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Norrs oN LA}ID Trrr,g



A}ID DEEDS Dpax Enuanoo Ds Los Alqesr,ust

The Torrens System was conceived in Australj.a and adoPted .in the indefeasible. Its purPoses are: to make a. title Philippines. irnorescriDt ible, and iNnune fron collatqral attacks. TTAdvanLaqes of registration : I. indefeasibiJ.ity after one year from entry of decree // 2. inprescriptible 3. conclusive {. illllunity fror coll.tcral attack
Bur reqistration tsOa
node of acquirtnq tltle

Cabrra v. CA, 267 SCRA 339 lrhere one co-oHner does not sign deed-.of sale, buyer cannot aPPly. fo! regl'stration of entire lot

Modes of Acquisition

of Property: possession, succession, donation, accretion, sale. and acquisitive prescription, i.e., 10 years in good faith and 30 years in bad faith.

As a general rule, once Iand is registered under the Torrens System and ;-Atificate of t.itJ.e is issued, it cannot be taken except if taken by


of Agrarian Reform,


- under PD 1529

I{ho Can Reqister:


\AiBrar ?rqc


,ltur\ \ddr!"r

l. Those who by themselves or through their predecessors-in-interes t have been in open, continuous, excl.usive, and notorious possgssioq-and-eccuPation of. alienable anc disPosable }ands. .of under a ucini fiae ciairn of ownarship si.nce June tn"(g!f&-cggj, 12, 1945 or earlier; - if land not ai.ienable as forest or park reservaEion. (Tit',i Hot Sprtngsl, land canndt b reglstered and. certiflcate of title is


nrestripiion under the Provisions of existing Iawsi r.0D ) 3. Those who have acquircd or{ncr.hin .'f nrlvate lands or abandoned rlvcr bcds by-rlght-.of {accetalon-or.<corit19} 6nder th. cxlttlng. raHs;
I ortgln.l h.naout br!.d oh t.It ol El on Juli rr. rigi, opd.tcd on 2o0l b!!.d pra-ba! l.vlct. notar bY E .nd prc-b.r ot Er on 2001.
on t9 9q

r. rno"._ .4'tu@&,y#"Y":*:Yo,

void (Palono v. !A, 255 SCRA 393].. ,.. ,






(Ta1k of EA. 14 July 1993)

The Torrens System was conceived in AustraLia and adopted in the PhiLippines. Its purposes are: to make a tit.Ie indefeasible. inprescripLible, and irnmune f rom colLateral attacks. I ondwitT-Modes of AcquisiEion of ProperLy: possession, succession, donatj.on,

accietion, sale, and acquisltive plescription. i.e.. faith and 30 years in bad faith.

10 years i.n


As a generaL rule. once land is registeled under the Torrens system and a celtificace of titte is issued. it cannoE be Eaken except if taken by the Department of Aglarian Reform.

- under PD 1529

who can

Registerr (sec.

1- Those who by themselves or tshrough their predecessors-in-intere$t have been in open- conl'inuous. excl-usive. aRd notori ora htAi possession and oc.upation of alienable and disposable Iands of the publi!--dogglin under a bona fide claim of ownership since June 12--l-93!-s!sErue!, 2. Those who have acquired ownership of private prescri-ption under the provisions of existlng lawsi lands by


Those who have


river beds by right of accession or accretion under the existing

of land in any other

acquired ownership of private lands or abandoned

4. Those who have provided for by


A corporat.ion cannot register pubfic land. They can only lease it. But a corporation can seek the registrati.on of a pri-vate land. EXCEPT if public land is held by an individuaL from June 12, 19{5 or ipso jure, the land becomes private.
Note, however, that regisEratron only confirms title so the tiue must be valid. y.tE.9. IE .Lanq ls reserved as t.ownsrte, rE canno! be acqu.r.recl even r-I registered already because a t.ownsit.e i-s outside the comnerce of man. therefore, VOID. Registratsion cannot validate a claim if Ehere is no valid ti t1e Possession, to ripen inEo ownership, must be open, actual, and conuinuous since June L2, 1945 or earLier and must be physical and naEerial and not casual (e.9., going to the properEy once a year.) o, Ao,

1 A Eorest land is a non-regiscrable Iand. onlv Ehe executive brarich the governmen! can a forest I into ienable rt lands. Mere palment. ofI taxes is noE 5 t must coupLed rrith possession in Ehe concept of an owner.
Not rcgithallc: laktt , tovl lanlt
fotcthotv hndt , rydaim(a 1 Milit471 rYtLnAliont

- 4dmi i. of tLPrF




Pabl;c Flazq

- accretion occurs rrhele (a) the deposiE is gradua.L/ and idpercePt ible, / (b) madc through effects of current oi water, and

it. Those lrho have acquired ownershlp of land l.n any provided for by Law. z
'/ corporallon cannot register tpublic land. They can onl.y Iease it. 7lA / But a corporation may acguire private land provided it is a philippine corporation and at Least 60t of capital stock own by FiLipinos. Note: if public land is held by an individual from June 12, 1945 or earlier, ipso jure, the land becoroes private. tr{'nJ'



t(]6 1 fi

fi.g o

(9 t{ergt{b

to land ls resrved as te, It registerd already bccause a toxnsita ts outrlde thc c crcc of nan, therefore, VOID. Rglstration cannot a cl.iD if there is no ?g$ctfnop
vcJ'lq f,IE.Le.

al coql 4 o*., Possession, to ripen into oi{nershlp, nust be open, actual, and..r,.J,4l.-, conlinuous since June 12, 19a5 or earlier and rnust be physlcal .ndr\"r+.f rnaterial .and not casual (e.9., golng to the ploperty once a .vear.l ''

A Forest land is a the government can lands. Mere paynen-E coupled possession


lelrable land. Only the execuEive branch of r) tt{< fl, a forest land into allenable aoricultural Gnd taxes Is no:mE; ii nust ue trueP the concept of an owner/ r,tr




1. survey - results ln survey plan to be signed by a geodetic t engl.neer and approvcd by thc dtrcctor of Lands. hf{ 2. Eile appl.ication for registratlon with R?C where land l-s actua.Ilysituated:



;. b. c. d. ' e.

identify identify identify identify identify

adjacent ownersz occupants,/tenahts,


bisis of orinershlp. land -

3. .Settlng of lnttl'al lca.rlpg. a. .Arblicatlon/Porting .. (Bust prcc.d. lnitlat hallng otharxlr court . rl,thout Juilsdlctlon, 5. oppocttor-{1{,ca-+jjflca.oppoal,ulor on or bcloid hcarlng. 6. otlnt*1re, eourti.-lrsuac-.-ordir .ot . Ecncrlt;fefauft &, if tt" opporlto!. attends _the .hcaring.. b.ut not fllc gpposttlon, . 'thc couri nai grant cxrcinclon but lf it ttrat. irr", -iit[ rro opposlELon, thc coort r,lll ordcr '. .p.otial.daf.ulti . '


'r. Ocular inspection - improvements, Iots owners. adjacent owners. Then the court will prepare a report,

Hearing/Trial - the applicant must prove three things: a. proof of publication. (Jurisdictional matter, b. proof of ownership c. proof of identity of land
Oppositors can introduce evidence rebuttal evidence.

to support opposition

9. Decision - three situations:

a. court dccLds in favor of applicant b. courE dccldar la Lvor of opposltor/s c. court dls[lssas case because nobody proves outctship

Court irsues order for a Decree.

/ // l2.Registr of Deeds i.",r.r'Origirral Cu.tific

1. Frotl an Order

lt.Issuano of a Decre,

. M.

of Defautt


a- before decisLDn - flte a motion to llft order of default on the grorrnd' of fraud, accident, ll.stakc and excusable neglLgence. b. after declsion - petition for rel.Lef ort the grounds of fraud, acc!.dent, listate and negligence Froo a Dcclrion

a. The losing party Eay file a notion for reconsiderttlon on the ground that the decision is contrary to Larlevj.dence. It must be flled t{lthin 15 days froB beeeipt, otherwise,
the declsl-on
becomes fLna1.




file a motion for a new t.rial. If the notion for a new triaL is denied, the party nay still appeal. 3. Fror a Pinal .rudgrent - decision
15 days.

final after the lapse of

llhere a decree has not yet b.en ir"o"a, the Iosing party nay file a petition for relief under rule 38 of the Rules of Court on the grounds of fraud, accident, mistake and excusable negligence. It musL be verified anci filed 60 days fron notice but no more than 6 nonths from entry of decision. - Failure to intentional omission of applicant to disclose the actua.L physical possession of property in application for Iand registration, as a result of r,hich such person is not given notice of proceedings, arcunts to actull fraud. (Ertrr.trll.c fraud uhcle it prfi.Irlf,s a party froo havlng a talal., (Roras v. C'l, 2?O SCRA 209r.


ymry, "d;d^/ thc loslng lostng party r.y r.y filc rilc a a \ f pet Lt.Lort for revlew under Sec. 32. PD LS29 on th qround ol d.prl.vatlon il,-_'-i-i.. z ;il'":: ll,i'.:.iT r,1'; ;'.,".?Jl'j[ [#*"1'. ff::Hlr3i r#&tni,,n bg f[ed. utthlp I vegr frog tsqp?gsg ol ttlo-.9e.crec prolidgd theF'Jl'r{ttl lrL ({rt4 rrsrD' +ust -


Prrce for the land'


ffii. t'



li-i[i;"'l"le,?"'ff&"::"" inl'i.i]ii::fi.E'".1",'#"1'"'"'.,J:i,r"i::" ?*,lryLry Qr't1pq.rights oyeE the propeity beiause of extrinsic fraud or breach of trust, \rttUc (lgY ' provrded there is no rPv'.,lWqffiHIrT"9 l.lataibttt I . t,--,^^ i.a / qmls:idffi'n, il:L^ \ v^r,ar t t1ai #^ :o '-!s'rv'ae: :m,LxlJf-'ffi;iiffl; d:":I3-:t-t':d.}T:1"of actual fraud ftlw rr ..-t l"* ::'I:-:f'::..:{


-' ;"-*;1";rs:

qffiffillr=iiffi 11/-?'jtrgt, \"-/


-... / 1 ,t ^ -^.

or breach of trust, h nay rccorc! thc L-Ll lands -i.""a 'rhers thre ir isi' - .b,, yars r...- ari".""ty 1. lrithin a 4'flrnl <frarr ("ir$, -r (i.e. need to annul a fraudulent'ieed is EDru fraud \t* or cont ract ) wll tfitv,ttt, ./ within 10 years froo breach of dn inpltea tg6t ire c,.- -t agglieved pirty is not l.n . Irosssslon oi. tana/foggg T^q t


i;':;;'':#;";;"ff ilXllili'l? 1'";:"Tffi

at any tine il not .transfcred to


glE:fc-.als.&y .old to IPy, tbc osly r.r.dy. to!.ttr. loll,rs p.*, trr to - for o'laEGt lcEl.on-tor !nc. IrGrPacral4I-J fllc r! ElI'c ao ictlon du.gGr agt1nlE rlthb I @, :5dot,-GC rlLl..,loG..(ibt-th..{.id ttrc' tllEE at !.tt!.-. fc'

awarded wtren there" ls rola{tu&-rdcprtvatlon .of . tand, ".e negllganoe of the party d.p{lvGd, raineriyahda ..t.:.'}. .l! acitl.on- l. flled wlthin four yeara. so



If the perpetrator of fraud is insolvent che Iosing party may file an acti,on for damages against the Assurance Fund within 5 years provided thrrc ls no negligence and breach of trust.

z /


lnnocant purchaser for value/

- no notice of flaw or claim of other person odlzt fu f*V.r\ - pays a full and fair price, ltt t* yrllt \ ' - must examlne the seller' s dupllcate certificate of tit.Ler' (Islamic Directorate v. CA, 2'r2 SC&A 254) As a general rule, a final decislon with publlcation binds all parties in rcr, thGrcfore, bind! th xholG rorld. PGrlooa (otryosltor! rnd squattGrsl c.n b. Gytctad./ouat.d by r r.aa xrlt of t o$Grrl,on fro! court. !l a pcrroD cntGrr batolra tha l'ru!!E! ot.thc dacrGc, thG orrnar calr Gvlct th. pr'on tbru a rrrlt of posrcsslon. hJt lf a pcrron Gnt.r8 aftcr thc lcsuance of th. dccrcc) tha ffitcr rt3t llla rn GJGctaant sult. ,

.Certificate of Title

Orlglnal certificate of Tltle ls evidence of tltlc, that the land is reglstered under the Torrens Systen. It is lssued in two coples: one original which is Hith the Register of Deeds and one duplicate for the registered owner.

conflicting certificates - prior title prevails unless defectlve 1. toeadnentg (ir.,.lot)

sunoarily under Sec. 108 of PD L52e1, - reglstcrGd htcrGrt tarllnatcr or th6ra _l.a erro! inccrtl.fLertG ("b"l4l Ulrf t ) - no serl.ous disputc as to error or change of status.' - does not aaount to reopenlng - does not itnpalr rights of innocent purchasery But if there Ls.a rubatantlal changc'' i.n the OCt 6r the change is dlsputed, the parcy must go thru the ordlnary reglstratlon proceedLng./
AEencbnts can be done


ordtiriry procbedLng. 2.! typoiirphlcal crrog - frd '.rolguln Bccrnas' to riroiquln ah

chans6 rron. :ididtrSiil}S 'jao.. u. dcsrdaa - cannot bc 'ohanggd 'suruarlly under Sec. i08. because thls ts a. rubstantlal chtiEe.


3. change froa iSed Cande,. narrled. to Ana santos' to 'Sed Cande.'If idfe obrcts,. Scc." 1O8 ls not appltcable. :It nult go..thru e' ' fulI-blown hbarlng.


2. Reconstitution ff a duplicate OCa is lost, one nay file an action for replacement. If for an ectl,on for the orlginal ocf is lost, one nay fll. reconstitution. If a title has been reconstitutad, rnyone deallng wlth the tltle must exercLse extlaoldlnary dlllgcncc. to bc dac!6d an IP.v. Petition must nocify occupant.s, adJacent orners and adverse clainants by publication, p6sting and personal notices., reconstituted title is void.
brother-in-Iaw pretends to be the registred owner of land, fLles for reconstitution, obtalns reconstituted certlflcate and nortgages to another, mortgagee has no better right than [ortgagor esPecially uhele trua rcgistercd oHner stlll tras copy of hi!- fC! (lorret v. Ca, 185 SCRA


Doub]'e Satre

A sale aftects thlrd persons only frou dat of registlatlon. Onder Art. 15{,a of the clvll Code, orncrcblp- pa.a8 to bqrr ln good falth vho flrst records the &lG 1n rcglltry of propGrty. Notlce of adverse clain is a Deasur designed to protect th interest of a person over a plece of land and serves as a warolng to third. persons dealing with sald property that soneone is claiming an interest tlrereon. (sajonas v. CA, 258 SCRA 79). But notlce must state hon and under rlhom the atleged rLght of cLalloant acgulred. (Lozano v. Ballesteros, 1.95 SCP,A 681). Advrse cl.all[ effectlve once entered in day book even Lf 6wner'a dupllcato not surreDdred. (Galcla v. CA, 95
scRA 380'

,st BsBQIrENf '.REGISiIRtrEIO}f llou dcsl xlth ltt :



-L.d is




Note: lhere is rgtstntion of voluntari talnlrctlona (stlc, rortgage, etc.l once deed entered in day book AND reglatrant turrendrs owncr's dupllcate certifLcat6 and pays . fees

I .. lIoltqage'

-. leE$tratlon fcrJeri wfilur{ -r,r.tedf,4-l '





'., n".

.of an acrton

bhcr is a ..lis pendcnr annqtated ac the rback.of. Ehq title., may take rlnE.


tC1^rl&^ti& Nk-e_)


this ir an .iaeptton to the civil lau doctrl,nc that th6 strcal c.nnot Ngbcr than th rourcc, l. e. , oven if d,he rcucr ha! no tltle,. ths buyer can hava tl.tle. So forged document can be the root of a valld t1tle. The partles who forged the deed and sinulated the signatures of. other partles are Ln bad faith and the forged decd is a nulllty and cannot serve as a just title (Reyes v. CA, 258 SCRA 651)

Eraqrl'e I




reglstercd oPner of ?gt 123a5 goes to OS, so glvcs tltlc to frLcnd.-Y




frou Regl.ster of Deeds (Y ls a forger, therefore, y has a void tl.tle)

entrusted by X forgds X's sl,gnature in deed of sale of land ln Yrs favor, y gets tqf 123a6


Y aells land to Z as IPV Z registls Iand and gets TCt 12347 Z.has a v.ll.d- tltle


X returns and asks Y for tr.tlc and learns tlre salc of land to Z. x . caaaot recoyer fror Z biicluso ar, bot$aeD,.trro pcrronr, the ooa. rtro . c.ur.d tb. los! :nd rho l,r .doad ncAllgGnt rurC rutf.r. ffGrcdy of. X 1,, to ttl. an acEton ag.l,nst y for danag.r. But lf Z h.s not yGt ,. obtained tltlG, X can rccovGr fro[ z. -

P-?-rle 12
,( Y

hisrepresents to Z that he j.s X and sells the land to

owns ?CT 123,t5

-l .

ol 'tfta proPorty fr-trcplofoorly -loy. ,/t tcc.'-Lt-t^-. ob.Le{'G-tael. ,lnc. Y dld not gct rny'tltl. ln hlj n'ane, th.r.foro, 4 has no Litlc also.

lf z gers title, TcT 12347 ) Lirl.e is voID;. 2 is.ncgllgdnt bscause he hbc thg-el$ty- ,Lo..Jlad ,oit thglz rh. scll.r ii ttrc'rcaiatircd or.D!r, thdref-ore, l$t-Xii iidcbvcr lue pr9f,6*y trq z. llso t! tic. prtcc


E:qauple * 3
doGS not rGglster It to get a nev to.Z. Z buys., Y ..tG! decd o! titlc la t.vor. of'z. X A! cen iecorcr th6 propcrty. f!o! Z bGc.usa thrrc ts no chali ot tltl.. btr,e.n 2 prsonr. tha ottg xho should shoulder tha lqr! ,,! tb. on. rrho ls ncgllg.nt. In thls .r.!plc. Z'i! ncgllgent. 'Not. th.t X ru.t hsy. a valld tltle in th fl,rst plac., othorHise, ttrer. can b NO chaln of Note furthet that lf there is no 'chaln of tttl but land ls tltlc.


Y for'ges the deed of sale but

Y shbrrs

mortgaged, X can recover from Z but must respect the nortgage,


gaer-.ot}-brin- of -Titls Duran .v. fAC

SCRA a89

Clrc! oHncd tro tots. ShG lcft for thG O.S. Latcr, a dccd ot salc i{as m& ln frvor ot Circr'! DothGr, phich dGGd lr.r rcglstcrcd. Clrcc's mth.r thcn Drtgagcd thc lgts. Bllen ClrcG lclrtlad abont thl.s, she wrota tba rcglrter of, dcedr thlt sha nevc! GxacutGd tha daad ol aalc to her [othcr, In the, th6 Boltgagee has toreclosed. t{hen Cl.rce'r -lother failed to redce!, thc lortgagae obtaln.d tltle ln lts nane. Clrce claimed her slgnature ln the deed rras a forgeri HELD: Ilh.lle Article 2085 of the Civil Code requr.ros ounership by the nortgagor of the land to make the mortgaqe vaLid, lnsotar as third parties are concerned, circe's Dother was the reglsteled owner. It is a.general rul tbat there is no duty to look beyood thc cortlficate of titl. The Dortgagee is in good falth. It acguLred tltle. Clrce did not even intervene in the foreclosure sale. She was negligent. v. CA, 230 SCRA 550 It h.s consl.stcntltT hcld. that a forgad .dcad lcgrUy bs the root of a valld title whcn an lnnocent purchascr for yalu6 ,.nt!rvens. A'ded of sale execuEed by an lryostor vLthouE thc authority of the otrnar of Eh. land sold ir a nulllty, and regLstratloD rill noB valldato lrh.t -othcrt,lrc-ig. an.-lnvalt d docrncnt.

Survey of Recent Cas6s on Irand Iitle.

and .Deedg


RegistraEion is not equivalnt of title. Under the Torrens $ystem, to.tho trenrfcr or cratos a. llen upqn . registrati,oo only gives. v.Udlty .bad fatth. ba i iertlftcate df tlr.l;.ls noE itri.iano. A haldcE ln entitlod- to' Elre protclion . of lar, for thcr lar. cannot - bo" used. .1s a rltctd'for'fraud, (Ir v. l,tlnlpon, 38l.SCRA 788). ,lny llan .nnotat.d on prcvious c.rtlflcatcs ot title rhould b. incorporated in or c.rricd ovcr to tb6 Dc crtl,flcate oJ tl,tle. Such llen ls lnsepar.blG fron the propcrty as lt 1.3 a rlght Ln reB. ( Padcon ' Condo Corp. v. ortLgas center, 382 scR.A 222). It reguires more than a party's bare allegation to dateaE the OCT which on its 'face enjoys the Legal presumpti,on of regularliy of issuance. (Alvarico v. sola, 383 SCRA 2321. A privat. individual Day not brlng.n actLon for rcvGrsion (id.)

tllstortcaUy, ' landt rclatrd^ by,{ovcarEot arG Dot.availabl for r.lG to priQtc p.rtlcs ur[l't. otb.r .li.nablG pubuc . Iands - ncl.ircd lerdr retaLn inhrrcnt potctrtlal ar .rG.t lor. prrblla urc.or lxrbl,'c rcrelce (Chavez v. PEA, 38{ SCnA 152,,

certlficate ol tlt!,e the aLlenable lahd aC the-' publlc donatn a_u-to.Eatically become3 privale land cannot apply to goverruoqnt units anC entities llke PEA. (Id. ) Such Iands must. be transferred to guatilieA'., private.,- partie& or goverment-ut't)lt.ler not-tasked to dispose of public Iands befor .these Iands can becooe private or patrl-nonial lands.. (fd.l

Juriaprudence holding that thG grant oC patent or lssuance ot


A buildinq in good falth is one l{ho builds with the bollefs that the. l.nd he ls bulldlng on ls hls, (Orguiol.a v. CA, 386 SC&A 30f).

.ction to gulet tltle nay be brought rrhen theE6 exlsts a ctoud on tbe tltle to real propEty or rny lntGrcst thcracm. (Gapacan v. CiFt, 387 SCRA 383).
Orrce a .parcel,- ot..landa ls lneluded within a xaterahGd rarrvation duly by . Ercartlv ProclaDat,lon, . a-"FQrlrybtosr- arlscs- that thq,' _cstrblished .#eont{rrrr-to-baprrFoFruch-rer.rritdon -'Lnd 18:..t-r!Al*9.Ogblfi -, 'uirirl'l:iclcErrEaird-corrl.nclng eyidedcs-of-subsequents-declbsslflcatlbn . 1s

v. CA, 390 SCRA 313). fhe rLght of leversion gr reconvayance .to.- the State.....,of . .pubUc propertle3 ragLs.tered and whlch aie not.. capabtc of .pllvat ' gpproplietion do6s not.praicrlbe lld.) I-/ V Percoac dealing wltn pr6perty 'oov6!Gd by a hoireaa;.calij,tlcatc of tr.tle, ar. .buycrc or Dortgages, arc not.-regulrad- to -go bayond what .DIr.x8.{o )h. t ct-^t tba &ltlG. (O. Lon v. C.lalo, 391 SCRA 752).' '- I ! ! btn &.rl .. r.odld llcre . adyeree;*poroeroion' for a p.'alrd--r tuta.tlcally--.ntitil9- tha. po.r6!!oE to ' th6 rtghc-.e-'r.9ltE.a;pubtlc , l.od^.il-tiq*raa9 .- ,llft1t hs h.s co. cr&rblfuh.*tre.d{cpoer} charrctGa' of thG--larld by. a .po!{t}s.-.{c! .of . govBrnBent such a9 a pr"sldentfal. proclanatlon,. executlve order; an adrlnlgtratlvd .actLon,
shot{n. (Cor.Iado



act or

Evcn. aft.r.. thc-. laprc. of on.. yar, ths . Statc ray brlng acdlon for reyersion Lf publlc lanC'has been fraudulent'ly granted. (Id.l t{heh a pafty. has aotual' knorl'dge ot .facts and cl'rcu!s!.nc63 that t'ould lupel...a t"aionably .cautiou!.Ean to D.t lnqulryl rciylng -9n t!? fa9 of scRA {3) -the titlG-is-nots cnough. (ilaawan con. Rural Bank v. cA, 395

. Lts enforcedent. (Id.

/ JA runcy of l.nd tubr.ct of an .PPllcadon for rGgl''on is an erscati.l- rcqulrl,tc. (Dollno v. C'A, aol Sc&A 695! / ,/e of tltlG cannot b. subJct of collateral attack. ""rt1fl.""t1on (Anlcete r,. Balanon, 102 SCRA 51{) /O,rnership is not the sane at OcT. The latler ie only the evidenc ot o$hershlp. (Erman v. Ernan, 103 scnA 1931 An .a;tion is an. attack on a title when the obJect of the action l to nulllfy the titlc and thus challenge the judglDent or proceeding pursuant to xhtch the tltle xas decreed. The attack Ls dlrect when the ollect oe an action ls to atrnul of set aside such judgnent or enjoin

CancellaEion of titles. case cannot be ProPerly disDissed on the ground of torur shoPplng Prcdl.c.t.d on flllng and pcndlng of . dr[.g. (UP v. sus!, 99? SCRA 365)

A eorDt6r-cla{n can be considsred a dLr6ot attak qn th



annulEnt of \/thc oc-year peri,od docs. not atPly Hhao th. pcroon sccklng tltl,. or r.-eonyalfilnc. ls !,n posscrrion of tha lot. (Id.l

ositton froE govertuent agencl'es ls of no mosent because thc statG cannot -bc. oJtoPPd by th oolsston, dstalca, o! rror ot Lts offlcf. als and agents'. (Rbpubllc ?. Lac, {o5 scRA 291) /eclassi fication of forest land and conversion inEo alienable Iand vrequirer an express and Positiv act from the goveinment. (Id.)



no'-iaria-ecc..can .1!ruo;rcol''''Yotd"lo! valuc has Lntervened.' (Id.l.





the free' that orlgtnr}': omqa .(t orlca, 'h.& tnorl.dg. of -.... 5ir!B dDi.itttarcd' .ortgagc.,itld iOt corrrtlttrtc--Lctui}!"radtfcd. to..'thr 'rdcoDd.. lDitg.gG. (@nz.tcs l, !.h.4 actur!,lurorbdgc ot--cuctr - unirghtcrd-. Drtgag.. fha.rubdeqocn!-r.tutdt.tton : .o! . Ils . pandcnt do.t not tlli...slgbtr of thc Drtg.g.G (conzalos, rho reglstord hls 'Dortgad. rhcn tho notlcc of lls.'pcndcnc r.r not.yet. aDDotatd or the pulchaser at. the auction sale iho .derlvs hls llghts.

fioN! th6 mortgagea.

of .possesrlon of land startcd . t^ .1962. such is not. sutflclent basis to apply fot registratlon of such land xhich under. PDt0?3 lnd L529 rhould h!v. st.rtGd ,lnc. Jun 12, l9l5 or .arllar. ( v. Clty ol C.bu, {11 SC&4.31.51 lhc prlvetc partiGr arc procludod lr elelrl.og olacrhtp of tho lrnd io dtsputc as thc ltsu. ot ouncrchlp by OP hrr log Daoa rttlcd .ln arDrous declsions of th Suprua Couat aDd bavc tlrcrefor. bcouc Lncont.stable. (Paal v. CA, {15 SCRA {51)
l{here clair



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