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A report on the Mitsubishi Lecture is an assessable component of this course. The theme of the annual lecture deals with issues related to mine planning at the strategic and/or operational level. You are required to prepare a report on the lecture. In terms of assessment it is expected the report will at a minimum summarise the main issues and points covered in the lecture in order to receive a passing mark. Higher marks will be awarded where the report includes comments, discussion and critical analysis but this must be demonstrated with evidence of research and further reading. Students are encouraged to comment where appropriate on the potential impact that the issues might have on the mining industry in the future and how the industry might benefit from any changes.

A formal short report is required prepared in accordance with the MEA Report Writing Guide. The report should be between a minimum of 500 words and up to a maximum of 1500 words and it is suggested the student use the standard report style template.

The assignment must be submitted in accordance with the submission requirements of assignments as outlined in the Course Outline. It is expected that the project will be undertaken in a professional and ethical manner with an appropriate standard of presentation and analysis. The following points on technical writing are expected to be integrated into the report. Format. The report must be typed. Formatting should conform to the standards as defined in (in order of precedence) the MEA Report Writing Guide1, Guide to Authors2, the Report Writing Style Guide for Engineering Students3 and the Style Guide4. All tables and illustrations must be referred to in the text of the report and each should be appropriately labelled. Structure. A conventional report structure should be used. In addition to the usual report sections, the report must contain a Title page, Summary, Table of Contents, Introduction, Conclusion and Recommendations and, a Reference list. Any additional information that indirectly supports the analysis should be placed in the Appendix.

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Hagan, P and Mort, P, 2011. Report Writing Guide for Mining Engineers (Mining Education Australia). Anon, 2011. Guide to Authors (AusIMM: Melbourne).

Winckel, A and Hart, B, 1996. MEA Report Writing Style Guide for Engineering Students (Faculty of Learning, University of South Australia: Adelaide).

Snooks and Co., 2002. Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers, (John Wiley & Sons: Brisbane), 6th ed.


Style. Writing style should be consistent with a professional technical report; it should be formal and written in the third person. Assumptions need to be appropriate to the situation and justified. Referencing. All reference sources must be acknowledged appropriately in the text of the report including any table or illustration etc used in the report. The author/date referencing system should be used as detailed in the MEA Report Writing Guide and a list of all sources used in the report included in the References section of the report.

The due date for submission is listed in the Course Outline. Should there be any other commitments on the due date then the report must be submitted before the scheduled due date.

A copy of the Assessment Criteria can be found in the Course Outline. No report will lead to a zero mark for this Assignment.

Rules relating to academic misconduct apply as detailed in the Course Outline. All values should be reported in conventional SI metric units using appropriate scaling factors.

Refer to details on the various submission requirements for assignments in the University Policy section of the Course Outline.


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