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JURONG JUNIOR COLLEGE PHYSICS DEPARTMENT JC2 Common Test 1 H1 Physics Paper 2 solutions Qn Suggested solution 1(a) Random

error is one that occurs without a fixed pattern resulting in a scatter of readings about a mean value. (b)(i) R = V/I => R/R = V/V + I/I = (0.01/1.30) + (0.01/0.76) = 0.0209 (to 3 s.f.) OR Largest possible value of R = 1.31/0.75 = 1.7467 Smallest possible value of R = 1.29/0.77 = 1.6753 Absolute error of R = (1.7467 1.6753)/2 = 0.0357 Mean value of R = 1.30/0.76 = 1.7105 Fractional uncertainty in R = 0.0357/1.7105 = 0.0209 (ii) Mean value of R = 1.30/0.76 = 1.711 Absolute error in R = (R/R) x R = 0.0209 x 1.7105 = 0.04 Hence, R = (1.71 0.04) (c)(i) A scalar quantity has magnitude only while a vector quantity has both magnitude and direction. (ii)1.

Remarks [1] [2] correct working [1] final answer (3 s.f.)

[1] answer for mean value [1] final expression [1]

[1] for vi, vf [1] for v


Magnitude of change in velocity = (6.02 + 8.02) = 10 m s-1 = tan-1 (8.0/6.0) = 53 Change in velocity is 10 m s-1 in a direction 53 south of east. [1] answer for magnitude of change in velocity [1] working for finding [1] answer for direction of change in velocity (accept either correct description or just the answer for , if is correctly marked on diagram)


Displacement is the linear distance in a given direction from a reference point.

[1] [1]

2. Velocity is the rate of change of displacement.

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Qn (ii)1.

JURONG JUNIOR COLLEGE PHYSICS DEPARTMENT JC2 Common Test 1 H1 Physics Paper 2 solutions Suggested solution s = ut + at2 100 = (0)(t) + (4)t2 t = 7.1 s

Remarks [1] subst [1] answer


[1] subst The cyclist would also have taken the same amount of time t = 7.1 s to reach Point [1] answer A. Since she is travelling at constant speed, a = 0. s = ut + at2 100 = u(7.1) + 0 u = 14 m s-1 [1] correct shape for cyclist graph [1] correct shape for ranger graph


2(a) The e.m.f. is defined as the non-electrical energy converted to electrical energy per unit charge driven through the source. (b) The resistance of a sample is directly proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area. The proportionality constant is called the resistivity. It is a property of the material and is dependent on temperature. (c)(i) Some of the energy generated by the source will be dissipated within the source itself. This can be represented by a series resistor within the source. / This opposition to the flow of current within the source is called internal resistance. (ii) 1.6 V (iii)

[2 or 0]


[1] [1] [1] [1] answer [1] working

= Ir + IR
1.6 = 0.5r + 1.2 r = 0.8

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Qn (iv) 1. V = Ir = (0.3)(0.8) = 0.24 V

JURONG JUNIOR COLLEGE PHYSICS DEPARTMENT JC2 Common Test 1 H1 Physics Paper 2 solutions Suggested solution

Remarks [1] answer [1] answer [2] any reasonable justification or working [1] answer [1] subst [1] answer [1] working [1] answer [1] answer

2. = Ir + IR 1.6 = 0.24 + IR IR = 1.36 V (v)

X = X =

(1.6)(0.5) (0.5)2 (0.8) = 0.75 = 75% (1.6)(0.5) (1.6)(0.3) (0.3)2 (0.8) = 0.85 = 85% (1.6)(0.3)

Using bulb Y is more efficient. (vi)

resistance =

(d)(ii) (12 // 30 + 4.5) // 18 = 7.572 = 7.57 (iii)

1.5 = 2.31 0.65

(16)2 =2W 18
6 6 = 0.459 A 7.572 18
1. From the definition of speed, Speed = Distance Time 2. A wave travels a distance of one wavelength, , in a time interval of one period, 1 T


[1] working [1] answer [2] for all the three points, deduct 1 mark for any missing points [1] [1] subst [1] answer [1] correct sinusoidal shape including axes values


3. The frequency, f , of a wave is equal to Therefore, speed, v = 1 = = f T T


= 4 = 2 2



1. Transverse waves are waves in which the direction of oscillation of the wave [1] elements is perpendicular to the direction of wave motion/ Longitudinal waves are waves in which the direction of oscillation of the wave elements is parallel to the direction of wave motion. 2. Transverse wave can be polarised/ Longitudinal wave cannot be polarized. [1]
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Qn (ii)

JURONG JUNIOR COLLEGE PHYSICS DEPARTMENT JC2 Common Test 1 H1 Physics Paper 2 solutions Suggested solution


It is a phenomenon in a transverse wave where the oscillation of the elements of [1] the wave is restricted to a plane. The elements in the wave oscillate parallel to the wave direction and cannot be [1] restricted to vibrate in any plane.



Intensity =

P P 80 103 = = = 7.0735 104 7.07 10 4 Wm -2 A 4 r 2 4 32

[1]subst [1] answer [2] correct workings [1] answer [2] workings (e.g.correct relationship, correct subst) [1] answer

New intensity = 0.67.073510-4 = 4.244110-4 P P 8010-3 -4 Using intensity = = 4.244110 = A 4r 2 4r 2 Solving, r = 3.873 3.87m


r 1 A 20 10 Using A , 1 = ( 2 ) = ( ) A2 = 6.0 m r A2 r1 A2 3

(iv) [1]correct sinusoidal shape including axes values; [1] constant amplitude)

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