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Test Guide


1. Hamilton vs. Jefferson worksheet
2. First President Notes
3. Washington’s Farewell
4. Early Challenges to the USA notes
5. Adam’s Presidency Notes

HOMEWORK I.D’S pg.280-282

Thomas Jefferson (280)- One of the people chosen to head the three executive
departments. Washington chose Thomas Jefferson as one of the prominent political
figures of the day. He was chosen as secretary of state.

Alexander Hamilton (280)- One of the people chosen to head the three executive
departments. Washington chose Alexander Hamilton as one of the prominent
political figures of the day. He was chosen as secretary of treasury.

Henry Knox (280)- One of the people chosen to head the three executive
departments. Washington chose Henry Knox as one of the prominent political
figures of the day. He was chosen as secretary of war.

Edmund Randolph (280)- One of the people appointed by Washington. He was

appointed as attorney general. Him, the 3 department heads, and Washington met

Cabinet (280)- Made up of the attorney general, the 3 department heads, and
Washington. The five became known as the cabinet.

John Jay (281)- Chosen to lead the supreme court as chief justice. Washington
nominated John Jay. The senate had approved Jay’s nomination.

National Debt (281)- The amount the nation’s government owed. The national
debt of the U.S was growing. The U.S owed millions of dollars to France and
Netherlands for loans made during the Revolutionary War.
Bonds (281)- Paper notes promising to repay the money in a certain length of
time. When the government borrowed money during the American Revolution, it
issued bonds.

Speculators (282)- People who take risks with their money in order to get a larger
profit. Many original bond owners sold their bonds to these people. Opponents
believed that Hamilton’s plan will make speculators rich.

Tariff (282)- A tax on imports. Hamilton believed the development of

manufacturing would make America’s economy stronger. He proposed a tariff to
encourage people to buy American products.

HOMEWORK I.D’S pg.287-291

Anthony Wayne (287)- A former revolutionary war general. Washington sent him
heading the army to battle the Native Americans. His army defeated more than
1,000 Native Americans who fought under chief Blue Jacket.

Fallen Timbers (287)- The battle where Anthony’s army took down Chief blue
Jacket’s army. This battle was near present day Toledo, Ohio. The Battle of Fallen
Timbers crushed the Native American’s hopes of keeping their land.

Neutrality (288)- Not taking either side in the conflict between France and
Britain. Washington hoped the nation could maintain its neutrality. As time went
on, however, remaining neutral became increasingly difficult.

Edmond Genet (288)- A diplomat from France. He was sent to the United States.
His mission was to recruit American volunteers to attack British ships.

Impressment (288)- Where the British forced the crew members of American
merchant ships into the British navy. This practice was known as impressment.
British attacks on American ships and sailors pushed the nation close to war with
Great Britain.

Thomas Pinckney (288)- A man sent by Washington to Spain. He tried to settle

the differences between Spain and America. Pinckney’s Treaty gave the Americans
free navigation of the Mississippi River and the right to trade at New Orleans.

New Orleans (288)- An area mentioned in Pinckney’s Treaty. It allowed

Americans the right to trade at New Orleans.
Partisan (291)- Favoring one side of an issue. Although Washington believed he
stood above politics, he usually supported Hamilton’s positions.

Bartering (dictionary)- To trade goods or services without the exchange of


Northwest Territory- An area south of present day Canada between the

Mississippi River and Ohio River. This was where Little Turtle led his tribe to
fight against the Americas.

- After serving 2 four year terms, Washington announced that he would step
down to remind people he was not a king
- His farewell address included warning about political parties, permanent
foreign alliances, and too much national debt
- He praised the young nation and gave his best advice for how America
could succeed in the future
- Washington was able to overcome almost every challenge that he faced and
kept the U.S peaceful and prosperous


Homework I.D’s
1. Whisky Rebellion
2. Precedent
3. Battle of Fallen Timbers
4. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

1. Farmers were making a lot of profit off whiskey. Hamilton then taxed
whiskey hoping the money off tax would help pay off some of America’s
debts. This is historically significant because the new tax hurt small
farmers’ business and made them rebel.
2. They were future generations. George Washington set an example for future
generations by stepping down after serving 8 years as president. This is
historically significant because if Washington hadn’t stepped down when he
did, maybe president now would rule for 20 or so years.
3. The battle where Anthony and Blue Jacket fought. This battle was near
present day Ohio. The Americans won and crushed the Native American’s
hope of keeping their land.
4. It was a resolution written my Jefferson and Hamilton. They were a series
of documents claiming that the Alien and Sedition Acts violated the
Constitution. This is historically significant because they chose to pick on a
tool used to protect the nation’s security.



● Cornell Notes: The First President (not Homework ID’s)

● Cornell Notes: Early Challenges in the USA (not Homework ID’s)
● Cornell Notes: President John Adams
● Hamilton vs. Jefferson worksheet (yellow)

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