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Getting on with the neighbours

\\e li\ e next door to a voung farnily \\-hen ile first moved in rve invitecl then.r ibr tea to break the ice, and, since then, rre've got along well. \'Ve have a lot in common, and thel"re alrravs rvillilg lo help out. One da1'l got locked out, and \lillie. the \vife, gave me a lift to rny
husbandi oflice to get
a spare







On the other side there's an old ladv Iiving all by herself who doesdt get out and about much. Tt's so sadr she nccds someone to keep her company.

next door (to sb/sth) move tn break the ice get along have sth in common help (sb) out lock sb out/in give sb a lift all by yourself get out and about
keep sb

in the next house or flat. start living in a new house or flat.


move out.

say or do sth that makes people feel rnore relaxed, e.g. at the beginning ofa party.

have a friendly relationship (also get along with sb). sYN get on well (with sb). have similar interests (also have sth in common with sb).

help sb in a dificult situation. sYN lend sb a hand. lock a door so that sb cannot get out or in
take sb somewhere in your car completely alone ('all'adds emphasis) sYNonyourown. go to places where you can meet people. go or be with sb so that they are not alone.


Good or bad? Write G or B.

2 3 4 2

We have a lot in common. You get along with your neighbour' Someone gave you a lift. You got locked in.

5 6 7

Your friend offers to keep you company. A noisy neighbour has just moved in. You can't get out and about for a month.

Someone helps you out with your studies.

Complete the questions. (You will answer them in Exercise 3.)

Do you live
2 What do you


yourself? lf not, who with? all to you? common with the people next have you neighbours? had new if you breakthe How would them company? Do you have any elderly neighbours? Do you ever you where to? a lift? lf so, Have any of your neighbours out ofyour house and asked a neighbour for help? Have you ever qot

7 Which ofyour neighbours do you get 8 Do your neighbours ever lend you a

well with, and why? with things?


Write your answers to Exercise 2 in your notebook, or talk to another student.

B Throwing


a a
kncw you're having a party. and more or less how long :t wi:l go on.lfyou like, invite them round.
When it starts to get late, turn lhe music down to an acceptable level.
Make sure you let the neighbours


the windows closed when the pariy is in

full swing.

When the party is coming to an end, ask your guests to leave quietly, and not to stand

around outsjde chatting. You don'a want to run the risk ofwakirg your neighbours up.


goes well, thank the neighbours afterwards for putting up with any noi>e.

throw a party have a party for 1.our friends, fami\-, on good/bad terms (with sb) having a good/bad relationship l'ith
let sb kno\,^J sth invite sb rounci


turn sth down

in full srvinE come to an end

stand around/about run the risk of (doirrg) sth put up with sth/sb

tell sb about sth. I\F ask sb to come to ,vour home. reduce the volume ofsth. opp turn sth up. at the stage when there is the most activity. linish (also bring sth io an end). stand somewhere not doing anlthing. do sth that could have a bad result. accept sth/sb that is unpleasant, without complaining.

How long did the party go on? = How long did it lasti
What's going on? =Whafs happening? Oh, ,ao on - you can do it! used, to encourage someone to do something.

Write sentences using words from each column,



me come

around outside. on all night.

she LwvLted

vts arotLwd.

It was The guests The party

in fu ll

of upsetting people.
up with the noise.

They couldn't ran


the music up? swingby11.00.

us around.

went turned

When did it
Please let

the risk

know if you can come.

to an end?

Complete the text. Then underline the full idioms and phrasal verbs.


ncrt rrd (2)


cloor lciqhlrour dccided to (1.) bcciluse lhc lasl


pirrtl last rrcclcnd Unli;{Lrnatclr.

u eie


hc inlitecl solre people



thei :ill

outside naki:rg a lot ofnoise, urcl rve hacl1o contplair. lltis tiurc. horlever. he k:rorl in ach-ance about the partt; and ltc ktld us it iloulcldt (6)

alitr nidniqht. I lookcd out ofthc nintlo$ 11 rbout I L-30 to see llhat Nas going (i) :nd it rvls realh.rluiet - hc mLrst havc trlnretl thc music {lJ) , anrl hc rcturllv brrught the :.-l rt\ to an (9) srxll alielr,arrls, lr,hich iras grcat.

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