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Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill wanted to split Germany into zones of occupation controlled by

Allied military forces. Also, Germany would have to pay the Soviet Union to compensate for loss of life and property
2. The United Nations was an international organization designed to protect its members against

3. All the member countries could vote on issues. There was an 11 member security council that

had the real power to settle disputes. The 5 permanent members if the security council, Britain, China, France, and the United States, could veto any Security Council action.
4. Containment. 5. The willingness to go to the edge of war to secure objectives. 6. It was a phrase made by Churchill that described Europes division into democratic Western

Europe and Communist eastern Europe.

7. The Truman Doctrine was Trumans support for countries that refused communism. 8. An assistance program that would provide food, machinery, and other materials to help rebuild

9. NATO is called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and it was a defensive military alliance. 10. The Soviet Union wanted to keep Germany weak and divided but the Allies decided to

combine their zones in Germany and create one combined nation, so Germany took West Berlin hostage.
11. The Berlin Airlift was a plan in which America and Britian flew basic nessecities into West Berlin

in response to the Berlin Blockade.

12. The Warsaw Pact was an alliance formed by the Soviet Union in response to NATO, which

was formed by the United States.

13. The Bay of Pigs Invasion was an invasion by US trained Cuban exiles because Fidel Castro

turned into a communist.

14. Minh got the help or the communists to get the French out of Vietnam and to create a united

15. The Domino Theory was a term used by President Eisenhower to describe the effect of

communism on Asian countries. The fall of one country to communism would lead to the fall of its neighbors.
16. Diem was the leader of the government that the United States and France set up in Vietnam. 17. What was the Vietcong? 18. The Vietnam War was started because the French wanted to reclaim their territory in Vietnam,

so the Vietnamese Nationalists and Communists joined together to fight the French.
19. Vietnamization is the gradual pulling out of United States troops while the Vietnamese gradually

takes over the combat role of the US soldiers.

20. SALT I was a treaty between Nixon and Brezhnev that limited the number if intercontinental

ballistic missiles and submarine launched missiles the US and USSR could have.
21. Dtente was a policy of lessening Cold War tensions by resolving conflicts with negotiations

rather than with armed conflicts.

22. SDI stands for Strategic Defense Initiative, and it was a program started by Regan that was

intended to protect the US from enemy missiles.

23. It was one of Yeltsins plans to reform the Russian economy. The plan was to lower trade

barriers, remove price controls and to end subsidiaries to state owned industries.
24. Glasnost is a policy of openness that Gorbachev adopted. 25. It was an idea that helped to improve economic structuring in Russia. This idea introduced

more capitalist ideas in the USSR, such as allowing people to open small businesses.
26. Since Korea was split into communist North Korea and non-communist South Korea, the

Russians supplied North Korea with supplies in order to start an invasion into South Korea.
27. The Cuban Missile Crisis started because Nikita Khrushchev wanted to defend Cuba from the

US, so he sent missiles into Cuba.

28. He established an Islamic state of Iran and was an enemy of the US. 29. The Prague Spring was started by the head of Czechoslovakia, Alexander Dubcek, to try to

give socialism a more friendly appearance.

30. Brezhnev created the Brezhnev Doctrine that said that the UUS had the right to prevent its

satellite states from rejecting communism.

31. Flexible response is a policy created by Kennedy that used conventional weapons and forces to

fight rather than using nuclear weapons.

32. Jiang Jieshi. 33. There was a massacre of college students who were protesting for more rights and democracy. 34. The Long March was the escape of Maos troops from the Nationalist troops. 35. The Iranian Hostage Crisis was when Ayatollah Khomeini captured people in the American

Embassy in Iran and held them hostage until the US put the Shah on trial.

36. The Cultural Revolution was a movement led by the Red Guards. This movements goal was to

establish a society of peasants and workers in which all were equal.

37. It was a five year plan whose goal was to industrialize quickly and catch up to the economies of

the US and Britain. Mao created larger collective farms and controlled the lives of the peasants very strictly.
38. It was a policy of murder and other acts of brutality by which the Serbs hoped to eliminate

Bosnias Muslim populations after the breakup of Yugoslavia.

39. It was a labor union that became the main force against Communist rule during the 1980s. 40. It is the process of creating a government elected by the people. 41. They were a set of goals adopted by Deng Xiaoping involving the progress in agriculture

industry, defense, and science and technology.

42. Lyndon Johnson supported the policy of brinkmanship. 43. Lithuania defied Gorbachev by declaring independence from the USSR. 44. Was Fidel Castro a fair leader? 45. What does ICBM stand for? 46. Name three countries that the USSR used as a buffer against the Allies. 47. What group of people was central to Maos plan for communist China? 48. Which two presidents moved away from the policy of dtente? 49. Who was Boris Yeltsins successor? 50. What is the CIS?

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