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Irina Sazonova - doctor with thirty years of experience, the author of "HIV AIDS": a virtual virus or provocation century "and" AIDS: The verdict is canceled, "the translation of books by P. Duesberg," Imaginary AIDS virus (Dr. Peter H. Duesberg Inventing the AIDS virus , Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington, DC) and" Infectious AIDS: we all have been misled? (Dr. Peter H. Duesberg Infectious AIDS: Have We Been Misled? , North Atlantic Books , Berkeley, California). Sazonova has extensive material on the subject, including scientific information for refuting the theory of "the plague of the twentieth century", which gave her the Hungarian scientist Antal Makk. Inna Kovalenko, correspondent of "Pravdy.Ru" asked Irina Sazonova about pressing problems. - Irina, we know that the first information about "HIV AIDS" that has penetrated the USSR, came first from Elista, then from Rostov and Volgograd. Over the past quarter century, we first had threatened pandemic of human, and then allegedly encouraged by public vaccines. Suddenly, your book ... It changes all the representations of AIDS. Is AIDS a medical hoax global scale? - The existence of HIV-AIDS has been transformed into a "scientifically proven" in the USA in 1980. After that, there were many articles on the subject. But even then, academician Valentin Pokrovsky said that we still need to inspect and review. Particularly, the work of the Australian group of scientists led by Eleni Papadopulos, the work of scientists led by Professor Peter Duesberg, California, a Hungarian scientist Antal Mack, who has worked in many countries in Europe, Africa and led a clinic in Dubai. There are more than six thousand of these scientists. It is well known and knowledgeable experts, including Nobel Prize winners. Finally, the fact that the so-called human immunodeficiency virus has never been open, admitted his "discoverers" - Luc Montagnier of France and Robert Gallo of America. Nevertheless, a global deception continues ... A very serious effort and money involved in this process. The same Antal Mack at the Budapest Congress in 1997 in detail told about the way a U.S. government AIDS establishment, which includes many government and non-governmental agencies and services, and representatives of health institutions, pharmaceutical companies, various societies for AIDS and AIDS journalism. - Have you tried to destroy this mystification? - By virtue of my humble capacity I have published two books, several articles appeared on radio and television programs. In 1998, I presented the views of opponents of the theory of AIDS at the parliamentary hearings "On urgent measures to combat the spread of AIDS" in the State Duma. In response, I heard ... silence of all present, including RAMS President Valentin Pokrovsky, and his son - the head of the Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS - Vadim Pokrovsky. And then an increase in funding for this branch of medicine. Because AIDS - this is a crazy business. - So there are hundreds of scientific papers, medical research, the true facts to refute the theory of a deadly virus and AIDS, are simply ignored? What's the trick here? - The point is simple. Nobody is saying that there is no AIDS. This is not entirely accurate. AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - exists. He was, is and will be. But it is not caused by a virus. Accordingly, become infected by it - in the conventional sense of the word "infected" - is impossible. But it if you like, you can "amass." About immunodeficiency, we knew a long time. All medical students and thirty years ago, and forty, were told that immune deficiency is congenital or acquired. We knew all the diseases that are now combined under the name "AIDS". According to the World Health Organization, AIDS today is those previously known diseases such as candidiasis of the trachea, bronchus, lung, esophagus, cryptosporidiosis, Salmonella septicemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumocystis pneumonia, herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus infection (with a lesion of other organs besides the liver, spleen and lymph nodes), cervical cancer (invasive), wasting syndrome, and others. Speculation around the issue of HIV and AIDS - the biggest fraud on the market of medicine. Condition of impaired immunity, that is, immune deficiency, known to physicians since ancient times. There are social causes of immunodeficiency syndrome - poverty, malnutrition, drug addiction and so on. There are environmental. In each case, weakening of immunity should be conscientious and thorough examination of the patient to discover the cause of immunodeficiency. I repeat, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was, is and will be. Just as they were, there would be diseases resulting from impaired immunity. Neither the doctor nor a scientist does not deny it. I want people to understand one thing. AIDS is not a contagious disease and not caused by any virus. Until now, there is no scientific evidence of human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. I will quote global authority Cary Mullis, a biochemist, Nobel laureate: "If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, then there should be scientific documents which together or separately, would demonstrate that fact with high probability. There is no such document. " - Irina, sorry for the naivety, but people are dying from a diagnosis of HIV infection ... - Here's an example. In Irkutsk, the girl fell ill. She was given a positive test for HIV and diagnosed HIV-positive. They began heal. The girl poorly tolerated antiretroviral therapy. Every day was worse. Then she died. An autopsy showed that all her organs were affected by tuberculosis. That is, she simply died of sepsis caused by tubercle bacilli. If she had been correctly



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organs were affected by tuberculosis. That is, she simply died of sepsis caused by tubercle bacilli. If she had been correctly diagnosed - tuberculosis - and were treated with anti-TB drugs, and no anti-retroviral, she could live. My collaborator - Irkutsk pathologist Vladimir Ageev - 15 years leading research on the AIDS problem. For instance, he dissected dead people, most of whom were registered in the Irkutsk AIDS center as HIV-infected, and found that they were drug addicts and died mainly from hepatitis and tuberculosis. Traces of HIV hasn't been found in this category of citizens, although, in theory, any virus must leave its mark in the body. In the world in general no one has seen the AIDS virus. But this does not prevent interested persons to deal with undetected virus. And to fight a dangerous way. The fact that antiretroviral therapy, which must cope with HIV infection actually causes immune deficiency, because it kills all cells indiscriminately, and especially bone marrow, which is responsible for the production of immune system cells. Drug AZT (Zidovudine, Retrovir), which treats AIDS now, a long time ago came up with the treatment of cancer, but then decided not to use by recognizing that product is extremely toxic. - Are victims of AIDS diagnosis often drug addicts? - Yes. Because the drugs are toxic to immune cells. The immune system is destroyed by drugs, rather than from the virus. Drugs destroy the liver, which in the human body has many functions, in particular, neutralizes toxic substances, is involved in various kinds of exchange, but with a sick liver, you will get sick with whatever you want. In drug users often develops toxic hepatitis drug. AIDS may also develop because of drugs, but it is not contagious and it is not transmitted from person to person. Another thing is that because of the already obtained immunodeficiency, they may occur at any infectious disease that can be transmitted. Including hepatitis B and long-studied disease of Botkin - hepatitis A. - But doctors diagnosed HIV infection to people not taking drugs. Is it possible to dupe millions of people so simply? - Unfortunately, ordinary people also diagnosed with HIV infection. Several years ago, my friend, a young woman, a doctor by profession too, asked me: "How could it be, Irina? The whole world is talking about AIDS, and you deny everything. "And after a while, she went to sea, went back and then she found some plaques on the skin. Analyses shocked her. She was HIV positive. It's good that she versed in medicine and turned to the Institute of Immunology. And she, as a doctor, was told that 80% of skin diseases are HIV positive. She recovered and regained her composure. But, do you know what could have been if she had not been this way? Whether she was taking an HIV test after? She was. And it was negative. Although in such cases, tests can remain positive, other antibodies can react, and in this case you would still put the HIV infection. - I read that HIV has never been isolated in information about the conference in Barcelona in July 2002 ... - Yes, at a conference in Barcelona, emeritus professor of pathology dealing with electron microscopy, Etienne de Harven talked about this. The audience was delighted with the way that he detailed the technical arguments of absence of electron microscopy pictures of what is known as the AIDS virus. Then he explained that if HIV does exist, it would be simply to select it from individuals with high viral load values. And since there is no virus, there can be no diagnostic tests, ostensibly prepared by particles of this virus. Proteins that composed diagnostic tests for the detection of antibodies are not part of the mythical virus. Consequently, they aren't pointers to the presence of any virus, and give a false positive result with the existing antibodies in the body that occur in humans as a result of any vaccine, as well as a variety of different, already well known in medical illnesses. False positive test can be detected during pregnancy and that is the reason for the increased number of women among "HIV-positive." - By the way, why pregnant women forced to take an HIV test? - I was also extremely worried about that. After all, how many tragic cases! Here's an example: a woman, a mother of two children waiting for a third child. And suddenly she is HIV-positive. Shock. Horror. A month later, this woman passes tests again - and everything is fine. But no one can retell what she went through that month. So I want to cancel an HIV test for pregnant women. In our country, incidentally, there is Federal Law dated 30.03.1995 "On prevention of spread in the Russian Federation, the disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)," and in it by Article 7, which stipulates that "The medical examination is voluntary, except for as provided in Article 9. " And there is an Article 9, in which says that "donors of blood, body fluids, organs and tissues are subject to compulsory medical examination ... Workers in certain occupations, industries, enterprises, institutions and organizations, a list which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. " That's all! But, the Annex to the Order of the Ministry of Health says that pregnant women can be tested "in the case of the fence abortion and placental blood for future use as a feedstock for the production of immunobiological products." But then it says that compulsory HIV testing is prohibited. Knowing all this, why should woman whose pregnancy is planned and desirable, be tested for HIV? No one asks a pregnant woman about agreement or voluntary waiver. She has just taken the blood and in the number of other studies doing an HIV test (three times during pregnancy), which is sometimes false positives. This fact of life! To someone it's great benefit! - And still remains puzzling ... - Indeed, the global AIDS statistics can confuse even the professionals. Here's an example. The annual report "AIDS Epidemic Update," Joint United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS - UNAIDS and WHO figures, interest rates. And the little postscript into a seemingly minor paragraph: "UNAIDS and WHO do not warrant the accuracy of information and are not responsible for any damage that may occur while using this information." But what's worth reading the rest, when there are these words? Why spend millions on research and control of AIDS? And where the money, associated with AIDS goes? - According to the director of the Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS, shown at the end of the last century, the year 2000 in our country had to be 800 000 AIDS patients ... - This number of sick people is false . In addition, there is confusion: AIDS or HIV. But still, each year the number of cases multiplied by 10, a coefficient which was invented in America, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. From there, by the way, besides AIDS, grows SARS, described by non-specific symptoms, mad cow disease, now here's another, and avian influenza. Delusions! They are constantly calling us to fight infections. And what a fight? With the actual infection or imagined?



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- Irina, just tell me: is it possible to inject a so-called HIV-positive blood, and not to worry about? - It's have already been done. In 1993 Dr. Robert Willner injected himself into the body HIV-positive blood. When he was asked why he was risking his life, he said: "I do it to put the end to the greatest deception in the history of the medicine." Then I wrote a review of his book "The Deadly Deception." - In the press quite often appears messages about creating an AIDS vaccine ... - It's funny to read such messages. In the medical articles, authors of "panacea" complain that the classical method of Pasteur vaccine does not work. Yes, it therefore does not work, because to make the vaccine is not enough one, but the main parts - the original material called "virus". Without it, oddly enough, the classical method of creating a vaccine does not work. Founder of modern microbiology and immunology Louis Pasteur in the XIX century even in a nightmare could not see that the people who call themselves scientists, will create a vaccine out of nothing and still complain that the method does not work. How mythical is virus itself, as the mythical even idea of creating a vaccine. Just a lot of money earmarked for this adventure is not mythical. In conclusion, we present authoritative statements on HIV-AIDS: In the preface to P. Duesberg, "Imaginary AIDS virus," the Nobel laureate Professor K. Mullis (USA) writes: "I was convinced of the existence of a viral origin of AIDS, but Peter Duesberg argues that it is a mistake. Now I also see that the hypothesis of HIV / AIDS is not just a scientific flaw - it's a terrible mistake. I say this as a warning. " The aforementioned book by Duesberg argues: "The fight against AIDS ended in defeat. Since 1981, more than 500 000 Americans and over 150 000 Europeans diagnosed with "HIV / AIDS." U.S. taxpayers paid more than $ 45 billion, but at this time no vaccine, no cure has been invented, no effective prevention has been developed. Not a single patient with AIDS has been cured. " Prof. Peter Duesberg believes that AIDS is contrary to all laws of infectious disease. For example, surveyed 15 000 wives of 'HIV positive' Americans for some reason, are not contracted the virus while continuing sexual activity with their husbands. Alfred Hassig, Professor of Immunology, the former director of the Swiss Red Cross, the president of the board of trustees of the International Red Cross: "AIDS is caused by influence on the organism of many different factors, including stress. The suggestion of death that accompanies the medical diagnosis of AIDS should be repealed. " Hungarian scientist, Dr. Antal Mack: "The constant emphasis on the incurability of AIDS serves exclusively to the business objectives and getting money for research and other excuses. With this money, in particular, developed and sold the toxic drugs that do not strengthen but disrupt the immune system, condemning a man to death from side effects."And further: "AIDS - it's not a fatal illness. This is a business on the death ... " Dr. Brian Allison (from the article "Backroom game around the problem of human immunodeficiency virus"): "The idea of "creation" of AIDS belongs to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention USA (CDC). Each year the Centre received a $ 2 billion to fight the epidemic, had a thousand staff and it distinguished by a tendency to interpret if necessary, any disease outbreak as an infectious epidemic, getting an opportunity to manipulate public opinion and financial support of its activities ... The idea of viral AIDS became one of the projects, developed and successfully promoted by the center and its clandestine structure - epidsvedeny Service (EIS). According to a member of the center, "if we learn to manage the AIDS epidemic, it will serve as a model for other diseases." In 1991, the Harvard biologist, Dr. Charles Thomas formed by a group of scientific re-evaluation of the AIDS theory . Charles Thomas, along with many other prominent scientists felt the necessity to objectively speak out against the totalitarian nature of the doctrine of HIV-AIDS and its tragic consequences for the lives of millions people around the world. On the existing dogma, he said in his interview with the newspaper "Sunday Times," in 1992 and 1994 : "The dogma of HIVAIDS is the most important and perhaps the most morally destructive fraud that ever was done to young men and women of Western the world. " Neville Hodgkinson, a research editor of the "Times": "Leaders of the scientific and medical profession has been occupied by some kind of collective insanity on HIV-AIDS. Dr. Joseph Sonnabend, Emergency Physician, founder of the Foundation for AIDS Research, New York, "Unwinding of HIV through press releases as a killer virus that causes AIDS, without the need to consider other factors, so distorted research and treatment, that this may have caused suffering and death of thousands of people. " Dr. Etienne de Harven, Professor Emeritus of Pathology, Toronto: "Beginning with how the unproven hypothesis of HIV-AIDS absolutely funded by the research funds while all other hypotheses were ignored, the AIDS establishment with the media, special pressure groups and in the interest of several pharmaceutical companies making efforts to control the disease, lose contact with scientists and physicians who have open-minded views. How many wasted efforts, how many billions of dollars spent on research, thrown to the wind! This is terrible. " Dr. Andrew Herxheimer, Professor of Pharmacology, Oxford, England: "I think that AZT has never really been properly evaluated and its effectiveness has never been proven, and its toxicity, of course, important. And I think that it destroyed a lot of people, especially when they were given high doses. Personally, I think that it could not be used separately or in combination with other drugs. " Reference List the factors that cause false positive test results for HIV antibodies (according to the magazine "Continuum"). There are 62 points, but we give the most understandable to people who have no medical training. 1. Healthy people, the result of obscure cross-reactions. 2. Pregnancy (especially among women giving birth many times). 3. Blood transfusion, particularly multiple blood transfusions. 4. Upper respiratory infection (common cold, acute respiratory infections). 5. Influenza. 6. Recently transferred viral infection or viral vaccination. 7. Vaccination against influenza.


7. Vaccination against influenza. 8. Vaccination against hepatitis B. 9. Vaccination against tetanus. 10. Hepatitis. 11. Primary biliary cirrhosis. 12. Tuberculosis. 13. Herpes. 14. Hemophilia. 15. Alcoholic hepatitis (alcoholic liver disease). 16. Malaria. 17. Rheumatoid arthritis. 18. Systemic lupus erythematosus. 19. Connective tissue diseases. 20. Malignant tumors. 21. Multiple sclerosis. 22. Kidney failure. 23. Organ transplantation.

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24. Falsely positive response to another test, including test RPR (rapid plasma reagent) for syphilis. 25. Receptive anal sex. 22.06.2006 Source: Pravda.Ru

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