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Camper Contract We would ask each camper, and guardian, to sign the following contract regarding the policies

and procedures at Barretstown, and the expected behavior for all participating.

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There is n alcohol, drugs or cigarettes allowed site at Burgettstown, at any time. Physical violence will not be tolerated. This includes hitting, pushing, pinching, biting etc. Bullying and other forms of intimidation wll not be tolerated. This includes name calling, swearing, and derogatory vocabulary. Mobile phones are not permitted at Barretstown in the interest of respecting childcare privacy laws and if brought to site they will have to be handed in when leaving medication with the medical team. The cottage is a respectful environment, and each camper is expected to respect each others possessions, personal space, sleeping habits etc. Staff superise campers throughout the day and campers are expected to let staff know of their whereabouts at all times. Vandalism and destruction of camp property is not permitted.

Failure to abide by this contract can result in not being able to participate in some camp activities, or being asked to leave the programmer. Camper Signature _7 ________________________________________________ Guardian Signature Camper-Staff Communication Policy At Burgettstown, we appreciate that campers and staff develop a unique and trusting relationship during their time at camp. While these relationships are positive during their time at camp, we discourage them from continuing outside of the camp session. We recognize that it is natural for campers to want to keep in touch with certain staff outside of camp, but we discourage r staff from doing so. As a part of r policies and procedures, we discourage staff from communicating with campers via various social networking sites, email, mobile phones and post. Our staff goes through an extensive screening, selection and training process, and is supericed by r support team during their contract at camp to ensure their behavior is professional and appropriate at all times. We discourage contact with campers outside of camp, as we cannot superis it we cannot take responsibility for the behavior of staff once their contracts have ended. As a parent/guardian, we ask that you take responsibility to monitor your child's contact with other campers, and potentially staff members. Guardian Signature

Date _______________________________________________________

The teen camp program me at Burgettstown is an exciting mix of camp activities, Leadership training, and team building initiatives, all the while getting to meet 100 other teens from different European countries. Teens will be able to take part it the various outdoor adventure activities such as horses, high ropes, canoeing and archery, and the creative arts activities Like arts and crafts, films, drama and music. But, there's a twist! Instead of being at an activity just as a participant, throughout the session teens are given the opportunity to design and run programs for each other. With the guidance from trained staff, campers wll be encouraged to create a schedule for themselves, focusing their individual! Interests, and wll be able to pIay, pIan and facilitate the activities that they choose. Teens are able to do as much or as Littlie pIanning of activities as they Iike, the choice is theirs. The emphasis is having their wn unique time at camp, and providing the opportunity for teens to decide, for themseIves, what that experience is going to be. In addition to having fun, new experiences and Learning new skills, the activities at camp wll be used in a whole new way to help develop Leadership and group skills. Based on our successful Leaders training program me, the teen camps wll introduce various challenges n problem solving, making group decisions, creativity and other transferable skills. w is that done? Well, that's to the teens!

Mobile Phone Guidelines

During camp children are not to have their phone with them for a number of reasons including: * Creating a unique camp experience where children can 'forget' about the outside world and integrate well in the camp environment. * Potential of phone getting st when on camp. Or if st in cottages could raise suspicion amongst children that another child stole their phone. * Potential of phone getting damaged or broken whilst at camp. * Where a child is missing home to the extent where it is causing them emotional distress a Bauetstown staff member will make a call to parents to discuss any other strategies or interventions that could support the child during their time at camp. If the child has their own phone staff may not be aware of conversations regarding missing home and in turn not be able to best support the child. * Potential danger of having phones causing a distraction in activity areas such as high ropes, archery, horses, fishing, canoeing. * Many phones have the ability to take photographs, videos, and connect to the internet and Barretstown aims to ensure we respect the parent's decision regarding what their child can access and upload onto the internet.

Procedures for communicating with parents and campers * Parents and campers are made aware in camp literature before arriving that we have no mobile phone policy and the reasons behind this explained. * If parents wou1d 1ike their chi1dren to have their phone with them for travelling they shou1d be made aware through camp 1iterature that the child will hand over their phone when registering with the med shed. * The phones will be stored in a safe location in the med shed and returned to the camper n departure day. * Campers can send postcards home during their time at camp. * Parents can contact Barres town directly to enquire how their children are during camp.

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