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I You He She It We You They

Am Are Is Is Is Are Are Are

Do Do Does Does Does Do Do Do

Have Have Has Has Has Have Have Have

Verbos auxiliares (modais) To be no auxiliares Todos

Afirmativa: You are a student. Interrogativa: Joga o are na frente do sujeito - Are you a student? Negativa: Nega o are - You arent student (You are not student). Sujeito: He, She, It leva um s no verbo na afirmativa. do not = dont/ Does not = doesnt.

Exemplo 2:
Verbo: To speak. Afirmativa: I speak. You speak. He speaks. She speaks. It speaks. We speak. You speak. They speak. Interrogativa: Do I speak? Do you speak? Does he speak? Does she speak? Does it speak? Do we speak? Do you speak? Do they speak? Negativa: I dont speak. You dont speak. He doesnt speak. She doesnt speak. It doesnt speak. We dont speak. You dont speak. They dont speak.

Obs.: Adicionando o er ao verbo, ele se torna a profisso ou o praticante da ao que o

verbo exprime.

Afirmativa: You spoke. Interrogativa: Joga o did na frente do sujeito e volta o verbo para o infinitivo Did you speak? Negativa: Nega o did e deixa o verbo no infinitivo - You didnt speak (You did not speak). did not = didnt.

Exemplo 2:
Verbo: To speak. Afirmativa: I spoke. You spoke. He spoke. She spoke. It spoke. We spoke. You spoke. They spoke. Interrogativa: Did I speak? Did you speak? Did he speak? Did she speak? Did it speak? Did we speak? Did you speak? Did they speak? Negativa: I didnt speak. You didnt speak. He didnt speak. She didnt speak. It didnt speak. We didnt speak. You didnt speak. They didnt speak.

Sujeito + will + verbo

Afirmativa: You will speak. Interrogativa: Joga o will na frente do sujeito Will You speak? Negativa: Nega o will You wont speak (You will not speak). will not = wont.

Exemplo 2:
Verbo: To speak. Afirmativa: I will speak. You will speak. He will speak. She will speak. It will speak. We will speak. You will speak. They will speak. Interrogativa: Will I speak? Will you speak? Will he speak? Will she speak? Will it speak? Will we speak? Will you speak? Will they speak? Negativa: I wont speak. You wont speak. He wont speak. She wont speak. It wont speak. We wont speak. You wont speak. They wont speak.

Sujeito + would + verbo

Afirmativa: You would speak. Interrogativa: Joga o would na frente do sujeito Would you speak? Negativa: Nega o would You wouldnt speak (You would not speak). would not = wouldnt.

Exemplo 2:
Verbo: To speak. Afirmativa: I would speak. You would speak. He would speak. She would speak. It would speak. We would speak. You would speak. They would speak. Interrogativa: Would I speak? Would you speak? Would he speak? Would she speak? Would it speak? Would we speak? Would you speak? Would they speak? Negativa: I wouldnt speak. You wouldnt speak. He wouldnt speak. She wouldnt speak. It wouldnt speak. We wouldnt speak. You wouldnt speak. They wouldnt speak.

Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo com ing.

Afirmativa: You are speaking. Interrogativa: Joga o are na frente do sujeito Are you speaking? Negativa: Nega o are You arent speaking (You are not speaking). are not = arent/ is not = isnt.

Exemplo 2:
Verbo: To speak. Afirmativa: I am speaking. You are speaking. He is speaking. She is speaking. It is speaking. We are speaking. You are speaking. They are speaking. Interrogativa: Am I speaking? Are you speaking? Is he speaking? Is she speaking? Is it speaking? Are we speaking? Are you speaking? Are they speaking? Negativa: I am not speaking. You arent speaking. He isnt speaking. She isnt speaking. It isnt speaking. We arent speaking. You arent speaking. They arent speaking.

Sujeito + have + verbo da terceira coluna.

Afirmativa: You have spoken. Interrogativa: Joga o have na frente do sujeito Have you spoken? Negativa: Nega o have You havent spoken (You have not spoken). Sujeito: He, She, It = has. have not = havent / has not = hasnt.

Exemplo 2:
Verbo: To speak. Afirmativa: I have spoken. You have spoken. He has spoken. She has spoken. It has spoken. We have spoken. You have spoken. They have spoken. Interrogativa: Have I spoken? Have you spoken? Has he spoken? Has she spoken? Has it spoken? Have we spoken? Have you spoken? Have they spoken? Negativa: I havent spoken. You havent spoken. He hasnt spoken. She hasnt spoken. It hasnt spoken. We havent spoken. You havent spoken. They havent spoken.

I You He She It We You They My Your His Her Its Our Your Their

Usado sem o substantivo.

I You He She It We You They

Mine Yours His Hers Its Ours Yours Theirs


Objeto direto ou indireto, ou sempre usado depois de um verbo to de uma preposio.

I You He She It We You They

Me You Him Her It Us You Them

1) (My mother and my father) love to sleep with (the cat). They love to sleep with her. 2) (My sister and I) give (Marie) cat food every morning. We give her cat food every morning. 3) (Marie) says: Give (the food) to me. She says: Give it to me. 4) (My friend and his mother) will travel with (their uncle) to the beach. They will travel with him to the beach.

Sujeito I Verbo teach Objeto indireto the students them Objeto direto a new lesson.


Curtos - (short) 1 slaba ou 2 Longos (long) 3 ou + slabas

Adj + er + than

more + adj + than

(mais do que)


do que



Tall Taller than

Beautiful More beautiful than

Easy Easier than

Important More important than

Cold Colder than

Difficult More difficult than

Crazy Crazier than

Usado para todos os adjetivos (Short/Long)

Less + adj + than


do que

Usado para todos os adjetivos (Short/Long)

As + adj + as

To + adj + quanto Tanto

O mais de todos Curtos - (short) 1 slaba ou 2 Longos (long) 3 ou + slabas

The + adj + est

The + most + adj



The tallest of class O mais alto da classe

The most expensive car O mais caro carro ou O carro mais caro Na traduo no importa a ordem, mas na montagem em ingls sempre daquela forma ensinada: The + most + adj.


Para todos os adjetivos

The + least + adj

O A As Os

menos + adj


Afirma/Nega Exemplo: You are Brazilian, arent you? Exemplo: You speak Portuguese, dont you? Nega/Afirma: Exemplo: You arent Brazilian, are you? Exemplo: You dont speak Portuguese, do you?






Em cima

Junto a



Para todos se usa a preposio: ON. Exceo: carro/txi. (Essa exceo ocorre, pois, em todos meios de transporte possvel andar dentro deles, menos o carro e o txi, assim, tendo de se mudar a preposio usada).

Dia: ON. Ms: IN. Ano: IN. Sculo: IN.

IN the morning. IN the afternoon. IN the evening. AT night.

ON the street. ON the avenue. AT the number. IN the city. IN the state. IN the country. IN the continent.

TO: para - (direo) FOR: para (finalidade/propsito/durao de tempo). OF: de (posse) FROM: de (direo)


Till Until To


At de distncia: as far as Em escala de nmero ou intensidade: up to = at.



There to be = haver, existir (ter).

PRESENT There is: h, existe (singular). There are: h, existem (plural). PAST There was: houve, existiu (singular). There were: houveram, existiram (plural). FUTURE There will be: haver (singular/plural). CONDITIONAL There would be: haveria (singular/plural). PRESENT PERFECT There has been singular. There have been plural.


Uma vez: once ou one time. Duas vezes: twice ou two times. Trs vezes: three Quatro vezes: four Cinco vezes: five times. Seis vezes: six Sete vezes: seven Etc.

week month Minute

exeo: an hour.

Once in a while: algumas vezes.

To hear from (Presente) Heard from (Passado)

Receber notcias ouvir falar t sabendo de

To look for: procurar. To look after: Olhar depois, quem olha depois, olha alm, est cuidando/tomando conta.

Do Does Did Is Are Will

So does She: e ela tambm. I like coffee: Eu gosto de caf (Presente) So do They: e eles tambm.

I went to Blumenal so did Natlia: Eu fui para Blumenal e Natlia tambm. (Passado)


1st first. 2nd second. 3rd third. (4th): 4th fourth. (5th): 5th fifth. * (6th): 6th sixth. (7th): 7th seventh. (8th): 8th eighth. (9th): 9th ninth. * (10th): 10th tenth. . . . . (20th): 20th twentieth. * Etc.

Segunda-feira: Monday. Tera-feira: Tuesday. Quarta-feira: Wednesday. Quinta-feira: Thursday. Sexta-feira: Friday. Sbado: Saturday. Domingo: Sunday.

Head - cabea Hair - cabelo Eye - olho Eyebrow - sobrancelha Eyelash - clio Eyelid - plpebra Nose - nariz Nostril - narina Mouth - boca Tongue - lngua Gum - gengiva Palate, roof of the mouth - palato, cu da boca Throat - garganta Neck - pescoo Trunk - tronco Chest - peito Breast - seio Belly - barriga Belly button - umbigo


Waist - cintura Arm - brao Forearm - antebrao Elbow - cotovelo Shoulder - ombro Armpit - axila Hand - mo Finger - dedo Leg - perna Knee - joelho Shin - canela da perna Calf - panturrilha Foot - p Toe - dedo do p Muscle - msculo Bone - osso Pharynx - faringe Stomach - estmago Esophagus - esfago Liver - fgado Kidney - rim Lung - pulmo Heart corao

0 - oh, zero, nil, love, nought 1 - one 2 - two 3 - three 4 - four 5 - five 6 - six 7 - seven 8 - eight 9 - nine 10 - ten 11 - eleven 12 - twelve 13 - thirteen 14 - fourteen 15 - fifteen 16 - sixteen 17 - seventeen 18 - eighteen 19 - nineteen 20 - twenty 30 - thirty 40 - forty 50 - fifty


60 - sixty 70 - seventy 80 - eighty 90 - ninety 100 - a/one hundred 1 000 - a/one thousand 10 000 - ten thousand 100 000 - a/one hundred thousand 1 000 000 - a/one million 1 000 000 000 - a/one billion


Infinitive Arise Awake Be Bear Become Begin Blow Break Bring Build Buy Catch Choose Come Cost Creep Cut Do Draw Drink Drive Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Find Fly Forget Forgive Freeze Get Give Go Grow Hang Have Hear Hide Hold Keep Know Lay Leave Learn Let Lie Past P.Participle Portugus levanter-se acordar, despertar ser, estar dar luz tornar-se comear, principiar tocar, soprar quebrar trazer construir, edificar comprar pegar, apanhar escolher, prefirir vir custar arrastar-se, deslizar cortar fazer desenhar, traar beber dirigir comer cair alimentar, nutrir sentir lutar, disputar encontrar, achar voar esquecer perdoar congelar, refrigerar obter, conseguir dar ir crescer pendurar ter ouvir ocultar, esconder-se segurar guardar, manter saber, conhecer por, estender, deitar deixar, partir aprender permitir, deixar

arose arisen awoke awakened was (were) been bore born became become began begun blew blown broke broken brought brought built built bought bought caught caught chose chosen came come cost cost crept crept cut cut did done drew drawn drank drunk drove driven ate eaten fell fallen fed fed felt felt fought fought found found flew flown forgot forgotten forgave forgiven froze frozen got got (gotten) gave given went gone grew grown hung hung had had heard heard hid hidden held held kept kept knew known laid laid left left learned (learnt) learned (learnt) let let


Light Lose Make Mean Meet Pay Put Read Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Sell Send Set Sew Shake Shine Shoot Show Shut Sing Sit Sleep Speak Spend Spread Stand Sweep Swim Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Understand Wake Wear Win Wind Write

lit lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sold sent set sewed shook shone shot showed shut sang sat slept spoke spent spread stood swept swam took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wound wrote

lit lost made meant met paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sold sent set sewn shaken shone shot shown shut sung sat slept spoken spent spread stood swept swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood waked (woken) worn won wound written

acender perder fazer significar encontrar-se pagar por, colocar ler cavalgar, andar num tocar, soar levantar, elevar correr dizer, falar ver vender mandar, enviar por, fixar coser, costurar sacudir, abanar a mo brilhar atirar, fuzilar mostrar, expor fechar cantar sentar dormir falar gastar, passar espalhar, estender parar, ficar em p varrer, arrastar nadar tomar, pegar ensinar rasgar, romper dizer, contar pensar, achar jogar, arremessar compreender acordar usar, vestir ganhar, conquistar dar corda escrever



A um, uma (artigo indefinido). Abbey abadia. Able capaz, hbil. About acerca de, sobre, a respeito de. Above acima de. Abroad no estrangeiro, ultramar. Accent acento, sotaque. Accept aceitar. According de acordo com. Accusative acusativo. Acquainted conhecido (to get acquainted ter relaes) Across atravs de. Action ao. Active ativo. Actual atual, real. Add acrescentar. Address endereo, dirigir-se algum, enderear. Adjective adjetivo. Admire admirar. Advice conselho. Afford sustentar o luxo, permitir-se. Afraid tmido, receoso, com medo (to be afraid temer). After depois. Afternoon tarde, depois do meio dia. Afterwards aps, depois (como advrbio). Again outra vez, de novo, novamente. Against contra. Age idade. Ago passado, antes, atrs. Agree concordar. Agreeable agradvel, ameno. Agriculture agricultura. Air ar. Air mail correio areo. Airplane avio. Alarm clock despertador. Alike parecido, semelhante. All todo, todos (a, as). All right est bem, perfeitamente. Almost quase. Alone sozinho, s. Along em companhia de, ao longo de, consigo. Already j, agora. Also tambm. Although ainda que, apesar de. Always sempre. Amount soma, importancia.


An um, uma (artigo indefinido) usado antes das vogais e h mudo. And e. Animal animal. Another outro. Answer responder, resposta. Any qualquer, algum. Anybody algum (interrogativo). Anything qualquer coisa, alguma coisa. Anywhere alguma parte. Apartment apartamento. Apple ma. April abril. Apron Arm brao. Around em volta. Arrange arrumar, consertar, arranjar. Arrive chegar. As como. As As tanto como. Ask perguntar, pedir. Assure afirmar, assegurar. At a, em, junto a. At all absolutamente. Atlantic Atlntico. Attention ateno. Attractive atrativo, atraente. August agosto. Aunt Tia. Austrian austraco. Autumn outono. Auxiliary auxiliar. Avenue avenida. Away embora, longe, afastado. Awfully terrivelmente.

Baby beb. Back atrs, costas, de volta. Background fundo, origem. Backseat banco, assento de trs. Bad mal, mau. Bag bolsa, valise, saco. Baker padeiro. Ball bola. Banana banana. Basic bsico. Bathroom banheiro. Bathtub banheira. Be ser, estar.


Be able ser capaz. Be born nascer. Be over estar terminado, terminar. Beach praia. Bean feijo. Beautiful bonito, belo, formoso. Beauty beleza. Because porque. Become tornar-se. Bed cama. Bedroom quarto, dormitrio. Beer cerveja. Before antes. Beginning pincpio. Begin comear. Behind atrs de, adv. atrs, atrasadamente. Believe crer, acreditar. Bell sino, campainha. Beside ao lado de. Besides alm de, demais. Best o melhor (superlativo de good). Better melhor (comparativo de good). Between entre (2 coisas ou pessoas). Bicycle bicicleta. Big grande. Bill conta, bilhete, nota. Bird pssaro, ave. Birthday aniversrio. Black negro, preto. Blackboard lousa, quadro-negro. Blank espao em branco. Block quarteiro, quadra. Blond loiro. Blood sangue. Blouse blusa. Blue azul. Boardinghouse penso. Body corpo. Bone osso. Book livro. Bookstore livraria. Born nascido. Boss patro. Both ambos (as). Bottle garrafa. Box caixa. Boy menino, rapaz. Branch ramal, ramo. Bread po. Breakfast caf da manh. Breast peito. Bridge ponte.


Briefly brevemente. Bright brilhante. Bring trazer. Bring up criar. Brother irmo. Brown marrom, castanho. Brush escovar, escova. Buffet guarda-loua. Building edifcio, prdio. Bureau comda. Burn queimar. Bus nibus. Bush arbusto. Business negcio. Busy ocupado, atarefado. But mas, porm, seno, menos. Butter manteiga. Button boto, abotoar. Buy comprar. By pelo, por (preposio).

Cabinet armrio. Cake bolo, doce. Call chamar. Call up telefonar. Calm tranquilo, calmo, sereno. Can poder. Cant (Cannot) no poder. Car automovl, carro. Card carto. Cardinal cardinal. Care cuidar, cuidado. Careful cuidadoso. Careless descuidado, desleixado. Carpenter carpinteiro. Carpet tapete. Carrot cenoura. Carry levar, carregar. Cart carroa. Case caso. Catch apanhar, pegar. Cathedral catedral. Ceiling teto. Center centro. Certainly certamente, seguramente. Chair cadeira. Chalk giz.


Change mudar, mudana, troca, troco. Channel canal. Cheap barato. Cheerful alegre, vivaz. Cheese queijo. Chemistry qumica. Chest peito. Chest of drawers comda. Chicken galinha, frango. Child criana, filho. Children crianas, filhos. Chimney chamin, lareira. Chin queixo. Christmas Natal. Church Igreja. Cigarette cigarro. City cidade. Class aula, classe. Clean limpo, limpar. Clear claro. Clearly claramente. Climate clima. Clock relgio. Close fechar, perto. Closer mais perto. Cloth pano, tela. Clothes roupas. Cloud nuvem. Club clube. Coast costa, litoral. Coat casaco, palet. Coffee caf. Coin moeda. Cold frio, resfriado. College faculdade. Color cor. Comb pente, pentear. Come vir. Come back voltar. Come in entrar. Comfortable confortvel. Common comum. Company companhia. Compare comparar. Complete completo, repleto. Completely completamente. Composition composio. Conjugate conjugar. Consonant consoante. Consist consistir. Continue continuar, seguir. Conversation conversao.


Cook cozinhar, cozinheiro. Cool fresco. Corn flakes flocos de milho. Corner esquina, canto. Correct correto, corrigir. Corresponding correspondente. Cost custar, custo. Cotton algodo. Couch sofa. Could podia. Count contar. Country pas, campo. Couple casal, par. Course curso. Cousin primo, prima. Cover cobrir, coberta, tampa. Cow vaca. Cream creme, nata do leite. Creek crrego, nascente. Cross cruz, cruzar. Crowd multido. Cry gritar, chorar, grito. Culture cultura. Cup xcara. Cupboard armrio. Curtain cortina. Cut cortar, corte.

Daddy papaizinho, papai. Daily diariamente. Dance danar, baile. Dark escuro, moreno. Darkness obscuridade, escurido. Date data. Daughter filha. Day dia. Dear caro, prezado. Debt dvida. December Dezembro. Deep profundo. Delicious delicioso, gostoso. Dentist dentista. Departament departamento, seco. Describe descrever. Description descrio. Desert deserto. Desire desejo, desejar. Desk carteira, escrivaninha.


Dessert sobremesa. Diagram diagrama. Dictionary dicionrio. Die morrer. Different diferente. Differently diferentemente. Difficult difcil. Difficulty dificuldade. Dining room sala de jantar. Dinner jantar. Dirty sujo. Dish travessa , prato. Dislike desagrado, no gostar. Distance distncia. Distribute distribuir. Do fazer. Dog cachorro. Door porta. Double duplo. Doubtful duvidoso. Down embaixo. Downstairs andar inferior. Downtown centro da cidade. Dream sonho, sonhar. Dress vestir, vestido. Drink beber, bebida. Drive conduzir, dirigir. Driver condutor, chofer. Drugstore farmcia. Dry seco, secar. Dryer secador. Duck pato. During durante. Dutch Holands.

Each cada, cada um, cada uma. Ear orelha. Earlier mais cedo (comparativo de early) anterior.


Backed the car out retrocedeu o carro Driveway entrada de carro Onto: para Supermarket supermercado Want to come along? quer acompanhar-me? Stood up levantou, ps de p Curb meio fio Parking lot estacionamento Country Club Shopping Center Centro Comercial do Clube de Campo Ive got to go into tenho que entrar Dime store lojas populares After were through depois de terminarmos Sidewalk calada Kids crianas Passed along passaram Canned goods produtos elatados Alongside ao longo Pork chops costelas de porco Went on seguiu To pass by ignorar Picked up pegou Picked out escolheu Was through terminou Check-out stand balco de sada Candy doce, bala Bars barras Mom mezinha Sold vendido Go into a line entraram numa fila Leading em direo Checker caixa Cash register caixa registradora Called out cantou, conferiu Went out saiu Trunk porta malas Tip gorjeta That way desta maneira Would not become mixed no misturariam, confundiram Started it deu a partida Drove out saiu, dirigiu para fora Bunch mao, feixe Employees only s para empregados Slot abertura To stamp marcar, carimbar Right on time bem na hora


He was up late ficou acordado at tarde Night college classes curso noturno da faculdade Stopped by parou Girlfriend namorada, amiga Locker armrio Looking forward to esperando ansiosamente Job emprego Engineering company companhia de engenharia Work-bench mesa de trabalho Tools ferramentas Underneath para baixo Big boss chefo Right away imediatamente, j Oops opa! He started for ps-se em marcha para, seguiu para Stairway escada Go right in entre logo Going into entrando Looked up olhou para cima My! nossa! You surely look nice voc de fato est com aparncia bonita The nicest looking o de mais bonito aspecto Sit up erguer-se Grow up crescem Graduating formando-se Good manners boas maneiras Blocks quarteires Away distante Be sure to eat all of it no deixe de comer tudo Cookies doces Baby stage infncia Kindergarten jardim de infncia Pre-schooling pr-primrio Get along familiarizer-se, dar-se bem Take a nap tirar uma soneca, cochilo Graduation day dia de formatura Seniors formandos High School ginsio Covington High Ginsio Covington To be graduating estar me formando Makes you get o faz ficar Surely does give you a funny feeling d-lhe certamente uma sensao esquisita It makes you almost want to cry isto o faz quase querer chorar As for me quanto a mim Business college curso comercial Later on mais tarde


I ought to be able deverei estar apta, poderei Auditorium auditrio Down the aisles pelo corredor, ao longo da passagem They all wore black robes todos usavam becas pretas That came to their feet que chegavam at seus ps Lined up formaram fila, alinharam-se Sat down sentaram-se Looked out olhou para


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