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A Detecting Method for Active-ReactiveNegative-Sequence Powers and Its Application



Abstract-A simple but quite useful detecting method for the power of the three-phase circuit i s proposed. The detected power is decomposed into four components of the fundamental power, i.e., active power, reactive power, and two components of negative-sequence power on the orthogonal coordinates. Based on these four components, the reverse calculations of the firing angles for the thyristors become simple and easy to implement. A typical application to the feedforward power control of a high-frequency (HF) cycloconverter to stabilize the HF output voltage against sudden load changes i s shown to prove the validity of this method.

The scheme is applied to the feedforward power control of a high-frequency (HF) cycloconverter [6], [ 7 ] , in which the behavior of its circulating current is treated as an equivalent TCR, to stabilize the output load voltage deviation under sudden load changes. Experimental results with a laboratory system prove both the availability of the proposed detecting method and the validity of the feedforward power control scheme.

I. INTRODUCTION THE MAJOR applications of static power converters, the detection of power is an essential problem because it directly affects system performance such as the response and the accuracy of the control. For this reason, a number of power detecting methods have been investigated, especially in the field of reactive power compensation of the varying load [1]-[5]. Among these methods is a general theory based on the instantaneous real power and imaginary power [p, q ] proposed by Akagi et al. [4] which gives a good insight in controlling an active filter with instantaneous current controllability. On the other hand, in the case of line-commutated converters that cannot control the instantaneous current, such as phase-controlled thyristor bridges and thyristor-controlled reactors (TCR's), the method based on [p, q ] cannot be readily applied. For such converters, the problem is how to detect the power consumed by the load and how to implement the on-line calculation of the control angles for the thyristors. In this paper, a solution especially suitable for the control of TCR's under unsymmetrical control is given. The proposed scheme has the following features. 1) The detected power is decomposed into four components of the fundamental power. They are active and reactive positive-sequence components P and Q and the two components of the negative-sequence power on the rotating orthogonal coordinates, S D and S Q . 2) The detection of these powers and the reverse calculation of the firing angles are simple and quite easy to implement compared with conventional methods.
Paper IPCSD 89-2, approved by the Static Power Converter Committee
of the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1987 In-


In this chapter, a simple and quick detecting method for the components of the fundamental power P , Q, S O , and SQ is proposed.

A . Definition and Properties of Quantities


and sq

In the three-phase ac system, transformation of the instantaneous phase voltages and the currents into a-0 orthogonal coordinates yields following expressions:

Then the four electrical quantities [p, q , S d , s q ] can be defined by


dustry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. October 19-23. Manuscript released for publication April 17, 1989. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12- 1 0-Okayama Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152, Japan. IEEE Log Number 8931468.

where p and q are the instantaneous real and imaginary powers defined by Akagi et al. [4], respectively, while s d and sq are the newly defined quantities in this paper. Since

p 2 + q 2 = s i +si,


0093-9994/90/01OO-OO99$01 .OO 0 1990 IEEE



the degree of freedom among these four quantities is three. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the values [U,, u g , i,, ipl uniquely from [p, q , s d , s,I. The physical meaning of each quantity is considered as follows. p is the total sum of the instantaneous power supplied to the a and fi phases, because u,i, and ugig are the products of voltage and current in the same phase, and s d is the difference of the instantaneous power v,i, and ugig . On the contrary, q and s , each have no meaning of instantaneous power, because u,ig and upi, are the products of voltage and current in different phases. They do not have an obvious physical meaning but are the quantities defined for convenience. In the case of a voltage source system, since U, and ug are the known variables, i, and ig can be reversely calculated uniquely from [p, q ] or [ s d , s,]:

The first terms of the right-hand side, the dc components which involve the information of the amplitude and the argument of the positive-sequence current, present the so-called fundamental active and reactive powers P and Q. The second terms present the ac components having 2w angular frequency which involve the amplitude and the argument of the negativesequence current. The third terms present the sum of the harmonic powers. As is well-known, P and Q can be detected by separating the first terms by applying adequate low-pass filters. On the contrary, detecting I b and +t, is troublesome because further calculations are needed to separate them as dc signals. However, by introducing [ s d , s,], as follows, the trouble of additional calculations is solved with ease:


However, the other kinds of combinations of the instantaneous powers, such as [P, sdl, [p, s,I, tq, sdl, or [ q ,sql, cannot be of use because the voltage matrices may not always be regular. When the above transformations are applied to, say, an active filter for calculating the current reference, the problem is how to determine the power reference on the right-hand side. In (6), we can determine [p, q ] based on the control law-e.g., p and q supplied from the source should hold p + constant, q + 0-which is previously settled from a point of view of desirable energy flow between the ac source and the load. That is because the control o f p means the control of energy flow itself. Giving the control law in (7), however, is more puzzling because the desirable energy flow cannot be stated with only sd and s q . Thus it is concluded that there are no merits to introducing [ s d , sq] in addition to [p, q ] regarding the instantaneous current control. Even so, for the control of TCRs or other linecommutated converters that cannot control the instantaneous current, the method based on [p, q ] cannot readily be applied, and the electrical quantities based on the average value concept should be used instead. In such a case, introducing [ s d , sq] is highly advantageous, as will be described. Assuming that the three-phase voltages are the balanced cosine waves and the currents are the arbitrary repetitive ones, [P, q ] in (4)are given as follows:

The first terms of the right-hand side present the fundamental average powers generated by the assumed negativesequence voltage [U,, - u p ] and the actual negativesequence current [i,, ig], i.e., the two components of the negative-sequence power. In this paper, they are defined as SD and S Q . The second terms are the 2w ac components involving the information of the positive-sequence power, and the third terms are the sum of the harmonic powers. Hence SO and S Q can be easily separated by using low-pass filters. , ] becomes more The relationship between [p, q ] and [ s d , s clear by considering the instantaneous power vectors cjand b on the complex plane defined by the following expressions:


A sd + j s ,

where S f and s b present the amplitude of the positive- and negative-sequence surface powers and their arguments are presented by 4 j and & . The subscripts f and b correspond to the positive- and negative-sequence components, respectively. Fig. 1 shows these two power vectors. So long as the balanced cosine wave voltages are assumed. the following relationshir,




where 0 and 4 are the arguments of voltage and current, respectively. The subscript n means the nth-order component. Rearranging (13) into the vector form yields

Fig. 1.

(b) Loci of power vectors on complex plane. (a) Locus of vector ,I, (b) Locus of vector b.

p (a)

where Ofl = 0 is assumed. The first term of the right-hand side is the objective fundamental negative-sequence power vector, and the remainder are regarded as error vectors. Hence detecting error er is defined as

where carets indicate the normalized values, as


Fig. 2.

Additional part Block diagram of power detection circuit.




Consequently, the condition to repress the error er under the ; is given by desired value E

This means that detecting the first term S b . e C J @ b of 3 in (11) equals separating the second term of 1 in (10) as dc components by applying a coordinate transformation


In the case I b l = ET = 10 percent and no harmonics are B . Power Detecting Circuit assumed to be contained in the voltages, the permitted maxFig. 2 shows the block diagram for detecting P , Q , S D , imum of V ~isI one percent. Therefore, the unbalance or the and S Q . It can be realized simply by adding two sets of an distortion of the voltage signals should be eliminated sufadder and a filter, shown surrounded by the dotted lines, to ficiently by using adequate filters. Utilizing the outputs of a the conventional circuit for detecting P and Q. However, the three-phase sine wave oscillator, which are synchronized to following problems arise. the actual voltage waveforms, as the reference voltage signals How is the detected amplitude of SO and SQ affected by may be an another solution. the existence of voltage distortion? Characteristics of Low-Pass Filter: The low-pass filters How can we realize a low-pass filter with both a sufficient for the average power detection are required to meet the folattenuating characteristic and a small time delay? lowing specifications. 1) The main ac 2w component should be completely attenEffect of Voltage Unbalance or Distortion on Detectuated. ing Error f o r SD and SQ: Assume that both the three-phase 2) The ac w component, which remains due to the main voltages and the currents are the arbitrary repetitive waves. circuit unbalanced or control circuit offset, etc., should also Then the detecting error for S D and SQ can be estimated as be attenuate below 1/10. follows. [ S o , SQ], the dc components of [ s d , s q ] , are given 3) The time delay should be minimized. by (see the Appendix) The combination of a delay-circuit bucket brigade device (BBD) and a two-pole Butterworth filter has been used for = v5 those purposes [3]. The block diagram with its transfer functions and the attenuation characteristics are shown in Fig. 3. V f n I b n cos ( 6 , - 4 b n ) f v b n l f n cos ( 6 b n - 4 f n ) By setting the delay time 7 to be a quarter of the fundamental period of the input voltage or current signals, the 2w compoV f n I b n sin (Ofn - 4 b n ) - V b n l f n sin (Ob, - 4fn) nent and its odd multiples can be eliminated. Fig. 4 shows the (13) input and output waveforms of the BBD stage only. Since T is


First stage


Second stage Butterworth LPF (fc=250Hz) I


{ l+exp(-ST)}/2

1 + 1 . 2 ( s / w c ) + ( s/wc ) 2


2nd stage with LPF

1st s t a g e with BBD

1 Ok


Fig. 3 . Low-pass filter using delay circuit. (a) Block diagram and transfer function. (b) Attenuation characteristics.




(b) Fig. 4. Transient response of first stage in Fig. 3 . (a) AC ( 1 kHz) plus dc input. (b) AC ( 3 kHz) plus dc input.

Though the basic idea of this sort of power conversion technique is based on the static frequency changer with a H F base proposed by Gyugyi ef al. [8], this system has following peculiar features. 1) The HF base that provides the commutation voltage for the cycloconverter is composed of only capacitors (not LC tank circuits), and the circulating current of the cycloconverter is utilized instead of reactors. Since the reactive power balance is maintained by the controllable circulating current, the voltage and the frequency of the HF side can be kept constant regardless of the power factor on commercial line side or the load conditions. 2) The cycloconverter is operated in a discontinuous circulating current mode, which utilizes the reactive power due to only the ripple current. Since the independent control of each line-to-line circulating current viewed from the HF side is available in this mode, the behavior of the circulating current i,, can be modeled as an equivalent TCR so far as the fundamental component is concerned [9]. As mentioned later, this property enables the compensation of the unbalanced load on H F side. Necessity of Feedforward Power Control: The voltage waveforms established at the HF terminals should be stable enough from the viewpoint of supplying power with good quality to the load and ensuring the commutation voltage for the thyristors. However, a deviation or an unbalance of the H F line voltage may occur when the load condition changes suddenly or unbalanced load is applied. Therefore, to maintain a stable voltage waveform regardless of the load, it is required to detect the load consumed power continuously and to control both the commercial line current is and the circulating current i,, so that the cycloconverter may provide the required power for the load at any instant. To meet this requirement, a feedforward technique is introduced to the power control system in the following.

selected to be 0.5 ms, the components of 1, 3 , 5, 7 kHz, etc., are canceled within 0.5 ms. The settling time of the second stage low-pass filter under the indicia1 response is 1.9 ms. Therefore, the total delay time of the power detection in Fig. 2 is about 2.4 ms, which corresponds to 1.2 cycles of the input signals.

B . Feedforward Power Control System Configuration: Fig. 7 shows the configuration of

the prototype power control system. The main circuit cycloconverter operating in discontinuous i, mode can be treated as an ice-free cycloconverter combined with a TCR. The load power is detected and utilized for the control of is and ice. A cosine crossing scheme is used to generate the gating pulses. However, the cosine reference signal is synchronized with neither commercial nor H F lines, but is provided by a three-phase voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). Fig. 8 shows the block diagram to calculate the control references for i, and i,,. The control system is divided into two blocks according to the functions. Feedforward (FF) block: By detecting the load power, control references for is and i,, to maintain the power equilibrium on the HF side are generated. Feedback (FB) block: Control errors of the FF block are compensated; 1) the voltage unbalance is completely eliminated, 2) the angular phase difference 8 between uoSc and U h is kept at zero, and 3 ) the line voltage I / h is adjusted to meet its reference V i . In the above system, uosc is applied for the power calcula-


In this section, the proposed power detecting method is applied to the feedforward power control of a high-frequency cycloconverter to show its availability.

A . HF Cycloconverter System Outline: Fig. 5 shows the main circuit of the HF cycloconverter, which was proposed previously by the authors for linking commercial and 500-Hz distribution lines in a factory or a chemical plant [6], [7]. It is composed of a six-pulse bridge cycloconverter and H F capacitors to provide vars for both the converter and the load. Fig. 6 shows the typical operating waveforms under balanced resistive load. It is an obvious merit that both the input current and the output HF voltage can be made quasi-sinusoidal.



C o m m e r c i a l - l i n e (50Hz)

Fig. 5.

High-frequency cycloconverter for 5 w - H ~ distribution system. vr/vh = 107 Vi160 v, r = TV,/3Vh = 0.7; L , = 3.3mH X 3 ( 0 . 1 0 ~ ~ ) , LCc = 3 . 5 m H x 6 ( 0 . 1 1 p u ) , C = 6 0 p F x 3 ( 1 . 4 8 p u ) .

Determination of Power References: In Fig. 7, the allotment of supply power is determined based on the following ideas.
The active power demanded by the load is supplied from the commercial line through the cycloconverter. The reactive power of the TCR is chosen to satisfy the reactive power equilibrium on the HF side. The two components of the negative-sequence power are supplied from the TCR.

(b) Fig. 6 . Input/output operating waveforms. (a) Input (USL,: 107 Vidiv. isu: 12Aldiu). (b) Output ( u o : 80 Vidiv, iho: 16Aldiu).

Thus the feedforward power references are given as


Gating pulse

is c o n t r o l

TCR c o n t r o l


Power detecting

where the coefficient p relates the active load power P L and the reactive power due to P L generated by the cycloconverter . Assuming that the output voltage ratio is r = 0.7 and the displacement factor on the commercial line side is unity, p equals 0.674 [7]. After adding the FB components to the above FF ones, the control references for is and i,, are reversely calculated. The effective value of is is given by if = P:/3Vs. (19)

Fig. 7.

System configuration.

tion instead of the actual HF voltage reasons.

for the following two

In the steady state, the power detection errors due to the voltage distortion or unbalance can be avoided. (In the FB block, negative-sequence powers drawn from the capacitor S D and ~S ~Q~ cannot ~ ~be ~ detected from U h and i c a p . ) In a transient such as a sudden load change, the calculated powers become estimates, assuming no voltage deviation occurs, and are more suitable as the feedforward power references.

By the instantaneous current control loop, quasi-sinusoidal is waveform is achieved as shown in Fig. 6 (a). Control of TCR: Fig. 9 shows the equivalent TCR model of the circulating current concerning to its fundamental component, in which the existence of the harmonics in the line-toline arm current is ignored. Each arm current is a function of the control angle A6 which adjusts the conduction angle of the discontinuous circulating current [SI. Assuming the balanced sinusoidal terminal voltages, i.e.,




1 -


PS* (FF)


calcu. eq.(18)




(4) SQL + LPF . c :Fig.3



calcu. eq.(1)


&+ iL:Load

Three phase sin wave


the line currents are presented by using the control coefficients k l , kZ, k3 for each arm:

(23) yields

0 5 k l , kz, k j 5 1. (21)
From (20) and (21),

s q ] becomes

Once the references of the power on the left-hand side are given, k,(i = 1, 2, 3) are easily obtained by the reverse calculation as follows:

Then the control angles As, can be obtained by using a nonlinear function shown in Fig. 9 (b).

C . Experimental Results
Fig. 11 shows the experimental results of the transient response when the 1.2-kW single-phase resistive load (which corresponds to 0.37 pu of the maximum conversion power 3.2 kW with balanced three-phase load, or 0.85 pu of the permitted maximum single-phase load 1.4-kW) is connected to the H F side. In case 1 with only the feedback control being applied, about 30 percent deviation in the H F terminal voltage amplitude is observed at the step load change. The amplitude of the commercial line input current increases gradually to replenish the required active power. At the same time, the voltage unbalance is compensated by the equivalent TCR (circulating currents). It takes about 200 ms (100 HF voltage cycles) before the transient is over. On the other hand, in case 2 with the feedforward control

The first terms are the dc components corresponding to the negative-sequence power vector SjTCR, and the second terms are the 2 0 ac components corresponding to the positivesequence reactive power vector QTCR. Fig. 10 is the schematic expression of the above equations. Defining new reference axes as illustrated, STCR is given by the sum of the three vectors on each axis, i.e., the vector sum. The amplitude of QTCR is given by the sum of the amplitude of three vectors, i.e.. the scalar sum:

v h I m ( k i +k2



Therefore, the possible existing region of QTCRis given by a hexagon as illustrated in Fig. 10. Rearranging the (22) and



Fig. 9.

(a) (b) Equivalent TCR model of circulating current. (a) Idealized model of TCR. (b) A6




aximum e x i s t i n g k2-axisS

I k; I = k;VhIm
of TCR on compex polane.

Fig. 10. Negative-sequence power vector S,,,

applied, the step load change is detected immediately, and hence the transient is settled-within a few HF voltage cycles. Clearly, the proposed scheme is valid for stabilizing the HF voltage against the sudden load change.

the control of a general thyristor-controlled reactors connected to the commercial ac system lines.

IV. CONCLUSION 1) A detecting method for active, reactive, and two components of negative-sequence power on the rotating orthogonal coordinates, i.e., [P, Q, S D , S Q ] is proposed.
Two electrical quantities s d and sq are newly defined, which are available for detecting the average powers SO and SQ. In designing the low-pass filter for detecting the average power, combining a delay circuit (BBD) with a Butterworth filter enables large attenuation and small time delay (1.2 cycles of the input signals).

The arbitrary repetitive voltages and currents presented in a-/3 orthogonal coordinates are given by

2) As a typical application of the proposed power detecting method, a feedforward power control of a high-frequency cycloconverter has been investigated.
Based on the four components [P, Q, S D , S Q ] , the detection of the load power and the reverse calculation of the thyristor firing angles become simple and easy to implement. The proposed feedforward power control scheme is successful for stabilizing the output terminal voltage waveforms against sudden load change. Note that the above control scheme is readily applicable to
V f n COS ( n o t

+) , 6 + V f , sin (not + Of,)

V b n COS ( n o t Vbn



sin (not

+ ob,)

I f n cos (not

+4 f n ) +


cos (not + 4 b n )

Load c o n n e c t e d


Load d i s c o n n e c t e d

111 121


(a) Load c o n n e c t e d Load d i s c o n n e c t e d

[7] [8] [9]

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i su
Mikihiko Matsui (M85) was born in Fukui Prefecture, Japan, in 1957. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, in 1979 and 1981, respectively. Since 1981 he has been with Tokyo Institute of Technology as a Research Associate in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He is engaged in rebearch on the application of highfrequency power conversion, reactive power compensation systems, and microprocessor-based control of static power converters and drives. Mr. Matsui is a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.


-: c

(b) Fig. 11. Transient response under step load change. (Single-phase resistive load: P = 1.4 kW, s b = 1.2 kVA). (a) Case 1: with feedback power control only. (b) Case 2: with both feedforward and feedback power control.

where 8 and 4 are the arguments of voltage and current, respectively. Therefore, [ S O ,S Q ] ,the dc component of [ s d , s g ] , is given by

Substituting (26) and (27) into (28) yields (13).

The authors would like to thank all the members of the laboratory for their cooperations for this research.

Tadashi hkao (M85) was born in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, in 1940. he received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1964, 1966, and 1969, respectively. From 1968 to 1977 he was with the Tokyo Institute of Technology as a Research Associate; from 1977 to 1987 he was an Associate Professor; and since 1986 he has been an Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He is engaged in research on thvristor control circuits and systems, static var compensators, and microprocessor-based controllers for static power converters and drives. Dr. Fukao is a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.

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