-led participatory process? Yes No 15. Government NAC managers trained to use model for resource allocation? If answer is yes, enter name of resource allocation model in space below Yes No

16. Are financial resources (national, bilateral, multilateral, etc) tracked against objectives as part of the national strategic plan/framework? 1 Enter value: 0=Not at all 1=Partly 2=Mostly 3=Fully 17. Status of CRIS in NAC: 0 Enter a number from the following scale: 0=No formal plans for CRIS 1=Planned 2=Under development 3=Operational 18. CRIS data publicly available? Yes


19. CRIS used in resource tracking? Yes No Strategic Objective 5: Facilitate access to technical and financial resources at country level 1. Rate the level of HIV/AIDS mainstreaming into key sectors? Enter a number from the following scale:2 0 = process has not started 1 = process started but no concrete output yet 2 = HIV/AIDS integrated in non-health sectoral plans 3 = Actual implementation of non-health sectoral HIV/AIDS Plans 2. Rate the level of HIV/AIDS mainstreaming in decentralized/local responses? Enter a number from the following scale: 1 0 = process not started 1 = process started but no concrete output yet 2 = HIV/AIDS integrated in majority of Decentralised Development Plans 3 = Actual implementation of Decentralised HIV/AIDS Response Plans 3. Country includes HIV/AIDS-related indicators in PRSP and/or national development plan? Yes No 4. (HIPC countries only) Country devoting 10% or more of debt relief to HIV/AIDS? Yes No 5. Percent of total budget of the national strategic plan that has been allocated to M&E? Not applicable 6. Enter any necessary elaborations or clarifications on the above mainstreaming questions in the space below. (optional 150 words maximum) Les plans dcentraliss et les plans des secteurs sont en cours d'laboration. Cela fait qu'il n'y a pas encore une estimation du budget ncessaire. Une fois que le processus d'laboration du plan multisectoriel sera achev, la convocation d'une table ronde des bailleurs de fonds est prvue. Une assistance technique sera ncessaire cet effet.

7. Did the UNAIDS Secretariat provide technical support (including UCC staff time) to Global Fund 4th-round proposals? Yes No 7a. Did UNAIDS Cosponsors provide technical support to Global Fund 4th-round proposals? Yes No 8. Did the UNAIDS Secretariat support Global Fund grant negotiations in 2004? Yes No If yes, identify the grant(s) in the space below: Le Tchad n'a pas fait de soumission pour le 4me tour.

8a. Did UNAIDS Cosponsors support Global Fund grant negotiations in 2004? If yes, identify the Cosponsor(s) and the grant(s) in the space below:



9. Did the UNAIDS Secretariat support the implementation of Global Fund programmes in 2004? Yes No If yes, identify the grant(s) in the space below:

9a. Did UNAIDS Cosponsors support the implementation of Global Fund programmes in 2004? Yes No If yes, identify the Cosponsor(s) and the grant(s) in the space below: Les points focaux du PNUD, de l'UNICEF, de l'OMS et de l'UNFPA ont apport un appui direct aux nationaux aux diffrentes tapes de la prparation de la proposition, de la correction et de l'laboration des plans d'acion des sous-bnficiaires.

10. Did the UNAIDS Secretariat support the monitoring and evaluation of Global Fund programmes in 2004? Yes No If yes, identify the grant(s) in the space below:

10a. Did UNAIDS Cosponsors support the monitoring and evaluation of Global Fund programmes in 2004? Yes No If yes, identify the Cosponsor(s) and the grant(s) in the space below:

11. Did UNAIDS provide operational support to the CCM in 2004? Yes No 12. Is UNAIDS providing technical support for non-GFATM resource mobilization? Yes No If answer is yes, elaborate briefly in the box below (150 words maximum)

13. Rate the ability of the national AIDS coordinating authority to track HIV/AIDS resource flows: 1 Enter a number from the following scale: 0 = does not track resource flows 1 = tries to track resource flows, but only a handful of partners share info. 2 = tracks resource flows, but a few key supporters do not share info. 3 = tracks all resource flows.

SECTION V: THEMATIC ISSUES 3 by 5 1. List the three major achievements of the UN concerning the 3 by 5 initiative? (50 words maximum each) 1a. Le Guide pour la prise en charge des PVVIH y compris par les ARV a t labor et devra tre distribu dans les services de sant publics, privs et confessionnels. Les normes et procdures, le guide du formateur et le manuel de formation sur le dpistage volontaire ont t galement produits. 1b. 40 mdecins ont t forms sur la prise en charge par les ARV. 6 organisations confessionnelles et 17 Associations de PVVH assurent la prise en charge globale des PVVIH dans 8 Villes 1c. Les centres de traitement par ARV sont oprationnels N'Djamena (trois sites) et en province (Moundou et Sahr). A N'Djamena les services de rfrence ont t dsigns l'hpital Gnral de Rfrence(mdecine interne, maternit, pharmacie et laboratoire). La pharmacie centrale d'approvisionnement (CPA) assure l'achat et la distribution des ARV.

2. List the three major challenges for 3 by 5 in country? (50 words maximum each) 2a. Avoir le consensus sur le circuit d'approvisionnemnt et de distribution des mdicaments et des ractifs 2b. Renforcer la capacit des structures intgrer les activits de prise en charge des PVVIH par les ARV dans le cadre d'un partenariat public, priv, communaut et confessions. 2c. Assurer la disponibilit d'une masse critique de ressources humaines comptentes dans les services impliqus dans la prise en charge des PVVIH

3. What are the anticipated technical assistance needs for 3 by 5 in 2005? What additional support could be provided by headquarters or regional offices? (maximum of 200 words) Une assistance technique ponctuelle et rpte sera ncessaire dans les trois domaines de dfis relever notamment: 3a L'appui la mise en place d'un circuit adquat d'approvisionnement et de gestion des mdicaments, de consommables mdicaux et de ractifs de laboratoire. 3b La formation des prescripteurs et des dispensateurs de soins tous les niveaux de la prise en charge (soins conseil hospitalier, ambulatoire, communautaire, traditionnels) 3c L'amnagement et l'quipement des centres de soins conseils selon le paquet minimum d'activits par niveau.

4. Is there a national target for the total number of people accessing antiretroviral treatment by the end of 2005? Yes No If the answer is yes, enter the target:800 5. What is the total number of people receiving ART at end 2004? (official estimate) 420 5a. How many are women? 200 5b. How many are children? 0 6. What is the total number of people receiving ART through the public health system at end 2004? 300 6a. How many are women? 100 6b. How many are children? 0 7. Is there a national HIV/AIDS policy? If yes, answer the below questions: Yes No Yes No No No No

7a. Does the policy endorse universal access to treatment? 7b. Does the policy endorse free access to services? 7c. Does the policy endorse access to methadone? 7d. Does the policy endorse VCT? Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 7e. Does the policy endorse routine offer of testing? 7f. Does the policy endorse diagnostic testing? 7g. Does the policy call for mandatory testing? If yes, in which cases? Yes Yes

7h. Does the policy endorse public-private partnerships? 7i. Does the policy endorse equity in access? Yes No



7j. Enter any necessary elaborations or clarifications on question 7 in the space below. (100 words - optional) Il sera ncessaire de prendre en compte les aspects de l'quit dans l'accs aux ARV

8. What is the status of the national treatment plan? 1 Enter a number from the following scale: 0=there are no plans for a national treatment plan 1=authorities are currently formulating a national treatment plan 2=national treatment plan has been finalized 3=national treatment plan is being implemented (Only those responding 2 or 3 should answer questions 9-13) 9. Is the national treatment plan fully funded? Yes No 9a. If no, what percentage of estimated need is covered? 9b. Have alternative sources of funding been identified? Yes No 10. Does the national treatment plan include a human resource plan? Enter a number from the following scale: 0=no specific plan on human resources 1=plan is being developed 2=plan is finalized 3=plan is being implemented 11. Does the national treatment plan include a drug procurement and supply management plan? Enter a number from the following scale: 0=no specific plan yet on drug procurement and supply management. 1=plan is being developed 2=plan is finalized 3=plan is being implemented 12. Is there a system for distributing drugs to decentralized levels? Enter a number from the following scale: 0=no system 1=system is being developed 2=system is finalized 3=system is functioning 13. Does the national treatment plan include a plan on community involvement in scaling up treatment? Enter a number from the following scale: 0=no specific plan 1=plan is being developed 2=plan is finalized 3=plan is being implemented

14. Has the Theme Group agreed on joint UN action in the scaling up of ART? Yes No If yes, enter the main areas of collaboration in the space below:

15. Is there a mechanism for the coordination of the treatment scale-up among major partners? Yes No 15a. Is it multi-disciplinary? Yes No 15b. Is it multisectoral? Yes No 16. To what extent are networks of people living with HIV involved in the scaling up of treatment? Answer yes or no to the following: PLWHA involved in advocacy? Yes No PLWHA involved in the planning of scaling-up of treatment Yes No PLWHA involved in the implementation of scaling-up of treatment Yes No PLWHA involved in the provision of care and support Yes No 17. To what extent are the bilateral partners involved in the development and/or implementation of the national treatment plan? 1 Enter value: 0=not at all 1=participating in planning but not in implementation 2=participating in planning and implementation of scaling up 18. Are partners approaches to treatment being harmonized? 1 Enter value: 0=not at all 1=partially 2=fully UN Advocacy 1. Summarize UNAIDS major advocacy achievements of 2004 (max 200 words): 1 La prise en compte par le gouvernement de la participation des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA comme partenaires dans la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA. L'acceptation par les autorits locales y compris les religieux de la participation des PVVIH la lutte 2 L'acceptation par le ministre de la sant de la rpartition des responsabilits de la prise en charge entre les services et direction en charge des autres maladies (intgration du VIH/SIDA dans le systme de soins et dans le mandat des services de rfrence) 3 L'acceptation par le gouvernement de l'approche multisectorielle de la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA fonde sur la responsabilisation effective des dpartements ministriels et des rseaux des associations de la socit civile dans la lutte selon leurs avantages comparatifs.

2. List your main three advocacy objectives for 2005: 2a. Mettre en place les organes de dcision et de coordination du PNLS. Il s'agit du Conseil National de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA (CNLS) et du Secrtariat Excutif 2b. Dcentraliser les organes de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA dans les 4 rgions concernes par l'afflux de rfugis du Soudan et de Centrafrique 2c. Mobiliser les ressources pour oprationaliser le Cadre Stratgique National 2005-2009

3. What are the main challenges you face in achieving the above objectives?(100 words maximum) 1 Les risques d'instabilit politique dans le pays. La crise au Darfour et la perspective de la rvision constitionnelle pour permettre l'actuel chef de l'Etat de briguer un troisime mandat ont cr une situation politique trs tendue qui pourrait dboucher sur une instabilit institutionnelle majeure non propice l'atteinte des objectifs de plaidoyer 2 La poursuite de l'afflux des rfugis du SOUDAN. En 2004 l'attention et les moyens des Agences du SNU ont t presque entirement focaliss sur la crise humanitaire conscutive la guerre civile dans la rgion du Darfour au Soudan 3. Le turnover accentu des chefs d'agence et des points focaux du SNU. 4. Identify potential high-profile advocates (political, religious or business leaders, sports stars, etc) who could be nurtured through training or other means: 1 Les organes dirigeants des trois principales confessions du pays (Musulmane, Catholique, Protestante) pourraient tre cibls pour le plaidoyer; 2 Les leaders traditionnels (chefs de cantons, sultans,) 3.Les groupes parlementaires de l'Assemble Nationale et les leaders des partis politiques 4 Les chefs de la hirarchie militaire et de la scurit

Publications and Best Practices 1. In-country best practices identified for outside recognition/duplication/publication during the reporting period. List: Il n'y a pas eu en 2004 de collecte d'information sur les meilleures pratiques diffuser Please note above if the UNAIDS office plans to assist in the documentation and distribution of the best practice in 2005.

2. UN-supported HIV/AIDS publications (including Best Practices) produced during the reporting period. List: Non applicable Please note above which agencies participated in the publication. Please note above if the publication is a part of the UNAIDS Best Practice Collection, a locally-produced best practice for local distribution.

3. Does the UNAIDS office require additional support from headquarters for the planning, production and distribution of Best Practices? Yes No 4. Do you require support in the translation of UNAIDS Best Practice Collection publications into local languages? Yes No If yes, enter the languages in the field below.

5. Other key strategic documents on HIV/AIDS (vulnerability studies, impact studies, ART coverage studies, etc) produced on your country during the reporting period. List: Non applicable

UN Learning Strategy on HIV/AIDS 1. Summarize below the activities related to the UN Learning Strategy on HIV/AIDS that occurred during the reporting period and planned efforts to forward the UN Learning Strategy on HIV/AIDS in the next period. (150 words maximum for each) 1a. Activities related to HIV/AIDS in the UN Workplace: 1 Deux membres du personnel du SNU ont particip l'atelier de formation des formateurs au mois de mars Accra 2 Toutes les agences du SNU ont vulgaris la politique et les directives du SNU en matire de VIH/SIDA auprs du personnel. Elles ont galement mis en place des cellules d'ducation du personnel et familles sur le VIH/SIDA. 3 Un programme d'accs gratuit au conseil dpistage volontaire et aux prservatifs a t mis en place. 4 Le dispensaire du SNU s'est approvisionn en Kit post exposition l'attention des missionnaires 1b. Activities related to Building Capacity to Support National Responses: Trois ateliers sur le renforcement des capacits de planification et de mise en oeuvre des projets ont t organiss pour les responsables des ONG fminines (SWAA), les chefs militaires (CELIAF) et les responsables des Associations de PVVIH (Rseau PVVIH) 1c. Planned efforts and challenges/opportunities: 1 Les Activits d'ducations du personnel et familles doivent continuer en 2005; 2. Un programme similitaire sera organis par les ONG et les Agences du SNU pour le personnel humanitaire encadrant les rfugis dans les rgions de l'EST (Ouaddai et Wadi Fira) Le dfi le plus important est relatif la difficult pour le personnel du SNU de considrer la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA comme une priorit. Cela s'explique par le fait qu'il ne peroit pas immdiatement sa vulnrabilt et les risques potentiels d'tre infect. D'autre part les lourdes charges de travail qutotien ne permettent pas de consacrer plus de temps des activits juges non prioritaires. Les besoins de la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA devraient inciter le SNU a inscrire le SIDA dans la description des tches ne serait-ce que des points focaux chargs du SIDA des Agences, pour que leur valuation annuelle des performances en tienne compte.

2. Have advocacy efforts been undertaken in various local forums for the implementation of the UN learning Strategy on HIV/AIDS? Yes No 3. Has a local Learning Needs Assessment been carried out in your country? Yes No 4. Has the UNCT developed an annual HIV/AIDS Learning Plan (and is this included as part of the annual RC work plan)? Yes No 5. Has a structure been set up to implement, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Learning Plan? Yes No 6. Is the UCC/UCO a member of the Learning Team? Yes No 7. Is the Learning Strategy supported through the allocation of human and financial resources? Yes No If yes, please briefly elaborate in the comment space below (200 words maximum)

Status of PAF Projects 2002-2003 biennium Fill out table with all 2002-2003 PAF projects that were ongoing or completed in 2004.
Project or Activity Title PAF Criteria Fulfilled (see Codes below) Budget (to nearest US$1,000) Status (being implemented? completed?) Lead UN Agency Has PAF generated additional resources? If yes, how much?

1.Renforcement des capacits des associations de PVVIH 2.Renforcer les capacits de planification, de formation et 3.Soutenir les activits pour le Fonds Mondial 4.Elargir les activits de la Campagne Mondiale SIDA

45 000

Entirement mis en oeuvre


140 000

9 000

Entirement mis en oeuvre


150 000

6 000

Entirement mis en oeuvre


7 000 000

10 000

Entirement mis en oeuvre


Non applicable

2002-2003 PAF Criteria Codes: Please enter a capital letter or letters in the Main PAF Criteria Fulfilled box that corresponds to the following code: A. Support for strategic planning processes at national or sub-national levels. B. Support for design and development of grants. C. Support for UN-IWP or UN-ISP development. D. Mobilizing partnerships (eg PLWHAs, CBOs/NGOs/FBOs, private sector, etc). E. Building national capacity (national coordination mechanisms, NGOs/ PLWHA associations). F. Monitoring and evaluation (including information systems, strategic information collection, surveillance activities).


Innovative activities (including those targeting neglected or sensitive issues or groups).

Status of PAF Projects 2004-2005 biennium Fill out table with all the 2004-2005 PAF projects approved and/or implemented in 2004.
Project or Activity Title PAF Criteria Fulfilled (see Codes below) Budget (to nearest US$1,000) Status (approved? being implemented?) Lead UN Agency Has PAF generated additional resources? If yes, how much?

1.Habiliter le leadership, pour une riposte effective a 2.Mobiliser et habiliter les partenariats

22 000

Pas de mise en uvre (pas de fonds)


Non applicable

35 000

Pas de mise en uvre (pas de fonds)


Non applicable

3.Dvelopper les capacits de planification, de suivi. 4.Faciliter laccs aux ressources techniques et financire 5.Frais de gestion (PNUD) (Ref UNDPs operational guideline

10 000

Pas de mise en uvre (pas de fonds)


Non applicable




Non applicable

8 000

Pas de mise en uvre (pas de fonds)


Non applicable

2004-2005 PAF Criteria Codes: Please enter a capital letter or letters in the Main PAF Criteria Fulfilled box that corresponds to the following code: A. promoting the greater involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS; B. provision of strategic support to the 3 by 5 initiative; C. addressing the growing feminization of the epidemic and the specific vulnerability of women to HIV; D. supporting national AIDS campaigns in the context of the World AIDS Campaign; E. targeting thematic and programme areas that represent important gaps in a countrys overall response, esp. sensitive and/or neglected issues (e.g sex work, injecting drug use, MSM); and F. promoting the achievement of the Three Ones, i.e One National Action Framework, One National AIDS Authority and One Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.

UNAIDS Global Strategy on HIV/AIDS and Security Fill out table below with all projects/ proposals funded or being submitted to UNAIDS SHR with regard to HIV/AIDS and Uniformed Services. Project title Short description of activity Main Criteria Fulfilled (see Criteria Codes below) Output Budget Status (planned? Proposal submitted? being implemented ? completed?) Soumis

Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA Refugis et populations Mme projet

Personnel temporaire

Capacit locale de planification et de suivi renforce Groupes vulnrables protgs Services socio sanitaires fonct Coordination locale oprationnelle

30 000

Approvisionne met/formation/ prvention/sou tien Logistique et quipement

280 000


Mme projet

80 000


Mme projet

Supervision et suivi

Activits suivies

50 000


Mme projet

Fonctionnemen t

Coordination locale oprationnelle

40 000


Criteria Codes: Please enter a capital letter or letters in the Main Criteria Fulfilled box that corresponds to the following code: H. HIV/AIDS awareness and information through peer education. I. Integration of HIV/AIDS training into Formal Education Curricula J. Development of National Strategies with regard to HIV/AIDS and Uniformed Services K. Condom promotion and provision L. Strengthening capacities for care and support services M. Promotion and strengthening of VCCT services N. Other, please specify

UNAIDS Country Programme Support Funds Fill out table below with any use of new Country Programme Support Funds in 2004 or planned use of such funds in 2005. Describe activity with a brief summary, emphasizing planned or realized results. Budget Status (underway? funds requested? planned?)

Non applicable

Review of this Reporting Format How can the UNAIDS Secretariat improve this reporting system? How can it be made easier and more valuable to staff in the field? Il serait utile de: 1 Rduire la longueur du rapport en extrayant les directives du document, en rduisant certains tableaux et en donnant la possibilit de raccourcir les espaces de tableaux non utiliss. 2 Prvoir un espace en bas de feuille pour faire des commentaires sur les thmes prsents dans les tableaux Par exemple: il n'est pas possible d'crire : ** la page 34 que le projet PAF n'a pas encore t mis en uvre puisse les fonds allous par Genve ne sont pas encore disponibles au PNUD de N'Djamena; ** la page 35 que le projet ventil dans le tableau est le volet VIH/SIDA des projets objets du Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) 2005 du Tchad lanc le 11 dcembre 2004 par le Systme des Nations Unies et le gouvernement du Tchad. Ce projet vise couvrir les populations locales et les rfugis par des activits de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA selon une approche dcentralise. 3 Focaliser le rapport sur quelques rsultats attendus ayant fait l'objet d'appui au cours de l'anne coule. 4 Paginer le rapport

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