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Publication of Evangeline & Gulf Coast Baptist Associations of the Louisiana Baptist Convention

Elizabeth A. Langley
Office Administrator

June 2013 Volume 41, No. 5

Bert Langley
Director of Missions

Melaney Dudley
Administrative Assistant

Weldon Moak & Steven Kelly


Mary Langford

Celebrate 125 Years of Missions!

WMU Missions Celebrations & Annual Meeting
June 9-10, 2013 Houston, Texas

There will be a group of about 30 students from Tennessee coming to the area June 24-27 for a mission trip. They will be working in the morning at FBC Scott to help with their VBS, but will be available in the afternoons or evenings for other projects (i.e., performing music/skits; cleaning yards/work projects; visiting nursing homes, etc)
If your church would be interested in using them, please contact the EBA office at 337-237-6956 or contact Melaney at

Evangeline Baptist Association

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East Bayou, Lafayette Duson, Duson FBC, Abbeville Kaplan, Kaplan Parks, Parks Teche, Breaux Bridge FBC, Morgan City

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM (WORSHIP ARTS) Completed 3 -7 grade 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM K-12th grade 9:00 AM - NOON K-12th grade 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 5:45 PM - 8:30 PM Pre K-6TH grade 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Age 4-8th grade Gulf Coast Baptist Association 8:00 AM - NOON Pre K-6TH grade

July 15-19 July 22-26 July 15-19 July 15-19 July 15-18 July 21-25 July 8-12

Please pray for each of our churches as they share Christ with children and their families through VBS.

Evangeline Baptist Association

Connecting Churches Through the Cross Gulf Coast Baptist Association Bert Langley, Director of Missions

DOM Lines

As we reflect on our fathers and our own roles as fathers during June, I was touched by this article written by a fellow pastor, Mike Jones. As you read these, let the Spirit encourage and challenge you in your God-given responsibility as a father: A CHECK LIST FOR FATHERS 1. I would love the mother of my children more- Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; I would seek to be faithful in doing little loving things for her--opening the car doors, placing her chair at the table, giving her little gifts on special occasions, and writing her love letters when I'm gone from home. I would take her hand as we stroll in the park. I would praise her in the presence of my children. A child who knows his parents love each other has a security and stability about life which is gained no other way. 2. I would listen more. Most fathers find it hard to listen. We are busy with the burdens of work; at the end of the day we are tired. I would listen when my child shares his little hurts and complaints, and what he is excited about. And I would try to refrain from words of impatience at the interruption. Such times can be the best times to show love and kindness. One evening a small boy tried to show his father a scratch on his finger. Finally, after repeated attempts to gain his father's attention, the father stopped reading the newspaper and said impatiently, "Well, I can't do anything about it, can I?" "Yes, Daddy," his small son said, "You could have said, 'Oh'". I would try to understand what my child says because I now believe that the father who listens to his child when he is small, will find that he will have a child who cares what his father says later in life. In listening I would pay more careful attention to my child's questions. It is estimated that the average child asks 500,000 questions by the age of 15. What a privilege for every parent-- unlimited opportunities to share something about the meaning of life and about your own dependence on God! 3. I would seek more opportunities to give my child a feeling of belonging. PS 127:3 Children are an heritage of the Lord; and the fruit of the womb is His reward. When a child feels he belongs in his family and is of real worth there, it is not a big step to also feel accepted, loved, and of worth to others and in God's sight. A child feels he belongs when he is involved in the responsibility and work of the family. Celebration of birthdays, when the person rather that the gifts is central, creates a sense of belonging. That same sense is built into the child when he hears prayers prayed on his behalf. No part of child guidance is more important than assuring the child by action and word that he is important and that he has a place in the affections of the family. 4. I would express words of appreciation and praise more. Many children seldom hear words of commendation and encouragement when they do a job well or exhibit good behavior. Probably no other thing encourages a child to love life, to seek accomplishment and to gain confidence more than proper, sincere praise - not flattery, but honest compliments when he does well. Correct the wrong; Commend the right. 5. I would spend more time together. Eph 5:16 Make the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. A group of 300 seventh and eighth grade boys kept accurate records of how much time their fathers actually spent with them over a two-week period. Most saw their father only at the dinner table. A number never saw their father for days at a time. The average time a father and son were alone for an entire week was 7 1/2 minutes. Arthur Gordon tells an interesting experience from his youth, "When I was around 13 and my brother was 10, Father promised to take us to the circus. But at lunch there was a phone call; some urgent business required his attention down town. My brother and I braced ourselves for the disappointment. Then we heard him say, "No, I won't be down. It will have to wait." When he came back to the table, Mother smiled, "The circus keeps coming back, you know." "I know, said Father, "but childhood doesn't." 6. I would laugh more- Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Somehow we manage enough muscle to handle the big things of life but forget that life is largely made up of little things. A father's faithfulness in the small things determines the happiness of his children...and, not just that, it strongly influences their spiritual direction. 7. The best father is the one who knows God as his heavenly Father. Only Jesus Christ can provide that relationship. Place that childlike faith in Christ today.

Counselors Corner
Mary Langford, Counselor June is the traditional month of choice for weddings, so it is likely that many who read this will be celebrating an anniversary during this month. June 3 will mark number fifty-seven for my dear husband and me. No matter when your anniversary is, or how long you have been married, I hope you will take time to celebrate and reaffirm your relationship. As you do so, I offer the following list for your consideration. Talk about it with your mate. Express thanks and appreciation for the areas in which you are doing well. Ask Gods direction and help to improve in the other places. He is the inventor and sustainer of marriage.

Partners in a healthy marriage. . . Are committed to each other and to the relationship for life Continue to work on communication skills in both positive and negative matters Laugh often together and allow time for fun together Avoid efforts to be controlling Stay in touch with each others world Maintain balance in time commitments Share friendships with others who influence the marriage positively Enjoy each other physically Speak positively of each other and the relationship Readily forgive and ask forgiveness Encourage and assist each others achievements Are growing spiritually as individuals and as a couple

Evangeline Baptist Association

Connecting Churches Through the Cross Gulf Coast Baptist Association

Through the support of the churches in the Evangeline Baptist Association, we are able to provide funding for a number of ministries in the Acadiana area. In the next few issues of the Entre Nous we are going to highlight some of these ministries so you can see how your financial and prayer support help reach many for Christ in some new and different ways. Our first look is the Truckstop Ministry of Mike and Barbara Kopp, Mission Service Corps volunteers, who are currently serving at the TA Truck Stop at University and I-10 in Lafayette.

The Kopps with a Christian truck driver who was saved while an inmate at Angola Prison.

We had a total of 6 drivers Sunday (May 12, 2013) and were able to share Christ with each of them.

ENTRE-NOUS Publication of the

Evangeline & Gulf Coast Baptist Associations

P. O. Box 81244 Lafayette, LA 70598-1244 (337) 237-6956 Fax: (337) 237-4319




Regional Sunday School Training Conference FBC Jennings August 3 - Speaker: TBA

Saturday, Oct. 12 at FBC Lafayette

Donations are being accepted now Please contact Marvin Savoie at 278-4381 for more information.

6 - Pres Riley, FBC Abbeville - Joe Garner, Northside 8 - Betty (Mrs. Zack) Young, Retired 9 - Jessica (Mrs. Heath) Guilbert, East Bayou 11 - Sandra (Mrs. Roland) Fontenot, Retired - Bobby Powell, Bayou Vista - Marian (Mrs. Steve) Younger, Emmanuel, Laf 15 - Elizabeth (Mrs. Larry) Langley, The Garden - Sam Brooks, The Open Door, Lafayette 18 - Norma (Mrs. Lonnie) Cleveland, LBC/EBA 19 - Ric White, Highland, New Iberia 24 - Joe Wilson, FBC, Lydia - Tracy (Mrs. James) Craft, Calvary, Lafayette 25 - Jeaneth (Mrs. Pres) Riley, FBC, Abbeville 27 - Charles Gilder, Retired

If you would like to reserve the trailer, please contact the EBA office: or call 337-237-6956.
This is a great outreach tool for your church or ministry!
Because of increasing costs of postage & production, we are moving to an electronic Entre Nous. If you want to continue to receive the Entre Nous by US mail, please contact the EBA office at 337-237-6956 or email If we dont hear from you by July 31, we will assume that you are reading the Entre Nous either on our website or on your personal email account.

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