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Name: Christina Chester

Subject/Time: Fact/ Opinion Lesson

Date: March 13, 2013

Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards. CCSS.ELALiteracy.CCRA.R.1 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

Key Lesson Elements

What is the Teacher Doing?

What are the Students Doing?

Do Now (3-5 minutes): Teacher will hook students in by having two objects where she enthusiastically demonstrates facts about one object and opinions about one object. State Lesson Objective & Lesson Agenda Identify and create facts and opinions about objects. *Hook *Teaching point *Guided Practice with Student Engagement *Differentiated Homogenous Group Work *Independent Exit Ticket

Students will be sitting in listening position tracking the teacher with their eyes, actively listening.

Identify and create facts and opinions about objects. *Hook *Teaching point *Guided Practice with Student Engagement *Independent Exit Ticket

I Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points): Fact and opinions are everywhere and are important to understand the difference between them. Teacher will show and read the premade anchor chart about fact and opinions. Check for Understanding: Teacher will call on two students to give an example of a fact and an opinion Objective(s) SWBAT Evaluate and discuss if a statement is a fact or We Do Guided Practice: Teacher will model the activity that the students will be doing in their groups with the whole class. Teacher will have a Students will sit on their bottoms in listening position as the teacher explains fact and opinion. Students will read along with the teacher as she goes over the anchor chart.

Students will listen in listening position as the teacher explains what they are doing next. Students will track the speakers as they speak.


opinion in written text. blown up version of the passage and chart similar to what small groups will have. Teacher will have four statements in the nonfiction passage. The teacher will read the first statement to the students and will model how to answer and discuss them with their peers using two other students. Teacher will call on three other students (one high tier student, one mid tier, and one low tier) to read the last three statements. After each reading the students will discuss if it is a fact or opinion with their elbow partner and share out. Teacher will do a quick review of the concept before they move to independent practice. Teacher will explain the directions of the lesson to the students before transitioning them from the rug to their workspaces by using a video. Teacher will present a video to hook the students in. The video will model exemplar 2nd graders having a meaningful discussion using sentence stems. Teacher will have the students to think pair share about the video.Teacher will bring the students back from their think-pairshare. Teacher will have two students to share out findings from their discussion using discussion stems. Teacher will inform the students that what they just saw and heard was a group of students having a discussion about facts and opinions. They were evaluating each line of text and as a group deciding if it was a fact or an opinion as well as working together to come up with a reason why. Teacher will have the students work in their homogenous reading groups for this lesson. In their reading groups, they are used to working together and can tend to have the same vocabulary range. Teacher will explain to the students that the team leader is to be the only one writing for the group. The team leaders group for the group is to make sure that everyone has had a chance to talk in the group, and are using discussion stems to make sure that everyone agrees with the statements that are written down for the group and they are the recorder of the groups thoughts. We are working at a level 1 whisper voice for this activity and all need to be seated in a circle with our group. Once I have transitioned your group from the rug, you are to immediately go to your assigned area of the classroom, form your groups working circle criss cross and at a level zero. Once I see that your group is ready to go. I will come to you and give you the marker to get started. Teacher will pass out the markers as the groups are ready. Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: Vocabulary words: Fact, Opinion, perspective, proven Concepts: Listening, You Do Independent Practice: Teacher will provide five different nonfiction passages with pictures for the students to observe as a group to decide their fact and opinions about the text. The name of the object will be written on chart to ensure that the Students will follow along as the teacher models how to have the discussion in our groups and the way to complete the chart in our groups. The students will watch as the teacher models how to discuss the first statement with two students. Three students will be chosen to read one of the last three statements and after each statement is read, the students will TPS about the statements if they are a fact or opinion. Students will watch the teacher as she models how to complete the chart and sets the exceptions for the group work.

Students will watch the video of the students discussion and TPS about what they noticed about it.

Students will sit at a level zero and criss cross on the rug in their assigned squares while the teacher discusses the directions and expectations for the activity. Students will be cold called to repeat the directions for the


Making Inferences, Interpreting Visual and Written Material, Communicating Orally and in Writing, Critical Thinking, discussion techniques students can spell the name of the object correctly and the chart will be organized for the students to write down the number sentence they are discussing, their decision of fact or opinion and a column to write their reason why behind that decision. Each group will get a different topic and the Blue and Black Groups will get a picture with the name of the topic along with a chart paper with prewritten facts and opinions about the objects on it. In those groups, their jobs are to move the facts and opinions to the correct area of the t-chart. This is differentiated for those two groups because they struggle the most with sentence structure and vocabulary.Teacher will remind the students that the team leader is to be the only one writing for the group. The team leaders group for the group is to make sure that everyone has had a chance to talk in the group,are using discussion stems to make sure that everyone agrees with the statements that are written down for the group and they are the recorder of the groups thoughts. We are working at a level 1 whisper voice for this activity and all need to be seated in a circle with our group. Once I have transitioned your group from the rug, you are to immediately go to your assigned area of the classroom, form your groups working circle criss cross and at a level zero. Once I see that your group is ready to go, I will come to you and give you the marker to get started. After the last marker is passed out, the teacher will do a quick countdown and voice level check before the group work begins. Teacher will inform them that they have about 5 minutes to come up with their answers. Teacher will do a time check at about the two minute mark to let the students know that they need to finish soon because we have one minute left. At the end of the 5 minutes, the teacher will have the students to pause and have their bodies in listening position. Teacher will have two groups to share out their findings. Each group will transition back to their seats to complete their exit ticket on their desks at a level zero with the table leaders returning all the materials to the green table. Check for Understanding: Teacher will cold call a student to repeat the directions of the activity and another student to repeat the behavioral expectations of the lesson. Teacher will have the students to answer with their sign language hand signal of yes or no they understand. Teacher will circulate to conference with each group about their passage and to record their group dynamics on the checklist. Teacher will also push student thinking by asking higher order thinking questions as she conferences. As each group is presenting, the teacher will take notes of the students that are not answering correctly with the groups answers to remember to pay close attention to their exit tickets to see if I need to pull them for a small group the next day. activity and the behavior expectations for the activity. Students will be transitioned to the rug by their reading level groups. Students will sit in a working circle and work at a level one in their groups to analyze and discuss which statements in their passages are fact or opinion and why. The team leader will be responsible to make sure that everyone has had a chance to talk in the group, to make sure that everyone agrees with the statements that are written down for the group and they are the recorder of the groups facts and opinions. The students will get five minutes to discuss their facts and opinions. After the five minutes, the students will be transitioned to track the speaking of two groups as they share out their findings with the whole group. After all the two groups presentations, the lesson will be closed out and the students will be transitioned to their desks to independently complete their exit ticket.


Modifications/ Accommodations Blue and Black group will receive prewritten facts and opinions about their topic. The teacher will give them pre written sentences on post it notes.Those two groups jobs are to read each statement and decide if it is a fact or opinion. They are to put their decisions on the pre made t-chart with fact on one side and opinion on the other. This is differentiated for those two groups because they struggle the most with sentence structure and vocabulary.

Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment: Teacher will provide an exit ticket for the students to complete after returning to their seats after their group work. The exit ticket will have four statements written down. The teacher will read each statement aloud for the students. The students will record if they think that the statement is a fact or opinion by putting a letter F or a letter O in the space next to the statement. The students will also have a space for them to write their reason why for each answer. Materials & Technology

Students will complete their exit tickets at their desks at a level zero. Students will be encouraged to use their own thoughts and ideas by not looking on the paper next to them. Students will listen to read each statement and will record if it is a fact(F) or opinion (O) and why in the space next to the statement.

Five nonfiction passages with a variety of statements, blank chart paper to record group responses,anchor chart on fact and opinion, post it notes,, 2 prewritten fact/opinion tchart papers.

Closing/Preview for next lesson: Teacher will say, Now that we have had some practice with evaluating fact and opinions and we have started to create our own reasons why as well. This is a very important skill to remember to have when we are reading different materials. It helps you to be critical while youre reading and when you are talking to people.

DAILY DOUBLE PLAN Eight markers, exit ticket and a group checklist to take notes, student video
Homework: Students will have a fact and opinion worksheet in their homework packet in which they will have to identify if the statement is a fact or an opinion.

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