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31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

Toate filmele de la A la Z All Films from A to Z

26 de regizori. 26 de moduri de a muri. ABC-ul morii este poate cea mai ambiioas antologie de film realizat vreodat, cu producii din mai bine de 15 ri, regizate de mai bine de 20 dintre cele mai talentate mini creatoare ale genului horror. Inspirat de crile pentru copii, filmul cuprinde 26 de capitole individuale. Toate sunt provocatoare, ocante i amuzante. Film nerecomandat minorilor. 26 directors. 26 ways to die. The ABCs of Death is perhaps the most ambitious anthology film ever conceived with productions spanning fifteen countries and directed by over two dozen of the worlds leading talents in contemporary genre film. Inspired by childrens books, the motion picture is comprised of twenty-six individual chapters. All are provocative, shocking and funny. This film is not suitable for children.
FR LIMIT ACTUL DE A UCIDE (The Act of Killing, Danemarca-NorvegiaMarea Britanie, 2012) 159 R. Joshua Oppenheimer. Cu: Anwar
Congo, Herman Koto.


ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL 36 (36, Thailanda, 2012) 68 R. Nawapol Thamrongrattanaritt.

Cu: Koramit Vajrasthira, Wanlop Rungkamjad, Nottapon Boonprakob.

Sai, responsabil cu prospeciile pentru un studio, face fotografii de fiecare dat cnd lucreaz i le pstreaz n calculatorul ei. ntr-o zi, descoper c a pierdut toate fiierele i ncearc s le recupereze cu ajutorul unui vechi prieten, Kai. Personajele principale nu sunt oamenii, ci amintirile salvate pe dispozitive digitale. Sai, a location scout working for a studio, takes pictures whenever shes working and stores them on her computer. One day, she finds out that she has lost all the files saved on her laptop and sets about trying to restore them with help from an old friend, Kai. The films main characters are not human, but memories stored on digital devices.
FR LIMIT 90 DE MINUTE (90 Minutes / 90 minutter, Norvegia, 2012) 88 R. Eva Srhaug. Cu: Bjrn Floberg, Aksel
Hennie, Mads Ousdal, Pia Tjelta.

perspectiva a trei brbai i le mprtete ultimele 90 de minute dinainte de a comite o crim. Film nerecomandat minorilor. Without giving answers or finding psychological excuses, 90 Minutes follows three men and shares the last 90 minutes before they commit murder. This film is not suitable for children. UMBRE ABC-UL MORII (The ABCs of Death, SUA-Noua Zeeland, 2012) 123 R. Kaare Andrews, Angela Bettis,
Hlne Cattet, Ernesto Daz Espinoza, Jason Eisener, Bruno Forzani, Adrin Garca Bogliano, Xavier Gens, Lee Hardcastle, Noboru Iguchi, Thomas Cappelen Malling, Jorge Michel Grau, Anders Morgenthaler, Yoshihiro Nishimura, Banjong Pisanthanakun, Simon Rumley, Marcel Sarmiento, Jon Schnepp, Srdjan Spasojevic, Timo Tjahjanto, Andrew Traucki, Nacho Vigalondo, Jake West, Ti West, Ben Wheatley, Adam Wingard, Yudai Yamaguchi. Cu: Ingrid Bols Berdal, Erik Aude, Kyra Zagorsky, Ivn Gonzlez, Dallas Malloy, Sarah Bonrepaux, Lee Hardcastle.

Anwar i prietenii si, foti lideri ai plutoanelor de execuie ce au ucis un milion de oameni n Indonezia anilor 60, sunt de acord s-i spun povestea. Dar ideea lor despre o apariie pe marele ecran nu este aceea a unei mrturii pentru un documentar: ei vor s fie starurile unor filme din genurile favorite - western, muzical, film cu gangsteri. Scriu scenariile. i se joac pe ei nii. i interpreteaz i victimele. Proiecie cu versiunea lung, directors cut a proiectului! Anwar and his friends, former death squad leaders who helped kill more than one million people in Indonesia in the 60s, agree to tell their story. But their idea of being in a movie is not to provide testimony for a documentary: they want to be stars in their favourite film genres - gangster, western, musical. They write the scripts. They play themselves. And they play their victims. Long version, directors cut screening!
ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC AICI... ADIC ACOLO (Here... I Mean There, Romnia, 2012) 73 R. Laura Cpn Juller. Ani i Sanda sunt dou fete din Maramure, care au crescut cu bunicii. Prinii lor sunt la munc n Spania, ca atia ali romni. Cnd au plecat, proiectul lor comun prea promitor: cu banii ctigai n Spania vor construi o cas n care toat familia va fi fericit. Dup mai bine de zece ani, socoteala de acas nu pare s se fi potrivit ns cu realitatea, iar casa e departe de a fi gata. Documentarul va fi precedat de scurtmetrajul O umbr de nor, n regia lui Radu Jude. Ani and Sanda are two girls from Maramures who grew up with their grandparents. Their parents are working in Spain, like so many

Fr s dea rspunsuri i fr s ofere justificri psihologice, 90 de minute urmrete

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


de zbor i eful lor sunt personaje neobinuite, baroce, care ncearc s uite de problemele personale i se dedic trup i suflet sarcinii de a face zborul ct mai plcut pentru pasagerii lor, n ateptarea soluiei. Cum vor reaciona ei n faa pericolului? A technical failure has endangered the lives of the people on board Flight 2549. The flight attendants and the chief steward are atypical, baroque characters who try to forget their personal problems and devote themselves body and soul to the task of making the flight as enjoyable as possible for the passengers, while they wait for a solution. How will everybody react in front of the danger? ZIUA HBO ANUL DRAGONULUI (Bucharest - Year of the Dragon, Romnia, 2013) 78 R. Iulian Manuel Ghervas, Adina
Popescu. Cu: Shen Xiaoming, Li Jianhua, Han Wenlong.

other Romanians. When they left, their common project looked promising: with the money earned in Spain they planned to build a house in which the whole family would be happy. After more than 10 years, things havent turned out as planned, and the big house is far from being finished. Preceded by Radu Judes short film Shadow of a Cloud. ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL AL CINCILEA ANOTIMP (La cinquieme saison / The Fifth Season, Belgia-Olanda-Frana, 2012) 93 R. Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth.
Cu: Aurlia Poirier, Django Schrevens, Sam Louwyck, Gill Vancompernolle.

Un sat este lovit de o misterioas calamitate: primvara nu mai vine. Ciclul naturii pare s se fi ntrerupt. Cnd rugul anual aprins pentru a srbtori sfritul iernii refuz s ard, seminele s ncoleasc, iar vacile s mai dea lapte, panica apare, iar stenii ncep s-i piard cumptul: cine e vinovat? In a village, a mysterious calamity strikes: spring doesnt come. The cycle of nature seems to be interrupted. When the annual bonfire celebrating the end of winter fails to burn, the seeds dont grow and the cows refuse to give milk, panic mounts and the bonds between neighbours start to break: who is responsible?

EVENIMENTE SPECIALE ALB CA ZPADA (Blancanieves / Snow White, Spania-Frana, 2012) 104 R. Pablo Berger. Carmen, fiica unui faimos toreador, triete sub stpnirea tiranic a monstruoasei mame vitrege, Encarna. Carmen scap i se altur unei trupe de pitici toreadori, iar frumuseea i talentul su n ring atrag atenia presei. Encarna afl astfel, n sfrit, unde s o gseasc pe Carmen... Proiecie special la castelul Banffy de la Bonida! Carmen, the daughter of a famous bullfighter, lives under the tyrannical rule of her monstrous, evil stepmother, Encarna. She escapes and joins a troupe of bullfighting dwarves, and soon her beauty and natural talent in the ring attract notices from the press. But soon the news reaches Encarna, who at last she knows where to find Carmen... Special screening at the Banffy Castle in Bonida! GALA DE DESCHIDERE, PIAA UNIRII AMANII PASAGERI (Los amantes pasajeros / Im So Excited, Spania, 2013) 90 R. Pedro Almodovar. Cu: Javier Cmara,
Cecilia Roth, Lola Dueas, Ral Arvalo.

O defeciune tehnic pune n pericol vieile celor de la bordul zborului 2549. nsoitorii

Han Wenlong este un imigrant ilegal al crui vis de a lucra pe un antier din Europa de Est s-a sfrit nainte de a ncepe. Shen Xiaoming este un om de afaceri care triete suspendat ntre dou lumi. Toate acestea se ntmpl n mare parte n anul 2012 - Anul Dragonului de ap, n Romnia, o ar cu care China a mprtit la un moment dat




31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

care acum se ascunde de trecut: ntlnirea celor doi brbai le va schimba soarta o dat pentru totdeauna. Trofeul Cel mai bun actor pentru Uliks Fehmiu la Sarajevo 2012! A young deputy prosecutor, Dusan, handling the investigation of war crimes, is assigned to investigate a paramilitary group. Dusan finds the units only surviving soldier, Micun, who is hiding from his past and trying to live peacefully: the encounter of the two men will change their lives in unpredictible ways. Best Actor award for Uliks Fehmiu at Sarajevo 2012! 3X3 CARLOS (Carlos / Carlos the Jackal, FranaGermania, 2010) 334 R. Olivier Assayas. Cu: dgar Ramrez,
Alexander Scheer, Fadi Abi Samra.


un vis comun - cel socialist. Han Wenlong is an illegal immigrant, whose dream to work on a building site in Eastern Europe came to an end before it even began. Shen Xiaoming is a business man who lives suspended between two worlds. All these stories take place sometime in 2012 - the Year of the Water Dragon, in Romania, a country that shared, at a certain moment, a conjoint dream with China - the socialist dream.

to find some help. Preceded by Athina Rachel Tsangaris short film The Capsule. This film is not suitable for children. FOCUS SLOVACIA BINE, MULUMESC (Fine, Thanks / akujem, dobre, Slovacia, 2013) 134 R. Mtys Prikler. Cu: Attila Mokos,
Miroslav Krobot, Bla Vrady, Vladimr Obil.

FOCUS GRECIA BIATUL CARE MNCA HRAN PENTRU PSRI (Boy Eating the Birds Food / To agori troei to fagito tou pouliou, Grecia 2012) 80 R. Ektoras Lygizos. Cu: Yannis
Papadopoulos, Lila Baklesi, Kleopatra Perraki, Vangelis Kommatas.

Trei poveti i un epilog au loc n timpul actualei crize financiare care afecteaz vieile intime ale personajelor i dezvluie imaginea dur a relaiilor ciudate dintre ele. Lumea i pierde etica, dar nc nu i sperana. Three main stories and an epilogue take place during the current financial crisis that affects the intimate lives of the characters and reveals a harsh picture of their twisted relationships. The world is losing morals, but has not yet lost all hope.

Acest film este povestea lui Carlos, revoluionarul internaional, manipulator i manipulat, aa cum e purtat de iureul istoriei contemporane i de propria nebunie. l urmm pn la captul drumului, n Sudan, cnd dictatura islamic ce-l protejase pentru o vreme decide s-l predea poliiei franceze. Proieciemaraton cu versiunea integral a filmului! This film is the story of Carlos, the revolutionary internationalist, both manipulator and manipulated, as he is carried along by the currents of contemporary history and his own folly. We will follow him to the end of his road, relegated to Sudan where the Islamic dictatorship, after having protected him for a while, handed him over to French police. Marathon screening with the 334-minutes version of the film!
UMBRE CARTEA APOCALIPSEI (Doomsday Book / In-ryu-myulmang Bo-go-seo, Coreea de Sud, 2012) 113 R. Kim Ji-woon, Yim Pil-sung. Cu: Kim
Kang-woo, Ryoo Seung-bum, Song Sae-byeok.

Un tnr de 22 de ani din Atena nu are serviciu, bani, nici prieten i nu are ce mnca, dar are un canar i o voce frumoas. Cnd i pierde casa, trebuie s caute adpost pentru canar. i cnd pasrea rmne prizonier n adpost, biatul trebuie s gseasc ajutor. Precedat de scurmetrajul Capsula, n regia Athinei Rachel Tsangari. Film nerecomandat minorilor. A 22yearold boy in Athens has no job, no money, no girlfriend and no food to eat, but hes got a canary bird and a beautiful singing voice. When he finds himself without a home, he has to seek a shelter for his bird. And when the bird gets trapped inside the shelter, the boy has

SUPERNOVA CALEA MNTUIRII (Redemption Street / Ustanicka ulica, Serbia, 2012) 97 R. Miroslav Terzic. Cu: Gordan Kicic,
Uliks Fehmiu, Rade Serbedzija, Petar Bozovic.

Doi regizori aclamai abordeaz, n cteva scurtmetraje, subiectul judecii de apoi. n A Brave New World, zombi invadeaz strzile din Seul. In The Heavenly Creature, un robot atinge iluminarea de unul singur, n timp ce lucreaz n templu. Creatorii si consider fenomenul o ameninare la adresa omenirii i decid s distrug robotul... Proiecie recomandat de Full Moon Film Festival!

Un tnr procuror, Dusan, nsrcinat cu investigarea crimelor de rzboi, primete sarcina s cerceteze dispariia unui grup paramilitar. Procurorul reuete s-l descopere pe unicul supravieuitor al grupului, Micun,

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013




Two acclaimed directors tackle, in a few short films, the topic of doom. In A Brave New World zombies flood the streets of Seoul. In The Heavenly Creature, a robot reaches enlightenment on its own while working at a temple. Its creators regard this phenomenon as a threat to mankind and decide to terminate the robot. Film recommended by Full Moon Film Festival!
RETROSPECTIVA PTER FORGCS CDERE LIBER (Free Fall / Az rvny, Ungaria, 1996) 75 R. Pter Forgcs. Bazat pe filmele de familie ale talentatului muzician, fotograf i om de afaceri Gyrgy Pet, Cdere liber exploreaz vremurile dinaintea Holocaustului, cel mai sumbru capitol din istoria Ungariei ultimului secol. Aflm povestea familiei i descoperim ce se afl n spatele fericirii ei i cum ncearc membrii ei s ignore semnele amenintoare ale masacrelor ce vor urma. Based on the home movies of talented musician, photographer and businessman Gyrgy Pet, Free Fall explores the times before the Holocaust, the darkest chapter of the 20th century Hungary. We follow their story, to discover whats behind the Pets happiness, and how they try to ignore the threatening evidences of forthcoming massacres.

FOCUS SLOVACIA CINELE MEU UCIGA (My Dog Killer / Moj Pes Killer, SlovaciaCehia, 2013) 90 R. Mira Fornay. Cu: Adam Mihal, Marian
Kuruc, Irena Bendova, Libor Filo.

Ruinea i mndria pot ucide. Marek are 18 ani i triete lng frontiera slovaco-moravian cu tatl su i amicii lui huligani, dar cel mai bun prieten al lui Marek este cinele su. nstrinat de toi, e pe cont propriu n anturajul su rasist. Brusc devine cauza unui incident... Shame and pride can kill. Eighteen year old Marek lives near the Slovak-Moravian border with his dad and his hooligan pals, however Mareks best friend is his dog. Alienated from everyone, he is on his own in the racist circle that surrounds him - and suddenly the cause of an incident...
RETROSPECTIVA PTER FORGCS CINELE NEGRU (El Perro Negro / El Perro Negro: Stories from the Spanish Civil War, Olanda-FranaFinlanda-Suedia, 2005) 84 R. Pter Forgcs. Cu ajutorul unor imagini private, Cinele negru exploreaz dramele personale, iluziile, disperarea i faa nevzut a nebunescu-

lui Rzboi Civil Spaniol. Suferinele civililor, schisma rii mprite n dou, visele revoluionare, crimele i masacrele ordonate de Franco au schimbat o dat pentru totdeauna universul lui Unamuno, Lorca i Buuel. El perro negro explores personal dramas, illusions, desperation, and the unseen side of an insane Spanish Civil War. The sufferings of civilians, the schism of the divided country, the revolutionary illusions, murders and the systematic massacres of Francos brutality changed once and for ever the universe of Unamuno, Lorca and Buuel. EDUCATIFF CE MIC E LUMEA! (Mn petit / Little World, Spania, 2012) 82 R. Marcel Barrena. Cu: Albert Casals,
Anna Socias.

Albert Casals este prizonierul unui scaun cu rotile de la cinci ani, cnd a fcut leucemie. Situaia nu l-a mpiedicat s-i transforme visul n realitate: s cltoreasc n jurul lumii. i o face exact cum vrea: fr bani, fr ajutor, fr bagaj. Documentarul arat cea mai mare provocare a sa: s ajung de cealalt parte a planetei. Albert Casals is a young boy who moves in a wheelchair since he suffered leukaemia when



31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


he was 5 years old. A circumstance that hasnt prevented him from making his dream come true: to travel around the world. And to do it his way. Without money, without companions, without luggagge. Little World will show us his biggest and craziest challenge: to reach exactly the other side of the planet. CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? CEASUL BUNICULUI (Granpas Watch / O Relgio do Meu Av, Brazilia, 2012) 72 R. Alex Levy Heller. Cu: Alexander Laks,
Guccia Fiszman, Alexander Liberman.

Auschwitz. Cutarea ceasului devine o metafor a cutrii originilor i a identitii sale. The director goes on a journey to his grandfathers homeland, Transylvania, in search for an old watch his grandpa hid before the Nazis came to take the family to Auschwitz Concentration Camp. The search for the watch becomes a metaphor for the search of his origins and identity. COMPETIIE CEASUL RU, PISICA NEAGR (I Catch a Terrible Cat, Japonia, 2012) 130 R. Rikiya Imaizumi. Cu: Moto Fuyuki,
Kazuha Komiya, Haruka Uchimura, Hide Miura.

ECOTIFF CEI DIN URM (THE LAST ONES / ELS ULTIMS, Spania, 2012) 52 R. Roger Gmez Farr, Dani Resines

Un grup de barcelonezi vor s-i transforme strada ntr-o grdin. Au idei nemaipomenite pentru un concurs de decoraiuni, dar uneori ideile bune nu sunt de ajuns. A group of Barcelonians want to turn their street into a garden. They have some good ideas for the ornaments contest. But sometimes it is not enough.
SUPERNOVA CERCURI (Circles / Krugovi, Serbia-Germania-CroaiaSlovenia-Frana, 2012) 112 R. Srdan Golubovic. Cu: Leon Lucev,
Nebojsa Glogovac, Nikola Rakocevic.

Regizorul ajunge n Transilvania, inutul natal al bunicului su, n cutarea unui ceas pe care acesta l-a ascuns atunci cnd nazitii au venit s-i ia toat familia la lagrul de la

Norifumi Takada, un scriitor care a publicat romane minunate, nu a mai scris un rnd de cnd i-a murit soia. A 60-a sa aniversare se apropie, iar autorul se va trezi nconjurat de un iure de drame de familie i infideliti. Va avea petrecerea sa de aniversare un final fericit? Norifumi Takada, an author who released a series of marvellous novels, has not written any line ever since his wife passed away. As his 60th birthday is approaching, the author will find himself involved in a web of family dramas and infidelities. Will his 60th birthday bash end in a happy-ever-after mood?

Bosnia, 1993. n mijlocul conflictului din Bosnia, soldatul srb Marko este martorul agresiunii lui Haris, un brbat musulman, de ctre trei soldai. Marko intervine i-l salveaz pe Haris, dar este omort n btaie de soldaii furioi. 25 de ani mai trziu, rzboiul s-a sfrit, dar rnile lsate de el nu s-au nchis. Film premiat cu trofee importante la Sundance i Berlin! Bosnia, 1993. In the midst of the Bosnian war,

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013



Serbian soldier Marko witnesses the brutal aggression of Haris, a Muslim civilian, by three fellow soldiers. Marko interferes and saves Haris, but is beaten to death by the infuriated soldiers. 25 years later, the war is over but the wounds of the conflict are still open. Winner of important awards at Sundance and Berlinale 2013! FR LIMIT CINA MONTRILOR (The Monsters Dinner / Canavarlar Sofrasi, Turcia, 2011) 85 R. Ramin Matin. Cu: Gizem Erdem,
Ibrahim Selim, Pinar Tore, Tugrul Tulek.

O cin, dou cupluri. La nceput, pare o banal cin ntre prieteni. Dar curnd devine evident c lumea acestor patru personaje e mult mai crud i cinic dect ne-am atepta. Arta e interzis, replicile usturtoare sunt la ordinea zilei i nimeni nu e surprins cnd poliia ncepe s trag n vecini... Film nerecomandat minorilor. One evening, two couples. At first, another dinner with friends. But soon, the world these four characters live in appears to be much more cruel and cynical than it seems. Any kind of art is forbidden, backbiting is normal, and no one is surprised when the police suddenly fires at the neighbours... This film is not suitable for children.
3X3 CIULII-V URECHILE! (Prick Up Your Ears, Marea Britanie, 1987) 111 R. Stephen Frears. Cu: Gary Oldman,
Alfred Molina, Vanessa Redgrave.


viaa n comunitate a celor doi protagoniti. Mariena and Roman are cousins and live with their families in a poor Roma settlement in Eastern Slovakia. They admire two Czecho-Slovak pop stars - Karel Gott and Dara Rolins and decide to send them a DVD with a video-message and Roma-remix of their hit Bells of Happiness. The film traces the process of shooting the message on the background of their life in the settlement. ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC CONDAMNAT LA VIA (A Farewell to Fools, RomniaGermania-Belgia, 2013) 85 R. Bogdan Dreyer. Cu: Gerard
Depardieu, Bogdan Iancu, Harvey Keitel, Laura Morante.

O poveste controversat despre unul din tinerii homosexuali ai anilor 60: de la fiu de muncitori la celebritate naional, de la inocena sexual la statutul de satir, de la studentul fr o lecaie la egalul membrilor formaiei Beatles i emblem a Londrei. Joe Orton, faimos autor i dramaturg, a ajuns la succes trindu-i viaa fr s respecte regulile. A controversial story of one of the young turks of the 1960s - from working class boy to national celebrity, from sexual innocent to grinning satyr, from penniless student to peer of The Beatles and icon of London. Famous playwright and author Joe Orton made his success by mocking the rules of the establishment and lived his life ignoring them.
FOCUS SLOVACIA CLOPOEII FERICIRII (Bells of Happiness / Zvonky stastia, Slovacia, 2012) 62 R. Marek ulk, Jana Buka Mariena i Roman sunt veri i triesc cu familia ntr-o comunitate srac de igani din estul Slovaciei. Admir din suflet dou staruri pop ale Cehoslovaciei, Karel Gott i Dara Rolins, i decid s le trimit un DVD cu un mesaj video i un remix pe muzic ignesc al hitului lor Bells of Happiness. Filmul exploreaz procesul nregistrrii, dar i

n centrul ateniei este comunitatea internaional de gameri online care, folosind simulatoare de zbor, ncing btlii aeriene n ncercarea de a schimba cursul istoriei din lumea virtual. Pasiunea se transform cu repeziciune n adicie, iar juctorii se identific tot mai mult cu avatarul lor. The camera is following the international community of Internet players who, using flight simulators, engage into air battles trying to change the course of history in the virtual world. Their passion smoothly turns into addiction and they become their own Avatars.
COMPETIIE CORABIA LUI TEZEU (Ship of Theseus, India, 2012) 139 R. Anand Gandhi. Cu: Aida El-Kashef,
Neeraj Kabi, Sohum Shah, Faraz Khan.

Un sat din Transilvania, la sfritul celui deAl Doilea Rzboi Mondial. Un soldat german este gsit mort la marginea satului. Nu se tie cine este vinovatul, iar ofierii germani amenin c i vor executa pe cei mai importani zece membri ai comunitii dac fptaul nu se va preda. Ca s scape, fruntaii ncearc s-l conving pe Ipu, nebunul satului, s-i asume el vina... Set during World War II, somewhere in Transylvania. A German soldier is found dead near a village. The local authorities must find the killer, or they all will be shot by the Nazis the next morning. Theres no way to find the culprit, but theres Ipu, the village fool. The elders promise him a heros funeral if he claims responsibility for the murder and agrees to die in their place.
CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? CONFLAGRAIA VIRTUAL (Man at War / Wirtualna Wojna, Polonia, 2012) 75 R. Jacek Bawut.

O fotograf se lupt cu pierderea geniului su intuitiv ca urmare a unei operaii chirurgicale. Un clugr trebuie s aleag ntre principii i moarte. Un tnr dealer pe burs nva ct de complicat poate fi moralitatea. Cu ajutorul a trei cltorii filozofice, Corabia lui Tezeu exploreaz problemele ridicate de identitate, justiie, frumusee, sens i moarte. A photographer grapples with the loss of her intuitive brilliance as an aftermath of a clinical procedure. A monk has to choose between


principle and death. A young stockbroker learns how intricate morality can be. With these three philosophical journeys Ship of Theseus explores questions of identity, justice, beauty, meaning and death. PROIECII SPECIALE CREASTA (Pura vida / The Ridge, Marea Britanie-Spania, 2012) 85 R. Pablo Iraburu, Migueltxo Molina. Cu:
Horia Colibanu, Sergei Bogomolov, Alexei Bolotov, Don Bowie.


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

Versantul sudic al vrfului Annapurna din poriunea nepalez a munilor Himalaya este recunoscut de alpiniti drept cel mai periculos traseu din lume. Cnd experimentatul alpinist spaniol Iaki Ochoa de Olza se simte ru la atingerea crestei n 2008, ansele sale sunt firave. Dup ce partenerul su Horia Colibanu d alarma, 12 alpiniti din ntreaga lume iniiaz o periculoas operaiune de salvare. Proiecie n prezena alpinistului Horia Colibanu! The south wall of Mount Annapurna in the Nepalese Himalayas is known among climbers as the most dangerous climb in the world. When experienced Spanish climber Iaki Ochoa de Olza falls seriously ill while crossing the ridge in 2008, his hopes are slim. After his climbing partner Horia Colibanu sounds the alarm, 12 fellow climbers from all over the world mount a highly dangerous rescue operation. Screening attended by mountain climber Horia Colibanu!
ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL CURTORUL (El limpiador / The Cleaner, Peru, 2012) 95 R. Adrian Saba. Cu: Victor Prada. Eusebio, un brbat al crui serviciu este s sterilizeze locurile unde cineva a murit, este nemaipomenit de ocupat dup ce o misterioas epidemie cuprinde Lima. ntr-o zi, n timp ce cur o cas abandonat, d peste un biat ascuns n dulap... Eusebio, a man whose work is to sterlise places where someone has died, is the busiest he has ever been since the outbreak of a mysterious epidemia that has the city of Lima in its grips. One day, while cleaning an abandoned house, he comes across a boy hiding in a wardrobe... FOCUS GRECIA CUITARUL (Knifer / Maxairovgaltis, Grecia, 2010) 108 R. Yannis Economides. Cu: Vangelis
Mourikis, Stathis Stamoulakatos, Maria Kallimani.


Niko is an ordinary guy without any ambitions. His fathers sudden death brings back his uncle who proposes to live and work together with him and his wife in the suburbs of Athens. Niko accepts his uncles offer which consists of protecting two purebred dogs from the hostile neighbours.

COMPETIIE DAMA DE COMPANIE (Call Girl, Suedia-IrlandaNorvegia-Finlanda, 2012) 140 R. Mikael Marcimain. Cu: Pernilla
August, Simon J Berger, David Dencik, Sven Nordin, Kristoffer Joner.

cia, o ar n exact inima Europei. Dansnd Pe Cioburi este o serie de fresce despre nevoile simple ale oamenilor i despre sentimente. Naraiunea filmului e simpl - dragostea i lupta pentru a o experimenta. Povestea are puine cuvinte, mult muzic autentic, muni captivani i secvene de dans irezistibile. Love and dance, music and mountains, tradition and magic. Amazing images of Slovakia, a country in the very heart of Europe. Dancing on Broken Glass is a series of frescos about basic human needs and feelings. The narrative of the film is simple - love and the struggle to experience love. The story has few words, lots of authentic music, captivating mountains and irresistible dance sequences. UMBRE DATA EXPIRRII (Fecha de caducidad / Expiration Date, Mexic, 2011) 100 R. Kenya Marquez. Cu: Ana Ofelia
Murgua, Damin Alczar, Marisol Centeno.

Stockholm, sfritul anilor 70. Dama de companie spune povestea lui Iris, o fat culeas de pe treapta cea mai de jos a societii i aruncat ntr-o lume nemiloas n care puterea i poate ndeplini orice dorin. Stockholm, late 70s. Call Girl tells the story of how young Iris is recruited from the bottom rung of society, into a ruthless world where power can get you anything.
FOCUS SLOVACIA DANSND PE CIOBURI (Dancing on Broken Glass / Tanek medzi crepinami, Slovacia, 2012) 79 R. Marek apk. Cu: Marek apk, Anna
Javorkova, Stanislav Marisler, Ondrej Mlynarik.

Ramona i iubete fiul att de mult, nct i taie unghiile i l hrnete chiar dac a ajuns la maturitate. Cnd el nu se ntoarce acas pentru a mnca mpreun sup de roii, Ra-

Niko e un tip banal, lipsit de ambiie. Moartea neateptat a tatlui su i aduce napoi n Atena unchiul, care i propune s locuiasc i munceasc alturi de el i soia sa la periferia Atenei. Niko accept munca, aceasta constnd n protejarea a doi cini de ras de vecinii ostili.

Dragoste i dans, muzic i culmi muntoase, tradiie i magie. Imagini superbe din Slova-


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UMBRE DeAD (DeAD, Germania, 2013) 104 R. Sven Halfar. Cu: Tilman Strau,
Thomas Schendel, Niklas Kohrt, Judith Rosmair.

Patrick se simte absolut singur i decide s porneasc n cutarea presupusului su tat dup ce mama lui se sinucide. Nu are un plan, un el sau speran. Doar vrea s ntlneasc fantoma pe care o consider vinovat de moartea mamei. ntlnirea va avea consecine cumplite. Patrick feels absolutely lonely when he decides to search for his supposable father after the suicide of his mother. He doesnt have a plan, a goal or hopes. He just wants to meet the phantom that he things is the reason for his mothers death. The encounter will have terrible consequences.

mona pleac s-l caute prin spitale i morgi. ntlnete un brbat despre care crede c ar putea avea legtur cu dispariia fiului ei... Ramona loves her son so much that she cuts his nails and feeds him even though hes now an adult. When he doesnt return home to share some tomato soup with his mother, Ramona goes out to look for him - in the hospitals and morgues. And its there that she comes across a man she thinks that he might have something to do with her sons disappearance. CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? DATU CU LEBDA (Swandown, Marea Britanie, 2012) 94 R. Andrew Kotting. Cu: Andrew Kotting,
Iain Sinclair.

Datu cu lebda este o odisee de ambiie olimpian n care Andrew Kotting (regizorul) i Iain Sinclair (scenaristul) pedaleaz la o hidrobiciclet n form de lebd de la Hastings la Londra. Pe drum ntlnesc cltori, localnici, intrui i simpli trectori, ale cror reacii trec de la amuzament la uimire i chiar ncercri de a-i ridiculiza. Swandown is an odyssey of Olympian ambition in which Andrew Kotting (the filmmaker) and Iain Sinclair (the writer) pedal a swan-shaped pedalo from Hastings to London. En-route they encounter travellers, river-dwellers, outsiders, and ordinary passers-by whose reactions are a mixture of amusement, puzzlement and ridicule.
ZIUA MAGHIAR DE CE FIERBE COPILUL N MMLIG (Aglaja, UngariaRomnia-Polonia, 2012) 117 R. Krisztina Dek. Cu: Eszter nodi,
Babett Jvor, Piroska Mga, Zsolt Bogdn.

n sperana unei viei mai bune, o familie romno-maghiar de circari fuge de regimul ceauist i emigreaz n vest, la nceputul anilor 80. Odat ajuni, ca s poat rmne n bran, sunt nevoii s gseasc ceva exotic cu care s impresioneze: mama are un numr special, st atrnat de pr de cupola circului. Fiica ei Aglaja este extrem de ngrijorat c mama ar putea cdea... Hoping for a better life in the West a Hungarian-Romanian family of circus artists escapes from the Ceausescu dictatorship in Romania in the early 80s. Once in the West though, they realize they need an exotic act if they want to have success. The mother devises a special act: she hangs by her hair in the circus dome. However, her daughter Aglaja gets terribly worried that her mother will fall to her death...

COMPETIIE DEFLORAREA EVEI VAN END (The Deflowering of Eva van End / De Ontmaagding van Eva van End, Olanda, 2012) 98 R. Michiel ten Horn. Cu: Vivian Dierickx,
Jacqueline Blom, Ton Kas.

Cnd perfeciunea ntruchipat intr n viaa lor, sub forma lui Veit, un elev din Germania venit ntr-un schimb de experien, ndoiala, nesigurana, teama i dorina invadeaz familia van End. Cei cinci membri ai familiei se reinventeaz, simindu-se tot mai nstrinai de ei nii i de ceilali. Dar ntr-un trziu i vor da seama c elul lor nu este perfeciunea... When the incarnation of perfection enters their lives, embodied by the German exchange student Veit, doubt, insecurity, fear and desire invade the Van End family. All five family members start to reinvent themselves, as they


feel increasingly alienated from themselves and from each other. But in the end, its not perfection they are looking for... ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC DJ VU (Dj Vu, Romnia, 2013) 78 R. Dan Chiu. Cu: Mirela Oprior, Ioana
Flora, Gabriel Ru.


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

Dup o csnicie de 20 de ani, Mihai decide s divoreze i s-i aduc amanta pentru prima dat s doarm la el acas. Filmul dezvluie drama lui Mihai, timp de o or i jumtate, din momentul n care cei doi amani decid s mearg a doua zi diminea s nfrunte soia brbatului. After 20 years of marriage, Mihai decides to ask for a divorce and brings his mistress for the first time into his home. The film explores Mihais drama, for one hour and a half, from the moment when the two lovers decide to go to the mans wife for a final confrontation.
3X3 DETECTIVUL (Gumshoe, Marea Britanie, 1971) 88 R. Stephen Frears. Cu: Albert Finney,
Billie Whitelaw, Frank Finlay, Janice Rule.


Albert Finney joac rolul unui angajat la bingo care, plictisit de existena sa anodin, public un anun la ziar prin care i ofer serviciile de detectiv particular. Nici nu clipete bine din ochi i se va trezi implicat ntr-o serie de situaii pline de ncurcturi. Filmul de debut al lui Stephen Frears! Albert Finney stars as a bingo-caller who, bored with his mundane existence, takes out a newspaper ad offering his services as a private detective. In no time at all, he finds himself involved in a series of plots and counterplots. Stephen Frears first feature!
COMPETIIE DETURNAREA (A Hijacking / Kapringen, Danemarca, 2012) 99 R. Tobias Lindholm. Cu: Pilou Asbk,
Sren Malling, Dar Salim, Roland Mller.

se afl buctarul Mikkel i inginerul Jan, i ei luai ostatici alturi de ceilali marinari, ntr-un cinic joc pe via i pe moarte. The cargo ship MV Rozen is heading for harbour when it is boarded and captured by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean. Amongst the men on board are the ships cook Mikkel and the engineer Jan, who along with the rest of the seamen are taken hostage in a cynical game of life and death. ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL DINCOLO DE ZIDURI (Hors les murs / Beyond the Walls, BelgiaFrana-Canada, 2012) 98 R. David Lambert. Cu: Matila
Malliarakis, Guillaume Gouix, David Salles.

iubesc oamenii necondiionat. Un iepure, o gin, o pisic, un cine i un porumbel trec prin viaa personajelor principale ale filmului i le influeneaz evoluia. A story about people who eat the animals that they love and the animals that love people unconditionally. A rabbit, a hen, a cat, a dog and a pigeon come into the protagonitss lives, changing their course. ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC DOMNIOARA CHRISTINA (Miss Christina, Romnia, 2013) 100 R. Alexandru Maftei. Cu: Tudor Aaron
Istodor, Ioana Anastasia Anton, Anastasia Dumitrescu.

Nava de transport marf MV Rozen se ndreapt ctre portul de destinaie cnd este acostat i capturat de piraii somalezi n Oceanul Indian. Printre oamenii de la bord

Paulo, un tnr pianist, i Ilir, un basist, se ntlnesc din ntmplare i se ndrgostesc la prima vedere. Dup prima lor noapte mpreun, Paulo se mut cu Ilir, dar relaia lor se va transforma curnd ntr-un montagne russe al dragostei, dependenei i pasiunii, care le va schimba vieile o dat pentru totdeauna. When Paulo, a young pianist, and Ilir, a bass player meet by chance it is love at first sight. Shortly after their first night Paulo moves in with Ilir but soon their harmonious relationship becomes a turbulent roller coaster ride between love, addiction and passion which will change their lives forever.
ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC DOMESTIC (Domestic, RomniaGermania, 2012) 85 R. Adrian Sitaru. Cu: Adrian Titieni,
Gheorghe Ifrim, Sergiu Costache, Ioana Flora.

Ecranizare a binecunoscutei nuvele Domnioara Christina de Mircea Eliade. Prins ntre dragostea imposibil de dincolo de moarte a Domnioarei Cristina i cea pmntean pentru Sanda, logodnica lui, tnrul Egor lupt pe trmul alunecos dintre vis i realitate. Va reui el s-i salveze iubita i sufletul din aceast confruntare ntunecat? The film is based on Mircea Eliades cult novella Miss Christina. Caught between the impossible love from beyond death of Miss Christina and the earthly love for Sanda, his fiance, young Egor struggles on the slippery land between dream and reality. Will he be able to save his lover and his soul from this dark confrontation?
SUPERNOVA DRUMUL HALIMEI (Halimas Path / Halimin Put, Croaia-SloveniaBosnia-Herzegovina, 2012) 93 R. Arsen Anton Ostojic. Cu: Alma Prica,
Olga Pakalovic, Mijo Jurisic, Mustafa Nadarevic.


O poveste despre oameni care mnnc animalele pe care le iubesc i animalele care

Drumul Halimei spune povestea tragic, dar plin de nvminte, a Halimei, o femeie de

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heavy consequences. Latest research links it to the increase in Alzheimers, breast cancer and food allergies. FOCUS GRECIA ETERNA NTOARCERE A LUI ANTONIS PARASKEVAS (The Eternal Return of Antonis Paraskevas / I aionia epistrofi tou Antoni Paraskeua, Grecia, 2013) 88 R. Elina Psykou. Cu: Christos
Stergioglou, Maria Kallimani, Giorgios Souxes.


religie musulman care ncearc s descopere rmiele pmnteti ale fiului ei, ucis n rzboi i aruncat ntr-o groap comun. Pentru a reui, ea trebuie s reia legtura cu o nepoat nstrinat, dar asta va pune n micare o tragic spiral de evenimente. Halimas Path tells the tragic but inspiring story of a grieving, but strong-willed Muslim woman Halima who tries to find the remains of her son who was killed in the Bosnian War and buried in one of the many mass graves. In order to succeed, she must track down her estranged niece, but this will only set in motion a spiral of tragic events. SUPERNOVA UN EPISOD DIN VIAA UNUI ADUNTOR DE FIER VECHI (An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker / Epizoda u zivotu beraca zeljeza, Bosnia i HeregovinaFrana-Slovenia, 2013) 75 R. Danis Tanovic. Cu: Nazif Mujic,
Senada Alimanovic, Semsa Mujic, Sandra Mujic.

carrying: They say its dead.... Jury Grand Prix and the Silver Bear for Best Actor at the Berlinale 2013.

Povestea unui erou al vremurilor noastre. Antonis ajunge la un hotel de pe plaj. E iarn, hotelul e nchis, iar Antonis rtcete n jurul lui. Are o mulime de vreme de pierdut. Pn cnd la televizor se anun c celebrul prezentator TV Antonis Paraskevas a disprut... The story of a hero of our time. Antonis arrives at a hotel resort by the sea. It is wintertime, the hotel is closed and Antonis drifts around alone. He has a lot of time to kill. Until television announces the disappearance of the famous TV host Antonis Paraskevas...
UMBRE EVADAREA (Escape / Flukt, Norvegia, 2012) 76 R. Roar Uthaug. Ingrid Bols Berdal,
Isabel Christine Andreasen, Milla Olin.

ECOTIFF EPOCA ALUMINIULUI (The Age of Aluminium, AustriaGermania, 2012) 90 R. Bert Ehgartner. Aluminiul este tot mai popular i i-a gsit loc peste tot n viaa noastr: deodorante, loiuni de soare, vaccinuri sau ap filtrat. Dar ce tim despre efectele secundare ale acestor tovari zilnici? Metalul uor trage dup sine consecine grele. Ultimele cercetri l pun n legtur cu maladia Alzheimer, cancerul de sn i alergiile alimentare. Aluminum is booming and found its way into every facet of our lives: deodorants, sun lotions, vaccines or filtered drinking water. But what do we actually know about the side effects of our daily companions? The light metal comes with

O familie de igani triete departe de centrele urbane din Bosnia-Heregovina. Senada, mama, face curat n cas, gtete, coace i are grij de cele dou fetie. ntr-o zi, simte o durere ascuit n abdomen. La spital i se spune c s-a ntmplat ceva cu ftul din pntece: Zic c a murit... Marele premiu al juriului i Ursul de Argint pentru cel mai bun actor la Berlin 2013. A Roma family living far away from the urban centres of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The father Nazif salvages metal from old cars and sells it to a scrap-dealer. The mother Senada keeps the house tidy, cooks, bakes and cares for their two small daughters. One day, she feels a sharp pain in her abdomen. At the clinic she is told there is something wrong with the baby she is

La un deceniu dup ce Moartea neagr a devastat ara, o familie srac ncepe o cltorie n cutarea unor condiii de trai mai bune. Sunt atacai de o band de hoi nemiloi i singura care scap cu via e Signe, n vrst de 19 ani. E luat prizonier i dus n tabra hoilor. Cnd i d seama c aici o ateapt o soart crunt, Signe decide s fug... Ten years after the Black Death devastated the country, a poor family sets out on a journey to search for better living conditions. They are attacked by a gang of ruthless killer thieves and the only one spared is 19 year old Signe. She is taken prisoner and the gang brings her back to their camp. When she realizes they have a fate worse than death in store for her she decides to run away.
ZIUA MAGHIAR EXAMENUL (The Exam / A vizsga, Ungaria, 2011) 89 R. Pter Bergendy. Cu: Jnos Kulka,
Zsolt Nagy, Gabriella Hmori, Pter Scherer.


1956. Numit de sovietici, noul premier comand ca loialitatea fiecrui ofier al Securitii Naionale s fie pus la ncercare. Jung este un ambiios ofier al Securitii ce triete sub acoperire poznd ca profesor particular. Marko, superiorul su direct, primete ordinul s monitorizeze timp de o zi apartamentul lui Jung i aciunile acestuia.

Marko descoper secrete suprtoare n viaa lui Jung: secrete care i-ar putea distruge pe amndoi. 1956. Appointed by the Soviets, the new prime minister orders that each and every National Security officers loyalty be tested. Jung is am ambitious cultural NS officer living undercover as a private teacher. Marko, his immediate superior, is orderd to monitor Jungs apartment and activities for a day. Mark uncovers disturbing secrets in Jungs life: secrets that can easily destroy the careers of both men. RETROSPECTIVA PTER FORGCS EXODUL DE PE DUNRE (The Danube Exodus, Olanda, 1998) 60 R. Pter Forgcs. Exodul de pe Dunre documenteaz exodul evreilor din Slovacia chiar nainte de nceperea celui de-Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial. n dou brci, un grup de 900 de evrei din Slovacia i Austria au ncercat s ajung, pe Dunre, la Marea Neagr, de unde plnuiau s porneasc spre Palestina. Pter Forgcs a folosit pentru filmul su imaginile filmate de Nndor Andrsovits, cpitanul uneia dintre brci. Expoziie video! The Danube Exodus documents the Jewish exodus from Slovakia just before the beginning of World War II. In two boats, a group of nine hundred Slovak and Austrian Jews tried to reach the Black Sea via the river Danube, in order to get to Palestine from there. Pter Forgcs based his film on the amateur films of Nndor Andrsovits, the captain of one of the boats. Video exhibition! ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC EXPERIMENTUL BUCURETI (The Bucureti Experiment, Romnia, 2013) 70 R. Tom Wilson. Cu: Carmen Anton,
Andrei Juvina, Justin Capr, Aristide Ionescu.


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regia lui Tom Wilson. In 1989 Romania suffered a coup dtat. The secret police knew what was coming and had time to prepare. In order to quickly develop the skills that the free market rewards, they set up a secret project for psychological engineering using experimental techniques. The Bucureti Experiment is the first ever expos of what really took place in 1989. Preceded by Tom Wilsons short film Before the Fall. EVENIMENTE SPECIALE EXPLORATORUL (The Explorer, Romnia, 2013) 70 R. Titus Muntean, Xantus Gabor. Documentarul urmrete firul vieii lui Emil Racovi, pionier al cercetrii vieii din Antarctica, din adncurile Mediteranei i din peteri, ntemeietor al biospeologiei i al primului Institut de speologie din lume, de la Cluj. Filmul red amplu povestea expediiei Belgica (1897-1899), prima expediie tiinific ce a iernat in Antarctica, printre membrii creia s-au numrat Roald Amundsen, Frederick Cook i cpitanul Adrien de Gerlache. The documentary presents the life and research of Emil Racovita, one of the first Antarctic explorers, a pioneer of oceanology and the founder of a new science, the bio-speleology. He created in Cluj the worlds first Institute of Speology. The film also focuses on the Belgica expedition (1897-1899), the first scientific expedition which wintered in Antarctica, having Roald Amundsen and Frederick Cook on board and Adrien de Gerlache as captain. FR LIMIT EXPUS (Exposed, SUA, 2013) 77 R. Beth B. Cu: Rose Wood, Julie Atlas
Muz, Mat Fraser.

New York-ului zilelor noastre. Aici spectacolele de burlesque clasic, de obicei create pentru privirea masculin, au fost redefinite radical, cu toate clieele sexuale puse sub semnul ntrebrii. Sensuri mai adnci sunt scoase la iveal prin mijloace amuzante i uneori ocante. Film nerecomandat minorilor. Exposed leads us through New Yorks 21st century underground where classic burlesque - usually catering to the male gaze - is being radically redefined, prevalent sexual clichs are interrogated, and deeper meanings are teased out in a humorous and sometimes shocking way. This film is not suitable for children.

n 1989, Romnia a suferit o lovitur de stat. Serviciile Secrete tiau ce urmeaz i s-au pregtit. Pentru a ajuta oamenii s dezvolte abiliti pentru piaa liber, au pus la cale un proiect secret de inginerie psihologic bazat pe tehnici inedite. Experimentul Bucureti este primul expozeu care vorbete despre ce s-a ntmplat cu adevrat n 1989. Lungmetrajul va fi precedat de nainte de cdere, n

COMPETIIE FABRICAT LA AS (Made in Ash / Az do mesta As, Slovacia-Cehia, 2012) 80 R. Iveta Grofova. Cu: Dorota Billa, Silvia
Halusicova, Robin Horky.

Expus ne conduce n lumea underground a

O poveste plin de nvminte despre Dorotka. S-a nscut n estul Slovaciei i a venit, plin de sperane naive despre viitorul ei, n orelul A, aflat la grania Cehiei cu Germania. Aici e custoreas ntr-o mic fabric, dar, din cauza propriilor decizii, va avea de nfruntat realitatea sumbr a acestui col estic al Cehiei. A poignant story about a young girl named Dorotka, who hails from eastern Slovakia. Full of naive expectations regarding her new life. She takes on the job of a seamstress in a small factory on the Czech-German border town of

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A. Due to the consequences of her own decisions, she is faced with a grim reality in the westernmost corner of the Czech Republic.. ZIUA HBO FATA (The Girl, Marea BritanieSUA, 2012) 91 R. Julian Jarrold. Cu: Toby Jones, Sienna
Miller, Imelda Staunton, Penelope Wilton.

n 1962, Alfred Hitchcock este n culmea celebritii i a creativitii, cnd alege un top model cvasi-necunoscut s joace rolul principal n cel mai ambiios film al su, Psrile. Pe msur ce o modela pe Tippi Hedren pentru deveni blonda perfect din imaginaia sa, regizorul a nceput s fie obsedat de visul imposbil de a ctiga dragostea femeii n viaa real. In 1962, Hitchcock was at the height of his fame and creativity when he chose an unknown fashion model to star in his most ambitious film, The Birds. But as he sculpted Hedren into the perfect Hitchcock blonde of his imagination, he became obsessed with the impossible dream of winning the real womans love.
FR LIMIT FATA MORGANA (Fata Morgana, Austria, 2012) 140 R. Peter Schreiner. Cu: Giuliana Pachner,
Awad Elkish, Christian Schmidt.


him to the home of a fellow high school girl named Jang-mi where they take turns raping her. Sung-gong wishes to escape the scene but is forced to go into her room and commit the act himself. Ten years later, Sung-gong meets Jangmi again. This film is not suitable for children. RETROSPECTIVA PTER FORGCS FILMUL LUI ANGELOS (Angelos Film, Olanda, 1999) 60 R. Pter Forgcs. n spatele camerei este Angelos Papanastassiou, tat de familie n Atena din timpul celui de-Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial. n primele zile ale ocupaiei naziste Angelos hotrte s documenteze suferinele poporului grec. Folosind o camer clandestin i riscndu-i zi de zi viaa, filmeaz atrocitile comise de naziti n Atena pe ntreaga durat o ocupaiei germano-italiene. Behind the camera there is Angelos Papanastassiou, a Greek patrician of WW2 times Athens. In the very first days of the Nazi occupation Angelos decided to record and document the Greece motherlands sufferings. Using a clandestine 16-mm film camera and risking his life, he filmed, documented the Nazi atrocities in Athens all through the German-Italian occupation. SUPERNOVA FOXFIRE. CONFESIUNILE UNEI GTI DE FETE (Confessions dun gang de filles / Foxfire, FranaCanada, 2012) 143 R. Laurent Cantet. Cu: Raven Adamson,
Katie Coseni, Madeleine Bisson, Claire Mazerolle.

Premiul pentru cea mai bun actri la festivalul de la San Sebastian! 1955. A small working-class American town. Five teenage girls seal a lifelong pact: they will live according to their own rules, and become the Foxfire gang. But freedom comes with a price... Best Actress Award at San Sebastian film festival! SUPERNOVA FRANCINE (Francine, SUA, 2012) 74 R. Brian M. Cassidy, Melanie Shatzky.
Cu: Melissa Leo, Victoria Charkut, Dave Clark, Keith Leonard.

Peter Schreiner ntreprinde o cltorie psihoanalitic a crei int este nsi existena uman. Ca un hibrid ntre Freud i Sartre, magic i minimalist. Doi iubii plini de riduri, marcai de via, i expun cele mai ascunse emoii. Giuliana compar strfundurile spiritului ei cu nite ui nchise pe care trebuie s le deschizi cu grij. Dar, o ntreab Christian, asta te va face mai fericit? Peter Schreiner undertakes a psychoanalytic quest for human existence. Its a cross between Freud and Sartre, magical and minimalist. Two wrinkled lovers, marked by life, expose their deepest inner emotions. Giuliana compares the vaults of her spirit with closed doors that you have to open cautiously. But, Christian wonders, does that make you happier?
FR LIMIT FATAL (Fatal / Gashi Ggot, Coreea de Sud, 2012) R. Lee Don-Ku. Cu: Nam Yeon-woo,
Yang Jo-a.

Dup ce iese din nchisoare, Francine ncearc s-i recucereasc locul n societate cu ajutorul unor slujbe temporare, dar scopul ei nu prea se las atins i eueaz i cnd ncearc s se apropie de cei din jur. Francine se ntoarce spre animale pentru ajutor, dar asta o va conduce ntr-o direcie tragic de greit. After serving time in prison, Francine tries to regain a foothold in society through a series of temporary jobs, but this security proves just as elusive as the connections she tries to forge with people in the town. Francine looks to animals for support, a development that leads her in a tragically wrong direction.

Sung-gong are 18 ani i toat viaa a fost inta abuzurilor derbedeilor de la coal. ntr-o zi, acetia l trsc n casa unei colege, Jangmi, pe care o violeaz unul dup cellalt. Sung-gong vrea s fug, dar e forat s mearg n camera fetei i s o violeze i el. Zece ani mai trziu, Sung-gong o rentlnete pe Jangmi. Film nerecomandat minorilor. 18-year-old Sung-gong has always been a target for school bullies. One day, the bullies drag

1955. Un mic ora muncitoresc american. Cinci adolescente fac un legmnt pe via: vor tri dup propriile reguli, devenind banda Foxfire. Dar libertatea vine cu un pre...



31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

UMBRE FURIE LA PTRAT (Outrage Beyond, Japonia, 2012) 112 R. Takeshi Kitano. Cu: Beat Takeshi,
Toshiyuki Nishida, Tomokazu Miura, Ryo Kase.


3X3 FRUMOASA MEA SPLTORIE (My Beautiful Laundrette, Marea Britanie, 1985) 97 R. Stephen Frears. Cu: Daniel DayLewis, Saeed Jaffrey, Roshan Seth.

their environmental cause by selling home-made erotic films on the internet. Meet Danny as he accidentally discovers this exuberant, neo-hippy world where sexual liberation merges with global altruism, and joins their already colourful operation. This film is not suitable for children. UMBRE FURIE (Outrage, Japonia, 2010) 109 R. Takeshi Kitano. Cu: Beat Takeshi,
Kippei Shiina, Ryo Kase, Tomozaku Mura.

Clanul yakuza Sanno a devenit o organizaie gigantic, lrgindu-i zona de influen spre politic i afacerile legale. Capii clanului sunt acum tinerii manageri, iar gangsterii din vechea gard sunt plini de resentimente cnd se trezesc dai la o parte. De acest punct nevralgic din ierarhia Sanno profit detectivul Kataoka, dar asul su din mnec este eliberarea din nchisoare a lui Otomo, liderul unei familii distruse n trecut de clan... The Sanno crime family has grown into a huge organization, expanding its power into politics and legitimate big business. The Sannos upper ranks are now dominated by young executives, and the old-guard members are penting up resentment while being pushed to the sidelines. Detective Kataoka takes advantage of this vulnerable spot in the Sanno hierachy, but his trump card is the arranged release from prison of Otomo, the boss of a family once crushed by the Sanno...

Tnrul de origine pakistanez Omar, mpreun cu prietenul su englez Johnny, preia de la unchiul su bogat o spltorie n paragin transformnd-o ntr-un palat iptor, dotat inclusiv cu ecrane video. Pe fundalul tensiunilor rasiale i al srciei din dura periferie londonez, relaia lor se va transforma ntr-una de dragoste. Young Pakistani Omar, together with his English friend Johnny, takes over a run-down laundrette given to him by his rich uncle. Together they transform it into a gaudy, neon-lit palace complete with video screens. Against a background of racial tension and poverty in the rough London suburb, their own relationship blossoms to love.
CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? FUCK FOR FOREST (Fuck for Forest, PoloniaGermania, 2012) 85 R. Michal Marczak Fuck for Forest, din Berlin, este unul dintre cele mai ciudate ONG-uri ale lumii. La baza sa se afl ideea c sexul poate salva lumea: ONG-ul strnge bani pentru iniiative ecologice vnznd pe internet filme erotice. Danny descoper din ntmplare aceast lume exuberant, neo-hippy, unde eliberarea sexual merge mn n mn cu altruismul global, i se altur operaiunilor ei att de colorate. Film nerecomandat minorilor. Berlins Fuck For Forest is one of the worlds most bizarre NGOs. Based on the idea that sex can save the world, the NGO raises money for

FOCUS GRECIA GHIDUL (The Guide / O Xenagos, Grecia, 2011) 94 R. Zacharias Mavroeidis. Cu: Michalis
Oikonomou, Katerina Mavrogeorgi, Kathrin Suckfiel.

ntr-o nemiloas lupt pentru putere, mai multe clanuri yakuza fac tot posibilul s intre n graiile capilor lumii interlope japoneze. Gangsteri rivali ncearc s nainteze n rang prin intrigi i aliane fcute deasupra paharelor de sake. Lupta lor e fr sfrit: s ctige, sau mcar s supravieuiasc, ntr-o lume corupt plin nu de eroi, ci de trdare i rzbunare. Va curge snge... In a ruthless battle for power, several yakuza clans vie for the favor of their head family in the Japanese underworld. The rival bosses seek to rise through the ranks by scheming and making allegiances sworn over sake. Theirs is a never-ending struggle to end up on top, or at least survive, in a corrupt world where there are no heroes but constant betrayal and vengeance. There will be blood...

Iasonas este ghid n Atena. ntr-o zi se ntlnete cu fosta (mai mult dect) cea mai bun prieten a lui, Mirsini. Prins ntre ea, care l vede tot mai puin ca pe un prieten, i grupul su de turiti, care l vede tot mai puin drept un ghid, Iasonas va trebui curnd s dea un rspuns propriilor ntrebri despre sexualitate i carier. Iasonas is a tourist guide in Athens. One day, he meets his once (more than just a) best friend Mirsini. Trapped between a friend who progressively sees him less and less as a friend and a group of tourists that sees him less and less as a guide, Iasonas will have to give an answer to all his personal questions regarding his sexuality and his career.
SUPERNOVA GLORIA (Gloria, Chile-Spania, 2012) 105 R. Sebastin Lelio. Cu: Paulina Garca,


Sergio Hernndez, Diego Fontecilla, Fabiola Zamora.

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013




Gloria are 58 de ani i este divorat. Hotrt s nfrunte btrneea i singurtatea, se arunc ntr-un iure de petreceri, dar se simte goal i dezamgit. l ntlnete pe Rodolfo, un fost ofier n marin cu apte ani mai n vrst. ntlnirea i scoate n cale provocri neateptate: Gloria i va da seama treptat c trebuie s-i nfrunte secretele ntunecate din trecut. Paulina Garca a fost laureat cu Ursul de Argint pentru cea mai bun interpretare feminin la Berlinala 2013. Gloria is a 58 year old divorce. Determined to defy old age and loneliness, she rushes headlong into a whirl of singles parties, but she feels disappointed and empty. Then she meets Rodolfo, an ex-naval officer seven years her senior. The encounter presents unexpected challenges and Gloria gradually finds herself being forced to confront her own dark secrets. Paulina Garca won the Silver Berlin Bear for Best Actress at this years Berlinale.
PIAA UNIRII, ECOTIFF GOANA DUP GHEA (Chasing Ice, SUA, 2012) 75 R. Jeff Orlowski. Cu: James Balog,
Svavar Jonatansson, Adam LeWinter, Louie Psihoyos.

tuitor de frumoase comprim ani n secunde i arat milenari muni de ghea disprnd ntr-un ritm ngrijortor. Nominalizare la Oscar pentru Cel mai bun cntec original! Acclaimed environmental photographer James Balog deploys revolutionary time-lapse cameras to capture a multi-year record of the worlds changing glaciers. His hauntingly beautiful videos compress years into second and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a breathtaking rate. Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song! EDUCATIFF GREUTATEA ELEFANILOR (The Weight of Elephants, Danemarca, 2012) 83 R. Daniel Joseph Borgman. Cu:
Angelina Cottrell, Anna Hewlett, Demos Murphy.

playful, dreamy imagination distracts him from everyday life, for the reality he lives in could not be more different. Just as news arrives that three children are missing, a new family moves in next door. Adrian develops a close relationship to their tomboyish, ten-year-old daughter Nicole and believes he is getting close to solving the mystery of the missing children.

UMBRE HALLEY (Halley, Mexic-Olanda, 2013) 84 R. Sebastian Hoffman. Cu: Alberto
Trujillo, Luly Trueba, Hugo Albores.

Apreciatul fotograf de mediu James Balog utilizeaz camere revoluionare pentru a surprinde, pe o perioad de mai muli ani, evoluia ghearilor. Clipurile sale video bn-

Izolarea lui Adrian d natere unor fantezii: se imagineaz rege al unei lumi subacvatice. Imaginaia sa jucu, vistoare, l distrage de la viaa de zi cu zi, cci realitatea n care triete nu ar putea fi mai diferit. Chiar cnd se afl c trei copii din vecini au disprut, o nou familie se mut alturi. Adrian se mprietenete cu Nicole, fiica bieoas a vecinilor. Curnd va crede c se afl foarte aproape de rezolvarea misterului copiilor disprui. Adrians isolation manifests itself in his fantasies: he is king of an underwater world. His

Alberto se descompune i n curnd nu va mai putea ascunde asta celor din jur, aa c decide s se ndeprteze de lume. nainte de a capitula n faa morii, Alberto leag o prietenie neobinuit cu Silvia, cea care administreaz sala de for unde el lucreaz ca paznic. Alberto is decomposing and can no longer hide it, so he decides to withdraw from the world. Before yielding to his living death, Alberto forms an unusual friendship with Silvia, the manager of the gym where he works as a guard.

CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? HIT SO HARD (Hit So Hard, SUA, 2011) 103 R. P. David Ebersole. Cu: Patty Schemel,
Courtney Love Cobain, Eric Erlandson.


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

Hit So Hard urmrete itinerariul lui Patty Schemel, toboar n trupa rock a lui Courtney Love, Hole. Lesbian declarat, a tiut dintotdeauna c este diferit de ceilali copii din oraul de fermieri unde a crescut. Patty nu a visat niciodat c-i va vedea fotografia pe coperta revistei Rolling Stone. i nu i-a imaginat niciodat c va pierde totul. Hit So Hard follows the journey of Patty Schemel, the openly gay drummer of Courtney Loves seminal rock band Hole. As a young girl who always knew she was different from the other kids in her farm town home outside of Seattle, Patty never dreamed she would one day have her picture on the cover of Rolling Stone. But she also never fathomed that she could lose it all.


UMBRE ISPIRE (Penance / Shokuzai, Japonia, 2012) 270 R. Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Cu: Kyoko
Koizumi, Yu Aoi, Eiko Koike, Sakura Ando.

COMPETIIE IUBIRE NELTOARE (It Felt Like Love, SUA, 2013) 82 R. Eliza Hittman. Cu: Gina Piersanti,
Jesse Cordasco, Richie Folio, Andrew McCord

Cu 15 ani n urm, tragedia a lovit un orel cnd Emili, o elev de coal, a fost rpit i ucis de un strin. Patru colege i-au descoperit cadavrul. Rpitorul nu a fost gsit, iar cazul rmne nerezolvat. nnebunit de durere, mama lui Emili, Asako, le condamn pe cele patru fete care nu-i amintesc faa rpitorului... Proiecie-maraton! Fifteen years ago, tragedy struck a small town when a young school girl Emili was abducted and killed by a stranger. Four girls are the first to discover her body. The abductor is never found and the crime goes unsolved. Crazed with grief, Emilis mother Asako condemns the four girls, none of which can remember the abductors face... Marathon-screening!

n timpul unei veri plictisitoare la periferia Brooklyn-ului, adolescenta Lila i ndreapt atenia asupra lui Sammy, un brbat certat cu legea ntlnit pe plaj. Dorind s se laude cu ceva, Lila inventeaz o poveste despre el i face tot posibilul s o transforme n realitate. Cnd ncercrile ei eueaz, mpinge minciuna un pas mai departe, pretinznd c au fcut sex. During an uneventful summer on the outskirts of Brooklyn, teenager Lila turns her attentions to Sammy, an older thug she sees at Rockaway beach. Wanting something to brag about, she weaves a story about him and becomes fixated on seeing it realized. When her attempts fail, she propels the lie even further, claiming theyve had sex. During her sexual quest, Lila turns from predator to prey.

mai vnat terorist al lumii, Carlos acalul. Pentru unii Carlos este un revoluionar, pentru alii un simplu asasin, dar pentru Magdalena el este tatl fiicei ei, Rosa. Cnd Carlos este judecat la Paris, mama i fiica ncep o curajoas cltorie n spatele umbrelor legendei sale. Magdalena Kopp was married to the most wanted terrorist in the world: Carlos the Jackal. For some Carlos is a revolutionary, to others a murderer, but for Magdalena he is a the father of her daughter, Rosa. While Carlos stands trial in Paris, mother and daughter take a courageous journey beyond the shadows of his myth. CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? N CUTAREA LUI SUGAR MAN (Searching for Sugar Man, Suedia-Marea Britanie, 2012) 83 R. Malik Bendjelloul. La sfritul anilor 60, un cntre este descoperit ntr-un bar din Detroit de doi productori faimoi. Vrjii de melodiile artistului, ei nregistreaz un album, numai c acesta nu are succes, iar cntreul dispare din atenie. Doar c un album piratat i afl drum n Africa de Sud i devine un adevrat fenomen. Doi fani sudafricani pornesc ntr-o cltorie pentru a afla ce s-a ntmplat cu idolul lor. Oscar pentru Cel mai bun documentar n 2013. In the late 60s, a musician was discovered in a Detroit bar by two celebrated producers who were struck by his soulful melodies and prophetic lyrics. But the album they recorded bombed and the singer disappeared into obscurity. A bootleg recording found its way into apartheid South Africa and it became a phenomenon. Two South African fans then set out to find out what really happened to

CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? N CAMERA OBSCUR (In the Darkroom, Germania-IsraelFinlanda, 2012) 88 R. Nadav Schirman. Cu: Magdalena
Kopp, Rosa Kopp.

Magdalena Kopp a fost cstorit cu cel

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013




their hero. Oscar for Best Documentary at this years Academy Awards. COMPETIIE N DORMITOR (In a Bedroom / W sypialni, Polonia, 2012) 72 R. Tomasz Wasilewski. Cu: Katarzyna
Herman, Tomasz Tyndyk, Agata Buzek, Mirosaw Zbrojewicz.

for sex. Edyta spends nights in the homes of the nameless men but, instead of the promised sex, she takes advantage of their involuntary hospitality. She reaches a turning point, however, when she meets a young artist named Patryk... PIAA UNIRII N LARG (The Deep / Djpi, Islanda-Norvegia, 2012) 93 R. Baltasar Kormakur. Cu: Jhann G.
Jhannsson, lafur Darri lafsson, Bjrn Thors, Stefn Hallur Stefnsson.

SUPERNOVA N NUMELE... (In the Name Of / W imie, Polonia, 2013) 102 R. Malgoska Szumowska. Cu: Andrzej
Chyra, Mateusz Kosciuklewicz, Lukasz Simlat.

Cvadragenara Edyta trece printr-o perioad de criz. Doarme n hoteluri i, cnd i se termin banii, intr pe internet pentru a gsi brbai n cutare de sex. Petrece nopile n casele unor parteneri fr nume, dar, n locul sexului promis, profit de ospitalitatea lor. Totul se schimb cnd l ntlnete pe tnrul artist Patryk... Forty-year-old Edyta is in crisis. She sleeps at hotels, and when her money runs out she uses the internet to find men who are looking

O poveste despre unicul supravieuitor al unui naufragiu, a crui suprauman dorin de a tri l-a transformat ntr-un erou naional, dar i ntr-un inexplicabil fenomen tiinific. Filmul se bazeaz pe un uimitor incident petrecut n realitate, n ngheatele ape din largul Islandei n 1984. n Larg a ctigat nu mai puin de 11 premii Edda, premiile industriei de film islandeze! A story about the sole survivor of a shipwreck, whose superhuman will to survive made him both an inexplicable scientific phenomenon and a genuine national hero. Based on an astonishing, true incident that took place on the frigid seas off Iceland in 1984. The Deep won as many as 11 Edda trophies at Icelands film industry awards gala!

Printele Adam preia o mic parohie din mijlocul pustietii. Entuziasmul su este apreciat, iar localnicii l accept ca pe unul de-ai lor. Dup ce ntlnete un tnr excentric i tcut, un paria al micii comuniti, printele Adam este forat s se confrunte cu o pasiune de mult uitat... Premiul Teddy la Berlin 2013! Father Adam takes over a small parish in the middle of nowhere. His energy appreciated, the locals accept him as one of their own. After meeting an eccentric and silent young man, a local pariah, Father Adams is forced to confront a long forgotten burden and passion... Teddy Award winner at Berlin 2013!
ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL N VIA (Living / Zhit, Rusia, 2012) 117 R. Vasily Sigarev. Cu: Yana Troyanova,
Alexei Filimonov, Olga Lapshina.

Un portret existenial al unor personaje ce triesc ntr-o ngheat provincie rus. O mam vrea s rennoade legtura cu fiicele ei gemene. Doi tineri se cstoresc la bise-



31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

Mondial i va pune cariera la ncercare. A documentary about Jeno Janovics, one of the best Hungarian directors of the beginning of the 20th century. In 1913 he started his own film studio, and being one of the first Hungarian filmmakers who adapted literay works for the screen he quickly became famous, rich and one of the most envied citizens of Cluj. WW1 will be a true challenge for his career.


GALA DE NCHIDERE, PIAA UNIRII KON-TIKI (Kon-Tiki, Marea Britanie-Norvegia-DanemarcaGermania, 2012) 118 R. Joachim Rnning, Espen Sandberg.

ric, dar imediat dup ceremonie soarta le pune la ncercare dragostea n modul cel mai brutal. Un biat vrea s-i cunoasc tatl nstrinat, n ciuda violentelor proteste ale mamei sale. An existential portrait of protagonists living in a wintry Russian province. A mother wants to reunite with her twin daughters. A young couple marry in church, but immediately after the ceremony fate tests their love in the most brutal way. A boy wants to see his estranged father, despite his mothers violent protests. UMBRE NREGISTRAREA (Taped, Olanda, 2012) 90 R. Diederik Van Rooijen. Cu: Barry
Atsma, Susan Visser, Dario Levy, Leonardo Ramirez.

Afectat de situaia din Havana, Raul viseaz s fug la Miami. Cnd este acuzat de agresiune, singura lui scpare este s plece din Cuba. i implor cel mai bun prieten, pe Elio, s-l ajute s strbat cei 140 de kilometri pe mare. Dar dedicarea lui Elio este pus la ncercare cnd tnrul trebuie s aleag ntre sora lui geamn i propria dorin de a emigra. Mired in the nervous desperation of Havana, Raul dreams of escaping to Miami. When accused of assault, his only option is to flee Cuba. He begs his best friend, Elio, to abandon everything and help him reach the forbidden world 90 miles across the ocean. Elios commitment is tested when he is torn between protecting his twin sister and his own desire to get out.

Cu: Pl Sverre Hagen, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Tobias Santelmann.

Johan i Saar se ntorc la Buenos Aires, unde s-a nscut dragostea lor, ntr-o ultim ncercare de a-i salva csnicia. I-au promis fiicei lor c vor filma vacana. Cnd fr s vrea sunt martorii unei crime comise cu snge rece de un poliist local, dovada e nregistrat de camer. Acum vor trebui s fug pentru a scpa cu via... In a last try to save their marriage, Johan and Saar revisit Buenos Aires where their love first began. Fulfilling a promise to their daughter, they videotape the vacation. When they inadvertently witness a cold-blooded murder by a local policeman and the evidence is caught on tape. Now they have to run for their lives...
SUPERNOVA NTR-O NOAPTE (Una noche / One Night, SUA-Marea Britanie-Cuba, 2012) 90 R. Lucy Mulloy. Cu: Dariel Arrechaga,
Anailn de la Ra de la Torre, Javier Nez Florin.

ZIUA MAGHIAR JANOVICS JENO, UN PATHE MAGHIAR (Jen Janovics, the Hungarian Path / Janovics Jen, a magyar Path, RomniaUngaria, 2012) 62 R. Blint Zgoni. Cu: Gyngyi Balogh,
Ferenc Csomafy, Nndor Brdi.

O idee nebuneasc d startul unei aventuri imposibile. mpreun cu cinci prieteni de ndejde, Thor ncepe o cltorie de 4.300 de mile pe oceanul Pacific, pe fragila plut KonTiki. Atacai de valuri gigantice i rechini, cei ase brbai se lupt cu natura, n timp ce Kon-Tiki se chinuie s acosteze. Dup ce a sacrificat totul, inclusiv un mariaj, Thor trebuie s reueasc. Nominalizare la Oscarul pentru Cel mai bun film strin n 2013! A radical idea of Thor kick-starts an impossible mission. Along with five loyal buddies, he follows an ancient path 4,300 miles across the Pacific on the fragile Kon-Tiki raft. Attacked by tidal waves and sharks, the six men battle with nature as Kon-Tiki strives to reach land. Having sacrificed everything for his mission, even his marriage, Thor must succeed. Best Foreign Language Picture nomination at this years Academy Awards!

SUPERNOVA LAURENCE PN LA CAPT (Laurence Anyways, CanadaFrana, 2012) 159 R. Xavier Dolan. Cu: Melvil Poupaud,
Suzanne Clment, Nathalie Baye, Monia Chokri.

Un documentar despre Jeno Janovics, unul dintre cei mai cunoscui cineati maghiari de la nceputul secolului 20. n 1913 i-a deschis propriul studio de film i, fiind unul din primii n domeniu care au adus pe ecran opere literare, a devenit n scurt timp faimos, bogat i unul dintre cei mai invidiai ceteni ai oraului Cluj. Primul Rzboi

Evenimentele au loc n anii 90, cnd un brbat ncearc s-i salveze relaia cu logodnica lui dup ce i mrturisete visul su de a deveni femeie. Laurence pn la capt este


Filme Evenimente speciale


Films Special events


vineri / friday 31.05

CINEMA Florin Piersic

13:00 - 75

11:00 - 90






18:00 - 89





23:00 - 103



15:30 - 94

20:30 - 109

n camera obscur / In the Dark Room

Germania, Israel, Finlanda, Romnia, Italia Nadav Schirman
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [0R1]

Liv i Ingmar / Liv & Ingmar

Norvegia, Marea Britanie, India Dheeraj Akolkar
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [0R2]

Drumul Halimei / Halimas Path

Croaia, Slovenia, Bosnia i Heregovina Arsen Ostojic
Supernova [0R3]

Bulgaria Borislav Kolev
Proiecii Speciale [0R4]

Like Someone in Love

Frana, Japonia Abbas Kiarostami
Supernova [0R5]

Ora de var / Lheure dt

Frana Olivier Assayas
3x3 [0R6]

Casa de Cultur a Studenilor

16:00 - 111

18:30 - 134

21:00 - 123

Ciulii-v urechile! / Prick Up Your Ears

Marea Britanie Stephen Frears
3x3 [0C1]

Operaiunea New World / New World

Coreea de Sud Hoon-jung Park
Supernova [0C2]

ABC-ul morii / The ABCs of Death*

Statele Unite, Noua Zeeland i Heregovina regie colectiv
Umbre [0C3]

Cinema 10:00 - 83 Victoria Greutatea

12:30 - 112

15:00 - 78

17:30 - 75

19:30 - 82

22:30 - 81

elefanilor / The Weight of Elephants

Danemarca Daniel Borgman
EducaTIFF [0V1]

Zilele Filmului Romnesc: scurtmetraje I / Romanian Shorts I

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [0V2]

Materie prim / Raw Material

Grecia Hristos Karakepelis
Focus Grecia [0V3]

Statele Unite Brian M. Cassidy, Melanie Shatzky
Supernova [0V4]

Opera despuiat / Naked Opera*

Luxemburg, Germania Angela Christlieb
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [0V5]

nregistrarea / Taped
Olanda Diederik Van Rooijen
Umbre [0V6]

Cinema 10:00 - 72 Arta Ceasul bunicului

12:00 - 96

14:30 - 97

17:00 - 90

19:30 - 66

21:30 - 140

/ O relgio do meu av
Brazilia Alex Levy Heller

Vagabond la Nairobi / Nairobi Half Life

Kenya, Germania David Tosh Gitonga
Piaa Unirii [0A2]

Frumoasa mea spltorie / My Beautiful Laundrette

Marea Britanie Stephen Frears
3x3 [0A3]

ntr-o noapte / Una noche

Statele Unite, Marea Britanie, Cuba Lucy Mulloy
Supernova [0A4]

Grecia Alexander Voulgaris
Focus Grecia [0A5]

Fata Morgana
Austria Peter Schreiner
Fr Limit [0A6]

Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [0A1]

Cinema City

17:00 - 105

19:30 - 90

22:00 - 77

Sala 4

Tot ce conteaz a trecut / All That Matters is Past

Norvegia Sara Johnsen
Umbre [041]

Cinele meu uciga / My Dog Killer

Slovacia, Cehia Mira Fornay
Focus Slovacia [042]

Expus / Exposed*
Statele Unite Beth B
Fr Limit [043]

Odeon Cineplex

Sala 5

Odeon Cineplex

17:30 - 95

20:00 - 108

22:30 - 84

Sala 6

Vise despre via / Dreams of a Life

Marea Britanie, Irlanda Carol Morley
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [061]

Cuitarul / Knifer
Grecia Yannis Economides
Focus Grecia [062]

Mexic Sebastian Hofmann
Umbre [063]

Ursus Open Air


Piaa Unirii

Amanii pasageri / Los amantes pasajeros

Spania Pedro Almodovar
Piaa Unirii [0U1]

Mntur Open Air

22:00 - 97

Calea mntuirii / Redemption Street

Serbia Miroslav Terzi
Supernova [0M1]

Institutul FranCEZ Cluj

22:00 - 103

Hit So Hard
Statele Unite P. David Ebersole
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [0F1]

* Film nerecomandat minorilor / This film is not suitable for children

Competiie / Competition Supernova Piaa Unirii / Unirii Square Umbre / Shadows Fr limit / No Limit Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? / Whats up, Doc? 3x3 Focus slovacia Focus grecia Acesta este sfritul / this is the end Ziua HBO / HBO Day Ziua maghiar / Hungarian Day EducaTIFF EcoTIFF Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs / Peter Forgacs Retrospective Zilele filmului romnesc / Romanian Days Proiecii speciale / Special screenings Evenimente speciale / Special Events

smbt / saturday 01.06

CINEMA Florin Piersic

14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00
18:45 - 95

11:00 - 81


13:00 - 122


21:00 - 106


23:00 - 104



15:30 - 168

Micul corb / Kauwboy

Olanda Boudewijn Koole
EducaTIFF [1R1]

S-a ntmplat n mai / Aprs mai

Olivier Assayas Dheeraj Akolkar
3x3 [1R2]

Laurence pn la capt / Laurence Anyways*

Canada, Frana Xavier Dolan
Supernova [1R3]

Vic+Flo au vzut ursul / Vic+Flo ont vu un ours

Canada Denis Ct
Supernova [1R4]

CineConcert Bagdad Fantaisie

Evenimente Speciale [1R5]

Germania Sven Halfar
Umbre [1R6]

Casa de Cultur a Studenilor

16:00 - 160

19:00 - 83

21:00 - 90

Actul de a ucide / The Act of Killing

Danemarca, Norvegia, Marea Britanie Joshua Oppenheimer
Fr Limit [1C1]

n cutarea lui Sugar Man / Searching for Sugar Man

Suedia, Marea Britanie Malik Bendjelloul
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [1C2]

Umple vidul / Fill the Void

Israel Rama Burshtein
Supernova [1C3]

Cinema 10:00 - 100 Victoria Data expirrii /

Mexic Kenya Mrquez
Umbre [1V1]

12:30 - 113

15:00 - 140

18:00 - 52

19:30 - 140

Fecha de caducidad

Zilele Filmului Romnesc: scurtmetraje II / Romanian Shorts II

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [1V2]

Corabia lui Tezeu / Ship of Theseus

India Anand Gandhi
Competiie [1V3]

Cei din urm / Els ltims

Spania Roger Gomez, Dani Resines
EcoTIFF [1V4]

Dama de companie / Call Girl


22:30 - 98

Suedia, Norvegia, Finlanda, Irlanda Mikael Marcimain Germania

Deflorarea Evei van End / The Deflowering of Eva van End

Olanda - Michiel ten Horn

9 How to Raise the Moon

19:45 - 98

11 The Captured Bird

Canada 22:00 - 106
Umbre scurtmetraje [1V6]

Umbre scurtmetraje [1V5]

Cinema 10:00 - 72 Arta Lotte i misterul pietrei

12:30 - 270

17:30 - 94

Lunii / Lotte and the Moonstone Secret

Ispire / Penance
Japonia Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Umbre [1A2]

Ghidul / The Guide

Grecia Zacharias Mavroeidis
Focus Grecia [1A3]

Dincolo de ziduri / Hors les murs

Belgia, Canada, Frana David Lambert
Acesta este sfritul [1A4]

O lume nedreapt / Unfair World

Grecia, Germania Filippos Tsitos
Focus Grecia [1A5]

Estonia, Letonia Heiki Ernits, Janno Pldma

EducaTIFF [1A1]

Cinema City

17:00 - 121

19:45 - 112

22:00 - 76

Sala 4

Paradis: Dragoste / Paradise: Love*

Austria, Germania, Frana Ulrich Seidl
Fr Limit [141]

Cercuri / Circles
Serbia, Germania, Frana, Slovenia, Croaia Srdan Golubovic
Supernova [142]

Evadarea / Escape
Norvegia Roar Uthaug
Umbre [143]

Odeon Cineplex

Sala 5

Odeon Cineplex

15:00 - 119

17:30 - 92

20:00 - 128

22:30 - 63 Clopoeii fericirii / The Bells of Happiness Slovacia Jana Kovalckov, Marek ulk
Focus Slovacia [164]

Sala 6

n via / Living
Rusia Vasili Sigarev
Acesta este sfritul [161]

Patria, sexul i alte inconveniente / Homeland, Sex and Further Inconveniences

Ungaria, Germania Reka Kincses
Ziua Maghiar [162]

Specialistul: portretul unui criminal modern / Un spcialiste, portrait dun criminel moderne
Israel, Frana, Germania, Austria, Belgia Eyal Sivan, Rony Brauman
3x3 [163]

Ursus Open Air

21:45 - 95

Piaa Unirii

n larg / The Deep

Islanda Balthasar Kormakur
Piaa Unirii [1U1]

Mntur Open Air

22:00 - 109

Furie / Outrage
Japonia Takeshi Kitano
Umbre [1M1]

Institutul FranCEZ Cluj

22:00 - 85

Romnia Adrian Sitaru
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [1F1]

21:30 - 104

Alb ca zpada / Blancanieves

Castelul Banffy Bonida
Spania Pablo Berger
Evenimente Speciale [1B1]

* Film nerecomandat minorilor / This film is not suitable for children

Competiie / Competition Supernova Piaa Unirii / Unirii Square Umbre / Shadows Fr limit / No Limit Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? / Whats up, Doc? 3x3 Focus slovacia Focus grecia Acesta este sfritul / this is the end Ziua HBO / HBO Day Ziua maghiar / Hungarian Day EducaTIFF EcoTIFF Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs / Peter Forgacs Retrospective Zilele filmului romnesc / Romanian Days Proiecii speciale / Special screenings Evenimente speciale / Special Events

duminic / sunday 02.06

CINEMA Florin Piersic

14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00
20:00 - 115

11:00 - 91


13:00 - 100



23:00 - 86 Polonia, Germania Michal Marczak
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [2R6]



15:30 - 93

Nord-vest / Northwest
Danemarca Michael Noer
Competiie [2R1]

Pntecele tu / Thy Womb

Philippines Brillante Mendoza
Supernova [2R2]

Al cincilea anotimp / La cinquime saison

Belgia, Olanda, Frana Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth
Acesta este sfritul [2R3]

18:00 - 75 Un episod din viaa unui aduntor de fier vechi / An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker Bosnia i Heregovina Danis Tanovic
Supernova [2R4]

Trdarea / Betrayal*
Rusia Kirill Serebrennikov
Supernova [2R5]

Fuck for Forest*

Casa de Cultur a Studenilor

16:00 - 104

18:30 - 93

21:30 - 143

Coreea de Sud Ki-duk Kim
Supernova [2C1]

Ritmuri din Balcani / Balkan Melodie

Elveia, Germania, Bulgaria, Romnia Stefan Schwietert
Evenimente Speciale [2C2]

Foxfire. Confesiunile unei gti de fete / Confessions dun gang de filles

Frana Laurent Cantet
Supernova [2C3]

Cinema 10:00 - 82 Victoria Marussia

Frana, Rusia Eva Pervolovici
EducaTIFF [2V1]

12:30 - 112

15:00 - 72

16:30 - 158

20:00 - 90

22:30 - 130

Zilele Filmului Romnesc: scurtmetraje III / Romanian Shorts III

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [2V2]

n dormitor / In a Bedroom
Polonia Tomasz Wasilewski
Competiie [2V3]

Trei exerciii de interpretare / Trois exercices dinterpretation

Frana Cristi Puiu
Proiecii Speciale [2V4]

Ploaie de vacan / Tanta agua

Uruguay Ana Guevara, Leticia Jorge

Ceasul ru, pisica neagr / I Catch a Terrible Cat

Japonia Rikiya Imaizumi

11 Hotel - Spania
14:30 - 90 17:00 - 70 19:00 - 70

10 Alexis - Spania
Umbre scurtmetraje [2V6]

Umbre scurtmetraje [2V5]

Cinema 10:00 - 80 Arta Noua via a albumului

12:00 - 61

21:00 - 115

de familie / New Life of Family Album

Cehia, Slovacia Adam Olha
Focus Slovacia [2A1]

Germania, Moldova Ana Felicia Scutelnicu, Tito Molina
Acesta este sfritul [2A2]

Umple vidul / Fill the Void

Israel Rama Burshtein
Supernova [2A3]

Conflagraia virtual / Man at War

Polonia Jacek Blawut
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [2A4]

Ultimii pirai din Marea Neagr / The Last Black Sea Pirates
Bulgaria Svetoslav Stoyanov
Acesta este sfritul [2A5]

Biatul care mnca hran pentru psri / Boy Eating Birds Food*
Grecia Ektoras Lygizos

35 Capsula / The Capsule

Focus Grecia [2A6]

Cinema City

15:00 - 75

17:00 - 113

19:45 - 98

22:00 - 95

Sala 4

Liv i Ingmar / Liv & Ingmar

Norvegia, Marea Britanie, India Dheeraj Akolkar
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [241]

Paradis: Credin / Paradise: Faith*

Austria, Germania, Frana Ulrich Seidl
Fr Limit [242]

Dincolo de ziduri / Hors les murs

Belgia, Canada, Frana David Lambert
Acesta este sfritul [243]

Curtorul / El limpiador
Peru Adrian Saba
Acesta este sfritul [244]

Odeon Cineplex

Sala 5

Odeon Cineplex

15:00 - 88

17:30 - 93

20:00 - 94

22:30 - 66 Higuita Grecia Alexander Voulgaris

Focus Grecia [264]

Sala 6

Nu m uita / Forget Me Not

Germania David Sieveking
Acesta este sfritul [261]

O lume care nu ne aparine / A World Not Ours

Marea Britanie, Liban, Danemarca Mahdi Fleifel
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [262]

Ghidul / The Guide

Grecia Zacharias Mavroeidis
Focus Grecia [263]

Ursus Open Air

21:45 - 102

Piaa Unirii

Statele Unite Ron Fricke
Piaa Unirii [2U1]

Mntur Open Air

22:00 - 112

Furie la ptrat / Outrage Beyond

Japonia Takeshi Kitano
Umbre [2M1]

Institutul FranCEZ Cluj

22:00 - 90

Statele Unite Richard Goldgewicht
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [2F1]

21:30 - 90

Castelul Banffy Bonida
Romnia Jean Mihail, 1925 cu acompaniament live Minima
Evenimente Speciale [2B1]

* Film nerecomandat minorilor / This film is not suitable for children

Competiie / Competition Supernova Piaa Unirii / Unirii Square Umbre / Shadows Fr limit / No Limit Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? / Whats up, Doc? 3x3 Focus slovacia Focus grecia Acesta este sfritul / this is the end Ziua HBO / HBO Day Ziua maghiar / Hungarian Day EducaTIFF EcoTIFF Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs / Peter Forgacs Retrospective Zilele filmului romnesc / Romanian Days Proiecii speciale / Special screenings Evenimente speciale / Special Events

luni / monday 03.06

CINEMA Florin Piersic

13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00
18:00 - 95

11:00 - 130 Argentina, Olanda Alejandro Fadel






23:00 - 123



13:30 - 88

15:30 - 99

20:30 - 107

Slbaticii / Los salvajes

Acesta este sfritul [3R1]

90 de minute / 90 minutes*
Norvegia Eva Srhaug
Fr Limit [3R2]

Deturnarea / A Hijacking
Danemarca Tobias Lindholm
Competiie [3R3]

Vise despre via / Dreams of a Life

Marea Britanie, Irlanda Carol Morley
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [3R4]

Mult zgomot pentru nimic / Much Ado About Nothing

Statele Unite Joss Whedon
Supernova [3R5]

ABC-ul morii / The ABCs of Death*

Statele Unite, Noua Zeeland regie colectiv
Umbre [3R6]

Casa de Cultur a Studenilor

16:00 - 78

18:30 - 83

21:00 - 101

Psri, orfani i nebuni / Birds, Orphans and Fools

Cehoslovacia, Frana Juraj Jakubisko
Focus Slovacia [3C1]

i eu / Me Too
Rusia Aleksei Balabanov
Acesta este sfritul [3C2]

Simon Killer*
Statele Unite, Frana Antonio Campos
Fr Limit [3C3]

Cinema 10:00 - 81 Victoria Micul corb /

12:00 - 115

15:00 - 91


Biatul care mnca hran pentru psri / Boy Eating Birds Food*
Grecia Ektoras Lygizos

Olanda Boudewijn Koole

EducaTIFF [3V1]

Eterna ntoarcere a lui Antonis Paraskevas / The Eternal Return of Antonis Paraskevas
Grecia, Cehia Elina Psykou
Focus Grecia [3V3]

17:30 - 90 Orizonturi frnte / Breaking Horizons Germania, Frana Pola Schirin Beck
Competiie 10 Moartea unei umbre / Death of a Shadow Grecia Umbre scurtmetraje [3V4]

20:00- 83 Iubire neltoare / It Felt Like Love Statele Unite Eliza Hittman
Competiie 15 Camera 606 / Room 606 Elveia Umbre scurtmetraje [3V5]

22:30 - 98

Arabia Saudit, Germania Haifaa Al-Mansour
Competiie 17 Comarurile lui Charles Manson / Haunting Charles Manson Statele Unite Umbre scurtmetraje [3V6]

35 Capsula / The Capsule

Focus Grecia [3V2]

Cinema 10:00 - 90 Arta V iubesc pe toi /

12:00 - 108

14:30 - 95

17:00 - 95

19:30 - 90

22:00 - 82

I Love You All

Cuitarul / Knifer
Grecia Yannis Economides
Focus Grecia [3A2]

Curtorul / El limpiador
Peru Adrian Saba
Acesta este sfritul [3A3]

Germania, Frana Audrey Maurion, Eyal Sivan

3x3 [3A1]

Vic+Flo au vzut ursul / Vic+Flo ont vu un ours

Canada Denis Ct
Supernova [3A4]

Statele Unite Richard Goldgewicht
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [3A5]

Leii / Leones
Argentina, Olanda, Frana Jazmn Lpez
Acesta este sfritul [3A6]

Cinema City

17:00 - 100

19:30 - 270

Sala 4

Paradis: Speran / Paradise: Hope*

Austria, Frana, Germania Ulrich Seidl
Fr Limit [341]

Ispire / Penance
Japonia Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Umbre [342]

Odeon Cineplex

17:15 - 117

19:45 - 106

22:15 - 109

Sala 5

De ce fierbe copilul n mmlig / Aglaja

Ungaria, Romnia, Polonia Krisztina Dek
Ziua Maghiar [351]

O lume nedreapt / Unfair World

Grecia, Germania Filippos Tsitos
Focus Grecia [352]

Like Someone in Love

Frana, Japonia Abbas Kiarostami
Supernova [353]

Odeon Cineplex

17:30 - 70

20:00 - 82

22:00 - 103

Sala 6

Ultimii pirai din Marea Neagr / The Last Black Sea Pirates
Bulgaria Svetoslav Stoyanov
Acesta este sfritul [361]

Opera despuiat / Naked Opera*

Luxemburg, Germania Angela Christlieb
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [362]

Coreea de Sud Lee Don-ku

17 Singurti / Solitudes
Frana, Romnia Fr Limit [363]

Ursus Open Air

21:45 - 94

Piaa Unirii

Prince Avalanche
Statele Unite David Gordon Green
Piaa Unirii [3U1]

Mntur Open Air

22:00 - 88

Detectivul / Gumshoe
Marea Britanie Stephen Frears
3x3 [3M1]

Institutul FranCEZ Cluj

22:00 - 93 O lume care nu ne aparine / A World Not Ours Marea Britanie, Liban, Danemarca Mahdi Fleifel
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [3F1]

* Film nerecomandat minorilor / This film is not suitable for children

Competiie / Competition Supernova Piaa Unirii / Unirii Square Umbre / Shadows Fr limit / No Limit Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? / Whats up, Doc? 3x3 Focus slovacia Focus grecia Acesta este sfritul / this is the end Ziua HBO / HBO Day Ziua maghiar / Hungarian Day EducaTIFF EcoTIFF Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs / Peter Forgacs Retrospective Zilele filmului romnesc / Romanian Days Proiecii speciale / Special screenings Evenimente speciale / Special Events

mari / Tuesday 04.06

CINEMA Florin Piersic

13:15 - 95

11:00 - 105






18:00 - 95


20:00 - 128



23:00 - 77



15:30 - 119

Ultima reprezentaie / Full Circle

China Yang Zhang
Supernova [4R1] Acces gratuit pentru persoane n vrst de peste 60 de ani!

n larg / The Deep

Islanda Balthasar Kormakur
Piaa Unirii [4R2]

n via / Living
Rusia Vasili Sigarev
Acesta este sfritul [4R3]

Datu cu lebda / Swandown

Marea Britanie Andrew Kotting
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [4R4]

Specialistul: portretul unui criminal modern / The Specialist

Israel, Frana, Germania, Austria, Belgia Eyal Sivan, Rony Brauman
3x3 [4R5]

Expus / Exposed*
Statele Unite Beth B
Fr Limit [4R6]

Casa de Cultur a Studenilor

16:00 - 75 Un episod din viaa unui aduntor de fier vechi / An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker Bosnia i Heregovina Danis Tanovic
Supernova [4C1]

18:30 - 86 Snge ntunecat / Dark Blood

21:00 - 79

Pmnt / Earth
URSS Aleksandr Dovzhenko cu acompaniament live DakhaBrakha
Evenimente Speciale [4C3]

Statele Unite, Marea Britanie, Olanda George Sluizer Proiecii Speciale [4C2]

Proiecie n scop caritabil pentru restaurarea muzeului de art / Charity screening for art museum restoration

Cinema 10:00 - 83 Victoria Ce mic e lumea! /

12:15 - 115

15:00 - 98

17:30 - 66

19:30 - 140

22:30 - 91

Little World
EducaTIFF [4V1]

Trdarea / Betrayal*
Rusia Kirill Serebrennikov
Supernova [4V2]

Spania Marcel Barrena

Deflorarea Evei van End / The Deflowering of Eva van End

Olanda Michiel ten Horn
Competiie [4V3]

Suedia, Bulgaria Youlian Tabakov
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [4V4]

Corabia lui Tezeu / Ship of Theseus

India Anand Gandhi

Nord-vest / Northwest
Danemarca Michael Noer

6 Sfrit / The End

Romnia Umbre scurtmetraje [4V5]

15 Pumnul lui Iisus / Fist of Jesus - Spania

Umbre scurtmetraje [4V6]

Cinema 10:00 - 68 Arta 36

Thailanda Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit
Acesta este sfritul [4A1]

12:00 - 82

14:30 - 159

17:30 - 88

19:30 - 102

22:00 - 84

Frana, Rusia Eva Pervolovici
EducaTIFF [4A2]

Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs: Cinele negru, Cdere liber / Peter Forgacs Retrospective: El Perro Negro: Stories from the Spanish Civil War , Free Fall
Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs [4A3]

Nu m uita / Forget Me Not

Germania David Sieveking
Acesta este sfritul [4A4]

Pe via / Lifelong
Turcia Asli zge
Acesta este sfritul [4A5]

Mexic Sebastian Hofmann
Umbre [4A6]

Cinema City

17:00 - 93

19:00 - 111

21:15 - 168

Sala 4

Al cincilea anotimp / La cinquime saison

Belgia, Olanda, Frana Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth
Acesta este sfritul [441]

Ciulii-v urechile! / Prick Up Your Ears

Marea Britanie Stephen Frears
3x3 [442]

Laurence pn la capt / Laurence Anyways*

Canada, Frana Xavier Dolan
Supernova [443]

Odeon Cineplex

17:15 -78

19:45 - 122

22:15 - 109

Sala 5

Materie prim / Raw Material

Grecia Hristos Karakepelis
Focus Grecia [451]

S-a ntmplat n mai / Aprs mai

Frana Olivier Assayas
3x3 [452]

Furie/ Outrage
Japonia Takeshi Kitano
Umbre [453]

Odeon Cineplex

17:30 - 89

20:00 - 73

22:30 - 103

Sala 6

Bulgaria Borislav Kolev
Proiecii Speciale [461]

Scoici ndrgostite / Mussels in Love

Olanda, Belgia Willemiek Kluijfhout
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [462]

Ora de var / Lheure dt

Frana Olivier Assayas
3x3 [463]

Ursus Open Air

21:45 - 118

Piaa Unirii

Nu / No
Chile, Frana, Statele Unite Pablo Larran
Piaa Unirii [4U1]

Mntur Open Air

22:00 - 134

Operaiunea New World / New World

Coreea de Sud Hoon-jung Park
Supernova [4M1]

Institutul FranCEZ Cluj

22:00 - 72

Ceasul bunicului / O relgio do meu av

Brazilia Alex Levy Heller
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [4F1]

* Film nerecomandat minorilor / This film is not suitable for children

Competiie / Competition Supernova Piaa Unirii / Unirii Square Umbre / Shadows Fr limit / No Limit Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? / Whats up, Doc? 3x3 Focus slovacia Focus grecia Acesta este sfritul / this is the end Ziua HBO / HBO Day Ziua maghiar / Hungarian Day EducaTIFF EcoTIFF Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs / Peter Forgacs Retrospective Zilele filmului romnesc / Romanian Days Proiecii speciale / Special screenings Evenimente speciale / Special Events

miercuri / Wednesday 05.06

CINEMA Florin Piersic

15:00 - 80

11:00 - 90


13:00 - 73



17:00 - 92


19:15 - 81


21:00 - 113


23:15 - 105



ntr-o noapte / Una noche

Statele Unite, Marea Britanie, Cuba Lucy Mulloy
Supernova [5R1]

Scoici ndrgostite / Mussels in Love

Olanda, Belgia Willemiek Kluijfhout
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [5R2]

Dj Vu
Romnia Dan Chiu
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [5R3]

Examenul / The Exam

Ungaria Peter Bergendy
Ziua Maghiar [5R4]

Dansnd pe cioburi / Dancing on Broken Glass

Slovacia Marek apk
Focus Slovacia [5R5]

Cartea Apocalipsei / Doomsday Book

Coreea de Sud Pil-Sung Yim, Kim Jee-Woon
Umbre [5R6]

Tot ce conteaz a trecut / All That Matters is Past

Norvegia Sara Johnsen
Umbre [5R7]

Casa de Cultur a Studenilor

16:00 - 86

18:45 - 97

20:45 - 110

Fuck for Forest*

Polonia, Germania Michal Marczak
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [5C1]

Ua / The Door
Ungaria, Germania Istvn Szab
Ziua Maghiar [5C2]

Chile, Spania Sebastian Lelio
Supernova [5C3]

Cinema 10:00 - 104 Victoria Pieta

Coreea de Sud Ki-duk Kim
Supernova [5V1]

12:30 - 140

16:00 - 90

18:00 - 107

20:30 - 72

22:45 - 84

Dama de companie / Call Girl

Suedia, Norvegia, Finlanda, Irlanda Mikael Marcimain
Competiie [5V2]

Epoca aluminiului / The Age of Aluminium

Austria, Germania Bert Ehgartner
EcoTIFF [5V3]

[5V4] Intrarea liber!

n dormitor / In a Bedroom
Polonia Tomasz Wasilewski

Fabricat la A / Made in Ash

Slovacia - Iveta Grfov

13 Necrolovers - Chile
Umbre scurtmetraje [5V5]

16 Povestea zidurilor vorbitoare /

Umbre scurtmetraje [5V6]

Tale Of The Wall Habitants - Serbia

Cinema 10:00 - 52 Arta Cei din

11:30 - 117

urm / Els ltims

Spania Roger Gomez, Dani Resines
EcoTIFF [5A1]

De ce fierbe copilul n mmlig / Aglaja

Ungaria, Romnia, Polonia Krisztina Dek
Ziua Maghiar [5A2]

14:30 - 92 Patria, sexul i alte inconveniente / Homeland, Sex and Further Inconveniences Ungaria, Germania Reka Kincses
Ziua Maghiar [5A3]

17:00 - 112

19:30 - 60

22:00 - 130

Poziia copilului / Childs Pose

Romnia Calin Netzer
Proiecii Speciale [5A4] pentru persoanele cu deficien de vedere

Trains of Thoughts Live

Timo Novotny, Markus Kienzl, Wolfgang Frisch Evenimente Speciale [5A5]

Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs: Filmul lui Angelos, Miss Universe 1929 / Peter Forgacs Retrospective: Angelos Film, Miss Universe 1929 - Lisl Goldarbeiter. A Queen in Wien
Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs [5A6]

Cinema City

17:00 - 102

19:30 - 82

22:00 - 90

Sala 4

Pe via / Lifelong
Turcia Asli zge
Acesta este sfritul [541]

Leii / Leones
Argentina, Olanda, Frana Jazmn Lpez
Acesta este sfritul [542]

Condamnat la via / A Farewell to Fools

Romnia Bogdan Dreyer
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [543]

Odeon Cineplex

17:15 -83

19:45 - 89

22:15 - 105

Sala 5

Ce mic e lumea! / Little World

Spania Marcel Barrena
EducaTIFF [551]

Jaffa, mecanica portocalei / Jaffa, the Oranges Clockwork

Belgia, Frana, Germania, Israel Eyal Sivan
3x3 [552]

Ultima reprezentaie / Full Circle

China Yang Zhang
Supernova [553]

Odeon Cineplex

17:30 - 84

20:00 - 91

22:30 - 80

Sala 6

O lun in Thailanda / A Month in Thailand

Romnia Paul Negoescu
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [561]

Romnia Marian Crisan
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [562]

Matei copil miner / Matei Child Miner

Romnia, Frana, Germania

Alexandra Gulea
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [563]

Ursus Open Air

21:45 - 75

Piaa Unirii

Goana dup ghea / Chasing Ice

Statele Unite Jeff Orlowski
EcoTIFF, Piaa Unirii [5U1]

Mntur Open Air

22:00 - 100

Data expirrii / Fecha de caducidad

Mexic Kenya Mrquez
Umbre [5M1]

Institutul FranCEZ Cluj

22:00 - 70

Exploratorul / The Explorer

Romnia Gabor Xantus, Titus Muntean
Evenimente Speciale [5F1]

* Film nerecomandat minorilor / This film is not suitable for children

Competiie / Competition Supernova Piaa Unirii / Unirii Square Umbre / Shadows Fr limit / No Limit Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? / Whats up, Doc? 3x3 Focus slovacia Focus grecia Acesta este sfritul / this is the end Ziua HBO / HBO Day Ziua maghiar / Hungarian Day EducaTIFF EcoTIFF Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs / Peter Forgacs Retrospective Zilele filmului romnesc / Romanian Days Proiecii speciale / Special screenings Evenimente speciale / Special Events

joi / thursday 06.06

CINEMA Florin Piersic

13:00 - 83

11:00 - 98







18:00 - 96


21:15 - 85



23:30 - 94


15:30 - 91

Arabia Saudit, Germania Haifaa Al-Mansour
Competiie [6R1]

Iubire neltoare / It Felt Like Love

Statele Unite Eliza Hittman
Competiie [6R2]

Fata / The Girl

Marea Britanie, Africa de Sud, Statele Unite Julian Jarrold
Ziua HBO [6R3] Intrare liber!

Domnioara Christina / Miss Christina

Romnia Alexandru Maftei
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [6R4]

Ultima oar cnd am vzut Macao / A ltima Vez Que Vi Macau

Portugalia, Frana

Drumul Halimei / Halimas Path

Croaia, Slovenia, Bosnia i Heregovina Arsen Ostojic
Supernova [6R6]

Joo Pedro Rodrigues, Joo Rui Guerra da Mata

Fr Limit [6R5]

Casa de Cultur a Studenilor

16:00 - 112

19:00 - 219

Cercuri / Circles
Serbia, Germania, Frana, Slovenia, Croaia Srdan Golubovic
Supernova [6C1]

Trmul fgduinei / Heavens Gate

Statele Unite Michael Cimino
Proiecie Special [6C2]

Cinema 10:00 - 113 Victoria Zilele Filmului

12:30 - 90

15:00 - 76

17:15 - 77

19:15 - 70

21:00 - 90

23:30 - 99

Romnesc: scurtmetraje II / Romanian Shorts II

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [6V1]

Ploaie de vacan / Tanta agua

Uruguay Ana Guevara, Leticia Jorge
Competiie [6V2]

Aici... adic acolo / Here... I Mean There

Romnia Laura Cpn Juller

Anul Dragonului / Bucharest - Year of the Dragon

Romnia - Iulian Ghervas, Adina Popescu
Ziua HBO [6V4] Intrare liber!

Exploratorul / The Explorer

Romnia Gabor Xantus, Titus Muntean
Evenimente Speciale [6V5]

Orizonturi frnte / Breaking Horizons

Germania, Frana Pola Schirin Beck

Deturnarea / A Hijacking
Danemarca Tobias Lindholm
Competiie [6V7]

30 O umbr de nor / Shadow of a Cloud

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [6V3]

13 Sunt moart/Im Dead - Italia

Umbre scurtmetraje [6V5]

Cinema 10:00 - 334 Arta Trilogia Paradis: Dragoste, Credin, Speran /

16:45 - 67

19:30 - 90

22:00 - 80

Paradise Trilogy: Love, Faith, Hope*

Fr Limit [6A1]

Experimentul Bucureti / The Bucureti Experiment

Romnia Tom Wilson

Soarele prins n plas / The Sun in a Net

Cehoslovacia Stefan Uher
Focus Slovacia [6A3]

proiecie maraton Filmul ruleaz n 3 pri, cu 2 pauze de 15 minute The film will play in 3 parts, with two 15 minute intermissions

23 nainte de cdere / Before the Fall

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [6A2]

Noua via a albumului de familie / New Life of Family Album

Cehia, Slovacia Adam Olha
Focus Slovacia [6A4]

Cinema City

Sala 4

17:00 - 62 Nadea i Sveta / Nadea and Sveta Italia, Moldova Maura Delpero
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [641]

19:00 - 130

22:00 - 83

Slbaticii / Los salvajes

Argentina, Olanda Alejandro Fadel
Acesta este sfritul [642]

i eu / Me Too
Rusia Aleksei Balabanov
Acesta este sfritul [643]

Odeon Cineplex

17:15 - 97

19:15 - 134

22:30 - 112

Sala 5

Calea mntuirii / Redemption Street

Serbia Miroslav Terzi
Supernova [651]

Bine, mulumesc / Fine, Thanks

Slovacia Mtys Prikler
Focus Slovacia [652]

Furie la ptrat / Outrage Beyond

Japonia Takeshi Kitano
Umbre [653]

Odeon Cineplex

19:30 - 85

22:00 - 94

Sala 6

Cina montrilor / The Monsters Dinner*

Turcia Ramin Matin
Fr Limit [661]

Examenul / The Exam

Ungaria Peter Bergendy
Ziua Maghiar [662]

Ursus Open Air

21:45 - 112

Piaa Unirii

Poziia copilului / Childs Pose

Romnia Calin Netzer
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc, Piaa Unirii [6U1]

Mntur Open Air

22:00 - 81

nregistrarea / Taped
Olanda Diederik Van Rooijen
Umbre [6M1]

Institutul FranCEZ Cluj

22:00 - 90

V iubesc pe toi / I Love You All

Germania, Frana Audrey Maurion, Eyal Sivan
3x3 [6F1]

* Film nerecomandat minorilor / This film is not suitable for children

Competiie / Competition Supernova Piaa Unirii / Unirii Square Umbre / Shadows Fr limit / No Limit Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? / Whats up, Doc? 3x3 Focus slovacia Focus grecia Acesta este sfritul / this is the end Ziua HBO / HBO Day Ziua maghiar / Hungarian Day EducaTIFF EcoTIFF Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs / Peter Forgacs Retrospective Zilele filmului romnesc / Romanian Days Proiecii speciale / Special screenings Evenimente speciale / Special Events

vineri / friday 07.06

CINEMA 10:00 - 130

13:00 14:00 15:00
Chile, Spania Sebastian Lelio
Supernova [7R3]





18:15 - 85 Romnia Iulia Rugin



20:45 - 97


23:00 - 104



12:30 - 112

15:30 - 110

Florin Piersic Ceasul ru, pisica neagr /

I Catch a Terrible Cat

Japonia Rikiya Imaizumi
Competiie [7R1]

Poziia copilului / Childs Pose

Romnia Calin Netzer
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc, Piaa Unirii [7R2]

Love Building
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [7R4]

Stucul meu drag / My Sweet Little Village

Cehoslovacia Jir Menzel
Proiecii Speciale [7R5]

Alb ca zpada / Blancanieves

Spania Pablo Berger
Evenimente Speciale [7R6]

Casa de Cultur a Studenilor

16:00 - 108

18:30 - 81

21:00 - 90

Sound City
Statele Unite David Grohl
Proiecii Speciale [7C1]

Creasta / The Ridge

Marea Britanie, Spania Pablo Iraburu, Migueltxo Molina
Proiecii Speciale [7C2]

Condamnat la via / A Farewell to Fools

Romnia Bogdan Dreyer
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [7C3]

Cinema 10:00 - 113 Victoria Zilele Filmului

12:15 - 90

15:00 - 80

17:30 - 84

19:45 - 62

21:30 - 78

23:30 - 61

Romnesc: scurtmetraje I / Romanian Shorts I

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [7V1]

Pas n doi / Passo Doble

Romnia Dan Pia
Proiecii Speciale [7V2]

Matei copil miner / Matei Child Miner

Romnia, Frana, Germania Alexandra Gulea
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [7V3]

Fabricat la A / Made in Ash

Slovacia Iveta Grfov
Competiie [7V4]

Nadea i Sveta / Nadea e Sveta

Italia, Moldova Maura Delpero
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [7V5]

Psri, orfani i nebuni / Birds, Orphans and Fools

Cehoslovacia, Frana Juraj Jakubisko
Focus Slovacia [7V6]

Germania, Moldova Ana Felicia Scutelnicu, Tito Molina
Acesta este sfritul [7V7]

Cinema 10:00 - 84 Arta O lun in Thailanda

12:30 - 91

15:00 - 60

16:30 - 60

18:00 - 60

20:00 - 78

21:45 - 82

/ A Month in Thailand

Romnia Marian Crisan
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [7A2]

Lets Go Digital!
[7A3] Intrare liber!

Romnia Paul Negoescu

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [7A1]

The Last Day of Winter Making of

Proiecii Speciale [7A4]

Lucian Pintilie Cineast.

Extrase video n premiera din bonusurile DVDului omonim

Evenimente Speciale [7A5] Intrare liber!

Umbre scurtmetraje, partea I / Shadows Shorts I


Umbre scurtmetraje, partea II / Shadows Shorts II


Cinema City

17:00 - 96

Sala 4

Domnioara Christina / Miss Christina

Romnia Alexandru Maftei
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [741]

19:30 - 85 Ultima oar cnd am vzut Macao / A ltima Vez Que Vi Macau Portugalia, Frana
Joo Pedro Rodrigues, Joo Rui Guerra da Mata FFr Limit [742]

22:00 - 102

n numele... / In the Name of

Polonia Malgorzata Szumowska
Supernova [743]

Odeon Cineplex

Sala 5

Odeon Cineplex

18:00 - 158

22:00 - 68

Sala 6

Trei exerciii de interpretare / Trois exercices dinterpretation

Frana Cristi Puiu
Proiecii Speciale [761]

Thailanda Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit
Acesta este sfritul [762]

Ursus Open Air

21:45 - 96

Piaa Unirii

Vagabond la Nairobi / Nairobi Half Life

Kenya, Germania David Tosh Gitonga
Piaa Unirii [7U1]

Mntur Open Air

22:00 - 83

n cutarea lui Sugar Man / Searching for Sugar Man

Suedia, Marea Britanie Malik Bendjelloul
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [7M1]

Institutul FranCEZ Cluj

22:00 - 95

Datu cu lebda / Swandown

Marea Britanie Andrew Kotting
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [7F1]

* Film nerecomandat minorilor / This film is not suitable for children

Competiie / Competition Supernova Piaa Unirii / Unirii Square Umbre / Shadows Fr limit / No Limit Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? / Whats up, Doc? 3x3 Focus slovacia Focus grecia Acesta este sfritul / this is the end Ziua HBO / HBO Day Ziua maghiar / Hungarian Day EducaTIFF EcoTIFF Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs / Peter Forgacs Retrospective Zilele filmului romnesc / Romanian Days Proiecii speciale / Special screenings Evenimente speciale / Special Events

smbt / saturday 08.06

CINEMA Florin Piersic

14:00 15:00 16:00
16:00 - 103

11:00 - 85







21:00 - 102


23:00 - 90



13:30 - 90

18:30 - 89

Romnia Adrian Sitaru
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [8R1]

Cinele meu uciga / My Dog Killer

Slovacia, Cehia Mira Fornay
Focus Slovacia [8R2]

Coreea de Sud Lee Don-ku

17 Singurti / Solitudes
Frana, Romnia Fr Limit [8R3]

Frumoasa mea spltorie / My Beautiful Laundrette

Marea Britanie Stephen Frears
3x3 [8R4]

Statele Unite Ron Fricke
Piaa Unirii [8R5]

90 de minute / 90 minutes*
Norvegia Eva Srhaug
Fr Limit [8R6]

Casa de Cultur a Studenilor

16:00 - 76

18:30 - 102

21:00 - 105

Aici... adic acolo / Here... I Mean There

Romnia Laura Cpn Juller

n numele... / In the Name of

Polonia Malgorzata Szumowska
Supernova [0C2]

Tot ce conteaz a trecut / All That Matters is Past

Norvegia Sara Johnsen
Umbre [8C3]

30 O umbr de nor / Shadow of a Cloud

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [6V3]

Cinema 10:00 - 112 Victoria Zilele Filmului

12:15 - 67

14:30 - 134

17:30 - 80

19:30 - 85

22:00 - 101

00:00 - 104

Romnesc: scurtmetraje III / Romanian Shorts III

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [8V1]

Experimentul Bucureti / The Bucureti Experiment

Tom Wilson

Bine, mulumesc / Fine, Thanks

Slovacia Mtys Prikler
Focus Slovacia [8V3]

Dj Vu
Romnia Dan Chiu
Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [8V4]

Cina montrilor / The Monsters Dinner*

Turcia Ramin Matin
Fr Limit [8V5]

Simon Killer*
Statele Unite, Frana Antonio Campos
Fr Limit [8V6]

Germania Sven Halfar
Umbre [8V7]

23 nainte de cdere / Before the Fall

Proiecie n cadrul zilelor filmului romnesc [8V2]

Cinema 10:00 - 334 Arta Carlos

Frana, Germania Olivier Assayas
3x3 [8A1] proiecie maraton Filmul ruleaz n 3 pri, cu o pauz de 15 minute / The film will play in 3 parts, with one 15 minute intermission

16:30 - 89

19:00 - 160

22:30 - 76

Jaffa, mecanica portocalei / Jaffa, the Oranges Clockwork

Belgia, Frana, Germania, Israel Eyal Sivan 3x3 [8A2] 17:00 - 75

Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs: Sunt un von Hfler / I am Von Hfler Variation on Werther
Ungaria Peter Forgacs
Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs [8A3]

Evadarea / Escape
Norvegia Roar Uthaug
Umbre [8A4]

Cinema City

19:30 - 91

22:00 - 140

Sala 4

Goana dup ghea / Chasing Ice

Statele Unite Jeff Orlowski
EcoTIFF, Piaa Unirii [841]

Eterna ntoarcere a lui Antonis Paraskevas / The Eternal Return of Antonis Paraskevas
Grecia, Cehia Elina Psykou
Focus Grecia [842]

Fata Morgana
Austria Peter Schreiner
Fr Limit [843]

Odeon Cineplex

Sala 5

Odeon Cineplex

20:30 - 160

Sala 6

Actul de a ucide / The Act of Killing

Danemarca, Norvegia, Marea Britanie Joshua Oppenheimer
Fr Limit [861]

Ursus Open Air

21:45 - 95

Piaa Unirii

Un pistol n fiecare mn / Una pistola en cada mano

Spania Cesc Gay
Piaa Unirii [8U1]

Mntur Open Air

22:00 - 113

Cartea Apocalipsei / Doomsday Book

Coreea de Sud Pil-Sung Yim, Kim Jee-Woon
Umbre [8M1]

Institutul FranCEZ Cluj

22:00 - 90

Epoca aluminiului / The Age of Aluminium

Austria, Germania Bert Ehgartner
EcoTIFF [8F1] 20:30


* Film nerecomandat minorilor / This film is not suitable for children

Competiie / Competition Supernova Piaa Unirii / Unirii Square Umbre / Shadows Fr limit / No Limit Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? / Whats up, Doc? 3x3 Focus slovacia Focus grecia Acesta este sfritul / this is the end Ziua HBO / HBO Day Ziua maghiar / Hungarian Day EducaTIFF EcoTIFF Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs / Peter Forgacs Retrospective Zilele filmului romnesc / Romanian Days Proiecii speciale / Special screenings Evenimente speciale / Special Events

duminic / sunday 9.06

CINEMA Florin Piersic

14:00 15:00
15:00 - 140

11:00 - 88


13:00 - 99



18:00 - 94





23:00 - 75



20:30 - 97

Detectivul / Gumshoe
Marea Britanie Stephen Frears
3x3 [9R1]

Deturnarea / A Hijacking
Danemarca Tobias Lindholm
Competiie [9R2]

Dama de companie / Call Girl

Suedia, Norvegia, Finlanda, Irlanda Mikael Marcimain
Competiie [9R3]

Prince Avalanche
Statele Unite David Gordon Green
Piaa Unirii [9R4]

Ua / The Door
Ungaria, Germania Istvn Szab
Ziua Maghiar [9R5]

Statele Unite Brian M. Cassidy, Melanie Shatzky
Supernova [9R6]

Casa de Cultur a Studenilor

16:00 - 95

18:30 - 107

21:00 - 91

Un pistol n fiecare mn / Una pistola en cada mano

Spania Cesc Gay
Piaa Unirii [9C1]

Mult zgomot pentru nimic / Much Ado About Nothing

Statele Unite Joss Whedon
Supernova [9C2]

Nord-vest / Northwest
Danemarca Michael Noer
Competiie [9C3]

Cinema 10:00 - 90 Victoria Soarele prins n

Cehoslovacia Stefan Uhe
Focus Slovacia [9V1]

12:00 - 140

15:00 - 90

17:30 - 84

20:00 - 100

22:30 - 90

plas / The Sun in a Net

Corabia lui Tezeu / Ship of Theseus

India Anand Gandhi
Competiie [9V2]

Orizonturi frnte / Breaking Horizons

Germania, Frana Pola Schirin Beck
Competiie [9V3]

Fabricat la A / Made in Ash

Slovacia Iveta Grfov
Competiie [9V4]

Pntecele tu / Thy Womb

Philippines Brillante Mendoza
Supernova [9V5]

Ploaie de vacan / Tanta agua

Uruguay Ana Guevara, Leticia Jorge
Competiie [9V6]

Cinema 10:00 - 103 Arta Hit So Hard

Statele Unite P. David Ebersole
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [9A1]

12:15 - 63

14:30 -62

17:00 - 90

19:00 - 143

22:00 - 108

Clopoeii fericirii / The Bells of Happiness

Slovacia Jana Kovalckov, Marek ulk
Focus Slovacia [9A2]

Janovics Jeno, un Path maghiar / Jen Janovics, the Hungarian Path

Romnia, Ungaria Balint Zagoni
Ziua Maghiar [9A3]

n camera obscur / In the Dark Room

Germania, Israel, Finlanda, Romnia, Italia Nadav Schirman
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [9A4]

Foxfire. Confesiunile unei gti de fete / Confessions dun gang de filles

Frana Laurent Cantet
Supernova [9A5]

Sound City
Statele Unite David Grohl
Proiecii Speciale [9A6]

Cinema City

17:00 - 89

19:45 - 98

22:00 - 81

Sala 4

Deflorarea Evei van End / The Deflowering of Eva van End

Olanda Michiel ten Horn
Competiie [941]

Arabia Saudit, Germania Haifaa Al-Mansour
Competiie [942]

Dansnd pe cioburi / Dancing on Broken Glass

Slovacia Marek apk
Focus Slovacia [943]

Odeon Cineplex

Sala 5

Odeon Cineplex

12:30 - 72

15:00 - 83

17:30 - 130

20:00 - 91

22:00 - 66

Sala 6

n dormitor / In a Bedroom
Polonia Tomasz Wasilewski
Competiie [961]

Iubire neltoare / It Felt Like Love

Statele Unite Eliza Hittman
Competiie [962]

Ceasul ru, pisica neagr / I Catch a Terrible Cat

Japonia Rikiya Imaizumi
Competiie [963]

Fata / The Girl

Marea Britanie, Africa de Sud, Statele Unite Julian Jarrold
Ziua HBO [964] Intrare liber!

Suedia, Bulgaria Youlian Tabakov
Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [965] NCHIDEREA OFICIAL 21:45 - 118

Ursus Open Air

Piaa Unirii

Marea Britanie, Norvegia, Danemarca, Germania

Joachim Roenning, Espen Sandberg

Piaa Unirii [9U1]

Mntur Open Air

22:00 - 70 Conflagraia virtual / Man at War Polonia Jacek Blawut

Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? [9M1]

Institutul FranCEZ Cluj

22:00 - 81

Creasta / The Ridge

Marea Britanie, Spania Pablo Iraburu, Migueltxo Molina
Proiecii Speciale [9F1]

* Film nerecomandat minorilor / This film is not suitable for children

Competiie / Competition Supernova Piaa Unirii / Unirii Square Umbre / Shadows Fr limit / No Limit Ce se ntmpl, documentarule? / Whats up, Doc? 3x3 Focus slovacia Focus grecia Acesta este sfritul / this is the end Ziua HBO / HBO Day Ziua maghiar / Hungarian Day EducaTIFF EcoTIFF Retrospectiva Peter Forgacs / Peter Forgacs Retrospective Zilele filmului romnesc / Romanian Days Proiecii speciale / Special screenings Evenimente speciale / Special Events



31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

expoziii exhibitions
EXODUL DE PE DUNRE / THE DANUBE EXODUS: THE RIPPLING CURRENTS OF THE RIVER de/by Peter Forgacs & The Labyrinth Project (iniiativ de cercetare a colii de Cinema a Universitii din California/research initiative at the University of Southern Californias School of Cinematic Arts). FILMELE LUI JI MENZEL N AFIUL CEH / CZECH POSTERS FOR JI MENZELS FILMS

5.06-4.07 Casa Tranzit Vernisaj/Opening 5.06, 16.00, Casa Tranzit Artistul maghiar Pter Forgcs este unul dintre cei mai importani cineati preocupai de materiale filmate din arhive private. Forgcs este interesat n special de felul n care filmrile amatorilor par s nfieze exclusiv momente fericite, dar care, la o privire atent, dezvluie o poveste ascuns. Spectaculoasa instalaie interactiv Exodul de pe Dunre documenteaz exodul evreilor din Slovacia cu puin timp nainte de Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial. n dou ambarcaiuni, 900 de evrei slovaci i austrieci ncearc s ajung pe Dunre la Marea Neagr, iar apoi la destinaia final, Palestina. Forgcs i-a construit filmul pe baza nregistrrilor cpitanului uneia dintre ambarcaiuni, Nndor Andrsovits. Acesta i-a filmat pasagerii n timp ce se rugau, dormeau i chiar se cstoreau. The Hungarian artist Pter Forgcs is one of the most prominent found footage filmmakers. He is primarily interested in the way in which home movies and amateur films seem to depict only happy moments, but on closer consideration they also tell a hidden history. The spectacular interactive installation The Danube Exodus documents the Jewish exodus from Slovakia just before the beginning of World War II. In two boats, nine hundred Slovak and Austrian Jews tried to reach the Black Sea via the Danube, in order to get to Palestine. Forgcs based his film on the amateur films of Nndor Andrsovits, the captain of one of the boats. He filmed his passengers while they prayed, slept and even got married.

18.05-16.06 Muzeul de Art/The Art Museum Vernisaj/Opening 7.06, 17.00, n prezena lui Ji Menzel. Muzeul de Art / Event attended by Ji Menzel. The Art Museum. Pn n 16 iunie, publicul clujean poate admira, la Muzeul de Art, aptesprezece postere inedite ale filmelor lui Ji Menzel. Gsind refugiu i libertate creativ n domeniul afiului de cinema, artiti cehi de renume realizeaz, ncepnd cu anii 60, imagini de un nalt nivel artistic, inspirate din pop-art, op art, lettrism, informel. Expoziia include afiele originale ale filmelor Ciocrlii pe srm, Trenuri bine pzite sau Var capricioas, lucrri foarte valoroase din care astzi se mai gsesec doar cteva exemplare, precum i trei creaii contemporane ale studenilor Facultii de design din Praga. Eveniment realizat n parteneriat cu filmoteca Terry Posters, Praga, i Centrul Ceh. Until June 16 everyone in Cluj has the chance to admire at the Art Museum seventeen spectacular posters of Ji Menzels films. Finding refuge and creative freedom in designing cinema posters, from the 1960s, famous Czech artists started producing highly artistic images to promote the directors films. They were mainly inspired by pop-art, op art, lettrism, and informel. The exhibition comprises original posters of the films Larks on a String, Closely Watched Trains and Capricious Summer, very valuable and rare works from before 1990, along with three contemporary creations by students from The Prague Design University. Event organized together with the Terry Posters film archive from Prague and The Czech Centre.

i Maramure, n urma masivei plecri la munc n strintate. Poleit n inox i ngropat n betoane, lumea cea nou construit ca semn al succesului de afar nghite fr martori csuele de lemn i ultimii btrni rmai acas. Desfurat ntre 2009 i 2012, proiectul a fost expus i publicat n Marea Britanie, Germania, SUA, Frana, China i Romnia. Pride and Concrete is a photographic project that documented for three years the recent transformations occurred in the traditional villages from ara Oaului and Maramure, following the massive exodus of the villagers seeking a work place abroad. Polished in stainless steel and buried in concrete, the new world, built as a mark of the success from abroad, silently swallows the small wooden houses and last old villagers remained behind. Carried on between 2009 and 2012, the project was showcased and published in UK, Germany, USA, France, China and Romania.

necat, mistic i necunoscut. Un clieu superb al cinematografului de groaz. n ciuda acestui lucru, am nceput s filmez pdurea, n cutarea locurilor unde a fi putut gsi vechii zei finlandezi sau semne ale prezenei lor. Locuri unde simi c timpul s-a oprit. mbin n lucrrile mele fotografia, miturile i memoria cu lutul. Acesta aduce o not de comedie, atunci cnd lucrurile devin prea nspimnttoare i apstoare. (Malakias) The Finnish are often described as forest people. The forest is dark, mystical and unknown. A great clich of horror cinema. Despite this, I began by filming the forest. Searching for scenes where ancient Finnish gods or signs of them can be found. Places where you can feel that time has stopped. In my works I combine photographs, myths and memories with clay. The clay gives a comic relief when things get too frightening and weighty. (Malakias)


de/by Petru Clinescu 2-16.06 Vernisaj/Opening 2.06, 17.30 Piano Cazola Gallery Poiectul fotografic Mndrie i Beton a documentat timp de trei ani transformrile recente petrecute n satele tradiionale, n mod special n cele din ara Oaului


2-9.06 Vernisaj/Opening 2.06, 12.00 Muzeul de Art/The Art Museum Proiectul fotografic al Mironei Radu propune o apologie a strilor pe care le prilejuiete singurtatea, n imagini cu caracter profund meditativ. 24 de expresii ale solitudinii poart privitorul de la plictis i spleen la optimism i bucurie, la deertciune i sens, nostalgie i expectativ. Ele reprezint tot attea prilejuri de evadare din repetiia mecanic ce pare s caracterizeze cele 24 de ore ale existenei oamenilor contemporani. Mirona Radus photographic project suggests an apology of the moods induced by loneliness, in profoundly meditative pictures. 24 Expressions of Solitude carry the audience from boredom to spleen, from optimism and joy, to helplessness and meaning, nostalgia and expectation. At the same time, they are as many occasions of escaping the mechanical repetition that seem to characterize the 24 hours of the contemporary humans life.

1-9.06 Vernisaj/Opening 6.06, 19.00 Casa TIFF club Finlandezii sunt adesea descrii ca oamenii pdurii. Aceasta e ntu-

Torn and Bleeding Clay de/by Malakias

01 - 09.06 TIFF Lounge, Piaa Unirii Expoziia prezint ntr-un mod inedit lucrri grafice i fotografice semnate de Emil Racovi n timpul expediiei Belgica, n spaiu virtual i expoziional. Fundaia Arte Vizuale prezint la TIFF fotografiile stereoscopice, prelucrate de Radu Igazsag pentru proiecie, o scurt animaie realizat de Alexandru Buzea pornind de la desenele savantului, n paralel cu o expoziie de fotografie antarctic semnat de Helmut Ignat, realizat n timpul filmrilor documentarului Exploratorul. Muzeul din Vaslui va fi prezent cu exponate din colecia Racovi, ntregind tabloul expediiei. n cadrul evenimentului va fi deschis pentru o zi i Muzeul de speologie Emil Racovia din Cluj. The exhibition explores in an way unseen before the graphical and photographical works Emil Racovi accomplished during the Belgica expedition. Fundaia Arte Vizuale will showcase at TIFF a series of stereoscopic pictures prepared by Radu Igazsag for 3D screening. Also, a short animation directed by Alexandru Buzea and based on Racovis drawings and an Antarctic photography exhibition with the pictures taken by Helmut Ignat during the shooting of the documentary The Explorer. The Vaslui museum will bring exhibits from its Racovi collection. During the event, the Speology


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

lungata tradiie cinematografic a Clujului. Privitorului i se nfieaz imagini ale vechilor cinematografe clujene, afie interbelice, primele reclame la filme vorbitoare, titluri incitante ale perioadei de nceput a filmului, menite s atrag publicul spre o nou i acaparant modalitate de petrecere a timpului liber, bilete de intrare, aparate de proiecie uriae, mobilier, faade i interioare ale vechilor cinematografe - intrate acum n istorie. The photography exhibition brings to attention the long tradition of cinemagoing in Cluj. The guest will be able to see the citys old cinemas, posters from between the two World Wars, advertisements for spoken films, appealing titles for the new films of those times, trying to attract the audience to this new and so interesting way to have fun, cinema tickets, huge screening paraphernalia, cinema chairs and many others. Also, pictures of how the cinemas looked during those times.

ne cltoare i un singur ora - provocai de magazinul DeScris mpreun cu I LoveCluj, 50 de desenatori, ilustratori si pictori ne arat cum se vede Clujul prin ochii lor. Reunite ntr-o expoziie, imaginile ne dezvluie oraul din unghiuri noi, surprinztoare i ne nfieaz n alt lumin locurile familiare. 50 artists, three moleskine notebooks always on the run and one city - challenged by the DeScris shop together with I LoveCluj, 50 illustrators and painters show how they see Cluj. Brought together in an exhibition, their images present the city from new points of view, always surprising because they show familiar places in a new light.

Museum Emil Racovi in Cluj will be open for one day.


31.05-03.06 Cinema Mrti 4.06-9.06 Casino, Parcul Central Organizatori: Casa de Cultur a Municipiului Cluj-Napoca, Asociaia Clujul de Altdat / Organizers: the Culture House of Cluj-Napoca, The Cluj of Old Association Expoziia inedit de fotografie aduce n lumina reflectoarelor nde-

01.06-09.06 Vernisaj/Opening 1.06, 17.45 Casa de Cultur a Studenilor / Students House of Culture 50 de artiti, trei caiete moleski-


Retrospectiva Pter Forgcs Pter Forgcs Retrospective

Pter Forgcs s-a nscut n 1950 i este un artist media i cineast independent stabilit la Budapesta. Din 1978 ncoace a realizat mai mult de 30 de filme i instalaii media. Este faimos pentru seria sa de instalaii i filme multi-premiate Ungaria intim, adesea bazat pe filmri de familie realizate ntre 1920 i 1980, care documenteaz viei obinuite ce vor fi afectate iremediabil de evenimente istorice ieite din comun ce se petrec n afara ecranului. De la nceputul anilor 90 instalaiile video ale lui Pter Forgcs au fost gzduite de muzee i galerii de art pe tot cuprinsul Europei i n Statele Unite ale Americii. Debutul su internaional a avut loc n 1988, cu Familia Bartos. De atunci a primit numeroase premii la festivaluri internaionale precum cele de la New York, Budapesta, Lisabona, Marsilia, San Francisco i Berlin, unde a fost recompensat, n 1997, cu trofeul Prix Europa pentru producia sa Cdere liber. ntre 2000 i 2002 Pter Forgcs a fost rezident la Institutul de Cercetri i Muzeul Getty din Los Angeles, unde a creat instalaia Exodul de pe Dunre. Operele sale pot fi admirate n mai multe muzee i colecii publice. n 2007 Pter Forgcs a primit prestigiosul trofeu Dutch Erasmus Prize pentru importanta sa contribuie la cultura european. n 2009, artistul a reprezentat Ungaria la Bienala de la Veneia cu instalaia Col Tempo Proiectul W. Teoreticiana media Joanne Richardson a spus despre Pter Forgcs: a dat proiectului bazat pe arhive private o dimensiune ontologic, transformndu-l ntr-o meditaie asupra naturii memoriei, asupra construciei istoriei i asupra nsei fenomenologiei realizrii unui film. Festivalul Internaional Transilvania l omagiaz pe Pter Forgcs cu o interesant retrospectiv ce conine ase dintre cele mai cunoscute opere ale sale, printre care i celebra instalaie video Exodul de pe Dunre. Aceasta documenteaz exodul evreilor din Slovacia chiar nainte de nceperea celui de-Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial.900 de evrei din Slovacia i Austria au ncercat s ajung n dou brci, pe Dunre, la Marea Neagr, de unde plnuiau s se ndrepte spre Palestina. Pter Forgcs a folosit pentru filmul su imaginile filmate de Nndor Andrsovits, cpitanul uneia dintre brci. Cdere liber pornete de la filmrile de familie ale talentatului muzician i fotograf Gyrgy Pet artnd cum ncearc membrii familiei sale s ignore semnele amenintoare ce prevestesc Holocaustul naintea celui de-Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial. Imagini private sunt folosite i n Cinele negru, care exploreaz dramele personale, iluziile, disperarea i faa nevzut a nebunescului Rzboi Civil Spaniol. n Filmul lui Angelos, regizorul folosete imagini nregistrate de Angelos Papanastassiou, care, cu ajutorul unei camere clandestine pe 16mm, documenteaz atrocitile suferite de grecii din Atena n timpul ocupaiei germano-italiene din cel de-Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial. Pter Forgcs (1950), media artist and independent filmmaker, based in Budapest. Since 1978 he has made more than thirty films and several media installations. He is best known for his Private Hungary series of award winning films and installations often based on home movies from the 1920s1980s, which document ordinary lives that were soon to be ruptured by an extraordinary historical trauma that occurs off screen. Since the early 1990s Forgcs video installations have been presented at museums and art galleries throughout Europe and America. His international debut came with The Bartos Family (1988). Since then he has received several international festival awards - in New York, Budapest, Lisbon, Marseilles, San Francisco and Berlin, where he won the Prix Europa for his Free Fall film in 1997. Between 2000-2002 Pter Forgcs was artist in residence at The Getty Museum/Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, where he created the installation The Danube Exodus. His works can be found in several museums and public collections. In 2007 Forgcs was awarded with the most prestigious Dutch Erasmus Prize for his notable contributions to European culture. In 2009 Forgcs represented Hungary at the Venice Biennale, exhibiting the Col Tempo - The W. Project installation. Forgcs has given the private archive project an ontological dimension, turning it into a reflection on the nature of memory, the construction of history, and the phenomenology of film-making itself, media theorist Joanne Richardson commented on the artists works. Transilvania International Film Festival celebrates Pter Forgcss work with a Retrospective comprising six of his most renowned works. The famous video installation The Danube Exodus is among them. It documents the Jewish exodus from Slovakia just before the beginning of World War II. In two boats, a group of nine hundred Slovak and Austrian Jews tried to reach the Black Sea via the river Danube, in order to get to Palestine from there. Pter Forgcs based his film on the amateur films of Nndor Andrsovits, the captain of one of the boats. Free Fall uses the home movies of talented musician and photographer Gyrgy Pet and succeeds in showing how the Pets tried to ignore the threatening signs foreboding the Holocaust before World War 2. Private films are also used for El perro negro, which explores personal dramas, the illusions, the desperation, and the unseen side of the insane Spanish Civil War. As for Angelos Film, it documents, through the images shot by Angelos Papanastassiou with a clandestine 16-mm film camera, the atrocities suffered by the Greeks in Athens during the three years of German-Italian occupation in World War II.



31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

In 2012 CASA TIFF a devenit una dintre cele mai importante locaii ale festivalului Transilvania. Situat pe strada Universitii la numrul 6, CASA TIFF se afl in centrul istoric al oraului, beneficiind de mai bine de 1000 de metri ptrai renovai, in perfect stare pentru a organiza o palet larg de workshopuri i traininguri i a gzdui o cafenea, o teras i un club la subsolul cldirii. Din 2012, CASA TIFF este locul de intalnire al invitailor festivalului, cineati internaionali i locali, al echipei TIFF i a publicului. Fie c vorbim de o cafea intre dou proiecii de film,de o serie de intalniri cu invitaii de marc, de conferine de pres sau de concerte, CASA TIFF a devenit locul unde orice pasionat de film se simte acas. In 2012 CASA TIFF became on the most important venues of the Transilvania festival. Located at no. 6, Universitii Street, CASA TIFF is

a house belonging to the historical center of Cluj-Napoca, where more than 1000 sqm were restored and transformed into a space perfectly fit for workshops and applied trainings, a caf, a garden and a club in the buildings basement. CASA TIFF became the rendezvous place of TIFF guests - international and local film professionals, the TIFF team and the public. Being either at a coffee break between two films or attending a series of meetings with TIFFs prestigious guests, press conferences or concerts, our visitors will get the feeling that CASA TIFF is a place where every moviegoer feels like home.

Mari/Tuesday, 4.06 22.00 - Concert jazz Gilad Abro Trio (Israel). Miercuri/Wednesday, 5.06 19.00 - Prezentare concurs Empire Jameson Done in 60 seconds (La perne) / Empire Jameson contest Done in 60 Seconds presentation. 21.30 - Competiia local. Proiecia filmelor ctigtoare + decernarea premiilor / Competition for local artists. Screening of selected films + award ceremony. 23.00 - Garage rock concert The Nuggers.

Joi/Thursday, 6.06 22.00 - Concert apinarii. Vineri/Friday, 7.06 22.00 - Concert jazz: Luiza Zan & Dan Byron - Live Acoustic Duo. Smbt/Saturday, 8.06 22.00 - Concert Autumn Hotel. Nick Fgdar (Luna Amar) i invitaii si interpreteaz 12 piese originale. Nick Fgdar (Luna Amar) and his guests sing 12 original songs.

Evenimente la CASA TIFF / Events at CASA TIFF

Smbt/Saturday, 1.06 22.00 - Concert Elena Mndru Quintet. Duminic/Sunday, 2.06 22.00 - Cine-concert Bagdad Fantaisie. Muzic orchestrat de artistul Sami Pageaux-Waro pe imaginile filmului mut clasic Houl din Bagdad (r. Raoul Walsh, 1924). Raoul Walshs silent classic The Thief of Bagdad (1924) accompanied live with music orchestrated by Sami Pageaux-Waro. Luni/Monday, 3.06 21.30 - Proiecie film/Film screening: Patricia Kaas: My Life. guiding the footfalls of the imagination through the flowerbeds of the Grand Viziers garden and into the distance, all the way to the Imperial Japanese Gardens. Luni/Monday, 3.05 21.30 - Proiecie special documentar Teatrul Viselor, regizor Laviniu Lazr, durat 40. Documentarul urmrete participarea CFR 1907 Cluj n ediia 2012 a Champions League. Invitai speciali juctorii echipei CFR Cluj / Special screening, Land of dreams, 40, director Laviniu Lazar. The documentary follows the adventure of CFR Cluj football team in the 2012 edition of Champions League. Special guests: the teams football players. Mari/Tuesday, 4.05 22.00 - Concert Stepan Project. Lansarea albumului Lumina / Release of the bands new album, Lumina. Miercuri/Wednesday, 5.06 21.30 - Concert al trupei maghiare Neti Sanyi Band, urmat de proiecia filmului documentar Rickshaw Rush, de Gerg Somogyvari. Eveniment gzduit de Ziua Maghiar la TIFF / Neti Sanyi Band concert, followed by the screening of Gerg Somogyvaris documentary Rickshaw Rush. Event organized by the Hungarian Day sidebar. Joi/Thursday, 6.06 21.30 - Proiecie special a documentarului Odessa de Florin Iepan, urmat de o discuie cu publicul / Special screening of the documentary Odessa directed by Florin Iepan. Followed by a discussion with the audience. Vineri/Friday, 7.06 21.30 - Proiecia filmului documentar Patricia Kaas: My Life. Totul despre viaa celebrei cntree din Frana, care va concerta pentru prima oar la Cluj, n turneul Kaas cnt Piaf, pe 24 iunie / Screening of documentary Patricia Kaas: My Life. Everything about the life of famous French singer who performs for the first time in Cluj as part of her Kaas sings Piaf tour. n fiecare zi ntre 5 i 9 iunie, TIFF Art gzduiete ateliere de animaie pentru copii, ntre orele 10 i 15. Every day between June 5 and June 9, TIFF Art hosts animation workshops for kids, between 10am and 3pm.

TIFF prezint: TIFF Art! TIFF presents: TIFF Art!

Muzeul de Art / The Art Museum Expoziii, filme, concerte, teras / Exhibitions, screenings, concerts, terrace
TIFF Art, cunoscut anterior sub denumirea de Meeting Point, s-a reinventat n 2012, devenind un spaiu dedicat artelor, n cele mai diverse forme de manifestare. n incinta Muzeului de Art vor avea loc evenimente precum: vernisaje i expoziii de fotografie, proiecii cu filme de marc, concerte spectaculoase i multe alte surprize. TIFF Art va gzdui evenimente din Zilele Diversitii, cu un program variat dedicat promovrii nelegerii inter-etnice, precum i proiecte speciale adresate copiilor, organizate de programul special EducaTIFF. TIFF Art, formerly known as the Meeting Point, was re-invented in 2012, becoming an environment dedicated to arts, in their most diverse forms of expression. The Art Museum in Cluj-Napoca will host events like: painting and photography exhibitions, remarcable films screenings, spectacular concerts, theatre plays and many other surprises. TIFF Art will host the rich programme of the Diversity Day, dedicated to promoting interethnic understanding, as well as special projects dedicated to children organized by the EducaTIFF sidebar. Duminic/Sunday, 2.06 21.30 - Concert Einuiea Trio Muzic de curte / Einuiea Trio concert - Courtyard Music. O ntmplare sonor n aer liber, purtnd paii imaginaiei printre rsadurile Curii deschise a Marelui Vizir i pn departe, tocmai la Curtea Imperiala japonez / An open-air acoustic happening,

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013



povestea unei iubiri slbatice i neconvenionale. Premiul Cea mai bun actri i Queer Palm la Cannes 2012, seciunea Un Certain Regard. Film nerecomandat minorilor. Set in the 90s, a man tries to salvage his relationship with his fiance after revealing to her his aspirations of becoming a woman. Laurence Anyways is the story of a wild and unusual love. Best Actress Award and Queer Palm trophy at Cannes 2012, Un Certain Regard sidebar. This film is not suitable for children. ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL LEII (Leones, Argentina-FranaOlanda, 2012) 82 R. Jazmn Lpez. Cu: Julia Volpato,
Pablo Sigal, Macarena del Corro, Diego Vegezzi.

circumstanele care i-au adus laolalt. An old man and a young woman meet in Tokyo. She knows nothing about him, he thinks he knows her. He welcomes her into his home, she offers him her body. But the web that is woven between them in the space of twenty four hours bears no relation to the circumstances of their encounter. CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? LIV & INGMAR (Liv & Ingmar, Norvegia, 2012) 83 R. Dheeraj Akolkar. Cu: Liv Ullmann,
Ingmar Bergman.

n adncul pdurii cinci prieteni triesc ca o familie de lei. Pierdui n jocurile lor cu cuvinte, se hrjonesc i se seduc reciproc n timp ce se apropie i se ndeprteaz de teritoriul maturitii, ntr-o ncercare disperat de a-i evita destinul deja scris. Deep in the forest a group of five friends wander around like a lion herd. Lost in their word games, they play and seduce each other while going back and forth into adulthood territory, in a desperate search to avoid their already written story.
SUPERNOVA LIKE SOMEONE IN LOVE (Like Someone in Love, FranaJaponia, 2012) R. Abbas Kiarostami. Cu: Rin Takanashi,
Tadashi Okuno, Ryo Kase.

Documentarul este o afectuoas i n acelai timp sincer dare de seam a relaiei de 42 de ani dintre legendara actri Liv Ullmann i maestrul Ingmar Bergman. Este construit dintr-un colaj de imagini i sunete din filmele nemuritoare ale celor doi, imagini surprinse n culise, fotografii, pasaje din cartea lui Liv Changing i scrisorile de dragoste scrise de Ingmar lui Liv. This documentary is an affectionate yet truthful account of the 42 years long relationship between legendary actress Liv Ullmann and master filmmaker Ingmar Bergman. It is constructed as a collage of images and sounds from the timeless Ullmann-Bergman films, behind the scenes footage, still photographs, passages from Livs book Changing and Ingmars love letters to Liv.
EDUCATIFF Lotte i SECRETUL pietrei Lunii (Lotte and the Moonstone Secret / Lotte ja kuukivi saladus, Estonia-Letonia, 2012) 75 R. Janno Pldma, Heiki Ernits. Cu: Evelin
Pang, Margus Tabor, Mait Malmsten.

si Fred i Ville au luat trei pietre dintr-un templu secret. Ce nu tiau ei este c pietrele sunt singura ans a Iepurilor Lunii s ajung napoi acas. n timp ce doi dintre iepuri, Tik i Rhiv, l caut pe Klaus, Lotte i unchiul ei ncearc s dezlege secretele pietrelor. In their last adventure, Klaus and his friends Fred and Ville took three stones from a secret temple. What they didnt know is that the stones are the only way for the Moon Rabbits to get back home. While two of them, Tik and Rhiv, search for Klaus, Lotte and her uncle want to unlock the stones secrets. ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC LOVE BUILDING (Love Building, Romnia, 2013) 85 R. Iulia Rugin. Cu: Drago Bucur,
Dorian Bogu, Alexandru Papadopol.

Un btrn i o tnr se ntlnesc n Tokyo. Ea nu tie nimic despre el, el are impresia c o cunoate. O primete n casa lui, iar ea i ofer trupul ei. Dar pnza care s-a esut ntre ei pe durata a 24 de ore nu are nicio legtur cu

n ultima lor aventur, Klaus i prietenii

Love Building este o tabr dedicat relaiilor destrmate n care 14 cupluri vin s i repare povetile de dragoste. Dar cei trei traineri care i asist au propriile lor probleme, iar lucrurile scap ncet de sub control. n cursa continu ctre i au trit fericii pn la adnci btrnei apare o ntrebare: Poi s repari dragostea n 7 zile? Love Building is a camp designed to mend broken relationships. 14 couples in the program have 7 days to re-design their love lives. But the 3 trainers meant to assist them have problems of their own and things gradually get out of hand. In an ongoing search for happily ever after one question pops up: Can love be fixed in 7 days?.
CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? O LUME CARE NU NE APARINE (A World Not Ours, Marea Britanie, 2012) 93 R. Mahdi Fleifel. Cu: Ahmad Mufleh
Alaeddine, Said Mufleh Alaeddine, Bassam Abu Eyad Taha.


O lume care nu ne aparine este un portret intim i adesea amuzant a trei generaii ale unei familii palestiniene n exil, n tabra de refugiai Ein el-Helweh din sudul Libanului. A World Not Ours is an intimate, and often humorous, portrait of three generations of a Palestinian family in exile in the refugee camp of Ein el-Helweh, in southern Lebanon.

FOCUS GRECIA O LUME NEDREAPT (Unfair World / Adikos kosmos, Grecia, 2011) 118 R. Filippos Tsitos. Cu: Antonis
Kafetzopoulos, Christos Stergioglou, Theodora Tzimou.


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

fully dramatic and visually remarkable. Accompanied live by Minima band! EDUCATIFF MARUSSIA (Marussia, FranaRusia, 2013) 82 R. Eva Pervolovici. Cu: Dinara
Drukarova, Marie-Isabelle Shteynmann, Georges Babluani.

Sotiris este un specialist n interogatorii al poliiei din Atena. ntr-o zi, decide s ajute fiecare srman cu care viaa a fost crud. Dorind s salveze un suflet nevinovat, ajunge s ucid un gardian corupt. Dora este o femeie de serviciu care de-abia triete de pe o zi pe alta. Ea este singurul martor al crimei. Sotiris is a police interrogator in Athens. One day, he has enough and decides to pardon every poor person to whom life is cruel. With the intention of saving an innocent soul, he eventually kills a corrupt security guard. Dora is a lonely cleaning lady who leads a breathless life, trying to make ends meet. Dora is the only witness of the crime.
ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC O LUN N THAILANDA (A Month in Thailand, Romnia, 2012) 85 R. Paul Negoescu. Cu: Andrei Mateiu,
Ioana Anastasia Anton, Snziana Nicola.

Lucia i fetia ei Marussia au venit din Europa de Est n Paris. Nu au unde s locuiasc i-i trag dup ele valizele prin oraul rece, fr niciun ban n buzunar i fr s aib habar ncotro se ndreapt. n cele din urm, mica Marussia se satur de faptul c altcineva decide ntotdeauna ce se ntmpl. Lucia and her little daughter Marussia come from Eastern Europe. They are in Paris, but they dont have a place to live and they drag their suitcases once more through the cold city with no money in their pockets and no idea where they are going. Eventually little Marussia has enough of the fact that someone else is always calling the shots.
ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC MATEI COPIL MINER (Matei Child Miner, Romnia-GermaniaFrana, 2013) 80 R. Alexandra Gulea. Cu: Alexandru
Czuli, Remus Mrginean.


The boy and the old man get along perfectly, but when Matei is dismissed from school following a mix-up his normally understanding grandfather responds in an unexpectedly violent way. Matei runs away from home... FOCUS GRECIA MATERIE PRIM (Raw Material / Proti ili, Grecia, 2011) 78 R. Christos Karakepelis. Regizorul Christos Karakepelis a petrecut ase ani filmnd acest documentar ce ofer privitorului o perspectiv autentic asupra vieii oamenilor din Atena care triesc de pe o zi pe alta vnznd fier vechi. Pentru ei, aa cum spune unul, deeurile metalice sunt i comoar, i amant. Director Christos Karakepelis spent six years putting this film together and thus offers the viewer an utterly authentic perspective on the lives of people who live in Athens and subsist on collecting discarded metal. As one of them described it, scrap metal is both their treasure and mistress. EDUCATIFF MICUL CORB (Kauwboy, Olanda, 2012) 81 R. Boudewijn Koole. Cu: Rick Lens, Loek
Peters, Susan Radder.

Bucureti, noaptea Anului Nou. Radu descoper c nu e mulumit de viaa lui sentimental i decide s se despart de prietena lui. Pornete ntr-o cltorie prin cluburile i petrecerile bucuretene n cutarea fostei iubite. Dar este ea femeia de care are nevoie cu adevrat? Bucharest, New Years Eve. Radu descovers hes not satisfied with his love life and decides to break up with his girlfriend. Soon after he starts a journey through several parties and nightclubs searching for his ex-girlfriend. But is she the woman he really needs?

Matei locuiete cu bunicul su ntr-o regiune minier din Romnia. Prinii lui au plecat s lucreze n Italia. ntre bunic i copil se formeaz o relaie foarte strns, dar n urma unui incident la coal, Matei este exmatriculat pe nedrept. Bunicul reacioneaz violent i ncrederea lor reciproc este distrus. Matei fuge de acas... Matei has been living with his grandfather since his parents left to earn a living in Italy.

EVENIMENTE SPECIALE MANASSE (Manasse, Romnia, 1925) 84 Evenimentele din capodopera mut a lui Jean Mihail au loc ntr-un orel din sudul Romniei la nceputul secolului 20. Suntem martorii tandrei poveti de dragoste dintre un romn i o evreic. Extrem de dramatic i remarcabil de vizual, filmul abordeaz tema intoleranei religioase. Acompaniat live de trupa Minima! Jean Mihails silent masterpiece is set in a small town in Eastern Romania at the turn of the 20th century and features a tender love story between a Romanian man and a Jewish woman. Strikingly presenting the theme of religious intolerance throughout, the film is power-


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


s se ntoarc n Moldova, la familie, Nadea va trebui s nfrunte singurtatea... Nadea and Sveta is a film about friendship and complicity between migrant women. It tells a story about motherhood, love, escape from loneliness and search for home. The protagonists are Nadea and Sveta: like many other Moldovan women, they moved to Italy for economic reasons. When her friend can finally go back home to meet her daughter again, Nadea has to face loneliness... COMPETIIE NORD-VEST (Northwest / Nordvest, Danemarca, 2013) 91 R. Michael Noer. Cu: Gustav Dyekjr
Giese, Oscar Dyekjr Giese, Roland Mller.


Jojo are o perioad grea, cci familia sa trece printr-o criz. Singura uurare a lui Jojo este un mic corb czut din cuib pe care l-a adus n cas. S aib grij de mica pasre, nc i mai vulnerabil dect el, l face fericit pe Jojo i l nva ce nseamn responsabilitatea. Times are hard for Jojo, as his family is in crisis. Jojos only solace is a young jackdaw that has fallen out of his nest, and which he secretly takes in. Rearing the little bird, which is even more vulnerable than himself, gives Jojo a feeling of happiness and responsibility.
RETROSPECTIVA PTER FORGCS MISS UNIVERS 1929 (Miss Universe 1929 - Lisl Goldarbeiter. A Queen in Wien, Austria-OlandaUngaria-Germania-Finlanda, 2006) 70 R. Pter Forgcs. Povestea lui Lisl Goldarbeiter, aleas Miss Univers n 1929! Vrul ei, regizorul amator Marci Tenczer, venea din Szeged. A studiat la Viena, unde-i economisea pn i banii de tramvai pentru a cumpra camer de luat vederi i pelicul. Datorit lui ajunge la noi aceast dulce-amar poveste a unei familii din imperiul austro-ungar. The story of Lisl Goldarbeiter, elected Miss Univers in 1929! Her cousin, amateur filmmaker Marci Tenczer came from Szeged. He studied in Vienna, where he saved even his money for the tram to buy a camera and film. It is through him that this bittersweet twentieth-century Austro-Hungarian life and family story has come down to us. SUPERNOVA MULT ZGOMOT PENTRU NIMIC (Much Ado About Nothing, SUA, 2012) 109 R. Joss Whedon. Cu: Amy Acker, Alexis
Denisof, Nathan Fillion, Fran Kranz.

Benedick i Claudio, doi soldai, se ndrgostesc de Hero i Beatrice, fiica, respectiv nepoata, guvernatorului Messinei, Leonato. O serie de evenimente tragice i comice i in departe de fericire pe cei patru, dar cine tie, poate c dragostea va nvinge pn la urm! Reinterpretare a lui Shakespeare, n regia lui Joss Whedon, regizorul mega-hitului mondial The Avengers! Benedick and Claudio, two soldiers, fall in love with Hero and Beatrice, the daughter and niece of Leonato, the governor of Messina. A series of comic and tragic events continue to keep the two couples from truly finding happiness, but then again perhaps love may prevail in the end! Joss Whedon, the director of The Avengers, the most popular film of 2012, tackles Shakespeares play.

Oscar are 18 ani i triete n Nordvest, una dintre cele mai srace zone din Copenhaga. Cnd crima organizat ptrunde n cartier, Casper crede c are o ans la o via mai bun. Se va trezi curnd ntr-o lume a drogurilor, a violenei i prostituiei, iar deznodmntul va face ca locul de joac din copilrie s se transforme ntr-un adevrat cmp de lupt. Little Matador follows the journey of three Oscar is 18 and lives in Nordvest, one of the most impoverished areas of Copenhagen. When organized crime hits Nordvest, Casper thinks he has a chance to a better life. Soon hes hurled into a world of drugs, violence and prostitution and as things escalate his childhood playground becomes a battlefield.
FOCUS SLOVACIA NOUA VIA A ALBUMULUI DE FAMILIE (New Life of Family Album / Nov ivot rodinnho alba, Slovacia-Cehia, 2012) 80 R. Adam Oha. n 2005, tatl regizorului Adam Oha s-a hotrt s-i prseasc soia i cei ase copii pentru a ncepe o nou via. Cel mare dintre copii i unicul brbat rmas n familie, Adam cerceteaz vechile fotografii al tatlui su, le compar cu prezentul i ncearc s descopere ce a dus la o att de radical decizie. Premiul publicului la festivalul de film documentar de la Jihlava! In 2005, filmmaker Adam Ohas father decided to leave his wife and six children in order to start a new life. As the oldest of the siblings and the only remaining man in the family, Adam explores his fathers old photographs, compares them with the present, and tries to discover what led to such a radical decision. Audience Award at documentary film festival Jihlava 2012! PIAA UNIRII NU (No, Chile-Frana-SUA, 2012) 117 R. Pablo Larran. Cu: Gael Garca Bernal,
Alfredo Castro, Luis Gnecco, Nstor Cantillana.

CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? NADEA I SVETA (Nadea e Sveta / Nadea and Sveta, Italia-Moldova, 2012) 62 R. Maura Delpero. Cu: Nadejda Arvinte,
Svetlana Stavinschi.

Nadea i Sveta este un film despre prietenie i despre complicitatea nscut ntre imigrante. Spune o poveste despre maternitate, dragoste, fuga de singurtate i cutarea unui acas. Protagonistele sunt Nadea i Sveta: ca attea alte femei din Republica Moldova, s-au mutat n Italia din motive economice. Cnd prietena ei poate n sfrit

Cnd dictatorul chilian Augusto Pinochet organizeaz n 1988, la insistenele politice internaionale, un referendum pentru a decide soarta preediniei sale, liderii opoziiei apeleaz la energicul specialist n advertising Rene Saavedra pentru a le conduce campania electoral. Cu resurse minime i sub observaia direct a acoliilor despotului, Saavedra i echipa lui pun la cale un plan ndrzne pentru a ctiga alegerile i elibera ara de sub opresiune. Nu a fost nominalizat la Oscarul pentru Cel mai bun film strin n 2013! When Chilean military dictator Augusto Pinochet, facing international pressure, calls for a referendum on his presidency in 1988, opposition leaders persuade a brash young advertising executive, Rene Saavedra, to spearhead their campaign. With scant resources and constant scrutiny by the despots watchmen, Saavedra and his team devise an audacious plan to win the election and free their country from oppression. No received an Academy Award nomination for Best Foreign Language Film n 2013!
ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL NU M UITA (Forget Me Not / Vergiss mein nicht, Germania, 2012) 88 R. David Sieveking. Cu: Margarete
Sieveking, Malte Sieveking, David Sieveking.


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

3X3 ORA DE VAR (Lheure dt / Summer Hours, Frana, 2008) 103 R. Olivier Assayas. Cu: Juliette Binoche,
Charles Berling, Jrmie Renier.


bii n aceast lume aristocratic, pn cnd se ndrgostete de un star al filmelor pentru aduli. Film nerecomandat minorilor. Mark is brilliant, funny and an incredibly rich businessman in Luxembourg. Knowing his life will end soon, he escapes his work routine by traveling the world watching all Don Giovanni operas. He passionately introduces young lovers into this aristocratic world, until he falls in love with a young porn star. This film is not suitable for children. SUPERNOVA OPERAIUNEA NEW WORLD (New World / Shin-sae-gye, Coreea de Sud, 2012) 134 R. Park Hoon-Jung. Cu: Lee Jung-Jae,
Choi Min-Sik, Hwang Jung-Min.

Trei frai cvadragenari i-au vzut fiecare de viaa sa, dar se reunesc cnd mama lor, motenitoarea excepionalei colecii de art a unchiului ei, moare. Adrienne, Frdric i Jrmie sunt nevoii acum s se confrunte cu sfritul copilriei, cu amintirile de demult, dar i cu impresiile lor foarte diferite despre viitor. The divergent paths of three forty-something siblings collide when their mother, heiress to her uncles exceptional 19th century art collection dies. Adrienne, Frdric and Jrmie are left to confront the end of childhood, their shared memories and separate visions of the future.
COMPETIIE ORIZONTURI FRNTE (Breaking Horizons / Am Himmel der Tag, Germania, 2012) 89 R. Pola Beck. Cu: Aylin Tezel, Henrike
von Kuick, Tmas Lemarquis, Godehard Giese.

Realizat cu umor i cu impresionant candoare, Nu m uita o are n centru pe mama lui David Sieveking, suferind de boala lui Alzheimer. Filmul disec mariajul liberal al prinilor, dar i stilul lor de via. Remarcabil de nesentimental, se abordeaz cu drzenie ntrebarea fundamental: vom mbtrni mpreun? Made with humor and astonishing candor, Forget Me Not centers on David Sieveking`s Alzheimer stricken mother. The film dissects his parents liberal marriage and lifestyle. A remarkably unsentimental film which bravely tackles the fundamental question: will we grow old together?

Dup moartea prematur a liderului celui mai mare sindicat al crimei din Coreea ncep luptele la putere ntre aghiotanii si. Pentru a controla i observa aceast tranziie, poliia ncepe operaiunea Lumea Nou. Pivotul ei este Ja-sung, un poliist care lucreaz sub acoperire de opt ani. After the untimely death of Koreas biggest crime syndicate, power struggle between top lieutenants begins. In order to control and observe this transition, the police begin a new operation called New World. Sitting at the pivot of this operation is Ja-sung, who has been working undercover for eight years.

Lara are 25 de ani i nu prea tie ce vrea de la via. Dup o noapte de dezm n cluburi, Lara afl c a rmas nsrcinat. Iniial derutat, se arunc n noua aventur: va fi mam. Dar cnd sarcina ajunge la ase luni, ftul moare. Temndu-se s nu piard sentimentul c n sfrit are un scop n via, Lara se poart de parc ar fi n continuare nsrcinat... Lara is 25 and doesnt really know what she wants in life. After a wild night out dancing, Lara finds herself pregnant. Confused at first, she throws herself into the adventure: becoming a mother. But then, six months into the pregnancy, she miscarries. Fearing the loss of

CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? OPERA DESPUIAT (Naked Opera, Luxemburg-Germania, 2013) 85 R. Angela Christlieb. Mark este un om de afaceri amuzant, extrem de inteligent i incredibil de bogat din Luxemburg. Contient c sfritul e aproape, fuge de rutina de la serviciu cltorind pentru a vedea punerile n scen dup opera Don Giovanni. i ntmpin cu pasiune tinerii iuOPERA DESPUIAT

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


ing to their tradition, the whole village mourns and bids farewell. After the death watch during a stormy night they make their way to the cemetary. The old men carry the heavy coffin over stony paths up to the sacred hill. The sun is high and the path seems without end... FR LIMIT PARADIS: CREDIN (Paradise: Faith / Paradies: Glaube, AustriaGermania-Frana, 2012) 113 R. Ulrich Seidl. Cu: Maria Hofsttter, Nabil
Saleh, Natalija Baranova, Ren Rupnik.


her new-found feeling of purpose, Lara acts as if she is still pregnant...

De la un imigrant srac, Pablo a devenit unul dintre cei mai vnai directori de creaie i un artist multi-media inovator. Lui i datorm genericele extraordinare de la Dr. Strangelove i Thomas Crown Affair, printre multe altele! The documentary blends animation and film clips to tell the story of visual artist and designer Pablo Ferro. From young poor immigrant, Pablo became one of the hottest commercial directors and one of the most innovative multimedia artists. We own him the amazing credit titles from Dr. Strangelove and Thomas Crown Affair, among many others! ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL PANIHIDA (Panihida, Republica Moldova, 2012) 61 R. Ana-Felicia Scutelnicu. Cu: Anioara
Morari, Petru Rocovan, Nina Rabu, Valentin Aga.

CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? PABLO (Pablo, SUA, 2012) 90 R. Richard Goldgewicht. Cu: Angelica
Huston, Andy Garcia, Stan Lee, Beau Bridges.

Documentarul folosete att animaie, ct i imagini filmate pentru a spune povestea artistului vizual i designerului Pablo Ferro.

ntr-un mic sat din Republica Moldova, o femeie btrn moare, lsndu-i n urm fiul, Petru, i nepoata, Anioara. Conform tradiiei, ntregul sat jelete i i ia rmas-bun. Dup veghea de noapte, stenii pornesc spre cimitir. Btrnii car sicriul greu pe crri de piatr sus, spre dealul sacru. Soarele arde pe cer i drumul pare fr sfrit... In a small village in the Republic of Moldavia, an old woman dies, leaving her son Petru and her granddaughter Anisoara behind. Accord-

Pentru Anna Maria, o cvincvagenar singur, paradisul este Iisus. i dedic vacana de var unor activiti de misionariat, pentru ca Austria s revin pe calea virtuii. ntr-o zi, dup ani de absen, soul ei, un musulman de origine egiptean paralizat, revine acas, iar viaa Annei Maria scap de sub control. Imnurile i rugciunile sunt nsoite acum de certuri. Film nerecomandat minorilor. For Anna Maria, a single woman in her 50s, paradise lies with Jesus. She devotes her summer vacation to doing missionary work, so that Austria may be brought back to the path of virtue. One day, when after years of absence, her husband, an Egyptian Muslim confined to a wheelchair, comes home, her life goes off its rails. Hymns and prayers are now joined by fighting. This film is not suitable for children.




31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

nemii. i d seama la un moment dat c pe parcursul transformrii a pierdut ceva... Zsuzska, a Hungarian immigrant in Germany, has suceeded in becoming more German than the Germans, when she realizes that something has gone missing along the way... FOCUS SLOVACIA PSRI, ORFANI I NEBUNI (Birds, Orphans and Fools / Vtackovia, siroty a blazni, Cehoslovacia, 1969) 78 R. Juraj Jakubisko. Cu: Philippe Avron,
Jiri Sykora, Magda Vasaryova.


FR LIMIT PARADIS: DRAGOSTE (Paradise: Love / Paradise: Liebe, AustriaGermania-Frana, 2012) 120 R. Ulrich Seidl. Cu: Margarethe Tiesel,
Peter Kazungu, Inge Maux, Dunja Sowinetz, Helen Brugat.

and her first love. The teenager spends her summer vacation with other adolescents in a strictly run diet camp in the Austrian countryside. She falls in love with the camp director, a doctor 40 years her senior. She loves him with the unconditionality of first love, and tries in total innocence to seduce him... This film is not suitable for children. ZIUA MAGHIAR PATRIA, SEXUL I ALTE INCONVENIENTE (Homeland, Sex and Further Inconveniences / Szlfld, szex s ms kellemetlensgek, UngariaGermania, 2012) 90 R. Kincses Rka. Cu: Kerekes Krisztina,
Bogdn Zsolt, Pter Hilda, Tth Attila.

Pe plajele din Kenya sunt cunoscute ca sugar mamas: europence care abordeaz tineri africani ce-i vnd dragostea pentru a ctiga un ban. Teresa, o mam cvincvagenar din Austria, ajunge ntr-un astfel de paradis turistic. Trece de la un tnr la altul i de la o dezamgire la alta i este nevoit s recunoasc: pe plajele keniene, dragostea e o afacere. Film nerecomandat minorilor. On the beaches of Kenya theyre known as Sugar Mamas: European women who seek out African boys selling love to earn a living. Teresa, a 50-yearold Austrian mother, travels to this vacation paradise. She goes from one Beach Boy to the next, from one disappointment to the next and finally she must admit: on the beaches of Kenya love is a business. This film is not suitable for children.
FR LIMIT PARADIS: SPERAN (Paradise: Hope / Paradies: Hoffnung, Austria-Germania-Frana, 2013) 91 R. Ulrich Seidl. Cu: Melanie Lenz,
Joseph Lorenz, Michael Thomas, Vivian Bartsch.

Filmul prezint perioada haotic dintre Primvara de la Praga i invazia sovietic ce i-a urmat n vara lui 1968. Trei tineri, orfanii Yorick, Andrej i Marta, supravieuiesc doar datorit nebuniei lor, cci, recurgnd la o filozofie personal a bucuriei i-a iubirii, ncearc s se joace de-a libertatea ntr-o ar care nu mai e liber. Proiecie n versiune restaurat a filmului interzis ntre 1969 i 1989! This film reflects the hectic period of the Prague Spring and the Soviet invasion that followed in the summer of 1968. Three young people, orphans Yorick, Andrej and Marta, survive thanks only to their own foolishness - trying to play at freedom in a country that is not free, using an inner philosophy of joy and love. TIFF screens the restored version of the film banned until 1989!
SUPERNOVA PNTECELE TU (Thy Womb / Sinapupunan, Filipine, 2012) 100 R. Brilliante Mendoza. Cu: Nora Aunor,
Bembol Roco, Mercedes Cabral.

Zsuzska a emigrat din Ungaria n Germania i a reuit s devin mai nemoaic dect

Shaleha nu mai e tnr i tocmai a pierdut a treia sarcin. i e groaz c nu va mai duce una la bun sfrit. Pentru a ndeplini unica dorin a soului ei, Shaleha decide s gseasc o nou partener pentru el. Dar n ajunul

Povestea lui Melanie, o adolescent supraponderal n vrst de 13 ani, i a primei ei iubiri. Este n vacana de var ntr-o tabr pentru slbit. Melanie se ndrgostete de directorul taberei, un doctor cu patru decenii mai n vrst ca ea. Dragostea ei este necondiionat, cum numai primele iubiri pot fi. ncearc plin de inocen s-l seduc... Film nerecomandat minorilor. The story of Melanie, an overweight 13-year-old,


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


slujba sngeroas i s nceap s triasc ca un brbat cumsecade. Dar mama este rpit... Marele ctigtor Laureat cu Leul de Aur la festivalul de la Veneia! A loan shark lives not caring of all the pain he has caused to a countless number of people. One day, a woman appears in front of him claiming to be his mother. He coldly rejects her at first, but gradually accepts her in his life. He decides to quit his cruel job and to live a decent life. Then suddenly the mother is kidnapped... Winner of the Golden Lion trophy, the top award of the Venice film festival! COMPETIIE PLOAIE DE VACAN (Tanta agua / So Much Water, Uruguay-Mexic-OlandaGermania, 2012) 102 R. Ana Guevara Pose, Leticia Jorge


Romero. Cu: Mal Chouza, Nstor Guzzini, Joaqun Castiglioni.

celei de-a doua cstorii a soului, Shaleha i d seama c e mistuit de gelozie... A woman of mature years, experiencing a third miscarriage, Shaleha agonizes that she cant bear a child. To fulfill her husbands only wish, Shaleha decides to find a new partner for her husband. But on the eve of her husbands second marriage to Mersila, a gnawing jealousy consumes Shaleha... ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL PE VIA (Lifelong / Hayatboyu, TurciaGermania-Olanda, 2013) 102 R. Asl zge. Cu: Defne Halman, Hakan
imenser, Gizem Akman.

relaia la suprafa. Asta pn cnd Ela surprinde o conversaie telefonic a lui Can... Ela is a respected artist, Can is a successful architect. They live in a stylish house Can designed for them, in one of Istanbuls most prestigious neighborhoods. Though the passion has mostly gone out of their relationship, mutual respect and admiration keep their union afloat. That is, until Ela overhears one of Cans phone conversations... SUPERNOVA PIETA (Pieta, Coreea de Sud, 2012) 104 R. Kim Ki-duk. Cu: Cho Min-soo, Lee

Ela este o artist respectat, iar Can un arhitect de succes. Locuiesc ntr-o cas frumoas proiectat de Can, ntr-unul din cele mai selecte cartiere ale Istanbulului. Dei pasiunea a disprut dintre ei, respectul reciproc i admiraia le in

Un recuperator triete fr s-i pese de durerea cauzat attor oameni. ntr-o zi, o femeie i apare n fa zicnd c este mama lui. La nceput o respinge cu rceal, dar treptat o accept n viaa lui. Decide s renune la

Luca e nemulumit: adolescenta trebuie s petreac o sptmn de vacan cu tatl ei divorat, Alberto. n timp ce fratele ei petrece timp cu Alberto, timida Luca se arunc ntr-o lume mai captivant. Nu trece mult i ntlnete un biat simpatic, Santiago, care o duce prin mprejurimi pe scuterul su i apoi o invit seara n ora - seara nu se va termina exact cum spera Luca... Disgruntled teenager Luca has to spend a weeks holiday with her divorced father, Alberto. Whilst her brother spends time with Alberto, shy Luca drifts into a more exciting world. Its not long before she meets a cute guy named Santiago who at first chauffeurs her on his moped before talking her into a night out in the small town - a night out that doesnt exactly end as Luca had hoped...
PIAA UNIRII, ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC POZIIA COPILULUI (Childs Pose, Romnia, 2013) 112 R. Clin Peter Netzer. Cu: Luminia
Gheorghiu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Ilinca Goia, Nataa Raab.


ntr-o noapte friguroas din martie, Barbu gonete pe strad cu 50 de kilometri peste limita legal i lovete un copil. Acesta moare curnd dup accident. Ar putea urma o condamnare la nchisoare ntre trei i 15 ani. Este timpul ca mama lui Barbu, Cornelia, s intervin... Trofeul Ursul de Aur i premiul FIPRESCI la Berlin 2013. Poziia copilului a devenit cea mai de succes premier romneasc a ultimului deceniu! One cold evening in March, Barbu is tearing down the streets 50 kilometres per hour over the speed limit when he knocks down a child. The boy dies shortly after the accident. A prison sentence of between three and fifteen years awaits. High time for his mother, Cornelia, to intervene... The Golden Bear trophy and the



31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

guri. Fur i se las umilit, gata de orice pentru fiul su. Ceea ce-i unete pe tat i fiu pare s fie muzica rock... The everyday life of a desperate father circles around his drug addicted son. He steals and is being humiliated, ready to do everything for his son. What seems to unite the father and son more is rock music...


3X3 S-A NTMPLAT N MAI (Aprs Mai / Something in the Air, Frana, 2012) 122 R. Olivier Assayas. Cu: Clment Mtayer, i a dragostei lor de-o via pentru muzica din Europa de Est. Pornim pe urmele familiei Cellier n toat Europa de Est gsind interpreii acelor vremuri i readucnd la via bogia muzicii lor. Proiecia urmat de concert! The film tells a great love story - the story of Marcel and Catherine Cellier and their lifelong dedication to the music of Eastern Europe. We follow the traces of the Cellier family to Eastern Europe to find the protagonists of those days and to resurrect the richness of their music. The screening will be followed by a concert! ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC ROCKER (Rocker, RomniaFrana-Germania, 2012) 91 R. Marian Crian. Cu: Dan Chiorean, Alin
State, Ofelia Popi, Crina Semciuc. Lola Crton, Felix Armand, Carole Combes.

FIPRESCI award at this years Berlinale. Also, Childs Pose became the most popular domestic release of the last decade! PIAA UNIRII PRINCE AVALANCHE (Prince Avalanche, SUA, 2013), 94 R. David Gordon Green. Cu: Paul Rudd,
Emile Hirsch, Lance Legault.

Alvin i Lance i petrec vara lui 1988 vopsind marcajele pe un pustiu i interminabil drum de ar. Lance suport cu greu izolarea i faptul c se afl att de departe de petreceri i fete. Nu la fel stau lucrurile cu seriosul Alvin, care scrie scrisori pline de pasiune iubitei sale, sora mai mare a lui Lance. Prince Avalanche a ctigat Ursul de Argint pentru regie la festivalul de la Berlin! Alvin and Lance spend the summer of 1988 repainting the markings on an endless and deserted country road. Lance finds it hard to cope with their isolation in the wilderness far away from parties and girls - as opposed to serious Alvin who writes passionate letters from afar to his girlfriend, Lances elder sister. Prince Avalanche won the Silver Bear award for Best Director at this years Berlinale!

Viaa de zi cu zi a unui tat disperat se nvrte n jurul fiului su dependent de dro-

Paris, nceputul anilor 70. Elevul de liceu Gilles este absorbit complet n tumultul politic i artistic al perioadei. Ca i colegii si, Gilles ezit ntre implicarea politic radical i aspiraiile mai personale. De la relaii sexuale la revelaii artistice, aventura sa l poart din Italia pn la Londra. Premiul pentru Cel mai bun scenariu la Veneia! Paris, in the early 1970s. Gilles is a young high school student completely swept up in the political and creative effervescence of the times. Like his schoolmates, he wavers between radical commitment and more personal aspirations. He passes from sexual relations to artistic revelations on a journey through Italy and ending in London. Best Screenplay award at last yearss Venice film festival!

EVENIMENTE SPECIALE RITMURI DIN BALCANI (Balkan Melodie, ElveiaGermania-Bulgaria, 2012) 92 R. Stefan Schwietert. Filmul descrie o mare poveste de dragoste - povestea lui Marcel i Catherine Cellier

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


in an Argentinean province. They travel by foot, across hills, a hundred kilometres, for the promise of a new home. They carry a few supplies and a shotgun. Will their trip have a happyending? PROIECII SPECIALE STUCUL MEU DRAG (My Sweet Little Village / Vesnicko m strediskov, Cehoslovacia, 1985) 98 R. Jir Menzel. Cu: Jnos Bn, Marin


PIAA UNIRII SAMSARA (Samsara, SUA, 2011) 99 R. Ron Fricke. Filmat de-a lungul a cinci ani i n 25 de ri, Samsara ne poart spre pmnturi sacre, zone calamitate, situri industriale i minuni ale naturii. Zgrcit cu dialogul i textul descriptiv, documentarul ncurajeaz interpretarea foarte personal a privitorului inspirat de imaginile i muzica ce aduc laolalt anticul i modernul. Realizat de aceeai echip i n acelai spirit ca filmul-cult Baraka i filmat pe pelicul de 70mm! Filmed over a period of almost five years and in 25 countries, Samsara transports us to sacred grounds, disaster zones, industrial sites, and natural wonders. By dispensing with dialogue and descriptive text, the documentary encourages our own inner interpretations inspired by

images and music that infuses the ancient with the modern. Made by the same team and in the same spirit as cult-film Baraka and shot in gorgeous 70mm! ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL SLBATICII (Los salvajes / The Wild Ones, Argentina-Olanda, 2012) 119 R. Alejandro Fadel. Cu: Leonel
Arancibia, Roberto Cowal, Sofa Brito, Martn Cotari.

Ca ntr-un western, totul ncepe cu o evadare. Cinci adolesceni evadeaz dintr-o coal de corecie din provincia argentinian. Cltoresc pe jos, culme dup culme, o sut de kilometri, cutnd o nou cas. Au cteva provizii i o arm. Va avea cltoria lor un sfrit fericit? Five teenagers violently escape a reform school

Unul dintre cele mai iubite filme ale lui Jir Menzel, laureat cu Premiului pentru ntreaga Carier la TIFF 2013! De ani de zile scorosul Pavek l-a suportat pe Otik, prostul satului, mprind masa cu el, dar i bancheta camionului su. Dar nucul Otik mprtie atta bun-dispoziie n jur, nct Pavek, orict s-ar enerva, nu duce la bun sfrit ameninrile c-i va gsi alt coleg. Un cuplu pe msura lui Laurel i Hardy este inima unei comedii care descoper umor din belug n situaii familiare. One of the most beloved films directed by Jir Menzel, winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award at TIFF 2013! For years the overbearing Pavek has endured Otik, the town idiot, sharing his meals and the front seat of their dump truck. But Otik is such a sweet-natured fool that Pavek, exasperated as he becomes, always relents on his threats to find another partner. This Laurel and Hardy-like pair are at the heart of a comedy which finds humor in an abundance of everyday situations.
PROIECII SPECIALE SNGE NTUNECAT (Dark Blood, Olanda, 2012) 86 R. George Sluizer. Cu: River Phoenix,
Jonathan Pryce, Judy Davis, Rhonda Aldrich.


Harry i Buffy cltoresc prin deert, spernd c o a doua lun de miere le va salva csnicia. Bentley-ul lor se stric n mijlocul pustietii i cuplul este salvat de Boy, un tnr vduv, a crui soie a murit din cauza radiaiilor emise de testele nucleare efectuate n apropierea casei lor. Curnd, Boy ncepe s-i trateze pe cei doi soi ca pe nite prizonieri... Ultimul film al lui River Phoenix, actorul murind cu zece zile nainte de sfritul filmrilor, n 1992. 20 de ani mai trziu, regizorul lanseaz filmul, folosind o inedit tehnic de montaj pentru a completa secvenele lips. Harry and Buffy travel to the desert on a second honeymoon in an attempt to save their marriage. Their Bentley breaks down in the middle of nowhere and the couple is rescued by Boy, a young widower whose wife died of radiation following nuclear tests near their home. Soon, Boy will start to treat the couple like prisoners... River Phoenixs last film: the actor died



31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


ten days before the shooting was supposed to end, in 1992! 20 years later, the director finally releases the film, using an interesting method to revive the missing sequences.
CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? SCOICI NDRGOSTITE (Lamour des moules / Mussels in Love, Olanda-Belgia, 2012) 73 R. Willemiek Kluijfhout. Cu: Sergio
Herman, Annelies Pronker, Henk Jumelet.

anul (Adrian Siliteanu), Vaca finlandez (Gheorghe Preda), Grindcore (Ioachim Ciobanu), Fotografii de familie (Andrei Cohn), My Baby (Luiza Prvu), Bad Penny (Andrei Creulescu) candideaz pentru premiul Cel mai bun scurtmetraj din Zilele Filmului Romnesc. The Ditch (Adrian Siliteanu), The Finnish Cow (Gheorghe Preda), Grindcore (Ioachim Ciobanu), Family Pictures (Andrei Cohn), My Baby (Luiza Prvu), Bad Penny (Andrei Creulescu) run for the Best Short Film Award of the Romanian Days sidebar.
ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC SCURTMETRAJE ROMNETI II (Romanian Shorts II, 2012-2013) 113 Dup fel i chip (Paula One), n acvariu (Tudor Jurgiu), Waste (Anton Groves), Claudiu i crapii (Andrei Tnase), Weekend la mare (Rzvan Tache), Betoniera (Liviu Sndulescu) candideaz pentru premiul Cel mai bun scurtmetraj din Zilele Filmului Romnesc. As You Like It (Paula One), In the Fishbowl (Tudor Jurgiu), Waste (Anton Groves), Claudiu and the Fish (Andrei Tnase), Weekend Getaway (Rzvan Tache), The Cement Mixer (Liviu Sndulescu) run for the Best Short Film Award of the Romanian Days sidebar.

Ori le iubeti, ori le urti! Dar probabil nu tiai c midiile pot fi folosite la mult mai mult dect un simplu aperitiv. Asta pn acum! Scoici ndrgostite este filmul perfect despre viaa i hrana acestor crustacee ciudate, i despre ntreaga comedie uman pus n scen n jurul lor. You either love them, or you hate them! But you probably didnt know that the mussel can be used for much more than an hors doeuvre until now! Mussels in Love is the ultimate film about the life and food of this strange shellfish, and about the whole human comedy that unfolds around it.

ZILELE FILMULUI ROMNESC SCURTMETRAJE ROMNETI III (Romanian Shorts III, 2012-2013) 112 Rio 2016 (Bianca Rotaru), Pastila fericirii (Cecilia Felmery), Im a Walking Contradiction (Raia al Souliman), Maria (Claudiu Mitcu), Caseta nr. 4 / Alexandra (Cristian Pascariu), 12 minute (Nicolae Constantin Tnase) candideaz pentru premiul Cel mai bun scurtmetraj din Zilele Filmului Romnesc. Rio 2016 (Bianca Rotaru), The Pill of Happiness (Cecilia Felmery), Im a Walking Contradiction (Raia al Souliman), Maria (Claudiu Mitcu), Tape no. 4 / Alexandra (Cristian Pascariu), 12 Minutes (Nicolae Constantin Tnase) run for the Best Short Film Award of the Romanian Days sidebar. FR LIMIT SIMON KILLER (Simon Killer, SUA, 2012) 105 R. Antonio Campos. Cu: Bradley Corbet,
Mati Diop, Constance Rousseau, Lila Salet.

Simon a terminat recent facultatea i i se prevede un viitor strlucit. Dup o desprire dificil de iubita lui, pleac la Paris pentru a ncepe o cltorie n jurul Europei. Cnd Simon se ndrgostete de o tnr i misterioas prostituat, cltoria lor fatidic ncepe... Film nerecomandat minorilor.

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


ghters), Sound City vorbete despre elementul uman al muzicii, arta pierdut a nregistrrii nedigitale i istoria unuia dintre cele mai faimoase studiouri din America, Sound City. Multe dintre cele mai influente albume din anii 70, 80 i 90 au fost nregistrate aici: clasice de Fleetwood Mac, Neil Young, Tom Petty, Metallica, Nirvana... D irected by Dave Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters), Sound City talks about the human element of music, the lost art of analog recording, and the history of Americas greatest unsung recording studio, Sound City. Many of the seminal albums of the 70s, 80s and 90s were put on tape within these walls: classics by Fleetwood Mac, Neil Young, Tom Petty, Metallica, Nirvana... 3X3 SPECIALISTUL: PORTRETUL UNUI CRIMINAL MODERN (Un spcialiste, portrait dun criminel moderne / The Specialist, IsraelFrana-Germania-Austria-Belgia, 1999) 128 R. Eyal Sivan. Cu: Adolf Eichmann. 60 de ani de la procesul lui Adolf Eichmann (Ierusalim, 1961), iat un film despre neobinuitul proces al unui om teribil de obinuit. Este un eseu despre obedien i responsabilitate, inspirat de spusele lui Eichmann la Ierusalim i Raport asupra banalitii rului de Hannah Arendt i regizat de Eyal Sivan cu ajutorul a mai bine de 350 de ore de material de arhiv. 60 years after the Adolf Eichmann trial (Jerusalem, 1961), watch the film about the extraordinary trial of a terribly ordinary man. It is an essay on obedience and responsibility, inspired by Eichmann in Jerusalem, a Report on the Banality of Evil written by Hannah Arendt, and directed by Eyal Sivan out of 350 hours of archives. CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? Stoichkov (Stoichkov, Bulgaria, 2012) 90 R. Borislav Kolev. Cu: Hristo Stoichkov,
Johan Cruyff, Jose Carreras.


Simon is a recent college graduate full of promise and potential who goes to Paris to begin a trip around Europe after a bad break-up with his longtime girlfriend. When Simon falls in love with a young, mysterious prostitute, their fateful journey begins. This film is not suitable for children.
FOCUS SLOVACIA SOARELE PRINs N PLAS (The Sun in a Net / Slnko v sieti, Cehoslovacia, 1962) 90 R. Stefan Uher. Cu: Marian Bielik,
Jana Belakova, Olga Salagova, Pavel Chrobak.

spatele unui fals cinism i a unor atitudini negative. Adevrul lumilor lor interioare este plin de emoii, doar c lor le e team s le scoat la iveal. A lyrical story of the shy love of two young people. They try to hide their doubts, lack of experience and fear by pretended cynicism and negative attitudes. But the truth is their inner worlds are full of emotions that they are afraid to reveal. PROIECII SPECIALE SOUND CITY (Sound City, SUA, 2012) 108 R. David Grohl. Cu: Vinny Appice, Joe
Barresi, Brian Bell, Frank Black.

Poveste plin de poezie despre dragostea timid dintre doi tineri. Vor s-i ascund ndoielile, lipsa de experien i teama n

Regizat de Dave Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fi-


Hristo Stoichkov, fostul atacant al CSKA Sofia i FC Barcelona, este cel mai cunoscut bulgar n lume. Documentarul descrie prile bune, dar i pe cele rele ale acestui geniu al fotbalului, reuitele i eecurile unui nvingtor nnscut care lupt pn n pnzele albe, misiunea unui lider care inspir i i cluzete pe ceilali pe gazon. Hristo Stoichkov - former forward of CSKA Sofia and FC Barcelona - is the most famous Bulgarian in the world. The documentary describes the dark and bright side of genius, of the triumphs and failures of a born winner who never gives up, of the mission to be a leader who inspires and leads others in the football field.

RETROSPECTIVA PTER FORGCS SUNT UN VON HFLER (I am Von Hfler, Ungaria, 2008) 160 R. Pter Forgcs. Evenimentele unei viei lungi i nostalgia ultimului membru al familiei marilor productori de piele din Pcs. Cercetri recente susin c Goethe i-a modelat faimosul Werther dup un strmo al lui Tibor Hfler. Filmul exploreaz saga familiei sincroniznd-o cu marile evenimente din Europa Central a secolului 20. The twists of a long life, the elegy of the last member of the great Pcs leather manufacturers. Recently researchers claim that Goethe modelled his famous Werther figure after an ancestor of Tibor Hfler: our film journey explores how the threads of the Hfler saga intertwine with the 20th century Central Europes turmoil.


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

nului Fericirii. Legende strvechi spun c Turnul face oamenii s dispar. Dar nu accept pe oricine. Fiecare dintre cei patru pasageri crede c va fi alesul. Four passengers rush in a huge black jeep along an empty road in search of the Bell Tower of Happiness. According to old believes, The Bell Tower makes people disappear. But it does not accept everyone. Each of the four passengers believes that he or she will be chosen.

PROIECII SPEICALE TRMUL FGDUINEI (Heavens Gate, SUA, 1980) 219 R. Michael Cimino. Cu: Kris
Kristofferson, Christopher Walken, John Hurt, Isabelle Huppert.

ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL I EU (Me Too / Ya tozhe khochu, Rusia, 2012) 83 R. Alexei Balabanov. Cu: Oleg Garkusha,
Iuri Matveev, Aleksandr Mosin.

mit de critic la lansarea n SUA. n schimb, Festivalul de la Cannes a inclus filmul n cursa pentru Palme dOr, anul urmtor, iar critica european l-a vzut ca pe unul dintre cele mai neortodoxe i provocatoare western-uri realizate vreodat. Proiecie n versiune restaurat! Heavens Gate, directed by Academy Awardwinner Michael Cimino, is among Hollywoods most ambitious and unorthodox epics. Kris Kristofferson stars in the role of a Harvard graduate who has relocated all the way to Wyoming as a federal marshal; there, he learns of a government-sanctioned plot by rich cattle barons to kill the areas European settlers for their land. Heavens Gate was a massive failure at the box office. It was also very poorly received by critics at its domestic release. But next year the Cannes Film Festival included it in the race for the Palme dOr, and the European critics perceived it as one of the most unorthodox and challenging Westerns ever made. TIFF screens the digital restored version of the film! UMBRE TOT CE CONTEAZ A TRECUT (All That Matters Is Past / Uskyld, Norvegia, 2012) 106 R. Sara Johnsen. Cu: Maria Bonnevie,
Kristoffer Joner, David Dencik, Maria Heiskanen.

Patru persoane gonesc ntr-un imens jeep negru pe un drum pustiu, n cutarea Tur-

Trmul fgduinei este unul dintre cele mai ambiioase i neortodoxe filme de anvergur ale Hollywood-ului. Kris Kristofferson l interpreteaz pe protagonist, un absolvent de Harvard care devine om al legii n slbaticul Wyoming. Aici afl de un complot al baronilor locali, care, cu acordul tacit al autoritilor, plnuiesc uciderea imigranilor europeni din zon pentru a le lua pmntul. Eec de box office rsuntor, filmul a fost prost pri-

Doi frai cvadragenari sunt gsii mori n pdure. Lng ei zace o femeie, foarte slbit, dar nc n via. Cnd un poliist inves-


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


Three films based on Three Conversations by Russian writer and philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. The actors exercises developed into a minimalistic trilogy on cinema and literature, social and spiritual life. The trilogy is the result of a workshop of famous Romanian director Cristi Puiu at the French artists studio Chantiers Nomades.
CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? TZVETANKA (Tzetanka, SuediaBulgaria, 2012) 75 R. Youlian Tabakov. Cu: Tzvetanka


tigheaz ce s-a ntmplat, femeia, Janne, i spune frumoasa i tragica poveste de dragoste a lui Janne i William, fratele mai mic. O poveste de dragoste mereu tulburat de Ruud, fratele mai mare, care-i urte mezinul i ar fi n stare de orice ca s-l distrug... Two brothers in their fourties are found dead in the forest. By their side lies a woman, very weak, but still alive. When a policeman starts investigating what happened, the woman, Janne, tells the tragic and beautiful love story of Janne and William, the youngest brother. A love story always disturbed by the older brother, Ruud, who hates his brother and through his whole life wanted to destroy him... EVENIMENTE SPECIALE TRAINS OF THOUGHTS (Trains of Thoughts, Austria, 2012) 85 R. Timo Novotny. Pentru majoritatea oamenilor, metroul nu reprezint dect un mijloc de transport rapid i sigur care-i duce la destinaia dorit. Eseul vizual al lui Timo Novotny arat c metroul este mult mai mult dect att. Acompaniat fr oprire de excelenta coloan sonor a celor de la Sofa Surfers, cineastul ne nsoete n reele de metrou din mai multe metropole ale lumii, descoperind ce le face unice. Proiecie acompaniat de trupa Sofa Surfers! For the majority of people, the subway merely represents a reliable means of transportation that quickly and safely transports them to their destination. Timo Novotnys audiovisual essay, however, reveals that the underground railway is much more. Set to the excellent, uninterrupted soundtrack by Sofa Surfers, the filmmaker accompany us through the underground railways of several world metropolises, discovering what makes them unique. Screening with live score by Sofa Surfers!

SUPERNOVA TRDAREA (Betrayal / Izmena, Rusia, 2012) 115 R. Kirill Serebrennikov. Cu: Franziska
Petri, Dejan Lilic, Albina Dzhanabaeva, Arturs Skrastins.

Un brbat i o femeie se ntlnesc din ntmplare i afl c partenerii lor de via au o aventur mpreun. Descoperirea i mpinge s fac lucruri pe care nu le-ar fi ndrznit nainte... Film nerecomandat minorilor. A man and a woman, two casual acquaintances, learn that their respective spouses are having an affair with each other. This discovery drives them to do things they didnt dare to do before... This film is not suitable for children.
PROIECII SPECIALE TREI EXERCIII DE INTERPRETARE (Trois exercices dinterpretation, Romnia, 2012) 158 R. Cristi Puiu. Cu: Ludivine Anbrre,
Marion Bottollier, Ugo Broussot, AnneMarie Charles.

Cnd eram mic visam s devin actri... Tzetanka este povestea bunicii regizorului, o femeie care a supravieuit celor trei ere din istoria recent a Bulgariei: monarhia, regimul comunist i democraia. Viaa ei reprezint i reflect povetile multor altora, povestea unei ri ntregi. When I was a child I dreamed of becoming an actress... Tzvetanka is the story of the directors own grandmother, a woman who has outlived the three eras in Bulgarias recent history, the monarchy, the communist regime and democracy. Her life represents and reflects the stories of many others, the story of an entire country.

FR LIMIT ULTIMA OAR CND AM VZUT MACAO (The Last Time I Saw Macao / A ultima vez que vi Macau, Portugalia-Frana, 2012) 85 R. Joo Pedro Rodrigues, Joo Rui
Guerra da Mata. Cu: Cindy Scrash, Joo Rui Guerra da Mata, Joo Pedro Rodrigues.

Trei filme bazate pe Trei conversaii de scriitorul i filozoful rus Vladimir Solovyov. Exerciiile actorilor se afl la baza unei trilogii minimaliste despre cinema i literatur, viaa social i spiritual. Trilogia este rezultatul unui atelier al cunoscutului regizor Cristi Puiu gzduit de studioul Chantiers Nomades.

Doi cineati ajung n Macao ntr-o aventur ce va explora oraul-labirint, multicultural i misterios, unde amintirile din copilrie dialogheaz cu amintirea Estului creat de codurile cinema-ului i ale literaturii, totul


ducnd la o mrturie ce ncearc s ridice vlul aezat deasupra trecutului, dar i a prezentului. Two filmmakers leave to Macao in an adventure of discovery of a city-labyrinth, multicultural and mysterious, where the memories of the childhood have a dialog with the memories of the East built by the codes of the cinema and the literature, creating a testimony which tries to raise the veil on the past and the present time. PIAA UNIRII ULTIMA REPREZENTAIE (Full Circle / Fei Yu Lao Ren Yuan, China, 2012) 104 R. Zhang Yang. Cu: Xu Huanshan, Wu
Tianming, Li Bin, Yan Bingyan.


31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

in a land of wilderness and legends, far from civilization. For 20 years, Captain Jack The Whale and his crew have been drinking, dreaming and hunting for a treasure buried in the gully of Karadere, the pristine beach they call home. But someone else has got wind of Karaderes treasures... UMBRE UMBRE SCURTMETRAJE I (Shadows Shorts I, 2011-2013) 78 Prima parte a seleciei competitive de scurtmetraje fantastice i de groaz: Comarurile lui Charles Manson (Mick Davis, SUA), Pummul lui Iisus (Adrin Cardona, David Muoz, Spania), Hotel (Jose Luis Aleman, Spania), Cum s ridici luna (Anja Struck, Germania), Moartea unei umbre (Tom Van Avermaet, Belgia), Sfrit (Marius Rou, Romnia). First part of the competitive selection of horror and fantasy short films: Haunting Charles Manson (Mick Davis, USA), Fist of Jesus (Adrin Cardona, David Muoz, Spain), Hotel (Jose Luis Aleman, Spain), How to Raise the Moon (Anja Struck, Germany), Death of a Shadow (Tom Van Avermaet, Belgium), The End (Marius Rosu, Romania). UMBRE UMBRE SCURTMETRAJE II (Shadows Shorts II, 2011-2013) 82 Prima parte a seleciei competitive de scurtmetraje fantastice i de groaz: Povestea zidurilor vorbitoare (Andrej Boka, Serbia), Alexis (Alberto Evangelio, Spania), Sunt moart (Francesco Picone, Italia), Necrolovers (Victor Uribe, Chile), Castelul bntuit (Jovanka Vuckovic, Canada), Camera 606 (Peter Volkart, Elveia). First part of the competitive selection of horror and fantasy short films: The Tale of the Wall Habitants (Andrej Boka, Serbia), Alexis (Alberto

Evangelio, Spain), Io sono morta (Francesco Picone, Italy), Necrolovers (Victor Uribe, Chile), The Captured Bird (Jovanka Vuckovic, Canada), Room 606 (Peter Volkart, Switzerland). SUPERNOVA UMPLE VIDUL (Fill the Void / Lemale et hachalal, Israel, 2012) 90 R. Rama Burshtein. Cu: Hadas Yaron,
Yiftach Klein, Irit Sheleg, Chaim Sharir.

Un grup de seniori cu o energie de nestvilit i la 70 sau chiar 80 de ani revine la via cnd unul dintre ei i convinge pe ceilali s participe ntr-un concurs de talente difuzat de televiziunea naional. A group of irrepressible senior citizens all in their 70s and 80s living in a nursing home are energized when one of them decides that they should compete in a television variety show competition.
ACESTA ESTE SFRITUL ULTIMII PIRAI DIN MAREA NEAGR (The Last Black Sea Pirates, Bulgaria, 2013) 72 R. Svetoslav Stoyanov. Ultimii pirai din Marea Neagr noat n testosteron ntr-un trm al slbticiei i-al legendelor, departe de civilizaie. Timp de 20 de ani, cpitanul Jack Balena i echipajul su au but, visnd la i cutnd comoara din Karadere, plaja imaculat pe care ei o consider acas. Dar i alii au auzit de comorile din Karadere... The last Black Sea pirates swim in testosterone

Shira are 18 ani i este fiica cea mic a unei familii ortodoxe hasidice din Tel Aviv. Urmeaz s fie luat de nevast de un tnr pe gustul ei, dar Esther, sora ei mai mare, moare dnd natere primului ei copil, iar Shira este oferit drept soie vduvului, Yochay. Shira va trebui s aleag ntre ceea ce-i dorete i datoria fa de familie... Hadas Yaron a ctigat trofeul Coppa Volpi pentru Cea mai bun actri la festivalul de la Veneia. Eighteen-year-old Shira is the youngest daughter of an Orthodox Hassidic family from Tel Aviv. She is about to be married off to a young man she likes, but when her older sister Esther dies while giving birth to her first child, Shira is offered for marriage to Yochay, the widower. Shira will have to choose between her hearts wish and the family duty... Hadas Yaron won the Coppa Volpi award for Best Actress at the Venice film festival.
PIAA UNIRII UN PISTOL N FIECARE MN (Una pistola en cada mano / A Gun in Each Hand, Spania, 2012) 97 R. Cesc Gay. Cu: Ricardo Darn, Luis
Tosar, Javier Cmara, Eduardo Noriega.

Opt cvadragenari sunt prizonierii unor situaii care le dezvluie principala problem: o criz a identitii lor masculine. Ei se simt uimii de ce li se ntmpl i vor da dovad curnd de emoii pe care brbaii nu le ncearc foarte des. Oameni obinuii n situaii ieite din comun sunt protagonitii acestui amuzant i n acelai timp lipsit de menajamente portret al brbatului din ziua de azi. Eight men in their forties are caught up in everyday situations revealing their main conflict: a masculine identity crisis. They all share feelings of bewilderment, and their behavior forms a mosaic of emotions men usually dont reveal. Ordinary men in extraordinary situations are the protagonists of a comic and merciless portrait of men today.
ZIUA MAGHIAR UA (The Door / Az ajt, UngariaGermania, 2012) 98 R. Istvn Szab. Cu: Helen Mirren,
Martina Gedeck, Kroly Eperjes.


Magda, o scriitoare care nc nu a cunoscut faima, angajeaz ca menajer o femeie mai n vrst, Emerence. De la prima ntlnire este evident c Emerence nu este o menajer

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013




obinuit. Un eveniment dramatic din viaa scriitoarei o va face pe Emerence s dezvluie frnturi din trecutul ei traumatizant. Un trecut care arunc lumin asupra comportamentului ei neobinuit. Magda, a female writer struggling for success, employs an elderly woman called Emerence to be her housekeeper. From their first encounter, it is clear that Emerence is no ordinary maid. A dramatic event in the writers life prompts Emerence to unveil glimpses of her traumatic past - a past which sheds light on her very peculiar behaviour.

v. Este sfritul pentru Stasi. Maiorul S. fusese unul dintre ofierii si. V iubesc pe toi este un film despre supraveghere i cecitate, credin i deziluzie. Mr S. worked for twenty years as an official, serving society. Out of love. An unconditional, absolute love for his people. In February 1990, several weeks after the fall of the Berlin wall, the Ministry for State Security is dissolved. The end has come for the Stasi. Major S. is one of their officers. I Love You All is a film about surveillance and blindness, belief and disillusionment. CE SE NTMPL, DOCUMENTARULE? VISE DESPRE VIA (Dreams of a Life, Marea BritanieIrlanda, 2011) 91 R. Carol Morley. Cu: Zawe Ashton, Alix

COMPETIIE WADJDA (Wadjda, Arabia Saudit-Germania, 2012) 98 R. Haifaa al Mansour. Cu: Waad
Mohammed, Reem Abdullah, Abdullrahman Al Gohani.

PIAA UNIRII VAGABOND LA NAIROBI (Nairobi Half Life, KenyaGermania, 2012) 96 R. Tosh Gitonga. Cu: Joseph Wairimu,
Olwenya Maina, Nancy Wanjiku Karanja.

n 2001, Joyce Vincent a murit n apartamentul ei de deasupra unui mall din cartierul londonez Wood Green. Nimeni nu a observat. Aproape trei ani de mai trziu, apartamentul a fost spart de autoriti pentru c nu mai fusese pltit chiria. Scheletul ei a fost gsit nconjurat de cadourile de Crciun pe care le ambala n momentul morii. Televizorul nc mergea. Joyce Vincent died in her bedsit above Shopping City in Wood Green. Nobody noticed. Nearly three years later, her flat was forced into by authorities due to lack of rent payment. Her skeleton was found surrounded by Christmas presents that she was in the process of wrapping. Her television was still on.

Wadjda are 10 ani i triete ntr-o suburbie din Riyadh. Dup o ceart cu prietenul ei Abdullah, Wadjda vede o frumoas biciclet verde de vnzare. O vrea cu disperare, numai pentru a-l ntrece pe Abdullah ntr-o curs. Dar mama ei nu-i d voie s o cumpere, de teama reaciilor celor din jur, care consider c bicicletele sunt periculoase pentru virtutea fetelor. Wadjda decide s ncerce s strng banii de una singur... Wadjda este primul lungmetraj regizat de o regizoare din Arabia Saudit! Wadjda is a 10-year-old girl living in a suburb of Riyadh. After a fight with her friend Abdullah, Wadjda sees a beautiful green bicycle for sale. She wants the bicycle desperately so that she can beat Abdullah in a race. But Wadjdas mother wont allow it, fearing repercussions from a society that sees bicycles as dangerous to a girls virtue. So Wadjda decides to try and raise the money herself... Wadjda is the first film ever directed by a woman director in Saudi Arabia!

Mwas, un tnr actor aspirant din nordul Kenyei, viseaz s devin celebru n capital. Pentru a-i mplini visul, tnrul pleac spre Nairobi, unde va fi atras ntr-o lume a violenei i-a crimei. Continu, n schimb, s viseze la actorie... Mwas, a young, aspiring actor from upcountry Kenya, dreams of becoming a success in the big city. In pursuit of this, he makes his way to Nairobi, the city of opportunity, but he will be soon drawn into a new world of theft and violence. He still tries to pursue his dream of becoming an actor...
3X3 V IUBESC PE TOI (Pour lamour du peuple / I Love You All, Germania-Frana, 2004) 88 R. Eyal Sivan, Audrey Maurion. Domnul S. a lucrat timp de 20 de ani ca funcionar, n slujba societii. Din dragoste. O dragoste necondiionat, absolut, pentru poporul su. n februarie 1990, la cteva sptmni dup cderea zidului Berlinului, Ministerul Securitii de Stat se dizol-




31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

Weekend la Castel cu Alb ca Weekend at the castle with Zpada i Manasse Blancanieves and Manasse
Festivalul Internaional de Film Transilvania i Allianz iriac le pregtesc clujenilor i invitailor si cteva surprize, pe 1 i 2 iunie, ntrunul dintre cele mai frumoase locuri din apropierea Clujului, Castelul Banffy de la Bonida. Tradiionalelor proiecii n aer liber, cu acompaniament live, li se adaug anul acesta, n timpul zilei, alte cteva atracii: concerte, activiti pentru copii, spectacole culinare. Smbt, 1 iunie, o sesiune de gustri i buturi spaniole tradiionale - tapas, paella, tortilla, sangria i multe altele - i un concert de chitar spaniol vor pregti atmosfera pentru proieciaeveniment de la 21.30, cu filmul mut spaniol Alb ca Zpada / Blancanieves, n prezena regizorului Pablo Berger. Alb ca Zpada este o reinterpretare stilizat a basmului frailor Grimm, cu mijloacele cinemaului de la nceputul secolului XX. Aciunea se mut din nordul rece al Europei pe coastele Andalusiei, n anii 20. Alb ca Zpada, numit Carmen (Macarena Garcia), este fiica orfan de mam a unui toreador (Daniel Gimnez Cacho) i cltorete cu un grup de matadori pitici. n ciuda mainaiunilor puse la cale de mama sa vitreg (Maribel Verd), Carmen calc pe urmele tatlui ei i intr n aren. Duminic, 2 iunie, publicul va savura bucate ardeleneti autentice, gtite dup reete vechi culese de ctre echipa de buctari Nite rani, dar i reprezentaii de teatru de ppui sau muzica tradiional evreiesc interpretat de trupa Mazel Tov. Cu ncepere de la 21.30, proiecia filmului mut Manasse (1927, regia Jean Mihail), cu acompaniament live realizat de apreciata trup britanic Minima. Transilvania International Film Festival and Allianz iriac have a few surprizes for its guests and audience. On 1st and 2nd of June, in one of the most beautiful places near Cluj, the Banffy Castle in Bonida, our traditional outdoor screenings with live accompaniment will present a few additional attractions: concerts, childrens activities, cooking shows. Saturday, June 1st, a session of traditional Spanish snacks and drinks - tapas, paella, tortilla, sangria and more - and a Spanish guitar concert will prepare the atmosphere for the event screening at 9.30pm with the Spanish silent film Blancanieves. The screening will be attended by Pablo Berger, the director! Blancanieves is a stylized reinterpretation of the Grimm brothers fairy tale, employing the cinematic means of the early twentieth century. The action moves from the cold North of Europe to the Andalusian coast, in the 20s. Snow White, called this time around Carmen (Macarena Garcia), is the the motherless daughter of a bullfighter (Daniel Gimnez Cacho) and travels with a group of dwarf bullfighters. Despite the machinations devised by her stepmother (Maribel Verd), Carmen follows into her fathers footsteps and enters the bullfighting arena. And Sunday, June 2nd, the audience will enjoy authentic Transylvanian dishes, cooked from old recipes collected by the team of chefs Nite rani (Some Peasants), puppet theatre performances and the klezmer music of the Mazel Tov band! Starting at 21.30, the screening of silent film Manasse (1927), accompanied live by the popular Minima band from UK.

Smbt 12.00-17.00 - Ateliere pentru copii i prini, activiti sportive, show culinar spaniol organizat de restaurantul Hubertus 17.00 - Piesa de teatru Apolodor, cu Ada Milea i Dorina Chiriac 18.00 - Show de iluzionism cu magicianul Belloni 21.30 - Proiecie Alb ca Zpada Duminic 12.00-17.00 - Ateliere pentru copii i prini, activiti sportive, show culinar evreiesc cu Nite rani 17.00-19.00 - Teatru de ppui cu Janos cel Viteaz - n romn i maghiar! 21.30 - Proiecie Manasse

The programme:
Saturday 12.00-17.00 - Workshops for kids and parents, sport activities, Spanish culinary show by Hubertus Restaurant 17.00 - APOLODOR theatre performance, with Ada Milea, Dorina Chiriac 18.00 - Illusionism show with magician Belloni 21.30 - Blancanieves screening Sunday 12.00-17.00 - Workshops for kids and parents, sport activities, Jewish-themed culinary show by Nite rani 17.00-19.00 - Puppet theatre performances with Janos the Brave in both Romanian and Hungarian 21.30 - Manasse screening

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


My Sweet Little Village / Stucul Meu Drag - pag. 51; Mussels in Love / Scoici ndrgostite - pag. 52; My Dog Killer / Cinele Meu Uciga - pag. 5; My Beautiful Laundrette / Frumoasa mea Spltorie - pag. 14; Much Ado About Nothing / Mult Zgomot Pentru Nimic - pag. 45; Nadea and Sveta / Nadea i Sveta - pag. 45; Nairobi Half Life / Vagabond la Nairobi - pag. 57; Northwest / Nord -Vest - pag. 45; New Life of Family Album / Noua Via a Albumului de Familie - pag. 45; No / Nu - pag. 45; Naked Opera / Opera Despuiat - pag. 46; New World / Operaiunea New World - pag. 46; Outrage / Furie - pag. 14; Outrage Beyond / Furie la Ptrat - pag. 14; One Night / ntr -o Noapte - pag. 18; Pablo / Pablo - pag. 47; Panihida / Panihida - pag. 47; Paradise: Faith / Paradis: Credin - pag. 47; Paradise: Love / Paradis: Dragoste - pag. 48; Paradise: Hope / Paradis: Speran - pag. 48; Penance / Ispire - pag. 16; Pieta / Pieta - pag. 49; Prick Up Your Ears / Ciulii -v Urechile! - pag. 7; Prince Avalanche / Prince Avalanche - pag. 50; Raw Material / Materie Prim - pag. 44; Redemption Street / Calea Mntuirii - pag. 4; Rocker / Rocker - pag. 50; Thy Womb / Pntecele Tu - pag. 48; Romanian Shorts / Scurtmetraje Romneti - pag. 52; The Ridge / Creasta - pag. 8; Samsara / Samsara - pag. 51; Searching for Sugar Man / n Cutarea lui Sugar Man - pag. 16; Swandown / Datu cu Lebda - pag. 9; Simon Killer / Simon Killer - pag. 52; Ship of Theseus / Corabia lui Tezeu - pag. 7; So Much Water / Ploaie De Vacan - pag. 49; Something in the Air / S -a ntmplat n Mai - pag. 50; Stoichkov / Stoichkov - pag. 53; Summer Hours / Ora de Var - pag. 46; Snow White / Alb ca Zpada - pag. 3; The Sun in a Net / Soarele Prins n Plas - pag. 53; Sound City / Sound City - pag. 53; The Specialist / Specialistul: Portretul unui Criminal Modern - pag. 53; Taped / nregistrarea - pag. 18; Trains of Thoughts / Trains of Thoughts - pag. 55; Trois exercices dinterpretation / Trei Exerciii de Interpretare - pag. 55; Tzetanka / Tzvetanka - pag. 55; Unfair World / O Lume Nedreapt - pag. 44; Umbre Scurtmetraje - pag. 56; Wadjda / Wadjda - pag. 57; A World Not Ours / O Lume care nu ne Aparine - pag. 43; The Wild Ones / Slbaticii - pag. 51; The Weight of Elephants / Greutatea Elefanilor - pag. 15;


36/36 - pag. 2; 90 Minutes / 90 de Minute - pag. 2; The ABCs of Death / Abc -ul Morii - pag. 2; The Act of Killing / Actul de a Ucide - pag. 2; Aglaja / De ce Fierbe Copilul n Mmlig - pag. 9; All That Matters Is Past / Tot ce Conteaz a Trecut - pag. 54; Angelos Film / Filmul lui Angelos - pag. 13; The Age of Aluminium / Epoca Aluminiului - pag. 11; Balkan Melodie / Ritmuri din Balcani - pag. 50; Bells of Happiness / Clopoeii Fericirii - pag. 7; Betrayal / Trdarea - pag. 55; Beyond the Walls / Dincolo de Ziduri - pag. 10; Birds, Orphans and Fools / Psri, Orfani i Nebuni - pag. 48; Boy Eating the Birds Food / Biatul care Mnca Hran pentru Psri - pag. 4; Breaking Horizons / Orizonturi Frnte - pag. 46; Bucharest - Year of the Dragon / Anul Dragonului - pag. 3; The Bucureti Experiment / Experimentul Bucureti - pag. 12; Call Girl / Dama de Companie - pag. 8; Carlos the Jackal / Carlos - pag. 4; Circles / Cercuri - pag. 6; Chasing Ice / Goana dup Ghea - pag. 15; Childs Pose / Poziia Copilului - pag. 49; Confessions dun gang de filles / Foxfire. Confesiunile unei Gti de Fete - pag. 13; The Cleaner / Curtorul - pag. 8; Dancing on Broken Glass / Dansnd pe Cioburi - pag. 8; Dark Blood / Snge ntunecat - pag. 51; DeAD / DeAD - pag. 9; Dj Vu / Dj Vu - pag. 10; Dreams of a Life / Vise Despre Via - pag. 57; Domestic / Domestic - pag. 10; Doomsday Book / Cartea Apocalipsei - pag. 4; The Deep / n Larg - pag. 17; The Deflowering of Eva van End / Deflorarea Evei Van End - pag. 9; The Door / Ua - pag. 56; The Danube Exodus / Exodul de pe Dunre - pag. 12; El Perro Negro: Stories from the Spanish Civil War / Cinele Negru - pag. 5; Expiration Date / Data Expirrii - pag. 8; Escape / Evadarea - pag. 11; Fuck for Forest / Fuck for Forest - pag. 14; Exposed / Expus - pag. 12; The Eternal Return of Antonis Paraskevas / Eterna ntoarcere a lui Antonis Paraskevas pag. 11; The Exam / Examenul - pag. 11; The Explorer / Exploratorul - pag. 12; A Farewell to Fools / Condamnat la Via - pag. 7; An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker / Un Episod din Viaa unui Aduntor de Fier Vechi - pag. 11; Fata Morgana / Fata Morgana - pag. 13; Fatal / Fatal - pag. 13; Fill the Void / Umple Vidul - pag. 56;

Fine, Thanks / Bine, Mulumesc - pag. 4; Francine / Francine - pag. 13; Free Fall / Cdere Liber - pag. 5; Forget Me Not / Nu m uita - pag. 46; Full Circle / Ultima Reprezentaie - pag. 56; The Fifth Season / Al Cincilea Anotimp - pag. 3; Granpas Watch / Ceasul Bunicului - pag. 6; Gloria / Gloria - pag. 14; Gumshoe / Detectivul - pag. 10; The Girl / Fata - pag. 13; A Gun in Each Hand / Un Pistol n Fiecare Mn - pag. 56; The Guide / Ghidul - pag. 14; A Hijacking / Deturnarea - pag. 10; Halimas Path / Drumul Halimei - pag. 10; Halley / Halley - pag. 15; Hit So Hard / Hit So Hard - pag. 16; Here... I Mean There / Aici... Adic Acolo - pag. 2; Homeland, Sex and Further Inconveniences / Patria, Sexul i alte Inconveniente - pag. 48; I Catch a Terrible Cat / Ceasul Ru, Pisica Neagr - pag. 6; I Love You All, Germania -Frana, 2004) / V Iubesc pe Toi - pag. 57; Im So Excited / Amanii Pasageri - pag. 3; I am Von Hfler / Sunt un Von Hfler - pag. 54; It Felt Like Love / Iubire neltoare - pag. 16; In a Bedroom / n Dormitor - pag. 17; In the Darkroom / n Camera Obscur - pag. 16; In the Name Of / n Numele... - pag. 17; In a Bedroom / n Dormitor - pag. 17; Jen Janovics, the Hungarian Path / Janovics Jeno, Un Pathe Maghiar - pag. 18; Knifer / Cuitarul - pag. 8; Kon -Tiki / Kon -Tiki - pag. 18; Kauwboy / Micul Corb - pag. 44; Lifelong / Pe Via - pag. 49; Living / n Via - pag. 17; Little World, Spania / Ce Mic e Lumea! - pag. 5; The Last Ones / Cei din Urm - pag. 6; The Last Time I Saw Macao / Ultima Oar Cnd am Vzut Macao - pag. 55; The Last Black Sea Pirates / Ultimii Pirai din Marea Neagr - pag. 56; Laurence Anyways / Laurence pn la Capt - pag. 18; Leones / Leii - pag. 43; Like Someone in Love / Like Someone in Love - pag. 43; Liv & Ingmar / Liv & Ingmar - pag. 43; Lotte and the Moonstone Secret / Lotte i Misterul Pietrei Lunii - pag. 43; Love Building / Love Building - pag. 43; A Month in Thailand / O Lun n Thailanda - pag. 44; Manasse / Manasse - pag. 44; Marussia / Marussia - pag. 44; Made in Ash / Fabricat la As - pag. 12; Matei Child Miner / Matei Copil Miner - pag. 44; Me Too / i Eu - pag. 54; Miss Christina / Domnioara Christina - pag. 10; Man at War / Conflagraia Virtual - pag. 7; The Monsters Dinner / Cina Montrilor - pag. 7; Miss Universe 1929 / Miss Univers 1929 - pag. 45;



31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013





31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013


Biletele pentru cea de-a dousprezecea ediie a Transilvania IFF vor fi puse n vnzare on-line ncepnd cu vineri, 24 mai 2013 pe i la casieriile TIFF, ncepnd de luni 27 mai 2013 la Cinema FLORIN PIERSIC, P-a Mihai Viteazul, nr. 11, Cinema ARTA, str. Universitii, nr. 3, Cinema VICTORIA, B-dul Eroilor, nr. 51, Piaa Unirii, Cinema City (n incinta Iulius Mall), Odeon Cineplex (n incinta Polus Center) i Casa TIFF, str. Universitii, nr. 6 (doar pentru invitai i persoanele acreditate), programul casieriilor fiind urmtorul: Luni 27 mai - Joi 30 mai: 11:00 - 18:00; Vineri 31 mai - Duminic 9 iunie: 09:00 - 23:00. DAKHA BRAKHA: 30 Lei (CCS, 04.06) Bilet pentru concert SOFA SURFERS: 30 Lei (Hotel Continental, 05.06) Bilet pentru Ceremonia de nchidere: 30 lei* (Teatrul Naional, 08.06) Bilet pentru petrecerea de nchidere: 100 lei (n limita a 100 bilete) (Euphoria Music Hall, 08.06) Accesul la proieciile Mntur Open Air este gratuit. De la toate casieriile TIFF se pot obine bilete de intrare pentru proieciile care vor avea loc la Cinema FLORIN PIERSIC, Cinema ARTA, Cinema VICTORIA, URSUS OPEN AIR (PIAA UNIRII), Casa de Cultur a Studenilor, Institutul Francez Cluj, CINEMA CITY (2 sli) i ODEON CINEPLEX. n caz de ploaie, proiecia zilnic a filmului la URSUS OPEN AIR (PIAA UNIRII), ora 21.45, va avea loc n aceeai sear la Casa de Cultur a Studenilor, ncepnd cu ora 23.00. Biletele cumprate pentru filmul din PIAA UNIRII i pstreaz valabilitatea. Pentru proieciile unde accesul este liber, este necesar achiziionarea unui bilet cu valoare zero de la orice casierie TIFF, pentru acces n sal, n limita locurile disponibile. De la aceasta regul fac excepie proieciile care vor avea loc la Mntur Open Air. 60 de Carduri TIFF cu valoare de 300 lei vor fi puse n vnzare ncepnd cu data de 27 mai, ora 11:00. Pentru a putea beneficia de acest card, doritorii trebuie s completeze formularul TIFFcard i s l trimit prin e-mail mpreun cu datele lor de identificare i o fotografie n format .jpg la adresa sau s se prezinte la biroul de acreditri de la CasaTIFF, str. Universitii, nr. 6. Cardul garanteaz accesul la 35 de proiecii, la alegere, cu excepia evenimentelor speciale marcate cu asterisc (*). Deintorul cardului i va putea procura bilete n avans (sau n ziua proieciei) pentru orice film din programul TIFF, n limita locurilor libere, prin prezentarea cardului la orice casierie TIFF. Deintorul TIFFcard-ului nu poate viziona mai mult de 6 proiecii pe zi i nu poate procura dou bilete la aceeai proiecie. TIFFcard-ul nu garanteaz accesul la recepiile, spectacolele sau concertele din cadrul festivalului. Vnzarea biletelor N AVANS I PE PERIOADA FESTIVALULUI se va face dup cum urmeaz: BILETELE DE INTRARE pentru orice film, din orice locaie TIFF, pot fi obinute de la orice casierie TIFF sau on-line prin BILET MASTER ( nainte de a achiziiona biletele on-line, este necesar s v nscriei pe website-ul Trebuie s v nregistrai cu NUME, PRENUME, NUMR DE TELEFON, ADRESA DE MAIL i PAROL. Dup ce completai aceste date i primii confirmarea nregistrrii pe adresa de mail, contul dvs. este valabil i poate fi utilizat. Dup finalizarea comenzii, trebuie s selectai butonul CUMPRARE, pentru a putea accesa meniul de plat. n acest meniu va trebui s completai toate datele cardului dvs. i datele de contact pentru a putea finaliza corect plata i pentru a evita posibilele neplceri. Dup ncheierea plii vei primi un email de confirmare i pe ecran se va deschide o fereastr care va conine biletul n format electronic. V rugm s printai biletul/ biletele pentru a putea avea acces la proiecii i/sau evenimente. n cazul n care nu v putei lista biletul n momentul achiziiei, acesta se regsete n meniul DATE PERSONALE. Biletele cumprate prin sistemul on-line se supun acelorai reguli prezentate n politica oficial de bilete a festivalului. Pentru orice informaii sau neclariti v rog s v adresai pe email la BILETELE DE INTRARE pentru proieciile din locaiile: Institutul Francez Cluj, URSUS OPEN AIR sau pentru alte evenimente speciale vor fi disponibile i la intrare, cu o or naintea fiecrei proiecii. Cu 5 minute naintea nceperii oricrei proiecii, se va permite intrarea n sal a deintorilor de ecusoane TIFF care nu au reuit s i procure BILETE DE INTRARE, cu condiia s existe locuri libere n sal. ATENIE! Posesorii de bilete care ajung n ultimele 5 minute la proiecia respectiv nu vor avea garantate locuri libere n sal. TIFF i rezerv dreptul de a pstra un anumit numr de locuri pentru invitai pn cu 2 ore nainte de nceperea fiecrei proiecii. Dup acest termen, toate rezervrile se vor anula i biletele rmase disponibile vor fi scoase la vnzare. Proieciile marcate n program cu meniunile Zilele Filmului Romnesc sau Proiecie Special sunt destinate cu precdere invitailor romni i strini. Festivalul va pune n vnzare bilete la aceste proiecii, dar ntr-un numr limitat. Cu dou ore nainte de nceperea filmelor din categoriile enunate mai sus, toate rezervrile fcute pentru invitai se vor anula, astfel c biletele rmase disponibile vor fi puse n vnzare ctre publicul larg.

Biletele de intrare au urmtoarele preuri:

BILETE CUMPRATE CU ANTICIPAIE (cu minim o zi naintea proieciei) Bilet de intrare obinuit (valabil pentru o singur proiecie): 10 lei Bilet pentru elevi, studeni i pensionari: 8 lei (biletul se cumpr n baza prezentrii carnetului/legitimaiei de elev/student, a cardului OMNIPASS sau a talonului de pensie; la intrarea n sli se vor solicita documentele mai sus-menionate) BILETE CUMPRATE N ZIUA PROIECIEI FILMULUI Bilet de intrare unic (valabil pentru o singur proiecie) pentru toate categoriile de spectatori: 12 lei. BILETE CU REGIM SPECIAL Bilet de intrare pentru copii i elevi: 8 lei (valabil doar pentru proieciile de film din programul EDUCATIFF, anunate n program) Bilet pentru proieciile n aer liber din Ursus Open Air: 8 lei Bilet pentru Ceremonia de deschidere: 30 lei* (Ursus Open Air, 31.06) Bilet pentru proieciile din cadrul week-end la Castel: 10 lei (Castelul Banffy, 1.06 i 2.06) Bilet pentru proiecia special BALKAN MELODY, urmat de concert Ioan Pop i Grupul IZA: 30 Lei (CCS, 02.06) Bilet pentru concert TIGER LILLIES: 30 LEI (Hotel Continental, 03.06) Bilet pentru proiecia special EARTH cu acompaniament live

FLORIN PIERSIC P-a. Mihai Viteazul, nr. 11 ARTA Str. Universitii, nr. 3 VICTORIA B-dul Eroilor, nr. 51 CINEMA CITY (n incinta Iulius Mall), ODEON CINEPLEX (n incinta Polus Center), CASA DE CULTUR A STUDENILOR P-a. Lucian Blaga, nr. 1-3 URSUS OPEN AIR (PIAA UNIRII) INSTITUTUL FRANCEZ CLUJ str. I.C. Brtianu, nr. 22 MNTUR OPEN AIR (la terenurile de sport, n zona complexului Nora)

31 mai - 9 iunie, 2013




The tickets for the 12th edition of Transilvania IFF will be on sale, online (, starting Friday, May 24, 2013 and at the TIFF box offices starting Monday, May 27, 2013. The TIFF box offices are located at FLORIN PIERSIC Cinema (11 Mihai Viteazul Square), ARTA Cinema (3 Universitatii Street), VICTORIA Cinema (51 Eroilor Boulevard), Unirii Square, Cinema City (Iulius Mall), Odeon Cineplex (PolusCenter) and Casa TIFF (6 Universitatii Street - only for guests and accredited persons). Box Offices Programme: Monday, May 27 - Thursday, May 30: 11:00 - 18:00; Friday, May 31 - Sunday, June 9: 09:00 - 23:00. Closing Party: 100 lei (limited number - 100 tickets on sale) (Euphoria Music Hall, 08.06) Access to the Mntur Open Air screenings is free. All TIFF Box Offices sell tickets to all screenings which will take place at FLORIN PIERSIC Cinema, ARTA Cinema, VICTORIA Cinema, URSUS OPEN AIR, The Students Cultural House, The French Institute Cluj, CINEMA CITY (Iulius Mall) and ODEON CINEPLEX (4 venues). If it rains, the daily screening scheduled at 21.45 in URSUS OPEN AIR will take place at the The Students Cultural House from 23.00. The tickets bought for the URSUS OPEN AIR screening will still be valid. For the free screenings the 0 value ticket is compulsory. These tickets are available at any TIFF Box Office. The screenings from Mntur Open Air are excepted from this rule. 60 TIFF Cards, at the price of 300 lei each, will be put on sale starting May 27, 11:00 oclock. Those interested in acquiring the card must fill in the TIFFcard FORM and send it by e-mail with their contact information and a recent photo at, or come at the accreditation desk, located at Casa TIFF, 6 Universitatii Street. The card grants access to a number of 35 screenings, with the exception of the special events marked with asterisk (*). The card owner will be able to acquire tickets for any screening in the festival programme from all TIFF Box Offices, upon presentation of the said card and only if there are still seats available. The card owner has access to a maximum of 6 screenings per day and cannot acquire 2 tickets for the same screening. The TIFFcard does not guarantee access to cocktails, theatre shows, or concerts taking place within the festival. Tickets in advance and during the festival period will be sold as follows: Tickets for any movie at any TIFF venue can be purchased from any TIFF Box Office or online through BILET MASTER ( Before purchasing tickets online you need to register on the website with NAME, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL ADRESS and PASSWORD. After filling in the required information, you will receive a registration confirmation to the email address. Your account is thus valid and can be used. After checkout, you must select the BUY button to access the payment menu. In order to properly complete the payment phase and avoid possible inconveniences, you have to fill all your card information and contact details. After completing the payment phase, you will receive a confirmation email containing the electronic ticket. Please print the ticket and use it to gain access to the screening. If you cannot print the ticket immediately, you can do it later, from the PERSONAL DATA menu. Tickets purchased through the online system are subject to the same rules listed in the festivals ticketing policy . For any information or questions please contact us by email at Tickets for the screenings scheduled at the French Institute Cluj, URSUS OPEN AIR or for any special events can be bought at the entrance of the above-mentioned locations, one hour before each screening. 5 minutes before every screening, if there are seats available, the TIFF staff will grant access to all TIFF badge-holders that did not get tickets. ATTENTION! Ticket holders arriving at the screening within 5 minutes before the start of the screening will not have guaranteed seats. TIFF reserves the right to retain a certain number of seats for its guests up to 2 hours before the start of each screening. Afterwards all reservations will be cancelled, and the remaining tickets will be put on sale. The screenings marked in the TIFF Programme with Romanian Days or Special Screening are dedicated mainly to foreign and Romanian guests.TIFF will issue a limited number of tickets for these screenings. Two hours before the screenings in the mentioned categories, all bookings made for guests will be cancelled and the remaining tickets will be offered for sale to the general public.

Ticket Prices:
TICKETS BOUGHT IN ADVANCE (at least one day before the screening) Regular Ticket (valid for only one screening): 10 lei Discount Ticket, for students and seniors: 8 lei (the ticket can be bought by showing a student ID or the OMNIPASS card, or the pension coupon; the staff at the entrance will demand the above-mentioned documents) TICKETS BOUGHT ON THE DAY OF THE SCREENING Regular Single Ticket (valid for only one screening) for all types of audience: 12 lei SPECIAL TICKETS Students and children: 8 lei (valid for the official screenings in the EDUCATIFF programme) Ursus Open Air screenings: 8 lei Opening Ceremony: 30 lei* (Ursus Open Air, 31.05) Weekend at the Castle screenings: 10 lei (Banffy Castle, 1.06 & 2.06) Special screening BALKAN MELODY, followed by the Ioan Pop & IZA Group concert: 30 LEI (CCS, 02.06) TIGER LILLIES concert: 30 LEI (Hotel Continental, 03.06) Special screening EARTH accompanied live by DAKHA BRAKHA: 30 LEI (CCS, 04.06) SOFA SURFERS concert: 30 LEI (Hotel Continental, 05.06) Closing Ceremony: 30 lei* (National Theatre, 08.06)

FLORIN PIERSIC Cinema 11 Mihai Viteazul Square ARTA Cinema 3 Universitatii Street VICTORIA Cinema 51 Eroilor Boulevard CINEMA CITY (Iulius Mall) ODEON CINEPLEX (Polus Center) The Students Cultural House 1-3 Lucian Blaga Square URSUS OPEN AIR (UNIRII Square) The French Institute Cluj 22 I.C. Bratianu Street MNTUR OPEN AIR (in the sport field area, near Nora general store).

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