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----- WALKER ----If you think Herschel Walker is some kind of weight room warrior you would be wr ong,

Herschel has never been into weightlifting, all of his exercises are body w eight exercises. He started doing sit-ups and push-ups as a kid, as many as 5000 a day and still to this day he does 750-1500 pushups every day as well as 3000 sit ups. He also mixes in 1,500 pull-ups, 1000 dips, and 1000 squats every day. For cardio he will run up to 8 miles and do sprints as well. He also does a regi men of martial arts and MMA after he has completed this workout every morning. Herschel s diet is also a bit on the unorthodox. He does not eat breakfast or lunch. The only meal he eats is dinner which consists of soup, salad and bread. He do es not eat red meat but will have chicken on occasion. He wakes up at 5:30 a.m. and does 750 to 1,500 push-ups and about 2,000 sit-ups, according to CNN. He only eats one meal a day which is dinner which consists of salad, soup, and b read. He is a vegetarian Diet Herschel s diet is also a bit on the unorthodox. He does not eat breakfast or lunch. The only meal he eats is dinner which consists of soup, salad and bread. He do es not eat red meat but will have chicken on occasion. l ----------------------TYSON----Tyson followed a regimen that included 2,000 situps, 500 dips, 500 press-ups and 500 shrugs with a 30-kg barbell. Tyson followed this regimen seven days per wee k. Daily Regimen (7 days a week): 5am: get up and go for a 3 mile jog 6am: come back home shower and go back to bed (great workout for those huge legs of his) 10am wake up: eat oatmeal 12pm: do ring work (10 rounds of sparring) 2pm: have another meal (steak and pasta with fruit juice drink) 3pm: more ring work and 60 mins on the exercise bike (again working those huge l egs for endurance) 5pm: 2000 sit-ups; 500-800 dips; 500 press-ups; 500 shrugs with a 30kg barbell a nd 10 mins of neck exercises 7pm: steak and pasta meal again with fruit juice (orange i think it was) 8pm: another 30 minutes on the exercise bike then watch TV and then go to bed. Before jogging in the morning, he did a lot of stretching followed by 10 jumps o nto boxes and 10 bursts of sprints, then he went jogging. At 12pm he sparred. At 3pm he focused on mitt work and heavy bag work inside the ring. He warmed up fo r his ring work with light exercises such as skipping, shadow boxing or speed ba ll. At 5pm Tyson did 10 quick circuits, each circuit consisting of: 200 sit-ups, then 25-40 dips, then 50 press-ups, then 25-40 dips, then 50 shrugs, followed b y 10 mins of neck work on the floor. Tyson said that the shrugs is what built hi s shoulders up to help him punch given his short arms. ----------------kratkorocni, do oko nove god - iz 5 serija -100sklekova i trbusnjaka - bez prekida 5km trcanja

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