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Michael Peterschmidt

New American Revolution

Last American Revolutionary
Hawaii, HI

3 CashIn Term Sheets

1|20|09: 1st Tickets [for] Sale!

1st Term Sheet

1st Tickets

Exactly 11.223.335 Tickets

@ $9.99 = $

Author: $11M
Agent: $11M
Attorney: $23M
Angel: $23M
Ad Man: $22M
Ad Men: $22M

2nd Term Sheet

2nd Tickets [for] Sale!

Exactly 11.223.335 Seats

@ $99.99 = $

Artist: 51%
Activist: 9%
Adept: 1%
Angel: 9%
Avatar: 15%
Actor: 15%

3rd Term Sheet

3rd Tickets [with] Invitation!

12|12|12: All Sold!

Exactly 1.223.335 Chairs

@ $999.99 = $1.223.322.766.66

Personal Endowment: $250M

Private Endowment: $250M
Public Endowment: $250M
GlobalNGO: $250M

12|21|12: Capital Liberation Day!

$20B Cash
$200B Credit

Capital Revolution!
Michael Peterschmidt
Wild|Blue Studios 808.987.7163
79-7199 Mamalahoa Hwy. Holualoa, HI
#220B Kona Coffee Villas 96725

To: An Angel, an Agent, an Attorney & the Authorities

From: Michael Peterschmidt
Date: 2|04|09 10:34 PM HST

Elevator Pitch: Wild|Blue Studios

I am a StoryTeller. I have a Story [to] Tell!

I want to Picture the SkY! I can Sell the Prints! The SkY is Mine! The SkY is Mine to Sell! All of This [is] to Prove iT.
I'm a Wild|Blue Artist! I need $1M. Will pay Exact $45 Million. 3 years . 10 months . 7 Days & Counting!

Wild|Blue Studios is1st [and] Foremost. I am the Founder & Chief Creative Artist [for] this Wild|Blue Art|
Studio\Gallery. I need $250K x 4Q = $1M. I have an Exact Plan. I'll 'take' photos [of] The Sky! Digital|Print Glicee!

My name is Michael Peterschmidt. I am a SWM, 53 with two children (9&6). I am a Content Creator. I am the Artist
[who] creates the Author, Adam Archimedes [who] creates the Avatar; John Michael. I have created a Charactar-Actar.
A Web 3.0/4.0 Application: Who is John Michael? John has created Free Capital, he has created a New American
Revolution [and] he has created an Actar Zealot. He may even create the 1st World Revolution. My Actar thinks BiG!

My name id is John Michael. I will start the 1st World Revolution {doing business as} A. A Free EnterPriZe B. transAXYZS
C. United World Peace Incorporated

I am the Founder and Chief Creative Officer [of] A Free EnterPriZe {dba} I. 1st Private US Constitution: An ExAct
Patten-Pending/Closed Agent-Base Exchange System|Complex II. New American Revolution: A Branded-Marked/Trade-
Based Market Give|Away III. Wild|Blue Studios: A Real-Time/Glicee-Base Art Studio|Gallery IV. John Michael: A
Charactar-Actar/Web-Base ID|IP.

1st Private US Constitution is an Individual Collective [of] an Exact Number {11.22.334} [of] Collective Individuals
& 1 Outside Counsel [who] 1] Vote 2] Spend 3] Work 4] Play in a Complex Action Lab [utilizing] a.) A System
for Capital Revolution b.) The Theory of Capital Revolution & c.) Capital Revolution. Capital Revolution is the
Liberation Captured Capital, the Velocity Creation of Liberated Capital, the Freedom Shared Capital and the
Creation [of] Free Capital.

New American Revolution is the Arrest of Dick & W. It is 11.223.335 1st Tickets @ $9.99 [for] a Total [of] $112M.
$11M Founder, $11M Enter PriZes, $45M Public Campaign. Transparency <>,
We did NOT Impeach Them, we must Indict Them! It is OUR American Duty! We MUST Arrest Them! This is Revolution.
This is America's Future! Start Today 1|20|09. By 12|12|12. $45M Financier.

John Michael is an American Hero. He is the Last American Revolutionary. He is the Chief Executive Officer of A Free
EnterPriZe and Founder of Wild|Blue Studios. John Michael is Adam Archimedes' Avatar, John Michael is the Author's
Protagonist. John is John Michael's Prophet. AJ is John's Zealot. I am God's Son. Adam Archimedes is the Artist's Author.
Michael Peterschmidt is the Artist. And I am a Poet {in love}! With the SkY!

United World Peace Incorporated is 10M Private Capitalist [buying] 10.111.111 2nd Tickets @ $99.99 [for] a Total $1B
100.000 Corporals [running] 100 Major Projects, 10.000 Sergent s & Majors [leading] 1000 Minor Projects, 1000 1st
Lieutenants [executing] 100 World Sectors, 100 Cornells [ordering] 10 World Regions, 10 Lt. Cornells [deciding]
and The Peacemaker General [presiding]. 1. Palestine 2. Bosnia 3. Lebanon 4. Jordon 5. Syria 6. Egypt 7.Gaza City
8. West Bank 9. Iraq 10. Afghanistan 11. Pakistan 12. Kashmir 13. India 14. Nepal 15. Burma 15. Bangladesh 16. Tibet
17. Darfor 18. Sudan 19. Himalayas 20. The Native American Reservation

transAXYZS is A-X-Y-Z-S & Beyond. A_Being, X_Body, Y_Personality, Z_Soul, S_Self and iT All!

3 MailLists of 1996 [with] 499 Hollywood Agents, 499 Valley Angels, 499 DC Authorities, 499 Boston Attorneys [in]
Each List: 5996 Total Contacts. I want/need to AsK [for] Help! I [want to] Startup an OpenSource Social-NetWork
Closed Group | Agent-Based Diversity-ExChange System|Complex.

ThankX! Please Call: 808.987.7163 Write:

A Story
John & Mary Michael
Om Ma Da

An Exact Capital Action Research Lab

A Free EnterPriZe is an Individual Collective of Exactly 11.223.335 Collective Individuals who Work, Spend,
Vote & Play within a Closed, Structured, Democratic and Self-Organizing Capital Agent Exchange Container.
The EnterPriZe is An Act in the Liberation of Captured Capital with the Promise of Capital Revolution through
the Creation of Free Capital by means of Capital Democracy. Constitutional Capital Democracy is the Exact
Rule Based Vote|Poll by which the Complex Decides. Capital Velocity is generated by Diversity in Agent
Exchange and maintained through manipulation of the Capital Rotation Equation.

Who am I?
I am John.
John Michael.


Context Founder: A Free EnterPriZe

Content Creator: Wild Blue Studios
Peacemaker General: United World Peace Corps
First Trustee: World Trust

John Prophet.


Mary Michael.

Theory of Continual Creation

Real-Time Story Teller Technique
Story start: 1|20|09 - Story ends: 12|12|12

WildBlue, Inc.
WildBlue Studios
New American Revolution:
1st Private Constitution:
ExAct 11.223.335 #’rd - Impeachment TicKets: through
; 1st FUND: $269,888,000.00 HardCash: 11M TicKets@$9.99 = $110M . 200K TicKets@$99.99 = $20M . 20K TicKets@$999.99=$20M
3K TicKets@$10,000.00 = $30M . 300 TicKets@$100,000.00 = $30M . 30 TicKets@$1M= $30M . 3 TicKets@$10M=$30M
Artist | Michael:
CALL!: 808.987.7163 vMail: 303.800.7103 Kona . HI.HI 96740
Author | Adam Archimedes:
Protagonist | Michael K. BlackSmith:
; 2nd FUND: $20,000,000,000.00 ColdGold Private eQuity FormAtion Creation
Prophet | John: Our Father; I Pray! Thy Kingdom Come!
Thy Will Be Done! OnEarth as-it-is In Heaven! | “…the Kingdom of God is at Hand”
Avatar | John Michael:

Vision 7.7.7 – 12.12.12 | $20Billion GOLD/Cash (5years. 5months. 5days)

aSafe hOMe: $20B GoldHardRock Deposit | 1stusHedgeFUNd: 1steQFunD
• An Individual Collective of 3 Individual Collectives inHabited with exactly 11.223.335 Collective Individuals.
• A Closed System of 3 OpenSystems [that] Act [as] One: 1) A Free Enterprise 2) United World Peacemakers Corps 3) The World Trust
• A Free Enterprise: 11.111.113 Equity Partners United World Peacemakers Corps: 111.111 Peacemakers The World Trust: 1111 Trustees
• Q Partners: $8Billion Peacemakers Military Protection Plan: $6Billion The Trustees: $4Billion The Founder: $1Billion 1stCounsel: $1B
• WebSite: 12.15.07 – 01.19.09 | 400 Days |$150M AD CAMPIANGE |$10M CashPrizes | HardNetWork $19,888,000 | $90M Founder: 1stiBrain
• Michael K. BlackSmith
• PriVate eQuity FormAtion
• 1st eForm $269.888.000.00 CASH: 400 Days
• 2nd iForm $ GOLD: 1822 Days
• Breathe in|out: b|A-Live!
• ConTainer ExChange: Work . Play . Vote . Spend
• American Duty: Safety . Security . Happiness
• Declaration Demands: New Guards . Future Guards
• Public Op-In|CloseDPublic: Art . Entertainment . Education | Counsel ConsiderAtions
• Brand ‘New’ ConText | Brand ‘New’ ConTent
• A New World Revolution- iConText ProV: private|| iBrain: $99.99
• A New American Revolution- eConTent ProV: public|| eBrain: $9.99
• 1HealD: Doctor . Dentist . Surgeon
• XChange: Lawyer . Attorney . Counsel
• InAct: Trainer . Coach . Practitioner
• 1st4ConTract[s]: 1stPersonPay2x-4Hire|ConTract. 1stWoM ConTest|ConTract . 1stArticle ConTest|ConTract . 1st5000 Direct Sales|ConTract
• WebSite: ExAct TraKers- Con|TestTraK . CashTraK . AdTraK . ExpenseTraK . AdDressTraK . PriZeTraK
• 1st1000 TicKets Boston: Author of 1stArticle: Bruce Fein . Audience: Otto Scharmar . Artist: Adam Archimedes
• Washington DC: Constitutional Law Counsel . 1stAmendment Attorney . Civil Liberty Law Firm
• 2nd 1000 TicKets New York: Actor
• 3rd 1000 TicKets San Francisco: Activist
• 4th 1000 TicKets San Jose: Angle
• 5th 1000 TicKets Los Angeles: Agent
• 1stPerson Pay2X-4Hire4Service|ConTract: | ExAct TraKers WebPage: . BroadBand Mechanics . WoMAssociate
• 1stWoM ConTest|ConTract: 25 ConTestAnts x $5K EnTry Fee =$125,000.00
• 1stArticle ConTest|ConTract: 21 Pages | 1 Supreme Breach . 3 Articles . 7 HighCrimes . 10 Misdemeanors
• 1st5000 DirectTicKet Sales|ConTract: 5000 #TicKets x $9.99 =$50,000.00
• WebSite: A Breach of Duty: The Tyrant & the Despot
• $125,000.00 + $50,000.00 = $175,000.00
• $9.99 x 995,000 TicKetsLeft = $9,940,050.00
• $4.8 Million for AdSpace . $0.4 Million for NetWork . $3.2 Million for Founder . $1.6 Million for Prizes

Plan 10.22.07 – 12.15.07 [55 Days]+[15 Days] =70 Days from MonDay: 10.22.07 to 01.01.08
• $1K TxPlan: BillMe! • $1K Business SetUp • $1K Change Name • $1K Hawaii Law
• $1K RxPlan: AdamsGolfClubs • $1K CopyRight Filings • $1K Change 9 Number • $1K California Law
• $5K Teeth: CoSign • $5K WoM ConTest ConTract • $5K Hawaii to Boston • $5K Colorado Law
• $5K Face: CoSign • $5K Private Constitution Patent • $5K Boston to San Jose • $5K Indiana Law
• $5K Eyes: CoSign • $5K Public|Private Equity Bank #s • $5K LA to Hawaii • $5K Illinois Law
• $68K + $32K = $100K Self|Site|IP + $75K Bank OnLine OpIn StartDate: 01.01.08
• Kona to Boston-12.11.07 Boston to Washington-12.17.07 Washington to New York-12.22.07 New York to Boston-12.27.07 DirectSellBoston-01.01.08
• Boston to San Francisco: DirectSellSF-01.08 San Francisco to San Jose: DirectSellSJ-01.08 San Jose to LA: DirectSellLA-01.08 Home: HI.HI
11.223.335 Sign-Ups @ $9.99:
New American Revolution® iBrain: Sign-Ons @ $99.99: © WildBlue Studios 10.2007 HI.HI
I am a jesus believer, but i have had enough. 1St, h'm not the kind of jesus freak you may think i
am. I'm a jesusionian. I'll explain later. Right now i have to explainer; I've had enough! George
Bush must be removed from office!. He must be impeached, now! I am writing this s06/19 @
2:30PM watching Kieth Doberman after the report by Abeu Gabe. Torture is Treason. George
Bush is hereby, Indicted by this citizen, John Michael, a poor 51 year old male from Fort
Wayne, IN. I have a long history of Despotism and am now 'on the lamb' in the Pacific. I site by
despotism as accrediting in charging King George of treason, as the 1st Impeachable, but also of
Perjury is Despotism, hence e my siting bn referenced above.
Now, the 2nd Impeachable; Despotism. In fact, in this indictment, Dick Cheeny and Al Gonzales
should be included. The 3rd Impeachable: Obstruction is Tyranny. I have two small children,
and being a poor despot living on the lamb as a religiousness man, i'm a Tyrant too! But...i'm an
American! An Despot American, but one who is quite and simple, and not a danger to the
Homeland and Our Country!

My holy orthodoxy, from from church brothers, forbids me from politics, but my country trumps
my orthodoxy's. I still have my religion, my sisters will forgive me. We must, as a 2/3 country:
Impeach King George!



$10 Million


Boys Orfanage
& Madras


50 Funders


Our Kingdom Duty

Our American Duty
My fellow Urantia Jesusonians,
My fellow Jesusonians [if not] Urantian . My fellow Urantians [if not] Jesusonian
My fellow Brothers of God [] . My fellow Brothers of Man [Supreme . Ultimate . Absolute]
My Brothers of the World [Time . Space . 4th Field]
My Fellow Americans,
I am a Jesusonian & a Urantian by Will . by Choice . by Faith...
Only by Fortune, am i An American. In fact, Only [in] America...could i be a Urantia Jesusonian...
I/We have a Duty to America!
America needs Us!
iWrite to Confess myPolitics:
i am: 1st a Jesusonian
Thought i'd just be saying 1 thing: "...the kingdom of God is at hand" | NameGame v1.0
2nd a Urantian: repent . renounce . rejoice . rebel . renew . revolt
3rd an American
Guess, i'll be saying 2 thing[s]: KingDumb.Com | New American Revolution
{and Now} we have to ReBell! The British are coming!
Only as Free Americans {are we} Free Men {to be} Free in Faith; to Worship & Think Free!
there4: We have A Duty to America! A Duty that trumps Our Pledge of Quite and Silence in Politics!
When Called. We Must Answer!
Here[s] the Call!
King George & Despot Dick must be Impeached!
The Gospel of Jesus must be Born aNew!
Our World must Unite in Peace!
Complete Date: 12.21.12
{All} 11.223.335: 1st World Revolutionaries
$20 Billion: Gold . Metals . Elements
1st Play: A Whole Free EnterPriZe Community Vote [11.223.335 Votes]
11.111.111 Private EnterPriZe Partners: 1st Private Constitution
1 Last American Revolutionary: 2nd American Declaration
111.111 United World PeaceMaker Corps: 3rd World Revolt
1.111 World Trustees: 4th Field AXYZ Map
1 OutSide Counsel: Water Dragon Press

Please HELP!
Please Donate!
Please TODAY!

i am very tired... i need to see a dentist . a doctor . a therapist . a bodyworker

i am about to collapse....i've been hungry 35Years|yesterday . i am hungry now|today
i will sleep hungry|tonight . i don't want to be hungry|tommorow! Just $9.99! Maybe $99.99!
i need to beg... i need an agent . an attorney . an activist . an advocate . a Friend . a Hand!

i need to WorkOut: myArtWork...i am spent Alone! . i am Frozen . i am inLock @ myMouse

i need Out!

1 of 1 12/14/2007 12:24 AM

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