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Future continuous Dr. Hall will be giving a speech on global warming next Friday. El Sr.

. Hall estar dando una charla sobre el calentamiento global el prximo viernes. At this time tomorrow, Jane will be attending a lecture on 20th century literature. Maana a esta hora, Jane estar asistiendo a una conferencia acerca de la literatura del siglo XX. Her cousin will be travelling to Las Vegas tomorrow morning. Su prima estar viajando a Las Vegas maana por la maana. My brother-in-law will not be playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. Mi cuado no estar jugando al tenis maana por la tarde. What will you be doing tomorrow at 8:00? Qu estars haciendo maana a las 8:00? Future Perfect Melissa will have improved her English by the time she comes back from the U.S. Melissa habr mejorado su ingls para el momento que ella regrese de los EE.UU.. The waste from this factory will have polluted the river by the year 2015. Los desechos de esta fbrica habrn contaminado el ro para el ao 2015. The kids will have finished the exam by five o'clock. Los nios habrn terminado el examen para las 5:00. By March, my daughter will have graduated from college. Para marzo, mi hija se habr graduado en la universidad. Our engineers will have completed the project by Monday. Nuestros ingenieros habrn terminado el proyecto para el lunes. By the time you return from work, your wife will not have finished making the cake. Para cuando vuelvas del trabajo, tu mujer no habr terminado de preparar la tarta. By next February, the Smiths will not have come back from their holidays. Para el prximo febrero, los Smith no habrn vuelto de sus vacaciones. How many books will Alan have read by the end of the year? Cuntos libros habr ledo Alan para fin de ao? Will you have painted many pictures by next summer? Habrs pintado muchos cuadros para el prximo verano? Future perfect Relatively rare in English, the future perfect serves to express one future action which precedes a future moment or another future action. Moreover, it asserts that these actions will be completed before the principal action. It is formed by adding the modal "will" to the auxiliary "have," preceding the past participle: She will have finished before eight o'clock. Tomorrow morning they will all have left. They will already have finished eating by the time we get there. Connectives Los conectores copulativos son aquellos que unen algo a lo ya mencionado. Algunos de ellos son: and - y ,not only...but also... - no solo...sino tambin...,not well - no solo...sino...tambin He played the guitar and sang wonderful songs. El toc la guitarra y cant maravillosas canciones. 1

It is hard for a student to work and study at the same time. Es difcil para un estudiante trabajar y estudiar al mismo tiempo not only...but also... - no solo...sino tambin... Mary plays not only the guitar but also the violin. Mary no solo toca la guitarra sino tambin el violn. Not only is Sally disappointed at her brother but also angry at his remarks. Sally no solo est decepcionada por su hermano sino tambin enfadada por su comentarios. not well - no solo...sino...tambin She is not only beautiful but very intelligent as well. Ella no solo es hermosa sino que es muy inteligente tambin. Mary and Bill not only argued, but shouted at each other as well. Mary y Bill no solo discutan sino que se gritaban tambin Conectores Continuativos Se utilizan para dar continuacin a la idea que se est expresando. Son algunos ejemplos: then - entonces, moreover - adems, furthermore - adems, besides - adems in addition to - adems de then - entonces If it is not here, then it's lost. Si no est aqu, entonces est perdido. If you like those shoes, then why don't you buy them? Si te gustan esos zapatos, entonces porqu no los compras? moreover - adems

Soccer is a good sport; moreover, it is very easy to learn. El ftbol es un buen deporte; adems es muy fcil aprenderlo. They work very hard; moreover, they do a very good job. Ellos trabajan muy duro; adems hacen un buen trabajo. furthermore - adems

He is perfect for the job; furthermore, he is the only applicant. El es perfecto para el puesto; adems, es el nico postulante. I dont want stay here; furthermore, I have things to do. No quiero quedarme aqu; adems, tengo cosas que hacer. besides - adems

I don't like that house; besides, it's too expensive for me. No me gusta esa casa; adems es demasiado cara para m. I don't want to sell my car; besides, I need it for my job. No quiero vender mi auto; adems lo necesito pra mi trabajo. in addition to - adems de

In addition to being a great person, the physician was an excellent professional. Adems de ser una gran persona, el mdico era un excelente profesional. Mrs. Baker had a great interest in literature, in addition to her interest in music. La Sra. Baker tena un gran inters por la literatura, adems de su inters por la msica. Conectores Concesivos Se utilizan para sealar una objecin o reparo a lo dicho anteriormente. Entre otros encontramos:

although / though / even though - aunque,even if - incluso si,not even if - ni siquiera si despite / in spite of - a pesar de although / though / even though - aunque

Although Jack is not very tall, he is excellent at basketball. Aunque Jack no es muy alto, es excelente en el baloncesto. She decided to go to work, though she was not feeling well. Ella decidi ir al trabajo, aunque no se estaba sintiendo bien.

even if - incluso si

Even if hes right, that doesnt give him the right to be arrogant. Incluso si l tiene razn, eso no le da el derecho de ser arrogante. I will finish the project by tomorrow, even if I have to work all night. Terminar el proyecto para maana, aun si tengo que trabajar toda la noche.

not even if - ni siquiera si

He will not do that work, even if he is paid for it. El no har ese trabajo, ni siquiera si se le paga por ello. They will not finish on time, even if they hurry up. Ellos no terminarn a tiempo, ni siquiera si se dan prisa.

despite / in spite of - a pesar de

Despite his bad reputation, the politician won the elections. A pesar de su mala reputacin, el poltico gan las elecciones. It was a great match in spite of the bad the weather. Fue un gran juego, a pesar del mal tiempo.

Conectores Adversativos Aaden una negacin a la frase anteriormente mencionada, una frase opuesta a la otra. Por ejemplo: but - pero ,however - sin embargo ,nonetheless / nevertheless - sin embargo ,instead - en su lugar, en lugar de ello ,on the contrary - por el contrario but - pero He spoke clearly, but I didn't understand him. Habl claramente pero no lo entend She saw me, but she didn't recognize me. Ella me vi pero no me reconoci. however - sin embargo

They were not having fun; however they stayed until the party was over. Ellos no se estaban divirtiendo; sin embargo se quedaron hasta que la fiesta termin. He doesn't study much; however he gets good grades at school. El no estudia mucho; sin embargo obtiene buenas notas en la escuela. nonetheless / nevertheless - sin embargo

It was very stormy; nevertheless we went fishing. Estaba muy tormentoso; sin embargo fuimos de pesca. She had no experience; nonetheless she got the job. Ella no tena experiencia; sin embargo consigui el trabajo. 3

instead - en su lugar, en lugar de ello I was invited to a party on Saturday, but went to bed instead. Fui invitado a una fiesta el sbado, pero me fui a dormir en lugar de ello. I am not going out tonight. Instead, I will stay home and cook something. No saldr esta noche. En cambio, me quedar en casa y cocinar algo. on the contrary - por el contrario

The boy is not dumb; on the contrary, he's very smart for his age. El muchacho no es tonto; al contrario l es muy inteligente para su edad. Condors are solitary birds. On the contrary, seagulls live in flocks. Los cndores son aves solitarias. Por el contrario, las gaviotas viven en bandadas. Conectores Conclusivos

Estos conectores reflejan la consecuencia de lo dicho en el texto. En ingls, algunos de ellos son: therefore - por lo tanto, hence - de ah, thus - por lo tanto,so - entonces,consequently - por lo tanto, en consecuencia therefore - por lo tanto

I don't know her phone number, therefore I can't call her. No s su nmero de telfono, por lo tanto no puedo llamarla. She didn't study, therefore she coudn't pass the exam. Ella no estudi, por lo tanto no pudo aprobar el examen.

hence - de ah

English is not her mother tongue, hence her mistakes. El ingls no es su lengua materna; de ah sus errores. Frank was raised in a farm, hence his ability to ride horses. Frank fue criado en una granja, de ah su capacidad de montar a caballo.

thus - por lo tanto

He overslept and thus, arrived late for the appointment. Se qued dormido, por lo tanto lleg tarde para la cita. She hadn't eaten for days and thus felt very weak. Ella no haba comido por das y por lo tanto se senta muy dbil.

so - entonces

His car broke down, so he took it to a garage. Su coche se descompuso, entonces lo llev a un taller mecnico. She was a little fat, so she decided to go on a diet. Ella estaba un poco gorda, entonces decidi comenzar una dieta

consequently - por lo tanto, en consecuencia

They were found guilty and consequently sent to prison. Se los encontr culpables y por lo tanto fueron enviados a prisin. They argued all the time, consequently they eventually got divorced. Ellos discutan todo el tiempo, por lo tanto, finalmente se divorciaron.

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