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ADRENAL STRESS The Story of Healing

Dont let stress eat up your lifeHere are the tools for getting off the hamster wheel of perpetual exhaustion. Contrary to popular belief you can live a busy life and still have high energy!

Why Do Our Adrenal Glands Need Healing?

In this day and age most of us are dealing with high stress lifestyles. Everything is getting faster, the demands are getting higher and each year we are overloaded with more things to use and be responsible for. Our bodies have to deal with more sensory overload than we have ever experienced before in history, just the noise pollution alone is overwhelming. Have you ever tried to discern all the different sounds in a shopping center? Its exhausting just being in a busy place. There is more and more in our lives that disconnect us from our innate thriving resource nature. We have to make an effort to find peace and quiet and walk in nature, it is essential to our state of vitality. Most of us are working very hard supporting big corporations and still living in survival mode. When we are using our main energy for something that does not feed our soul and follow our own deep integrity, we hold ourselves in survival mode. We

begin to question what our lives are about? It is essential to have a good look at our lives and see where we are functioning in fear and where we can change that to thrival consciousness. What is your passion, what work would you LOVE to be doing? You are the only one who can make the change and create a life of fruition on all levelsThere is so much good work that needs to happen, what can you do to support this Earth, the animals and the people? If we understand the basic functions of our bodies and have the simple tools to create a physical balance, the mental stress can be cut in half as the physical body is in charge of balancing the brains hormones and neurotransmitters that enable us to handle stress. It doesnt matter whether mental stress or physical stress comes first, like the chicken or the egg story, the fact is both need to be alleviated. Unfortunately most of us did not get off to a great start in life, when it comes to physical resources. From conception we were bombarded with pesticides and other chemicals, which mixed in with the minute cells that made up our bodies. Therefore our endocrine and nervous systems have been compromised from day dot. On top of that, most of us experienced the procedure of vaccinations and being fed cows milk, both of which have a strongly compromising effect on our endocrine and immune systems. Then we have the fantastic experience of being fed trans fats, sucrose, bread, animal fats, colorants, additives and a whole host of other toxic foods from a very early age. The reality is that before we were even given the chance to make our own decisions, our adrenals were already under strain from toxic chemicals and blood sugar instability. In all honesty we have stepped foot onto this earth in a time

when humans have become so far removed from their innate state that it is going to take a bit of work to heal our bodies and the body of the earth. Adrenal fatigue was first documented as a clinical condition, in the medical texts in the 1800s. As conventional medicine cannot do anything to treat adrenal fatigue, it has nicely been brushed under the carpet. Laboratory tests were unable to detect any abnormality, until recently. Today, adrenal fatigue could be accurately diagnosed, overcome and treated properly if the attending Doctor chooses to test for it and has the correct knowledge of the nutrition, etc needed for the healing process.

Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Tendency to gain weight and unable to loose it, especially around the waist. High frequency of getting the flu and other respiratory diseases and these symptoms tend to last longer than usual. Tendency to tremble when under pressure. Reduced sex drive. Light-headed when rising from a laying down position. Unable to remember things. Lack of energy in the mornings and also in the afternoon between 3 to 5 pm.

Feel better suddenly for a brief period after a meal. Often feel tired between 9 - 10 pm, but resist going to bed. Need coffee or stimulants to get going in the morning. Crave for salty, fatty, and high protein food such as meat and cheese. Increase symptoms of PMS for women; period are heavy and then stop, or almost stopped on the 4th day, only to start flow again on the 5th or 6th day. Pain in the upper back or neck with no apparent reasons. Feels better when stress is relieved, such as on a vacation. Difficulties in getting up in the morning. Mild depression. Anxiety. Decreased ability to handle stress. Hypoglycaemia. Light-headed. Digestive disorders. Other signs and symptoms include: Food and or inhalant allergies Lethargy and lack of energy

Increased effort to perform daily tasks Dry and thin skin Low Body Temperature Nervousness Palpitation Unexplained hair loss Alternating constipation and diarrhoea Dyspepsia

Common Causes Of Adrenal Stress

Anger Chronic fatigue Chronic illness Chronic infection Chronic inflammation Chronic pain Chronic-severe allergies Depression Excessive exercise Excessive sugar in diet Excessive caffeine intake Fear and guilt Gluten intolerance Light-cycle disruption (Going to

sleep late) Low blood sugar Ma-absorption Ma-digestion Nutritional deficiencies Overwork/ physical or mental strain Temperature extremes Toxic exposure Trauma/ injury Severe or chronic stress Surgery Sleep deprivation Worry/anxiety

Stages of Adrenal Stress

Diseases progresses through stages normally as the body decompensates. Let us take a closer look: Stage 1: Alarm Reaction (Flight or Fight response)In this stage, the body is alarmed by the stressors and mounts an aggressive anti-stress response to reduce stress levels. Some doctors called this the Early Fatigue stage. During this period, the body needs cortisol to overcome stress, and production of cortisol is therefore increased. After some time, the adrenals will experience difficulties in meeting the body's ever increasing demand for cortisol.

Stage 2: Resistance ResponseWith chronic or severe stress, the adrenals eventually are unable to keep up with the body's demand for cortisol. As such , the cortisol output will start to decline from a high back to a normal level, while the ACTH remains high. With protracted ACTH and adrenal fatigue, less cortisol is produced due to the adrenal becoming exhausted. While the morning, noon, or afternoon cortisol levels are often low, the night-time cortisol level is usually normal. A phenomenon called pregnenolone steal (also called cortisol shunt) sets in. Cortisol production becomes the predominant pathway of hormone production as the body favours the production of this hormone. Other hormones such as pregnenolone, DHEA, testosterone and oestrogen are less favoured and their production will decline. As a result, total pregnenolone output is reduced but total cortisol output continues to be maintained at a normal level. Stage 3: ExhaustionDespite rising ACTH, the adrenals are no longer able to keep up the increased demand for cortisol production. This may happen over a few years. Total cortisol output is therefore reduced, and DHEA falls far below average. The night-time cortisol level is usually reduced as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis "crash" and the body is unable to maintain homeostasis. Severe sex hormonal imbalances (oestrogen, progesterone, and androgens) are common and a precursor to adrenal failure. Stage 4: FailureEventually, the adrenals are totally exhausted. Patients at this stage have a high chance of cardiovascular collapse and death. Thyroid imbalances and burnout. Often secondary to adrenal

exhaustion are other glandular imbalances such as hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland and the adrenals have a very close relationship and stress on one always affects the other.Much less common is the development of a secondary hyperthyroidism, or overactivity of the thyroid. This may be a compensation for low adrenals, as the condition will disappear as the adrenals are allowed to rest and rebuild.The adrenal glands produce oestrogen and progesterone. They are the main source of these hormones after menopause. Premenstrual syndrome and hot flashes often have to do with weakened adrenal glands. Reduced cellular energy production. Depression and apathy are often the result of low energy production in the cells. Also, cortisol provides a natural high.Thus, low cortisol can contribute to feelings of depression and even despair. Unsure if there is energy to get through the day, anxiety may occur. Irritability is common as one is less able to handle even minor stress. Burnout and metal toxicity. When the adrenals are weak, copper builds up in the body. Elevated copper enhances emotions. Panic attacks, bipolar disorder, mood swings and schizophrenia are related to copper imbalance. As ones energy level declines, other toxic metals build up as well. Mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, beryllium and others contribute to hundreds of physical and emotional symptoms. Minimal brain dysfunction, chronic ear or other infections, crib death, delayed development, learning disorders, failure to thrive, ADHD, autism and anti-social behaviour may all be symptoms related to adrenal dysfunction in our children. Vaccination, wholesale drugging of the children and

other abominations led by our public health authorities and the medical profession are only making the problems worse in the long term. Children usually respond very rapidly to nutritional balancing program. This is not at all the same as throwing a lot of good food and vitamins at a child. It must be targeted, based on a properly performed and correctly interpreted hair mineral analysis. As the syndrome of adrenal fatigue is not that common knowledge amongst physicians, it often goes misdiagnosed or untreated.

The First Steps in Correcting Adrenal Fatigue are:

Find your passion and make it happen! Completely stop all stimulants Eat high nutrient foods Eat rock or sea salt, the adrenals need live sodium. Eat wholefood organic foods at least 60% raw plant veg. Eat before 10am to set the blood sugar stability for the day and replenish waning glycogen levels, otherwise the adrenals kick in thinking there is a drought. Eat something between 11am and 11.30am Eat a decent meal between 2pm and 3pm before the daily cortisol dip which is 3-4pm Eat supper between 5pm and 6pm as it is hard to break down and digest food eaten later in the evening. If you desperately need food later, have a power

smoothie or green juice before 7.30pm.

Adaptogen plants, minerals and vitamin C are vital for adrenal healing. Take a one minute break every 30 mins of work to have a couple of long deep breaths Delegate time each week to do something relaxing that you love!!! Go for at least two walks a week in nature. Have fun and laugh at lot!!!

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