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Data Collection Methods 1) Interview: The primary advantage of interview is that it provides much more detailed information than

what is available through other data collection methods, such as surveys. It also provides more relaxed atmosphere in which to collect information, people may feel more comfortable having a conversation with interviewee as opposed to filling out a survey. However, there are a few limitations and pitfalls such as: Prone to bias: Responses from community members and program participants could also be biased due to their stake in the program or for a number of other reasons. Every effort should be made to design a data collection effort, create instruments, and conduct interviews to allow for minimal bias. Time-intensive: Interviews can be a time-intensive evaluation activity because of the time it takes to conduct interviews, transcribe them, and analyze the results. 2) Questionnaires The use of questionnaires as a method of data collection in research is well established, with the benefits and drawbacks of using such a method extensively debated (Oppenheim 1992, McDowell and Newell 1996, Giuffre 1997, McKenna et al 2006). What is less evident in the literature is a consideration of the process of delivering questionnaires to large groups. The standard approach has been through the use of paper questionnaires, which are then delivered to the target population. However, the increased use of personal computers (PCs) means there is a newer alternative: the delivery of questionnaires using the internet.Questionnaires are accepted as having certain advantages over other data collection methods such as interviews (Bowling 2002, Denscombe 2003). These include the mainly low cost of data collection and processing, and the minimal training required by the person administering them. They can reach much larger numbers of a target population than would be possible using interviews and can be delivered in a variety of ways, such as verbally, by telephone, electronically as email attachments, or as web links. There are also significant disadvantages, such as low response rates and an associated bias, because those who do respond may not be typical of the subject group. In addition, there may be

little or no contact between the researcher and the participants, which may also adversely affect response rates (Murphy-Black 2000, Bowling 2002).

Requirement Specification Functional requirements are observable tasks or processes that must be performed by the system under development. KFS functional requirements are: Notification for prayers time. Keep list of anniversary dates and notify the user prior to the actual date. Add new medication to medicine list. Delete events/ records from KFS system. Automatically turn the phone back to general mode.

Non-functional requirements are qualities or standards that the system under development must have or comply with, but which are not tasks that will be automated by the system. KFS non-functional requirements are: System must run on other smartphone OS. System response time is less than 8 seconds. System must be secured against virus attacks.

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