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Reveal What Someone Thinks of You

Write the name of the person you are wondering about on a piece of paper. Fold the paper in half, then half again. Draw an eyeball on the outside of the folded page. Slip the page under your pillow and before bed repeat three times: With dreamers eyes I seek to see, What this person thinks of me. Be it good or be it ill, Reveal to me as is my will. Now close your eyes and picture this person sitting across a crowded room. The room is all abuzz with conversation you cannot hear clearly. This is gossip about you that this person started. It may be good things or it may be bad. As you move toward the person let yourself fall asleep. When you wake, jot down what you heard in your dream, particularly anything s/he said or did. Your answer will reveal itself. If you do not receive the answer to your questions, consider what was revealed to you instead. Perhaps there is a truth you are missing that's more compelling then the one you seek.

Waning Crescent 27% of Full Mon 3 Jun, 2013

moon phases

The Moon is the most important heavenly body to witches. We draw on her power for lunar magic. We cast our spells in accord with her cycles. She inspires and illuminates us. There are moon gods, but the Moon has always been perceived as female. The Moon is cyclical, like women. We menstruate with her. She mirrors the stages of our lives: "Maiden", "Mother" and "Crone". She is Changing Woman, as are we. As the Wheel of the Moon continues on its never ending course, the moon also travels through the different astrological signs, just as the sun does, only more rapidly. When the moon resides within the various signs, that sign influences the magical aspect of the moon. The Moon is the astronomical body closest to us and, therefore, she has a profound influence upon us. The highest energy occurs at the Full Moon and, therefore, this is the most powerful time for magical workings. The New Moon is the next most powerful time for Magic. I hope you find the information on this page helpful in your Moon Working's whether you are casting a spell to help you find love, or planting your basil by the moons influence.

New Moon

Waxing Crescent

First Quarter

Waxing Gibbous

Full Moon

Waning Gibbous

Last Quarter

Waning Crescent

Moon Phase Correspondences for Magical Workings

* New Moon Magic * New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting. * Waxing Moon Magic * From seven to fourteen days after the new moon.The waxing moon is for constructive magic, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck and health. * Full Moon Magic * From fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. Prime time for rituals for prophecy, protection, divination. Any working that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healing for serious conditions, can be done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams. * Waning Moon Magic * From three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon.The waning moon is used for banishing magic, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity. * Dark Moon Magic * From ten-and-a-half to fourteen days after the full moon. The dark moon is a time for ridding oneself of bad habits, Binding spells, for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. Also bringing justice to bear.


Invocation for Creating a Sacred Space (say before using the board): Dear Spirit, As I light these candles, bless this sacred place. Let the light of their flames radiate love and protection to all four corners of this room. I ask at this time that any negative energies be released from this space. With a bath of white light, I ask that it be cleansed and neutralized. Turn my dwelling into a sanctuary. May it be the foundation for your teachings and the inspiration for my higher perceptions.

Invocation for Protection (another one to say before using the board): Dear Spirit, As I sit with you now, I open my heart. I surround myself with the love and light of your protection. I release any negativity that I have picked up throughout the day so that I speak to the universe with the purity of my soul. I ask that any energy (information, healing) be given for my absolute good. Dismiss now all energies that are not of the Highest and Greatest source. As I bathe in your grace, I will listen to your resounding voice within me. I will be true to my hear and your gentle guidance. (you can follow this with a moment of appreciation for the universe...)

Invocation for Closing Your Connection and Your Sacred Space (say this one after you've finished using the board): Dear Spirit, Thank you for sharing this sacred time with me. I appreciate the flow of energy I have just experienced. I will use it for my highest good. As I blow out these candles, I close this sacred space, and ask that your protection surround me wherever I go today.

Naturally, you will want to purify yourself before entering a purified space. Make a purifying scrub of sea salt, rosemary, sage, lavender, and a few drops of eucalyptus oil. If you don't have all the ingredients, plain salt will work fine too. Take a bath and wash away all stress and thoughts from everyday life. Let the water cleanse your, body and soul. If you don't have time for a bath, simply meditating and clearing your mind will work fine too. If you still don't have time for that, know that it's not completely necessary to cleanse yourself. It just helps keep the sacred space as pure as possible. When casting a circle, you'll need to have representations of each of the four elements. I like to put them at the edges of where my circle will be, and in the direction they represent: Air for North, Earth for East, Fire for South, and Water for West. Set them up where you want them and then purify them. To purify, draw the invoking pentagram either in it, or above it, with your finger or athame. Start at the top of the star, and move down to the lower left point, then up to the upper right point, across the upper left point, then down to the lower right point, and finally back up to the top of the star. As you do this, say something like: "I purify and consecrate this creature of (air, earth, fire, water). May all good enter herein in the names of the Goddess and God. Of course you can personalize this all you want. Just make sure you're mentioning the fact that you're purifying and consecrating that element. Once that is done, you can begin purifying the space in which you'll work you're magick. Make sure everything you will need is placed in your circle before you begin. You will start with the East, by picking up your salt, or whatever it is you're using to represent earth, and walk deosil around the outer shape of the circle. (Traditionally, a circle is nine feet in diameter, but you can may be limited in space or have to make it larger to accomodate more people, and that's fine too). As you walk, sprinkle salt on the ground and visualize mountains and grass growing up from your footsteps. Say: With the powers of earth, I purify and consecrate this circle. I surround myself (or us) with the powers Of fertility and creativity, Strength and nurturing. Let the creatures of earth encircle me (or us) with power and patience. Return the salt to the East or put it back on your altar. Next, pick up the candle that represents fire and walk deosil around the circle with it beginning at the South. Envision the circle becoming ringed with fire as you walk around it. Say: With the flaming powers of fire, I purify and consecrate this sacred circle. I surround myself (or us) with its powers of Passion and determination, courage and energy. Let the creatures of fire encircle me (or us) with will and enthusiasm.

Once you return to the South, put the candle back down or return it to your altar. Repeat this process with the element of water. Begin at the West and sprinkle it as you walk deosil around the circle and visualizing streams and rivers flowing from your footsteps. Say: I purify and consecrate this sacred circle With the element of water. I surround myself (or us) With its powers of love and compassion, dreaming and delighting. Let the creatures of water encircle me (or us) with joy and feeling. Once you return to the West, put the water back down or return it to your altar. Finally, pick up the incense, or whatever you're using to represent air such as a feather or fan. As you walk deosil, imagine the circle filling with the incense, or wind if you're not using incense. As you walk deosil around the circle, say: I purify and consecrate this sacred circle With the element of air. I surround myself (our us) With the powers of insight and inspiration, laughter and wonder. Let the creatures of the air encircle me (or us) with clarity and imagination. When you return to the North, place the incense (or whatever you have) back in it's place. If that's at your altar, put it back there. Casting the Circle Before casting your circle, you may want to lay down something to show the boundaries of your circle. If you're outdoors, you can spread salt or dirt. If you're on cement, you can even use chalk. If you're indoors, you can lay down a rope in the shape of your circle, or place lots of candles close together in the form of a circle. Be creative! This way you can more easily visualize your boundaries. The easiest way to cast a circle is with a wand, athame, sword, or hand. Begin at the east and walk slowly deosil around the circle. As you walk, visualize a circle of blue and white flame, or light, flowing from the tip of your tool or hand. Feel the energy rising from the Earth and flowing through you to shape the circle in which you will work. Take your time. Then, you can either read the following, or memorize it beforehand. Don't worry about mistakes, because there aren't any. As you walk, say: "I conjure this circle as a sacred space, A place between the worlds where the worlds meet. I conjure this circle as a boundary and a protection To preserve and to contain the energies that I (or we) shall raise herein. Thrice do I conjure this circle as a safe space, A sacred place where the Divine reside, Where spirit and matter are one, In perfect love and perfect trust.

As above, so below--this circle is sealed. So mote it be!" As I say, "as above, so below," I make sure I have returned to the east, and I trace my tool or hand, up above my head into the middle of the circle. This is the way I visualize the circle closing in above and below me to form a bubble. When I say, "this circle is sealed," I twist the tool, or my hand, in the air and bring it back down to my chest. I think of this as a way of cutting off the circle from my hand or tool and sealing it. Invoking the Quarters After the circle has been cast, I like to invoke the elements, or guardians of the watchtowers. Stand in the direction you're going to call, facing outward. You can use a tool or your hand to draw an invoking pentagram in the air. As you draw, visualize a flaming star of the color that corresponds to each direction: green or brown for north, red or orange for south, blue or aqua for west, yellow or lavender for east. See and feel the power of each element coming to you through the star portal as you speak. Start at the east, and move deosil, calling upon its spirits: I call upon the east--bring stability, Strength and balance here to me! I invite you to this sacred circle. Hail and welcome! I call upon the South--let your fire glow! Let desire and passion through me flow! I invite you to this sacred circle. Hail and welcome! I call upon the West--let your healing rain, Wash away negative feelings and pain! I invite you to this sacred circle. Hail and welcome! I call upon the north--bring your winds here! Blow away doubt, confusion, and fear. I invite you to this sacred circle. Hail and welcome! When you have called each of the four directions, return to the north, turn back into the circle, and say: The quarters are called and the circle's cast, To raise the power and send it fast. And when my sacred work is done, Bless the magick that I've begun! And you are done!

Walking the Circle While you are in a circle, never walk widdershins (counterclockwise) unless you are releasing the circle at the end of the ritual or spellwork. Walking counterclockwise in a circle is an ancient belief that will bring bad luck and the break the power of the magick. This may or may not be true for you, depending on what you personally believe. There are exceptions to the rule, of course. When participating in the spiral dance, you do move widdershins. You also move widdershins when closing the circle. Cutting a Door Sometimes you will discover that you have left something out of your circle, or you need to leave it for one reason or another. You can't just walk out of your circle. This would destroy all the work you've made in purifying the space, and it would release any energy that may be already stored in it. If you feel the need to leave the circle, you can create a door to go through. Use a tool or your hand, and make a doorway in the air. Step out of it and close it again by reversing the action you made with your tool or hand. Get what you need, then cut the door again, turn, and close the door. Closing the Circle After your magick or ritual has been accomplished, you must thank and banish the elements to allow the energies to depart the circle. Facing east, draw a banishing pentragram in the air with your tool or hand (start at the lower left point, then move to the top of the star, etc.). As you draw this, say farewell and thanks to each direction: Ancient Spirits of the east (south/west/north) Thank you for your presence, and your blessings By the earth that unites us (by the fire that we are/by the water that flows through us/by the air that we share/) I bid you hail and farewell Blessed be! Return to your altar and pick up a candle. Return to the east and carry it around walking widdershins. If you have candles placed around your circle, blow them out as you walk by. Say: Fire seal the circle round Let it fade beneath the ground Let all things be as they were Since the beginning of time. When you have gone around three times, and all the flames are extinguished, say: Our circle is open, but never broken Merry meet and merry part and meery meet again! Once you become more adept at casting circles, you can be more creative. Try making your own invocations and circle castings. Experiment, try new things. Personalizing your magick always makes it stronger. If you would rather call on gods

or animals instead of elements, by all means, do so! Whatever makes you comfortable, is what you should do.

By: MysticAngel With the first and middle fingers, trace a pentagram over the object to be protected. Visualize electric-blue or purple flames streaming from your fingers to form the pentagram. Say this as you trace: "With this pentagram I lay Protection here both night and day. And the one who should not touch Let his fingers burn and twitch. I now invoke the law of three: This is my will, so mote it be!"

Simple Protection Charm (maybe hang this from the bike or item to protect) By: MysticAngel Hold 3 bay leaves in your right hand and stand before your altar. Visualize protecting energy flow down your arm, through your fingers, into the leaves. Your hand may tingle. Call upon the Lord & Lady in your own words for protection. Carry these leaves in your pocket or purse.

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