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A fantasia da infidelidade em Othello e sua intertextualidade em Dom Casmurro

Kelvis Santiago Adailton Nunes Jessica Souza Tiago Alves
'But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve, for daws to peck at; I am not what I am.' Act I, Scene
I Othello (The Moor of Venice).

Othello, The Moor of Venice

About the play...

It is categorized as a tragedy It was written approximately in 1603

It was first performed between 1604 and 1605

The first printed version appears in 1622,

some years after Shakespeares death The setting for Othello are Venice and Cyprus


Love Racism

What is a Moor?

A moor was a Muslim of mixed Arab and North African descent.

Summary of the story

Iago is jealous of Cassio after his nomination for

lieutenant. The plan for revenge begins

Zounds, sir, youre robbd; for shame, put on your gown; Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul; Even now, now, very now, an old black ram Is tupping your white ewe.

Brabantio feels betrayed by his daughter,

Desdemona. He gives Othello a very serious advice

Summary of the story

Some of the characters leave for Cyprus. Iago

has some new plans

Its just a glass of wine
Iago puts Cassio in trouble

I didnt want to say, but...

Iago and his subtle way of not saying anything

Summary of the story

Its all about a handkarchief!

Othello really believes that his wife has given her handkarchief away
You shoudnt believe what you hear...

He confessed! Hes really having an affair with her!

A tragic ending

Never trust a jealous man

Dom Casmurro

Analysis of Major Characters

There are some connections we can find in Othellos

and Dom Casmurros characters. They are shown in: personalities, names, actions.


Bento Santiago (Bentinho)


Damn her, lewd minx! O, damn her! Come, go with me apart; I will withdraw, To furnish me with some swift means of death For the fair devil. Now art thou my lieutenant. (Act III, Scene IV Othello)

A vontade que me dava era cravar-lhe as unhas no pescoo, enterr-las bem, at ver-lhe sair a vida com o sangue... (O desespero, cap.75.Dom Casmurro)


Cheguei a ter cimes de tudo e de todos. Um vizinho, um par de valsa, qualquer homem, moo ou maduro, me enchia de terror ou desconfiana. (Embargos de terceiro, cap. 113. Dom

Feeling inferior and Unsecure


My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty: To you I am bound for life and education; My life and education both do learn me How to respect you; you are the lord of duty; I am hitherto your daughter: but here's my husband, And so much duty as my mother show'd To you, preferring you before her father, So much I challenge that I may profess Due to the Moor my lord.

Capitolina (Capitu)
Capitu era Capitu, isto , uma criatura mui particular, mais mulher do que eu era homem. Se ainda o no disse, a fica. Se disse, fica tambm. (As curiosidades de
Capitu, cap. 31. Dom Casmurro)


This to hear would Desdemona seriously incline: But still the house-affairs would draw her thence: Which ever as she could with haste dispatch, She'ld come again, and with a greedy ear Devour up my discourse: which I observing, Took once a pliant hour, and found good means To draw from her a prayer of earnest heart
(Act I, Scene III. OTHELLO)

As curiosidades de Capitu do para um Captulo. (As curiosidades

de Capitu, cap.31. Dom Casmurro)

Tudo era matria s curiosidades de Capitu. (Olhos

de Rssaca, cap.32. Dom Casmurro)


Selfish Depend Ambition
IAGO She did deceive her father, marrying you; And when she seem'd to shake and fear your looks, She loved them most. OTHELLO And so she did.
(Act III, Scene III)

Jos Dias
Tinha-me lembrado a definio que Jos Dias dera deles, olhos de cigana oblqua e dissimulada. Eu no sabia o que era oblqua, mas dissimulada sabia, e queria ver se podiam chamar assim.
(Olhos de ressaca, cap.32. Dom Casmurro)




Handsome Elegant



Alas, poor rogue! I think, i' faith, she loves me. (Act IV, Scene I. CASSIO) Escobar era muito polido e, conquanto falasse mais do que veio a falar depois ainda assim no era tanto como os rapazes da nossa idade; naquele dia achei-o um pouco mais expansivo que de costume. (Visita de Escobar, cap.71. Dom Casmurro)

Main chapters:
LXII Uma ponta de Iago LXXII Uma reforma

dramtica CXXXV Otelo

Uma ponta de Iago

Jos Dias visits Bentinho at the seminar and he

causes the first big crisis of jealousy: - Capitu como vai? -Tem andado alegre, como sempre; uma tontinha. Aquilo enquanto no pegar algum peralta da vizinhana, que case com ela... Estou que empalideci; pelo menos, senti correr um frio pelo corpo todo. A notcia de que ela vivia alegre, quando eu chorava todas as noites, produziu-me aquele efeito, acompanhado de um bater de corao, to violento, que ainda agora cuido ouvi-lo. (DOM CASMURRO,Cap. LXII)

Uma ponta de Iago

From this moment on, jealousy increases

more and more as the narrative progresses. However, this feeling does not result in a homicide or a suicide as we can see in Othello.

Uma reforma dramtica

The narrator suggests, taking as example the Shakespeares play, a renovation of the tragedy genre:
Nem eu, nem tu, nem ela, nem qualquer outra pessoa desta histria poderia responder mais, to certo que o destino, como todos os dramaturgos, no anuncia as peripcias nem o desfecho. Eles chegam a seu tempo, at que o pano cai, apagam-se as luzes, e os espectadores vo dormir. Nesse gnero h porventura alguma cousa que reformar, e eu proporia, como ensaio, que as peas comeassem pelo fim. Otelo mataria a si e a Desdmona no primeiro ato, os trs seguintes seriam dados ao lenta e decrescente do cime, e o ltimo ficaria s com as cenas iniciais da ameaa dos turcos, as explicaes de Otelo e Desdmona, e o bom conselho do fino lago: Mete dinheiro na bolsa. Desta maneira, o espectador, por um lado, acharia no teatro a charada habitual que os peridicos lhe do, porque os ltimos actos explicariam o desfecho do primeiro,esp cie de conceito, e, por outro lado, ia para a cama com uma boa impresso de ternura e de amor: Ela amou o que me afligira, Eu amei a piedade dela. (DOM CASMURRO, Cap. LXXII)

Uma reforma dramtica

The strategy of reconstitute the past would work

in favor of the narrator. It allows him to justify that Capitu as a young underhand girl could easily become the unworthy woman he believed she was.

Bentinho goes to the theater to watch Otelo.

There, identifies himself with the moor and compares Desdemona and Capitu. For him, the moors wife is pure and lovely, victim of a a diabolical plan by Iago: OTELO O the pernicious caitiff! How came you, Cassio, by that handkerchief That was my wife's? CASSIO I found it in my chamber: And he himself confess'd but even now That there he dropp'd it for a special purpose Which wrought to his desire.

On the other hand, for the narrator, Capitu is guilty

of all charges. In that case, she would deserve the cruelest punishment: E era inocente, vinha eu dizendo rua abaixo; -que faria o pblico, se ela deveras fosse culpada, to culpada como Capitu? E quemorte lhe daria o mouro? Um travesseiro no bastaria; era preciso sangue e fogo, um fogo intenso e vasto, que a consumisse de todo, e a reduzisse a p, e o p seria anado ao vento, como eterna extino... (DOM CASMURRO, Cap.CXXXV).

CALDWELL, Helen; O Otelo Brasileiro de Machado

de Assis. traduo Fbio Fonseca de Melo. - Cotia, SP: Ateli Editorial, 2008.
ASSIS, Machado de. Dom Casmurro. Sao Paulo:

tica, 1981.
SHAKESPEARE, William,. Othello: The moor of

Venice. London: Macmillan Company, 1962.

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