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Welcome to

This pack is an innovative collection of learners speech, writing

and reading texts with line-by-line commentaries on the evidence
of language use that they display. Designed for teachers and
trainers, each exemplar is linked to the National Standards by
detailed comment on all relevant aspects. The project was
commissioned and developed by the Adult Basic Skills Strategy
Unit and supported by an advisory group drawn from ESOL
awarding bodies and QCA consultants. Its aim is to aid
practitioners in understanding levelness the level of a learners
language by real-life demonstrations. These pieces of learners
work cover a wide range of contexts. They are not intended to
illustrate the whole range of skills needed to show level
achievement, but demonstrate graphically how particular
skills are evidenced.
ESOL Exemplars
Speaking and Listening
from Entry 1 to Level 2
A resource for teachers
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The Awarding Bodies Consultative Group, comprising
Cambridge ESOL, City and Guilds/Pitman, English Speaking
Board, Edexcel, National Open College Network and Trinity
College representatives, put signicant and eective eorts
during a very busy time into reviewing, trialling with
practitioners and shaping the exemplars.
School of English Studies, University of Nottingham,
for providing linguistic expertise underpinning the
commentaries on all exemplar material. City and Islington
College for recordings and speaking and listening tasks. The
College of North West London, City and Islington
College, Croydon Continuing Education and Training
Service, Flo-Joe, Liverpool Community College,
Newcastle College, and Wirral Metropolitan College,
for reading and writing texts and tasks. Many thanks to the
teachers and learners who agreed for their work to be
published here. Texts for Reading E1 Exemplar 1, E2 Exemplar
1, E3 Exemplar 1 from the Talent Pathnders web site www. Illustration of teddy bear courtesy of www. Thanks to the following for permission
to reproduce their copyright material:
Reading E3 Exemplar 2 Mersey Travel
Reading L2 Exemplar 1 Boystu and SIMKey
Reading L2 Exemplar 2 Times Newspapers and Dorothy
Writing E2 Exemplar 2 Language and Literacy Unit Plus.
Thanks to the cations and Curriculum Authority
for developing the exemplar concept to complement work
on the accreditation of new ESOL qualications and for
subsequent active involvement with the work of the
Consultative Group.
Thanks to NATECLA and ESOL Pathnders for facilitating
comments and communication in the sector.
This publication was developed by Robcaro as part of the
Alphaplus/BTL/Robcaro consortium.
Further copies of this publication can be obtained from:
LSIS publications
Telephone 0845 270 2238
Fax 0845 838 1207
Please quote ref: EXESOL
Extracts from this document may be reproduced for non-
commercial education or training purposes on condition that
the source is acknowledged.
Crown Copyright 2004
Produced by the Department for Education and Skills
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Page 1
Introduction 2
Project outline 2
Disclaimer 2
Rationale and purpose 2
Speaking and Listening exemplars 3
Reading exemplars 3
Writing exemplars 3
Text types and their denition 3
List of texts (including conversations) 4
List of texts 6
Coverage of skills 7
Complexity of language 7
Grammatical accuracy 7
Drafting 7
Engage in discussion 7
Annotations and their headings 7
Annotated example Speaking and Listening 8
Annotated example Reading 10
Annotated example Writing 12
Speaking and Listening exemplars 14
Introduction 14
Contents 15
E1 Exemplar 1 Mounir Conversation with new teacher 16
E1 Exemplar 2 Mounir and Elizabeth Classroom task 18
E1 Exemplar 3 Djamila, Jenny, Clementine Description of couscous pot 20
E2 Exemplar 1 Jade Personal history 22
E2 Exemplar 2 Jade Future plans 24
E2 Exemplar 3 Adeline, Kumrije, Gilson Smoking discussion 26
E3 Exemplar 1 Dino and Enrique Directions and Ecuador 28
E3 Exemplar 2 Fuensanta and Geraldo Mobile phone instructions 30
E3 Exemplar 3 Juan, Nicolas, Ana, Sylvie, Luca Congestion charge 32
L1 Exemplar 1 Jadwiga, Miguel, Alexia Restaurant interview 34
L1 Exemplar 2 Alexia and Jadwiga Tenants complaint 36
L1 Exemplar 3 Lilo, Leonora, Fernando, Marta Desert island 38
L2 Exemplar 1 Paul and Steve Neighbours negotiation 40
L2 Exemplar 2 Mirosh, teachers Job interview restaurant manager 42
L2 Exemplar 3 Abdul Presentation on Liberia 44
Reading exemplars 46
Introduction 46
Contents 47
E1 Exemplar 1 Learning centre timetable 48
E1 Exemplar 2 Zohras baby 50
E2 Exemplar 1 My name is Lynette 52
E2 Exemplar 2 Mustafas story 54
E3 Exemplar 1 Skin care products 56
E3 Exemplar 2 Travel information 58
L1 Exemplar 1 Interview techniques 60
L1 Exemplar 2 Mullah Nasruddin and the candle 62
L2 Exemplar 1 Simkey web page 64
L2 Exemplar 2 The English patient 66
Writing exemplars 68
Introduction 68
Contents 69
E1 Exemplar 1 My country is Eritrea 70
E1 Exemplar 2 Christmas card 72
E1 Exemplar 3 E-mail to Marie 74
E1 Exemplar 4 Sickness note 76
E2 Exemplar 1 Living in London 78
E2 Exemplar 2 Coming to the UK 80
E2 Exemplar 3 Directions 82
E3 Exemplar 1 Half-day tour 84
E3 Exemplar 2 Lord of the Rings 86
E3 Exemplar 3 Shift notes 88
L1 Exemplar 1 Letter of complaint 90
L1 Exemplar 2 Being overweight 92
L1 Exemplar 3 Management consultants report 94
L2 Exemplar 1 Information for new employees 96
L2 Exemplar 2 Failings of education 98
L2 Exemplar 3 College catering report 100
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Project outline
This exemplication project was commissioned by the
Adult Basic Skills Strategy Unit to support the teaching
and assessment of ESOL. The development of national
standards for adult literacy, a national adult ESOL core
curriculum and a national teacher training
programme have made it possible to establish a
common understanding of what constitutes
progression in ESOL, both in teaching and learning
and in assessment.
The exemplars presented here support the
establishment and growth of this common
understanding, for practitioners, awarding bodies and
all those involved in ESOL provision and assessment.
This understanding is achieved by illustrating the use
of English at each of the NQF levels covered by the
standards and the curriculum.
Exemplars can of course illustrate only a small amount
of what is actually involved in speaking and listening,
reading and writing. The exemplars oered in this
publication demonstrate some but not all aspects of
the skills, knowledge and understanding required at a
given level.
The contexts similarly aim to be representative, but are
by no means comprehensive. Certain types of
common writing and speaking and listening are not
included, and thus some skills are not covered. A total
of 16 Speaking and Listening exemplars, 15 Writing
exemplars and ten Reading exemplars have been
compiled to cover a selection of skills.
To ensure that the exemplars were aligned with new
developments in ESOL awards, an awarding body
consultative group was established at the outset of
the project and has met regularly throughout.
These exemplars are presented here in a way that is
designed to make them easily accessible to busy
practitioners. Each is arranged, with its annotations,
across a double-page spread, so that all details are
visible at once.
The text lies in the centre of each double-page. Boxes
around it pick up the three areas of each mode text,
sentence and word focus for Reading and for Writing;
speak to communicate, listen and respond, and
engage in discussion for Speaking and Listening.
Additional line-by-line annotations point out features
of language in the ESOL core curriculum.
The exemplars do:
show the work of learners who are mainly secure
in a level, but also have skills which may be below
or above that level
comment on how far various learners have
achieved the learning outcomes in the ESOL
curriculum in relation to a particular level
provide a practical demonstration of a reasonable
range of skills across the three modes: speaking
and listening; reading and writing
show some of the features of progression in
language acquisition and development
for Speaking and Listening, present interactions
showing ESOL levels in a range of contexts
demonstrate how reading texts demand dierent
degrees and types of skills at the ve levels
for Writing, show handwritten and typed texts in
their nal drafts in some of the main genres at all
The exemplars do not:
demonstrate the skills needed to reach a level
model excellence at a level
represent model tasks or assignments
represent models for assessment
represent model answers or performance.
Rationale and purpose
Each text (Speaking and Listening, Reading, Writing) is
chosen to exhibit levelness characteristic features
that allow an assessor to make judgements about the
level of the text within the ve levels of the National
Levelness is a term that reached wide acceptance
during the process of developing the ESOL Skills for
Life awards. It refers to the ways in which a text or
interaction demonstrate that the language is at Entry
1, 2, 3, Level 1 or Level 2 (or in some cases Level 3).
Note that the grammatical accuracy of Level 2 writing
is likely to be higher than that of Level 2 speaking,
which usually requires instant performance whereas
writing can go through several drafts. The order of the
exemplars within each level does not reect
improvement within that level.
ESOL Exemplars
Page 2
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Page 3
Speaking and Listening exemplars
A theme of personal information runs through the
Speaking and Listening exemplars. from E1 to L2. This
theme helps to demonstrate increasing complexity
through the levels. Progression is shown by
increasingly demanding contexts, situations, subjects
and language. The levels are not solely about doing
similar things better, but about doing dierent and
more di cult things, so at higher levels the personal
information is interwoven and more complex in
nature as well as in expression.
At E1 Mounir delivers information about himself and
asks personal questions of a teacher, while at L2
Mirosh is responding to questions in a challenging job
interview with two native speakers.
In between these two extremes the personal
information texts cover the following contexts:
E2 personal and family history, migration, asylum; E3
discovering a persons background and country
information; L1 discussing background in a job
The other texts at each level cover a range of other
types. The aim here is to give an indication of overall
range while not seeking to match all the descriptors.
The other text types evince dierent sorts of language
in terms of lexis, discourse, grammar and function.
At E1 there is a classroom situation with instructions
and clarication, plus the description of a couscous
pot, an everyday description exercise. At E2 there are a
discussion on career aims and courses and a
discussion on smoking. At E3 there is an explanation
of a technical process and the associated checking
back and corrections. There is also a discussion of the
London congestion charge. At L1 there is a persuasive
conversation among tenants on problems in a at and
then discussion with the landlord expressing
dissatisfaction. This is balanced by a discussion on
objects to bring to a desert island. Finally at L2 a pair
of neighbours hold a conversation focusing on a
potentially di cult negotiation about dustbins, and a
Liberian gives a presentation on the history and
politics of his country.
Conventions: line numbers are supplied and
triangular brackets <> identify where two speakers
speak at once.
Reading exemplars
These exemplars dier from the Speaking and
Listening and the Writing exemplars in that no actual
learner language is involved. Reading is a receptive
language mode and cannot be exemplied in the
same way as a productive mode.
Instead, the exemplars show the type of text that
learners at the various levels should engage with
successfully and the language features that may
evidence their skills. This ensures a consistent layout
for the exemplars.
The text types or genres are as follows:
At E1 there are a greeting card and a learning centre
timetable. At E2 there are two personal narrative and
descriptive texts from a teacher and a learner. At E3
there are a vocational course handout and a travel
information leaet. At L1 there are a folk story and a
textbook extract. At L2 there are a webpage
advertisement and a magazine article.
These texts show functions including information,
greeting, description, narrative, explanation, argument
and persuasion.
Conventions: paragraphs are numbered where there
are paragraphs. Annotated text is emboldened if the
annotation applies only to part of a line. Annotations
linked to lines that do not have emboldened text
apply to all the text in the line.
Writing exemplars
At E1 there are four short pieces of writing personal
information, e-mail greeting, Christmas Card greetings
and a note to a teacher. Otherwise there are three
texts per level, with the text types designed to show
the relevant range within and across levels. They
include important functions such as instruction,
narrative, description, persuasion, complaint and
argument, and important types of writing such as e-
mails, formal and informal letters, essays, articles,
reports and job information.
Conventions: paragraphs are numbered where
there are paragraphs. Annotated text is emboldened
if the annotation applies only to part of a line.
Annotations linked to lines that do not have
emboldened text apply to all the text in the line.
Text types and their defnition
All texts are dened in terms of:
what is being talked/written about (activity/subject
who is talking (social interaction/roles and
relationships Speaking and Listening)
what is the context (Reading and Writing)
what kind of talk/language (eg conversation/story/
commentary on actions/information leaet/lm
These headings are used in each exemplar.
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ESOL Exemplars
Introduction Page 4
List of texts
Texts are listed here by:
level and title
type (genre in
Reading and Writing
or the context of the
interaction in
Speaking and
high-level language
Speaking and Listening
Level Title Type Functions
Entry 1 1 Mounir Conversation with a new teacher Teacher and learner exchanging information and
opinions about a college
Personal information
2 Mounir and Elizabeth Classroom task Learners undertaking learning tasks a worksheet Instructions and clarication
3 Djamila, Jenny, Clementine Description of couscous
Description of couscous pot Description, explanation, request for
Entry 2 1 Jade Personal history A learner explains her background Personal information
2 Jade Future plans A learner describes her plans to be a receptionist and
shows her knowledge
Opinions and ideas
3 Adeline, Kumrije, Gilson Smoking discussion Three learners discuss the merits and drawbacks of
Contribution to discussion
Entry 3 1 Dino and Enrique Directions and Ecuador A learner discusses Ecuador, his country, and gives
Personal and factual information, directions
2 Fuensanta and Geraldo Mobile phone instructions A learner explains features of a mobile phone to
another learner
Explanations, checking back and
3 Juan, Nicolas, Ana, Sylvie, Luca Congestion charge Discussion of the London tra c congestion charge Contribution to discussion
Level 1 1 Jadwiga, Miguel, Alexia Restaurant interview A potential kitchen porter learns about the job Personal information, persuasion and
seeking information
2 Alexia and Jadwiga Tenants complaint A tenant persuades another to complain to the
landlord; she resists their eorts
Persuasion and argument
3 Lilo, Leonora, Fernando, Marta Desert island Learners discuss what they would bring to a desert island Contribution to discussion
Level 2 1 Paul and Steve Neighbours negotiation Two neighbours discuss a problem with rubbish Social language, personal information and
2 Mirosh Job interview, restaurant manager A potential restaurant manager argues his case Persuasion, challenge and negotiation
3 Abdul Presentation on Liberia A Liberian explains the history and politics of his country Formal presentation
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Page 5
Level Title Type Functions
Entry 1 1 Learning centre timetable Timetable Information
2 Zohras baby Greetings card Greetings
Entry 2 1 My name is Lynette Personal story Description and narrative
2 Mustafas story Personal story Description and narrative
Entry 3 1 Skin-care products College handout Explanation
2 Travel information Leaet Information
Level 1 1 Interviewing techniques Textbook extract Discursive
2 Mullah Nasruddin and the candle Folk story Narrative with dialogue
Level 2 1 SIMKey web page Web advertisement Persuasion
2 The English patient Newspaper article Case study and argument
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ESOL Exemplars
Introduction Page 6
List of texts
Texts are listed here by:
level and title
type (genre in
Reading and Writing
or the context of the
interaction in
Speaking and
high-level language
Level Title Type Functions
Entry 1 1 My country is Eritrea Personal history Description and feelings
2 Christmas card Greeting card Greeting
3 My house Personal e-mail Greeting
4 Sickness note Note to teacher Apology and request
Entry 2 1 Coming to the UK Learner writing Description and narrative
2 Living in London Personal letter Description
3 Directions Directions to learners home Directions
Entry 3 1 Half-day tour Advertising leaet Persuasive text
2 Lord of the Rings Film review Opinions and ideas
3 Shift notes Notes of o ce events and plans Narrative, instructions and explanations
Level 1 1 A letter of complaint Formal letter Complaint
2 Obesity Learner essay Argument and description
3 Management consultants report Report and notice on takeover and modernisation of
insurance company
Persuasion, proposals and explanations
Level 2 1 Information for new employees Information leaet Information and persuasion
2 Failings of education Magazine article Discursive
3 College catering report Report of survey into college catering Argument and description
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Page 7
Coverage of skills
Though some texts include two drafts, exemplars like
these cannot demonstrate skills such as the use of
reference material or the full process of drafting. There
are also limits on how far the exemplars can
demonstrate listening and reading for gist and for
detail, and the spoken language skills shown in a long
discussion. Hence the list below shows the areas
which the exemplars do not cover.
Engage in discussion Sd some apects of
multi-party discussions
Listen and respond Lr gist or detail
Text focus: reading comprehension Rt gist
or detail
Word focus: vocabulary, word recognition
and phonics Rw use of reference material
Text focus: writing composition Wt some
aspects of drafting
Word focus: vocabulary, spelling and
handwriting Ww use of reference material.
Complexity of language
Grammatical complexity is not a matter of clauses
alone. Most complexity in formal English involves
complex noun phrases with pre- and post-
modication. Examples of complex clause structures
and complex noun phrase construction in spoken
discourse are shown on pages 2845 and 3467 of
the core curriculum.
Issues of complexity aect many texts, and
complexity is of course relative. One text is more or
less complex than another and complexity is also
aected by such matters as a learners knowledge of
content, the relative interpretability of the text and so
on. However, it is still worth underlining that much
complexity in English is patterned by clause structure.
That is, that a main clause plus a subordinate clause is
normally more complex than a main clause. But a
main clause plus an embedded participial clause plus
two subordinate clauses is more complex than a main
clause plus a subordinate clause. And a main clause
itself can be complex if there are noun phrases which
have lots of pre- and post-modiers.
Noun phrases can be a major source of complexity in
English, something highlighted in the description of
formal and informal English in the core curriculum.
Noun phrase complexity is associated with formal
written English but clausal complexity can aect both
informal and formal English. ESOL learners at L1 and
L2 especially need to be able to handle complexity in
reading and writing.
Good examples of the complexity issue raised above
occur in the Information for new employees text (L2
writing exemplar 1) where the writer employs a
number of complex noun phrases (the essential
information about our restaurant that will be helpful; the
shift schedule for next week; any requests for changes or
substitutions). Here the syntax is straightforward but
information is complexly packed into noun phrases
all entirely appropriate for an information-giving genre.
Grammatical accuracy
There is no xed correlation between grammatical
accuracy and level in the exemplars but the general
aim is to show that, whereas grammatical inaccuracy
may interfere with communication at E1, it must never
do so at L2. At this level it is the speakers standing as
a user of English rather than their communication
skills that suers when the grammar is inadequate.
The annotations and the specic grammar comments
for each exemplar demonstrate how grammatical
aspects contribute to meaning and to levelness.
Engage in discussion
In the exemplars the assumption is that all the
conversations in which participants show evidence of
responding to an interlocutor provide evidence that
they have achieved Sd1a, Social interaction, and that
evidence for this normally occurs throughout the
interaction. Some features of social interaction that
would occur in a longer dialogue are omitted in order
to accommodate a transcript of each dialogue or
monologue and notes on our pages.
Utterances, clauses and sentences
It is common in discussions of language for the term
sentence to be used. A sentence is the unit within which
a single clause or a sequence of clauses occurs. It is a
widely used and useful term and is the principal term
used for such structures in the Adult ESOL Curriculum.
In the case of Speaking and Listening the term
sentence is retained in most commentaries, especially
at the less advanced levels. However, in all but the
most formal contexts, when we speak we typically
speak in utterance units not sentences. Across
speaking turns this involves structures that have clear
functions and purposes and which involve single
subordinate clauses that are not sentences, eg:
[A and B are discussing applications for a job]
A: Well actually one person has applied.
B: Um.
A: Which is great. [Reinforces the topic.]
B: Though its all relative, of course. [Evaluates comment.]
When we take extended turns such as telling a story, it
is probable too that we will chain several utterance
units together in a long sequence.
In the context of Speaking and Listening, bear in mind
that the term utterance is in many ways a less familiar
but more accurate descriptive term.
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ESOL Exemplars
Annotated example Speaking and Listening
'' ',:+'.. +.1 '.|:... +| ':.:' . :m,'+. ` |aa| aa6 !tee - Ne|qh|ears' aeqet|at|ea
.c | .c|op|.y . t.|cky orccurto. bot.oor ro|g|bcu.s . rogct|.t|cr
.bcut . ro|g|bcu. p|.c|rg b|r||ro.s c| .ubb|s| cuts|Jo t|o roxtJcc. ro|g|bcu.s
S teve || |.u|, gccJ .|to.rccr
P auI || Stovo, |c...o ycu`
Steve |nO| un|c.vo ycu boor Jc|rg`
PauI |n|nO| .ctu.||y ycu krc.|nust |o.v|rg tc .c.k unrc.boc.uso |n
gc|rg tc st..t .c.k |r |.|| .r |cu.
Steve O| .o|| .|.t |s t|.t ycuvo gct |r t|o b.g`
PauI O| t||s |s ust ny .ubb|s| ycu krc.|nust gc|rg tc |o.vo t|on|r |o.o +cu
krc.| ust |o|t |cno rc., |nust gc|rg tc put t||s .ubb|s| |o.o .rJ |n
gc|rg tc t.ko t|o bus tc .c.k
Steve A| ycu krc.|.u|, ycu krc.|ts ||ko | Jcrt krc.| to|| ycu | Jcrt ..rt
tc bo, | Jcrt ..rt tc bo .rrcy|rg
PauI |c |ts .|| .|g|t ycu krc.ycuvo boor un.ovo boor roxt tc o.c| ct|o. |c. .
|crg t|no |ts .|| .|g|t |ts O|
Steve |o t||rg |s t|.t |c. t|o |.st, |vo boor rct|co t|.t |c. |crg |crg t|no ycu |.vo
boor putt|rg .|| uso. b|r |r ny |rs|Jo c| ny |cuso
PauI O|, .|| .|g|t
!ammar: |ee|aess
|o.o, t.c spo.ko.s uso . ||g| |ovo| c| |r|c.n.| spckor |rg||s| \|t||r t||s ccrtoxt t|oy c.r oxp.oss .rJ
.ospcrJ tc t|o ccnp|.|rt, t|o|. vo.s|cr c| ovorts, ust||y t|o|. pcs|t|cr, .rJ ncvo t|o J|scuss|cr cr tc
. s.t|s|.ctc.y ccrc|us|cr |oy uso . ..rgo c| g..nn.t|c.| ccrst.uct|crs o|oct|vo|y, .rJ . |o.n|rc. o..c.s
..o |..J|y rct|coJ .|or ||stor|rg tc t|on Ary s|c.tccn|rgs |r sortorco ccrst.uct|cr ..o cut.o|g|oJ by
t|o|. gccJ ccnnur|c.t|vo ccnpotorco
Stovo ('c.c) |.s s.t|s|.ctc.y p.crurc|.t|cr .rJ |.u| (V|.cs|) |.s gccJ p.crurc|.t|cr, t|oy ..o bct| ....o
c| t|o Jo|| c| suc| . s|tu.t|cr .rJ ..o |.n|||.. .|t| t|o cu|tu..| rc.ns |c. Jo.||rg .|t| |t, .ry |os|t.rcy |s
r.tu..| tc t|.t s|tu.t|cr ..t|o. t|.r .r |rJ|c.t|cr c| ||rgu|st|c ||n|t.t|cr |oy |.vo t|o ||rgu|st|c .oscu.cos
.oou|.oJ tc rogct|.to t|o|. ..y tc . .osc|ut|cr c| t|o p.cb|on.|||o n.|rt.|r|rg . gccJ |crgto.n
.o|.t|crs||p |o sk||| .|t| .||c| t|oy Jc t||s n..ks t|on.s .c.k|rg |.n|y .|t||r |ovo| 2
8r|ef te |earaer 1
+cu ..o . po.scr .|c |.s |c. . |crgt|no su|o.oJ|.cnycu.
ro|g|bcu.s .ubb|s| bo|rg|o|t |r ycu. g..Jor +cu Joc|Jo tc .sk ycu.
ro|g|bcu. rct tc|o.vo t|o|. Justb|r .rJ .ubb|s||rycu. g..Jor
8r|ef te |earaer 1
+cu ..o . ro|g|bcu. .|c ..rts tc st.y cr gccJ to.ns .|t| t|o
What |s |e|aq ta|ke6 a|eat
|r|.n|||.. ccnnur|ty tcp|c
Whe |s ta|k|aq
.c | |r ur|.n|||.. s|tu.t|cr
What k|a6 ef ta|k
|xp.oss |oo||rgs, ||kos .rJJ|s||kos, s|c.ccrsoouorco, n.ko .oouosts,
n.ko suggost|crs, us|rg.pp.cp.|.to |c.n.||ty, n.ko c|o.. .rJ
.o|ov.rt ccrt.|but|crs t|.t .ospcrJtc .|.t ct|o. s.ys tcp.cJuco .
s||rg .bcut J||o.ort tcp|cs, oxp.oss cb||g.t|crs .rJ
.o.scrs, g|vo|os,, ...r, uso st..tog|os tc c|..||y .rJ
ccr||rg(og.pp.cp.|.to p|..soc|cgy), t.ko .cccurt c|
||storo.s, noJ|un, pu.pcso .rJs|tu.t|cr
laqaqe |a 6|scass|ea '1/'.
||s ccrvo.s.t|cr oxonp|||os t|o |rto..ct|cr c| t|o |c||c.|rg
Josc.|ptc.s .rJ ccnpcrort sk|||s, krc.|oJgo .rJ|rg
ref 0escr|pter
||ae aes
1 V.ko ccrt.|but|crs .o|ov.rt tc t|o suboct
.rJ |o|p tc ncvo J|scuss|crs |c....J
`+, `,
::, :
.., .,
:., +`
2 ccrt.|but|crs tc J|scuss|cr tc su|t
.uJ|orco, ccrtoxt, pu.pcso .rJ s|tu.t|cr
`, `+
.., :
.., .,
:., +`
4 Suppc.t cp|r|crs .rJ ..gunorts .|t|
5 |so st..tog|os |rtorJoJ tc .o.ssu.o `, ` `.
Stovo st..ts c| .|t| scno .cut|ro scc|.| |rto..ct|cr |t
|s |npc.t.rt tc ||ntc n.|rt.|r . gccJ |crgto.n
.o|.t|crs||p .|t| ||s ro|g|bcu. sc |o Jcos rct .us|
st..|g|t |r .|t| ||s ccnp|.|rt
|.u| .ospcrJs tc ||s ro|g|bcu.s cvo.tu.o by . .o.ssu.|rg
st.tonort, st.oss|rg t|o|. ost.b||s|oJ .o|.t|crs||p
!peak te cemmaa|cate '/'.
||s ccrvo.s.t|cr oxonp|||os t|o |rto..ct|cr c| t|o |c||c.|rg
Josc.|ptc.s .rJ ccnpcrort sk|||s, krc.|oJgo .rJ|rg
ref 0escr|pter
||ae aes
1 Spo.k c|o..|y .rJ ccr|Jort|y |r . ..y .||c|
su|ts t|o s|tu.t|cr
2 |ospcrJ tc c.|t|c|sn.rJ c.|t|c|so ccrst.uct|vo|y |'..'.|
4b, c |vo |.ctu.| .cccurts, ovorts |r t|o
`+.. ...+
5. |.osort |r|c.n.t|cr |r . |cg|c.| soouorco `+..
|opo.toJ uso c| ,o| sc|tors ||s st.tonorts
Stovo |s vo.y tort.t|vo .bcut ncv|rg |rtc t|o
ccnp|.|rt ||s p|..soc|cgy .o.ssu.os t|o ro|g|bcu.
t|.t |o |s rct |rtorJ|rg tc bo .gg.oss|vo .bcut .
to..|tc.|.| |r|.|rgonort but ..t|o. tc sook .r .n|c.b|o
.osc|ut|cr c| . p.cb|on
Stovo |..nos .rJ |ccusos ||s pc|rts .|t| |rt.cJuctc.y
|.crt|rg p|..sos |e ||| | .rJ |e o|e|
.rJ |rJ|c.tos . so.|cus ccnp|.|rt, Jo|.y|rg t|o |np.ct
c| t|o Jot.||s c| t|o


mlaates secea4s
1BHF 40
Page 8
Each Speaking and Listening item has the following components:
Summary shows in a nutshell how the conversation
exemplies the level and refers to component skills
Task explains who is
talking, what is said and
what kind of
conversation it is
Brief to learners the
original instructions to
the learners who
roleplayed the
Speak to communicate;
Listen and respond;
Engage in discussion
these are tables
showing the level
descriptors and
component skills in
relation to relevant lines
of the conversation
Transcript a broad
transcription of the
learners speech into
English words with
punctuation as for
written language.
Length of audio
Speakers initial
Number of exemplar in level:
1, 2 or 3 does not denote increasing skill
Names of speakers
ESOL_Exemplars_Intro.indd 8 25/06/2009 12:11
Page 9
Steve ArJ
PauI \o|| | no.r |
Steve | Jcrt ..rt tc bo .rrcy|rg but ycu c.r p.cb.b|y |gu.o cut t|o p.cb|ons
t|.t | c.r |.vo .|t| t|.t |spoc|.||y .|or t|o c.ts ccno |o.o .rJ t|oy .|p t|o ArJ .|| t|o b|r gcos cr ny g..Jor .rJ | |.vo tc c|o.r |t
PauI ||g|t \o|| ycu krc.| n.ko su.o t|.t | put t|on|rs|Jo t|o b|r ycu krc.|
ust Jcrt |o.vo t|oncuts|Jo |r . p|.st|c b.g sc ||| n.ko su.o ||| put t|on
|rs|Jo t|o b|r sc t|o c.ts c.rt Jc .ryt||rg
Steve cs t|o p.cb|on|s t|.t |vo boor |.v|rg tc c|o.r t|o g..Jor ovo.y s|rg|o J.y
|c. .|| t||s t|no .rJ .s |.. .s | rct|co ycu J|Jrt rct|co .bcut t|.t`
PauI O| yo.|
Steve | Jcrt .o.||y ..rt tc bo .rrcy|rg but |t |s st.oss|u| |c. no
PauI | ccnp|oto|y .|.t ycu.o s.y|rg, |ts ust t|.t | J|Jrt .o.||so t|.t |t
s|cu|J |.vo boor .ry p.cb|on|c. ycu |ts ust t|.t | |.vort gct t|o b|r |r
|.crt c| ny |cuso sc |nputt|rg |t .t ycu.s |c. t|o ncnort unbut ||| n.ko
su.o | ||| rct put t|on.rync.o |r t|o.o
Steve +cu krc.t|oy c.r .sk |c. b|r |.cnt|o ccurc||
PauI |.ts .|.t |ngc|rg tc Jc
Steve boc.uso
PauI | .skoJ .|.o.Jy t|o.o ..s . Jo|.y .rJ | Jcrt krc..|y | c.||oJ t|ont.|co
unbut .ry..y t|.ts rct .r oxcuso boc.uso | s|cu|J |.vo tc|J ycu .|.t
Steve | Jcrt .o.||y n|rJ ycu putt|rg |r ny b|r but putt|rg |r ny g..Jor cr t|o
|cc. ycu c.r |n.g|ro
PauI ||g|t .|g|t, | no.r .|or | put t|onnyso||, | .|..ys put t|on|rs|Jo t|o b|r
V.ybo ny .||o s|o .|..ys, scnot|nos s|o puts t|oncuts|Jo t|o b|r ycu
krc..rJ yo.| s|o s|cu|J |.vo ||ko put t|on|rs|Jo t|o b|r but ||| n.ko su.o
||| got ny c.r b|r .rJ ||| put t|on|r |.crt c| ny |cuso
Steve O|
PauI Sc..y .bcut t|.t
Steve O| | |cpo ycu.o rct gc|rg tc |.ppor .g.|r
PauI |c rc |t .crt ||| n.ko su.o c| |t
|.u|, ||ko ||s ro|g|bcu., n.kos .r o|c.t tc n.|rt.|r .
gccJ |crgto.n.o|.t|crs||p |o .ckrc.|oJgos t|o
ro|g|bcu.s oxp|.r.t|cr c| t|o p.cb|on, .|t| |||| |o
sc|tors ||s c.r vo.s|cr c| ovorts by bog|rr|rg
/e|| ,oo |o.
Stovo suppc.ts t|o c|.|n|o |.s n.Jo .|t| ov|Jorco
t|o tc.r b|r .rJ .ubb|s| |r t|o g..Jor
Stovo |o|ps tc ncvo t|o J|scuss|cr |c....J by
suggost|rg .ct|cr .||c| .cu|J t|o s|tu.t|cr
Stovo n.kos . ccrcoss|cr but .o|r|c.cos ||s n.|r
\|or ||s ro|g|bcu. |rs|sts t|.t t|o ..o rct
.|..ys put |rs|Jo t|o b|r, |.u| sooks tc n.|rt.|r t|o
.o|.t|crs||p by s|c.|rg t|.t t|oy ..o bct| .|g|t (.rJ
b|.n|rg ||s .||o)
|o t.c ro|g|bcu.s |r|s| c| t|o|. rogct|.t|cr .|t|
.r .g.oonort
||stea aa6 respea6 './'.
||s ccrvo.s.t|cr oxonp|||os t|o |rto..ct|cr c| t|o |c||c.|rg
Josc.|ptc.s .rJ ccnpcrort sk|||s, krc.|oJgo .rJ|rg
ref 0escr|pter
||ae aes
4 V.ko .o|ov.rt ccrt.|but|crs .rJ |o|p tc ncvo
t|o J|scuss|cr |c....J
`+, `,
::, :
.., .,
:., +`
/e||. | eo .rJ /e||. ,oo |o...o t.c succoss|u| usos
c| .e|| .s . J| n..ko. |rJ|c.t|rg |os|t.rcy but
.|sc . rooJ tc ccr|.crt .r |ssuo
|.u| .occgr|sos t|o v.||J|ty c| t|o ccnp|.|rt
| co|e|e|, oJe|oJ .|o| ,ooe o,| .rJ o,.o,.
||o| o ecoe ecooe | |oo|J |o.e |o|J ,oo (||ro 3)
Succoss|u| uso c| o,.o, .s . J| n..ko. bct|
|c. .rJ |c. sunn..y
|reaaac|at|ea '/'.`
|oy c.r bct| uso st.oss .rJ |rtcr.t|cr tc ccrvoy ru.rcos c|
no.r|rg |o |.ck c| .gg.oss|cr |r t|o|. .pp.c.c| tc o.c| ct|o. |s
ccrvoyoJ by t|o|. |rtcr.t|cr .s .o|| .s by t|o|. .c.Js Stovo usos
.|s|rg |rtcr.t|cr (||ros 1921) .s |o oruno..tos t|o o|onorts c| t|o
p.cb|on, .rJ . |.|| tc .o|r| t|o ccnp|ot|cr c| || | |e|o| |o e |r
(||ro 28) bct| ..t|cu|.to t|o scurJs c| |rg||s| |r |uort ccrroctoJ
spooc|, |.u| |.s t|o c|o..o. p.crurc|.t|cr .|||st Stovos |s scno.|.t
|.bcu.oJ but |t Jcos rct |npoJo ccnp.o|ors|cr
bct| spo.ko.s ..o .b|o tc |c.nccnp|ox .rJ ccnpcurJ sortorcos,
.rJ nuc| c| t|o spooc| |s typ|c.| c| spckor |rg||s| |r us|rg |.|.|y
|ccso|y ccrst.uctoJ c|.|rs c| c|.usos A ..rgo c| .pp.cp.|.to torsos
..o usoJ .|t| bct| s|np|o .rJ|vo .spoct |.u| usos t|o ncJ.|
|c.n|oo|J |o.e cc..oct|y (||ros 3 .rJ 43) t|cug| |r ||ro 30 |o usos
|oo|J |c. .oo|J A |o.n|rc. |rccrs|storc|os .|t| p.crcurs .rJ
p.opcs|t|crs Jc rct |npoJo ccnp.o|ors|cr
$VSSJDVMVNDPWFSBHF Sc/L2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 - Sd/L2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 - Lr/L2.4


1BHF 41
A list of level descriptors and component skills for the
dialogue or monolgue
Grammar notes on how
the grammatical
strengths and weaknesses
exemplify the level
Pronunciation notes on
how the phonological
aspects of the
conversation exemplify
the level
In-text annotations
notes on individual
utterances which
demonstrate the level
Audio on CD and cassette
the original conversation as
transcribed and annotated.
Speak to communicate;
Listen and respond;
Engage in discussion
these are tables
showing the level
descriptors and
component skills in
relation to relevant lines
of the conversation
ESOL_Exemplars_Intro.indd 9 25/06/2009 12:11
ESOL Exemplars
Annotated example Reading
Page 10
The Reading items have the following components:
'' ':+1.. +| .|., . :m,'+. . Mastafa's ster
What |s the text!
A p|oco c| po.scr.| ..|t|rg by .r |SO| |
.bcut ||s oxpo.|orco c| |o.v|rg ||s ccurt.y .rJ
ccn|rg tc |rg|.rJ A s|c.t st..|g|t|c....J toxt
cr . |.n|||.. tcp|c Ab|||ty tc Jo.| .|t| t||s toxt
ccr|Jort|y .cu|J ost.b||s|oJ sk|||s
.t |2
What |s the ceatext!
Ar .Ju|t oJuc.t|cr |SO| c|.ss
What |s the |aaqaaqe!
S|np|o r....t|vo us|rg s|np|o, p.osort s|np|o
.rJ p.osort ccrt|rucus torsos \cc.bu|..y .o|.toJ
tc po.scr.| ||stc.y .rJ |.n||y
!eateace fecas '/.
p.opcs|t|cr.| p| c| p|.co s|gr.|s
ccurt.y c| c.|g|r
.Jvo.b|.| p| c| t|no s|c.s .|or
Vust.|. ...|voJ |r |rg|.rJ
subc.J| c|.uso c| t|no |rJ|c.tos
c|.crc|cg|c.| soouorco c| ovorts rct
.occurtoJ |r c.Jo.
ccnpcurJ sortorco ||rks c|||J.ors .rJ
.||os .ct|v|t|os
subc.J| c|.uso c| .o.scr ccrvoys ||rk
bot.oor krc.|oJgo c| |rg||s| .rJ stuJy
subc.J| c|.uso c| .o.scr oxp|.|rs .|y
Vust.|.s .||o st..toJ stuJy|rg |.to. t|.r
|o J|J
!ammar: |ee|aess
|o toxt c.||s |c. .o.J|rg sk|||s .t |2 .s | .t t||s |ovo| c.r cbt.|r |r|c.n.t|cr
|.cn (|t1b), .rJ t|o pu.pcso c| (|t2.), . s|c.t, st..|g|t|c....J toxt
|oy c.r |c||c. . soouorco t|.t |s n.|r|y |r c|.crc|cg|c.| c.Jo. | c.r
p.oJ|ct .|.t k|rJ c| |r|c.n.t|cr t|oy oxpoct tc .o.J |r t||s k|rJ c| toxt (|t2.), .rJ
|Jort||y t|o uso c| torsos (|t1., |s1b) |oy c.r |Jort||y g..nn.t|c.| |o.tu.os .rJ
cc||cc.t|crs (|.2., 3., 4.) |oy c.r t|o soouorco c| t|o torsos (|s1.)
||rg t|o |rJ|v|Ju.| Jot.||s |s |npc.t.rt but t|o |u|| no.r|rg c| t|o toxt
ccnos |.cn|c||c.|rg t|o .ccunu|.t|cr c| Jot.|| |rtc t|o .|c|o stc.y .bcut .
s|gr||c.rt po.|cJ |r t|o ..|to.s |||o | .pp|y . v..|oty c| .o.J|rg st..tog|os tc
|Jort||y t|o typo c| toxt t||s |s, |c||c.t|o c.Jo. c| ovorts tc t|o c|.rgos
t|.t |.vo |.pporoJ tc Vust.|. .rJ ||s |.n||y |r t|o |.st yo.., .occgr|so t|o
|npc.t.rco c| |o..r|rg |rg||s| |c. t|on, .rJ J|sccvo. scnot||rg .bcut Vust.|.s
|.n||ys v.|uos .rJ .nb|t|crs Succoss|u| | .||| bo Joncrst..t|rg socu.o |2
.o.J|rg sk|||s
Wer6 fecas './.
| rooJ tc |.vo . s|g|t vcc.bu|..y c| koy .c.Js
.o|.t|rg tc |.n||y nonbo.s, oJuc.t|cr .rJ .gos,
tcgot|o. .|t| . ..rgo c| ||g||.oouorcy .c.Js, og
coe, o||e, ecooe, o., .oo|J |||e, oo (|.2.) |oy
rooJ tc |.vo st..tog|os |c.||rg |oss |.n|||.. .c.Js
us|rg ccrtoxt, .|crg .|t| krc.|oJgo c| su| xos,
ospoc|.||y |r|oct|cr.| orJ|rgs tc .o.J vo.b |c.ns suc|
.s |o|eJ, o|.eJ, |oo||, |eo|, o| c. t|o
|..ogu|.. p|u..| |c.n c|||Je ||rg ccrtoxt,
uso c| |r|t|.| c.p|t.|s |c. po.scr.| .rJ p|.co r.nos,
s|c.t vc.o| scurJs .rJ ccrscr.rt c|usto.s .||| |o|p
t|on JoccJo |crgo. .c.Js suc| .s ^||co .rJ
ecoJo,, b.o.k|rg t|on Jc.r |rtc sy||.b|os .rJ
.pp|y|rg t|o|. ox|st|rg krc.|oJgo c| p|cr|cs (|.3.)
|oy s|cu|J bo .b|o tc |cck up .ry .c.Js t|oy Jc
rct krc. |r . s|np|||oJ J|ct|cr..y (|.4.)
Mustafa's story
Vy |s Vust.|. .rJ | ccno fromAfrica | tc |rg|.rJ
Iast year .|t| ny .||o .rJ t.c c|||J.or Vy c|||J.or ..o rc. |vo
.rJ sovor yo..s c|J | |.J . gccJ cb |r ny ccurt.y | ..s . V.t|s
to.c|o. |r . soccrJ..y sc|cc| |c. tor yo..s | st..toJ |rg||s|
c|.ssos when I arrived in ngIand but ny .||o ..s busy |cck|rg
.|to. cu. ycurg c|||J.or | c.r spo.k |rg||s| .o|| because I
worked hard tc |o..r t|o |.rgu.go | .cu|J ||ko tc got . cb sccr
Vy .||o J|Jrt stuJy |rg||s| because she was busy .|t| t|o
c|||J.or |c. t|oy ..o gc|rg tc sc|cc| .rJ s|o |s |o..r|rg |rg||s|
1BHF 54
Number of exemplar in level:
1 or 2 does not denote increasing skill
Summary shows how
the tasks and the text
exemplify the level and
refers to component
skills with text, sentence
and word focus; also
indicates key language
Task who the writer
and the audience are,
what the context is and
what kind of language
is used
Sentence focus shows
how the sentence level
descriptors are
Word focus
shows how the word
level descriptors are
Text reading passages
to demonstrate
evidence of level
In-text annotations
notes on individual
language items which
may be used to
demonstrate the level.
ESOL_Exemplars_Intro.indd 10 25/06/2009 12:12
Page 11
Iext fecas '|/.
| rooJ tc krc. t|.t t|t|os c.r bo usoJ tc
p.oJ|ct . toxts pu.pcso .rJ suboct, .occgr|s|rg t|.t
t||s |s ||ko|y tc bo . p|oco c| po.scr.| ..|t|rg .bcut
t|o |||o c| scnocro c.||oJ Vust.|. |o.o ..o rc
p...g..p| J|v|s|crs, s|gr.|||rg t|.t .|| t|o ccrtort |s
||ko|y tc bo cr t|o tcp|c | rooJ tc bo
.b|o tc |c||c.t|o |rto..o.v|rg c|, p.osort .rJ
p.coctoJ ovorts .rJ |r|c.n.t|cr .c.css t|o .|c|o
toxt, us|rg J| n..ko.s .rJ c|.rgos |r vo.b
torso |.cn sortorco tc sortorco tc |o|p t|on |oy
rooJ tc t|.t uso c| , .rJ | t|.cug|cut
s|gr.|s t|.t t|o .|c|o .cccurt |s ..|ttor |r t|o |.st
po.scr |.cnt|o v|o.pc|rt c| Vust.|., t|o po.scr |r
t|o t|t|o
| ..o ||ko|y tc rcto .rJ .ospcrJ tc t|o
J..n.t|c c|.rgo t|.t |.s |.pporoJ |r t|o |||o c|
Vust.|. .rJ ||s |.n||y .rJ n.y spocu|.to cr pcss|b|o
.o.scrs |c. t||s, .||c| t|o stc.y Jcos rct |rc|uJo
|oy n.y .|sc bo .b|o tc JoJuco scnot||rg c|
Vust.|.s .rJ ||s .||os v.|uos |.cn t|o |r|c.n.t|cr
$VSSJDVMVNDPWFSBHF Rt/2.1a, 1b, 2a - Rs/2.1a, 1b, 1c - Rw2.2a, 3a, 4a
Sortorco|ovo| .o.J|rg sk|||s ..o p..t|cu|..|y |npc.t.rt
|o.o .s | rooJ tc .o.J .rJ cbt.|r no.r|rg
|.cnsortorcos c| J||o.ort |orgt| .rJ st.uctu.o,
us|rg krc.|oJgo c| uso c| |r|t|.| c.p|t.|s .rJ |u|| stcps
tc |Jort||y sortorco bcurJ..|os |oy rooJ tc bo .b|o
tc Joto.n|ro p.oc|so no.r|rg c| ||rkoJ Jot.||s c|
|r|c.n.t|cr .|t||r sortorcos by us|rg t|o|.
krc.|oJgo c| t|o J||o.orcos bot.oor ccrurct|crs
||ko oJ, o|, ecooe |oy rooJ tc bo .b|o tc .og|sto.
t|o J| n..ko.s t|.t t|o ..|to. usos tc
soouorco ||s ..|t|rg c|.crc|cg|c.||y, og |o| ,eo, o.,
|o |e ,eo, oo, .rJ uso t|oso .|crg .|t| vo.b
torsos tc .|or . sortorco |s .occurt|rg
|r|c.n.t|cr .bcut t|o .rJ/c. t|o p.osort |oy
s|cu|J bo .b|o tc .occgr|so subc.J| c|.usos c|
t|no bog|rr|rg .|t| .|e .rJ c| .o.scr bog|rr|rg
.|t| ecooe (|s1.) |oy s|cu|J krc.t|.t t|o
suboct c| t|o sortorco |s p|.coJ bo|c.o t|o n.|r
vo.b .rJ t|.t t|o cboct c| t|o vo.b |c||c.s |t (|s1b)
| s|cu|J bo .b|o tc uso t|o krc.|oJgo c|
sortorco st.uctu.o .|t| .||c| t|oy ..|to t|o|. c.r
po.scr.| r....t|vos tc JoccJo t|o sortorcos |r t||s
toxt (|s1c)
| s|cu|J bo .b|o tc |Jort||y t|o t.c subc.J| c|.usos bog|rr|rg .|t|
ecooe, t|o .|e c|.uso .rJ t|o uso c| o| |r t|o ccnpcurJ sortorco Vc.o .b|o
| .||| bo .b|o tc Josc.|bo |c.t|o.o ..o t.c sortorcos c|roJ tcgot|o. |o.o
|oy s|cu|J t|o uso c| t|o p.osort s|np|o tc Josc.|bo .|.t |s
|.ppor|rg rc. |oy s|cu|J t|.t |t |s cc..oct tc uso t|o |rJo|r|to
..t|c|o .|t| /o|| |eoc|e .rJ ccu|J p..ct|so t|o ccrst.uct|cr tc soo t|.t t|o .u|o
.pp||os tc ct|o. cb t|t|os |oy s|cu|J bo .b|o tc p|ck cut s|np|o p.opcs|t|cr.|
p|..sos c| p|.co suc| .s |o^||co .rJ | , coo|, .rJ .Jvo.b|.| p|..sos c| t|no
suc| .s |o| ,eo
1BHF 55
A list of level descriptors and component skills for the text
Text focus
shows how the text
level descriptors are
Grammar notes on
how the grammatical
strengths and weakness
exemplify the level
Sentence focus shows
how the sentence level
descriptors are
ESOL_Exemplars_Intro.indd 11 25/06/2009 12:12
ESOL Exemplars
Annotated example Writing
Page 12
The Writing items have the following components:
'' '..|.. +| .|., . :m,'+. : 0|rect|eas
!ammar: |ee|aess
|o toxt Jcos rct t|o |u|| ..rgo c| sk|||s .t |2 .s t|o.o ..o rc
ccnpcurJ sortorcos, cr|y s|np|o cros, |t soons t|.t t|o | |.s rct yot
|o..roJ |c. tc ccrroct sortorcos tc |c.n ccnpcurJ cros S|o .|sc rooJs tc
p..ct|so t|o uso c| c.p|t.| |otto.s .t t|o bog|rr|rg c| sortorcos |c.ovo., |r ct|o.
.ospocts suc| .s spo|||rg, |.rJ..|t|rg .rJ g..nn.. s|o |s .o|| ost.b||s|oJ .t |2
.rJ |o. .b|||ty tc soouorco c|.crc|cg|c.||y (|r . sot c| J|.oct|crs) suggosts t|.t |r
scno .ospocts s|o |s ncv|rg tc...Js |3
What |s the text!
A sot c| J|.oct|crs tc t|o | |cuso, |rtorJoJ
tc or.b|o . |o||c. stuJort c. |.|orJ tc v|s|t |o.
What |s the ceatext!
A goro..| |SO| c|.ss |r . |u.t|o. oJuc.t|cr
What |s the |aaqaaqe!
cnpcs|rg s|np|o toxt, us|rg s|np|o sortorcos |r
.r .pp.cp.|.to |c.n.t, soouorc|rg . sot c|
J|.oct|crs,|rg t|.t|.o.J|rg |s
p..t c| t|o p.ccoss c| ..|t|rg, us|rg purctu.t|cr
.rJ c.p|t.| |otto.s cc..oct|y, spo|||rg |.n|||.. .rJ
ccnncr .c.Js, p.cJuc|rg |og|b|o toxt
Wer6 fecas './.
Spo|||rg |s, |rc|uJ|rg . runbo. c| p.cpo.
rcurs, .p..t |.cn |e |t |s J|| cu|t tc krc. |c. |..
t|o p.cpo. rcurs |rJ| Jovo|cpnort c| spo|||rg
sk|||s, .s s|o n.y |.vo boor ccpy|rg t|on |.cn .
n.p c. t|not.b|o |o|oJ |s p.osun.b|y |..t|c.J, .rJ
t|o spo|||rg n.y .o|oct |c. s|o p.crcurcos |t
|c.ovo., cc..oct spo|||rg c| oo||e, |o||o .rJ
e|| |rJ| gccJ spo|||rg .b|||ty |c. t|o |ovo|
|o | |.s .r|rg c| |r|t|.| ccrscr.rt
c|usto.s |r |o| .rJ |o||o .rJ c| J|p|t|crgs |r |o|,
ooo| .rJ |ooe (\.1., \.1b) |o |np.cvonort |r
t|o |.rJ..|t|rg bot.oor vo.s|crs 1 .rJ 2 suggosts
t|.t s|o |s ....o c| t|o |np.oss|cr |.rJ..|t|rg g|vos
!eateace fecas '/.
Or|y s|np|o sortorcos ..o usoJ, c|r|rg scno c| t|on
.|t| oJ tc ccnpcurJ sortorcos .cu|J |.vo
. |oss o|oct, but s|o Jcos rct Jc t||s (\s1.)
|r t|o soccrJ vo.s|cr |u|| stcps ..o cc..oct|y usoJ tc
n..k sortorco bcurJ..|os, but t|o.o |s rc c.p|t.|
|otto. .t t|o bog|rr|rg c| t|o soccrJ sortorco, .rJ |t
|s rct c|o.. .|ot|o. t|o .t t|o bog|rr|rg c| t|o |.st
sortorco |s . c.p|t.| c. rct (\s3.) S|o usos c.p|t.|
|otto.s |c. p.cpo. rcurs cc..oct|y (\s4.)
|o|e n|sspo||oJ
..crg c.p|t.||s.t|cr c| o |o
n|sspo|||rg c| |o||oJ n.y bo c.usoJ by
..|to.s p.crurc|.t|cr
7o get to my pIace from DaIby House, .
..|k tc t|o Argo| St.t|cr, t.ko t|o |c.t|o.r
||ro tc |crJcr b.|Jgo At |crJcr b.|Jgo t.ko
t|o |.t|cr.| |.|| t..|r tc ||unsto.J |t t.kos
.bcut 25 mines cno cut c| ||unsto.J
St.t|cr |o 8us Stop |s cppcs|to t|o st.t|cr
.ko |c 96 bus tc Daford ot c| .|to. 3
stcps u.r |o|t, |rtc t|o b.c|c|n |c.J Vy
|cuso |s .t t|o bog|rr|rg c| b.c|c|n |c.J
1BHF 82
Number of exemplar in level:
1, 2 or 3 does not denote increasing skill
Summary shows how
the tasks and the text
exemplify the level and
refers to component
skills with text, sentence
and word focus; also
indicates key language
Task who the writer
and the audience are,
what the context is and
what kind of language
is used
Sentence focus shows
how the sentence level
descriptors are
Word focus shows how
the sentence level
descriptors are
Text written
composition to
demonstrate evidence
of level
In-text annotations
notes on individual
language items which
may be used to
demonstrate the level.
Sentence focus at right
ESOL_Exemplars_Intro.indd 12 25/06/2009 12:12
Page 13
Iext fecas '|/`
|o | |.s ccnpcsoJ s|np|o toxt S|o |.s boor|JoJ .|t| . |c.n.t |rc|uJ|rg . p.cnpt, .||c| s|o
|.s urJo.stccJ |r t|o |.st vo.s|cr s|o .ppo..s tc
|.vo urJo.stccJ t|.t . sot c| |rst.uct|crs ..o .oou|.oJ
tc ccnnur| t|o rocoss..y |r|c.n.t|cr, t|o.oby
Joncrst..t|rg .r ....oross c| .uJ|orco .rJ t|o
.b|||ty tc Joc|Jo .|.t s|cu|J bo |rc|uJoJ S|o Jcos
rct onbcJy t|oso |r cc..oct g..nn.t|c.| |c.nurt||
t|o soccrJ vo.s|cr
|o c|.rgos bot.oor t|o |.st .rJ soccrJ vo.s|crs
|rJ| t|.t t|o | |.s|.o.J t|o |.st .rJ
urJo.stccJ .|.t .ov|s|crs ..o rocoss..y (\t1.) S|o
n.y |.vo |.J |o|p |r |rcc.pc..t|rg t|o v..|cus
|npo..t|vo t|.t|Jo .r .pp.cp.|.to st.uctu.o
|r t|o soccrJ vo.s|cr, but s|o Jcos uso t|o
|npo..t|vo crco |r t|o |.st vo.s|cr oe oo| o| |o
|np.cvonorts ov|Jort |r t|o soccrJ vo.s|cr |rc|uJo
.o|| |rsto.J c| .o||| |r t|o |.st sortorco .rJ
n.k|rg t|o soccrJ sortorco . ccnp|oto cro .|t|
|o|e .s t|o vo.b S|o |.s .|sc .np|||oJ t|o |.st
sortorco c| t|o |.st J..|t |rtc |cu. sortorcos
|rcc.pc..t|rg stops |r t|o |rst.uct|crs,
orsu.|rg t|.t t|o .o.Jo. .cu|J .ctu.||y bo .b|o tc
|rJ |o. |cuso, t|o.oby |rJ|c.t|rg . ....oross
c| |o. .uJ|orco
|npo..t|vos ..o o|oct|vo|y usoJ |r c.Jo. tc n.ko t|o
soouorco c| .ct|crs c|o.., t|o .c.J c.Jo. c| t|o
|rst.uct|crs |s cc..oct, .rJ t|o |
t|.t . p.crcur |s rct rocoss..y .|t| t|o |npo..t|vo
S|o .|sc t|.t ..t|c|os ..o rct rc.n.||y
usoJ .|t| t|o r.nos c| p|.cos, s|o |.s c.cssoJ cut
||e bo|c.o |o|o||ooJ |r t|o poru|t| sortorco
S|o usos t|o s|np|o p.osort cc..oct|y (|| |o|e .rJ
/, |ooe | ) tc .JJ |o|p|u| |r|c.n.t|cr tc c|..||y t|o
|rst.uct|crs S|o usos cro ccnp|ox rcur p| ||e
|o||oo| |o|| |o| |o ||o|eoJ .rJ t.c p.opcs|t|cr.|
p|..sos oo||e ||e |o||o .rJ o| ||e e|| o| tc
ccrvoy p.oc|so |r|c.n.t|cr o|oct|vo|y
$VSSJDVMVNDPWFSBHF Wt/2.1a - Ws/2.1a, 3a, 4a - Ww/2.1a, 1b, 2a 1BHF 83
A list of level descriptors and component skills for the text
Grammar notes on
how the grammatical
strengths and weakness
exemplify the level
Original text as laid out
by learner, where
Text focus shows how
the text level
descriptors are
Learners rst draft,
where relevant
ESOL_Exemplars_Intro.indd 13 25/06/2009 12:12

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