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In a previous post I suggested that humans are energy beings.

That is, as living beings we do not have energy, but rather we are energy. When we consider the views of modern physics, the above statement is not news. As many people are aware, the modern belief in physics is that everything is energy in one form or another. So to say that human beings are energy should not surprise us, nor strike us as just some new age mystical gibberish. Many people can, at times, feel the energy flowing through their bodies. Some people experience this energy flow much or all of the time. Why do people feel the energy as being within themselves or part of themselves, rather than experiencing themselves as energy? Some of the possible reasons are: Because many people spend much time thinking they are often disconnected from feeling. So when they notice energy in their body and begin to analyze it with their mind. The conscious mind does not like to lose control. Further, it needs to know. When people experience energy moving within themselves they will experience a strong need to understand, to know what this feeling is. This "Zeigarnik like effect" suggests that the conscious mind is pressed to resolve any unresolved experiences. This is possibly due to the fact that what humans fear most is the unknown. Perhaps this is why people are always looking for the "ah ha" feeling, when learning new things. Due to the effects of socialization, which is with us from the time we're born many if not most people consider that their thoughts, that is, their minds is who they are. So anything that is not thought is considered to be an "add-on" or peripheral to the being.

An alternate view might be to consider thought, at least conscious, logical thinking, as the "add-on". Conscious thinking is predominantly verbal - we mentally talk our thoughts as, or prior to expressing them outwardly. This seems to be learned behavior, becoming much more utilized by people as they learn to use language. The learning of reading, especially the way it is taught in schools, seems to emphasize this speech or verbal based thinking, as children learn to say

every word, either aloud or sub vocally. The result seems to be that conscious thought occurs at about the speed with which a person speaks. In order to access deeper and more comprehensive levels of thinking, such as analytical thought, inductive reasoning, as well as creative and intuitive processes we need to let go of conscious control of our thought processes. We have to let the brain and "other than conscious" mind do their work. When we are successful at this letting go, our thoughts decrease in frequency and urgency. Using practises like meditation techniques or "being in the moment" frequently and regularly can greatly help this process. We begin to become more aware, more in touch with our environment and our self. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way.

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