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Dumnezeu ca si Tata

Romani 8:15 i voi n-ai primit un duh de robie, ca s mai avei fric; ci ai primit un duh de nfiere care ne face s strigm: Ava!, adic: Tat! Galateni 4:6-7 i, pentru c suntei fii, Dumnezeu ne-a trimis n inim Duhul Fiului Su care strig: Ava, adic: Tat! Aa c nu mai eti rob, ci fiu; i, dac eti fiu, eti i motenitor, prin Dumnezeu. Isaia 9:6
Cci un Copil ni S-a nscut, un Fiu ni S-a dat, i domnia va fi pe umrul Lui; l vor numi: Minunat, Sfetnic, Dumnezeu tare, Printele veniciilor, Domn al pcii.

Ieremia 3:19-20 Eu ziceam: Cum s te pun printre copiii Mei i s-i dau o ar plcut, o motenire, podoab ntre podoabele neamurilor? M gndeam c M vei chema: Tat! i nu te vei mai abate de la Mine. Dar, cum este necredincioas iubitului su o femeie, aa Mi-ai fost necredincioi voi, casa lui Israel, zice Domnul! Psalmul 27:10
Cci tatl meu i mama mea m prsesc, dar Domnul m primete.

Efeseni 3:14-20 Iat de ce, zic, mi plec genunchii naintea Tatlui Domnului nostru Isus Hristos, din care i trage numele orice familie, n ceruri i pe pmnt, i-L rog ca, potrivit cu bogia slavei Sale, s v fac s v ntrii n putere, prin Duhul Lui, n omul dinuntru, aa nct Hristos s locuiasc n inimile voastre prin credin; pentru ca, avnd rdcina i temelia pus n dragoste, s putei pricepe mpreun cu toi sfinii care este lrgimea, lungimea, adncimea i nlimea; i s cunoatei dragostea lui Hristos care ntrece orice cunotin, ca s ajungei plini de toat plintatea lui Dumnezeu. Iar a Celui ce, prin puterea care lucreaz n noi, poate s fac nespus mai mult dect cerem sau gndim noi,

Ioan 14:14-21

Dac vei cere ceva n Numele Meu, voi face. Pzirea poruncilor. Dac M iubii, vei pzi poruncile Mele. i Eu voi ruga pe Tatl, i El v va da un alt Mngietor, care s rmn cu voi n veac; i anume Duhul adevrului, pe care lumea nu-L poate primi, pentru c nu-L vede i nu-L cunoate; dar voi l cunoatei, cci rmne cu voi i va fi n voi. Nu v voi lsa orfani, M voi ntoarce la voi. Peste puin vreme, lumea nu M va mai vedea, dar voi M vei vedea; pentru c Eu triesc, i voi vei tri. n ziua aceea, vei cunoate c Eu sunt n Tatl Meu, c voi suntei n Mine i c Eu sunt n voi. Cine are poruncile Mele i le pzete acela M iubete; i cine M iubete va fi iubit de Tatl Meu. Eu l voi iubi i M voi arta lui. I Samuel 13:14 dar acum, domnia ta nu va dinui. Domnul i-a ales un om dup inima Lui i Domnul l-a rnduit s fie cpetenia poporului Su, pentru c n-ai pzit ce-i poruncise Domnul. Psalm 27:4
Un lucru cer de la Domnul i-l doresc fierbinte: a vrea s locuiesc toat viaa mea n Casa Domnului, ca s privesc frumuseea Domnului i s m minunez de templul Lui.

Maleahi 4:6
El va ntoarce inima prinilor spre copii i inima copiilor spre prinii lor, ca nu cumva, la venirea Mea, s lovesc ara cu blestem!

Luca1:16-17 El va ntoarce pe muli din fiii lui Israel la Domnul Dumnezeul lor. Va merge naintea lui Dumnezeu, n duhul i puterea lui Ilie, ca s ntoarc inimile prinilor la copii i pe cei neasculttori la umblarea n nelepciunea celor neprihnii, ca s gteasc Domnului un norod bine pregtit pentru El.

Tatal - Invatator
Instructor El ma instruieste cu atentie si rabdare in toate lucrurile. El ma pregateste in totalitate ca sa traiesc viata pentru El, sis a infrunt toate greutatile. Psalm 25:8-9; 32:8; 86:11; Luca 6:40; 2 Timotei 3:16-17 Intelept Tatal meu este intelept mai mult decat pot eu gandi. Nu pot sa inteleg intelepciunea Lui, dar este intotdeauna cea mai buna pentru mine. El imi daruieste din intelepciunea Lui ca sa pot fi cu adevarat intelept. (Efeseni 1:17, Iacov 1:5) Iov 9:4; 12:13 - Psalm 104:24 - Romani 16:27

Creativ El este un geniu creative, si creeaza cu grija toate lucrurile. El m-a creat de doua ori, o data dupa chipul Sau si inca odata in Duhul Sau. Psalm 102:25; 104:10-17; Ioan 1:3; Efeseni 2:10; 2 Corinteni 5:17 Ajutator Tatal meu este ajutorul meu. Ceea ce este imposibil pentru puterea mea, este posibil in puterea lui. Psalm 10:14; 30:10; 54:4; Ioan 14:16; Evrei 13:6 Bland si plin de iubire El imi daruieste dragostea Lui mereu. Dragostea Lui este ca un scut peste mine, o paza in fata mea si un aparator in spatele meu. Psalms 25:6; 86:5; 89:1, 14, 24; 103:10-14; 108:4 Ma disciplineaza Tatal meu nu ma va lasa sa cad in pericol. El ma mustra cu blandete, ca eu sa pot trai viata din plin. Psalm 94:12; Evrei 12:5-11; Isaia 30:20-21; Apocalipsa 3:19 Speranta El niciodata nu renunta la mine, ci intotdeauna este optimist cu privire la mine. El imi da speranta din speranta mare care este in El. Romani 15:14; Ieremia 29:11 Favoare Gasesc favoare in intimitatea mea cu El. Favoarea Lui mi-e de-ajuns. Ma intareste si ma tine puternic. Psalm 89:17; 119:58; 30:5; Luca 1:28 Lumina El este lumina vietii mele, lumina lumii. In intunericul vietii mele, lumina Lui ma calauzeste pe cararea mea. Psalm 104:2; Ioan 1:9; 8:12 Respectuos El ma respecta pentru ca ma iubeste ca si persoana. Nu trebuie sa castig respectful Sau, El mi-l daruieste fara plata. Iov 1:1; 8; 2:3 - Evrei 2:9-13

Father LOVE
Loving He is altogether loving. He is full of love. He inspires love and affection in me. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8; 1 John 4: 9; 10 Considerate He is so considerate of me. Even when I am wrong, His consideration does not change. He never neglects nor ignores me. To Him I am so very important and special. Isaiah 30: 18; 54:4-7; Psalm 139:17, 18; Jeremiah 29:11 Comforting He comforts me in all the trails and tragedies I face. His comfort extends even to the most intimate areas of my life. There is nothing I cant share with Him. Psalm 68: 5; 94: 19; 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 Encouraging My Father encourages me constantly. No matter what I face, the pain I feel, the hurt I experience, He is always encouraging me. Isaiah 40:31; 35:2-3; Romans 15:4-5

Lover He is the lover of my soul. He tenderly watches over and cares for me. I am secure and confident in His aggressive, yet tender, love for me. Psalm 68:5; 94:19; 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 Accepting He accepts me as a person, with all my hang-ups, all my sins, and all my guilt. He accepts me just as I am. He accepts me on the basis of who I am, not on the basis of what I do. Romans 15:7; 14:3-4 Intimate My Father is not someone who is ten million light years away; He is with me at all times. My Father is not vague, but real. He is someone who does care and does love. Proverbs 3:32; John 14:18-20; Psalm 68:5-6 Pleasing What a pleasing person my Father is. His presence is like the radiance of the sun. Not only odes He try in every way to please me, but He makes me desire to please Him. Philippians 2:13; Psalm 23:6; Matthew 11:28-30; Colossians 1:18-20 Rewarder My Father has promised crowns to me. Knowing Him intimately is reward enough in eternity. Hebrews 11:6; James 1:12; 2 Timothy 4:7-8 Appreciative He always shows His appreciation for my efforts on His behalf. My Father appreciates me as a person. Matthew 24:45-47; Luke 6:38 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Guide I know no matter what the call, my Father guides my way step by step. His will is not elusive and will-o-the-wisp, but a definite statement of His desires for me. Psalm 107:30; 73:24; Isaiah 58:11


My Father is bold, bold for me. He imparts boldness to me. He makes me to be bold. Revelations 19:11-16; Ephesians 3:22; Hebrews 4:16 Confident My Father is supremely confident. He knows what He is about. Out of His confidence, He builds confidence in me. Isaiah 45:5; 41:13; 42:8; 2 Corinthians 3:5 Perfect Can anyone be as perfect as My Father? He is perfect in and of Himself. He is perfect to me. He is the perfect person for me, to make me everything that I could never be, in and of myself. Deuteronomy 32: 4 - Psalm 18:30; 2 Samuel 22:31 - Hebrews 7:28 Devoted My Father is devoted to me. He pours out His affection and love on me. His devotion for me drove Him to the Cross. In His sight, I am worthy. Hebrews 13:5-6; 1 John 3:1-2 Commander My Father is the Commander of the host of the Lord. He is in charge. Need I fear anything? 2 Chronicles 13:12; Hebrews 12:2 Authoritative My Father speaks with authority, He commands the attention and obedience of all. Matthew 7L29; 9:6; 10:1; 28:18 Loyal His loyalty to me as His child never ceases. He protects loyalty. He never embarrasses or humiliates me. He cares that I remain loyal and obedient to Him. Hebrews 13:5 - John 10:29 - Romans 8:31-39 Sufficient

He is sufficient for every need, for every situation and circumstance of life. His sufficiency guarantees that in my weakness His strength will be made perfect. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10; 9:8 Decisive My Father is decisive. He speaks and it is done. He knows where He is going and how to get there. My indecision is to be swallowed up in His decisiveness. Psalm 33:9; 62:11; 2 Corinthians 1:18-20

Father CARE
Caring He cares for me as only a loving Father can care for His child. He not only cares for me, but He cares about me. 1 Peter 5:7; Mathew 6:26 Loving He loves me for who I am, not for what I do. His love for me is unconditional and unceasing. John 3:16; Romans 5:8; Ephesians 3:17-19 Kind Our Father is a kind and considerate person to us, His children. He always has a kind and encouraging word for me. Romans 2:4 - Psalm 103:13 Understanding He understands me as a person. He understands me in my moods, my feelings, my thoughts, and my actions. Psalm 103:14; Hebrews 4:15; Job 36:5; Psalm 139:1 Strong My Father is strong and powerful on my behalf. His strength becomes my strength. His is the strongest of the strong. Psalm 93:1; 105:4; 106:8; 138:8 - Ephesians 6:10-12 Calm I find my tranquillity of life in His calmness. He is never hurried or harassed. He calms the anxious heart and takes the senseless activity and turns it into creative productivity. Psalm 37:7; Matthew 11:28; John 14:1 Pleasant My Father is absolutely pleasant. What a pleasure it is to be in His presence. He is altogether lovely. Psalm 16:11; 21:6; 147:1 Approving My Father gives me unconditional approval. His approval is based on who I am in Him and not on what I do or have. Hebrew 11:2, 39 Sensitive My Father is sensitive to my every mood and thought. He is sensitive to my needs and desires. Psalm 37:4; 94:9; 139:1-6, 17-18; Jeremiah 33:3; Hebrews 4:15 Listens My Father listens to me. He takes time to be involved in who I am and what I do. He knows that what I have to say is important. It is important to me; therefore, it is important to Him. Psalm 102:17; 116:1-2 Proverbs 15:8

Father KING
King He is the sovereign King of the whole universe. He is the King Most High! I am a child of the King. I am a prince/princess. He will allow me to think as a child or the King, act as a child of the King, and be the child of the King. Psalm 95:3 Majestic My Father is majestic. He rules and reigns on high. How great He is! He desires my participation in His majesty. He freely shares it all with me. 1 Chronicles 29:11-13 Awesome My Father is awesome in His ability to love and protect me. He is awesome in His strength and power. Psalm 99:3 Great Greatness becomes my Father. He is before all things, above all things; He presides over all things. He makes me an integral part of His greatness. I find my greatness in Him. Psalm 86:10; 99:2 Victorious He is victorious over all things the world, the flesh, and the devil. His victory allows me to be victorious. Psalm 98:1; Zephaniah 3:17 Gracious He is gracious to me no matter how I act toward Him. He lavishes His grace on me as His precious child. Psalm 86:15; 111:4; 119:132; Ephesians 1:7-8 Honourable He is distinguished and upright. His name is above every other name. I am so very proud of Him. I am proud to call Him Father. Philippians 2:9 He is absolutely just. I know that He is impartial. I know that He will be just with me no matter Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 89:14; 99:4


what. Good

He is good, a good Person in every sense. He is so good to me. He insists on giving me everything out of the goodness of His heart. Psalm 34:8; 100:5; 106:1 Righteous He is absolutely righteous, even though He has been tempted in every manner just like me. Because His is righteous, He has made me to be righteous, not because of what I do, but because of who I am in His sight. Deuteronomy 32:4 - Psalm 11:7; 111:3; 119:137 - Hebrews 4:15

Redeemer He cared enough to redeem me out of the authority of the darkness. He redeemed me from the power of sin, from the hold of Satan, and put me into His kingdom. Psalm 19:14; Isaiah 63:16; Jeremiah 50:34 Merciful He is always merciful to me, regardless of my circumstances. In the dark storms of self-reproach and condemnation, He is always merciful. 2 Samuel 24:14; Psalm 86:15

Forgiving He has forgiven me completely and totally for all my sins and transgressions, past, present and future. He forgives, He forgets wipes the slate of my heart clean. Psalm 86:5; 103:10, 12; Hebrews 10:17 Compassionate His heart is full of compassion for me for He has shared intimately all my pain and hurt and sorrows. Through His compassion, He affirms and supports me. Psalm 103:13; 111:4 Gentle His is a gentle Person. He deals with me so gently. His gentleness permeates my being, making me a gentle person. Matthew 11:29; Galatians 5:23 Beautiful He is the lily of the valley, the bright and morning star, the fairest of ten thousand. He is a beautiful Person, and He believes me to be a beautiful person. Psalm 27:4; 96:6 Cleanses The Blood of Christ cleanses me from all unrighteousness. No matter the defilement, He cleanses moment by moment. Isaiah 1:18 - 1 John 1:9 Holy The beauty of holiness shrouds my Father. My Father is absolutely holy, thus He makes me holy. Psalm 99:3, 5, 9; 108:7 Pardons He freely pardons me all my sins, all my transgressions, even the defilement is pardoned. I am free. He took me as His precious child and sacrificed His Son to pardon me. Psalm 103:3; Romans 8:1; Hebrews 10:17 Reasonable To think that my Father would reason with me, how important that makes me fee. He never demands more than I am able to really give. In every way, He is so very reasonable. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Friend He is my friend. He is closer than a brother. As my friend I can call on Him at any time; He is never too busy for me. John 15:13-15 Faithful He is absolutely faithful to me as a person. His faithfulness to me never lags and will never end. Numbers 23:19; Psalm 89:1, 2, 5, 8; 100:5 ; Lamentations 3:23-24; 2 Corinthians 1:20 Patient He is so patient with me. Nothing affects His patience where it concerns me. I cannot provoke Him, nor does He ever hold anything against me. Psalm 86:15; 103:8; 1 Corinthians 13:4 Delightful He delights in me because I am me; that is enough for Him. He is a delightful and pleasing person. Psalm 18:19; Zephaniah 3:17 Truthful He is always truthful to me, to everyone. He cannot be untruthful. He builds into me truthfulness. I can be truthful because He is truthful. Psalm 86:15; 89:14; 108:4; John 14:6 Counsellor There is nothing that I cant bring before Him and seek His counsel on. He never condemns or belittles what I ash Him. His advice never fails.

Job 12:13; Proverbs 19:21; Isaiah 9:6 Supportive My Father affirms me. I know that whatever I attempt, He is there. What He requires of me, He gives me the strength and power to do. Isaiah 41:10; Psalm 37:23-24 Humble To think that the King of kings humbled Himself for me Out of His humbleness, I find my humility. Mathew 11:29; Philippians 2:6-11 Joyful He is always joyful and full of joy. He is a Father of joy. His joy for me and in me produces my joy. I can rejoice in Him. John 15:11; Zephaniah 3:17; Isaiah 62:5 Discerning He is so very discerning. He knows my heart and nothing is hidden from Him. I can be myself. I dont have to be a phoney since He knows my heart. 1 Samuel 16:7; Jeremiah 17:10; Mark 2:8

Provider He provides for my every need emotional, spiritual, and physical. I can rest secure knowing that He will provide for me as He has promised. Psalm 23; 104:27; Philippians 4:19; Isaiah 58:11; Matthew 6:25-34 Trustworthy In every way, in every circumstance of life, He is trustworthy. He is worthy of the trust that I place in Him. Psalm 9:10; 18:2; 65:5 Adequate He is totally adequate for all my needs. He is, in and of Himself, totally adequate. His adequacy is the basis for my own personal adequacy. My adequacy is of Him. 2 Corinthians 3:5; Psalm 73:25-28 Generous He withholds nothing good from me. He lavishes the riches of His grace upon me. He freely and bountifully gives me all good things. 2 Corinthians 8:9; 1 Chronicles 19:12; Romans 8:32; Philippians 4:19 Fair How fair in all of His dealings with me is my Father. I know that He will never, ever be unfair with me. Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 98:9; 99:4 Steadfast What security I can have because my Father is steadfast and unmoveable. He is like a rock; I can truly trust Him. 2 Thessalonians 3:5; Isaiah 40:8, 28; 43:10-11; Psalm 31:3; Hebrews 13:8 Wealthy My Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He is rich beyond comprehension. His wealth is my wealth right now as my present possession. My Fathers real wealth is me. I am His inheritance. Psalm 50:10; Luke 6:38; John 3:34; 2 Corinthians 8:9 Concerned My Father is deeply concerned with the intimate details of my life. My Fathers concern extends to knowing even the number of hairs on my head. Matthew 10:28-31; 6:28-32; 1 Peter 5:7 Satisfies I am fulfilled in Him. He satisfies beyond my wildest dreams. Psalm 107:9; 128:1-4; 103:5; 147:14

Giver No good thing does he withhold from me, His child. He brings gifts and gives them to me the gift of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. He gives material blessings. Romans 8:32 Luke 11:13 James 1:17 John 3:34 1 Corinthians 12:14

Protective He protects me because He loves me. As His precious possession, He protects me. Psalm 91:2-10; 118:6-9; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; Ephesians 1:11 Secure In an insecure world, He gives me security. The world offers no sanctuary of security that only comes in Him. Proverbs 3:25-26; 29:25; Hebrews 13:8; Psalm 18:2 Preserver He preserves me and keeps me from all harm. He maintains (preserves) His righteousness in me. Psalm 97:10; 115:11; 119:114; Isaiah 54:17; John 10:29 Alert If His eye is on the sparrow, then I know He watches me. He watches over me even in the night watches. I am never alone. 2 Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 121:4; 139:1-12 Deliverer He delivers me from the hand of the enemy. He delivers me from all temptation. Psalm 97:10; 107:6; Ephesians 6:10-20; 1 Corinthians 10:13 Defender My Father protects and defends me from my enemies and myself. He stands up for me and is a shield to me. Zechariah 9:15 Psalm 10:18; 27:1; 108:13 Cherishes My Father delights in me, in what I do, and in what I say. He cherishes me as a person dear to His heart. Psalm 18:19; Zephaniah 3:17; Ephesians 5:29 Advocate My Father speaks up for me and defends me. He proclaims to Satan that I am not guilty. 1 John 2:1 - Hebrews 7:25 Forceful He accomplishes with ease that which man finds impossible. He forcefully conquers His enemies and mine. Isaiah 40:10-26; Luke 1:37; Mark 10:27 Courageous He courageously faces the foe on my behalf. I need not fear anything. He builds courage in me. In Him I find that courage is not the absence of fear, but the victory over it. 1 Thessalonians 2:2; 2 Timothy 1:7; Acts 14:3; Psalm 24:8

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