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The Norwegian Forest Cat If I had to describe the Norwegian Forest Cat in one sentence I would describe it as "a

kind, gentle and loving cat." One sentence, however, cannot possibly describe these beautiful cats. The Norwegian Forest Cat, or "Wegie" as it is affectionately called here in the United States, loves life, people and other animals. It seems to have one aim in life and that is to be a mother to all creatures no matter what their size. It is not uncommon in our household to find one of my Norwegian Forest Cats holding another one down and giving it a complete bath. (The males are just the same as the females in this respect.) They make wonderful companions and can easily become your best friend if you let them. They are also addictive, and those of us who own NFCs subscribe to the philosophy of "bet you can't have just one." A Little History Lesson Although the Norwegian Forest Cat is a relatively new breed in the United States, it is a very old breed in Norway. They have been featured in folk tales and mythology for centuries and the Norwegians claim that the cat has been around forever. The Forest Cat was, in all probability, the cat the Viking explorers took with them to keep their ships clear of rodents. Some people believe that these well-traveled cats may have been the early ancestors of the Maine Coon Cat and the long-haired Manx. Their first arrival on the East Coast of North America was probably in ancient times with Lief Erickson or his contemporaries; their modern day arrival was in 1979. Norwegian Forest Cats were almost lost as a distinct breed through hybridization with the free-roaming domestic

shorthairs in Norway. Interest was aroused among Norwegian cat fanciers when they realized that they were in real danger of losing the breed; but World War II put a hold on their efforts. It wasn't until after the war that a group of cat lovers began working to save the skogkatt, as it is known in Norway. (The term skogkatt literally means "forest cat.") Their efforts were successful, resulting in the Forest Cat being not only welcomed into the show ring in Europe, but also designated the official cat of Norway by the late King Olaf. The Forest Cat was not exported from Norway until the late 1970s and the first pair arrived in the United States in November of 1979. They were first introduced to CFA in the Midwest. A third cat, GP Mjavos Sangueetah of Zazzara, arrived in March of 1980 and was the first to be shown in CFA on the East Coast. This cat was one of CFA's first Norwegian Forest Cat Grand Premiers and the oldest to date, having received her grand at the age of 13 years and 10 months. The Forest Cat was officially accepted for registration in CFA in 1987 and for championship competition in 1993. Since their acceptance for championship, they have proven to be a popular cat in the show hall and are well represented in the show finals. To date we have 11 Grand Champions, 13 Grand Premiers and two regional winners. Our youngest grand is GC Redzone's Padraigan Cluvane of Irlu, a female who achieved her grand at the age of 8 months. We have several other cats that are very close to achieving their grand championship/premiership. Built to Match Its Environment If ever there was a cat built to match its environment, it is the Norwegian Forest Cat. It has developed over many years of natural selection into a breed able to survive the long harsh winters of Norway. It is a sturdy cat with a double coat which has protective, waterresistant guard hairs over a downy, warm undercoat. The coats of the free-roaming cats do not mat because the loose hair resulting from their annual molt is removed by rubbing against such things as tree trunks and brambles. This type of coat is needed to survive the snows and moist, cold air in its native country. The ears are heavily furnished and, although they are moderately large, they are set somewhat low on the head to prevent excessive heat loss. The feet are heavily tufted, which provides a protective layer of fur between the feet and the cold ground and snow. The rear legs are heavily muscled with strong heavy boning on both the front and the rear legs and thick claws on all four feet. The rear legs are longer than the front legs. The cat in the wild spends a great deal of time in the trees so the strength of bone, the heavy muscle and the thick claws are needed to make the climb to its lofty perch in the forests of its native land. It is not uncommon to see the cat descending from tree trunks head first. Although the Norwegian Forest Cat is a slowmaturing breed which does not reach full development until five years of age, this does not mean that they are not "put together" prior to that time. As with all breeds, some will mature earlier than others. Most will

continue to gain heft as they mature, but if the cat is fine-boned as a kitten it will remain fine-boned. Strong boning should be seen even in young kittens. This would be necessary to survive if they were living outdoors. Each year the coat will continue to add fullness after the annual molt. (Yes, they actually breeder has put it rather nicely: "They unzip their winter overcoats and step out of them.") Even after it has taken off its winter overcoat you will always know the cat is a longhairit retains its beautiful long and fluffy tail and the ruff, ear furnishings and toe "feathers" will always be apparent, despite a shorter, less dense coat and ruff. The head shape on a Norwegian Forest Cat is an equilateral triangle and its ears follow the line of that triangle from the chin straight up to the base of the ears. The Wegies' ears have often been described as pricked forward as though listening although they are not high on the head as in other breeds. The nose profile when viewed from the side is straight to the brow ridge, where there is a slight turn of direction to a flat frontal plane. They have a very short neck that is heavily muscled. The Norwegian Forest Cat's eyes are one of its prettiest features: they positively glow. They are large and expressive and almond shaped and the outer corner of the eye is tilted up to the base of the ear. The color ranges from gold to deep emerald green, with the darker green color much sought after but not as common as the green-gold eyes usually seen. A Norwegian Forest Cat in full coat is a sight to behold. It has wonderful long guard hairs that cover a shorter thick undercoat. The guard hairs are smooth and heavy in texture and continue on to the long fluffy tail. The Norwegian Forest Cat holds its tail up as if it were a beacon of light from a seems to say "Hey, I'm here". At Home and Play The Norwegian Forest Cat is very much a homebody. It enjoys being with people and other pets and is excellent with children. They are very patient animals and are not stressed easily. They are fairly intelligent and have a natural curiosity. During the hot months do not expect a lap cat; they are much happier laying at your side than on your lap. Wegies believe that everyone is their friend. We had one cat who, when the cat club meeting was held at "her house," would visit each member's one was ignored. Grooming is not difficult on a Forest Cat. Although they will mat if their coat is neglected, they tend not to mat as much as some of the other longhair breeds. As stated earlier they do molt once a year. One thing that is an absolute necessity if you own a Forest Cat is some kind of climbing device. They like to be up high to survey their kingdom. The best trees I have found are the ones made out of tree branches. If you are looking for a cat that will be your best friend, enjoy cat shows (remember, they like people and attention), require less grooming than some of the other long haired breeds, and be a basic homebody INDOOR cat, then the Norwegian Forest Cat is the cat for you.

orwegian forest cats

Norwegian forest cats ideal weight and nutrition Female Norwegian cats usually weight 12 lbs (5.5 kg) and need 70 grams of dry food on a daily basis, meaning 300 kcal/ day. Males weigh 12 - 20 lbs (5.5 - 9.0 kg) and need 70 - 120 grams of dry food per day, meaning 300 - 500 kcal/ day. This of course varies as per the cats weight and lifestyle.

A balanced and rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber nutrition will help prevent most health problems. You may want to try formulas specially designed for Maine Coons, as these twobreeds have a lot in common. These meals contain adapted levels of magnesium, sodium, potassium, arginine, EPA and DHA, taurine, L-carnitine, and antioxidants (vitamins E and C, green tea and grape polyphenols) that support and maintain their cardiac (heart) function. Moreover, they reinforce the barrier role of the skin and reveal the natural beauty and color of their coat. They also encourage a good oral-dental hygiene and support the joints of their powerful skeleton. Norwegian forest kittens care When you introduce a kitten to your home let it find its own way out of the basket and allow it to explore one room at a time. Make sure that all doors and windows are shut, to prevent the kitten from escaping.

Kittens are very often frightened by children or other pets that are new to them. Children should therefore be recommended to be quiet and wait for the kitten to adopt to the new environment, while other animals should be introduced later, gradually and one at a time. Remember that adult cats might attack to the baby cat, since they confront it as a competitor and therefore as an enemy.

Talk to your kitten and encourage it to play with a toy but do not overwhelm it with extreme attention.

Kittens need warmth, since they miss their mother and litter mates. If there is not some form of heating in the room at all times, you had better buy a heated bed from a pet shop. Norwegian forest cats grooming Although Norwegian cats are longhaired, their fur does not need to be groomed more than once a week. Use a brush with metal bristles, that also helps detangle hair as it works. The brushing movements need to be repetitive, however delicate. Special attention needs to be paid to the underarms and under the tail and tummy, areas where the fur may rub and knots occur more commonly. Work through the fur from head to tail to remove dead and loose hair. Be extra-gentle near her chest and belly to avoid injuring your Wegie. Regular grooming will improve the blood circulation and help avoid many unpleasant and long-lasting infections and allergies.

However, be aware that the extremely plush coat of this breed sheds considerably during the seasonal change. Extra brushing is beneficial at this time to remove as much loose hair as possible before your cat swallows it and develops hairballs. Hairball treatment When a cat grooms itself by licking its own fur, it will swallow some of its own hair. Most of the hair passes all the way through the digestive tract with no problems. But if some hair stays in the stomach, it can form a hairball.

Find out more... Flea treatment Even clean cats can pick up fleas, especially during the summer months. They get fleas through the contact with infested pets or through the contact with fleas in the environment (e.g. from an infected bedding).

Find out more... Ears and teeth care Their ears require a great deal of hygiene as they are prone to serious infections. Consult your vet on choosing the proper cat ear cleaning solution and use it to remove the excess of wax, debris and dead tissues.

Their teeth should be checked periodically and brush with a special wipe to prevent teeth and gum diseases. In the market there are also a lot of cat toys, specially designed to remove food wastes and prevent teeth irritation. More tips A litter tray must be available at all times and kept in the same place. Solid matter and wet lumps should be removed from the tray frequently and the litter renewed when necessary. The tray should be washed and disinfected frequently. Rinse thoroughly after disinfecting and allow drying before use. Cats are very fussy and will not use a dirty tray.

Never give a cat any drugs that have not been prescribed for it; many human drugs are poisonous to cats. Seek veterinary advice immediately if you suspect any form of poisoning.

Make sure that toys or parts of them cannot be swallowed. Plastic bags and rubber bands can be extremely dangerous, since they do not show up on an X-ray. Norwegian forest cats health and lifespan Norwegian cats live to be 14 years old on average and are generally healthy cats. Their commonest health issue is Hip Dysplasia, a condition caused during the cats skeleton development, when the hip joint grows improperly and results in a loose fitting and malformed ball-and-socket joint. It is aggravated by excessive use of the joint and it eventually develops into arthritis

Hip Dysplasia is not curable. If your cat does not suffer severe pain, neither experiences a

worsening of the condition, you can take measures at home to make your pet more comfortable. Keep the environment warm and dry, don't let your cat jump or exercise heavily, neither become overweight.

An X-ray is enough to diagnose Hip Dysplasia. Nonsurgical options include giving your cat painkillers whenever his pain becomes severe, acupuncture and gold bead implantation. The combined use of nutritional anti-oxidant supplements and glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are very helpful in treating the condition and reducing joint pain. However, in severe cases you may consider joint surgery. Norwegian forest cats history The Norwegian forest, is a breed, which has evolved naturally. Its forebears were probably Southern European shorthaired cats which spread to Norway, other Scandinavian Countries and parts of Europe in pre-historic times. When the Crusaders brought longhaired cats (most likely Turkish Angoras and Turkish Vans) back from the Middle East the two types mated indiscriminately. Through natural selection and given the harsh climatic conditions in the Scandinavian peninsula, only the individuals with thick fur survived.

A lot of reference regarding the certain breed is also made in the ancient Norwegian folk tales. The Norwegian Forest cats are said to have accompanied the Vikings on their seafaring journeys, in order to control and reduce the rodent population on board their ships. Maybe this is the explanation for the large numbers of half-wild semi-longhaired cats, which were found in France, in particular Normandy.

In 1599 a Danish born priest living in Norway called Peter Friis documented the Norwegian Lynx into three classes: the wolf-lynx, fox-lynx and the cat- lynx. The catLynxes were most probably the Norwegian Forest Cats that bear a lot of similarities with the lynxes, such as the large appearance with high legs, the big ruffs, manes and ear tufts, the love for water and the ability to catch fish in lakes and streams. In "Norwegian Folk Tales" by Asbjornsen and Moe, the forest cats appears several times, being called "Huldrekat" which translated means Fairy Cat. However, later in the book the cats are described as "wood or forest" cats with thick bushy tails.

Breeders in Norway first started to take notice of the Forest Cat in the 1930's and realized that they were diminishing because of the indiscriminate breeding of the Forest Cat with the local short-haired domestic cats. In the late 1930's an attempt was made to set up a breeding program to save the breed, which was interrupted by the outbreak of World War II. In the mid1950's the breeding program was taken up and formalized by a group of people including Karl Eggum, Liv Loose, and Egil Nyland who in 1975 established the first Forest Cat Breed Club (Norsk Skogkattring). Egil and Else Nyland bred Pan's Truls the magnificent male Forest Cat who served as a model for the FIFE Norwegian Forest Cat standard. In 1977 the FIFE rewarded them with acceptance of the Norwegian Forest Cat for Championship status. Norwegian forest cats personality The Norwegian Forest Cats (also called Wegies) are mild and well-mannered cats. They are known for their kindness and for being tolerant with even the most annoying children and dogs. Wegies are gentle, friendly and family-oriented cats with a large supply of affection for their human companions. They love sitting on their side, to lounge by a warm fire and accept treats and caresses from loving hands.

Highly intelligent, brave and playful, Wegies will always find ways to amuse themselves, retaining their fun-loving spirit throughout adulthood. Thanks to their curiosity, they have become quick learners. They can be taught to walk on a leash and some will even learn to fetch a thrown toy. They are also eager and relentless hunters, so if you wisely keep your Wegie indoors, be sure to satisfy its desire to hunt and need for play by providing a steady supply of fetching and interactive toys.

Because of their muscular physique, Wegies are natural athletes who love to investigate the highest places in the house. A tall, well-built cat tree for climbing and scratching is a must if you dont want your Wegie wedged on top of your tallest bookcase or highest window treatment.

Wegies can be shy towards strangers due to their strong survival instincts. However, once they find out you can be trusted, they demonstrate their loyal and loving loving nature.

Unlike most cats they tend to enjoy the whole family rather than bond with only one person. They are not lap cats and prefer sitting or curling up beside their human fellows. They make it quite clear they dont like to be held, cuddled, restrained or participate in any form of affection that involves human lips. Petting is warmly welcomed, while most enjoy being groomed.

Wegies havent lost the versatility and skills that enabled them to survive the climate of their mother country. The ability to adapt to almost any situation is one of the traits that makes them such delightful companions. Norwegian forest cats breed standards According to the Fdration International Fline, the Wegies possess a triangular head, where all sides are equally long. The profile is long and straight, without a break in line. The forehead is slightly rounded and the chin is firm.

Their ears are large, with good width at the base and pointed tips. They are well tufted, with lynx-like tufts and long hair popping out of them. The ears are placed high and open, so that their outer lines follow the lines of the head down to the chin.

Their eyes are large and oval, well opened and slightly oblique. They have an alert expression, while all colors are permitted, regardless of the coat color.

The Wegies possess a long and strong body, with a solid bone structure.

Their legs are strong and high, with the hind legs being higher than the front legs. Their paws are large and round.

Their tail is long and bushy and should ideally reach to the neck. Otherwise, it should reach at least to the shoulder blades.

Their coat is semi-long, with a woolly undercoat which is covered by a water repellent upper-coat. The upper-coat is consisted of long, coarse and glossy guard-hairs and covers the back and the slides.

All coat colors are permitted, including those with white. The only exception concerns the pointed patterns with chocolate, lilac, cinnamon and fawn. Our Cats :: Marit | Sonja | Morry | Dagwood | Mani | Merlin :: our Pedigrees ::Photo Galleries

Gwybya Morwena - 67 28

Morwena is a Blue-Cream female who is neutered. Morry came to live with us in late 1995 after I took Marit to visit to a Stud cat - Hakon Rein Felis Jubatus. I had met Morry previously, in fact just a few months earlier at Easter. Morry had been rescued from her previous home and was now living with the other females in the cattery. Morry was a timid and frightened young girl, who craved affection, but did not know how to receive it. Although Morry was happy and content at her new home, we bonded immediately. I fell head over heels in love with her. So when I went back down to the cattery a few months later, Eileen and Brian said that I could have Morry. So back home we came with Marit mated up, and Morry too. Morry took a little while to settle in. Unfortunately she did not get on very well with Marit. Not suprising really as Marit probably felt threatened, especially if she was pregant. As it turned out Marit had not conceived, so another trip was called for. Morry in the mean time started finding her feet. She made firm friends with Dagwood. Everyone else tolerated her. Over time Morry has filled out, learnt how to climb up and down tall poles and most of all how to hold her ground. She certainly does not view herself as being at the bottom of the ladder in our household.


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