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For example, two of my colleagues Terry Britz and Lindsay Goodwin and I published about a year ago a study looking at Catholic Pasteur Priests. And, looking at the emotional and social intelligence as they demonstrated, as seen by others who work around them. And we found that it predicted in this marvelously sensitive study, the satisfaction on parishioners, and it was a very thorough measure of satisfaction. It was a measure of satisfaction that involved both sacramental depth and feeling of commitment, as well as community outreach, as well as a sense of community, within the particular church. Interestingly it didn't predict church attendance, but, but it did predict how much people were excited and committed. In another study, Elizabeth Komen did this with Navy pilots, commanding officers of flights of a particular airplane that had a large crew. Looked at the maintenance crews, and she was able to show that the more of this emotional and social intelligence, the more of these, the more frequently, these commanding officers demonstrated these competencies. The higher the performance of their plane, the fewer accidents, the higher the accuracy of its mission accomplishment. We also have a study, one of many. There are hundreds of these studies, done by Christine Dreyfus, looking at research labs. In this case it was NASA She looked at branch chiefs and was able to again establish that, the more frequently people demonstrated the emotional and social intelligence. And these are all PHD scientists, the more they were performing at a way that everyone else, saw as outstanding in terms of their contribution to the organization and their projects. Helen Williams did a marvelously thorough study, on principals in a urban public school system looking at elementary, middle and high school principals. And here again, she was able to show that the emotional and social intelligence competencies had a profound effect in differentiating the outstanding performers. And principals verses the less effective counterparts.

And the same competencies accounted for, interestingly enough, effectiveness at the elementary, middle, and high school level. So, one of the things, and I'm just giving you a sample of a few of these, one of the things you uncover when you start to read these studies and. There are hundreds of these that are done every year by consultants, by academics in, like I said, over 94 countries of the world, at least I've been able to document, studies in 94. On public sector, private sector, not-for-profit and we start to develop a sense of the competencies that I mentioned earlier. So, the ones I mentioned in these three clusters, the emotional, the social and the cognitive intelligent competencies, are the ones that always come up. There are others that sometimes are specific to a particular occupation or a particular industry or a particular level. But these basic ones continue to differentiate, regardless of where the people are, or what sector. Again I'd like to refer to a slide, that we used in an earlier module that was showing how we can develop it. Even though this is just about competencies. In this module, I want to refer back to the earlier module, that I talked about the results of these 26 longitudinal studies of 25 to 35 year olds in a one to two year MBA program. This is at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, where we have been delivering a course specifically to help enhance these competencies. The emotional and social and cognitive ones during their MBA program, and we've been doing it since 1990. And we were able to show that from entry to graduation, that people were able to develop about 60% more and show 60% more competency in these behaviors. Now, by the time we get five to seven years out, it levels off at about 50% improvement. But this was in contrast to a series of studies done by the accrediting body for management schools, which showed that in above average MBA programs there was about a 2% increase. And then it leveled off even lower. Now, the Consortium for Research on

Emotional Intelligent Organizations looked at published studies anywhere that they could find. Over 60 years of research anywhere in the world. And they were, and they brought them together, and unfortunately, there were only 15 that satisfied criteria of rigor. These, by studies, were, by the way, one of them. And they showed about an 11% impact on these competencies in corporate or government training programs and then it drops off. So, one of the things that we're struck with is that the good news is, yes, you can develop the competencies as an adult. But the bad news is, not the typical ways people go about trying to develop them. I would be remiss if I didn't spend a little bit of time talking about how important this is in working with children, or at least 5 to 18 year olds. And certainly the best resource for this in North America, is an organization at the University of Illinois at Chicago Called CASEL. CASEL is headed by Professor Roger Weissberg. The website is The have phenomenal resources, readings, materials, programs, examples. But several years ago, Roger Weisborg and Joe Derlach, also senior faculty, did a meta-analysis, a scientific way of looking at what's the impact of the social and emotional learning programs. That people are doing at some of the schools in North America. The collected data on 649 of them, and they did what's called a meta-analysis. And the report was released about a year-and-a-half ago, 2 years ago. One of the things they found in this statistical meta-analysis, is that when a school had a social/emotional learning program, and some of these ranged from a few hours, to a few hours every week. Some of these social/emotional learning programs use what Rogers describes as the stoplight, Red light, stop, what are you feeling? Can you label it? Yellow light. What does it mean? What are you likely to do whenever you feel this way? Green light. What should you do next, to be more helpful to yourself and others?

What they found was that these programs when they are in the schools where statistically beyond significance, they were having a huge impact. On increasing pro social behavior of children, the children would help each other more, they would talk to each other nicely, they had more peer respect. We saw significant, very huge ,very large decreases in antisocial behavior and negative behavior, kicking, biting, screaming, bullying. But perhaps the most surprising, not to us because we believed this would be the impact, but to others. Was that a result of these social, emotional, learning programs was a tremendous increase in grades, not in the social emotional programs,in all of the grades in chemistry, physics, English, social studies. There was a 28% impact increase in grades. And even more startling in this era of no child left behind and heavy testing on a regular basis using standardized tests. There was a 39% increase in childrens' performance on standardized tests. What became clear for many of us as we talked to teachers, to principals, to parents. As we talked to some of the children. Is that by helping them learn to deal with, and in that sense manage, their emotions and then the emotions of others, they could quiet the noise in their heads. And pay more attention to their other studies at school. They could hold onto or retain more learning. So, not only does social and emotional intelligence competencies and of course cognitive competencies have a critical role to play in those of us who are in positions of management or leadership. But it also helps us to reach out and help inspire children for a better future. So, here's the action learning assignment for this module. It will help you get a feeling for the social, emotional and cognitive competencies that you demonstrate frequently. And it's done in a very interpersonal way. I would like you to go out and interview 10 to 15 people that you live or work with.

And I want you to ask them one question. Can you tell me a time when I was at my best? And hopefully, they'll tell you a little story. They'll remember a particular event or an incident. And you should take notes. If you have the time, ask them to give you two of those. So, then say it again. Can you tell me another time that I was at my best? If you can get two of these from each of ten, 15, some people are over achievers and they get it from 20, or 25 people. Again, people you live with, people you work with, friends. You will start to be able to collect all of these stories and then you sit back and reflect on them and look for themes or patterns. And you might notice that, you often are listening to people in a way which they comment on. Good evidence of you demonstrating empathy. You often seem unflustered when something really discombobulating or confusing has happened. Good evidence of you demonstrating emotional self control. So, if you look at the competencies we talked about earlier, you should see a number of them. And I would predict quite a few that start to jump out in many of these stories, not all, don't worry about all. If they, if they show up consistently in ten stories, that's something that you're demonstrating. And it will start to give you a qualitative view, a personal view. Of how you're coming across to others, and which competencies you're effectively using on a regular basis. [MUSIC]

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