Studia: Universitatis Babeş - Bolyai Geographia 2

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CUPRINS CONTENT SOMMAIRE INHALT O. POP, J.- C. THOURET, V. SURDEANU, Geomorphological Features of Holocene Landslides in the Pliocene-Quaternary Stratovolcano Massif of Sancy (France) * Caracteristici geomorfologice ale alunecrilor de teren holocene din masivul stratovulcanic pliocen-cuaternar Sancy (Frana) .............................................. 5 V. SOROCOVSCHI, W. SCHREIBER, T. BILACO, CS. HORVATH, Morphometric Characteristics of the Relief in the Southern Part of Somean Plateau * Caracteristicile morfometrice ale reliefului din sudul Podiului Somean ......... 15 I. MAC, N. HODOR, MARIA HOSU, Differentiation of the Geomorphologic Environmental State in Oa Mountains * Diferenieri ale strii geomorfologice environmentale n Munii Oaului................................................................................. 23 ANDREA GL, Classification of Mud Volcanoes of the Eastern and Central Part of the Transylvanian Depression * Clasificarea vulcanilor noroioi din estul i centrul Depresiunii Transilvaniei....................................................................................................... 31 I. IRIMU, FL. FODOREAN, D. PETREA, I. RUS, P. COCEAN, O. POP, The Role of Relief in the Planning of Roads and in the Arrangement of the Roman Camps in Dacia Porolissensis * Rolul reliefului n proiectarea drumurilor i amplasarea castrelor romane din Dacia Porolissensis ....................................................... 39 T. TUDOSE, F. MOLDOVAN, Diurnal Variation and Duration of Significant Summer Rains in North-Western Romania * Variaia diurn i durata ploilor semnificative specifice sezonului cald, n zona de nord-vest a Romniei...................... 49 O. GACEU, Thermic inversions in the area of Oradea *Inversiunile termice n arealul Oradea .............................................................................................................. 63 T. BILACO, G.I.S. Model for Achieving the Spatial Correlation between Mean Multi-annual Precipitations and Altitude * Model determinist G.I.S. Realizarea corelaiei spaiale a precipitaiilor medii multianuale cu altitudinea ........................... 71

V. SOROCOVSCHI, CS. HORVATH, T. BILACO, Water Balance in the Southern Part of Somean Plateau * Bilanul apei din latura sudic a Podiului Somean ........................................................................................................ 79 M. ALEXE, Importance of Salt Mining in the Formation of Salt Lake Basins in the Transylvanian Depression * Importana exploatrilor de sare n formarea cuvetei lacurilor srate din Depresiunea Transilvaniei ................................................ 89 M. DIA, D. WEINDORF, C. THOMPSON, H. CUMMINGS, H. CACOVEAN, T. RUSU, Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Soils of Erath County, Texas * Distribuia spaial a metalelor grele din solurile districtului Erath, Texas ................ 99 P. SDERBAUM, Economics for Sustainable Development. A Plea for Pluralism * tiinele economice i dezvoltarea durabil. O pledoarie pentru pluralism....................... 115 J. BENEDEK, Regional Disparities in Romania During the Last Century * Dispariti regionale n ultimul secol, n Romnia ..................................................... 125 CAMELIA-MARIA KANTOR (CHINDRI), The 2008 World Economic Crisis. Its Effect on Turda-Campia Turzii Industrial Area * Criza economic mondial din 2008. Efectele acesteia n arealul Turda-Cmpia Turzii................................................. 133 C. C. POP, The Geographical Realities Defined by the State of Disparity. Models for Slaj County (Romania) * Realitile geografice definite prin starea de disparitate. Modele din judeul Slaj (Romnia)......................................................... 141 GR. P. POP, V. BODOCAN, The Elections of Mayors in Cluj County, Romania, in June 2008 * Alegerea primarilor n judeul Cluj, Romnia, n iunie 2008 ................. 147 P. MNDRU, The Evolution of the Population from the Someul Mic Valley, in the Period 1850-2002 * Evoluia populaiei de pe valea Someului Mic, n perioada 1850-2002.......................................................................................................................... 155 ELENA SOCHIRC, The Evolution of the National Structure of the Population in the City of Chiinu * Evoluia structurii etnice a populaiei oraului Chiinu ............. 169 P. MNDRU, The structure of the population in the Someul Mic Valley according to gender, age groups and living environment between 1850-2002 * Structura pe sexe, grupe de vrst i mediu a populaiei de pe valea Someului Mic, n perioada 1850-2002 .................................................................................................... 183 O. POP, M. GUITTON, V. SURDEANU, Lerosion sur les sentiers de randonnee et leurs amenagements dans le Massif du Sancy (Massif Central Franais) * Eroziunea pe potecile turistice i amenajarea lor n Masivul Sancy........................... 193 T. DEZSI, The Role of Hydrography in the Genesis and Individualization of the System of Settlements and in the Socio-Economic Evolution of Lpu Land (II) * Rolul hidrografiei n geneza i individualizarea sistemului de aezri i a evoluiei socio-economice a rii Lpuului (II) ........................................................ 203 N. CIANG, Specific Human-Geographical Features and the Tourism Alternative of Development of Some Rural Settlements with Monoindustrial Function in the Period of Transition. Case Study: Srmag Commune, Slaj County * Caracteristici geografico-umane i alternativa turistic de dezvoltare a unor aezri rurale cu funcie monoindustrial n perioada de tranziie. Analiz de caz: localitatea Srmag, judeul Slaj ..................................................................................... 213 D. RUS, Provincia Corvinia Conurbatio * Conurbaia Provincia Corvinia ...................... 221

H. V. CONIU, Critical Aspects Concerning the Rural Tourism Development in Trnava Basin * Aspecte critice privind dezvoltarea turismului rural n bazinul Trnavei ...................................................................................................................... 227 N. POPA, Synchronism and Dephasing in the Spatial and Qualitative Development of Tourism in Timioara and Banat * Sincronism i defazare n dezvoltarea spaial i calitativ a turismului n Timioara i Banat ...................................................................... 233 SIMONA MLESCU, Structural Transformation of the Geodemographic Load in Residential Areas with Apartment Buildings during the Transition Period. Case Study: Trgu Jiu * Transformarea structural a ncrcturii geodemografice a zonelor rezideniale de tip bloc n perioada de tranziie. Studiu de caz: oraul Trgu Jiu ..................................................................................................................... 245 AL. PCURAR, New Tendencies in the International Tourism Transportation with a Special Look on Air Transportation and Tourism Cruises * Noi tendine n circulaia turistic internaional, cu privire special asupra transporturilor aeriene i croazierelor turistice................................................................................... 259 R. RUSU, Erasmus IP Programme Europes socio-cultural borders inherited perceptions and the modern landscapes. Insights from Lithuania 2008 * Programul intensiv Erasmus IP Frontierele sociale i culturale ale Europei percepiile motenite i peisajele moderne................................................................ 271 SILVIA IRIMIEA, European and National Recognition of Vocational Qualifications and Competences in Tourism * Recunoaterea european i naional a calificrilor i competenelor vocainale in turism...................................................... 283 NOTES AND BOOK REVIEWS NOTE I RECENZII George Cristea (2007), Regi i diplomai suedezi n spaiul romnesc (secolele XVII-XX) [Swedish Kings and Diplomats in the Romanian Space (17th-20th centuries)], Romanian Academy Publishing House. Transylvanian Study Center, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN (13) 978-973-7784-18-6, 273 pages, numerous figures, illustrations, alphabetical index (AL. PCURAR) ........................................291 Alain Kerjean (2007), Voyage en Roumanie, de la Transylvanie au Delta du Danube (A Journey to Romania, from Transylvania to the Danube Delta), Editions Glnat La Socit de Gographie, Paris (AL. PCURAR) .......................293 Pop Clin Cornel (2008), Turism i dezvoltare durabil judeul Slaj, 193 p., format B 5, Casa Crii de tiin, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978-976-133-198-0 (N. C IANG) ......296

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