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Study Material on Anatomy of Flowering Plants Tip #1 Dicots with scattered vascular bundles e.g.

Podophyllum, Peperomia, Piper, Papaver.

Tip #2 Cortical vascular bundles. e.g. Nyctanthus, Kalanchoe, Casuarina.

Tip #3 Medullary bundles e.g. Mirabilis, Bougainvillea, Amaranthus, Achyranthus.

Tip #4 Polystelic condition e.g., Primula, Dianthera

Tip #5 Anomalous or abnormal secondary growth occurs in Bougainvillea, Boerhaavia, Chenopodium, Aristolochia.

Tip #6 Some monocots show abnormal secondary growth by meristematic tissue which develops around vascular bundles e.g. Dracaena, Yucca Agave.

Tip #7 Virgin cork is first formed periderm.

Tip #8 Wound cork: It is secondary meristem; formed below injured cell. It forms cork on outer side and callus below which heals the wound.

Tip #9 Abnormal secondary growth in dicot root occurs in Beet root (Beta vulgaris) and Sweet potato (lpomoea batata) by the formation of numerous accessory rings of cambium which out more storage parenchyma in secondary phloem and less secondary xylem.

Tip #10 Homoxylous wood is wood of vesselless dicots e.g., Ranales (Winteraceae, Tetracentraceae, Trochodendraceae).

Tip #11 Heteroxylous wood is wood of vessel bearing dicots.

Tip #12 The latex of some plants is of great commercial importance such as (i) Source of commercial rubber is latex of Hevea brasiliensis, Ficus elastic, Cryptostegia, Manihot glaziovil. (ii) Source of chewing or chickle gum is latex of Achras sapota. (iii)(iii) Source of enzyme papain is latex of Carica papaya. (iv) Source of alkaloid opium is latex of Papaver somniferum (Poppy).

Tip #13 Polyderm is a special type of protective tissue occurs in roots and underground stems of members ofRosaceae and Myrtaceae. Its outer most layer is dead and suberized.

short questions and answers on Gene Regulation 1. The lac regulatory protein is called a repressor. -because it keeps away RNA polymerase from transcribing the structural genes. 2. When lactose is present, the lac genes are expressed. -because allolactose binds to the lac repressor protein and keeps it from binding to the operator. 3. The bacterial mRNA synthesized by operon is called polycistronic. -because it carries information for more than one type of protein. 4. Stem loop structure is called the terminator or attenuator. -because it causes transcription to terminate. 5. Both repression and induction are examples of negative control. -because repressor proteins turn off transcription. 6. Activator enhancer complex is unique in eukaryotes. - because they normally have to be activated to start protein synthesis, which involves the use of transcription factors and RNA polymerase. 7. Two complete female genome cannot produce viable young.

-because of the imprinted genes. 8. Gene regulation may serve as a raw material for evolutionary change. -because control of timing, location and amount of gene expression may have a profound effect on the function of the genes in the organisms. 9.When estrogen is injected into chickens, only oviduct synthesises mRNA. -because only oviduct has hormone receptor for estrogen and all other tissues lack the hormone receptors. 10. the trp operon is quite different from the lac operon. -because the tryptophan acts directly in repression and not as in inducer. 11. About more than 95% of the RNA synthesis by RNA polymerase never reaches the cytoplasm. -mainly because of removal of introns which accounts for 80% of the total bases. 12. Usually the promoter of pseudogene is inactive. -due to lack of selective pressure to maintain a functional gene product. 13. Whenever the intracellular cAMP level is low, the lac operon is not functional even in the presence of glucose. -because CAP protein is unable to bind to the promoter region due to low level of intracellular cAMP. 14. Gene expression occurs by DNA rearrangements. -because such arrangements: a) occur mostly at very low rates. b) allow a cell to express only one of a set of genes at a time. c) are uninducted and are sometimes reversible. 15. Regulation of gene is essential. -because the living organisms need a variety of proteins for their cellular activities. All proteins are not needed at a time. There are specific proteins which are needed at specific stage of life cycle. So, there must be a controlling mechanisms for the expression of a particular set of genes at a particular stage and for this reason regulation of gene expression is essential. Short questions and answers on Protein Synthesis Protein biosynthesis is the process by which biological cells generate new proteins. Here are the reasons for some protein synthesis related molecular events. 1.Transcription is especially important in terms of gene expression. - Because transcription is the point where most of the regulation of gene expression occurs. 2. Dissociation of sub-unit of ribosome is essential for initiation. - Because the initial binding (F-Met-tRNA) in prokaryotes and Met-tRNA in eukaryotes occurs on small subunit of ribosomes. 3. In prokaryotes, protein synthesis starts even before mRNA synthesis is completed. - Because prokaryotes lack a nuclear membrane. Thus, there is no separation between genome and ribosome. 4. Sequences of mRNA vary. - Because at this end of tRNA, amino acid is attached. 5. The cell needs some way of transferring genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. - Because the synthesis of proteins take place in the cytoplasm (outside the nucleus). 6. The core enzyme RNA polymerase by itself is not able to transcribe RNA. - Because it transcribes on both strands. 7. The P site of ribosome is so named. - Because it binds only to initiator peptidyl-tRNA molecule (except in the inititator tRNA), a tRNA with growing peptide attached. 8. Transcription is asymmetrical. - Because, out of two strands of DNA, only one strand is used as a template for transcription. 9. Noncoding regions are functionally important.

- Because their sequence has tended to be conserved through evolution. 10. the TATA box is important for transcription. - Because it has been reported that probably its function mainly is to precisely position the start of transcription. 11. N-formyl methionine is unable to form a a peptide bond. - Because, its end bearing the free amino acid is blocked by the formylation reaction. 12. Several eukaryotic mRNA can be purified. - Because they are stable. 13. Each ribosome functionally accommodates two codons at a time. - Because each ribosome has two binding sites called A (aminoacyl) and P (Peptidyl) sites. 14. Transfer RNA is so called? -Because it carries activated amino acids from the cytoplasm to the site of protein synthesis (ribosomes). 15. Inhibition of translation results in less fertilization. -Because when protein translation is inhibited, capacitation becomes impaired and fertilization is much less likely. 16. Hydrogen bonds are important for protein synthesis. - Because hydrogen bonds are needed for the formation of hydride bridges resulting in twisting of protein molecules in their unusual shapes. Many proteins are used in cells as lock and key and thus without a proper shapes, the keys will not fit into the lock and key and thus without a proper shapes, the keys will not fit into the locks. Ultimately, the proteins will be useless for continuing the process. 17. Prokaryotic mRNA molecules are free to attach to ribosomes are they are being synthesized. - Because prokaryotes lack nuclear membrane. 18. Appearance of UAA, UAG, or UGA codon on mRNA prevents elongation of the polypeptide chain. - Because no tRNA molecules bear anticodons to pair with nonsense codons (UAA, UAG, and UGA), so appearance of such codons on mRNA prevent elongation of polypeptide chain. 19. Formation of peptide bond does not require energy. - Because amino acid brought by tRNA is already activated. A short idea about DNA fingerprinting DNA profiling or DNA fingerprinting is a sophisticated technique which is used often by experts which are helpful in identification of individuals by their respective DNA profiles. Some interesting salient features of DNA fingerprinting are: DNA fingerprinting is a technique to identify a person based on his/her DNA. DNA fingerprinting is specific to a person and it cannot be changed by any treatment. It is also known as genetic fingerprinting or DNA profiling. DNA fingerprinting is a very quick way to compare the DNA sequence of two living organisms. Sir Alec Jeffrey (1984) invented the technique of DNA fingerprinting. 99.9 per cent DNA is identical between individuals, but 0.1 per cent that differs can be used to distinguish one individual from another. DNA fingerprinting uses a specific type of DNA sequence, known as microsatellite. Microsatellites are short pieces of DNA, which repeat many times in a given persons DNA. In a given area, microsatellites tend to be highly variable that make them ideal for DNA fingerprinting. In a given area, microsatellites tend to highly variable that make them ideal for DNAfingerprinting. By comparing a number of microsatellites in a particular area, a person can be identified easily. Abbreviation:

IUCD: Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device RCH: Reproductive and Child Health care STD: Sexually Transmitted Disease HIV: human Immuno deficiency virus. AIDS: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome CDRI: Central Drug Research Institute MMR: Maternal Mortality Rate IMR: Infant mortality rate. MTP: Medical Termination of Pregnancy VD: Venereal Disease RTI: Reproductive Tract Infection PID: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease ART: Assisted Reproductive Technologies IVF: In Vitro Fertilisation ZIFT: Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer AI: Artificial insemination IUI: Interna uterine insemination. ET: Embryo transfer. IUT: intra uterine transfer. ICSI: Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection. Tobacco plants resistant to a nematode have been developed by the introduction of DNA that produced (in the host cells) : (1) A particular hormone (2) An antifeedant (3) A toxic protein (4) Both sense and anti-sense RNA The following points about microfilaments are true except (1) They form cytoskeleton with microtubules (2) They provide support and shape (3) They form intracellular conducting channels (4) They are involved in muscle cell contraction Lysozyme that is present in perspiration, saliva and tears, destroys: 1. most virus-infected cells 2. Certain fungi 3. Certain types of bacteria 4. All viruses Diffuse porous woods are characterstic of plant growing in.. 1} temprate climate 2} tropics 3} alpine 4} cold winter regions For its action, nitrogenase requires :
(1) (2) (3) (4) Light Mn2+ Super oxygen radicals High input of energy

Chloroplasts of algae usually lack (1) Pigment (2) Grana (3) Quantosomes (4) Lamellae A person suffering from a disease caused by Plasmodium, experinces recurring chill and fever at the time when (1) The microgametocytes and megagametocytes are being destoryed by the WBCs. (2) The sporozoites released from RBCs are being rapidly killed and broken down inside spleen (3) The trophyzoitges reach maximum growth and give out certain toxins (4) The parasite after its rapid multiplicaiton inside RBCs ruptures them, releasing the stage to enter fresh RBCs. In which one of the following organisms its excretory organs are correctly stated (1) Frog : Kidneys, skin and buccal epithelium (2) Humans : Kidneys, sebaceous glands and tear glands (3) Earthworm : Pharyngeal, integumentary and septal nephridia (4) Cockroach : Malpighian tubules and enteric caeca Limbic system of brain does not includes or related with 1. Amygdala 2. Excitement & pleasure 3. Motivation 4. Motor signalling Which one of the following biomolecules is correctly characterised ? (1) Palmitic acid - an unsaturated fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms (2) Adenylic acid - adenosine with a glucose phosphate molecule (3) Alanine amino acid - Contains an amino group and an acidic group anywhere in the molecule (4) Lecithin - a phosphorylated glyceride found in cell membrane Selaginella and Salvinia are considered to represent a significant step toward evolution of seed habit because : (1) Female gametophyte is free and gets dispersed like seeds. (2) Female gametophyte lacks archegonia. (3) Megaspores possess endosperm and embryo surrounded by seed coat. (4) Embryo develops in female gametophyte which is retained on parent sporophyte. Twisted aestivation is found in? 1. Cotton 2. Bean 3. Mustard 4. Cassia Hormones 1. are chemical regulators that are conveyed from one organ to another via the blood stream. 2. may be secreted by endocrine cells. 3. may be secreted by nerve cells.

4. 1 and 2 5. 1, 2 and 3 Which one of the following statements is totally wrong about the occurrence of notochord, while the pther three are correct? (1) It is present only in larval tail in Ascidians (2) It is replaced by a vertebral column in adult frog (3) It is absent throughout life in humans from the very beginning (4) It is present throughout life in Amphioxus Which of the following can be a homologous substitution for valine in haemoglobin? 1) Isoleucine 2) Glutamic acid 3) Phenylalanine 4) Lysine How many statements are correct ?? 1. In all fungi and algae both types of gametes are motile 2. Size of pollen grain is about 25-40 micrometer 3. Ovary of papaver is multicarpellary, apocarpous 4. In rose and potato pollen grain lose viability with in 30 min. If sympathetic nerve to the heart is cut-off, the heart beat will 1. Increase 2.Decrease 3. Remains same 4. Stop Which one of the following pairs of animals are similar to each other pertaining to the feature stated against them ? (1) Garden lizard and Crocodile - Three chambered heart (2) Ascaris and Ancylostoma - Metameric segmentation (3) Sea horse and Flying fish- Cold blooded (poikilothermal ) (4) Pteropus and Ornithorhyncus Viviparity Through their effect on plant growth regulators, what do the temperature and light control in the plants ? (1) Flowering (2) Closure of stomata (3) Fruit elongation (4) Apical dominance Which of the following has highest pH ? (1) Bile (2) Pancreatic juice (3) Saliva (4) Gastric juice Band not covered by actin flament is ?

(1) H band (2) I band (3) M band (4) Z band Androgen binding protein is secreted by ?? (1) Pituitary (2) Liver (3) Sertoli cells (4) Leydig cells Cytochrome c is small protein attached to the outer surface of the inner membrane and acts as a mobile carrier for transfer electrons from 1. Complex III and complex IV 2. complex II and complex III 3. Complex IV and complex V 4. Complex III and complex V. Plants with ovaries having only one or a few ovules, are generally pollinated by : (1) Butterflies (2) Birds (3) Wind (4) Bees In those mammals which are seasonal breeder, the females are receptive only once a year, the cycle is termed as ? 1) Follicular 2) Estrous 3) Menstrual 4) Luteal How many statements are correct? A. Pollen pistill interaction is a static process B. In most of the water pollinated species pollen grains are protected from wetting by chitinous layer C. Vallisneria and zostera are fresh water grasses D. In gymnosperms water is regular mode of transport of male gametes. Gammaglobulins are formed by ? (1) B cells (2) T cells (3) Plasma cells (4) Liver Which of the following groups of proteins assist in the folding of other proteins? 1) Proteases 2) Proteosomes

3) Templates 4) Chaperones Select the correct statement about biodiversity : (1) Large scale planting of Bt cotton has no adverse effect on biodiversity (2) Western Ghats have a very high degree of species richness and endemism (3) Conservation of biodiversity is just a fad pursued by the developed countries (4) The desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat have a very high level of desert animal species as well as numerous rare animals The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called : (1) Follicular phase lasting for about 6 days (2) Luteal phase and lasts for about 13 days (3) Follicular phase and lasts for about 13 days (4) Luteal phase and lasts for about 6 days Which of the following doesnot show heterospory? (1) pinus (2) selaginella (3) moss (4) sunflower Which of the following is incorrect 1. Indian population growth rate is around 1.7 percent. 2. Rapid rise in death rate, maternal mortalility rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) are major cause of population growth. 3. Out of 6 billion world population 1 billion are Indians. 4. None of the above Embryoids are (a) immature embryos (b) non-zygotic embryos developed through tissue culture (c) embryos formed by parthenogenesis (d) embryo which lack vitality How many statements are correct ?? A. All aquatic plants use water for pollination. B. Monocecious plant preventautogamy C. Dioecy prevent both autogamy and geitonogamy D. Pollination by wind is more common among abiotic pollinator . 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four During EMP pathway, ATP is synthesized when 1. glucose is converted into glucose-6-phosphate 2. Phosphoenolpyruvate is converted into pyruvic acid. 3. 3-phosphogleceraldehyde (PGAL) is converted into 1, 3-bisphophoglyceric acid(DPGA).

4. None of these In eukaryotes,if GUG is present at start position it adds: (i)Valine (ii)metionine (iii)formylated metionine (iv)formylated valine Human pregnancy lasts for 9 months, which one is incorrect regarding ORGANOGENESIS 1. After one month of pregnancy heart is formed in the embryo. 2. By the end of 2nd month the foetus develops limbs and digits. 3. By the end of 12 weeks ( first trimester ) most of organ system is formed (limbs and external genitalia are well developed). 4. First movement of foetus and appearance of hairs observed in 4th month. 5. By the end of 24th week (2nd trimesters) the body is covered with fine hairs, eye-lids separate, and eye lashes are formed. Which of the following is not transmitted by Aedes mosquito? 1. Dengue fever 2. Chickungunya 3. Japanese Encephalitis 4. Yellow fever INCORRECT ABOUT SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES:1. Also known as Venereal diseases (VD) or reproductive tract infections (RTIs) 2. STDs remain asymptomatic in male and remain undetected for long. 3. Diseases or infections are transmitted through sexual intercourse. 4. Except hepatitis-B, genital herpes and HIV infections , other STDs are curable. Structure containing genes for enzymes and antibiotic resistance (1) plasmid (2) pious (3) capsule (4) plasma membrane Clotting time prolonged in.....? 1. Haemophillia 2. Purpura 3. Von-willibrand disease 4. None Abnormal frequency of bowel movement and increased liquidity of the faecal discharge takes place in 1. Diarrahoea 2. Constipation 3. Indigestion 4. Hemorrhoids Morphine is contraindicated in all 'except' 1. Bronchial asthma

2. Head injury 3. Hypotension 4. Severe pain The glands of skin help to eliminate small amount of 1. Sterols 2. NaCl 3. Urea 4. All of the above The pancreatic juice contain how many enzymes from the following : Rennin Invertase Trypsinogen Maltase Lactase Procarboxypeptidase. Amylases Lipases Nucleases Dipeptidases Nucleosidases (1) Three (2) Four (3) Five (4) Six\ Which option define these definition A-Membranus extension in cell B-membranus extension in cytoplasm C-filamentous extensn frm cell The options are 1-mesosome, chromatophore,flagella respectvly 2-flagella mesosome chromatophore 3-choromatophore, mesosome flagella 4-none Which one of the following is wrong statement 1. Reabsorption of water occurs passively in the initial segments of the nephron 2. Nitrogenous wastes are absorbed by passive transport 3. The NaCl passively transported from the ascending limb of Henles loop is exchanged by the ascending portion of the vasa recta 4. Substance like glucose, amino acids Na absorbed actively. The efferent renal arteriole emerging from the Glomerulus forms a fine capillary network around the renal tubule called 1. 2. 3. 4. Continuous capillaries Fenestrated capillaries Renel capillaries Peritubular capillaries

A Chordate animal having protonephridia or flame cells as Excretory structures : 1. Nereis 2. Amphioxus 3. Planaria 4. None of the above Natural parthenogenesis occurs in 1. Drosophila 2. Housefly 3. Honey bee 4. All of these Which extraembryonic membrane in human prevents desiccation of embryo inside uterus 1. Yolk sac 2. Amnion 3. Chorion 4. Allantois What are the reasons for the people's resistance to the introduction of Bt brinjal in India? A. Bt brinjal has been created by inserting a gene from a soil fungus into its genome. B. The seeds of Bt brinjal are terminator seeds and therefore, the farmers have to buy the seeds before every season from the seed companies. C. There is an apprehension that the consumption of Bt brinjal may have adverse impact on health. D. There is some concern that the introduction of Bt brinjal may have adverse effect on the biodiversity. Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (1) A, B and C only (2) B and C only (3) C and D only (4) A, B, C and D

Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant is called: 1-Xenogamy 2-Geitonogamy 3-Karyogamy 4-Autogamy Where do certain symbiotic microorganisms normally occur in human body ? (1) Oral lining and tongue surface (2) Vermiform appendix and rectum (3) Duodenum (4) Caecum Which is not a function of cortisol?

(1) convert amino acids to glucose (2) convert fats to fatty acids (3) increase blood sugar levels in response to stress (4) increase glucose uptake by muscles Mitotic stage are not observed in: 1. Cosmarium 2. E. coli 3. Sachharomyces 4. Chlorella The division between the nervous system and endocrine system is called the: (1) thalamus (2) pituitary gland (3) hypothalamus (4) parathyroid gland What type of placentation is seen in sweet pea? (1) Basal (2) Axile (3) Free Central (4) Marginal Which one of the following statements about the events of noncyclic photophosphorylation is NOT correct? 1. ATP and NADPH are not produced. 2. Photolysis of water takes place 3. O2 is released 4. None Select the correct statement from the ones given below: 1-Barbiturates when given to criminals make them tell the truth 2-Morphine is often given to persons who have undergone surgery as a painkiller. 3-Chewing tobacco lowers blood pressure and heart rate 4-Cocaine is given to patients after surgery as it stimulates recovery At Birth How Many Bones Were present in Homo Sapiens and later in Adult ? A 209 - 300 B 290 - 250 C 300 - 206 D 206 300 A person meet with an accident and great loss of blood has occured. There is not time to analyse his blood groups. It is safe to transfuse blood of (1) AB, Rh+ (3) O, Rh (2) AB, Rh (4) O, Rh+ Animals that possess homologous structures probably (1) are headed for extinction (2) evolved from the same ancestor (3) have increased genetic diversity (4) by chance had similar mutations independently in the past Which one of the following is wrongly matched?

1. Cassia Twisted aestivation 2. Root pressure Guttation 3. Puccinia Rust 4. Root Exarch protoxylem A prokaryotic autotrophic nitrogen fixing symbiont found in 1. Pisum 2. Alnus 3. Cycas 4. Cicer The ciliated columnar epithelial cells in humans areknown to occur in 1. Fallopian tubes and urethra 2. Eustachian tube and stomach lining 3. Bronchioles and Fallopian tubes 4. Bile duct and oesophagus The hcp and ccp structure for a given element would be expected to have (1) the same alignment of layers. (2) the same density (3) the same packing fraction (4) All the above Which of the following stopped the action of salivary amylase ?? 1. mineral salts 2. mucus 3. pepsinogen 4.hydrochrolic acid Tobacco plants resistant to a nematode have been developed by the introduction of DNA that produced (in the host cells) : (1) A particular hormone (2) An antifeedant (3) A toxic protein (4) Both sense and anti-sense RNA The following points about microfilaments are true except (1) They form cytoskeleton with microtubules (2) They provide support and shape (3) They form intracellular conducting channels (4) They are involved in muscle cell contraction

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