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Proposal to Read Little Brother to Further My Future Research and Interests Christy Coghlan Chapin High School

Author's Note Christy A. Coghlan, Chapin High School This proposal's assigment was ordained by Mrs. Carter Correspondence concerning this proposal should be addressed to Christy Coghlan, 604 Wisteria Key Place, Chapin SC, 29036 Contact:


Abstract This paper proposes to read Little Brother, by Cory Doctrowv, and complete two projects based on the reading. The first project is notes taken on the themes of technology and privacy, and the second will be a digital website explaining several of the technologies, and analyzing the right to privacy in a digital age. This project was commisoned by Mrs. Carter in order to further my career research and interests for an upcoming research project.


Proposal to Read Little Brother to Further My Future Research and Interests As a member of Mrs. Carter's Academic Leadership Academy's English 2 class, I am required to read a book of my chioce that somehow relates to my major. I wish to read Little Brother, by Cory Doctrowv, which explores the technologies of today and how they can be used to create and prevent the loss of pricacy. I will take notes on technologies and privacy as I read, and create a website that will explain several of the mentioned technologies, and analyze the right to privacy in this digital age. This project will educate me on several technolgies that may be relevant to my career of computer and web programming, and will help me choose a future research project. Project Plan This projects includes two parts: the while-reading one, and the after-reading one. For my during-reading project, I will take notes on the assorted technologies of Little Brother. Additionally, I will record what the what the book says about our right to privacy in an age where there is very little, and the moral repercussions of using technology in order to keep that right. When I finish the book, I will assemble a website (using Wordpress) with posts describing 7 of the technologies mentioned, and an additional post describing the right to privacy in a digital age. Thus, there will be two final deliverables as a result of this project: notes on technologies and the right to privacy, and a website identifying technologies and analyszing digital privacy. Project Timeline Table 1 shows the deliverables from this project, and the dates that they will be complete. Table 1 Deliverables and the Dates They Will Be Complete


Deliverable Finished book and notes Little Brother completed website

Date Complete 02/21/2013 03/14/2013 Costs

As the book is under a Creative Commons license (as all books by Cory Doctrowv are) it will downloaded for free. Wordpress is a website with many varying levels of membership, but I will be utilyzing the free level. Additionally, the iPad and all of the necessary programs on it are free to me, through the Academic Leadership Academy. Therfore, the entire project wil be free of cost. Conclusion I propose that I shall read Little Brother, and create notes and a website about the main themes (privacy and technology) of the book. The website will be hosted using Wordpress, and the entire project will cost nothing. Both parts will be finished by March 14, 2013. By completing this project, I will be able to discover technologies applicable to my career choice, computer and web programming, and ponder ethical isses at the same time. This will be beneficial to me, as by learning about more technologies, I will be enabled to find a research project that interests me.

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