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Assessment Report 2013

Evidence collected in spring & fall 2012 Report due March 30, 2013
Directions: Please complete a form for each of the programs within your department. This form was designed to provide a format for assessment reporting and should not be used to limit the amount of information provided. Each box that is attached to each of the sections is designed to adjust to varying lengths. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Dan Bubb at x51506 or via email. ***Email form to (Academic Assessment/UNLV) Program Information: Program MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW SPECIALIST - ONLINE Department(s) Division of Educational Outreach College Division of Educational Outreach Program Assessment Coordinator Kyle Yahiro-Okino Report submitted by (include phone/email) Edward Collins- 895-5462/ Date Submitted March 30, 2013

1. Student Learning Outcomes for the program. List the Student Learning Outcomes for the program. Number for later reference. 1. By the end of the Media and Entertainment Law Specialist Certificate, the student will be able to describe regulations within regarding media and entertainment law. 2. By the end of the Media and Entertainment Law Specialist Certificate, the student will be able to apply statutes to specific media and entertainment law cases. 3. By the end of the Media and Entertainment Law Specialist Certificate, the student will be able to develop appropriate documentation required.

4. By the end of the Media and Entertainment Law Specialist Certificate, the student will be able to support an attorney in settlement of a media and entertainment law issue.

2. Planned assessments: Methods, Instruments and Analysis. According to the Assessment Plan for this program, what were the planned assessments to be conducted during the Spring & Fall 2012 Academic Semesters?
Learning outcome(s) assessed (list by #) Expected Measures (results that would indicate success)

Assessment Instrument (e.g., survey, exit exam)



80% of class to meet or exceed benchmark projection (70% or better)

Final exam


80% of class to meet or exceed benchmark projection (70% or better).

3. Results, conclusions and discoveries. What are the results of each planned assessment listed above? Is the outcome at, above, or below what was expected? What conclusions or discoveries do you draw from the results? Describe below or attach to the form.

Fall 2012 Media and Entertainment Law Specialist: One (1) student registered for this course, 1 attended, and 1 received a final pass grade by completing the course requirements including passing class projects and quizzes (100%). Results indicate that the course exceeded the expected measure of 80% pass rate.

4. Use of results. What program changes are indicated, and how will they be implemented? Include a description of who will review and act on the findings. If none, describe why changes are not needed.

The Vice Provost of Educational Outreach, Director of Continuing Education, and Program Coordinator review annual reports to determine if changes are warranted.

5. Progress. Describe program changes that have been recommended in past reports. What progress has been made since the recommendation? No recommendations have been made in previous reports. In addition, enrollment in these courses did not occur in CY2011.

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