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Programa de Studiu pentru Dans Terapie

Studiile necesare pentru a deveni dans terapeut
Studiile pentru a deveni dans terapeut implica un program de instruire pe o durata de doi ani cu jumatate de norma. Pentru a fi admis la acest program este necesar ca studentul sa detina o diploma de studii superioare sau sa aiba experienta profesionala in domeniul dansului. Studiile corespund unei formatii de baza in psihoterapie.

Numele profesorilor (in ordine alfabetica)

Nita Gyllander, Elisabet Rosen, Monika Thelin, Aurora Werberg Conducatorul cursului: Aurora Werberg Organizator: A.R.T.E.

Scopul studiilor
Scopul studiilor este de a oferi studentilor cunostintele psyhoterapeutice si dansterapeutice necesare pentru a lucra ca dans terapeut sub supravegere, privat sau in cadrul diferitelor institutii de tratament si reabilitare.

Programa Analitica
Teoria, metoda si practica dans terapiei

Dans terapie pentru copii si adolescenti / NG Dans terapie pentru adolescenti si adulti / MT
Concepte de baza in dans terapie / NG, MT Laborator de analiza a propriei miscari / NG, ER, MT, AW Diferite metode folosite in dans terapie / NG, ER, MT, AW Teoria atasamentului / MT Analiza dansului / AW

Analiza miscarii-metoda Laban si LAM / AW

Alianta terapeutica / ER

Tomkins affect theory / ER Terapia de grup / ER

Dans terapie cu pacient Instruirea si supravegherea studentului in practica sa cu pacientul / NG, ER, MT Psihologie generala Psihologia dezvoltarii Psihologia cognitiva Psihologia de grup Psihoterapie, teorie si metoda

Psihopatologie psihodinamica

Concepte de baz Metode Comportament Diagnosticare Alte metode psihoterapeutice Art terapie Pregatire stiintifica si methodologica pentru lucrare scrisa

Cunostinte de baza
Metoda calitativa i cantitativa Interviu si tehnica conversatiei Lucrare scrisa / NG, MT

Metoda de predare Invatamintul se desfasoara sub forma de seminarii, prelegeri i lucrari in grup. Participarea
activ este absolut necesar. Metoda pedagogica folosita este interactiva si se bazeaza pe analiza aprofundata si rezolvarea unor probleme practice in care reflectarea asupra materialului predat detine un rol central.

Studentul trebuie sa detina cunostiintele necesare pentru a putea reecta activ asupra propriului proces de formare ca dans terapeut in relatie cu continutul cursurilor. Este obligatoriu ca studentul sa tina un jurnal pe tot parcursul programului de studii.
Invatamintul si examinarea au loc att n limba englez cit i in limba romn. O mare parte din literatura este in limba englez.


Pentru a obtine calicativul de trecere studentii trebuie sa aiba completate toate cursurile. Calificativul de evaluare a cursurilor este admis sau respins. Examinarea se face prin
participare activ i prin lucrari scrise verificate si acceptate.

Pentru obtinerea diplomei este necesar ca studentul sa efectueze 50 de ore de dans terapie cu un pacient sub supravegherea profesorilor si sa sustina o lucrare de diploma.

Este necesar ca studentul sa efectueze cel putin 50 de ore de terapie individuala sau 120 de ore
de terapie in grup la un psiholog autorizat. Psihoterapia trebuie sa fie terminata cel tirziu la inceputul trimestrului de toamna al anului doi de studii.

Conditii pentru admitere Studentul trebuie sa detina o profunda maturitate, dublata de capacitatea de a se distinge in studii teoretice si sa intruneasca una din urmatoarele conditii:
Sa posede o diploma de absolvire a unei facultati (de preferinta psyhologie, sociologie, pedagogie) si sa cunoasca diferite forme de dans cu un minim de doi ani de experienta in cel putin una din ele. Sa aiba educatie si experienta la nivel profesional in domeniul dansului dublata de practica pedagogica in dans sau in asistenta sociala.

Selectia candidatilor
Selectia candidatilor se face prin concurs de admitere care va consta in exercitii usoare de dans modern si de improvizatie, urmate de interviu. Va trebui sa fie demonstrata puterea de improvizatie creativa, de comunicare si de exprimare prin miscare.

Monika Thelin
Dear Student, My name is Monika Thelin and I have been working with dance- and movement therapy in Stockholm, Sweden for almost twenty years. I am a former dancer and danceteacher and have worked in Stockholm and New York before my continuation training. I have worked for many years with group and individual dancetherapy in hospitals and clinics with children, teenagers and adults with different kinds of problems. One of my specialities has become eatingsdisorders, although I have a wide range of experience from many different problem areas. I have also written two books in the subject of dance and movement therapy, unfortunately only in Swedish. Im really looking forward to teach in Romania and to get to know you, your country and culture. All the best, Monika Thelin Maps and Methods in the practice of Dance and Movement Therapy Monika will bring up the following areas in her teaching: The Body Self as foundation of self-awareness and the development of mental representations in form of self- and body image. The concept of intersubjectivity and its meaning connected to self- and bodyimage in the dancetherapeutical process. Knowledge and practice of three levels of awareness and response i.e. the physical, emotional and mental body and how they are related to each other. How we can understand and work with body memories in general and specifically with trauma. How to use kinestetic awareness and empathy in practice. How to use attachment theory in practice.

The practice will cover working with teenagers, young adults and adults. The pupose of the practice is to increase understanding and conceptual knowledge and how to implement this in the dancetherapeutical process. Design and approach: With starting point in read material and perceived experience in dance and movement, the students reflect and participate in discussions connected to dancetherapeutical methods and practices. All training will be performed in dancestudio. Examination: Written test.

Nita Gyllander
Hello, my name is Nita Gyllander. I am a licensed psychotherapist, dance therapist, dance teacher and supervisor. My specialties are children, youth and young adults with ADHD and depression but I have over the years also been working a lot with vastly different problems in adults and the elderly. I use both image, conversation, music and dance. During the years 2000-2005 I was employed as a dance therapist and research assistant in a research project where we tried dance therapy for children and youth with mental health problems in child and adolescent psychiatry. When I saw the joy and power of dance gave the sick, I realized that this was a great way to bring new vitality in a body that may be about to give up and stagnate in disease. I have been a keynote speaker at research conferences in Pforzheim 2006th Lectured and held workshops at ECArTE, European Arts Therapies Conference 2005 (Greece) and 2007 (Estonia). In Sweden at Psychotherapy Fair, Relationship Fair, Nordic Young Adults days and more. I teach at the University of Stockholm and the University College of Dance. I really look forward to the opportunity to teach in Romania. It's exciting for me to meet new students and share your experience and knowledge, and especially your dancing! Nita Gyllander

Dancing Therapeutic theory and method for children and youth

With specialization in: Dance Therapy with boys with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Students gain knowledge and practical training in working with dance therapy for children and youth, and to compile a special program for children and adolescents with ADHD and depression. Dance Therapy program for ADHD is developed specifically for children with concentration problems and restlessness. It is a dynamic program that promotes children's physical activity as an asset, but also adjusts the movement and in relaxation. It is important to build on the child's strengths and healthy impetus to increase self-esteem and increase motivation to try new movements. Within the structural framework opens the opportunity for creative expression in movement, dance and image. In a pleasurable way we train interaction and turn-taking. Dance Therapy with depressed and self-destructive teenage girls. Dance therapy for depressed and self-destructive adolescents have been shown to increase both the zest for life and energy by the opportunity to express themselves creatively in movement, dance and image. Depression often include a feeling of weakness, perhaps as a result of self-destructive behaviors. The body often becomes the target of disapproval and disparagement. In dance therapy is the foundation of a safe atmosphere and a positive attitude, the joy of movement and brought a healing process can begin. Finding their strength and regain their body with all its potential for constructive expression gives new hope and strengthens self-confidence. Instruction is in the form of written assignments, movement exercises, discussions and reflections. Examination: written test

Elisabet Rosn Elisabet Rosn dancer, dance- and movement

therapist, psychologist, psychotherapist, supervisor and teacher in psychotherapy. Working in my own company, preferably at the request of Umea University and treatment of offenders in Sweden. Working as dance- and movement therapist since 1997, and have been teaching at the education for dance- and movement therapists at University College of Dance Stockholm. Areas of special interest have been affects, therapeutic alliance and non-verbal communication.

Group psychology Introduction to group psychology

Initial phase How to come together to form a group, how to establish a common ground for further development in the group. Working phase The development of group roles, norms, purposes expressed and non-expressed, instrumental and social-emotional; conflicts and scapegoats. Terminal phase Different forms of ending, closing, completion, death, different exercises of termination, remembering, mourning. Purpose of the module: To give the student knowledge about how group processes take form and develop within the group, through different dance and movement exercises, and how to work with the specific potential of the group in the context of dance- and movement therapy. Forms of examination: Written papers, production of dance- and movement exercises.

Therapeutic Alliance
Working with the fundamental terms: task, bond and goal, and exercises. How to use different aspects of positive transferences to strengthen the alliance: twin ship/kinship, idealizing/reliance, mirroring/validation, adversarial self object.

How to work with negative transferences/ therapeutic ruptures how to find them and work them through thoroughly in psychotherapy and dancemovement therapy. Purpose of the module: To give the student an understanding for the term therapeutic alliance, how it can turn out in the context of psychotherapy, or dance- and movement therapy, and how to strengthen the alliance during the process of psychotherapy. Forms of examination: Written papers, production of dance- and movement exercises.

Affect theory
The nature of human emotion, developmental aspects of the affect system: affects emotions feelings and pattern of attachment. The affect system with our fundamental affects: joy, interest, surprise, distress, anger, fear, shame, dismal and disgust. Vitality affects and the Laban Movement Analysis Systems aspects of efforts: time, flow, force and space. Different levels of communication and the term non- conscious. Aspects of affect consciousness - identifying, tolerating and expressing affects. Affect focus in psychotherapy and dance- and movement therapy. The school of affects including work with the compass of shame and master suppression techniques. Purpose of the module: To give the student an understanding for the importance of working with affects in a therapeutic setting, and develop the understanding of the function of the different affects, the importance of being able to identify, tolerate and express affect, and how this knowledge can be used in dance- and movement therapy. Forms of examination: Written papers, production of dance- and movement exercises.

Methodology: Lectures, seminars and dance- and movement exercises.

Aurora Werberg
Dragi studenti, Ma numesc Aurora Werberg. Timp de 20 de ani am fost prima balerina la Opera Romana din Bucuresti sub numele de Aurora Rotaru. Dupa ce m-am stabilit in Suedia, am absolvit facultatea de Dans Terapie la University College of Dance Stockholm unde am fost si profesoara la catedra de balet si repertoriu. Dupa absolvirea facultatii am deschis propriul meu studio de Dans Terapie unde lucrez cu pacienti cu diferite probleme: autism, mutism selectiv, ADHD, depresie si trauma. Am lucrat de asemenea ca Dans Terapeut pentru Crucea Rosie si Spitalul Universitar din Uppsala. Programul de dans terapie ofera un minunat prilej de a porni pe un drum al cunoasterii - si nu mai putin al cunoasterii de sine - la capatul caruira vom stapini un nou limbaj de comunicare cu forta de vindecare. Va astept cu drag sa facem aceasta calatorie impreuna. Aurora

Analiza Dansului
Pentru a putea analiza dansul, studentul trebuie sa detina cunostinte anterioare despre istoria dansului (unde, cind si cum au aparut difereritele forme de dans). Modulul va dezvolta capacitatea de a analiza dansul din trei unghiuri diferite: al interpretului, al coregrafului si al publicului. Cursul va cuprinde si modelul propus de Profesor June Layson care consta in analiza 1) a categoriilor (gen, stil), 2) a componentelor (interpret, costum, scenografie), 3) a miscarii (in studio vom prelua in corpul nostru miscarea dominanta din coregrafie pe care o vom analiza utilizind sistemul Laban) si 4) a formei spectacolui (relatia dintre interpret, miscare sunet si spatiu). Prin analiza spectacolelor se va da studentului posibilitatea sa-si dezvolte capacitatea de a reflecta asupra dansului in multiplele lui forme. Examinarea consta in proba scrisa.


Analysis of Dance
To be able to analyze dance students must have prior knowledge of dance history (where, when and how did the different forms of dans appear). The module will enhance the ability to analyze dance from three different angles: of the interpreter, of the choreographer and of the public. The module will also include the model introduced by Professor June Layson consisting in the analysis 1) of categories (genre, style), 2) of elements (performer, costume, scenography), 3) of movement (in the studio we will mirror in our bodies the dominant movement of the choreography and we will analyze the relationship between emotion and movement), 4) of the shape of the performance (the relationship between performer, movement, sound and space). By analyzing productions the student will have the opportunity to develop the ability to reflect upon dance in its multiple forms. Evaluation: written exam.

Analiza Miscarii
Acest curs urmareste dezvoltarea abilitatii studentului de a intelege dinamic stuctura si functia miscarii utilizind metodele Laban si LAM. Sistemul Laban de analiza a miscarii numit Effort analizeaza relatia corpului cu cei patru factori de baza a miscarii: spatiu, timp, greutate/forta si energie. Studentul va exemplifica si aprofunda in studio fiecare factor de miscare care se materializeaza in doua dimensiuni de polaritati diferite. Sistemul LAM (Lamb Movement Analysis) ofera dans terapeutilor un mod de a analiza propriile lor miscari si de a identifica propriile preferinte si antipatii in miscare. Acest sistem organizeaza ceea ce este deja cunoscut si integrat la nivelul corpului, facind legatura intre perceptia kinestetic internalizata si intelegerea cognitiva a comunicarii prin miscare. Evaluare: prin miscare in studio si proba scrisa.


Movement Analysis
This module seeks to enhance the ability of the student to understand dynamically the structure and function of movement by using the Laban and LAM methods. The Laban system of movement analysis called Effort investigates the relationship of the body with the four basic elements of movement: space, time, strength and energy. The student will exemplify and practice in the studio each element of movement represented in two dimensions by opposite properties. The LAM (Lamb Movement Analysis) system offers the dans therapist a method for analyzing his/her own movements and to identify his/her own movement preferences and aversions. The method organizes that which is already known and internalized at the level of the body, establishing a connection between the internal kinesthetic perception and the cognitive understanding of the communication through movement. Evaluation: movement in the studio and written exam.


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