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By : Anisa Farah Dilla SH (100210103061)


LESSON PLAN Grade Subject Class/Semester Time : Junior High School : Biology : V11 / 2 : 20 minutes

A. Standard Competence Understand nature phenomenons by observations B. Basic Competence Observing the objects with planned and systematic way to acquire the information about natural biotic and abiotic phenomenon C. Indicator Cognitive 1. Product Students describe the meaning of biotic component Students mention some example of biotic component Students describe the meaning of abiotic component Students mention some example of abiotic component Students describe the natural biotic phenomenon than can find in daily live Students describe the natural abiotic phenomenon than can find in daily live 2. Process Students discuss grouply about natural biotic and abiotic phenomenon that can find in daily live Students present the discussion result of the natural biotic and abiotic phenomenon that can find in daily live Psychomotor Students communicate effectively the conclusion result from the discussion

Afective 1. Character Student shows the attitude including responsibility and tolerance to the others opinion 2. Social skills Student shows ability of social skills including communicate effectively, team work, and ideas or opinions constribute.

D. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Cognitive 1. Product Students are able to describe the meaning of biotic component Students are able to mention some example of biotic component Students are able to describe the meaning of component Students are able to mention some example of abiotic component Students are able to describe the natural biotic phenomenon than can find in daily live Students are able to describe the natural abiotic phenomenon than can find in daily live 2. Process Students are able to discuss grouply about natural biotic and abiotic phenomenon that can find in daily live Students are able to present the discussion result of the natural biotic and abiotic phenomenon that can find in daily live Psychomotor Students are able to communicate effectively the conclusion result from the discussion process Afective abiotic

1. Character In the discussion process, student has attitude including responsibility and tolerance to the others opinion 2. Social skills In the learning process, students shows the ability of social skills including communicate effectively, team work, and ideas or opinions constribute

E. ESSENTIAL MATERIAL Abiotic components Abiotic or nonliving components are the physical and chemical components of a medium or substrate where the continuity of life, or living environment. Abiotic components can be either organic, inorganic compounds, and the factors that affect the distribution of organisms, namely: Temperature. Temperature is affected biological processes. Mammals and birds require energy to regulate his body temperature. Water. Availability of water affect the distribution of organisms. In desert organisms adapted to the availability of water in the desert. Salt. Salt concentration affect the water balance in the organism through osmosis. Some terrestrial organisms adapt to the environment with high salt content Sunlight. The intensity and quality of light affects photosynthesis process. Water can absorb light so that the water environment, photosynthesis occurs around the surface of the sun affordable. In the desert, the intensity of the light which makes the temperature increase so that animals and plants are stressed. Soil and rock. Some characteristics of the soil that covers the physical structure, pH, and mineral composition to limit the spread of organisms based on the content of food sources on the ground.

Climate. Climate is the weather conditions for long periods in an area. Macro climate include global climate, regional and local. Microclimate include the climate in a particular area

Biotic components Biotic is a term usually used to refer to something that is alive (organism). Biotic components are the components that make up an ecosystem than components abiotic (lifeless). Based on the role and function, living things can be divided into two kinds, namely: Heterotrophic / Consumer. Component consists of heterotrophic organisms that utilize organic materials supplied by other organisms as food. Heterotrophic component called macro consumer (fagotrof) because food eaten smaller. Heterotrophic belonging are human, animals, fungi, and microbes. Decomposers / decomposers. Decomposers are organisms that decompose organic matter derived from dead organisms. Are classified as decomposers are bacteria and fungi. Natural Biotic phenomenon Biotic natural phenomena include matters relating to living things, such as insect metamorphosis, photosynthesis, pollination, growth of living things, and others. Biotic natural phenomena solely owned or can be done by living beings. Abiotic natural phenomena related to physical and chemical properties in outside of living things, for example rain, weathering, erosion, explosions, and so on. F. LEARNING METHODS Models 1. Cooperative Learning Approach SCL (Student Centered Learning) Methods 1. discussions and observation


Activity Set Induction (3 minutes) 1. Teacher opens the lesson by greeting 2. Teacher asks the class leader to lead for pray 3. Teacher informs the student about learning objectives 4. Apperception : Teacher asks the student what are the importance of object observation for science ? 5. Motivation: Teacher gives a little information about the importance of object observation for science by some example due to the abiotic and biotic object 6. Teacher gives information about the activity plan Main activity (10 minutes) Teacher dividing student become 3 small group consist of 3 until 4 students each. Teacher begins lesson by explaining about abiotic and biotic component and examples Teacher asks the student to know students knowledge about natural biotic and abiotic phenomenon (using the PPT varies with interspersed asked the students and give responding). Teacher gives the worksheet for each group and guides all group to begin the observation and discussion Teacher asks one students from each group to present the discussion result and collect the worksheet Closure (2 minutes)

1. Teacher points toward a student to make a conclusion about the lesson 2. Teacher informs the next topic 3. Teacher leaves class with greeting

H. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT Equipment : Laptop, monitor/LCD, whiteboard and boardmarker Learning Media Learning Sources : worksheet :

Wasis at all.2008.Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Jilid 1 untuk SMP dan MTS Kelas VII. Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan DepDikNas I. EVALUATION 1. Cognitive NUMBER ANSWER 1 The answer complete with mention some examples in environment The answer complete, without mention some examples in environment The answer incomplete with the question 2 The answer complete with additional information The answer complete, without additional information The answer incomplete with the problem Maximum score = 50 Score = Achieved Score X 100 Maximum Score 2. Affective Assessments Name : .. 5 25 15 5 15 SKOR 25


: ..

Class : .. No. Description Indicator Fluently and logical (4) Fluently, and less logical (3) 1. Responsibility Less fluently, but logical (2) Less fluently and less logical (1) Never make noise and in class when their friend give opinion (4) Seldom make noise in class when 2. Tolerance their friend give opinion (3) Sometimes make noise in class when their friend give opinion (2) Always make noise in class when their friend give opinion (1) Maximum score : 8 Total score Score = Maximum score Score Mark: 85 100 =A 75 84 =B 65 74 =C 55 64 =D < 54 =E a. Psychomotor Assessments No Observed Activity Score 1 2 3 4 Score

x 100

1 2

Join in the observation process actively Communicate the results of discussion effectively

Give additional information or criticize the opinion of other students

Psychomotor assessment Indicators: 1 = less 2 = enough 3 = good 4 = excellent Assessment: Score = getting score x 100 12 Score Mark: 85 100 75 84 65 74 55 64 < 54 =A =B =C =D =E

Jember, 15th May 2013 Knowing, Lecture Practioner

Anisa Farah Dilla NIP. NIM. 100210103061

Observing Biotic and Abiotic Object in School Environment

Purpose : knowing biotic and abiotic object in home and school environment Tools and materials : 1. Pencil 2. Paper or worksheet Steps 1. Look outside your class windows, observe some object that you can find there 2. Write the name of each object and classified which are the biotic or abiotic objects. List your observe result to the table like example below. Make the table on your worksheet NO Object Name 1. 2. 3. Questions 1. How are the general characteristic from all of biotic object that you find in your school environment ? 2. How about the general characteristic from all of abiotic object that you find in your school environment ? 3. Is there any relationship between the abiotic and biotic that take a place in an environment ? 4. Mention natural abiotic and biotic phenomenon that you can find in the school environment ! Ant Sands Abiotic Object Biotic Object

Observation Table NO Object Name . Abiotic Object Biotic Object

Answer . . ..

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