Sunteți pe pagina 1din 25


Figura Nr. 32. Esena microproiectrii pedagogie a experienelor de nvare

O1 O2 O3

Co2 Co2 Co3

I(o1) So1 So2 So3 I(o2) I (o3)



I(on) Son

Figura Nr.33. Schema general a oricrui proiect didactic bine gndit

Aadar, structura unui proiect pedagogic va apare, schematic, ca n fig.33, unde: O - obiectiv operaional; CO - coninut esenial pentru realizarea obiectivului operaional; SO - strategie (sarcin de lucru dat elevului, derivat din obiectiv i situaia de nvare adecvat astfel nct elevul s poat rezolva sarcina conexa n minimum de timp, cu minimum de efort i maximum de satisfacie a nvrii). I(O) - itemul testului de evaluare.


nainte de a face orice alceva precizai n mod clar OBIECTIVELE OPERRAIONALE derivndu-le corect din competene speecifice sau obiective generale !


Analizai atent RESURSELE EDUCAIONALE de care dispunei pentru a realiza obiectivele !


Elaborai STRATEGII EDUCAIONALE focalizate pe obiectivele operaionale !


Stabilii un SISTEM DE EVALUARE a performanelor i a progreselor celor care nva !

Figura 3 4. Etapele proiectrii pedagogice

Fiecare dintre aceste etape va putea fi operaionalizat sub forma unor demersuri de tipul step-by-step n felul urmtor: I. PRECIZAREA OBIECTIVELOR 1.1. Identificai n program obiectivul

terminal sau competena specific! 1.2. Stabilii ce va ti sau va ti s fac elevul la sfritul activitii folosind o taxonomie de obiective!

1.3. Precizai standardele de performan acceptabile pe care trebuie s le ndeplineasc elevii folosind procedura de operaionalizare! 1.4. Estimai dac obiectivele stabilite sunt realizabile n timpul disponibil ! 1.1. Abandonai obiectivele neeseniale dac timpul de care dispunei nu v permite realizarea lor ! 1.2. Stabilii standarde de performan minimal acceptabil pentru fiecare obiectiv ANALIZA RESURSELOR operaional reinut ! 2.1.Stabilii cninuturile fiecare obiectiv n parte ! 2.2.Difereniai instruirea eseniale pentru


microgrupuri conform ritmurile de nvare ELABORAREA STRATEGIEI ale elevilor din clas la care vei preda! 3.1.Enunai sarcini de nvare cu int pe fiecare obiectiv i difereniai instruirea solicitnd progresiv standarde de performan peste nivelul minimal acceptabil 3.2.Elaborai situaii optime de nvare asigurnd condiiile interne i condiiile externe ale nvriic ! sunt respectate legea 3.3. Asigurai-v efectului, legea econome de timp, legea economiei de efort i c exist suficient motivaie pentru realizarea fiecrei sarcini de EVALUAREA nvare ! 4.1.Elaborai un test docimologic construind cel puin cte un item pentru fiecare obiectiv urmrit ! Figura Nr.35. Operaiile proiectrii pedagogice a oricrei activiti didactice sau experiene de nvare n clas

3.1.4 Raiunile demersului de proiectare i matricea de specificaie Raiunile acestei sistematizri sunt urmatoarele: necesitatea de a adapta exigenele generale ale tehnologiei educaiei la

specificul colii noastre, al procesului de nvmnt bazat pe clase i lecii;

necesitatea de a gsi o convergen ntre spiritul pragmatic al tehnologiei

educaionale i modul specific romnesc de abordare a problematicii formrii tinerelor generaii. n legtur cu aceast chestiune se poate invoca existena unei apropieri ntre praxiologie i ceea ce s-ar putea numi spiritul practic al bunului gospodar romn. Se poate sugera, aadar, cadrului didactic s adopte priceperea practic a acestuia, n principal nelepciunea de a ntemeia activitile didactice pe proiecte gndite n termeni concrei. Nu gsim nici o fisur grav ntr-o asemenea apropiere care ar putea considera c aceasta constituie o cale lesnicioas cea de a armoniza tradiii viabile ale colii romneti cu rezultate recente ale cercetrii tiinifice n modele de aciune practic eficient. Eficiena practic se obine n acelai mod pe toate meridianele. Nu avem de-a face cu o americanizare a colii romneti care i-ar sfida tradiiile. Este vorba doar de o eficientizare a instruirii, n limitele bunului sim dar cu instrumente tiinifice i temeiuri raionale. Dincolo de acestea i se solicit educatorului capaciti hermeneutice i creative ct mai nalte. Modelul nu inhib creativitatea pedagogic autentic ci o canalizeaz pe ci drepte care ocolesc, cu obstinaie, hazardul, haosul i improvizaiile. Nu resimt frustrarea de creativitate pedagogic dect acei educatori lipsii total de har pedagogic i de creativitate educativ veritabil. Prin urmare, proiectele pedagogice vor fi matrici de specificaie care pot fi realizate ca n schema de mai jos: Obiective operaionale La Coninut esenial Capaciti de nvare disponibile G1 Strategii didactice (sarcini i situaii de nvare) Itemii testului de evaluare 7 n

sfritul CO1-definiia

(grupa SO1 - Subliniai n I(O1) cu textul de mai jos: predicate predicate G3 - toate predicatele existente Sit. tip de nvare: de i G1 - cel puin 7 puin predicate jos:

activitii, toi predicatului; elevii vor fi ntrebrile capabili; O1identifice predicatele ntr-un dat, subliniindu-le cu o linie; obiectivul va fi text s care rspunde.

copiilor la ritm lent) L.I. C.G. M.A. . . .

Identificai cel

G2 cel puin 10 textul de mai

G2 - (elevi cu rezolvare ritm mediu de probleme nvare) descoperire;

considerat atins dac vor fi subliniate 7 din cele 12 predicate i nu va fi subliniat vreun cuvnt care nu este predicat.

G3 - (elevi cu motivaie nvare) cine gsete

ludic mai

ritm rapid de (concurs ntre grupe: multe etc.)

Determinanii impulsulu i

Stri de impuls

Cutare a scopului

Atingerea scopului

Reducere a impulsulu i

Efecte ale reducerii impulsulu i

Cunoatere a rezultatelor scontate

Atitudini , anxietat e,stress

Captar ea ateniei

Enunul obiectiv e-lor

Actualizarea ancorelor

Sarcini de nvare

Dirijare a nvri i

Obine -rea performane -lor

Asigura rea feedbackului

Evalu area

Intens ificare a reteniei

Asigura -rea transferului

Figura Nr. 47. Derivarea evenimentelor instrucionale din succesiunea evenimentelor motivaionale ntr-o activitate uman ( Negre i Jinga, 1983 ) Mai nti cteva lmuriri de principiu. Evenimentele instrucionale nu trebuie confundate cu momentele leciei tradiionale (chiar dac intervin n asemenea momente). Altfel spus cele zece evenimente instrucionale propuse de autorul citat nu sunt zece pri de lecie, ci mai degrab fenomene motivaionale care, o dat declanate de ctre educator, trebuie s-i pstreze efectul pn cel puin la sfritul leciei; succesiunea evenimentelor instrucionale trebuie s asigure un cumul progresiv de motivaie a nvrii (care se va repercuta pozitiv asupra vitezei asimilrii, dac admitem c ritmul nvrii este dependent, ntre altele, i de nivelul motivaiei intrinseci a acesteia).

3 Convertirea competenelor n obiective i a obiectivelor n competene Competena a nu se confunda cu metafora competen-cheie folosit de Parlamentul European este o suma articulat de capaciti de a face un anumit lucru n mod miestrit; la rndul lor capacitaile sunt compositio elementorum, adic articulri de abiliti, skillsuri, abiliti, priceperi i cunotine strict specializate pentru realizarea unui job, a unei profesii utile, a unei profesii artistice etc. Prin urmare competenele, i mai ales componentele lor capacitile i abilitile, pot fi convertite cu uurin n obiective operaionale i invers. nsi operaionalizare obiectivelor pedagogice implic o atare raiune. Este suficient s enunm corect un obiectiv pedagogic folosid o procedur standard precum cea propus de Gilbert de Landsheere pentru a ne da seama de acest lucru. Iat un exemplu oarecare. La sritul activitii didactice toi elevii vor deveni capabili s aplice regula de trei simpl rezolvnd probleme dintr-o fi dat; obiectivul va fi considerat atins cnd: a) b) c) vor fi rezolvate cel puin 5 dintre cele 10 probleme date; nu vor exista nici un fel de greeli de aplicare a regulii de 3 s; sunt permise maximum 3 greeli de calcul

Expresia subliniat mai sus indic precis la capacitatea de a ndeplini ceva. Este limpede c obiectivele i competenele reclam acelai unic registru paideutic i c pretinsele incompatibiliti dintre ele sunt doar impresii ale unor persoane care nu au o cultur psihopedagogic prea solid. Cum se tie, este uor s definim obiective pedagogice n termeni de comportament al educatorului, ntruct prin aceasta se stabileau conduite controlate direct de ctre educatorul nsui. ntrebat cu cinci minute nainte de a intra la lecie ce obiective pedagogice urmrete, un educator poate da rspunsuri de felul: vreau s stimulez creativitatea; vreau s predau tema X; vreau s dezvolt spiritul critic etc. Dar aceste obiective exprim comportamente ale educatorului. Or, o tehnologie riguroas, solicit definirea obiectivelor pedagogice n termeni de comportament al elevului, ceea ce este mai ntotdeauna dificil. Dar msura acestei dificulti este direct proporional cu complexitatea proceselor educative; cci, dup cte cunoatem, indiferent ct de multe procese i fenomene complexe s-au identificat n Univers, niciunul dintre acestea nu depete n complexitate procesul formrii umane. Educaia este, probabil, cel mai complex fenomen din Univers. A considera drept exagerat aceast afirmaie nseamn, pur i simplu, a ignora natura uman. Faptul ca atare poate rmne fr implicaii atunci cnd abordm speculativ chestiunea. ns educaia este i un proces eminamente practic.

Dup cum se tie, ntr-un sistem de nvmnt organizat, obiectivele pedagogice sunt structurate dup cel puin trei niveluri de complexitate, n felul urmtor: Putem conveni s definim aceste categorii de obiective n felul urmtor:

5.1 Cteva proiecte didactice bine gndite i scenariile de implementare a acestora n clas
5.1.1 Proiecte i scenarii pentru instruirea de tip mastery learning la limba romn
PROIECT PEDAGOGIC pentru desfurarea activitii didactice cu tem ADVERBUL ora I, clasa a V-a Autor: student Eliza Staicovici( sub ndrumarea prof. dr. Ion Negre-Dobridor )
OBIECTIV E OPERAIO -NALE La sfritul activitii didactice toi elevii vor fi capabili: O1: s defineasc adverbul ca parte de vorbire neflexibil care determin un verb,un adjectiv sau un alt adverb i care arat caracteristica unei aciuni, stri sau a unei nsuiri;obiec tivul va fi considerat atins dac fiecare elev va defini complet,fr adausuri fr omisiuni, sau inversiuni. CONINUTUL ESENIAL CAPACITI DE NVARE STRATEGII DIDACTICE SARCINI DE NVARE SO1 Identificai adverbele din propoziiile urmtoare i artai ce pri de vorbire determin: -Atunci MihaiViteazul a hotrt s-l atace ndat pe Sinan-Paa. -El a fost destul de mndru de izbnda sa. -Domnul s-a gndit aproape totdeauna la unire. SITUAII DE NVARE nvarea de noiuni; explicaia; conversaia. EVALUAREA FORMATIV

C O1:Definiia adverbului Adverbul este partea de vorbire neflexibil care determin un verb,un adjectiv sau un alt adverb i care arat caracteristica unei aciuni,stri sau a unei nsuiri.

Clasa este alctuit din trei grupe de elevi cu ritmuri de lucru diferite. G1:grupa elevilor cu ritm lent de nvare. G2:grupa elevilor cu ritm mediu de nvare. G3:grupa elevilor cu ritm rapid de nvare. Grupa unu dispune de capacitile necesare realizrii obiectivelor unu i doi.

I(O1) Completeaz: Adverbul este .................... care arat....... ....................... sau a unei....... .

O2:s recunoasc adverbele care arat locul, timpul i felul n care se desfoar aciunea, ntrun text dat;obiectivul va fi considerat atins dac fiecare elev va recunoate cel puin trei adverbe dintre cele ase utilizate i nu va sublinia niciun cuvnt care nu este adverb. O3: s creeze propoziii n care s foloseasc diferite feluri de adverbe; obiectivul va fi considerat atins dac fiecare elev va reui s creeze cel puin cinci propoziii.

C O2: Atunci am plecat departe de locurile acelea. Trisem bine acolo,dar le-am prsit lesne,imediat ce se ivise ocazia.

S O2 Trece n tabel cel puin trei adverbe din textul dat : de loc......... de mod....... de timp........

Descoperirea; rezolvarea de probleme, conversaia.

I(O2) Completeaz cel puin trei propoziii cu adverbele care trebuie: 1.Am fost la coal. 2.m-am ntlnit cu colegii pe care nu-i mai vzusem. ntors..acas. 4.N-am mare.

C O3: Adverbele:afar, ieri, deodat,cndva, agale, repede,uor,ime diat, bine, altminteri, mine,mereu, ncolo, aiurea,niciodat.

S O3 Construiete cel puin 5 propoziii cu fiecare dintre cele adverbele date. G1-5;G2-7;G310.

Explicaia, exerciiul,dialog ul, nvarea de noiuni. .

(I O3) Compunei un text de 5-8 rnduri cu titlul n parc,folosind adverbe de mod, de timp i de loc.

Scenariul desfurrii activitii EVENIMENTUL INSTRUCIONAL Captarea ateniei



Le reamintesc elevilor prile de vorbire studiate:verb,substantiv,articol,adjectiv,pronume, numeral. Obiectivele sunt trecute n proiectul didactic

Enunul obiectivelor

Prezentarea sarcinilor de nvare i dirijarea nvrii;obinerea performanei

Evaluarea performanei

S(O1). Identificai adverbele din propoziiile urmtoare i artai ce pri de vorbire determin: -Atunci Mihai-Viteazul a hotrt s-l atace ndat pe Sinan-Paa. -El a fost destul de mndru de izbnda sa. -Domnul s-a gndit aproape totdeauna la unire S(O2) Trece n tabel cel puin trei adverbe din textul dat:de mod, de timp... S(O3) Construiete cel puin 5 propoziii cu fiecare dintre adverbele date: afar,ieri, deodat, cndva agale,repede,uor,imediat,bine, altminteri, mine, mereu, ncolo, aiurea,niciodat. G1-5;G2-7;G3-10 Prezentarea i rezolvarea individual a testului formativ: a)Completarea definiiei lacunare a adverbului. b)Completeaz cel puin trei propoziii cu adverbele care trebuie:. 1.Am fost la coal. 2.m-am ntlnit cu colegii pe care nu-i mai vzusem. 3.Dene-am ntors.acas. 4.N-am fostla mare. c)Compunei un text de 5-8 rnduri folosind adverbe de mod , de timp i de loc. Comentm mpreun eventualele erori aprute la testul formativ. Tema pentru acas:Ex.5/46 si 10/23 care cer elevilor s recunoasc adverbele i s corecteze propoziiile n care adverbele sunt incorect folosite.


Asigurarea reteniei Asigurarea transferului

3 3

PROIECT DIDACTIC de realizare a lectiei cu tema: Verbele auxiliare Obiective Analiza resurselor Strategii didactice operationale educationale cognitive ContiCapacitati de Sarcini de Situatii nut invatare invatare invatare esenial


Evaluare formativa

La sfarsitul lectiei, 98 % dintre elevii clasei a V-a vor fi capabili: O1:sa identifice verbele la perfect compus din textul citit.Obiectivul va fi considerat atins daca elevii vor identifica toate verbele existente. O2: sa recunoasca in textul citit predicatul exprimat doar prin verbul a avea.

A alunecat, a ridicat,a prins,a sarutat,a chiuit

G1:grupul elevilor cu ritm lent de invatare; G2:grupul elevilor cu ritm mediu de invatare; G3:grupul elevilor cu ritm rapid de invatare.

S(O1):Cititi cu atentie textul si identificati verbele la perfect compus.

S(O1):conditii externe: Elevii vor avea la dispozitie textul din manual. Conditii interne:invatarea de principii

I(O1):Subliniati cu o linie verbele la perfect compus din urmatoarele propozitii.

,,Am multe idei grozave .

S(O2):Gasiti in textul citit predicatul exprimat doar prin

S(O2):conditii externe: Elevii vor avea la dispozitie textul din manual.

I(O2):Alcatuiti o propozitie in care verbul a avea sa fie predicativ.

Obiectivul va fi considerat atins daca toti elevii vor identifica verbul. O3:sa identifice in text verbele formate cu ajutorul auxiliarelor a avea/a vrea /a fi,precizand si modul acestora. Obiectivul va fi considerat atins daca vor fi identificate 2 din cele trei existente, O4: sa precizeze conditiile in care verbul a fi este predicativ,dand si exemple. Obiectivul va fi considerat atins daca toti elevii vor identifica conditiile.

verbul a avea.

Conditii interne:invatarea de principii I(O3):Ce statut au verbul a avea, a vrea, a fi in urmatoarele enunturi?

As dresaconditio naloptativ Vor citiindicativ Sa fi invatatconjuncti v perfect -cand raspunde la intrebare a unde/can d? -cand are sensul de a exista,a se afla, a se intampla

S(O3):Identifi cati in textul citit verbele formate cu ajutorul auxiliarelor a avea/a vrea /a fi. La ce mod sunt acestea? S(O4):In ce situatii verbul a fi este predicativ? S(O4):conditii externe: Elevii vor avea la dispozitie intrebarile ajutatoare ale propunatoarei. Conditii interne:rezolvare a problemelor.

I(O4):Alcatuiti un scurt dialog(5-6 replici) in care verbul a fi predicativ sa apara de trei ori.

Scenariul desfasurarii activitatii: Evenimentul instructional Durata Captarea atentiei 2

Activitatea de invatare Discutie despre ultima vizita la circ,pentru a se putea face trecerea la textul din manual-,,Carte de citire,carte de iubire(Nichita Stanescu,Gheorghe Tomozei) Se vor enunta obiectivele: O1,O2,O3,O4. S(O1):Cu ajutorul intrebarilor ajutatoare ale propunatoarei,elevii vor identifica verbele la perfect compus din textul citit. S(O2):Folosind cunostintele dobandite,elevii vor identifica predicatul exprimat doar prin verbul a avea. S(O3):Recitind textul din manual,elevii vor identifica verbele formate cu ajutorul auxiliarelor a avea, a vrea, a fi. S(O4):Cu ajutorul indicatiilor propunatoarei,elevii vor preciza situatiile in care verbul a fi este predicativ.

Enuntul obiectivelor Conducerea noii invatari

30 22

Dirijarea invatare



Obtinerea performantei Asigurarea feed-backului 8 Se va realiza prin schema lectiei: VERBELE:-predicative(formeaza singure predicat) -nepredicative(auxiliare) A AVEA=auxiliar cand ajuta la formarea perfectului compus de la indicativ si a modului conditional-optativ A VREA=auxiliar cand participa la formarea viitorului A FI=auxiliar cand ajuta la formarea modului conjunctiv,timpul perfect si a modului conditional optativ,timpul perfect. Verbul A FI este predicativ cand are sensul de a exista, a se afla intr-un anumit loc,a se intampla si raspunde la intrebarile unde/cand? .

Evaluarea Asigurarea retentiei

12 30

Se va da testul formativ si se va corecta in clasa folosind un elev. Tema pentru acasa:exercitiile 1 si 2 din manual,pagina 119.

PROIECT DIDACTIC pentru realizarea lectiei cu tema:Verbele auxiliare Obiective Analiza resurselor Strategii didactice operationa-le educationale cognitive Continut La sfarsitul lectiei, 98 % dintre elevii clasei a V-a vor fi capabili: O1:sa identifice verbele la perfect compus din textul citit.Obiectivul va fi considerat atins daca elevii vor identifica toate verbele existente. O2: sa recunoasca in textul citit predicatul exprimat doar prin verbul a avea. Obiectivul va fi considerat atins daca toti elevii vor identifica verbul. O3:sa identifice in text verbele formate cu ajutorul auxiliarelor a avea/a vrea /a fi,precizand si modul acestora. Obiectivul va fi considerat atins daca vor fi identificate 2 din cele trei existente, O4: sa precizeze conditiile in care verbul a fi este predicativ,dand si exemple. Obiectivul va fi considerat atins daca toti elevii vor identifica conditiile. A alunecat, a ridicat,a prins,a sarutat,a chiuit Capacitati de invatare G1:grupul elevilor cu ritm lent de invatare; G2:grupul elevilor cu ritm mediu de invatare; G3:grupul elevilor cu ritm rapid de invatare. Sarcini invatare de Situatii invatare de

Evaluare formativa

S(O1):Cititi cu atentie textul si identificati verbele la perfect compus.

S(O1):conditii externe: Elevii vor avea la dispozitie textul din manual. Conditii interne:invatarea de principii

I(O1):Subliniati cu o linie verbele la perfect compus din urmatoarele propozitii.

,,Am multe idei grozave.

S(O2):Gasiti in textul citit predicatul exprimat doar prin verbul a avea.

S(O2):conditii externe: Elevii vor avea la dispozitie textul din manual. Conditii interne:invatarea de principii

I(O2):Alcatuiti o propozitie in care verbul a avea sa fie predicativ.

As dresaconditionaloptativ Vor citiindicativ Sa fi invatatconjunctiv perfect

S(O3):Identifica ti in textul citit verbele formate cu ajutorul auxiliarelor a avea/a vrea /a fi. La ce mod sunt acestea?

I(O3):Ce statut au verbul a avea, a vrea, a fi in urmatoarele enunturi?

-cand raspunde la intrebarea unde/cand? -cand are sensul de a exista,a se afla, a se intampla etc.

S(O4):In ce situatii verbul a fi este predicativ?

S(O4):conditii externe: Elevii vor avea la dispozitie intrebarile ajutatoare ale propunatoarei. Conditii interne:rezolvarea problemelor.

I(O4):Alcatuiti un scurt dialog(5-6 replici) in care verbul a fi predicativ sa apara de trei ori.

Scenariul desfasurarii activitatii: Evenimentul instructional Durata Captarea atentiei elevilor pn la activitii tuturor 2 sfritul

Activitatea de invatare Discutie despre ultima vizita la circ,pentru a se putea face trecerea la textul din manual-,,Carte de citire,carte de iubire(Nichita Stanescu,Gheorghe Tomozei) Se vor enunta obiectivele: O1,O2,O3,O4. S(O1):Cu ajutorul intrebarilor ajutatoare ale propunatoarei,elevii vor identifica verbele la perfect compus din textul citit. S(O2):Folosind cunostintele dobandite,elevii vor identifica predicatul exprimat doar prin verbul a avea. S(O3):Recitind textul din manual,elevii vor identifica verbele formate cu ajutorul auxiliarelor a avea, a vrea, a fi. S(O4):Cu ajutorul indicatiilor propunatoarei,elevii vor preciza situatiile in care verbul a fi este predicativ. Se va realiza prin schema lectiei: VERBELE:-predicative(formeaza singure predicat) -nepredicative(auxiliare) A AVEA=auxiliar cand ajuta la formarea perfectului compus de la indicativ si a modului conditional-optativ A VREA=auxiliar cand participa la formarea viitorului A FI=auxiliar cand ajuta la formarea modului conjunctiv,timpul perfect si a modului conditional optativ,timpul perfect. Verbul A FI este predicativ cand are sensul de a exista, a se afla intr-un anumit loc,a se intampla si raspunde la intrebarile unde/cand? . Se va da testul formativ si se va corecta in clasa folosind un elev. Tema pentru acasa:exercitiile 1 si 2 din manual,pagina 119.

Enuntul obiectivelor nelesul elevilor Conducerea noii invatari Dirijarea invatare proceselor

pe 30 22 de

Obtinerea performantei

Asigurarea feed-backului

Evaluarea Asigurarea retentiei

12 30

5.1.2 Proiecte pentru activiti mastery learning de limba francez

PROJET PDAGOGIQUE Leon dacquisition des connaissances de grammaire avec le sujet Le pass: Limparfait(I) AUTEUR: tudiant la Facult des Lettres Florin Mihail Stavrescu sous la direction de Prof. dr. Ion Negre-Dobridor OBJECTIFS OPRATIONNELS LE LES LES STRATEGIES LEVALUATCONTENU CAPACITS DIDACTIQUES ION ESSENDENSEIGNEFORMATIVE LES LES CIEL MENT TCHES SITUATIONS DENSEIGNEM ENT La classe est SO1:Indi- La conversation I(O1) compose de trois quez les dorientation; Souligniez les groupes dlves avec verbes La rcitation; verbes des rythmes de travail limparf- La lecture par limparfait dans le diffrentes. Le group ait qui rles; texte donn. 1 a les capacits apparai- Lexplication. ncessaires pour ssent dans raliser les objectifs 1 le texte. et 2.

la fin de la classe, les lves seront capables de : O1: reconnatre dans un texte authentique les verbes limparfait. Lobjectif sera accompli si chaque

lve soulignera au moins trois de six verbes limparfait et sil ne soulignera un verbe qui nest pas limparfait. O2: utiliser dans des CO2: exercices et dans la Avoir, tre, conversation des manger, verbes aux temps laver, penser. tudis. Lobjectif sera accompli si chaque lve va crer au moins cinq propositions. SO2: Lexplication. Construise Lexercice crit. z au moins Lexercice oral. 5 propositions avec chacun des verbes limparfait. Gr.1 5; Gr.2 7; Gr.3 10. I(O2) Ralisez un texte dans lequel vous allez utiliser beaucoup des verbes limparfait. Le texte doit avoir au moins cinq propositions.

O3: dialoguer, en CO3: employant des Donner, verbes donns dans parler, crer, diffrentes vouloir, contextes. Lobjectif devoir. sera accompli si chaque lve va employer au moins cinq verbes limparfait.

SO3: Lexercice oral. I(O3) Notez Lexercice crit, Ralisez dans vos structural et utilisez dans cahiers au transformaconversation moins tionnel. dans lcrit trois de mots cinq dsignent verbes que activits vous avez courantes . dcouvrit.

et la et les qui les

LE SCNARIO DE LA CLASSE Les vnements de la classe Lactivit denseignement La dure La captation de lattention des Le professeur pose quelques questions ses lves : 2 lves Vous tes prpars pour notre classe? Vous aimez les classes de franais ? Lnonciation des objectifs La vrification connaissances antrieures Les objectifs se trouvent dans le projet pdagogique. 2 des Le prof demande aux lves douvrir les manuels, les 5 cahiers de devoirs. Le contrle et la correction du devoir.

La prsentation des tches SO1:Indiquez les verbes limparfait qui apparaissent 25 denseignement. dans le texte. Lacquisition des connaissances. SO2: Lobtention de la performance. Construisez au moins 5 propositions avec chacun des verbes limparfait. Gr.1 5; Gr.2 7; Gr.3 10. SO3: Notez dans vos cahiers au moins trois de cinq verbes que vous avez dcouvrit. Lvaluation de la performance. La prsentation et la rsolution individuelle du teste 10 formatif. I(O1) Souligniez les verbes limparfait dans le texte donn.

I(O2) Ralisez un texte dans lequel vous allez utiliser beaucoup des verbes limparfait. Le texte doit avoir au moins cinq propositions. I(O3) Ralisez et utilisez dans la conversation et dans lcrit les mots qui dsignent les activits courantes. La fixation des connaissances acquises Lvaluation de lactivit collective : par des remarques 3 sur le travail des lves (sur les fautes inhrentes). L valuation de lactivit individuelle : par des notes qui rcompensent les meilleures rponses. Le prof donne le devoir crit: lexercice no. 5 la page 3 101 : Mets les verbes limparfait Le professeur donne aux lves toutes les informations ncessaires pour rsoudre correctement les exercices.

Devoir la maison

5.1.3 Proiecte pentru activiti mastery learning de limba englez LESSON PROJECT Student teacher: Dobre Ctlina-Elena (directed by Professor Dr. Ion Negre-Dobridor) Date: April 8th, 2011 Grade: V B Object: English Title of the lesson: Youve got a lot to learn! Type of lesson: integrated skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing). Textbook: Welcome 3 Length: 45 Aims: To the end of the lesson, all children must: revise and reinforce grammar concerning the Present Perfect Simple; develop their listening- comprehension abilities; their reading and speaking skills. read a text for specific information write a report Didactic strategy: Didactic methods: The conversation, the exercise, the explication, the discovery. Forms of organisation the pupils activity: Individual activity and team work. Resources: The normal capacities of learning and the previous knowledge. Visual and audio aids: the textbooks CD; textbook; workbook(vocabulary and grammar practice); worksheets; blackboard; chalk. Bibiography: Gray, Elizabeth, Virginia Evans. Welcome 3. Express Publishing, 2001. Gray, Elizabeth, Virginia Evans. Welcome 3-Workbook.Express Publishing, 2001. Dooley, Jenny, Virginia Evans. Grammarway. vol.4, Express Publishing, 1999. AIMS ESSENTIAL CONTENTS CAPACITIES DIDACTIC STRATEGIES OF Tasks of learning Situations LEARNING learning EVALUA TION


To the end of the lesson, The revision of a Gr.1- with a Teacher invites all children must: grammar lesson. slow rhythm of students to -Exercise learning give some

Exercise 9 and 10 from page

O1- revise and reinforce grammar concerning the Present Perfect Simple. The aim will be touched when each pupil will be able to give some examples of sentences in which they use the Present Perfect Simple.

examples of Gr.2 -with a sentences in medium rhythm which they use of learning the Present Perfect Simple. Gr. 3- with a fast rhythm of learning

72 and a worksheet.

O2develop their Listening, writing, Gr.1- with a Teacher plays the -The conversation Exercise 11 listeningcomprehension, slow rhythm of tape and students -the exercise from page comprehension abilities; communication learning have to listen the -the explication 73. their reading and skills. Gr.2 -with a text and match the - the discovery. speaking The aim will medium rhythm pictures with the be touched when each of learning descriptions. pupil will be able to Gr. 3- with a fast Teacher plays the understand the message rhythm of tape again and from an audio tape, the learning now, students content of a lesson and correct their he will be able to have a answers. Teacher conversation with his asks students to deskmate. present their answers in order to correct them together. O3-read a text for Reading, writing, Gr.1- with a Students have to -The conversation Exercise specific information speaking skills. slow rhythm of read the text -the exercise 12, 13 from The aim will be touched learning loudly and fill in page 73. when each pupil will be the gapswith the able to the content of a Gr.2 -with a suitable words. lesson and the unknown medium rhythm Teacher gives the words from the lesson. of learning meaning of new words or refreshes Gr. 3- with a fast their memory in rhythm of case they already learning knew the words and he uses the blackboard to note them. Then, students have to do ex.13. This exercise asks them to answer the questions about the text. Teacher asks them to read their answers and corrects them when is needed.

O4-write a report Reading, Gr.1- with a The aim will be touched writing, slow rhythm of when each pupil will be speaking skills. learning able to understand and Revision of use the conventions of vocabulary Gr.2 -with a writing a report. knowledge medium rhythm

-The conversation -the exercise -the explication

Exercise 7from page 37.

of learning Gr. 3- with a fast rhythm of learning Teacher requests one of the students to read the exercise and the model given then she explains students what do they have to do. Then, students start working on their assignment. Didactic scenario THE EVENTS OF THE LESSON THE ACTIVITY LEARNING OF TIME Maxim Minim 5 minutes

The teacher asks the students what 8 minutes 1. Captatio benevolentiae/ Warm-up their homework was and students answer.They had to do B from page 43. SS come to their teachers desk and they do their homeworks correction with the help of their teacher. This happens for 3-5 students. -Students read the homework -The teacher corrects the possible errors with the help of the students 2. The enunciation of aims Teacher asks students: When do we 4 minutes use the Present Perfect Simple? Then, teacher invites students to give some examples of sentences in which they use the Present Perfect Simple. Teacher gives them a worksheet. They have to revise Present Perfect 4 minutes Simple. Teacher explains what the exercise 9 10 minutes is about and allows SS two minutes to do it. Students have to work in pairs in order to solve exercise 10. (2) They present their dialogues orally.Then, the students receive a worksheet with five exercises. They have to do the first two exercises from the worksheet in five minutes and then, they correct their answers with the help of their teacher. They will solve the exercise 3 in two minutes and the exercises 4 and 5 in five minutes. After each exercise, teacher asks them about the result of

2 minutes

3. The core of the lesson. 4.The presentation of the tasks.

2 minutes 8 minutes

their work and they correct the answer together. 5. The feedback Teacher plays the tape and students 4 minutes have to listen the text and match the pictures with the descriptions.( 4) Teacher plays the tape again and now, students correct their answers. Teacher asks students to present their answers in order to correct them together. Students have to read the text loudly 10 minutes and fill in the gapswith the suitable words. Teacher gives the meaning of new words or refreshes their memory in case they already knew the words and he uses the blackboard to note them. Then, students have to do ex.13. This exercise asks them to answer the questions about the text. Teacher asks them to read their answers and corrects them when is needed. (10) Teacher requests one of the students 5 minutes to read the exercise and the model given then she explains students what do they have to do. Then, students start working on their assignment. The teacher assigns homework to the students:(ex. 14 from page 73.). Teacher explains students that these exercises (12, 7) will help them to do their homework 2 minutes

6. The knowledge assurance.

6 minutes

3 minutes

7.The evaluation and the transfer.

PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Simple: Martha...........................(find) a new job. She is starting next week. He....................................(write) five letters. My mother............................(cook) dinner. I...........................................(lose) my key. They...................never............(be) in Australia. We.......................................(buy) a new bed. I............................................(not work) today. ..........................................(speak) he to his boss? My friends.............................(go) to a restaurant for lunch. Tom.........................never.................(feel) like this before. Your sister...........................................(already /buy) the tickets. 2. Correct the mistakes: I have see this film before. Linda have already bought a new dress for the party. Have you ever tastes Japanese food? Joe has been in Paris last week. She has went to the shops. I have broke my leg. You have bought a book two days ago. They has eaten a soup. 3.Give the past participle ( the III rd form of the verb) for the following verbs: 1.

eat- meetread- sendwrite- breaklook- traveldrink- dogo- havedrive- feelfly- give4. Complete the table in Present Perfect Simple.

positive He has written a letter.



They have not stopped. Have danced? She has worked. Andy has not slept. 5. Write sentences in present perfect simple. 1. they / ask / a question 2. he / speak / English 3. I / be / in my room 4. we / not / wash / the car 5. Annie / not / forget / her homework LESSON PROJECT Student teacher: student Dobre Ctlina-Elena (directed by Professor Ion Negret-Dobridor) Date: April 8th, 2011 School: No. 309 Grade: IV B Type of lesson: integrated skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing). Title of the lesson: Where were you? Textbook: Set sail 4 Length: 45 Aims:


to revise and reinforce grammar concerning the Past Tense Simple; to develop the pupils listening- comprehension abilities to make the pupils use the days of the week in their conversations; to develop the pupils reading and speaking skills; to introduce or revise vocabulary related to time expressions and ordinal numbers.

Visual and audio aids: the textbooks CD; textbook; workbook(vocabulary and grammar practice); worksheets; blackboard; chalk. Bibiography: Dooley, Jenny, Virginia Evans. Set sail 4. Express Publishing, 2005. Dooley, Jenny, Virginia Evans. Set sail 4-Vocabulary and grammar practice. Express Publishing, 2005. Dooley, Jenny, Virginia Evans. Grammarway. vol.4, Express Publishing, 1999.

THE EVENTS OF THE LESSON 1.Captatio benevolentiae/ Warm-up( 5-8) Aims: to draw the pupils attention and to introduce the new lesson. Interaction: T-S. Skills: speaking, reading. Activities: greetings, homework checking, introduction of the next lesson. 1st Activity: Greetings(<1) Procedure: informal conversation: -SS:Hello, Miss! T:Hello class! How are you today? -SS:We are fine. You? T:Im fine, thank you. Sit down, please! 2nd Activity: Homework checking( 2-3) Aims: to evaluate students home activity Interaction:T-S Skills: reading Procedure: -The teacher asks the students what their homework was and students answer.They had to do ex. C and D from page 45. SS come to their teachers desk and they do their homeworks correction with the help of their teacher. This happens for 3-5 students. -Students read the homework -The teacher corrects the possible errors with the help of the students. 3rd Activity: warming up for the next lesson (3-4) Aims: to revise and reinforce grammar concerning the Past Tense Simple. Interaction:T-S Skills: speaking, reading and writing. Procedure: Teacher asks students: When do we use the Past Tense Simple of the verb to be? Then, teacher invites students to give some examples of sentences in which they use the Past Simple of the verb to be. !!! IMPORTANT: whenever students dont understand the teachers questions and affirmations she will translate them into Romanian. 2.The core of the lesson(approx. 35) Aims: -to make the lesson seem fun and exciting, to involve students in individual and group activities to do exercises with Past Simple, the days of the week and ordinals. Interaction: T-S, S-S. Skills: reading, listening, writing, comprehension, communication skills. Activities: 1st Activity: a worksheet(15) Aims: to revise the Past Simple, time expressions and ordinal numbers. Interaction:T-S Skills: reading, wrtiting. Procedure: Teacher explains what the exercise C is about and allows SS two minutes to do it. T: Have you finished?, SS: No. T: Ok, then Ill leave you one more minute, SS: Weve finished it now, T: Lets hear some answers. Teacher corrects eventual mistakes. Then, the students receive a worksheet with five exercises. They have to do the first two exercises from the worksheet in five minutes and then, they correct their answers with the help of their teacher. They will solve the exercise 3 in two minutes and the exercises 4 and 5 in five minutes. Teacher asks them about the result of their work and they correct the exercises together. 2nd Activity: ex. 7 from page 60 (4) Aims: -to develop the pupils listening- comprehension abilities -to make the pupils use the days of the week in their conversations Interaction: T-S, S-S. Skills: listening, writing, comprehension, communication skills.

Pocedure: Teacher plays the tape and students have to listen the text and fill in the gaps with the suitable words.( 4) Teacher plays the tape again and now, students correct their answers. Teacher asks students to present their answers in order to correct them together. 3rd Activity:ex. 8, 9 from page 61 (10) Aims: to develop the pupils reading and speaking skills Interaction: T-S, S-S. Skills: reading, writing, speaking skills Pocedure: Students have to read the text loudly and fill in the gaps. Teacher gives the meaning of new words or refreshes their memory in case they already knew the words and he uses the blackboard to note them.Then, he asks students to describe the extra picture. Then, they will play a game in which they have to think of a place they were last night with a famous person.(10) 4th Activity: ex.10 from page 62 (5) Aims:- to introduce or revise vocabulary related to time expressions to revise the Past Simple Interaction: T-S Skills: reading, writing, speaking skills Procedure: Teacher requests one of the students to read the exercise and the model given then she explains students what do they have to do. Then, students start working on their assignment. T: If you have any questions please ask me, as I have said before Ill be pleased to help you. Students have to solve this exercise in five minutes. Four of the students read their answers and the teacher corrects errors. 5th Activity:ex. 6 from page 60 and ex. 11 from page 62.(1-2) Aims: to repeat the newly learn words in a fun way. Interaction: T-S Skills: listening, reading, singing. Procedure: Teacher plays the tape once and then asks the children to repeat along with the tape. She plays the tape twice and the students and she repeat the tape. 3.The end of the lesson(2) The teacher assigns homework to the students:(ex.4 from the worksheet in negative and interrogative form). The teacher dismisses the class. Important!!! Whenever students dont understand the teachers questions and affirmations she will translate them into Romanian. Each of the unknown word is translated by the teacher, when possible with students help, and then written by the teacher on the blackboard as notes. Revision Past Tense Simple. The days of the week. Ordinal numbers. 1. Fill in the gaps with the Past Tense Simple of the verb to be: example: I.....was.... a student last month. Where.......... you yesterday? He...........not a student last year. It .............. on the 26th of March, two weeks ago. My parents ............. very busy three days ago. Sarah ................... at the zoo last weekend; she was at cinema. My friends.............. on holiday in Italy. business
meeting concert at the shops

2. Put the following sentences to the Past Tense Simple:


English Italian course restaurant



business meeting






Example: We are in the classroom. .......We..were in the classroom.... Is he a teacher............................................ teacher? .................................................................. They arent students. ............................................................. Are they at home? ............................................................. ............................... It is not winter. ................................................................ ................................ Tom and Mary are in the park. .................................................... ....................... My aunt is very happy. ...................................................... .......................................

3.Write the days of the week: Example: U S Y T E A D: Tuesday A F R Y I D: ................................................................................................................................. U A N Y D S : ................................ .............................................................................................. A Y W D E D E N S: .......................... ........................................................................................ N A D Y O M: ...................................... ........................................................................................... T S A R U Y A D: ............................. ......................................................................................... R H U D A T S Y: .............................. ............................................................................................. S E Y U T D A: ................................... ................................................................................................ 4. Have a look at Tom's diary and answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. When was his English course? His English course was on Thursday. 2. When was his business meeting? ................................................... 3. When was he to the Italian restaurant? ................................... 4. When was he at the concert? .................................................... 5. When was he at the cinema?.................................................... 6. When was Tom at the shops?.................................................... 5. Give an ordinal number for the following: 1. the first; 2-............................................; 5-....................................... 23-.............................................................. 30-............................................................. 41-............................................................. 17-............................................................. LESSON PROJECT Student teacher: Dobre Ctlina-Elena Date: April 8th, 2011 School: No. 309 Grade: IV C Type of lesson: integrated skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing). Title of the lesson: Where were you? Textbook: Set sail 4 Length: 45 Aims: to revise and reinforce grammar concerning the Past Tense Simple; to develop the pupils listening- comprehension abilities to make the pupils use the days of the week in their conversations; to develop the pupils reading and speaking skills; to introduce or revise vocabulary related to time expressions and ordinal numbers. Visual and audio aids: the textbooks CD;

textbook; workbook(vocabulary and grammar practice); worksheets; blackboard; chalk.

Bibiography: Dooley, Jenny, Virginia Evans. Set sail 4. Express Publishing, 2005. Dooley, Jenny, Virginia Evans. Set sail 4-Vocabulary and grammar practice. Express Publishing, 2005. Dooley, Jenny, Virginia Evans. Grammarway. vol.4, Express Publishing, 1999. THE EVENTS OF THE LESSON 1. Captatio benevolentiae/ Warm-up( 5-8) Aims: to draw the pupils attention and to introduce the new lesson. Interaction: T-S. Skills: speaking, reading. Activities: greetings, homework checking, introduction of the next lesson. 1st Activity: Greetings(<1) Procedure: informal conversation: -SS:Hello, Miss! T:Hello class! How are you today? -SS:We are fine. You? T:Im fine, thank you. Sit down, please! 2nd Activity: Homework checking( 2-3) Aims: to evaluate students home activity Interaction:T-S Skills: reading Procedure: -The teacher asks the students what their homework was and students answer.They had to do B from page 43. SS come to their teachers desk and they do their homeworks correction with the help of their teacher. This happens for 3-5 students. -Students read the homework -The teacher corrects the possible errors with the help of the students. 3rd Activity: warming up for the next lesson (3-4) Aims: to revise and reinforce grammar concerning the Past Tense Simple. Interaction:T-S Skills: speaking, reading and writing. Procedure: Teacher asks students: When do we use the Past Tense Simple of the verb to be? Then, teacher invites students to give some examples of sentences in which they use the Past Simple of the verb to be. !!! IMPORTANT: whenever students dont understand the teachers questions and affirmations she will translate them into Romanian. The core of the lesson(approx. 35) Aims: -to make the lesson seem fun and exciting, to involve students in individual and group activities to do exercises with Past Simple, the days of the week and ordinal numbers. Interaction: T-S, S-S. Skills: reading, listening, writing, comprehension, communication skills. Activities: 1st Activity: C from page 45 and a worksheet(15) Aims: to revise the Past Simple, time expressions and ordinals. Interaction:T-S Skills: reading, wrtiting. Procedure: Teacher explains what the exercise C is about and allows SS two minutes to do it. T: Have you finished?, SS: No. T: Ok, then Ill leave you one more minute, SS: Weve finished it now, T: Lets hear some answers. Teacher corrects eventual mistakes. Then, the students receive a worksheet with five exercises. They have to do the first two exercises from the worksheet in five minutes and then, they correct their answers with the help of their teacher. They will solve the exercise 3 in two minutes and the exercises 4 and 5 in five minutes. Teacher asks them about the result of their work and they correct the exercises together.

2nd Activity: ex. 7 from page 60 (4) Aims: -to develop the pupils listening- comprehension abilities -to make the pupils use the days of the week in their conversations Interaction: T-S, S-S. Skills: listening, writing, comprehension, communication skills. Pocedure: Teacher plays the tape and students have to listen the text and fill in the gaps with the suitable words.( 4) Teacher plays the tape again and now, students correct their answers. Teacher asks students to present their answers in order to correct them together. 3rd Activity:ex. 8, 9 from page 61 (10) Aims: to develop the pupils reading and speaking skills Interaction: T-S, S-S. Skills: reading, writing, speaking skills Pocedure: Students have to read the text loudly and fill in the gaps. Teacher gives the meaning of new words or refreshes their memory in case they already knew the words and he uses the blackboard to note them.Then, he asks students to describe the extra picture. Then, they will play a game in which they have to think of a place they were last night with a famous person.(10) 4th Activity: ex.10 from page 62 (5) Aims:- to introduce or revise vocabulary related to time expressions to revise the Past Simple Interaction: T-S Skills: reading, writing, speaking skills Procedure: Teacher requests one of the students to read the exercise and the model given then she explains students what do they have to do. Then, students start working on their assignment. T: If you have any questions please ask me, as I have said before Ill be pleased to help you. Students have to solve this exercise in five minutes. Four of the students read their answers and the teacher corrects errors. 5th Activity:ex. 6 from page 60 and ex. 11 from page 62.(1-2) Aims: to repeat the newly learn words in a fun way. Interaction: T-S Skills: listening, reading, singing. Procedure: Teacher plays the tape once and then asks the children to repeat along with the tape. She plays the tape twice and the students and she repeat the tape. 3. The end of the lesson(2) The teacher assigns homework to the students:(ex. D from page 45.). The teacher dismisses the class. Important!!! Whenever students dont understand the teachers questions and affirmations she will translate them into Romanian. Each of the unknown word is translated by the teacher, when possible with students help, and then written by the teacher on the blackboard as notes. Revision Past Tense Simple. The days of the week. Ordinal numbers. 3. Fill in the gaps with the Past Tense Simple of the verb to be: example: I.....was.... a student last month. Where.......... you yesterday? He...........not a student last year. It .............. on the 26th of March, two weeks ago. My parents ............. very busy three days ago. Sarah ................... at the zoo last weekend; she was at cinema. My friends.............. on holiday in Italy. 4. Put the following sentences to the Past Tense Simple: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Example: We are in the classroom. .......We..were in the classroom.... Is he a teacher? .................................................................. They arent students. ............................................................. Are they at home? ............................................................. It is not winter. ................................................................ Tom and Mary are in the park. .................................................... My aunt is very happy. ...................................................... 3.Write the days of the week: Example: U S Y T E A D: Tuesday A F R Y I D: ................................ U A N Y D S : ................................ A Y W D E D E N S: .......................... N A D Y O M: ...................................... T S A R U Y A D: ............................. R H U D A T S Y: .............................. S E Y U T D A: ................................... 4.Have a look at Tom's diary and answer the questions in complete sentences. 7. When was his English course? His English course was on Thursday. 8. When was his business meeting? ................................................... 9. When was he to the Italian restaurant? ................................... 10. When was he at the concert? .................................................... 11. When was he at the cinema?.................................................... 12. When was Tom at the shops?.................................................... 5. Give an ordinal number for the following: 2. the first; 2-............................................; 5-....................................... 23-.............................................................. 30-............................................................. 41-............................................................. 17-.............................................................

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