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These are interesting times, indeed are decisives: the environment is showing the

limits of the way the people use the world, the world economy is mad, poor and
rich people are losing money, even when just in the former case that imply some
risk to the life, the stability of the world in American terms is brokening,
china’s rising and mujahideen figthers challenge in real terms some serious
interests of the USA. A change is coming, and things won’t be like they used to
be... but then how they will be?

First let me state way i think major fundaments of our society will probably
change. About the economy, myriads of experts have expressed their views, but
just a few said what is the essence of the problem looking farter from the
indexes; the thing i have undertand is this, the world-class ponci squeme is no
longer sustainable; the pace of the consumption of the American people is beyond
their capacity of debt, not of the money they earn, then here we are talking about
a great, great debt; financed with the money earned by the chineses...
sustainable, no, just as much of any other ponci scheme; the point is that a new
world economic architecture is needed, but the USA is appearing so shy to take the
lead in the building, maybe because wall street is not so sanguine about it, while
other nations are eager to work about, China, India, Brazil, Continental europe.

But these very same nations are willing to share, too, the political power in the
planet; the chinese naval force are growing in size, technology and people in a
remarkable way, in short time they expect to have a aircrafts carrier, and that is
not a defense weapon at least you have to defend territories 8000 kilometers from
home, they are offering loans to nations in latinamerica (the place that used to
be the backyard of USA) and besides the other big developing nations are an
important voice in the international effort to stops the crisis; that will mean
political power in the international arena. But the political challenge to the
American way came not just from ambitious nations, came as well from cultural
rebellions, like the extremist of the muslim world, the mujahideen had already
take control of a part of Pakistan, or the movie “slumdog millionaire” won the
most of the oscar’s. The math is symple, the humanity is too complex as to be
ruled by one political opinion and one cultural option.

But things doesn’t stop there; the enviromental crisis is threatening the
temperature of the planet, the rainfall conditions, the acidity of the oceans, and
beyond any doubt, the amount of life of the planet, we already are responsable for
a mass extintion, maybe this is the most perilious problem for live. But unhappily
not for the dwellers of the USA, the survey shows their scepticisms about this.
Among every one of the problems the conscience of the people is the one i bother
more about. We had spoilled the planet for the sake of our selfishness, because we
think the conform is the most important human rigth: we burn a complex and rich
carbon composition as the oil (that’s like burn dollars), and destroy big spans of
forest to cultivate food that make people sick in the shape of junk food, and
invest tremendous amounts of money in weapons to kill people instead to feed the
starving people in africa, in latin america, in the USA; and hardly we notice

We spoiled the nature, the money, the politics, the culture (in case of doubt
count the number of tonges lost in the XX century). This is a destrutive way of

How would be the future of such a model?. People working the whole day, making a
lot of money and buying anything unimaginable, paying to breath artificial air,
and eating artificials proteins, everyone speaking a basic english, and relating
with each other from a comercial point of view?, all that supported in the death
bodies of the most of the today’s world population. That’s a nightmare, and
assuming a conservative suicidal rate, the humans wouldn’t late more than a few
centuries more.

That’s is a world i doesn’t want, and a world unsustainable for most of us.

The crisis is necesary, the way will take the culture, the politics, the economy
is so hard to figure out. Maybe will be a WWIII between China and the USA, where
the allies of every side are imposible to guest if the history had something to
say. Maybe the USA will transform it-self and lead again the world with something
the most of us could believe; maybe the east will be the director of the humanity.
How knows? But something can be said, this crisis can promp some good things in
the people: the scarcity of money can make wonder about the value of consumism, at
least show other way; the anarchy in the world ask for a creative world order,
something more stable; the enviromental problems will make us aware that we are
one with the planet, as well with the others.

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