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PRACTICE EXAM 4 1- Bu testte cevaplayacanz soru says 100'dr. 2- nerilen cevaplama sresi 150 dakikadr. 1-18.

sorularda cmlede bo braklan yere uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz 1Many environmentalists believe that governments should be supporting research into the ....... of sunlight into electricity. A) drainage B) discovery C) progress D) manufacture E) conversion 2- If you want your cupboard done properly, you should ask old Mr Eames as he is such a/an .......... carpenter. A) attractive B) imaginary C) suitable D) competent E) generous 3- Having been mistaken for terrorists, the two innocent foreigners were ....... beaten by the mob. A) organically B) brutally C) unkindly D) considerately E) humanely 4It was my good fortune to enable me to ....... in a meeting of famous scientists from all over the world. A) participate B) reveal C) retard D) contemplate E) excavate Ever since the Industrial Revolution, irreversible harm has been ....... to the environment by human activities. A) made B) set C) done D) given E)led

A) for/to D) about/on

B) at/for E) from/at

C) to/in

14- My pit-bull is so frightening that people run away ....... us when I take him ....... a walk. A) into/to B) for/over C) towards/with D) with/out of E) from/for 15- ....... being disabled. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of the greatest US presidents of the century. A) As far as B) Besides C) Whereas D) In spite of E) Nevertheless 16- No one could have planned the battle ....... carefully ....... the general did, but all his plans were spoiled when some of his officers did not obey their orders. A) so/that B) more/than C) the most/like D) just/as E) too/than 17- Istanbul, ....... population is growing every day, badly needs an integrated public transport system. A) which B) where C) whose D) that E) how 18- Isabelle had problems using ....... computer because she only knows how to operate ....... . A) mine/hers B) me/herself C) my own/her D) my/her own E) myself/her 19-24. sorularda cmleye uygun ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz 19- ....... why the Mongols spread over such a wide area. A) Historians can state a number of reasons B) Every war had several causes and effects C) More than a million people abandoned the country D) There are a lot of well-prepared books E) The countries had been misgoverned for years 20- Industry observers are wondering .......... . A) whenever their product does not sell very well B) whether environmentalists will force them to stop operations C) unless there is another bad period in the market D) that production has been lower this year than in the previous year E) provided that they observe the environmental protection laws 21- Although we were already late for the party, ....... . A) we were really worried about it B) the driver was responsible for the delay C) he refused to drive any faster D) it had probably started on time E) he was in a hurry to get there 22- ........ many of the world's deserts would still be cultivable. A) Since the growing world population has put such pressure on the land B) Unless something is done to preserve them C) Provided they are well cared for D) Until the beginning of the 20th century E) If their fertility hadn't been destroyed by over-farming 23- The census-takers asked all sorts of questions ....... . A) in order to find out who we were and where we came from B) for the tourists could not understand them at all C) although we could not go outside until evening D) unless we did not know the answers E) whether we had been bom here or emigrated from the countryside 24- ....... since you are not interested in history. A) There is a good new book about the Russian Revolution B) Your sister was thinking of studying literature C) I won't bother to explain the battle in detail


6- We have to ....... the train at the next station and take a taxi for the rest of the journey. A) go down B) call off C) flood in D) turn down E) get off 7No one knows why the Mayan civilisation ....... and the cities ....... by encroaching forest until rediscovery in the 19th century. A) has declined/would be covered B) declined/were covered C) would decline/had covered D) was declining/have been covered E) had declined/were covering

8- I found a notebook in the classroom, but though it looks as if it ....... important notes in it, I am not sure who it ....... to. A) has/belongs B) is having/belonged C) has had/was belonging D) had/has belonged E) would have/had belonged 9- During the Middle Ages in Europe, all educated people ....... Latin. A) have spoken B) were spoken C) spoke D) had spoken E) ought to speak 10- You ....... me downtown last night because I was at home studying. A) didn't use to see B) haven't seen C) couldn't have seen D) must not have seen E) shouldn't see 11- Everybody in the queue was getting impatient as the time for the film to start drew nearer, ......... believing they wouldn't start it before everybody got in. A) and so did I B) and I wasn't either C) but I don't think so D) but I wasn't E) and I'm afraid not 12- Oil paints, which blend smoothly and produce subtle gradations of colour and tone, allow the artist ....... greater freedom in producing three-dimensional effects. A) most B) quite C) so D) more E) much 13- I'm afraid you've missed Jeff; he's just left ....... the station to catch the 10 o'clock train ....... Ankara.

D) I've heard you know all about Byzantine customs E) I would not expect you to remember me 33-40.sorularda verilen Trke cmlenin ngilizce dengini bulunuz 25- ah Cihan tarafndan kars iin yaptrlan Ta Mahal, tmyle mermerden ina edilmitir. A) The Taj Mahal, decorated extensively with marble, was built by Shah Jahan for his wife. B) The Taj Mahal, built entirely of marble, was the home of Shah Jahan and his wife. C) Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal entirely out of marble to please his wife. D) The Taj Mahal, built by Shah Jahan for his wife, was constructed entirely of marble. E) Built for Shah Jahan and his wife, the Taj Mahal is the only building constructed entirely of marble. 26- Maruz kaldklar stma ileminden dolay konserve yiyecekler genellikle ok az miktarda vitamin ierirler. A) The heat process which canned food undergoes generally destroys most of the vitamins originally found in it. B) The lack of vitamins to be found in canned food is generally a result of the heat processing which it undergoes. C) Generally speaking, after food has undergone heat processing for canning, there are little or no vitamin traces left in the food. D) Owing to the heat processing which it undergoes, canned food generally contains only small amounts of vitamins. E) In spite of the heat processing which canned food undergoes, it still contains small amounts of vitamins.

A) The latest technology seems to allow people to perform many tasks easily. B) People often try to use the latest technology to perform even simple tasks today. C) Today people often apply the latest technology even if they perform a simple task. D) It often appears today that people cannot perform simple tasks without using the latest technology. E) Today people often rely on the latest technology to perform even the simplest tasks. 30- Kpekler ve filler, pek ok alanda insanlara hizmet etmek iin eitilmilerdir. A) Dogs and elephants have been trained by humans for many years for use in different areas. B) Both dogs and elephants have been trained in different ways to serve humans. C) Dogs and elephants have been trained to serve humans in many areas. D) Having been trained, dogs and elephants can perform many tasks to serve humans. E) Dogs and elephants are trained in similar ways to serve humans. 31- Mzii dnda, filmin her eyi eletirildi. A) Apart from the music, everything about the film was criticised. B) Nobody who watched it liked anything about the film but the music. C) Everyone criticised the film for everything except the music. D) Most of the critics didn't like anything about the film apart from the music. E) None of the critics liked anything about the film except the music. 32- Her iki dnya savanda da elik mifer, savaan askerin tehizatnn tfek kadar standart bir parasyd. A) During both world wars, the fighting soldier's standard equipment included a steel helmet as well as a rifle. B) In both world wars, the steel helmet was as much a standard part of the fighting soldier's equipment as the rifle. C) The steel helmet, worn in both world wars, was an essential part of the fighting solder's equipment just as the rifle was. D) The steel helmet, which was worn in both world wars and was considered as important as the rifle, is still a standard part of a soldier's equipment. E) In both world wars, a fighting soldier's standard equipment consisted of not only a rifle but also a steel helmet. 25-32. sorularda verilen ngilizce cmlenin Trke dengini bulunuz 33- Almost all animals build temporary or permanent homes for themselves and their young. A) Hayvanlarn ou, yavrularyla birlikte srekli ya da geici olarak yaayacaklar barnaklar kendileri yaparlar. B) Hayvanlarn neredeyse tm, geici ya da srekli olarak kullanmak amacyla, yavrular iin barnaklar yaparlar. C) Hemen hemen btn hayvanlar, yavrularyla birlikte, kendi yaptklar geici ya da srekli barnaklarda yaarlar. D) Hayvanlarn hemen hepsi, kendileri ve yavrular iin geici ya da srekli barnaklar yaparlar. E) Hayvanlarn hemen hepsinin, kendi balarna ya da yavrularyla birlikte yaayabilecekleri srekli ya da geici barnaklar vardr.

27- Gebe yaam terkeden insanolu, ilk kez Dicle Vadisinde bugnk Hasan Keyf kasabas yaknlarna yerlemitir. A) Having abandoned nomadic life, mankind first settled down in the Tigris Valley near the present day town of Hasan Keyf. B) The first settlements in the Tigris Valley near the present day town of Hasan Keyf were made by nomadic people who had decided to settle down. C) Before he built his first settlements in the Tigris Valley near the present day town of Hasan Keyf, mankind had followed a nomadic life. D) The first place in the world where mankind abandoned his nomadic lifestyle was in the Tigris Valley near the present day town of Hasan Keyf. E) The first people to depart from a nomadic life and settle down did so in the Tigris Valley not far from the present day town of Hasan Keyf. 28Anlatml bir soruyu yantlarken soruyu tam olarak anladnzdan emin olmalsnz yoksa ilgisiz bir yant yazabilirsiniz. A) Before starting to write down your answer to an essay question, check that you have understood the question properly so that your answer won't be irrelevant. B) When answering an essay question, you should make sure you understand the question thoroughly, or you could write an irrelevant answer. C) When you answer an essay question, you should always make sure you understand the question completely; otherwise, you can't write a relevant answer. D) If you don't check that you understand an essay type question thoroughly, you could waste your time on a completely irrelevant answer. E) Before answering an essay question, make sure that you have understood the question thoroughly if you don't want to write an irrelevant answer. 29- Gnmzde insanlar, en basit ileri yapmak iin bile ou zaman en son teknolojiye gveniyorlar.

34- Children should be raised in a stable home environment, as too many changes in surroundings can make them feel insecure. A) evrelerindeki srekli deiiklikler, ocuklarn kendilerini gvensiz hissetmelerine neden olacandan onlan dengeli bir ev ortamnda yetitirmemiz gerekir. B) ocuklar istikrarl bir ev ortamnda yetitirilmelidir; nk evredeki ok fazla deiiklik onlarn kendilerini gvensiz hissetmelerine neden olabilmektedir. C) ocuklar istikrarl bir ev ortamnda yetitirmeliyiz; nk evrelerindeki ok fazla deiiklik onlarn kendilerini gvensiz hissetmelerine yol aar. D) Kendilerini gvensiz hissetmemeleri iin ocuklarn, evrelerinde ok fazla deiiklik olmadan, istikrarl bir ev ortamnda yetitirilmeleri gerekir. E) evrelerindeki ok eitli deiiklikler nedeniyle ocuklar kendilerine gvenlerini yitirebilirler; bu nedenle onlan istikrarl bir ev ortamnda yetitirmeliyiz. 35- Balzac's series of about eighty novels and tales, which he called The Human Comedy, forms a social history of France in the first half of the 1800s. A) Balzac'n, "nsanlk Komedyas" diye adlandrd, seksen kadar roman ve ykden oluan serisi, 1800'lerin ilk yansnda Fransa'nn sosyal tarihini oluturur. B) "nsanlk Komedyas" diye adlandrlan ve seksen kadar roman ve ykden oluan serisinde Balzac, Fransa'nn 1800'lerin ilk yarsndaki sosyal tarihini anlatr. C) Balzac'n seksen kadar roman ve ykden oluan "nsanlk Komedyas" adl serisi, Fransa'nn sosyal tarihinin 1800'lerin ilk yarsndaki blmn kapsar. D) Balzac'n "nsanlk Komedyas" diye anlan serisi, seksen kadar roman ve yksyle 1800'lerin ilk yansnda Fransa'nn sosyal tarihini oluturmaktadr. E) Balzac, seksen kadar roman ve ykden oluan "nsanlk Komedyas" diye adlandrd serisinde Fransa'nn 1800'lerin ilk yarsndaki sosyal tarihini yanstmtr. 36- In the jungles of South America and on the island of New Guinea, Stone Age cultures still exist in almost unspoilt form. A) Gney Amerika'nn cangllarnda ve Yeni Gine adasnda varln srdren Ta Devri kltrleri, neredeyse hi deiim yaamamlardr. B) Gney Amerika'nn cangllarnda ve Yeni Gine adasnda bugn hala hi deiime uramam Ta Devri kltrleri bulmak mmkndr. C) Ta Devri kltrleri Gney Amerika'nn cangllarnda ve Yeni Gine adasnda hi bozulmam olarak varln srdrmektedir. D) Gney Amerika'nn cangllarnda ve Yeni Gine adasnda Ta Devri kltrleri neredeyse hi bozulmam biimiyle hala vardr. E) Bugn hemen hi bozulmam Ta Devri kltrleri, sadece Gney Amerika'nn cangllarnda ve Yeni Gine adasnda bulunmaktadr. 37- One of the inventions of Nikola Tesla, who obtained over a hundred patents, was the alternating-current system that provides electricity for buildings. A) catlarndan biri binalara elektrik salayan alternatif akm sistemi olan Nikola Tesla yzn zerinde patent almtr. B) Binalara elektrik salayan alternatif akm sistemi, Nikola Tesla'y yzn zerinde patent sahibi yapan icatlarndan sadece biridir. C) Yzn zerinde patent sahibi olan Nikola Tesla'nn, alternatif akm sistemi buluuyla binalara elektrik salanmas mmkn olmutur. D) Nikola Tesla, binalara elektrik salayan alternatif akm sistemini bularak, yzn zerindeki patentlerine bir yenisini eklemitir. E) Yzn zerinde patent alan Nikola Tesla'nn icatlarndan biri de binalara elektrik salayan alternatif akm sistemiydi.

38- Nearly all of the major construction work done on and in houses is performed by carpenters. A) Marangozlar bir inaatta daha ok evin dndaki deil, iindeki ileri yaparlar. B) Marangozlar, evlerin zerinde ve iindeki yapm almalarnn neredeyse tmnden sorumludurlar. C) Yapm almalarnn byk blm evlerin zerinde ve iinde yaplanlar olup bunlarn neredeyse tmn marangozlar yapmaktadr. D) zerinde ve iinde yaplan nemli yapm almalaryla neredeyse evlerin tmn marangozlar yapmaktadr. E) Evlerin zerinde ve iinde yaplan nemli yapm almalarnn neredeyse tm marangozlar tarafndan yaplr. 39- Critics called two of the French writer Madame de Stael's movels, 'Delphine' and 'Corinne', the first modern feminist romances. A) Eletirmenler Fransz yazar Madame de Stael'in ilk iki roman 'Delphine' ve 'Corinne'in, ilk modern feminist ak romanlar olduu konusunda hemfikirdirler. B) Fransz yazar Madame de Stael'in ilk iki roman, 'Delphine' ve 'Corinne', pek ok eletirmence ilk modern feminist ak romanlar olarak kabul edilir. C) Baz eletimenler iki roman, Fransz yazar Madamme de Stael'in 'Delphine' ve 'Corinne'ini, ilk modern feminist ak romanlar olarak deerlendirmektedir. D) Eletirmenler Fransz yazar Madame de Stael'in iki roman, 'Delphine' ve 'Corinne'i, ilk modern feminist ak romanlar olarak nitelemilerdir. E) Eletirmenlerin deerlendirmesine gre, Fransz yazar Madame de Stael'in iki roman, 'Delphine 1 ve 'Corinne', ilk modern feminist ak romanlardr. 40- The aging process, an inevitable stage of life, should not be regarded as a period during which we'll lead an inactive life. A) Yallk sreci, yaamn pasif olarak yaanmas gereken kanlmaz bir evresi olarak alglanmamaldr. B) Tam bir hareketsizlik olarak alglanmasa da, yaamn bir evresi olan yallk kanlmazdr. C) Yaammzn doal bir evresi olan yallk srecini, hareketsiz bir dnem olarak dnmemeliyiz. D) Yaamn kanlmaz bir evresi olan yallk sreci, hareketsiz bir yaam sreceimiz bir dnem olarak grlmemelidir. E) Yallk, yaammzn kanlmaz bir evresidir; ancak bu, tam bir hareketsizlik anlamna gelmemelidir. 41-43. sorular aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz Although East Asia's economies clearly have some things in common, economists always enjoy arguing over what these things are. A few years ago, when they were still soaring in unison, one camp attributed their success to strong and wise governments; another emphasized the power of free markets. When they began crashing to earth, starting with Thailand in mid-1997, the two camps changed sides, blaming, respectively, stupid and corrupt governments or hysterical markets. Cultural explanations, too, have been popular through both ups and downs. Among this rich array of theories, one less clever but far more verifiable explanation is often overlooked: the economies of East Asia are, in fact, right next to each other. 41- We learn from the passage that economists ....... . A) are clear about what East Asia's economies have in common B) agree that East Asia's economies are soaring in unison C) disagree about the common factors in East Asia's economies D) have made a lot of money commenting on East Asia's economies E) usually emphasize the power of free markets

42- The author points out that when the economies of East Asia started to crash in 1997, ....... . A) the two camps blamed what they had previously praised B) the theories of economists were useful in limiting the damage C) a lot of people lost money on the stock-exchange D) it was commonly believed to be the fault of hysterical markets E) countries in other parts of the world were also affected 43- We can conclude from the author's statements that for him, ....... . A) simple explanations are not enough to resolve the problems in East Asia B) there hasn't been enough stress put on cultural explanations C) the downfall of the East Asian economies was inevitable D) a combination of strong government and free markets will always lead to success E) being close to each other is a more significant aspect of the East Asian economies 44-46. sorular aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz After the death of Ptolemy, the father of modern geography, Christianity conquered the Roman Empire and most of Europe. Then we observe a Europe-wide phenomenon of scholarly amnesia, which dominated the continent from A,D. 300 to at least 1300. During those centuries, Christian faith and dogma suppressed the useful image of the world that had been so slowly, so painfully and so scrupulously drawn by ancient geographers. We no longer find Ptolemy's careful outlines of shores, rivers and mountains, handily overlaid by a grid constructed of the best-known astronomical data. Instead, simple diagrams authoritatively declare the shape of the true world, though they are only religious caricatures. 44- We learn from the passage that Ptolemy ....... . A) exerted a strong influence on the Christian view of the world B) helped to conquer the Roman Empire and most of Europe C) had a more accurate view of the world than did the Christians of later centuries D) died sometime after the year 300 A.D. E) influenced the continent of Europe for about a thousand years 45- The author seems to suggest that Christianity ....... . A) was exceptionally tolerant in its attitude towards science B) was responsible for the suppressing of scientific knowledge C) made use of Ptolemy's works in conquering Europe D) developed a useful geographical image of the world E) directed the scholars to outline shores, rivers and mountains 46- The main focus of the passage is ....... . A) the slow, painful and scrupulous research of the geographers during the Christian era B) how Ptolemy came to be regarded as the father of modern geography C) how Christianity conquered the Roman Empire and most of Europe D) the efforts of Christianity to preserve what had previously been discovered E) the negative effects of Christianity on the scientific heritage in geography 47-49. sorular aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz In 1849, at the age of 28, Dostoevsky was sentenced to death with several others for attending meetings of a group of Utopian socialist intellectuals in St Petersburg. The group was lined up before a firing squad only to be told at the last moment that their sentences had been commuted to exile in Siberia. Dostoevsky spent the next five years in a convict prison at Omsk, an experience which produced his first major novel, 'The House of the Dead". This was followed by five years of enforced military service in the garrison at Semey, which was then starting to prosper mildly as a trading town, but was still as remote and inhospitable a place as the Tsarist authorities could think of for rebellious citizens.

47- It is clear from the passage that Dostoevsky ....... . A) was executed at the age of 28 B) became a government spy after being threatened with execution C) attended social evenings in St Petersburg among the elite D) had friends supporting anti-government ideas E) had already written great novels by the age of 28 48- According to the passage, after his conviction, Dostoevsky ...... . A) spent ten years writing his first major novel B) had to quit his career as a novelist C) was not completely free for a period of ten years D) was sent to a place called "The House of the Dead" by prisoners E) was in prison first at Omsk, then at Semey 49- We can infer from the passage that Dostoevsky's experience ...... . A) as a political prisoner influenced at least some of his writing B) as a writer made his life as a political prisoner easier C) by the age of 28 led him to believe that he would be a successful writer D) of almost being executed led to his Utopian socialist beliefs E) of military service at Semey was quite Pleasant 50-52. sorular aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz Ever since 1979, when pictures sent back from the two "Voyager" probes revealed that one of Jupiter's moons, Europa, was wrapped in cracked ice, scientists have suspected the existence of an ocean of water beneath its surface. This has excited those interested in searching for extra-terrestrial life. Water is widely regarded as necessary, if not sufficient alone, to sustain living things. Further fiy-bys of Europa by "Galileo", a spacecraft that has been in orbit around Jupiter since 1995, have provided additional evidence through more detailed pictures. 50- What scientists have learnt from the evidence sent back from the "Voyager" space probes is that ....... . A) Europa is one of Jupiter's moons B) Europa's surface consists of ice C) there is no life in outer space D) the largest ocean in the solar system is on Europa E) there is life on Europa 51- The passage informs us that water is ......... . A) Europa's main component B) what the "Galileo" spacecraft has been searching for C) the only thing that is necessary to support life D) an important part of the components required for life E) found only on the Earth and Europa 52- Those interested in extra-terrestrial life think that Europa ...... . A) is the largest of Jupiter's moons B) is the only place in the solar system, except the Earth, to harbour life C) is a possible future space colony D) might support life if it has water E) is covered by cracked ice

53-55.sorular aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz In 1988, much was made of the fact that Naguib Mahfouz was the first Arab Nobel Prize winner. Mahfouz's award, made at the height of Arab-Israeli peace manoeuverings, was a fine example of a literature prize suddenly taking on an unexpected political significance. This process was not without its ironies though. Previously, Mahfouz was severely criticised by the Arab establishment, suspicious of his Western trends and moral teachings In his writing. Then suddenly he found himself being put on postage stamps, and having everything he said publicised and taken seriously. Even his presence at a reading given by some Syrian poets at about this time was quickly marked down as a sign of a thaw in EgyptianSyrian relations. 53- The Arab establishment's attitude toward Mahfouz ....... . A) changed after he won the Nobel Prize B) altered as a result of Arab-Israeli peace negotiations C) has always included a lot of criticism D) became less positive after 1988 E) helped him to be awarded the Nobel Prize 54- It is pointed out in the passage that Nobel Prize for Literature ...... . A) has been awarded to a number of Arab writers B) is not regarded highly by the Arab establishment C) caused Naguib Mahfouz to be taken seriously in Israel D) is usually given to undeserving writers E) is sometimes politically significant 55- We can conclude from the passage that Mahfouz's writing ....... . A) concerns relations between Egypt and Syria B) is often about the Arab-Israeli peace process C) sometimes offends some Arabs D) is found very aggressive by some readers E) is seldom taken seriously in the Arab world 56-58. sorular aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" could stand as an autobiography, as a self-portrait, and as the life work of a man who first began to write in 1855. The book provoked a reaction of praise and criticism unequaled by any other American work of literature before. His friends agreed that he and the book were the same, and this was exactly the illusion the poet wished to create. But of course the two were separate. The Walt Whitman who was portrayed in "Leaves of Grass" was transcendental, as much myth as man. The mortal Walt was born to a family of English and Dutch extraction on 31 May, 1819, in West Hills, Long Island, N.Y. 56- We learn from the passage that Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" ....... . A) was his first work written in 1855 B) was the most controversial work of American literature until then C) is a factual autobiography of the author D) was universally appreciated by both friends and enemies of the author E) was written in both English and Dutch 57- We understand from the passage that Walt Whitman's intention in writing "Leaves of Grass" was ....... . A) to tell about his life exactly as it was B) to provoke as much praise as possible C) to confuse critics with its complexity D) to be a portrait of West Hills, Long Island E) to be a mythical self-portrait of a poet 58- It is clear from the passage that Whitman ....... . A) is one of the greatest American novelists B) did most of his writing on Long Island C) lied about the origins of his parents in "Leaves of Grass" D) did not begin writing when he was very young E) used to visit Holland very often

59-61. sorular aadaki paraya gre cevaplaynz The dignified, imperturbable first officer of the starship "Enterprise" was born in the 23rd century on the planet Vulcan, to a Vulcan father and a human mother. Like all Vulcans, he has pointed ears and green blood as well as superhuman strength and intellect. From early childhood, he was taught how to suppress ail emotion, which was loathed by Vulcans as the prime cause of violence, and to appreciate logic. True to his Vulcan heritage, he does not seek to be happy, but only to serve, governed by the highest principles of loyalty, a devotion to duty and a belief in personal honour. 59- It is obvious from the passage that the person being described is ....... . A) a man of great significance in world history B) the most handsome male on the planet C) the leader of mankind in the future D) a rather emotional person E) a character in a science-fiction work 60- It is mentioned in the passage that the person being described ....... . A) is better at intellectual than physical activities B) is often violent because of his hatred for Vulcans C) is hated by the other Vulcans on the planet D) is indistinguishable physically from a human being E) has powers that a human being doesn't 61- We learn from the passage that the person being described was brought up ....... . A) in a loving family B) to be logical and unemotional C) to search for the secret of happiness D) to be a warrior E) by his human mother 62-68. sorularda verilen cmleye anlamca en yakn olan seenei bulunuz 62- The manager has told everyone but those in the Accounting Department that they can take Monday off. A) Everyone has to come to work on Monday except those who work in the Accounting Department. B) The manager has to come to work on Monday, but the members of the Accounting Department don't. C) No one who works in the Accounting Department wants to come on Monday, but the manager insists that they should. D) Everyone has to take Monday off whether they work in the Accounting Department or not. E) According to the manager, only the accounting staff have to work on Monday. 63- Alex should never have been allowed to try to climb the mountain alone. A) When Alex left to climb the mountain, he said he knew what he was doing. B) Alex cannot possibly have tried to climb the mountain by himself. C) Someone ought to have stopped Alex from attempting to climb the mountain on his own. D) No one could have stopped Alex from trying to climb the mountain by himself. E) It would probably be wrong to let Alex climb the mountain on his own. 64- Surely it does not matter to him whether people agree with him or not. A) He is sure that no one else apart from him is correct. B) He would prefer other people to agree with him on every matter. C) Even if he has a different opinion from others, no one listens to him. D) He certainly doesn't care if other people's opinions coincide with his. E) It is unlikely that anyone will share such an opinion as his.

65- Since the weather was so bad, I didn't mind having to stay in and study. A) If only I didn't have to study today, I wouldn't care what the weather was like, B) I couldn't get the weather off my mind while I was stuck at home studying. C) If the weather was better, I would be really upset about having to stay home to study today. D) Fortunately, the weather is horrible, so I can study without being distracted. E) The necessity to stay home and study didn't bother me because of the awful weather. 66- There is no one besides you that I can trust with this matter. A) In addition to you, there are a few people in whom I have confidence. B) I really wish that I could trust you with this concern. C) You are the only person in whom I can put any faith concerning this. D) If anyone else was trustworthy, I wouldn't disturb you with this matter. E) Having found no one else that I can trust, I will confide in you. 67- Commuters in Istanbul are still not used to travelling on the Metro. A) Citizens of Istanbul didn't use to travel on an underground railway. B) The people of Istanbul have to learn to use the tube more often. C) People who travel to work every day in Istanbul are not yet accustomed to using the subway. D) In Istanbul, not many people are willing to travel by underground train. E) Not enough people use the Istanbul Metro as yet which has been opened recently. 68- It is becoming more and more difficult to get a good job without speaking a foreign language. A) Unless you speak a foreign language, it is getting increasingly hard to find a good job. B) It's impossible for anyone to find a good job without speaking a foreign language fluently. C) You could get a much better job than this if you spoke a foreign language. D) The best way to get a good job these days is to learn a foreign language. E) More and more businesses nowadays are seeking employees able to speak a foreign language. 69-76. sorularda parada bo braklan yere uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz 69- Ibn Battuta (1304-1374), the gieatest Muslim traveller of the Middle Ages, left his home in Tangier as a pilgrim at the age of 21. ........ . Despite this principle of his, he made four pilgrimages to Mecca. Altogether he covered around 125,000 kilometres, probably more than any other recorded traveller before his time. A) Ibn Khaldun is another well-known north African, most famous as a historian B) His rule was never to travel any road a second time C) Tangier, as a neutral free port during World War II was full of spies from all different countries D) All sincere Muslims should attempt to make the pilgrimage to Mecca E) Marco Polo was the greatest Christian traveller of the Middle ages of whom we have a record

70- Nothing could be more obvious than that the Earth was stable and unmoving, and that we were the centre of the universe. Modern Western science takes its beginning from the denial of this common sense axiom. This denial would become our invitation to an infinite invisible world. .......... . When scientific knowledge, the sophisticated product of complicated instruments and subtle calculations provided unimpeachable truths, things were no longer what they seemed. A) No one can deny that common sense is the best way of understanding the world B) Ferdinand Magellan's voyage proved that the world was round C) Fundamentalists of several faiths still believe that the Earth is the centre of the universe D) Common sense, the foundation of everyday life, could no longer serve for the governance of the world E) It's always been dangerous to deny what seems right to common people 71- Kazakstan, reaching from the Caspian Sea to China and from Siberia to the Tian Shen Mountains is more than twice as big as the four other former Soviet Central Asian republics put together. It is also the least densely populated and potentially the richest country in Central Asia. ........ . Though unquestionably Central Asian, and aspiring to political and economic leadership in the region, it is set apart from the other states in several important ways. A) The words "Kazak" and "Cossack", although they sound similar, are in fact unrelated B) The Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were also once part of the Soviet Union C) The Kazakhs, a Turkic-speaking people, were traditionally nomads D) Its huge mineral resources are attracting serious investment from the West E) Different both culturally and economically from the others in the region, Kazakstan is a puzzle 72- Descended from a line of crusader warriors and French and English aristocrats, the French artist Henri de ToulouseLautrec shared his father's love of horses and hunting as a child. At 12, young Toulouse-Lautrec broke his left leg and at 14, his right leg. ........ . As a result, he reached young adulthood with a body trunk of normal size but with abnormally short legs. He was only 1.5 metres tall. Never self-pitying, he was the first to laugh at his deformities, before others had a chance to. A) He continued to ride and hunt enthusiastically for the remainder of his life B) His ancestor, Raymond of Toulouse, was one of the leaders of the 1st Crusade C) Toulouse-Lautrec observed and captured in his art the Parisian nightlife of the period D) The bones failed to heal properly, and his legs stopped growing E) Deprived of the kind of life that a normal body would have permitted, Toulouse-Lautrec lived wholly for his art 73- While forks were widely used by the upper class in Italy during the late Middle Ages, they were not known in England until 1608, when the English writer Thomas Coryate returned from a walking tour and showed his countrymen the Italian eating implement. ........ . Jonathon Swift expressed their attitude well in 1738 saying, "Fingers were made before forks, and hands before knives." A) People still eat with their hands in many Asian and African countries B) The English were slow to adopt the idea C) In Mongolia, the only eating utensil is a knife D) Some people adapted this innovation with enthusiasm E) He is also known as the person who introduced spaghetti

74- Would-be inventors have long dreamed of creating a machine so efficient that once started, it would keep itself going indefinitely with no consumption of fuel or other natural resources. ........ . It would also make the inventor very rich and put today's electric and oil companies out of business. The story of the quest began at the dawn of civilisation and, for some, still continues today. A) Unfortunately, a device with these abilities has never been successfully invented B) Several people have claimed to have invented something like this C) Such a device might power ships and land vehicles, factories, heat pumps and home appliances D) He gave his device the name "perpetual motion" E) The first law of thermodynamics, however, tells us that we cannot get something from nothing 75- Copper has been known since prehistoric times. It is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, and is used extensively in roofing, utensils and electrical wiring. ........ . For example, it is required for the formation of chlorophyll in plants, and traces of it are necessary in the human diet to aid in the breakdown of sugar. However, too much copper in the diet can cause cirrhosis of the liver, failure to grow and jaundice. A) Leafy greens and red meat are two excellent sources of copper B) Copper combines with tin to make bronze, a metal harder than either C) In the late 18th century, copper began to be used to cover the bottoms of ships D) Copper is also necessary for the well-being of all living things E) Copper is abundant enough not to be particularly expensive 76- Arrested in 1908 for revolutionary activities, the man who came to be known as Joseph Stalin soon became a prison escapee and the first person to shelter him was Sergei Alliluyev. ...... . Their marriage was not happy. They quarrelled almost constantly. On November 8, 1932, after she had been publicly humiliated by him at a dinner party, she committed suicide. A) His daughter Nadya, only 10 years old at the time, was to become Stalin's wife 11 years later B) Of course, Stalin was yet to have acquired his legendary status C) Stalin's daughter, Svetlina, was later to defect to the United States D) He was later sorry for what he had done E) During the civil war following the revolution, Stalin served as political commissar with Bolshevik armies 77-84. sorularda verilen duruma uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz 77- Two of your friends get in a violent argument at school. It looks as if they will come to blows, so, wishing to stop them, you step between them saying: A) Why don't you calm down before somebody gets hurt? B) Wait until everyone else arrives so that they don't miss anything. C) Before you start, just remember the rules: no kicking, scratching or biting. D) Stop acting like a couple of girls are you men or not? E) Not now. Meet in the vacant lot after school where the teachers can't interfere. 78- You come from a large family with working parents, so all the children have to help out. One of your sisters, Susan, is lazy and watches TV instead of doing her share. Your brothers and sisters appoint you to tell your mother about her. Wanting results without being too harsh, you say: A) I've told Susan not to watch so much television, but she won't listen to me. B) Could you have a word with Susan about doing her share? C) I don't like the way Susan does the washing-up. I'll do it myself. D) Susan is useless. She just sits in front of the TV while we get dinner ready. E) We all want you to punish Susan as severely as possible.

79- You go to a pottery class in the evenings. You enjoy the pottery, but have no friends there, so you want a friend, who enjoys arts and crafts, to come as well. Implying her talent, you try to persuade her saying: A) Don't you get bored sitting at home doing your homework all the time? B) Since you like painting, I thought you might enjoy my Thursday evening class. C) Didn't I see you at the pottery class last week? D) Since you have no interests, perhaps you should try something creative like pottery. E) You are so good with your hands that you should try my pottery class. 80- Your grandmother has been mugged on her way to visit you. Though she was not actually injured, her handbag was stolen, and she was badly frightened by the two young men. To try to calm her down and get her mind off the incident, you say: A) The important thing is that you were not hurt. How about a cup of tea? B) I'm glad you were not hurt, but the next time you might not be so lucky. C) Why didn't you phone me? I could have helped you out. D) Tell me again what happened. It sounds really exciting. E) You shouldn't have been so careless with your handbag. Grandma. 81- You have been corresponding with a boy from England for years. You enjoy one another's letters, but when he asked for a photo, lacking confidence in your own appearance, you sent him a photo of one of your best-looking friends. He has just written that he is coming to Turkey on holiday and wants to meet you. You don't want to miss the chance of meeting him, nor do you want to disappoint him at the airport. So you write back and reveal your secret saying: A) We might be disappointed if we actually meet, so let's just keep writing. B) I'd love to meet you, but I am going to be away on a skiing trip for the entire period you mentioned. C) I'll meet you at the airport if you promise not to be disappointed when you actually see me. D) I've changed a lot since that photo I sent you, so you might not be able to recognise me at the airport. E) Please forgive me for lying to you you'll see a completely different girl than the one in the picture. 82- You have been feeling sick with an upset stomach, and having taken a day off from work, you think you should see a doctor. Phoning his receptionist to make an appointment, you say: A) We are awfully busy at work, so can I postpone my appointment to a later date? B) My stomach is really upset. Can the doctor see me this evening? C) I'm too ill to come in. Can you ask the doctor to prescribe something for my upset stomach? D) Do you think a filling will solve the problem, or does it have to come out? E) My boss won't believe I was sick without a doctor's note. 83- You have a policy of never lending books to anyone because you have lost so many in the past. One of your best friends sees one of your favourite books and says she has always wanted to read it. Trying to be both firm and friendly, you refuse her request to borrow the book, saying: A) No way! You never return anything. B) If you return the last one I lent you. I'll consider it. C) It's not just you; I never lend books to anyone. D) I've read it twice already and can read it once more! E) I've already told you I don't lend books. Why do you insist?

84- At a job interview, you are questioned about your lack of work experience. Since you are young, you feel this is an unfair question. Not wishing to make a bad impression, however, you answer carefully trying to impress the interviewer: A) I feel certain that my enthusiasm can compensate for my lack of experience. B) Of course I haven't got any experience. This will be my first job! C) How old were you when you first started working? D) Why do you always ask questions like that? Isn't it obvious that I am too young to be experienced? E) Is this some kind of conspiracy to keep young people out of jobs? 85-92. sorularda karlkl konumann bo braklan blmnde sylenmi olabilecek sz bulunuz 85- Antoine: I haven't seen your husband for a long time. Bertha: He works in Ankara now. Antoine: ......... Bertha: Of course not! The kids didn't want to change schools, so I stay here with them, and he comes home for weekends. A) I hope he has a good job. B) You two haven't broken up, have you? C) You must hate being on your own now. D) He got sacked from his last job, didn't he? E) Why didn't you go with him? 86- Dorothy: I've heard you got an exciting new job. Jane: That's right. I'll be in England for two years, then Canada for another two. Dorothy: ......... Jane: I'm sure you will just keep trying. A) That's a long time. Aren't you going to get homesick? B) I'll be looking forward to hearing about your experiences. C) I was in England last year and hated it. D) You're so lucky. I've never been out of the country. E) I wish I could find a job like that. 87- Bruce: Are you feeling better? I heard you were ill. Brian: ....... Bruce: It must have been a relief to find out. Brian: It certainly was. I was really worried for a while. A) It was just a cold. I didn't even take a day off work. B) Not really. I think I'd better see a doctor. C) I've had some tests done and will get the results next week. D) I had to have a tumour removed, but it was not cancerous. E) I thought it was just flu, but it turned out to be something far more serious. 88- Suzanne: Have you heard any news about Peter? Michelle: I talked to his father yesterday. He's had a great year and should be home next week. Suzanne: ....... Michelle: It should be, after studying in Paris for a year. A) I'm sure his French must be almost perfect. B) Do you think he found a French girlfriend? C) He's lucky that his father paid for his year abroad. D) I'll bet he made a lot of money. E) He should be rich by this time, don't you think? 89- Bruno: That looks absolutely delicious. Clare: ........ Bruno: Not even just to see if it tastes okay? Clare: Absolutely not! Go and set the table. A) It does, but I'm not sure how it is going to taste. B) I'm glad it came out better than the last time I made it. C) Try a bit and see if I got the seasoning right. D) Don't you dare touch it until the guests arrive. E) I'm sure it would have been better if I'd had the proper ingredients.

90- Bill: What's Jenny been doing since she had the twins? Steve: She's been so busy taking care of them that she hasn't been able to consider going back to work. Bill: ....... Steve: Surprisingly enough, she says it is far more satisfying than working. A) Oh well, she never liked working very much anyway. B) It must be tough making ends meet with two extra mouths to feed and one less salary. C) She always said that motherhood was her real aim in life. D) It's a good thing she has her mother to help her out. E) How is she taking it? She was really into her career. 91- Phil: I really hate commuting by bus. Sean: ....... Phil: Wouldn't it take longer? Sean: Not much, and the exercise would be good for you. A) You should get a job closer to home. B) A lot of people work from home now with a fax and modem. C) Why don't you get a bicycle? D) You could move to within walking distance of your job. E) At least you should get your company to pay your fares. 92- Sid: What do you think of the government's new economic policy? Rich: I don't take any interest in politics. Sid: ....... Rich: Maybe you had better explain it to me then. A) But don't you realise that this could effect your salary and your standard of living? B) I'm the same way. The only part of the paper I read is the sports section. C) That's right. The politicians will do just what they want no matter what we think. D) I suppose that is the most sensible attitude. E) I have to because I am a government economist. 93-100. sorularda hangi cmlenin anlam bakmndan paraya uymadn bulunuz 93- (I) A lucky accident led to the invention of the first friction match in 1827. (II) John Walker, a chemist in Stockton-onTees, England, dropped a stick coated with potash and antimony to the floor. (III) To his surprise, the stick burst into flame. (IV) With further experiments, he found that this was due to the striking of chemically treated sticks. (V) Today, matches are still in use, but more people prefer lighters. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 94- (I) Just before World War II, there was a move among the world's few nuclear physicists. (II) Some of them felt that they should halt research and leave the secrets of nuclear energy undiscovered. (III) Theirs was a terrible dilemma, though, for scientists are dedicated to truth, not consequences. (IV) World War II ended in 1945, shortly after the United States dropped atom bombs on two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (V) Even after open warfare spared them that choice, they kept strategic findings secret with great reluctance. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 95- (I) Every bone in your body is alive. (II) Like every other organ in the human body, each bone has the ability to grow, develop and repair itself, (III) What is in a bone? (IV) Why do adult bones break more easily than babies' bones? (V) 25% is water, 45% is mineral mostly calcium and the other 30% is living tissue, blood vessels and cells, A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

96- (I) Our system of numeration is called the decimal, or base-ten, system, and there is little doubt that our ten fingers influenced the development of a numeration system based on ten digits. (II) Numerology uses numbers to describe a person's character and predict the future. (III) The theory behind numerology is based on the Pythagorean idea that all things can be expressed in numerical terms because they are ultimately reducible to numbers. (IV) Using a special numerical system which assigns a number to each letter, modern numerologists add up the digits of a person's name and birth date and then reduce them to a single digit for each. (V) They then consult a numeric table that describes the personalities and fortunes of people with those numbers. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 97- (I) Born in poverty in Detroit in 1904, the grandson of a slave, Ralph Bunche took degrees from the University of California and Harvard. (II) Its name honours Puritan clergyman John Harvard, who gave his library and half of his estate to the school. (III) In 1948, he was assigned to assist Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden in mediating the Arab-Israeli war over Palestine. (IV) Upon Bernadotte's assassination by Jewish terrorists, Bunche pressed on alone to bring the seven Arab states and Israel together, despite the strong refusal to face each other over a bargaining table. (V) For this work he received the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 98- (I) In 1877 the All-England Croquet Club, located in the London suburb of Wimbledon, decided that croquet was not bringing in enough income to keep the club afloat. (II) To attract new members, the club permitted another sport to enter its grounds and took the name All-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. (III) That led to the creation of the lawn tennis championships on grass, and the event everybody refers to simply as Wimbledon. (IV) About two hundred people watched the first final in 1877. (V) A school was later built on the site of the original club. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 99- (I) When he died in 1618, Sir Walter Raleigh was buried with his favourite pipe and a tin of tobacco. (II) This did not surprise people much, though, as Raleigh was the man who introduced tobacco from the New World. (III) Thus, Raleigh's principal claim to fame rests on his efforts to colonise the New World. (IV) His coffin was also to be lined with the wood of his old Havana cigar boxes. (V) All his requests were followed and Sir Walter went out in a glorious puff of smoke. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 100- (I) The learned community of the Church and the universities, the community of readers in the Middle Ages, was held together by Latin. (II) So long as Latin was the language of universities, there was, at least in the linguistic sense, a single European university system. (III) The monotony of Latin, however, was further increased by the great number of long syllables. (IV) Having this advantage of using the same language, countless ordinary students, along with Galileo and Harvey, went from one learned community to another. (V) For the first and last time, the whole continent had a single language of learning. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

PRACTICE EXAM 4 l.E 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.E 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.E 13.A 14.E 15.D 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.B 21.C 22.E 23.A 24.C 25.D 26.D 27.A 28.B 29.E 30.C 31.A 32.B 33.D 34.B 35.A 36.D 37.E 38.E 39.D 40.D 41.C 42.A 43.E 44.C 45.B 46.E 47.D 48.C 49.A 50.B 51.D 52.D 53.A 54.E 55.C 56.B 57.A 58.D 59.E 60.E 61.B 62.E 63.C 64.D 65.E 66.C 67.C 68.A 69.B 70.D 71.E 72.D 73.B 74.C 75.D 76.A 77.A 78.B 79.E 80.A 81.E 82.B 83.C 84.A 85.B 86.E 87.D 88.A 89.D 90.E 91.C 92.A 93.E 94.D 95.D 96.A 97.B 98.E 99.C 100.C

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