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The Fighting Book of the mad old man: an e-book in the form of a rant.

To my brother: Today is a good day to die. Eh Chief? Copyright 200 ! 20""! 20"2 by mad old man. Third Edition. #ploading! do$nloading and %opies for non%ommer%ial &se and distrib&tion permitted. 'ost the file on yo&r ser(ers if yo& $ish. )ll other rights reser(ed. *lease do not make %hanges to the te+t. ,-". /ol0n 1ab23

4ample 5e(ie$ 6...a shallo$ thinker! f&ll of stereotypi%al aphorisms...7 6#ntidy prose 8&ite s&ited to the l&mpen mens%h so %ommon to )meri%a!...7 69ot to be read by the &nstable...a hodge podge of (iral ideas g&aranteed to infe%t the foolish.7 6:e;&ne! in%hoate in%oheren%e.7 *. *ettin&ff 9ooya$k Et%.! Et%. of Books. 6They don<t belie(e in o&r la$s37 The *oli%e. 6They don<t belie(e in o&r la$s.7 The Constit&tionalists. 6=t is >od<s $ill.7 The religio&s. 6?e belie(e in #ni%orns37 The loony left. 6?e don<t gi(e a f&%k.7 The general p&bli%. 6?hat are yo& going to do@send me to a %ombat Aone?7 The 4oldiers. B. 6?hat if yo& kill the enemy leader and someone e(en $orse takes his pla%e?7 ). 6Co& kill him too.7 1egal noti%e: read %aref&lly3 = do not offer legal ad(i%e. = am not an Es8&ire and this is )meri%a. = do not offer self defense or spe%tr&m of for%e ad(i%e. That $o&ld be legal ad(i%e. = do not offer medi%al ad(i%e. = am not a do%tor and this is )meri%a. 9or do = offer n&tritional ad(i%e as no health %laims may be made for n&tritional s&pplements! and that $o&ld be medi%al ad(i%e any$ay. = ne(er infringe on trademarks! and ne(er 8&ote and analyAe %opyrighted material. That $o&ld be fair &se and = %o&ld be s&ed. = am not an engineer! an appro(ed e+pert! or a %ertified repairman. D1&%kily people are no longer %heated by those as they are a&thoriAed.E 9ot being an a&thority-offi%ial! = am not telling yo& $hat to do. = do not offer offense to anybody as some of my best friends are people. = do not belie(e anything abo&t se+! $eapons! dr&gs or (iolen%e to offend any gro&p dynami%. = ne(er ha(e ideas! or items that %o&ld be mis&sed. 'eh. = do not hate %omm&nists! fas%ists! or kill-the-people-to-sa(e-the-planet en(iros. 'ate destroys the hater! so only hate hate gro&ps. = do not dis%riminate based on legal stat&s! %rime! rank! offi%e! lifestyle! beha(ior! se+! ra%e! ethni%ity! religio&s or %&lt pra%ti%es or personal appearan%e. =n fa%t = ne(er offend anybody! e+%ept of %o&rse! ?)4*s. = belie(e $hat = am told! and do $hat they say. This is )meri%a! so = am only offering someone<s opinions for entertainment p&rposes only. The prod&%t may in%l&de other &nlisted ingredients! no $arranty is implied! yo& ha(e agreed to this %ontra%t by ha(ing read it! and yo& may not modify it@b&t = may %hange this agreement at any time. = ne(er say the peasants are re(olting and that rank smells rank. Fi! the pong3 /other nat&re lo(es &s. =<m from the go(ernment and =<m here to help yo&! and the #9 DFed! >G! =/F! HFH! /FH! E#! 9)#E is o&r friend. DThat BCT from 9F5T'CF/ too is here to help yo&.E There is no s&%h thing as ra%e and b&shes are ;&st height %hallenged trees! e+%ept $hen they are brain damaged people. Ii(e la Fran%e! oops! = mean: this is )meri%a3 Fh yea! )meri%aJ $here the fr&it ;&i%e is %orn syr&p! $ater and fla(orsJ and the %h&nk light t&na is K0L soy and is a gray m&sh. /ay = ha(e more %ell&lose b&rger? The key point is kno$ ho$ to blast large %raters. Mno$ ho$ to a%8&ire and safely transport!

store! and effe%ti(ely &se e+plosi(es. =n g&errilla $arfare e+plosi(es are the ne$ rifleJ nearly as m&%h so as the %i(il $ar rifled m&sket $as the ne$ s$ord! bo$! m&sket and pike. Firearms are still important b&t e+plosi(es are key. ?ith regard to freedomJ and e8&ality tho&gh s&%h o&ght to be 6before the la$7 and ne(er $ill be absol&te in terms of %apability! %heap e+plosi(es and fast-shooting small arms $ith a good magaAine %apa%ity! personal %omp&ters! armor! (ehi%les! %omm&ni%ations! %ameras! ele%troni%s! and opti%sJ ha(e done more to make man! $oman! ri%h! poor! %itiAen and go(ernment e8&al than has anything else in the history of the $orld. =n%l&ding demo%ra%y and Christianity. ?ith a good semia&tomati% $eapon! and good &se of %o(er and mo(ement! a single person has a de%ent %han%e $hile defending against an entire street gang. Co& do not see this? )h. There is a %a(eat. This does not $ork if yo& ha(e no balls. This does not $ork if yo& allo$ liars and th&gs to %on yo& or deter yo&. This does 9FT ?F5M if yo& H=4)5/ CF#54E1F3 ?itten /an $alks into a bar. 'e sees skinned and e(is%erated people hanging from the %eiling. /&rder! he shrieks! like a %&lt&rally intolerant little man. 4ir! says Careeb /an! all gro&ps ha(e both good and bad people in them. 'e %ontin&es! $hen yo& are in my home = m&st ask yo& to respe%t my beliefsJ yo& lo(e hate and hate lo(e. Therefore yo& hate lo(e of hate. ?itten man $in%es in tr&e and abiding pain and says he! = am %old and do not &nderstand the $ays of others. Forgi(e me my ?itten la%k of balan%e and nat&reJ and %an = offer yo& any non;&dgmental monetary aid? 'e $aits in bated apprehension. Ierily man tries to destroy $hat he %annot &nderstand...or to $orship it. The *riest! the 5abbi and the prostit&te la&gh. 'eeeheehee3 DTeehee...E Bl&e eyed de(il. =%e man. Childish. >oy. =nfidel. 'ayseed. 9ationalist. DBefore ".00 abo&t N L of )meri%ans had bl&e eyes.E 'ey! this is a book of fi%tion $ritten by nobody real $ho $as isolated from birth so any resemblan%e to anything is %oin%iden%e &nless yo& are starting! hah3! to prote%t nonfi%tional spee%h in $hi%h %ase this book is serio&s politi%al spee%h by a respe%ted %ommentator. *. 4. Fthers ha(e said similar things to that $hi%h = shall say! and = footnote no so&r%es@so s&e me. Can = patent the $heel! please? ...9ot trying to a(oid any la$s here. This is only an attempt to do it $hate(er $ay is re8&ired: and f&%k yo&. Baaa3 Baaa3 Baaa3 'erds of %onf&sed sheep being mar%hed and %o&nter-mar%hed by members of the g&ild of sheep herds. = $ill eat yo& right &p! sheep herd! and yo&r little dogs too3 To an e+tent )meri%a has ne(er been. 9o$! )meri%a is dead. 1ong li(e )meri%a3 This is a need to kno$ only $orld! and yo& do not need to kno$. Co& are either a net reso&r%e or a drain. =f &sef&l yo& $ill be ta&ght a fe$ things! m&%h of $hi%h $ill be lies to keep yo& amiable! and ho$ yo& $ill feel the honor of being s&%h an insiderJ and ho$ yo& $ill sneer at the o&tsiders &ndeser(ing of information. Espe%ially if they %omplain at the door. =t is easier to kill a person than to trim a hedge. ?ell! as easy as $orking &p the ner(e to ;&mp a (ery small hole $hi%h is! ho$e(er! a (ery deep one. =t is not so easy to s&r(i(e psy%hologi%ally after$ard! or to s&r(i(e $hen people are trying to kill yo& ba%k. Hid yo& need to kno$ that? = tho&ght not. ?riters are all mad! yo& kno$. They are dogmati% e(en $hen promoting the dogma of keeping an open mind. This is the disease of all $riters: they think e(eryone sho&ld read the oh-so-(eryimportant prose that they pen. Hon<t do it3 =gnoran%e is not %&red by books alone. =gnoran%e %an also be bliss &ntil the $ages of ignoran%e arri(e to bite yo& on the ass. 4a(e a $riter from h&bris and p&t this book from yo&. Ho it no$3

)ll is the Hragon! &seless e(en to itselfJ death $ill not ser(e me! nor life bear me &pJ = $as not! then = $as: = ha(e been been dead for a tho&sand years. )nonymo&s. =ndifferent to fate and %ontempt&o&s of the gods! $e li(e $hile $e may and die $hen $e m&st. 'aaahahaha3 =t has been pointed o&t that my memory is shot. This book is %ompletely $rong. Hisregard. There are those among yo& $ho $ill say the old man is a pessimist. The glass is half f&ll! not half empty3 =diots3 E(eryone kno$s a glass is half f&ll $hen yo& are mid$ay thro&gh filling it! and half empty $hen yo& are at the midpoint of draining it. Fair $arning! this book is f&ll of error. = am mad after all. =t is also disorganiAed. ) disorganiAed ho&se is the fr&it of a disorganiAed mind. Blo$ this for a game of soldiersJ an e+ample: Co& are $hat yo& eat@if yo& eat pork yo& are a pig. Iegans are either fr&its! n&ts or in a (egetati(e state. )lso! modern )meri%ans die more often of %an%er and heart disease than did those of the past. This is be%a&se they no$ smoke and drink hea(ily! eat steak! eggs! real b&tter and baked goods made $ith lard...and so on. Them old timers $o&ldn<t e(en to&%h ba%on! yeah? 4erio&sly tho&gh! = am l&%id at times and rather f&AAy at others. = ha(e my senior moments. Test $hat = say for yo&rsel(es. = am %ertain = ha(e made errors! and 6typos7 abo&nd3 ?isdom seldom %omes $ith age as st&pid yo&ng people tend to gro$ &p and be%ome st&pid old people. Then %omes loss of mental a%&ity and possibly senility. 5emember! the reason gi(en for the doing of a thing is almost ne(er the real reason for the doing of a thing. )nd reasons gi(en are most often rationaliAations made after the fa%t sin%e real reasons are normally s&b%ons%io&s reasons and people feel silly if all they %an say is 6= feel like it.7 'arr&mph. 9ah! some of them are p&rely lying to yo&. = $ill $rite and read $hate(er the f&%k = $ant! <%a&se = feel like it3 >eno%ide is for sissies. Tort&re is for de(iant sissies. 6?e m&st sa(e o&r troops3 Their %hildren may gro$ &p and atta%k &s3 =f tort&re did not $ork! do it again37 )re the manly-men a smidge hysteri%al? 9o yo&3 #h &h! yo&3 '&mb&g! = say3 Hid yo& e(er $at%h %onta%t f&Aed artillery shells hit at ;&st the right angle! bo&n%e! and e+plode in the air.? 9eat.

There is eno&gh! and too m&%h! (iolen%e in m&%h of the $orld. 4ome pla%es ha(e too little
(iolen%e. )meri%a is one of those pla%es. Iiolen%e is like se+ in that it %an be good or bad. =t is &nlike se+ in that good se+ $o&ld still be needed e(en $ere the bad to %ease fore(er. There are mass m&rderers and serial m&rders! b&t stop %alling serial m&rderers serial killers. There is nothing $rong $ith being a killer! &nless yo& are also a m&rderer. ?hen people end&re rather than fight! and $hen %hildren in the s%hools m&st deal $ith e(en the most br&tal of b&llying $ith no real help from anyone: not from poli%e! s%hool nor fello$ st&dentsJ then

there is not eno&gh (iolen%e here. ?hen rights are (iolated and fear keeps the a(erage person 8&iet! rather than %omity! then there is not eno&gh (iolen%e here. Co&! in yo&r $alled and monitored s%hools! and yo&r patrolled and time-%lo%ked pla%es of employment! $ill not be armed. Co& are ta&ght the $ay of the sla(e and the peasantJ to be obedient $hen obser(ed! disobedient if only to the point of sla%king off $hen &nobser(ed! and to take yo&r beatings $itho&t resistan%e &nder the theory that a beating $ill soon be o(er b&t resistan%e $ill bring do$n &ntold tro&bles. 'o$ shall $e kno$ ho$ good $e ha(e it if there are no sla(es $ith $hi%h to %ompare o&rsel(es? There are old! and $iser! fighters $ho say to be a$are and to a(oid atta%k. To see the m&gger %oming and to not be taken in by his $ords or taken by s&rprise. To r&n a$ay at first hint of tro&ble. To not go to pla%es $here yo& are not $el%ome. This is good ad(i%e! &p to a point. Ho not allo$ ego to get yo& killed. 9e(er go &p against an atta%ker $hen yo& %an a(oid him! &nless yo& kno$ the sit&ation and ha(e the ad(antage. =s he really alone? ?hat are they doing and ho$ armed? ?hy is his hand do$n behind his leg? =s he holding a blade angled &p behind the $rist? 'ere is the other side of the iss&e! does it remind yo& of the old M&ng F& tele(ision program? =f a robber ;&mps yo& on the road! do yo& r&n! or fend him off $ith yo&r (ast skill! and lea(e him to m&rder the ne+t party to %ome along? Ho yo& stay &nin(ol(ed in order to be 6moral7! and to limit f&t&re (iolen%e by ref&sing to in%&r anger and hatred from the (iolently %riminal and the in(ader? = %an hear it no$. The poli%e $ill handle it. ?ell and good! $hen they do. Co& kno$ f&ll $ell they are seldom there $hen most needed. Their ;ob! primarily! is to pi%k &p the pie%es and in(estigate. =n respe%t to most %rimes they are too b&sy e(en to a%t&ally in(estigate. =f a %riminal threatens yo&r life yo& m&st not offer (iolen%e in ret&rn. >i(e him $hat he $ants or r&n a$ay. = am sho%ked that yo& $o&ld try to r&n a$ay. '&h. Co& are not yet do%ile eno&gh to s&it me. ) god on a sti%k3 Toss the god of pea%e and keep the bloody sti%k. =t may %ome in handy. Ci(iliAation m&st be fo&ght for. 9on(iolen%e is not the height of %i(iliAation! it is its s&rrender. Fighting is not &n%i(iliAed! b&t if yo&! in fighting for %i(iliAation! &se %riminal methods yo& ad(an%e not %i(iliAation b&t barbarism. ?e r&n to pra%ti%e for emergen%ies! espe%ially %ombat. ?e do not r&n to make an appointment on the min&te. ?e do not get &p at N )/ to allo$ for se%&rity<s in%ompeten%e in order to make an G )/ flight time. ?e are prompt. ?e are not ser(ile! fl&stered or dri(en like %attle. The m&ndane and ro&tine is ;&st that. F&rther be reminded to ne(er r&sh! or >ods forbid r&n! in p&bli% $hile armed or in &niform &nless the attention yo& $ill get is a%%eptable. Co& $ill dist&rb the dogs and the flo%k. B&t! yes! $e $ill r&n like hell to sa(e o&r li(es. B&ote loose and terse! Onot $ith bang b&t $himper.O 4ome person takes a %o&ple of shots at yo&. The poli%e %ome by and take any %artridge %ases and b&llets fo&nd. Before they lea(e they ask yo& some 8&estions! in%l&ding $hether yo& ha(e been perhaps in(ol(ed in any bad dr&g deals? They also say they %an<t pro(ide any prote%tion! &nless yo& %are to be a $itness against yo&r none+istent s&pplier! and $hen yo& say yo& $ill b&y a g&n they ad(ise yo& to stay a$ay from yo&r home and that g&ns are more likely to kill a family member than an atta%ker and $ill attra%t b&rglars. ?hy do yo& p&t faith in $hat they say? ?hy tell them yo&r plans? Co&r problem is already larger than b&rglary! and yo& are not p&tting a sign on yo&r door offering &ng&arded ;e$elry and g&ns inside. 4tatisti%s abo&t gang bangers in their late teens passed off as %hild (iolen%e! and abo&t m&rder by family members and a%8&aintan%es are %rap. /ost b&t by no means all people m&rdered do kno$ the atta%ker at least slightly be%a&se he pi%ked them for a reason. Ces. =f yo&r ho&sehold has a history of (iolent o&tb&rsts and s&bstan%e ab&se get o&t no$. There is danger there. )re yo& sensible eno&gh to listen? =f a person atta%ks yo& be%a&se of yo&r money or position! ra%e! se+ or appearan%e being armed impro(es yo&r %han%es. =f it t&rns o&t that the atta%k %omes from an ab&si(e h&sband being armed still impro(es yo&r %han%es. Co&r ho&sehold sho&ld stay a$ay from g&ns if none of yo& %an be %aref&l! $ill yo& listen to me if this is so? The a(erage ho&sehold keeps

firearms for a lifetime $itho&t any fatal a%%idents. *eriod. ) $oman $ith a g&n $ill ne(er be bloody minded eno&gh to a%t&ally shoot her atta%ker. ?hen she hesitates the th&g $ill take her g&n and &se it on her3 Ces! $hi%h is $hy the military sho&ld not allo$ $omen to be in %ombat! right lefty? ?ait. = mean! %ome on! it is ob(io&s people sho&ld go li(e $ith strangers. =f yo& ha(e a g&n the biggest danger to yo& is yo&rself. Co&r family %ontains the person most likely to kill yo&! espe%ially if yo& keep a g&n in the ho&se. Friends are to be feared like the plag&e. Therefore the people from $hom yo& $ill get the most s&pport and $ith $hom yo& $ill be safest are strangers! and the more foreign and strange the better. 5emember to mo(e on at the first sign of people beginning to kno$ or &nderstand yo& and yo&r %&lt&re. They ha(e to remain strangers as &nlike yo& as possible so yo& %an be safe as ho&ses3 Ces indeed. 9ormally $omen try to limit %onta%t $ith strangers. 'o$ bigoted. Cet those $ho are separated from friends and family as prostit&tes are on the street are often raped or m&rdered! and female soldiers are often raped and not only by the enemy. 'o$ %an this be? There are e+%eptions. /&slim D=slami%! s&bmission to >-d and his agents! the menE $omen $ho spend their time among strangers are more likely to be m&rdered by male family members than by non-=slami% o&tsiders. F&%king /&slims. The list of %o&ntries most dangero&s for $omen is dominated by /&slim and bla%k )fri%an states. D4top grabbing the $rist e(ery time a $oman $alks a$ay. )sshole. Big man! among $omen3E =f yo& ha(e a g&n yo& are $orthless and liable to shoot yo&rself! or ha(e yo&r g&n taken a$ay and &sed on yo&! b&t people sho&ld not ha(e g&ns be%a&se a %riminal $ith a g&n is deadly. )pparently the lesson here is to be%ome a %riminal if yo& $ant to s&%%essf&lly defend yo&rself $ith a g&n. Co& %an try to minimiAe yo&r e+pos&re to %rime. Co& %an try to %hange a %riminal<s mind. For the most part it %omes to this! only the %riminal %an de%ide if he $ill atta%k and $hen! e(en if that de%ision is a split-se%ond one. =f he intends to do great harm he $ill arm himself $ith something &sef&l s&%h as a lamp or %hair if not a knife or g&n e+%ept in some %ases $here he has m&%h greater strength. Co& don<t really get to de%ide for him. Co& get to de%ide for yo&rself. ?ill yo& fight! yield! talk or r&nJ or do nothing? =f yo& are a good ;&dge of these sit&ations yo& %an %hoose to talk $hen another $o&ld fight. =f yo&r &nderstanding of things $as not as good as yo& tho&ght it $as this %hoi%e may kill yo&. )h. Too bad! b&t nobody else %an do yo&r thinking for yo&! most notably $hen they are not e(en present. =t is generally a bad idea to arg&e $ith or s$ear at someone threatening yo& $ith a deadly $eapon. =t is generally a good idea to immediately &se a firearm $hen so threatened. DHo not forget that the threat m&st be %riminal and immediate. =f he is not threatening yo&! or is too far a$ay or does not ha(e a $eapon nearby yo& really %an<t legally shoot. 'e has to be in a position to %arry o&t the threat. =f he is not arrest him or report him! or something.E Co& had better be able to display a %redible ability to defend yo&rself. 9obody else is going to prote%t yo&. ?ell! if yo& $ere a bea&tif&l yo&ng $oman the most likely to at least try $o&ld be yo&r h&sband or boyfriend. B&t if yo& $ere being stalked or threatened by someone $ho really $anted to do yo& harm se%&rity $o&ld be a f&ll time ;ob. Co&r family $ill not do it. Friends $ill not do it. *eople $ith handg&n %on%ealed %arry permits are told to prote%t only family d&e to legal liability! b&t most of them are not going to dedi%ate their f&ll time to a family member and are less likely to do so for anybody else. =n the &nlikely e(ent yo& did get a (ol&nteer the go(ernment! $hi%h is not going to prote%t yo&! $ill threaten yo&r g&ard $ith arrest for a%ting as armed se%&rity $itho&t a bond and %ertifi%ation! e(en if yo& do not pay him. This e(en tho&gh %onstit&tions! most importantly! and the legality of %arrying firearms openly in most states! allo$s yo&r g&ard that freedom@b&t la$s apply to others! not go(ernment drones. E+%eption: Co& %an if yo& are $ealthy hire %ertified armed bodyg&ards from a go(ernment li%ensed se%&rity firm. Tens of tho&sands of dollars! and hope the threat goes a$ay soon or e(en rather pl&mp $allets $ill empty. =f people had any sense there $o&ld be no (iolen%e. 9o sit&ation e(er really needed a (iolent sol&tion. Ff %o&rse! $e ;&st need to make e(erybody sensible3 =f e(eryone simply stands &p and ref&ses

to tolerate %rime and tyranny it ends and pea%e $ins. =f e(eryone stands &p there is nothing to stand &p against. DCo& are mistaken if yo& think = refer to =ra8.E D4e%ond ?orld ?ar: make lots of enemies and killP%rippleP%apt&re and %o$ them faster than yo& make them. Iietnam 6%onfli%tP&nde%lared $ar7: making enemies faster than yo& kill them. Cool. = do not like it $hen )meri%an soldiers! militiamen! poli%e offi%ers! se%&rity offi%ers or armed %itiAens are killed! maimed or %rippledJ b&t there are pla%es $e do not need to o%%&py or atta%k! and things $e sho&ld not be doing.E 4tand &p for $hat yo& belie(e. Ho $hat yo& kno$ to be right. Co& ha(e not been listening to yo&r %ons%ien%e. =ndeed. Too bad people are idiots. Too bad %ons%ien%e is fla$ed. =diots sho&ld remain sitting! please. 9e(er fight in a sit&ation $here other means $o&ld ser(e better! and this does not mean yo& sho&ld al$ays get $hat yo& $ant3 4tay o&t of an in%ident &ntil yo& kno$ $hat is going on. 4tay o&t if yo& don<t kno$ $hat to do. 5ight thinking people do not start a(oidable fights. They absol&tely do stop %riminal a%tors! and the best $ay to defend is often a (ery a%ti(e defense. Ho = still hear the plainti(e assertion that if $e stop being (iolent then! $hy! there $o&ld be no need for any (iolen%e? ?e %an try to %on(in%e $o&ld-be th&gs to find a better $ay. That is all to the good. 'o$ abo&t starting $ith them first. End the need for (iolen%e first and only then stop being (iolent. 1o(e $home(er yo& $ish! and yo&r lo(e $ill not make e(eryone else lo(e e(eryone else. The lo(ing people $ill be lo(able! if their lo(e is not too per(erted. Co& are not e(eryone! yo& do not partake of the one great so&l and god is not in yo&. Try not to be any more grandiose than m&st needs be. 6?e7 %annot simply de%ide to be good. 4ome of &s ha(e to be pers&aded. )l$ays $ith the O$e.O Co& may or may not be able to get together eno&gh people to o(erthro$ a tyrant of $hate(er kind! and by $hate(er means! or to be%ome one. Co& %an ne(er remake e(eryone in yo&r image and all the people into O$e.O ?e are all one3 Co& kno$! e+%ept for being all separate people and e(erything. Co& kno$? Co& dislike me. Co& really! really dislike me. ?isdom is $onderf&l! not to mention pitif&l. =t is so %ool that o&r feelings and desires %ome from o&tside kno$ledge and $isdomJ &nless nothing is really o&tside of anything else. ?e kno$ $hat is right. ?e ne(er ha(e to st&dy and! &gh! think e(er again. Fnly the selfish and &nfeeling need to think. *oor things! their spirit&ality is %onstipated by past bad %hoi%es. ?e $ill gi(e them la+ati(e la$s3 Fn%e e(erybody is &nblo%ked all $ill be $ell. Ho not remain entangled in blame and g&ilt? :&st go take a%ti(e meas&res to 6fi+7 things. ?e sho&ld look for$ard rather than ba%k? ?ho need learn anything from history. The best $ay to fight %rime is not to red&%e %onfli%t by ma+imiAing fairness! freedom and prosperity on the one hand $hile also in(estigating $ho is g&ilty of $hat $hen %rimes are %ommitted. That is the blame game3 That in(ol(es (iolen%e or for%e3 9o need to identify the %riminals $hen $e do not intend to fight them. ?hy e(en find o&t $hat $ent $rong. 4imply make e(erything right3 6?e7 sho&ld open o&r minds-third eyes and take &p o&r godlike po$ers! and resol(e problems $itho&t anyone e(er being h&rt. There is no god doing any s&%h thing. Fb(io&sly no all-po$erf&l beings %are to make s&%h an effort. )s for yo&! or 6$e7J yo& ha(e no s&%h po$ers! nor do yo& ha(e m&%h sense. 9o do&bt the best $ay to handle a riot in dr&nk-and-st&pid to$n is to go o&t and make s$eeping %hanges in another %o&ntry entirely! or globally. Chaos theory ;&sti%e. :&sti%e tempered $ith mer%y? 9ah. Hon<t fight $ith the th&gs among the demonstrators! get thee forth and end the hate3 Change the nat&re of the $orld3 'onestly. Co& are all hot air and big plans $ith &nintended %onse8&en%es. Co& %all &s ina%ti(e and laAy $hile yo& a%t as tho&gh yo&r $ords or spirit&ality alone $ill reform mankind. Co&r spirit&ality-godDsE is mental filth: a meme dysf&n%tional lodged deeply $ithin a lobe of yo&r e+%&se for a brain! and yo&r reform in(ol(es monolithi% go(ernment m&%h more than it in(ol(es 6spirit&al e(ol&tion.7 Heath does not e+ist! merely different states of being in%l&ding the state of not e+isting and the state of being dead3 =f yo& don<t belie(e it =<m gonna kill yo& infidel3 ?ait &ntil = %at%h yo&! blasphemer3 ) horrible death3 1et >od stand on his o$n merits fool. By his fr&its yo& $ill kno$ him! oh rabid one. >od is the &ni(erse %ontemplating its na(el. The &ni(erse is

>od %ontemplating his na(el. >od and )llah and >Qd is a man of $ar stomping his enemies and dripping $ith their blood and betrayed he shrieks like a $oman. 'e is a yo&ng maiden $ho sees the birdies fall and n&rses them ba%k to health by the r&nning $aters. Fn se%ond tho&ght %ome try to p&nish me be%a&se = %o&ld &se the e+er%ise! and %&A = like the %&t of yer ;ib! m<dear. = %&rse yo&. /y an%estors %&rse yo&. Ho yo& feel a little &nease? Co& better go do some prote%ti(e rit&als. Ho a fe$ %o&nter %&rses too sin%e yo& are already there. Ho yo& %all it he+ing or %all it prayer? Feel safer no$? '&mph. :insert T$ilight Rone theme here: DCo& %omm&nist s%&m sho&ld feel free to meditate on ine(itable 'istory-Fate at this point.E Fb(io&sly there is only one thing. The &ni(erse is made &p of it! and there is only one &ni(erse. ?hat do yo& think &ni(ersal means? This thing is >od! (ery tiny! and m&st ha(e an origin so it %reated itself. This is the res&lt of the nat&re of time! after it %ame into being $ithin the nat&re of the &ni(erse. >od mo(es at faster than light speeds! is the only real 6parti%le!7 and seems to be almost e(ery$here at on%e! intera%ting $ith 6himself.7 This part time presen%e gi(es &s the ill&sion of solidity. >od the time sharing parti%le is the parti%le that makes &p the s&batomi% parti%les that make &p the atoms and mole%&les! S et%. Co& see? 'o$ simple! minded! it all is. =f yo& don<t like $hat = say yo& are an asshat moonbat $ingn&t tinfoil-hat $earing f&%ktard lib oppressor. D=dioti% terms b&t = m&st keep &p $ith the times! so do me something.E = am the s&b(ersi(e be%a&se = s&pport o&r %onstit&tion3 = am the terrorist be%a&se = resist yo&r atta%ks on o&r traditional rights3 Tyranny only $orks for the tyrants yo& &topia tripping drones! b&t e(en if sla(ery $o&ld end all %rimes and e(ils = $o&ld despise it be%a&se = am not a drone. = think a reasonable gi(ing &p of o&r rights and some loss of liberties in order to defend o&r freedoms is abs&rd. = think sa(ing free enterprise by means of be%oming so%ialists is idioti%. = think that letting %riminals r&n free if they are po$erf&l eno&gh %orporate or go(ernment types is no arg&ment reg&latory in%reases or re-reg&latory %hanges are needed. = think demo%ra%y does not tr&mp rights3 = am so %raAy. :&st enfor%e the %riminal la$. *&t fra&ds and %riminal d&mpers in ;ail. Freedom is not something yo& b&y. That $o&ld be pri(ilege or a li%ense. =t is not really something yo& earn. Co& o$e no debt on it! and freedom entailed is not freedom. Co& o$e fello$ freedom fighters yo&r respe%t and thanks b&t not in any kind of a%tionable $ay. >ratit&de for freedom allo$ed yo& by the state is rather like gratit&de to a thief $ho %hose not to steal from yo&. Co& either ha(e freedom or yo& do not! be%a&se yo& or others ha(e $rested it a$ay from the p&nks or ha(e failed to do so and ha(ing it yo& $ill lose it if yo& e(er yield to them. There is no d&ty o$ed for freedom3 Ho not fall for the do&ble-speak of a&thoritarianism. The pen is mightier than the s$ord. ) single pen in the hands of an e+pert is mightier than a single s$ord. =t infl&en%es more people. The pen &sed against (iolent people only $orks if they %an be talked o&t of it! or more %ommonly be%a&se the pen %on(in%es a large n&mber of others to &se (iolen%e against the first gro&p. That is to say that the pen is a partner of the s$ord. Co& banned s$ords b&t failed to ban the pen. 9o$ = ask yo& to take &p the hammer against my enemies. D'a. ?ater! a%orn! (inegar and a nail. 1amp bla%k. ) ni%e goose 8&ill. F&%kers.E Blood and =ron3 =t is agreed that $e sho&ld r&n $hen $e need to! and %an! and not let ego kill &s. 4o&nds reasonable. H&ty to retreat? 'ell no3 'ere is another. ?e sho&ld all step in and help anyone $ho is assa&lted! e(en if he is a sto&t yo&ng man. F(erpo$er and arrest the s&spe%t. F&tn&mber him. '&miliating for the (i%tim D6= %o&ld ha(e handled him37E and &nfair to the %riminal? 9o$! remember! don<t be s&%h a man3 Ego sho&ld not get in the $ay of good ta%ti%s. /y dear fello$! this kind of banding togetherJ this repression of lo$-le(el aggression! $ill res&lt in an e+plosion of gro&p (iolen%e in the f&t&re. 9ot a problem. 1&%kily the non-repression of p&nks ne(er leads to repression of non-p&nks. 4o m&%h for 6Aero toleran%e.7 4o m&%h for banding together &nder %entraliAed go(ernment. Be open minded! b&t not so open minded yo&r brains dribble o&t yo&r ears. Be tolerant! b&t not

so m&%h so that yo& $ill a%%ept anything. )ll se+ is rape so all (iolen%e m&st be m&rder. Co& m&st be fle+ible eno&gh to disperse or hit and r&n $hen that is best! b&t m&st kno$ $hen grit and %ohesion $ill %arry yo& thro&gh. The 5oman legions $ere s&%%essf&l for a long time. This $as not ;&st be%a&se of more fle+ible formations and ta%ti%s! and more dis%ipline. =t $as not s&periority in $eaponry. =t $as %ooperation. They did not r&sh in and fight man to man. They helped ea%h other. ?ell! $orkmanlike planning and an attit&de of no s&rrender played a part. 5oman soldiers $ere not (egetarians! b&t they did eat a lot of bread. 'o$ %o&ld they ha(e been so aggressi(e if they had been? B&t they m&st ha(e been be%a&se they $ere to&gh and had great end&ran%e. /ost e(erything people belie(e is false. =t is delightf&l ho$ dissol&tion or death is the end and yet e(erybody kno$s it is the only $ay to be tr&ly free! all-seeing and blissf&l. >od himself m&st ha(e died many many times and probably looks like a heroin addi%t. ?himpering in pleas&re and blind looking. Ceah. Co& are not merely sleeping. Co& are merely dead. =t is! e(erything is! not merely a dream. ?ho is doing the dreaming? Hreams are real dreams! and dreamers are real mammals. Hreams do not dream. Hi(isi(e and offensi(e prattle! eh? Tro&blemaker. Co&r $ife $ill not thank yo& if yo& get into tro&ble. ?ant to sleep on the %o&%h? That is an interesting s&b;e%t! a%t&ally. ?omen are the %&rse as $ell as the blessing. DC&rsed by $hom! blessed by $hom! and fated or intended by $hom?E =f yo& stand yo&r gro&nd they $ill be enraged at yo&r %hildish beha(ior! r&n a$ay and they are embarrassed to be seen $ith yo&. ?hen yo& really $ant them to (a%ate a dangero&s lo%ality they may %hoose that time to balk. Hid yo& noti%e ho$ many $omen go into patrioti% tiAAies and %heer the troops off to $ar? )nd &niforms are se+y. D =f yo& $ear a &niform not be%a&se it is %amo&flage! armor prote%tion! or be%a&se it may keep yo&r friends from &nfort&nate a%%idents regarding %ombat identifi%ationJ then $hy are yo& $earing it? 9ot! = hope! be%a&se yo& a mind-f&%ked instit&tionaliAed drone?E =f some idiot gets yo& do$n on the gro&nd $at%h o&t for his girlfriend! b&ddy. )lso! be$are of the ab&sed $oman after yo& ha(e taken on her mis&nderstood man. *erhaps they still ha(e to $ake &p to the end of their sla(ery. /ost (ote for parental go(ernment! g&n %ontrol and reasonable restri%tions on spee%h. They need to get their thinking heads o&t of their emotional asses. 4till led aro&nd by mostly male so%ial e+perts! they think ser(i%e pro(iders sho&ld be go(ernmental rather than b&sinesses or employees and a&thorities instead of people yo& pay dire%tly. /ale (oters are almost as bad! b&t really. 4till! it is not like )meri%an men are making themsel(es look good! $ith half of them trying to take ad(antage of the open meat market $hile missing %hild s&pport payments! and the other half $hining as they sear%h for a s&bmissi(e little $oman $ho $ill bring them their manly manhood ba%k along $ith the pipe Dsorry! forgot! smoking badE and slippers. Then they! mostly $omen! say something like this: (iolen%e is bad3 Iiolen%e ne(er sol(ed anythingJ yo& need to gro$ &p and &se yo&r head instead of yo&r fists. )ny$ay! b&llies are %o$ards $ho $ill ba%k do$n if yo& hold yo&r gro&nd. 5eason $ith them. Co& need to &nderstand the other person<s problems. Co& need %o&nseling. The $orld $o&ld be a $onderf&l pla%e if people $ere ta&ght to %ompromise. Ces! and people lash o&t be%a&se they fear. =t is ignoran%e: yo& fear $hat yo& do not &nderstand! or the &nkno$n. E(en hatred %omes from ignoran%e. Co& m&st be ignorant of %onser(atism. 'o$ interesting. =f Billy Bob assa&lts :oe Bob they sho&ld both re%ei(e %o&nseling. Then! after they ha(e learned to &nderstand themsel(es and ea%h other! both %an apologiAe for their failings and shake hands in friendship. 9ot &s&ally. )bs&rdity3 The b&lly learns to smile and shake yo&r hand. 'e $ill get yo& later :oe Bob. The slap on the $rist $as annoying b&t hardly painf&l. :oe Bob learns that he $ill be treated as a %riminal if he fights ba%k. 'e learns not to %omplain to 6a&thority.7 'e learns to s&bmit! albeit $ith resentment! or he learns to strike ba%k 8&ietly and on his o$n. *ri(ate ;&sti%e3

9ot a problem! agents of so%ialiAation. /akes people to&gh and self reliant. Eh? The tri%k is learning to be to&gh $hile making more problems for them than for yo&rself. ?e $ill perhaps s&rprise them a little by be%oming (ery to&gh indeed! b&t not by ;oining and ha(ing them &se o&r so%ialiAation on their behalf. Thank yo&! 4ir. /ay = ha(e another? ?hat abo&t those $ho simply %an<t handle the stress and (iolen%e? Co& sho&ld prote%t yo&r friends as they o&ght to prote%t yo&. Those of yo& $ho think only the strong sho&ld s&r(i(e %onsider the fa%t that people $eak in some en(ironments may be strong in others. Co&r $eak friend may be a fine b&sinessman later on! and ha(ing a $ealthy friend is a helpf&l thing. The more sensible among yo& $ill help a friend be%a&se he is a friend. B&t if yo& help the $eak he $ill ne(er ha(e to be%ome strong3 ?o$! yo& are so %on%erned for yo&r fello$ man. ?ho kne$? =f he is destroyed he $ill ne(er be%ome strong. =f he does be%ome strong like yo&! isolated and alone like yo&r altr&isti% selfJ e(en the strongest are $eak $itho&t allies! brother. This is part of the lesson the system is trying to tea%h yo&! b&t they $ant it t&rned to their o$n ends! and ha(ing bad allies is $orse than ha(ing none. Their idea of to&gh tends also to mean toleran%e for reg&lation. The f&%king morons $ho belie(e freedom is ser(ed by e8&al opport&nity regimentation3 ?ho %ares if the %onstit&tion is (iolated so long as the defe%ti(e la$s apply to e(erybody? *eople seldom say $e sho&ld not ha(e been for%ed to do as $e $ere ordered! $hen they %an %omplain instead abo&t people $ho $ere not so for%ed. #nfair3 ) %o&ple of yo&ngsters get angry o(er some nonsense and one takes a s$ing! so a fight breaks o&t. This kind of thing %an res&lt in an apology and a handshake. The apology sho&ld %ome from the instigator3 =t does happen! e(en among friends Dimmat&re onesE. Ho sa(e yo&r eternal (endetta for real foes. D=f yo& %an<t depend on them! and don<t en;oy time together! yo&<(e no friends. Co& kno$! right?E )rbitration! %o&nseling! pea%e making and keeping are not abo&t ;&sti%eJ and not e(en so m&%h abo&t la$! as they are primarily abo&t order. The tenden%y is to depi%t both atta%ker and defender as at fa&lt Dsometimes they both a%t&ally areE and then to try to enfor%e pea%e by getting e(eryone to lean on the tro&blemakers &ntil they all slink a$ay in m&t&al g&ilt and shame. *eople $ho %ome to the aid of any of the %ombatants! right or $rong! are e(en $orse than the original disp&tants be%a&se they es%alate things. *ea%e st&dies are done by i(ory to$er types and promoted by %hange agents! and the highest goal is benefit to the b&rea&%ra%y. 4ometimes this benefits the b&lly most of all sin%e he is most aggressi(e and needs the greatest amo&nt of stroking! tho&gh he is likely to find himself s&b;e%t to %onta%t $ith the system or o(erseen by pea%ekeepers fore(er more. 'o$e(er! the primary d&ty of pea%emakers is to the pea%emakers. ) good ;&sti%e system is mostly abo&t order and a bad one mostly abo&t the promotion of insiders. 'o$ do yo& deal $ith this? 5eform the system if yo& %an Dh&h3E or learn to $ork the system and to fight yo&r $ars in the dark. >o(ernment $as instit&ted among men in order to promote the r&le of the r&ling %lasses. Fear and mis&nderstanding is the %a&se of (iolen%e. ) sort of %omm&nitarian ideal is held. Compromise. =f e(erything is done as a gro&p and nobody gets e(erything they $ant b&t e(eryone gets a part of their $ishes there $ill be no (iolen%e. #nfort&nately some are dri(en to (iolen%e $hen the loss of e(erything pri(ate is imposed on them. They be%ome the tr&e enemy of order. Co& %an str&ggle for yo&r share of things! yo& may not keep yo&r o$n things to yo&rself. Fthers realiAe the po$er and $ealth this system %ontrols and set abo&t %ontrolling this system. They are not abo(e &sing the system<s tools for (iolent p&rposes. 4o%ialism is an &n$orkable idio%y. =t is a destroyer of freedom! a tool to be &sed to 8&ell any opposition from the foolish. =t is the %reation of tyrants and $o&ld be tyrants $ho $ant e(en more %ontrol o(er $hat does not belong to them. The old modern thing. The ne$ aristo%ra%y. The 9e$ )ge ret&rn to an%ient fe&dalism. 1ord. *riest. >eneral. F(erseer. ?e do it all for yo&. ?e lead yo&! and feed yo&. ?e $ill take %are of yo&! darling masses3 B&llies gra(itate to %ertain types of state positions. 4ome b&llies are %o$ards! some are inse%&re b&t a%t bra(ely! and some are br&tal sadists and as bra(e as they %ome. =f the math $orks it m&st be tr&e. =f it %an be p&t into lang&age it m&st be tr&e. E(erything means $hate(er = say it means. ?hene(er and for ho$e(er long = say it. Co& say freedom. = say

freedom from the dr&dgery of ha(ing to make de%isions. Co& say lifesa(ing. = say first do no harm by lea(ing people ali(e to fa%e pain and dr&dgery. Besides! the gods $ant destr&%tion. 'o$ do = kno$ it to be tr&e? The gods said so. 4pirit&al people are irrational. =rrational people %an be dangero&s sin%e they are la%king in good sense. Hoes it s&rprise yo& to hear that $hile most people belie(e their ideal diet is healthf&l! their real reasons for the %hoi%e is almost ne(er abo&t ob;e%ti(e iss&es of health? 1ook to their spirit&al-religio&s-philosophi%al-politi%al-e%onomi%-en(ironmental ideas. = might as $ell add that people ha(e at least t$o diets. The one they often %heat on and $hat they a%t&ally eat. By their fr&its yo& shall kno$ them? Ho not be abs&rd. By them yo& shall kno$ their fr&its. 4&rely good does good! so if yo& kno$ they are good the res&lts of their beha(ior m&st also be good. 'o$ %an yo& kno$ they are good? They $ill tell yo&. >i(e gifts b&t not as a habit! and remember $hat a gift is. *ay for $hat is sold. Meep $hat is to be kept. Mno$ $hat a person %o&ld do! b&t do not e+pe%t. =f yo& are atta%ked or %heated do $hat %an be done rather than saying $hat %an be said. =f yo& $ere born into the $orld an optimist! perfe%tionist and idealist yo& ha(e a diffi%&lt path. 9ot a problem@yo& $ill %hange &nless yo& are retarded. /ost people think they are realists! refle%t on this. /ost people are not. 5ealists are sla(es or sla(e o$ners! pragmatists! be%a&se that is the $ay of it. Fptimists think they are not sla(es! or that they are to soon be freed. They think the master (al&es them. ?hat is a 6real7 realist? Cyni%s kno$ $hat they are! $on<t %hange! and pessimism is a %omfort. )t least if yo& e+pe%t things to go badly yo& are less often s&rprised. =f yo& %an<t $in! yield! and be a sla(e the $ay sensible $omen a%%ept a mean spirited h&sband. '&sband. )nimal h&sbandry. =nteresting! no? 9o. The ans$ers are already $ithin yo&. 9ot! yo& f&%king morons. *eople think they are gi(en po$ers and only need to be themsel(es and they $ill pre(ail. Co& are al$ays yo&rself. 9obody pre(ails in the end. =t is easy to isolate yo&rself $hen the tr&th is s&b;e%ti(e and $ithin! to be %old $hen pain is ill&sionary or $ell earned in any %ase and death does not really e+ist. Co& m&st lo(e and %are for others be%a&se other$ise yo& $ill not e(ol(e or be re$arded so yo& are doing it for yo&rself! b&t others ha(e their o$n fate $ithin themsel(es any$ay! and there is no self and $e are all one. =f in these %&lts of death s&i%ide $ere not e+pli%itly banned by either de%ree or the need to ad(an%e by e+perien%e people $o&ld be killing themsel(es to hasten the re$ard they dare not $ant for fear of selfishness or of la%k of selflessness. =f m&rder $ere not spe%ifi%ally banned they $o&ld m&rder $itho&t m&%h %are sin%e death is not the end any$ay. E(eryone kno$s. = do not. They kno$ by feeling. =t m&st be $onderf&l to be s&re and to kno$ yo& are right based on that. 'o$ like gods! and they are gods! be%a&se the tales of the gods sho$ $hat st&%k &p kno$ it alls and f&%k &ps the gods are. B&t in tr&th all the error! s&ffering and mayhem mi+ed $ith ellipti%al $isdom is a%t&ally tr&th and goodness = do not &nderstand be%a&se they say so! $ith a fe$ e+%eptions $herein it is admitted they ;&st do $hat they $ish be%a&se they ha(e po$er so there3 *o$er yo& sho&ld belie(e in be%a&se they say so and the tr&th of this $ill be kno$n to yo& on%e! b&t not before! yo& belie(e. = $o&ld say $hat is this b&ll! rational minds $ant to kno$J b&t rational minds do kno$. = don<t be%a&se = am %raAy. Ieterinarians (a%%inate! ne&ter! do straightfor$ard dr&g and s&rgi%al pro%ed&resJ and lea(e most of the $ork to the %&stomer $hene(er possible. They do a great deal of 6p&tting to sleep.7 They seldom seem to ha(e heard of mitigation of fatal disorders! treating se%ondary diseases! or pain management. =n other $ords they don<t make a pra%ti%e of managing and delaying the effe%ts of serio&s and fatal %hroni% %onditions. ?hy? =t $o&ld not be right to let a pet s&ffer. Mill it if it is going to s&ffer. *ain management is not only e+pensi(e and time %ons&ming! it does not al$ays $ork. )re people not more important than animals? 'o$ %an $e ;&stify not p&tting people to sleep? 'a(e yo& e(er heard of the 1i(erpool Care *ath$ay? 'o$ often do yo& think old geeAers sho$ (isible signs of impro(ement after being 6sedated!7 dehydrated! star(ed! and denied f&rther 6medi%al7 %are? Co& ne(er ha(e to apologiAe for yo&r e+isten%e if yo& are ready to die fighting any time it is %hallenged. =t is a $ondro&s thing to be free! $hite and t$enty-one in a free %o&ntry. 9eed a C*)* ma%hine be%a&se yo& don<t breath $ell at night? Co& probably $ill be able to get a basi% one from 4ears for ,00 dollars! after yo& pay 2000-,000 dollars for a one or t$o night sleep st&dyJ and a fe$ h&ndred dollars to a do%tor for his a&thoriAation to p&r%hase. Fther$ise yo& might s%re$ things &p! <%a&se yo& kno$ ho$ %aref&l do%tors are in making and monitoring pres%riptions.

The a(erage )meri%an is a nai(e so%ialist. 'e also $orships $hite %oats and &niforms. =t does not matter $hat he %alls himself. >reed. >reed3 This is the e(il. Comm&nism is bad! b&t only be%a&se some people $ant something for nothing! and others ab&se! greed3! the system from the top. Fther$ise! %omm&nism $o&ld be $onderf&l3 *eople are easily led. Freedom. Freedom! freedom3 Freedom from (iolen%e! fear! $ant! g&ns! disagreement! ins&lts@ Take my rights no$3 Hon<t let them ha(e that if = don<t. Hon<t let them say that3 This is a free %o&ntry! man! so ho$ dare yo& say = %an<t $ork to take yo&r %onstit&tional rights a$ay3 Co& are r&de if yo& don<t agree $ith me. ?e ha(e freedom of religion and of spee%h so yo& ha(e no right to be r&de abo&t $hat = tell yo& of my beliefs. E(erybody has freedom of %hoi%e so sh&t &p3 ?e do ha(e free spee%h on the internet! tho&gh. 4ome. For the most part free spee%h on the internet is a ;oke. =n some pla%es the a&thorities %ensor e(erything to the best of their ability. =n some others $eb pages and ar%hi(es are left alone. There are =4* and $eb hosts that operate on the $ink and nod prin%iple. ?hen they get legal threats they thank the %omplainer and delete the files! and then let people go ba%k to doing the same things &ntil the ne+t threat. 'o$ %an they be a$are of all &ploads and posts? The only $ay to be free is to li(e in a free area of the $orld D?E and to either b&ild yo&r o$n =4* or find one of the fe$ e+isting ones $hi%h do not %ensor. This is be%a&se $eb-hosting firms and the administrators of $eb pages (irt&ally all %ensor. :&st read the hosting %ontra%t or for&m r&les. 9othing offensi(e is allo$ed. O5eport this post as inappropriate-offensi(e.O 9othing offensi(e to any idiot at all on ra%e! religion! se+&ality! $eapons! and so on for some timeJ and finishing $ith Oor anything else $e $ant to delete.O To bad tr&th is (ery offensi(e to most people. Co& are thinking pri(ate parties %annot %ensor! only go(ernment %an. *eople ha(e the right to ref&se yo& the &se of their b&llhorn. =t is not &n%onstit&tional for them to %ensor yo&r posts on their for&ms. =t is not %ensorship legally speaking. Co& are right abo&t the most of this b&t $rong in thinking they do not %ensor. =t is not the primary definition of the $ord = &se $hen = say almost e(ery O$ebmasterO %ensors! b&t they do %ensor yo&r posts. Co& think not? )re yo& the bloke $ho said! that so%ialist rag %ensored my letter to the editor? Case %losed. 9ongo(ernmental %ensorship! of yo&r o$n media and not someone else<s! is in fa%t %onstit&tionally prote%ted! b&t this does not mean freedoms are al$ays &sed $isely. ) problem is that many media holders are politi%ally %orre%t! or dogmati% %ensors of anything they dislike! b&t the real problem is that they do the go(ernment<s %ensorship for them. They fear being s&ed and in some %ases %harged o(er $hat their posters do. E(erything m&st be legal! of %o&rse. Ho not radi%aliAe. Fh no! yo& 8&oted a $hole %hapter from a book p&blished in ".2N3 ?hen the ne+t fairness do%trine and hate bills pass all patriots m&st delete all offensi(e material. 5esist $itho&t risk and follo$ing all appli%able go(ernment orders. Co& are the loyal opposition. ) troll is not ;&st a person trying to disr&pt a thread and start fights. 'e is anybody $ho posts things $e do not like. ) spammer is not only the so&r%e of floods of %&t-and-paste ad(erts! he is anyone $ho keeps trying to post things $e dislike. For no$: 9one of &s $ant go(ernment %ensorship! so %ensor yo&rself so the go(ernment $on<t ha(e to. The $eb in ten years: OThe go(ernment anno&n%ed good ne$s in the en(ironmental se%tor. =sn<t that $onderf&l? The $eather is delightf&l. The flo$ers are lo(ely this time of year3 ?as yo&r a&nt able to (isit on ?orld )ll *eoples )re >ood Hay? >ood ne$s! and the %ho%olate ration is going to be in%reased3O D)nd hamb&rgers banned.E Capitalism is e(il be%a&se %riminals in and o&t of go(ernment are not arrested $hen they defra&d &s! be%a&se the people in go(ernment are $e need more go(ernment no$! more international bankers no$! more! more! more3 Besides! people $ho $on<t $ork to o&r benefit are e(il $hether bl&e %ollar or $hite! and %ompanies that ha(e not e(en taken anything from &s b&t $on<t gi(e &s a%%ess to their st&ff are greedy: they are not $orking to o&r benefit3 The greedy parasites3 There are both good and e(il %apitalists. There are both del&ded and e(il so%ialists. /&%h of $hat is today %alled %apitalism is in fa%t so%ialism. 4o%ialism and other big go(ernment poli%ies ;&st make it easier for elites to steal and %ontrol yo&r reso&r%es. D)nd %omm&nism! greed and selfishness! and any final &topian anar%hy aside! is not prod&%ti(e be%a&se there are no &n%ontrolled pri%es. ) %ommand and %ontrol

e%onomy is re8&ired sin%e demand m&st be estimated by people $ho monitor e(eryone and then send o&t prod&%tion orders. /assi(e state planning res&lts in ma;or errors! fa&lt finding and a&thoritarianism. The e%onomy r&n like the H/I. )nar%hy $o&ld 6$ork7 D?E $ithin ea%h tiny (illage $here e(erybody kno$s ea%h other and $hat ea%h makes and needs. =t %annot $ork at all $ith high te%hnology! short of personal matter %on(erters! nor $ith mass prod&%tion.E Combine the nearest H/I offi%e and the most intr&si(e home o$ner<s asso%iation yo& kno$ of@this is yo&r ne+t go(ernment! )meri%a. /anip&lated mass mo(ements! %orporate go(ernment and go(ernment %orporations along $ith the &se of for%e are the order of the day! <%a&se yo&r %onstit&tion is a dead letter boys and girls. Those of yo& $ho bother $ith history kno$ there $as a time $hen o&r medi%al system! and general e%onomy as $ell! %ompared 8&ite $ell $ith the best else$here in the $orld. Ceah. 4ee? )t the time. Then %&rrent state-of-art. That $as $hen most other nations foolishly allo$ed o&t-of-%ontrol $holly &nreg&lated free enterprise-%apitalist medi%al endea(ors $hile o&r medi%al system $as "00L died-in-the-$ool demo%omm&so%ial go(ernment health%are for all. Too bad $e are no$ the ones $ith separation of hospital and state. Ceah. /mm hmm. /ost in the medi%al ind&stry today $o&ld like se%&re and relati(ely high go(ernment g&aranteed in%omes in ret&rn for predominately $ellness %he%k! ro&tine pro%ed&re! dr&g sale! and end of life plan oriented operations. ?hy sho&ld $e kill a (ariety of foreign %omm&nists! fas%ists and other a&thoritarian and totalitarian s%&m for yo&? Co& ;&st $ant to %onsolidate yo&r po$er and $e yo&r lapdogs! eh? >its. Co& arrogant s$ine $ho p&sh yo&r o$n brands of so%ialist %entralism $hile la&ghing at o&r simple-minded %onstit&tional beliefs3 F&%k yo& most sin%erely. Co&r $eapons are going to t&rn &nless yo& better hide yo&r %ontempt for them. Co& do not %are for yo&r tools. Co& are piss-poor %raftsmen. Meep smirking! elitists. Co& ha(e grand ne$ ideas. Those of yo& $ho think yo&rsel(es progressi(e and for the %ommon man are among the $orst. =f yo& do not %hange yo& be%ome irrele(ant. Ces. 1ook at the history of the $orld. Fe$er rights! regimentation for the %ommon good. This is a ne$ idea? This is %lan and tribal taboo and order! kingdom and prin%ipality! theo%ra%y! empire! oligar%hy and demagog&ery. 4imple minds. =t reminds me of those $ho say $e sho&ld dispense $ith the old .,N )C* of "."" and transition to .mm 1&ger be%a&se it is a modern %artridge Dof ".0GE. Ces! the first (ersion of the .,N for semia&tos! &sing ne$er propellants to allo$ for a shortened %ase! %ame o&t in the ".0, pistol. Contemporaries. Transition if yo& $ill b&t not be%a&se the . is a ne$er in(ention! it is not! and de%ide for yo&rself b&t not for the rest of &s. Co& are dealing in the kind of %hoi%es $here imposition is a %rime. The trend in the $estern hemisphere sin%e the middle! or if yo& prefer! dark ages has been an errati% mar%h $ith some ma;or ba%ksliding to greater freedom! %i(ility and de%en%y. 9o$ $e are falling into ignoran%e and s&perstition on%e more. DTo be te%hni%al! the .mm 1&ger %ame o&t in ".02! and the .,N )C* in ".0N! b&t $ere not in %ommon &se &ntil the *0G 1&ger and /"."" pistols $ere in f&ll prod&%tion.E Freedom has a ma;or fla$. *eople hate it and ha(e to make $ar on it. 4&periority has a ma;or fla$. =t is al$ays (astly o&tn&mbered. 4&perior is as s&perior does! it does not rise to the top! it does $ell b&t %an<t do eno&gh of it. Th&ggery! fra&d and fa(or trading rise to the top. There is more s&rfa%e s%&m than %ream. The salt of the earth is bitter. Bla%ks fear bringing the man do$n on themsel(es. ?hites fear r&nning into a gro&p of bla%k men on the street! b&t also fear being s$ept into the system they originally %reated b&t no longer %ontrol. ?ho is afeared no$? Ho yo& kno$ loyalty is a (irt&e less only than freedom and ;&sti%e? ?hite men ha(e done most of this nation<s fighting and dying. They did it in Iietnam and are doing it today. 'ispani%s are doing their share. Ho yo& e+pe%t sympathy? *riorities. =t is time to stop. The serfs lose %ontrol and are at their most br&tal as they are being freed. ?estern %i(iliAation is indeed in the d&st bin! &nless yo& prefer to %onsider it a relapse to the dark ages of the $est. 9o! too m&%h of the east and so&th are already here. 'ey hey! ho hoJ ?estern Ci(iliAation has got to go3 'ey... 4ome people are better than other people! b&t not in all $ays and all people are people! and nothing ;&stifies (iolating people<s rights! $ith the ob(io&s e+%eption of people $hen they are in la$f&l %&stody as this is not e(en really a (iolationJ e(en then there are ma;or limits on ho$ ro&ghly people %an be treated! or there are s&pposed to be s&%h. = lo(e a poli%e state! b&t only if it is o&r DmyE poli%e state. Ed&%ate people &ntil they ha(e nothing to fear and pea%e plops o&t like a h&ge $et gro$th. 1ord lo(e &s indeed3 This all $orks so (ery $ell. ?hat garbage. Co& may fear the &nkno$n! yo& also fear the kno$n threat. Co& may hate people

$itho&t kno$ing them! a mis&nderstanding! b&t some people are hated most by those $ho kno$ them best. Familiarity breeds O%ontempt.O Certainly! b&t $hat of the fa%t that most $o&ld-be e+perts and masters are distr&sted by those $ho kno$ them $ell be%a&se they kno$ $hat l&nati%s they are? E(il people may harm yo& be%a&se they fear! b&t there are many other possible reasons. 4ome people are simply brain damaged. 4ome people en;oy h&rting the $eakest and least frightening of (i%tims. )nd yo& may fear the harm someone may do $itho&t feeling any fear at all. 4ome like to steal so they $ill ha(e lots of st&ff and r&le be%a&se it makes them feel big. Co& also make fools $ho belie(e in pri(a%y and ;&sti%e yo&r enemy. Tr&ly good r&lers ha(e more enemies than e(il ones. Co& %an<t make pea%e $ith predators. FM! sometimes yo& %an by not looking like prey. 'atred is not the root of all e(il! nor is lo(e of money. There is no single thing that is. 'ate the rapist all yo& $ant! don<t let it r&in yo&r life or %orr&pt yo&r prin%iples. There is nothing $rong $ith ambition at $ork and en;oyment of both $ork and leis&re. Co& ha(e a problem if yo& lo(e leis&re so m&%h yo& get no $ork done! and a greater one if ambition makes yo& %riminal. E(il %omes of being (&lnerable $hether physi%ally or psy%hologi%ally! of ha(ing $ants and needs $hi%h are strong eno&gh to to make yo& selfish. D*sy%hology is in fa%t a physi%al f&n%tion.E =t is e(il to harm others in order to benefit yo&rself! emotionally or materially! $hen they are not doing yo& any harm. 4elfish is not the la%k of 6selflessness.7 =t is not the defense of yo&r o$n. =t is yo&r fail&re to (al&e the rights of any b&t yo&r o$n. 9eeds are merely things ne%essary to a%8&ire $ants! s&%h as food if yo& $ant to stay ali(e. There is nothing $rong $ith $anting things! and yo& $o&ld die $itho&t them as li(ing takes effort and dying does not. =f yo& did not %are $hether yo& ate or not yo& $o&ld star(e. 9o self means dead! $ants are no 6sin.7 DThere is $rong and there is e(il. There is no sin be%a&se sin is a %rime against >od! and $here is >od?E E(eryone dies e(ent&ally so $hy not ;&st die no$? Ceah! and $hy %lean yo&r ho&se if it $ill ;&st get dirty again? Cet if nothing is more important to a man than life then he is a %o$ard. 4elf is not e(il! li(ing is not e(il! taking $hat yo& $ant by fra&d and by for%e is e(il. =n fa%t most people $ho tea%h ho$ selfish yo& are for not gi(ing them yo&r obedien%e! and yo&r property to %ontrol! are manip&lating yo& be%a&se they are selfish. The remainder are simply brain$ashed or st&pid. Hon<t f&%k $ith people o(er $hat is theirs. Hamn $ell fight for $hat is yo&rs. Co&r freedom. Co&r life. Co&r rights. :&sti%e. Co&r property. Co&r family! %omm&nity! state and nation. Co&r people. =t is all ;&st Ome! me and mineO $ith yo& selfish indi(id&alists! ain<t it? Be$are of $ol(es in sheep<s %lothing. 6?e sho&ld ta+ land at s&%h a high rate that nobody %o&ld afford to hold it e+%l&si(e. This is not so%ialist! ;&st a fair $ay to fight globalists and aristo%rats37 Cooperate! do not obey. E(al&ate! not tr&st. Faith is the defe%t! the tool and the strength of a%ti(ists and leaders. =t is not limited to religion. =t is a myopi% feeling. Faith is the last ref&ge of s%o&ndrels. There is nothing %hildish abo&t the effe%ti(e appli%ation of for%e. Iiolen%e is the tool of %riminals! gangs and nations. 4ome of the most %orr&pt and br&tal people are also the most bra(e! st&pid! or insane. The 9aAi 44 $ere sometimes most fanati%al in their bra(ery. Comm&nists ha(e made n&mero&s s&i%idally bra(e mass atta%ks: and yo& tho&ght dying for yo&r beliefs $as a proof of yo&r do%trine3 Fb(io&sly if yo& stare at people and fondle the grip of yo&r $eapon! or start b&ilding &p an in(asion for%e! yo&r neighbors $ill rea%t to this. 4o if yo& b&y $eapons and %reate armies yo& are more likely to &se $hat yo& did not ha(e before and others are more likely to %onsider yo& a threat to be atta%ked. The problem is that people do not fight only o&t of fear and inse%&rity. There are many reasons and some people atta%k not be%a&se they feel threatened b&t be%a&se they see (&lnerability! fear and inse%&rity or other $eaknesses in yo&. Iiolen%e is also the tool of those $ho fight the %riminal. Compromise is fine if yo& are not %ompromising $ith e(il. =f yo& do that the e(il $ill %ontin&ally gain gro&nd and yo& $ill lose in the end. 'ypo%rites3 =f (iolen%e ne(er sol(es anything then $hy are yo& %alling the poli%e for help? *oli%emen and soldiers. )rmed %itiAens. 4er(ant %lass. 5a%ists and se+ists. Ces? Ho yo&r o$n fighting.

= don<t %are abo&t yo&. Co& %all for help. Conf&sed? Fr! are yo& fine $ith mer%enaries so long as yo& ne(er ha(e to do any dirty $ork yo&rself? 6The poli%e are offi%ial37 yo& say. )ny (iolen%e is FM as long as it is the offi%ials doing it? Bah3 6<Ci(ilian7 (iolen%e is $rong37 yo& say. 9o Constit&tion Dand Bill of 5ights! $hi%h tr&mps the %onstit&tion and is more importantE for yo&3 Comm&nitarian filth: 'erd animal3 'a3 *eople $ho $ant to fight! for any reasonJ all the smart! sm&g! and pea%e-lo(ing spirit&al kno$ this! are idiots $ho $ant to die. 1et those among them $ho $ill defend others defend yo&. 'ide behind the idiots and let them die for yo& that yo& smart ones may li(e. /iddle and &pper %lass men $ho ha(e ne(er fa%ed the tr&ly impla%able... =t is $ell $hen people do not ha(e to fight on a reg&lar basis. B&t ho$ %an yo& ha(e forgotten the past! and $hy so m&%h nonsense from yo& $hen yo& are s&%h kno$ nothings? Co& are flee%ed daily b&t there has al$ays been some room for arg&ment or legal a%tion for yo&. Co& are prote%ted to an e+tent by the general a%ti(ity of the poli%e! military and armed %itiAens yo& despise. Co&r %o&ntry has been %omparati(ely safe! &nlike many! and yo& ha(e stayed a$ay from 6bad neighborhoods.7 Co& ha(e allo$ed yo&rself to be%ome in%ompetent. ?hat $ill yo& feel and ho$ $ill yo& beha(e $hen yo& are fa%ed $ith those $ho $ill not be gainsaid! $ho $ant to destroy yo&! and $ho $ill be stopped only by the sho%k of (i%io&s and ma+im&m (iolen%e? *sy%hologi%ally yo& are &nprepared. /aterially yo& are &nprepared. Things $ill not al$ays be as pea%ef&l for yo& as they are no$! nor for yo&r people and %o&ntry. Co& $ill see the tr&th in their fa%es! and yo& $ill kno$ absol&te impoten%y! and then yo& $ill die. Beyond a minim&m le(el it is not dire%tly the amo&nt of se%&rity that %o&nts. =t is the &ne+pe%ted types and amo&nts that %o&nt. Ho not fall for the &s&al feelings of embarrassment and silliness. *eople al$ays think being prepared is o(errea%ting! and most people sho&ld not kno$ $hat yo& are doing. =f se%&rity is needed get b&sy! and maintain se%&rity at all times. Mno$ too that $hile e+%essi(e %on%entration is a sin! so are being taken by s&rprise! %a&ght alone! and o&tside of s&pporting range. Ho not split yo&r for%es too m&%h or $itho&t solid %a&se. Hying is as easy as falling off a log. 'o$ yo& feel has no effe%t on it. Co& %an end&re it be%a&se yo& ha(e no other %hoi%e. Co&r efforts to li(e fail. =t is that not dying thing that is diffi%&lt. 9ot dying is hard. =t takes effort. 6Fffi%ials7 hate do-it-yo&rself types. They hate people $ho think! and they %an spot it from a mile a$ay. ?hen they say ;&mp they $ant yo& to be :apanese! to ;&mp at on%e. )ny sign of thinking $ill be po&n%ed &pon the $ay a drill sergeant ;&mps on a sloppy boot. 6Co& ha(e insolent hips! /aster Bob37 They are not simple! they are realists. This means they are right if they ha(e po$er. They ki%k ass on those belo$ and kiss it of those abo(e. Co& do the same or yo& are %hildishJ a pain in the assJ %ontemptible. Co& do not a%%ept the realities. =f they $anted yo& to ask ho$ high they $o&ld ha(e told yo&. Hoing things e+a%tly a%%ording to the book is a net ad(antage if yo& are a neophyte. ?hile the ObookO %ontains errors and does not %o(er e(ery sit&ation to a &sable degree! it $as $ritten by people $ho are not neophytes. )nother problem $ith it is that it makes yo& predi%table ta%ti%ally. This is a bad thing as a r&le b&t there are times $hen %ompeten%e and skill are more important than s&rprise. 4o! people tend to go by the book for these reasons and in spite of the do$nside? 9o. =f yo& follo$ the reg&lations to the letter and things go $ell yo& get bennies! if things go badly e(en if the regs $ere a mismat%h to the ;ob at hand yo& almost al$ays a(oid blame. = kno$. = kno$. =f a fello$ is al$ays armed he is tro&ble $aiting to happen. =f he does r&n into tro&ble $e kno$ $hom to blame. ?hen another person only arms himself $hen threatened and r&ns into tro&ble $hen armed this is proof that he intended to do somebody harm. 9o do&bt. =f a person r&ns into tro&ble &narmed and dies $e %an see that he made mistakes. *erhaps he $as not %aref&l! left his property in plain sight! or did not obey the %riminal. 9o$ that s$eet (i%tory $e ha(e $hen an &narmed person 6%ooperates7 $ith the atta%ker and is left (irt&ally &nharmed. =t happens. Cay3 *a%ifists tend to think themsel(es among the po$erf&l. They say $e sho&ld go easy on atta%kers

be%a&se they seem not to &nderstand that delays and half meas&res %an res&lt in o&r 8&i%k deaths. 'a(e yo& e(er heard that o&r 6leaders7 sho&ld fight their $ars among themsel(es? ?e %an resol(e iss&es among o&rsel(es based on the o&t%ome of d&els3 Ho yo& see $hy $e sho&ld dis%&ss o&r $ay to agreement so that (iolen%e is rendered &nne%essary? 5eally. )rg&e $ith the a(erage rapist? *&t the on&s on the (i%tim to be %alm! $ise and er&dite beyond her years and station. )sk her $hat she did $rong if the atta%k %ontin&es any$ay. =f a sit&ation threatens great harm! s&%h as an in(asion of barbarians! ha(e the *resident and the 1eader for 1ife d&el it o&t. =f the *resident loses e(eryone $ill let the barbarians do to them as they $ill. =s this likely? 4ho&ld it be? 4o then let &s &se negotiations to a(oid $ar. 4ometimes this $orks. Co& gi(e them something they $ant! or they see they ha(e been $rong! or yo& frighten them. =t $orks poorly against tyrants tho&gh. Co& b&y them off and they %ome ba%k for more &ntil they $eaken yo& and atta%k any$ay! or &ntil yo&r o$n people ha(e had eno&gh and rise &p. =f yo& &se brinkmanship to s%are them off! $ell! do it too many times and e(ent&ally somebody trips off the brink. ?hen important iss&es are at stake and (iolen%e may ens&e at the least talk before fighting. ?ar may be a(oided. Co& %an al$ays fight if the talks fail. FM. =t $orks sometimes. B&t things %an get really $onky $hen people &se this logi%. =t is like the self-righteo&s salesman $ho only &ses high press&re ta%ti%s and fra&d $hen the %&stomers ref&se to b&y. Talk. Co& $in the arg&ment so the other side atta%ks. They $in the arg&ment? =t is an important iss&e! the talks ha(e failed! so yo& atta%k. ?hen mankind is in(&lnerable it $ill no longer ha(e any need of defenses. )pparently! &ntil that day! freedom re8&ires &s to stand aside and let people %hoose to %ommit %rimes. =t seems not! ho$e(er! to mean people m&st be allo$ed to defend themsel(es! or possess tools $hi%h they %o&ld mis&se. 9or does freedom keep &s! or the $isdom of #ni(erse keep &s! from p&nishing those $e ref&sed to fight. *ity the fool $ho $ill respe%t the prono&n%ements of those $ho are ob(io&sly $ise! be%a&se their $ords are so enlightened that the fool %annot &nderstandJ and $ho %annot speak plainly to the fool be%a&se they themsel(es are either &n$illing or &nenlightened. =f yo& %an<t pro(e me $rong = am right. =f yo& ha(e no sol&tion then there is no problem. =t %o&ld be tr&e as far as = kno$! $hi%h is as good as a probably! so a%t on it as tr&e. The only tr&e e(il is 6= don<t kno$ and neither does >&r&.7 *eople are too f&%king tr&sting. They kno$ $hat $as! is! and $ill and m&st be be%a&se people feel it! say it or $rite it. *eople do not &nderstand it. 9ot the ho$ nor the $hy of it. They need the %ertainty of it e(en if it is horrible! and need the s$eetness of it e(en if it is false. They hear the gods $hisper in their heads. They do not really kno$ the speakers. =t is like geas! fate and doom. Fra%les do not speak fa%ts and logi%! b&t make prono&n%ements. *eople ;&st belie(e as if e(erything $as nothing b&t a bloody Celti% myth. ?e need to stop the %o$ardly anonymo&s &sers of the internet! and they %an<t a%t&ally! yo& kno$! grab &s o(er the net$ork. ?hat $e really need is large signs on e(ery person and (ehi%le going abo&t in p&bli%. )t minim&m names! addresses! and <phone n&mbers sho&ld be posted thereon. 4o&nd silly? ?hat ha(e yo& got to hide! boy? =f = am armed it is my right to be so. =f = arrest someone $ho is assa&lting >randmother :ones it is my right to do so Dt&rn that someone o(er to poli%e as soon as possibleE. ?hen that hard-nosed old %op or to&gh yo&ng soldier asks me $hat = am doing he is on d&ty and armed by pri(ilege of offi%e. They %an fire or dis%harge him at any time. The state %an re(oke the poli%e offi%er<s %ertifi%ation immediately if they so %hoose. They %an restri%t my rights Dand ha(eE! b&t not rightf&lly or %onstit&tionally. 1et me be %lear. This is )meri%a. Co& ha(e a right to &se reasonable for%e to p&t a stop to a pla&sible %riminal threat. )t the lo$est threat le(el this means yo& %an &se for%e if a person<s $ords or beha(ior! a%tions! lo%ation and apparent %apabilities indi%ate he is $illing and able to do harm. Co& %an arrest him if yo& %an! failing this yo& %an &se ne%essary for%e &ntil the threat is ended@he yields! is &nable to %ontin&e! or has r&n a$ay! nor m&st yo& let him get a$ay if yo& %an stop him tho&gh lethal for%e is not a&thoriAed for this in most %ases. =f he p&ts his hand on yo& in a belligerent manner yo&

may for%ibly strike it a$ay. =f he to&%hes yo& in any $ay and $ill not stop $hen told to do so yo& may kno%k his hands a$ay. =f he sho$s fight be%a&se of this yo& may atta%k him. =f any person approa%hes yo& $ith ob(io&s %riminal intent yo& may atta%k him. Co& may not &se more for%e than is reasonable. Ho not &se a baseball-bat p&mmeling to arrest an elderly .0 po&nd thief. This is not the old 4o(iet #nion! nor is it E&roland $here yo& are forbidden to &se yo&r shotg&n $hen threatened in yo&r o$n home by m&ltiple knife $ielding yobs. )re yo& my Cha( mate? = ha(e a right to do anything against $hi%h there is no %riminal or %i(il la$! or $hen that la$ is &n%onstit&tional. The offi%er has the a&thority! a%ting as an agent of go(ernment! to do anything la$ a&thoriAes him to do. >o(ernment is limited by state and federal %onstit&tions. = ha(e rights. 'ey Fffi%er: yo& ha(e the right to remain silent! e+%ept $here the la$ re8&ires yo& to identify! and the like. )nything yo& do or say %an be &sed against yo& in a %o&rt of la$. Co& ha(e no reasonable e+pe%tation of pri(a%y $hile performing yo&r d&ties. Co& ha(e the right to an attorney $hen being 8&estioned and detained! being re8&ired to sign a do%&ment! or if yo& are a defendant in %o&rt. =f yo& %annot afford an attorney! = am s&re yo& %an obtain one thro&gh yo&r &nion. Ho yo& &nderstand these rights? Ho yo& &nderstand these rights?3 4ign here! or yo& may be s&b;e%t to termination. The (ery premise! reason for e+isten%e! of the first ten amendments to o&r form of %onstit&tional go(ernment is that freedom is all abo&t rights and rights are not abo&t n&mbers. 5ights are not to be s&b;e%t to the many (ers&s the fe$ arg&ment. )&thority does not tr&mp rights. /a;ority (otes do not tr&mp rights. 'o$ %an this be? ?hen the ne$ great thing %omes yo& $ill be st&%k in the past $ith only right and good left to yo&. Fld and ne$ mean nothing! (oid in head! look for the good in both. Come no$! old boy. Tra(el is a pri(ilege! $ork! b&siness! %onstr&%tion all pri(ileges. Co& ha(e an )rti%le N 6pri(ilege37 4&rely! don<t %all me that! 4&e! %arrying $eapons is the right of the pri(ileged? 1ife is a f&%king pri(ilege3 5adi%al3 *erhaps = sho&ld re(oke yo&rs? /aybe there $as a need to ha(e g&ns ba%k in the old times. Co& kno$! $hen $e needed firearms $ith $hi%h to m&rder mild! meek and harmonio&s 9ati(e )meri%ans and take their land. 6'ey pal! for all = kno$ yo& might be a terrorist.7 Ces! offi%er $hose s&per(isor is a sergeant! keep yo&r hands $here = %an see them: for all = kno$ yo& may be a $ife beater. D4aid offi%er $ill respond by asking $hy yo& are $orried sin%e yo& are not a $ife.E 'ere is yo&r ans$er $hen yo& ha(e been detained: 1ast name! first and middle! CitiAen of name of stateJ =H n&mber and date of birth. Co& may be re8&ired to gi(e primary address rather than =H n&mber! it depends on the state. 9e(er gi(e yo&r so%ial se%&rity n&mber. Co& do not resist &nless they o(erstep their bo&nds! b&t yo& do not do their ;ob for them either. DThis $ill not keep them from &sing pain %omplian%e and %harging yo& $ith 6passi(e resistan%e.7 =n >ermany they $ill %harge yo& for &nla$f&l possession of a 6passi(e $eapon7 if yo& ha(e a gas mask.E Co& do kno$ that o&r %onstit&tion says anyone $ho is a %itiAen of a 4tate is also a %itiAen of the #nited 4tates of )meri%a? =f yo& are a mere resident yo& may as $ell li(e in *orto 5i%o. Federal territory. D*orto 5i%o is a territory and has sho$n no great interest in be%oming a state. = say %&t it loose.E = ne(er $orry! be like me and be the master of all yo& s&r(ey. This is done by %aref&lly limiting the s&r(ey area. 4o yo& kno$! $hen s&b;e%t to a traffi% stop yo& signal and p&ll o(er! lo$er yo&r $indo$ half$ay! and at night t&rn on the interior light. T&rn off engine and pla%e keys in po%ket if yo& $ish. 4it $ith hands on the steering $heel. There is nothing $rong $ith &sing 6sir7 if the offi%er is doing so! and neither of yo& minds being the other g&y<s honorary daddy. =f he $ants to sear%h $itho&t probable %a&se simply say no. )nd $eapons are not %ontraband in )meri%a. /o(e slo$ly and tell him $hat yo& are doing before rea%hing into the glo(e %ompartment! or remo(ing the seat belt. =t is better to ha(e yo&r g&n in the lo%ked Dand key remo(edE %ompartment and yo&r papers %lipped to the s&n (isor. ?hen he asks gi(e him li%ense! registration and ins&ran%e %ard b&t not yo&r $allet. =f yo& gi(e him all three and he snaps at yo& and says he only asked for the li%ense ;&st smile. This red&%es the likelihood of getting shot! b&t makes him think yo& are a %on. There are many f&%king morons in o&r poli%e for%es. =f

he goes %ompletely o(er the line it is &p to yo& ho$ m&%h ab&se yo& $ill take and ho$ m&%h %onfli%t yo& $ish to partake in that day. )lso ho$ many months of legal harassment. Es%alation3 This is not Os&i%ide by %opO b&t is O= $o&ld rather die fighting.O Ho not ans$er 8&estions &nless re8&ired by la$. Ho not tell the offi%er there is a g&n in yo&r %ar &nless yo& ha(e a permit and m&st do so by 6la$.7 =f ordered! not re8&ested! get o&t of yo&r %ar! hands in (ie$! and let the door lo%k behind yo&. )sk if yo& are being detained. )sk if yo& are being %ited or arrested before telling them $ho yo& are if yo& ha(e not already done so! and do not pro(ide paper =H &nless yo& $ere dri(ing or $ant them to kno$ yo& are armed $ith permission. =n fa%t! $hen 8&estions are asked simply say yo& don<t ans$er 8&estions $itho&t yo&r la$yer being present. There is no la$ e(en re8&iring a state iss&ed =H. ) dri(er<s li%ense is re8&ired if yo& are dri(ing on a p&bli% road$ayJ in most states the rele(ant la$ is bog&s be%a&se abo&t %ommer%ial &se of the roads! b&t try telling the %opper that. #s&ally yo& m&st state yo&r name! date of birth! and address if! and only if! yo& are stopped for tr&ly la$f&l %a&se and are arrested or %ited. )n in(estigati(e detention is legal $hen there are real and spe%ifi% reasons for s&spi%ion. The identifi%ation pro%ess %an be (erbal. The pro%ess sho&ld be short! "N min&tes! and if they remo(e yo& from the area yo& ha(e been arrested. )lso! = $ill say it many times! do not agree $ith anything! gi(e no permissions! sign nothing! and kno$ that bringing a dog o&t to %he%k yo&r %ar ;&st be%a&se they feel like it is a sear%h. )dditionally! legally yo& may res%ind a permission at any time! or limit it. )n offi%er is sear%hing thro&gh yo&r &nder$ear. Tell him to stop! be%a&se he no longer has yo&r permission to sear%h yo&r bag. >o(ernment has no legal right to treat anything said by yo& as false &nless %lear e(iden%e or testimony %ontradi%ts. This does 9ot mean yo& sho&ld talk to it. Ho not get into any type of %on(ersation $ith a go(ernment employee $hose ;ob is to find fa&lt $ith yo&! steal from yo&! or to pla%e restri%tions on yo&r rights. 6Co& got any =H on yo&?7 6?hy am = being detained?7 6Co& ha(e to obey my orders37 6= ha(e a right to remain silent.7 6>i(e me yo&r dri(er<s li%ense37 6/y name-HFB-address is...7 6Co& $ant to go to ;ail?7 4ilen%e. 4ilen%e. 4ilen%e. Ho not gi(e e(en that information if yo& are s&re the stop $as made $itho&t legal gro&nds for s&spi%ion of &nla$f&l beha(ior! and don<t mind getting arrested. They $ill pat yo& do$n for $eapons and hand%&ff yo& d&ring this if they ha(e 6good7 and spe%ifi% %a&se to think yo& indi(id&ally are both a %rime s&spe%t and %riminally dangero&s. =f they do this they may also %he%k inside any (ehi%le yo& rode in for $eapons. ?hat! by the $ay! makes yo& think things are any safer as a res&lt of li%ensing dri(ers? *roof? )lso! passengers need no =H and need gi(e no information d&ring a tr&e traffi% related stop! b&t yo&r gear $ill be sear%hed if yo&r %retin dri(er tells them they may. =f yo& end &p in %o&rt anything yo& said to the poli%e that %an be &sed against yo& in any $ay $ill be. 9othing yo& said $ill be &sed in yo&r defense. =f an offi%er s&spe%ts yo& of something and de%ides to hit yo& be%a&se of it my ad(i%e is to beat the shit o&t of him. Then yo& sho&ld prepare to be stomped to a p&lp and %harged $ith first degree battery of a poli%e offi%er! or possibly attempted m&rder. =t is sad that inno%ent people really sho&ld not defend themsel(es from any poli%e ab&se sin%e es%alation is the norm and a f&ll-o&t engagement from the start is more prod&%ti(e. Co& are only dealing $ith the offi%er or offi%ers at the s%ene at any gi(en time! so perhaps /e+i%o needs a ne$ resident! b&t /e+i%o s&%ks and money for bribery is needed. 1&%kily the ;&sti%e system almost al$ays p&nishes poli%e e+%ess! right! so all this is hyperbole. 4&re it is. = on%e read an arti%le by a $ell kno$n e+pert that said yo& ne(er atta%k %riminals that remain o&tside the system of ;&sti%e! that $o&ld be &nmanly or %o$ardly. 'e said real men $o&ld only fight $ith the se%&rity or poli%e that prote%ted them e(en if that too $as illegal. ?hat a maroon. = g&ess it $orks this $ay: organiAed %rime boss is %ompletely beyond the la$ and that makes yo& silly and angry. 4o yo& atta%k the poli%e $ho respond to prote%t him $hen yo& sho$ &p and yo& bra(ely defeat them. Then yo& say ha3 to the mob g&y and lea(e. Ces indeed! indeedJ ne(er pro(oke tro&ble! ;&st be prepared to finish it. =t<s not as if Tro&ble $as my middle name. Fh my >od! = think there may be tro&ble3 =magine the re(ol&tion. F&r fo&nders say the British are a%ting like tyrants and %annot be arg&ed $ith. They $ill not listen to reason. 4o! they say! do not gather together and &se (iolen%e against the state be%a&se $ar is horrid. >o home and farm! b&t do not allo$ the ser(ants of tyrants to take yo&r %hildren! take yo& to prison %amps!

or take yo&r $eapons. H&des! says Billy BobJ ho$ %an = stop them? ) mob of them sho$s &p on a farm! the farmer is o&tn&mbered and taken or killed! and the mob goes on to another farm. The %o&rts seldom r&le in the farmer<s fa(or and this is going on right no$3 ?ell! say the fo&nders! $e $ill ha(e to take a%tion if these things are done on a massi(e s%ale o(er the $hole %o&ntry at on%e. ?e $ill rise &p then! yo& %an be %ertain of that3 B&t do not organiAe! e8&ip or train in readiness for that day sin%e it pro(okes the tyrants and ;&stifies tyranny. That is $hat they $ant3 4orry! = g&ess the fo&nders in this imaginary re(ol&tion did not fo&nd anything. They did a(oid $ar &nless fr&stration res&lted in mass &prisings of the angry masses! b&t $e kno$ ho$ that kind of anar%hy generally t&rns o&t. *oli%e ha(e higher rates of %riminal beha(ior! al%ohol and dr&g ab&se! family (iolen%e and s&i%ide than the general p&bli%. 4ome say this is karma or p&nishment for their e(il@this is false. They are in a better position to get a$ay $ith %rime! and %riminals are dra$n to po$er. The leadership is %orr&pt. =n %orr&pt agen%ies none of them are good. They $ill remain 8&iet be%a&se they $ant to keep their benefits! e(en if they take no dire%t part in the %rimes. ) higher per%entage of %hild $elfare $orkers are %hild ab&sers. They are dra$n to the ;ob. B&t medi%s ha(e high s&i%ide rates too. =t is depression and stress from any so&r%e! not e(il! that kills them. 'ell! a %hild $ho does not honor his ab&si(e parents may feel as m&%h g&ilt as a %orr&pt p&bli% offi%ial does. B&ite probably more. Marma is b&llshit. =f yo& do harm to people some $ill try to harm yo& ba%k. and if yo& get in the $ay of the $rong people by doing something good the same applies. ?hen yo& drop a pa%kage o(er yo& foot it drops and yo&r foot h&rts. That<s it. =f people are allo$ed to be armed there $ill be o&tbreaks of great (iolen%e on a periodi% basis. Being armed is ;&st the first step do$n a road to greater and greater br&tality. Ces! and it is not pornography that leads to se+ %rimes and immorality! it is ha(ing any se+ at all. Think so? There are o&tb&rsts of s&%h (iolen%e already in %ertain %ities = shall not bother to name. ) right is not so bad if it applies only to those times $hen it is not needed. Can%el it d&ring emergen%ies. The right to bear arms is rather like a man<s legal right to his o$n opinion! it is FM if he $ill not! yo& kno$! persist in speaking it. 'o$ is it that yo& ha(e not seen this (iolen%e in areas $here $e are! in fa%t! most often armed? 4in%e the last great $eapons banning %raAe in #M the (iolent %rime rate has in%reased almost N0L. There are pla%es in this %o&ntry $here gro&ps $o&ld fight (irt&al $ars if allo$ed to be armed. E(en $orse! and >od forbid! allo$ed to be armed in p&bli%. They ;&st %an<t get along. Those pla%es are pla%es e(en the poli%e are less likely to go. =t is dangero&s! and a poli%e presen%e is as %ommonly a lit mat%h as a %alming infl&en%e. =ndeed. *eriods of %alm are not the prod&%t of an inability to get $eapons. The poli%e are not e+a%tly Aealo&s on an a(erage day in the neighborhood. *eople are sho$ing some sense! or simply fear retaliation! $hi%h is a kind of good sense in itself. =f e(en the to&gh g&ys are not %arrying on a gi(en day it is be%a&se they do not tr&ly e+pe%t tro&ble! and bad l&%k %o&ld res&lt in an D&n%onstit&tionalE arrest $ith asso%iated irritations. =f a person is $rong abo&t this $ho is going to s&ffer the most? The man shopping and minding his o$n b&siness! e+%ept for his fail&re to be armed! or the person $ho left home feeling like some tro&ble and armed a%%ordingly? *la%es $here a person %an be killed for dressing $rong or ha(ing the $rong skin %olor sho&ld ha(e more poli%e in them! not less. CitiAens sho&ld s$arm the area. =f the lo%als take this as an e+%&se to fight a $ar: boils sho&ld be lan%ed. O>od! grant me a good s$ord and no &se for it.O The *oles. B&t nooo! high %rime areas are dangero&s. *eople get atta%ked there all the time. E(en if it is te%hni%ally legal to %arry a g&n there yo& sho&ld not do it be%a&se yo& might a%t&ally ha(e to &se yo&r g&n. >&ns o&ght only to be %arried if yo& don<t need one. Besides! the poli%e might shoot yo&. 'o$ are they s&pposed to kno$ yo& are not a %riminal? Fnly go(ernment has rights! pl&s %riminals to a degree on%e in %o&rt. CitiAens in general ha(e only a&thoriAations and d&ties. The 4tate<s monopoly on the legitimate &se of for%eJ 'ey-Ae&s Christy3 =n )meri%a? 4in%e $hen! yo& E&rotrash? *eople are as d&mb as bloody posts. ?hat is $rong $ith these people? =f anyone besides themsel(es is armed in the land of the 4e%ond )mendment they piss themsel(es and spit as they talk. *&ssies. The go(ernment monopoly on (iolen%e is no %ro$ning a%hie(ement of %i(iliAation. 9ot at all. The lo$ le(el of (iolen%e among the middle %lasses of )meri%a and the #M! in 4$itAerland and 4$eden! is an a%%omplishment! altho&gh these gro&ps ha(e problems of their o$n! b&t the state<s

monopoly on arms has been a temptation to the armed agents of go(ernment to ab&se more than anything else. Try to %o&nt the n&mber of people $ho ha(e been dire%tly or indire%tly killed by go(ernments! of $hate(er politi%al-religio&s-ethni% moti(ation. 1ook and see! in $hat per%entage of those %ases $ere the %ommon people forbidden arms for self defense or any other pri(ate p&rpose? =n some so%ieties broader legal a%%ess to $eapons res&lts in more (iolen%e! and in others less! and more (iolen%e is not al$ays an e(il. ?ithin most gro&ps more g&ns means less (iolent %rime. ?eapons restri%tions effe%t those %ommon people $ho tend to obey! by lea(ing them &narmed at the start of any emergen%y! and those $ho happen to get %a&ght o&t $hether they are %itiAens b&ying bla%k market or go(ernment agents o(erpo$ered by an angry gro&p of %itiAens. Hemo%ra%y. Hemo%ra%y3 4o%ial demo%ra%y! ind&strial demo%ra%y! %hristian demo%ra%y! so%ialist demo%ra%y! and people<s demo%ra%y. E(erything some idiot %alls demo%ra%y so taking other<s rights is 6a&thoriAed7 by the people themsel(es. ?hite $oman ab&sed in sensiti(ity %lass &ntil they %ry! and bl&bber o&t their apology for their an%estry. *hony smile and sing-song (oi%e. 6Hoan- be<&h 'ate<&h.7 = $ill p&t my foot so far &p yo&r smirking ass yo& $ill be spitting shoe leather for a $eek. Fr hobnails. =f only the go(ernment pro(ided ho&sing! shoes! medi%al 6ins&ran%e7P%are! higher ed&%ation! ;obs...3 4afety3 F&r go(ernment has gro$n bigger and bigger for more than a %ent&ry. F&r $eirdest and $orst e%onomi% problems ha(e o%%&rred sin%e the bankers took o(er monetary poli%y. ?e still ha(e $ars e(ery fe$ de%ades. The robber barons? Bribed the right people and got go(ernment lands and prote%tion. E(il $armongering 5ep&bli%ans? *lenty of Hemo%rats from ?ilson on$ard. >o(ernment and %orporate reg&lation has made medi%al %are more e+pensi(e than e(er. Ho yo& $ant &ni(ersities r&n like the p&bli% s%hools? They are getting there. 'ea(y reg&lation and poli%y for go(ernment and s%hools alike from the fo&ndations. Ho yo& $ant e(erything r&n like an offi%e of the H/I? Fine. >o for it. 9o rights for yo&! b&t many shifting entitlements. )nd d&ties. 9ot moral d&ties! b&t go(ernment re8&irements. 9ational ser(i%e. Hraft the men. Hraft the $omen. ?e ob(io&sly sho&ld ha(e gro$n go(ernment e(en faster3 FH5 sa(ed demo%ra%y Dpah3E and %apitalism by so%ialiAing the %o&ntry eno&gh to a(oid re(ol&tion3 4ome of his s&pporters tho&ght they $o&ld be able to rid themsel(es of pri(ate b&siness $ithin fi(e years. This in %lose %ooperation $ith the biggest %apitalists and finan%iers in the %o&ntry. 'e fooled them. 4till! they managed to %onsolidate $ealth and so%ialiAe agri%&lt&re &ntil it %o&ld be handed o(er to big agro3 )ssholes. *&erile d&nderheaded fools. Frthodo+ :e$s are s&pposed to lie to the >oy. /&slims are s&pposed to lie to the Ferengi. *riests are s&pposed to lie to %on(erts. Corporations and &nions are s&pposed to lie to $orkers and %ons&mers. =n(estment bankers are s&pposed to lie to in(estors. E(ery agen%y of go(ernment has a p&bli% affairs offi%e. =ts ;ob? 1ie to the %itiAenry! $hen not merely glossing o(er a ref&sal to pro(ide any information at all. /edia is s&pposed to lie to yo&. )(oid pani%. >et sales. )%hie(e s&pport for poli%y. )(oid e+pos&re of $aste and %orr&ption. >&ess $hat? 4o%ialists are s&pposed to lie to the masses. /anip&lation is good. =t is for a good %a&se. Ho yo& e(er get tired of being lied to? Freedom from %hoi%e3 *aper %&rren%y is not money. Constit&tionally! money is gold and sil(er %oined &nder the a&thority of %ongress. 9ot that pri(ately minted b&llion %oins are a problem in %ommer%e any more than other means of barter. )ny system has its &ps and do$ns! b&t pri(ate banks Dand banks sho&ld be pri(ateE %an do a de%ent ;ob of f&nding the e%onomy &nder %ertain %onditions. =f a bank makes loans of O(irt&al moneyO to in(estors! b&sinesses! and to an e+tent to %ons&mersJ and has to eat its losses $hen it makes bad loans the e%onomy gets f&nded 8&ite $ell $itho&t m&%h inflation. Fn the other hand! if fra&d is not interdi%ted! and if dishonest and manip&lati(e or foolish bankers are bailed o&t instead of being allo$ed to go bankr&pt things $ill shortly go to hell. =nflation! stagflation! massi(e debt! or depression and %onsolidation by the infl&ential res&lt. Co& noti%e anything like that going on? )t least go(ernments are making $ork! by tearing &p roads and trails! and by sh&tting do$n m&%h of o&r ele%tri%al po$er ind&stry. The federal reser(e is not a legal agen%y! by the $ay. =t has taken %ongressional a&thority to itself! and it OmanagesO both the %&rren%y and the markets. 4ome of the Oreg&latoryO agen%ies $o&ld be legal if they limited themsel(es to honestly fighting %rime. They don<t. 1earn $hat is to be ta&ght yo&. 1et the party tell yo& ho$ to take %are of ea%h other. Ho not be

self %entered! be %entered on the people. The people as seen by $hate(er party is on or near the top this day. ?hat people? 'o$ many peoples are there? The h&man spe%ies? Mno$ yo&r pla%e. Ho not go beyond yo&r bo&nds. This is the pale. Ho not try to be something yo& are not. =f only people $o&ld be happy $ith $hat they ha(e. Follo$ the sa(ior and he $ill deli(er yo&r enemies to yo& and bring prosperity to the %ommon manJ and be happy $ith $hat yo& ha(e! if $e $ere then no e%onomy $o&ld be needed at all. 5ights? >od damn yo& all to hell3 'a(e any of yo& heard of state militias and of the %itiAen<s right to keep and bear arms? The se%ond! ninth and tenth amendments! state %onstit&tions and %ompliant la$s speak of the right to defend yo&r state! defend self and others! to make %itiAen arrests Dread yo&r state<s la$! this does not mean yo& %an iss&e s&mmons for infra%tions or arrest s&spe%ts in non%riminal matters! nor make arrests based on the reports of othersJ $riting speeding ti%kets is a ra%ket and reser(ed for go(ernmentE! and to &se reasonable for%e to repel resisting trespassers. Ho yo& think )meri%ans %an e(en be told abo&t e8&al treatment &nder the la$ or d&e pro%ess $itho&t getting into a fight o(er ethni%ity! religion or go(ernment<s need for a&thority? The finer traditions and prin%iples of this %o&ntry are lost and forgotten. Free spee%h Aones3 >ag orders3 F&%king lemmings. )meri%ans are terminally brain dead. Ci(il relations are impossible. Co& are too d&mbed do$n for self r&le. Co& belong to yo&r masters! and think yo& are for freedom. There is less reason e(ery day to bother hiding %rime and error from yo&. Co& $ill a%%ept anything. Contradi%tion does not bother yo&! b&t it hardly matters as yo& ha(e forgotten last de%ade<s lies and ne(er kne$ any history. =n fa%t yo& are the army of tyranny. Can yo& be spoken $ith? 'o$ many of yo& are the enemy? To paraphrase *atton! 61i(e by the s$ord and die by it. E(eryone else dies of smelly diseases.7 ?hat e+a%tly is meant by Oli(e by the s$ordO any$ay? =f the la$ allo$s yo& to make a %itiAen<s arrest on a (iolent s&b;e%t yo& are not obliged to retreat to a(oid an a(oidable threat. Fther$ise arrest $o&ld %onsist of saying Oyo& are &nder %itiAen<s arrest!O follo$ed by the arrested person atta%king yo& and then $at%hing yo& flee the s%ene to a(oid %harges of self defense $hile failing to obey the d&ty to retreat %on%ept. DFr being stabbed or shot in the ba%k! as the %ase may be.E =f yo& see a %rime being %ommitted and ha(e the means &se reasonable for%e to stop the %rime and se%&re the s&spe%t. 9o$ try that in 'y-me-%ity and see $hat happens3 )nd = ask yo&! $hat kind of man is $orrying abo&t legalities $hen he sho&ld be doing $hate(er he %an to defend family that is at risk of being m&rdered? = do not kno$ $here people get s&%h st&pid ideas! b&t ;&st in %ase = $ill $arn yo& that it is not legal to shoot! or e(en mena%e! those $ho trespass on posted or separated land. Co& %an shoot them if they resist arrest or remo(al in a manner that endangers yo&r life. Co& %an shoot them in some states if they are trying to set an o%%&pied d$elling afire! are engaged in a %ar;a%king! or (iolently break into and %onfront yo& in yo&r home. ?e need a system more in%l&si(e! and more intr&si(e. Freedom and indi(id&alism are to blame. Constit&tionalists are a nasty little $hite minority of inbred high s%hool dropo&ts. The most grasping and %r&el people e(er. =f that $ere tr&e some $hite boys $o&ld ha(e shot &p e(ery /e+i%an protest mar%h last year. ?hen it %omes to (iolen%e them $hite folks are the most passi(e people in the %o&ntry. ?hy has nobody killed 5o%kefeller? *eople like him ha(e their fingers in some interesting pies. The people $hose form of go(ernment he t$ists are passi(e. 5edne%ks are not big on spy and assassin mastering. Freedom fighters don<t $ant to lord it o(er folks! $hi%h is $hy their enemies are the ones $ho r&n for offi%e. = tire of yo&. = am si%kened by yo&. Constit&tionalists ha(e been threatened e(ery day of their li(es. Their rights! in%l&ding their property! physi%al freedom and li(es! threatened e(eryday of e(ery year. Fne day! if those right $ing n&ts %ontin&e to resist! it $ill be the 4?)T team or army &nit for them3 9o$ yo& e+press disbelief and o&trage at the belligerent attit&de of those yo& ha(e threatened. '&h. )ll a b&n%h of %ra%kers and redne%ks any$ay. Constit&tionalists are to blame. E(erybody and his dog has done harm to e(ery other or his asso%iates! ethni%ity or an%estors. Fine. 4top being s&%h a phony abo&t it. ?hite members of the $orking %lass D$hite trash! %ra%kers-redne%ksE did not o$n sla(es! and some bla%ks and redskins did. Co& /e+i%ans %an %omplain to 4pain. =t no longer matters. ?ho are a%ting like little shits in the here and no$? )re yo& tired of this rant? 4top reading. Hrop dead. *ass stronger %ensorship la$s! and then drop dead. This is! of %o&rse! mere paranoia. 'ater! yo& ha(e a mental disorder and sho&ld be %ommitted.

>o(ernment has not and is not taking po$er to itself! and a$ay from the states and the people. Ff %o&rse not3 Fr! maybe so! b&t %hange is normal. Therefore all %hange is FM or to be a%%eptedJ not really! sin%e a ret&rn to traditional )meri%an isolationism! ra%ism! et%.! $o&ld be terrible and if some gro&ps rea%ted $ith (iolen%e to that it $o&ld be &nderstandable. 9o$ $e admit the tr&th. Constit&tionalists and $hites $ho do not kiss o&r b&ms are the enemy of o&r kind of progress. Iiolen%e on their part is %riminal. Iiolen%e on o&r part! preferably deli(ered thro&gh poli%e or military agen%y! is ;&stified. ?hen yo& try to disarm a pop&lation yo& are $rong. Co& lea(e good people $itho&t the means to defend themsel(es from %rime. Co& p&t the poli%e to sear%hing for 6illegal firearms7 and to fighting $ith resisters. *oli%e b&sy doing this are not in(estigating %rimes and arresting %riminals. The %rime rate goes &p. ?hat a s&rprise. There are sheep dogs $ho try to prote%t the sheep from the $ol(es! b&t sheep dogs $ork for the shepherds. ?hy do shepherds keep sheep? ?e are all mortal. Iiolen%e is dangero&s! not al$ays as dangero&s as failing to meet the threat! b&t dangero&s. 4o be it. ?e are not sheep to be lead to the sla&ghter. 5emember 5$anda? )re yo& so 6moral7 that yo& $o&ld stand by as yo&r $ife $as taken to the %amps? *erhaps yo& $o&ld demand a %o&rt hearing after her death in order to pro(e her treatment improper. Co& are so la$ abiding3 Fl&mmery3 *eople hid behind their doors $hen the %omm&nists %ame in the night. 9aAi g&ards %o&ld sling arms $hen es%orting (i%tims to the pits. ?e are men! not rabbits. Hie like a man. Hie $ith yo&r fingers in a pigdog<s eyes. ?hat3 Ho yo& $ant to li(e fore(er? There is only one thing yo& a%t&ally ha(e to do. 9ope! not pay ta+es. The only thing yo& ha(e to do is die. ?ell! hey! death is ;&st a part of life. =t is perfe%tly nat&ral. 4o is (omiting. 4o is %heating on yo&r spo&se. =t is nat&ral be be angry at times and nat&ral for some to kill others $hen enraged. =t is nat&ral for some $ho see this to be%ome homi%idally enraged themsel(es. ?e m&st ha(e balan%e! so do something e(il for e(ery a%t of good th&s keeping the simply t$o sides of the same %oin spinning. Ho not interfere $ith /ommy 9at&re. = for one or t$o $ill not e(en &se a bandaid <%a&se it<s nat&ral for $o&nds to bleed and = gotta $ait to see if >od $ants me to bleed to death. 'ell! yeah3 = ;&st adore nat&ral things! don<t yo&? )nyho$! other people<s deaths are part of yo&r life. ?hat death really is! need it be more ob(io&s?! is the end of life. =n the land of the blind is the one-eyed man king? 9o. Congress bans the &se of any $orking eyes. D)fter $hi%h the president g&y signs it $ith pro(ision that he $on<t apply it to himself tho&gh he a%t&ally has no eyes! and the s&preme bla%k dress boys ref&se to r&le on the iss&e as it is ob(io&sly a matter of o(erriding state importan%e. Besides! they ha(e as yet no international %o&rt g&idan%e.E 4ymbolism is %r&de. #sef&l! &p to a point! b&t %r&de. =t %an be taken too far. 4o the m&stard seed is s%attered rather %arelessly abo&t! and symboliAes something as does the good dirt and the stony. The birds eating seed before it %an gro$ and so on do also. ?hat does the s&nlight! $ater! fertiliAer and the other fa%tors of plant gro$th mean? ?hat mean the proportions of nitrogen and %arbon dio+ide in the air? )re there no $eeds in(ol(ed? ?as the gro&nd plo$ed? 1ight and dark. >ood and e(il. 1ife and death. ?itho&t darkness there %an be no light! and $itho&t pain no pleas&re. Harkness is the relati(e absen%e of light. =f there is al$ays light there is no darkness at all. Harkness %an e+ist $itho&t light fore(er. )nalogy has its limits. =t is often &sed by fools to e+plain a$ay things they do not &nderstand. *eople m&st ha(e %ome from some$here. 1i(ing people breathe. ) god formed mankind of %lay and breathed into it. E(ery %lo&d has a sil(er lining D?E. =f things! e(en if not really good! do not res&lt in good in the end D?E! it $o&ld be badJ th&s life m&st be like a %lo&d! ha(ing its o$n 6sil(er lining.7 ?hen people e+plain the need for their beliefs to be ena%ted into la$ yo& may $ell fail to &nderstand their logi%. Co& may be &nable to pro(e their 6fa%ts.7 Co& $ill not &nderstand them if yo& do not kno$ their lang&age. This in%l&des s%ientifi% or professional ;argon. /ore likely is yo&r fail&re to &nderstand be%a&se they are lying idiots or smarter than yo& are. )sk them $hat yo& m&st do &nder their system. =f they say sa%rifi%e this and gi(e &p that! limit this freedom and re8&ire that regimentation yo& kno$ all yo& need to kno$. Tell them to go f&%k themsel(es. )&thorities rea%t badly to that kind of disrespe%t. Fighting means being $illing to risk in;&ry and death. >i(e it some tho&ght and dra$ a mental line in the metaphori%al sand. There is no p&rpose in being an e+tremist abo&t thisJ none of &s are aloof elf lords in $hite silk $ho kill and die instantly o(er the smallest ins&lt. 4ome things are tolerable

$hile other things are not. *la%e yo&r line! right there3! s8&arely in the %enter of matters@$here the ob(io&sly &na%%eptable is on one side and the a%%eptable is on the other. #se reasonable for%e! b&t &se it at on%e! $hen it is %alled for. The silly yo&ng man threatening yo& $ith the knife sho&ld be shot at on%e. =f he is threatening yo& and is %lose eno&gh! and e8&ipped! to serio&sly harm yo& ;&st shoot him. That is not the time to think abo&t yo&r f&t&re legal problems. 9or is it the time and pla%e for $orking o&t yo&r belief system. *roportionate responses are nonsense. 5easonable responses are not. =f yo&r b&ddy is str&ggling $ith some fool $ho is trying to sti%k a knife into him don<t ;&st stand there $ith yo&r mo&th hanging open. *i%k &p yo&r pistol and shoot the g&y. 4o yo& point it at him! b&t are not s&re yo& %an make the shot. They keep mo(ing3 :eeA! it is not that %ompli%ated. ?alk briskly to$ard the fool &ntil yo& %an shoot him! e(en if that means yo& ha(e to grab him and pla%e the pistol onto a likely part of his body. Tilt the m&AAle $hi%he(er $ay to a(oid yo&r friend and shoot &ntil the idiot drops the knife or dies. ?hate(er. =f he t&rns on yo& d&ring this pro%ess yo&r partner is e+pe%ted to break the asshole<s ne%k <%a&se he is one %raAy %o$boy. Co& $o&ld think it $as $rong to stop him $itho&t $restling him o(er his sharp! or something. *oor g&y deser(es his %han%e at %&tting yo& &p? C<all a%t like this is a diffi%&lt ;ob of $ork. 9ah...;&st a d&st &p. ?hen a b&n%h of ner(o&s g&ys all de%ide to dra$ do$n on ea%h other they all end &p $ith their peashooters held stylishly side$ays b&t pre%isely pointed at ea%h other<s fa%es. They $ait to see if anyone $ill shoot and then yap at ea%h other to yield. 5ight? 9ope. ?hen this happens most shoot! some freeAe in fear or s&rprise and some r&n a$ay. The only time yo& $ait is if yo& are not m&%h %on%erned for a person being held at g&npoint Dor don<t kno$ $ho the bad g&y is! &se %o(erE or $hen the g&nman<s $eapon is so far off of a target yo& are s&re yo& %o&ld shoot before he %an get on one. Co& better be %ertain. 5easonable for%e means the for%e needed to stop or arrest a %riminal or defeat the enemy! b&t $itho&t going to e+tremes. Co& $ant to stop a s%reaming shooter $ho is threatening! and spraying sali(a on! a bank %lerk. Co& shoot him! yo& do not thro$ a b&ndle of dynamite into the room. #nne%essary for%e! that! blo$ing &p the %lerk! si+ %&stomers! and the bad g&y. Co& do not defeat an infantry %ompany by n&king a %ity of fifty tho&sand people. 4ee ho$ it $orks? Co& do &se land mines in $arfare! yo& ;&st do not lea(e them s%attered aro&nd for farmers to step on $hen yo& lea(e. 9ope! %l&ster bombs Db&rst and s%atter bomblets o(er the ne+t "00 meters or thereabo&ts! $hi%h bomblets then e+ploded at or abo(e gro&nd le(el prod&%ing a storm of fragments! some dire%ted armor pier%ing sl&gs or ;ets! or lea(e mines on the gro&ndE! $hite phosphor&s Dbig b&rst of b&rning material and $hite smokeE and napalm Dmassi(e f&el fireE! thermobari% DF)E or no(el e+plosi(eE $eapons Dthe big bombs gi(e yo& a tremendo&s blast and massi(e sho%k $a(esE! lasers and the like are not and sho&ld not be banned. Chemi%al $eapons are banned b&t sho&ld not be. Co& sho&ld not target %i(ilians and %i(il infrastr&%t&re $ith them. Biologi%al $eapons that $ill lead to indis%riminate epidemi%s! h&ge thermon&%lear de(i%es and antimatter bombs that %o&ld %a&se regional or global destr&%tion sho&ld be banned. To ban them $o&ld re8&ire banning tyrants! and to ban a tyrant yo& ha(e to stop him. This &s&ally! b&t not al$ays! means yo& ha(e to kill him. )ny$ay! e(en if a %ertain $eapon sho&ld be banned the %itiAenry! the %onstit&tion says it is not a federal iss&e any more than reg&lating the sho&ting of the $ord OfireO is part of the federal go(ernment<s po$ers. ?hat abo&t depleted &rani&m pro;e%tiles? H# is not (ery radioa%ti(e and $ill not remain a s&rfa%e haAard for the &s&ally reported eons! b&t breathing %ontaminated smoke or d&st is both a to+i% haAard and a %an%er and birth defe%t risk. The general &se of H# is ;&stified if! for e+ample! a nation is fa%ing a br&tal in(asion by a po$er in possession of large n&mbers of modern tanks $ith (ery diffi%&lt to defeat armor. #sing H# in %o&nter-ins&rgen%ies and pea%ekeeping operations! or against armor that is penetrable by other materials is abs&rd. 'ea(ily %ontaminating an &rban battlefield $hen the enemy doesn<t e(en ha(e tanks is %riminal. Fh dear me indeed3 Co& shot him3 'e may ha(e been bl&ffing $ith that deadly Dor dangero&sE $eapon. 'e $o&ld not ha(e shot her! and no$ there has been a death3 Ces 4ir! = kne$ that as = do ha(e

mind reading po$ers. Booga! booga3 ?e are both in%ompetents $ho sho&ld not be armed and so perfe%t $e %o&ld disarm $itho&t in;&ry any dist&rbed atta%ker if $e $o&ld. :&s< shoot his shoot<n iron o&t of his hand! Co$boy Bob3 ?e are s&pposed to pla%e the %riminal<s life abo(e the risk to the %lerk<s. Co& are saying something? Fh! yes! if = shoot and hit a %&stomer instead of the hostage taker = am the m&rderer! and resistan%e ;&st adds to the death toll. 'mm. =f it $as not intentional it is not m&rder! it may be negligent! if = e+hibit no %are for the safety of others. )s for adding to the death toll! = $ant toJ b&t $ith the %orpse of the %riminal! not the bystander. ?e do not kill people be%a&se they deser(e to die b&t be%a&se $e are stopping their dangero&s a%ti(ities! b&t lethal $eapons are the fastest and most s&re as &n%ertain as their effe%ts may be and are f&lly ;&stified here. ?hen the in%ident starts it is started by the %riminal! not by me. 'e is responsible. ?hen = fight ba%k = am responsible for that de%ision! b&t he is threatening the %lerk<s life. 'er life is ;&st as (al&able as the %&stomer<s li(es. =t is ;&st as (al&able as the g&nman<s life! and he is threatening her life and is no more important than she. 4he deser(es to be defended. =f = do not shoot = am pla%ing his life abo(e her life. This is $rong3 =f = think = %an shoot $itho&t hitting the %&stomer and still fail to fire = am p&tting the %&stomer<s life abo(e the %lerk<s. )lso $rong3 =t is not abo&t taking li(es to sa(e li(es! nor abo&t fighting for pea%e. =t is not abo&t taking fe$ li(es to sa(e many. ?e are not 4po%k...amoral bastards $ith logi% b&t little (olition and no morality. ?e are not gods either. =t is abo&t doing o&r best to sa(e good people by killing bad people $ho $o&ld harm them if not stopped by potentially lethal means. =s shooting a mad dog to sa(e a %hild e(il? Ho not do foolish things thinking yo&r $eapon $ill get yo& o&t of tro&ble! b&t not ha(ing one $hen yo& need it is like %hanging a tire $itho&t a ;a%k and $ren%h. =f yo&r $ife is present yo& prote%t her first of all. 4elfish! are $e? *&tting o&r o$n abo(e others? ?e are not obliged to take s&i%idal risks for others! nor obligated to sa%rifi%e o&r o$n in fa(or of others. )re yo& going to p&t e(eryone else abo(e her! or are yo& going to roll a die to see $ho %omes first? Co& are so fair abo&t e(erything3 =n so far as yo&r $ife and %hildren are %on%erned! yo& s$ore an oath! b&ddy. 'eh! if e(erybody really is all the same to yo& ;&st do triage. =nter%hangeable h&man beings. 'o$ %i(iliAed3 Co& think pri(ate property! b&siness and ind&stryJ if allo$ed at all! o&ght to be hea(ily reg&lated and ta+ed: right &p to the point $here more $o&ld p&t them o&t of b&siness. The pennies th&s s8&eeAed o&t of them %an be p&t to more so%ial &se. = say ta+ eno&gh to pay for %onstit&tional go(ernment and 6reg&late7 by p&nishing %rime and %arelessness. Co& think nobody sho&ld be gi(en spe%ial treatment! e+%ept minorities and $omen as gro&ps. 9obody is spe%ial to anyone else. Ceah. Friends are people yo& %aref&lly treat the same as strangers! and lo(ers ha(e to be shared. 'ell. 'a(e se+ $ith e(eryone. Hon<t be selfish. Hon<t be %ha&(inisti%. The go(ernment! the la$! liberty... These belong to e(erybody. /y $ife does not belong to yo&. Co& are emotionally retarded! or yo& ha(e soaked &p leftist propaganda for so long that do%trine is in and good sense o&t of yo&r head. Ces! = kno$ that the %riminal has problems and is a h&man being. 'e $ill s&ffer! and %ry! if he li(es long eno&gh! and sometimes people like him are a%t&ally helped rather than f&rther harmed by the reform and psy%hiatri% systems. 'is girlfriend $ill ha(e to find another g&y! and his mother $ill be (ery sad. Ho yo& kno$ that the people he threatens are also h&man beings $ith families? 9othing said herein sho&ld imply that the e(ildoer killed himself! that = did not kill him. ) m&rderer e+e%&ted did not kill himself thro&gh his o$n a%tions. /&rder $as his o$n a%tion! and e+e%&tion $as the a%tion %hosen by those $ho $o&ld prote%t the pop&lation from the likes of him. E(eryone makes mistakes and being fallible does not make yo& e(il! b&t it hardly makes yo& good. Co& sho&ld not pity him! that $o&ld! that $o&ld be ins&lting. Co& sho&ld be sympatheti% ;&st as people sho&ld al$ays offer %harity. 'e sho&ld ne(er feel sorry for himself as there is al$ays someone in the $orld $ho is $orse off. *erhaps that one person may feel sorry for himself! b&t it is not as if he has to do it himself be%a&se nobody else $ill.

'a(ing tried to do it right! if = hit the $rong person any$ayJ $ell! shit happens. =t s&%ks ho$ perfe%tion ;&st don<t $ork! yes? =f a reasonable person $o&ld ha(e kno$n not to take the shot then = $o&ld be negligent and liable. =f the sit&ation $o&ld normally ha(e been doable b&t something &ne+pe%ted s%re$s things &p = am not g&ilty of anything! b&t $ill still be ske$ered by o&r fine legal system@does that make yo& feel all $arm and f&AAy? = am happy for yo&. 4ometimes yo& %an re%o(er from mistakes! and yo& sho&ld not let the ine(itable errors destroy yo&r life. Cet in life and death sit&ations any false step! any %hoi%e or fail&re to make a %hoi%e! and any %ompletely &n%ontrollable fa%tor %an be fatal. Fn%e past the point of no ret&rn things happen! %annot be stopped and %an ne(er be &ndone. = take responsibility for my o$n a%tions. Ho = ha(e any %hoi%e? 'mm. )re people responsible for their a%tions? Ces and no. /any people ha(e played a role in e(ents leading &p to any a%tion! b&t the a%tor is one of them and makes the final de%isionJ as fla$ed as it! and he! may be. ) thing not to do is to take responsibility after the fashion of offi%ials. 6= admit errors $ere made! mostly by my s&bordinates! and = take f&ll responsibility.7 9o in(estigations no$ needed. This means nobody no$ need pay any damages for errors or %rimes. Cool! eh? )nother thing yo& do not do is fight on e(en terms or follo$ the atta%kers lead by &sing the $eapon and for%e le(el he &ses. 'e p&lls a knife? Ho not arg&e $ith him. 'e is b&sily trying to p&sh yo&r nose in? This is not a bo+ing mat%h: ki%k him in the testi%les. Better yet! make &se of the nightsti%k DbatonE! the pepper spray DFCE or the ele%tri%al st&n g&n. DBy the $ay! the poli%e ha(e been mis&sing Tasers and st&n g&ns. This has %reated a mo(ement for the banning of them. This is foolish. Co& don<t ban $eapons! yo& p&nish the ab&sers. =f they are banned yo& $ill find that yo& are &nder the ban! b&t the poli%e are not3E Hear me! yo& ha(e been s%ooped &p! and are no$ in lo%k&p. ) r&stle is heard! a fe$ m&tters perhaps. There is a r&sh of footsteps and it is the old pillo$ o(er the fa%e and blanket party for yo&. Ho yo& fight ba%k? 9o$ many 7men7 drag yo& from bed and pro%eed to rape yo&. >i(e in and a%8&ire a prote%tor Dkeeping ho&se is not so badE or fight to the death? 'ell! if yo& loseJ probably lose! yo& may not e(en die. That means yo& get to be raped any$ay. Ho yo& fight? )nd if yo& re%o(er do yo& go after yo&r atta%kers! starting another ro&nd of (iolen%e? /ake &p yo&r mind3 Bars do not make a prison! so this is all moot. =t is like %ensorship: it is freedom if yo& start $anting to say only allo$ed things. 9o di%tatorship in the $orld has e(er banned appro(ed spee%h! some e(en failed to ban that e(il pornography. The 4o(iets did so ban! yeah %omm&nism3 Co& kno$ $hat is $rong $ith porn? =t is not e(en a $oman! m&%h less yo&r $ife. =t is not prison if yo& do not $ant to go anypla%e. ?e are morons! yeah! so $e kno$ o&r happiness sho&ld ne(er depend on other people. *eople are basi%ally inter%hangeable. Tr&e! the a&thorities really o&ght to let &s go so that if $e %ome ba%k $e belong to them. )s if people %an rightf&lly be o$ned. D*eople sho&ld not be held against their $ill &nless %riminal or E*?! and some pets sho&ld notJ $hile others sho&ld not be released into $hat $ill be a dangero&s en(ironment for them. )nimals are not people! ho$e(er! and some are abo&t as a$are as a ro%k.E ?e sho&ld be happy al$ays inside o&rsel(es! nothing o&tside &s sho&ld be of any p&rport. ?hen $e sit happily &ntil $e die of e+pos&re o&r essen%e $ill %ontin&e on in eternal bliss3 This is the reason only a fe$ of the brain in;&red are happy all the time! b&t it does make ina%tion into a (irt&e. There ha(e ne(er been tr&e sla(es! yo& see! as e(erybody has a %hoi%e and %o&ld ha(e died or ha(e been p&nished instead of %hoosing sla(ery. Choi%e is freedom so only death is &na(oidable! and thereby sla(ery! and if yo& %hoose to die rather than ser(e that too is freedom. *hilosophy m&%h? >eni&ses3 Free $ill. That means nothing limits yo&r ability to %hoose one thing o(er another. 5ight? 9o o(erriding infl&en%es or inherent limitations on the mind? =t ;&st means yo& may be OprogramedO b&t not in s&%h a $ay that yo& m&st %ompletely ignore en(ironmental %hanges not foreseen by the Oprogramer.O *eople do not a&tomati%ally think only of preappro(ed %hoi%es. Freedom of %hoi%e? Fh yeah. Co& still ha(e it if yo& are allo$ed to make a %hoi%e and a%t on it before being p&nished for not

making the appro(ed de%ision. 5ight? 5ight? This is m&%h better than being told to obey or be p&nished! and then ordered to do the appro(ed thing in the first pla%e. Co& think? = told yo& there is no s&%h thing as sla(ery. ?o&ld = lie to yo&? Co& ha(e freedom of %hoi%e if yo& %an sele%t from anything not already defined as %riminal $itho&t being threatened $ith p&nishment. Co& ha(e no freedom of %hoi%e $ithin a %ategory if all %hoi%es! or all b&t one! is %riminalJ or if yo& are gi(en preappro(ed options to sele%t from. =t is pri(ilege! by the bye! if it belongs to another b&t yo& ha(e permission for no$ to &se or do it. =t is right if yo& o$n it! and it %annot be rightly taken a$ay! or not $itho&t la$f&l d&e pro%ess and ne%essity in order that yo& may be stopped from %arrying on $ith yo&r %rime. Crime is the re%kless risking or harming of another or his property. =t also is the deliberate threat of or a%t of dire%tly harming persons or property o&tside of yo&r right of defense and of dealing $ith emergen%ies! or in e+%ess of that right. *lease stop telling me only people are (iolent killers be%a&se animals only h&manely kill eno&gh to eat. Co& ha(e ne(er seen %himps beat! rape and killJ a $ol(erine on a tear or $hat is left in a %hi%ken ho&se after a small predator has killed all and left most behind. Co& ha(e ne(er seen a %at play $ith a mo&se! %hi%kens or horses ab&se a $eakling. Co& ha(e ne(er seen a bear kill a %&b or a %at a kitten. *oliti%al liberty! indi(id&al freedom Dand e%onomi% freedom is indi(id&al and all gro&ps are made &p of indi(id&alsE! (ol&ntary %ooperation! national defense and ne%essary la$ enfor%ement. Ces! b&t if yo& %annot re%ogniAe the enemy $hen yo& see him or are &n$illing! or &nable! to fight him then freedom is a pipe dream and yo&r f&t&re is in the hands of others. Bah3 4ho&ld yo& be free to be poor! or to be killed by ra(ening g&ns? =ndeed free peoples ha(e al$ays been poor and &nprote%ted! $hile s&b;&gated ones ha(e been safe and $ell fed. 5ead any history lately? 4ophistry is the tr&e name of all s%hools of philosophy and religion. )lso of most s%hools of politi%s and e%onomi%s. )ll an e+%&se for $hat is or o&ght to be. )nd it is all so s%ientifi% too3 D=f it %an<t be tested it is not s%ientifi%! e(en $hen 6s%ientists7 say it. ) thing may be! b&t is likely not! tr&e b&t &ntestedJ b&t it is not s%ien%e.E B&t some $ell fa(ored sla(es ha(e been %ared for and prote%ted. =s tr&e! ma%ho. Times and pla%es r&led by strong tyrants $ho ne(ertheless treated loyal peoples reasonably $ell and maintained pea%e ha(e been among the most stable. =f yo& %an attain that high position and do not find it appalling to li(e at bene(olent feet all is $ell. *ea%e to yo&. *a%ifists are e(il. They %an be harder to deal $ith than (iolent s%&m. They $o&ld like to help the tyrants and %riminals! oh yes! learn the errors of their $ays. They &nderstand the damaged and insane! the selfish and the %r&el. /ost of them are phony. They $ish to apply the %on%ept to yo&. Co& sho&ld be re8&ired to ;oin them. They $ill &se massi(e for%e against yo& $hen it is to their benefit. >o(ernment for%e. 6=t is better to be (iolent! if there is (iolen%e in o&r breasts! than to p&t on the %loak of non(iolen%e to %o(er impoten%e.7 6Co$ardi%e is impoten%e $orse than (iolen%e. The %o$ard desires re(enge b&t being afraid to die! he looks to others! may be the >o(ernment of the day! ...7 B&t $hat do $e really %are $hat >andhi said? Halai 1ama said if somebody $ith a g&n is trying to kill yo& it is reasonable to shoot ba%k. ?hat a n&t. The tr&e belie(ers are also e(il. E(en if f&lly %apable of defending a %hild from harm! they $ill allo$ the ab&se to %ontin&e. 4ometimes a %riminal $ill be infl&en%ed by their entreaties! or shamed into %omplian%e by the pa%ifist $ho says 6h&rt me if yo& m&st harm someone.7 #s&ally! ho$e(er! the p&nk r&ns a$ay to ab&se again! $hile the meaner fello$ simply atta%ks the pa%ifist before ret&rning to the %hild. =diots. 4in%e it is diffi%&lt to %ontrol these people! militarists and %riminals! the pa%ifist finds it easier to t&rn on those %loser to themJ the more reasonable! the familyJ %itiAens! employees. ) man $ith a g&n %an often %ontrol "00 &narmed people! so they t&rn on (i%tims $ho fight ba%k. They $ill harass yo&!

threaten yo&! and destroy yo&r rep&tation and b&siness. They $ill get yo& fired from yo&r ;ob. They $ill %onfis%ate yo&r $eapons and threaten arrest. Co& $ill be s&ed and ;&dges and la$yers $ill eat yo& o&t of all s&bstan%e. The rights of the many do not o&t$eigh the rights of the fe$. The fe$ and the many ha(e the same f&%king rights! b&t do not do anything abo&t it. That is $hat they $ant. They $ant yo& to resist. They $ant yo& to fight for liberty. 4o don<t do it. The only $ay to $in is to yield. Be >andhiJ perhaps they la%k intent. Tyrants feel g&ilty and go a$ay if yo& are ni%e. Ho not be like yo&r o$n an%estors. They $ere ;&st asking for tro&ble. Fh yeah. Fh yeah. Feeling $eak! feeling $eak. Co&r di%k is dragging! pi%k it &p3 "! 2! K! ,3 Fh yeah. >onna die. ?ho %ares? ?ho %ares? 4e%ond $ind. 4e%ond $ind. Three miles. Fo&r miles... Feeling strong3 = don<t kno$ b&t = been told! Eskimo D=n&itE p&ssy is mighty %old3 'eh. Co& kno$! nothing = ad(o%ate is illegal. Ho = e+pe%t Constit&tion Ointerpreters!O go(ernment employees! and &npatrioti% flag $a(ing a&thority-$orshiping p&nks or leftist th&gs to agree? '&h. ?hen &n;&stified for%e is &sed things play o&t ;&st as it does anytime for%e is in play. The people $ho %an apply for%e more effe%ti(ely $in. 9e(er play the other g&y<s game. For%e him to respond to $hat yo& are good at &sing methods he is not $ell skilled in. Co&nt the n&mber of times in history $hen tyrants ga(e &p in the fa%e of pea%ef&l dissent. =t happens! sit&ations (ary! b&t it is rare. >andhi broke many la$s! $hi%h )meri%ans think ;&stifies poli%e (iolen%e! b&t he $as not (iolent. 'o$e(er! he played a psy%hologi%al game $ith a tired empire and the general =ndian pop&lation in an en(ironment of (iolen%e from both the =ndian and British sides. For%e $as in play! b&t the British $ere $alking a fine line in an attempt to keep the mass of people o&t of it. >andhi $as bait. Too o&trageo&s treatment of him and all those non(iolent s&pporters of his $o&ld ha(e hit the streets in anger. 4o&th )fri%a $as a some$hat similar %ase. There $as a relati(ely pea%ef&l opposition! m&%h (iolen%e from %ertain other gro&ps! and hea(y e%onomi% and politi%al press&re from o&tside. 1ook at yo&r sit&ation and %hoose $isely. =ndia is better for on%e ha(ing been British. 4) $o&ld be better if it $as still &nder $hite r&le. This hardly means = e+pe%t anybody to be happy abo&t that. Homination is seldom right! and the re%ipients of it are not pleased in many %ases e(en if the long term res&lts are positi(e. = mean! like! that %ar is so gay3 Ho not agree $ith me. = offend. Tr&ly most $ho &se the term today do not gi(e m&%h tho&ght to its origin! b&t some of &s think gay is kinda! yo& kno$! gay. = ha(e no right to think that? /ake me stop. Co& are only dreaming me b&t = ha(e be%ome a nightmare. O)shes to ashes! d&st to d&st.O O=n the s&re and %ertain 'F*E of...O res&rre%tion. H&de! it is like a mo(ie $here e(eryone trips o(er his shoela%es and steps on banana peelsJ b&t people are not la&ghing be%a&se he has already done it a doAen times and blood has beg&n to flo$. 4top the %omedy. =s is not f&nny anymore. 'aahaha3 Can man $ith a g&n D/?)>E %ontrol one h&ndred? O)ll po$er %omes from the barrel of a g&n.O 4o say the h&manity lo(ing reds. *o$er %omes from being %on(in%ing and from for%e! both! and no po$er %an e+ist $itho&t the ba%king of for%e at some le(el. 4o! reno&n%e all po$er! and all the %raAy people $ill reno&n%e it $ith yo&. 9ope! yo& are gonna li(e or die on yo&r san%timonio&s knees. *a%ifists tend to treat people they kno$ and ha(e some %ontrol o(er like shit. They %an<t help it. They are like those $ho %an<t pass by $itho&t a snide remark abo&t something! e(en if it is only abo&t the %olor of yo&r tie. They treat the OotherO the $ay they $o&ld a lion in a habitat. =f yo& make a mistake $ith a lion yo& $ill die! b&t it is not really the lion<s fa&lt. 1ions are dangero&s! $hat did yo& do to set it off? Co& made the mistake. The lesson here is that it is better to be the lion $hen dealing $ith pa%ifists. Those of them $ho are %o$ards $ant e(eryone they kno$ to be %o$ards too! yo& tro&ble makers! and $ill &se any press&re they %an to rein yo& in. Co& also h&rt their feelings3 )ny indire%t effe%t of yo&r a%tions! e(en disappro(al or $orry! is a personal ins&lt and atta%k of them. Co& are a selfish fello$. Too sad. Boo 'oo. They %an limit the amo&nt of (iolen%e by s&ppressing the defender3 =f yo& stand &p to (iolent people then yo& ha(e antagoniAed them. Their threats %an ne(er ha(e antagoniAed yo&! and anything

the %riminal does is then yo&r fa&lt. 4$ine3 4ometimes $hen resisted (ery dist&rbed people %ommit s&i%ide. 4ometimes e(en o&t of g&ilt. Co&r fa&lt. Ho&ble s$ine3 =t is no do&bt be%a&se yo& $ere either beaten or not beaten as a %hild. = blame the parents! no not their parentsJ = blame )dam and E(e. =t may simply be yo&r ra%e. The simple ans$er is &s&ally the right one. 9o need to go into geneti% %ode! en(ironment in%l&ding disease and in;&ry Dand parentsEJ %omple+ities like $hy a person is the $ay he is! $hy he $ill rea%t to his en(ironment the $ays he does! and ho$ he! %hanged by the en(ironment $ill %hange it. 4imple sol&tions are best. ?e may ne(er be perfe%t! b&t $e m&st approa%h perfe%tion as %losely as $e %an@no matter the %ost. Central go(ernment and so%ial planning! that<s the ti%ket3 E&geni%s anyone? /andatory religio&s %on(ersion? E+termination of the &nr&ly? Brain$ashing! dr&gs! s&rgery? ?e m&st ret&rn to nat&re and o(er%ome nat&re sim&ltaneo&sly3 The %i(iliAed sa(age! the %oming golden age. )t the street or battlefield le(el this is all irrele(ant. ) threat is a threat. >ood does not $in in the end. *o$er $ins. The po$er to %hange minds and the po$er to destroy $ins. E(il lo(es po$er o(er others so it %&lti(ates po$er. =f too fe$! or too $eak! good people p&t &p a fight e(il al$ays $ins. There is more solidarity among the e(il than yo& think. They betray ea%h other! b&t e(en e(il people &s&ally lo(e their %hildren and ha(e friends! nor do they like to $eaken their allian%es in the fa%e of opposition. They don<t %are if things are $orsened by their a%tions so long as their o$n %&t is larger! b&t they prote%t their o$n %lass if only to prote%t themsel(es. Co& sho&ld not! as a r&le! threaten people yo&rself. ?hen yo& do make threats! offering fair $arning! do not make threats yo& do not intend to %arry o&t e+%ept $hile dra$ing an enemy in Dta%ti%E d&ring %ombat operations D$hi%h is de%eption and not fair $arningE. Ho not yield yo&r rights! b&t ne(er p&t a possible enemy into a %orner &nless yo& $ant him to fight and at a disad(antage. 5emember that %ornered does not al$ays mean other$ise at a disad(antage. ) habit of bl&ffing is going to h&rt a lot. Bl&ff rarely for a spe%ifi% ta%ti%al ad(antage. Co& %o&ld bl&ff $hene(er yo& %an promptly r&n a$ay if it fails! b&t yo& $ill get a rep&tation and $ill be%ome a target. Ho not bl&ff $hen a failed bl&ff $ill p&t yo& in a serio&sly degraded position. Ho not go into fights thinking yo& $ill not ha(e to %arry it thro&gh. Co& $ill get into fights yo& are &nprepared for. Fn%e beg&n do not stop &ntil yo& $in! are losing b&t %an es%ape! or yo& ha(e been defeated. Ces! sometimes yo& %an $in $itho&t fightingJ not $ars $itho&t fighting! ho$e(er! &nless yo& are taking ad(antage of someone else<s $ar. 4ometimes too yo& ha(e the good sense to re%ogniAe $hen there is nothing yo& %an ;&stly $in! b&t ne(er e+pe%t to $in a fight $itho&t ha(ing to fight. 4ometimes the other side folds abr&ptly for any n&mber of reasons b&t rarely. Ho not depend on it. *a%ifists ha(e %harity in their hearts. Co& m&st treat the %riminal and the de%ent the same. Fther than $ith regard to the e+tra help they need. Ho yo& kno$ $hat %harity is? =t is lo(e for yo&r fello$ h&man beings in yo&r heart. Charity is to be offered by anyone $ith manners! and ref&sed by anyone $ith manners. Those $ho a%t&ally a%%ept help are to be pitied or re(iled! as are those $ho fail to offer help. Fn%e %harity is a%%epted! ho$e(er! the %harity %ase m&st kno$ his pla%eJ he m&st then allo$ the more enlightened to %ontrol his life for him. DFederal $elfare! in%l&ding so%ial se%&rity and ta+ poli%y! is a %orr&pt mess and &n%onstit&tional. 4tate $elfare is often legal! b&t also often bloated and %orr&pt. Charity is often good and e8&ally often not! and mandatory %harity is sla(ery and an e+%&se for theft and go(ernment po$er grabs.E )re $e then not to t&rn the other %heek? 5esist not e(il! and render &nto Caesar? Fbey the go(ernment no matter $hat they say sin%e they only e(er &se the s$ord to p&nish the $i%ked? =s allo$ing yo&r %hild to be m&rdered t&rning the other %heek? =f yo& think the %omm&nists and fas%ists! the &ni(ersal %h&r%h or the /ongols all $ere only in the b&siness of p&nishing $i%ked people then = think yo& sho&ld take yo&r pills and go $at%h some ni%e 6reality7 TI. *lease do say e(eryone is e(il so all deser(e any e(il they re%ei(e! so that = may gi(e yo& a $ell deser(ed bl&dgeoning abo&t the head and sho&lders.

1ong ago and perhaps far a$ay an affli%ted man lay in the dit%h beside a road. *eople passed! passed by! b&t did not help. )fter all! he $as not one of them! and $hat did they pay ta+es for any$ay? Then %ame a >ood 4amaritan! and his three sons. 'e stopped and $aited to see $hat his three sons $o&ld do. The boys kne$ they had free $ill! and %o&ld %hoose to do good or ill. =t $as not the pla%e of the father to help the man as that $o&ld be interferen%e. The important thing $as to do right. =f they failed their dad %o&ld p&nish them later. E(en more important $as the fa%t that nobody $as $orthy of any help. =t $o&ld ha(e been best if all agreed on the $orthless nat&re of the poor man! in%l&ding the (i%tim himself. Then! if all in(ol(ed $ere sin%ere eno&gh! it might ha(e been possible for the father too to gi(e aidJ b&t only be%a&se of his o$n goodness. *riorities! my friends. Freedom ;&nkies ha(e some fa%ts on their side! b&t things are different no$. The end times. The end is at hand3 Cep. The end is at hand for indi(id&als on a reg&lar basis. =t is often at hand for go(ernments! nations and at times e(en entire %&lt&res. Fne day it $ill be at hand for h&manity or the $hole planet. Co& kno$ $hat? The end almost al$ays takes pla%e o(er time! bringing do$n indi(id&als and gro&ps! and it is sad and pedestrian. There are bangs! e(en some big ones! b&t there are more blank stares or $himpers than big bangs and roaring berserker endings. 5esorting to (iolen%e is e(iden%e of a la%k of good arg&ments. #se yo&r indoor (oi%e! &se yo&r $ords Fan%y 9an%y3 4o $hat are st&pid people to do? Iiolen%e is probably nat&re<s $ay of pro(iding e8&al rights for st&pid people3 >&n %ontrol &ses poli%e (iolen%e to enfor%e its reg&lations. =f people did not resist %ontrol there $o&ld be no need for for%e. This m&st mean both sides ha(e poor arg&ments! st&pid people3 Co& kno$ g&n %ontrol is not (ery effe%ti(e at stopping %rime. 4o $hat. CriminaliAing m&rder has not kept e(eryone safe either. 4o $e sho&ld stop doing $hat $e %an? Ho yo& $ant to kno$ a differen%e? The (ast ma;ority of g&n o$ners are not in the least %riminally (iolent. The ma;ority are not %areless. The ma;ority of g&n o$ners are not (iolent eno&gh. Th&s! g&n o$nership is a right and m&rder is a %rimeJ there is yo&r differen%e. 6= $ill not ha(e that g&n in my ho&se37 =f yo& kno$ yo& are &nreliable yo& sho&ld not bear arms. =f yo& are a $oman yo& sho&ld lea(e a dangero&s man! g&n or no. =f yo& ha(e a g&n in the ho&se it m&st be on yo&r person! or other$ise separated from %hildren@gi(en eno&gh time %hildren $ill al$ays manage to get themsel(es into tro&ble! altho&gh there are s&rprisingly fe$ %hild related shootings. That said! $omen are often the ones $ho say s&%h things! and they sho&ld not be allo$ed to disarm yo&. Both yo& and they ha(e a right to arms &nless dis8&alified for sensible and basi% reasons. 9ot so henpe%ked! friend. = am a (ery pro&d Dpride! not h&brisE and %o&rageo&s man so = $o&ld help yo& fight for o&r liberty! b&t = ha(e a $ifeJ so = really ha(e to get home $ith some milk and bread. >ood l&%k! fello$s3 Co& had yo&r %astration yet? '&bris is o(erbearing or &n;&stified pride. '&mility is the proper response to ;&st and fair e+amples of s&periorityJ the proper admission of error or $rongdoing. =f yo& are h&mble all the time yo& are either a fool or ha(e nothing $hate(er to be pro&d of! and h&miliation is $hat yo& o&ght to feel if yo& are totalitarian or another type of %riminal or %reep. Ho not arg&e $ith the $omenfolk. 1isten to $hat they ha(e to say. Think abo&t it. =f yo& do not agree tell them $hy and go abo&t yo&r b&siness. Ho not try to dominate their beha(ior! b&t do not let them stop yo&. ?e are all f&lly a$are that a $ife %an make &s more angry or %onfli%ted than any ten bad g&ys! b&t do not let that make yo& st&pid3 D4in%e yo& really $ant to kno$J anyone $ho says 6no$3 Be%a&se = said so!7 better be talking to a N year old $ho is abo&t to step into traffi%. That is marginal $ith poli%e $ho %o&ld ;&st say 6$arrant7 and FM for soldiers loading $ar prisoners for transport. ) person s&b;e%ted to 6be%a&se = pay most of the bills7 and 6it is my ho&se7 sho&ld lea(e.E Ho yo& li(e in-on property o$ned or %ontrolled by others! go(ernment or pri(ate? )(oid this if yo& %an. *roperty rights are being eroded e(ery day yet most of the things yo& %an still &s&ally do

independently %an only be done $ith se%&rity on yo&r o$n land. E(ery$here else yo&r a%ti(ities %an be more easily aborted indire%tly if not dire%tly. ) home yo& do not o$n is bad! so at the least ha(e one &nder a legal agreement that prote%ts yo& some$hat. *eople are &nreliable. 9e(er mo(e into another person<s home. 'e %an ki%k yo& o&t in an instant. 'e %an keep! damage! or toss yo&r things into the street and yo& ha(e little re%o&rse. =f yo& resist the poli%e $ill %onfis%ate anything they disappro(e of! and p&t yo& on the side$alk. They do not al$ays let yo& take a bag. Co& %an arrange for pi%k&p of yo&r property later. The homeo$ner %an tell yo& $hat to do and $hat yo& %an o$n &nder threat of ki%king yo& o&t. 'e %an be entirely reasonable and then s&ddenly e(i%t yo& for not agreeing $ith his theory on the propagation of light. Employers and f&n%tionaries %an order yo& abo&t $ell beyond ;ob related matters or the la$ &nder threat of ;ob loss! la$s&its! bla%klisting! denial of permits! %harges and harassment and many more. Co& m&st ha(e a %ar! yo&r o$n money! and the ability to find another pla%e. =f yo& do not yo& $ill be on foot in p&bli% or &sing p&bli% transportation. E(ery large item yo& o$n! yo&r %at or dog! and any firearms or other ob;e%tionable items $ill ha(e to go. Try $alking aro&nd to$n %arrying rifle %ases. The great tragedy of life is a person ha(ing no need of yo&! before yo& %o&ld not need them first. =f yo& $ork for morons and there is %onstant %onfli%t yo& $ill 8&i%kly be%ome &nemployable. =f yo& are on the street for too long yo& $ill be &nemployable. =f yo& hang o&t $ith morons yo& are asking for tro&ble. 'o$e(er! e(erything that is lasts fi(e min&tesJ b&t yo& %an<t tr&st anybody. =f yo& are atta%ked at $ork! in p&bli%! or in yo&r best friends home yo& are obliged to be &narmed or to not resist. Co&r employer! the poli%e! or yo&r friend ha(e said they don<t $ant any tro&ble in their domains. Hon<t bring yo&r tro&bles to me. ) shooto&t there (iolates yo&r good friend<s $ishes and safety so disarm. >o 8&ietly or die $itho&t adding to the damage to yo&r good friend<s home! psy%he! and safety. Co& m&st o$n yo&r o$n home. ?hate(er else ne(er make %as&al agreements to li(e on another<s property. 9e(er gi(e &p yo&r right to fight $hene(er %riminally mena%ed. 9e(er gi(e &p yo&r rights. 4tay off yo&r Ogood friend<sO property. Co& don<t need friends like that. Ho not li(e $ith friends or family. ?hy pay for food! &tilities and rent in a pla%e $here yo& $ill gi(e or re%ei(e r&les or orders $hen yo& %an pay the same market pri%e for a pla%e a%t&ally Aoned for rentals DCay3E and $here only the rental agreement and the la$ apply to yo&! and yo& ha(e K0 days to (a%ate if so ordered. )gain o$ning yo&r o$n pla%e is best! if yo& don<t ha(e to pay do&ble for a K0 year mortgage. Criminal trespass is a %rime. =t sho&ld be one. This means that if a lando$ner tells yo& to lea(e yo& need to be prepared! pa%k yo&r tra(eling bag and $alk o&t. Ho not be tolerant of people $ho &se e+%essi(e for%e! or of those $itho&t the legal a&thority they %laim. 4tay o&t from &nder the th&mbs of others. *eople are patheti%! or disg&sting! or both patheti% and disg&sting. )rrogant old man. ?hat abo&t yo&? 'ey. = look like a people. Hon<t =? Be %orre%t in yo&r dealings $ith e(eryone. Ho not $ork off yo&r fr&strations on $oman and %hildren. Ho not $ork off yo&r fr&strations by %ommitting %rimes against e(en the enemy. )l$ays be %i(il to those $ho are doing yo& no harm. )meri%an treatment of o%%&pied nations! >ermany for e+ample! has been shamef&l. This does not mean yo& sho&ld politely tolerate ab&se. Ces! $e m&st s&ppress the defenders. ?e mean $ell! honest3 >ood 1ord %hildren! do $e ha(e to play these st&pid games fore(er? ?hy m&st $e lie? ?hy m&st $e al$ays hide o&r tho&ghts? Ho people really learn from these so%ial and legal press&res! or are they dri(en &ndergro&nd? =f they are for%ed to pretend! ho$ m&%h fr&stration! angerJ and e(en hatred does this prod&%e? E(en the foolish or often mistaken &s&ally noti%e &ne8&al treatment of themsel(es. Ho yo& $ant to pro(oke rea%tion from people $ho %o&ld ha(e remained &ninterested in! or ineffe%t&al to$ard! yo&r a%ti(ities? *ossibly yo& a%t&ally $ant a ma;or rea%tion be%a&se yo& belie(e it possible to destroy it $hile making a ma;or ad(an%e for yo&rsel(es? =t $o&ld 6;&stify7 f&rther %ra%kdo$ns on the politi%ally in%orre%t? )l$ays haring after those yo& label ra%ist! se+ist! homophobe! poll&ter! dr&g &ser! (igilante or

fas%ist. ) homeo$ner in 9e$ Frleans may not &se or repair his septi% system $itho&t a permit! b&t the go(ernment operation d&mps the %ity<s o(erflo$ into the sea. ?hate(er the label! it is only a label and is &sed to ;&stify yo&r a%tions. Co& do not imprison %omm&nist $riters! perhaps %omm&nists ha(e 6only7 killed rea%tionary $re%kers. )nother possibility: yo& %annot allo$ e8&al prote%tion &nder the la$! any real freedom! be%a&se yo& are trying to b&ild yo&r o$n %lass regime or ra%ist state? Cameras in the bathrooms! b&t $e are arrested &nder %olor of la$ if $e shoot (ideo on the streets. D=f people $ith %ameras follo$ yo& aro&nd feel free to ask them $hy. Fther$ise! arrest them if they blo%k yo&r mo(ement or keep b&mping into yo&! and nat&rally the same if they break in or trespass to do it. Co& %an photograph them if yo& feel the need.E Co& may be harassed for taking (ideo only! b&t poli%e in most states $ill promptly arrest yo& if yo& re%ord a&dio. )re $e all to hide $hen $e are $eak and str&t abo&t in sm&g moral s&periority $hen $e are strong? Ho $e all pretend in p&bli% $hile $orking to$ard o&r o$n preferred party<s domination o(er e(eryone else? Cy%le after %y%le of ab&se &pon the people! or des%endants of the people! $ho ab&sed 6&s7 in the pastJ retaliation for the retaliation for the retaliation. Cet yo& say that to a(oid a %y%le of (iolen%e yo& m&st allo$ the &npro(oked atta%kers to es%ape any serio&s or long term retaliation. 'elp them! do not resist them. The friends! family and %o&ntrymen of those already (i%timiAed %an be restrained. They are yo&r people after all. The other side<s people $ill not be restrained! so to a(oid f&t&re (iolen%e the for%e applied by yo& m&st be against yo&r o$n side as any for%e &sed on the enemy $ill anger the enemy. Too bad yo&r o$n people are no$ angry at yo&. Too bad the other side atta%ked for reasons other than retaliation! and probably $ill do so again ha(ing gotten a$ay $ith it on%e already. Fa%tor possible (engean%e into yo& plans and ne(er make enemies yo& do not ha(e to make! b&t do not lie do$n $ith lions belie(ing they $o&ld ne(er eat the s$eet lo(elies like yo&rself. 4$eet like b&tter! that is me. This is the arg&ment of 9aAis and Rionists: $e deser(e to r&le be%a&se $e are s&perior. The arg&ment of 5a%ists and Comm&nists: $e deser(e to r&le be%a&se $e ha(e been ab&sed and are morally s&perior to yo&. =f yo& do $ell be%a&se yo& %an that is good. =f yo& do $ell be%a&se yo& are s&perior at applying press&re to others that is bad. Co& %an be a s&perior ab&ser! and nat&re does not %are! b&t this kind of s&periority does not make yo& right. =t makes yo& e(il. Combat effe%ti(eness $ins fights. Co&r good or e(il is part of $hat determines or attra%ts yo&r opponents. B&t e(il has no %ohesion? Tell that to Has 5ei%h. The Ode(ilO don<t di(ide his ho&se! eh? 4atan ad(ersary! de(il slanderer! demon enemy. 4%ary $hat? Either $ay if yo& attra%t too many enemy yo& $ill die. Co& %an ;&dge a man by the 8&ality of his enemies! b&t did 'itler make 4talin good? There is no e(il in the spirit&al $orld be%a&se there is no spirit. There is no e(il in nat&re in general be%a&se nat&re is not a being! it is a %lass of beings Dbeing does not e8&ate $ith personE. There is no e(il in most animals be%a&se there is no intent. The h&man animal! of %o&rse! does %ontain e(il intent. Co& %an often dete%t e(il people by their eyes. Head eyes indi%ate illness! depression! dr&g &se! and e(il. 4ome e(il people are s&a(e or merry b&t many ha(e dead eyes. *eople are irrational. Their &nderlying reasons are seldom e+pressed and often mis&nderstood e(en by themsel(es. 5eligion or philosophy is at the root of mo(ements and poli%ies. 5eligion and philosophy are the %onstr&%ts of menJ &s&ally (ery irrational men. Ho not e+pe%t things to be fair! nor sho&ld yo& fall for fa%ile arg&ments that &nfairness is real$orld th&s as near a nat&ral (irt&e as not. 1ife is 6&nfair7 b&t it is not a person. 'alf the people $ho go aro&nd saying it is &nfair are ;&st &sing that fa%t as an e+%&se for their o$n bad manners. Mi%k their asses and e+plain to them that life is &nfair $hen they %omplain. *eople! nations and politi%al systems are imperfe%t. Freedom is imperfe%t: ;&st not so %ompared to the alternati(es. 61ook /ommy3 That man has no so&l.7 6:&st ignore him! dear.7 = do not gi(e my so&l to Fdin! be%a&se = do not ha(e one! and be%a&se he $as a per(erted tribal leader! b&t ro%k on /ano$ar. 'ey man! e(erybody sa(e me is per(erted. 9obody b&t myself sho&ld be armed. Co& people ;&st %an<t be tr&sted3 6= feel so sorry for yo&. Co& ha(e a %losed mind.7 )$! yo& are so s$eet to %areJ and = ;&st adore the arrogant %on%ern of those $ho ha(e no respe%t for tr&th. 4m&g m&%h? ?hat per%entage of the lo(ing spirit&al are hiding their personal antagonism and elitism behind speaking on behalf of higher po$ers? =s it possible that fools and idiots dislike intelligent people and defend the indefensible $ith %laims to spirit&al a&thority? The dear hearts belie(e in toleran%e b&t ha(e no patien%e for fa%ts and

little apparent toleran%e for the normals! the m&ndanes. 4tandards are going! going and gone. *op tart eaters and tof& eaters. OThank yo& for helping &s! no$ please lea(e.O Coked &ne8&ally $ith &nbelie(ers? There are t$o things $rong $ith that one. Being yoked! and thinking they are the s&perior ones in(ol(ed. =t seems that the best $ay to pro(e a point is to tell a tale abo&t ghostly p&nishment for people like the do&bter fi%tionaliAed. Bah33 Fh yeah? Ceah3 )men makes it so. E(erything is a%t&ally energy. 9o! fool! e(erything is a%t&ally material. B&t solid is an ill&sion3 9o! fool! it is li8&id that is ill&sion. There is spa%e bet$een parti%les! so the gaseo&s is really solid! too. :es&s. Froggy sees the $orld from the bottom of the $ell! and it is amaAing3 To say e(erything is energy? Co& may ;&st as $ell say e(erything is matter. E(erything is e(erything. Fn%e again! $e are ba%k to all is one yet separate b&t %onne%ted th&s $e are one. There is no $e! b&t only =J no = b&t only $e. The gro&p is one made &p of no indi(id&al parts. Blah. Co& kno$! to tr&ly &nderstand the $orld! Obe%oming one $ith it!O is to take on and a%%ept its nat&re $itho&t %omplaint@taking on the g&ilt of the $orld! or doing harm $itho&t %ons%ien%e. Co& ha(e e(ol(ed into either Christ or 4atan3 9o? Then yo& ha(e be%ome an a&tomation $hi%h %an no longer tell right from $rong. Those of yo& $ho do things be%a&se of fate! of the >odhead! of s&ffering and perfe%tionJ the Tao! yin and yang@and lingam. >od<s plan and >aia<s $hisper! and the portents! dooms and $isdom $ithin. Ces! yess! good and e(il are t$o sides of the same %oin. Fh! the (ibrations3 C&mmy %olors! as%ended masters. Co& kno$ nothing. Co& are led by flotsam. Co& are so (ery $rong b&t = $ill not arg&e $ith yo&. Co& are not ready. ?e all ha(e o&r pla%e on the $heel. = sneer at yo& b&t smile for yo&. = feel pity. The tr&th %an not be e+plained. =t %an only be kno$n! and not kno$n b&t only felt and only then e+perien%ed. ?hen yo& gro$ &p yo& $ill then kno$ = am right. There is no god b&t god and is no god. ?hen yo& do &nderstand the ill&minated yo& $ill see the king<s %lothes. 9ot to $orry! one day yo& $ill be ready for the tr&th! and the tr&th $ill bind yo& to the $orld. ) mentally tro&bled :e$ish person $ho has %onf&sed the effe%ts of dr&g into+i%ation $ith enlightenment prod&%es another highly symboli%al great $ork. 'o$ &n&s&al. >ermans are not e(il be%a&se 'itler $as an )&strian. )nybody $ho s&pports his poli%ies today is e(il $hether >erman or )&strian! or anything else. )meri%ans are not e(il be%a&se many in the past tho&ght the only good =ndian $as a dead one. /any of the =ndians of that day $ere e(il. By no means $ere they all. Today =ndians $ho $ant to s%alp and kill all $hites are e(il! as are people $ho still today $ant all =ndians e+terminated. =f people are going to mane&(er to be able to send the ser(ants of the state after their pet e(il! e(en kno$ing they are going to antagoniAe many people $ho lo(e liberty! Dand are 6<other$ise< good la$-abiding people7 :E E they sho&ld be honest eno&gh to admit $hat they are doing: sending pro+ies in body armor o&t to shoot those $ho resist and in%ar%erate those $ho don<t. Ho &nto others as yo& $o&ld ha(e them do &nto yo&J &nless yo& are a sadist! a maso%hist or any of a n&mber of politi%al or religio&s totalitarians. For shame3 ?ar is not something to &ndertake lightly. =f yo& $ill not a%%ept ab&se yo& $ill ha(e to fight. ?ars sho&ld ne(er be fo&ght! ho$e(er! if they %an be a(oided. They %a&se great s&ffering. They often fail to obtain the desired ends. ??== sa(ed &s from the 9aAi and ga(e &s to the Comm&nist. F&r *resident<s dear #n%le :oe. Tyrants lo(e $ars. They think they %an kill off all the tro&blemakers! and like >od! p&t all their mistakes o&t of sight and mind. Be$are of re(ol&tionaries be%a&se most are either (ainglorio&s idiots or plants. Ho yo& kno$ ho$ many re(ol&tions simply repla%e one tyranny $ith another! in%l&ding those that repla%e one front man $ith another Dtag teamE? /ost of them3 Co& finally gained %ontrol of the $orld. Hon<t e(en $ant to be a tyrant! eh? ?hat do yo& plan to do $ith it? Fops! yo& did not think it thro&gh. )ll fall do$n. =f yo& &se (iolen%e yo& empo$er the tyrant. 'e has an 6e+%&se7 for drasti% meas&res. =f yo& do

not yo& better keep yo&r mo&th sh&t. Hemonstrations $orked really $ell against 4talin! yes? *ea%ef&l resistan%e $orks sometimes $hen the tyrants lose s&pport and internal %ohesion. =t ne(er $orks against (iolent people $ho simply do not gi(e a damn. Those $ho ha(e a narro$ (ie$ of their o$n self interest and no interest in the $ell being of others ha(e no &se for morality. =f yo& are moral only in fear of drasti% p&nishment yo& ha(e a %riminal mind. DB&t be a$are that many $ho demand 6morality7 are %on men $ho &se any good so&nding thing as an e+%&se for their a%tions.E Co& are not responsible for the (iolen%e of tyrants. They %hoose to %ommit %rimes $hen resisted. ?hen there are h&ge mass demonstrations or riots thro&gho&t the 9orth )meri%an region do not be s&rprised if $eapons of mass destr&%tion are &sed. 9e&tron bombs! for e+ample! $hi%h kill by radiation $itho&t harming b&ildings. The pop&lation is too large any$ay. The tyrants are the %riminals! b&t this does not mean yo& sho&ld not try to limit the e+pos&re of the general p&bli% to harmJ and yo& are a member of the p&bli% and sho&ld stay o&t of s&%h masses. ?hen targeted do not mo(e into the most dense %on%entration of grandmothers! babies and s%hool %hildren yo& %an find! b&t do not let the bad beha(ior of others g&ilt yo& into the (irt&al s&i%ide of yo& and yo&rs. 5esistan%e is f&tile? 9o! yo& are not a f&%king h&man sa%rifi%e. )h! harsh. Ho not think of something else! do something else and the thinking $ill follo$. =f the gods did e+ist sa%rifi%e $o&ld be the moral e8&i(alent of s&%king &p to the mob hoping either to shed the stress of making de%isions for yo&rself De(en if the po$erf&l end &p killing yo&E! or to gain mer%y thro&gh payoffs and respe%t. Co& pay pri%es. 4ome of them are destr&%ti(e of h&man dignity! ethi%s and morality. ?orst of all! some are paid to nothing. Be$are of those $ho lo(e yo& $itho&t e(en kno$ing yo&. Fne made to be the enemy! another designed to be the sa(ior and tort&rer. >ames! games! and games. Born for a p&rpose. Homination games. >ood is not e(il b&t the Ogreater goodO is. The #4 go(ernment already meets the kind of standards &sed by the Fo&nders to ;&stify rebellion against England! b&t people ha(e refrained for ta%ti%al reasons and for fear of rebellion %a&sing more harm than good. This may %hange if the %o&ntry at large is treated the $ay people in 9e$ Frleans $ere treated. There are those $ho $o&ld rather die on their feet than li(e on their knees. There is no freedom in death! also no ensla(ement. Co& %an<t be anything $hen yo& are nothing. Fo&nding Fathers. 5adi%al thinkers3 Terroristi% ra%ists! se+ist dead $hite men. Fh $ell. /any of them $ere deisti% /asons anyho$. D9o! %hildren! = do not like masoni% mysti%ism.E Ces /asonry is a religion. Fne that tea%hes perfe%tion thro&gh $orks. This is a (ery anti-*rotestant idea. Ces! e(erything infl&en%es things $hi%h infl&en%e other things! yes yo&r feelings effe%t yo&r health and the re(erse as $ell. /ysti%al? 4pirit&al? >ood >od3 They $ere a b&n%h of %riminals so they agreed to the Nth )mendment. )nd the ,th S et%. >otta go free on a te%hni%ality. This amendment is not there for the prote%tion of %riminals. =f ser(ed $ith a (alid $arrant yo& may not resist $hen they %ome in to in(estigate yo&r 6probable7 %rimes. This does not mean yo& m&st %onfess! nor that yo& m&st sear%h o&t and t&rn o(er e(iden%e. Co& are not obliged to in(estigate yo&rself on their behalf. Co& may not resist if they take $hat they think is e(iden%e. Co& need not gi(e them anything. Co& need not do their ;obs! for $hi%h the ta+payer pays! for them. =f there is a lo%ked room in a ho&se they are! properly and legally! sear%hing they %an look for the key. They %an ask if yo& %are to open the door or pro(ide the key. Failing this they %an break in. ?hy is this? ?itho&t these pro(isions it is easy for the state to &se yo& as an &npaid ser(ant! and to p&sh yo& aro&nd and lord it o(er yo& both in and o&tside of yo&r home. =f yo& m&st tell them $hat they $ant to kno$ and lead them to e(iden%e yo& ha(e little prote%tion from for%ed %onfessions and %o&ld be %harged $ith $ithholding e(iden%e $hi%h ne(er e+isted. )lso yo& and yo&r la$yer ha(e no reason to pro(ide information $hi%h looks bad! makes it seem more likely yo& are g&ilty! $hen yo& kno$ yo& are not. 4&ppose they ask for the key yo& ha(e lost and %on(i%t yo& for ref&sing to hand it o(er? Criminals ab&se this freedom3 Ceah. 4o get in there and pro(e yo&r %ases thro&gh hard $ork and hard thinking. =f the fo&nders $anted to treat e(erybody like shit in an attempt to %at%h and

imprison e(ery single %riminal $itho&t fail there $o&ld be no %onstit&tion. The fo&nders $o&ld ne(er ha(e p&t &p $ith being treated like %riminals. Those terrorist s%&m $o&ld ha(e taken a saber to yo&r asses. 4<okay. Co& f&%kers deser(e it. 65a%ist antisemite nati(ist %apitalist elitist $hite pse&do-%ommando mall-nin;a s%&m.7 Co& %an not frighten &s $ith $ords anymore. ?e are not talking to yo& haters of the ?est. The time for politely listening to hate is o(er. F&%k Einstein! f&%k Fre&d! and f&%k /ar+. ?e kno$ these 6s%ien%es7 are mostly religions. The moral s&periority of the rest of the $orld3 The $isdom and religion of anyone not des%ended from the likes of the Fo&nders. ?e are better in some $ays than they $ere! and not as good in others. B&t o&r morality is not the morality of the minorities Da%t&ally ma;orityE of the $orld. ?e kno$ $hat their morality is. ?e kno$ $hat their $isdom is. =t is irrational! and hierar%hi%al! and it is hate and 6sa%rifi%e7 and %ontempt and d&pli%ity and %aste and sm&g s&periority and ra%ism. ?hen they speak of their &nrealisti% brand of e8&ality! and the like! they $ant &s to p&t o&rsel(es &nder despots in order to a%hie(e it. T$o-fa%ed politi%al %orre%tness. Three-fa%ed! :a%ob? For those of yo& in the ta+ protest mo(ement: 9one of yo&r arg&ments matter at all. Cogent or not they $ill not be a%%epted in most %o&rts. =t is simple. The go(ernment is massi(e and it! and its partners! needs a lot of yo&r money to s&stain itself. They &se the in%ome ta+ to pay interest on the debt. /ost ;&dges are p&rely b&llies and $ill allo$ no nonsense in 6their7 %o&rts. *robably .0L of $hat goes on is not part of an en&merated po$er! b&t $e ha(e a demo%ra%y no$ and e(erything is legal if $e tell yo& to do it. The real iss&e is that agen%ies do not follo$ basi% prin%iples of ;&sti%e! s&%h as inno%ent &ntil pro(en g&ilty and no seiA&re of property $itho&t a ;&ry trial. 'ey! >andhi $as a flake! b&t he did say not to pay ta+es to tyrants. >o(ernment s&%k-&ps kno$ that yo& are s&pposed to do $hat yo& are told! if yo& don<t yo& are greedy and %o$ardlyJ yo& $ill end &p in a prison %amp or prison $here yo& belong! and $ill be ab&sed by yo&r %ellmate Br&noJ $hi%h is really f&nny. The proper response to this is not to s&rrender! and to kill go(ernment s&%k-&p $hen he takes part in the %oming tro&bles. Constit&tional go(ernment is $hat $e $ant b&t $hy do yo& all tie yo&rself in knots o(er the &nderlying histori%al strata of la$ and reg&lation? The state is going to honor none of that red tape if it finds it in%on(enient. The la$! red tape! is there for the benefit of the state and e+%eptions are for sho$ and for the &se of ;oiners. Conf&sion as a %o(er for &n%onstit&tional for%e and for fra&d. 4o(ereign %itiAen! ",th amendment in%orporation! old ta+ la$! %ommer%ial and admiralty la$! a%%epting the %&rren%y! so%ial se%&rity n&mber or dri(er<s li%ense! the la$ on ta+ing gain! and all the rest is b&nk. The la$ is $hate(er the state $ill allo$ before the ben%h. =t is abs&rd ho$ people think doing something p&bli%ly or in ret&rn for %&rren%y makes &n%onstit&tional go(ernment beha(ior legal. They are legally bo&nd no matter $hat the e+%&se! b&t %riminals are free to do as they please &nless for%ed to stop. )le+ander! %&t the knot. B&t the banking system is pri(ate! and if yo& fall for their fra&ds yo& deser(e $hat yo& get? Fra&d is FM no$? The Federal 5eser(e is! &nla$f&lly! a%ting as an agent of go(ernment or (i%e (ersa and as an agent is bo&nd by the limits of state a&thority. ?hy do they! go(ernment in general! sometimes p&nish basi% %orr&ption of a mostly finan%ial nat&re b&t ne(er go after ma;or %onstit&tional (iolations? Be%a&se they are all in (iolation and don<t %are for their %han%es if s&%h p&niti(e a%ti(ities gain moment&m. :&dge )ssenstern. ) %onta%t shot in the ass $ith yo&r elk rifle risks blo$ing his head off. ?ell! yo& see! the problem is! %omedy is not f&nny. = ha(e a great sense of h&mor b&t! oddly! nobody e(er la&ghs. They do $in%e $hen = open my mo&th. =t is not really $ise to fla&nt the po$er of the system yo& s&pport sin%e that %an pro(oke rea%tion. /y fa(orite are those $ho threaten people $ith mistreatment by a third party and think themsel(es &nto&%hable. They are not going to be Br&no! after all. They $ill only set Br&no on people. They are so s&rprised $hen they end &p spitting teeth. 'o$ (iolent3 Fne thing the other$ise moroni%

Bro$n 4hirts got right: ?hen %omm&nists got in people<s fa%es on the street! p&shed and prodded or simply beat! in order to intimidate the 9aAis %ame in $ith the a+ handles. DCes = kno$ the Bro$n 4hirts &sed the same intimidation ta%ti%s as the %omm&nists on other gro&ps. They $ere ;&st better at it.E D=f = see one more holy fool or pea%e and lo(e anar%hist! = s$ear to >od. 'onestly. They dress &p and get into people<s fa%es $ith the intention of ind&%ing rage. They interfere $ith freedom of mo(ement or grab and to&%h! perhaps sma%k yo& in the fa%e $ith flyers! flo$ers or a %loth! and then sho&t 6yo& are missing the lo(e!7 6don<t be a hater!7 or 6no (iolen%e! don<t p&sh me37 These little bastards are s%&m and sho&ld immediately be dealt $ith as follo$s. Tell them to let yo& pass! or say 6hands off!7 and $hen they fail to obey after the first $arning spray them do$n $ith FC Dpepper sprayE. Bang! right no$ and no delay. Them go on abo&t yo&r affairs.E 9o$! don<t yo& shoot anybody3 ?hen %onfronted by good people $ho merely $ant to ha(e yo&r %onstit&tional rights stripped a$ay y<all be polite. Co& think yo& %an sol(e all yo&r problems $ith a g&n? Co& %an<t sol(e all yo&r problems $ith immigration %ontrols either! ;&st some of them. =f &nable to a%8&ire the tools and organiAation e(en for simple sabotage of military fa%tories! blo$ing &p of tr&%k %on(oys and e+plosi(e %ratering &nder the feet of atta%kers and &nder train tra%ks and armored (ehi%les Dkeep in mind that lo$ (elo%ity e+plosi(es $ill not blo$ &p or hole a tank! tho&gh h&ndreds of po&nds dire%tly &nder a tread may o(ert&rn oneE yo& still may be able to &se modest tools in a more personal $ay. =t is helpf&l if yo& %an get armor to dri(e into eno&gh loose $ire to bind &p the tra%k me%hanism. =dentifi%ation tra%king and sensors may be beyond yo&r te%hni%al means to spoof or disable. /ilitary and paramilitary &nits too $ell e8&ipped to engage. )ir%raft beyond yo&r rea%h! e(en $hen re(etted on the gro&nd. )rtillery &nits $ell prote%ted. B&t an enfor%er getting into his %ar to ret&rn to his ;ob or &nit? ?ell! a bat to the ba%k of the head is good. *erhaps $ith yo&r hood &p to th$art hidden %ameras in the area. >i(en time and spa%e along $ith e+%a(ation e8&ipment yo& %an dig holes big eno&gh to trap a tank! %o(er them $ith strong de%king so only armored (ehi%les $ill fall thro&gh! and %amo&flage. Hegrade! disr&pt and destroy %itiAen tra%king systems $hene(er yo& %an. Fpport&nity $ill %ome. Too bad the &tility g&ys d&g in the $rong pla%e. They kno%ked the high$ay %amera net$ork offline for ho&rs. The a&thorities delete re%ords and t&rn off %ameras $hen they misbeha(e! a good e+ample for yo&. D#h. Hon<t break %ameras after they ha(e yo&r image and lea(e the stored images inta%t! and the data may already be off site. B&t yo& kne$ that.E =%ky. This g&y m&st really need to shoot somebody. Call a therapist3 )nd yet $e do not shoot the g&y $ith the $hite flag on sight be%a&se the flag means they ha(e r&n o&t of amm&nition. ?e are (ery %a&tio&s abo&t s&rrender offers be%a&se they %an be &sed as delays $hile the enemy mane&(ers behind the s%enes! b&t $e like it $hen the enemy s&rrenders $itho&t f&rther fighting. 'o$ h&mane of &s. = kno$ some o(erly enth&siasti% types say the enemy has no right to s&rrender if they kill as many of &s as possible and then e+pe%t mer%y $hen they are trapped or disarmed. They also think snipers and amb&shers sho&ld not be allo$ed to s&rrender. Childish attit&de. *eople o&ght only to be allo$ed s&rrender $hen they ha(e no reason $hate(er to do so? >ermany sho&ld not ha(e atta%ked Fran%e! e(en tho&gh the Fren%h go(ernment $as not a notably good one. >ermany sho&ld ne(er ha(e atta%ked the 4o(iets! tho&gh the 9aAis $ere slightly better than the Comm&nists. )ll that $as a%hie(ed $as more ab&se for the people of the east! and defeat $hi%h res&lted in the mass tort&re and m&rder of many >ermans! espe%ially of the $omen. Ho $e need mention the millions of >erman soldiers star(ed and ab&sed in the %amps after the $ar? Fn%e this o%%&rred the >ermans sho&ld ha(e fo&ght 5&ssia to the death. ) man has a (ery diffi%&lt time li(ing after he hides and $at%hes the rape of his %o&ntry$omen. = en;oy hearing the Fren%h talk abo&t )meri%an e(ils in Iietnam. = agree $ith them! b&t = do ha(e to la&gh at them. = remember )lgeria. Ho yo& see $hy these kind of sit&ations m&st be a(oided $hene(er possible? Confli%t at any le(el is sad. =t is depressing. Combat itself is horrible. =t %an also be e+hilarating! and there are enemy $ho %an be killed $itho&t any remorseJ b&t fear! pain and death are not f&n things.

There is no sadness! &s&ally! in 6repressing7 a m&rderer by stopping a m&rder attempt! b&t repressing people is often pitif&l e(en $hen their beha(ior needs repressing. For%ing yo&r $ill on others! altho&gh sometimes ;&stified! is si%kening. ?here is the h&man dignity people talk abo&t? '&miliation! agony! disability and death. *ain %an be &nbearable. =magine the $orst stoma%h pain yo& e(er had and that it ;&st $ent on ho&r after ho&r and day after day. Co& need some really good dr&gs. ?hy so negati(e! >ramps? ?hy s&lly yo&r mind? *&ppies! d&de3 *retty flo$ers. Ho not follo$ e(ents if the ne$s is bad! and preparing for disasters is probably a sign of metal imbalan%e. 'ere $e go again. 9ormal people feel sad abo&t sad things! and happy abo&t happy ones. They fo%&s on &p%oming disasters! e(en $hen the flo$ers are blooming. Co& normal people sho&ld not fall for the smell-theflo$ers and let >od and the Feds sa(e yo& propaganda. The same kinds of people also broad%ast %onstant s%are stories to ;&stify their go(ernment fi+ation! and to feed the appetite for sensation. 9ormal people don<t fall for this transparent %rap. E(en some %raAy people! s&%h as myself! %an see thro&gh it. The lies often do not e(en ha(e to be (ery good. /ost people are $arped. They do not $ant to kno$. Co& think yo& are bra(e and prin%ipled. =f tyranny $as %oming! if yo& belie(ed it! yo& $o&ld ha(e to do something dangero&s! or $o&ld ha(e to admit yo&rself an &nprin%ipled %o$ard. Far better to ref&se to listen. =f do&bt begins to gro$ take the lies at fa%e (al&e. Feel better no$? ?hen a $ar needs to be fo&ght it sho&ld be fo&ght $hene(er! and ho$! it is most likely to be $on! and this is not &s&ally after yo& ha(e $aited &ntil things ha(e s&nk to disaster le(el. Be happy if yo& ha(e killed the right people for the proper reasons. Co& ha(e done a good thing! the pathos of the h&man %ondition not$ithstanding. Hon<t go by $hat = say. E(erybody has a legal! and for the most part moral! right to his o$n opinion! b&t that does not pro(e his opinions right! nor does it ;&stify $rongf&l a%tions. = mean hell! $hat do = kno$? = think = may ha(e had a sho(ing mat%h or t$o $ith a sibling $hen a %hild. Co& don<t see me o&t b&rning do$n a forest ser(i%e station be%a&se they %losed o&r %o&nty roads into the $oods and banned %abin b&ilding on pri(ate land. :eeA! = ne(er e(en $ent hiking. ?hat do = %are? ?hen they ban %ho%olate then they $ill die. The soldier. ?e do not f&%king pass on. ?e die. ?e do not simply engage the enemy! or ser(e the pie%e in order to implement the fire plan and ser(i%e target matri%es. ?e kill. ?e kno$ $ho the enemy is. 'e is h&man! and a son! father! brother and h&sband. 'e is also the one $e $ill kill &nless he kills &s first or %hooses to yield. 4oldiering is a state of mind. 4er(e yo&r %o&ntry $hen it is right to do so! soldier on as a %i(ilian if not. 'a(e some dignity and honor. Hefend yo&r rights! yo&r family and yo&r %omm&nity. D)s an aside! this is important! there are no %rimes against property. *roperty rights are the indi(id&al rights of property o$ners and (andalism is a %rime against a person. = hear yo& b&bba! the Fo&nders set &p a go(ernment for the p&rpose of prote%ting their property 6pri(ilege.7 )nd $ork is a pri(ilege! as is tra(el! b&ying a glass of beer or o$ning a g&n. They $as selfish elitists! they $as. Freedom is the right to be free of g&ns and po(erty. =ss&e my rations please. T9ote: C&rren%y! $ater! oil and food are $eapons. Bankers and oil poli%y %ontrols nations! tyrants and %o&nterterrorists %ontrol food s&pplies to for%e people to %ome to them and their enemies to star(eU. Too right! oh so%ial plannersJ it being also tr&e that life is a pri(ilege of-for %onstit&tion breakers@yo&r papers! please3 >i(e me liberty or gi(e yo& death! hehheh.E ?e do &se for%e to prote%t property! $hene(er the thief resists arrest. ?e do not kill to prote%t o&r po%ket %hange. ?e kill be%a&se someone is $illing to threaten o&r li(es to get it. 9othing is gained by &nne%essary fighting or s&i%idally risky %ombat! b&t yo& are a %itiAen and a h&man being. >ro$ a ba%kbone. ?hat kind of so%iety $ill yo& end &p $ith $hen the %ommon people are re8&ired by la$ to mo(e and lea(e their property behind $hene(er threatened by th&gs. 5ed&%e the (iolen%e indeed. = think yo& mean en%o&rage the (iolent th&gs indeed.

)ny e%onomi% emergen%y or disaster $ill be p&shed by some. There are al$ays some $ho profit finan%ially by it. >o(ernment $ill attempt to grab more po$er d&ring it and e(ery e%onomi% %rank and $o&ld-be re(ol&tionary gro&p! %omm&nists for e+ample! $ill try to take ad(antage of it. *repare for artifi%ial shortages. = mean some of these $ill be faked! and others $ill be real b&t at root man made. Think Enron. Think o&t of gas in ". K. ?hat yo& need is a sil(er sk&ll and bones ring to $ear on yo&r non-shooting hand. H&de! yo& are $annabe 443 9o! they stole the emblem from >erman %a(alry &nits! and there are >erman &nits &sing it todayJ yo&r great granddaddy may ha(e $orn it. This is a symbol of! and self reminder of! yo&r $illingness. 5&les of g&nfighting: r&le "J bring a g&n! r&le 2J be $illing to fight! r&le KJ &se %o(er and r&le ,J fire the first a%%&rate shots. 4ymbols mean nothing of themsel(es! the thing symboliAed is the a%ti(e for%e. =f yo& are a marshmallo$ no display of symbols $ill %hange that. Co& $ill be like a phony p&nk $ith spiked hair and $ristbands $ho smears his mas%ara $ith tears $hen a%t&ally atta%ked. The biker lifestyle is filth! b&t yo& ha(e to admire the hard%ore biker $ho $ill not s&bmit &ntil the bones in his arm a%t&ally break &nder the press&re. The Fren%h Foreign 1egion $as a 6death<s head7 &nit! b&t not so m&%h that as a rather die than yield type. /any of the soldiers had (ery little reason to li(e. 4ome tho&ght to do the nation some good before they died. /ost of them ;&st $anted to take their fr&strations o&t on people on their $ay o&t. =f yo& %are to kno$! bla%k &niforms are &seless. They are far too dark for &se as %amo&flage e(en at night. = do like bla%k! = admit it! b&t bla%k &niforms are only good for instilling an elitist attit&de in the $earer. They do intimidate some people. Hon<t make yo& e+plosion resistant tho&gh. =f yo& lo(e death yo& are a n&t. =f yo& $ant $ar and ;&sti%e be damned yo& are a %riminal. =f yo& lo(e pain yo& are a freak. Co& may en;oy end&ring pain if yo& are o(er%oming an obsta%le by doing so! b&t no pain! no gain is an e+aggeration and pain tells yo& yo& are ali(e no more than any other sensation. =f yo& en;oy life and death po$er o(er people in general yo& are like many of o&r psy%hoti% ;&dges. =f yo& are $illing to risk death in order to kill the enemy yo& are more than FM $ith me. That symbol sho$s attit&de3 = like %o&rage! and death sho&ld not s%are yo& into effete shi(ers. 4tare it in the eye so%kets. '&rrah3 D9o! death is not a person! this is symboli%! people.E 'ey! kno$ that g&y $ho! the longer it has been sin%e his last %onfrontation! begins to dread the idea that he may no longer ha(e the g&ts or toleran%e for pain he on%e did and pi%ks a fight to get it o(er $ith &ntil the ne+t time the fear b&ilds &p or he is dead? Hon<t be like him. ?hat it is not abo&t is be%oming the neighborhood $arlord. >i(ing ha&ghty orders to the riffraff and ha(ing really shiny boots is st&pid. Meep yo&r gear f&n%tional. Be mission oriented. Ho the ;ob. /isdire%ted dis%ipline is %o&nterprod&%ti(e! and don<t start thinking yo&rself more important than anyone else be%a&se yo& defend others. =f they are not important then ho$ %an yo& be important be%a&se yo& defend them? OThat girl kno$s abo&t o&r operation. 4he is not an enemy spy b&t she kno$s too m&%h. 4he $ill talk and %a&se a lot of damage before $e ha(e fo&nd ne$ safe ho&ses and %hanged plans and identities. 4he $ill ha(e to be taken %are of.O ?o$! yo& p&nks are so m&%h more important than anyone else. = tho&ght yo& $ere opposed to e&geni%s style and %olle%ti(ist thinking. Elitists. 4o%ialist-&tilitarian filth. DE(er noti%e ho$ Oe(enO %olle%ti(ist Oe8&aliAersO %onsider themsel(es (astly s&perior to those o&tside of their perfe%t little plan! and ho$ 6indi(id&alisti% freedom fighters7 are so (ery 8&i%k to thro$ the rights of others o&t the $indo$?E O4he $as a sa%rifi%e to freedom! and to o&r people<s f&t&re.O *i&s fra&d. 4la(es! those $eeded o&t by the harshest possible trials and s&b;e%ted to e+treme p&nishments and arbitrary hardships D$asted h&mansE! ha(e not fo&ght histori%ally as $ell as free men. They ha(e been more likely to go to $ar on orders from on high! &ntil! at least! their organiAations are shaken eno&gh to allo$ them opport&nity to r&n a$ay from their masters. That is! if yo& manage to shake said organiAations! and desperate men often fight (ery hard. Free men benefit more from inno(ation and

adaptation than do sla(es! their leaders may be no better from a professional point of (ie$. The real %lin%her is that free men la%king %a&se and %ohesion fight less $ell than sla(es $ho ha(e p&nishment! re$ards and the feared and re(ered masters at their ba%ks. 1iberty is a rare thing in the $orld<s history. Hefend ea%h other. )lso defend those less able to defend themsel(es. Ho not think yo& $ill be re$arded for defending them either! my boy. 69o good deed goes &np&nished7 is an e+aggeration and th&s te%hni%ally false. =t is more nearly %orre%t than 6no good deed goes &nre$arded!7 and 6no e(il deed goes &np&nished7 is infantile. Those Christians among yo& sho&ld read :ob! e(en if yo& $ill persist in belie(ing in the glorio&s afterlife. D:&st ho$ patient $as :ob! a ;olly good %omplainer that boy.E Co&r life is not $orth more than the li(es of others. This does not mean yo& ha(e no right to defend yo&rself! yo&r rights! and people yo& %are abo&t: yo&r life is also no less (al&able than theirs. ?hen yo& %ome a%ross someone $ho needs help yo& sho&ld help them if yo& %an. =t is good to ha(e the means so that yo& $ill be able to help! b&t yo& are not the property of those other people. Ho yo& r&n aro&nd looking for people needing heart transplants of yo&r tiss&e type in order to offer to shoot yo&rself in the head? 6Take my heart! please37 Bah3 =f yo& are the ta%ti%al leader for a gro&p of "0 men! please! do not %all yo&rself 4ergeant /a;or of the /ilitia. =f yo&r gro&p organiAer %alls himself Colonel yo& sho&ld s&ggest that he may as $ell %all himself >rand Field /arshal of the )rmies of the /ilitia3 Mno$ $hen yo& get a 6raise?7 =t is $hen yo& ha(e more men. 5o&ghly "00 men or lie&tenant to a battalion %ommander and yo& get to play %aptain! or ma;or. *i%k yo&r battles. The $orld is f&ll of people $ho need killing. Co& are not the one $ho $ill kill them all. Co& feel like dying! there are any n&mber of gro&ps and neighborhoods ;&st f&ll of people $ho $o&ld be ti%kled to s%rag yo&. :&st hang o&t in those pla%es too many times and yo& $ill soon be playing a harp! or something. Fighting is like %harity. >i(e a$ay e(erything yo& ha(e! spend yo&r %apital! and yo& $ill ne(er be able to help anybody again. Fld man *a&l said it! $ork so yo&r family $ill la%k nothing. =n the mo(ies the man $ho sa(es a $oman from a fate $orse than death al$ays gets the girl himself! like he $on a priAe. Forget that dri(el. ?hen e(erybody gets sla&ghtered in the pi%t&res a breeding pair remains ali(e. Forget that too. 9ot gi(e e(erything yo& ha(e? B&t if yo& ha(e a gift yo& m&st &se it! it is from >od and not tr&ly yo&rs. '&mb&g! fello$ mortals. Co& sho&ld help others $hen it is right to do so. ?hy? Be%a&se it is the right thing to do. 4o%iety is! and yo& are! the better for it. /andatory (ol&ntarism? That is a re%ipe for a&thoritarian &topia! a program for e(erything and yet more and more %harity is needed. =f yo& are gifted it is indire%tly! it seems! only )dam and E(e are dire%t %reations a%%ording to most. =f yo&r strengths are really gifts! and $eaknesses %&rses! of >od! or a god! or of the gods: $hat is a gift? =t is yo& and yo&rs and none any longer of the gi(er<s. *erhaps gods are =ndian gi(er<s? 4o yo& take %are. This is not to say that yo& $on<t lose in the end. B&t it is embarrassing if yo& die like a >omerJ take some bastards $ith yo&. Ff %o&rse dying of disease! or old age! before yo& are able to kill any of those $orthies is ;&st not right3 FM! = tell yo& a thing. The /ilitia is a total ;oke. The fe$ serio&s militiamen $ill be left hanging in the $ind by their less stal$art brothers. Co& get together and talk to&gh! and half of the to&gh talkers are spies. Co& do a little half-ass training. /ost of yo& are %andyass blo$hards. /ost of yo& keep firearms not be%a&se the %onstit&tion re%ogniAes the right! b&t be%a&se it is not yet illegal to do so. There is no serio&s trainingJ in most states yo& risk arrest for paramilitary training if more than t$o of yo& go shooting together o&tside of li%ensed ranges. ?hen firearms are banned yo& $ill gi(e them &p. They $ill go to the state or fore(er into a hole in the gro&nd. 9o stable &nits! no intent or determination! no s&pply net$ork! no 8&ality training! no e+plosi(es skills. =f yo& e(er got into %ombat half of yo& $o&ld r&n a$ay. Then the other half $o&ld end &p in a head-on &sing only rifles and $o&ld get shot to pie%es both by the enemy and ea%h other. That is not likely to happen. ?hat $ill happen is

yo&! ha(ing no$here to r&n! $ill hide yo&r g&ns and ne(er &se them at all@step by step yo& $ill ba%k do$n &ntil yo& are nothing! or yo& $ill s%re$ aro&nd &ntil a 4?)T &nit %omes %alling and $ill s&rrender yo&r $eapons and go into the system $ith no legal defense to speak of. Co& don<t e(en openly %arry in pla%es $here it is legal be%a&se the go(ernments do not follo$ their o$n la$s and the poli%e $ill stop yo& at g&npoint e(ery 20 min&tes! and their trigger fingers are kinda happy. Mno$ $hy people $alk into the killing fields $itho&t e(er ha(ing fo&ght ba%k? E(ery step of the $ay they think fighting ba%k might not be needed! might make things $orse! and $hen the a+ falls they are thinking they may ha(e $aited too long. Co& are going to to slog thro&gh life doing yo&r ;ob and paying yo&r ta+es. Co& $ill take $hat is allo$ed yo& or do $itho&t. Co& $ill try to stay o&t of sight and mind! or $ill try to s&%k &p to the biggest bad in order to Dyo& hopeE infli%t rather than end&re harm. This &nless anger! re%klessness or bad l&%k make yo& preyJ then yo& may find yo&rself personally atta%ked: yo& $ill rea%t only $hen they %ome to get yo&! instead of yo&r neighbors! and yo& $ill s%ream for help and either %o$er or try to fight baseball bat (ers&s arms and armor! alone. Hon<t brag it. Be it. B&t! people are not really all that. )re they? They do not $ant to be it. They $ant to $ant to be it. *&t some of it o&t there the $ay yo&r drinking b&ddy $ants to spo&t off and make fists in the hopes that yo& $ill hold him ba%k from any a%t&al fighting. )dd to this the fa%t that half the people $ho are it are a really st&pid or insane it and $e ha(e an interesting $orld. Combat is a good dr&g. *&tting it o&t there may bring the fight to yo&. Bad trip or good! $e are boarding no$. Co& are probably going to fly. 4in%e (iolen%e m&st be ;&stified it sho&ld not be &sed &nless yo& ha(e nothing left to lose. The risk to self and others is great. =t is fantasti% $hat people $ill p&t &p $ith &nder this %on%ept. /ost %an be ensla(ed and a%t&ally at labor &nder the eye of the $hip man and o(erseer and still think he has something to li(e for. 'is family broken &p and some members killed! and he still $o&ld rather yield himself &p to OfateO and a&thority than fight. 4ome break and fight! most $ait &ntil they ha(e no %han%e at all e(en if they sho&ld make an attempt at a later date. ?hy? 5ationaliAations aside! the biggest fa%tor is not the spe%ifi%s of the sit&ation! it is $hat yo& are. Co& are a fighter or yo& are not. 6Co& $ill die like a dog for no good reason.7 That %ommie 'eming$ay. 9obody $ill %ome to help yo&. ?hat abo&t yo&! old man? = don<t see yo& o&t there fighting3 Ff %o&rse yo& don<t. = am ;&st a $orthless old %oot. = don<t %arry openly be%a&se the ;&sti%e system is broken and the $hole endea(or $ill only lead to a losing firefight in most ;&risdi%tions. = am not o&t there fighting be%a&se = am not one to go o&t alone and sti%k my head into the nearest %annon barrel. The time for a fight is not yet. E(en $earing a politi%ally in%orre%t T-shirt is ;&st asking for tro&ble. Besides! they may ne(er %ome for me so = intend to die 8&ietly in hospital! e+%ept for a fe$ $himpers! inside a poli%e stateJ and (iolen%e is bad. = also am laAy! smelly and $eak! and = t&rn to a 8&i(ering l&mp $hen threatened. B&ail h&nters $ho %an $alk together! %o(er their se%tors! and hit mo(ing targets $itho&t shooting their b&ddies and dogs ha(e better s8&ad le(el training than yo& do. )nd do not think yo& %an<t learn to hit r&nning men $ith a rifle. =f h&nters %an hit small fast birds $ith the shotg&n! yo& %an hit slo$ fat people $ith yo&r .K0-0V. 5ealisti% training! to&gh training! is needed. 9ot %areless training. E(ery %rippling or fatal in;&ry is p&re loss and $aste. )ny s&%h loss is to be a(oided! and e(ery %areless a%t pra%ti%ally &nforgi(able. Careless is not the same as re%kless! or bold. 9one of these is the same as intentional harm! nor of %aref&l and yet failed. E(en in %ombat $e do o&r &tmost to a(oid losses d&e to o&r o$n a%tions! and to limit losses d&e to enemy a%tion as m&%h as $e %an. Co& are f&ndamentally alone! and it is (ery diffi%&lt to operate alone. =t is easiest to $ork in large gro&ps as people are herd and pa%k animals. That is $hy poli%e sho&ld operate in pairs. The right partners %an be rela+ed and sensible $hen one of them alone $o&ld be &n%ertain or e(en ab&si(e. This does not mean yo& $on<t engage in large operations in the $rong en(ironment and get thrashed. =t is fairly easy to $ork in small gro&ps Dfire teams! s8&adsE if the &nit is tight! and e(en in pairs Dde&%e!

T$ay Dheh3E battle team! b&ddy teamE. B&tJ it takes balls to fa%e mortally dangero&s sit&ations alone! and dying alone is (ery...lonely. /ost ho&seholds are meat. The remainder &s&ally ha(e only one fighter. 4t&dy sabotage. 4t&dy field%raft! %amo&flage! patrolling! and sniping! raids and amb&shes. 4t&dy logisti%s and e(asion and es%ape. *ra%ti%e these things and yo& $ill see ho$ diffi%&lt battlefield %ommand and %omm&ni%ations %an be. 4t&dy emergen%y medi%ine. 1earn to $alk silently! glide! the loose limbed gro&nd %o(ering $alk! lope! and minim&m effort r&n. 1earn ho$ to sprint for yo&r life! and the sniper<s! lo$ and high %ra$ls. Can yo& be silent on t$igs and dry lea(es? 4t&dy e+plosi(e demolitions and traps. Mno$ the methods of breaking %onta%t and es%ape. Co& need %a%hes! %o(ered ro&tes! pla%es to d&mp yo&r military gear and %lean &p! and hides. ?hen yo& shoot an enemy at long range or $ith barriers bet$een yo&! yo& m&st break %onta%t 8&i%kly and &se the terrain to the ma+im&m in order to gain distan%e and re(ert to yo&r no-e(iden%e-present %i(ilian self. This is one of those sit&ations $here! if the sit&ation allo$s it! it is m&%h better if yo& ha(e %omrades in s&pport. =f they are posted in %on%ealed positions $hi%h allo$ them to fire on the enemy from another dire%tion if yo& are p&rs&ed! and if others are offset to fire on the enemy as yo& pass by on one of yo&r es%ape ro&tes things $ill be m&%h better for yo&. Co& may ha(e to %ir%le aro&nd and set &p 8&i%k amb&shes. Ho not forget to seed yo&r ba%k-trail $ith traps. Ho not do this on yo&r $ay thro&gh a %ro$ded mall or people<s yards3 Thro$ grenades or lea(e e+plosi(es on a timer in some %ases! b&t it is not ni%e to blo$ &p yo&r neighbors. The most important thing is speed and misdire%tion! and %on%ealment! ho$e(erJ be%a&se delay $ill bring in heli%opters and drones! and $ill res&lt in artillery fires! roadblo%ks and the like. 4etting dangero&s traps is illegal in pea%etime. 5e%kless or m&rdero&s handling or &se of e+plosi(es is illegal. Fn the more stealthy operations the se%&rity a%ts more as looko&ts and preparers of es%ape ro&tes than as a so&r%e of fires. There is a time in e(ery re(ol&tion $hen it is better to operate alone. *eople $ith similar ideas b&t no dire%t linkage %an damage the state! &pping the ante! $itho&t organiAation. 1arge s%ale organiAation means large s%ale dis%los&re. =f! ho$e(er! yo& are the only one in a%tion then yo&r fine re(ol&tion goes no$here. *eople of like mind m&st be in a%tion all o(er the region. The right kind of e(ent may be an ob(io&s signal for this kind of a%tion. Hon<t depend on it. )ny$ay! yo&r first mission $ill probably be yo&r last. Threats of (iolen%e are illegal? 9ot at all! my friend. =llegal threats are illegal. =mmoral threats are immoral. ) threat! or $arning! of legal and moral (iolen%e is neither. )lso! la$ in (iolation of federal or state %onstit&tion is (oid. 1a$ grossly immoral is (oid. The %onstit&tion does not say the militia! yo&! %annot be %alled o&t by state or federal offi%ials. =t may not say yo& %annot be se(erely p&nished if yo& fail to report for d&ty! b&t not being &n%onstit&tional does not make this form of serfdom a good thing. 'ell! in(ol&ntary ser(it&de $ith regard to ;&ry d&ty! and %ontempt of %o&rt findings Dha(ing no trial before %on(i%tion and in%ar%erationE are not good things. 9e(er let a ;&dge or prose%&tor intimidate yo&J yield maybe! pani% no. ?hat $o&ld yo& do if a go(ernment %alled &p the militia in order to def&se it! and keep it from resisting tyranny? =t $o&ld then ha(e a legal e+%&se for p&nishing any militiamen $ho failed to m&ster. ?e are so %raAy. The yo&ng ones $ill fight $ars not be%a&se they are %raAy! b&t be%a&se they do not kno$ $hat they are getting into. ?e are the %raAy ones. Flder men $ho &nderstand $hat $ar is b&t $ill do it any$ay. C<all kno$ $hat happens $hen g&ys like &s de%ide to keep their heads do$n? 4ome st&pid f&%ker p&shes and $e stand &p like the hardasses $e are. ?e are &nable to yield e(en if $e $ant to. ?e are enraged by p&nks $ho p&sh their $eight aro&nd. Bang. 'o$e(er far they $ant to rat%het it &p. Ho not harass my $ife! get off my land! and don<t p&sh me. The $hole $orld is in a state is it not? ?e are all going to die. 5ather likely! yah? 1et<s go o&t $ith a bang. ?e are the %raAy ones. Hinosa&rs. E(erything is ;&st ro&tine! ma<am. Be$are of &nla$f&l %oer%ion. Threats of harassment or e+%essi(e f&t&re %harges for the p&rpose of tripping yo& &p and getting into yo&r ho&se! for e+ample. Be$are of plea bargains. They are ho$ yo& threaten people $ith ma+im&m p&nishment in order

to easily get %on(i%tions. >&ilt or inno%en%e is of little importan%e. Better yet! get a %onfession. Co& %an %on(i%t $ith no need to a%t&ally go o&t and $ork. Co& kno$! $itho&t any need for (erifi%ation. Too bad abo&t any fools or $imps yo& trap. 9obody is tr&ly inno%ent anyho$. Eh? The poli%e kno$ $ho the bad g&ys are. ?ho really e(en needs %o&rts? Too bad one tr&ly ro&tine thing is threats and lies. ?hen they %ome for yo&! and if yo& $ill not fight! do this. Hepending on $ho they are they $ill shoot or blo$ the pla%e &p! or $ill break in and p&t yo& in %&ffsJ &nless yo& look at them $rong and they kill yo&. =n those %ases try to s&e them if yo& s&r(i(e. =f poli%e! feds! so%ial $orkers! or the like! %ome to the door $ith paper$ork and a%t&ally let yo& read it let them in to do $hat! and only $hat! a (alid $arrant or %o&rt order allo$s. 9o paper$ork! or reg&latory and administrati(e b&llshit paper$ork and yo& ;&st say no. They &s&ally %ome in any$ay. Fbser(e their beha(ior and try both to s&e and to get them %harged after! and if! they let yo& see a de%ent Dh&mphE la$yer. =f yo& $ant to %rank things &p a le(el! yo& %an do this: do they ha(e probable %a&se to belie(e someone is in danger or that a %rime is being %ommitted at that (ery moment? 9o? Ho they sho$ yo& a %o&rt do%&ment signed by the ;&dge of a %o&rt $ith ;&risdi%tion and follo$ing the r&le of la$ as o&r fo&nders $o&ld ha(e re%ogniAed it? 9o? 4lam and bar the door! %all for legal help Dthe %ell&lar might still $orkE! and settle in for a long and painf&l legal battle. 9e(er sign anything a go(ernment employee hands yo&. They $ill %onsider yo& to ha(e signed yo&r rights a$ay. =f they threaten and yo& gi(e in try to $rite that yo& signed &nder protest or %oer%ion. )ll rights reser(ed indeed! then $hat did yo& sign in agreement of? 9e(er allo$ them into yo&r home (ol&ntarily. Fn%e inside they $ill not lea(e &ntil they damned $ell feel like it. 9e(er ans$er 8&estions! b&t do mo(e as they dire%t yo& if yo& ha(e no gro&nds for resistan%e or no ability to resist. Ho not help them h&miliate or in;&re yo&. Ho not help them sear%h yo&r premises. They $ill read yo& yo&r rights after they ha(e asked 8&estions and $hen yo&r 6detention7 be%omes an arrest. They $ill insist yo& tell them yo& &nderstand yo&r rights as they ha(e read them. Ho not ans$er. =n the days of 4hakespeare it $as re8&ired that yo& plead g&ilty or not g&ilty in %o&rt on pain on ha(ing bri%ks pla%ed on a board on yo&r %hest &ntil yo& either %ooperated or died. )t least no$ they ;&st enter a plea on yo&r behalf. Ho not blink if they a%%&se yo& of ha(ing raped the /adonna. Their insanity is limited only by their imaginations. They $ill threaten yo& be%a&se they $ant yo& to plead g&ilty to a lesser %harge! to a %rime yo& did not %ommit! to a(oid e(en more biAarre and serio&s ones yo& ne(er %ommitted. B&t there are %riminals o&t there. )bsol&tely. 'o$e(er! the go(ernment does not %are that the %harge mat%hes the a%t&al %rime. E(en %riminals! $ho sho&ld admit g&ilt! need la$yers to see that the la$ is follo$ed and that the p&nishment is appropriate. Meep yo&r mo&th sh&t. They $ill lie to yo&. They are ta&ght to do so at the a%ademy. The %o&rts hold that lying to yo&! sin%e yo& are a s&spe%t no$! is a good $ay to get yo& to %omply and is no %rime. *lease realiAe too that $hen an offi%er $ants to make a trade $ith yo& he is &nlikely to ha(e the a&thority to f&lfill his side e(en if he $ants to! the e+%eption being honest %ops D?E offering something they %an do $itho&t reporting it and $itho&t o(ersight. The psy%hology of the thing is for yo& to be responsible for yo&r beha(ior and theirs! and to them. They imply or flatly say! OCo& got yo&rself into this! be a man! take it like a man. Co& are not a%ting like a man. Take responsibility! be &pright.O 'o$ ins&lting3 )re yo& going to let yo&rself be pro(oked? ?ill yo& try for their appro(al and ans$er 8&estions? ?ill yo& get angry and lash o&t in a f&tile $ay! and get %harged $ith assa&lt in addition to e(erything else? Co&r atta%ks need to be effe%ti(e ones! or last-dit%h defenses Dthe indignity3E! not emotional %ries for appro(al. Ho yo& think yo& $ill pro(e to them $hat a manly fello$ yo& are? Cra%king and gi(ing them $hat they $ant! or flailing abo&t and s$earing $ill earn their respe%t? Co& are $eak! yo& handle stress badly! (omit on the floor. That is ;&st the $ay of it. There is no need for yo& to let it h&miliate yo&! and do not fall for the so-%alled good %op-bad %op ro&tine. They $ant yo& shaken eno&gh to try to rea%h o&t to good %op for reass&ran%e@in ret&rn for %on%essions. Ces! yo& sho&ld beha(e $ell! yo& are a man and o&ght to be a good oneJ b&t $ill yo& be the manip&lated man?

=t is a mistake to allo$ yo&r (oi%e to raise in tone! sometimes in (ol&me b&t not in tone! e(er. ?hining is s&spe%ted and $ill get yo& no$here! b&t ne(er try to fake a deep manly (oi%e. *ost&re good! al$ays alert! smooth and balan%ed. ?hat a fine boy yo& are. =t is $ell if yo& do not t$it%h $hen press&red! look at a g&y $hen telling the tr&th! &p to the left $hen lying! look blank $hen thinking and stare past him before atta%king. =t is best! in short! if nothing mo(es of yo&r fa%e! yo&r eyes are al$ays steady! and e(en yo&r breathing and blinking do not %hange no matter $hat is happening. Think before speaking! if yo& m&st speak at all. 4peak in le(el tones. The do$n side is little old ladies think yo& m&st be on dr&gs if this be%omes a habitJ and don<t to&%h yo&r head or hold palms &p. 5emember $ho yo& are. The %onstit&tion is the s&preme la$ o(er the federals! tho&gh they mostly ab&se it. 9o one sho&ld be abo(e the la$. ?hat is the la$ for? *eople need to be restrained if they are ab&si(e of others. *eople need to a(oid pri(ate ;&sti%e $hene(er possible! be%a&se mistakes are madeJ be%a&se (endetta tends to lead to e+%ess and be%a&se %riminals ab&se it if there is no o(ersight. H&els are rightf&lly illegal be%a&se a good fighter %an &se them to 6legally7 m&rder people. 9obody %an &se the la$ to do these things! of %o&rse. =f the 6;&sti%e7 system be%omes %orr&pt all bets are off. Ho not obey blatantly &n%onstit&tional la$s and ref&se to obey $hen ordered to do be an immoral bastard. The 6la$ of the ;&ngle7 does not mean be%ome an animal! it means deal $ith animals as yo& $o&ld deal $ith the enemy in a g&errilla $ar. D4&r(i(al of the fittest is not really %orre%t. 4&r(i(al of the fit eno&gh in that time and pla%e is more so.E =n $ar yo& hold trials only $hen yo& ha(e e(iden%e of $ar %rimes. Fther$ise! yo& %an take prisoners and hold them &ntil the $ar is o(er! or yo& %an ref&se to take prisoners and lea(e the %apt&red! both the fit and the disabled! ali(e! behind $hen yo& mo(e o&t. 'o$ is this a%t&ally done? =f 6they7 are taking losses they $ill m&rder the ne+t fe$ prisoners they take! and likely b&rn yo&r ho&se do$n as $ell. 9ot the kind of thing yo& $o&ld e(er do. '&nger! loss and s&ffering $o&ld ne(er make yo& loot or destroy a neighborhood. =sn<t that so? ?hen they do it it is e(il. ?hen $e do it &nderstand a moment of $eakness. E(en if there are times $e do it more than they. 'ah. Take all 6enemy7 propertyJ $eapons! and gear! s&pplies. 9e(er take pri(ate property other than pri(ately o$ned military type gear of an opponent. E+pe%t absol&tely no mer%y from an enemy. Co& may get it b&t are a (ery great fool to e+pe%t it. =f yo& find yo&rself! 6yo&r7 gro&p! in %harge and start handling reg&lar D%i(ilian! and hype aside! yo& poli%e are %i(ilians tooE ;&sti%e operationsJ remember this: there is al$ays go(ernment be%a&se any gro&p on top is de fa%to the go(ernment. >o(ernment has moral obligations! ho$e(er it may a%t in pra%ti%e. ?hen yo& ha(e nifty sho$ trials $ith a three offi%er board and ;&rors! and e(ery single trial res&lts in a 8&i%k %on(i%tion and s&mmary physi%al p&nishment sin%e yo& ha(e limited ;ail spa%e! it $o&ld be $ell if yo& took a mental step ba%k and $ondered ho$ y<all got to be so perfe%t. )lmost e(eryone feels fear $hen threatened. Co&rage is the ability to do $hat yo& think yo& sho&ld e(en $hen afraid. =f yo& kno$ a problem is %oming &p apprehension $ill be the res&lt. Breath deeply and %on%entrate on yo&r preparations. Ho not hyper(entilate3 ?hen yo& are in a%tion %on%entration on the task at hand $ill keep fear at bay! a %old rage or defiant determination %an be helpf&l in some %ir%&mstan%es. >et i%y. 'ey 4nake! ho$ are yo& doing? That sort of sit&ation really messes $ith the fine motor %ontrol yo& kno$. Co& h&rry to the point of f&mbling! yo& think yo& are mo(ing too slo$ly! and may be! and yo& feel as if yo& are $earing mittens. /o(ing in the open $hen an enemy is near or s&personi% b&llets are %ra%king by is interesting. Co& $ill not hear them &ntil they pass. 4ame $ith tank and %annon fire! and some missiles. 'o$itAers! mortars! grenades and most ro%kets and bombs are s&bsoni%. '&h3 'ere $e go. That lo(ely flash of heat from head to toe! and remaining in the %hest. ?hat a r&sh! eh? Co& are (ery alert indeed! and normal en(irons may look strange! e(erything sharp and perhaps tinged in a slightly off tint.

EnergiAing! is it not? *ro;e%tiles and fragments may hiss! fl&tter or b&AA! $ith a soni% boom if s&personi%. ?hip%ra%k. 4ometimes the ones that bo&n%e do $hine or h&m. 'its on metal ping or %lang. Hirt and t$igs spo&t into the air! and solid hits on people prod&%e a p&ff of d&st and a $happing so&nd. Co& may feel ins&lated! as if $at%hing a mo(ie. Co&r skin feels as tho&gh it is $aiting for something to sma%k into it. 4mall arms at a distan%e %an so&nd like a %risp %ra%kling. ?hen things begin to happen e(erything may seem in slo$ motion. Tra%ers seem to be floating &ntil they pass yo& like a flash. This is per%eption more than any real speed on yo&r part. 4&b;e%ti(e time is ;&st that. =t is not time! it is yo&r e+perien%e of it. Co& do not mo(e faster! or yo&r enemy slo$er. Co&r per%eption of these things %hanges. 4ometimes things bl&r $ith motion! or es%ape yo&r %ons%io&s attention and yo& are a$are of only $hat is right in front of yo&. Iision may then dim or bl&r. Co& may stop hearing things that do not dire%tly in(ol(e yo&r interest! tho&gh e+plosions are (ery lo&d and yo& $ill feel the sho%k in the air and gro&nd. 5*> la&n%hes are a bang follo$ed be a rather sissified hissing! and then a boom. Flashes from e+plosions may not be noti%eable in daylight! there is a sho%k $a(e and lots of d&st and debris! generally %lods are thro$n &p in a spo&t. )irb&rsts prod&%e a p&ff of smoke and a bang and fragments $ill (isibly impa%t the gro&nd for$ard of the b&rst d&e to the shell<s original (elo%ity. =n point of fa%t high e+plosi(es propel the fragments ahead of the blast. >ood hits on soft skinned (ehi%les may prod&%e (isible debris and prod&%e bla%k smoke. )n ob(io&s kill on tanks is! at minim&m! $hen they are %learly (enting smoke and flames. Fb(io&sly a 8&i%k and dire%t hit $ith a po$erf&l )T $eapon is best. =f nothing like this is possible atta%k thro&gh the h&ll bottom! top! rear or sides into f&el! amm&nition! engine! ele%troni%s and or $eapons. ?hen e(en this %annot be done atta%k sensors! (ision blo%ks! antenna mo&nts! hat%hes and e+ternal $eapons! tra%k-laying system! intakes and (ents and the t&rret ring. Better yet! a(oid /BTs. 4ometimes people fake s%reams to make yo& think yo& got them! b&t badly $o&nded men sometimes make s&%h strange so&nds yo& $o&ld s$ear they are faking. =f yo& do not like some aspe%ts of %ombat! ne(er ha(e a bit of the berserker in yo&! yo& may ha(e problems. Fn the other hand! ho$ $ill yo& rea%t if it is all hooah3 $e are in(in%ible and $e ain<t afraid of death? Co& are en;oying the fight and then yo&r best b&ddy gets splattered all o(er yo&. 'ooah means heard! &nderstood! a%%epted? 'o$ disappointing3 =f yo& do ha(e a problem d&ring %ombat it $ill probably take the form of mental inertia! blanking o&t and freeAing &pJ or yo& fiddle $ith yo&r sights rather than fa%ing the sit&ation and taking a%tion. The primary %a&se of this is fail&re to train for the realities of %ombat. Fther %a&ses in%l&de fail&re to think yo&r priorities and (al&es thro&gh ahead of time! and ;&st plain terror. Ho not tolerate this. Co& %an be%ome sho%ky and be a$are only of yo&r o$n internal str&ggle as yo& fight &n%ons%io&sness and the illness d&e to the %hemi%al maelstrom in yo&r body! hormones and ner(e a%ti(ity and s&%h. Break the feeling of being st&%k in 8&i%ksand by a ;olting effort to hit the de%k and then follo$ yo&r training and get into the tempo of fire and mo(ement. Co& %an ;&st do $hat yo&r s8&admates are doing &ntil yo& get yo&r head on straight. )t the ta%ti%al le(el 6if in do&bt! atta%k7 is not bad ad(i%eJ b&t don<t be a robot. Fperationally! 6mo(e to the so&nd of the g&ns7 is generally so&nd poli%y in the absen%e of solid information. Clo&d ta%ti%s! eh? )fter a stop in a %on%ealed position mo(e ba%k and then %ontin&e for$ard on a slightly different ro&te. ?hen hell breaks loose it is not a good thing $hen e(erybody! not kno$ing $hat to do! does nothing. =f yo& t&rn into a rabble the enemy $ill not be p&t &nder an effe%ti(e fire and $ill ha(e a field day. ?hat is $orse? *eople pani% and fire off all their ammo in all dire%tions and at anything that mo(es. Co& kill yo&r o$n that $ay. ?e ha(e %ontempt for h&nters $ho get the fe(er and shoot refle+i(ely at the first hint of mo(ement. The g&ys $ho %an<t aim for trembling! $ho keep yanking the trigger $ith the safety on! or ;a%ks all the %artridges o&t of his rifle b&t forgets to shoot. =t is (ery easy to shoot yo&r o$n $hen somebody looms &p or yo& hear them getting (ery! (ery %lose to yo&. =t is easy to empty yo&r magaAine into a friendly position. Meep yo&r head! and yo&r finger off the trigger.

Co& may be off balan%e mentally! emotionally and e(en bodily. This makes it diffi%&lt for yo& to f&n%tion effe%t&ally. 'ome may not be $here yo& are! and there is no g&arantee of safety in %onfiden%e! b&t yo& need to make spa%e yo& o%%&py yo&r o$n. 5emember that yo& $ant to be there! ha(e e(ery right to be there! and are there for a reason. Mno$ that $hate(er happens yo& $ill deal $ith it as yo& realiAe it $ill %ome or that it has arri(ed. Co& %an<t defeat the enemy from the safe room in yo&r home. Mno$ $hy yo& are $here yo& are! and by yo&r o$n %hoi%e. Co& may be able to! or to learn to! %on%entrate on yo&r en(irons! yo&r a%tions and $hat yo&r f&t&re a%tions sho&ld be. =f not yo& need to be able to fo%&s on $hat is happening and $hat yo& are doing $ell eno&gh to respond appropriately to e(ents. =f yo& are (ibrating yo& need to rat%het it do$n. =f yo& are not tra%king yo& need to ?)ME #*. Either $ay yo& m&st %arry on. Fo%&s on $hat really matters. 1ights! so&nds and pro;e%tiles in the air are not important. The fa%ts of h&man hatred and threats are not important. Fear is not important. ?hat matters is effe%ti(e fire @fire that is hitting yo&r people or is a serio&s threat. Ho anything yo& %an to minimiAe the $eapon effe%ts of the enemy $hile ma+imiAing yo&r o$n. Take %o(er! o&t shoot the enemy or mo(e $eapons to positions $hi%h e+pose the enemy to yo&r fire. ?hate(er it takes! &se e(ery ad(antage. The dire%t $ay is often the best and fastest $ay! b&t by no means al$ays. :oe Bob $ants to t&rn off the light. Billy Bob $ill defend the s$it%h $ith his life. :oe Bob %o&ld &se stealth! an &ne+pe%ted dire%tion of approa%h! or a f&ll-on assa&lt. =t $o&ld be better if he $ent o&tside! mined the area aro&nd the &tility distrib&tion bo+J thre$ the main po$er s$it%h! and took an o(er$at%hing position $ith his rifle. =t is not $ell done being $here the enemy e+pe%ts yo& to be! or are yo& o&t there as the hanging bait? The best defense is something to gi(e yo& time to go to a good offense! the best offense is a s&rprise. =f yo& kno$ $hat the enemy $ill be atta%king do not o%%&py that enemy ob;e%ti(e. Hefend it from the sides and rear! or for$ard of it. Conf&sion! misdire%tion! distra%tion! obs%&ration! identity! ... Co& %an<t really defend anything. Co& $ant to gi(e the enemy a bloody nose and hoof it. =f yo& ha(e not e(en the merest idea ho$ long yo& ha(e ;&st set off some e+plosi(es and r&n. Ho not p&sh yo&r l&%k in any %ase. Creati(e &ses of barriers! light! smoke! so&nd and smell are to yo&r ad(antage. 4ome sit&ations %an hit yo& like a ;olt of ele%tri%ity! or s&ddenly strike yo& as too horrible to take. Co& may &rinate in yo&r tro&sers. Co& may (omit. There is s&%h a thing as stress diarrhea. Ho not $orry abo&t it. Co& ha(e more important things to do. )fter the a%tion is o(er yo& $ill be e+ha&sted and yo&r fingers $ill probably tremble. Hon<t mean nothin<. Ho not allo$ that e+ha&stion to make yo& a grand target for another on%oming threat. Ho keep in mind that too m&%h stress o(er too long a time $ill e(ent&ally %a&se illness and %ollapse in anyone. =t is not ;&st dread! dry mo&th and hollo$ fl&ttering stoma%h that yo& ignore and 6p&sh thro&gh.7 =t is hypera%ti(e hormonal and ner(o&s a%ti(ity! %hroni% high blood press&re and e+ha&stion. 9ot all of this is &nder yo&r %ons%io&s %ontrol and most people ha(e health problems or ha(e %ollapsed after a year of this kind of a%ti(ity. =f yo& %an kill $itho&t remorse yo& are a (ery balan%ed person or a psy%hopath. =f yo& ne(er feel for others yo& are the latter. *robably yo& $ill ha(e nightmares and $ill spend a lot of time reli(ing e(ents in the fear that yo& %o&ld ha(e %ontrolled things better and done differently. This is the pri%e yo& ha(e to pay. Talk to yo&r %omrades. =f yo& did do $rong t&rn yo&rself in. Fther$ise yo& m&st! again! %arry on. /yself! = am terrified of h&miliation! fail&re and the loss of people = (al&e. That is $hy f&%king $imps ha(e got to fight. They are afraid not to3 =f yo& are a really ma%ho and manly b&gger $ith a big di%k and a bald head Dall that testosterone D?EE! &nlike my h&mble self! %ongrat&lations. *lease try not to &se that as an e+%&se for getting yo&rself into bad ta%ti%al sit&ations! and don<t think it ;&stifies ab&si(e beha(ior or &nne%essary fights. That FM $ith yo&? Chill o&t. = am ali(e! b&t do ha(e no lifeJ am a g&n o$ner! so = do in fa%t ha(e no penis3 This raises a 8&estion. 'o$ large is the go(ernment lo(er<s penis? The go(ernment has n&kes. ) mi%ros%ope may be

needed. = mean! $e all kno$ ho$ %o$ardly g&errillas are. They $on<t stand &p and fight like men. The same $ith sneaky snipers and raiders. ?hat happens $hen yo& take yo&r thirty-thirty in one hand and yo&r %on(i%tions in the other! and yo& step o&t into the street and open fire on the me%haniAed infantry %ompany pl&s tanks! artillery and atta%k heli%opters? Co& die like a man3 ?ell! anyone $ho $ill die fighting is $orthy of at least some respe%t. E(en the st&pid ones. Fn the other hand! s&ppose yo& are the s&b;e%t of a raid. D'o$ many hands do = ha(e?E Co& better get any $omen and %hildren into %o(er or on an es%ape ro&te. This is not be%a&se they are intrinsi%ally more important than men. =t is be%a&se they need more help to s&r(i(e (iolen%e. =f the enemy is &n&s&ally h&mane! and all else fails! yo& release them to the tender mer%ies altho&gh yo& may ref&se to s&rrender yo&rself! being a %raAy fighter type. This also applies to the badly $o&nded if yo& la%k medi%al s&pport. 'ere is ho$ yo& are a %o$ard! ho$e(er: Co& lea(e %hildren &ndefended be%a&se yo& are afraid. Co& abandon yo&r $ife be%a&se things ha(e gotten s%ary. =f yo& hold &p a %hild and sho&t! 6yo& %an<t fight me! =<m holding a baby37 = $ill shoot yo& myself. 1ook. =f yo& take hostages yo& are s%&m. =f yo& intentionally &se non%ombatants as shields! or shoot them! yo& are s%&m. Ces! that in%l&des yo& =HF. ?hen yo& %an atta%k the enemy $itho&t endangering 6%i(ilians7 yo& do so. ?hen yo& %an<t! espe%ially $hen the enemy is pressing an atta%k &sing others as a shield! yo& &se less lethal $eapons to break &p the shield or yo& fire on the enemy e(en tho&gh non%ombatants $ill also be harmed. )in<t $ar grand? Hamn! if = had t$o brain %ells to r&b together! some end&ran%e! and $as e(en more %raAy than = am = $o&ld organiAe the biggest baddest traditional %&lt&re defending paramilitary organiAation the $orld has e(er seen3 = m&st be MMM. Those idiots? Co& do see them e(ery$here. = ha(e noti%ed that $hen the small bands of immigration rights types hit the streets they are immediately o&tn&mbered by masked bigots $ho sho&t obs%enities and $a(e 6this is o&r %ontinent7 pla%ards. Eh? =f yo& ha(e no food! $ater and $ater filters! medi%al s&pplies! amm&nition! or e+plosi(es yo& $ere not really prepared. =f yo& do not ha(e %on%ealed es%ape ro&tes! anypla%e to go! an a%ti(e alternate identity! then yo& $ere not prepared. ) fake =H is not good eno&gh. =t has to mat%h an identity on the %omp&ters! a first target sho&ld be the ser(er farms and net$ork handling %itiAen identifi%ation! re%ords and tra%king. 'ard kill or soft kill? ) pleasant mi+ of the t$o = think. =f yo&r 6s&r(i(al7 man&als are on yo&r %omp&ter and not in yo&r head! or on paper! ho$ $ill yo& &se them $hen the po$er is %&t? >ood training tea%hes minim&m ne%essary e+pos&re! ma+im&m firepo$er at the %orre%t time and pla%e! and plans for breaking %onta%t. /assing fires means both by (ol&me and $eapon typesJ firepo$er also means s&ffi%iently a%%&rate to be effe%ti(e! b&t does not mean yo& mass troops. First %onta%t by a fe$! the ma;ority %lose in eno&gh to mass $eapons effe%ts! the atta%k or brea%h by a small &nit on an enemy flank or isolated and ne&traliAed position. ?ithdra$al $ith hea(y fire and =5 smoke! bo&nding o(er$at%h and obsta%les! traps! blo%king and amb&sh &nits and snipers. ?hen they rea%h yo&r original fighting positions blo$ said positions &p. =t tea%hes mo(ement relati(e to others! se%tor %o(erage and not $alking into yo&r b&ddy<s fire. =t also tea%hes many! many fail&re sit&ations and drills. Things al$ays go $rong. ) %as&alty %an p&t a %omplete stop to the $hole s8&ad<s operations. Firepo$er is important! and yo& need n&mbers as $ell as high rate of fire $eapons! b&t pla%ement and appli%ation of $eapons is %riti%al and it is ;&st as possible to ha(e too many people in a spa%e as it is to ha(e too fe$. *eople get in ea%h other<s $ay and shoot ea%h other by mistake! as $ell as making a good target for enemy area fire $eapons. =f yo& o&tn&mber the enemy yo& are more likely to $in in some sit&ations! sometimes $ith smaller losses to yo&rself. Hoes this mean that if yo& %o&ld $in $ith "0 men! "00 $o&ld be better? 9ot al$ays. =magine p&shing so many men into a b&ilding that they end &p pa%ked together like the %ro$d at a ro%k %on%ert. E(ery defender<s shot $o&ld hit a target and probably pass tho&gh se(eral. Co& m&st Oo&tn&mberO the primary target at that time and pla%e! $hile still maintaining a $at%h on or s&ppression of nearby enemy. This %an %onsist of a%t&al n&mbers of soldiers! K or more to " is preferred! or %an be s&perior targeting %apability and firepo$er.

Co& m&st be fast if the total n&mber of enemy is great. Co& m&st isolate and kill the target before others rea%t and inter(ene. 9obody lea(es %o(er $itho&t the %o(er or %o(ering fire of another! and the best amb&sh is not an 1-shaped amb&sh from front and side. =t is an 1-shaped amb&sh from rear and side. The terrain sho&ld be restri%ted! or at least hard on (ehi%les to that side! and looko&ts m&st look for other enemy &nits d&ring the a%tion. E+plosions sho&ld hit the enemy &nit at the front or thro&gho&t its length. )ny (ehi%les at the front m&st be stopped. /ines f&rther ahead are a good idea. 4mall arms fire is dire%ted from the enemy rear! and %laymore mines and small arms fire from one side. Tanks m&st be atta%ked $ith mines or demolitions! off ro&te or other$ise. Fn the opposite side of the path! road! or open area (ehi%le es%ape ro&tes! and %on(enient %o(er s&%h as dit%hes! sho&ld be booby trapped and mined. E(a%&ate in phases immediately $hen fail&re or enemy disorder and losses o%%&r. Be (ery $ary of high gro&nd the enemy may %ontrol in this area. Co& ha(e to fa%e risk in order to pre(ail. =f the ne%essary e+pos&re needed to do the ;ob is ob(io&sly &ns&stainable yo& need to rethink the ;ob. /ake yo&r plans and sti%k to them! and yo& $ill ha(e do&bts. =f it be%omes ob(io&s that the sit&ation is %learly different than e+pe%ted! or has %ompletely %hanged! make ne$ plans at on%e. Fther$ise! perse(ere. 1ook! %ombat leadership is not ro%ket s%ien%e! b&t a leader needs not only te%hni%al training b&t also a %hara%ter that deser(es respe%t and a feel for the battlefield. 'e m&st st&dy na(igation! maps and terrain in order to mane&(er! b&t that is not eno&gh. 'e m&st st&dy ta%ti%s and $eapons b&t that is not eno&gh. 'e kno$s to atta%k $hen an enemy is s&ffi%iently e+posed. 'e kno$s to atta%k $hen the enemy is s&ppressed! b&t are they s&ppressed? The terrain looks %ompletely different on the gro&nd rather than on the map. 4in%e he %an<t sit do$n and &se a %omp&ter to %al%&late relati(e position! time and spa%e fa%tors! $eapons effe%ts! and $eather and terrain effe%ts! then he has to de(elop a feel for things $itho&t killing all his people off first. 'o$ fast $ill the enemy mo(e? Can $e get there in time &nder these %onditions? 'o$ are the troops holding &p? 'o$ dangero&s is that enemy position? )re $e too e+posed! $hat %an $e get a$ay $ith? Can he tell $hen the enemy is gi(ing $ay? ?hen the enemy is faking? ?here the amb&sh is likely to be lo%ated? Can he identify and assess the effe%ti(eness of enemy $eapons by so&nd and a glan%e? ?hen he %an safely roar by enemy 5*> positions K00 meters a$ay! and $hen he %an<t? 9o aptit&de? Co& $ill ne(er be good at this: s$it%h ;obs $ith a rifleman or a ta%ti%al planner. H&ring medi%al emergen%ies and d&ring %ombat operations there are times to take things slo$ and %aref&l and times to mo(e fast. )re yo& one of those folks $ho respond to the need for a%tion! in%l&ding the need to %arry o&t important orders 8&i%kly! by getting &p and s%rat%hing yo&r ass before de%iding $hat to do ne+t? ?hoa! $hat is the problem? )re yo& in the %orre%t ;ob? ) &nit leader m&st be $orthy of some respe%t! and the men m&st %onsider him %ompetent and $ell-meaning. Things $ill go $rong! they al$ays do. Talk yo&r plan and the ne+t higher %ommander<s intent o(er $ith yo&r men. Take their %omments serio&sly. Co& might learn something. =f things look s&i%idal thro$ the $hole thing o&t $ith the trash! and do something else. ?hen things go $rong yo&r %omrades $ill do their best if they $ere in(ol(ed in the planning. This does not mean all $ill be happy! after all they did not get to de%ide e(erything themsel(es. This is $here any respe%t they ha(e for yo& is important. =f yo& are an arrogant ass $ho deli(ers orders from on high and $ill not listen to others $at%h yo&r ba%k if things go disastro&sly $rong. Co& $ill be blamed and somebody may frag yo&. Co& ha(e to be bra(e eno&gh to do the things yo& tell others to do and sensible eno&gh to a(oid a(oidable risk! and to kno$ $hen a mission sho&ld be ref&sed. Hon<t $ait &ntil yo& are in the thi%k of it and other people<s li(es depend on yo&r mission! speak &p3 9ote also that if yo& are a rel&%tant fighter yo& sho&ld remo(e yo&rself from the &nit! and if yo& don<t the &nit leader $ill. Too m&%h %ombat ref&sal or sl&ggishness means the leaders are &nrealisti%! or that the troops are too timid. >ood sense yes! timidness no. This m&st be balan%ed $ith an internal to&ghness that allo$s leaders to disallo$ %riminal

beha(ior and to fight anything tr&ly needing a for%ef&l p&tdo$n. )nd yo& think yo& $ant to be not only a fighter! b&t also a leader3 ) narro$ path and a short one. ) poor leader is $orse than ha(ing no offi%ially 8&alified and assigned leader at all. E(ery &nit that has not disintegrated has one or more de fa%to leaders. D) destroyed small &nit may ha(e all personnel dead! or killed or $o&nded! b&t destroyed means &nable to perform its f&n%tion &ntil reb&ilt. There $ill be many killed! K- times more $o&nded! and remaining soldiers too fe$ to %arry o&t the &nit<s roleJ or disorganiAed! physi%ally s%attered or r&n a$ay! or mentally disabled.E 'ey! %haos s&rfer3 Co& m&st ride the $a(e in order to %reate or preser(e a positi(e and lo%al kind of order for yo&rself. *rote%t and maintain %onta%t $ith the board! keep yo&r balan%e and %hoose yo&r path $isely and 8&i%kly or learn ho$ to breath the sea. Te%hni%al offi%ers %an be bright people $ith a good ed&%ation. Combat leaders sho&ld %ome &p thro&gh the ranks! sho&ld be gi(en good ed&%ations and te%hni%al training! and sho&ld learn the ;ob at ea%h %ombat &nit le(el by being assigned to the %&rrent %ommander as a %ommand trainee. There is nothing $rong $ith a good platoon leader staying on the ;ob for years. There is something (ery $rong $ith p&tting someone in %harge of something he %annot handle! and then lea(ing him there be%a&se yo& do not $ant to promote him e(en f&rther. *&t him $here he %an do a good ;ob. =t does not matter if it is 6&p!7 6do$n!7 or 6side$ays7 in terms of &nit siAe or type. =t is most often a mistake to take (ol&nteers less than 2" years old into %ombat &nits. The army likes them yo&ng sin%e yo&ngsters are more fearless and %ompetiti(e and less fi+ed in their o$n beliefs. >o(ernment types think it $ell that yo&ngsters killed are $itho&t %hildren and $i(es they may ha(e to s&pport! and no real loss to anyone sa(e mommy. There is no $asted e+pense for %ollege either. The tr&th is the loss of the geneti% potential of these (aliant yo&ng men is $astef&l. )nd anybody! yo&ng or older! dis%o(ered to be a tro&ble maker o&ght simply to be e+pelled. ?e sho&ld fight fairly. ) fair fight3 4ome d&mbass de%ides to batter yo&r body ;&st a bit. 'e feels like it. 'e thinks he %an take yo&. 'e does not like yo&. =t is a fair fight! one on one and no biting. ?e all kno$ the r&les. There are no $eapons allo$ed. 9o ki%king like a girl. 9o hitting belo$ the belt. 9o go&ging or spitting. Co& %an<t hit a girl! the handi%apped! the elderly or the small. 4pe%s to be remo(ed before %onta%t. ?hen the loser is too diAAy to $alk straight or ref&ses to rise after his latest trip to the floor the fight is o(er. The $inner is %ool! b&t is resented by some and may be atta%ked by the same. The loser may be respe%ted! b&t if he gi(es &p too easily he may be targeted again and again. 'e may $ant a remat%h if he has been h&miliated. 9e(er be a 8&itter. =f yo& fall off that horse get right ba%k on. =t does depend on the %&rrent %ondition of yo&rself! yo&r horse! and yo&r gear b&t the longer yo& $ait the harder it $ill be! and the more fear yo& $ill feel. Co& might $ant to kno$ if yo& en;oy or a%t&ally need to ride. = mean if yo& for%e yo&rself to do e(erything yo& dislike in order to a(oid being a 8&itter yo& $ill ha(e time only for the things yo& dislike $hen yo& are old. =t is ;&st like *ro(erbs3 The $isdom. ?here else %an yo& learn that honey is tasty and refreshing b&t in e+%ess $ill make yo& si%k? 5arely! b&t it does happen! yo& $ill need to defend yo&rself from the 6yo& %an<t hit7 gro&p abo(e listed. E(en more rarely hitting $ill be re8&ired. 5easonable for%e seldom re8&ires yo&r best right %ross to the ;a$ of a "0 year old girl. There is no s&%h thing as a fair fight. 4omeone $ill $in be%a&se! &nder the %ir%&mstan%es! he has the means to $in. ) tr&ly fair fight $o&ld end in a dra$! al$ays. Fights are ;&stified or not. 1egal or not legal &nder a reasonable la$. Fights are (ol&ntary or for%ed &pon yo&. They are not fair. 6Haddy! it ain<t fair37 61ife ain<t fair! son.7 The old e+%&se for doing nothing. 9ot that e(ery problem %an be re%tified! b&t there is a reason for battery being a %rime. ?alk a$ay if yo& $ill and may. 6Co$ards7 are attra%tors of ab&se and atta%ks. Take him on if yo& think yo& ha(e the ad(antage. 1et him $in if yo& do not $ant all those other yahoos to po&nd yo& into the floor. They may be a bit o&t of %ontrol. They may not like yo&r methods. ?hat is a little pain? 'ell! fist fights don<t e(en h&rt that m&%h! it is mostly ;olting impa%ts and n&mbness. Those shots to the stoma%h and testi%les do h&rt! don<t they? ?hate(er. Tomorro$! yo& $ill feel some pain.

Co& go it alone be%a&se yo& $ant yo&r friends &nharmed? 4hame. Co&r friends $o&ld gi(e &p one of their o$n? 4hame. Co& ins&lt yo&r brothers. Fh! yo&r friends kno$ yo&r a%tions are st&pid or %riminal and good on them. 9o? Fh. There is no brotherhood! = forgot. =f yo& $on<t fight one on one the p&nkDsE $ill %at%h yo& alone later! sin%e nobody has done anything to %on(ert or deter him. Co&r fraternity o&ght to ha(e %a&ght him alone and terroriAed him a fe$ times. E(il3 )nyho$! he might ha(e a gang too. The beginnings of %lan $arfare. = lo(e this shit3 = ha(e more honor s%ars than yo&3 /ake a %itiAen<s arrest if yo& %an %arry it off! or ha(e the poli%e handle it: do not e+pe%t any real assistan%e! respe%t or sympathy from them! ho$e(er. They $ill arrest the man $ith the fe$est in;&ries! or all-both men. They $ill not arrest any $omen &nless they go off on them Dthe poli%eE. 'a(e the money? 9o$ s&e the th&g o&t of e(ery penny he has. 9oti%e that the poli%e ha(e a right to defend themsel(es. The lo$er e%onomi% %lasses...not so m&%h. They are &s&ally simply g&ilty of fighting. B&t dignity is ;&st pride and all pride &n;&stified! ;&st h&bris. Eh! eh? 9'=. 9o h&mans in(ol(ed. =f yo& are the kind of person $ho pi%ks on people! espe%ially small people! yo& are probably amaAed $hat yo& %an get a$ay $ith in this petty %o&ntry. Co& do ha(e to be %aref&l $hen the poli%e $ill be serio&sly in(ol(ed. Fther$ise yo& %an get a$ay $ith almost anything. Hamn! yo& are pitif&l. Co& fear la$s&its only if yo& %an be identified and ha(e real sa(ings or property. E(ent&ally tho&gh yo& $ill r&n into someone! perhaps a reader of books like this! and yo& are gonna get yo&r slats ki%ked in. >reat Caesar<s ghost! reader! = do not say e(ery s%&ffling "0 year old sho&ld be arrested. Break it &p. *&ll the instigator in for some %astigation. Rero toleran%e? 1et the kid dra$ pi%t&res of g&ns! e(en3 That 6Haddy7 st&ff abo(e $as sar%asm! man. This is the lo$est le(el of (iolen%e. =t o&ght! %ertainly! to be handled be%a&se $rongf&l beha(ior is $rong and small problems %as%ade $hen left &nmet. 4erio&sly! this kind of thing may make yo& s$eat! take a$ay yo&r sleep! and gi(e yo& a t&mmy a%he. =t may res&lt in %ra%ked ribs and a bent noseJ b&t most of these g&ys 8&alify as enemy only &nder definition WK or ,. 5eal enemy are killed on sight! or taken %apti(e if they s&rrender. ?hen somebody ins&lts yo& on p&rpose say! 6Co& s&re are a r&de b&gger37 and lea(e! or ta&nt him indire%tly for not atta%king yo&. =f yo& %an<t hit him $hen he has already assa&lted yo& D%ame in %lose and threatened yo& $ith fists %len%hed! or %o%ked ba%k a fist! made a grab or the likeE then stand and $ait for the atta%k if any before %o&nteratta%king. Fr r&n a$ay! if yo& m&st. F&%k it! brother. ?hat a r&sh! indeed. Certainly %hildren m&st be g&ided. They m&st learn to be responsible and ho$ to $ork! b&t do not &se $ork or e+er%ise as a p&nishment. 1et them play. Tea%h them to $ork. Ed&%ate them to the ma+im&m yo&r reso&r%es and their abilities allo$. By Oreso&r%es allo$O = do not mean mortgage yo&rself into hea(y debt. =f yo& are one of those $ho are opposed to so%ialism so yo& do not gi(e! or allo$! anything a %hild has not earned yo& are not antiso%ialist! yo& are antifamily or anti%hild. Co& bro&ght them into this $orld so they o$e yo& payba%k for $hat yo& had to do to s&pport them before %&tting them loose. 'eh. Co&r %hoi%e! not theirs. They did not %hoose to be born. Co& are going to end &p depending on so%ial se%&rity and other $elfare programs. *ayba%k? H&de. D=f a yo&ngling p&ts &p any resistan%e he $ill be p&nished. 'e may be right! b&t is often $rong. 4ome parents $ill gi(e him the silent treatment! gro&nd him or $hate(er. Fthers $ill pile on %hores! spank! (erbally h&miliate or beat him. 4ometimes the parents are morally right and &sing a s&itable p&nishment. 4ometimes not. #nless the %hild ends &p taking his %han%es on the (ery dangero&s streets or in the often per(erted %hild prote%ti(e ser(i%esP%orre%tions he has only t$o real %hoi%es. /aintain resistan%e and take the hits! or keep his mo&th sh&t and obey. 4in%e %hildren ha(e poor imp&lse %ontrol e(en the se%ond %hoi%e $ill in(ol(e some hits. 4ome parents $ill ab&se %hildren no matter $hat they do. This pro%ess is a part of the gaining of %ontrol o(er those %hildish imp&lses. ?hen it $orks it may tea%h the yielding of self to the po$er of po$er! good or e(il be damned. )nother o&t%ome is a person

gro$n to be (ery dangero&s if he e(er gains po$er of his o$n. 4ome strange kinds of lo(e and hate %an be learned. >ood l&%k kids.E 4ir and ma<am? Co& ain<t my mommy or daddy. /ister DmasterE? Call no man master! baby. /s.? ?hat the hell is that. There is a&thority in e(ery so%iety. #s&ally ab&si(e a&thority@that don<t ;&stify yo&r o$n st&pidity. ?e bo$ or kneel to nobody. 'ell! listen to yo&r parents! %hildren! <%a&se yo& ain<t no font of $isdom. *atriar%hy? /atriar%hy? ?e lo(e o&r parents if they took %are of &s $hen $e $ere %hildren. ?e respe%t them if they $ere reasonably respe%table. ?e obey them if $e ha(e no reason to belie(e them mali%io&s or foolsJ &nless $e are a%ting like idiots. 4till! $o&ld yo& bo$ to yo&r parents? *eople respe%t yo& if! rightly or $rongly! they think yo& are $orthy of respe%t. They a%t respe%tf&l if yo& s%are them. =f yo& are not going to kiss an a&thoritarian parent<s ass! $hy sir Dsire-fatherE some g&y $ho ain<t e(en yo&r daddy? )nd if e(er<body is my brother my brother is not. ?ho died and left yo& in %harge of st&pid? ?e are right be%a&se history indi%ates that freedom is good for most people sa(e the %riminals. 9ot ha(ing masters does not lea(e yo& $itho&t a good ;&sti%e system as that is a separate iss&e. The masters being in %harge of the ;&sti%e system is a bad thing! by the by. Co& are 6right7 by the s&pport of $annabe masters! %riminals! and by means of manip&lation. Both of &s $in only by &sing (iolen%e against any &nregenerate opposition. 4o $ho died and left yo& my master? Co&! yo&r st&pid s&pporters! and people like yo& that ha(e $arped o&r instit&tions in the past are at fa&lt. *eople like me 6allo$ed7 yo& this by being too fe$ and too $eak. 6?e m&st not allo$ any disrespe%t3 =f people $ill not obey in e(en the smallest of things! ho$ %an they be tr&sted to sho$ dis%ipline $ith regard to the big ones?7 Try this! nappyJ 4ome people do the big and important things be%a&se they are important! and $ill not obey yo& on min&tia be%a&se it is &nimportant. )maAing. F&rthermore! tyrants and proponents of liberty might ;&st disagree on $hat is important sin%e the tyrant (al&es most po$er o(er others. There $as a time $hen )meri%ans $o&ld not bo$! and $ere &ndraftable! no matter $hat the /iss /anners and *&ritan prea%hers of the day tho&ght! >oody Bro$nJ >od damn it! it is blasphemy! = say3 *eople go by the $ay yo& dress! yo&r manner! and most of all by offi%ial-looking paper$ork best ba%ked &p by %omp&ter files or %all ba%k n&mbers to a&thority. >od help yo& if yo& don<t dress %orre%tly or they find o&t yo& dress o&tside of yo&r proper station in life. Be polite! basi% good manners. That means do not harass people $ho are polite to yo&. =t does not mean rit&al or s&bser(ien%e on either side. =f yo& %annot tell ner(o&s and %l&msy people from those $ho are %hallenging or intentionally offending yo&! or those from ass kissers or people $ho e+pe%t yo& to kiss their asses@the problem is yo&rs. )ssholes sho&ld neither be seen nor heard. =f yo& $ant to be respe%ted yo& ha(e to do $hate(er the other person thinks is $orthy of respe%t! and some people ha(e st&pid standards. >od forbid anybody sho&ld be f&%king offended! eh? =f yo& don<t like them do not hang o&t $ith them. *eople do not ha(e to agree on e(erything. They do ha(e to agree on basi% morality: on $hat is ab&si(e! and e(en more soJ $hat is %riminal. =f they find yo& offensi(e! %onsider yo&r beha(ior and either apologiAe or tell them to sod off. ?hen yo& find that yo& are &nable to offend the offensi(e this is proof of yo&r $eakness. E(eryone yo& offend $ill try to h&rt yo& in some $ay! $hether in $hat they do or $hat they do not do. Th&s! %arry on as yo& intend to %arry on. C&lt&ral ass kissing is a mistake o(er the long term. =t sho$s yo& to be! or makes yo& seem! $eak. E+ample: $hen yo& see an )rab yo& m&st keep hands o&t of po%kets! sit straight! $ear no %rosses! ne(er drink! not ask a dire%t 8&estion! allo$ him to in(ade yo&r spa%e or hold yo&r hand and ret&rn his kisses. Co& m&st ne(er point o&t that he %annot rightf&lly p&nish a $oman for dri(ing a %ar. )nd on! and on@. *eople! in%l&ding yo&! are al$ays right. *eople do not like it $hen others do not do things their $ay. =f they are %ontempt&o&s or enraged it may lead to (iolen%e. =f yo& yield to their standards &ntil they feel empo$ered to ab&se yo& m&t&al fr&stration and anger may res&lt in (iolen%e. 9ot that it really matters. =f $hat yo& are doing is $rong! sometimes other people a%t&ally ha(e a point! then stop doing it. =f yo& are right keep doing it &nless yo& are too $eak...better manip&late and hide. )nd if they are %riminally $rong yo& ki%k their asses! if it is $orth

yo&r $hile. /ale %ir%&m%ision is mostly a %ro%k. Female %ir%&m%ision? )aargh3 ?hy in f&%king bloody hell is this tolerated? ?hy is the a%t&al operation often done by other $omen? F&%k. Be intolerant at g&npoint. C&lt&ral freedom and respe%t my >reat )&nt Fannie<s big $hite ass. Ho not be tolerant of interferen%e. The e+%eption is those people $ho are $ell meaning and tender hearted. This is no reason to do st&pid things in order to spare feelings! b&t if yo& are nasty abo&t it yo& o&ght to be ashamed. 6/orning! is there something yo& need?7 6= am not <yo&!< = am HFCTF5 Eisenspringbo%kstein37 6>ood for yo&. )nything else?7 'eh. 9at&rally! if yo& ha(e intentionally ins&lted him from the beginning by the tone of yo&r (oi%e old do% might ha(e a point. Fn the other hand yo& may be trying to be fair $itho&t being s&bmissi(e! and yo&r ner(o&s tone makes him mistake it for %hallenge. That is his problem. *robably! tho&gh! old do% is ;&st a pri%k! and if yo& are afraid to ba%k his ass do$n it is be%a&se yo& are in a $eak position. Ta%ti%s tr&mp morality &nless yo& are $illing to go all the $ay! ho$e(er far that may be in a gi(en instan%e. Co& gonna nail him in some small $ay later? That is the risk! ho$e(er small! that he takes for being an ass. 'o$ (ery professional. O=f yo& are going to be disrespe%tf&l! = hope the poli%e don<t %ome the ne+t time yo& need help3O O?ell3 = hope yo& kill yo&rself $ith yo&r o$n damned g&n3O O5ights! my ass3 They had e(ery right to take yo& do$n. Co& $ere not %ooperati(e.O O=f yo& $on<t $ai(e yo&r rights that is probable %a&se right there3 That<s not normal beha(ior.O Cep! e(ery time yo& oppose some go(ernment st&pidity the roa%hes %ome o&t of the $ood$ork. Frder freaks! go(ernment employees! and passi(e-aggressi(e pa%ifists! and $hen is the last time the poli%e %ame in time to prote%t yo& from anything? That<s FM! if yo& are polite and obedient they probably $on<t beat yo& do$n. OThat<s ;&st yo&r opinion! $ho do yo& think yo& are?O :ohnny 5eb! and my opinion &s&ally is my o$n! %&p%ake. 4ee! failing to kiss offi%io&s ass is not ab&si(e! and not being a%%epting of &nla$f&l a&thority is no ;&stifi%ation for it. Ces! boy! = ;&st ha(e a problem $ith a&thority. /ake me stop. /ight does not make right! b&t it is $hat enfor%es both right and $rong on those $ho disagree! and some people don<t agree e(en after yo& e+plain it and e(erything3 9e(er a%t like a s8&ishy toy and try to tolerate people and %&lt&res that are so alien that yo& ha(e to a%%ept the %riminal in order to 6get along.7 =t $ill not $ork in the long r&n. 4ome beha(ioral standards %annot s&r(i(e in %lose %onta%t $ith one another. *eople $ho think it is FM to steal from anybody o&tside their religion! or think it is proper to beat $oman and %hildren and m&rder those they think immodest %an not li(e ne+t door to )meri%ans $itho&t %onfli%t. >ood. =f someone m&rders yo&r girlfriend for being $ith yo& $here $ere yo& f&%ker? Mill them all! legally if possible. 'ang o&t $ith good sensible people! if yo& %an find any. =t makes things m&%h simpler. )gain: Co& do not ha(e to be all the same to be )meri%ans. Co& do ha(e to be %ompatible $ith &s! to s&pport the Bill of 5ights and to ha(e the same %ore &nderstanding of $hat freedom is and $hat the %riminal is. =f yo& do not s&pport freedom yo& ha(e no right to li(e here. En;oy yo&r (isit. =f $e all ;&st had the same %ore (al&es $e %o&ld ha(e a $onderf&l and pea%ef&l global so%ialism3 )gain! = do not ha(e yo&r totalitarian %ore (al&es. = am not a pa%ifist. /ake me be%ome one. Co& think yo& stand for freedom. Iery am&sing. Co& think the $hole $orld and )meri%an sho&ld be the same thing! or (i%e (ersa and perhaps on%e )meri%a is %i(iliAed ;&st a bit. >ood l&%k $ith that. *a%ifist opposition! $hen it really does &se no for%e! $orries some. This is be%a&se la%k of %ooperation! people 6not doing their damned ;obs!7 shrinks the e%onomy and the ta+ base. = don<t %are be%a&se they are not obliged to prod&%e to my benefit! and they s&re as hell %an<t steal that $hi%h is mine $itho&t fighting for it. = m&st repeat tho&gh that pa%ifists almost al$ays do &se for%e! by banning firearms and &sing the poli%e as enfor%ers for e+ample! and them = $ill fight. Mno$ this. E8&al treatment &nder the la$ is not dis%rimination. Treating people differently be%a&se of their %lass! religion! ra%e! offi%e! or other gro&ping $hen their &nla$f&l beha(ior is the same is dis%rimination. Telling the tr&th is not &nfairness. The state has limited legal po$ers! and sho&ld

dis%riminate not at all bet$een )meri%ans. E+ample. Federal dr&g la$s are &n%onstit&tional. /ost dr&g la$s are st&pid and destr&%ti(e! as is dr&g &se-ab&se to (arying degree. Co& $ill get years in prison! b&t members of religio&s gro&ps may &se 6illegal7 dr&gs in their sa%rament. 5eligio&s freedom does not mean dis%rimination for %h&r%h and against the irreligio&s! nor does 6separation of %h&r%h and state7 allo$ &n%onstit&tional %ontrols on the beha(ior of the religio&s. =f yo& %ommit a %rime! or %a&se dire%t damages! the state sho&ld step in no matter $ho or $hat yo& are. Fther$ise! they sho&ld lea(e yo& be. Co& neo%ons $ho like to say there is no separation of %h&r%h and state in o&r %onstit&tion are spinners. Ho yo& think the 6no fo&ndation7 and 6free e+er%ise7 %la&ses might entail some separation? 9eolibs! nat&rally! t&rn the $hole thing on its head and &se freedom of religion as an e+%&se to interfere in religion in order to prote%t it. 5ight. The %losest thing to a fair fight is not a fight! it is a fighting game. Fairly e(enly mat%hed! some r&les to follo$! and $e spar. Combat has no r&les sa(e the r&le against atro%ity. 4elf defense against %rime has fe$ r&les other than against e+%essi(e for%e. This is not a pi%k&p game $here yo& ha(e f&n! and lie abo&t doing yo&r best and gi(ing ""0L. Fnly hard $orking professionals and fanati%al amate&rs $ork that hard at games and ""0L is physi%ally impossible. =t does not matter ho$ hard yo& try. =t does not matter ho$ good a person yo& are. )ptit&de! training! appli%ation and e8&ipment add to the n&mber of sit&ations yo& %an handle! g&aranteeing nothing. Co& $ill lose if the %ir%&mstan%es so indi%ate. Co& $ill then lose freedom! property! health or life. Fighting is not a game! it is a b&siness. F&r b&siness3 4elf defense is abo&t staying ali(e. Combat is abo&t killing the enemy. Ta%ti%s is abo&t $inning firefightsJ killing the enemy $itho&t being killed yo&rself. 4elf defense sit&ations that be%ome kill or die ones ha(e be%ome %ombat sit&ations! and if possible ta%ti%al ones as $ell. *ra%ti%e does not make perfe%t. Too m&%h $ears yo& o&t! and too little $astes yo&r potential. *ra%ti%ing st&pid things makes yo& good at being st&pid. >ood training or pra%ti%e impro(es yo&r skills or helps yo& retain them! and nothing is perfe%t. *eriod. E(ery b&siness has its tools. ?hen $e &se tools! and $eapons are tools! $e are &tiliAing te%hnologi%al a%hie(ements made o(er many years and by many people. 4ometimes it seems $rong that $e %an not make e(erything $e need o&rsel(es. 4ometimes it seems risky to depend on prod&%ts made by only a fe$ and shipped from far a$ay. 4ome people a%t&ally think of it the $ay some feel abo&t 6&nearned7 in%ome and inherited $ealth. E(eryone sho&ld make their o$n li(ing. Fther$ise $e m&st be %ontrolled and ha(e e(erything rationed to &s. ?e ha(e to be %omm&nists in order to help the $eak De(er heard %ommies talk abo&t &seless eaters?E! or free egoists $ho m&st die $hen they %an no longer make a li(ing. ) li(ing is eno&gh to li(e &pon. ?itho&t a li(ing $e die. Those $ho are of no &se to &s sho&ld be ashamed to be ali(e. 1et ea%h person make his o$n tools by hand! or let &s r&le and kill all dissenters3 There are only t$o %hoi%es: both %hoi%es in(ol(e selfish elites $ho m&st kill or imprison resisters. ?o$3 E(er heard of stra$ men! or of false %hoi%es? The $orld o$es yo& no fa(ors. H&h. Fa(ors are by definition &no$ed! altho&gh most people try to trade in them as if they $ere money. = totally XK the $orld. = do. By the same token yo& o$e the $orld no fa(ors at all. Co& 6o$e7 yo&r friends. This is not abo&t paying off a debt. There is no 8&id pro 8&o! payment in e8&al meas&re. =t is abo&t liking! appre%iating! respe%ting and is abo&t loyalty. =f yo&r friend r&ns into tro&ble yo& help if yo& ha(e the means! and him first if someone yo& do not kno$ also needs help. The assistan%e is related to reso&r%es and need! not to e8&al payment. =f yo& %hoose to a%%ept aid from somebody yo& dislike d&e to dire %ir%&mstan%es yo& pay him ba%k in f&ll meas&re as soon as yo& %an be%a&se yo& do not $ant to be beholden to the bastard. )lso! if a OfriendO al$ays $ants help b&t $ill ne(er s&pport yo& in any $ay %&t him loose. Family and friendship are s&%h so%ialist %onstr&%tsJ that m&st be $hy so%ialists try so hard to break &p the family. 6The $orld don<t o$e yo& no li(in<! boy37 The 6$orld7 o$es e(eryone freedom from 6his7 ab&seJ ea%h person o$es e(ery other freedom from his %riminal imp&lses. This is a moral debt and they

ha(e no dire%t (al&e at all. =deas that are not a%t&ated materially ha(e no effe%t. )ll this means is that debts &npaid $illf&lly may be redeemed by for%e! b&t in pra%ti%e theft $orks also $ith s&ffi%ient stealth or for%e. )s for the rest of it? 9o one $ill %are or remember yo&r death from the great grand%hildren on at best. ?hat $ill yo& %are then! yo&<ll be dead. Co& had a right to life $hen yo& $ere strong and did the appro(ed things. 9o$ yo& are $eak. 1ife is no$ a pri(ilege. Co&r li(ing %an be re(oked. ...don<t o$e yo& no li(in<! boy. = mean! it is like nepotism or something. Co& ha(e an obligation to treat yo&r employees right. =t is not fair to so%iety to Ogi(eO a ;ob D= ga(e yo& a ;ob! and th&s a pay%he%k. =t<s not as if yo& prod&%e any profits for me! or anything.E to somebody $ho is not the most 8&alified or is $itho&t minority stat&s. ?hile it is tr&e that yo& do not ha(e to lie to employees abo&t their %han%es for f&t&re ad(an%ement! and that yo& %annot a%t&ally steal %ontrol of or things from a %ompany yo& o$nJ it %ertainly is good that $e ha(e destroyed family o$ned farms and that family o$ned stores are disappearing. Fnly indi(id&als ha(e $ealth! $hi%h they sho&ld ha(e earned themsel(es. Families and %lasses of people sho&ld not ha(e $ealth. The la$ sho&ld re8&ire people to lea(e home at "G and a%%ept no assistan%e from anyone after &ni(ersity. 4tart at entry le(el and $ork yo&r $ay &p. )%t&ally! = tend to think that yo&ngsters sho&ld make ,0 to G0 tho&sand dollars ann&ally $orking entry le(el ;obs $hile going to %ollege at the same time. 4ee that! $orking yo&r $ay thro&gh a good %ollege like proper )meri%ans! and good s%hools %ost lots of money. They %an do the same $ith o&r %&rrent highly reg&lated medi%al system as $ell. 5ight? 5ight? =f yo& belie(e all that yo& probably think = also $ant go(ernment to pay for it all. ?e lo(e %ontradi%tion and e+tremes! do $e not? B&ilding on a fo&ndation of past $ork is $hat %i(iliAation is. =f e(eryone sho&ld go o&t on his o$n and b&ild e(erything for himself or for trade! then the $ork of e(ery generation $o&ld die $ith it. There $o&ld be (ery little %hange. Hon<t e(en s&ggest t&rning all inheritan%e o(er to go(ernment. Those oligar%hs $ill manage it for &s. 4&re they $ill3 Comm&nism is $hat $e need3 ) di%tatorship on behalf of the people and r&n for them by the elites. *ri(ate o$nership is at fa&lt! or is it big and %orr&pt go(ernment and %orporate partnership? 9ot that = ha(e any real dislike for a $ell-r&n %orporation! yo& &nderstand. =t is ;&st not that easy to like them as a gro&p be%a&se o$nership is so diff&se! the sto%kholders are mere spe%&lators for the most part and a%t&al %ontrol lies $ith finan%iers! go(ernment and %orporate offi%ers! and sometimes large &nions. They o$n nothing b&t %ontrol e(erything $hi%h is a ma;or magnet for %orr&ption. =t is not easy to %lassify then as pri(ately o$ned so they tend to operate rather like large %omm&nist b&rea&%ra%ies. 5ed tape and m&%h skimming off the top before the Oo$nersO ha(e any say or profit. =t is good to learn to impro(ise! there are things to be done to lessen the sho%k d&ring disasters or $hen transportation is %&t off. Hon<t $orry tho&gh! it is easier to learn primiti(e skills than to learn ad(an%ed ones. The %i(iliAed are more able to meet the need for lo$ te%hnology prod&%tion than a sa(age is able to make tools for the making of tools &ntil high te%hnology prod&%ts are obtained! if the sit&ation $ere to re8&ire it. This does not mean yo&r amm&nition and repair parts o&ght to be man&fa%t&red for yo& by a potentially hostile %o&ntry $hi%h %an stop deli(ery $itho&t $arning. ?ell! yo& %o&ld b&y and store a lifetime s&pply. Be a$are that plant seeds pro(ided by %orporations $ill not prod&%e plants %apable of prod&%ing &sable seed. By the $ay! a good $eapon may last a long time. ) skilled g&nsmith %an %opy a rifle $ith hand tools! a ma%hinist %an mill $eapons in his garage. 1ead b&llets %an be %ast. The smokeless po$der is dangero&s to make in the garage! and good ;a%keted b&llets are hard to make. *rimers are a blo$-offyo&r-fingers haAard to make espe%ially if yo& &se f&lminates or %hlorates. The problem $ith smokeless po$der is %ontrolling the heat as yo& rea%t %ell&lose $ith nitri% a%id! along $ith safe and effe%ti(e $ashing and forming of %onsistent grains. B&t the %artridge %ase is a real problem. Co& need brass D%opper and Ain% alloy of the %orre%t typeE disks to hammer into dies in n&mero&s steps! and primers Ddangero&s to make in the homeE. The making of %artridge %ases re8&ires a ma%hine press! and three or

more p&n%h and die operations on a s&itable disk of brass to e+tr&de it into a t&be! pl&s heat treatments! l&bri%ation! %leaningJ and stamping of %ase head! drilling of primer po%ket! %&tting of e+tra%tion groo(e! a die operation to form any ne%k! and trimming and polishing. Then po$der and primer are added! and the b&llet pressed in and sometimes %rimped in pla%e. The b&llet ;a%kets &sed to be %&pro-ni%kel! b&t they fo&led the bore more than brass so no$ brass is &sedJ .NL %opper and NL Ain% Dgilding metalE. The %artridge %ase is parts %opper and K parts Ain%. The lead %ore has a fe$ per%ent of antimony for hardness. Fire forming or other$ise modifying %ompatible brass %ases to be &sed in reloading amm&nition for another %aliber firearm is a m&%h easier proposition. 4in%e amm&nition %an be stored for more than fifty years if dry and %ool! and sin%e a%%ess to amm&nition %an be %&t off more easily than a%%ess to $eapons! yo& need to lay &p a s&pply of %artridge %ases and primers or %omplete amm&nition. /ost ??== %artridges! properly stored! ha(e dirty primers D%lean $eapon %aref&lly after &seE b&t still go bang. There are a fe$ d&ds! so keep $eapons pointed do$n range after a fail&re Dhangfires are rare b&t do happen! as do $eak %harges that lea(e a b&llet in the bore.E This longe(ity is $hy some $ant a federal mandate to re8&ire smokeless po$der to degrade after a year. Fi(e tho&sand ro&nds is a reasonable 8&antity to ha(e on hand. ) ba%k&p and-or parts for yo&r rifle! amm&nition and a%%essories for ea%h $eapon3 =t is not a good idea to lea(e a $eapon e+posed to dire%t s&nlight on a hot day. =t is $orse lea(ing amm&nition &n%o(ered. 'ot amm&nition $ill not shoot to point of aim and $ill stress yo&r rifle. 4&per %old amm&nition is errati% and shoots lo$. ?et amm&nition greatly in%reases press&re on the bolt head. )mm&nition that has oil on it does the same! dry the inside of magaAines before loading. ) ban on firearms! and espe%ially on amm&nition and e+plosi(es! $o&ld be a ma;or $indfall for greedy man&fa%t&rers $orld$ide! and for bribe takers! thie(es and sm&gglers. =t $o&ld add a good sideline to the b&siness of the %&rrent dr&g %artels as $ell. *ri%es $o&ld be higher and illegal b&ys are ob(io&sly more dangero&s than legal ones! so for ;obs not re8&iring modern $eapons %rossbo$s! bo$s! and bla%k po$der re(ol(ers and rifles are a good ba%k&p. /ake yo&r o$n bla%k po$der if yo&r s&pply r&ns dry. O?hy sho&ld yo& be allo$ed to ha(e firearms or armor some poli%e departments do not ha(e?O The patrol offi%er is not iss&ed some of these things! and some smaller for%es do not ha(e them. )rmor is a(ailable to them altho&gh most %ompanies $ill not sell armor to %itiAens e(en $here this is Olegal.O /any departments ha(e a&tomati% $eapons! grenades! and short-barreled shotg&ns on hand! not to mention heli%opters! armored %ars and tra%ked armored personnel %arriers. Co& do not find these things in the &s&al neighborhood g&n shop. They ha(e to kiss the B)TFE ass for the $eapons. *ri(ate %itiAens %an also get permission for s&%h from the feds! b&t this permission is slo$! or ne(er! %oming for them and does not in%l&de permissions for post ".GV $eapons. These reg&lated-infringed &pon $eapons in%l&de e+plosi(es and de(i%es other than propellants! smoke! flares and some fire$orksJ small arms amm&nition of more than .N0 %al.! pl&s any $ith b&llets that are e+plosi(e@b&t bla%k po$der and h&nting big bore rifles and shotg&ns are legal as are pyrote%hni% b&llets@pen g&ns and the similar! ma%hine pistolsPs&bma%hine g&nsPassa&lt riflesPa&tomati%-ma%hine rifles! sele%ti(e-fire battle-a&tomati% rifles and light! medi&m! hea(y and general p&rpose ma%hine g&nsPa&tomati% shotg&nsJ any firearm that fires &ntil yo& release the trigger or r&n o&t of amm&nition. =t does not effe%t e+ternal de(i%es that p&ll a semia&tomati% firearm<s trigger really fast! nor sniper! sharpshooter rifles! or the ma;ority of antimaterial Thea(y! large %aliber! snipingU rifles. Co& $ill get no permission at all for a&tomati% %annon or artillery amm&nition! mortar bombs! mines! et%.. )ll s&%h m&nitions $ill ha(e e+plosi(es remo(ed. )rmored (ehi%les are legal if &narmed. Hefense sprays are &naffe%ted! riot %ontrol %hemi%al grenades are. D9ote: )n infantry rifle is any rifle s&itable for general infantry &se! it %o&ld be small %aliber@ $ithin limits. ) battle rifle! main battle rifle! is a high-po$ered! rather that intermediate-po$er! infantry rifle! most often .V2 9)TF and ne(er N.NV 9)TF. =t does not &se assa&lt rifle %artridges.

T/i%ro %aliber is less than .22K or a%%ording to some .20! small %aliber &p to almost .2G,. F&ll-siAed OmodernO military %alibers are small bore- high po$er! b&t not big bore or magn&ms in (elo%ity or %aliber! happy yet?U /odern (ersions of the infantry Tgeneral p&rpose infantryU! battle rifle are sele%ti(e-fire T%hange le(er allo$s for safe! semi! and a&to or b&rst sele%tionU light a&tomati% rifles. ) self-loading rifle is an a&tomati% loading! a&toloading! rifle meaning a semia&tomati% rifle. 4ome of these are military semia&tos that 8&alify as battle rifles! as do the old military bolt a%tion high-po$er riflesJ more %orre%tly the bolt a%tion standard infantry rifle $as the battle rifle of its day! b&t no longer 8&alifies as a general iss&e main battle rifle. =t is obsoles%ent in that role. ) self loading or a&toloading pistol is a semia&tomati% pistol. Co& $ill hear old timers talk abo&t .22 %al. shells and a&tomati% pistols. Te%hni%ally they are %artridges! not shells! the %lips they speak of are a%t&ally deta%hable bo+ magaAines! and they do not mean an a&tomati% or ma%hine pistol b&t an a&toloading pistol. )dd to this the >ermans %alling s&bma%hine g&ns ma%hine pistols and the British %alling them ma%hine %arbines! and the )meri%ans saying single-shot rifle $hen referring to a rifle loaded by hand and ha(ing no magaAine! $hen the British take this to mean a repeating DmagaAine fedE rifle $ith an a%tion operated by hand. Carbine? ) short (ersion of a parti%&lar rifle! ha(ing a m&%h shorter barrel. B&t some $ill %all any small or light rifle a %arbine. The assa&lt rifle is a type of a&tomati% rifle! one &sing a %artridge of po$er intermediate bet$een pistol and high-po$er rifle! and &sing high %apa%ity magaAines. =t is al$ays sele%ti(e fire. =t is ne(er a&tomati% fire only. =t is ne(er semia&tomati% only. OCi(ilianO rifles based on an assa&lt rifles are semia&tomati% only. They are not assa&lt rifles. Co& %an<t b&y an assa&lt rifle at the lo%al sporting goods store! b&t yo& sho&ld be able to b&y them there3E 9o$ $e are happy3 The ans$er to the abo(e 8&estion is: OBe%a&se they $ork for &s.O The shotshell! shotg&n %artridge! is still %onsidered a shell be%a&se the payload in %ompletely %ontained inside it. = g&ess is is like a shrapnel shell e(en tho&gh the shell itself ne(er lea(es the g&n. ) re(ol(er is not a g&n! b&t is a handg&n. ) rifle is not a g&n! b&t a light ma%hine g&n is! as is the %annon on a tank. The terminology is ne(er entirely %onsistent. DFragments are prod&%ed $hen a m&nition e+plodes. 4e%ondary fragments are %a&sed $hen the blast prod&%es debris from s&rro&nding materials. 4hrapnel are preformed pro;e%tiles blasted from a m&nition! b&t the old shells $ere not effe%ti(e d&e to lo$ (elo%ity of the balls! and res&lting poor penetration. 4hrapnel from the %laymore mine is effe%ti(e sin%e the e+plosi(e is a high (elo%ity one! C,! and the steel balls &sed are really mo(ing at %lose range.E The sniping rifle is sometimes small %aliber! &s&ally high-po$er rifle %aliber! and sometimes magn&m or large %aliber. =t is al$ays an a%%&rate! man&fa%t&red to %lose toleran%es! rifle $ith a teles%opi% sight allo$ing pre%ise range and $indage ad;&stments! and may be bolt a%tion or semia&tomati%J b&t the tr&ly a%%&rate semia&tos are (ery e+pensi(e. Co& may ha(e immediate a%%ess to only old! ??= or ??== era! rifles. 4ome of them %an be (ery effe%ti(e. ?hen yo& first &se an old rifle inspe%t it %aref&lly. Clean it $ell. /eas&re headspa%e $ith a ga&ge made for the %aliber. 1ook for b&lges or %ra%ks in the barrel! %he%k the bore for blo%kage or erosion. The lo%king s&rfa%es and bolt head m&st not ha(e %ra%ks! ob(io&s hea(y $ear! or missing parts. The re%ei(er m&st be %he%ked for %ra%ks as $ell. #se standard amm&nition! not hot loads. ) %ompletely flattened primer in the e;e%ted %ase is a sign of high press&re. Fld amm&nition %annot be &sed if %ra%ked or %orroded. =f yo& ha(e do&bts take it to a smith or p&t a n&mber of ro&nds thro&gh it from a rest. The %heap $ay to do this is to p&t the b&tt inside one side of an old tire $ith the forend o(er the other side and the bore pointed at a nearby ba%kstop. #se a %ord tied to the trigger to fire the rifle. =f the bolt freeAes &p! or is hard to operate! %artridge %ases ha(e stret%hed heads! splits! ob(io&sly protr&ding primers or other &n&s&al damage! or things blo$ off the $eapon it needs ad;&stment! repair or reb&ilding. =f it does not f&n%tion reliably it re8&ires better %leaning! ad;&stment! or repair. Ho not &se &nreliable amm&nition for this or yo& %annot be s&re of the res&lts! b&t $hen yo& test it remotely do &se hot loads-Y* if yo& $ant to stress things. =t is not a good idea to &se Y* amm&nition in $eapons ill s&ited to it e(en if they are ne$. Ho not &se pre-??= Gmm /a&sers &ntil yo& kno$ the e+a%t bore

diameter! as modern b&llets are too large for the old bores. The %ro$n of and the rifling near the m&AAle are %riti%al for a%%&ra%y. E+%essi(e $ear of the rifling at the m&AAle is bad. Ho not s%rat%h or ding the m&AAle! or the bore at the m&AAle. Mno$ yo&r firearm. = am not going to say tools %annot also be toys. Tools $ell maintained! of 8&ality design and %onstr&%tion! and skillf&lly &sed. F&n3 Ho not play at the $rong time! ho$e(er. 4ay yo& are going to %arry %on%ealed. Co& are %arrying a tool. ) $eapon. *repare it and se%&rely %on%eal it. >o abo&t yo&r b&siness. Ho not think abo&t it all the damned time. ?alk normally! let yo&r arms hang nat&rally! and do not keep to&%hing to see if it is still se%&re3 Co& might as $ell be %arrying a sign. )nd if yo& s$agger aro&nd glaring at people = am going to slap yo& &pside the head3 4ome sit&ations re8&ire the methods of the h&nter! others the skills and attit&des of the soldier. 4ometimes e(en the bra$ler or berserker is the best model. B&t the %ombat engineer is (ery $orthy of st&dy. Co& do the ;ob! no need to al$ays stri(e for bra(e atta%ks and defending at all %osts. >lory? 9onsense. Be steady. =t is better to blo$ them &p! or blo%k and %hannel them into the kill Aone! than to fight them 6man to man.7 Hon<t $orry! yo& $ill still be a man after yo& ha(e $on. Be effe%ti(e! not glorio&s. Ho yo& kno$ ho$ people often die in a $ar? =t does not ha(e to e(en be a soldier. ) s&personi% blast! fragment or pro;e%tile hits a $oman in her home or a %hild on the street. 9othing heard! nothing seen other than o%%asionally a flash. 9o $arning. Head and ne(er kne$ anything hit her. 4ometimes it is a soldier! a s&pply %lerk! sitting on the toilet in his $areho&se. >lory indeed. /ore %ommon still is another so&r%e of death. )rmed %onfli%t %a&ses e%onomi% dislo%ation for ob(io&s reasons and be%a&se of go(ernment takings of reso&r%es. This %a&ses maln&trition! and that and harsh %onditions lea(es people $ith $eak imm&ne systemsJ res&lting in epidemi%! and often &ntreated! disease. 4oldiers $ho are still being $ell s&pplied tend to see s&%h %onditions as an opport&nity to trade for se+ at really lo$ pri%es. >o(ernments trying to handle bad o&tbreaks of disease tend to try to shift h&nger onto pop&lations they distr&st! and to isolate and m&rder infe%ted people in an attempt to end an epidemi%. #s&ally more people die of $ar related disease and star(ation than of dire%t (iolen%e. 9ote also that $hile reso&r%es and $hat yo& %an &se as reso&r%es depend on inno(ation and te%hnology as m&%h as anything elseJ po(erty and red tape are not %ond&%i(e to inno(ation! and $hen $ar does stim&late te%hnology it is fo%&sed on the military a%ti(ities of the day! at least for a fe$ years or de%ades &ntil old military te%hnology is sometimes %on(erted to $ider &ses. The $orld is f&ll of po(erty! $ar! and reg&latory e+%ess. *easants do not in(ent things! they are too b&sy trying to get eno&gh to eat and to meet the demands of a&thority! and too mind-n&mbed by h&nger $hen they fail to get eno&gh food. Ces it is possible to be o(er%ome by disaster and by shortages of reso&r%es. =t happens all the time. Ces it is possible to o(erload the %arrying %apa%ity of yo&r en(ironment and of yo&r %apa%ity to adapt and to inno(ate! that too happens all the time. =f yo& depend entirely on $ood! rather than also on plasti% and then on %arbon fiber that time %omes sooner for yo&! and the $ell-to-do ha(e fe$er %hildren than sa(ages! are better able to %are for the ones they ha(e! and $ith less damage to the en(ironment as $ell. B&t if something is possible it $ill happen if gi(en eno&gh time. Fne day there $ill be no h&man spe%ies. *ri(ate property is ineffi%ient! as is pri(ate %ooperation and endea(or! b&t do not think go(ernment totalitarianism $ill e+tend yo&r time. Colle%ti(e property and go(ernment red tape make pri(ate property &se look like effi%ien%y and perfe%tion in %omparison. =t $o&ld be $ell if h&man beings %o&ld $ork together $itho&t %onfli%t! b&t $e are trapped in defe%ti(e bodies and e(en more %ertainly in o&r more defe%ti(e personalities. ?hy do people think $orking together m&st be one great totalitarian plan! and en%ompassing all a%ti(ities? Ca&se and effe%t. E(en a yo&ng lady $ho starts her o$n maid ser(i%e has more initiati(e than most people. The only fate is the nat&re of things! %a&se and effe%t! b&t o&r nat&re traps &s like inse%ts in amber. There are %riminals. There are dangero&sly defe%ti(e people. ?hole %&lt&res %an be made into for%es for e(il be%a&se gi(en time yo& %an get people &sed to almost anything. Fi(e years! step by step! from serio&s

and frank yo&ng man to grim and hopeless %amp g&ard. Those $ho ha(e the means to resist sa(e for the &nderstanding or $ill needed to a%t are ;&st as s&rely trapped and defe%ti(e as are the %riminals themsel(es. Those $ho a%t b&t $ith tyranny and dogmatism the same. B&gs in a ;ar. )nd $e feel the &rge to learn and a%%omplish! to keep fighting or b&ilding! learning! %reating and $orking. Corporate so%ialiAation steps in. 9o$ $e take the %lasses and meet the standards. ?e get gold stars and %ertifi%ates. ?e ha(e %leared le(el K3 ?e ha(e learned to tri%k o&r o$n psy%hology. ?e ha(e trapped o&rsel(es in the $orld of red tape and progressi(e honors $here inno(ation is rare and &na&thoriAed a%ti(ity is penaliAed $hen not stri%tly forbidden. ?e are part of something so m&%h greater than o&rsel(es. B&sy all the time! taking tests and sh&ffling paper. 1i(ing for offi%ial noti%e! and $e are pro&d of standardiAed and preappro(ed offi%io&sness3 Co%kroa%hes in a toilet bo$l and b&tterflies pinned to the $all. C<all need to learn some ne$ habits. ?alking smoothly $itho&t %l&nking along in an ob(io&s heel-to-toe manner. )lertness! al$ays s%anning near to far! side to side and fo%&sing on possible threat lo%ations. 1ook from near to far in o(erlapping strips! then near to far in rays. Be (ery a$are of high gro&nd! b&ildings! et%. ;&st %oming into (ie$. 1ook %losely at things that %at%h yo&r attention! try to %at%h mo(ement from the %orner of the eye! and do not look dire%tly at an ob;e%t at night or fo%&s on one pla%e for too long. Iery importantly! looking behind yo&! abo(e yo& and belo$. Being a$are of ne$ lines of sight opening &p as yo& mo(e. ?arning! if yo& do this in %ro$ds! or for e+ample banks! ha(e a %areJ %r&de te%hni8&e makes people think yo& are staring at them or %asing the pla%e. Finally! learn to %o&nteratta%k or r&n the instant yo& are threatened. 1earn to atta%k instantly if yo& %at%h the enemy in a $eak position. 9o %onf&sed dithering please. =n a non%ombat sit&ation $here the legal %onditions for atta%k are not yet met either 8&ietly mane&(er to a(oid the trap or %onfrontation! lo&dly 8&estion the sit&ation and %all the attention of others to it Din some neighborhoods there is absol&tely no per%entage in doing thisE! or %lose $ith the threat &ntil the p&nkDsE gi(e yo& legal %a&se or r&n a$ay. Ho not allo$ fear of fear or ma%ho self image iss&es to for%e yo& into %onfrontations yo& are not ready for and need not risk3 Ho not allo$ (ag&e impressions to %a&se yo& to harass people3 Calm is good! honesty abo&t ner(o&sness and the realities of a sit&ation are also good. Iag&e impressions are eno&gh to ;&stify a(oidan%e! b&t if yo& are %ertain there is a threat yo& are probably %orre%t. Try to a(oid target fi+ation. This is $hen yo& shoot &p a target and then follo$ it do$n! if yo& shot do$n an air%raft for e+ample! and ignore e(erything else going on aro&nd yo&. =t is $hen yo& kill someone and ;&st keep shooting the %orpse after$ard e(en as an enemy $alks &p to yo& from the side. Combat gi(es yo& t&nnel (ision and d&lls ba%kgro&nd noises. Break o&t of it! pay attention. Co& m&st be alert. 1ook as yo& pass doors and $indo$s! any open spa%es. Ho not $alk past a %orner $itho&t looking! stay o&t far eno&gh so yo& %annot be str&%k or disarmed. =n %ombat do not pass in front of nearby $indo$s. *ass &nder or o(er them. =t $o&ld be ideal if military &nits %o&ld $ork in G ho&r shifts! be%a&se operations need to be s&stained. This is not possible d&e to enemy a%tion. #s&ally yo& end &p $ith "2 ho&r shifts! b&t e(en then off d&ty personnel m&st be in the (ehi%les d&ring mo(es! and m&st ;&mp into a%tion d&ring firefights. =n an obser(ation post shifts may be "2 ho&rs or more! b&t $hen not sleeping t$o ho&rs at a time 8&ite possibly! men sho&ld rela+ for "N-20 min&tes $hile their partners obser(e (ery alertly. ?hy trade off this ;ob? =t is not possible to obser(e at f&ll alertness for the entire d&ration of yo&r shift. There $as a fello$ $ho diffidently informed a %lerk that a yo&ngster had po%keted a %andy bar. 'e then $ent into the parking lot and began to get into his %ar. 'e got a pie%e of $ood to the side of the head. Fn%e he $as do$n he took a n&mber of follo$-&p shots. 'e almost died. 'o$ %o&ld that kid ha(e $alked &p from the side $itho&t being spotted? The man $as not paying attention. *ay attention3 ?hen something feels off it might ;&st be be%a&se something is off. Che%k it o&t! or a(oid a possible risk. ?hen yo& p&t the mat%h in to light yo&r gas f&rna%e and are not s&re the fire %a&ght it probably didn<t %at%h. Fight the effe%ts of fatig&e. Co& %an fall into a st&por $here yo& get lo%ked into a %o&rse of

a%tion and fail to adapt to e(ents. )nd do not $allo$ in 6ne%essity.7 'ard de%isions and serio&s %onse8&en%es %an make people feel important and hard. This %an lead them to a&tomati%ally do disg&sting things. Things s&%h as killing the $o&nded! their o$n as $ell as others! and tort&ring people. 4ometimes this leads to the killing of the badly $o&nded e(en in those %ases $here e+tra%tion is a%t&ally possible. OCo& %&nt3O The man sho&ted at the $indblo$n girl. 4he t&rned on her heel to look into the man<s eyes. O= am not a %&nt!O she said. O= am a hand.O O4m&g %ompla%en%y! time %&res all things. =t is mediation or medi%ine after the manner of the pea%e of the bayonet. =t %&res nothing b&t the feelings of the tender bystander! and the e+isten%e of the s&ffering or tro&blesome. The pla%e is pea%ef&l $hen all are dead.O OB&llshit3O said the man! hissing. O?e only do $hat needs to be done. ?e %an<t $aste reso&r%es and talents on poor %han%es and freedom generated pipe dreamsJ and yo& do not do yo&r fair share! my girl3 ?e<ll ha(e yo&r g&ts for garters = (o$3 The to&sled girl $alked on. OEh!O she said. To and fro... *ea%hes and %ream... ?hat do = mean $hen = say freedom? = do not mean free to do $hate(er yo& $ant! or freedom from the realities. = mean politi%al liberty and the right to make yo&r o$n de%isions abo&t yo&rself and yo&r property. >o(ernment has no right to %ontrol yo& beyond p&nishing yo& for %riminal and negligent harm or threat to others! and prote%ting %hildren and the mentally handi%apped Dand it $ill &se that as an e+%&se to lo%k yo& &p and steal yo&r st&ffE. =t defends the nation from in(asion! prote%ts the %&rren%y from de(al&ation D1F1E! and enfor%es (alid %ontra%ts. =t enfor%es la$s against dire%t damages to others. This is the sort of thing it sho&ld do. *eople are the same! b&t for a fe$ &nimportant details. This is $hy di(ersity is so important. ?hen di(ersity pre(ails at last there $ill be only one %&lt&re! and all $ill ha(e the same skin %olor. >et yo&rself o&t there and take part in the great b&t non(iolent politi%al and %&lt&ral str&ggle to %hoose $hat kind of one %&lt&re it $ill be. 9ationalism is so last %ent&ry. ?e %an ne(er ha(e perfe%tion and lo(e $hen people are still di(ided. CitiAen of the $orld! so (ery bloody &rbane. 9o borders. >od is not lo(e! fools! he is >od. >oddess a%t&ally is nat&re. DThis is anthropomorphiAing Onat&re.O $hi%h tries to make all history and all the $orld into a sort of %osmi% Hisney Bambi %artoon.E 4o $hat? The mythologies. F&%king &topian bastardsJ perfe%tion does not e+ist so don<t destroy the good fighting for the perfe%t. 9othing good lasts fore(er! tho&gh some bad things do! $hi%h only makes the good more pre%io&s and $orth fighting for. >lobalism $ill destroy those people $ho are both good and patrioti%. Ci(iliAation! s&%h as it is! imperfe%t and limited in geography and appeal! and those fe$ nations $ho hold the line! is all that stands against the ne+t dark age. The states $hi%h no$ make &p the #4 %o&ld ;oin be%a&se $hile (ery different they still had a %ommon %ore of %ompatible (al&es. B&t $e still had the Ci(il ?ar and ho$ many died? ?here are $e headed no$? Fpen yo&r eyes. /ost of the $orld is sa(age. /ost %&lt&res are still in%ompatible. >lobalism $ill destroy the $orst and the best! then the floodgates $ill ha(e opened and the barbarians $ill bring in that ne$ dark age. *atriots! not ;ingoists! are among the fe$ holding the line bet$een %i(iliAation and barbarism. >lobalism $ill kill the patriots in order to str&ggle for perfe%tion. = lea(e yo& to de%ide if that perfe%tion is idealism or 6perfe%t7 po$er and theft! b&t %haos $ill be the res&lt s&pposedly itself follo$ed by a ne$ order. O5ight h&man relations.O 5FF1/)F3 'ere is a differen%e bet$een b&siness and go(ernment. Ho &nderstand that go(ernment fran%hises and Op&bli%O %orporations and &tilities! as $ell as any other sort of p&bli%Ppri(ate partnerships-%artels-monopolies-tr&sts a%t like go(ernment. ?hen demand in%reases b&sinesses see opport&nity and in%rease prod&%tion. =f re8&ired they $ill try to de(ise s&bstit&tes for rare materials. *ri%es may rise &ntil shortages end! or may lo$er as %ompanies attra%t b&yers and make more money by selling more prod&%t at a smaller profit on ea%h item. ?hen go(ernment sees demand in%rease they try rationing! and in%rease ta+es e(en $hen more pop&lation Dthe demandE already means more people

are paying ta+es. They also grab more po$er for themsel(es be%a&se of the problem or O%risisO needing sol&tion. DThose of yo& $ho talk abo&t somebody Ostealing %&stomersO %onsider the follo$ing. C&stomers are h&man beings and do not belong to anyone. They do not belong to yo& and therefore %annot be stolen.E 4o isn<t OhoardingO $rong? 9o! not &nless yo& are b&ying &p half the market for the p&rpose of p&tting the boot to others! mali%io&s s$ine that yo& are. 1arge and po$erf&l monopolies operate rather like ma;or organiAed %rime operations. Both %an e+ist for long periods and $itho&t serio&s go(ernment interferen%e only $hen bribes b&y prote%tions and ad(antages or $hen they are go(ernment operations in the first pla%e. Hon<t e(en bother telling me that free enterprise is destroying this %o&ntry. ?e $a%kos ha(e ne(er $orshiped 6free markets7 to the point of %ondoning %oll&sion $ith go(ernment! importing foreigners or lying and defra&ding people. Free trade $ith those $ho p&t &p barriers against &s! $ith sla(e statesJ free trade $ith tho&sands of pages of reg&lations3 9or do $e $orship the property rights of people $ho stole the property. ?e do not ha(e a free market system any$ay. ?e ha(e a (ery hea(ily reg&lated e%onomy dominated by 6go(ernment-pri(ate partnerships.7 The general p&bli% %annot take a shit $itho&t a permit. This does not mean e(eryone sho&ld be ret&rned to the pla%e of their an%estors of N00 years ago. )nd no all property is not theft! all takings of a person<s property rights are theft. 5easonable restri%tions do not in%l&de &sing for%e against people $ho disagree $ith yo& or &se their property differently than yo& $o&ld ha(e done. =f someone b&ggers &p his land! it is no %on%ern of yo&rs &nless it endangers yo&! spills o(er yo&r bo&ndaries or threatens his %hildren. Ces! religio&s people like the )mish sho&ld be held to the same la$s as e(eryone else. 9o! nobody sho&ld be s&b;e%t to the m&ltit&de of b&ilding reg&lations and permit re8&irements. =f something being done is a serio&s haAard it sho&ld be handled as a %areless or re%kless endangerment! or as intentional %rime depending on the fa%ts of the %ase and handled in %i(il or %riminal %o&rt. >o(ernment has the right to ta+ %onstit&tionally! legally! and reasonably to pay for those ;&stified go(ernment a%ti(ities! and people ha(e the right to prote%t themsel(es from harm. )nything m&%h beyond this and yo& are no longer free. 9o3 Fh! s$eet >oddess3 =f only $e $ere more progressi(e! %olle%ti(e! primiti(e3 Finite reso&r%es3 =t is less $hat $e ha(e bet$een o&r ears and more the rationing of rene$ables that %o&nts. 5ed tape3 Er! = mean %olle%ti(ist responsibility3 Ba%k to nat&re! the earth %an s&pport more earth del(ing sa(ages than it %an ind&strio&s poll&ters. #h! a h&man die off before Co&r /ama3 does it for yo&. 4&stainable gro$n! no more gro$th! that is re(erse gro$th no$3 9o one o$ns the land! be%a&se the $orld %olle%ti(e o$ns the earthJ a%t&ally the Earth o$ns yo&3 1i(e simpler! shorter and happier li(es. >ro$ lots of %annabis! and meditate m&%hly. )ll $ill be $ell. ?ait! = forgot! it is the >lorio&s 1eader that $ill sa(e &s! or $as it :es&s on%e all ha(e s&ffered eno&gh@no it is the spa%e aliens3 4orry = either $ent off my meds or ha(e taken too many dr&gs! b&t there is a single great sol&tion to e(erything so li(e fore(er Db&t it is FM if yo& die no$E and &nite and do something or other: ?e $ant perfe%tion 6sanity7 trans%ended! not the good b&t imperfe%t! and $e $ant it no$3 D)%ting lo%ally b&t thinking globally! and ne(er mind the globalists! b&t &se %hange agents and the Helphi% method.E 4o there3 Co& are making f&n of progress. 5eal progress! not materialism and the &ns&stainable. For tr&e? )nd = tho&ght ad(an%ed so%ieties had smaller families and did less damage to their en(ironments. 4illy me. Co& ;&st fear %hange. =ndeed? Change is not bad. Bad %hanges are bad. ?hen there is freedom the %entral prin%iples of go(ernment may not %hange! b&t %hange o%%&rs &nder freedom more than &nder any other system. ?estern Ci(iliAation is dead be%a&se the s&pposed $isdom of Frientalism and the altr&ism and egalitarianism of so%ialism ha(e been po&nded into the heads of st&pid people. ?omen are idiots! as are men in a some$hat different $ay. Ces = kno$ the East! Friental! is no$ the )sian. 4o it is that male se%retaries Dkeepers of se%retsEJ lie&tenants! organiAers and gatekeepers be%ame $omen se%retaries $hi%h for%ed a %hange o(er to the terms e+e%&ti(e or administrati(e assistants. Freedom is

not the goal of the gro&p thinkers. Constit&tion. Conser(ati(e libertarianism. E(erybody has a right to freedom of asso%iation! e(en $omen and bla%ks if yo& are one of the idiots $ho need to be reminded! and e(en $hite people3 E(eryone has the right to make %hoi%es for him or her self. E(erybody has the right to resist takings of his freedom and %riminal atta%ks. /ost think or pretend to think $e need la$s to prote%t di(ersity and 8&otas in pri(ate and p&bli% se%tors! and need ed&%ation and propaganda to prote%t and promote things like interra%ial marriage. They are s&bstantially %orre%t. Too bad fairness and freedom m&st be destroyed in the endea(or. *eople $ho think $e m&st ha(e la$s to keep ra%es separate are fools and they too $o&ld end freedom to do something that needs no doing. There is no do&bt that some ra%e mi+ing $ill take pla%e &nder any regime! mostly to the good. )s for interra%ial dating and marriage? Too m&%h of it is a mistake b&t little of it normally takes pla%e $hi%h is $hy the left has to en%o&rage it so m&%h. =n any %ase! indi(id&als $ho de(iate from yo&r standards may earn yo&r disg&st and a(oidan%e b&t this does not a&tomati%ally make them %riminal or the enemy. *eople ha(e the right to make their o$n de%isions and mistakes. Co& ha(e the right to $ithhold yo&r s&pport. The left needs la$s on these s&b;e%ts. ?e do not. /en are so sensiti(e and fragile. ?e ha(e o&r little feelings h&rt. ?e are prone to (iolent death! and to depression leading to ina%tion or s&i%ide $hen belittled! espe%ially if by $oman. ?e need to ha(e o&r a&thority admired and respe%ted and only blatantly th$arted behind o&r ba%ks. ?e do so need to be needed. *oor darlings! let me bring yo& yo&r f&AAy $&AAy b&nny slippers. The enemy is legion and yo& fight among yo&r fello$s attempting to pro(e yo&r manhood. ?oman %annot take $hat is man<s be%a&se they are not men. Bla%ks %annot take $hat is $hite be%a&se they are not $hite. Co& %annot take $hat is >od<s be%a&se yo& are not a god. B&t anyone %an be r&de! ab&si(e! a thief of rights or some other %ategory of %riminal! or ;&st plain annoying if they ha(e the le(erage to get a$ay $ith it. =t is only theft if the item belongs to a person. =t is only %riminal if the asso%iation is not free for at least one of those dire%tly effe%ted. )h yes! $hat if one of those in(ol(ed asks to be beaten? =nsanity ends the right to freedom of %hoi%e! as does yo&th or rele(ant disability. Contra%t implied or other$ise prote%ts no %rimes and %onfiden%e men are still fra&ds. =t is &n$ise to limit yo&r organiAation to only one type or %lass of people b&t it sho&ld be legal &nless yo& are go(ernment and e+%l&de 8&alified %itiAens. Hon<t think so? Then yo& think free asso%iation means the pri(ilege of asso%iating $ith people $ho do not $ant to asso%iate $ith yo&. /en need no spe%ial prote%tions from $omen or minorities. =ndi(id&alism and free asso%iation and %ooperation $ith those yo& respe%t is eno&gh. >et &sed to being ostra%iAed. 4top being so damned tender and thin skinned. 1earn ho$ to fight. E(en if yo& $ere on top yo& $o&ld ha(e no right to for%e people to pretend to like yo&. Freedom of spee%h and s&%h rot. #se reasonable for%e if they trespass! blo%k yo&r mo(ements or $on<t let yo& hear yo&r TI or eat yo&r dinner! $hate(er! b&t $ords are only a%tionable $hen they are e(iden%e of preparation or intent to %ommit a %rime. ?hen they get yo& yo&r $hole life $ill not flash before yo&r eyes. =f yo& die slo$ly yo& $ill think of %ertain people or past e(ents perhaps! if 8&i%kly nothing is the norm. /ost last tho&ghts and $ords of those $ho die (iolently probably %onsists of OFh shit3O Fh yea farmers are the ba%kbone of )meri%a <%a&se yo& gotta eat! no tr&%kers <%a&se if it is not deli(ered...! poli%e! do%tors... Cep! the %hain is only as strong as its $eakest link! eh. )nd a free man has a right to ;&st sit &nder his fr&it trees. 4o $ho is most important no$? They are important to yo& depending on $here yo& at and $hat yo& $ant! and the most fragile may be the most %riti%al. 9o$ my manly sensiti(ities ha(e been in;&red. = $ant a 2K million dollar settlement. = ha(e no %hoi%e. =f = gi(e them food $hen they are star(ing they $ill be%ome laAy! nor $ill they plan ahead. )lso! if = feed them $hen they are h&ngry they $ill %ome to e+pe%t it and $ill for%e me to %ontin&e. To sa(e my ability and right to %hoose = m&st ne(er &se my %hoi%e b&t m&st do $hat m&st be done and tea%h them to be prepared! e+%ept for those $ho ha(e star(ed. = m&st ser(e them in this $ay for = am their master. 'a(e a ni%e day. =t is none of yo&r b&siness $hat flags people fly Dtho&gh if it is flo$n by anti-%onstit&tion ins&rgents or %rime gro&ps $e thank them for the tipE! $hat %olor they paint the ho&se or if they mo$ the la$n. =f yo&r property (al&ation depends on ho$ the neighbors look! then property (al&es $ill fall.

4o be it. Co&r ho&se is &nto&%hed. This is not dire%t harm@yo& $o&ld ha(e to %onstr&%ti(ely seiAe his property Dand himE in order to make something yo& do not o$n! the neighborhood! add (al&e to $hat yo& doJ yo&r o$n home. =f >od did not like rifles he $o&ld ha(e gi(en &s fangs and %la$s. Hire%t harm? =f they make so m&%h noise that the so&nd le(el on yo&r property or street is a health haAard or keeps yo& &p all night! that is dire%t damages. =f they are %riminals or foreign agents that is harm. *&bli% beha(ior? There does ha(e to be more! limited b&t more! %ontrol of that. ?hy? Be%a&se if people on the streets are %onstantly s&b;e%ted to the (is&al! (erbal! physi%al! or se+&al harassment of the p&shy and per(erted something is going to break. *referably their ne%ks. =f yo& are one of those people $ho &se /a%e $hen someone asks yo& o&t! or r&ns half a blo%k in order to get %lose eno&gh to shriek at a smoker for poll&ting yo&r airJ yo& are one of those in the p&shy per(ert %ategory. :&st for yo&r information! if yo& thro$ paint on my f&r yo& are going do$n hard. C&lt&ral %onfli%t! gotta lo(e it. Co& do not ha(e to like people. Co& need not agree $ith them! b&t yo& ha(e no right to reg&late e(erything they do. Co& ha(e both the right and a moral d&ty to fight! ho$e(er! any $ho %ommit %rimes against yo&. This most %ertainly in%l&des those $ho try to take yo&r h&man rights s&%h as the ones listed in the He%laration of =ndependen%e and The Bill of 5ights3 ) hero! are yo&? =f yo& die yo&r family or spo&se $ill be sorry! and admiring. Co& $ill fall! say some pithy $ords! %lose yo&r eyes and be dead in a 8&iet and $onderf&lly bra(e $ay? 9ot likely! my friend. Co& probably think yo&r p&re and soldierly spirit $ill rise into the sky. #gh3 There are times $hen heroi%s are %alled for. /ostly it is something to be a(oided! and yo& are not a hero ;&st be%a&se yo& got killed! $ere an offi%er! $oman or of a spe%ifi% ra%e. D=t is hard to belie(e ;&st getting killed makes yo& a hero! b&t e(en harder to &nderstand ho$ getting killed $hile bla%k or female makes it so. = tho&ght ra%e $as a figment of the ra%ist minds of the $hite ra%e? = say there is no gender3 >ender is an artifi%ial %onstr&%t $ith no ob;e%ti(e reality! $hi%h makes the fa%t that $omen are s&b;e%ted to the ma;ority of se+&al assa&lts on ad&lts rather odd as $ell. That is! &ntil yo& re%all that there is no ob;e%ti(e reality at all D?E. Ceah s%ien%e3 That is $hy there are no separate spe%ies and all forms of life! or need it e(en apply to life forms?! %an s&%%essf&lly interbreed.E Co& are not a god. Co& $ill make horrible mistakes! and anything that $o&ld ha(e killed another $ill ass&redly kill yo&. ?hen yo& die! and yo& $ill die if yo& fight long eno&gh! yo& $ill die in a large pool of yo&r o$n mi+ed bodily fl&ids! and = mean large. Co& $ill either be alone or in the %ompany of a fe$ (ery b&sy people. 4omeone may e(en take the time to help yo&. Try! any$ay. Co& may e(en be a$are eno&gh to noti%e! for a $hile. >&r& say: The drop of $ater is the o%ean! the o%ean is the $ater droplet. >od is e(ery$here and e(erything is >od. /&st be the reason for the rash of bea%hfront properties being destroyed by lonely b&t rampaging single drops of salt $ater. *eople ha(e no idea $hat they mean $hen they say spirit or spirit&al. Co&r being! b&t like a p&ff of $ind? 'o$ yo& feel! or ha(ing to do $ith psy%hology or nat&re or $isdom. )nd = ha(e in(isible lepre%ha&ns &nder my ho&se. They $ill ne(er let yo& dete%t them b&t pro(e they are not there3 Co& %an feel the $ind! see it blo$ the grain. Co& %an feel emotions! think Dpoorly3EJ the brain is $here yo&r being is %entered. 4ho$ me a spirit mo(ing stalks of grain. 9othing e(er tr&ly dies! it ;&st %hanges form. 1a$ of %onser(ation. The atoms that on%e $ere a part of 9apoleon still e+ist today. 'is energy is %hanged b&t still at $ork. 1ife is not matter. 1ife is not energy: parti%les that %an infl&en%e other parti%les tra(eling thro&gh spa%e! the effe%ts of matter<s a%ti(ity tra(eling thro&gh matter. 1a$ of Entropy. 1ife is str&%t&re! organiAation! f&n%tion. =f = kill a man and then make t$o perfe%t %opies of him has anyone been killed? Ff the t$o men present! $hi%h one is the original? ) $ooden bran%h %ar(ed into a $ooden dolphin is still a tree limb? ?ill it b&d for me this spring? >rand tr&ths! faiths and mysteries are like an onion. Co& look for the great %entral meaning of

things by peeling layer after layer of onion a$ay and find in the end that yo& ha(e r&n o&t of onion. Co& say then that yo& ha(e nothing. = say that yo& ha(e a pile of ingredients for onion so&p. Co& say! oh ;oy! there is a sort of %ore in an onion. =t is the layers3 = say sh&t &p and eat yo&r so&p. Co& say life is $hat yo& make it! pro(ing life is not merely $hat yo& make it! b&t that making e(en more of it is the great meaning. = say b&gger off. Faith is not really tr&st! yo& kno$! as it only partially meets the definitions. = tr&st the &ni(erse to help me. 9o! yo& belie(e the &ni(erse $ill help yo&. Co& belie(e yo&r good friend $ill do his best to help yo&. Fnly the se%ond of these is tr&st. Both in(ol(e faith! and both in(ol(e a sort of tr&st. Fnly the se%ond is tr&st f&lly. B&t faith is for fools as is tr&sting too m&%h. 9othing = say is tr&e. 1ittle that = say is false. 9othing = say matters. B&t $hat is the meaning of life? Three? )dams may ha(e tho&ght life had no real meaning! and he did kill off the planet in the end! b&t life does ha(e meaning if there are things yo& en;oy or find important. 1ife has no one great meaning. Co& are ali(e be%a&se yo& $ere born. Co& $ill li(e &ntil something kills yo& in spite of yo&r efforts! or &ntil yo& ha(e fe$er things to li(e for than things yo& dislike abo&t life. =f that happens yo& $ill stop trying! and $ill die. Come on! man! yo& kno$ there is nothing o&t there Dan e+aggerationE. 4ome animals are sentient. 9at&re is not sentient! and has no mer%y be%a&se it has no feelings. =t has no it. *eople sho&ld ha(e mer%y! nat&re has none. ?hen yo& hope and pray yo& are hoping this is $rong and that a for%e o&t there $ill sa(e yo&. Co& r&n or fight badly $hen on yo&r knees. /agi% is trying to earn the impossible by e(er in%reasing groans and emotional or 6mental7 effort. /ind o(er matter D= don<t mind and it don<t matterE! &nlike yo&r hand! $ill not lift a $eight b&t $ill gi(e yo& a heada%he. 'ealing another person<s %old or %an%er $ith yo&r mind is of no interest. ?hen yo& 6heal7 a missing limb or rotting %orpse = $ill take noti%e. Fdd ho$ mira%les are indisting&ishable from the statisti%al ba%kgro&nd noise. /an! = died and had an o&t of body e+perien%e3 = don<t kno$ $hat yo& had! b&t yo& did not die. Co&r heart stopped beating for K min&tes. Co&r brain $as re%ei(ing no o+ygen! $hi%h is %riti%al m&%h more 8&i%kly than $hen yo&r l&ngs re%ei(e none. = also kno$ that most Christian near death e+perien%es are not te%hni%ally bibli%al! and that $hen 'ind& g&y had his e+perien%e he did not meet :es&s. There are more things in hea(en and earth! 'oratio. 4o $hat e(er = belie(e is right. 5ight? Co& think life is b&t a dream? =diot. Hreams do not e+ist! nor do dreamers. E(erything is a belief. 9o belie(ers re8&ired. =f yo& prefer! all belie(ers are beliefs! as are all dreamers and all dreams. ?hen beliefs %ontradi%t mine r&le of %o&rse it is so. = %an tell yo& right no$ being immaterial is a problem. >hosts %an<t pi%k &p and &se material things. That is the least of it. They %an<t see! hear! smell! taste! feel or think anything either. This is the res&lt of the fa%t that eyes are material things $hi%h rea%t to the material! and are effe%ted by gra(ity! lightJ and the other organs m&%h the same. 9o$! the poltergeist %an mo(e ob;e%ts. ) different kettle of fish! that. =t belie(es things into motion. This is a fine e+ample of a belief mo(ing a belief by belief b&t $itho&t there being a belie(er3 *&re energy? 9o s&%h animal. ?itho&t matter there is no energy. 'ah. OB&t thinking makes it so...O Thinking something is so %hanges nothing o&tside yo&r o$n body. E+ternal %hanges related to yo&r tho&ghts e+ist only if yo& are able to take a%tion based on those tho&ghts! $ith the e+%eption of minor %hanges to yo&r ele%tromagneti% field. Comm&ni%ation is an a%tion that has its effe%t on other people. = keep saying it b&t nobody listens! and the f&el ga&ge reads empty b&t =<m s&re things $ill keep $orking long eno&gh to get &s to o&r stop. Ces it is tr&e that some $ho %all themsel(es atheists ha(e 6spirit&al beliefs.7 This does not make atheism another religion. =t is tho&ght that not belie(ing in >od-gods and the like is a matter of faith sin%e the atheist %annot pro(e there are no gods of one sort or another o&t there some$here. )bs&rd. = am &nder no obligation to be 6agnosti%7 abo&t the e+isten%e of mythi%al %reat&res be%a&se = %annot pro(e the none+isten%e of &ni%orns. There is no proof of &ni%orns! th&s = do not belie(e in them. 4ome

parts of the 6theory7 of e(ol&tion are &npro(en. This does not make e(ol&tion a religion. =t makes it not espe%ially good s%ien%e. )ny$ay! if = ha(e faith in my $ife<s fidelity is that religion? Ca&ses and effe%ts are the only fate there is. Takes %o&rage to admit that! yah? :a3 The nat&re of things. 4o ho$ did the nat&re of things begin? Hid it begin? =f = don<t really kno$ = am obliged to a%%ept yo&r pro%lamations as tr&th? 9ah. B&t! only religion and the religio&s are good. Hon<t make me la&gh too hard. Fnly good is good. 5eligions are only good $hen they are good! not anytime they happen to be religions. 5eligion! $hen not simply a tool for manip&lation! is a sear%h for tr&th by t&rning in$ard and &sing feelings! beliefs and spe%&lation. *rayer $heel spinning. 4%ien%e $itho&t the e+periments and tests! i. e.! $itho&t the s%ien%e. =t fits right in $ith m&%h of today<s spe%&lati(e and &ntested 6theoreti%al s%ien%e.7 Cool. E(erything is real and e(erything is $hat it is. This does not make ideas $orlds or tho&ghts stones. =deas spread like a (ir&s and bad ideas do far more damage than a (ir&s is likely to do. False beliefs make yo& feel bad or good! b&t do not prepare yo& for &p%oming %hallenges &nless by %han%e. ?hen people admit something is false b&t say it makes people feel better or beha(e themsel(es it is $ise to look a little deeper. Co&r body and yo&r mind? The brain is physi%al and yo&r mind is brain f&n%tion and %ontentJ b&t %ontent also is a physi%al state inPof the material brain. Fantasy is real! and generally really st&pid! ideation. B&t $e do not kno$ ho$ memory $orks3 This pro(es the spirit&al realm3 Fh. = forgot. ?e do not f&lly &nderstand brain f&n%tion $hi%h pro(es ho$ the mind $orks. ?e do not f&lly &nderstand o&r o$n minds and this fail&re pro(es ho$ the brain $orks. Fab&lo&s darlings3 Think $hat yo& m&st. =t is $ell that yo& do progressi(e s%ien%e and metaphysi%s rather than s%ien%e and engineering. ) psy%hiatrist Dso&l do%torE %an %harge m&%ho b&%ks for tr&n%ated ho&rs of mentored self realiAation b&t an engineer $ith odd ideas abo&t %ond&%tion and s$it%hing prin%iples %an<t get the lights to go on. Ff %o&rse sno$flakes! %rystals! planetary alignments! eyes and %hromosomes look artifi%ial and $e don<t &nderstand ho$ they %an ha(e %ome to be! so they had to %reated by >od. Ceah. Fine. =t is interesting ho$ yo&r so&l %hooses to be (iolent if = poke a physi%al hole in the %orre%t part of yo&r brain. /aterialism. ?hat a terrible thing it is. ?e need to be spirit&al instead. FM! b&t let &s &se some %ommon sense. Try being immaterial and try li(ing $itho&t o$ning or &sing material things. Ho yo& plan on be%oming a breatharian? The first 6la$7 of nat&re is st&pidity. B&t! hey! nothing is impossible! right? =f yo& try hard eno&gh! and ne(er gi(e &p yo& $ill $in in the end. B&ll3 There $as this fello$ people %all )dolf. =t is possible he $as >od in%arnate $orking a goodness for the $orld. 1ike myself he tho&ght in long rambling and dis;oint $ays. 'e $as a pretty smart g&y and had a good memory. 'e also! sadly! $as an e(il man $ho tho&ght himself goodJ and del&ded and psy%hoti% in general. E(er heard of the tri&mph of the $ill? This )dolf g&y felt that >ermany $o&ld not ha(e lost the $ar if the people had had the $ill to $in. They failed him. = $onder $hy he did not sa(e them by ha(ing eno&gh $ill for e(eryone? The man $as a (egan! that says it all right there3 The tr&th is this: yo& %annot s&%%eed &nless yo& try. Co& %annot s&%%eed &nless yo& perse(ere. Co& %annot s&%%eed no matter ho$ hard and long yo& try if yo& do not ha(e! or %annot a%8&ire! the means to do the ;ob. Co& %an get into sit&ations yo& %an ne(er get o&t of! or o&t of in time. That person $ho hangs off the ledge may loosen his grip be%a&se he loses %on%entration! or be%a&se he is startled. 'e may gi(e &p and let go rather than s&ffer any longer. =f nothing like that happens he $ill still fall@ e(ent&ally his m&s%les $ill be e+ha&sted and $ill no longer $ork for him. *hysi%s. =ns&ffi%ient energy. =f yo& ha(e no friends! yo& are in a m&%h inferior sit&ation. Family does not %o&nt! &nless they are friends or allies also. )llies %o&nt to the e+tent that yo& ha(e m&t&al goals. T$o men operating in %ooperation are m&%h stronger than one. 'a(e yo& e(er tried to pro(ide se%&rity for yo&rself as yo& plant land mines or thro$ a grenade? Tried to s&ppress the enemy $hile sim&ltaneo&sly r&nning for a fall-ba%k position?

B&t ho$ m&%h sho&ld yo& tr&st? The :e$ says to the >oy: 6Co& too %heat! steal and &se any position of po$er yo& ha(e gained. 4top %omplaining. ?e are simply better at it.7 This one sho&ld be bloody ob(io&s. ?ho do yo& tr&st? Co& tr&st absol&tely nobody. 4ome people are (ery m&%h more tr&st$orthy than others. =f yo& kno$ them (ery $ell! or are a great ;&dge of %hara%ter! yo& %an pla%e more tr&st in these people. B&t no one is %ompletely tr&st$orthy in all sit&ations. Co& %annot e(en tr&st yo&rself. Co& $ill fail to follo$ thro&gh in regard to some of the promises yo& make! no matter ho$ hard yo& try. Can yo& be %ertain yo& $ill not drink that fo&rth bottle of beer $aiting in the refrigerator? =t looks so tempting too. /ost people are e(en $orse. They $ill t&rn on yo& in a heartbeat. They $ill follo$ a&thority! do almost anything to a(oid h&miliation. =f helping yo& $ill make them late for $ork they $ill de%line. The boss might be angry3 *&t a little press&re on them! a fe$ threats! risk to their ;obs or bank a%%o&ntsJ threaten problems $ith li%enses. The =54 might get them. They $ill stab yo& in the ba%k. =f yo&r area falls &nder o%%&pation most of yo&r fello$s $ill be leading the enemy to the homes of the $ealthy and the armed in the hope that they $ill then be spared! and possibly e(en gi(en some of the spoils. 4ho&ld yo& then ensla(e e(eryone in order to de%la$ their trea%hery? 9o. 4la(ery makes them e(en $orse h&man beings. *a%ifists are f&nny people. They $ill not fight an e(il tyranny as (iolen%e is not an option! and they may t&rn in resisters in an effort to limit the fighting and th&s red&%e the death toll! e(en tho&gh the people they report $ill be killed by the go(ernment. The bra(e ones may ref&se to talk to go(ernment on pain of tort&re! or they may think the rebels are %riminal and inform on them kno$ing they $ill be killed for taking an a%ti(e part in the $ar against the re(ol&tion. )ll this $itho&t! in many %ases! e(er breaking do$n and so m&%h as p&n%hing anybody themsel(es. Co& are a handsome! m&s%&lar male: V<27 and ".0 po&nds of manliness. Co&r hair is blond and yo&r eyes are bl&e. Co& like to fle+ yo&r m&s%les and talk to&gh $ith yo&r friends. Co& are not abo(e b&llying a smaller man at the %l&b! b&t yo& think g&n %ontrol is a good idea. ?hat do yo& do if yo& see a $oman being (iolently assa&lted by se(eral disg&sting persons? Co& r&n a$ay3 Then yo& arg&e $ith yo&rself be%a&se yo& o&ght to %all the poli%e! b&t %o&rt pro%eedings are a pain e(en for mere $itnesses. ?hat a man yo& are. /ost people think themsel(es tr&st$orthy and generally good. *eople like to think themsel(es h&mane. They like to for%e others to 6gi(e.7 Fther people are important only in theory to most people most of the time. Co& o$e $hat yo& ha(e to the %omm&nity be%a&se it is the en(ironment in $hi%h yo& $orked! and probably $orked the system! and they ha(e not taken most of $hat yo& ha(e by for%e. Be gratef&l. 4o gi(e. The gro&ps yo& gi(e it to $ill probably pass at least "0L of it on to those $ho need it. Bill F<5eilly. *rohibition? >&n %ontrol. Conser(ati(e? 'aaahahaa3 Fo+ 6ne$s7 and %ommentary. 9e(er! ho$e(er! display distr&st $itho&t solid e(iden%e. =t %a&ses dis%ord. Ho yo& kno$ ho$ easy it is to break friendships? *&t o&t a little r&mor to to effe%t that Billy Bob is se%retly yo&r spy and $at%h the opposition destroy itself $ith m&t&al distr&st. *eople are fools! don<t let it happen to yo&. )nything that happens to yo& is yo&r o$n fa&lt. The protr&ding nails are the first to be hammered do$n. Co& are a tro&ble maker if yo& resist. Ho not e+pe%t any sympathy. /ost people are most %ertainly not going to help yo&. '&man life sho&ld be (al&able b&t it is not. ?hy do yo& think se%ond $orld $ar draftees %alled themsel(es >=s? >o(ernment iss&e items of s&pply. #sed &p and then indi(id&ally repla%ed! that is $hy. >&errilla $arfare is a $ar of sabotage! amb&sh! mines and traps! sniping! hit and r&n raids and assassinations. The g&errilla does not mane&(er to engage his enemy. 'e mane&(ers to target! not to engage! and he mane&(ers to a(oid engagement and %o&nter targeting. 'e %loses on lo%ations as s&%h only $hen it is safe to smash and grab s&pplies. There is no air $ar. 'e destroys %omm&ni%ations and other &tilities of air bases and normally atta%ks air%raft only $hen they are on the gro&nd and e+posed. Command and %ontrol and logisti%s targets are preferred to atta%king tank &nits of %o&rse. Battles are to

be a(oided like the plag&e. =t is the legitimate tool of the o&tn&mbered and the ill e8&ipped and of spe%ial operations troops@so long as it does not degenerate into terrorism and atro%ity. =t &s&ally does. 4pe%ial operations for%es ha(e al$ays been in the assassination b&siness! among many other things. The problem is that they kill people $ho informants and intelligen%e operations finger as likely opponents! and seldom kno$n enemy leaders $ho %annot be e+tra%ted and held! or persons already %on(i%ted of %apital %rimes. )dditionally they tend to re%ei(e orders to kill or t&rn o(er to allied th&gs any $itnesses! to shoot %ombatants $ho try to s&rrender! and to kill all enemy $o&nded e+%ept for one prisoner to be bro&ght ba%k for enhan%ed interrogation. 4&rrender is a (alid option! b&t seldom. Hon<t kno$ $hat to do? =f yo&r mind is going to go blank! follo$ friends! not enemies. =f yo& are going to freeAe &p! at least freeAe on the gro&nd or after rea%hing %o(er! and if yo& ha(e a s&bmission response s&bmit to friendly and leader a%tions and not to the people $ho are trying to kill yo&. The #nited 4tates go(ernment has a long history of! not &s&ally ordering b&t of t&rning a blind eye to! $ar %rimesJ m&rder! rape and tort&re. ?hen yo& do not do yo&r reasonable best to stop $ar %rimes ;&st abo&t any fool $ith iss&es $ill e(ent&ally start %ommitting them. The Constit&tion forbids %r&el and &n&s&al p&nishments! and re(ol&tionary soldiers $ere ordered not to &se tort&re tho&gh no do&bt a fe$ of them disobeyed. They do sometimes order them. H&ring the Morean $ar a 4%andina(ian hospital ship $as taken by pirates. =t $as a #4 operation &ndertaken be%a&se the medi%al staff $as going to %are for enemy military and %i(ilian alike. The n&rses $ere ne(er seen again as they $ere handed o(er to Chinese pirates for disposal. =n the *hilippines a psy%hologi%al op $as set &p $here a prisoner $as m&rdered $ith an i%epi%k and drained of blood. The body $as left near a (illage as a p&tati(e (ampire (i%tim. =t $as hoped this $o&ld keep the lo%als indoors at night. E(il is sometimes (ery silly. Tort&re is nearly al$ays adopted by both sides. =t is a (ile and mostly %o&nterprod&%ti(e pra%ti%e! b&t people hate and they get fr&strated. Ho not do it. ?e do not tort&re. ?e do not steal! %heat or take bribes. ?e do honest $ork $hether $e do man&al labor or are finan%ial e+e%&ti(es. 'o$ %an yo& en;oy yo&r sense of moral s&periority if yo& are ;&st like the s%&m? Ho not %opy the )meri%an poli%e and their e+pe%tation that e(eryone sho&ld %ooperate $ith them! and sho&ld %omply $ith them. /y di%tionary says %ooperation is $orking together. That is $hat yo& o&ght to do $ith yo&r friends and allies. The poli%e think %ooperation means obey. They also mean obey $hen they refer to %omplian%e. 4ensible people &se a reasonable amo&nt of for%e in order to arrest a resisting s&spe%t. They o(er%ome the resistan%e! pile on to get the %&ffs on! and drag the g&y a$ay. The ne$ standard for %omplian%e tea%hes that yo& gi(e someone an order and then apply pain &ntil they obey yo&. This is tort&re. There is no li%ense to tort&re people &ntil they obey! or to threaten them $ith mayhem. 9e%essary for%e to stop an atta%k or to get the %&ffs on is $hat is legal. They are not s&pposed to break the la$ or resist la$f&l arrest b&t yo& don<t get to p&nish them for a bad attit&de. =f the en%o&nter is a deadly for%e one! reasonable for%e is deadly for%e! ob(io&sly. ?hy not tort&re the %ommon %riminal! the terrorist! and the enemy? 'ah. B&shites and those like them: Fight yo&r $ar like a man. Co& are like a hysteri%al old $oman $ho $as on%e st&ng by bees! and no$ if she %o&ld she $o&ld fi+ e(ery bee in the $orld to a board $ith pins and mali%io&s glee to a(oid e(er being st&ng again. The poli%e sho&ld be %ooperating $ith the general p&bli%! the %itiAen sho&ld %omply $ith the basi% la$. B&t some people deser(e $hate(er happens to them! are (ile %riminals or the most e(il enemy. Tort&re is a ;&stified p&nishment. B&ll shit. 9o one deser(es to be raped or tort&red. 4ome m&st be killed or imprisoned in order to prote%t others. 9obody deser(es tort&re! and e(en if they did! $hat 6good7 person $o&ld rape and tort&re the %riminals in order to p&nish them? ) per(ert! that $o&ld think to do those things! that is $ho $o&ld do it. =ntentional h&miliation! %r&elty! no(elty and s&ffering degrades e(eryone. =t %aters to pr&rient interests and there is no need for this inde%en%y. Too many p&nks are on the ;ob these days.

Tort&re $orks! Bob. Ces and no. Hid tort&re $ork $hen 4talin $anted his hands on e(ery traitor to the people in 5&ssia! or did it ;&st kill millions of s&spe%ts? Hid tort&re $ork $hen the %h&r%h $anted all the hereti%s and satanists! or did it ;&st kill millions of people? *eople dra$n to the b&siness of tort&re are not de%ent people. ) s&spe%t &nder tort&re pro(ides se(eral names! and ea%h of the ne$ names the same. )fter "0 years of theft and sadisti% self-pleas&ring s&%h progressi(e s&spe%t-tree b&ilding %an literally res&lt in the $hole %o&ntry being on a list. Being able to steal the property of s&spe%ts doesn<t h&rt the pro%ess any. Bob! ;&st do not go to e+%ess. =t is al$ays e+%ess! espe%ially to inno%ent s&spe%ts and de%ent people! b&t it also (ery easily gets %ompletely o&t of %ontrol. =t is &nderstandable $hen an indi(id&al tort&res somebody he is %ertain b&ried his %hild in a bo+ some$here! or something similar. 'e $ants to go sa(e his %hild. 'e does not kno$ $here to look. =t still sho&ld be a p&nishable offense. =f he t&rns o&t to be $rong the senten%e sho&ld be se(ere. B&t e+treme %ases make poor la$! and if yo& base yo&r ;&sti%e or military la$ systems on tort&re yo& are setting yo&rself &p for ma;or problems later on. 4&ppose someone threatens to tort&re another person in order to for%e yo& to obey them? )re yo& g&ilty of a %rime if yo&r ref&sal res&lts in the tort&re or death of an inno%ent person? 5emember that the %riminal is the one $ho %ommits the %rime. Co& did not kill that person. Co& did! ho$e(er! ref&se to do something to sa(e that person from the %riminal. =f yo& m&st obey to prote%t another! that is FM: &nless yo& trade one person for another! or &nless it $o&ld %ost yo& yo&r freedom or life! or the tools yo& need to maintain them. This is the reason poli%e are forbidden to gi(e &p their $eapons to a hostage taker. This is a (alid general r&le. The leadership of any mo(ement sho&ld ne(er be tr&sted. Fbser(e their a%tions more than yo& listen to their $ords. /ost gro&ps are hea(ily infiltrated! many $ere a%t&ally %reated by the enemy so that arrests %an be made! or so that yo& $ill %ommit atro%ities for them. These are false flag operations. 9e(er fall for the old e+%&se that the leadership is beha(ing badly b&t $e m&st stay the %o&rse or the enemy benefits. 4$ine are not to be ser(ed! other than for dinner. ?e do not obey %riminal orders! or follo$ tyrants in order to defeat other tyrants. Ho not allo$ yo&rself to be manip&lated. 9e(er let pro(o%ations and ta&nts p&sh yo& into doing $hat yo& do not $ant to do. There are three types of e8&ipment $hi%h are key! the basis for g&errilla $arfare operations. Co& need a rifle $ith plenty of amm&nition! yo& need a large 8&antity of b&lk e+plosi(es D$hi%h %an be &sed for many thingsE and yo& need a ro%ket la&n%her D$hether impro(ised or an 5*> or )T,E. )ntiair%raft $eapons are &sef&l! 4tinger is yo&r friend if the heli%opters and g&nships are a%t&ally atta%king yo&! b&t g&errillas need to hide from air%raft more often than to shoot them do$n. )tta%k heli%opters are lethal to the (isible g&errillero. 1ight body armor and a %hemi%al prote%ti(e mask might %ome in handy. /a%hine g&ns and mortars are ni%e if yo& %an get them. =f things get really bad yo& $ill need a %hemi%al prote%ti(e s&it as $ell. )tropine treatment for ner(e agent %as&alties? =t does not $ork $orth a damn $ith some agents. =t $orks FM $ith others. 9ote that the atropine in;e%tion $ill $ear off before the agent does. /onitor the patient and gi(e f&rther doses $hen he begins to sho$ symptoms again. Ho not mistake an atropine o(erdose for ner(e agent symptoms3 )tropine gi(en $hen not needed my gi(e yo& heart fail&re. Body armor is a benefit! not ;&stifi%ation for silly heroi%s. =t $ill impro(e the odds. That is all. #se %o(er and %on%ealment at night as m&%h as yo& %an the same as yo& $o&ld in the day. 4ometimes in %lose 8&arters battle yo& present yo&r armor plate to the enemy rather than the less effe%ti(e side panel! and there are times $hen a&da%ity b&t not foolishness re8&ires &sing the ad(antage %amo&flage or armor gi(es yo& to its ma+im&m. )s a general r&le! ho$e(er! night sights! darkness! %amo&flage and body armor o&ght not to infl&en%e yo&r beha(ior too m&%h. They gi(e yo& an edge! b&t yo& sho&ld mostly operate as if yo& $ere not &sing them. Ca&tion! people! b&t not hesitation or %o$ardi%e. Co& %an<t $in a $ar from a deep and hidden b&nker if yo& ne(er lea(e it. Ho not $ear fle+ible armor o(er rigid plates. The fle+ible armor $ill not fle+ and $ill be

$asted. ?ear the plates on top. =n %ombat the ma;ority of $o&nds are belo$ the $aist! ne+t %ommon is $o&nds to the arms! then torso or head. ?hile head and %hest $o&nds are the most likely to be fatal! the others %an beJ espe%ially those to the &pper legs or hips. The (ast ma;ority of the battlefield $o&nded $ho rea%h a good hospital $ill s&r(i(e! b&t fe$er hit in head or %hest $ill get that far. /ost %as&alties! sometimes G0-.0L! are hit by fragmentsJ and most of them by fragments from nearby shell b&rsts@often from G meters or less. 4mall arms $o&nd far fe$er people! at an a(erage range of "N0 meters and seldom beyond N00! b&t fe$er of them rea%h hospital. Body armor is m&%h more effe%ti(e against! most! artillery and grenade fragments than it is small arms b&llets. 9earby e+plosions prod&%ing se(ere blast are hardest to defeat. Co&r o$n armor may %r&sh yo&r %hest. Co& %annot be perfe%t. Co& %an<t be safe. ?hile! make no mistake! a trained and o&tfitted soldier is more fit and better e8&ipped to s&r(i(e than othersJ $ar is all abo&t getting in there to impose yo&r $ill by the &se of for%e! and all to often this means yo&r enemy gets to infli%t damage on yo& and yo&rs as $ell. 5emember that e(ery $eapon is a $eapon system. )rmed (ehi%les are $eapons systems. )ll $eapons sho&ld be iss&ed $ith all a%%essories and s&pported by organiAed training! s&pply and repair ser(i%es of $hate(er nat&re and to the re8&ired degree. This means a rifle %omes $ith bayonet and s%abbard! sharpener! sling and m&AAle %ap! blank firing adapter! range finder and $ind meter! sights and lights $ith batteries! re%hargers! filters and hoods! and %leaning s&pplies. =t %omes $ith magaAines! po&%hes! bandoleers! %lips Den blo%-in magaAineE or magaAine %hargers Daka stripper %lipsE and the (ario&s types of amm&nition! and repair and %leaning kits. =t %omes $ith operator<s man&al! performan%e and firing tables. =t %omes $ith %amo&flage tape and materials. Ff $hat &se is a rifle $itho&t a rifleman! or $itho&t a trained rifleman? ) rifle ina%%&rate! or malf&n%tioning or not $orking at all be%a&se the %ommonly broken parts are not at hand? =s a rifle of any &se beyond bl&dgeoning range $hen there is no more amm&nition? The soldier too is a $eapons system. 'e %omes armed and armoredJ e8&ipped to %amo&flage! na(igate! mo(e! obser(e Dbino%&lars! spotting s%opes! peris%opes! thermal imagers and night (ision gogglesE! shoot and %omm&ni%ate D$hether hand signals and smoke or flare! infrared or other$iseJ or ad(an%ed ;am resistant and en%rypted radiosE. )lso to li(e in the field and to treat minor diseases and take first meas&res $ith $o&nds. 'e too m&st be s&pported! s&pplied and maintained to at least the minimally re8&ired le(el. E(ery person in the field $ith a $eapon sho&ld ha(e a small %leaning and maintenan%e kit on his person. =t is amaAing ho$ often this is not done. Co& %an get a$ay $ith a ba%k&p pistol! kept %lean! and "N ro&nds of amm&nition if it is seldom &sed and a defensi(e shooto&t $ill probably take pla%e in poor light at a distan%e of G feet and $ith an e+pendit&re of K ro&nds. This attit&de $ill destroy yo& if e+tended and applied to %ombat operations. /aintain it! repair it! reb&ild it! reman&fa%t&re it and repla%e it. =f it $on<t $ork it is as &sef&l as mortars! ro%kets and ma%hine g&ns $hi%h follo$ in the train b&t ne(er a%t&ally pla%e fires on the enemy. )sk yo&rself $hy old /"."" pistols and /2,. light ma%hine g&ns are so loose and &nreliable. /a;or $ear and this is tolerated. They $ere not reb&ilt. DThe 200 ro&nd belt bo+ that %lips to the re%ei(er of the /2,.! b&t $on<t al$ays stay there! is not a tr&e dr&m magaAine. They are %ylindri%al magaAines that feed %artridges &nder spring tension and the bo+ on the 4)? is ;&st a holder. Ho soldiers and marines refer to this bo+ as a dr&m mag.? 4ometimes they do! as both the #4) and #4/C ma%hine g&n man&als label them as s&%h.E 4tore the e+plosi(es and %hemi%als properly. Hefenses $hi%h blo$ &p the neighborhood<s %hildren and dogs are amate&r. *repared ele%tri%ally detonated %harges $hi%h e+plode d&ring the first ma;or th&nderstorm $ill do nobody any good. )ny massi(e %harge $hi%h $ill p&t yo&r o$n position inside the %rater! or $ill blo$ yo&r home and family into the treetops@$hat %an = say? ) detonator is a military blasting %ap. =t is not the signaling de(i%e a person may &se to trigger the s$it%hing of %&rrent into an ele%tri% blasting %ap. Ele%tri%ally fired e+plosi(es %an also be set off by enemy transmitters &nless the &nen%oded

ele%tri%al portion that a%t&ally fires the ele%tri% blasting %ap-detonator is (ery $ell shielded. C&rrently the military &ses sho%k t&bes! rather than ele%tri%al $ires! time f&se! or det %ord. This is a narro$ plasti% t&be lined $ith 5HZ. ) blasting %ap sets it off! a detonation $a(e tra(els inside the t&be from one end to the other! and the %ap on the other end detonates the e+plosi(e %harge. That se%ond arti%le of the bill of rights! the one that says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed be%a&se a $ell reg&lated militia is ne%essary to the se%&rity of a free state? Meep in mind that it re%ogniAes a right! and forbids the federals to (iolate it! b&t that this right and others are also %o(ered by the ninth and tenth arti%les. F&rthermore! keep is not the same as bear. Bear arms means to $ear or %arry and to &se. Finally! arms does not mean firearms alone. =t means $eapons Din%l&ding bayonets and other armsE and amm&nition! as $ell as helmets and other armor. 'a(e yo& e(er heard the term 6armed at all points?7 The idea that! FM! the right to keep arms is more than a state right to ha(e a state militiaJ b&t is not really an indi(id&al right either be%a&se it is abo&t people ha(ing g&ns for $hen they are %alled &p for militia d&ty is silly. The fa%t is that indi(id&als had the g&ns and $ere free to &se them for any non%riminal p&rpose militia preparedness not$ithstanding. The Feds ha(e no %onstit&tional po$ers $ith regard to self defense! target shooting! h&nting or g&nsmithing. 1ook for it. The fo&nder<s $ritings %ontain remarks that pro(e they kne$ indi(id&als had e(ery right to o$n $eapons and to defend themsel(es. 6B&t all the st&dies sho$ [lie3\ that the a(ailability of small arms makes %onfli%t more deadly37 Fh my >od. =f all fa%tory o$ners! go(ernments! militaries! paramilitaries! terrorists and gangs $ere tr&ly &nable to a%8&ire firearms then an armed %itiAenry %o&ld infli%t higher losses on them. They $o&ld ha(e to fight $ith only airpo$er and artillery! and the like. That $o&ld make them (&lnerable in the %lose fight. =t is to la&gh. =f the people $itho&t %orporate! go(ernmental! or organiAed %rime %onne%tions %o&ld tr&ly be depri(ed of firearms then tyranny $o&ld be e(en more as%endant than it is. B&t this is all dri(el any$ay. Co& are talking abo&t g&n %ontrol la$s! not an a%t&al end to arms. ?hat $ill yo& do $ith the %o&ntry! gro&p or person $ho breaks the la$? )tta%k him $ith arms and kill him before he &ses his arms to kill yo&. ) $onderf&l de%rease in deadliness is in%&rred3 /orons. OCes? = s&ppose yo& think yo&r ne+t door neighbor sho&ld be allo$ed to ha(e a n&%lear bomb too3O Fh my. )nd ho$ many of yo&r neighbors are on the market for s&%h? They are bloody e+pensi(e! (ery diffi%&lt to make and more lethal than helpf&l to amate&rs $ho try to roll their o$n. =f there $ere signs that a person $as trying arm himself in s&%h a manner any in(estigation $o&ld almost %ertainly sho$ %onspira%y to &se said $eapon %riminally and raids $o&ld ens&e. = say indis%riminate infe%tio&s biologi%als and %ity-region destroying $arheads sho&ld be banned. *erhaps this sho&ld lead to a proper %onstit&tional amendment to that effe%t. 'o$e(er! = %an tell yo& t$o tr&e things no$: =f s&%h amendment $as made &nder today<s ingrained mental and moral st&pidity yo& $o&ld find that $eapons of indis%riminate and mass destr&%tion Dm&rder of non%ombatantsE no$ in%l&de non-sporting firearmsJ and! d&mbass! my firearms are $hat yo& are after. /y $eapons O made only for killingO are not n&kes3 9or atomi% bombs! they are not the same things. 4o after all that! O/y rifle is not a n&%lear bomb.O >ood >od! that means yo& think people sho&ld be allo$ed to ha(e tanks. ?ell %ertainly! altho&gh (ery fe$ families %o&ld afford to b&y and maintain a modern tank. =t $orks like this! if a ri%h n&t goes on a rampage $ith his tank before anybody got aro&nd to reporting his madness his fello$s! the state and the feds %o&ld take him do$n. =f there $as a re(ol&tion it $o&ld be effe%ti(e as a %on(entional $ar if and only if it $as (ery pop&lar. 4ho&ld a state r&n $ild both the lo%als and the feds $o&ld p&t it do$n. Finally! if the fed and part of the states (iolated the %ompa%t %itiAens and the other states $o&ld be a real problem for them. = think people sho&ld be Oallo$edO to ha(e e+plosi(es! and in yo&r mind that radi%al thinking ;&stifies yo&r belief that po%ket pistols need to be banned. = do s&pport g&n %ontrol! the abo(e not$ithstanding. 4la(es and prisoners sho&ld not be armed! nor sho&ld small %hildren and l&nati%s Dsorry kidsE. ?hile it is tr&e that armed so%ieties tend to$ard being polite so%ieties! $hen things get o&t of hand and some le(el of $arfare breaks o&t Dbe%a&se some gro&p of p&nks %an<t stop p&shing! or $ants it that $ayE then = am all for shooting the enemy and taking his g&ns. Firearms are not for defense be%a&se they are designed for killing people... #h h&h. Firearms

are designed for many things. Milling people is one. 4ome ad(i%e: $hen someone is serio&sly trying to kill yo& $ith a lethal $eapon! ne(er! not e(er if at all possible! o&ght yo& to defend $ith a less-lethal $eapon. =f yo& do this yo& gi(e him e(ery psy%hologi%al and material ad(antage. )nd if there $as a tr&ly effe%ti(e and safe nonlethal! $hi%h there is not! imagine ho$ it $o&ld $ork. =f all lethal $eapons %o&ld a%t&ally be effe%ti(ely banned and both yo& and the mental defe%ti(e &sed the nifty nonlethal defender one of yo& $o&ld probably get in the first shot. =f yo& then he $o&ld go in for his latest mental e(al&ation. =f he then yo& $o&ld be do$n and he $o&ld sa&nter o(er and stand on yo&r ne%k for a$hile. 1ess lethal means are for %o&ntering e(en less for%ef&l less lethal atta%ks! for taking do$n a potentially dangero&s s&b;e%t $hen yo& ha(e armed ba%k&p sho&ld lethal for%e be re8&ired! and for distra%tion! disorientation! and harassment of the oppos d&ring lethal %ombat. >&n %ontrol $o&ld $ork if yo& %o&ld make e(ery person non(iolent! and if yo& did that g&n %ontrol $o&ld be %ompletely &nneeded. Co& %annot %ontrol all o&r minds. Bothers yo&! eh? )nyho$! a tr&ly effe%ti(e and safe 6kno%ko&t g&n7 $o&ld be banned for %i(ilian &se as too &sef&l a tool for m&ggers. /en $ith rights %arried s$ords of old! today they %arry handg&ns. Co& are afraid of the 6la$s?7 =f yo& li(e in a red state or %ity and %an<t bear arms! yo& he-man yo&! do this. 'andg&ns! batons! Tasers! large kni(es and a&tomati% kni(es and sometimes defense sprays and st&n g&ns are banned? Carry a lo%king folder of legal length! a short sti%k on the key %hain! pepper spray! a small st&n g&n. 9o hand%&ffs or fle+ %&ffs? Carry an ind&strial Aip tie. 9o spear or firearm! ha ha? 'o$ e(er %an yo& dan%e and make threatening so&nds $itho&t yo&r spear? The tire iron in yo&r %ar %an be thro$n or &sed as a spike or bl&dgeon. Carry a dense! smooth ri(er stone of s&itable siAe in the po%ket. Co& so %raAy3 = $o&ld a%t&ally prefer it if modern $eapons %o&ld be remo(ed from so%iety. Big! fast and strong men %o&ld fight better $ith baseball bat and spear D= do lo(e those sho(el handle $ith se%&rely $ire $rapped on b&t%her knife thingsE than the $eaklings %o&ld. =f = li(ed inside a totalitarian %o&ntry $here all $eapons had been remo(ed = $o&ld lo(e to take on the disarmed poli%e $ith my sharpened broom sti%k and ply$ood shield. ) sling %an be made $ith t$o pie%es of rope! and a stiff pie%e of %loth. 4tones are e(ery$here. 4lingshots: a %rooked sti%k! s&rgi%al r&bber t&bing and steel ball bearings. 'o$ hard %an it be? 1o(ely pla%es like /e+i%o 9orth DCaliforniaE ban anything a p&tA like yo& might mis&se! or &se properly! as the %ase might be. = do&bt yo& are as st&pid as the poli%e $ho fired pyrote%hni% C4 into a (apor filled ho&se. ?hat abo&t the offi%ers $ho apprehended a 6mental7 $ho had do&sed himself $ith gasoline by shooting him $ith a Taser? Fne spark and instant %rispy %ritter. Bla%k;a%ks! saps! %orn kni(es! daggers! a&tomati% Ds$it%hbladeE kni(es! nightsti%ks! st&n g&ns and batons! Tasers! %hemi%al spraysJ %ertain firearms! amm&nition and magaAines Dfeeding de(i%esE! e+plosi(es! b&llet resistant (ests! and the list goes on. =t has $orked really $ell! too. DB&y a Ben%hmade a&tomati% knife. >ood kni(es and good people. B&y an F9 F)1! a good basi% infantry rifle.E England has taken to ha(ing knife 6b&y-ba%ks7 rather than g&n. =t is f&nny ho$ yo& %an b&y ba%k something yo& ne(er had. =f yo& don<t $ant the risk of importing or b&ying these e(il things! $ell! do yo& really need them? 4ome! perhaps. 'o$e(er! railroad spikes and large %onstr&%tion nails are handy. There are some dandy h&nting and kit%hen kni(es. 4e(eral st&rdy so%ks tied aro&nd a bar of soap or a flat and hea(y ri(er stone! anyone? 9ightsti%ks of hard$ood are easy to make. Ho yo& ha(e a baseball bat? ) ball peen hammer? ) pit%hfork? ) hairspray s8&irt to the eyes is al$ays good! tho&gh it $ill do more eye damage than /a%e. 'a(e yo& e(er heard of %attle prods? ) simple st&n g&n is rather easy to assemble for yo&rself. E(en a bolt a%tion rifle %an be &sed m&%h more effe%ti(ely than those stooges think! and %ertain long-range big game rifles! pl&s (armint rifles if small or mi%ro %aliber is FM! make good sharpshooting rifles. Co& %an do 8&ite a lot if yo& keep some *yrode+! bla%k po$der! and shotg&n po$der and primers at hand. Bla%k po$der is easy to make. 4tored safely no$3 DTho&gh these are more a fire than e+plosi(e haAard! and %omplete %artridges in storage do not prod&%e high (elo%ity pro;e%tiles D&n%ontained in any %hamber! the %ases ;&st split b&t the primer is e+pelledE. 4ometimes the right amo&nt of pa%kaged po$der $ill detonate if hit by a b&llet fired from a rifle! ho$e(er! d&e to a degree

of %ontainment offered by the $eight of the po$der abo(e! and be$are of flash po$der and primary e+plosi(es. )n &n%onfined po&nd of flash po$der $ill blo$ &p yo&r shed! and primary e+plosi(es m&st be stored in m&%h smaller 8&antities. That is to say that propellants in the &s&al 8&antities and pa%kaging are inflammableJ for yo& yo&ngsters 6flammable.7E D)nd perishable is not the same as fragile! nor is imply the same as intimate.E 1ighter fl&id is %ool! kerosene also! or gasoline and motor oil. Co& %an e(en make a de%ent (est $ith %ertain metal plates! or layers of highte%h fabri%s or fibers &sed! for e+ample! in the boat making ind&stry. *a%kage it tightly in a pair of ni%e panel holders! and there yo& ha(e it3 Test these things before yo& &se them! man3 )lmost anything %an be mishandled. ?ater %an be dr&nk to the point of poisoning yo&! and yo& %an dro$n in it. Bla%k po$der %an be dangero&s if mishandled. ) %ommer%ial %an is small eno&gh! and &n%onfined eno&gh! to b&rn the hell o&t of yo&r hands instead of blo$ing yo& &p if ignited. Commer%ial po$ders are %oated $ith graphite! et%. also! to red&%e the %han%e of sparking from stati% ele%tri%ity. ?hile it is not as po$erf&l as high e+plosi(es are! it is more sensiti(e. ?hen yo& &se large amo&nts of po$der for blasting or strongly %onfined %harges s&%h as in iron t&bes an a%%ident %an be fatal. ) spark! a to&%h $hen %arrying a stati% %harge! po&ring large amo&nts of po$der from one %ontainer to another is a bad thing. 'omemade po$der is e(en more sensiti(e. Be $ary of dire%tly igniting f&els! and of (apor b&ild&pJ and note that bla%k po$der flares more (iolently than smokeless. Co& all kno$! nat&rally! that g&npo$der has not been a po$der sin%e they first started %orning bla%k po$der long ago! and that smokeless po$ders are balls! disks! perforated t&bes and $hatnot of (ario&s siAes and &ses. 4mokeless po$ders still make smoke. 4ome more than others. Bla%k po$der still prod&%es a large %lo&d of dense $hite smoke tho&gh. 6?ell! yo& don<t need arms any$ay! be%a&se small arms %o&ld ne(er defend yo& against a go(ernment anyho$37 ) blatant disregard for the dire%t $ording of the Constit&tion! oh $ell. 1ea(es yo& &narmed in the fa%e of an armed indi(id&al %riminal too. 4a%rifi%es m&st be made. This %ontradi%ts the pre(io&s arg&ment! &nless yo& think that deadliness only harms the general pop&lation and not %riminals! poli%e or armed for%es. DCes! = am talking abo&t %riminals s&pported by %orr&pt go(ernment types. =nternational terrorists! organiAed %rime! %orr&pt %orporations and ma;or ins&rgen%ies )1?)C4 are.E )sk the people of =ra8! )fghanistan! and others! if firearms are of any &se to them. ?ith g&ns yo& %an go get e+plosi(es! $ith e+plosi(es yo& %an...blo$ things &p3 :&st make some /e+i%an /afia %onta%ts and ha(e them bring yo& some ni%e Chinese )M, s. 5eal ones! not the semia&tomati% 6assa&lt $eapon7 (ariants. F&%king /e+i%an /ob. C<all dr&g dealers do something &sef&l for a %hange. 4tart p&tting yo&r amm&nition sm&ggling net$orks together. Thank yo&. The go( is allo$ed by the %onstit&tion to reg&late interstate and international trade so it $o&ld be legal to ban or ta+ %ertain goods &ntil most people $o&ld be &nable to p&blish! keep arms! pra%ti%e their religion and the rest. 9ot at all. They ha(e no rights! they ha(e designated po$ers and d&ties! and no amo&nt of tri%kery and indire%tion empo$ers them to (iolate a %itiAen<s rights. They %an<t &se legal po$ers to legally break the legal restri%tions pla%ed on them. 1a$yer speak not$ithstanding and f&ll stop. Hisarmament does not $ork $ell on those $ho $ho ha(e not been killed! in%apa%itated! or imprisoned. Effe%ti(e 6g&n %ontrol7 is mind %ontrol@those $ho belie(e all la$s m&st be obeyed and those $ho belie(e eternal pea%e is at hand are the ones fooled. ?hat abo&t that $ell reg&lated part! 9aAi3 )s if the 9aAis had no g&n %ontrol la$s. 1ook &p 6reg&lated7 in an old di%tionary! one printed before o&r modern lo(e of reg&latory agen%ies: the fo&rth bran%h of go(ernment! or is that 'allib&rton or CB4? ?hat does it say? To s&b;e%t to la$! to p&t in good order! to maintain. ?hi%h of these and to $hat degree do yo& think $o&ld not infringe? 9oti%e that the right is not the militia! it is the arms. The militia is the right g&aranteed by the right being g&aranteed. =t is the militia that is 6reg&lated!7 and not the arms or the people keeping arms. 'o$e(er! the militia is also the people. ?hat kind of la$ do yo& s&b;e%t the people to $hile p&tting them in good order and maintaining them as an armed militia?

To maintain the right to ha(e arms in order to maintain the militia in order to maintain the people<s ability to defend themsel(es and their state in order to maintain life! property! and %onstit&tional go(ernment. Hefend the %onstit&tion against all enemies foreign and domesti% yo& t$ofa%ed f&%kers3 *lease3 The national g&ard is not the people. =t is a sele%t militia and one that has been %ompletely federaliAed. Congress has e(en pretended to la$ that a&thoriAes federal %all-&ps for state disasters $itho&t the permission of the state in 8&estion. 5emember $ho yo& are. 4ome sayJ sin%e the %onstit&tion pro(ides for %ongressional reg&lation of the militia! and the se%ond amendment Dand amendments tr&mp the body of the thing amendedE itself mentions 6reg&lated militia!7 that the se%ond of the amendments itself a&thoriAes reg&lation of the people<s arms by the federal go(ernment. 'a3 The militia is the ma;ority of the body of male %itiAens! or more to the point is the base from $hi%h $ell reg&lated militia are s&pposed to %ome. The one spe%ifi% reg&lation banned by the amendment itself is any federal la$ infringing on the %itiAen<s right to keep arms. They tho&ght the so&r%e of %itiAen<s militia $o&ld dry &p if people $ere disarmed. For those of yo& $ho think the .th and "0th arti%les do not apply to g&n %ontrol be%a&se the %onstit&tion en&merates federal %ontrols o(er the militia: %onsider the pre%eding paragraph. There is no %onstit&tional a&thority for federal g&n %ontrol of any kind. There is (ery little federal a&thority for %rime %ontrol as $ell. They ha(e the right to seiAe enemy ordnan%e and m&nitions! and to disarm enemy prisoners! d&ring de%lared $ars and ins&rre%tions. They ha(e the right! as long as their a%tions are %onstit&tional! to %ontrol foreign affairs! pira%y! %o&nterfeiting and treason. )meri%an<s ha(e al$ays had the right to arms and defense of their o$n! and that right is! te%hni%ally! prote%ted by arti%les 2! . and "0. =n reality! of %o&rse! a legal right is only a prote%tion $hen there are those both $illing and able to enfor%e it. Come no$3 Be reasonable. Taking a$ay the right to keep and bear arms may be &n%onstit&tional! b&t registration is FM! and $hat abo&t military style arms? 5eally! and $hat is the p&rpose of registration? ". To ha(e a list of people and their g&ns so yo& $ill kno$ $ho to go to $hen yo& ban some or all types of firearms. #n%onstit&tional. 2. To ha(e a list of g&ns in %ase a g&n t&rns &p at a %rime s%ene. #n%onstit&tional. Henial of a right &nless yo& agree to a $arrantless seiA&re of information. )lso! the files are o&t of date and ina%%&rate! and only list g&ns o$ned by those $ho try to %omply. K. The ability to deny permission to those $ith poor re%ords! and to %he%k &p on people periodi%ally. #n%onstit&tional. 5e8&ires pre(io&s permission to e+er%ise a right. #s&ally also denies those it denies administrati(ely! rather than thro&gh d&e pro%ess. Co& people are t$isters. Co& $ant it both $ays. The la$s abo&t $ho %an o$n ma%hine g&ns $as an end r&n on the Constit&tion. =t $as presented as a ta+ la$! and is &sed both to register and to deny people by ref&sing to a%%ept their ta+ payments. This is like ref&sing a person land o$nership by ref&sing his property ta+ payment and then taking his land for ta+ delin8&en%y. D*roperty ta+es are idioti% any$ay. /inimal ne%essary ta+es on %ommer%e is one thing! b&t to ta+ property $hi%h may not be a dire%t so&r%e of in%ome? Ff %o&rse in%ome ta+es are bad for a different reason@they gi(e go(ernment an e+%&se to monitor and manip&late people. The so%ial planners lo(e property ta+es be%a&se they do not belie(e in pri(ate o$nership and s&%h ta+es do allo$ them to sell yo&r land if yo& miss payments and this allo$s them to p&t land in the hands of those more $orthy! and the sale (al&e of yo&r land in their po%kets.E /ilitary style firearms? The 2nd )rti%le is abo&t military arms primarily. The .th and "0th )rti%les prote%t both sporting and military arms as $ell. The /iller %ase held! abs&rdly! that firearms %an be banned if they are not military types. 4pe%ifi%ally in that %ase! short-barreled shotg&ns $ere not %onsidered military and %o&ld be banned. Then the so-%alled assa&lt $eapons ban %ame along and yo& said it $as legal be%a&se it only applied to military style g&ns. /ost federal agen%ies are illegal. 9one of them are (ery legitimate as poli%e. =t is hilario&s $hen some loser from =54 sho$s &p in body armor $ith poli%e $ritten in giant letters on his ba%k.

Christians in )%tion! the boys and girls at no s&%h agen%y! the feebs! T-menJ e(en the bat fags! $o&ld ha(e a role to play if they st&%k to national defense and e(en-handed and legal e+%ise enfor%ement. They do not. ?hen the feebs $ere %reated they kne$ e(erybody else kne$ they $ere operating &nder $eak legal %o(er so they did not %all themsel(es poli%e and did not e(en %arry firearms. They talked the lo%als into making the arrests. 1ook at them no$. 4ti%ky fingered nar%s. The traitors in the border patrol. Central go(ernment and higher a&thority. >i(e p&nks an in%h and $hat happens? 6Bo$ ye! bo$ ye! bo$ ye do$n before the light of the $orld.7 Call no man masterJ sensei! rabbi. Fffer nobody legitimately offensi(e treatment. Bo$ to nobody! kneel to no one. 4a%rifi%e is e(il. Ho not bo$ to man nor spirit. *o$er alone does not e8&al (irt&e. 1isten for tr&th! not to threat and ab&se. Be the $illo$! be the dog? 1i(e for treats and %aresses. 1o(e yo&r master for his %&ffs and for his ki%ks be%a&se he %hooses not to do $orse. Hogs. 4ee the smirking ser(ants ;ostle for rank3 4ee the )meri%ans learn to bo$ and $alk ba%k$ards in order to greet a foreign 8&een $ho deigns to (isit the land of the sorta free and kinda bra(e? Hogs. 5emember too that %itiAens of other %o&ntries and )meri%ans that a%%ept rank &nder foreign a&thority are )meri%ans no more. Ho yo& see the people $ho pro(e their importan%e by sho$ing yo& the n&mber of permissions they ha(e re%ei(ed? Hiplomas! %ertifi%ations! li%enses! permits and appro(als. False and entailed deeds that are a%t&ally permissions. *ri(ileges. 5egistrations and identifi%ations. Credit %ards. *asses and a%%ess %odes. ?hat is in yo&r $allet! dog? = ha(e more tags on my %ollar than yo& do. ) sensible ;&dge says! 6= see the e(iden%e yo& ha(e bro&ght me is solid! the s&spe%ts do appear to be attempting an atta%k on freedom and %onstit&tional go(ernment. 'ere are the $arrants. )rrest them! disarm them and bring in any other material e(iden%e fo&nd there.7 :&dge Ba%kbiter says! 6= see yo& ha(e banned all arms sa(e t$o! and no amm&nition is allo$ed. Co& ha(e allo$ed li%ensed persons to o$n one model of ".th %ent&ry bla%k po$der re(ol(er! and one type of medie(al helmet. ?ell! this is no %omplete infringement on a right or legal pri(ilege to bear arms! and there is a sort of %&rrent emergen%y or go(ernmentally important interest in(ol(ed. /ake e+%eptions for poli%e! military and ;&di%ial bodyg&ards and = $ill allo$ it.7 'o$ soon the federal knife %ontrols? Mni(es and other bladed $eapons make some of the most massi(e and debilitating $o&nds of any $eapons. They re8&ire %losing $ith the enemy to a degree &s&ally neither ne%essary or $ise! b&t e(en a small po%ket knife %an prod&%e deep slashes easily. :&st don<t hold that kind of knife improperly! tho&gh! or it $ill %lose on yo&r fingers. 1ethal $o&nds to most areas of the body re8&ire abo&t three in%hes of penetration. This does not apply to the throat! or eyes. Ho not &se a knife for sentry remo(al. Ho not %reep &p and slit a throat. Fne of the best lo$te%h tools for this ;ob is a hefty ball-peen hammer $ith a longish handle. 4lam it into the top of his head from behind and p&t him do$n faster than .mm b&llets $o&ld. G0L of the time he dies! the other 20L of the time he falls &n%ons%io&s. =t depends on the helmet &sed! b&t %ollars on armored (ests %at%h knife blades too. )rro$s may go thro&gh soft armor! b&t tend to kill slo$ly. 4tab resistant (ests are different than soft Dfle+ibleE b&llet resistant (ests! there are %ombination (ests $hi%h are more b&lky! as $ell as (ests $ith added st&n g&n resistan%e. ?hy is this? 4ome materials are hard to p&sh a pin thro&gh! b&t a pin %an be easily ;abbed thro&gh it. Fthers are easy to p&sh into! b&t bend the pin if yo& ;ab. /ost fle+ible armor materials fle+ and p&ll $hen hit (iolently $hi%h &ses &p the b&llet<s energy! b&t if yo& p&sh slo$ly into it the fibers %an be separated and penetration o%%&rs. =f yo& $ant to go thro&gh fle+ible armor &se a pointy knife $ith sharp edges. 4errated is good. :ab and then p&t yo&r $eight into it. Be %aref&l if the knife has no g&ard! as yo&r hand may slide do$n the blade. Ho not try this on rigid plates. =%e pi%ks %reate more fri%tion as they ha(e no edges. )s an e+ample! the %&rrent /arine Corps bayonet has tested $ell on soft armor. The h&man skin is more resistant than the &nderlying m&s%le! b&t a sharp knife makes it seem as tho&gh yo& ha(e simply &nAipped it. The body ;&st &nAips! it e(en so&nds like a Aipper $ith (ery small teeth being opened. ?hen the knife is p&n%hed in soft tiss&e $ill be %ompressed by the hand and this!

as $ell as the handle follo$ing the blade into the gap! %an prod&%e s&rprisingly deep $o&nds. 9e(ertheless! stabs are fatal more often than %&ts! m&ltiple stabs are e(en better. The res&lts are not pleasant. They had better be ;&stifiable. =t is not ;&st the s&ffering andPor dying. The so&nds and smells are not en;oyable. Co& $ill be bled on. =t is interesting ho$ many feet p&lses of blood from a damaged artery $ill tra(el. )ny $o&nd into the abdominal %a(ity $ill res&lt in the protr&sion of intestines. Blood! fe%es! &rine and intestinal %ontents all smell bad. Cooling flesh has a smell of its o$n! $hi%h %hanges on%e the %ooling is %omplete. =t is a (ery rank and noisome odor. Blood3 Bah. Fresh blood itself does not ha(e m&%h of a smell to it. The ne+t time yo& get a little %&t try dete%ting the s%ent of blood. = do&bt yo& $ill smell anything e(en $ith yo&r nose nearly in it. )nimals smell it (ery easily. '&mans do not. ) fa%t abo&t kni(es: yo&ng people tend to take risks and they get %&t. Ho not point a knife at any part of yo&r body or at anybody else yo& do not $ant to stab! if yo& trip or fall bad things o%%&r. ?hen %&tting something keep the knife edge fa%ing a$ay. = don<t %are ho$ &nlikely yo& think a slip is be%a&se if yo& keep lea(ing yo&r flesh in the path of the blade it $ill e(ent&ally get %&t. )h $ell! nothing $as permanently remo(ed and the feeling in that appendage probably $ill %ome ba%k in a fe$ months. ?e hope. D*ress&re! sometimes ;&st a th&mb! on a $o&nd in an e+tremity %ontaining a ni%ked artery $ill $ork. ) se(ered artery or one bleeding into a %a(ity is a problem. 'o$ many people %an %lamp off an artery and repair it? E(en if yo& ha(e a t&be handy Ts&%h as a pen barrelU for temporary bleeding %ontrol it is not easy to get it inserted in both ends of the se(ered artery! e(en if of a s&itable siAe. 1ook into emergen%y bleeding %ontrol. Cloth folded into a $ide %onstri%tion band! pa%king and dire%t press&re! press&re points and ele(ationJ as $ell as the risks of these methods.E =f any of this gi(es yo& a thrill then yo& ha(e sadisti% tenden%ies. Control it! or get into another line of $ork. Ces! there are people $ho are se+&ally stim&lated by in;&ry or death. #s&ally it in(ol(es domination of pleading or s%antily %lad (i%tims. This kind of thing is more %ommon in the abstra%t than $hen fa%ed $ith the reality. Fbser(e the pop&larity of gr&esome (ampire no(els. Ces! there is rape on the battlefield. 9ot d&ring firefights b&t d&ring l&lls in the fighting. 4oldiers $ho $ant se+ and think they $ill be dead tomorro$ %an la%k imp&lse %ontrol. 'atred and fear %an res&lt in a need for se+&al domination. D5ape is abo&t se+! b&t also (iolen%e. =t is se+&al (iolen%e yo& see.E The idea that se+ is %ra(ed after killing be%a&se it affirms life is mostly %rap. ?hen great stress is ended people $ant to blo$ off steam. This may in(ol(e se+! or it may %onsist of drinking and generally ro$dy beha(ior! b&t the most %ommon immediate rea%tion after a battle is to $ant to sleep for "2 ho&rs. The st&pid belief that fighting gi(es men as a gro&p an ere%tion is %rap. 4oldiers are fo%&sed on s&r(i(al d&ring a fight. 4e+ ne(er e(en %omes to mind. 4ome find that they ha(e &rinated d&ring the fight. Hamn fe$ dis%o(er any t&mes%en%e after$ard. 4trength is $eakness. )nger is fear. E(erything is se+&al! in%l&ding %igars and %ombat. ?ar is pea%e and homose+&als ha(e longer and more stable relationships! $hile straight men hate $omen...s&re. 6Breeders37 ) (iolent death %an lea(e a %orpse $ith an ere%tion. =t is most %ommon $hen the brain or spinal %ord is damaged. ) dis%harge may be present b&t is as likely to be &rine or blood as anything else. This is not abo&t se+. =t is ;&st a physiologi%al fa%t. =t is also %ommon to try to %o&nter pain by applying press&re to a $o&nd or r&bbing another part of the body. This may help be%a&se the sensation distra%ts the ner(o&s system to an e+tent. 4ometimes $hen people are dying they %o&nter one pain by %la$ing at or grasping another body part! e(en the penis at times. This too has nothing to do $ith se+. >o read some more eroti% horror! the realities are not for yo& if yo& think e(erything is se+&al. Ho not allo$ people to stand %lose to yo&. 4tand fi(e feet a$ay. Be a$are of the %ontent of hands and s&spi%io&s of hidden hands. =f yo& are near and a person lifts a hand he %an to&%h yo& before yo& %an rea%t. =f that hand has a knife in it yo& $ill be stabbed. ) knife sho&ld be large b&t not &nbalan%ed or %l&msy! and as small as it needs to be in order

that it %an be %arried. T$o edges are better than one! and there sho&ld be at least some %&r(e to the edges! b&t most folding knife blades m&st be single edged. Folding kni(es sho&ld open 8&i%kly and lo%k solidly. 9e(er b&y %heap stainless steel kni(es. 'igh 8&ality stainless is FM and $ill slo$ b&t not stop %orrosion. The best kni(es are 8&ality %arbon steel that has been properly tempered. =t is to&gh and fle+ible! and takes a sharp edge. Iariable tempering is the best. Ces! yo& ha(e to keep the blade %lean and %o(ered $ith a film of preser(ati(e. )re yo& going to be spending t$o $eeks in a s$amp? Fh! yo& are? 9e(er mind. 4ykes! )pplegate! >erber: ease of %arry along $ith good stabbing ability and defensi(e slashing in both dire%tions. 4ykes is a bit fragile. Tanto: armor pier%ing knife. Ma-Bar: general fighting knife. The sheath m&st be se%&re and fast. Co&r &se of the knife s&dden and %ontin&o&s. 'old it fingers do$n and th&mb near the g&ard! keep it mo(ing and ne(er lea(e it o&t in an e+tended position. =f yo& lea(e something hanging o&t it $ill get sli%ed off. T&rn the blade side$ays $hen stabbing into the ribs or behind the %ollar bone! b&t do not grapple $ith the g&y &nless yo& ha(e to. Ho sli%e &p any body parts he lea(es hanging in front of yo&. Co& o&ght not be &sing a knife against a man $ith another knife! a %&dgel or a firearm. B&t emergen%ies do o%%&r. 5emember thatJ $hile yo& may ha(e to blo%k! parry! defle%t or slap a $eapon! and that a %o&nteratta%k into an opening is often bestJ stepping! slipping and t&rning the body is important and yo& are not there to fight a $eapon b&t to fight a person. 1ook at him! at $hat is in his hands! b&t do not fo%&s on only his hands or eyes. Then look at him generally! do not fo%&s on any parti%&lar part. Co& need to kno$ $hen he shifts his $eight! ho$ he is mo(ing! and $hen his sho&lder dropsJ or torso t$ists! or his hands mo(eJ keeping tra%k of his $eaponDsE. 'e may step in or e(en l&nge. Take ad(antage of any openings if yo& $ill be able to get in and ba%k o&t 8&i%kly eno&gh! b&t if he is fast he may fake yo& o&t. 'e may ;&st %ome in ;abbing and slashing like a hailstorm. Hid = mention that this kind of for%e-on-for%e thing is foolish? =f he blo%ks yo&r knife hand instantly rotate yo&r $rist o(er or &nder and stab repeatedly or sli%e his $rist. =f the blo%king hand holds his knife $ithdra$ or a(oid it! or slap or hold his $rist $ith yo&r offside hand as yo& stab him. 4tay in motion! keep the knife mo(ing and yo&r arm retra%ted $hen not infli%ting a $o&nd. Ho not play the parry blade to blade game! b&t in desperation... Mno$ that parrying edge to $rist is good! b&t that sharp edged blades parry $ith the flat against another blade. 4lap $ith the side ;&st ba%k from the point. *arry or blo%k $ith the flat ;&st for$ard of the hilt. Blo%king is bad ;oss! espe%ially ;&st for$ard of the grip if there is no g&ard. D?hat makes yo& think yo&r parry $ill e(en %at%h his mo(ing blade! any$ay?E Co&r left arm prote%ts yo&r %hest and ne%k! in %lose! $hen not other$ise engaged. Ho not lea(e it o&t front or it $ill get hit. 'ell! knife (s. knife and yo& $ill get h&rt! any$ay. >ardens are a good idea! &sing heritage seeds if possible. >ardens noti%eable from the air %an gi(e yo& a$ay. 4nares and silent methods of h&nting are good. Bo$s-%rossbo$s. =n s&%h %ir%&mstan%es the more po$erf&l %ompressed-air g&ns are e+%ellent for h&nting small game. ?ith s$ords parrying is both doable and important! tho&gh yo& still sho&ld fo%&s on the target! and parry only $hen it is &sef&l or ne%essary. The s$ord is a tr&ly lethal %lose %ombat $eapon b&t it is large and %annot mat%h a pistol &nless inside abo&t V feet of the opponent. =t is not $orth %arrying in the field as a res&lt of these fa%tors altho&gh it also has the ad(antage of needing no amm&nition. =t %an be (ery effe%ti(e still in home defense. ?hen armed th&gs break yo&r door r&sh them $ith a 4?)T b&llet resistant shield t&%ked against the body for ma+im&m %o(erage! and the s$ord &pright and ba%k $ith the pommel ;&st (isible abo(e yo&r eyes. Bring the s$ord do$n for%ef&lly so that the edge abo&t "-K ba%k hits the ;&n%tion of ne%k and sho&lder! and repeat. The arms and legs are also al$ays a good target $hen fighting a skilled and armed and armored enemy! espe%ially the lo$er legs if he has a shield. This kind of thing ass&mes a fairly high %eiling and a real %arbon steel s$ord $ith a good edge and a hilt that $ill not fall off at the first blo$. ?ith a lo$ %eiling hold the s$ord $ith yo&r elbo$

do$n and bent! and the s$ord point aimed at the intr&der<s eyes. Then thr&st abo(e or belo$ any plate armor. Ho not stop there! b&t only $hen all opponents are o&t of the a%tion. 'a(e f&n. Meep the edge of an edged $eapon fa%ing a$ay from self. E(er heard of falling on yo&r o$n s$ord? ?hat abo&t ha(ing yo&r $eapon kno%ked ba%k into yo&r body? =s it tr&e that s$ord dan%ing at 'ighland >ames is o&t of fa(or d&e to the ban on s$ords? ?ill the madness e(er end? B&y a s$ord made by Cold 4teel3 4peaking of home defense! yo& %an dri(e off a belligerent trespasser $ho ref&ses to lea(e $ith a s;ambok! and if harassed by paintball or BB-pellet g&n &sers a shotg&n marked and set &p for r&bber shot is (ery handy. K mm la&n%hers are not reg&lated by the fed b&t m&%h of its amm&nition is. ?hen &sing riot pro;e%tiles do remember to shoot at legs and torsos! and not to shoot $hen inside the dangero&s range of the parti%&lar %artridge. 5iot m&nitions are &sef&l against ro%k thro$ers as $ell! b&t someone $ith a lethal $eapon sho&ld ba%k yo& &p anytime yo& &se them in %ase someone de%ides to play dangero&sly. >eneti%s! disease and stress may dri(e yo& mad! b&t reality $ill alsoJ as $ill a half bri%k to the head. 4o! if people $ill persist in r&nning &p %lose and rearing ba%k to fling fist siAed stones at yo&r head ;&st shoot them dead. The mind yo& sa(e may be yo&r o$n. The handg&n3 ) tr&e $arrior<s $eapon3 ?ell! = am not big on that $arrior shit. Ho not! by the $ay! listen to the folks $ho say things like 6be one $ith the $eapon.7 9obody is one $ith the &ni(erse! or $ith >od! and yo& are definitely one flesh $ith yo&r $ife! eh? Co& all m&st look right f&nny. Co& and yo&r peashooter $ill ne(er be one being. )lso do not take the old 6do not think7 and 6empty yo&r mind7 %on%epts too serio&sly. =f yo&r mind $as empty yo& $o&ld be dead! thinking is kind of important for some of &s. )ll yo& need to kno$ is that yo& m&st be pra%ti%ed in the handling of a handg&n that is not too big or hea(y for yo&! and that yo& need to %on%entrate on the ;ob at hand. ) f&mble is more likely if yo& rethink %ons%io&sly e(ery step of an already learned physi%al skill. :&st do it the $ay yo& trained to do it. )nd thinking abo&t other things! or $orrying! $hile in the middle of a firefight $ill really slo$ yo& do$n. That mind of yo&rs %an only pro%ess so m&%h in those fe$ se%onds! so $orrying abo&t ho$ all this is going to look to yo&r girlfriend %an $ait. Ho not think things $ill $ork the $ay they do in idioti% books and mo(ies. Cars do not e+plode that $ay. DF&el tanks may e+plode if the (apor in a partially filled tank is ignited! b&t they normally ;&st split and b&rn. They often do not b&rn at all $hen p&n%t&red by non-pyrote%hni% b&llets.E E+plosions don<t look like that Dmost mo(ie e+plosions are mere fireballs repeated thri%eE. Co& %annot tra%e %alls or %omp&ters the $ay mo(ies $o&ld ha(e it Dno need to $ait! the <phone %ompanies kno$ $hi%h %onne%tions are made in %omp&teriAed net$orksEJ fist fights do not $ork that $ay Dhammering to no effe%t follo$ed by a s&dden one p&n%h kno%ko&t by the hero! $ho is &nmarked the ne+t dayE! nor does lo%k pi%king Dyo& need a pi%k and a $ren%h in order to keep tension on $hile p&shing pins &p one-byoneE! and b&llets do not lift people off their feet. 4hooting the lo%ks o&t of doors may take m&ltiple shots and is a real b&llet splatter haAard Db&t a shotg&n &sing frangible brea%hing sl&gs %an make short $ork of lo%ks and hinges if yo& &se the %orre%t aim points and standoff! $hi%h is a matter of some in%hes.E Co& keep hitting people in the head hard eno&gh to kno%k them o&t! if they are kno%ked o&t! and yo& $ill e(ent&ally kill someone! and %on%&ssions %a&se brain damage in (ario&s degrees. =n fa%t it al$ays does b&t not al$ays to a noti%eable degree. Fnly the largest trees $ill stop rifle b&llets. =f yo& lea(e someone gagged they may s&ffo%ate. )nd if yo& %hloroform a person yo& may o(erdose them! they $ill be si%k as a dog D$hi%h %an be terrible if they are gagged and (omitE and their skin $ill be b&rned. Co& $at%h mo(ies! yeah! so yo& kno$ )meri%an street gangs are the e8&al opport&nity employers of disaffe%ted yo&th. /ost gangs ha(e 'ispani%! )sian and both bla%k and $hite members. The meanest leaders are al$ays $hite g&ys $ith make&p or really strange hair! tho&gh! and the $orst beha(ior! like m&rder! tort&re and selling hard dr&gs to %hildren is easily tra%ed to all $hite gangs and gang leaders $ith milky skin and both bright blond hair and spooky pale bl&e eyes. Criminal biker %l&bs do e+ist after all. *oliti%ally %orre%tJ there is no end to it! = tell yo&3

There are gangs in Cali that are large net$orks made &p of V0L illegals and the rest the %hildren of immigrants. They mostly br&taliAe their o$n people! or ea%h other! b&t by no means al$ays. /ost street gangs are made &p of bla%ks or 'ispani%s! $ith some )sian or $hite gangs. *robably G0L of the (iolent %rime in the 4? $o&ld go a$ay if they did. Ceah! b&t it is o&r fa&lt. 9ot theirs. For e+ample! if $e did not b&y dr&gs illegally they $o&ld not sell dr&gs illegally. 4&re. /obsters are great g&ys. They don<t take o(er legal b&sinesses like %onstr&%tion or garbage disposal if they get bored $ith illegal $ork. They don<t then r&n those b&sinesses illegally. 5ight? Hifferent dr&g la$s $o&ld help. 4o $o&ld so%ial reform and immigration %ontrols! as $o&ld taking them on instead of hiding from them. ?hite flight. 4ometimes smart b&t mostly %o$ardi%e. 4oldier s8&inted into the d&st! as lo&d booms shook e(erything aro&nd him. The b&nker $as nearly dark. They $ere taking losses! damn it. Time for the artillery final prote%ti(e fire. 'e %o&ld make o&t the radio! b&t $here $as the handset? =t $as missing. 'e sear%hed! feeling the fr&stration b&ild. 'e ;erked a$ake! gasped on%e! and sat &p in bed. 'e $as soaked in s$eat. 'e got &p! sho$ered and dressed! and $alked do$n the side$alk. =t $as still dark. )s he approa%hed the %orner he sa$ a gro&p of yo&ths in baggy sports gear. They stared! and one said! O'ey $hite man3 ?here yo& think yo& goin<?O Too many to take do$n by hand! tho&gh the rest $o&ld probably r&n if he %r&shed the throat of the first. 'e flashed ba%k on a fa%e splitting &nder the impa%t of an entren%hing tool. 'e ignored some f&rther %at%alls and hand gest&res and strode past them! b&t far eno&gh a$ay that the nearest $o&ld ha(e to take se(eral steps to %old%o%k him in the ba%k of the head. There $ere more people aro&nd as he entered the parking lot near the %offee shop. 9ear the entran%e stood a yo&ng g&y in a ;ean ;a%ket. O'ey man! got a %igarette?O he asked. 4oldier did not &nderstand him d&e to his Cali a%%ent! soft (oi%e! and the effe%t past lo&d noises had had on his hearing. The g&y repeated the 8&estion more lo&dly. 4oldier stopped and ga(e him a %igarette. The kid looked at his blank fa%e and still post&re. 'e ob(io&sly de%ided 4oldier $as kinda slo$. 'e grinned. O?hat $o&ld yo& do if = ki%ked this trash %an o(er right no$! d&de?O O=t is not my trash %an!O 4oldier said as he $alked into the %afe. 'e took a seat inside as /addy the $aitress %ame &p. 'e smiled. OBla%k %offee! please.O 4he smiled ba%k! b&t her smile $as slightly strained as it al$ays $as. 4he seemed to think him a trifle odd. =f he $ere her small nephe$ she might ha(e said! O?hat a solemn little boy3O as she pin%hed his %heek. )s it $as he $as merely potential tro&ble! so she ;&st $ent for the %offee. Cet she de%ided to ask him for an es%ort to her %ar $hen her shift ended in a fe$ min&tes. Cet )meri%a is not the most (iolent %o&ntry in the $orld! not by a long shot. =t is one of the most hea(ily armed. The $hite (iolent %rime rate %ompares pretty $ell $ith Canada<s rate. >o look at a list of m&rder rates by %o&ntry. 1ook at the target. ?hen yo& ha(e to take the shot $hile the enemy is near a non%ombatant! s&%h as $hen shooting a hostage taker $ho is &sing a h&man shield! yo& $ill be tempted to fo%&s on the thing yo& do not $ant to shoot. Ho not do it. The need to $at%h the hostage! in %ase he is mo(ed into yo&r line of fire! is &nderstandableJ b&t trying to aim at the target<s head $hile sim&ltaneo&sly %on%entrating on $hat yo& m&st not shoot is like missing trees $hile skiing. =f yo& stare at the tree instead of yo&r sele%ted path yo& are more likely to hit that tree. =t feels almost like a physi%al p&ll on yo&r $eapon! like a giant magnet! and $ill %a&se yo& to hit m&%h %loser to the hostage than yo& e+pe%t. 1ook at the shooter! and the hostage! and de%ide if yo& %an or m&st take the shot. Fo%&s on the target and shoot! only aborting the shot if something %omes in to blo%k yo&r line of sight before the shot is a$ay. 4hoot him at the top of his nose! in the ear! or at the base of the sk&ll. =f he is too far a$ay for that yo& may ha(e to shoot him in the %enter of his &pper %hest Dbelo$ the throat and abo(e the nipplesE. Try to take that shot $hen he is not holding his pistol to the hostages head! or is glan%ing a$ay. )im high if &sing a %arbine $ith high-mo&nted sights! and the range is (ery short. ) similar thing o%%&rs $hen yo& see the opposition is armed and start shooting at him. Co& are

fo%&sed on his $eapon and end &p shooting at it instead of him. ?hen yo& shoot yo& sho&ld look at $hat yo& $ant to hit. )t night aim slightly do$n and to the right of the m&AAle flashes. 'ope he $asn<t left handed3 )t longer ranges ;&st aim at the flashes and go rapid fire. =t is ni%e if he has no flash hider and self blinding high-flash amm&nition. Co& sho&ld b&y a damned night s%ope3 )t least triti&m night sights or an ill&minated red dot sight. Co& ha(e to be fast! b&t don<t bother shooting faster than yo& %an shoot a%%&rately. Co& $ill not be able to miss fast eno&gh to defeat yo&r opponent. 9o n&mber of misses $ill be of any &se against a threat &p %lose and personal. 4hooting too slo$ly not only may get yo& shot! it also makes yo& less a%%&rate. ?hen the sights are on and it feels right fire no$. Helay and yo& start to 8&estion yo&r aim point! and it $ill %hange any$ay as yo&r hands $ill not be perfe%tly still. This does not imply that yo& sho&ld r&sh the shot by ;erking the trigger if yo& m&st do so to fire at the pre%ise time yo& $o&ld $ish to. 9o$ it is tr&e that yo& ha(e already failed on%e if a s&dden %lose-in threat re8&ires the &se of the handg&n. )n e(en greater fail&re if the $eapon m&st be dra$n rather than fired from the hand already holding it. ?hy is this? 4ho&ld $e ha(e a(oided all dangerJ ha(e left all s%&m free to do as they $ill? 9o3 )lso! sin%e $e %annot %ontrol e(erything! errors are ine(itable. This is the 8&estion: $hy $ere yo& taken by s&rprise? Fr! $hy is this enemy not kno$n! or not yet dealt $ith more effi%iently? Co& see? The handg&n is holstered se%&rely. The holster has a good th&mbbreak and possibly one! or more! anti-snat%h feat&res. 'ere is a threat needing an immediate lethal response. The hand drops o(er and do$n onto the grip of the pistol. Hire%tly and smoothly. Th&mb the th&mbbreak tab to the side! as m&%h do$n as o&t. The $eb of the th&mb pin%hes the grip as high as possible $itho&t being in the path of the hammer or slide. ?rist in line. )l$ays in the same pla%e3 Co&r eyes are on the threat. )l$ays3 Co&r off hand is against yo&r body! or is perhaps releasing a se%&rity feat&re of the holster. 9o$ yo& dra$ straight &p. DThis may (ary $ith some holsters.E 4ome retention holsters re8&ire t$isting the pistol or pressing in $ith the middle finger of the g&n hand. 4ome holsters seem to be designed to keep yo& from shooting anyone at all. ?hen the pistol is free yo& %omplete yo&r grip! b&t the trigger finger is lying for$ard along the frame. ) firm grip $ith the pistol in line $ith the $rist! not t$isted in the hand. Comfortable. D1e(el ,? 1e(el N? ) standard le(el K holster might ha(e a th&mb break! internal lo%k on the e;e%tion port or trigger g&ard! and an e+ternal tab to press. B&t there are many possible feat&res to dea%ti(ate! some by p&shing the pistol do$n before the dra$! others by t$isting or dra$ing to the side! front or rear! or straight &p relati(e to the alignment of the holster. The idea is that an atta%ker $ill seldom kno$ or remember ho$ to &se a holster he does not o$n making it hard for him to dra$ yo&r g&n before yo& do.E The best holster is one that $orks $ell! stays $here yo& p&t it! and $ill ne(er lose the handg&n if yo& ha(e to roll on the gro&nd. For the rest of it! it is yo&r ;ob to keep rear snat%h attempts blo%ked! to keep tra%k of possible threats! and to defend yo&r pistol $ith immediate for%e. There is nothing $rong $ith stabbing an atta%ker! or shooting him if he str&ggles $ith yo& for %ontrol of yo&r g&n. )rrest and %&ff these people if yo& %an. Bring the $eapon &p and for$ard! smoothly and dire%tly. ?hen the m&AAle is for$ard of the off hand the offside hand %omes &p to ;oin the other hand@th&mb o(er th&mb and fingers o(er fingers! yo& may a%8&ire a ni%e smooth rotation aro&nd $here the th&mbs ;oin Dor th&mb &nder th&mb! $hate(er $orksE. Eyes al$ays on the target3 Th&mb o(er th&mb is best for re(ol(ers. Th&mb tightly against and &nder th&mb gi(es better re%oil re%o(ery $ith semia&tomati% pistols! b&t may not be as smooth other$ise. The th&mb of the shooting hand sho&ld be resting on the safety of "."" style pistols. Co& th&mb off the safety as the hands %ontin&e bring the $eapon &p before the eyes and onto the target. E+tend the pistol as yo& raise it. =f yo& pla%e it literally right in front of yo&r eye it $ill hit yo& in the head $hen fired.

The sights! espe%ially the front sight! are bro&ght &p to the eyes! interposed bet$een yo& and the target. Ho not drop the head! no &nneeded mo(ements. Find the front sight as it %omes &p! the threat may bl&r a bit! b&t eyes al$ays on the threat. ?e al$ays kno$ $here that front sight is! e+%ept briefly $hile &nder re%oil. Both eyes are open! if the target appears do&ble &se the inside image. =f yo& see the $eapon do&ble-imaged &se the inside image. Front and rear sights aligned! e(en on top and e8&al spa%e on the sides. The pla%e yo& $ant to hit ;&st abo(e the front sight. ) small error in sight alignment is m&%h $orse than a small error in %entering yo&r aim on the target. :olly good. )s yo& do this p&ll ba%k $ith the s&pporting hand and resist this press&re $ith the shooting arm. 9ot too hard! don<t ind&%e any trembling. This is to impro(e stability! not to resist re%oil. ?rist straight. 9ote that if yo& do not resist the re%oil eno&gh an a&toloader may not %y%le and yo& $ill ha(e to operate the slide by hand after the shot. =f yo& shoot isos%eles tilt the $rists eno&gh to dire%t re%oil into the %enter of the triangle. ?ea(er may be faster for yo& o(erall! b&t isos%eles %ontrols re%oil better. Co& make a triangle! $ith elbo$s slightly bent! instead of ha(ing the offside elbo$ do$n. 9ight sights or a flashlight are re8&ired for shooting in the dark. Co& need to identify a threat! and then hit it properly. 'old the light so that yo& %an pla%e it &nder the shooting $rist and then &p beside the pistol. *&sh &p $ith the bottom $rist and do$n $ith the top. T&rn on the flashlight and %arry on. There are other methods and (ario&s types of shooting lights. ) p&sh for light and release for light off b&tton either on the ne%k or base of the flashlight is e+%ellent. There are lights to mo&nt on the pistol. #se $hate(er yo& like best. =n a nighttime firefight a rifle or pistol $itho&t night sights is (irt&ally &seless be%a&se it is hard to see an enemy soldier and then! e(en $orse! yo& %an<t e(en see the m&AAle of yo&r $eapon $hen yo& try to aim at him. )im lo$ and shotg&n style! eh? 'ell! at a minim&m p&t some l&mino&s paint on the sights. That $ay yo& kno$! at least! that yo& are shooting $here yo& think he may be. 1aser sights DpointerE are slo$er than ill&minated sights for many people be%a&se looking thro&gh the sights is faster than looking for the laser spot and then mo(ing it o(er to the target. The laser may be red! or green $hi%h is brighter. ?hile yo& do ha(e to tra%k mo(ing targets! $ith no real lead re8&ired at short range! yo& $ill ha(e better %ontrol $hen %oming &p onto the target area rather than from the side. This is &sef&l to kno$ $hen yo& s$it%h from one target to another. )bo&t one in t$enty times a person $ho r&ns a$ay a%t&ally gets hit by a(erage :oe $ith a pistol $ho is popping a$ay at him from 2N yards distan%e. 4ho&ld yo& be in some kind of stan%e? 1egs %omfortably apart! shooting-side foot ba%k? Ho yo& take a breath! release and pa&se before yo& shoot? 9ot really. Those things are &sef&l for a%%&rate shooting! b&t yo& need to be able to shoot from any position in $hi%h yo& find yo&rself. 1egs spread and g&n-side leg ba%k abo&t sho&lder $idth is standard! $ith knees slightly bent. Ho not take the time for this if time is too short. *la%e yo&r finger on the trigger. Fn the %enter of the trigger $ith the %enter of the pad of the trigger finger! from this point on the finger is al$ays lightly in %onta%t $ith the trigger. =f the trigger is a poor one yo& may ha(e to insert more finger be%a&se yo& need to apply more for%e $itho&t ;erking the pistol. #s&ally the trigger is o(er against the first ;oint. /ake s&re this does not p&ll the $eapon to the side as yo& fire. >et a better pistol. 'ere is a tr&th. Co& do not stand still $hen yo& shoot. Co& are faster and more a%%&rate if yo& do not mo(e! b&t others $ill be shooting at yo& as $ell. ?ith training yo& %an shoot $ell $hile mo(ing smoothly and yo& are harder to hit. ?hen yo& look at something! e+%ept friendlies! the $eapon points at the thing yo& look at. Co& &se any a(ailable %o(er and yo& glide yo&r feet smoothly as yo& mo(e to the side! or to the front or rear at an angle. Hon<t trip yo&rself &p no$3 Crossing yo&r feet &p is a little risky! do not do it if the feet are %lose together. =f yo& go do$n remo(e yo&r finger from inside the trigger g&ard! let yo&r legs bend or fold and try to %ome do$n on yo&r behind or ba%k &sing the heal of yo&r palms or the ba%k of yo&r &pper arms to red&%e the for%e of the fall if needed. )(oid bo&n%ing

yo&r head off things. 5es&me shooting $hen it is safe! ne(er point the pistol at yo&r o$n leg. Co& al$ays $at%h the threat! yo& al$ays ha(e the front sight on target! and an a%t&al sight pi%t&re on target if yo& do not fall or mo(e too fast. 4hoot! keep shooting! and keep mo(ing. >et a sight pi%t&re good eno&gh for that target at that range Dsometimes that means merely ;amming the pistol against the g&y! b&t some a&topistols $ill &nlo%k &nder the press&reE and press the trigger dire%tly ba%k@no ;erking and no p&lling to one side or the other. ?ith a rifle in the prone position yo& %an hold absol&tely still! the sights $ill rise and fall on the target! absol&tely straight &p and do$n! only $hen yo& breath o&t and in. *istols $ill not be still for any length of time. ?ith pra%ti%e yo& $ill be%ome steady! more than yo& may e+pe%t. 4hoot $hen the aim mo(es to the pla%e yo& $antJ %lose eno&gh. Fo%&s on the front sight and stop breathing for a more pre%ise aim! if needed. =f yo&r eyes are not (ery good yo& may get a sharper fo%&s by looking thro&gh the sights ;&st belo$ the edge of the bill of yo&r %ap. 9o s8&eeAe for a s&rprise break to foil flin%hing. Co& see the position of yo&r sights $hen the shot goes off! yo& kno$ if ad;&stments need be made. =f yo& don<t kno$ $here the b&llet $ent yo& are flin%hing or not paying attention. D>et a .22 and pra%ti%e $at%hing the target get hit &ntil yo&<(e %&red that nonsense. Hry fire also. =t is telling if yo& load a flin%her<s pistol $ith a mi+ of d&mmy and li(e %artridges.E Find the front sight as it %omes ba%k do$n and shoot as soon as the aim is good eno&gh. ?hen the shot is fired yo& do not take yo&r finger off the trigger! yo& release press&re on the trigger &ntil it resets. Co& $ill feel it! and may hear the %li%k. 4top only $hen the threat is o(er. *re%ise aim and breath %ontrol is for target shooters and snipers. Trigger %ontrol! some follo$ thro&gh! and re%oil %ontrol is for e(eryone! b&t not the kind of trigger %ontrol that re8&ires yo& to not kno$ $hen the shot $ill be fired. Co& kno$ e+a%tly $hen the shot $ill be fired3 DB&t pre%ision is also for small or distant targets.E Combat shooting re8&ires speed and hits any$here on a &sef&l part of the target. ?ith m&ltiple targets at %lose range shoot ea%h one 8&i%kly and on%e! immediately ret&rning to yo& start point and %ontin&ing the pro%ess on any remaining a%ti(e. That is! if yo& yo&rself yet remain armed and a%ti(e. )l$ays shoot a threat &ntil it stops being one! a(oiding armored areas of the body if hits ha(e not been effe%t&al. 9e(er shoot a g&y on%e and stop to see if it $orked3 *erfe%t the f&ndamentals first! b&t %ombat shooting entails shortening and f&sing the steps into one fl&id pro%ess. 4niping re8&ires learning the basi%s to a (ery high standard! and then maintaining that standard and %onsisten%y of form $ith reg&lar pra%ti%e. There may be times! if yo& ha(e the time! $hen going lo$ or high! right or left! before firing $ill allo$ yo& to get a better angle on the threatJ also! allo$ yo& to a(oid bystanders in the ba%kgro&nd. =t is a fa%t! ho$e(er! $ith hollo$points fired from a pistol! that hitting the target is the best $ay to miss the bystanders. D4ome pistols and most rifles $ill shoot thro&gh the target and kill bystanders behind him. 4ometimes a rifle b&llet $ill go thro&gh N heads in a ro$.E >i(en a little time &se a s&pported position! pla%e the hand or arm against or on something to add stability and th&s a%%&ra%y to the handg&n. Hon<t lean into a $all or sit ba%k if yo& ha(e to do it in plain sight of a nearby shooter. >i(en e(en more time s$it%h to a shotg&n or rifle. =f yo& &se a pistol $ith a long and hea(y do&ble-a%tion trigger p&ll and find that yo&r aim is not good eno&gh $hile yo& are pressing the trigger yo& sho&ld keep the press&re on the trigger! b&t pa&se! &ntil the aim is %orre%ted! and them finish firing the shot. )s yo& are in%reasing the press&re on the trigger fo%&s on the front sight ;&st before yo& shoot and impro(e yo&r aim if needed. *a&se yo&r trigger press! b&t do not release it! if yo& m&st. =f yo& are mo(ing too fast to keep the sights aligned look do$n the barrel and &se the front sight only! and if too fast to &se the sights lo$er the $eapon to %hest height and &se yo&r arms and hand mo(ements to isolate it from the ;arring of the rest of yo&r body $hile smoothing yo&r gate as m&%h as yo& %an. Think of this method as the stabiliAed g&n in the rotating t&rret of a tank. =f yo& %an<t get hits this $ay in%rease yo&r stability! lo$er yo&r speed! and impro(e yo&r %o(er. ?hom do yo& shoot and $hen do yo& stop shooting? Easily said. 4hoot any enemy D%ombatE not s&rrendered or disabled or %apt&red. 4hoot any threat Dla$ enfor%ementE $ho is an immediate threat

to life or limb! %omes $ith tire iron! knife! firearm! or in a gro&p too large to handle $ith less lethal means. 4top shooting $hen the firefight is o(er! or! in la$ enfor%ement sit&ations! the threat is disarmed or has r&n a$ay. ?hy is this? =nside a %i(iliAed state $hen the ;&sti%e system &s&ally $orks yo& %an ha(e a reasonable e+pe%tation that a r&nner %an be arrested later. =n $ar yo& %an e+pe%t the $ar to %ontin&e and that a r&nner $ill be ba%k to fight again. 9e(er shoot a %apti(eJ and in %rime %ontrol a%tions! ne(er shoot a person $ho stops and drops his $eapon! or a r&nner &nless he is r&nning to atta%k someone else. =t is legal and proper to shoot anybody $ho is a real and %&rrent threat to life. This is as it sho&ld be. *oli%e! ho$e(er! o&ght to &se less lethal means $hene(er they safely %an. Ho not take this to mean they sho&ld allo$ a threat to pla%e them in additional danger! b&t self %ontrol is a m&st. 4oldiers and both poli%e and se%&rity m&st learn some %ontrol if they are to be any good at $hat they do. 4ome fool atta%ks yo& and yo& ;&st get yo&r fighting blood &p $hen the sit&ation abr&ptly %hanges and yo& m&st %&ff and prote%t the prisoner as yo& take him in. =f yo& %annot make that %hange yo& $ill end &p being fired! or a %riminal. /istakes $ill be made. =t is 8&ite possible for poli%e to shoot a r&nner in the ba%k be%a&se they %o&ld not get off the trigger in time after realiAing the s&spe%t $as t&rning a$ay. *oor %ontrol is a m&%h greater problem! and ", pistol b&llets in the ba%k is ob(io&sly no mistake. Think the a%tion is o(er? Eyes al$ays on the threat or looking for threats. 1ook aro&nd! don<t lo%k into t&nnel (ision. 9othing? Take yo&r finger off the trigger. 5eload the pistol $itho&t looking at it. Co& %an po%ket the partially empty magaAine! &nlike $hen yo& do a %ombat reload. )pply the th&mb safety! if any. Finger along the slide! pla%e the $eapon in the holster and fasten the strap. 9o ;amming it in $ith yo&r finger on the triggerJ this is fast dra$! not fast holstering! my friend3 Co& are heads &p: holster $itho&t looking do$n. ?hile all this %raAiness $as going on yo& may ha(e had a malf&n%tion. 9o$! that pistol had been %leaned! right? The magaAine and amm&nition $ere good 8&ality? =f a handg&n misfires d&ring a short shooto&t! &nless the magaAine or amm&nition is %rap or the pistol f&ll of oil! dirt and lint! then that pistol is a pie%e of shit. 9ot maintained! = think! $orn parts not repla%ed? /aybe it $as ;&nk from the beginning. =f it has one misfire d&ring a day of shooting! say in K00 ro&nds! it is not too bad! b&t not parti%&larly good. #se &nreliable or repaired magaAines for training only. >ood magaAines are %riti%al@don<t b&y the trash the go(ernment b&ys for the troops. ?e are trapped! by the enemy most (ile. Cedo 9&lli. ?e roar and beat on o&r shields like the %hildren $e are! the sons of o&r ho&seJ &ntil $e %an hear only the roar and feel only the $hite heat. Then $e po&r o&t and die. ?e flin%h at nothing. ?e feel nothing b&t the rage. 9e% spe! ne% met&. Trigger press and no bang. 4hit3 >rab the slide! at on%e and palm do$n $ith the th&mb to the rear. 5a%k the slide! a %artridge D&nfiredE sho&ld be e;e%ted. D=f an empty %asing is e;e%ted r&n a %leaning rod thro&gh the bore. Co& ha(e time for that?E 4hoot again3 )h! = do lo(e load noises. 9o e;e%tion means bad magaAine D&nseated magaAine or $eak spring failed to feedE or failed e;e%tor. =t is possible to %hamber and fire a %artridge ha(ing no propellant in it. The b&llet is st&%k in the bore and the a%tion does not %y%le. Co& $ork the slide! an empty %ase is e;e%tedJ yo& shoot again and blo$ &p the g&n. 1ess %ommonly yet! the a%tion does %y%le b&t the report and re%oil seem odd. *ress the trigger again $itho&t %he%king the bore and oops. Hon<t $orry! it is more dangero&s for the pistol than for yo&! b&t yo& %o&ld p&t o&t an eye $ith that thing3 )re yo& o&t of amm&nition? 4ho&ld ha(e done that ta%ti%al reload before yo& ran dry. Co& see a %artridge %ase ;ammed in the $orks: first s$eep it ba%k and o&t $ith the $eb of yo&r th&mb! %harge the $eapon and fire. The slide is lo%ked ba%k? F&t of amm&nition! or %at%h or magaAine fail&re. Co& %o&ld slap the baseplate of the magaAine to try to &nkink the magaAine spring and &n;am the %artridges before ra%king the slide again b&t a reload $ill $ork best Despe%ially if yo& are o&t of amm&nition3E and this st&ff is starting to get silly. Co& did f&lly seat the magaAine the first time! did yo& not? The magaAine spring $as strong? *erhaps it is time to transition to a ba%k&p $eapon. 9o?

/ake that rapid reload $itho&t looking do$n and $hile taking %o(er. /agaAine po&%hes offside and side$ays $ith the flaps to the o&tside. 4$eep the flap open $ith the edge of yo&r hand Dpalm do$n! and not $ith the th&mb side3E. >rasp the magaAine! $hi%h sho&ld lie open end to the inside and b&llets do$n! and remo(e it from the po&%h. Hrop the magaAine from the pistol and bring the repla%ement &p and into the pistol! feel that? 'ear that %li%k? *ress the slide release and res&me operations. Co& did keep yo&r eyes on the target? >ood man. = do lo(e the smell of g&nsmoke in the morning3 DB&t not inside an armored (ehi%le. En%losed spa%es do sho$ yo& ho$ so&r and a%rid it %an be.E = $ill %arry almost anything as a ba%k&p if it is a(ailable or small eno&gh for hideo&t p&rposes! b&t a ser(i%e pistol m&st be reliable! and .mm Dor .KG 4pe%ialE or better. 4hoot it right! keep shooting &ntil the threat is do$n! and maintain it. >et rid of that pie%e of shit3 Ces! = kno$ .KGs are re(ol(ers! not a&to-loading pistols. B&t g&ess $hat! a re(ol(er is a re(ol(ing D%ylinderE pistol. 'ah3 Eh? )nyho$! one of the best hideo&t g&ns is a .KG 4pe%ial sn&bby $ith good hot hollo$points and no sp&r on the hammer. Ho&ble tap! t$o rapid aimed shots &pper %hestJ hammer! one rapid aimed or front sight-press shot and a se%ond as soon as the pistol is le(el againJ triple-2 to the body and one to the headJ anybody? 9o. Contin&e shooting as fast as yo& %an get hits! if it is not $orking try for hits $here any body armor isn<t! and stop $hen the threat is ended or more %o(er and a reload or a %hange of $eapons is needed. 'ead shots are dead easy if yo& are %ool! the head is in range! and it does not mo(e at the $rong time. 'eadshots are bleeding diffi%&lt in a g&nfight. Ho not go kno$ingly into an armored d&st&p $itho&t armor pier%ing %apability. Ho not kno$ingly go into a g&nfight $ith only a pistol. >lo%ks and similar pistols are generally good! if yo& remember that more people shoot themsel(es by a%%ident $ith them! and that striker fired handg&ns are more prone to light primer strikes. #se %onsistently high 8&ality amm&nition. Ho not &se reloads or lead D&n;a%ketedE b&llets. Meep the %hambers and strikers (ery %lean and strikers and springs lightly oiled. )l$ays dry the %hamber of any oil before shooting. )ll else being e8&al a large %apa%ity magaAine is better. )ll else being e8&al! a large %aliber is better. )ll else e8&al and a higher (elo%ity is better! a flat or hollo$ point is better! and more penetration is better. )ll else is ne(er e8&al3 4hoot the pistol light eno&gh for yo& to handle smoothly and that fits yo&r hand! and in a %aliber yo& ha(e good rapid re%oil %ontrol $ith. =f it is not %omfortable in the hand! $ell balan%ed! and does not point nat&rally $hen yo& e+tend yo&r hand it is not (ery good. Boar spears had a %rosspie%e so yo& %o&ld hold off the impaled animal. *istols ha(e none. 9o matter $hat yo& are shooting! it may not stop that baseball fan before he p&ts his bat into yo&r head! so do not ;&st stand there shooting3 /o(e3 H&%k3 1et him break or sli%e &p yo&r nonshooting arm. ?hate(er! b&t defend yo&rself $hile yo& are killing him. ?at%h o&t for the old t$ist the pistol o&t of yo&r hand! breaking yo&r trigger finger! mane&(er. Ces! he also %o&ld grab the $eapon so as to bind the %ylinder or slide. =f he manages that he still has to dodge the first b&llet from a semia&tomati% pistol! &nless the slide is p&shed o&t of battery before yo& p&ll the trigger Dit $ill fail to %hamber another ro&nd in any %aseE. ) re(ol(er %ylinder properly immobiliAed $ill pre(ent any shooting at all &nless the hammer is already %o%ked. 'e $ill need to keep his body parts a$ay from the m&AAle! as a shot $ill prod&%e a dangero&s blast by it@a blank %artridge fired into yo&r head $ill kill yo&! ;&st so yo& kno$. =f he fails to stop the rotation of a re(ol(er %ylinder he $ill not en;oy that either sin%e the gap bet$een %ylinder and for%ing %one D%ylinder gapE allo$s gas to es%ape and $ill do interesting things to his fingers. )dmittedly .22 %al. blanks are not m&%h of a threat! and some re(ol(ers are more likely to sm&dge or b&rn a hand at the gap than tear it &p b&t %a&tion is indi%ated. =f yo& grab a firearm ne(er p&ll it to$ard yo&rself. Co& $ill help him p&ll the trigger. Hon<t be afraid to pistol $hip the g&y! on the $rist! elbo$! or on the head. =f pot metal and plasti% fall off then stop b&ying plasti% and pot metal handg&ns. Co& do this $ith the barrel or side of the handg&n! it is better not to ha(e yo&r finger on the trigger b&t yo& ha(e the grip firmly in hand. Co& do not re(erse the thing and strike $ith the b&tt3

Clean it the $ay they say in the little handbook that %ame $ith it! and learn the f&n%tion of all the %ontrols! b&t don<t take the man&fa%t&rer too serio&sly if it says the handg&n is not a toy and not a $eapon. ?hat is it then? Hon<t yo& point it at anyone! no$3 =t %ertainly %an be a toy! ;&st think safety. =t damn s&re is a $eapon. Ho not point it at anything (al&able! in%l&ding people yo& are not going to shoot3! and do remo(e the magaAine and any %artridge still in the %hamber before taking it apart or %leaning it. 9e(er p&t yo&r finger on the trigger &nless yo& are ready to shoot something. Ho look for any oddities of design. 4ome firearms $ill be damaged by s&%h things as %o%king $ith the safety already on and the like! or by in%orre%t disassembly. = ha(e had t$o 6negligent7 dis%harges in my life. Both in(ol(ed battered old .22 %aliber rifles. =n the first %ase = dropped the b&tt to the gro&nd in order to lean the rifle against a tree. =t fired into the air! tho&gh the safety $as on and the trigger &nto&%hed. =n the other instan%e = $as standing near a %abin and b&mped the sto%k against the %orner of the b&ilding. =t fired into the gro&nd. Firearms $ith $orn me%hanisms $ill do this! as $ill p&mp-a%tion shotg&ns and open-bolt s&bma%hine g&ns. 4ee $hy yo& don<t point firearms at things yo& do not $ant to shoot? =f yo& ha(e to look do$n the barrel of a $eapon! if it %an<t be done from the bree%h and yo& need to see the lands for e+ample! %lear the $eapon and lea(e the magaAine o&t and a%tion open first. Take the bolt o&t if indi%ated. 4ome $eapons are hard to %he%k for amm&nition or the a%tion %annot be left open. ) minig&n! ele%tri%ally po$ered >atling! $ill fire if ammo remains and yo& rotate the barrels. =t is a basi%ally bad idea to point a $eapon at yo&rself! or to stand in front of the m&AAle of any $eapon. By the $ay! if yo& ha(e someone at g&n-point and need to lift or grab something $ith the offside hand! yo& need to take yo&r finger off the trigger first. This is be%a&se &sing one hand %an %ontra%t the other. This! or being startled! %an %a&se an &n$anted bang /e%hani%al de%o%kers %an fail! so point the pistol in a safe dire%tion $hen de%o%king. Ho not man&ally de%o%k a re(ol(er or single a%tion pistol in an &nsafe dire%tion! yo& may slip &p. 4ome handg&ns ha(e a half%o%k position for the hammer. This is to %at%h the hammer if yo& let it slip before yo& ha(e f&lly %o%ked the $eapon by hand@do not &se it as a safety. 4ome handg&ns ha(e a lo%ked trigger $hen in this %ondition! b&t others %an be fired from half%o%k. The best $ay to man&ally de%o%k a re(ol(er or pistol $ith yo&r th&mb $hile p&lling the trigger is after yo& ha(e &nloaded and %leared the $eapon. )%%identally firing a pistol into the gro&nd $ith yo& th&mb near the hammer %an be painf&l. The single-shot pistol has no magaAine and is reloaded by hand bet$een shots. 4ome of these ha(e (ery strong a%tions and &se potent %artridges for h&nting and steel silho&ette shooting. ) single a%tion re(ol(er m&st be %o%ked! hammer p&lled ba%k! by hand for ea%h shot. Ho&ble a%tion re(ol(ers are %o%ked and fired by one! long! trigger p&ll. They %an be %o%ked by hand also! point in a safe dire%tion $hen yo& lo$er or %o%k a hammer by hand in %ase yo& slip at the $rong time. >et a good grip on the hammer sp&r and lo$er slo$ly $hile pressing the trigger $ith the other hand. 4ingle a%tion semia&tomati% pistols are left %o%ked $hen yo& operate the slide! loading the %hamber. The hammer %an be lo$ered by hand and re%o%ked later b&t there is no need for this. *la%e on safe and holster %orre%tly. Ho&ble a%tion pistols $ill %o%k and fire $ith one long trigger p&ll if the hammer $as do$n on the first shot! b&t ea%h shot fired $ill re%o%k the hammer. Ho&ble a%tion only pistols %o%k and fire $ith ea%h trigger p&ll! single a%tion is not a(ailable! so ea%h trigger p&ll is a long one e+%ept for striker fired pistols. 9o$ %onsidered obsolete! the best o(erall design for %ombat &se is ne(ertheless a single a%tion a&toloader $ith a $ell-pla%ed th&mb safety. Fnly old designs that may fire if dropped sho&ld be %arried $ith an empty %hamber &nder the hammer. 4&%h designs are not good ser(i%e pistols. DFb(io&sly re(ol(ers sho&ld not be %arried $ith the hammer %o%ked ba%k! and semia&tomati%s sho&ld not be %arried s&%h that the th&mb safety %an be disengaged a%%identally. )lso do not st&ff a >lo%k type pistol do$n yo&r pants.E *lease do not think yo& %an safely p&ll the trigger on a loaded handg&n. 4afety me%hanisms %an

fail. Ho not think an empty %ylinder &nder the hammer of a re(ol(er %an keep a shot from being fired if yo& %o%k the hammer! or p&ll the trigger of a do&ble a%tion one. The %ylinder rotates as the hammer %omes ba%k! and different models rotate in opposite dire%tions. For yo& $riters o&t there: Iirt&ally no re(ol(er has a safety le(er! most self loading pistols ha(e one safety le(erJ fe$ ha(e t$o! and >lo%k and %lones ha(e no man&al safety le(ers. ?hen yo& pra%ti%e! or are in a firefight inside an en%losed spa%e! do $ear shooting glasses and 8&ality hearing prote%tion. Hon<t be an old artilleryman. )nd = do not mean artillery-person! = mean half deaf. =f yo& ha(e to prote%t the ears and ha(e no hearing prote%tion do not try to do so by ;amming yo&r fingers into them. Contin&ed press&re may paralyAe the eardr&ms so that yo& are deaf for ho&rs. Foam ear pl&gs are not to be ;ammed into pla%e either! %ompress them before insertion and they $ill ret&rn to their pre(io&s shape in the ear. His%ard them $hen they $ill no longer do that and also $hen they are too dirty. Ho not take this lightly. Eye and ear infe%tions and in;&ries are serio&s things. ?hen pra%ti%ing! or h&nting! %he%k yo&r ba%kstop and if yo& are not s&re $hat something is do not shoot it. ?hene(er armed al$ays be prepared to blo%k! defle%t or pin if &nable to a(oid %ompletely any attempted grab for yo&r $eapon! and %o&nteratta%k immediately. The poli%e! or other poli%e! or more dangero&s to yo& than the s%&m are. 9e(er be $a(ing a g&n aro&nd $hen they sho$ &p@late as is &s&al. =dentify yo&rself $ith hands in plain sight. 9e(er rea%h for anything $itho&t permission and 9EIE5 startle them. =f they start shooting and $on<t listen to reason yo& may properly shoot them as self defense is a right! b&t do $e $ant to get into that kind of sit&ation? 4&ppose the silly b&gger bad g&ys $ere $earing body armor? 4oft armor $ill stop pistol b&llets! tho&gh the br&ising %an be se(ere. 4ometimes armor made of plasti% film %an be b&rned thro&gh by the m&AAle blast! b&t yo& ha(e to be at %onta%t distan%e for that. #se a rifle. Blo$ them &p in their barra%ks. 9o time for that? 4hoot them in the %ollar bones or head. 4hoot &nder the arm or the hip from the sideJ shoot in the hips! groin at or belo$ the belt! and the &pper thighs from the front. ) hit to the stoma%h! at least! &s&ally makes them drop e(erything and grab at the $o&nd. They may fight on from the gro&nd b&t &s&ally s%ream a lot. 5igid body armor? They $ill hardly feel most hits on the plates. Ho not shoot at the plates3 Co& %an break lighter plates $ith a good rifle Dnot an /"V.E. 'ea(y plates %an only be pier%ed by many hits or by a po$erf&l rifle and better than a(erage armor pier%ing b&llets. ) good bet at relati(ely %lose range is a bolt a%tion elephant rifle &sing solid! not lead %ore! amm&nition3 5emember3 1ook at the thing yo& $ant to hit! and not at $hat yo& do not. 4tandard handg&n %alibers that are a serio&s threat to soft body armor: .KG 4&per! .K0 /a&ser! .V2]2N 5&ssian DTokare(EJ the N. ]2G has good penetration $ith the )* b&llet b&t is restri%ted to soft point Dplasti% tipE for %i(ilians! .22 ?/5 D?in%hester .22 magn&m rimfire! ;a%ketedE and e+panding N. are marginal at best (ers&s the lo$est rated soft armor in %ommon &se. There are a n&mber of Y*Y and magn&m handg&n loads at the high end of the (elo%ity range $hi%h are a threat! espe%ially &sing F/: b&llets and e(en more so if yo& %o&ld find )*. Ff %o&rse almost any armor pier%ing b&llet is a threat to soft armor! $hether it &ses a hard %ore or is a so-%alled %ookie %&tter in .mm. 1e(el 2 is m&%h more likely to fail than le(el Ka $ith regard to the abo(e threats. >ood armor has side as $ell as front and ba%k %o(erage! has armored epa&lettes! and both higher than a(erage %o(erage at the ne%k and a plate hanging belo$ the belt. )rmor for the artery and large bone of the thigh is needed. ?hat if the bad g&ys! and $e Dlike the neo%ons and neolibs@a ;oke3E no matter $hat $e do are al$ays the good g&ys! hide behind something? 4hoot right thro&gh it3 4ome .,N )C* F/:s $ill penetrate . or "0 in%hes of pine. )t %lose range $ith standard (elo%ity loads N ^ in%hes of pine! "0 of dirt and G of sand is to be e+pe%ted. 4hooting thro&gh soft %o(er! like $ood! %an be effe%ti(e e(en if the target is some distan%e behind the %o(er. 'ard %o(er! glass or metal for e+ample! really tears &p b&llets and they are effe%ti(e

only if the s&b;e%t is near the barrier. Ho not h&g yo&r %o(er3 ?hile a hollo$point fired thro&gh $ood or %loth may not e+pand! the point may ;&st be filled $ith fibers! F/:s are more d&rable as a r&leJ b&t all b&llets take a beating. Fnly $ater and the least dense materials $ill lea(e F/: b&llets &nmarked Dpistol! rifle b&llets may fragment in $aterE. ?ater $ill e+pand hollo$points! some lo$ density dry materials $ill not. ) softpoint De+panding b&llet! e+posed lead tipE fired from a rifle in mm /a&ser $ill shatter if it %lips a t$ig off of a tree or b&sh. This $ill p&t se(eral small holes in a target a meter beyond the t$ig! b&t an opponent farther ba%k may be &nto&%hed. ) $ord on in%apa%itation and lethality. Co& are going to ha(e a problem if yo& are in the %ratering Aone of an e+plosi(e. 9othing short of a dire%t hit to the body by an artillery shell is g&aranteed to be lethal! and a lethal $o&nd may not immediately in%apa%itate a person. ) fe$ ha(e s&r(i(ed thro&gh and thro&gh .N0 %al. /> $o&nds of the %hest. ) hammer blo$ to the head is more lethal! and more in%apa%itating! than a hit to the head from a .2N )C* b&llet Dpoor penetrationE. .mm pistols are poor stoppers and not (ery lethal! b&t fi(e .mm ro&nds in the torso are (ery lethal and &s&ally prod&%e a good stop as $ell. )ssa&lt rifles are not m&%h more lethal &sing military amm&nition b&t are effe%ti(e at longer ranges. /&ltiple hits are highly lethal. 4ingle hits may be lethal b&t often are not. They often in%apa%itate at least eno&gh to keep the target from taking part in any atta%k! b&t the g&y may still shoot if yo& approa%h him. 4hotg&ns &sing b&%kshot are highly lethal at %lose range. 'igh-po$ered rifles Dmilitary amm&nitionE are (ery lethal! a shot $hi%h perforates the %hest may not immediately stop b&t &s&ally kills. '&nting rifles! s&%h as a .K0-0V deer and elk rifle &sing softpoints! are good stoppers and highly lethal. ) good hit may or may not keep the target from shooting or r&nning for a short time! b&t often does. Either $ay! the $o&nded man is &nlikely to s&r(i(e to be e(a%&ated. The .K0G ?in- .V2]N" Dthere are small differen%es in %ase thi%kness! primer hardness! %hamber dimensions and the like bet$een military and %i(ilian amm&nition! espe%ially bet$een .22K 5em and N.NVmmE performs abo&t the same as .V2]VKmm #4 D.K0 #4-.K0-0V 4pringfieldE $hen ",N-"N, grain b&llets are &sed. The 4pringfield shines $hen loaded $ith hea(y and long streamlined b&llets. The ne$ dogma is that a%%&rate shooting is the thing and that anything aimed properly is good if it has eno&gh penetration. Then they praise b&llets that fragment in the body! a minor %ontradi%tion. There are spe%ialty b&llets that shatter on impa%t. These are mostly pistol b&llets and ha(e poor penetration. The /"V b&llet $ill often break &p in the body if the (elo%ity is still high eno&gh. 200 meters and less! perhaps! b&t the shorter the barrel the %loser yo& m&st be. 4ome military .V2 9)TF b&llets do the same. =t is tr&e that anything passing thro&gh the brain! &pper spine! or heart is probably going to be fatal. The problem is that nobody %an shoot $ell eno&gh to get one shot! one kill hits $ith e(ery shot at head or heart $hen trying to hit a r&nning man at 200 meters. E(en &nder perfe%t %onditions the a(erage assa&lt rifle $ill not stay on a stationary target $ith e(ery shot at N00 meters! many $ill not at K00 meters. There are times $hen a bigger permanent $o&nd %hannel is better than a smaller one. 9othing is e(er lost b&t ;&st %hanged! so en(ironmentalism sho&ld not be an iss&e for yo& at least. Caliber is not e(erything! nor is (elo%ity! or any other single fa%tor. 5ifles are more effe%ti(e than pistols be%a&se of a (ery large differen%e in either (elo%ity or b&llet $eight. ) .K0 %aliber rifle b&llet $eighing "VG grains is more po$erf&l than a .mm D.KNNE $eighing ""N grains! and than a .,N )C* D.,N"E b&llet $eighing 2K0 grains. 9&mero&s fa%tors! in%l&ding b&llet %onstr&%tion and design relati(e to the target material! are important. ) .2,K ?in%hester $ith the right e+panding b&llet is more effe%ti(e at %hest shots at "00 meters than is a .K0-0V firing 220 grain soft points. This is be%a&se they are designed for %ontrolled e+pansion on elk and do not e+pand 8&i%kly or $ell eno&gh on people &nless they hit large bones. B&llets ri%o%het s&rprisingly often off of s&rfa%es hit at an angle. /ore often off $ater and hard

s&rfa%es than off of dirt. /ore often off of grass than dirt! in fa%t. 4lo$ mo(ing ro&nd-nosed ro&nds do so most often of all. F&lly ;a%keted rifle b&llets do so (ery often if they hit at a sharp angle. 'igh (elo%ity hollo$points and frangibles ri%o%het least of all. The b&llet often follo$s the s&rfa%e hit! b&t %an bo&n%e and go almost any$here. This means yo& %an sometimes &se this to good effe%t by bo&n%ing b&llets &p from &nder %ars and aro&nd %orners. =t also means ro&nds hitting short of the target may follo$ a $all or floor into it or may bo&n%e b&llet or b&llet fragments &p into it. Co& need to be (ery %aref&l $hen non%ombatants are present. =t may be $orth saying! at this point! that all this so&nds easy eno&gh. =t is not 8&ite so easy to do. ?ell! it is easy in a $ay. /ost %o&ntries in(ol(ed in a ma;or %onfli%t ;&st thro$ in the draftees and &se them &p! no pros re8&ired. Co& need to ha(e some balls. 4ome aptit&de or talent is re8&ired. Co& need to learn $itho&t learning too many bad habits. Then yo& need to pra%ti%e &ntil it is all as smooth as glass! and to keep pra%ti%ing to maintain yo&r skill. ?hen yo& b&y silho&ette targets b&y them by %atalog. = on%e $ent to a %hain sporting goods store and $as immediately gi(en a stern le%t&re on the e(ils of shooting at depi%tions of h&man beings. 9o /a<am! = pra%ti%e on depi%tions of s8&irrels! = shoot h&man beings3 9o more b&siness for that %hain! they ha(e ne(er e(en heard of the Bill of 5ights3 /ost %ommer%ial ranges are also &seless for anything beyond basi% handg&n marksmanship. They $ill not allo$ yo& to dra$ from the holster! nor $ill they allo$ anything they %onsider 6rapid fire7 shooting. *oint shooting! shooting $itho&t &sing the sights! is something $e do at (ery %lose range. ?e do it by simply tipping the m&AAle &p from the holster at %onta%t distan%e. ?e do it if the $eapon has not been raised to eye le(el $hen the target is %lose eno&gh! and &sing the front sight only $hen it is a bit farther a$ay. *oint! hip and &nder-arm le(el shooting at longer ranges is a%t&ally slo$er than aimed shooting. Co& either ha(e to shoot more times to get the hits! or yo& ha(e to pa&se to fine-t&ne yo&r 6aim.7 'asn<t this book beg&n to grate on yo& yet? 4top reading this thing3 F&%k this noise. Iideo games %an tea%h some skills. Ta%ti%s and te%hni8&es %an be learned b&t be $ary. Hepending on the game! some things $hi%h $o&ld $ork in the real $orld $ill not $ork in the game! and some things $ork in the game b&t not in the real $orld. D9ot that games are not part of the real $orld.E 9obody %an learn to handle and shoot firearms in a (ideo game. Crosshairs and a mo&se do not a pistol make. #se a sim&lation to gain e+tra pra%ti%e in a skill or skill set! if it is realisti% eno&gh. /ental (is&aliAation and dry fire are a help. DHry fire pra%ti%e is important. )lso (ery important is paying attention and %aref&lly %learing the $eapon! &sing the d&mmy %artridge! and a good ba%kstop. 9e(er dry fire at another person and if yo& stop training for a moment %he%k the $eapon again before res&ming. #se the time $isely! do not s%re$ aro&nd &se proper shooting te%hni8&e. 20 min&tes e(ery %o&ple of days is e+%ellent. 4ome firearms sho&ld ne(er be dry-fired on an empty %hamber. #se a s&itable d&mmy %artridge $ith something $ith a little gi(e in it in the primer po%ket. 4ometimes damage also o%%&rs $hen yo& repeatedly operate the slide of an &nloaded pistol.E 4im&nitions! paintball! and )irsoft? 4&re! b&t ne(er &se sim&lations as a s&bstit&te for real training. )nd don<t fall for 8&irky and styliAed 6martial arts7 s%hool te%hni8&es. There are many more or less standardiAed pistol shooting drills. 4ome of them train yo& for %onta%t range shooting! $hi%h is good. The %lassi%s are the /oAambi8&e drill Dt$o shots to the body and one to the head at "0 yardsE! the El *residente Dthree targets! t&rn aro&nd and shoot ea%h t$i%e! reload! and t$i%e againE! and the HoAier Dhit fi(e targets before a man %o&ld take a $eapon from a %ase and load it for a%tionE. Cooper. Fthers train to take do$n a deer at "00 yards. Co& kno$ $hat is good training! and f&n as $ell? The 6ki%k the %an.7 Toss o&t an al&min&m %an and shoot it. Follo$ its mo(ement as %losely and smoothly as yo& %an! and hit it again as soon as yo& %an. >ood pra%ti%e. D?hen doing the El *residente be damned s&re yo& do not s$eep friends $ith the m&AAle of yo&r pistol.E ?ork yo&r $ay &p to the M Hrill. *la%e a soft drink %an at ten or t$enty pa%es. /ake %ertain of yo&r ba%kstop. Hra$ yo&r handg&n properly $hile mo(ing for$ard and to the right. 'it the %an as yo& mo(e! making a fig&re G. For$ard to the right! ba%k and to the right and then left! ba%k and right then

for$ard and left. 4tart o&t (ery slo$ly! speed &p $ith pra%ti%e. /o(e smoothly! do not tangle &p yo&r feet. :&st $alk the G by mo(ing to the side and ba%k$ard or for$ard as needed $hile hitting the %an as 8&i%kly as possible. The instant yo& begin to lose balan%e pla%e yo&r finger o&tside the trigger g&ardJ sit do$n if needed! holding the handg&n do$n and to the side b&t aligned in the general dire%tion of the target area. This drill is done $ith the $eapon aimed at the target at all times. =t is best done $ith a .22 pistol and lots of amm&nition. Ho %ombat reloads &sing %o(er! and $hen finished take %o(er and reload and holster $ith eyes still on the target. 9ote that $hen taking the %o(er yo& $ant to get there 8&i%kly! b&t $hile reloading on the mo(e and $itho&t t&rning yo&r ba%k if possible. Ho not point the $eapon ba%k at yo&r friends3 )l$ays starting by mo(ing to$ards yo&r right is predi%table! tho&gh it impro(es yo&r shooting slightly b&t also may benefit his. )lternate this $ith starts to$ard the left. 5eally sprint for %o(er if the sim&lated sit&ation is dire eno&ghJ any time yo& r&n: /&AAle %ontrol3 Finger a$ay from trigger33 Ho not r&n dire%tly a$ay. The =sraeli shooting te%hni8&e is p&re b&llshit. )n e+pert is going to be fast and a%%&rate! and $ill be good from (ario&s positions. 'e $ill be familiar $ith a (ariety of drills! in%l&ding team drills. B&t the method slo$s him do$n. The less e+pert pra%titioner $ill be more serio&sly hampered by this silly system! and the less skilled need all the performan%e they %an get. Those g&ys seem to think that no pistol %an be safely %arried $ith a loaded %hamber! $hen $e kno$ yo& sho&ld %arry single a%tion semia&tomati%s %o%ked and lo%ked Dyo& %an ha(e the th&mb strap &nder the hammer if yo& $ishE. They ha(e &nne%essary and rit&alisti% mo(ements $hi%h do nothing b&t $aste time: the lo$ 6horse stan%e7 %ro&%h! the pistol side$ays and %harged by hand as it is %oming &p! the pistol held aside $hen yo& go from kneeling to standing $hen it sho&ld be in line $ith the eyes and e(en fired as yo& rise if need be. ?e maintain o&r balan%e! $e glide step and slide or sh&ffle and r&n in the smooth %ro&%h! $e a(oid %rossing o&r feet &p@hell! $e e(en $addle or ;&mp $hen $e ha(e to. Those g&ys seem to be doing a lot &p $addling! hopping and franti% sh&ffle-;ogging. ?eird3 Hid some theatri%al fen%ing Ds$ordE or flo$ery and sho$y M&ng F& master in(ent this st&ff? This is almost as horrible as those bolt a%tion rifle &sers $ho drop the b&tt do$n from the sho&lder before operating the bolt. Those g&ys are doing kata3 4ad! sadJ the abo(e did not $ork. Co& got hit. F&%k it. /o(e and shoot. Meep that front sight on target. ?e are not dead &ntil o&r brains %ease to f&n%tion and begin to rot. 48&are! $hitebread! se+ist! homophobe! ra%ialist. )h! it smells like %andy. ?e b&ild it and $e fight to defend it. Co& s8&abble o(er it. ?e are so &ptight. =t h&rts so good. Minda like $hen a b&n%h of nasty little &r%hins natter at yo& on the streetJ 8&ite an annoyan%e &ntil yo& de%ide to paddle some b&tts. ?hen yo& are hit hard and the enemy is %lose and a %ontin&ed threat yo& sho&ld not go do$n and %ease resistan%e. There are e+%eptions to this! the enemy may pass by thinking yo& are dead. 9at&rally! if yo& no longer ha(e the bones! m&s%les and tendons in yo&r arms and hands to %ontin&e shooting yo& are s%re$ed. =f the shooting hand $on<t $ork then get that handg&n $ith the other hand and &se it to shoot the bastard. ?hat if yo& m&st reload $ith only that one hand? Fne $ay is to e;e%t the magaAine! apply the safety! and st&ff the pistol behind yo&r belt. Then get a magaAine o&t and insert it into the pistol! dra$ and disengage safety! release slide and shoot. This is not safe if the safety is left off! and keep yo&r finger off the trigger &ntil the m&AAle is pointing do$nrange in any %ase. ) better $ay in(ol(es holstering the pistol. =f the slide $as not held ba%k yo& may ha(e to operate the slide by hooking the rear sight on yo&r belt and pressing do$n! and that finger better be %lear of the trigger g&ard. ) massi(e hit to the %ir%&latory system! serio&s hits to the ner(o&s system! $ill p&t yo& o&t of a%tion. =f still a$are at all yo& $ill be! $ham3! on the gro&nd. ?hat am = doing do$n here? Breaks to the large bone in the &pper leg $ill also p&t yo& do$n! mo(ing too m&%h then $ill kill yo& from sho%k. )n arterial $o&nd gi(es yo& little time so take %are of b&siness and then stop the bleeding at on%e. D=t is a good idea to %arry se(eral =sraeli %ombat dressings and a one-handed to&rni8&et.E 4o m&%h to learn. Hid yo& kno$ there is room eno&gh inside a broken hip ;oint for internal bleeding to kill? That a small penetrating $o&nd into a body %a(ity may hardly bleed e+ternally b&t may be %a&sing ma;or internal hemorrhaging? ?o&nds that bleed little or not at all may begin to bleed hea(ily on%e the firefight is

o(er and yo& ha(e %almed do$n? Bandage before that happens. >o do$n (ol&ntarily if it is better to %ontin&e shooting from some degree of %o(er. =f the opposition is not (ery %lose the lo$ prone $ith yo&r head t&%ked do$n onto yo&r forearm is (ery effe%ti(e. :&st %ontin&e &pright! and shoot the g&y $ho shot yo&! if he is too %lose and immediate a threat. =f shot thro&gh the heart yo& sho&ld be able to shoot for eight to ten se%onds! sometimes as long as fifteen. 4in%e yo& are b&sy! and f&ll of adrenaline! yo& may not e(en noti%e a hit at first. This is often tr&e $ith small fragments and .22 rimfire b&llets. Fther hits tend to feel like a hea(y blo$ from a fist! follo$ed by a ra$ n&mbness. The effe%ted part may be %old and limp! dangling hea(ily. 9ot %ool! eh? ?hen a b&llet plo$s thro&gh it %a&ses the effe%ted part to s$ell like a balloon! and then ret&rn to normal! e+%ept for that hole it lea(es in yo&. 5ifle b&llets may tear flesh from bone! or break bone $ith this press&re $a(e! and $ill damage fl&id filled organs nearby! b&t most damage is %a&sed by the a%t&al hole made. E+panding b&llets m&shroom to some e+tent! depending on resistan%e and the depth of the body part hit! and shed some mass on the $ay. *ointed rifle b&llets $ill $obble and then t&mble &ntil they stop base first! if they ha(e eno&gh room for it. They &s&ally lea(e a small hole in limbs hit be%a&se the limbs are not (ery thi%k. 4ome $ill break off at the base and fragment if they t&mble and this tears &p more tiss&e. The skin is as to&gh as abo&t , in%hes of flesh $hi%h is $hy pistol b&llets are often fo&nd ;&st &nder the skin on the other side of the body! and the sk&ll often defle%ts pistol b&llets Dand shotg&n shotE aro&nd and o&t the ba%k of the head $itho&t penetration of the sk&ll. This also happens $ith shotg&ns &sing b&%kshot at longish range! for b&%kshot. 'its to the bones are hard on b&llets b&t (ary in effe%t. 4ometimes rifle b&llets make a small hole! sometimes they break the bone and sometimes they shatter it. ) .,N )C* b&llet %an lea(e yo& $ith a leg dangling and the foot pointed to the rear. Broken bones h&rt like the (ery de(il and mo(ement after the n&mbness $ears off is a killer. There are some $o&nds that h&rt like the de(il from the beginning or damage yo&r brain so that yo& s%ream like a l&nati% and lose %ontrol of all bodily f&n%tions. 9i%e. There are of %o&rse dyings that take ho&rs of pa&ses bet$een seiA&res. ) person may not be f&lly &n%ons%io&s for m&%h of this. Heath agonies-throes. Fh yes. Then there is the str&ggle to keep breathing! and periods of easing. =ndeed! $hi%h may %ontin&e long after a$areness is gone. The death OrattleO at the end. =f = ne(er sa$ another death = $o&ld be ;&st as happy. Tr&th is bitter. /an %annot li(e $itho&t ill&sions. 4o! people are spirits! yeahJ and ha(e already left the body of %lay. )ll the s&ffering and the permanen%e of destr&%tion and loss happens to be the breaking do$n of &nneeded flesh only. 9at&re $ill pro(ide and it is on to a better pla%e. ?ait. /ayhap there is some s&ffering b&t only so the spirit %an gro$ and earn a better state thereby. That<s the ti%ket3 Bah. =f there $ere gods = $o&ld %&rse them. =f there $ere de(ils = $o&ld spit on them. =f nat&re had a$areness = $o&ld hold it in %ontempt. )s it is all = %an do is kill or %apt&re dangero&s %riminals. They make %&rrently &na(oidable e(ils $orse. ?hile no one deser(es to be raped or tort&red! and sho&ld not be! some people m&st be killed in %ombat e(en tho&gh nobody really deser(es death either. This is not some metaphysi%al m&mbo %rap abo&t doing e(il that good may %ome! ser(ing the dark! the balan%e or death. =t is abo&t people ha(ing the right to kill the insane and dangero&s! and the e(il! in defense of themsel(es and others. =t has nothing to do $ith $hat is deser(ed. =t is abo&t stopping e(il beha(ior. = do not %are if mass or serial m&rderers that s&r(i(e arrest are e+e%&ted or imprisoned for life as long as they are %on(i%ted on strong e(iden%e and ha(e sho$n that they are $illing to m&rder o(er and o(er. *&nishment $orks to deter f&t&re %rimes $ith some people! b&t is a%t&ally not (ery effe%ti(e. *rison keeps people a$ay from (i%tims! or $o&ld if prisoners $ere segregated %orre%tlyJ as does death. Heath is no p&nishment! of %o&rse! as the e+e%&ted learns nothing from it. =t is a threat to others instead. ?ishes and prayers. = $ish my h&sband to stay healthy. Fops. = $ish he $o&ld get $ell. #h. = $ish he did not s&ffer. Fh. = $ish he $o&ld die faster to end the pain. ?ishes e(en trend do$n to Omat%h reality3O 1&%ky! it almost hit yo&3 Co& are l&%ky! it is only a flesh $o&nd. 1&%ky yo&! it is a bad $o&nd b&t not a fatal one. =t is good he died fast and %lean. =t is a blessing he finally died! as life $o&ld ha(e been terrible for him. That $hi%h damages yo& is the same thing that is good for finally p&tting yo& o&t of yo&r misery. )ll e(il and all good %ome from >od! so = didn<t do it3 >od is the real He(il! and the He(il his '&manity-Testing demon. The He(il made me do it! /a3 ?e do not kill o&r friends. ?e kill o&r enemies. =t matters to &s if $e are still ali(e. The sea fights the shore and the sea $ins. ?hen yo& kill a killer yo& be%ome death and death

$ins t$i%e. =t gro$s in strength. Co& be%ome $hat yo& hate. Fh indeed. The sea is not an entity ha(ing (olition. =t does not fight. =t neither $ins nor loses. Heath is not an entity! is is a state or %ondition of on%e li(ing entities. Co& do not be%ome death by killing. Co& infli%t death. Co& $ill be%ome $hat yo& hate only if yo& hate all killers! and $ill hate yo&rself for resisting in;&sti%e only if yo& $o&ld rather a%%ept in;&sti%e than take any a%ti(e part in (iolen%e. *erhaps instead yo& $ill be%ome %riminally insane for any n&mber of reasons and re(el in m&rder $itho&t hating yo&rself at all. ?ho kno$s? *eople %ra%k &nder e+treme press&res. =t $o&ld be better if death did not e+ist. Certainly yo& %an imagine a $orld that is $orse $itho&t death than $ith it! ;&st as yo& %an a better $orld $itho&t death! not that either s%enario makes m&%h sense. 4o $hat? Heath e+ists and yo& %an<t %hange that. 4ometimes more killing is better than less! sometimes yo& m&st kill to s&r(i(e or to ha(e a life $orth li(ing! and sometimes killing ;&st in%reases risk and makes things $orse. Co& $anted simple? *eople seldom get $hat they $ant and $hen they do they often li(e to $ish they had not. Ho not mo(e and shoot in the %lose fight if speed is needed and yo& %an<t get the hits $hile in motion. The fastest atta%k or defense is dire%t and &ses no &nneeded mo(ements. This does not mean mane&(er $ill not be needed! nor that %o(er need not be taken. Far from it. Fften dire%tness is blo%ked by prepared defenses. B&t $hen %o(er %annot be taken in time and speed may sa(e yo&r life yo& sho&ld ne(er mo(e before yo& shoot &nless yo& kno$ yo& %an still get the hits $hile in motion! and ne(er sho&ld yo& shoot faster than yo& %an shoot a%%&ratelyJ %onsider ;&st r&nning for it. This means $hen time is short! b&t yo& ha(e time to hit him first if yo& are 8&i%k! don<t mo(e ;&st shoot in the most straightfor$ard manner. Fther$ise! do mo(e3 /ane&(er at speed is not ;&st a matter of fleetness of foot. =t is abo&t organiAation or la%k thereof. 4o too is shooting both speed of body and of mind! and do not r&sh a shot. #se all deliberate speed. =f the battlefield is a pristine nat&re s%ene that seems odd and s&rreal. 9ot to $orry! e+tended fighting $ill render it a moons%ape. That seems m&%h more nat&ral. B&t most battles o%%&r in the most %ommon of s&rro&ndings. Co& are not really ready! ne(er get to do all the %ool things planned. The last thing yo& see is a %lo&d floating by! or the $eeds in the %ra%ks in the %on%rete near a dingy gasoline station. 'earing is the last to go. Heath is &s&ally rather (iolent! tho&gh yo& may be &na$are of that. 4ometimes the brain is t&rned off like a light and the body goes as hea(y and limp as a body bag f&ll of ;elly. /ore %ommonly there are gasps and g&rgles! sh&ddering and ki%king. Before the body goes limp all m&s%les go stiff as a board for a time. The eyes are fi+ed and staring. They 6film o(er.7 The light goes o&t. 9at&re is bad eno&gh. ?hat do yo& think of people $ho help nat&re along in this $ay be%a&se they $ant po$er and glory? :&st %harming. ?hat a pessimist! eh? FM! the %o&ntry is f&ll of stand&p g&ys and all the (ario&s international and national so%ialists and other a&thoritarian and totalitarian types $ill see their resol(e and ba%k off. Then $e $ill ha(e a pretty de%ent ne+t N0 years. There ya go3 Co& belie(e that? There is little glory and no magi% in the $orldJ th&s the pop&larity of fantasy no(els and religio&s dreams. Take the no(els rather than the dreams as yo& need not belie(e the fi%tion in order to en;oy it. Ho not gi(e &p yo&r dreams of the possible. Ho not stop fighting the enemy &ntil yo& are dead! b&t do not belie(e the lies. *arty! tribe! nation and global allian%e. =f they are not disg&sting %riminalsJ if they $ill deal $ith yo& honorably! then treat them the same. =f not lea(e them to ste$ in their o$n filth. Be%a&se e(ery person there is e(il and deser(ing of no help? 9o. =t is be%a&se yo& do not ha(e the po$er to poli%e the entire $orld in an effe%ti(e manner. Co& do not sa(e a pre%io&s (ase by sending the b&lls into the %hina shop. Co& also ha(e too fe$ b&lls. =f they make an enemy of themsel(es yo& kill &ntil nobody is left $ho %hooses to resist $ith arms! or they %hoose to stop atta%king yo& and to poli%e their o$n remaining enth&siasts. =f they are too m&%h for yo& yo& hide or die fighting. B&t no matter ho$ o(ermat%hed yo& are! ne(er allo$ yo&r o$n to be ab&sed be%a&se yo& fear the b&lly. =ndi(id&al rights! not the good of the many %omm&nitarian shit. 9o h&man sa%rifi%e. By the $ay. 9e(er allo$ %itiAens of other po$ers to %l&ster $ithin yo&r territory. Co& $ill pay for it in the end. This means yo& ;&st stand by and $at%h ab&se $hen (isiting a %o&ntry $ith $hi%h yo& are not at $ar? Ces! yo& ;&st lea(e if yo& ha(e no po$er to inter(ene to help an ab&sed nati(e. ?hy are yo& hanging o&t in that shithole? ?hat if yo& do ha(e the po$er to take a%tion! and perhaps to hide or

es%ape after$ard if this is needed? 'ell yes! take a%tion and en;oy. *&nks ha(ing the ner(e to do s&%h things before o&r fa%es are asking for tro&ble. For%e the go(ernment! the three bran%hesJ get rid of the fo&rth and fifth and si+th: 6independent agen%ies7 and the %orporate-go(ernment partnership and the globalist go(ernan%e %ro$d! to ret&rn to %onstit&tional go(ernment and e8&al treatment &nder the la$ for e(eryone. For%e o&tla$ state! &nele%ted %o&nty board and la$less %ity go(ernment to beha(e themsel(es. Ho it right damned no$! it sho&ld ha(e been done se(eral de%ades ago! and fight the m&ltiple $ars this $ill %a&se $ith dogmati% and hostile ethni%ities and anti-freedom parties. Ho it right damned no$ as it %an only be $orse the longer $e $ait. =s this going to happen? ?ho is going to do it? 9o! the #4 is breaking do$n and the %haos $ill only be the greater as it %omes to fr&ition. ?hen a $ar sho&ld be fo&ght b&t is not %o$ardi%e leads to e(en $orse harm to the %o$ards ;&st as r&nning dire%tly a$ay from the enemy d&ring a firefight on open gro&nd gets yo& shot in the ba%k. The f&ll Bill of 5ights in effe%t for all )meri%ans &nder any and all %onditions and starting right no$3 B&t people $ill die o(er shit like this3 F&%king ). Trailing the pike is one thing! dragging yo&r di%k in the dirt is another. Co& do not to&%h the person of a free man or $oman $itho&t his %onsent. Co& ne(er p&t yo&r hands on his $eapons. Co& do not remo(e his freedom of mo(ement. =f yo& do these things $itho&t ;&st and honest %a&se! or at the least honest error! yo& sho&ld be engaged by e(ery de%ent $itness. 5ifle b&llets %an do a lot of damage! and yo& may indeed blo$ someone<s brains o&t. Entran%e $o&nds are smaller than e+it $o&nds. 4ome entran%e $o&nds are a%t&ally smaller than b&llet diameter be%a&se skin is elasti%. B&t yo& are not going to be blo$ing off heads and arms! nor is somebody<s $hole ba%k going to be blo$n o&t by the nifty high(elo%ity-s&perfrangible-t&mbling-$onderb&llet. Conta%t shots to the head $ith a rifle or shotg&n may blo$ a$ay so m&%h sk&ll at the ba%k! and peel &p so m&%h s%alp! that it looks like things ha(e been t&rned inside o&t. E(en then it is &nlikely that the head $ill depart the body. Co& e(er $onder $hy the first reports o&t of Iietnam said the Z/"N )rma1ite $ith ":", rifling Dso the b&llet $as not (ery stableE shot off heads and arms $ith ea%h shot? Can yo& say 6three bags f&ll! 4ir?7 :eeA! ho$ g&llible do they think $e are? Fn%e yo& are not in immediate danger yo& sho&ld seek medi%al assistan%e. Hon<t be like old king $hatsisname! bleeding o&t $hen yo& don<t ha(e to is st&pid. =f it doesn<t kill me it $ill only make me stronger@&nless it damages my brain! blinds or %ripples me...3 Ces! = $ill be the stronger for it &nless it $eakens me. =f yo& kill in self defense or kill in %ombat yo& may feel elation Dyo& did s&r(i(eE or may feel fine. )drenaline ;&nkie3 The gore may make yo& si%k right a$ay. 1ater yo& may feel si%k for ha(ing felt elation. This sho&ld not be! b&t sin%e $hen do things $ork as they sho&ld? Co& are lying in the $eeds $ith yo&r rifle. =t is dark. Co& ha(e yo&r finger on the trigger and the rifle pointed to$ard the so&nds. Co& are breathless and as tight as a bo$string. Take yo&r finger off the f&%king trigger3 =f the enemy %omes into (ie$ p&t it ba%k and shoot him. This is $hy firearms are bad! it is so easy to shoot by refle+! or to shoot the $rong person. *artially tr&e. Try this: stand against the $all near the door! in the dark! $ith a golf %l&b gripped tightly o(erhead. 1isten to the slo$ sh&ffle as an &nkno$n person %omes e(er nearer. B&i(er like a (iolin string! b&t do not hit the g&y in the fa%e as he looms &p &ntil yo& ha(e identified him. =f yo& s$ing and then re%ogniAe )&nty :ane redire%t the blo$ to miss. 9ot al$ays so easy. >&ns are e(il. #se a bat or golf %l&b for home defense! if yo& m&st3 'a(e yo& e(er seen $hat a ni%e dri(er does to the h&man sk&ll? There is only one best man in the $orld! for $hate(er that is $orth. E(en the best is not good at e(erything. The best %an be destroyed by %ombat at a le(el he does not &nderstand! or by p&re n&mbers. =f the inferior o&tn&mber the s&perior by a s&ffi%ient amo&nt this gi(es them a type of s&periority of their o$n. There are times $hen it is time for the death ride Dor th&nder r&nE. 4ay goodbye to yo&r brothers no$. Terrorism is for %riminals and the %riminally insane. 4hooting the family members of an enemy is terrorism. E(en the mob generally fro$ned on that kind of beha(ior. Blo$ing &p a %afe or b&s f&ll of non%ombatants is terrorism. Committing atro%ities is terrorism. Terrorism is the %ommission of %rimes against %i(ilians in an attempt to red&%e s&pport for yo&r enemy and his poli%ies. =t is %riminal threats and (iolen%e against people yo& $ant to infl&en%e. Firebombing residential areas is terrorism. Tort&re! m&tilation and m&rder of %apt&red enemy soldiers

is terrorism. #sing biologi%al $eapons $hi%h $ill spread and %a&se an epidemi% is terrorism. There are al$ays non%ombatant deaths in $ars! e(en if yo& do yo&r best to a(oid them. The maimed o&ght not ind&lge in self pity! (ery &nattra%ti(e. =f they deser(e pity someone $ill probably gi(e it to them. Then they %an say! 6do not patroniAe me! = $ill not be pitied.7 =t is %riminal to shoot %i(ilians be%a&se they are the enemy<s %i(ilians. Ho not shoot poli%e if their department is doing la$ enfor%ement and p&bli% safety b&t is not taking part in the fighting. B&t yo& really $ant to shoot %ops? Fool. = $o&ld %omment on people $ho think they need e(en more enemies than they already ha(e! b&t the poli%e $ill in most %ases in(ol(e themsel(es and yo&r $ish $ill %ome tr&e. Ho not shoot medi%al and fire fighting personnel be%a&se they help the enemy in their res%&e operations! and no shooting of b&s dri(ers and doormen be%a&se they are in &niforms3 Ho sear%h people if yo& ha(e do&bts abo&t their a%t&al origins and intentions! b&t remember that %itiAens ha(e the right to firearms and self defense. ?hat yo& do sho&ld be both h&mane and a reasonable ne%essity! and do not enter pri(ate pla%es or disr&pt pri(ate b&siness &nless legitimate la$ enfor%ement or the %ombat sit&ation re8&ires it. DHo not &se military for%es against %i(ilians as poli%e if there is a de%ent ;&sti%e system still in pla%e. 4oldiers make poor poli%emen! military go(ernment is tyranni%al! and the p&bli% $ill resent the treatment and may re(olt. /ilitary s&pport for %i(il la$ enfor%ement is illegal in the #4.E 4o&nd boring? 9ot to $orryJ the fighting $ill re8&ire a great deal of trespassing in both ta%ti%al mo(ement and o%%&pation of fighting positions! $hile yo& do this yo& $ill ha(e to keep people from interfering in yo&r operation and help those $ho $ant to take %o(er or lea(e the area. Be alert. 4ome of the homeo$ners may $ant to shoot yo&. =f yo& don<t tr&st a g&y do not let him hang abo&t behind yo&! or temporarily detain him. *eople ha(e a right to defend themsel(es and their property. This in%l&des yo&. They %an %ontrol $ho is allo$ed to enter! or enter armed! their premises. =t is $ise to do so $hen they are being threatened. They ha(e no right to disarm yo& in p&bli% pla%es or yo&r o$n premises be%a&se to do so $o&ld take a$ay yo&r right to defense. E(eryone has the same rights. To treat yo& other$ise $hen la$f&l arrest or imprisonment after d&e pro%ess is not ;&stified is %riminal. E(eryone also has the right to emergen%y a%tions to sa(e li(es d&ring emergen%ies. =t is $rong to shoot anyone! for e+ample! for mere trespassJ and $rong to e(en for%e a trespasser to lea(e if he is there to handle an emergen%y. 'e %an<t threaten yo&r life &sing an emergen%y as an e+%&se! ho$e(er. 9or does this mean he %an e+%&se his la%k of a $arrant &nless he tr&ly kno$s ahead of time that a life threatening emergen%y e+ists. =t does mean yo& %an operate any$here against anybody yo& are at $ar $ith! if yo& are fighting for a ;&st %a&se! and a %ontin&o&s state of emergen%y e+its. 9at&rally! th&gs $ill %laim to be the good g&ys! de%lare emergen%ies! and ab&se the rights of the general p&bli% and e(en more so the people they think of as enemy. ?hat do yo& e+pe%t? They are th&gs. 9on%ombatants sho&ld please stay $ell a$ay from %ombatant fa%ilities! personnel and (ehi%les. 4ome of them $ill mistake yo& for a threat and atta%k yo&! and if they themsel(es are atta%ked yo& may be killed in the fighting. 4ome think if yo& are nearby yo& need to be killed or %apt&red in %ase yo& are a s%o&t or spy. Co& may be one! and may be detained or arrested if yo&r beha(ior is too strange! b&t sensible people kno$ it is insane to shoot at e(erybody be%a&se any one of them may be &p to something. 9e(er approa%h the military in an ambig&o&s! s&dden or threatening manner. =f they think yo& ha(e a $eapon or hidden bomb they $ill kill yo&. Try also to keep a$ay from any type of military target s&%h as military transportation %enters! and fa%tories making prod&%ts s&%h as logisti%al and ta%ti%al (ehi%le parts and amm&nition. 5ebels often atta%k general e%onomi% targets to make go(ernment look bad and to sting it into rash beha(ior that makes it look e(en $orse. This sort of thing also makes the rebels look bad. *atriots atta%king the %o&ntry<s $ealth and &tilities in general makes abo&t as m&%h sense as rioters angry at the poli%e b&rning do$n their o$n neighborhood. The best targets are e+posed leaders and information-planning-%ontrol-%omm&ni%ations gro&ps and %enters. 9e+t is anything enemy that is left isolated and poorly defended! b&t look for traps. 4peaking of the shot and %apt&red! or other$ise %apt&red! %apt&re %an not al$ays be a(oidedJ b&t s&rrender is most often a bad idea e(en in %on(entional $ars: if yo& are operating alone! or $ith a militia or g&errilla gro&p $ho<s 6%a&se is ;&st!7 yo&r operations may or may not be legal &nder %onstit&tion and treaty making s&rrender e(en more dangero&s. )dditionally some of the la$s of $ar

are mere %rap. )rmed %itiAens %an be shot by firing s8&ad. E(en if yo& are legal it $ill make no differen%e. =f %apt&red yo& $ill be kno%ked do$n! booted in the head! and %&ffed $ith plasti% hand%&ffs Dfle+ %&ffsE or ind&strial plasti% Aip ties. The head bag or bla%ked-o&t goggles go on! perhaps ankle restraints and hearing prote%tion. Then yo& $ill be dragged a$ay and interrogated to one degree or other! probably $hile n&de. 9o matter! yo& %an make them ;ealo&s. They $ill not let yo& sleep! $ill p&sh yo& aro&nd! and may ref&se food! $ater or the toilet. :&st piss on the floor and don<t be the one to %lean it &p. Cold! heat! beatings! noise! dogs and ab&si(e sho&ting and treatment. Fffers of treats and rest. They $ill alternate threats and offers. Hon<t s$eat the psy%ho st&ff! a%t&al in;&ry and illness is $hat %o&nts. ?ell! yo& did de%ide to be a fighter. Co& may be shot 6$hile trying to es%ape.7 )fter$ard yo& $ill be de%lared terrorist or &nla$f&l %ombatant Dmaybe e(en before a military panelE and interned in either a %on%entration %amp or a gra(e. The gra(e may be a better deal than the harassment in the %amps. 6Tr&th ser&ms7 make yo& babble! sometimes e(en tr&thf&lly. 4ometimes they make yo& serio&sly ill or kill yo&. 61ie dete%tors7 dete%t stress. They are abo&t as a%%&rate as rolling di%e. This lea(es things primarily &p to the skill or d&pli%ity of the operator. )nother tri%k is to lo%k yo& into a small empty room for ho&rs or days &ntil yo& are hearing and seeing things and %an<t think properly. H9) tests are ina%%&rate fairly often! fingerprint mat%hes (ery often. Blo$ into that tinkertoy dr&nkometer! d&de. 4o? 1ab tests are often faked any$ay $hene(er %ertain people think yo& are g&ilty! or ha(e de(eloped a right good dislike of yo&. B&t! b&t! remember that if yo& are bro&ght in they are trying to pin something on yo&! or are trying to s%are yo& into doing something for them. Fingerprints are easily transferred! as is other physi%al e(iden%e. ?itnesses are %onf&sed! and easily ignored! led or %o$ed. B&t e(erybody lo(es %onfessions. /ostly easy %on(i%tions! and no tiring in(estigati(e $ork. 4o do not get into pissing %ontests $ith them! b&t ne(er belie(e them or try to make them like yo&. 4miles are the biggest lie. Hon<t a%t to&gh! and do not $hine and plead. 9o$ there are %onsoles that %an do a H9) mat%h in abo&t an ho&r! handhelds that %an s%an and mat%h fingerprints $ithin min&tes! handhelds to s%an fa%e and iris! and systems that %an do 6lie dete%tion7 from a distan%e b&t $ith added feat&res s&%h as eye mo(ement tra%king and (oi%e stress analysis. 4ome poli%e are %arrying blood taking kits and H9) s$abs. 6?arrants7 are a&tomati%ally appro(ed and transmitted o(er the telephone. Ioi%es %an be analyAed for identity as $ell. This %hanges (ery little aside from making road blo%ks so m&%h more f&n for e(eryone in(ol(ed. =t is (ery h&man to feel &n%omfortable p&nishing those $e s&spe%t of disobedien%e! b&t 8&ite FM $ith p&nishing people after for%ing them to say they deser(e it. The moral of this story is the moral of the %ookie ;ar. =f yo mama thinks yo& ha(e been in the %ookie ;ar she $ill for%e yo& to admit g&ilt and then sma%k yo& &pside the head! so stay a$ay from ad&lts and from %ookie ;ars be%a&se s&spi%ion is eno&gh and pro+imity breeds s&spi%ion. D=n the army spend on-base free time in the library as nobody goes there and yo& $ill a(oid being (ol&nteered for m&%h e+tra d&ty.E #nless! of %o&rse! yo& are in a position to help or hinder the other person<s $elfareJ in $hi%h %ase solid e(iden%e may not be eno&gh. E(erything is simple if yo& &nderstand it. B&t $ill being simple res&lt in yo&r disposal! or ha(ing some po$er get yo& targeted for disposal? 9e(er! ne(er gi(e &p others in order to sa(e yo&rself. Co& may be for%ed to! and $hen yo& are taken yo&r %omrades sho&ld immediately take steps to minimiAe the damage of a se%&rity leak. 'o$e(er! do not sa%rifi%e others $illingly so yo& yo&rself may skateJ ass&ming yo&r keepers %are to keep s&%h a promise. 'a(e yo& be%ome a Christian or something? Ho not sa%rifi%e another in yo&r pla%e. =t is a different matter if yo& are 6inno%ent7 and ha(e e(iden%e against a real %riminal! b&t do not e+pe%t to get off 4%ot free. They ha(e been ab&sing yo& for a reason and e(eryone says they are inno%ent. Hestroying enemy fa%ilities! s&pplies and e8&ipment is not terrorism. Milling the enemy is not. Blo$ &p an amm&nition plant staffed by %i(ilians? 4hoot $orkers $ho atta%k yo& in an attempt to prote%t the plant? 9ot terrorism. Co& gather &p the $orkers and shoot them all! yep! that is terrorism.

)nd! s&rprise! roadside bombs detonated against military %on(oys is not terrorismJ not e(en $hen the amm&nition tr&%ks are being dri(en by %i(ilian %ontra%tors. 4pe%ial operations types ha(e &sed roadside bombs for de%ades. /ost ha(e ele%troni% %omponents and the troopers are less likely to stay behind to trigger the e+plosions themsel(es $hen a target presents itself than g&errillas $o&ld be. /ines ha(e their o$n sensors. )n orbiting drone %an dete%t an approa%hing target and set %harges off for them. Claymores and fragmentation mines are good for &se against personnel! b&t to really OkillO tanks yo& need the right antitank mines or more than "00 po&nds of a good high e+plosi(e. 200 po&nds is better. 1arge in%endiary de(i%es and f&el fires are not $itho&t $orth! e(en if thy only stop the tank<s engine! b&t the tank $ill dri(e o&t of tro&ble in many %ases &nless yo& %an trap them inside the hot Aone. OH&stO! f&el-air and no(el e+plosi(es-thermobari% de(i%es are for &se inside b&ildings and t&nnels. Fnly the large bombs-air%raft bombs are (ery effe%ti(e o&tdoors and not (ery effe%ti(e on b&ttoned-&p modern tanks at that. ?ait! soon there $ill be drone onand off-ro&te mines that $ill tra(el to a target or me%hani%al amb&sh site and set themsel(es. E+pensi(e? Ces b&t that does not keep people from b&ying roboti% %argo heli%opters and ,-legged ta%ti%al load bearing robots in addition to the more %ommon $heeled e+plosi(es disposal and ma%hine g&n ma%hinesJ pl&s remotely operated armored H. b&lldoAers and other (ehi%les for &se on land! &nder $ater! belo$ gro&nd and &nder sea! and in the air or in spa%e. >od! if $e only had %heap and mass prod&%ed androids so $e %o&ld respond immediately to e(ery reg&latory (iolation o&r %omp&ters dete%t3 /ost Ofire bombsO do not e+plode. >asoline (apors in an en%losed pla%e $ill! li8&id f&els mostly do not. ) /oloto( Co%ktail made of a glass bottle! gasoline and a %loth &sed as a $i%k $ill not e+plode on%e the $i%k is lit. =f the fire is hot eno&gh the bottle may %ra%k open and the fire flare &p. >asoline flares &p hot $hen the bottle breaks! b&t short-li(ed &nless thi%kened. The $i%k is lit to pro(ide a flame $hen the bottle breaks after it is thro$n against a hard s&rfa%e. The so&r%e of fire %an also be %hemi%al! as $hen a %loth is $rapped aro&nd the bottle and %oated $ith a mi+t&re that rea%ts $ith spilled f&el. )lso a grenade f&Ae %o&ld be &sed $ith a pyro %harge. /ost methods of thi%kening f&el are not (ery good! and make poor flamethro$er amm&nition! b&t for /oloto(s try dissol(ing polystyrene D4tyrofoam is bestE %&ps or pa%kaging material in the li8&id f&el. 9ote: These de(i%es are (ery ineffe%ti(e against modern armored (ehi%les &nless &sed in (ery great n&mbers and the (ehi%le is not entirely sealed. Fpen hat%hes and the engine or %re$ %ompartment air intakes are the &s&al targets. )n attempt is made to harden e(en small ma%hines against ele%tromagneti% interferen%e and b&llets. E/* hardening is most effe%ti(e $hen the (ehi%le is a%ting a&tonomo&sly! and %an $ork (ery $ell. )n ele%tromagneti% p&lse is still $orth trying. H&sts and smokes for blinding sensors! %ontrol signal ;amming or targeting! pits and barriers! ele%tri%ity! flame! and e+plosi(es are tools. ?ater traps are of some &se! it depends on the ma%hine. /ines and dire%t fire! or g&ided indire%t fire! $eapons are good if they ha(e the penetration needed. ?ire tangles and fen%es $ill stop the small ones! b&t this $ill not stop them from shooting at yo&. Those $ith the right kind of a%%ess %an ha%k the system. 5obots $ill t&rn on the pre(io&s handlers $ith no %on%erns! they are ;&st %omp&ters after all. ) little s&ggestion? There is a little man sitting in a (an or trailer. 'e is monitoring or dire%tly operating one or more ma%hines. 'is position may be ob(io&s! or may be ob(io&s only $hen yo& &se radio intelligen%e. =f yo& lo%ate only remote transmitters find o&t $hat they are in %omm&ni%ation $ith and follo$ the trail. Find him and kill him. Co& spend yo&r ina%ti(e time staring into the distan%e? Co& repeat odd sayings and sho&t o&t before yo& are a$are yo& are going to do it? Head emotional response $ith random b&rsts of rage or %rying? 'a(e yo& beg&n to shoot any animals yo& see! or ab&se %orpses? ?ell! it is not m&rder! or anythingJ those people are already dead. *eople are meat and probably hostile any$ay? Co& are losing it old man! get o&t. 9o matter ho$ bad it is! don<t %ommit s&i%ide! brother. ?hile there is life there may be hope. 4&i%ide is too m&%h like letting the enemy defeat yo& $itho&t a fight! yo& kno$? Co& start shooting people at random? T&rn yo&rself in.

*sy%hologi%al pain is a %ategory of tr&e pain! and %an last a long time e(en at &nbearable intensity. 4ome memories h&rt and %a&se people to flin%h a$ay e(ery time something reminds them of an in%ident. =f yo& make a fa%e and s$ear a&tomati%ally $hen this happens people $ill gi(e yo& odd looks. ?e all kno$ of %ases $hen flashba%ks disorient to the point of disasso%iation from the present en(ironment. #n%ontrolled aggression to$ard self or others is the real danger sign ho$e(er. 4ome types of therapy are helpf&l. Fthers are B4 and harmf&l. ?hile e+treme %ases re8&ire dr&g treatment! and some people do $ell on a spe%ifi% dr&g and dosage it is $ell to remember that the side effe%ts %an be se(ere and the long-term o&tlook is bad $ith most of these psy%hoa%ti(e pres%ription %o%ktails. Hr&g rea%tions and intera%tions %an destroy proper mental f&n%tion! making rational per%eption and thinking impossible! and prod&%e (iolent episodes. =n other %ases dr&gs %an destroy yo&r general health o(er time. They do say it is easier to break things than it is to b&ild them. )nd easier to b&ild than repair. Ces! some tr&th in that. B&t try to break the head of a br&iser $ho is really trying not to be broken. )ssassination is easy if yo& %at%h people off g&ard. =t is not so easy to kill someone for%e-on-for%e. 'a(e the s&rgeon $ho ;&st finished relie(ing a depressed sk&ll fra%t&re %ompare himself to yo& after a real drag-o&t d&ring $hi%h yo& %reated one. Ff %o&rse he $ill not be relie(ing any fatal ones... /en do most of the breaking! b&t also most of the b&ilding! and ha(e kept ahead of the %&r(e too! $hi%h is $hy $e are also blamed for &rban spra$l. )lso o(erpop&lation is o&t fa&lt. ?e do not ha(e a gro$ing pop&lation! b&t o&r ideas and te%hnology are part of the reason for longer li(es and b&rgeoning gro$th in the so-%alled Third ?orld. = don<t get no props :<E Fther people ha(ing many %hildren is not an iss&e. The best and brightest marrying late or not at all is. ?hen these people do de%ide to ha(e a %hild they are often too old to easily! s&%h that %hildbirth e(er is! and safely do so. 4hades of the days $hen the brightest s%holars tended to ha(e to be %h&r%hmen immersed in mysti%al min&tia! their bastards not $ithstanding. B&t $ait3 :&st as there is no s&%h thing as ra%e! geneti%s is of no moment. En(ironment is $hat %o&nts. ?e merely need go(ernment planning! a great master plan o(er en(ironment. Too bad those $ho rea%h the higher le(els of go(ernment are sele%ted for greed! %&nning! and sloth instead of $isdomJ and yet e&geni%s is pop&lar among them. 9e(er mind. 9obody e(er $rote a book. >od did it! or 4atan! or a >reek /&se or 5oman >eni&s. *erhaps somebody<s so&l did it b&t no h&man. = am greasy. = am a spoon: b&t = am not a greasy spoon. ?hat am =? Co& need first aid training! get some! b&t yo& sho&ld b&y and not ;&st read b&t st&dy these books. Ho the math. *ra%ti%e the drills. The #ltimate 4niper! by :ohn *laster. Ta%ti%al *istol /arksmanship! by >abriel 4&areA. 'o$ to ?in a >&nfight! by Tony ?alker. Ta%ti%al *istol 4hooting! by Erik 1a$ren%e. The 1ast '&ndred Cards! by '. :. *oole. D= take that ba%k. This g&y $on<t sell to his fello$ %itiAens! and the %opies a(ailable on )maAon are greatly o(erpri%ed. Try 1ight =nfantry Ta%ti%s for 4mall Teams! by Christopher 1arsen.E F/ K-K,.2", E+plosi(es and Hemolitions! field man&al. DThis is not %lassified! b&t distrib&tion to %itiAens is restri%ted. 4ay f&%k the Feds! and get an older (ersion if yo& m&st. 'o$e(er! the minim&m safe distan%e form&la in this p&bli%ation is defe%ti(e. Ho not &se it. #se a %orre%ted (ersion or the form&la from an older demolitions man&al. /eaning &se the last (ersion of F/ N-2N0 D"...E or any later (ersions of K-K,.2", b&t not the %&rrent one D200 E! %hange " to it sho&ld %ome o&t fairly soon.E 4t&dy that last (ersion of F/ N-2N0! and st&dy the sniping man&al F/ K-22."0. Both are online in *HF format. Co& $o&ld do $ell to st&dy *anAer Ta%ti%s by ?olfgang 4%hneider. The )meri%an and Canadian man&als on the s8&ad! the rifle! e+plosi(es! and basi% skills are: F/ K-2".G! B->1-K0.-00K-FT-00"J F/ K-22..! B->1-KGN-00"-*T-00"J F/ K-K,.2",! B->1-KV"-00GF*-00KJ F/ K-2N."N0! B->1-K"G-0"G-*T-00"J F/ 2"- N S F/ K-2"- N! B->1-K.2-00.-F*-00"J and basi% first aid is F/ ,-2N."". Canadian sniping B->1-K.2-00N-F*-00". ?hen fa%ed $ith death people $ill do almost anything to s&r(i(e! %annibalism is pretty %ommon &nder these %onditions. That is! $hen they do not ;&st sit do$n and die. =f = say = $ill ne(er do %ertain things e(en to stay ali(e there are those $ho ;eer. They think = $o&ld %hange my mind if a%t&ally fa%ed $ith that kind of ne%essity. 6Co& do $hat yo& ha(e to do!7 they say. ?o&ld yo&! then! kill others in order to take their food and $aterJ take food a$ay from si%k %hildren? 9o limits means be%oming a si%kening beast.

/aybe yo& $ill get l&%ky3 =f a $ell e8&ipped party tries to m&rder yo& yo& %an %onfis%ate enemy s&pplies after the firefight. 5esistan%e! str&ggling do$n there in the dirt is so &ndignified. )%t&ally! peer press&re or being alone is the primary fa%tor for most people. 9ormally people $ill do almost anything to a(oid h&miliation or a ne$ hardship! b&t $ill not do anything to s&r(i(e. Hon<t belie(e it? 'o$ many people tr&ly take the fight to a threat? 'o$ many people go h&nting for a m&rder s&spe%t? They %omplain to the poli%e and! sometimes! hire a *= for a time. =f they get s&bstandard %are for a potentially fatal %ondition they beg! or they sit at home and $ait to die. ?hat per%entage rob a bank in order to pay the hospitals! or take a do%tor hostage? =t is not a per%entage at all. =f yo& think this sho$s ho$ moral people are yo& are mistaken. /ost are easily manip&lated. They are passi(e! not moral. ?hen people star(e they beg and s%ream! fe$ %onfront armed men b&t some do kill and eat another if the (i%tim %an be %a&ght $hile alone. Then they all sit on the (erge eating grass and dirt th&s feeling f&ll as they die e(en more 8&i%kly. /ost people lost in a forest $ill $alk &ntil e+ha&sted and then sit and $ait for res%&e or death. =f they are res%&ed the ta+payer f&nded agen%ies in(ol(ed $ill bill them for another fe$ tens of tho&sands of dollars and help them set &p a payment plan at 20L interest. )meri%ans $ill tolerate anything. Ho not %&t off medi%al %are e(en to the enemy. =f yo& %lose hospitals be%a&se some of the people helped may be enemy yo& are an animal. Blo$ bridges in the fa%e of large enemy atta%ks! and destroy military transportation systems! espe%ially military s&pply. Mno%k o&t ele%tri%al po$er to military fa%ilities. =f yo& destroy %i(ilian $ater! food! ele%tri%al! se$er! and general transportation and %omm&ni%ations systems be%a&se the enemy &ses them too yo& are a %riminal. )ppalling! ain<t it. F(erloaded the lifeboat and no$ $e ha(e to thro$ the $eakest and least (iable o(erboard. 'ere is ho$ it is done. )sk for a sho$ of hands! shoot the people $ho (oted to sa%rifi%e the $eak. Then thro$ the %orpses o(erboard. The spa%eship earth. 9othing to it. )nd medi%al ethi%s is be%ome the home of mer%y killers and reso&r%e rationing. ?hat? ?e ne(er kill o&r 6patients!7 $e ;&st stop gi(ing them fl&ids and n&trients! or $e o(erdose them $ith something. ?e do not ha(e to gi(e people o&r food! yo& kno$! and if $e $on<t let anyone else feed them either =<m s&re $e ha(e o&r reasons. F&r system is threatened &nless $e %an ration reso&r%es! e(en the reso&r%es that belong to others. DThis is be%a&se nothing a%t&ally! in reality and at the end of the day! belongs to others. ?e are so%ialists.E >od damn! man! = do not say yo& m&st help more people than yo& safely %an. = am saying yo& %annot take $hat they ha(e! do them harm! be%a&se yo& are so m&%h more important then theyJ and if yo& $ill be a poli%eman! militiaman or soldier yo& m&st a%%ept risk. 5ioto&s s%&m say! 6>i(e &s yo&r tro&blemaking da&ghter to rape and m&rder! and $e $ill lea(e the rest of yo&r ho&sehold alone.7 Father ans$ers $ith b&llets. ?impy &tilitarian ho&sehold pleads $ith the father to sa%rifi%e his da&ghter for the good of the many. ?hat e(er sho&ld ye olde patriar%h do? Tell the oh so (ery m&%h more important ones they are free to lea(e! perhaps to try to ;oin the mob if they %an! or they are free to take him on if they $ish. >otta lo(e that hard old bastard. Then silly g&ilt-ridden da&ghter offers to die for the others. 4he is not important! and demo%ra%y does not like indi(id&alism. 4he thinks she is a god! responsible for $hat the mob may do. Father! gr&mpy old sod! sho&ts: 6T$it3 9o one dies my death for me37 'e dri(es the traitors o&t $ith his sti%k! and binds his ob(io&sly mentally &nstable da&ghter to keep her o&t of tro&ble. Co& kno$ $hat? ?hen someone is s&i%idal yo& don<t help him do it be%a&se he has rights. 'e has no rights o(er yo&. Co& try to help him li(e. =f he is mentally in%ompetent yo& may ha(e to gi(e him a g&ardian as $ell. Hon<t fight ba%k. That<s $hat they $ant. >i(es them an e+%&se. Hon<t break la$s! and don<t disobey. That<s $hat they $ant. Hare = add! gi(e &p! disarm! obey be%a&se that<s not $hat they $ant. 5eally? ?e %o&ld resist pea%ef&lly $hile ne(er disobeying an order in their presen%e. ?hat $o&ld that get &s? ?ell! $ho kno$s? =t might $ear them do$n o(er the years. *roblem is! those g&ys tend to make ;&stifying in%idents if $e $on<t do it for them. Cheaters. ?ho is they! $hite man? Co& don<t kno$? = $ill eat gr&bs! $orms! snakesJ lo%&sts and ants. Termites! tasty3 = $ill eat nettles Dboil $ith

se(eral %hanges of $ater firstE and dandelion. = $ill h&nt! kill and eat rats and s8&irrelsJ Aebra and sheep. ?hate(er and no problem. = $ill not kill inno%ent people. = $ill not kill pets. = $o&ld ne(er eat people! family or pets e(en if they $ere already dead. =t is ob(io&s that there m&st be limits if $e are not to be%ome gr&nting! foraging and r&tting s$ine. ?here are yo& going to set yo&r limits? Co& ha(e the bad g&y<s $ife and kiddy at hand. 9o e(iden%e they took any a%ti(e part in affairs! b&t hey! they might ha(e. Co& tell them $hat yo& think daddy has been &p to b&t they $on<t roll him for yo&. Hon<t they kno$ yo& are the good g&y? Co& are so spe%ial. 4o yo& p&sh them aro&nd some and hold them as hostage to daddy<s good beha(ior. = am so nai(e3 = simply do not &nderstand $hat m&st be done to sa(e spe%ial good-g&y li(es. #nrealisti% tender heart. Ceah! = hope daddy eats yo&r balls. D9ot literally! that<s nasty. 'eh.E 4&r(i(al tip: yo& %annot li(e on edible plants in the forest. #nless yo& bring in or gro$ grain and beans! or beans! peas! and s8&ash! or potatoes and milk for e+ampleJ yo& ha(e to eat animals. There are %ertain t&bers! pro%essed a%orns and other things! b&t eno&gh %alories and protein are in short s&pply. There also is no B"2 b&t the effe%ts of that shortage may not be felt for years. =n many %ases yo& $ill li(e longer on an all meat diet than on $hate(er %alories yo& %an gain from $ild plants. Be $ary of %ontaminated greens and diseased animals. =n order of importan%e: %lean air! %lothing or shelter as needed! amm&nition! %lean $ater! f&el as needed! &npoisoned foodJ first %alories! then protein! (itamins! minerals and fats! et%. /ost people lie to e+%&se themsel(es! to manip&late others! to gain fa(or and a(oid embarrassment. /any lie a&tomati%ally $hen the tr&th $o&ld better ser(e. >o(ernment lies %onstantly abo&t almost e(erything: they are ser(ing a higher p&rpose! ;&st like lying prea%hers. Corporations al$ays lie in ads and in %ontra%ts. =t is not lying if it merely fools people so that money %an be made. #nions lie! %lass %onfli%t ;&stifies. *oliti%ians lie. E%onomists lie and philosophers lie. 4%ientists lie! they need the grant money. 1a$yers and ;&dges lie. 4o%ialism is all abo&t rights. They gi(e and take rights a$ay daily. These rights ;&stify reg&lation! and are &s&ally relati(ely &nimportant ones or positi(ely destr&%ti(e ones. =f food is short they $ill ration it $hen higher pri%es $o&ld bring both the $ell meaning and the grasping to prod&%e! import and sm&ggle more food. They $ill not b&y food for the star(ing b&t $ill seiAe foodsto%ks Ddire%tly! or indire%tly by reg&lation and pri%e fi+ingE and r&in farmers and mer%hants. Be$are of so%ialists bearing gifts. 4o%ialist rights are the per(ersion of all rights and an e+%&se for taking rights a$ay. B&t in some ind&stries $hen pri%es go &p they ne(er f&lly re%o(er again. False s%ar%ity $hen the people in an ind&stry agree to keep pri%es high and to apply press&re to those $ho do not agree to the plan. =ndeed! almost al$ays $ith go(ernment %oll&sion. *&bli% &tilities anyone? Fil! $ith its reg&lated importation %ontrols? )nd many of the politi%ians in(ol(ed are so%ialists. The tr&e %ost of goods in so%ialist %o&ntries is rather high in any %ase be%a&se so%ialist planning is not (ery prod&%ti(e. B&t the e(il %onser(ati(es3 1eftists &se go(ernment to gain po$er and impose their insanity. /ost 6%onser(ati(es7 &se go(ernment to gain po$er and finan%ial ad(antage. Big go(ernment %onser(ati(es. ?hat a %on%ept. *oliti%ians and %orporations both get ri%her. Freedom takes a nose di(e as both %apitalist pigs and politi%ians promote so%ialist poli%ies and reap the benefit of ha(ing the people<s $ealth in their hands. /ore %orporate donations go to Hemo%rats than 5ep&bli%ans. 5ep&bli%ans are so%ialists. Ta+ free fo&ndations and international 9>Fs set the poli%ies. 'o$ lo(ely. Those of yo& $ho most hate being for%ed to pay for 6$elfare7 b&ms! not to $orry! $hen the tyrants no longer ha(e to pretend and the glo(es %ome off so%ialist %o&ntries ha(e al$ays imprisoned or shot parasites $ho $o&ld not do the $ork gi(en them. To them a parasite is not merely someone $ho takes. =t is somebody $ho $ill not gi(e. =n mild nanny states yo& may find this hard to belie(e. They are still fighting the rea%tionaries! b&t look at their plans for the f&t&re. Co& better fit in $hen the time %omes or mandatory reed&%ation! ta+es and fines may be the least of yo&r problems. Comm&nist %o&ntries also ha(e a history of abysmal treatment of orphans and the handi%apped! and often p&t those $ith freedom disease into appalling insane asyl&ms.

*eople need to be kept ignorant. They need to kno$ $hat they need to kno$ in order to do their ;obs. Their ;obs for $hi%h they are %ertified! li%ensed and permitted. Mno$ledge %an be &sed. This is po$er. *o$er %an be mis&sed. Tell people $hate(er $ill %on(in%e them to do the right thing. Tell them the tr&th and st&pid people may do the $rong thing. Meep them st&pid! imprint them and program them. /anip&late them. Fnly a&thority %an be tr&sted. )aagh3 =t $on<t be long before &nli%ensed %hemistry $ill be illegal. There are already those $ho ha(e been raided for selling s&lf&r and a%ids to st&dents! gardeners or e+perimenters. 9obody a%t&ally needs mat%hes and lighters! by the $ay. Fpen flames are dangero&s. Camp fires %an b&rn do$n forests! and $ilderness a%%ess needs to be %ontrolled anyho$. ) fe$ g&ided to&rs? 4moking is bad for the health. ?ood b&rning sto(es poll&te. ?e %an re8&ire that all de(i%es &sing flame be self igniting and sealed. 5epair te%hni%ians %an be li%ensed and e+%eptions made for go(ernment appro(ed pro;e%ts. 4ee ho$ simple it is? ?e %an b&y bla%k market! make o&r o$n mat%hes! e(en &se a pie%e of steel and a pie%e of flint $ith %otton $ool. ?e %an &se a nine (olt battery $ith steel $ool and some gasoline! or a firestarting bo$ and sti%k. B&t they %an p&nish &s if they %at%h &s. There is no reason for &s to kno$ ho$ o&r ma%hines $ork. ) ne$ dark age da$ns. Testing and %ertifi%ation is fine if yo& $ant the little appro(ed by sti%ker. =t is good if there is any respe%t for the %ertifying organiAation. Testing and li%ensing is bad if it means there are fools $ho think they ha(e a right to reg&late something yo& already ha(e a right to do! e(en if it is risky! ?hy do people ha(e so damned m&%h tro&ble &nderstanding rights? E+ample of religion: 'ate %rime3 Freedom means go(ernment %an not reg&late belief! and that = %an not %ommit %rimes against a person be%a&se = hate his religion. =t does not mean a religio&s person is allo$ed to beha(e %riminally be%a&se of his beliefs. Freedom also means = ha(e the right to dislike! disagree $ith! oppose! (ote against and generally talk abo&t st&pid religio&s people. Hamn. 5ights do not n&llify ea%h other. Both of &s ha(e a right to belief! spee%h! and so on. =f not being offended $as a right = %o&ld p&nish yo& if yo&r spee%h $as so bloody st&pid it angered me. 5ights are for all. They do not %onfli%t. =f the banning of motor%y%les! %ars! and all s$imming pools $ill sa(e the life of e(en one %hild it is $orth it. 1=IE F5EE F5 H=E. 9o$! don<t let me shame yo& into a%ting foolishly3 *ropaganda is the art of go(ernan%e. *ropaganda is effe%ti(e at first! then people %at%h on. The %omm&nists lied abo&t )meri%a so m&%h that 5&ssians (isiting later on $ere disappointed. The streets $ere not pa(ed $ith gold. = al$ays la&gh $hen lies t&rn and bite the liar<s ass. The #4 go(ernment has been doing the same thing! b&ying fake ne$s. = hope they get bitten also. /y generation is leading yo& yo&ngsters to the end of )meri%a! many to the sla&ghter. Those of &s $ho are not $ith the leadership in this ha(e nothing to offer yo& no$: perhaps some reso&r%es or a little kno$ledge! b&t $e are tired. To hell $ith it! = am almost ready to die anyho$. ?e ne(er $ere able to fight o&r o$n bastard leadership. *o$er %orr&pts! and absol&te po$er absol&tely. 9ot really. *o$er attra%ts the %orr&pt! and po$er tends to %orr&pt. There is no s&%h thing as absol&te po$er! b&t they try. *o$erlessness %orr&pts! and absol&te po$erlessness %orr&pts absol&tely. )bo&t e8&ally tr&e. *o$erlessness tends to make people (indi%ti(e in small things! and $eak people tend to$ard po$erlessness. ?orms tend to e+%&se their o$n misbeha(ior. )bsol&te po$erlessness probably means yo& are dead. ?hat does all this mean to the soldier? Firstly! a %ontra%t signed at g&npoint is (oid. ?e are not the! mostly fi%tional! knights $ho %o&ld be tort&red &ntil they promised not to es%ape. 'a(ing gi(en their $ord! they no longer needed g&arding3 ?hen there is a $ar on $e absol&tely do mislead and misdire%t the enemy. ?e %onf&se and s&rprise them. ?e amb&sh them! blo$ them &p and %&t their s&pply lines. This is ;&stified. The enemy is not some &n%ooperati(e or disagreeable person. )gain! the enemy is not someone $ho disagrees! or ref&ses to obey3 'e is those people $ho are trying to kill &s. 'e is those $ho intr&de &pon &s and $ill &se for%e if resisted. E(eryone $ho is atta%ked has the right to fight ba%k! &sing e(ery means possible! ne%essary! and not %learly e+%essi(e. E+%eption: if yo& are being arrested for or are engaged in a (iolent %rime! or other intr&sion on people<s rights! yo& ha(e no

right to resist! and e(en then resistan%e is ;&stified if the arrest is effe%ted $ith e+%essi(e for%e. )gain! there is no s&%h thing as a 6%rime against property7 &nless it is a %rime against a person. There are %ertain things yo& sho&ld ne(er lie abo&t. 9ot e(en to the enemy. Ho not lie abo&t the &se to $hi%h marked medi%al (ehi%les are p&t. Ho not mis&se the markings for medi%al fa%ilities. 9e(er lie abo&t s&rrender! a %ease fire! or mis&se the $hite flag. Ho not lie in negotiations! lying and misdire%tion is a ta%ti%al tool! ;&stified $hen yo& are at the point of the spear. ?hat if the enemy does it? ?hat if the enemy is e(il and deser(es $hate(er he gets? Co& don<t need to be as e(il as the enemy. These kinds of lie %a&se a spiral of atro%ity. They h&rt both sides in the end! and make it harder to take prisoners. E(en bad g&ys may s&rrender e(ent&ally! b&t not if they ha(e to s&rrender to animals like themsel(es. Ho yo& kno$ $hat is more irritating e(en than a soldier $ho ab&ses prisoners? 5E/F and $omen that %ome o&t of hiding on%e the fighting is o(er and immediately tear into the %apt&red $ith great bra(ery and bloodthirsty Aeal. *atheti%. =f a prisoner %an be tried on the basis of solid e(iden%e of $ar %rimes this is fine. =f yo& think %rimes against yo& ;&stify yo&r %rimes against others yo& are an idiot. B&t %rime is bad. ?e sho&ld lie to people be%a&se they might &se the tr&th to %ommit %rimes3 ?e m&st restri%t information! and %ommit %rimes against %riminals. =f people are 6allo$ed7 to kno$ ho$ to do bad things or ha(e the means to %ommit %rimes then some of them $ill. ?e are sheep and m&st be prote%ted. =nformation m&st be restri%ted3 ?eapons m&st be 6%ontrolled73 B&ll shit3 5estri%t the enemy<s a%ti(ities! destroy and %apt&re the enemy. Treat %riminals as s&%h. )re the rest of &s the enemy? )re )meri%an %itiAens all %riminals? )re )meri%an men so afraid to defend their o$n sel(es! families! and rights and properties that they $ish to kno$ nothingJ to be disarmed? Ho they $ish %onta%t $ith kno$ing and armed men only $hen s&%h men are %riminals to be ass-kissed and then reported to the 6a&thorities?7 F&%k yo&. /o(e to Fran%e3 Co& m&st be a hard man. D= heard that. Co& smirking monkey. Co& damned stinking apes3E Co& m&st be a de%isi(e man. Co& need not be an &nfriendly one! and sho&ld ne(er be an &n;&st one. *a%ifists think hard men %an ne(er be good men. *a%ifists are idiots. 5emember $ho yo& are. Books are one of the best $ays of preser(ing kno$ledge! b&t = ha(e often tho&ght only a fool $o&ld bother to $rite one. = $as right. The day may %ome $hen first aid is illegal. There $as a time $hen the first aid kit %ontained dr&gs and tools! not ;&st skin %reams! aspirin! pero+ide and bandaids. Bandaging $as an art form. Tr&ly some people made ghastly mistakes $ith these kits! b&t the do%tors ba%k then had some $ild and &ntested ideas themsel(es. They still &sed ele%tro-%on(&lsi(e sho%k@oh yeah! they are ret&rning to it for depressed patients. This is a g&ild iss&e. Co& ha(e to get spe%ial permission to ha(e an a&tomated de(i%e to ;&mp start a heart. They kno$ man&al C*5 $orks $ith dro$ning! %ertain to+i% %hemi%al! and $ith ele%tri%al sho%k (i%tims b&t hardly at all for serio&s heart atta%ks. They kno$ medi%s arri(ing "N min&tes later is a ;oke. D)l$ays %leanse or steriliAe any possible %ontamination at on%e. =nfe%tion that gets inside the body and takes hold may be impossible to stop.E Ces! anything an )meri%an kno$s may be mis&sed! or may be passed on to terrorists. The )meri%an people are as good as enemies themsel(es. )m&singly eno&gh! most of the things )meri%ans sho&ld not kno$ are already kno$n by the bad g&ys. 5estri%t a%%ess to books on e+plosi(es! great idea. 9o )meri%an needs to kno$. 'e might do something bad! ne(er good &nless he is registered! and the enemy may read his book. Ho yo& think foreign go(ernments ha(e their o$n books? 'ostile military for%es? =nternational %orporations? /ight the global terrorist gro&ps get their e+plosi(es man&als at the same pla%es they get the e+plosi(es? Fh $ell! no need to let them read o&r books too. Meep the )meri%ans ignorant. ?e $ill tell them if there is anything they sho&ld kno$. Hid yo& kno$ that the spe%ial operations for%es pa%k animal field man&al is restri%ted? 9o$ none of them there )fghani tribesmen kno$ $hat $e are %apable of. =t is not like as if hill tribes ha(e their o$n information on pa%k animals. Fh yeah! that don<t mean they sho&ld read o&r books too. The ??== man&als are dated! also! be%a&se pa%k horses! donkeys! and saddles are m&%h impro(ed sin%e the

olden days3 'o$ abo&t yo& $on<t let &s read o&r p&bs so translate and let &s read theirs? 9o $ay man3 Then they $o&ld kno$ that $e kno$ $hat they are %apable of3 ?hat if someone $ith holes in his shoes reads a man&al on shoe repair and is enabled to make the for%ed mar%h and defeat &s? ?hat if someone reads it and %an repair his shoes instead of going to a %ertified repair shop? = say ban these dangero&s books. 'ere is the thing. 1arge organiAations learn (ery little from other organiAations. They ha(e their o$n politi%s and bias. =f anyone is going to ha(e any real effe%t it is going to be offi%ers a&thoriAed to st&dy the enemy and in%orporate some of the things learned into the organiAation<s appro(ed training. 'o$ m&%h of this information $ill a%t&ally be &tiliAed? Common soldiers! and %ommon g&errillas! do not sit aro&nd reading foreign military p&bli%ations. The training they do get is based on the instit&tion<s dogma. Ff %o&rse any really filthy o&tfit $ill probably be gi(en #4 man&als by o&r go(ernment! along $ith )meri%an instr&%tors. Co&! ho$e(er! $ill be %harged &nder antiterror la$s if yo& set off fire$orks. >otta nail yo& $ith something yo& right-$ing e+tremist bastard. ?e ha(e to remo(e rights from )meri%ans to keep basi% information from the enemy! is that right? OB&t yo& are the enemy3 Co& oppose the go(ernment3 ?hy sho&ld yo& ha(e a%%ess to ta+payerf&nded go(ernment p&bli%ations?O ?e are not the enemy of %onstit&tional go(ernment. Co& are the enemy. The reason there are no )meri%ans today is be%a&se they &sed to &se e+plosi(es in the mines! 8&arries! and on the farms $itho&t any reg&lations. They had g&ns and booAe and no dr&g la$s. )t least one tanked &p farmer $ith a gr&dge in e(ery to$n in the %o&ntry $ent in and ble$ e(eryone &p $ith dynamite. ?e ha(e no an%estors3 = blame the =nternet myself. /ilitary man&als tell yo& ho$ they $ant a $eapon to be &sed. 'a(e yo& noti%ed ho$ little data they a%t&ally pro(ide on a%%&ra%y! reliability! penetration and effe%ts on target? They do not $ant yo& to kno$. =n fa%t! most $eapons effe%ts data they ha(e and $ith a nod to politi%al ass-kissing Dha(e yo& seen $hat they said abo&t their .mm 9)TF st&dies?E is %lassified. 9ot don<t gi(e it to a %i(ilianrestri%ted-trade se%rets Das if most patents are %lassifiedE b&t legally %lassified. 4in%e most army te%hni%al people say the .mm F/: is ;&st as effe%ti(e as the .,N on people and both are ineffe%ti(e on armor $itho&t the &se of spe%ialty amm&nition! it follo$s that b&llet pla%ement is key and larger holes of no importan%e. D)lso the . has higher (elo%ityJ the .,N ki%ks harder! has smaller magaAine %apa%ity and is shot more slo$ly by most.E Cet the same people admit poli%e amm&nition $ith %ontrolled e+pansion b&llets $ork better. = am %onf&sed. E+panding b&llets! $hen they $ork %orre%tly! ;&st sim&late a larger %aliber. They make a bigger hole. 'o$ %an this be any kind of ad(antage? 4ele%t b&llet type based on the ;ob! tho&gh it may not matter in a gi(en shoot! and big e+panding b&llets e+pand to larger siAe than small ones. 4&ffi%ient penetration too is re8&ired. Co& are go(erning %onstit&tionally and $ant to %lassify the n&%lear la&n%h %odes! the date and (e%tor of yo&r ne+t military operation! and today<s operational %omm&ni%ations en%ryption key. Co& %lassify a ne$ radar %apability or s&bmarine stealth te%hnology &ntil the enemy has learned of it? >ood on yo&3 Co& $ant to allo$ free p&blishing and spee%h! the bearing of armsJ b&t only in so far as the information %annot be mis&sed by anybody! does not offend anybody! ne(er dis%loses embarrassing errors or %rimes on yo&r part? Co& think bearing arms means the right to be drafted if = meet yo&r needs? 'ello! Ming >eorge! and yo& $ill get yo&r re$ard. Co& %an<t be drafted anyho$. They may be able to drag yo& in! b&t %annot follo$ yo& aro&nd the battlefield p&lling yo&r finger ba%k on the trigger. 4top hitting yo&rself! stop hitting yo&rself... =f they e(er bring ba%k the draft and get the idea they %an go ba%k to physi%ally ab&sing re%r&its = re%ommend mass %o&nter (iolen%e. = kno$! real men %an take getting the shit beat o&t of them if they don<t fit in. 5eal men %an also take %ombat in;&ries and death before yielding &p their rights. *&t a bayonet in somebody. /mmm! bayonets. 'eh. 'ey b&ddy! there is a $ar on3 /an! there is al$ays a $ar on. 4mall or large! here or there! %old or hotJ there is al$ays a $ar some$here. The %&rrent %lash of %i(iliAations is not s&pposed to last more than a %ent&ry or so. =f yo& are going to gi(e &p yo&r self-%entered indi(id&alism and f&ndamental liberties! yo&r h&man dignity! all yo&r mental and material tools in order to be harmless d&ring %rises

yo& might as $ell ;&st thro$ it in no$. *erhaps yo&r ne$born $ill not yet ha(e rea%hed geriatri% obli(ion before $e %an re(ert from emergen%y go(ernment. Fr ;oin the ser(ant %lass: army of e+%ellen%eJ army of one! be all that yo& %an be! as yo& ser(e yo&r masters &ntil s&%h day as %onstit&tional go(ernan%e shall ret&rn. Iery many p&bs are restri%ted release@in%l&ding food inspe%tion! et%.! d&e to deals #4) made $ith %ontent s&ppliers. This is a r&n aro&nd the legal ban on go(ernment do%&ment %opyright! they %all it proprietary third party information b&t trademark or patent prote%tion %o(ers %ommer%ial &se of the same not the %opying or reading of it and patents e(en allo$ yo& to make the patented giAmos for yo&r o$n &se. =f a do%&ment meets the legal standard it sho&ld be %lassified! restri%ted b&t &n%lassified is rather lame! and de%lassified as soon as possible. 5estri%ted ;&st means go(ernment employees releasing s&%h do%&ments $ill be p&nished for (iolating reg&lations. )n anti freedom of information boondoggle. CitiAens ha(e a right to kno$ $hat go(ernment is &p to and ta+payers are paying for. The militia has a right to military information. C&rrent operations and military se%rets are one thing. )ll of this se%re%y is another. >o(ernment p&bli%ations may not! by la$! be %opyrighted against the )meri%an people. *atented information! proprietary! et%.! all b&nk&m. *&bli%ations that meet legal re8&irements may be %lassified for a time. ?hat are restri%ted-%ontrolled distrib&tion-for offi%ial &se only-no foreign and s&%h b&gger all b&t &n%lassified p&bs? )meri%ans had s&%h a sense of entitlement. ?e &sed to say inno%ent &ntil pro(en g&ilty! right to speak! right to kno$! permitted &nless forbidden by la$... 9o$ it is &ntr&st$orthy &ntil (etted! in%ompetent &nless %ertified! not allo$ed &ntil permitted! need to kno$ only! and administrati(e %onfis%ation of both rights and property. ?e do not deser(e more be%a&se $e ha(e not ser(ed! seen the elephant! made o&r bones. Ho yo& think yo& really ha(e a right to bear arms $itho&t a permit! $itho&t an earned pla%e in go(ernment? 4illy person. The minions feel (ery spe%ial! and $ill be diminished and h&rt if others %an bear arms as $ell. ?e ha(e not been offi%ially appro(ed. 9ot to $orry mate! $e %an b&y o&r $ay ba%k in in the same $ay o&r %o&ntry<s fo&nders did. = am thinking a .K N 'olland and 'olland rifle and solids designed for thi%k-skinned )fri%an game might be handy if fools in armor break into yo&r home. Iest b&sting is good sport. )meri%ans! bah3 'alf of yo& are thrilling to the fake deaths of girlies in the slasher and s&spense films! thirty per%ent of that lot $ant to n&ke all the =ranians to death! and perhaps half think (oting for a party ha%k means they %an lea(e &npleasant kno$ledge and diffi%&lt tr&ths to the elites and their ser(ant %lass. F&%king mentally N year old (i%tims of modern ed&%ation or religio&s mo(ements! in%l&ding the 6ne$ age.7 Hon<t let the realities free men need to kno$ s&lly yo&r bea&tif&l minds! s$eet arrogant and p&re t$its that yo& are3 4erio&sly! if a K0 year old $oman is small and %hildish in appearan%e no one sho&ld lo(e her as it sma%ks of some kind of 1olita thing! and the $oman herself deser(es no kind of relationship. The ser(ant %lass lo(es and derides its masters b&t has %ontempt for those $ho do not e(en 8&alify as ser(ants. There is no s&%h thing as $eakness. There is the de%ision to beha(e as if $eak. =f the masters all mo(e a$ay the ser(ants go home and take assistan%e &ntil somebody $ho %an a%t&ally %reate ;obs %omes along. 1eaning on others is a mere %r&t%h and %r&t%hes are an affe%tation e(en $hen yo&r leg is broken. )%ting as a %r&t%h only fa%ilitates dependen%y. = mean! people $ho %hoose to be $eak deser(e! er! $hate(er they get! right? ?hy sho&ld the elites ha(e to p&t &p $ith b&ms? ?hat ha(e yo& done for them? Ho not fo%&s on the negati(e! b&t don<t be blind to it. =t is good to be a$are of threats. 6Hon<t ha(e negati(e tho&ghts! the o&tside %an<t h&rt yo&. Fnly yo& %an. Co& $ill attra%t negati(e energy3 = don<t $ant to think abo&t it.7 There = $as thinking the o&tside and = $ere one3 *ea%e. *ea%e. ?hen there is no pea%e. 4t&pid )meri%an dogs3 H&ring the re(ol&tion against the British the first attempt at drafting soldiers $as tried. =t did not $ork o&t. H&ring the $ar bet$een the states the military draft %ame into its o$n! b&t there $ere serio&s riots in anger o(er it. )meri%ans ;&st ne(er seem to stop ha(ing tro&ble &nderstanding that freedom thing. /y master %an be s&%h a bloody pain sometimes. Co& 4la(s stop being so $hite sla(ish. Hamn

it. Ces! master. Fh. Ces /aster3 This is not a 6$ar7 against illitera%y! nor is it a 6re(ol&tion7 in man&fa%t&re. Hon<t fight &nne%essary $ars! re(olt or other$ise! be%a&se they are a messJ b&t $hen tyranny needs to be met $ith re(ol&tion there is no bloody s&%h thing as a non(iolent $ar. 'o$ many died d&ring the 6non-(iolent7 =ndian re(olt against the British? E+pe%t a fight! and fight the enemy instead of fighting so%iety for the 6good7 press. Ho not blo$ &p only &ninhabited str&%t&res! nor %i(il infrastr&%t&re. Blo$ &p the enemy and his systems $here(er he is most (&lnerable. 4ome of yo& think $ars %an be 6$on7 $ith s$eet $ords! and some that $ars are best $on in a single great and glorio&s %lash of arms. ) third part think $ars are $on by planning ahead of time ea%h possible mo(e and %o&nter from beginning to end of %onfli%t! the %ertain (i%tory at the end of the maAe as %lear as the steps of a dan%e. Co& are all insane. ?ars are $on by politi%s! e%onomi%s! preparation and planning! battles and ref&sal to battle! and thinking on yo&r feet as if yo&r li(es depended &pon itJ also $ars are lost by these things. = do not think most of yo& &nderstand the tr&e po$er and destr&%ti(eness of %ombined military and poli%e operations. =t is tr&e that a for%e no matter ho$ big and te%hnologi%ally e8&ipped %an not sear%h o&t e(ery pla%e! and be and %ontrol e(ery$here. =t is also tr&e that a normal life &nder s&%h o%%&pation is impossible! that non-resistan%e has no impa%t on a tyrants plans! and that resistan%e that is e+posed or too $eak $ill be ended in blood. )nd $hene(er the military ma%hine goes into a%tion the physi%al destr&%tion is great as is the damage to e%onomi% a%ti(ity and so%iety as a $hole. Fnly a loss of s&pplies! a %hange in plans! or greater for%e %an stop an atta%k on%e it begins. The ?ise /an and the Fool T$o men ha(e flat tires on their %ars. Fne looks at the tire and thinks it is bad that tires $ear o&t. Changing the tire is also bad! it is something %a&sed by tire $ear. =t is an endless %y%le of the %onse8&en%e of bad things. Ces yo& %an ha(e a ne$ tire on again! after a str&ggle! b&t only for a time! and the old tire $ill be destroyed or repaired and ne(er the same again. 'e de%ides it $o&ld be $rong to be a part of that. 'e feels enlightened. 'e feels self sa%rifi%ing. 'e $alks. The other man sees the flat and thinks the tire is still 8&ite good b&t for a p&n%t&re! and that he better be more %aref&l $here he t&rns aro&nd in f&t&re. 'e gets o&t his spare and tools $hile thinking he e+pe%ts to best his past performan%e at tire %hanging. The ne$ tire is a good one. /an! this ne$ $ren%h $orks great! and allo$s him to &se ;&st the right amo&nt of tor8&e $hen he tightens the n&ts do$n. 'e inspe%ts his $ork! stores the old tire for later repair! and he dri(es. 5e%y%ling! by the $ay! is a good thing $hen pra%ti%able. ?hen it! or $hen it still! %osts more than it sa(es it is st&pidity. >o(ernment has no a&thority to reg&late re%y%ling. 1o%al and state! generally! has the a&thority to enfor%e anti-d&mping la$s on p&bli% and on pri(ate land D$hen d&mping is not permitted by the o$nerE! and $hen the d&mping is a haAard to p&bli% health. The federal go(ernment has no ;&risdi%tion. The Constit&tion is hated by people $ith big plans for %entral go(ernment. =t stands in the $ay of all the OgoodO they %an do. They seldom admit it b&t it is so. =mpossible3 Co& ha(e no proof for this. 5eally?@)rti%le .: The en&meration in the Constit&tion! of %ertain rights! shall not be %onstr&ed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. )rti%le "0: The po$ers not delegated to the #nited 4tates by the Constit&tion! nor prohibited by it to the states! are reser(ed to the states respe%ti(ely! or to the people. En&merated po$ers only! fools. ?e are no more responsible for the &nderlying nat&re of things than yo& are. ?e try to $ork $ith and impro(e $hat is there. Co& try to rea%h f&t&re perfe%tion e(en at the %ost of present in;&ry! and = am gi(ing yo& the benefit of the do&bt here for most en(isioned end $orld states are far from perfe%t in addition to being impossible. Co& say yo& oppose all (iolen%e! $hi%h is sillyJ or yo& say it b&t a%t&ally either allo$ it or promote (iolen%e yo& think $ill res&lt in yo&r f&t&re paradise. ?hen $e say $e do not atta%k $e defend! or that $e don<t start $ars $e finish them! $e mean $e fight only $hen o&r rights are (iolated. ?e do not mean $e do not atta%k and %o&nter-atta%k the enemy $hene(er $e %an. ?hat do yo& mean $hen yo& say $hat yo& do?

Co& think o&r being $illing to fight means $e are the ones doing in;&ry no$ in the %a&se of perfe%tion later? 9o. ?e e+pe%t no perfe%tion! and belie(e some things are $orth fighting for! and that failing to fight is going to make things e(en $orse later. ?hy are yo& $illing to fight &s? = myself on%e held the firm impression that %o$s might be holy to the gods! b&t after long meditation = %ame to realiAe that %o$s are good for steak! and that it $as %ats that $ere belo(ed of the gods De+%ept for that damned =nanna-bobana :-D E. ?hi%h ;&st goes to sho$ yo& that the an%ient Egyptians $ere ten times more $ise than the 'ind&. )fter all that time trying to do my share to prompt and n&dge e(ents into more appropriate %hannels this is $hat $e get? ?ell! the higher paths are %o&nter gra(ity as it $ere. ?hat %heek! too3 The righteo&s king blessing the highest god like that. E(en the a%olytes kno$ the greater blesses the s&bordinate3 ) &ni(ersal and spirit&al lo(e does ha(e its ad(antages. =f yo& lo(e! or are in lo(e $ith! a person and that person is in tro&ble yo& $ant to help. This is all ineffi%ient and personal. =t also makes yo& $ork. *rioritiAe. *eople do %hoose their o$n e+perien%es! if they are s&ffering it is for a reason. )lso! it is not $ise to m&%k abo&t $ith things too m&%h. ?hat really matters is their f&t&res! so say a prayer or do a %leansing or something! then yo& %an get ba%k to yo&r o$n life. =f yo& are really really s&re this is not good eno&gh (ol&nteer some money or time to an organiAed %harity that helps people in need in a gro&p oriented manner! or s&pport the f&nding of go(ernment programs! b&t it is a %a&tion ho$ badly people in tro&ble are %ared for e(en $ith se(eral programs in pla%e to meet e(ery needJ = think $e may need N or V programs aimed at ea%h problem area! don<t yo&? >o(ernment so%ial programs. =t is kind of like the $ay = take %are of my friends. = tell them = ha(e de%ided to help them $hen they get into tro&ble. Then = ha(e aro&nd half of their in%ome sent dire%tly to me and gi(e them a list of all the r&les they no$ m&st li(e &nder! and the list of fines = $ill e+tra%t if they fail to obey. = do not let them say no be%a&se at some point they $ill need help. They better pay! and had better obey those r&les. =<ll be damned if = $ill $aste my reso&r%es on them if they get into tro&ble be%a&se of their o$n st&pidity. The damned lee%hes al$ays $ant something for nothing. Co& do not earn fire$ood by b&ying it or %&tting do$n! se%tioning and splitting! and transporting $ood. Co& do not earn medi%al %are by making a deal $ith or be%oming a do%tor. Co& do not earn a retirement in%ome by paying for one. Co& earn any or all of these things by paying me to gi(e yo& and others permissions and allotments. =t is good to be a god. /ost se%re%y is aimed at the %itiAen! not foreign go(ernments. The first atomi% bomb $as a se%ret to the #4 p&bli% &ntil it $as dropped on :apan! b&t the plans for the damned things had already been gi(en to the 4o(iets. >od damn! people3 =t is an e+%ellent thing $hen yo& %an get $hat yo& $ant $itho&t fighting. = $ant a banana. ?ars! on%e started! are not $on $itho&t someone doing some fighting. 4orry abo&t that! b&t %heer &p! maybe yo& $ill be able to &se pro+ies. )gain! yo& %an a(oid $ar by gi(ing yo&r self-pro%laimed enemy $hate(er he $ants. 4adly! yo& not being omnipotent and all! yo& may not be able to gi(e him e(erything he $ants and make e(erything as he $ishes it to be so make other people gi(e him st&ff too! and if e(en that is not s&ffi%ient too bad for yo& b&t gi(e me a banana. First and 4e%ond )rti%les. 4tates may ban lo&d noises at night! so $hy not handg&ns? ) late night s%reamer is (iolating the rights of others. ) handg&n %arrier and the others all ha(e g&n rights. By the by! free press does not mean li%ensed b&sinesses like CB4 or the Times. =t means anybody $ho p&blishes. )nd the ne+t time some leftist trash Dso%ialist $hether globalist or nationalist! %omm&nitarian or %orporatistE starts harping on abo&t 6reasonable7 restri%tions and brings &p 6sho&ting fire in a %ro$ded theater!7 and = ass&me $hen there is none! ask him $here the Constit&tion transfers that kind of iss&e from the 4tates to the feds. ?hen the %lotting t$its say semia&tomati% rifles $ere not in(ented yet $hen the Bill of 5ights $as $ritten! $hy ;&st tell them tele(ision $as not yet in(ented either! and that yo& $ant those morons at CB4 sh&t do$n. 'onestly! ho$ st&pid is a fed? They think they are reg&lating interstate %ommer%e $hen they are %ontrolling the operation of a small b&siness in /aine. ?hy? Co& do ask do yo& not? =t is be%a&se yo& &se typing paper and most of it is shipped a%ross at least one state line3 =nterstate %ommer%e a&thority is abo&t keeping the state borders open! and

fighting %ertain types of related %rime! perhapsJ it is not abo&t %ir%&m(enting rights &nder %olor of la$. =n most states it is legal to o$n a s$ord! large knife! ma%e! a+! hammer or spear! b&t not to %arry it in p&bli%. =n many states it is legal to openly $ear a holstered handg&n or %arry a rifle! b&t not a dagger! tr&n%heon! or h&nting knife Do&tside of li%ensed h&ntingE. Brass kn&%kles! bla%k ;a%ks! %oshes! saps-slappers are sometimes banned! and sometimes allo$ed if kept on yo&r property! yet bo$s and %rossbo$s are legal &nless yo& are loitering $ith them on the streets. 4ometimes defense sprays are banned! b&t not folding kni(es $ith less than 2 "-2 in%h blades e(en $hen %on%ealed. 4ome states allo$ a&tomati% knife and gra(ity knife o$nership! b&t $on<t allo$ any p&bli% %arrying of them Dor forbid %on%ealed %arryE! and the fed $on<t allo$ %itiAens to bring them in from other states. /ost states allo$ Oma%hine g&nO %olle%tions b&t only $ith %ity! state and federal appro(al. )ll of these la$s are &nla$f&l! and large %ities ha(e their o$n ideas as $ell. Fedgo( keeps threatening to ban all a&tomati%s and all %lasp kni(es and lo%king folders that %an be opened $ith one hand by any means in%l&ding a th&mbnail groo(e or tab. 1ook all yo& $ant for any %onstit&tional a&thority to reg&late po%ket kni(es! yo& $on<t find that pro(ision! and the interstate %ommer%e %la&se does not 8&alify e+%ept in the minds of t$its $ho think that %la&se a%t&ally ;&stifies anything at all. 9o problem. )ll pets and ser(ants of the state get a $ai(er. 'a3 1et them ban less-lethals! and ab&se them too. = $o&ld rather %arry dagger! s$ord or pistolJ or e(en a rifle aro&nd! than a %an of pepper spray or a baton. Co& kno$ that a person hit by pepper spray %an likely p&t "0 b&llets in yo& before his eyes are too se(erely effe%ted. Ho pretend banning po%ket kni(es or tonfa is reg&lation of interstate %ommer%e. 4ay o&r %onstit&tions do not apply to less lethal types of $eapon! s&%h as st&n g&ns! go ahead. = need no brass kn&%kles to shoot yo& f&ll of holes. 65adi%als fo%&s too m&%h on the first ten amendments! go(ernment has more po$er to reg&late the states &nder later ones! s&%h as the ",th.7 The fo&rteenth! yo& mean the one re8&iring the states to respe%t nat&raliAationJ e8&al prote%tion &nder la$ and no property takings $itho&t d&e pro%ess? E(er heard of affirmati(e a%tion and dr&g la$ property seiA&res? = am beyond si%k of the fools $ho say the the feds are operating legally! and pretend a so%ialist %entraliAed go(ernment is %onstit&tionally %ompatible. ?e are not that g&llible! p&nks. *rote%ted %lasses in )meri%a in%l& is easier to list those not in%l&dedJ heterose+&al $hite ad&lt males! as if they needed prote%tion anyho$. 4&%h $hite men are ro&ghly 2NL of the #4 pop&lation. 4ome people! in%l&ding some of the fo&nders! think or tho&ght that the Bill of 5ights applied to the states as m&%h as to the federal go(ernment. This is not really tr&e! and %ertainly $as not enfor%ed on the states in any &niform manner. )fter the ",th )mendment $as de%lared ratified the federal %o&rts %ame to the point $here they de%lared that the restri%tions on them $ere restri%tions on the states as $ell. This $as %alled in%orporation! and $as based on the lang&age forbidding any taking of rights $itho&t d&e pro%ess! and there is also a ban on la$s that abridge pri(ileges or imm&nities of %itiAens. That last %la&se is a ;oke as rights are not pri(ileges. =t applies to %orporations and li%ense holders. The %la&se abo&t rights is am&sing! $hat rights are $e talking abo&t here? ?hile the feds (iolate the %onstit&tion themsel(es they also a%t&ally add to their po$er o(er the states &nder the g&ise of enfor%ing rights and respe%t for the same on them. B&t there $ere states that ;ailed atheists and blasphemers into the ".20s! and to this day the states are not for%ed to obey the 2nd )mendment regarding g&n rights. There are %ollege te+tbooks on %onstit&tional la$ in this %o&ntry that %ontain no dis%&ssion of the 2nd )mendment at all. 4ome things are left to the states in the %onstit&tion be%a&se too m&%h %entraliAation is dangero&s! some be%a&se they are more effi%iently handled lo%ally! and some be%a&se there is reasonable disagreement o(er parti%&lars. This does not mean it is right for a state to ab&se its %itiAens! and the federal go(ernment has the a&thority in its %harter to stop a state that takes on legitimate federal po$ers! that no longer maintains a rep&bli%an form of go(ernment! or that takes rights a$ay from its people. Ea%h state also has its o$n %onstit&tion nearly all of $hi%h prote%t the right to ha(e arms. Cases of the breaking of state %onstit&tional pro(isions are s&pposed to be handled by the

%o&rts. 5ights! as opposed to grants of spe%ial stat&s! are nat&ral and pree+isting any$ay. 4o. >&n %ontrol is a state! not federal! iss&e and state g&n la$s may not in(ol(e non-%riminal possession and &se of arms! may not (iolate the letter of the state %onstit&tion! and m&st follo$ d&e pro%ess to ad;&di%ate those s&spe%ted of &nsafe beha(ior or (iolent mis&se of arms! or of a%ti(ely preparing and planning to do so. ?hat do $e ha(e here? The feds go merrily along their illegal $ay! sometimes for%ing their interpretation of rights on the states and other$ise not. They for%e the states to follo$ illegal federal la$s and mandates at the same time they do this! federal dr&g la$s for instan%e! and do not follo$ the la$ themsel(es. The states break their o$n %onstit&tions. E(erybody is happy e+%ept for fa%tions $ithin the oligar%hy that are less dominant than others for that day and iss&e! press&re gro&ps that failed to get the biggest %&t of the largess that year! and a fe$ s&pporters of liberty. There are others $ho think )meri%an rights do not apply to %itiAens b&t to e(ery person in the $orld no matter $hat or $here they are. =t is tr&e that e(ery person deser(es to ha(e his rights prote%ted. 'o$e(er! rights m&st be enfor%ed and to think that the #4 sho&ld or %an do this for e(erybody is abs&rd. F&rther! only %itiAens ha(e any right to (ote in )meri%an ele%tions! and = (ery m&%h do&bt that o&r fo&nders $o&ld ha(e agreed that large n&mbers of foreigners! English s&b;e%ts say! ha(e any right to enter the %o&ntry illegally! mass aro&nd the %apital! and $hile ref&sing to gi(e &p their British %itiAenship ha(e their right to bear arms prote%ted or respe%ted by &s. E(erything s&b;e%t to a lot of legitimate disagreement or to personal preferen%e is no b&siness of go(ernment at all. 1imited go(ernment a(oids %onfli%t. 4ome may be p&shed into %ombati(eness by this restri%tion on their ability to for%e others to beha(e properly! b&t yo& %an<t a(oid all %onfli%t. ?e ha(e to ha(e something to fight abo&t or $e $o&ld get bored. /y land is posted ro&nd abo&t $ith signs that say: 69o entry to go(ernment offi%ials! employees! and agents $itho&t a la$f&l $arrant! (alid %o&rt order! or e+igent %ir%&mstan%es s&%h as medi%al emergen%y or hot p&rs&it of dangero&s s&spe%ts. Iiolators $ill be s&b;e%ted to %itiAen<s arrest! and threats or resistan%e met $ith reasonable for%e.7 This means (iolen%e $ill e(ent&ally o%%&r be%a&se la$ and reg&latory enfor%ement agents ne(er yield to the la$. ?ho is at fa&lt for that? Fb(io&sly not they. The re%kless land o$ner is al$ays at fa&lt. 4o they send in a b&ilding inspe%tor or telephone repairman $ith orders to sear%h for e(iden%e be%a&se he is not the poli%e operating o&tside the la$. Their o$n la$s say a person &sed in s&%h a manner is a poli%e agent3 9o problem! they are ;&st as likely to send an anonymo&s tip to themsel(es and then order in a 4?)T team $itho&t any e+%&se offered. ?ho needs one? Confis%ate e(erything in sight and let the s&b;e%t try to s&e to pro(e his property in no $ay %rime related. :&st remember this! if p&bli% ser(ants %ome to yo& in (iolation of rights and la$ and yo& fail to sho$ respe%t in the fa%e of the potential &se of for%e yo& are the one e+hibiting (iolent intent. Fbey $ith ala%rity. ) ;&dge $ill sa(e yo& after the fa%t. /ake a plea for mer%y. Co& gotta lo(e those old boys and sere gals $ho deser(e to make the de%isions for others! the folk of ;&dgment so infallible they %an impose p&nishment before rather than after pro%eedings! that need not inform others of anything before handling things that impa%t on those others< rights and li(es. ?e shall think for yo&. ?e shall a%t for yo&. ?e shall take part in tests! trials and %ontests the o&t%ome of $hi%h bind yo& more than they bind &s. /asters of the #ni(erseJ $isemen and demigods. *hilosopher-f&%king-kings. The nobility of nat&re! n&rt&re! and man&fa%t&re. 9e(er forget that nothing has intrinsi% (al&e. =t is important if yo& make a great hardship and effort of it. *ay the most to those $ho $ork hardest! not those $ho prod&%e the most and best. Ho e(erything the hard $ay3 5ed tape3 >lorio&s str&ggle@b&t $ait3 The masters gro$ ri%h on bribes! misdire%tion of the state! and %orr&ption. 1aAy. /any despise them! b&t all feed them deli%a%ies. 4mart3 4&ffering earns things for yo&. This is $hy the ri%h are the ones $ho end&re the most pain. 9o $ait3 4&ffering ;&stifies! no it p&rifies. 9o! it is blood that does that. ?? 9e(er mind. *eople respe%t the person at the %enter of pomp! $ealth! and %eremony e(en as they sneer at him. The more people kiss yo&r b&tto%ks the more people think they sho&ld or need to be among the

ass kissers! and the larger the %ontingent that a%t&ally $ants to be among them. E(erything belongs to the =dea. To the #ni(erse! or >od! :&sti%e! or the *eople! so these %hosen ones Da&thoritiesE o$n yo&r propertyJ they o$n yo&. They may not ha(e taken dire%t %ontrol of it all. They may not ha(e the po$er! they may not need to take s&%h %ontrol. They kno$ they ha(e the right! tho&gh! they ha(e the =dea. They are 'oly! )nointed Fnes. =nfant the retarded! nothing is holy. 4a%red is a del&sion of the mind. 4ymbols are a message and a reminder of the same. They are po$erf&l! e(en if they denote an &ntr&th. *eople $ill respond to symbols of a&thority o&t of fear! or in hope of gain! b&t also be%a&se they are emotionally effe%ted by them and $orship Ogreatness.O Those $ho spit at symbols do so $hen &nobser(ed! or at the symbols of an enemy of their masters. ?hat freedom from stress $hen yo& gi(e e(erything o(er to yo&r betters3 Cet $hen the master falls the loyal follo$ers tend to (iolent o&tb&rsts as they blo$ off the fr&strations of s&%h pea%e and freedom. ?hat message is there in the symbols of tyranny? Hid yo& e(er see the boys s%atter $hen someone a%t&ally shoots ba%k? Then they p&ll ba%k and bring in the hea(y g&ns! or yo&r ho&se a%%identally b&rns do$n. Cre$ ser(ed $eapons. They ha(e them and yo& do not. Co& m&st &se s&rprise! %onf&sion and the delays that military organiAation! &nit bo&ndaries and inter-ser(i%e and bran%h %oordination offer yo&. 1imit e+pos&re to sensors and $eapons. )ir%raft may be looking do$n at yo&. 9e(er stand yo&r gro&nd and take it in the open. Frontal %o(er $itho&t o(erhead %o(er! or at least good %on%ealment! $ill not prote%t e(en against pl&nging fire from grenade ma%hine g&ns Da&tomati% grenade la&n%hersE. /ane&(er &sing terrain to get into hea(y %o(er! or (ery narro$ and deep holes3 The ma%hine g&n is the enemy of &nits in the open. The sniper is the nat&ral enemy of the ma%hine g&n g&nner. #nder %onditions $here an assa&lt rifle armed soldier shooting semia&to gets "NL hits on a stationary target! a sniper may get .0L hits. "000 meters is not an &nreasonable effe%ti(e range in military sniping! &nless yo& need head shots or one-shot-one-kill res&lts! b&t magn&m and large %aliber snipers %an get yet more range. Co& too %an be a sniper3 >i(en that yo& ha(e some rather basi% mental and physi%al aptit&des all it takes is training and pra%ti%e and yo& too %an kill and be killed3 Battle is %haoti% and e(ery $eapon and mi+ of $eapons $ill be &sed $hen ad(antageo&s or ne%essary! b&t for%e on for%e and like on like is to be a(oided. Tanks o&ght not to be the primary OkillerO of tanks! nor riflemen the primary killer of riflemen. )ntiarmor &nits and m&nitions! in%l&ding m&nitions from air%raft and artillery! sho&ld be the main destroyer of armor. Tanks are the best penetration for%e and $eapon against rear-area fa%ilities and %omm&ni%ations! b&t all arms m&st still $ork %losely and prote%t ea%h other as ea%h has different $eaknesses and strengthsJ and tank $ill al$ays ha(e to fight tank to some e+tent. )rtillery and air%raft! or bombs and traps! are the primary $o&nding agent (ers&s infantry. ?hat are infantry for? 5aids and amb&shes! o%%&pying gro&nd! lo%ating and passing on target information! prote%ting tanks and artillery and m&%h more. Co&nter sniper a%ti(ities by snipers $ill al$ays be needed! and sniper teams are good at it. =f yo& ha(e no balan%ed %ombined arms team they $ill be yo&r primary $eapon against snipers! along $ith %lose stalking! amb&sh! and &nit s&ppressi(e fire. ?hen yo& ha(e options &se a mi+ of all &sable %apabilities! and the primary killers of snipers are s%o&ts and for$ard obser(ers $ith po$erf&l ele%troopti%al de(i%es in %on;&n%tion $ith asso%iated fire from a&to%annon! tank g&ns! g&ided missiles and e(en artillery and air%raft. =f yo& are fast eno&gh on yo&r feet to mane&(er aro&nd a foe d&e to his defensi(e %hoi%es! diffi%&lt terrain he is in and yo& are not! or yo&r hea(y s&pporting fire and yo& are IE5C hea(ily armored yo& DinfantryE %an &se tank ta%ti%s. =f yo& are fast both in the mo(ing and the shooting on the r&n yo& %an &se airfor%e ta%ti%s. This re8&ires mo(ing fast eno&gh to be a diffi%&lt target at the enemy<s skill le(el. =f yo& %an operate in large open spa%es $hile seeing and targeting the enemy first yo& %an &se na(al ta%ti%s. The operational le(el of $ar is more alike among all bran%hes and ser(i%es than ta%ti%s! and strategy e(en more so! b&t yo& %an see $hy light infantry at the small &nit le(el don<t often

get to mane&(er in the open. 4peed on the battlefield is a matter not only of %ross-%o&ntry mobility b&t also of ner(e! armor! &se of terrain for %o(er and %on%ealment! smoke! and s&ppressi(e fires on enemy positions. = g&arantee yo& $ill not get far! no matter ho$ fast yo& are in theory! if yo& mo(e too m&%h e+posed to fire and get shot f&ll of holes. 9or $ill yo& get far if yo& are %onstantly breaking do$n! r&nning o&t of f&el and amm&nition! or dropping o&t be%a&se of physi%al or psy%hologi%al e+ha&stion. Combat in %omple+ terrain is the skill light infantry m&st master. City! to$n! deep forest and ;&ngle! and hills and hollo$s o(ergro$n or %o(ered in ;&mbled bo&lders and broken ro%ky %rags. Ho not engage f&ll spe%tr&m for%es any$here else! and be a$are that if yo& r&n for %o(er the r&n m&st be short or yo& $ill be o(err&n. Feet are nimble and 8&i%k! bested only by small pa$s and mo&ntain goat hoo(es! b&t they are not fast. 5emember too that yo& %an $in e(ery battle and still lose a $ar. =f yo&r battles do not prod&%e operational le(el regional military effe%ts or politi%al %hanges that mo(e yo& &p a step to$ard yo&r strategi% final goal they are not $orth fighting. )nd if yo& die yo& lose. Ho not allo$ some moron to mis&se yo&. /ilitary history is f&ll of stories abo&t spe%ialiAed troops p&t into battles for $hi%h they $ere &ns&ited and in $hi%h they $ere sla&ghtered! often for little or no gain to anybody. The ob(io&s high gro&nd $ill take a po&nding! o%%&py s&%h gro&nd briefly or not at all. 1ess ob(io&s high gro&nd $ith room for dispersion and good %o(er %an dominate lo$er lying gro&nd. Co& do not stand o&t in the open. Ho not $alk o&t in the open. =f the gro&nd is not as flat as yo&r kit%hen floor yo& may lo$ %ra$l o&t there. Co& may ha(e to dash a Aig-Aag a%ross there. 5&n. r&n! r&n3 =f yo& are trapped o&t there gods help! and shoot from the lo$ prone. ) single sandbag pla%ed before yo&r prone self $ill stop some b&llets! then it is shredded. Co& are gonna die if yo& %an<t mo(e and %an<t make a good smoke s%reen! %an<t depend on others for immediate inter(ention! and %an<t dig in really fast. =f yo& ha(e a really deep hole yo& stay in for too long yo& $ill be blo$n o&t of it e(ent&ally. =f yo& ;&st sit o&t on the flats yo& $ill die 8&i%kly. #se yo&r pa%k and other handy gear as a barrier. 'o$ fast %an a g&y dig $ith a short-handled sho(el $hile lying flat! anyho$? Co& $o&ld be better ser(ed by bo&nding a$ay like a rabbit. )t times it %an be diffi%&lt to kno$ $hen to freeAe in pla%e! to slip a$ay &sing any %o(er! to open fire and dig in if possible! to $ithdra$ &sing fire and mane&(er! to atta%k &sing %o(er and fire $ith mane&(er! or to simply r&n like the $ind. DFr $hen to sa&nter a$ay $ith the %ro$d! r&n s%reaming $ith the frightened offi%e $orkers! $ait in an atti% or &nder a log! take tea at the nearest resta&rant! or to &se that key yo& made to hide in the tr&nk of a poli%e %ar &ntil it takes yo& a$ay from all the annoying people.E ?hat is that la$nmo$er motor droning! that model airplane so&nd? = do belie(e it is a loitering #)I. Ho not e(en momentarily think of ho&ses as %o(er. 4ome ho&ses ha(e some %o(er $ithin %ertain rooms! a batht&b f&ll of $ater! yo&r $ood b&rning sto(e! and other things. /ost $alls are $orthless against grenade fragments and .22 15 rimfire. T$o story ho&ses are safe against only light mortar hits to the roof if yo& are on the gro&nd floor. 1arge b&ildings may pro(ide good %o(er for a limited time. Behind s&%h a b&ilding there is a safe pla%e relati(e to indire%t fire. =t is abo&t as $ide as the b&ilding is tall for m&%h of the artillery fire %oming from the other side of the b&ilding! b&t only half that for mortar ro&nds %oming do$n at a (ery steep angle. =f %ertain types of large b&ilding %ollapse yo& %an %ome ba%k. The r&bble makes (ery good %o(er. Basements are good &ntil they be%ome traps. Fortify b&ildings if possible! &se barriers and traps! and kno$ $hen to mo(e on &sing the safest ro&tes. #se planks and anything else handy to shore &p $alls and %eilings. Co(er! in%l&ding o(erhead %o(er! is as important inside a room as it is in a forest or o&t in the open field. 4tay p&t too long and die. E+pose yo&rself too m&%h or long and yo& die. Ces! yo& g&essed it. =f yo& mo(e and are %a&ght bet$een positions! too (isible and too long in enemy sights yo& $ill die. The enemy kno$s this! so they $ill plot artillery fires on yo&r e+pe%ted es%ape ro&tes. They do not like yo&. =t am&ses them to see yo&r limp body t&mbling K0 feet in the air.

The $orld is o(err&n $ith la$s b&t is a la$less pla%e. F&r %onstit&tion is good b&t is a dead letter. 'onor! family! %omm&nity! state and nation. =n that order. Mith and kin Dfriends and familyE. He%ent and reasonably tr&st$orthy people. Take %are of ea%h other. *ro(ide for yo&r o$n se%&rity. =f yo& atta%k one yo& atta%k &s all. 4ho&ld = not then s&pport the 6$ar on terror?7 4&re! b&t it helps if yo& atta%k the right people! tell the tr&th! and don<t %ommit $ar %rimes. =t $o&ld also be ;olly if o&r rights $ere not taken a$ay &nder %olor of la$ and e+%&se of emergen%y. 'ear me. )n armor pier%ing ro&nd from a tank may pass thro&gh K2 feet of dirt! and still kno%k o&t a tank on the other side. =f in the open yo& may also be hit by dis%arded sabot petals after they peel off. E+plosi(e shells $o&ld ha(e a larger lethal Aone! and s&%h delayed f&Ae anti-%on%rete shells $ill blast serio&s holes o&t of b&ildings! tho&gh it $o&ld take a hell of a lot of ro&nds to %ollapse a %on%rete offi%e b&ilding. The .N0 %al. /> %an shoot thro&gh abo&t "N feet of dirt. DThis depends greatly on soil density. ) NN gallon dr&m filled $ith sand is a good prote%tion. ) foam lining may keep the sand from draining o&t as 8&i%kly.E =t is possible to be abo(e the tank so that the g&n %annot be raised eno&gh to engage! b&t it is better to be belo$ s&rfa%e le(el. Tank and )FI g&nners lo(e little better than &sing se%ond generation thermal sights to snipe at people $ho think rooftops and large bo&lders! for e+ample! $ill prote%t them. E(en at night a properly %alibrated tank g&n $ill hit and destroy bo&lders and anyone behind them. =f yo& ;&st lie there &nder the tree yo& may make a good thermal target. Try to %o(er m&%h of yo&r body $ith lea(es! sand or dirt if nothing else. Hrape yo&r fa%e $ith something as $ell. )&tomati% %annon are more area fire $eapons! and ha(e less penetration. They $ill still hammer %o(er to pie%es gi(en some time. Co& %an approa%h tanks by &sing their blind spots if no enemy infantry is nearby. 'o$e(er! be$are of %ameras at the rear of (ehi%les. 4o! only the largest earthen berms and massi(e b&ildings are tr&ly &sef&l shelter from tank ro&nds! along $ith &ndergro&nd b&nkers! et%. The best bet is to be too lo$ or high for the tank to aim at yo& at the ranges offered by probable shooting lo%ations. Co& %annot be hit if the g&nner %an<t get an angle that $ill penetrate to yo&r lo%ation. =f $ithin 200m and not in a dit%h yo& may be killed by the m&AAle blast. =f $ithin N0m of sides or rear the same. The good ne$s is that the tank g&n may raise so m&%h d&st and dirt as to blind the g&nner<s sights for se(eral min&tes. ) "NNmm shell $eighs some .0 po&nds and %ontains high e+plosi(es. =f yo& sti%k aro&nd a fight long eno&gh yo& $ill hear the shells %oming for a fe$ se%onds! $hi%h is $hy (ets drop $hile sho&ting 6in%oming!7 and then b&rst in the air! on the gro&nd or belo$ it. Fragmentation is (ery dangero&s $ithin ,N meters or so of a s&rfa%e b&rst b&t is not a perfe%t radi&s of e8&al fragment density. *erhaps a %rater some N feet deep and "K feet $ide $ill appear. This depends on the hardness and reg&larity of the targeted s&rfa%e! and on the approa%h angle! (elo%ity and dire%tion of the shell. /ost fragments %ome from the sides and %&r(e of the nose of the shell! fe$er to the rear or nose. /&d! $ater Db&t don<t be standing in the $aterE and sno$ tend to smother the fragments. ) properly f&n%tioning delay f&Ae may detonate the shell after it is already N feet do$n in 6a(erage7 soil! th&s making a deeper hole! perhaps %ollapsing a b&nker! b&t $hile serio&sly limiting the area %o(ered by fragmentation at the s&rfa%e. Hepending on the soil most artillery shells $ith delay f&Aing $ill be at abo&t feet $hen they e+plode. "00 lb. bombs at "" feet! N00 po&nd bombs at 20 feet! and "000 po&nd bombs at K2 feet! yet if a N00 po&nd bomb lands 20 yards a$ay and yo& are behind a K0 in%h thi%k earthen berm or ^ an in%h of steel yo& $ill probably s&r(i(e. ) good .V2mm armor pier%ing b&llet $o&ld go thro&gh that plate $itho&t diffi%&lty! thro&gh at least .G in%hes. ) .N0 %aliber )* b&llet $o&ld easily pier%e t$o s&%h plates together! &nless they $ere fi+ed in pla%e at a s&bstantial slant. =f the plate is not properly fastened in pla%e! and at an angle $o&ld not h&rt! it might get p&shed in on yo& by the bomb e+plosion. The resistan%e of (ario&s 6mild steel7 and 6steel armor7 types! treatments and alloys (ary. Then there are plasti%! %erami%! spa%ed! %omposite! and a%ti(e armors! Dand perhaps soon ele%tromagneti% armor and a&tomated %lose prote%tion systemsE as $ell as (ariation bet$een lots. )lso there are material and man&fa%t&ring (ariations in armor pier%ing pro;e%tiles and %artridges. 5ange! effe%ting

impa%t angle and (elo%ity of pro;e%tiles! matters. /y point? *enetration fig&res are appro+imate. /ortar ro&nds fall m&%h less lo&dly than the r&shing-so&nd making artillery shells and air%raft bombs! b&t at %ertain ranges yo& may hear the mortar fire before the shells arri(e. The shell may ha(e been fired from 2K!N00 meters a$ay! more $ith spe%ial pro;e%tiles De+tended range base-bleed! ro%ket assisted! et%.EJ tho&gh a%%&ra%y at ma+im&m range is not the best. There are >*4 g&ided "NNmm shells! at more than "00!000 dollars a pop! as $ell as those that g&ide on a laser refle%tion! b&t most still are ballisti%! &ng&ided shells. There too is no$ an add-on >*4 kit for standard "NNmm shells. They %ome $ith many different payloads! in%l&ding bomblets! ?* and mines. The antitank (ersions are either g&ided or &se antitank s&bm&nitions! some types of $hi%h bomblets are themsel(es independently g&ided. ) hea(y ma%hine g&n g&nner may open fire at "!GK0 meters if &sing the tripod. ) /2)K 2Nmm g&nner at K000 meters. ) "20mm mortar may be fired from !200 meters! and a TF?== antitank g&ided missile at bet$een K! N0 and ,!N00 meters depending on type. =f TF? is &sed on yo& yo& better ha(e plenty of po$er lines in bet$een yo& and they. TF? missiles ha(e relati(ely limited behind %o(er effe%ts! b&t $ill nail yo& if yo& are in a %ar or behind a short se%tion of $all! and are often &sed to p&n%h holes in b&ildings. :a(elin has a range of 2N00 meters. =f yo&r (ehi%le is targeted by :a(elin in o(erhead atta%k mode it may a%ti(ate premat&rely if there is a mass of metal it $ill pass o(er before rea%hing yo&r tender self. /any of these types of systems! as $ell as &ng&ided ro%ket la&n%hers! are being s&pplied $ith Ob&nker b&sterO $arheads in some of the m&nitions. This greatly adds to their ability to blo$ &p small b&ildings! abo(e the s&rfa%e b&nkersJ and greatly impro(es behind %o(er destr&%ti(e effe%ts! b&t red&%es penetration on tanks. Tanks may shoot at yo& from ,000 meters or so! and atta%k heli%opter at some N000m. 4pooky the g&nship may be doing slo$ orbits o(erhead in the dark! and he has night (ision and massi(e rates of fire! some of $hi%h he $ill &se $ithin N0m of his o$n troops. 'e is a big target tho&gh! if yo& %an see him. /154: ro%kets to ,2000 meters! "2 ro%kets %an %o(er a "000]"000m grid $ith s&bm&nitions! b&t the ro%kets arri(e se(eral se%onds apart if fired from the same la&n%her. /issiles to K00km! a missile %an target an indi(id&al offi%e b&ilding! b&t more than one is &s&ally needed to %ollapse it. E(erybody and his brother has night (ision these days! from %heap gen ==Y mono%&lars or field glasses! to late model gen === goggles and rifle sights! and on to thermal sniper s%opes and gen == thermal sights on armored (ehi%les. Hay and night %apable %ameras are be%oming more %ommon. Tanks may ha(e both remotely %ontrolled ma%hine g&n mo&nts and se(eral %ameras on the t&rret. Hefensi(e positions the same. This means %o(er and %on%ealment are %riti%al. The firepo$er in(ol(ed also means yo& o&ght to $orm yo&r $ay o&t of the impa%t area if yo& %an and they $ill be $aiting to amb&sh yo&. ?ith deep b&nkers (ers&s a hea(y barrage the s&rfa%e $ith be o(erlapping %raters. /any b&nkers $ill s&r(i(e b&t $ho $ill dig yo& o&t? 9ote that dire%t ho$itAer fire is (ery good at po&nding b&ildings and s&rfa%e b&ilt b&nkers apart. This is both be%a&se of the e+plosi(e triggered by delay a%tion f&Aing and be%a&se a .0 po&nd pro;e%tile smashes things &p $ell &pon impa%t from %lose range. )t this point antiair%raft g&ns and missiles are a&tomated. 4o are! in large part! self propelled ho$itAers s&%h as the /"0.)V *aladin. ?ithin a fe$ de%ades to$ed artillery! and possibly e(en infantry mortars! $ill be the same. The %re$ $ill pla%e them in a de%ent position and $ill keep an eye on things $hile feeding amm&nition to the $eapon. The mortar $ill le(el itself! and lo%ate itself (ery pre%isely by >*4 or other s&%h means. DThe >*4 system $ill ha(e to be &pgraded soon $ith so many &sers.E =t $ill %al%&late its dire%tion to the mil. ?hen digital fire missions and meteorologi%al data are re%ei(ed it $ill add data from its o$n sensors! s&%h as its o$n m&AAle (elo%ity! and $ill %al%&late for itself fire tables and en(ironmental ad;&stments. =t $ill apply the defle%tion to shift from its %&rrent fa%ing and the %orre%t ele(ation shift for the range to its sights! pointing its sight a$ay from its pre(io&s aimpoint in the opposite dire%tion of the ne$ target! and then $ill rotate and raise or lo$er the t&be &ntil the reti%&le is ba%k on the left edge of the aimpoint. =t $ill then fire the re8&ested type and n&mber of ro&nds! $ith the %orre%t f&Ae settings. =t $ill modify its positioning after ea%h of the first fe$ shots

dri(e the baseplate deeper into the gro&nd in order to re-le(el its sight. )s it does so it $ill make any %hanges re8&ested o(er the digital link $hile the %re$ feeds the amm&nition! and in some %ases sets the f&Aes. This is tr&ly ser(ing the pie%e. Boring. Meep in mind that barometri% press&re! %ant! ballisti% drift! shell shape! $eight and (elo%ity effe%t the fall of shot. ?inds (ary in speed and dire%tion at different ranges Dpla%esE and at different altit&des. 9ot all of this %an be predi%ted or meas&red. E(en a tail $ind %an %a&se misses at range. 4o $hile these $eapons $ill be more a%%&rate and obser(ers more 8&i%kly able to ad;&st fire than e(er they still are not going to be perfe%t. This altho&gh more of the pro;e%tiles fired $ill ha(e terminal g&idan%e as $ell. 5obot $eapons? Ces. 5obots that repla%e the indi(id&al soldier? 9ot for some time to %ome. The te%hnology is too primiti(e. E(en the little $heeled or , legged armed robots of the day re8&ire %lose s&per(isionJ it is rather like ha(ing yo&r $eapon operated by /i%rosoft ?indo$s. The po$ers that be sali(ate at the tho&ght of tr&ly obedient killers and yearn for the time. Hoes the s$ord $ield itself? The larger air%raft bombs %an make a hole yo& %o&ld b&ild yo&r %abin at the bottom of. Fne or t$o g&ided $eapons $ill destroy any pla%e yo& are likely to hide in! if pre%isely lo%ated by the enemy! and this in%l&des b&nkers K0 feet do$n@V0 if hea(y deep penetrators are &sedJ 200 feet $ith a "N ton ad(an%ed (ersion. The /ark G, 2000 po&nd bomb lethal radi&s is KVV meters Dmeaning the ma;ority standing e+posed inside this range of the bomb $ill be hit by one or more primary or se%ondary fragments %apable of prod&%ing fatal or serio&s $o&ndsE! the lethal blast radi&s is abo&t "N0 meters Dpeople inside this Aone $ill be killed or badly in;&red by blast o(erpress&re! yo& %an be %loser if in a tren%h altho&gh it has an open top so there is a limitE! b&t an almost %ompletely safe Dfrom large fragments and debrisE distan%e $hen standing and e+posed may be "000 meters. "K00 meters might be better. =t %an make %raters N0 feet $ide and KV feet deep. Best penetration is appro+. "N in%hes of steel or "" feet of %on%rete. They are not highly a%%&rate tho&gh most $ill land $ithin a fe$ h&ndred meters or less! b&t if fitted $ith a g&idan%e kit and e(erything $orks! in%l&ding the ele%troni%s and the $eather fore%asts! yo& %an hit a mobile home. *oor deli(ery proto%ols and poor de(i%e performan%e degrade a%%&ra%y and a %omplete loss of g&idan%e %an res&lt in a miss by "000 meters. ) "000 lb. >* bomb often passes thro&gh abo&t ", feet of sand e(en if it fails to e+plode. )n air%raft %an drop bombs on any laser designated point from a height of "N!000 feet and from K miles a$ay. Co& may ne(er see or hear the air%raft! b&t $ill hear the bombs %oming in@for the last se%ond or t$o. Iery big bang. 'ope for a hea(y o(er%ast. This does not mean a general bombardment $ill kill e(erybody. This does not mean skys%rapers are &nable to take a po&nding $hen hit from abo(e! and in some %ases e(en from the side. =t does mean yo& m&st not stay &nder %ontin&o&s atta%k &nless yo& are (ery deep or $idely s%attered and impre%isely lo%ated. Ff %o&rse laser g&idan%e is only one type. >*4 is another. There are air la&n%hed m&nitions! g&ided missiles of (ario&s kinds! $ith m&%h greater range. 4hotg&ns are the poor man<s s&bma%hine g&n. 4&bma%hine g&ns are marginal against soft armor and nearly &seless against hard. *enetration %an be poor e(en $hen all the prote%tion the target has is a lot of gear and magaAines in po&%hes. They are not! ho$e(er! 8&ite as ina%%&rate as some $o&ld ha(e &s belie(e. Ces! both tribesmen and E&ropean poli%e are 8&ite %apable of popping the m&AAle &p! tra%king a r&nner at K0 meters! and holding the trigger do$n for K2 ro&nds of d&st and mayhem b&t no hits on the r&nner at all. ) good operator %an shoot semia&tomati%ally to perhaps K00 meters and has no tro&ble p&tting short b&rsts into r&nners and enemy positions. )t %lose range he %an empty the magaAine into a spe%ifi% area or into the body of a %harging fool e(en from the &nderarm position. Espe%ially $ith %losed bolt g&ns he %an fire short b&rsts into head or &pper %hest $ith pre%ision from the sho&lder. Fne >erman sniper $ho fo&ght the 5&ssians &sed a bolt a%tion rifle $hile sniping! s$it%hed to a semia&tomati% rifle $hen in need of rapid aimed fire! and %arried his en%ased rifle sl&ng a%ross his ba%k and an /*-,0 s&bma%hine g&n on his %hest or in hand $hen on the mar%h.

The rifle needs %lose %ombat opti%s! or ghost ring sights! if yo& are optimiAing for %lose %ombat. =n s&%h %onfig&ration it may need a mo&nted flashlight. )n infantry rifle needs good ad;&stable peep or opti%al sights! b&t not a s%ope $ith a narro$ field of (ie$. =ll&minated sights or night (ision is a m&st for nighttime %ombat! altho&gh in poor light a teles%opi% sight $ith lo$ magnifi%ation and a $ide field of (ie$! or an ill&minated reti%&le! may do. Co& may be able to get 2NL of yo&r shots into a target at night! &sing standard iron sights! at N0 meters range. 4ome r&n a strip of $hite tape from rear sight to front to aid in this. #se ill&minated iron sights if nothing better is a(ailable. *re%ision long-range fire re8&ires a 8&ality 6ta%ti%al7 highly ad;&stable s%ope for target dete%tion and pre%ise aiming. Co& %annot make %onstant range and $ind setting %hanges on a %heap s%ope as they $ear 8&i%kly. >et a 1eopold or something. Co& need a thermal or image intensifi%ation sight if sniping at night. Hay s%ope magnifi%ation m&%h abo(e "0+ may be a problem &nder some %ir%&mstan%es d&e to heat mirage or dimness of image! b&t to get the most o&t of a .N0 %aliber sniper yo& may ha(e to $ork aro&nd any s&%h problems $hile &sing a ,0+ sight. Ierti%al for$ard grips belong on ma%hine pistols! s&bma%hine g&ns and s8&ad a&tomati% $eapons! or possibly on sa$ed-off shotg&ns@most espe%ially if the shotg&ns also ha(e f&ll pistol grips for the shooting hand! be%a&se s&%h grips fo%&s m&%h of the re%oil into the palm and t$o is better than one. They do not belong on rifles. Bipods are &sef&l on a&tomati% rifles and light ma%hine g&ns. )lso! on some sniper rifles and sele%t-fire infantry rifles. They do not belong on infantry rifles in general. Carrying handles are &sef&l on ma%hine g&ns! espe%ially if they are atta%hed to the barrel and %an be &sed to &nlat%h and remo(e the same. They too do not belong on rifles. Collapsible and folding sto%ks are &sef&l $hen yo& need to store rifles in %ompa%t spa%es. They are FM for non%ombat troops $ho $ork $ith a sl&ng rifle or %arbine. They do not belong on infantry rifles! b&t an infantry rifle is hard to store in an armored (ehi%le! and to &se from one. Tr&%k dri(ers find it diffi%&lt to sling an infantry rifle a%ross their %hests and to fire one o&t the $indo$ $ith one hand3 Therefore! folding sto%ks on %arbines! s&bma%hine g&ns! and personal defense $eapons D*H?sE are handy as they $ill be &sed mostly for %lose-in emergen%y defense or spe%ialiAed entry operations and $ill be %arried sl&ng on the %hest! &nder the arm! or e(en in a holster. The infantry rifle itself $ill not s&ffer from the presen%e of a stable and d&rable folding sto%k b&t sho&ld be %arried at the ready and $ith the sto%k &nfolded. 4ome s&%h sto%ks %an be ad;&sted for length. =f said sto%k does not allo$ a proper %heek $eld then toss it. There are fads in the $eapons field and sometimes the res&lts li(e in the b&rea&s for de%ades. )t other times they are 8&i%kly repla%ed by the highest ranker<s ne$ pet idea. )t least e(eryone is no$ tr&ly hard%ore sin%e they $ear Fren%h peasant %aps. )ss kissers are al$ays a(ailable to p&sh the ne$ trend. B&llp&p rifles ha(e a pla%e! for e+ample! d&e to a short o(erall length! b&t they are not infantry rifles. D) b&llp&p may or may not be handy and 8&i%k! and may or may not allo$ fairly rapid transition for &se on the opposite sho&lder as dire%tion of e;e%tion %an &s&ally be %hangedJ b&t they %lang and heat &p! and e;e%t smoke and %artridge %ases! right beside yo&r fa%e. Triggers are normally poor. Balan%e is odd. 9e(er point the rifle at anything yo& are not $illing to shoot! and keep the finger off the trigger &ntil ready to shoot. Meep the safety on &ntil entering %ombat be%a&se br&sh! or any n&mber of other things! may snag the trigger! and $hen the safety is off yo& m&st shield the trigger $ith yo&r s&pporting arm and shooting hand. 'o$ many pi%t&res of professional soldiers ha(e yo& seen $here they are r&nning along behind their mates $ith their fingers on the trigger? ?ith friends like these... Cross obsta%les $ith the finger o&tside the trigger g&ard and the firearm pointing in a safe dire%tion: =f yo& fall yo& sho&ld ne(er ha(e a finger on the trigger and sho&ld &se the b&tt of the $eapon to break yo&r fall if yo& need toJ be$are of breaking yo&r fa%e on the re%ei(er of yo&r rifle! and &se of the free hand is preferred. 9o longer being an idealisti% fool does not mean yo& ha(e to embra%e e(ery e(il of the day. Ho not pla%e yo&r $eapon on the gro&nd beyond arms rea%h at any time. Co&r rifle goes $here yo& go. =f yo& are ne$ to this it %an be s&rprisingly diffi%&lt. *eople are not &sed to %arrying something

aro&nd all day long. 'o$ $ill yo& feel if yo& are the one $ho has to report that he does not remember $here he left his assa&lt rifle? /ake %ertain it is se%&re before releasing it and ne(er lean it against a s&rfa%e $ith yo&r head abo(e the m&AAle! or if it might slide and topple o(er. The safety sho&ld be engaged and yo&r fingers a$ay from the trigger as yo& do this. Meep the e;e%tion port %losed. /&AAle %o(ers are FM if they are of the shoot-off (ariety. 'o$e(er! trapping moist&re in rather than o&t is $orse than ineffe%t&al. 1oad bearing gear! a %on%ealed $eapon! and a sl&ng rifle $ill all be an irritation! nagging at yo&r attention! &ntil yo& be%ome a%%&stomed to them. This is m&%h like $earing glo(es all day for the first time. :&st go on abo&t yo&r b&siness. ?ith others on g&ard yo& %an $ork $ith yo&r rifle sl&ng a%ross yo&r ba%k! m&AAle &p! or m&AAle do$n if it is raining. =f yo& ;ab the m&AAle into the dirt %lean it immediately or it may b&rst $hen yo& fire it. =f it is f&ll of $ater lo$er the m&AAle and open the bolt to let it drainJ and! yes! it $ill %orrode e(en $ith a %hromed bore if yo& lea(e it long eno&gh. Ho&ble slinging allo$s yo& to p&t a strap o(er ea%h sho&lder so that the rifle is $orn &pright like a pa%k. /ore %omfortably! $ith straps &nder both arms and both straps o(er the right sho&lderJ b&tt %entered b&t barrel at right sho&lder. Fn a road mar%h yo& %an %arry it sl&ng a%ross the ba%k! sl&ng m&AAle &p on the right sho&lder! or sl&ng m&AAle do$n on the left. To get it in a%tion 8&i%kly from the last t$o positions yo& grasp the forend $ith yo&r offside hand and bring the rifle o(er and for$ard! or yo& drop yo&r offside hand do$n and grasp the forend! th&mb inside! and rotate the $rist $hile raising the m&AAle &ntil the rifle is &pright $ith the b&tt do$n and passing in front of the body. Co& %an also sling it on yo&r %hest! %arry on either sho&lder! or o(er yo&r sho&lders! or in both hands m&AAle do$n or &p Dand b&tt inside or o(er the $rist and in either dire%tion! or resting on top of a sho&lderE! or in one hand m&AAle do$n and aside or in the %rooks of yo&r arms. Co& %an rest it on yo&r belt b&%kle. This so&nds like a lot of &nneeded (ariation! yes? )nd if yo&r friends find yo& are doing this $ith the barrel pointing at their ba%ks they $ill not be happy. The thing is! %arrying a rifle for K0 miles o(erland is like %arrying the pa%k. =t makes yo& a%he and yo& $ill ha(e to periodi%ally shift the straps to a(oid the $orst of it. D#nder these %onditions loose boots and $rinkles in the so%ks are m&rder. =t may help to $ear dress so%ks &nder the $ool so%ks. Meep dry so%ks a(ailable. 1oose boots may allo$ the foot to slide! a re%ipe for blisters. =f boots are too tight %ir%&lation s&ffers. )lso $ide padded straps and ' pattern rather than C pattern gear is good. )s are load bearing (ests and armor atta%hment points.E 9o$! $ait a moment. His%ipline is a (al&e in itself. The $eapon sho&ld not be s$it%hed from one sho&lder to another e+%ept on order. Co& let the %ommon soldier Dpoor gene poolE do things of his o$n (olition and his formations $ill be%ome ragged! his mo(ements $ill lose 6snap!7 and he $ill start thinking he %an de%ide $here to $ear his prote%ti(e mask bag. B&gger. 4nap is important $hen stealth is not! and formations are like fortifi%ations. They are s&pposed to be ragged. #ne(en in appearan%e and lo%ation D$itho&t being o&t of pla%e and &nable to perform their f&n%tionE. Camo&flaged and dispersed! they are harder to target that $ay. =n open terrain! o&%h! a patrol siAed &nit in diamond formation might be more than 200m $ide and "N0 deep. Iery ragged and flank g&ards $ith one man staying $ithin sight $ithin any nearby trees $hile another goes e(en f&rther in b&t in sight of the first man. ?here yo& need to be to do $hat yo& are to do! $hether rear g&ard or point man! di%tates yo&r general lo%ation at any gi(en time. =f yo& do not keep in reg&lar %onta%t! (is&al or other$ise! yo& $ill not be able to mane&(er relati(e to yo&r leader. Fther$ise go $here yo& need to go to obser(e yo&r se%tor and do yo&r ;ob. Ces! b&t it needs to be (arying and as ragged as hell. =f yo& look at a diagram of , men in diamond formation yo& $ill see the point man and rear g&ard in line $ith ea%h other and the flankers abreast. This is $rong. one flanker needs to be f&rther ahead than the other. The trail man sho&ld follo$ the leader b&t to one side! not dire%tly inline. /i+ left and right handed troopers in the (an. 'onestly! leaders are leaders and follo$ers are not! b&t this orderly and &niform pattern fetishJ this 6sal&te it if it mo(es and paint it if it doesn<t7 %redo! makes a person $onder. 9ot that = ha(en<t seen

some stone st&pid and &nr&ly enlisted... 9one of the abo(e sho&ld imply that yo&! espe%ially &ns&pported infantry! %an or sho&ld get into a formation re8&iring many to stroll along in the open $aiting to see if anybody %ares to take a shot at them. Break &p into smaller gro&pings and make &se of all terrain feat&res no matter ho$ small. There is s&%h a thing as a %ombat patrol. )lso! patrols $ill get into fights and $ill r&n into other &nits. 'o$e(er! patrolling is f&ndamentally abo&t lo%ating threats and keeping the main body from being s&rprised. =t is abo&t gaining %ombat information. *latoons! %ompanies and battalions in open formation strolling along in open terrain are not 6patrolling7 so m&%h as trolling. They kno$ they are blind so they hope to find the enemy by being atta%ked by him. Bad ta%ti%s! brother. ?e do need a man&al of arms to be pra%ti%ed reg&larly. 9ot one abo&t mar%hing and sal&ting. Fne %ontaining f&n%tion %he%ks and shooting and handling drills. Fn the approa%h mar%h yo& do not sling arms &nless &sing a ta%ti%al sling on the %hest! $ith the b&tt &p near the sho&lder. 9ormally yo& %arry yo&r $eapon at port arms or lo$ ready. =f %onta%t is imminent pla%e the b&tt into the po%ket of yo&r sho&lder and lo$er the m&AAle eno&gh to see properly! s%an yo&r se%tor and mo(e the $eapon along $ith yo&r eyes. 4afety off b&t finger straight along the re%ei(er! and don<t aim at yo&r o$n. ?hen %arrying m&AAle &p at eye le(el and b&tt do$n yo& %an rest the b&tt on yo&r belt $hen fatig&ed. Co& %an shoot $hile $alking! and e(en $hile r&nning! at %lose range. )%t&ally good infantry do not %lomp along! do not ;og! and do not really r&n either. They sprint $hen they need to! $alk $ith a loose limbed gro&nd skimming stride! and lope &sing minim&m effort. ?hen shooting on the mo(e they try to smooth things o&t e(en f&rther and glide their feet along. Hon<t forget the deliberate steps and AigAag path &p steep hills. Mno$ yo&r rifle. #nderstand ho$ best to operate all its %ontrols! and $hat they all do. #nderstand the sights and ho$ to Aero and ad;&st them. 5eAero $hen yo& are a ne$ &ser! $hen there are s&bstantial differen%es in temperat&re or altit&de! and $hen the sights ha(e been kno%ked abo&t. ?ith some amm&nition it may be that different settings need to be &sed for range as $ellJ not ;&st $hen &sing another brand or type! yo& $ill need to fine-t&ne the Aero of yo&r sight! if it allo$s s&%h a thing! for ea%h ne$ bat%h of amm&nition.. 'o$ a%%&rate is it? )t $hat ranges is it &sef&l against point targets and at $hat range area targets? 'o$ does it handle in %lose 8&arter %ombat? )gainst mo(ing targets? 'o$ 8&i%kly into a%tion? )t battle sight ranges and at long range? H&ring rapid fire! and a&tomati% fire Dif anyE? 'o$ effe%ti(e is it! for e+ample! $ith %hest shots on deer? 'o$ m&%h penetration $ill yo& ha(e against %ommon %o(er! in%l&ding barrier materials! str&%t&res! (ehi%les and trees? 'o$ m&%h lead do yo& &se for mo(ing targets? 'o$ $ell does it b&%k the $ind? Ho yo& need to short sto%k it $hen going thro&gh doors? Ces! it is possible to shoot rapidly $ith high-po$ered rifles. T$o shots per se%ond at %lose range! one shot per se%ond rapid aimed fire. =t is possible to prod&%e rapid aimed fire from bolt a%tion rifles! b&t yo&r arm $ill get tired and begin to slo$! and the small magaAine %apa%ity $ill for%e %onstant reloads. This high rate of fire %an be maintained for short periods! a min&te or t$o! b&t the rate that %an be s&stained $itho&t o(erheating and damage is &s&ally " shot e(ery , or N se%onds. =t is possible to obtain %ontrolled and effe%ti(e b&rsts from .V2mm rifles also. ?hat &s&ally happens is that the first b&llet hits! the se%ond hits (ery high and to the right! and any f&rther ro&nds %lip lea(es off the trees! e(en at %lose range. B&t an e+perien%ed &ser! and ho$ m&%h for%e to apply do$n on the barrel %an only be learned by e+perien%e! $ith the proper stan%e and eno&gh strength and-or mass %an hold on target $ith a $hole magaAine long b&rst. =f yo& are not one of those people yo& sho&ld fire b&rsts aimed lo$ and left on the target. )gain! &nder the ma;ority of %ir%&mstan%es rapid aimed fire is the most effe%ti(e any$ay. *&t the rear leg $ell ba%k! %ro&%h eno&gh to lo$er the %enter of gra(ity! and shift the $eight for$ard if needed. B&ttplate solidly into the sho&lder. For minim&m $ear d&ring training! yo& sho&ld allo$ the rifle to %ool! brea%h open! any time the barrel threatens to be%ome to hot to hold in the hand. Co& really sho&ld do a good shoot and %lean pro%ed&re to prepare the bore of a ne$ sniper-8&ality rifle! and shoot thereafter at a lo$ rate of fire to maintain a%%&ra%yJ probably still lose a%%&ra%y after ,000-N000 ro&nds tho&gh. /any people say that modern! primarily assa&lt! rifles repla%ed the rifles of $orld $ars one and

t$o be%a&se long range and massed fires $ere repla%ed by ma%hine g&ns and artillery! and the rifles of the day $ere too hea(y and po$erf&l. Meep in mind that many of the infantry rifles of the day $eighed aro&nd . po&nds. The first assa&lt rifles $ere hea(ier than they! as $ere the first s&bma%hine g&ns. The tr&th is that the small bore 6short rifles7 of the of the time $ere the repla%ements for the bla%k po$der large bore 6long infantry7 rifles and the long small bore rifles of the late "G00s and early ".00s. This be%a&se of the performan%e of smokeless po$der and pointed ;a%keted b&llets. /a%hine g&ns did take o(er the long range massed and indire%t role from rifles! and the mortars took the indire%t role from ma%hine g&ns. Targets $ere &s&ally Db&t by no means al$ays! it depends on terrain and yo&r opti%sE hard to engage past K00 meters d&e to %o(er and %on%ealment! and d&e to troops r&nning rather than standing 8&ietly &ntil shot. The a(erage soldier does ha(e diffi%&lty firing light a&tomati% rifles a%%&rately. Today! ho$e(er! the s&stained-fire ma%hine g&n is seldom &sed as s&%h. ) respe%table rate of fire %an be maintained $ith %ontin&o&s barrel %hanges D" after the first 2 belts T200-2N0 ro&nds ea%hU and " after ea%h belt thereafterE! e(en if not as good as that of the old Dand hea(yE $ater-%ooled g&ns! b&t long range and indire%t fires are artillery and air s&pport! and sometimes mortar! f&n%tions. /a%hine g&ns are &sed to shoot &p the lands%ape d&ring amb&shes! and str&%t&res and thin skinned (ehi%les. There is perhaps too m&%h spe%ialiAation. Cet note: ma%hine g&ns are often %arried by the person! $itho&t any spe%ial training! $ho sho$s a kna%k for it. ?orse! g&nners may be the smallest men in the teams or s8&ads be%a&se the /> is a priority target for the enemy and a small man makes a smaller target $hen e+posedJ or may be the least e+perien%ed ne$bies d&e to more senior men not $anting to h&mp the $eight. /ost of the time! depending on the &nit type and primary missionDsE! an e+perien%ed and skillf&l man of the &tmost reliability o&ght to be designated g&nner. =t is not $ell if the ma%hine g&n is the first $eapon to be dit%hed or taken a$ay by a fleeing soldier. )%%ording to the beanie-$earing battlespa%e shapers e(erything $ill soon be a&tomated and all fires $ill be g&ided m&nitions from air or sea. ?e $ill ne(er be amb&shed again! tho&gh a te%hni%ian may ha(e to handle a rare personal defense sit&ation. Cool h&h? ?e are Flympians. Tr&th is sensors! information systems and s&perlati(e %ommand and %ontrol net$orks are great $hen they $ork! altho&gh e(en $hen $orking not as good as the hype implies &nless operating in (ery simple en(ironments. They ne(er $ork reliably so do not depend on them too m&%h! they gi(e yo& an edge b&t no more than that. =f yo& depend on them yo&r people $ill sit on their hands $hen things fail. Hid yo& e(er noti%e that modern %ars r&n (ery $ell! tho&gh designed for f&el effi%ien%y instead of performan%e! b&t that $hen they fail it is more often a sensor or ele%troni%s problem than a breakdo$n in the basi% ele%tri%al or me%hani%al %omponents that do the $ork? Minda like b&ilding a s&bma%hine g&n being simpler and &sing fe$er parts than a semia&tomati% only handg&n-%aliber 6%arbine.7 Those g&ys are so sharp they %&t themsel(es on their tro&ser %reases. =f yo& do not ha(e hea(y $eapons! and ha(e no artillery or air%raft in s&pport! it be%omes e(en more important to ha(e a more fle+ible rifle! $ith better range and more penetration. DBy the $ay! do not listen to those $ho think a&tomati% $eapons need not ha(e any kind of opti%al sights. =t is tr&e that ma%hine g&ns prod&%e! hopef&lly! a dense beaten Aone. They do not fire a series of aimed shots. ?hen a b&rst is fired the sights be%ome a bl&r. Co& %an fire a b&rst at a barrel at K00 meters! ni%ely %entered! and may not hit the barrel on%e. =t depends on the ma%hine g&n &sed. The sights are good for this reason: yo& %an dete%t and identify targets at a longer distan%e! and more pre%isely %enter the beaten Aone on them. Those same people say bayonets are only good as &tility kni(es! for %&tting $ire or opening beer bottles! and for mena%ing prisoners and rioters. ?ell! kind of. =f yo& think a bayonet %harge o(er the fields and into the tren%hes is a good idea yo& are rather insane. Bayonets do not make (ery good &tility kni(es! and are %rappy $ire %&tters. ) ;ab to the %hest $ith the rifle m&AAle and no bayonet is no ;oke. 4ome of them make de%ent fighting kni(es! and %an %ome in handy if yo& find yo&rself $restling o(er a firearm. )nd nobody is likely to try to take yo&r $eapon from yo& if it %omes aro&nd the %orner pre%eded by the bayonet. ?hen yo& do &se a bayonet make %ertain that it is a good one. The British &sed the bayonet on the 1GN)" and fo&nd they tended to break off of the rifle. Bayonets $ere

important in bla%k po$der days. They $ere ne(er as important as $as tho&ght by the first $orld $ar proponents of elan! and are more &sef&l than most people today belie(e. ?hen entering a door$ay $ith an infantry rifle! espe%ially $ith the bayonet! yo& may $ant to short sto%k the rifle. >rasp the forend near the for$ard sling s$i(el and pla%e yo&r other hand aro&nd the grip! and then mo(e the $eapon ba%k &ntil the re%ei(er is behind yo&r hipJ in trail. Rip into the room! shooting anyone $ho $ants to %ontest yo&! and if they $ant to r&n into the bayonet that is fine too. From this position a rapid follo$-&p shot is not possible $ith a bolt a%tion rifle! so a semia&tomati% is better. Ta%ti%al slings really sho&ld ha(e a 8&i%k release like the %hinstrap on helmets do! so yo& %annot be yanked aro&nd on the other end of it. They are! ho$e(er! handy if yo& need to s$it%h $eapons as yo& %an drop the rifle $itho&t losing %ontrol of it. #h! yo& do kno$ to stay o&t of doors and $indo$s? Co& do kno$ abo&t booby traps and e+plosi(e demolitions? The Canadians seem to think e+plosi(es and mines no longer e+ist. Try to get their man&als on the s&b;e%t D&ntil re%ently all %opyright of the B&een of England3E. /an! &se them Ddoors and $indo$sE $hen all else! s&%h as mo&se holing $alls and %eilings $ith e+plosi(es! is not possible. Ho 6sli%e-the-pie7 from a distan%e first! and a preparatory ro%ket or grenade Dor ni%e demolition %hargeE might be in order. Co& sli%e the pie by standing $ell ba%k near a $all and looking at $hat yo& %an see thro&gh the door. Then yo& mo(e o&t and aro&nd past the door and $at%h ea%h part of the room inside as it is e+posed &ntil past the door and ba%k near another $all. 9at&rally yo& do this $ith rifle sho&ldered and yo& shoot any enemy yo& see along the $ay. =t is all (ery ni%e to say the day of grenade into the room follo$ed by indis%riminate a&tomati% fire is o(er. Co& do gain nothing by blo$ing &p e(ery home and %i(ilian yo& meet. =f fire is %oming from a room! tho&gh! yo& do respond in kind. )m&sing sight: s8&ad goes in $ith flash-bang and pre%ision CBB $eapons! there is resistan%eJ so they ba%k off and %all in the "000 po&nd g&ided bomb or rig &p a propane tank. B&ilding goes a$ay! nothing indis%riminate abo&t that3 They sta%k &p o&tside the b&ilding along the $all near a door! remote %harge is set off! or they are hit by ma%hine g&ns and snipers. 9i%e %l&ster. =f yo& do enter thro&gh a door do not e(er ;&st $alk dire%tly for$ard! and ne(er stand in a door$ay. Ho not r&n in and trip a trap! and then %harge dire%tly for$ard and s%reaming3 Blo$ the door! $hi%h may set off any traps! $ait for any e+plosions if yo& &se grenadesJ and then either approa%h the door from one side and go thro&gh the door$ay at an angle in order to e+it past its other sideJ or step into the portal at an angle and then immediately step ba%k to$ard the $all inside the room b&t on the same side of the door$ay yo& started on. The thing is! if yo& %an enter a b&ilding at all it means the other side has not had time to f&lly prepare! or is really not (ery serio&s abo&t things. ?hen the opposition breaks in to yo&r b&ilding D&sing ram! pry bar or hammerJ po$er sa$! %&tting tor%h or rod! shotg&n brea%hing! or %&tting %harge or _ po&nd door %hargeJ if not dire%t fire from hea(y $eaponsE yo& set off e+plosi(e %harges or %hemi%al de(i%es. ) ni%e d&st %harge. Co& ha(e barrier materials! $ire for instan%e! they still m&st get thro&gh! and release ammonia. )mmonia is good as prote%ti(e masks handle it badly. Fpen the nat&ral gas (al(es. D*ropane is a good so&r%e of b&ilding-$ide in%endiary flash or f&el-air e+plosion. 9at&ral gas is often t&rned off at the so&r%e.E B&rn the pla%e! %reate some %arbon mono+ide! gas masks fail against this. Co& ha(e barriers inside as $ell as o&t. =f yo& %an<t stop them and %an mo(e &nder %o(er to yo&r ne+t position! or fig&re yo& are going to die no$! yo& drop the entire b&ilding on their heads. ?hen armored (ehi%les %ome in yo& amb&sh them and then fall ba%k. =f they mo(e ne+t to a tall b&ilding or into a narro$ alley or street yo& drop a b&ilding on them or set off b&ried %harges large eno&gh to pla%e them at the bottom of a %rater. 4ee ho$ it is done? Co& don<t need high (elo%ity e+plosi(es in %le(er or high te%h m&nitions %apable of shattering or %&tting metal or penetrating armor. Co& %an best drop hillsides and %reate near instantaneo&s dit%hes and %raters $ith the hea(ing a%tion of lo$ (elo%ity b&lk e+plosi(es tamped do$n in bore holes. Basi% dynamite $orks ;&st fine. ?hat

happens $hen a h&ge %rater is %reated in a massi(e %lo&d of dirt in front of a speeding tank? =t is too %lose to be a(oided and the tank noses into the hole and goes from ,N mph to Aero in se%onds. 0 tons of &nyielding (ehi%le. Iery s&dden stop. 'o$ do yo& think this effe%ts the %re$? =magine if d&ring ??== o&r poli%y had been to detain %i(ilians in e(ery b&ilding $e o%%&pied and fortified. =f $e let them go some $o&ld ha(e told others abo&t o&r position! no? 4o $hat if they die $hen the b&ilding gets thrashed in the follo$ing battle! at least $hile they li(e $e %an &se them as ho&sehold ser(ants. 9i%e attit&de that $o&ld ha(e been. Ff %o&rse! the ta%ti%al sit&ation may be better ser(ed by a hit and r&n. 5emaining too long in a targeted b&ilding $ill res&lt in yo&r death. /y point is that a $ell e8&ipped enemy need not allo$ yo& entry into a defended b&ilding! tho&gh no amo&nt of digging or fortifying ;&stifies staying in pla%e for too long. =f lo%ated pre%isely and not blo$n o&t of yo&r hole then someone $ill %ome along and p&mp yo&r t&nnel f&ll of gas D$ater filled se%tions and sealed internal doors?E. =t is al$ays something. The effe%ti(e range of a rifle in the /", %lass is abo&t V00 meters for point targets and "000 meters for area. The effe%ti(e point and area target ranges for /"V %lass rifles is appro+imately ,00 and G00 meters. This is not $hat the #4 )rmy says. They say the /", is good for ,V0 meters! the /"V)" for ,V0J the /, %arbine is good for N00 point and V00 meters area! and the /"V)2-K for NN0 and G00 meters. They gi(e the n&mbers for the /"V), as NN0 and V00. They ha(e said (ario&s other things at other times. ?hy sho&ld $e listen to them? ?hat are ma+im&m and ma+im&m effe%ti(e ranges! any$ay? The first is the farthest the b&llet $ill go &nder 6standard7 atmospheri% %onditions $hen the rifle is pointed &p to the optim&m angle! &s&ally K0 something degrees. Effe%ti(e range is the ma+im&m range at $hi%h yo& e+pe%t &sef&l res&lts. =n pra%ti%e this range is not the same in one %o&ntry as in another. ) military sets some reasonable minim&m penetration and energy remaining standards and the ma+im&m effe%ti(e range m&st be $ithin a range $here both of these minim&ms are not e+%eeded! b&t the primary limitation is a%%&ra%y. This is handled a bit differently for ma%hine g&ns sin%e the n&mber of b&llets into a beaten Aone and siAe of same at any gi(en range tells them an a(erage hit per%entage per min&te or the like. For rifles they %ome &p $ith the a(erage skill le(el of their infantrymen! and their idea of standard shooting %onditions! and then fig&re a hit probability for ea%h range $hen firing at a stationary target. =f they think a hit probability of N0L is &sef&l the range $here they get N0L hits is the effe%ti(e range. For assa&lt rifles it generally %omes o&t something like this: those that think a hit probability of .N is needed end &p $ith a ma+im&m effe%ti(e range of K00m! and those $ho think .2 is &sef&l D" hit in N shotsE end &p saying the effe%ti(e range is N00 meters. Combat %onditions are not al$ays the same and basi%ally ne(er mat%h the abo(e %onditions so do not be s&rprised if troops get "0L of the hits predi%ted by effe%ti(e range %al%&lations. Fn the other hand an e+pert rifleman %an go prone $ith a good /",! $hi%h may be %apable of "7 gro&ps at "00 yards! and after appropriately ad;&sting the sights p&t b&llet after b&llet thro&gh a stationary silho&ette at V00 yards indefinitely. This is &sing iron 6peep7 sights! b&t the light m&st be good so yo& %an see sights and target and $itho&t ha(ing the s&n in yo&r eyes or refle%ting off the sights at the $rong angle $hi%h prod&%es glare. The sights sho&ld be bla%kened any$ay. =t m&st be a %lear day $itho&t m&%h in the $ay of %ross$inds too! altho&gh a tr&ly steady $ind %an be a%%&rately ga&ged and then ad;&sted for on the sights. Flash! %ra%k! bang! "000 yards in 2 se%onds. /ark the o&tline of the gro&p by dra$ing a line from the %enter of ea%h hole aro&nd the o&tside of the %l&ster to the ne+t. Find the %enter of the gro&p. =f the gro&p is shaped (ery oddly or has many OflyersO o&tside it yo& are shooting improperly or something is $rong $ith the rifle. Fften $rong meaning loose. 1oose sight! loose-missing s%ope base s%re$s if &sing one! loose or too tight sto%k s%re$s! sto%k to re%ei(er fit. ?ho kno$s! %he%k it o&t. The /"V)2 $ill penetrate a steel helmet at abo&t V00 meters! as $ill the /", $ith lead %ore ball. The /"V has its best penetration at 200 meters! and $ill shoot thro&gh K-G in%h mild steel! b&t not both sides of a %ar body reliably! and a "V in%h tree. )t %lose range _7 mild steel is a stopper! to be

honest. The /", has its best penetration at V00 meters! and $ill shoot thro&gh abo&t , feet of $ood at that range. =t $ill shoot thro&gh both sides of a %ar body! %on%rete blo%ks at ,N degrees and a layer of bri%ks at that angle of impa%t. =t is more reliable on slanted %ar $indshields. 9ote that a hit on glass! if it deli(ers &sef&l b&llet fragments! tends to blo$ fragments and glass in perpendi%&lar to the $indo$<s original fa%ing! b&t that the more slanted the s&rfa%e Dbeyond ,N degreesE the more likely is defle%tion of the b&llet. /"V b&llets are &s&ally stopped by 2 in%hes of %on%rete! the /", b&llets are generally not! and so it goes. By the by! the best resistan%e short of armor is hard nat&ral stone b&ildings! b&t b&ilding do$n is al$ays better than b&ilding &p. H&ring ??= it $as fo&nd that the ;a%keted b&llets of the day ;&st spattered on steel! m&%h as today! and that they penetrated e(en more badly at (elo%ities abo(e abo&t 2,00 F*4. )lso the pointed b&llets %r&mbled and t&rned side$ays easily! as $ell as defle%ting $hen they hit at an angle. 4ome &sed! at e+tremely %lose ranges! %artridges they had modified by p&lling o&t the b&llets and inserting them re(ersed. They felt this ga(e better res&lts. Those of yo& $ho handload %an make yo&r o$n penetrators by &sing a hard material as a b&lletJ &se rods smaller than bore diameter and paper pat%h them to the %orre%t diameter. Take %are $hen $orking &p a load for this. The .,N is good on $ood and people! not so good on armor. =t $ill penetrate into a steel helmet at K0 yards! a .mm $ill do this at "K0! depending on the loads in(ol(ed. 9either one is $orth m&%h of anything on body armor. Tip! pla%e a hard Dt&ngsten alloy! et%.E pointed .22 %aliber pro;e%tile inside plasti% spa%ers DsabotE that $ill %ome off after the b&llet lea(es the pistol. The pro;e%tile $ith sabot fits the bore Do&tside diameter .,N"E! and the pro;e%tile is long and hea(y for its diameter b&t not as hea(y as the &s&al .,N b&llet. This means yo& load to standard press&res D2"!000 *4=E! get higher than the &s&al (elo%ity! and fo%&s the energy on a smaller area. This does not de%rease lethality only be%a&se if yo& do not get behind the armor there is no lethality at all. Meep in mind that (ery small %harges are not a good idea! normally a po$der that prod&%es the %orre%t press&res $hile filling the %ase properly is best. /odern helmets are better than the old steel ones! and $ill sometimes stop assa&lt rifle b&llets! b&t %annot be depended &pon to stop anything better than .mm pistols. B&t yo& %o&ld %ook in the old ones3 =f yo& &sed to %ook in the steel ones yo& $ere r&ining their temper any$ay. Hid yo& noti%e that the army repla%ed the *)4>T helmet be%a&se it had a poor s&spension system and d&g into the ne%k $hen &sed $hile prone? Hid yo& see that the )C' helmet is lighter! more stable! and has padding in order to red&%e blast ind&%ed in;&ries. )lso it looks like a bike helmet and no longer prote%ts the base of the sk&ll! so they iss&e a separate armor plate to strap into pla%e at the ba%k? )maAing. 'o$ m&%h %o(er is needed to gi(e yo& prote%tion for a &sef&l time? B&llet hardness! to&ghness! $eight and (elo%ity (ary. 5ange is al$ays a fa%tor! and ball amm&nition may penetrate less at (ery short range! b&t most %ertainly $ill la%k penetration at e+treme ranges. /aterials are not %onsistent. There are many types of $ood! soil density is errati%! loose dirt may stop a pro;e%tile at "N feet and hard pa%ked at , feet. Timber may be green and better than dry $ood! or $aterlogged and $orse! or it may dry as hard as ro%k and be e(en better. Treated milled planks may be better yet. ?ater may be better %o(er than some poro&s soils or m&ds. 5o%k is good! b&t there are many kinds of ro%k and $ood! ro%k and metal fragments %an be dangero&s or fatal. There is also plasti%! glass laminate and %erami% armor. )s a r&le sand! %lay and dirt are half as effe%ti(e $hen $et b&t this is a %r&de appro+imation. There are many kinds of mild steel! and of steel armor alloys pl&s fa%e hardening! laminates and heat treatment methods. Con%rete fabri%ation methods are many. 4teel reinfor%ements in %on%rete may be tied together in different $ays and be &sed sparingly. 9ormally a tested penetration %apability is e+tended by one half to get a re8&ired %o(er depth. =. E.! if a b&llet penetrates &p to K0 in%hes of a $ood barrier yo& need %o(er ,N in%hes or more deep. 'o$e(er! if the %o(er is soaked dirt! or the like! do&ble the normal depth or more is needed! and if the enemy %an fire a%%&rate b&rsts onto yo&r position yo& sho&ld do&ble the %o(er again. This list of effe%ti(e %o(er! &ntil it is too shot &p! is for hea(y ma%hine g&ns and lesser small

arms b&t is not to be taken as e+a%t and sho&ld be do&bled if it $ill fa%e %on%entrated a&tomati% fire. ?hile some materials are not degraded by the impa%t of %ertain pro;e%tiles! s&%h as fa%e hardened armor plate of great thi%kness hit by lead .22 rimfire b&llets! most $eapons $ill break do$n a barrier gi(en s&ffi%ient time. For %omparison to the table belo$J .K0-0V ball $ill pier%e "-K of an in%h of steel! .V2 in%hes if &sing standard armor pier%ing b&llets. *rote%tion from the %ommon 5*> is .0 in%hes of $ood! K0 of %on%rete! 2, of ro%k! G of dirt or "G of steel. Co& %an also &se $ire mesh to a%ti(ate the f&Ae early! b&t some fragments $ill penetrate the side of an /""K )*C if it is only a fe$ feet a$ay. /ortar shell e+plosions are smothered by less $ood or steel than is needed to stop small arms b&llets. =%e%rete is soil and $hatnot mi+ed $ith $ater and allo$ed to freeAe. 4ome %on%rete str&%t&res &se a press&riAed fabri%ation method that res&lts in (ery great d&rability. 1e(el K plate stops N.NVmm semi-)* 1e(el KY plate stops some )*! military &se %ommon 1e(el , %erami% plate stops .K0-0V /2 )* 1e(el ,Y plate stops modern t&ngsten )* rifle D1e(el N is a term &sed for some armored-&p &tility-passenger (ehi%les.E Hepth needed in in%hes: 4no$ "G0O ?ood "20O FroAen 4no$ G0O *a%ked 4no$ 2O Clay N,O 1oam ,GO *a%ked 4oil KVO 4and K0O Bri%k 2,O >ra(el 2,O Con%rete "GO 4tone "GO =%e%rete "GO 5einfor%ed Con%rete .O 4teel 2.2O )rmor *late ".NO The reinfor%ed %on%rete (al&e abo(e seems to be based on 8&ality high-hardness %onstr&%tion. =f = $ere going to spend any time there = $o&ld be happier $ith "2 or e(en 2,7 $alls. =f yo& po&red some slabs of %on%rete! a rather hasty ;ob and $itho&t steel reinfor%ement! to fortify yo&r position and it had a reasonable amo&nt of time to %&re before yo& $ere atta%ked $hat kind of $eapon effe%ts might yo& obser(e? 4ingle impa%ts from a .N0 %aliber /> might po%k the s&rfa%e to a depth of V in%hes at the %enter D"0O if an )* b&lletE! " in%h if fired from "N00 yards. ?hat happens if the hits keep %oming? G ro&nds of .V2 in a %l&ster %an penetrate , in%hes. ) 20mm hit may %rater the s&rfa%e to a depth of V-"N in%hes depending on pro;e%tile type. ) hit! not $ith delay f&Aing! from an G"mm mortar ro&nd may make a hole "G in%hes $ide and V in%hes deep at the %enter! and a hea(y mortar near miss! of se(eral meters! %an %a&se similar damage $hile a hea(y mortar hit might make a %rater some , feet $ide and . in%hes deep. ?hat might the 2Nmm g&n on the Bradley do? =t is not 8&i%kly effe%ti(e on KV in%hes pl&s of %on%rete! b&t has no tro&ble shooting thro&gh " in%hes of e(en steel reinfor%ed %on%rete! tho&gh it probably $on<t %&t the rebar. )n e+plosi(e shell from a "0Nmm g&n

$ill blo$ a hole "N feet $ide thro&gh K feet of %on%rete. 9ote that if yo& are &sing sandbags in a semi-permanent position yo& %an harden them. Firstly! sandbags sho&ld not be filled so f&ll that they %an not be shaped and pa%ked do$n into pla%e. To harden them $hen yo&r sandbag material is not $aterproof &se abo&t "0L %ement DdryE and .0L sand by $eight. This $orks &nless yo& are in an arid Aone. =f yo& $et it yo&rself try GL %ement! "0L $ater and the remainder sand. The best b&llet for defensi(e shooting is a deer rifle soft point. For %ombat &se! sin%e %onditions (ary and penetration is (al&able! the best b&llets are long! hea(y! pointed boat tails Df&lly ;a%ketedE! and ha(e some armor pier%ing ro&nds as $ell. This is e(en more tr&e for ma%hine g&ns. ) mm 5emington /agn&m (ery lo$ drag b&llet $o&ld be e+%ellent for sniping. /agn&ms are not good infantry rifles as they! the high press&re and high (elo%ity ones! $ill lose a%%&ra%y after only a fe$ h&ndred ro&nds of rapid fire. /agn&ms ha(e slo$ re%oil re%o(ery and $ill lea(e yo& br&ised and $ith an a%hing head after a day of shooting. 4hooting from the prone h&rts e(en more. 5e%oil re%o(ery is impro(ed if yo& are more dire%tly behind a hard ki%king rifle. Co& %an lie dire%tly behind the rifle by lying $ith yo&r right leg slightly to the right behind yo& and yo&r left $ith the knee bent and the foot $ell to yo&r left rear. The toes point o&t to ea%h side! and the heels in! $ith the inside edge of ea%h foot flat on the gro&nd. The lo$est possible prone position that gi(es yo& a line of sight is best! b&t $ill h&rt the $orst. The ball %artridge b&llet o&ght to ha(e the %enter of gra(ity to$ard the rear to en%o&rage rapid b&llet &pset and sho&ld ha(e a (ery long range and good $ind resistan%e. The .K0-0V /" ball $as good! as $as the >erman Gmm ".G grain hea(y spitAer. .K0-0V and .V2 9)TF Dboth .K0GE are pretty m&%h the same &ntil $e start talking hea(y b&llets! then the .K0-0V is s&perior. The British .K0K D.K"27 b&lletE /M I=== also! and the /M I== is e+%ellent sa(e for being flat based Dit has a fiber filled gap inside the point in order to shift the %enter of gra(ity ba%kE. The ??== Gmm D ..2]N mm-.K2KE )* b&llet is still one of the best armor pier%ing ro&nds to this day. #rban %ombat is not ;&st abo&t fighting at pistol range! it is also abo&t shooting &p the enemy<s %o(er. =t is not ;&st amb&shes on gro&ps %a&ght mo(ing bet$een b&ildings and entren%hments. =t also re8&ires dominating the length of the a(en&es. ?hat are %ity streets for in a battle? Ces! tanks sometimes if $ell s&pported! b&t mostly as ni%e long fire lanes for the shooting of people silly eno&gh to appear on them. Ho not try to hold an &nfortified $ooden d$elling! &se it for %on%ealment only. =nfantry $eapons $ill t&rn it into 4$iss %heese. 5ifles %an shoot a ho&se do$n! and thro&gh se(eral ho&ses in a ro$ &nless yo& hit a sto(e or something. D?ith .N0 B/> N ho&ses is more likely.E =f yo& don<t ha(e a lot of time ma%hine g&ns are faster! of %o&rse. /a%hine g&ns shoot do$n trees rather 8&i%kly. ) rifle magaAine of .V2mm fired a%ross the tr&nk of a large tree $ill take it do$n. ) single ro&nd into a small tree $ill kill it slo$ly! so &se a proper ba%kstop at yo&r range or yo& $ill be killing yo&r o$n forest. 4&ppressi(e fires are fires pla%ed on a person or &nit<s position in order to for%e the enemy to take %o(er and to interfere $ith his ability to shoot rapidly or a%%&rately. This is helpf&l in keeping a mo(ing opponent from o(err&nning yo&. =t is ne%essary if yo& are going to $in a firefight. >&errilla &nits $ant no firefights. They $ant to do some damage and es%ape ret&rn fires. Fn %onta%t yo& $ill shoot and then take %o(er if the %onta%t is %lose and an immediate threat. Co& $ill take %o(er! %ra$l or roll to a firing position! and then shoot if it is not. Co& take %o(er $hen &nder effe%ti(e fire. Effe%ti(e fires are fires $hi%h $ill %a&se %as&alties &nless steps are taken to a(oid or silen%e them. This means yo& %an %hange yo&r lo%ation and rise to %ontin&e mo(ement if the enemy<s fire is not effe%ti(e. =n almost e(ery %ase this means yo& do not mo(e in the fa%e of dire%t fire $eapons &nless the enemy is s&ppressed. 5emember that a &nit $ill no longer be s&ppressed on%e it de%ides yo&r fires are ina%%&rate or ha(e %eased. Co& m&st maintain s&ppression. Ho not think yo& %an mo(e in the open by alternate r&shes. =f yo&r team tries thisJ has t$o men prone and shooting $hile the other t$o r&sh for$ard in ad;a%ent lanes! a good shot on the other side %an hit one man after another $ith ease. This &nless he is f&lly e+posed and targeted. Co& need &nits in

o(er$at%h positions $ith good %o(er. Co& need f&ll blinding and s&ppression to ;&stify an assa&lt o(er open gro&nd. Co& sho&ld mo(e from yo&r kno$n firing position before r&shing! and ne(er r&sh for$ard dire%tly from a position and at the enemy. This is not a %ombat roll in (ie$ of the enemy. 5olls and di(es are attempts to be in &ne+pe%ted post&res $hen e+posed for a short period. 5oll and get &p too slo$ly in the fa%e of the enemy and die. =f yo& %an mo(e a bit from yo&r firing position $itho&t being seen before yo& are &p and r&shing this is good. Cra$ling aro&nd in the field of (ie$ of the sniper<s s%ope $ill kill yo&! so %hanging positions $hen f&lly e+posed is a $aste of time! ;&st r&sh $ith some %&r(e to yo&r tra;e%tory. To break %onta%t &se s&ppressi(e fires at ma+im&m rate. #se grenades if yo& %an. Then ha(e a s&b&nit mo(e ba%k to the ne+t position. ?hen e(eryone else is in the ne$ position and firing the last &nit falls ba%k! b&t not into the m&AAles of their friends. 4moke $ill be helpf&l at some point. =f yo& are in single file the man in front %an empty his rifle and r&n for the fallba%k position. The ne+t man does the same! and so on. )%t&ally! the best $ay to do this! $hen the sit&ation allo$s! is to %reep a$ay &nit by &nit $itho&t the enemy kno$ing yo& ha(e gone. Co& %an mo(e a small &nit that in on line to the side in a similar manner to the peel off breaking %onta%t drill. :&st ha(e one man at a time lea(e one end of the line and mo(e behind the &nit to take his pla%e on the other end. 5emember Tienanmen 48&are? There $as the &s&al pop and %ra%kle in the distan%e. *eople stood and looked or $alked a$ay. They ran only after they sa$ some others flin%h or start limping. ?hen in do&bt! hit the de%k3 Ho not gi(e m&d and $ater any ne(er mind! either. Heer in the f&%king spotlight. )t first yo& fire at the ma+im&m rate possible &sing aimed fire. Co& red&%e the rate of fire on%e yo& ha(e them pinned! and in%rease it again ;&st before any raiders enter the enemy position. Then yo& shift yo&r fires a$ay from yo&r o$n for%es. B&rsts of (ario&s lengths are &sef&l $hen yo& $ant to shoot &p an air%raft or (ehi%leJ 8&i%kly shoot &p a barrier or the like. =t is also good for rapidly pla%ing a pattern of b&llets Dbeaten AoneE on a position some distan%e a$ay. ?here b&rsts are tr&ly lethal is $hen yo& %an pla%e graAing fire a%ross the front of an enemy &nit mo(ing in the open. )lso! =f yo& %an %enter the beaten Aone on the leading edge of s&%h a &nit. >enerally! ho$e(er! b&rsts from indi(id&al $eapons are best for d&mping a $ell-%entered %l&ster of b&llets on firing ports or into that g&y $ho is abo&t to bayonet yo&. 4&rprise fire is the most effe%ti(e fire! fast shooting $hile the enemy has not had time to go to gro&nd. )nd an atta%ker is less likely to rea%h yo& if 8&i%kly hit by m&ltiple b&llets. B&rst %ontrol de(i%es are a %ro%k. >&n %ontrol is trigger %ontrol! and so is b&rst %ontrol. The only e+%eption is an assa&lt rifle $ith s&%h a high %y%li% rate that s&ffi%iently 8&i%k trigger %ontrol is impossible. Ho not shoot &ntil yo& think yo& %an hit yo&r target! and $ill be able to es%ape after$ard. This does not al$ays mean yo& %an see the enemy. ?hen sniping or amb&shing is does mean that! or that yo& ha(e a (al&able pie%e of e8&ipment in yo&r sights. =f yo& get yo&rself into a firefight it means yo& hit the enemy in yo&r se%tor of fire $hether e+posed or in %on%ealment. )ll that s&ppressi(e fire %an play hell $ith yo&r marksmanship skills. =f yo& %an<t hit a small b&llseye at long range! to the ma+im&m %apability of the rifle! yo& limit yo&rself. =f yo& ha(e no hea(y $eapons it is (ital that a good rifle be &sed to ma+im&m effe%t be%a&se yo& need to ma+imiAe standoff from all those assa&lt rifles. There are e+%eptions. Co& may ha(e to %lose $ith the enemy to a(oid his artillery fires. Co& may $ant to raid a s&ppressed or s&rprised position! or e+e%&te a %lose amb&sh. B&t the enemy does not stand in the open and let yo& pra%ti%e on him! so yo& need to shoot fast and as soon as the sight pi%t&re is good eno&gh. 4in%e people $ill be at least partially %on%ealed and %o(ered yo& $ill be shooting $here they are! $ent! or may be. This %an make yo&r shooting sloppy. Fne $ay to limit this effe%t is to properly aim yo&r s&ppressi(e fire. Ho not ;&st blast a$ay at that $indo$: pla%e

yo&r shots into the $all belo$ and aro&nd it if penetration is possible. 'it $hat yo& are aiming at! $hi%h is any$here the enemy is likely to be. #nless yo& are doing hammers! or are d&mping m&ltiple ro&nds into people at (ery %lose range or into an area Dma+im&m rateE at long range! yo& al$ays re-aim properly bet$een shots or b&rsts. E(en then yo& ha(e to be a%%&rate eno&gh to hit the o%%&pied area. =t matters little $hether yo& are shooting an old bolt a%tion rifle! a semia&tomati% or an assa&lt rifle. =t %an be rapid fire if %onditions permit! b&t take the time to aim to the re8&ired degree. =n any %ase do not reset the trigger &ntil after at least of minim&m of follo$ thro&gh. Ho not r&sh a shot! meaning al$ays go slo$ eno&gh to maintain %ontrol so that yo&r shots $ill do $hat yo& intended them to do! e(en if all yo& intended $as to make people d&%k and look in a spe%ifi% dire%tion. Co& m&st al$ays ha(e a p&rpose! and m&st shape e(ents to that end. For ma+im&m effe%t all &nits sho&ld open fire at the same time! $hen the enemy is at his most e+posed. To make it hard for the enemy to ret&rn a%%&rate fires instead ha(e &nits fire in se8&en%e so that one &nit begins shooting $hile the other displa%es at on%e. =n %ir%&mstan%es like this the more penetration yo&r rifle has the better. This does not mean = think stone and %on%rete str&%t&res %an be shot &p by rifle fire. =t does not mean yo& o&ght to $aste yo&r amm&nition shooting at or thro&gh e(ery barrier! tree and b&ilding in sight in hope of killing something. =t means yo& sometimes m&st shoot at hidden targets and that more penetration e8&als kills in a larger n&mber of %ases. 'o$ do yo& %hoose the basi% indi(id&al $eapon? Co& balan%e fa%tors. ?hat is the nat&re of the area of operations? =t may be open terrain $here ranges $ill be longer or (ery %lose and %l&ttered terrain. 'o$ do the enemy operate? Ho they mass or keep a (ery open order? ?hat kind of armor do they $ear? 'o$ good is the %o(er? Can they get in (ery %lose before s&ddenly assa&lting in large n&mbers? This sort of thing $ill tell yo& if yo& need 8&i%k handling and high rates of fire or long range! a%%&ra%y or greater penetration. Meep in mind the nat&re of the terrain from the logisti%s point of (ie$. Co& $ill ha(e to %arry or other$ise transport the amm&nition! et%. )lso keep in mind the fa%t that not e(ery pla%e in the )F $ill be the same. Effi%ien%y is important b&t military %onditions are not f&lly predi%table so red&ndan%y is important also. Combined arms and open options! yes? /ost people in a gro&p %an &se the standard indi(id&al $eapons b&t there m&st be other $eapons as $ell or yo& $ill be o(erly spe%ialiAed. =t is possible to ha(e a rifle $ith so short a barrel that it does not tra%k smoothly! as $ell as one that is ballisti%ally disad(antaged thereby. /&AAle blast and flash $ill be greater as $ell in most %alibers. ) rifle %an ha(e a barrel so long that it adds no (elo%ity! more %ommonly so that it is m&AAle hea(y and slo$. ) (ery hea(y rifle has lo$ re%oil b&t is %l&msy. )n e+tremely light one %an be less stable in &se. For most people a 20 to 2, in%h barrel on a $ell balan%ed rifle $eighing to "0 po&nds is best. =t sho&ld pi(ot smoothly aro&nd its point of balan%e and sho&ld snap positi(ely into the shooting position $ith the sights already nat&rally on target! min&s any needed fine t&ning of sight alignment. 4ome people %an shoot do$n %lay pigeons $ith the rifle the $ay most %an $ith a shotg&n. )im at the leading edge! tra%k and shoot. =f yo& try to find yo&r target again thro&gh a teles%opi% sight $ith a narro$ field of (ie$ m&%h time $ill be $asted. Meep yo&r head &p and yo&r eyes on the target as yo& sho&lder the $eapon and pla%e the s%ope bet$een yo&r eye and the mark. 4o! $hen the rifle is mo&nted it o&ght to pi(ot &p or do$n and ba%k into pla%e $itho&t %ons%io&s effort $ith the %heek on the sto%k and the eye already lined &p $ith the sights. This is one operation! and not a t$o step one. =f the forend is too far for$ard! as it is $ith some p&mp-a%tion shotg&ns! it $ill al$ays be a$k$ard. ?hen yo& do this yo& may find that yo& ha(e to mo(e the head to get a proper sight pi%t&reJ to raise the head or to s%r&n%h do$n! or to mo(e it for$ard or ba%k. D9e(er press yo&r %heekbone onto the sto%k. 9e(er pla%e the b&ttplate on yo&r %ollarbone.E This means the %omb of the sto%k is too high or lo$! or that the b&tt is too long or too short. Meep in mind that armor makes a slightly shorter sto%k better Dkeep the b&ttplate off of the rigid ballisti% plateE. )n e+tremely

long sto%k $ill make trigger %ontrol diffi%&lt. =f the sto%k is ad;&stable do so ad;&st. =f it is not get another rifle. The Canadian ro&gh test for b&ttsto%k length is to grip the pistol grip and! $ith the b&tt lying along the arm! to bend the elbo$ &ntil yo& get a right angle. =f the b&ttplate ;&st to&%hes at the ;oint yo& are good to go. Co& sho&ld al$ays $ear prote%ti(e glasses! pres%ription if needed. They really sho&ld be both ballisti% prote%tion and filtered to prote%t against the opposition<s most dangero&s lasers. Co& %an<t prote%t against all possible laser fre8&en%ies $ith any gi(en filter. =n a perfe%t $orld they also sho&ld darken in bright light $itho&t blinding yo& in dim light and $hile s%reening o&t &ltra(iolet and infrared @sin%e dark glasses make yo&r p&pils e+pand and leakage in the $rong bands $ill harm the eyes. =n pra%ti%e yo& %annot ha(e e(erything at on%e! one laser filter $ill not $ork against another laser fre8&en%y! and many antilaser lenses $ill begin to fail after %ontin&ed e+pos&re to bright light. Ho $hat yo& %an. )dditionally! many prote%ti(e DgasE masks ha(e (ery poor pro(ision for the internal pla%ement of pres%ription lenses. The lenses tend to fall o&t or poke yo& in the eye as yo& p&t the mask on. This means the army in 8&estion $as not serio&s! and that yo&r glasses really o&ght to be on thin r&bber bands $hi%h $ill not break the mask<s seal $hen $orn. D)nd! of %o&rse! no beard for yo&.E ) real problem is rain and s&n! as $ell as s$eat or a hot fa%e on a %ool day or %ool lenses $hen yo& enter a $arm pla%e. The bill of yo&r helmet or %ap sho&ld keep rain and m&d off of the glasses! and shield yo& from some glare. '&midity is a threat to yo&r life. 4o is glare if yo& %an<t see the targets. Co&r glasses $ill fog &p at times. There are (ented goggles and $rap-aro&nd glasses! and antifog lenses and films. There are %ommer%ial antifog %hemi%als. Co& %an &se ra$ potato ;&i%e. 9one of these things $ork perfe%tly. 4&nglasses? Fh noes3 Cool shades alienate the norms. The fa%t is! ho$e(er! yo& better be $earing 8&ality shades $hen eyes and (ision re8&ire prote%tion in bright en(ironsJ b&t %heap plasti% that leaks #I and breaks $hen tapped is a big $aste of effort. )h the hat or %ap. =t sho&ld keep rain and s&n off the head and fa%e! e(en the ne%k if possible. =t sho&ld ha(e an irreg&lar brim like the boony hat or it sho&ld be possible to %r&mple it to disg&ise its shape! and the %olor or pattern sho&ld not make it stand o&t. The beret is a poor %ap. ?hen the army %on(erted %a(alry into infantry and sent them to fight in the first $orld $ar they took their 6smoky bear7 Dlike drill sergeants $ear no$E hats a$ay and repla%ed them $ith the o(erseas %ap D%&nt %apE. F&%king st&pid army. ?ear hearing prote%tion $hene(er the ta%ti%al sit&ation allo$s. ) .22 rimfire rifle is a borderline noisemaker! earpl&gs are a good idea. ) re(ol(er is %loser to yo& and has a shorter barrel. =t is lo&der. ?ith the /"V my ears ring more from the %langing going on inside the sheet metal re%ei(er than be%a&se of the report at the m&AAle end. This is not stamped steel sheet metal! it is anodiAed al&min&m! b&t it is rather alike to it in some $ays. 'ighpo$ered rifles are ;&st! BFF/! plain noisy. ?ith some $eapons! s&%h as TF?! al$ays $ear prote%tion. 4ometimes do&ble prote%tion is %alled for. This means good earpl&gs pl&s a good prote%ti(e headset $ith the band $orn o(er the head or aro&nd the ne%k. 'elmet fit %an be a problem. Fn patrol some of the ele%troni% hearing prote%tors %an be &sef&l. These headsets pro(ide amplified stereo so&nd $hen things are 8&iet! b&t %&t o&t any lo&d noises. Hamn! it is too bad = %an<t $rite. Iery fe$ soldiers and %ops %an! $hi%h is one reason there are so fe$ in depth and te%hni%al books $ritten by (eterans. The larger reason is not liking to talk abo&t their %ombat e+perien%es. =t is also &nfort&nate that e(erything takes batteries today. 4ome de(i%es are not too bad! b&t others may re8&ire battery %hanges e(ery , ho&rs. DHo not lea(e the same battery in a de(i%e for months at a time. =t $ill fail! or $ill leak and damage the e8&ipment depending on type. 5emo(e the battery before p&tting anything into long-term storage. 9ote that refrigeration makes standard batteries! H Cells for e+ample! last longer.E Rero the sights on the rifle. /ilitary rifles sho&ld be Aeroed as re%ommended in the man&al! and the amm&nition yo& &se m&st be %lose in performan%e to the military ball %artridge if the range and

setting are to mat%h. Rero teles%opi% sights as e+plained in the man&al for the s%ope. =f it %omes $ith target knobs and range settings rather than mere %li%ks it m&st be &sed $ith a %artridge $hi%h is a %lose mat%h for it. ) laser bore sight and target is al$ays a handy $ay to get yo&r ro&nds on paper. =f the bolt %an be remo(ed and the bore looked thro&gh from the %hamber end yo& %an do it $itho&t the laser or opti%al probe. Center the sights or reti%&le. 4andbag the rifle into pla%e after remo(ing the bolt. 1ook thro&gh the bore from the rear and %enter a distin%tly %olored " or 2 in%h b&llseye in the image yo& see thro&gh the barrel. The target %an be at! for e+ample! "00 meters. ?itho&t f&rther mo(ement of the rifle position yo&rself to look thro&gh the sights or sight and make range and $indage %hanges to %enter them or it also on the b&llseye. 9o$ repla%e the bolt and fire one ro&nd at the b&ll $ith the %rosshairs %entered on it or the %enter of the b&ll resting on the top of the front sight post. 4ometimes a s8&are b&ll is better for this. ) standard Aeroing target made &p of s8&ares of a gi(en $idth is also good. The b&llet hole $ill be slightly off the %enter of the target. )im the sights at the b&ll and make s&re the rifle is sandbagged into pla%e. 9o$ ad;&st the sight settings &ntil the sights are aligned on the b&llet hole. Ho this $itho&t mo(ing the rifle. Co& ha(e to mark the b&llet hole first if &sing iron sights! or yo& $ill be &nable to see it. Fn%e this is done mo(e the rifle and aim at the b&ll. Fire another shot. =t $ill be $ithin an in%h or t$o of the %enter of the b&ll &nless yo&r rifle or yo& are not (ery a%%&rate! or yo& are &sing a r&n of the mill battle or assa&lt rifle. ) battle rifle sho&ld do better than K in%hes diameter. )n a%%&rate assa&lt rifle $ill do $ell! many $ill gi(e m&%h larger gro&ps. ) pre%ision rifle and shooter &sing a good s%ope may p&t most of their shots $ithin a half in%h diameter &nder ideal shooting %onditions! b&t he $ill ha(e to shoot a series of gro&ps and fine t&ne Dnot by f&rther bore sightingE the s%ope settings first in order to %enter his gro&ps on target at different ranges. DFne $ay to do a 8&i%k 6boresight7 on a teles%opi% sight if yo&r rifle also has &sable iron sights: sandbag the rifle into pla%e $ith the properly set iron sights on a target! then look thro&gh the s%ope and mo(e the %ross hair onto the same target &sing the ele(ation and $indage knobs b&t $itho&t mo(ing the rifle.E Teles%opi% sight %ontrols for fo%&s and paralla+ (ary. *aralla+ is the error bet$een apparent and a%t&al point of aim. For e+ample if yo& look into the sight from an angle yo& $ill not see the entire %ir%&lar field of (ie$! and if yo& do this and pla%e the %ross hair on a target any shot fired $ill miss. Co& ha(e to look dire%tly thro&gh the sight. The sight $as apparently on target! b&t $as not. The sight %an be internally off for the range and that is $hat the paralla+ settings are for. 'o$ $ell %an yo& shoot? /ost of yo& %an shoot better than yo& do no$ gi(en the training and pra%ti%e yo& need. /ost of yo& $ill ne(er shoot ^ in%h gro&ps at "00 yards! e(en $ith a s&itable and e+pensi(e rifle. 9o one %an shoot better than his rifle! by the $ay. The a(erage h&nting rifle %an shoot "-` in%h gro&ps. This (aries $idely bet$een indi(id&al $eapons. ) good rifleman %an shoot "7 gro&ps b&t not $ith an ina%%&rate rifle. =t my personal e+perien%e! and rather off the top of my head: )(erage a%%&ra%yJ there is a lot of (ariation $ith indi(id&al rifles $ithin a model and ea%h rifle shoots best $ith a parti%&lar brand and model of amm&nition. There are n&mero&s reasons for this! b&llet length! or the $ay a gi(en load (ibrates the barrel! et%. )mm&nition $ill also effe%t reliability. The (ariations in dimensions! fo&ling! the timing and ma+im&m press&re of the propellant b&rning %&r(e %an be $rong for the $eapon. )lso! do not &se some military! espe%ially steel %ased! ammo in %i(ilian rifles $ith tight or ro&gh %hambers or yo& $ill ha(e to p&n%h the %ase ba%k o&t $ith a rod. 5eally poor 8&ality amm&nition has man&fa%t&ring standards that are all o(er the pla%e and $ill $ork better in some $eapons than others b&t reliably in fe$ Dif any! it &s&ally ends &p being a bolt a%tion rifle $ith strong e+tra%tionE. Finally! it is good if ta%ti%al rifle amm&nition prod&%es less m&AAle flash than most. /", slightly better than F)1 and more &pgradable-a%%&riAable. 4ome are (ery good. /"V 2O! has many a%%essories. *oor magaAines! needs more %leaning than many. /, %arbine K.N7 )M, VO

4M4 ,O F)1 KO >ood as an a&to rifle! not great in sand. F&ll a&to does take some getting &sed to. The F)1 is one of the best general p&rpose rifles. =t needs no sniper s%ope! b&t it needs a reasonably %ompa%t day or day-night opti%. =f yo& $ear night (ision goggles p&t an =5 laser on it. For b&ilding entry! for $hi%h it is not best s&ited! yo& need a ta%ti%al $hite light as $ell. /" -slightly $orse than /",. )n ad(an%ed modern pre%ision rifle .NO /ost people %an<t shoot to this le(el. /any poli%e and sharpshooter rifles K-,7 to "7 /any poli%e %an<t shoot to this le(el. )(erage h&nting rifle ". NO /any old and ne$ t&rnbolts! pl&s )5"Ns! /",s! et%.! $ith l&%k and amm&nition sele%ted by trial "O. *re%ise aim and good sights %o&pled $ith the right amm&nition and an a%%&rate rifle Dalong $ith good range! $ind! temperat&re! target ele(ation! altit&de! and h&midity meas&rementE for pre%ision and long range is re8&ired for sniping. " in%h gro&ps or better needed. ) soldier getting .0L hits at N0 meters may get only K0L at K00! and at those ranges $hen shooting at stationary targets in good light it does not m&%h matter if the sights are iron or opti%al. )n a(erage shooter might get hits as follo$s on a stationary man! imagine if he $as r&nning for %o(er3 )t 2N meters a hit ..L of the time! at N0 meters G L! VNL at "00! at "N0 meters V0L! N0L at 200m! KNL at 2N0m! and at K00 meters a hit 20L of the time. This is &sing an /"V $itho&t ad;&sting the sights for ea%h range! &sing battlesight. =f he $ere shooting offhand things $o&ld go to hell immediately. 4ome people %an<t hit an G in%h plate at "00 meters! $hile shooting offhand! to sa(e their li(es. Combat shooting re8&ires fast shooting! good tra%king and lead! rifle a%%&ra%y and sight pi%t&re 8&ality eno&gh to get hits on that target at that range! and good penetration. 5emember $ho yo& are. 1o$ magnifi%ation teles%opi% sights are fast! ha(e a $ide field of (ie$! and are brighter in poor lightJ better than the &naided eye! in fa%t. 'igher po$ered s%opes allo$ more pre%ise aiming at long range. ?ith an a%%&rate high-po$ered rifle and a "0+ s%ope the point target range is abo&t G00 meters. /agn&m sniping rifles p&sh beyond this range s&bstantially. 'olographi% reti%&le and refle+ red dot sights are for fast %lose range shooting. Be$are of red dot sights that ha(e large dots $hi%h %annot be ad;&sted &nless they are %lose %ombat only sights as they $ill %ompletely hide the target at medi&m range. The reti%&le brightness m&st be ad;&stable also! either a&tomati%ally or man&ally. 5ib and bead and ghost ring shotg&n sights are for fast shooting o&t to ro&ghly V0 to "00 meters. =ron sights $hi%h are (ery %lose together are ina%%&rate at long range. 4o are %r&de s8&are and (-not%h sights. Bla%ken the sights! or paint them $ith l&mines%ent paint. >ood peep Dapert&reE sights are de%ent day sights o&t to abo&t "000 meters if yo& %an take yo&r time and %an find the target. This is really an area target iss&e! and m&st in(ol(e a po$erf&l and a%%&rate rifle. ?hat if yo& are &sing a h&nting rifle $ith fe$ range settings and no $ay to apply $indage other than physi%ally drifting front or rear sight in its slot! or $ith limited and %r&de means of applying $indage? 4tart by getting the b&llets on paper! by bore sighting or by p&tting the target (ery %lose at first. Bore sighting is a pain be%a&se yo& ha(e to remo(e the rifle from the rest ea%h time yo& make %hanges to the position of the front or rear sights $ith $ren%h! s%re$dri(er! hammer or hammer and p&n%h. /ake s&re that the sights are a%t&ally designed to mo(e &p and do$n! or mo(e from side to side in a slot. 9e(er &se a s%re$dri(er on a firearm &nless it fits the slot in the s%re$ head properly! or yo& $ill damage the s%re$ or slip and go&ge something. 9e(er &se a steel hammer or p&n%h on a firearm. #se a brass or r&bber hammer and brass drifts or p&n%hes. /ake a genero&s %hange! fire a shot and hal(e the distan%e and shoot &ntil it is right. 5aise the rear sight to shoot higher! lo$er it to shoot lo$er. /o(e it to the right to shoot to the right! and left to shoot left. The front sight is raised to shoot lo$er! and lo$ered to shoot higher. /o(e it right to shoot more to the left! and left to shoot more to the right. 4ome not (ary ad;&stable iron sights are preset for ele(ation b&t ha(e marked positions for a

n&mber of ranges and are fairly a%%&rate if the original type of %artridge is &sed. Fthers %an be finet&ned for a standard range and $ith the inde+ th&s %orre%tly positioned are more a%%&rate for the standard %artridge. )nother type! generally peep sights! are %aref&lly Aeroed and then are set for range and $indage by %li%ks in a manner similar to that of the &s&al rifle s%ope. *erhaps only the rear sight $ill mo(e and a s%re$ shifts it left and right! and a slider raises and lo$ers it to any of only N &nlabeled positions. 4et the $indage to %enter the b&llet on the target. Then shoot at ea%h range setting and at e(ery pra%ti%al rangeJ at %lose %ombat range! and at "00 meters! and at 200! and so on. 9ote $hi%h not%h shoots the %losest at ea%h range! and ho$ high or lo$ that is from %entered! then $rite do$n $hi%h setting is for ea%h! and $here yo& %an e+pe%t the hit to be. Fn%e all this is done yo& %an Aero the sights for the range best for that parti%&lar %aliber and sighting system! $ith the e+%eption of the last mentioned %r&de sights $hi%h are as Aeroed as they are going to be. Battlesight-pointblank Aero-setting or a separate sight not%h or apert&re is the range setting $hi%h allo$s yo& to shoot to the longest range possible $itho&t any sight ad;&stments. This means the b&llet rises to Dat 2N meters for the /"V)"E and abo(e the line of sight and $itho&t shooting o(er the target at any range then drops ba%k to Dat 2N0 meters! Aero! for /"V)"E and then belo$ the line of sight &ntil it is too far belo$ to hit the (ital target area. The last third of the tra;e%tory is the steepest. The ma+im&m range at $hi%h the ro&nd $o&ld still be on target is the battlesight range DK00 meters for /"V)"E. ?hen yo& $ant more pre%ision Dthere is no more pre%ision for the /"V)"E or are shooting at ranges beyond battlesight range! and depending on the sight<s %apabilities! yo& set the sight to the inde+ mark for that range! or yo& apply the n&mber of %li%ks needed to %hange from battlesight to the $anted range D$ith the /"V)" flip &p the 1 apert&re to shoot o&t to N00 metersE. The same sort of thing for $indage! tho&gh $ith the tr&ly %r&de sights yo& ha(e simply to aim off by aiming an estimated amo&nt abo(e the target and into the $ind to %orre%t for range and %ross$indJ no 8&i%k ad;&stment to the sights being possible. The day $ill %ome $hen teles%opi% sights on rifles are digital and e8&ipped $ith at least three sensors. Tra%k a target and the reti%&le $ill be mo(ed to a%%o&nt for lo%al $ind! range taken by laser! and ho$ m&%h yo& are mo(ing the $eapon to stay on target. Fn%e the %ross hair has mo(ed ;&st p&t it ba%k on target! %ontin&e tra%king and fire. =t is 8&ite possible to &se a! e+pensi(e and large at first! rifle-mo&nted laser OradarO to dete%t the o(erall $ind dire%tion and speed effe%ts from the shooter to the target. This Oa&tomati% a(eragingO of $ind dire%tion and speed $ill greatly impro(e o(er $hat %an be done by meas&ring $ind (elo%ity at the shooter<s position! or at spe%ifi% points only do$n range. 4nipers getting V0- 0L one shot hits at e+treme range? Co& kno$ ho$ m&%h one %li%k of ad;&stment to the sight $ill shift the line of sight in ele(ation or tra(erse Drange and dire%tionJ OaAim&thO-Otra(erseO-O$indage.OE at a gi(en range. #s&ally at "00 yards or meters. Co&r target is at a gi(en range! say N00 yards. =f ea%h %li%k $as a %r&de " in%h displa%ement at "00 yards yo& $o&ld take the N00 yard range and di(ide it by the referen%e range! $hi%h is "00. The res&lt is N. Then m&ltiply by " %li%k $hi%h is ".00 in%h. The ans$er is that " %li%k $indage to the right $ill mo(e b&llet impa%t " in%h to the right at "00 yards and N in%hes right at N00 yards! or $o&ld %ompensate for a %ross$ind that $o&ld ha(e blo$n the b&llet N in%hes to the left of the aim point. )nother e+ample: " %li%k is . %m at 2N meters. Ea%h gi(es displa%ement of mm at 2Nm. Co&r target is at "00m! "00m di(ided by 2Nm gi(es ,! and , times . %m e8&als 2.G%m. Th&s it is 2Gmm at "00m! 2N.,mm is an in%h. >ood sights ha(e more %li%ks a(ailable and ea%h one is .N or .2N /F) at "00 yards instead of " /F). Co& need $ind tables for the amm&nition yo& are &sing in order to %al%&late $ind effe%ts. This system is good! b&t not %ompletely e+a%t. )t e+treme range ballisti% drift in the dire%tion of b&llet spin is apparent. This is seldom an iss&e! b&t b&llets respond differently to en(ironmental fa%tors depending on b&llet (elo%ity. The differen%e bet$een s&bsoni% and s&personi% (elo%ities is most marked. 5o&nd nosed boattails are fine for long shots at s&bsoni% speeds! the sharp point is important at s&personi%

speeds. )t (ery long ranges b&llet performan%e! predi%tability of a%%&ra%y for e+ample! is not as good! and the last third of the tra;e%tory is pl&nging. )t ma+im&m range it is (ery steeply pl&nging! tho&gh the b&llet $ill still point as m&%h for$ard as do$n. ) rifle b&llet is &nstable for the first "00 yards or so! stabiliAes d&e to its rotation b&t is not al$ays tr&ly pre%isely aligned! and begins to $obble as it %omes do$n at long range. This does not impro(e a%%&ra%y any! b&t on the bright side! if it does hit $ith eno&gh remaining energy to penetrate the hole it makes is bigger. Ea%h %li%k %hanges line of depart&re pre%isely! b&t does not sele%t b&llet impa%t point as $ell at long range. )t sniper ranges the shooter needs to find the best s%ope setting for ea%h range. )(erage /F) at long range is not nominal! the transition from s&personi% to soni% speeds is ro&gh. 'ot! as in left in the s&n! amm&nition %a&ses higher %hamber press&res! sometimes dangero&sly so. This $ill %a&se the b&llet to hit high. 1arge %hanges in temperat&re and altit&de re8&ire different settings! b&llets go farther at high altit&de. *o$erf&l and (ariable $inds are a bit%h! as is hea(y rain. /&AAle ;&mp is ho$ m&%h the m&AAle mo(es before the b&llet has e+ited. This is taken %are of by the Aeroing of yo&r sights. Ballisti% drift is only partially allo$ed for be%a&se yo& do not Aero at e+treme range. Co&r /", rifle sho&ld ha(e the sele%tor le(er instead of the sele%tor lo%k! and th&s be %apable of a&tomati% fire! b&t yo& $ill be firing in semia&tomati% mode most of the time. =f yo&r rifle is an /")! the semia&tomati% only (ersion of the /",! yo&r %hoi%e is made for yo&. To Aero the sights on the /", rifle do the follo$ing. E+amine the sights for damaged or missing parts! and for tightness. =f it does not $ork ad;&st or repair. Fair and balan%ed. 'eh. Ho initial Aeroing from a prone s&pported position. The target sho&ld ha(e a distin%t aiming point! and sho&ld be pla%ed 2N meters a$ay. /ake a smaller mark ,Vmm! ".G in%hes! abo(e the lo$er edge of the aiming mark. #se the $indage knob to %enter the apert&re! it %an be mo(ed "V %li%ks in either dire%tion. #se the ele(ation knob to f&lly lo$er the rear sight! and then %ome &p "2 %li%ks. )im at the %enter lo$er edge of the mark and fire K deliberate shots. The smaller the gro&p the better. 1o%ate the %enter of the gro&p. /eas&re the distan%e from that gro&p %enter belo$ or abo(e the smaller se%ond mark to said mark! and do the same to determine ho$ far yo&r gro&p is left or right of that se%ond mark. =f yo& don<t lo(e me then to hell $ith yo&3 Fi! = am rahth&r godlike. = ;&st realiAed! and $hen = say t$o $rongs don<t make a right = mean yo& don<t like something $e $ill %all a $rong! for no$! b&t = don<t like $hat yo& $ant to do abo&t it! so = am going to say t$o $rongs don<t make a right. )re $e good? /ake genero&s %hanges to the ele(ation and $indage settings on yo&r sight bet$een gro&ps and %ontin&e this pro%ess &ntil yo&r gro&ps are hitting the se%ond mark $hen yo& aim at the bottom of the first. ?rite do$n the n&mber of %li%ks! %ome&ps! from sight lo$ered to this final setting. yo& started at "2 %li%ks so if yo& ended &p a %o&ple %li%ks more yo& ended &p at ", %li%ks. ?rite do$n the n&mber of %li%ks left or right $indage yo& %on%l&ded $ith. This is yo&r battlesight Aero setting. Co& %an lea(e the $indage knob %entered and %alibrate it by drifting the front sight in its base to make the needed $indage %hanges $hile Aeroing. 4hoot into or a$ay from any $ind d&ring this pro%ess! if yo& Aero $ith a %ross$ind blo$ing yo&r Aero $ill be off on %alm days. To %alibrate the rear sight! properly line &p the range s%ale and the inde+ mark on the re%ei(er! t&rn the ele(ation knob for$ard &ntil the sight is at its lo$est position. Co&nt the %li%ks as yo& do this to be s&re yo&r %o&nt $as right the last time. ?hen this has been done loosen the s%re$ in the knob and t&rn the knob &ntil the mark bet$een 2 and , on the s%ale is ne+t to the re%ei(er inde+ mark! then %ontin&e the n&mber of %li%ks yo& %o&nted to get battlesight Aero. 'old the knob in pla%e and tighten s%re$! then raise sight to highest position and tighten s%re$ again. 9o$ if yo& lo$er the sight and raise it to the mark bet$een 2 and , on the s%ale it sho&ld take the n&mber of %li%ks e8&al to yo&r battlesight Aero setting to get there! and test shots $ith the range set th&sly sho&ld be on target.

The other type of /", sight has lo%king n&ts and is %alibrated differently: T&rn the knob for$ard &ntil the apert&re is at its lo$est point! raise it the n&mber of %li%ks of yo&r Aero setting! and tighten the lo%king n&t. Then loosen the %enter s%re$ and t&rn the knob! $itho&t mo(ing the sight! &ntil battlesight inde+ line and re%ei(er inde+ line are apposite. Tighten the s%re$. This gi(es yo& a point-blank range! battlesight range! of K00 meters. The long inde+ line on the range s%ale bet$een 2 and , is 2N0m! not K00. The Aero! battlesight Aero! is 2N0m! the pointblank -battlesight range is K00m. =f yo& aim %enter of mass the b&llet $ill not be belo$ or abo(e that line eno&gh to miss the (itals of a man from 0 to K00 meters a$ay. )t longer ranges or if yo& need more pre%ision t&rn to ele(ation knob &ntil the range s%ale mark for that range is aligned $ith the inde+ mark. =f the enemy is at V00 meters! for e+ample! line the inde+ mark on the re%ei(er &p $ith the n&meral V on the s%ale on the knob. )t the longer ranges s&perior shooting may be ser(ed by fig&ring o&t a more a%%&rate %&stom setting for the range. =f at V00m yo& al$ays seem to be slightly lo$er than yo& $o&ld prefer yo& might find that al$ays p&tting the sight at V DV00mE pl&s " %li%k is better. /", sights are designed for /G0 ball! or e8&i(alent! and they are s%aled for h&ndreds of yards not meters. Ea%h %li%k is " /F)! "O ad;&stment at "00 yards for pra%ti%al p&rposes. The best $ay is to Aero at "00 yards! and the gro&ps sho&ld hit yo&r point of aim! not a separate mark abo(e it. and %alibrate the sight a%%ordingly. =t may be easier to Aero at 200 yards so yo& %an inde+ the 2 on the s%ale to the mark. This is more a%%&rate $hen a target! at abo&t K00 yards for e+ample! is engaged after the ele(ation knob is t&rned to the inde+ line bet$een 2 and ,. Co& %an also t&rn the knob to positions intermediate to the "00 yard marks. Reroing at 2Nm is al$ays a trifle ina%%&rate! not ;&st be%a&se the range is short! b&t also the b&llet is not (ery stable yet at that range. 4ights $ill (ary. =f the ele(ation knob has an / on it it is %alibrated in meters. The /") may ha(e "-2 /F) %li%ks! or e(en "-, /F). /",s $ith 9ational /at%h sights ha(ing "-2 /F) $indage %li%ks are fairly %ommon. =f the rear sight is hooded it gi(es ^ /F) per %li%k in ele(ation as $ell. Co& %an<t depend on the range s%ale to remain fi+ed! so al$ays kno$ the n&mber of %li%ks needed for ea%h range. Co&nt them! (erify them and $rite them on a field %ard. ?arrior %lass! is it? Ceah! and yo& are the %riminal %lass. >lobalist s%&m and enemies of the Constit&tion. ) proper infantry rifle $o&ld ha(e the follo$ing in %ommon $ith the ser(i%e pistol: >ood balan%e and a nat&ral point of aim! fast re%oil re%o(ery Db&t not so straight a sto%k that yo& m&st %r&sh yo&r %heek and eye $ear into the sto%k to see the sightsE! and s&ffi%ient a%%&ra%y! range and penetration to do the ;ob. ) good flash s&ppressor that also resists any p&ll to the side is best. The %ontrols need to be operable from both sides or d&pli%ated on both. The sele%tor s$it%hes easily rea%hed by the th&mb! the magaAine releases by the forefinger and the magaAine to fall free. The bolt sho&ld lo%k open on an empty magaAine and the releases be handy to the th&mb of the reloading hand. The magaAine $ell needs to be easy to find and press magaAines into $ith the palm of the hand! and the %at%h positi(e. =n other $ords yo& sho&ld no more ha(e to look do$n at the rifle or f&ss $ith things $hile reloading than yo& m&st $ith a good pistol. Take %o(er! keep looking for threats! and reload $ith the rifle still sho&lderedJ or if it is too hea(y for that $ith the b&tt $edged &nder the pit of the sho&lder. The sights m&st be &sable at night! d&rable and f&lly ad;&stable! and s&ited to the %onditions@this depends on %ombat %onditions as yo& may need to shoot 8&i%kly! do mostly general %ombat shooting! or shoot often at the longer ranges. )n e;e%tion port %o(er that opens a&tomati%ally! as $ith the /"V is good. E;e%tion m&st not interfere $ith shooting from either sho&lder! b&t m&st not be &p into the air abo(e yo& be%a&se in s&nlight the brass $ill betray yo&r position. E;e%tion too far for$ard of yo& may do this as $ell. 9o rifle = am a$are of has all these 8&alities. They sho&ld. The /"V has some of them. >od! = hate the %harging handle on the "V3 The /"V also o&ght to be f&lly ambide+tro&s. Finally! need = say it? =t sho&ld go bang $hen yo& press the trigger! and poorly designed or badly man&fa%t&red magaAines are 4atan. D=t is as sensible to rotate magaAines as to rotate the &se of yo&r boots! b&t the 8&estion of $hether a magaAine spring kept &nder tension too long $ill take a set and fail to feed %artridges is no

more %ertain than $hether loading and &nloading a magaAine too often $ill break the spring too often $orked. =t depends on design! the spring metal &sed and ho$ $ell it $as tempered.E The infantry rifle sho&ld fire mm or the like! long (ery lo$ drag! b&llets at $hate(er (elo%ity lo$ers re%oil eno&gh to s&it yo&r parti%&lar re8&irements. #nless yo& personally really $o&ld prefer Gmm or .K0-0V! as = $o&ld. :E /", sto%ks are some$hat in%lined to$ard %ra%king! ne$er syntheti% sto%ks are fine. The problem of e+treme h&midity s$elling sto%ks! sometimes to the point of binding the a%tion! is also sol(ed by syntheti%s! or by maintaining a good sealed finish. The rear sight is fragile. Meep spare parts Dn&tsJ and espe%ially rear sight pinionE or a spare sight. =nspe%t flash s&ppressor alignment. 'a(e repla%ement gas %ylinder! small springs! and firing pins on hand. 4ometimes the safety or e+tra%tor fails. The gas %ylinder pl&g may shoot loose! and %a&se poor gro&ping or short stroking! if not tightened properly. Che%k yo&r man&al. 'a(ing a spare as $ell might be a good idea. The re%ei(er sho&ld last for more than ,N0!000 ro&nds! and the barrel o&ght to be a%%&rate for "N!000. Ho not pla%e on safe $hen &n%o%ked. Ho not e+%eed the s&stained rate of fire Dmore than K0 ro&nds per min&te o(er a "0 min&te period! for e+ample! or an a(erage of more than "N ro&nds per min&te for more than half an ho&rE! and note that b&llets of more than "G0 grains %an damage the rifle. Barrels $ith rifling of " t&rn in "0 in%hes are best $ith the hea(ier b&llets D"VG-" N gr.E! a%%&ra%y $ise! " in "2 $ith the lighter D",N-"N, gr.E. ":"0 is a %ompromise. For yo& handloaders! the /", has a rep&tation of being a bit hard on brass! b&t not as bad as the >K $ith its fl&ted %hamber. Ho not &se hot loads or hea(y b&llets in the /", &nless yo& $ant to prang the operating rod. 4imia&tomati%s are as a r&le less strong than bolt a%tion rifles. They are more amm&nition sensiti(e. There are $ide (arian%es $ithin ea%h gro&p! b&t as a gro&p this is the %ase. Meep an eye o&t for traps and mines. Hon<t &se the ob(io&s ro&tes. 1ook for anything o&t of pla%e on the gro&nd or in the trees. Fften times! it depends on the light! yo& %an see dist&rbed s&rfa%es! ob(io&s %amo&flage! or bro$ning or dead foliage. 1ook for tilt rods! ele%tri%al $ires! and trip $ires. 4ometimes fishing line is &sed and glo$s or refle%ts in strong light. )t times the shado$ of a rod or $ire is more (isible than the thing itself. Be$are of small mo&nds or depressions! of pat%hed pa(ement! and of path or road $ith %&l(erts &nderneath or pla%es easily allo$ing bore holes from the side. =n &rban areas de(i%es are often in trash or in a garbage bag. #tility and other &ndergro&nd a%%ess is as dangero&s to yo& as is nearby high gro&nd yo& do not %ontrol. ) non-smoker near the point may smell things a smoker might miss. Before entering danger areas it is best if yo& %an make a thoro&gh and slo$ s%an $ith bino%&lars! pl&s $ith a good spotting s%ope if the area is large and possible lines of fire to (isible hills and b&ildings are long. #se the spotting s%ope for a %loser look at things of interest dete%ted $ith the bino%&lars. 4ometimes %olor blind troopers see te+t&res yo& do not. Cooperate! and trade off tasks that re8&ire intense %on%entration. ?hen yo& look at a b&ilding yo& m&st think abo&t $hat yo& are seeing. =s that shape! shine or mo(ement in the shado$s? =s it normal for all $indo$s to be %losed! for all $indo$s to be open? ?hy is that $indo$ open! and $hy are those broken? =f yo& see dark or dis%olored spots ask yo&rself if they are %&rrently %o(ered or open loopholes in the $alls or roof. 4%an $ith lo$ magnifi%ation or $idelensed bino%&lars! or night (ision de(i%es at night. )ll opti%s sho&ld ha(e mil s%ales if possible. B&ilt in lasers or %ompasses are a bon&s. =t is better to loosely g&ide on roads and trails than to a%t&ally $alk on them! and the sho&lders of roads are mined often. =f yo& need to %ross dry sti%ks and lea(es near the enemy yo& need to $alk or %ra$l $hile a%t&ally &sing a hand to %lear a pla%e for ea%h pla%ement of a foot! hand or knee. =f yo& are %on%erned abo&t tra%kers repla%e the lea(es after yo&rself. ) good tra%ker may still noti%e that they ha(e been ;&mbled or that damp &ndersides are e+posed. ?here ha(e all the blondes gone? = mean! they are all o(er the lands%ape b&t it %ame from a bottle. Eh? 'ey3 'as there been some kind of rapt&re? ?here are my people? = feel kinda 6left behind.7 Mno$$attamean? )h $ell. ?attayagonnadoabo&dit?

Co& are mo(ing relati(e to %o(er and %on%ealment! and to bo&ndaries and possible enemy positions. Co& $alk or %ra$l along or in %on%ealment! &sing shado$! and from %o(er to %o(er@ depressions! mo&nds! large trees and logs! ro%ks and anything else that $ill stop some of the b&llets or fragments that may %ome at any time. /o(e &nder o(erhead %o(er $hene(er possible! a$are that trees may fall on yo& or prod&%e a storm of splinters. 1arge fragmentation mines may be h&ng in the bran%hes too! in fa%t. )lso if there is only one nat&ral line of drift along the easier gro&nd or in %o(er the gro&nd $ill be mined. ?hy sho&ld things be easy? Co& e+pe%t to get o&t of life ali(e? 4o. ?hy do people hate to properly %amo&flage so damned m&%h? They do a half$ay de%ent ;ob on the fa%e! b&t lea(e the hands and ne%k bare. They sti%k an e+%essi(e b&n%h of grass on the helmet so that a t&ft mo(es along abo(e %o(er and lea(e the $eapon bare. >oggles are not in &se b&t are on the helmet &n%o(ered to refle%t ba%k any light! also flashlights are left refle%ti(e. >ah3 4o yo& m&st keep an eye on the s&rro&ndings as ne$ things %ome into (ie$. 1ook not only for people b&t for re%ogniAable parts of $eapons and people. Co& keep an eye on the nearest %o(er and may dash to it in an emergen%y! or bet$een one bit of %o(er and the ne+t! b&t mostly yo& try to be &nnoti%ed so yo& %an amb&sh or snipe and try to disappear again if yo& $ere e(er seen by one still li(ing. >ood. 9o$ the thing is! do not look like a tree &nless yo& are in the $oods and mostly stationary. ) tree mo(ing in the open at f&ll speed looks f&nny. ) b&n%h of b&shes in froAen positions on the high$ay looks odd. ?hen there is nothing b&t sand for miles yo& do not %o(er yo&r fighting position $ith stark dark green leaf! light green! bro$n and bla%k netting. Fade into the ba%kgro&nd %olors and patterns are good anypla%e there is a mat%hing ba%kgro&nd. Fakleaf pattern is good only among the oak lea(es. =n the desert the netting sho&ld be sand %olored and te+t&red. =deally it also sho&ld m&te the thermal emissions and s%atter radar energy. =n a perfe%t $orld it $o&ld blend yo& perfe%tly into the thermal ba%kgro&nd $hile doing more than slightly shortening a radar<s a%8&isition range. =t is not a perfe%t $orld. Ea%h s&b&nit sho&ld mo(e as a &nit! keeping proper formation on ea%h leader! b&t m&st be ragged and &ne(en. /aintain inter(al! b&t the inter(al also m&st be &ne(en e(en as yo& keep yo&r distan%e from ea%h other. 5o&ghly N meters bet$een persons is minimal! and "0 or "N is better. Iaried and ragged! and as far apart as yo& %an be $itho&t losing %omm&ni%ation! m&t&al s&pporting fireJ $itho&t losing the ability to do the ;ob. This does not mean indi(id&als follo$ the leaders and small &nits the offi%ers in order to do e+a%tly as they do. Co& do $hate(er $ill effe%ti(ely s&pport $hat yo&r leader is doing! sometimes %hanging yo&r relati(e position and distan%e on yo&r o$n initiati(e. 1arger &nits need not be al$ays %lose eno&gh to share fires. They m&st be in pla%e at the appropriate time to take part in an operation and able to %ome to another &nits aid in time to be of &se. Ho not %ontin&e to reinfor%e a failed a%ti(ity. >et yo&r people o&t of tro&ble $hene(er possible b&t %onsider the fa%t that the best $ay to help a friend is to defeat an enemy. Ho not forget that $alking o(er the middle of a flat se%tion of sand or &p and %ross$ise o(er d&nes lea(es a trail (isible from the air. ?alk along the length! the long lines! of d&nes instead. 4hado$s are important both day and night. =f yo& $alk along the a%t&al tops of d&nes yo& $ill be skylined. )%h! %onsider the m&ltit&dino&s grotes8&ery of the h&man ear. The horror of it all. Meep yo&r ba%kgro&nd in mind! and look at ea%h area and thing as it %omes into (ie$. #p and do$n are dire%tions too. ?hen lea(ing a b&ilding look for tro&ble from inside! and %he%k abo(e and behind as yo& lea(e. Co& look for the shape and te+t&re of soldiers! b&t also for any part of them or their $eapons! in%l&ding shado$s. )re yo& standing at the m&AAle of a %amo&flaged tank? ?hen the shooting starts do not be afraid to promptly p&t a b&llet thro&gh any likely looking shapes! armored (ehi%les are another matter. ?hen a &nit hits the dirt not e(eryone $ill agree abo&t the serio&sness of the enemy fire. =f they $on<t shoot at all they do not belong in a fire team! b&t is mo(ing a good idea? =f people %an no longer see ea%h other they may lie there for >od kno$s ho$ long. Co& may ne(er see an enemy soldier b&t there $ill be plenty of pro;e%tiles snapping abo&t. =f yo& are already being fired on and there is a lot of noise any$ay do sho&t to ea%h other. Ho not get &p and $alk aro&nd telling people to shoot ba%k if the other side<s fire is hea(y! yo& $ill get shot! b&t do try to a(oid ;&st lying there all

day. =t is (ery amate&r! and e(en more so if %o(er is sparse and snipers %an hit body parts at $ill. Mno$ that being %a&ght grenade in hand $hen a 8&i%k g&nfight is %alled for is a bad thing! and that getting into %lose %ombat $here yo& %an be atta%ked from m&ltiple dire%tions easily res&lts in sit&ations $here yo&r n&mbers and $eapon types la%k both the firepo$er and fire distrib&tion needed to stop the enemy in the short time yo& ha(e to rea%t. =t is often said that team members m&st al$ays look to the leader for hand and arm signals. This is mostly tr&e d&ring a stalk or patrol. 'and signals sho&ld be &sed &p %lose and hands %amo&flaged. 1o&d hissing $hispers are a bad idea. 1et o&t most of a breath before yo& $hisper near an ear. Co& leaders keep in mind that any person seen doing a lot of signaling and pointing is a sniper<s main target. Fn%e the shooting begins a rifleman needs to look aro&nd some! b&t he %an not keep a leader in (ie$ and %o(er his se%tor $ith effe%ti(e fire at the same time. =n fa%t! he $ill not e(en hear sho&ts in some sit&ations. 'a(e se%&rity keep an eye on the sky! flanks and rear. #se a $histle to get attention or to signal important a%tions. #se pyrote%hni%s or other signals as $ell. *ersonal radios %an be a boon if the amo&nt of radio traffi% is %ontrolled for a $hole passel of good reasons. Think safety. 9e(er %ross yo&r mate<s line of fire $itho&t signaling intent and getting %lear permission. =f yo& mo(e ahead of him %lasp his sho&lder as yo& mo(e &p and obser(e that he lo$ers his $eapon for yo&. 5aise or lo$er yo&r $eapon if he is too near yo&r line of fire! if yo& shoot $hen a misstep %o&ld get him shot on too many o%%asions he $ill end &p shot. 9eed = mention that yo& do not point the rifle at yo&r friends! nor at any part of yo&r body? 4afety on &nless in %ombat! finger off the trigger &ntil yo& ha(e something to shoot. =t is $rong to %arry a firearm aro&nd %hildren! %on%ealed or other$ise! and yo& don<t need to ha(e a g&n aro&nd all the time any$ay. :&st lea(e it in the %ar. ?ait! $hat if somebody steals yo&r %ar? The thief $ill m&rder someone! and it $ill be yo&r fa&lt3 'o$ do yo& kno$ $hen = $on<t need my g&n? 4pirit&ality3 For most people al$ays ha(ing a g&n is like al$ays $earing the seat belt. Cool thing is! ha(ing that g&n does not endanger the %hildren! b&t if they see one they $ill be frightened. 5eally? /ost of them ask $hat kind it is and $ant to to&%h it3 =t is amaAing ho$ deeply the 6it<s for the %hildren37 propaganda has s&nk in. =f a thief stole yo&r g&n it $o&ld not be a good thing if he $as a silly kid! a moron! or a m&rdererJ b&t the big reason losing yo&r g&n is bad is be%a&se yo& %an<t &se it any more. The (ast ma;ority of people are not going to m&rder anyone $ith it! in%l&ding the ma;ority of thie(es. )lso! m&rderers are %apable of obtaining their o$n $eapons if they %an<t get yo&rs. ?o$! $hen the day of my death %omes = am going to smile and say! 6?hat a $onderf&l thing it has been.7 /ay = ha(e a glass of $ater? ?ater. = need $ater please. Fh my >od. Fh my >od. ?ater. Fh my >od. *lease. /aster. 1et me e+plain. 1et... /aster. Fi master3 F&%k the shado$ of the noise. ?ith an a+. Co& ha(e the right to $hate(er happens to yo&. Co& $ill respond a%%ording to yo&r nat&re. = $as born in hell! so =<m gonna go to hea(en. 4t&pid! st&pid... = $as born...born st&pid. ?hat is yo&r e+%&se? 1et me e+plain... Co& need to learn to shoot from either sho&lder. Co& $ill ne(er be as good $ith yo&r $eak side! b&t being good eno&gh to get hits at moderate ranges $ill allo$ yo& to greatly impro(e yo&r &se of %o(er if yo& m&st shoot aro&nd something! and from the $rong sideJ or lea(e yo&r hands in pla%e and simply p&t the b&tt on the other sho&lder &sing the other eye. 1ying on the side! for a roll o&t! or to shoot thro&gh a narro$ gap at %lose range. Cant the rifle at (ery short range only and to keep yo&rself behind %o(er. *rone! sniper<s! lo$ and high! s&pported and &ns&pported. ) body angle of ,N degrees &sed to be standard! K0 degrees is %ommon no$. The prone position &sed to be an e+a%t and highly reg&lated thing. 9o$ it is &nderstood that the person and %ir%&mstan%es (ary. ) stable and %omfortable position is $hat is important! and nobody has 8&ite the same body as another. #se the bones of the body for s&pport. Ho not tense &p! &se m&s%les only to the e+tent needed. ) nat&ral point of aim is more stable. This means yo& need to take a position aligned %orre%tly in relation to the target $hen yo& %an. Ho sl&mp lo$ o(er yo&r s&pports if the field of fire allo$s. To make ma;or %hanges in aim &se the feet and legs to shift the $hole body. /any $ho %an shoot into a " in%h b&llseye at "00 meters from the prone $ill shoot into K in%hes $hen shooting offhand Dfrom a standing position.E Fnly a (ery a%%&rate or an a%%&rate rifle $ill allo$

this! most h&nting rifles $ill not gro&p better than ;&st &nder 2 in%hes at "00 yards. This (aries $ith the indi(id&al $eapon and the brand! et%.! of the amm&nition &sed. The )M is likely to gro&p no better than V in%hes $ith military amm&nition. D=t is ina%%&rate! the tra;e%tory is not (ery flat! the sights not (ery good. The %ontrols are poor! the %hange le(er %l&msy and on the $rong side! and it sets &p a pe%&liar side$ays $obble $hen fired rapidly. Fn the pl&s side it is (ery reliable! and reasonably po$erf&l. =t is a%%&rate eno&gh at the &s&al assa&lt rifle ranges.E The 'a$kins! any position &sing the fist holding the front s$ing s$i(el as a s&pport. The s&pine! (ariations in%l&ding the CreedmoreJ lie on yo&r ba%k! hold yo&r head &p $ith one hand $ith elbo$ on the gro&nd! %ross the legs and rest the foresto%k on a leg. 4itting $ith elbo$s s&pported on the legs! not bone to bone! and legs %rossed or spread $ide as lo%ation and %omfort indi%ate! or sitting ba%k on the heels from a do&ble kneeling position. Mneeling on both knees! or on the rear knee $hile s&pporting an elbo$ on the for$ard leg. 9ormally the for$ard leg is as horiAontal as possible! b&t stret%h the leg o&t and sit ba%k to$ard the other heel to go as lo$ as yo& need and %an. Before going into the kneeling position t&rn ,N degrees a$ay from the target dire%tion. Then go do$n on the knee that is behind yo& as yo& look at the target and sit ba%k on the heel. *la%e the s&pporting elbo$ for$ard of the for$ard knee! $ith the shooting side elbo$ horiAontal or a little higher. The sniper kneeling position is not the same as the standard one! $hen not &sing the sling. The s&pporting hand is pla%ed on the shooting forearm instead of the foresto%k of the rifle. 1ean the free sho&lder into a tree or something for more s&pport. 4&pport need not be &nder yo&r hand or rifle. =t %an be to the side or e(en abo(e. =f yo& %an lean body! arm or hand into it or grasp it it may be of &se. 4hooting o(er the top of a barrier is to be a(oided. =f yo& m&st do this %he%k yo&r ba%kgro&nd! it is bad if the sky is yo&r ba%kdrop. =f it is pla%e something behind yo& that is a mat%h for yo&r &niform. *la%e sandbags randomly in (ario&s %onfig&rations along the top of the barrier and any other materials that $ill break &p the line of it and lea(e loopholes and gaps. )t yo&r shooting positionDsE &se sandbags both for prote%tion and as a s&pport for yo&r rifle! make a dent in the bag for yo&r hand or the sto%k to fit into. =t is not good if yo&r $eapon protr&des beyond the barrier! make %hanges as soon as yo& %an. )nother method is to pla%e forearm or heel of palm into the side of a barrier! and &se a (ee made of the $eb of the th&mb &nder the sto%k ;&st in front of the sandbag or other padding yo& ha(e the rifle resting on. E(eryone = lo(e is dead or not yet born. 5emember that any position $here both elbo$s are s&pported is the most stable! and that $hen the elbo$ &nder the rifle is on a s&pport the shooting position m&st be ad;&sted so that a line from sho&lder to s&pport points at the target. =f %o(er $as good! yo& had the time! and yo& %o&ld see the target from it the lo$est prone s&pported position $o&ld al$ays be &sed. 48&atting! this is a fast $ay to get smaller! b&t re8&ires good balan%e. =f yo& are on a steep slope and m&st fire do$n hill do not stand there $a(ering and shooting. Hig yo&r feet in if pra%ti%able! s8&at or sit ba%k on the heels! and pla%e yo&r elbo$s do$n in front of the knees! and then make yo&rself (ery small and shoot a%%&rately. 4tanding! offhand and %lose %ombat: 4tanding means yo& t&rn the body $ith the firing sho&lder and trailing foot ba%k and the leading foot oriented more to$ard the target. The elbo$ dire%tly &nder the rifle is ba%k against the hip or side $ith he hand &nder the foresto%k fingers for$ard. The other elbo$ is raised to the horiAontal and the $eight of the body shifted ba%k to balan%e the $eight of the $eapon. This is fairly stable if yo& ha(e good breath %ontrol and the p&lse is not transmitted thro&gh the arm pressed to the %hest. Fffhand is &s&ally not s8&are $ith the target either. 1egs spread and firing side foot ba%k! hand on the forend more for$ard on the sto%k and fingers to the side! and elbo$s one do$n dire%tly &nder the rifle and the other lifted o&t to the side. Close %ombat shooting! 8&i%k and rapid fire at %lose range and as yo& mo(e thro&gh doors and the like means yo& fa%e targets more dire%tly! espe%ially if yo& ha(e armor! and keep both elbo$s t&%ked in rather. =t is still a good idea to mo(e to the side or a diagonal to get to %o(er! &sing lead step and follo$ &p slide if ne%essary. Bend the knees and %ro&%h! b&t not too lo$ &nless yo& are trying to $addle behind lo$ %o(er in $hi%h e(ent yo& may

$ant to $alk on yo&r kneesJ elbo$ and knee pads are good. >lide the feet along &sing the fle+ing of the knees to red&%e ;olting to the rifle. Blessed are the pea%emakers! for they shall be torn apart by the rabid dogs of both pa%ks! b&t for the Colts. Meep %o(er and %on%ealment in mind at all times! do not h&g yo&r %o(er b&t get %lose eno&gh that it blo%ks yo& off from enemy positions in%l&ding those abo(e yo&. Meep in mind the need for %on%ealment from thermal sights as $ell as &naided (ision! and that glass is poor %o(er and a se%ondary fragmentation haAard tho&gh it $ill defle%t some pro;e%tiles! b&t also that glass is good thermal %amo&flage. )l$ays deep shado$ is the best pla%e for yo&. Fften it is best for yo&r mate to %o(er the se%tor abo(e yo& or to yo&r front and for yo& to do the same for him. Thermal sights o(erhead? That shallo$ dit%h may not %&t it. /o(ement attra%ts attention. /o(ement attra%ts attention3 B&t f&ll e+pos&re %an be ;&st as bad at times. =f yo&r e+pos&re is minimal yo&r %han%es of s&r(i(al impro(e. E+pose yo&rself to (ie$ for a fe$ se%onds only! or disappear before the enemy $eapon %an a%%&rately engage. Ho not keep popping &p at the same position espe%ially if yo& are doing it $ith predi%table timing. Ho not h&g yo&r %o(er! e(en tho&gh it is 8&ite possible to be so far ba%k from it that yo& e+pose yo&rself to shots from abo(e or aro&nd it. Meeping fairly %lose to $alls gi(es yo& some prote%tion from $indo$s abo(e yo& as $ell. 'o$e(er! if yo& press yo&rself against yo&r primary %o(er yo& red&%e yo&r o$n sit&ational a$areness and in%rease yo&r e+pos&re to e+plosi(e m&nitions and high penetration ro&nds. 4teel resists sho%k $a(es better than earth! b&t if yo& are pressed against it the effe%t on yo&r body %an be dire e(en if no penetration o%%&rs. =f yo& $ere to p&t m&d or petrole&m ;elly on it and really press yo&rself tightly skin to steel sho%k transferen%e $o&ld be ma+imiAed. 4ometimes too steel $ill fle+ and metal $ill spall from the inside s&rfa%e Dmore a%%&rately spalls $ill break off the inside s&rfa%eE. /ore pra%ti%ally %onsider the fa%t that the %loser yo& are to a %on%rete $all $hen it fails the more likely that any blast %oming thro&gh $o&ld kill yo& and that %on%rete %h&nks blasted from the $all by a pro;e%tile or e+plosion $o&ld hit yo& in large n&mbers and $ith deeper penetration. Ces! if yo& are not near the pla%e a pro;e%tile passes thro&gh staying ba%k may get yo& hit by debris that $o&ld other$ise ha(e missed! b&t $alls %ome do$n and e+plosi(es are %ommon! so ;&st make yo&rself smallJ be prone if yo& %an be. Ho not forget that defle%ted pro;e%tiles often follo$ along a $all. ?ear the helmet and (est! and $ear the ballisti% goggles. Be a$are that more $eapons De+plosi(e m&nitionsE e(ery day b&rst after passing thro&gh barriers! and prod&%e a dense pattern of high (elo%ity fragments inside a room. /inim&m e+pos&re and fortified fighting positions in &ne+pe%ted pla%es! and %amo&flaged in fa%t! are as important inside b&ildings as they are o&tside. =n%l&de o(erhead %o(er and %o(er behind yo&. *lease do not shoot $ith the m&AAle of yo&r $eapon e+tended for$ard of %on%ealment. Ho not shoot $here yo& prod&%e a large p&ff of dirt and lea(es! or sand. = find it 8&ite annoying. ?et the gro&nd or &se a pie%e of $ood or hea(y tarpa&lin. 'o$e(er! the m&AAle blast of some $eapons $ill simply shred things like yo&r pon%ho. 4tay $ell ba%k inside a room. 'asty Dgrape(ineE sling is perhaps "-K as effe%ti(e as the deliberate DloopE sling! b&t is m&%h faster. =f the loop is not $ell &p on the &pper arm! do$n by the elbo$ say! it is no better than the hasty sling. Carrying strap type slings are not shooting slings and %an only be &sed in the hasty sling position. Ho not bother &sing a tight sling $ith the /"V)" and %lones as it $ill fle+ the barrel. The strap needs to be tight on the ba%k of yo&r hand and aro&nd the elbo$! no more. The prone and sitting positions sho&ld be &sed $ith the deliberate sling! &nless shooting from the bipod or sandbag s&pported positions. Take the sling loose from the rear s$i(el and open &p a loop. )d;&st the loop for a sn&g fit aro&nd the &pper arm! and the length of the sling o(erall to make it tight on the ba%k of yo&r hand $hen the elbo$ is &nder the rifle. The final step $ith both the hasty and the loop sling is to p&t the s&pporting hand in abo(e the sling! rotate the $rist to go &nder and ba%k &p so the sling is aro&nd the $rist and the hand ends &p &nder the handg&ard near the for$ard s$i(el $ith the sling against the ba%k of it. The

hasty sling is best $hen shooting offhand standing and from the kneeling position. =f yo& %an do so t&rn and sit on the side of the rear foot $hen kneeling. The only people $ho %are abo&t the sling are old mossy-ba%ked gra(el bellies. Ces indeed! a%%&ra%y %an be impro(ed $hen yo& are sniping and %annot &se the bipod! b&t too tight a sling $ill stress the rifle! and thin barrels may bend Dnot best pra%ti%e to dire%tly atta%h sling to barrel eitherE. 4o say the high speed and 4T5)C. =f yo&r rifle does not shoot $ell get a (ariety of s&itable loads-b&llet types of different brands and try them all. Fne of them $ill be more a%%&rate in that rifle than the others. 4ometimes m&%h more a%%&rate. 5e%oil does not make a $eapon ina%%&rate. Flin%hing be%a&se of blast and re%oil makes yo& ina%%&rate. 4hooting again before yo& ha(e regained %ontrol makes yo& ina%%&rate. Co& ha(e better %ontrol if yo& are lying dire%tly behind the $eapon. This is done $ith hard-ki%king rifles and $ith ma%hine g&ns! b&t %onsider that if yo& lie $ith yo&r body angled K0 degrees to the side behind %o(er this keeps b&llets $ith good penetration from the length of yo&r body! b&t if there is no %o(er to the sides lying inline is safer. C<all belie(e in nat&re! 6letting it go7 and %los&re? >ot ya beatJ %a&se = let it go before = e(er lost it. ?alking thro&gh the old gro$th! gaAing at the trees and the sky. Co(er ;&st ahead! and the artillery %on%entration a min&te or t$o a$ay. = got time to %hill and $at%h the %lo&ds float by. 4hafts of s&nlight bet$een the red$oods. ?alk in the shado$s! man. ChFFoh%hFFoh. 4&personi% b&llets fired do$n a road$ay %reate a r&shing so&nd that tra(els ba%k to yo& as defle%ted from hills and b&ildings. 9earby telephone poles refle%t ba%k miniat&re soni% booms...%ra%k! %ra%k! %ra%k. ?hen yo& hear a s&personi% pro;e%tile pass yo& $ill also hear it re%ede. The enemy is in the other dire%tion. =f a fello$ seems to ha(e been hit do not stand there ga$king $hile trying to (erify this! or looking for the enemy yo& ha(e not seen. Hrop and take %o(er immediately. 4o $hat if yo& end &p looking foolish? =f the %o(er is not s&ffi%ient firepo$er $ill ha(e to do! and if it is not going to do then speed $ill ha(e to be eno&gh. /ane&(er on yo&r leaders as they mane&(er on the enemy ho$e(er! as r&nning %ompletely a$ay from yo&r people is a good idea in only e+treme %ases! and s%attered and alone may itself pro(e fatal. 'ere are some r&le of th&mb methods of estimating the range to a soldier $ho is shooting at yo&. ?hat yo& see in(ol(es the speed of light! at %ombat ranges instantaneo&s for pra%ti%al p&rposes. ?hat yo& hear in(ol(es the speed of so&nd! and the (elo%ity of b&llets as they pass by. =f yo& see the firing of a $eapon this happens first. =f yo& hear a b&llet go by the time bet$een the firing and arri(al of it! related to its (elo%ity! gi(es yo& the range. =f yo& see the firing and then hear the shot! the range is dependent on time inter(al and speed of so&nd. )nd if yo& hear a b&llet pass by and hear the shot fired after this the range is related to the differen%e bet$een the speed of so&nd and the (elo%ity of the b&llet. DCra%kPth&mp. For e+ample! the shot is fired b&t yo& do not see any sign of this. The b&llet snaps by. =t took " se%ond to arri(e b&t yo& do not kno$ this. ) se%ond later yo& hear the bang. There $as " se%ond bet$een hearing the b&llet and hearing the firing of the b&llet. This tells yo& the so&nd trailed the b&llet by K 0 yards. The " se%ond differen%e &s&ally means abo&t V00 yards range. 'alf a se%ond abo&t K00. 9ot easy to make &se of this in the field.E 4o there are t$o standard r&les: FlashPbang and flashP%ra%k. The speed of so&nd (aries $ith atmospheri% %ondition! altit&de for e+ample! and so&nds %an be heard farther $hen it is %ool and damp. 4o&nd a(erages abo&t K 0 yards! """0 feet! per se%ond. Fne (ersion of the range finding flash bang r&le is to %o&nt rapidly $hen yo& see a p&ff of d&st or smoke! or a m&AAle flash and to stop $hen yo& hear the report of the $eapon. The final %o&nt is the estimate of range to $eapon. =f yo& had been making K %o&nts per se%ond and had ended $ith K the range $o&ld be K 0 yards! b&t sin%e the goal of this is to ha(e ea%h n&mber e8&al "00 yards! =. E. a %o&nt of three means K00 yards! yo& m&st %o&nt fasterJ a %o&nt of almost , per se%ond! K. in fa%t. This makes this method a poor one &nless yo& %an pra%ti%e yo&r %o&nt at kno$n ranges and learn the proper %aden%e.

FlashPbang. KN0 meters for ea%h se%ond. K se%onds e8&als "000 meters. N se%onds indi%ates a mile. FlashP%ra%k. Co& see the flash or blast. Co& hear the b&llet pass or see it impa%t nearby. =f the b&llet took " se%ond to arri(e and tra(els V00 yards in " se%ond the range is V00 yards. =f the b&llet $o&ld tra(el "000 yards in 2 se%onds! and the time inter(al $as 2 se%onds then "000 yards is the range. To fine-t&ne this &se a stop$at%h and ballisti% %hart data for the enemy rifle listing b&llet time of flight to the (ario&s distan%es. Taking the range. >et the range &sing >*4 and map and %ompass. #se o(erlays. The a%%&ra%y of maps is not al$ays good! b&t yo& %an also get bearings! aAim&ths! from them. Co& %an estimate the range based on the appearan%e of things. )t ,00 yards yo& %an dete%t the mo(ement of arms and legs. )t V00 yards yo& %an make o&t separate files $ithin a line of s8&ads! and at "000 yards a skirmish line tends to look like a solid line. 'o$ small do people look! or other things yo& are familiar $ith? 'o$ many "00m lengths re%eding into the distan%e $o&ld fit in bet$een yo& and that target? ?hen yo& do this take yo&r partners estimate and add it to yo&r o$n! then di(ide it by 2. =f yo& think the distan%e is + meters a$ay! b&t maybe a bit more! go $ith the longer range. 4&%h estimates are "0 to "NL off! as a r&le! more so if the air is (ery %lear or smoggy! yo& are looking do$n into a gorge! or &p at a peak! et%.. This per%entage of error at K00m may pla%e the b&llet K in%hes high or lo$. Things abo(e yo& seem farther a$ay! things belo$ or on the other side of a gorge seem %loser. =t is not &n&s&al for yo&r estimate to be "., times the a%t&al distan%e! for e+ample! $hen things are not ni%e! flat! and normal. For better res&lts &se an opti%al rangefinder! or a good laser rangefinder that $ill be %orre%t to $ithin a meter if yo& %an find something to bo&n%e the beam off of. B&i%kly %orre%ting the sight setting for range! or at %lose range a&tomati%ally aiming off to %orre%t the error is important. Co& do not ha(e to li(e $ith a range error. =f yo& %an not see $hat is happening to yo&r b&llets lo$er yo& aim and ha(e a spotter $ith s%ope or bino%&lars tell yo& ho$ far off yo& are. Then set the range on yo&r sight a%%ordingly. Co& ha(e fo&nd the range &sing ranging fire. Ces! a rangefinder is better if yo& ha(e one! b&t there is no reason to both start and end an engagement $ith a bad range estimate $hen yo& do not. There = $as! old /F/@that<s mad old man to the likes of yo&! and = $as saying that s%ien%e $as no demo%ra%y either. "00 reasons a thing $o&ld be grand do not o&t(ote the " reason it %an<t be done that $ay. 4o Bob says = sho&ld get off my d&ff $ith the pontifi%ating and that = bring him to mind of a line in /. C. Beaton<s Heath of an F&tsider. O'amish hated %hange almost as m&%h as he hated $ork.O = %all that r&de. Bell bottoms! shag %&ts and bloody Ogroo(yO are %oming ba%k! for >od<s sake3 = %all that e(en more r&de. )t night yo& $ill be &nable to see $here yo&r b&llets are gong! in the (ast ma;ority of %ases e(en $ith light intensifi%ation de(i%es. Co& %an &se tra%er to get a good idea of the fall of shot! tho&gh tra%er tra;e%tories are not 8&ite the same as for ball! b&t e(en $ith dim tra%er and tra%er that does not ignite &ntil $ell for$ard of yo&r position this gi(es yo&r lo%ation a$ay e(en if yo&r m&AAle flash is small or s%reened by yo&r %on%ealment. Fbser(ation De+plosi(e flashE and in%endiary is good if yo& ha(e it as it flashes on impa%t only. 4moke tra%er may be better for daytime &se. Thermal sights are a (ery good e+%eption to the problem. ) b&llet passing thro&gh or destroying target material as it is destroyed %reates a lot of fri%tion. The hot spot may be (isible for 20 se%onds before it %ompletely fades. The th&mb is a %r&de range finder. F&lly e+tend yo&r arm! it is hoped there is a %orre%t proportion bet$een yo&r arms and fingers! and pla%e yo&r th&mb s&%h that a person<s side seems to to&%h the edge of yo&r th&mb. 1ook at his stride. =f he $ere to O$alk o(er the topO of yo&r th&mb ho$ many steps $o&ld it take? Fne stride needed gi(es a range of N0 yards. =f it $o&ld take K steps! K times N0 gi(es "N0 yards in range. Co& %an make a %hart based on the $idth of the front sight of yo&r rifle %ompared to the apparent $idth of a man at the (ario&s ranges. Co& %an also &se the mil r&le! or do some baseline triang&lation. The mil is .00" radian. ) radian is "G0 degrees th&s 2 radians in a %ir%le! and 2*i radians in a

%ir%le e8&als V.2GK DN .2.V degrees ea%hE! &h h&h! the mil is the milliradian D"000th of a radianE! V2GK in a %ir%le! yep! ro&nded off to V,00 for military &se. 2"V00 /F). ?hate(er. ) small s%ientifi% %al%&lator! or programmable one! is (ery handy here and solar po$er is ideal d&ring the day. This is not (ery helpf&l at night so batteries $ill be needed. =n the old days there $ere slide r&les appropriate for these tasks and no po$er so&r%e $as needed b&t long %al%&lations $ere slo$. ) table of sine (al&es is good for triang&lation. 4in%e one mil is a shift in dire%tion of " yard at "000 yards! " foot at "000 feet! et%! a V foot man D2 yardE at "000 yards $o&ld be 2 mils tall. )t N00 yards " mil $o&ld be half a yard so it $o&ld take , mils to e8&al his height at that range. Co& look at the target &sing a teles%opi% sight! spotting s%ope! or bino%&lars $ith a mil s%ale reti%&le and see ho$ many mil dots! %enter to %enter! tall the target is: if a tall man is , mils tall he is at N00 yards. The form&la is as follo$s: height of target in yards times "000 and di(ided by target height in mils e8&als range in yards. The same %an be done &sing meters or feet b&t yo& m&st &se the same &nit of meas&re thro&gho&t the form&la. )nother e+ample: ) man %loser to N than V feet tall is , mils in heightJ ". DyardsE tall times "000 is " 00 di(ided by , Dheight in mils in the reti%&leE e8&als ,2N yards a$ay. Consider a similar thing. /F) is ;&st o(er an in%h at "00 yards. There is a N< "0O man o&t there. =n in%hes: 0 in%hes tall times KV00 D"00 yards in in%hesE gi(es 2N2!000! di(ided by Dthe n&mber of " /F) %li%ks on the sight to mo(e the %enter of the peep sight from his feet to his topE e8&als KV000 in%hes and %on(erted to yards D a yard is KVOE is "000 yards $hi%h is the range to the man. ?hy are patients %alled patients? Ho%tors o&ght to be %alled $aiters. Co& %an also &se yo&r fingers and hand as a %r&de stadiametri% instr&ment for estimating the mils bet$een ob;e%ts or the height or $idth of ob;e%ts in mils at the range. 'old yo&r hand o&t at arms length and bend the $rist so the palm is fa%ing for$ard in the halt right there position. 5otate the $rist to pla%e the hand side$ays if meas&ring (erti%ally. This prod&%es different res&lts for different people b&t not as m&%h as yo& may e+pe%t sin%e people $ith small hands tend to ha(e short arms. The $idth of the inde+ finger is K0 mils. The first t$o fingers %ombined is 0 mils! and the $idth of the first three fingers %ombined is "00 mils. )ll , fingers $ide is "2N mils. The $idth of ba%k of the fisted hand is "G0 mils! and $hen yo& spread yo&r fingers $ide the distan%e bet$een the tip of little finger and the th&mb tip is K00 mils. This is an appro+imation only. ) right triangle has one right angle. The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle is the hypoten&se. 4ine is the ratio of the opposite side to the hypoten&se. ?hat do $e %are abo&t sine? =t happens that if yo& shoot a bearing to a target ob;e%t and then lay o&t dire%tly to yo&r flank a baseline "00 meters long yo& ha(e %reated a right angle. Co& kno$ the length of the baseline b&t not the range to the target. 'o$e(er! if yo& take another bearing to the target from the other end of the baseline that bearing $ill differ from yo&r first by a %ertain amo&nt. This se%ond bearing $ill not %reate a .0 degree angle! and the differen%e in bearings is yo&r defle%tion. Co& ha(e ;&st %reated the third side of the triangle. =f the defle%tion is K degrees! the angle at the %orner yo& $ere standing in $hen yo& took the se%ond bearing Dat the end of the baselineE $ill be .0 degrees min&s K e8&als G degrees. The %loser the target the smaller the angle of the se%ond bearing! this is predi%tability! or %al%&lability. Changing the angle %hanges the sine! and p&t this relationship into a form&la and yo& %an get the range from it. The method: 1ength of baseline times the sine of the angle at the end of baseline! the prod&%t of this di(ided by the sine of the defle%tion. For e+ample "00 times the sine of G ! di(ided by the sine of K. =t is $ell if yo& %an meas&re the ranges to presele%ted referen%e ob;e%ts before a battle or amb&sh. /ake a list or a range %ard sket%h or map o(erlay. ?arning: laser may a%ti(ate threat sensor on some (ehi%les. Co& may also be able to range (ehi%les $ith some %ommer%ial radar de(i%es. This too may trigger an alert. Then! $hile there are de(i%es for ;oggers! and neat $heeled instr&ments for making s&%h meas&rements! there is the old standby method of pa%ing the distan%e off. 1ong pa%es and tall man is ro&ghly " yard or meter ea%h step. The more pi%ky among &s meas&re their $alking pa%e $ith a tape and %ome &p $ith a %on(ersion fa%tor. "00 pa%es times .., is ., yards anyone? 4et sights for range of referen%e point near the enemy.

?alking to and fro on the earth. Fh yeah. ?ind doping. There are handheld instr&ments for meas&ring $ind (elo%ity. There are both ele%troni% and me%hani%al (ersions of anemometer. >et one! and get or &se a %omp&ter to make a %&stom $ind effe%ts %hart for yo&r $eapon. 4niping and me%hani%al amb&sh are m&%h better in the early stages of rebellion than large s%ale firefights and amb&shes. Be (ery %aref&l abo&t any raiding yo& do. ) f&ll s%ale engagement or battle is insanity. Fight only on the gro&nd yo& %hoose! or to sa(e yo&r life if yo& are %a&ght $hile es%aping. ) &nit is mo(ing in %lose terrain! in a ragged single file. =t stops. ) small &nit trying to hide might enter hea(y %on%ealment and lie in a tight %ir%le $ith ea%h man fa%ing o&t. ) larger one might take &p a defensi(e %ir%le! a %oil or herringbone! or might dig in. B&t for a temporary stop it might be better to lie do$n in pla%e $ith ea%h se%ond man fa%ing to the left! and $ith a&tomati% $eapons at point and tail. This makes it easy to shoot to either side ne%essary $itho&t risk of shooting yo&r o$n in the ba%k. ) $ind storm %an make long range sniping impossible. =f possible shoot bet$een the g&sts if the $ind is (ariable. This is (ery helpf&l $hen yo& are shooting from a standing position. Co& $ill s$ay in the $ind. =t also shortens the time a b&llet is e+posed to the $ind. Co& %an get ballisti%s tables sho$ing the effe%ts of %ross$inds of spe%ifi% speeds in /*' and at the (ario&s ranges for the amm&nition yo& are &sing. Co& %an memoriAe some of this! or %reate a field data %ard! and ballisti%s soft$are $ill %al%&late spe%ifi% %ases for yo&. 'o$e(er! in the field there are t$o things that yo& $ill &se the most. They are the e+perien%e yo& gain from lots of shooting &nder a $ide (ariety of %onditions and $ind doping r&les of th&mb. #se an ele%troni% meter! failing that &se the appearan%e of $ind effe%ts and the angle of heat mirage! %loth flags! rising smoke and dropping paper to estimate $ind speed and dire%tion. ?inds of &nder K /*' are hard to feel! b&t $ill drift smokeJ at abo&t N /*' yo& %an feel $ind on the fa%eJ lea(es $ill stay in %onstant motion in $inds of N-G /*'J d&st and paper $ill be blo$n aro&nd in "0 /*' $inds! and a "2-"N /*' $ind $ill make small trees s$ay. =f yo& look at a target $ith the spotting s%ope and then ba%k off on the fo%&s yo& may see the rising heat $a(es! mirage. Co& might also be able to see the s$irl! the dist&rbed path the b&llet trails behind itself. 1ook at the flag flying! smoke rising! or drop a pie%e of paper from sho&lder height. 9o$ estimate in degrees ho$ m&%h the $ind has or is mo(ing the ob;e%t from its normal attit&de. =n the %ase of the paper point at its resting pla%e and estimate the angle from yo&r foot to finger. 9o$ di(ide that angle by , and the res&lt is ro&ghly the $ind speed in /*'. #se a %igarette lighter and $at%h the flame to get an idea of $ind dire%tion and speed. Ho not do this at night. The flame $ill be (isible a mile a$ay. The &s&al thing is to gi(e %ross$inds f&ll effe%t in yo&r %al%&lation! 8&artering $ind half (al&eJ b&t in fa%t some so-%alled 8&artering $inds ha(e as m&%h as G0L of the f&ll effe%t. ) "0 /*' $ind does ha(e t$i%e the effe%t of a N /*' $ind. Fne short%&t to ad;&sting the sight for the effe%ti(e %ross$ind is to m&ltiply the range D" for ea%h "00mE by the $ind D/*'E and di(ide by "N. The res&lt is the n&mber of " /F) %li%ks to apply into the $ind on the rear sight. Th&s if the range is N00 meters and the effe%ti(e %ross$ind is e8&i(alent to N /*' from the rightJ N times N a 2N. 2N di(ided by "N gi(es ". Db2E %li%ks right $indage. =f yo&r sight &ses "-2 /F) $indage %li%ks m&ltiply the re8&ired n&mber by 2. Fther$ise get range and $ind speed and &se ballisti% %harts or memory to get drift at that range! and then fig&re o&t ho$ many %li%ks into the $ind are needed at that range. For e+ample if the $ind $ill mo(e b&llet impa%t at V00 meters right "2 in%hes yo& need left $indage of G times "-, /F) %li%ks be%a&se " /F) is ro&ghly V in%hes at V00 meters! 2 /F) "2O! and "-, /F) %li%ks are , times smaller. ?hen yo& shoot at a ranged target that is %learly not at yo&r ele(ation yo&r b&llets $ill hit high or not at all. /&ltiplying the range by . is a %ommon r&le of th&mb to %orre%t for this! by .. is %loser to a%%&rate at aro&nd K0 degrees &p or do$n slope. =f yo& $ant to get it right get a slope dope %hart and an in%linometer or similar instr&ment. 4ome %ompasses ha(e a s%ale for ele(ation as $ell! ;&st as some

$ill gi(e yo& aAim&th in mils as $ell as degrees. 4o for ro&gh %ompensation for both &p and do$n slope shooting: get range to target and if shooting at abo&t K0 degrees m&ltiply the range by .. and set sights to the ne$ range. =f shooting at abo&t a ,N degree angle m&ltiply by . . =s this a slant range iss&e? =t is a slant iss&e! not a slant range iss&e. The b&llet dropped &nder gra(itational for%e $hi%h $orks dire%tly do$n$ards. =f the b&llet is fired for$ards and drops N in%hes before impa%t it is a hit if the range setting on the sight is %orre%t! if &p$ards and it drops N in%hes it goes high be%a&se the drop $as straight do$n b&t the dire%tion of fire is angled &p. =magine a long pole $ith a N in%h long string dangling off the end. The pole is the line of depart&re and the string represents the total drop e+pe%ted belo$ this. Co& set yo&r sights to %ompensate for that drop. 9o$ remember that the b&llet is mo(ing for$ard! and tilt the pole &p to a high angle. 4ee ho$ the end of the string gets %loser to the pole all the $ay &p? This is not as m&%h drop relati(e to the line of sight as yo& planned for. Co& m&st %ome do$n the %li%ks needed to %ompensate for ho$ m&%h yo& o(ershoot the mark! or set the sight for the! shorter! range that gi(es yo& the same effe%t. /&ltiply the a%t&al range! line of sight range! by .. if the angle is abo&t K0 degrees and by . if abo&t ,N degrees! and set the sight for the shorter range. =f yo& shoot straight &p gra(ity is still $orking on the b&llet to its f&ll effe%t! and gra(ity and air resistan%e %ontrol ho$ far &p it $ill go D 000 to " 000 feet is %ommon depending on %aliber and loadE! b&t $hile $ind $ill p&sh it to the side there $ill be no gra(ity ind&%ed drop a$ay from the line of sight. DB&t if yo& are &sing sights still set for K00 yards! not set parallel $ith the bore! yo& $on<t be shooting straight &p.E =t $ill %ommonly %ome ba%k do$n base first and hit hard eno&gh to dent $ood. )t say! K00-,00 F*4. )n e+ample b&llet might go &p .000 feet in "G se%onds and ba%k do$n in K". D'at%her<s 9otebook.E Co& %an %al%&late a %ompensating range: 1ine of sight distan%e times %osine of firing angle. Co& %an %al%&late ho$ high yo& $ill hit! so yo& %an %ome do$n the right n&mber of %li%ks to %ompensate for the in%hes at that range. This tells yo& ho$ high yo& $ill hit! not ho$ many %li%ks to %ome do$n. = don<t &se this one so = hope my notes $ere a%%&rate: 1ine of sight range times the res&lt of s&btra%ting the %osine of the firing angle from ".0. DCosine is the ratio of the ad;a%ent side to the hypoten&se.E ?ith indire%t fire! $hether ma%hine g&n or mortar! yo& take the range by map or ele%troni% na(igation de(i%e D>*4 de(i%es %an be tra%ked! nongo(ernmental de(i%es %an be gi(en ina%%&rate dataE! and altit&de the same $ay or by handheld altimeter Dagain me%hani%al barometri% or ele%troni%E. This be%a&se yo& m&st fa%tor in a range %hange to %ompensate for the differen%e in height bet$een $eapon and target. This is not the same as ad;&sting for steep angles! it is a matter of aiming a bit higher or lo$er for e(en a N0m differen%e in ele(ations. There is a range differen%e bet$een shooting at the base of a target and at its top. The slant range is longer. There is also a differen%e! ho$e(er! in the effe%t gra(ity has on a pro;e%tile $hen shot at s&%h a slant. = ha(e s&%h %harts! b&t do not ha(e data for ad;&sting for o(erall altit&de effe%ts $hi%h is $hy $e make do $ith Aeroing rifles and ma%hine g&ns ane$ $hen $e arri(e in the mo&ntains! or at a pla%e $ith greatly different temperat&res. This st&ff is silly! right? =n %ombat yo& $ill ne(er ha(e time for all this fl&ff. Tr&e eno&gh! b&t in hit and r&n $arfare (ers&s the big ma%hine sniping m&st be highly a%%&rate and its d&ration short. The first shot really does %o&nt! and then yo& m&st be gone before they %an engage. )ny indi(id&al and lo%al ad(antage is gold. E(ery s&periority an opport&nity! and e(ery $eakness to be prote%ted and hidden. =f yo& do none of these things at least lase the range to the base of the b&ilding instead of to the a%t&al target high &p in it. = dare yo&! do&ble dog dare yo&! ya $imp. 1oser. >otta fit in. Co& ;&st ha(e to shake yo&r head. 4o%ialiAe. *eople ha(e to $ork o&t their pe%king order. Co& %an<t feel %omfortable if yo& don<t kno$ yo&r pla%e. Co& %an<t feel %omfortable &nless yo& &nderstand the %osmi% tr&ths. Co& ;&st gotta belie(e. There is no need to kno$. ?hen prone yo& %an lo$er the m&AAle by sliding the s&pporting hand for$ard! and raise it by sliding it ba%k! also if yo& lea(e the elbo$s in pla%e b&t mo(e the body for$ard a bit the m&AAle $ill

rise! ba%k a little and it $ill fall. ?ith a fist &nder the toe of the b&tt tightening or loosening said fist $ill slightly lo$er or raise the m&AAle. *rimary s&pport o&ght ne(er to %ome from tensing the arm m&s%les! primary dire%tion sho&ld %ontrolled by the fa%ing of yo&r $hole body. Center the eye! s%ope and target on ea%h other. Co& m&st ha(e the f&ll %ir%&lar s%ope image in (ie$! and yo&r bro$ at least 2 or K in%hes ba%k to a(oid being hit d&ring re%oil. *la%e the reti%&le on the pla%e yo& $ant to hit. ?ith iron sights it is (ery important to %enter the top of the front sight e+a%tly in the %enter of the rear sight apert&re. /aintain this alignment as yo& pla%e the top of the front sight post at the base of the spot yo& $ant to hit. ?ith s8&are or (ee not%hed rear sights yo& need to ha(e the tops of the not%h and front sight blade pre%isely e(en! and the same gap (isible on both sides of the front sight inside the rear sight not%h. The only time yo& shoot $ith one eye %losed is if yo& fail to fo%&s on the sights other$ise! ;&st as the only time yo& drop the b&tt from yo&r sho&lder is $hen yo& absol&tely %an<t perform a needed f&n%tion if yo& don<t! or better yet yo& ha(e nothing left to shoot. For more stability yo& stop breathing! refine yo&r aim Dlast fo%&s on front sightE and press the trigger before breathing again. Close range and rapid shooting means yo& a&tomati%ally stop breathing $hene(er yo& need a steadier aim. *re%ision shooting re8&ires that yo& breath in! breath o&t to the nat&ral pa&se! and shoot %aref&lly. 4ome people do better by letting half a breath o&t and holding their breath. ?hi%he(er method yo& &se do not hold a breath for too long or the stress $ill ind&%e tremor. ) shooting position $hi%h transmits (ibration from the %hest or p&lse to the rifle! yo&r heartbeat! %an gi(e yo& a miss on a tr&ly long range and diffi%&lt target. Too bad = am not a %raAy person. = $o&ld $alk the side$alks of the %ity pla%idly minding my o$n b&siness! $earing a holstered pistol and sl&ng rifle. ?hen atta%ked or threatened $ith deadly for%e = $o&ld defend myself $ith s&blime skill &ntil killed by the rabble. )meri%a &sed to be a pla%e! mostly! $here a person %o&ld tra(el $itho&t being e+pe%ted to yield to manhandling and %onfis%ation of $eapons! (al&ables! rights and dignity at any moment and $itho&t resistan%e. 9ot any more. = don<t like it. ?e are a people trained to fight o&rsel(es. ?e are the enemy! and not to be tr&sted. = ;&st lo(e $hen things go all pear shaped. =f yo& flin%h yo& $ill probably hit lo$. =f yo& ha(e to &se the trigger finger past the first ;oint to get a smooth p&ll on a hea(y or ro&gh a%tion be$are of p&lling the m&AAle to the inside. Fo%&s on the front sight as yo& fire! b&t not if the g&y is literally only a fe$ feet or yards a$ay! ;&st point the firearm as if it $ere yo&r finger and shoot. Follo$-thro&gh $hen shooting at mo(ing targets means yo& keep tra%king ahead of it $hile firing the shot and for a time after$ard Ddon<t try to stare at the target and pla%e the sights ahead of it at the same timeE. Co& may ha(e a %o&ple of se%onds to tra%k and fire on a (isible and mo(ing soldier. )t long range it may be hard to ;&dge the lead! e(en if yo& ha(e done some %al%&lations. Co& %an try the allranges r&le of th&mb of aiming and tra%king $ith the trailing top edge of the front sight rather than the top and %enter. E(en a stationary target may take a fe$ steps bet$een the time yo& fire and the b&llet<s arri(al! often res&lting in a %lean miss. .V2 9)TF takes abo&t " se%ond to rea%h V00m and another se%ond to rea%h "000. ) long .N0 %al. shot may take , se%onds. /o(ing targets are a ma;or pain for the &ntrained! and a good sniper $ill miss if his stationary target mo(es in the se%ond or t$o before his b&llet arri(es. /o(ing targets are abo&t t$i%e as hard to hit as stationary ones! are missed t$i%e as often! b&t this is Oa(erage mo(ementO at Oa(erage rangeO &sing an Oa(erage rifleO $hen yo& are an a(erage shooter. This does not a%%&rately predi%t $hat $ill happen $hen a healthy person is doing his best to thro$ off yo&r aim. Co& %an look at time-of-flight ballisti%s %harts and %al%&late target %rossing speeds to find e+a%tly ho$ m&%h to lead a mo(ing target. =f the b&llet $ill arri(e at V00 yards in " se%ond and the target is %rossing at N F*4 yo& need to mo(e yo&r aimpoint along N feet ahead of the g&y! or apply "0 D" /F)E %li%ks of lead and tra%k him %enter of mass. DN feet is V0 in%hes and " /F) abo&t V in%hes at V00m! th&s "0 %li%ks for V0.E #se ballisti%s soft$are. *&t the most &sef&l data on a %ard. There are also basi% r&les for estimating leads. This is no g&arantee the target $ill maintain that speed. Finally! $ith a great deal of range and field firing yo& $ill de(elop a feel for this! and $ill apply press&re to the trigger and follo$ thro&gh to fire the shot $hen the lead feels right! maintaining the lead &ntil after the shot is

off. Times of flight for the #4 military sniper: "00m is ." se%.! 200m .2! K00 is .,! N00m a. ! V00m is .. se%onds! 00m a ".0! G00 ".K! .00m takes ".N se%.! and "000m a ".G. To %al%&late lead in mils m&ltiply time of flight Dse%ondsE by target %rossing speed DF*4E to get lead in feet. Con(ert this res&lt into metersJ and then m&ltiply this by D"000 di(ided by range to target in metersE to get lead in mils. ) %reeping man mo(es abo&t " F*4 to the side! half that if mo(ing at a ,N degree angle to yo&. 4talking 2 F*4! $alking , F*4! $alking 8&i%kly V F*4! r&nning "0 F*4! and sprinting "2 F*4. Fne method for $alking and r&nning targets is as follo$s. ) man $alking a%ross in front of yo& needs little or no lead at short range! and e(en less if his mo(ement is not dire%tly %rossing. )t 200 meters or less aim at leading edge of his %hest. =f he is bet$een 200 and ,00 meters a$ay aim ahead of him by one $idth of his body! beyond ,00 meters aim ahead 2 or K of his body $idths. For the r&nning man lead is appro+imately do&bled. )t 200m or less lead by " body $idth! r&nning at 200-,00m lead by 2 $idths! and beyond ,00m by N or V. =t is a simple matter to p&t in a small (ariable-speed ele%tri% motor and some %able. This %an p&ll a side aspe%t silho&ette target a%ross yo&r shooting range. ?ith m&ltiple assailants at %lose %ombat range 8&i%kly shoot ea%h man on%e and go right ba%k to the beginning to shoot any still standing again! and again if need be. 4hoot the nearest man first! b&t if one has a shotg&n and the other a pistol go for the shotg&nner. )t longer ranges take o&t snipers and ma%hine g&n g&nners! or ro%ket la&n%her operators first. ?hen the sit&ation re8&ires the fasted possible shooting to stay ali(e yo& shoot from yo&r present position and as 8&i%kly as a%%&ra%y allo$s. >i(en more time yo& take a more stable shooting position first! b&t not a position it takes too long to get into! )t all other times &se the lo$est and-or most stable position yo& %an aim at the enemy from. *ani%king or poorly trained troops &s&ally end &p shooting high! or e(en &p into the sky in the dire%tion of people they %an<t see. 5emember that if yo& see a soldier disappear into the b&shes yo& may lose him if yo& look a$ay! e(en if yo& take note of a nearby referen%e ob;e%t. Co& may be able to say! O"0 mils right of the oddly %olored fen%e post!O b&t is better if yo& keep yo&r eyes on the spot and bring yo&r rifle<s sights &p bet$een yo&r eyes and the target. Then shoot &p his position. )nother method if yo& %an<t see a target in yo&r sights is to ha(e another person! perhaps &sing a good spotting s%ope! gi(e yo& an ob(io&s aim point and to aim at this $ith yo&r sights ad;&sted to hit the %orre%t distan%e to the side. 4niper Od&elsO are foolish. 4ometimes &na(oidable b&t &s&ally foolish. The sniper<s ;ob may at times be %o&ntersniping! b&t most of all it is his ;ob to kill high (al&e enemy personnel and to destroy %riti%al e8&ipment at the least possible %ost to his o$n side. 9e(er try to d&el military snipers $hen yo& yo&rself are a r&n-of-the-mill sharpshooter. H&el only $hen the need is great and yo& are a first %lass sniper $ith proper s&pport. ?hen enemy snipers are a great threat to yo&r people it is best to &se a %ombination of passi(e se%&rity meas&res and a%ti(e %o&ntersniper a%ti(ity in%l&ding amb&sh! e+plosi(es and et%.J don<t yo& $ish yo& had a %o&ple of )T>/ la&n%hers and for$ard obser(er ele%troopti%s? ?hen &na(oidably o&t in the %omplete open it is better to keep $alking s! small A! and small $ shaped paths than to stand there! or e(en to lie lo$ $hen snipers may be present. This kind of $alking is also good $hen pra%ti%ing keeping yo&r pistol on target. ?hen yo& shoot from the side of a mo(ing (ehi%le the b&llet is going (ery fast in the dire%tion yo& aimed it! b&t also is mo(ing in the dire%tion yo&r (ehi%le $as mo(ing! and at the same speed at first. This means yo& ha(e to aim behind a stationary target! relati(e to yo&r (ehi%le<s dire%tion of tra(el not the target<s fa%ing! in order to hit it. B&t ho$ far behind it? )re yo& going to %al%&late hold off based on range! time and yo&r (ehi%le speed? ?hat if the target is mo(ing in the same dire%tion yo& are! at the same speed $o&ld help yo& o&t. ?hat if it is mo(ing the other dire%tion at high speed? 5emember this and be prepared to %hange yo&r aim as soon as yo& %an see impa%ts any$here! y<all ha(e any tra%er? The sergeant looked do$n at my hand%&ffed $ife. 'e held her &pper arm firmly as he said! OCo& kno$! Bro$ning! = think =<ll ;&st take yo&r $ife in for this one. *retty little thing! isn<t she?

There<s no need to bother yo& for it.O = %a&ght my $ife<s glan%e. 4he looked a little desperate. The sergeant smiled at me. OCo& right-$ing to&gh g&ys %ra%k me &p. Co& kno$ $hat! b&ddy? Fn%e yo&r $ife is in the system $hate(er happens to her $ill be %ompletely o&tside yo&r %ontrol. ?e $ill %ontrol e(ery breath she takes from no$ on! from the time $e make her get &p to the time $e p&t her to bed.O 'is smile $idened. O?e $ill de%ide $hate(er it is that happens to her! and $here $ill yo& be?O /y $ife<s eyes $ere on my fa%e. They $idened. 4he glan%ed at the agent standing ;&st inside the door! hand on his pistol! and shook her head at me in small b&t emphati% mo(ements. = snat%hed &p my bla%ksmithy hammer and = >5F#9H T'E=5 BF9E4 to make my bread. Hon<t yo& ;&dge me. That is bad and in my ;&dgment yo& are doing it right no$3 = am a (ery $ide b&t shallo$ pond. = fly lo$ and slo$! my man. The trigger p&ll sho&ld not be so light that a b&mp or rapidly %losing the bolt fires the rifle. 1ess than K po&nds is dangero&s e(en for bolt a%tion pre%ision $eapons. =t sho&ld not be so hea(y that yo& ha(e to ;erk it ba%k to fire the rifle. The a(erage /"V), may ha(e a lb. trigger! b&t some of the a%%&riAed rifles $ith mat%h triggers may trip &nder , or N po&nds of press&re. *ressing the trigger o&ght not to mo(e the rifle at all. =t sho&ld be smooth and reasonably %risp in a%tion! no grating or hanging. Ho yo& kno$ $hy people tell yo& to s8&eeAe the trigger? To a%t&ally s8&eeAe it yo& $o&ld ha(e to press the trigger itself bet$een th&mb and forefinger. That $o&ld a%hie(e nothing. Friginally the phrase $as 6lemon s8&eeAe.7 The idea $as that if yo& tightened the trigger finger and the entire rest of yo&r hand aro&nd trigger and grip the for%es $orking from all dire%tions $o&ld be e8&al and the rifle $o&ld not be mo(ed off target. ?hile yo& are firmly pressing the rifle into the sho&lder! and pressing the trigger straight ba%k $ith no part of the finger to&%hing the re%ei(er! yo& do ad;&st the press&re of yo&r grip to oppose mo(ement so there is some tr&th in this idea! and the s&pporting rather than shooting hand %an be &sed to e+ert a slight rear$ard press&re. Ho not p&ll the trigger only far eno&gh ba%k to shoot and do not release it only ;&st eno&gh to stop shooting. *ress it ba%k f&lly and let it go for$ard %ompletely. =t $ill reset and %li%k into pla%e. Ho lea(e yo&r finger in light %onta%t $ith it! ho$e(er. 5emo(ing it %ompletely slo$s yo&r shooting and may res&lt in improper finger pla%ement $hen yo& are shooting rapidly. *&t yo&r finger on the trigger do$n lo$ eno&gh to pre(ent binding! and &s&ally $ith the trigger against the first ;oint. Co& m&st be able to press dire%tly to the rear and $itho&t &nd&e effort $hi%h %an mo(e the rifle. The %ontrolled pressing of the trigger and finger pla%ement (aries $ith the rifle and m&st be learned by e+perien%e. )re yo& firing b&rsts? =t is a matter of timing. ) high %y%li% rate may mean yo& are ne(er able to %onsistently shoot the e+a%t same n&mber of ro&nds ea%h time. )n o%%asional , instead of K is no big deal. E+treme rates of fire re8&ire me%hani%al b&rst %ontrol. The others do not and gi(e yo& fle+ibility. *ra%ti%e &ntil yo& get it right. Ho not allo$ anything &nne%essary to %onta%t the rifle $hile shooting! not e(en yo&r o$n forearm. 1et nothing %onta%t the magaAine if at all possible. *arti%&larly ne(er let anything to&%h the barrel! not e(en soft materials s&%h as a rolled-&p ;a%ket. That is for &nder the forend as a b&ffer bet$een it and a hard s&rfa%e $hen yo& are not &sing yo&r hand for that p&rpose. =f that s&rfa%e is going to %&t or abrade the hand $ear a glo(e. 9ote that radar s%attering or absorbing material! thermal %amo&flage! or the like $rapped aro&nd the barrel $ill %hange the point of impa%t of b&llets and may do so in an in%onsistent manner. This sort of thing is less than ideal b&t may be ne%essary. 4hooting a rifle $ith fairly hea(y re%oil is f&n. The boom! m&AAle blast and ;&mp! and the ni%e solid th&mp or sho(e to the sho&lderJ ;&st a to&%h and the rifle is ali(e. This is like getting slammed ba%k into yo&r seat by a%%eleration $hen yo& ro%ket off in a sports %ar. =t is like the final b&rst of speed $hen yo& $in a horse ra%e. H&de! shooting is for men $hat riding $ith his head o&t the %ar $indo$ is for a grinning dog. There is no need for trigger snat%hing! flin%hing or b&%king! or any eye %losing. Meep yo&r eyes on the target! to&%h the shot off! and ride it like it $as the gale for%e $ind in yo&r teeth. Meep looking to see if yo& %an obser(e b&llet impa%t@yo& %an e+%ept for fairly short-range! b&t not the (ery short range! shots $here the impa%t o%%&rs $hile the m&AAle is in the $ay. *re%ise sight alignment is a key to a%%&rate shooting! more so than the pre%ise aim point.

=f yo& e(er e+perien%e a slam fire yo& $ill be damn happy yo& pra%ti%e m&AAle %ontrol. E+treme fo&ling or broken parts! or the %ombination of a rifle design and amm&nition 8&ality %a&se a shot to be fired $hen the bolt slams home. 5are! b&t dis%on%erting. Tr&ly po$erf&l e+press and magn&m rifles are another matter. 4ome re%oil hea(ily eno&gh to br&ise the sho&lder! and to br&ise bone! or break it if the %ollar bone! $hen the b&tt is improperly pla%ed. The prone position %an be painf&l. Co& sho&ld fire no rifle $ith yo&r eye too %lose to a s%ope b&t some of these re8&ire %aref&l %heek pla%ement and not being too %lose to the re%ei(er. Ho not shoot from the sho&lder $hen the b&tt is not firmly in the sho&lder po%ket at any time d&e to poor handling and a%%&ra%y iss&es b&t $ith these big-bore rifles %are may be needed to red&%e in;&ry. 4ometimes shooting too many ro&nds res&lts in a heada%he! not a good sign! and rare %ases of deta%hed retina in an eye ha(e been s&spe%ted. This normally is not an iss&e $ith rifles in .N0 B/> %aliber as they &se re%oil brakes on the m&AAle. This! ho$e(er! tends to ki%k &p sti%ks and lea(es and defle%ts gases to$ard the shooter so do&ble hearing prote%tion and shooting or ballisti% glasses Dor gogglesE are re%ommended. 5e%oil re%o(ery is faster if yo& are dire%tly behind the rifle! b&t lying at ,N degrees is less painf&l $ith magn&m rifles. /&AAle blast %an be dangero&s. ) friend on%e sa$ a g&y preparing to shoot standing right ne+t to his o$n %ar and $arned him that the blast %o&ld blo$ o&t a $indo$. The man said! 6yeah! right!7 took his shot! and promptly ble$ o&t his dri(er-side $indo$. 5ed fa%e time. =nside a room a rifle shot %an mo(e all the %&rtains and blo$ o&t any %andles or lamps. Follo$ thro&gh after ea%h shot fired $ith the rifle. =t is possible to miss be%a&se yo& ha(e beg&n to mo(e as yo& press the trigger! the $eapon mo(es a bit before the b&llet e+its the bore. 'old the trigger ba%k and make no (ol&ntary %hanges in yo&r position &ntil the shot is off and the rifle begins %oming do$n from re%oil. The pro%ess %an be shortened d&ring rapid fire at %lose range. There $ill be $eapons as long as there are %riminals! h&nters! and $ild animals. They are safer than many re%reational a%ti(ities $hen not mis&sed. =f yo& %o&ld end (iolen%e then $hy 6ban7 them if nobody mis&sed them any longer? =f yo& %an<t end (iolen%e $hy harass the defenders? ?e g&n n&ts $o&ld be perfe%tly happy %olle%ting and target shooting! st&dying military history and playing $ar games. ?e do not need %rime and $ar. Tyrants and th&gs need %rime and $ar. Ho a speed D%ombatE reload $hen the magaAine is empty. Take %o(er $hene(er possible. Co& sho&ld be able to drop the empty magaAine $hile bringing &p the reload! and insert the ne$ magaAine f&lly $itho&t looking do$n at the pro%ed&re. )t any time d&ring a firefight there may be a pa&se in the a%tion. H&ring these times take the opport&nity to do a ta%ti%al reload if yo& kno$ yo&r rifle has fe$ ro&nds remaining. *&t the e;e%ted magaAine in a po%ket for later &se. Ho not do this d&ring speed reloads in the fa%e of the enemy! b&t do pi%k &p and sto$ empty magaAines before yo& lea(e the lo%ation if yo& %an. 4ome te%hni8&es for firing aro&nd %o(er: lie do$n behind %o(er! sho&lder the rifle! and roll o&t ;&st eno&gh to shoot before rolling ba%kJ another method in(ol(es standing behind %o(er and leaning o&t ;&st eno&gh to e+pose the $eapon! keeping the lo$er body behind the %o(er at all times. =f yo& fire rapidly! for e+ample a shot e(ery se%ond or faster for se(eral min&tes a %artridge left in the %hamber may %ook off after a fe$ se%onds. The /", may do this after "N0 ro&nds in 2 min&tes. The %hamber is hot. 1ea(e the m&AAle pointed do$n range for K0 se%onds or more! or immediately e;e%t the %artridge after yo& stop shooting. 1o%k the bolt ba%k and let the $eapon %ool for a$hile if possible. Meep fa%e and hands a$ay from the re%ei(er and magaAine as yo& e;e%t the ro&nd. =f the $eapon fires $ith the bolt &nlo%ked b&t nearly %losed serio&s damage $ill res&lt to the rifle. =f the ro&nd e+plodes in the air only &nprote%ted eyes are at risk. Meep %ommonly needed spare parts and tools on hand. Be prepared. *ra%ti%e the basi%s! minimalisti%! %omplete and %orre%t. 4tart slo$ly! perfe%t yo&r te%hni8&e! and let the speed %ome nat&rally o(er time. =n the end pra%ti%e eno&gh to maintain streamlined! a%%&rate and fast shooting.

Co& $ill ha(e %as&alties. = hope and e+pe%t yo& $ill %a&se %as&alties. Co& ha(e to be prepared! the $hole &nit $ill be killed or %apt&red if a $o&nded man re8&ires e(erybody to stop and try to aid and remo(e him to safety. Take his atta%kers &nder fire. =f he is e+posed and immobile drag him to %o(er if it is reasonable to do so. #sing smoke to s%reen his lo%ation may help. Fne man sho&ld render basi% aid as soon as possible! and the first gro&p to $ithdra$ sho&ld %arry or drag him if they %an. Tarps and a %o&ple of boards or a folding litter-stret%her is handy. Co& may not ha(e time to take a se(erely $o&nded man $ith yo&. )l$ays do so if yo& %an! b&t do not die trying if yo& %an help it. =f yo& %ome into temporary %&stody of $o&nded enemy do not do $hat the poli%e often do to s&spe%ts. They %&ff the g&y and stand there $at%hing him bleed to death as they $ait for medi%s. Co& may be able to to do nothing d&ring the a%tion! and may ha(e fe$ skills or s&pplies! b&t espe%ially if yo& ha(e had to tie him for yo&r safety yo& sho&ld do $hat yo& %an after yo& ha(e taken %are of yo&r o$n. ) press&re bandage or to&rni8&et at least for hea(y bleeding. ?hen yo& ha(e to lea(e yo& %ertainly do not risk yo&r life by staying behind. 'is o$n side is responsible for him after that. Timing is important. Cat%hing an enemy off balan%e! or p&tting him there! is important. Hire%tions and angles relati(e to high gro&nd and other lines of obser(ation! mo(ement! and firesJ and to the enemy<s attention and fire %on%entrations are key. To delay the enemy &se bo&nding o(er$at%h. Fne element mo(es $hile the other keeps the enemy &nder fire. ?hen the mo(ing &nit finds a position to the rear they s$it%h roles. Co& need %o(er for this. 9ote that if yo& %ome &nder fire from one side yo& may ha(e to mo(e the main body &nder fire to %ome online $ith yo&r o$n pinned do$n flank g&ard before ret&rning fire. Co& need %o(er for this too! and don<t ad(an%e into open terrain. 5ant! rant and rant. Feels goood. 4ome things ;&st beg to be dri(en home o(er and o(er again. 'ah. *oppy%o%k! b&t if it pre%ipitates only one a%t of 6rightist7 (iolen%e! it is $orth it3 :;oke: :rolls eyes: 'o$ do yo& mo(e by (ehi%le before and after an operation? Firstly! hiding in plain sight is not dri(ing aro&nd $ith a tra%king de(i%e atta%hed to the &nder%arriage of yo&r (ehi%le. =t is not dri(ing the roads and high$ays $hen yo& are $anted and yo&r asso%iated li%ense plates are being logged and tra%ked by the net$orked plate reading %ameras along the roads. 4ome poli%e %ars re%ord e(ery li%ense plate on the road $ith them. 4ome other (ehi%les ha(e masts $hi%h raise %ameras! other sensors! or $eapons &p high for a better (ie$. 9or is it $hen yo& are not identified b&t are &sing a $anted (ehi%le &nder s&%h %ir%&mstan%es. Meep in mind that some =Hs and %reditPdebit %ards ha(e embedded radio fre8&en%y =H %hips! and that %redit transa%tions are logged. Toll road transponders are a bad a%%essory. )lso that yo&r <phone! internet and %redit ser(i%es %an be %an%eled &nless the a&thorities %hoose to lea(e them on for ea(esdropping and tra%king p&rposes $itho&t alarming yo&. DTelephones may appear to be dis%onne%ted $hile still ser(ing as b&gs and tra%king de(i%es. They are easily temporarily ;ammed by hand-held de(i%es as $ell. *oli%e %an do this from a mile a$ay.E Hri(er<s li%enses and other permissions too are s&b;e%t to %an%ellation. )ll retail firearms sales in the #4 are registered and the data is digitally stored and a(ailable. Hress like the people in the area. )%t the $ay the lo%als are beha(ing. Hri(e a (ehi%le that is nondes%ript! that looks like $hat the ma;ority of others are dri(ing. =f the neighborhood is f&ll of 5olls yo& may need one3 =Hs ha(e to be passable and (ehi%le plates m&st not be attention getting! no o&t of state plates! for e+ample. 4etting aside nonsense abo&t freedom and fighting for yo&r rights! let &s be sensible here. =t is $rong to stand o&t! attra%t possibly hostile attention! so do not dress in a flashy or pro(o%ati(e manner. Ho not talk differently! disagree! be too $hite in a bla%k area or too bla%k in a $hite one. Ho not %arry any $eapons. /ost of yo& $ill not be (iolently atta%ked in any gi(en year anyho$! b&t at times e(en the best %itiAens may ha(e to be sa%rifi%ed. Hid yo& kno$ )meri%a has to$ns in $hi%h " in e(ery ,N people are s&b;e%ted to (iolen%e in any gi(en year? E%onomi%s! $ar! poli%y... Ho not $ear e+pensi(e a%%essories. ?ear neither religio&s nor anti-religio&s symbolism &nless most others are $earing the same ones. Hress like others! dri(e a %ar like the others! and fit in. =t does not matter $hat is legal. =t

does not matter $hat yo& think. Be as asserti(e! and as meek! as the lo%al herd. =f yo& do not do this yo& $ill be detained or arrested for disorderly %ond&%t! brandishing or in%itementJ tho&gh they $ill at times merely for%e yo& o&t of the lo%ality. Enfor%ement does think st&pid is a %rime! and being a pain in their arses is st&pid. Co& ha(e some freedom d&e to any ability yo& may ha(e to mo(e into a pla%e o%%&pied by people $ho are alot like yo&. Co& are free to %hoose to fit in and free to %hoose instead p&nishment. ?hate(er yo& say $ill be &sed against yo&! as $ill $hate(er yo& ref&se to say. Co& ha(e the right to be any$here yo& $ish if yo&r so being there makes money for &s. Hisobedien%e too is %riminal! and the mere e+er%ise of a OrightO ;&stifies Oreasonable s&spi%ionO allo$ing detention and in(estigation! or Oprobable %a&seO and arrest. Fit in and sh&t yo&r f&%king mo&th and a(oid most of this sa(e for ongoing re(en&e generating operations. =t is not $ise to be angry abo&t this. Be happy! that $ill tea%h <em3 4ee! letting people do to yo& as they $ill $ith polite &n%on%ern for self or family makes some of them feel bad. =t is th&s a (ery %le(er $ay to h&rt them! a $eapon $hi%h do&btless sho&ld be banned. 4mart3 Hon<t be a Of&%k the $orldO loser. Hon<t tread on me? 'a. 9o dragon tattoo for yo&3 This being so and poli%e and inspe%tors being p&bli% ser( is not ;&st &nmo$n grass that brings do$n property (al&es. =t is offensi(e or &nattra%ti(e people. Meep that d&mpy-looking person o&t of my neighborhood3 The poli%e sho&ld park &nobtr&si(ely! and take their a&thoriAations for being there to the ser(ant<s entran%e. This they a%t&ally do in some pla%es! for it is a mistake to fail to re%ogniAe s&periors. 4o%iety has $ays to deal $ith people $ho $ill not yield! and it operates differently depending on yo&r stat&s! b&t is a long road beginning $ith mild appli%ations of press&re! permissions! fines or hearings and perhaps years later it ends in a ma+im&m se%&rity prison or hospital! e+e%&tion or a shooting. =t does not matter $ho is right. =t does not matter $hat the la$ is@do yo& think yo& li(e in a nation of la$s and not men? 5emember! being sensible is a >FFH thing. )nd if yo& m&st be Oalternati(e?O 'eh! no problem. *&t on the &niform of the nearest s&%h gro&p and stay $ithin the prote%tion of yo&r o$n kind as yo& talk &ni(ersalism and rainbo$s. =<m ba%k3 Fperating in an en(ironment of o(er$at%hing military or poli%e snipers is (ery dangero&s. >o for the snipers or do not %at%h their attention. =t is almost as dangero&s for go(ernment loyalists and &nder%o(er operati(es there as $ell! be%a&se snipers tend to shoot if they see s&spi%io&s beha(ior or a $eapon! and %oordination is ne(er perfe%t. Cop sees some g&y has a pistol on his belt. Cops p&lls leather and shoots g&y N times. Cop finds o&t g&y is a s&perior offi%er $earing plain%lothes. Ces! = am ;&st $ait<n for the day $hen $hen my %redit %ard and my p&r%hases $ill be read from a distan%e as = head for the shop door. Then a %omp&ter %an tell me $hat to p&t ba%k before = lea(e. 4tate restri%tions! do%tor<s orders and the like. 6Co& bo&ght beer yesterday! 4ir. 5et&rn the beer at on%e. Thank yo& and ha(e a ni%e day37 ?alk o&t any$ay@no problem. 9o %redit $ill be transferred and a $arrant for theft $ill be a&tomati%ally filed. 9ot that anyone $ill a%ti(ely sear%h for yo&. Co&r stat&s $ill be read e(erypla%e yo& go! perhaps yo&r a%%o&nt $ill be froAen %ompletely. Co& $ill be %a&ght e(ent&ally at a random stop or %he%kpoint. Ho not ;&st remo(e the magaAine3 Che%k the %hamber. =f yo& go off road in a (ehi%le $ith a metalli% body and there are fe$ others in the area yo& better hope there are plenty of folds and hills! depressions and trees and the like. =f they really $ant yo& a radar and F1=5 e8&ipped #)I %an take off and be tra%king yo& $ith targetable a%%&ra%y $ithin N to "N min&tes depending on ho$ %lose they $ere to the area. There may be some &tility in %o(ering yo&r (ehi%le $ith tarpa&lins! e(en $ith military %amo nets-radar s%attering and absorbing materials and-or =5 blo%king materials. This $orks best if it is separated from the (ehi%le by an air spa%e b&t it is not easy to tie it do$n o(er spa%ers and ha(e it stay in pla%e $hen yo& are at speed. 4%reen refle%ti(e s&rfa%es and any part heated by the motor most of all. ?heel h&bs get hot also. Be ad(ised that a thermal image %an $ith s&ffi%ient pro%essing of the heat pattern! pattern re%ognition! allo$ yo& to be rea%8&ired e(en after yo& ha(e %ome ba%k into (ie$ in the %ompany of other traffi% off similar model and %olor. Thermal images do not identify persons $ith the

e+%eption of spe%ial de(i%es at (ery %lose range. 4py %ameras? 4atellites are not going to be reading the paperba%k in yo&r hand! or the plates on yo&r %ar! b&t there are airborne and gro&nd %ameras m&%h %loser to yo&. They do not need to $ork thro&gh the entire atmosphere. Try m&d $ith s&gar or glass. =t is not diffi%&lt to &se simple fire$orks mortar-starshell te%hni8&es to b&ild pyrote%hni% dispensers of %haff D(ideo tape shredded to the right dipole siAe! other metaliAed strandsE or =5 s%reening smoke. 'o$e(er! tho&gh some military radars %an be dete%ted by + band poli%e radar dete%tors! this is not al$ays of great &se be%a&se yo& are often already atta%ked before yo& %an fire yo&r de(i%es and b&ild &p a &sef&l s%reen. =n any e(ent yo& m&st be able to dri(e into %o(er $hile still s%reened or yo&r prote%tion is lost after a fe$ min&tes at best. =f yo& $ire this &p to a&tomati%ally fire $hen yo& are hit by ranging or g&idan%e lasers or tra%king radar it may sa(e yo&r life! b&t t&rn it off $hen yo& lea(e the (ehi%le in a hidden position. 4ome fool s%anning the shado$s $ith his laser might dis%o(er it only be%a&se he sees the smoke he pro(oked. = $onder $hat a payload of dry i%e $o&ld do to thermal targeting? Co& m&st rely on terrain masking and %aref&l ro&te planning for the most part. =f yo& %reate a large pl&me of d&st as yo& tra(el yo& %an be dete%ted from miles a$ay. Be a$are that ro&tes s&%h as this tend to follo$ gro&nd $ater might also follo$. ?at%h o&t for flash floods. /ilitary terrain in%l&ding the &rban and land na(igation are important s&b;e%ts. 4o is emergen%y medi%ine. Hon<t forget e+plosi(es3 1ogisti%s is (ery important as $ell. 'o$ are yo& going to keep yo&rself s&pplied in the field Don operations in %o&ntry or %ityE $ith amm&nition! f&el?! and %lean food and $ater Ds&r(i(al! maintenan%e and s&pplyE? 5eliable so&r%es and deli(ery by manpa%k or (ehi%le? *repositioned %a%hes or deli(ery to s&%h sites? 1i(ing off the land? Can yo& limit ea%h operation to no more than N days and blend ba%k into %i(ilian life $hile res&pplying? ?ho %an yo& go to for more ad(an%ed medi%al %are? 'o$ $ill the $o&nded be ro&ted? 9othing e(er $orks properly in $ar! and people are odd &nder stress. =f yo& e+pe%t! for e+ample! s&pplies to %ome to yo& on time and &npilfered yo& $ill be s&rprised. Co& are l&%ky yo&r s&pplier did not ;&st de%ide to t&rn yo& in. Fighters are treated like dogs! yo& kno$! $orking dogs. They are kept $hen &sef&l and disposed of $hen not! $hen killed they are repla%ed. 9ote that nothing $ill sa(e yo& if they are near and too dire%tly o(erhead and yo& are in a (ehi%le! e+%ept for good thi%k o(erhead %o(er. ?hen not &sing a (ehi%le or other ob(io&s e8&ipment al$ays take %o(er o&tside of bomb blast range. 5adio antennas sho&ld be remoted in any %ase. 1arge antennas need %amo&flage and really sho&ld be taken do$n or dis%onne%ted from any radios held in reser(e or not needed d&ring periods of radio silen%e. Fo+holes %an be d&g &nder large bo&lders if there are many in the area. Camo&flage is yo&r god! %hildren. Hispersion yo&r daddy. >oing to gro&nd is yo&r mother. Hrop to knees and smoothly prone &sing the free hand to ease yo&rself do$n. =f yo& do not go to the knees first trying to %ontrol yo&r for$ard motion $ith the b&tt of yo&r rifle %an do yo& an in;&ry. )nother $ay of doing this $hen silen%e is needed is to go %aref&lly do$n on one knee $ith the rifle &nder the arm on the same side! then go for$ard as yo& s&pport yo&rself $ith the free DoppositeE hand and mo(e first the nons&pporting leg and then the other DkneelingE leg to the rear as yo& go flat. Mi%k the legs ba%k if needed and slink into %o(er. E(en &nder a smallish b&sh in the shado$ is better than nothing. Co& do kno$ that &sing radios allo$s any %omp&teriAed radio dire%tion finders in the area to triang&late on yo&r position at on%e! also that %ell <phones are radios that additionally identify themsel(es to the telephone %ompany and %ontain both lo%ation tra%king and b&gging systems? #se %ell&lars that are not registered to yo&! and short range radios! only $hen it is %riti%al to do so and yo&r &se is short and intermittent and yo& mo(e after$ard. This depends on the lo%al enemy %apability sin%e the &nit yo& are raiding may be notified of yo& radio &se only after the raid is already o(er. 1aser %omms %an be (ery effe%ti(e bet$een &nits in (is&al %onta%t $ith ea%h other. 4o %an lo$-po$er dire%tional mi%ro$a(e. /od&lating the o&tp&t of a lo$ po$er laser is easy. Hete%ting the mod&lated beam and %on(erting ba%k into so&nd is not m&%h harder. =t is pleasant if yo& %an &se $hate(er radio

systems yo& ha(e at the radiated po$er le(el needed to rea%h yo&r %omrades and no farther. Co& $ill not be able to program yo&r radios to en%rypt yo&r digitiAed (oi%e and transmit it in a mi+ of the %hara%teristi%s of radio $a(eforms and (aried mod&lation methods and fre8&en%ies! b&t that $o&ld be ideal. Co&r %ell&lar %omm&ni%ations %o&ld be listened to on a slightly modified s%anner if they $ere not digitally en%oded. The go(ernment! %orporations! and hobbyists %an listen in by &sing soft$are to de%ode the standard %ode for yo&r %arrier<s net$ork. =f yo& ha(e a tr&ly en%rypted phone they $ill ha(e to %ra%k yo&r key! $hi%h is slo$ or impossible! depending. Ff %o&rse those $ho &se yo&r digital phone as a b&g merely need the right ha%k or the telephone %ompany<s %ooperation. They %an tra%k yo& &sing the %ell to$ers too! b&t yo&r mobile has >*4 and probably is lea(ing a tra(el plot on net$ork %omp&ters. Ces it is tr&e that a mo(ing target is harder to hit than a stationary one! e(en for g&ided $eapons. B&t! espe%ially at range! not hard eno&gh. 4till! yo& sho&ld ne(er stop in the open &nder fire. Hri(e behind %o(er first if there is any. =f yo& are %rossing in front of a la&n%her only a fe$ h&ndred meters a$ay speed &p as they may be &nable to tra%k. =f there is no %o(er at all dri(e like a mani% AigAag fool and s$ear a lot! or stop and r&n a$ay from yo&r (ehi%le to lie on the gro&nd and hope they $ill lea(e happy on%e they ha(e tor%hed yo&r ride. =f atta%k heli%opters or #)Is $ith a&tomati% $eapons are present they $ill en;oy a t&rkey shoot instead. 4ingle (ehi%les! as yo& %an see! sho&ld not operate alone in the desert. ) loss $ill lea(e yo& $ith a long $alk and little $ater. Co&r load bearing gear needs to be on yo&r person or (ery m&%h at hand. Co& sho&ld al$ays ha(e $ater! amm&nition and a %ompass as a minim&m. =f yo& ha(e been serio&sly short of $ater do not drink as m&%h as yo& %an $hen yo& find $ater. =f yo& ha(e been star(ing start $ith (ery small meals and $ork yo&rself ba%k &p to normal ones or yo& may gi(e yo&rself heart fail&re. Take ad(antage of opport&nities. /o(e in smoke. =f enemy tanks are o&t there in the night &sing thermal sights mo(e along behind any fires and b&rning b&ildings. =f a%t&ally going to fight tanks e(ery &nit of $hate(er siAe has to ha(e antitank $eapons of some kind appropriate to its manpo$er! sensor %apability and means of lo%omotion. =t is the same $ith regard to air%raft. =f there is often fog near a lake at the time of year in 8&estion! or the soil is damp and the temperat&res are right plan to mo(e or amb&sh in fog. ?hat ad(antage %an yo& gain from a %old morning $hen sno$ or hea(y frost is predi%ted to melt later in the day? Co&r prints in the sno$ $ill disappear! b&t $ill any marks left on the gro&nd be smaller than they $o&ld ha(e been if yo& $aited &ntil the ne+t e(ening? /any firearms make a (isible flash at d&sk and all at night. 4ome prod&%e (eritable fireballs. 4ome amm&nition is lo$-flash! none are no flash. This is $hy military rifles &se flash s&ppressors or hiders. The hider is a %one that hides the flash from those (ie$ing from the side! b&t not so m&%h if yo& are o&t in front. The s&ppressor is a m&AAle atta%hment $ith slots in it designed to gi(e the hot gasses e+iting the bore more spa%e to e+pand and %ool and more openings to (ent from. This allo$s &s to a(oid a %on%entrated hot spot. 4ome of these de(i%es are (ery good. 4ome are %ombination flash s&ppressors and m&AAle brakes! b&t none %ompletely eliminate flash. )n assa&lt g&n is a hea(ily armed and armored (ehi%le! &nt&rreted b&t %annon armed! designed primarily for the deli(ery of dire%t fire in s&pport of atta%king infantry. )n assa&lt $eapon is any $eapon meant espe%ially for &se d&ring the final phase of an atta%k. 6)ssa&lt $eapon7 &sed to mean any firearm banned by the federals be%a&se they did not like %ertain kinds of semia&tomati% $eapon. =f the %ongress says red is no$ bla%k! $ell! they make the la$s. 1ook! d&de3 The go(ernment makes the la$s! and yo& are s&pposed to obey la$s. =f yo& don<t like it yo& sho&ld mo(e to another %o&ntry. Hemo%ra%y means any sa%rifi%es imposed on yo& $ere imposed on yo& by yo&. Blame yo&rself. =f yo& are going to %omplain ;&st lea(e! if yo& get a passport! and prior permission for ea%h trip! of %o&rse. ?e<ll steal yo&r laptop Dor the data in itE and any large amo&nt of %ash off yo& as yo& lea(e3 Co& %an<t say = lo(e my %o&ntry b&t hate my go(ernment! %an yo&? 1o(e it or lea(e it baby3 Either r&n for offi%e and %hange things legally or yo& %an<t %omplain $hen a fe$ mistakes are made by a fe$ bad apples! or $e do things illegally. Co& get $hat yo& pay for! &nless %heatedJ and the people ha(e the go(ernment they deser(e. 9e(er rebel against a go(ernment that maintains some order! that $o&ld be like " V or something. 5eally3 )re yo& spe%ial or $hat? = had to be haAed in s%hool! ser(e as a draftee! pay &nion d&es in order to $ork. = had to $alk

miles to s%hool e(ery day. Co& think yo& are better than me? DCes.E =f yo& don<t (ote for a party %andidate yo& %an<t %omplain if they steal yo&r land and b&ild a hotel on it D%o&gh! %o&ghE. E(erything the go(ernment has e(er done $as legal &nless it $as or $ill be o(ert&rned by the %o&rts! they $ill tell yo& so. =t may not be en&merated b&t it m&st be in the &mbra3 9o prophesy is of any pri(ate interpretation. ?hat tenth amendment? =f the design and the style of &se of saddles re8&ired %olorf&l ribbons properly arranged as $ell as m&%h intri%ate tying of knots it $o&ld take a long time to repla%e horses $ith motor (ehi%les. The people in(ol(ed $o&ld be highly skilled. They $o&ld get their prestige and li(elihood from their artistry. This is not abo&t hobbyists and %olle%tors! and artisans! hanging on to the art. *eople $o&ld do e(erything possible to blo%k the general &se of a&tomobiles. This is the $ay the $orld $orks. This is the $ay people $ork. Co& get $hat yo& earn. Co& get $hat yo& deser(e. Ho not make $a(es. Ho not b&%k a&thority. Fit in. 9e(er %a&se tro&ble by resisting the establishment! be%a&se yo& only ha(e the right to do and to be $hate(er yo& ha(e the po$er to do. 5anking persons sho&ld stay $ithin their po$er base sin%e if %a&ght s&ffi%iently o&tn&mbered at any time they sho&ld fit themsel(es into the lo%al reality! and if they fail to do so they deser(e $hat they get. *o$er does not e+ist e(ery$here and e8&ally. =f yo& %an<t master the sit&ation yo& deser(e it $hen it and they master yo&. Fair game. 9o respe%t for a&thority! eh loser? =ntegrity? 'ah. This is the $ay people $ork. This is the $ay the $orld $orks. Co& respe%t those $ho seem to be $hat yo& $ant to be! or think yo& sho&ld beJ &ntil yo& begin to resent them or &ntil yo& realiAe they are mostly fa%e and s&rfa%e. 9e(er help anybody &nless yo& %an gain from it. *eople $ho need help are made to look $eak and $ill resent yo& for making that fa%t e(en more ob(io&s! and on%e yo& are gone the b&llies $ill %ome ba%k for some fa%e sa(ing re(enge. 4&rfa%e and g&tsy a%ts on the part of little men $ho m&st be bra(e in order to gain fa%e and hide %o$ardi%e. 4elf respe%t is $hat men feel $hen they ha(e earned their pla%e! $hen they ha(e played the game! and $hen the people they steal from ha(e pro(en too $eak or st&pid to dominate the dominators instead. *eople like %ontrasting themsel(es $ith others far more than they en;oy the a%t&al (al&e of their o$n %ir%&mstan%esJ not $hat = ha(e! b&t look ho$ m&%h more than they. The people $ho s&pport! or fail to resist! bad go(ernment 6deser(e7 bad go(ernment. Co& e8&ate %a&se and effe%t $ith morality. Co& absol(e pri%ks in go(ernment as a res&lt of fear or yo&r o$n in(ol(ement. 5eally? =f = %an<t stop bad go(ernment = deser(e it? =f = kill Co& it is Co&r o$n fa&lt. Co& sho&ld ha(e been able to defend yo&rself. E(en st&pid people do not deser(e to be ab&sed. ?hat abo&t the dissenters! %hildren and disabled? ?hat do they deser(e? 'ey! lo(e liberty or yo& mo(e to China! assholeJ oops! = mean Fran%e3 *eople get the go(ernment they deser(e ;&st as people &nable or &n$illing to plan food reser(es get the maln&trition they deser(e. Ho yo& $ant to talk abo&t hate? = hate! ')TE! the filthy politi%ians $ho ha(e destroyed my %o&ntry. /y la$s. /y %&lt&re. 4t&dents of hate sho&ld st&dy the p&rity of mine. Co&r freedom ends at %rime. Co&r freedom ends at destroying the Bill of 5ights. Co&r a&thority ends o&tside of the la$. 9ot $hen yo& go beyond yo&r b&llshit orders! r&les! reg&lations and la$sJ b&t $hen yo& operate o&tside The 1a$. 9o$ $e are in la$ of $ar territory! my %lotting dears. B&t $hat is an assa&lt rifle? =t is a short DshorterE and more or less handy rifle $hi%h may or may not be lighter! b&t has less re%oil than a high-po$ered rifle. D) high-po$ered rifle is a rifled! sho&lder-fired small bore Tnot small %aliberU firearm in ro&ghly any %aliber from mm /a&ser T.2G,U to Gmm /a&ser T.K2K.U ?e are talking b&llet diameter here! .K0 #4 D.K0-0V- .V2]VKE and .V2]N" are both .K0G7.E There are t$o basi% s%hools of tho&ght on a%hie(ing this: The lo$er (elo%ity means less re%oil folk! and the tiny b&llet mo(ing faster still prod&%es less re%oil gro&p. The small %aliber gro&p also like being able to %arry more amm&nition. The assa&lt rifle has a large magaAine %apa%ity DK0-,0 ro&nd magaAines! K0 is normati(eE and a sele%tor s$it%h or %hange le(er $hi%h %an be set for a&tomati% or %ontrolled b&rst D&s&ally three ro&ndE fire as $ell as for semia&tomati% fire. The F9 F)1! /", and 'SM >K are not really assa&lt rifles. They are sele%ti(e-fire a&tomati% rifles! or light a&tomati% rifles. )lso they are infantry or battle rifles. ?hy the higher rate of fire! b&t lo$-po$ered! assa&lt rifle? The idea $as that a more po$erf&l repla%ement for the s&bma%hine g&n $o&ld be more s&itable for s&ppression of enemy defenses d&ring an infantry assa&lt and $o&ld be better for %lose amb&shes and fleeting targets! $hile still doing a

%reditable ;ob in tren%hes and %ellars. =t had to &se a less po$erf&l %artridge be%a&se a rifle &sed as an a&tomati% rifle %an be hard to %ontrol. The most po$erf&l assa&lt rifle %artridge is on par $ith the .K0-K0 ?in%hester. )ssa&lt rifles p&t a lot of ro&nds do$n range! are are not parti%&larly a%%&rate! and are not (ery lethal &sing military! f&ll metal ;a%keted! b&llets. This (ery high rate of fire makes things (ery hot. There are some old bolt a%tion rifles $ith a higher tr&e s&stained rate of fire than some assa&lt rifles. ?hat b&llet hoses. 5ight? =f yo& hold the trigger do$n yo&r a(erage assa&lt rifle $ill be o&t of amm&nition in abo&t 2.N se%onds. DK0 ro&nd magaAines are not as large as yo& may think. There are ,0 ro&nders and others as $ell! b&t many of these make the prone position diffi%&lt. /odern battle rifles generally ha(e 20 ro&nd magaAines as .V2mm %artridges $eigh abo&t t$i%e $hat N.NVmm does.E This does yo& little good in most %ombat sit&ations. =t is f&n. Ho the same $ith yo&r semia&tomati% Oassa&lt $eaponO and yo& get one bang and silen%e for as long as yo& keep at it. Ff %o&rse! if yo& keep p&lling and releasing the trigger really fast! really $ork the trigger and to hell $ith aiming! yo& might be able to empty the magaAine of the semia&to in .N se%onds or less. 9either the assa&lt rifle nor its semia&tomati% %hildren make good s&bstit&tes for belt-fed ma%hine g&ns. They do not ha(e the magaAine %apa%ity they need! and o(erheat 8&i%kly. They la%k %omparati(e stability $hen fired at high rates! and long-range a%%&ra%y. *l&s the semia&tos ha(e a slo$ rate of fire and $ear o&t yo&r trigger finger. They are not that good at b&llet hosing. >et a /M,K /od" D/V0E,E ma%hine g&n and p&t o&t ,00-N00 ro&nds per min&te in%l&ding reloading time. DCo& %an keep linking the belts together d&ring firing $ith an assistant. Barrel %hanges are 8&i%k b&t $ill slo$ things do$n $hen they be%ome ne%essary after a fe$ min&tes.E Fn the other hand! gi(en "2 magaAines and fast reloads! yo& %an p&t KV0 ro&nds thro&gh an /"V in one min&te if yo& don<t %are abo&t aiming other than in one general dire%tion and if the rifle does not fail before yo& are finished. This is (ery hard on rifles. 4ome folks %an d&mp , or N shots per se%ond into a nearby Da fe$ yardsE target! for a se%ond or t$o! $ith a pistol. =t is more likely going to be 2 or K per se%ond if more than " target is to be hit. 4al(ation is of the :eee$s. That ;&st means Christianity is the last and greatest phase of :e$ish religion! $hat sa(es all those $ho a%%ept the h&man sa%rifi%e of the Christ on their behalfJ &nless they ba%kslide in belief so far as to deny the 'oly 4pirit! of %o&rse. Ces? = say if sal(ation is of the :e$s $e are in a lot of tro&ble. Fy (ey. The narro$ path? Fe$ F=9H it not fe$ stay on it? The /V0 originally $as a pig! as an aside. =t $as not (ery reliable! the gas pl&g had to be hand$ired in pla%e! and e(ery spare barrel had its o$n bipod. 4t&pid design. The ne$ V0s are good g&ns. 4omething like .0L of the indi(id&al soldier<s b&siness Dreg&lar armyE %an be done $ith a semia&tomati% rifle! and perhaps N0L of it %o&ld be done $ith a bolt a%tion infantry rifle! b&t a&tomati% fire is handy for that last "0L. =t sho&ld be mentioned that yo& %annot $in battles $itho&t ma%hine g&ns and other hea(y $eapons! and artillery and &s&ally tanks and air%raft as $ell. Battles %an<t be $on by riflemen alone. >&errilla $ars %an be $on $itho&t all of those things! ho$e(er! and the early stages re8&ire none of them! b&t snipers and e+plosi(es are needed. ?hen the other side has be%ome disorganiAed! and begins to lose personnel $ho %an see the $riting on the $all! yo& $ill gain both n&mbers and $eaponsJ also f&nds $hi%h %an be &sed to sm&ggle in m&nitions. =f this goes far eno&gh yo& %an then take poorly defended regions and finally engage in battles against re%al%itrant remaining enemy &nits. =t is am&sing to look at the history of the assa&lt rifle in the #4 military. The army has al$ays ref&sed to %all it an assa&lt rifle. They %all the /"V series rifles the #4 5ifle! /"V. =n other $ords! an infantry or general p&rpose military rifle Dbattle rifleE. ?hen first introd&%ed! and the initial /"V $as a (ery &nreliable rifle! the theory $as that aimed fire $as ineffe%ti(e. DThe original military )5"N $as o(errated and amm&nition sensiti(e! the first /"V $as an abortion! fail&re to e;e%t! fail&re to %y%leJ keep a rod at hand for %hamber %learing. E(en the /"V)" $as odd. The sling s$i(els and fragile plasti% handg&ards rattled! b&t %o&ld be taped. E(en the t$o hal(es of the re%ei(er rattled together. )ll rifles are in%lined to freeAe &p if &nl&bri%ated! some more than others! and a properly l&bri%ated bolt is a m&st e(en $hen operating in sand and d&st! b&t the "V blo$s %arbon ba%k into the a%tion and this mi+ed $ith sand and the oil %an %a&se problems. = ha(e seen %&rrent prod&%tion /"Vs %hoke &p e(ery 200 ro&nds or so e(en $hen properly %leaned and l&bri%ated ! and the /, %arbine is $orse. = ha(e also seen /"V)2s in temperate %onditions handle a day of shooting! V00 ro&nds $ith no stoppages.

5eliability is not this good if the a%tion is left dry! b&t spe%ial l&bri%ants %an $ork better in the desert than the &s&al oils and %old $eather l&bes are needed in ar%ti% %onditions.E That is! aimed fire at indi(id&al or point targets $as ineffe%ti(e. 5anges $ere %lose! targets $ere seen briefly or ass&med to be in likely positions! and the (ol&me of fire aimed at area targets $as $hat mattered. *robability of hits based on area and n&mber of b&llets fired per min&te. =t $as also said that small %aliber rifles had the same effe%ti(e range as the infantry rifles they repla%ed D$as this based on point-target a%%&ra%y at all?E! and $ere more lethal d&e to high (elo%ity and more rapid pro;e%tile &pset in the body. /ilitary rifle b&llets do not deform (ery m&%h in flesh! they bend or flatten in or on bone! they t&rn side$ays and t&mble if the target is deep eno&gh and depending on the %hara%teristi%s of the b&llet! b&t some designs both N.NVmm Din%l&ding /GNN ballE and .V2 Dnot /G0 ballE $ill break &p in the body if (elo%ity is still high eno&gh. These are ;a%keted spitAer and boattailed spitAer b&llets! ;a%keted ro&nd nosed b&llets are obsolete in military &se. There is also the spoon-nose b&llet ha(ing a go&ge along one side of the ogi(e. This $o&ld be a terribly ina%%&rate b&llet if not for b&llet rotation and is designed to speed &p b&llet &pset and t&mble. DTh&s! l&bri%ate $ell and keep l&bri%ated! b&t do keep in mind that some $eapons! s&%h as the / . grenade la&n%her! $ill spit oil ba%k in yo&r fa%e if yo& really o(erdo it.E Then it $as de%ided that assa&lt rifles $ere less lethal and thereby more effe%ti(e be%a&se they &sed more enemy reso&r%es in the treatment of the $o&nded. DThis did not thrill soldiers $ho $ere shot by someone they had already shot themsel(es. =n g&errilla %onfli%ts! too! the go(ernment for%es often end &p in %ontrol of the field! and of any badly $o&nded g&errilleros thereon.E This theory $as (ery pop&lar in E&rope! after the hydrostati% sho%k and high-(elo%ity shattering impa%t ideas had lost some gro&nd there. NN gr. b&llets at K200 F*4 $ere %onsidered to be m&%h more destr&%ti(e! %a&sing massi(e sho%k $a(es thro&gh the fl&ids of the body! than $ere ", gr. b&llets at 2G00 F*4! and it is a fa%t that rifle b&llets b&rst f&ll bladders and &s&ally the brain! b&t not hearts and l&ngsJ the N.NVmm b&llet did not stay abo(e 2G00 F*4 for long any$ay! for abo&t "00m. 4o $hat $as then done? = $ish $omen r&led the $orld. /adeline )lbright maybe. *erhaps :anet 5eno. ?e no longer need a nanny state. ?e need a mommy state. 9o more (iolen%e3 )nd $hen the se+ist pigs fight o&r lo(ing parentalism = for one $o&ld (ol&nteer to help kill them off. = bet the &niforms $o&ld be m&%h prettier too. =t $as de%ided that effe%ti(e range D/"Vs are a%%&rate rifles! as assa&lt rifles goE and penetration needed to be impro(ed! tho&gh %ombat ranges seldom e+tended beyond three h&ndred meters. The /"V)2 repla%ed the /"V)". =t $as also de%ided that the troops $ere $asting amm&nition be%a&se a&tomati% fire $as &n%ontrollable in the (ery $eapons designed for the firing of b&rsts! e(en long b&rsts Dfor short periodsE. =t is often said that N0!000 ro&nds $ere fired from ma%hine g&ns and rifles in Iietnam for e(ery kno$n enemy death. This is $hy the /"V)2P), rifles ha(e no f&ll-a&to mode@they ha(e sele%tor settings for safe! semia&tomati% and three-ro&nd b&rst Dme%hani%ally %ontrolledE. The /"V)K is a f&ll a&to $eapon b&t is seldom &sed. The /, assa&lt %arbine has b&rst %ontrol! the /,)" is f&ll a&to. They &se V2 grain b&llets rather than NN grain ones. The b&llets ha(e a small penetrator $ithin the %ore: the /GNN green tip is often referred to as semi-armor pier%ing. These ro&nds are fired at a lo$er (elo%ity! b&t are less effe%ted by $ind and are more likely to p&t a little hole thro&gh hard materials s&%h as steel helmets. They still ha(e (ery poor penetration in $ood! dirt and sand! masonryJ e(en against $indo$ glass. E(en the )M, has better penetration on soft barrier materials s&%h as $ood and dirt than does the /"V. Best penetration on sandbags is at ro&ghly 200 meters. The b&llets get mangled at %lose range. 9o penetration or some fragments penetrate thro&gh a layer of bri%ks or %ommer%ial $indo$s at ,N degrees angle of shot! no f&ll penetration at any angle against %on%rete blo%ks. The poli%e &se N.NV+,Nmm D.22,E e+panding b&llets in b&ildings be%a&se they ha(e less penetration in $ood than .,N )C* pistol amm&nition! and they don<t $ant to shoot &p the neighborhood. 4till! KN ro&nds fired into the same spot %an pier%e an G in%h %on%rete $all. ?arning! do not fire

at steel from less than N0 meters! or at %on%rete from less than 2N. B&llet fragments %an bo&n%e ba%k so $ear shooting glasses al$ays and $ear armor $hen $orking %lose to these limits. E(er had an &nfragmented b&llet bo&n%e off an old st&mp and lightly tap yo& on the sho&lder? Hid yo& e(er see a .22 %aliber b&llet %a&ght in a dangling hemp rope? =t happens. Federal Ta%ti%al N.NVmm has better behind-barrier performan%e and faster b&llet &pset in the target than most N.NVmm loads. )ssa&lt rifles o&ght to be %aliber V.N! V.Gmm! mm or thereabo&ts! b&t = am no great fan of assa&lt rifles. The /", %an penetrate! &sing lead %ore amm&nition! one side of a steel helmet at G00 meters. =t %an go thro&gh t$o %inder blo%ks. The /"V! &sing lead %ore $ith steel penetrator! %an pier%e one side at "K00. =t is not %onsistently effe%ti(e behind a single blo%k. The )M, $ill shoot thro&gh one side of the helmet at aro&nd ,00 meters &sing (ario&s lead %ore ball amm&nition! at more than G00 meters $ith some mild steel %ored b&llets. =t is more effe%ti(e on barrier and %onstr&%tion materials than the /"V! b&t less than the /",. )M, ball $ill penetrate a bri%k or %on%rete blo%k hit at a ,N degree angle. The effe%t is more energeti% than yo& $ill get from an /"V. =t $ill shoot thro&gh bet$een and "" t$o in%h boards! depending on ;&st ho$ soft the soft $ood is. =t $ill blast thro&gh "-,7 mild steel. =t does go thro&gh br&sh more %onsistently. D)ll this at %lose range. 4ay N0 meters.E Ff %o&rse a high-po$ered rifle b&llet! s&%h as that of some .V2]N,5 ball %artridges! $ill blast thro&gh half an in%h of mild steel. /GNN)" lead-free ammo is slightly more a%%&rate than /GNN! and is better on steel at K00 meters than /G0 ball %aliber .V2]N"mm. 4in%e the b&llet $eighs the same amo&nt as /GNN b&t is longer it sho&ld %arry farther. =t has a %opper %ore behind a better steel penetrator@e+pensi(e. To in%rease (elo%ity $hen fired in the /, %arbine it &ses a faster b&rning po$der. This $ill not be good for the /"V), rifle. ?e shall see ho$ this effe%ts %arbine timing and reliability. )lso! ho$ $ell it kills people gi(en that it is s&pposed to rely less on b&llet &pset for its lethality. The en(ironmental re8&irement $as a politi%al demand so e+pe%t the military to do the best they %an $ith it! and then to lie like dogs abo&t ho$ $onderf&l it all is. )rmor pier%ing b&llets do not in%rease penetration at all ranges! nor against all materials. *robably the only time N.NVmm )* b&llets go deeper into soft %o(er is $hen yo& are so %lose the standard b&llet $o&ld fragment before f&ll penetration %o&ld o%%&r! b&t $hen a b&llet $o&ld bo&n%e ba%k at yo& if not for b&llet deformation the hardened steel or t&ngsten %ored )* b&llet $ill often times bo&n%e. )rmor pier%ing b&llets $ork better only if ha(ing eno&gh energy! hardness and d&rability to penetrate f&lly or s&ffi%iently a material! or at an angle! et%.! d&e to to&ghness or nose profile! $hen a standard b&llet $o&ld flatten! break! fragment or splash res&lting in a %orresponding la%k or loss of penetration. Th&s they are better against glass and metal! sometimes body armor! and not against $ood! dirt or sand Dor people.E There is a s$it%h to F/:! ball %artridge! b&llet %ores not made of lead in progress. ?ho kno$s $hat they $ill end &p $ith? 1ead is a satani% $i%ked poll&tant yo& kno$@sh&t do$n all the shooting ranges at on%e. Th&s! today! $e ha(e the theory that all shots sho&ld be %aref&lly aimed! that m&ltiple ro&nds sho&ld be fired into an enemy soldier &sing semia&tomati% fireJ that the effe%ti(e range of the /"V is a%t&ally greater than that of the infantry rifle! and that the /"V is no$ e8&al in lethality to it. 1ethality at ranges &nder 200 meters is also greater be%a&se the b&llet may fragment! this does not al$ays happen and "00m is a better bet! N0m or maybe a bit more for the %arbine. The army says tests sho$ that the /"V is most lethal at the m&AAle and sho$s some small de%rease in lethality already at N0m. They also say lethality of ;a%keted b&llets of all $eights! ,N gr. to gr.?! is (irt&ally the same at %lose range. ?hat abo&t penetration! eh? 9e(ertheless most training today in(ol(es battlesight &se at night and in %lose %ombat! not that training a%%&rate and fast CBB shooting is a bad thing. The Canadians train at K00m and less only De+%ept for spe%ialistsE! mostly ignore sight %hanges and hold-o(er! and &se a (ery

simplified $indage hold-off r&le in(ol(ing tra%king into the $ind and shooting rapidly $ith grad&ally in%reasing leads! m&%h like their mo(ing target r&le of th&mb. 9o go(ernment has e(er iss&ed! for the times! any &nreliable $eapon. 9ot a%%ording to the offi%ials doing the iss&ing at any rate. )l$ays the iss&ing a&thority kno$s the $eapon is lethal and as a%%&rate as it need be. The damned soldiers are at fa&lt. They sho&ld ha(e %leaned it properly. They sho&ld kno$ that good shooting is the key! and that no $eapon %an be e+pe%ted to be a one shot 6stopper.7 4in%e a g&arantee of one shot stops is impossible! anything that p&ts a hole thro&gh is ;&st as good as any other. )nd no$ many rifles are being repla%ed $ith the handy little /,-/,)" %arbine (ersions Dmodel , alteration "E $ith m&%h shorter barrels and $ith lo$er m&AAle (elo%ities: and $ith many po&nds of gear hanging off themJ some of $hi%h is e(en needed at any gi(en time. 9eed $e mention the e+%essi(ely high pla%ement of the sights on the idioti% %arrying handle on the older (ersions? 9eed $e mention the relati(ely poor trigger Dd&e to the b&rst %ontrol me%hanismE! the %l&msy %harging handle pla%ement! and the fa%t that the lo$er lo%ation of the sights on the ne$ models %a&ses people to shoot $ith the toe of the b&ttsto%k in the sho&lder po%ket $hile the heel of the b&ttplate is sti%king &p in the air? 9a$. =t is not a po$erf&l rifle so this does not %a&se the pain a harder ki%king $eapon $o&ld! and e(en if this position is not as stable as it %o&ld be it is still the %ase that $e shoot better than =ra8is. The /"V type assa&lt rifle is no$ pretty good o(erall! albeit &nderpo$ered! b&t it has been in ser(i%e for so long be%a&se of offi%ial arrogan%e in Iietnam and be%a&se $e ha(e had (ery little s&stained infantry %ombat sin%e. 4&rely a $eapon that has been in ser(i%e from the mid ".V0s to the %&rrent day has pro(en itself $ith its longe(ity? =t has pro(en to be ade8&ate. The top brass do not interest themsel(es in infantry basi%s! $hi%h is $hy $e ha(e had so many problems $ith boots and load bearing gear. They are fo%&sed on big ti%ket items! and on the f&t&re for%e %on%ept. ?heeled armor and the %omp&ter and sensors net$ork. The /K)" s&bma%hine g&n %ame o&t in ??== and $as still iss&ed to tank %re$ &ntil the end of the ".G0s- early <.0s. Hoes this pro(e the 6grease g&n7 a good 4/>? There has been no s&stained high intensity %ombined arms or infantry %ombat for de%ades. Firepo$er %omes from abo(e. The #4 )rmy $arfighting poli%y of the f&t&re is to fight &sing the )ir For%e as its primary $eapon. The army itself $ill be b&sy a%ting as military poli%e for the %i(ilian pop&lations. This is $hy the la%k of 8&ality infantry e8&ipment has passed mostly &nnoti%ed! and $hy so many $oman %an be &tiliAed in military &nits. B&t $ith the 6$ar on terror!7 are $e not ret&rning to real infantry %ombat at the small &nit le(el? Ces and no. /ost soldiers in =ra8 are not s&b;e%ted to serio&s %ombat. 9ot e(en for short periods of time. 4ome are s&b;e%ted to fre8&ent atta%k. For them it is mostly rapid shooting in self defense $hile $aiting for the hea(y g&ns to take on the no$ lo%ated foe. 'opef&lly before he be%omes &nlo%ated again. /e%hani%al amb&shes &sing e+plosi(e de(i%es are more %ommon yet. ?e repla%ed all the general p&rpose rifles $ith assa&lt rifles. Then $e insisted &pon training and &sing the assa&lt rifle as if it $ere a battle rifle. Iery f&nny3 /a%hine g&ns are area fire $eapons! not pre%ision ones. Co& %an thro$ some light ma%hine g&ns to the sho&lder and fire b&rsts into tr&%ks and persons at relati(ely %lose range! altho&gh they are rather hea(y and seldom are e8&ipped $ith sto%ks that allo$ a de%ent %heek $eld. Co& %an sling it o(er a sho&lder and pin the b&tt to yo&r side &nder yo&r arm as $ell! and %an hose do$n an area or p&t a b&rst into somebody at CBB ranges. ?hen shooting off the bipod it is %ommon to p&t the left hand &nder the b&tt near the toe! or on it near the heel of the b&ttplate. =n the later %ase the ba%k of the hand may be &sed as a %heek rest. ?hen firing a light ma%hine g&n $ith no proper for$ard grip from the sho&lder or &nderarm position it is &s&al to &se the folded or partially folded bipod as a grip. 4ome ma%hine g&ns $ill e(en gro&p fairly $ell at "00 meters from the bipod or tripod. The tr&e p&rpose does not demand high a%%&ra%y as s&%h. /a%hine g&ns (ibrate. From the bipod the />K gi(es yo& a s&bstantial s&stained p&sh. The /V0 rattles and the /2,0 re%oil is! frankly! rather ;olting. That is $hy

yo& get right into the g&n and lie more dire%tly behind it than yo& do yo&r rifle. D?ith the tripod yo& do not 6ride7 the g&n at all! yo& let it re%oil in its %radle.E Co& are looking for a %one of fire and beaten Aone that %o(ers as m&%h area as is possible at any gi(en range $hile retaining s&ffi%ient density of fire to %a&se %as&alties. Co& are looking for graAing fire a%ross flat terrain of some V00 meters! better yet a do$n$ard slope mat%hing yo&r tra;e%tory. Co& fire from the bipod! and $hen the range is great eno&gh to red&%e hit probabilities too se(erely $ithin that beaten Aone yo& tighten things &p by (ario&s means! b&t mostly by firing from a %orre%tly d&g in or sandbagged tripod and &sing more pre%ise sightsJ $ith the /"." )" yo& %o&ld get a tighter gro&p by more e(enly pa%king the $ater ;a%ket seal at the m&AAle. />s are long range shotg&ns. =f a ma%hine g&n firing b&rsts $as as a%%&rate as a rifle! s%oped and firing aimed shots! the ma;ority of ro&nds in a b&rst aimed at a target "000 meters a$ay $o&ld strike $ithin abo&t "2 in%hes of the point of aim! omitting all the &s&al errors of range estimation! $ind doping! sight alignment! and the like. ?hat kind of area %o(erage is that? )bo&t -"0 feet of $idth is more likely! $ith a dangero&s spa%e more than "00 meters long. ?hat happens in that beaten Aone? ) single soldier $ho mo(es may or may not get hit. ) gro&p %a&ght o&t by s&rprise $ill ha(e killed and se(eral times more $o&nded. =f yo& stay o&t there for min&tes yo& $ill be tr&ly %he$ed &p! and the longer yo& are in the open the $orse it $ill be for yo&. =f yo& are %loser to the g&n and %ross thro&gh graAing fire? =t depends on the b&rst rate and length! and on any lo$ gro&nd or obsta%les. =f large &nits persist in %rossing &nobstr&%ted graAing fire losses $ill be hea(y! (ery hea(y! or $ill res&lt in &nit breakdo$n. ?hile there are pla%es along this line of fire $here one %an %ra$l &nder or e(en Dif (ery near the g&n indeedE ;&mp o(er! the b&llets do not all follo$ pre%isely the same path Dit is %alled a %one of fire for a reasonEJ and the g&nner $ill (ary his aim if he %an see $hat yo& are doing. Meep yo&r e+pos&re short and do not b&n%h &p. =f the time bet$een b&rsts is predi%able try to mo(e bet$een them. The /2,0B is (ery good indeed. ?e noti%ed that in time! b&t being that it is a (ariant of the F9 /)>-NG of ".NG it is ob(io&s $e did so in o&r o$n good time. Bl&e eyes? ?hen is the last time yo& sa$ someone $ith one of the more &n&s&al eye %olors... green for e+ample? 'ere is a 8&estion for yo&. =t is night and (ery dark. ) ma%hine g&n is laying do$n a fi+ed final prote%ti(e fire! be%a&se the g&nner has no night (ision %apability and %annot see his se%tor. This fire passes in front of yo&r ob;e%ti(e o&tside of yo&r hand grenade range. T$o &nits try to atta%k thro&gh this fire. Fne %harges thro&gh it as fast as it %an in open order. The other does the same! b&t in a dense mass. 4oldiers in the first may be able to time their r&ns more %aref&lly as indi(id&als! b&t it takes more time for the entire &nit to get thro&gh. The se%ond &nit is past the ma%hine g&n more 8&i%kly as a &nit. ?hi%h &nit has the greater losses? 'ere is another. ?hy are yo& %harging into &ns&ppressed ma%hine g&n fire? The atta%k is that important? Ho&bt it! and not in g&errilla $arfare it ain<t. Co& ha(e to sa(e a trapped &nit? Co& do this by destroying the trappers! not by getting a se%ond &nit trapped $ith the first. ?hen yo& do atta%k do not mass together in the %enter of yo&r &nit<s ob;e%ti(e. Ho not stand abo&t on the ob;e%ti(e either. Co&r first priority is to se%&re yo&r se%tor $ithin the assa&lted position! then take %o(er and defend and reorganiAe. Then it is probably time to lea(e. Co& may ha(e to ad;&st to %ir%&mstan%e! b&t this is yo&r original intent. )tta%king thro&gh is %ommon b&t not $hen yo& $ant to hold the %apt&red position. Fbser(e the fa%t that yo& ad(an%e to that ob;e%ti(e in r&shes only $hen the enemy<s fire is not (ery effe%ti(e. 'ea(y and effe%ti(e fire m&st be s&ppressed! bypassed! or destroyed by s&rprise atta%k or atta%k by fire from an &ne+pe%ted dire%tion! &nless yo& %an &se terrain and %ra$ling to a(oid that fire &ntil at hand grenade range. The res&lting all $eapons atta%k and infantry assa&lt is short and s$eet b&t 8&ite dangero&s if the enemy fails to %ra%k. =nfantry assa&lts are poor g&errilla ta%ti%s so no %harges that start more than K0 meters o&t! if yo& $ill Dand if the enemy is not s&rprisedJ has the firepo$er or e+plosi(es he needs and is $at%hing by (ideo %amera or peris%ope yo& dieE. =f yo& $ant someone to do something on an ob;e%ti(e or in an amb&sh kill Aone after an a%tion set &p to %o(er those people as they $ork! and ha(e them $ork fast. )l$ays! al$ays ha(e se%&rity people

o&t to $arn of enemy on any possible approa%h any time yo& are on d&ty! $here(er yo& may be. D?hen yo& are off d&ty the d&ty &nitDsE sho&ld do this! b&t yo& still keep $eapons at hand and don<t make an ob(io&s and e+posed target of yo&rself.E )lso be ad(ised that approa%hing along e+pe%ted paths or a%t&ally going into the enemy position %an s&b;e%t yo& to %omp&ter %ontrolled traps@for e+ample a&tomated grenade la&n%hers $hi%h $ill fire grenades some 2N yards apart in the area yo&r gro&p o%%&pies. =f this happens airb&rsts $ill probably hit e(eryone in(ol(ed $ith at least " fragment. ?hen $e kno$ the enemy %an be taken by s&rprise! in terms of time! pla%e or methods! and are s&perior to himJ $hen $e %an o(er r&n! %r&sh! o(er$helm and &tterly destroy $e do it. ?e look for and attempt to set him &p for s&%h o%%asions. B&t $e kno$ he is attempting to fool &s in t&rn! to s&%k #4 in. ?e kno$ s&%h ;oy is &n%ommon. The rest of the time $e sk&lk and $e hide. ?e amb&sh! hit and r&n! and $e snipe. ?e destroy things of (al&e to the enemy $hile they are &ndefended. /anpa%ked medi&m ma%hine g&ns! and general p&rpose ma%hine g&ns D>*/>E e(en $hen &sed in the light D1/>E role! are not really able to keep &p $ith a fast mo(ing light infantry mane&(er. Ff %o&rse this is only $hen there is room to mane&(er! or the enemy is on the r&n. /ost of the time there are e+%essi(ely %l&stered gro&ps of men %ro&%hed or prone $ho shoot o%%asionally or lie there $aiting for orders $hile the in(isible enemy p&ts a fe$ ro&nds o(erhead and leaders try to de%ide $hat the %ondition of the enemy really is and $hether $aiting for f&rther airstrikes is a good plan. =f the />s do fall behind the leading &nits yo& $ill be happy to ha(e them hitting enemy positions as yo& mo(e! and pleased $hen they s&ppress an ob;e%ti(e. Co& $ill be (ery happy $hen they %at%h &p if yo& are stalled by enemy fire or need flank prote%tion and se%&rity for reorganiAation. Ho not lea(e them far behind and alone. 9e(er think reorganiAation is something yo& %an spend a lot of time doing on an ob;e%ti(e or $hile pinned do$n in the open. *&t o&t se%&rity! do $hat yo& need to do and dig in or mo(e on. =n g&errilla $arfare $hen &nder enemy obser(ation it is better to mo(e on if yo& %an! an enemy %on%entration $ill b&ild &p aro&nd yo& (ery 8&i%kly if yo& don<t. The %&lt of freedom. ?hen a man in a free %o&ntry thinks he is free to try to end that freedom he is killed or %apt&red. The tyranny of (irt&e. ?hen a man has a $eapon in his hands he feels empo$ered to a%t more thoro&ghly $hat he is! $hether noble or (ile. = hate the #9. = hate the so%ialist state. = hate %orporatism. =f yo& $ant to party in a dress = don<t gi(e a damn! or if = do = $ill dislike yo& and $on<t party $ith yo&! b&t $on<t send the poli%e after yo&. =f yo& %ommit %rimes or try to take my freedom yo& ha(e gone beyond yo&r o$n freedom and $ill be treated as a %riminal or enemy %ombatant. This makes me a 9aAi? Co& $o&ld not re%ogniAe a 9aAi if he $as poking yo& in the ass $ith a s$astika on a lan%e3 ?hy $o&ld = $ant single party r&le! a di%tator and national e%onomi% planning? 4o there are people $ho make yo& beg for Fed e%onomi% and $ork pro;e%ts. They do this by s%re$ing the finan%ial system &p so m&%h that ;obs start going do$n the drain. 9ot be%a&se of physi%al %hanges to plant! materials or yo&r ability to $ork. /oney. Co& find it hard to pay for things and employers find it diffi%&lt to do b&siness. Fr disr&ption or shortage d&e to reg&lation. )ll on paper! so yo& fall into their hands and ask for it. =diots. =f yo& do not $ant to be beaten! and %an<t a(oid being beaten! better to ;&st do as yo& are e+pe%ted to do. Eh? )ny %hemi%als! so&r%es of ele%tri%ity! of $ater or fire at hand are there to be &sed as distra%tions or as $eapons. Co& %an<t ha(e too great an edge. 1ook for any ad(antage at all. #se smoke. =t $o&ld be best if yo& %o&ld pla%e the smoke dire%tly on the enemy! or ;&st &p$ind if there is a breeAe! b&t yo& generally %an<t. 'e $o&ld ha(e m&%h more diffi%&lty finding targets o&tside of the smoked area than yo& $o&ld ha(e %on%entrating yo&r fires on it! b&t yo& do not ha(e artillery or air%raft so he $ill be o&t of range. This only $orks on defenders $ho $ill stay p&t any$ay! or fools $ho $ill %ome o&t of their positions! and the smoke! dire%tly into yo&r kill Aone. 9e(er lea(e a fortified or %on%ealed position by mo(ing dire%tly for$ard3 The ne+t best thing is to deli(er smoke bet$een the t$o sides along an ad(antageo&s line so that a thi%k and tall s%reen b&ilds &p and drifts along that line. /ore smoke m&st be added at inter(als to maintain the s%reen. This allo$s yo& to mane&(er $itho&t being s&b;e%ted to

pre%ision fires. That is another thing yo& probably $on<t be able to do. ?hat yo& %an do is thro$ smoke grenades bet$een yo&rself and the enemy! and a bit &p$ind if appli%able. =t takes a little time to de(elop! and on%e it does it $ill last only ,N se%onds or so! so sprint o(er the open area or angle ba%k to %o(er at speed. ?hen atta%ked yo& %an smoke enemy approa%hes $ith the e+%eption of leading enemy &nits yo& $ant to engage $hile they are %learly (isible. *its %o(ered and %on%ealed are (ery good! b&t metal spikes $ill set off dete%tors and dogs $ill find them &nless $eathered for days. 4et g&ns are f&n. =mpro(ised pistols! 6rifles7 and shotg&ns %an be mo&nted fa%ing narro$ approa%hes and fired at %lose range by trip$ires or b&ried le(ers. Co& %an &se %artridges or ;&st bla%k po$der. Crossbo$s are good for this as $ell. The bo$ is better for silent h&nting in the field. E+pe%t ha(ing to snare and h&nt the smallest of animals. Firearms %an be mo&nted so that they %an be fired at night to hit preplanned targets. =f mo&nted in yo&r %lose defenses firearms $ith solenoid a%ti(ated triggers %an be triggered by any sensor yo& $ish. The old set g&ns of England $ere interesting. They $ere trip $ire a%ti(ated! the $ire ran thro&gh a ring at the m&AAle of a shotg&n and then ba%k behind the trigger before it $as atta%hed to the trigger. The g&n $as s$i(el mo&nted so that $hen the $ire $as p&lled the g&n $as yanked aro&nd in the dire%tion of the mo(ing target as it fired. 4$eet. Traps %an be lethal or %an pro(ide $arning and ill&mination. ) trap that makes a noise or ignites or fires a flare %an %ome in handy. =f yo& bra%ket a t&be %ontaining a flare to a tree! and hold a spring loaded striker ba%k by interposing a pin bet$een flare and striker the flare %an be fired $hen a trip$ire %onne%ted to the pin is stepped on. =f yo& dislike this p&t a b&%kshot %artridge in there instead of the flare! or &se a blank. #se light %aref&lly. =t %an e+pose yo& or light &p the enemy. =t %an blind yo& or blind the enemy. Flares behind yo& are only good if bright eno&gh to blind. )bo(e yo& is a poor idea &nless yo& are in prepared positions and the enemy is in the open. )bo(e or behind the enemy is good! &nless yo& are blinded by e+treme intensity or the fa%t that the light is dire%tly in line $ith yo& and the enemyJ yo&r line of sight. Hire%tly bet$een for%es is only good in some %ases $hen blinding sensors. )nother method is to prod&%e light from off to the side. =t may take an ho&r or more to adapt to the dark! e(en l&mino&s sights and %ompasses may red&%e night (ision for a time! and a man $ho has not adapted is at a ma;or disad(antage. =f yo& spend the day in harsh s&nlight yo& may not f&lly adapt to darkness d&ring the ne+t entire night. ?ear good s&nglasses. =f night (ision de(i%es! lights! and flashes-e+plosions are &sed or present go all the $ay and do not e+pe%t nat&ral night (ision to be effe%ti(e. E+%eption: flares and temporary lights %an be partly a(oided by %losing one eye and by not looking dire%tly at the light. =<m bored. 1et<s ramble on $ithin the neb&lo&s bo&nds of yet another s&b;e%t. 1a&rell M. 'amilton. ?o$. 4elf absorbed $oman. 5eally hates men! = think. ?ell! $e are idiots. Co& ha(e no right to ;&dge me! 1a&rie. = really mean itJ $o$. 9ot really. =t is $rong to be master! also to be sla(e. They are bending yo& more than yo& are them. This is not ;&st se+&al fantasy. Co& sho&ld kill them! in metaphor at least! e(en if yo& die in the %ombat. = do not $ant yo&r blood. Co&r style of per(ersion is at the %ore of %orr&pt go(ernment. >reetings yo& masters and sla(es: $e $ill not trade in fa(orsJ $e o$e yo& nothing and $ill not be p&nished or manip&lated! nor $ill $e be paid! or petted or sed&%ed. =f yo& $ant o&r blood yo& $ill die for it. =t is mostly psy%hologi%al games so far! b&t $hen it %omes to the %la$ $e $ill f&%k yo& &p! bit%h. Co& may be able to li(e on yo&r knees! oh ho$ like a $illo$ and $hat strength! b&t yo& $ill not ha(e toJ $e do not like ha(ing toe kissers aro&nd &s. =f $e pro(e too $eak to s&r(i(e $e $ill die $itho&t kissing ass. Co& f&%kers already li(e by kissing ass. ) storm %omes and is ;&st passing thro&gh. Co& s&r(i(e by getting o&t of the $ay D$illo$E or by ha(ing a stronghold DoakE. =f yo& are not yielding eno&gh or are not strong eno&gh yo& die. Co& think yo& %an hide by looking and a%ting ;&st like e(erybody else. )re yo& hiding yo&r se%ret rebellio&s a%tions? 9o. Co& think that e(ent&ally the %riminals $ill be%ome less so and the fools $ill learn some $isdom. Close yo&r ears $hen yo& hear the foolish and the &nl&%ky s%ream in the night. 'ide. Things

$ill get better. 'ere is a se%ret3 Co& are not hiding be%a&se yo& ha(e nothing to hide3 Be$are sin%e tyrants sometimes eat their 6o$n7 people! b&t yo& did not hide. Co& %on(erted. Co& obey. Co& are one of them. Hi%tatorships and o%%&pations %annot be a(oided fore(er and they last for years! de%ades! or %ent&ries. Co& may die of old age before somebody %le(er or strong eno&gh brings them do$n from the inside or from $itho&t! or they lose $ill and %ohesion and %ollapse. )lso! yo& are not an immobile tree3 Co&r s&periors abo(e and inferiors belo$. 4narls and s&%king so&nds. Co& are like a b&n%h of f&%king goblins! or do = mean Fr%s? Ba%k to yo&! 1a&rie@Co& are a good $riter! and = liked yo&r )nita Blake %hara%ter &ntil she did a%t&ally be%ome a %riminal! se+&al-fa(ors trader and! yes! sla(e. Head on abo&t the r&le. )nd = too $o&ld like to be able to take off the head $ith one strike. :E Be $ell. ?omen read more than men! no$ they are the ones $riting the books as $ell. 4ome of their $ork is (ery good. The per %apita ann&al n&mber of books read is probably abo&t one book! b&t the men are bringing the a(erage do$n. ?omen are better ed&%ated than men as they (al&e ed&%ation more! and they along $ith minorities get first %ra%k at p&bli% monies for $hat $o&ld other$ise be a (ery e+pensi(e &ni(ersity degree. :ohn 5ingo. ?hat a per(ert. E(ery man likes to dream of harems! &nder-aged girls and male domination. 5ight boys? = am ;&st a $eak sister! myselfJ = don<t see it. 4peaking of prostit&tes! that life is disg&sting Dsad?EJ harder for some and less so for others. /aking it illegal made things $orse instead of better! nat&rally. 'ere is the am&sing part. =t is illegal to ha(e se+ for money if yo& ha(e no a&dien%e! perfe%tly legal if yo& are paid to ha(e se+ in front of a %amera. 'ehhehheh. ?hores of 'olly$ood. 4e+ is not a fate $orse than death. =t m&st be ;&st one of those nat&ral things! eh? 1ike breathing or sleeping. 1ike (omiting! &rinating and defe%ating. 9e+t time some one $ill only let me li(e if = defe%ate for them = $ill let yo& kno$ if it is tr&e. 'ark3 ?hat do = hear? ) $ail %ome &p from 4an Fran and 4eattle? 9e$ Ca$k? >oodness! = am filled $ith a 5ighteo&s 5age and my arm is strong. The ball b&sters! idiots &nite3! ha(e spoken: =t is tr&e! my anger %omes of =nse%&re in 'is /as%&linity. The only $ay to pro(e yo&rself a man and se%&rely heterose+&al is to kiss a $oman<s ass and f&%k a homose+&al. The only $ay to pro(e yo&rself se%&re in a relationship is to sleep aro&nd $itho&t a break&p. There are players! &ntr&st$orthy menJ do not &se this term for $omen3 There are no sl&ts! as this is ;&st a pe;orati(e %on%ept $hi%h $as born in the misogynisti% imagination of some $hite male. *ro(e something to yo&? Co& are the d&st &nder my feet. Be pro&d! yo& are po$erf&l eno&gh to be irritating. 9o one person %an be e(erything to another! b&t it $orks both $ays. E(eryone! or ;&st anyone! %an not be a best friend! lo(er rather than se+&al playmate! or mate to another person! nor to all other persons. The more h&sbands yo& ha(e the less any one of them is a h&sband! the less yo& ha(e a h&sband in fa%t. = do not %are if some of yo& belie(e this sort of dri(el. ) fe$ of yo& $ill e(en be happy $ith it. :&st stop p&shing false and st&pid ideas on me. Conser(ati(es %an be rigid and e(en oppressi(e! 1iberals are oppressi(e as $ell. They belie(e e(eryone sho&ld ha(e the freedom be beha(e as the liberals think they sho&ld. Co& all liberals are like the hippies of the VN- N Ode%ade.O )ll dressing the same $ay and spo&ting the same dogmas. Co& are all so appallingly s8&are. = myself $ill not try ;&st anything on%e. = learn from the mistakes of others. = like a little di(ersity. Big go(ernment O%onser(ati(esO are e(ery$here! b&t liberals are the royalty of regimentation and %entraliAed r&le. D)nd yes! killing babies is m&rder $ith one e+%eption. =f somebody is killing yo& by a%%ident and $ith no ill intent at all b&t yo&r only es%ape $ill kill the other it is ;&stified. =f yo& stand at the %liff and a person t$i%e yo&r siAe st&mbles into yo& yo&r %hoi%e may be fall $ith him or get o&t of the $ay and $at%h him fall alone. /ost abortions sho&ld be banned! and many of those remaining sho&ld be ind&%ed births or %aesarian se%tions! b&t not all depending on health. Birth %ontrol is a %ompletely different iss&e. =f >od %ared abo&t the mindless li(es of millions of sperm he $o&ld not ha(e them die like flies no matter $hat $e do. 4illiness e(ery$here! my folk.E 4peaking of homose+&ality! it and polygamy and hedonism if pra%ti%ed by too many $o&ld remo(e one of the fo&ndations of $hat $e are. )s $o&ld too many (o$s of po(erty! by the $ay.

4hallo$ people ha(e shallo$ relationships. *erhaps these people are so deep they %an be $ith the one of the ten they are in lo(e $ith $itho&t any loss of 68&ality time?7 B&t! if all foolishness! st&pidity and per(erseness $as %riminal o&r prisons $o&ld o(erflo$ e(en more obs%enely than they do and totalitarianism $o&ld flo&rish Das the state flo&rishes any$ay in its $ar against bigotryE. T)nd po(erty and dr&gs and smoking and g&ns and poll&tion and hate and ho&ses and %ars and selfishness and...U ?hat is $orse: a man $ho has se+ $ith a man or a man $ho h&rts his $ife by %heating on her? 4e+&al orientation is something yo& are born $ith. 9at&re not n&rt&re. 4&re it is! it is yo&r nat&re to beha(e as yo& do &nder the %ir%&mstan%es. ?o&ld all of yo& beha(e the same $ay &nder other %onditions? Hon<t really %are! yo& kno$! b&t lo(e the fa%t that people are speaking for geneti% predestination at the same time they think geneti%s ha(e no rightf&l bearing on h&man affairs! $ith e+%eptions for treating their diseases and identifying and tra%king right-$ing terrorists. Ho yo& really hate homose+&als? That is a bit e+treme &nless one is trying to %orr&pt yo&r &nderage brother or rape yo&! or something. The thing is yo& %an<t ;&stify (iolen%e o&tside of fighting %riminals and in(aders. = feel yo&r pain. = ha(e to restrain myself too! yo& kno$. = myself do not hate them b&t do find m&%h of their p&bli% beha(ior and politi%s abs&rd. = do not like so%ialists! b&t &s&ally %an<t ;&stify sma%king them $hi%h is (ery bad for my blood press&re. The $orld is f&ll of irritating people. DCes the Bible flatly states that homose+&ality is a sin! and yes = ha(e e(ery right to say that ;&st as = ha(e the right to say the Bible %ontains many errors! and that = belie(e homose+&ality is st&pid.E 4o s&e me! = am rigid and selfish. = do not share my st&ff. = do not play $ell $ith others. =t $o&ld be a mistake to go ba%k to the norms of any parti%&lar period. >o ba%k to the prin%iples of liberty and freedom. >o ba%k to the things that $ork! b&t not those $hi%h do not. Co& are not bad be%a&se yo& are a single parent! b&t t$o parent families &s&ally $ork better. 'iring $omen is not $rong! b&t affirmati(e a%tion is. Ho resist the imposition of radi%al homose+&al politi%s! b&t yo& yo&rself sho&ld not fight oppression by &sing for%e! in%l&ding the poli%e po$er! in $ays that (iolate the prin%iples of the Constit&tion. 1a$f&l for%e &sed to resist %riminal atta%ks on yo&r rights are another matter. Eno&gh of that. HigitiAation and net$orking are effi%ient $hen they are $orking and are applied to the right kind of 8&antifiable things. *eople think this $ill make %rime and rebellion impossible and end error. ?rong. This is a bad time and gro$ing $orse for the freedom and pri(a%y of the %ommon man. =t is easier to steal no$ than e(er before if yo& ha(e the a%%o&nt information of another. =f yo& ha(e the a%%ess and information yo& need yo& %an hide and misdire%t no$ as in no other age. )ny identifi%ation or a&thority that is %ross-referen%ed and (erified by the system is taken as %orre%t. Co& %an steal a go(ernment plate of the right kind and dri(e thro&gh a toll road system $itho&t any re%ord being made! be%a&se I=*s don<t $ant lo$ly high$ay tra%king net$ork operators ha(ing information on them. D#ntil the theft is reported and the plate %an%eled or flagged for tra%king.E Hoors ha(ing fingerprint or iris s%an lo%ks %an be taken o&t or spoofed in many $ays. 4ome %an be fooled by fake eyes or fingers. There are three basi% ro&tes for ele%troni% fakery. Co&r notebook %an sim&late the sensor after yo& tap into the lo%al %ir%&it and it sends the system an appro(ed biometri% image file! yo&r notebook %an sim&late the system and along the appropriate path sends the signal to pop the lo%ks! or yo& ha%k the systems soft$are. 9at&rally dire%t and indire%t atta%ks on lo%ks! door or $indo$s! $alls and the like &sing ele%troni% $arfare or br&te for%e are al$ays possible and f&n. Common %riminals $ill be more easily tra%ked and $ill find it diffi%&lt to steal %ash $hen there is none! b&t %rime $ill soar! the bla%k market $ill be h&ge! and fra&d&lent ele%troni% %&rren%y transfers and the &se of high (al&e %ommodities as money $ill be rampant. =nsiders o&ght to al$ays take a %opy of the man&als Ddo$n to the %ir%&it diagram le(elE for any information or se%&rity systems they %ome into %onta%t $ith! if it %an be safely done and for %ontingen%y p&rposes. 4k&lld&ggery is ali(e and $ell in the 2"st %ent&ry. >o(ernments! %orporations! organiAed %rime and ha%kers! ri%h people! employees and relations

or bla%kmailers of employees of any of the abo(eJ all $ith %onne%tions %an t&rn the ele%troni% money and no-pri(a%y state to their ad(antage. The ones harmed are! to an e+tent! %ommon th&gs! and most of all the a(erage $orking man and $oman from $hi%h any or all of the aforementioned abo(e gro&ps $ant to steal money or freedom. )larms and sensors are not $eapons. They are a so&r%e of $arnings and alerts. 1ike lo%ks and $alls they gi(e yo& more time to respond. =f there $ill be no pra%ti%al response to the threat then they are at best a slight dis%o&ragement to passing fools $ho are tempted by easy pi%kings. 4ome systems are easy to sh&t do$n or get aro&nd. :&st %&t a $ire or dis%onne%t the po$er or telephones! or the %able or other data %onne%tions. Fthers are (ery diffi%&lt and re8&ire te%hni%al information abo&t the spe%ifi% system. =t is possible to dete%t the operation of some $ith easily b&ilt tools. /otion dete%tors for e+ample! by their emissions. ?ith more sophisti%ation yo& %an n&llify these &sing ele%troni% $arfare methods or physi%al absorption or defle%tionJ &ltraso&nd ne&traliAed by blasting its o$n standard signal ba%k at it. Co& %an<t do that? 9ote that $hile yo& may be able to %ra$l by be%a&se they ha(e blind spots or ha(e made allo$an%e for pets! there is no $ay to mo(e slo$ly eno&gh to keep most motion dete%tors from so&nding. E+%eption: some infrared systems. The point here is that in most %ases speed and &n%on(entional methods of entry! s&%h as p&tting a tr&%k thro&gh the $all Dthree platter %harges fired as a %l&ster?E! are best. The other point here is that $hen alarm me%hanisms are %onne%ted to e+plosi(es and other $eapons yo& ha(e traps! set g&ns and minesJ $hi%h do a m&%h better ;ob of disr&pting! $inno$ing! slo$ing and anno&n%ing an atta%ker than alarms e(er %o&ld. D4tate la$ forbids most traps. 1a$s forbid &nli%ensed e+plosi(es. 1a$s are not the Constit&tion! nor are they r&les of ;&stified $arfare.E )gain! the t$o primary $eapons of the g&errillero are the rifle and e+plosi(es. 9e+t %ome ma%hine g&ns! grenades! ro%kets and missiles! and mortars. The most important skill is kno$ing the enemy. ?here he is! $hat he %an and $ill do and $hen and $here he %an be ne+t. The single most important $eapons skill is ho$ to get and &se e+plosi(es. To a(oid too m&%h like for%e on for%e! to operate o&tn&mbered and to deal $ith str&%t&res! armored (ehi%les or (iolent mo&nted or &nmo&nted assa&lts yo& m&st! m&st! ha(e e+plosi(es. Co& absol&tely re8&ire the skill to &se them safely and effe%ti(ely. B&y the blasting man&als! te+tbooks and military p&bs and serio&sly st&dy the detailed pro%ed&res. 4ome of yo& are in good position to a%8&ire! or to make yo&r o$n e+plosi(es. For the rest of yo&: 9e(er make e+plosi(es &nless yo& kno$ e+a%tly $hat yo& are doing! step by step! and $hy. 9e(er mi+ s&lf&r and %hlorate dry! for e+ample. Be $ary of potassi&m %hlorate mi+t&res. 9e(er mi+ %hlorate and phosphor&s. 9e(er make large bat%hes and ne(er $ith poor (entilation. 9e(er start $itho&t ha(ing all the proper tools at hand. Ho not &se some fool<s handbook $hen yo& ha(e not (erified the steps gi(en and do not &nderstand the reasons for them. 4ome of these $riters are idiots! and others $ant yo& to blo$ yo&rself &p. 1isten to them and some of yo&r body parts $ill indeed go a$ay... /any e+plosi(es are to+i% if eaten or e(en if only in %onta%t $ith the skin. 4ome prod&%e dangero&s f&mes ;&st lying there. =f yo& are trapped in an en%losed spa%e after an e+plosion the poisono&s gases $ill kill yo&. ?ith pra%ti%e the smell left after a shell b&rst %an identify the e+plosi(e &sed. 'igh e+plosi(es are po$erf&l e+plosi(es $hi%h %annot be set off $ith a f&se alone tho&gh some are more &nstable than others and may e+plode $hen hot! kept in the $rong kind of %ontainer! dropped and the like. They need to be detonated $ith a blasting %ap or detonator! and $ith some a booster %harge also. This may depend on ho$ $ell they are %onfined and ho$ densely pa%ked into a %ontainer! also ho$ large the %ontainer is. Ho not th&mp e+plosi(es into position! do not press e+plosi(es &nless yo& kno$ e+a%tly $hat yo& are doing! and $hen &sing ele%tri%al blasting %aps po$er lines and radios are not yo&r friends. /ost high e+plosi(es $ill b&rn (iolently $hen lit $ith a mat%h. =t $ill interest some of yo& to kno$ that there is no domesti% man&fa%t&rer of T9T! e+%ept for 5adford )rsenal! a%t&ally! the last domesti% s&pplier. T9T has been repla%ed by '/Z Dhigh melting point e+plosi(eE in

most m&nitions. 1o$ e+plosi(es are %apable of being set off $ith a mat%h. They $ill e+plode if %onfined. /ost $ill not e+plode if &n%onfined! $ill b&rn (ery (iolently! b&t this is not the %ase $ith some mi+t&res. Flash po$ders %an be (ery dangero&s. Fri%tion and stati% ele%tri%ity are to be a(oided. 4ome mi+t&res may e+plode &pon mi+ing. *rimary e+plosi(es are po$erf&l and brisant Dshattering effe%t of high (elo%ity detonationE e+plosi(es $hi%h are sensiti(e to heat! impa%t! ele%tri%ity and more. They are &sed in blasting %aps. Iery dangero&s! make De+perts onlyE and store in the %orre%t %ontainers and (ery small 8&antities. 'o$ small? The kind of e+plosi(es &sed in small arms primers are safe eno&gh in s&%h primers! and that is a (ery small dab indeed. They %an be stored in the original pa%kages $itho&t danger. Take one o&t and hold it bet$een the fingers or near yo&r eyes! then gi(e it a sharp rap! hook a battery to it! get %harged &p and try to really spark it $ith stati% or hold a mat%h to itJ e(en that little %ap $ill do yo& an in;&ry. ?hen reloading %artridges do $ear safety glasses. Can<t yo& be happy for yo&r friend and admiring of his fine ne$ %ar $itho&t en(ying him and $anting the parti%&lar %ar that is his? Can<t yo& $ant a %ar like that $itho&t irritation aimed at yo&r friend? ?hy not? Mno$ yo&r e+plosi(e3 #nderstand its properties before yo& &se it. 4afety and handling? 'o$ does it rea%t to damp! %ommon %hemi%als! (ario&s metals? 4torage? 'o$ %lose is dangero&s %lose $hen this %harge is &sed? Ho not be afraid to b&y te+tbooks on e+plosi(es and amm&nition man&fa%t&re! safety pro%ed&res and blasting from mainstream bookstores. 4t&dy them and a%t&ally do the math. The same $ith mortar and ma%hine g&n g&nnery! rifle marksmanship! and pro;e%tile design. Co& ha(e no interest in a medi%al %areer! or one in blasting and demolitions? Hon<t let that keep yo& from taking professional %o&rses in %ommer%ial blasting and in emergen%y medi%ine. Co& $ill get 8&ality hands on training and %o&ld then get %ertified as an E/T or tra&ma n&rse! or as an e+plosi(es te%h! b&t yo& don<t ha(e to. =f yo& are in %ollege take some %hemistry and energeti% materials %lasses. 9ote that bomb sniffing dogs! $hen they are alert! and ele%troni% sniffers $ill dete%t e+plosi(es e(en if they are in sealed pa%kages. Both these methods are by no means perfe%t and there are false positi(es and fail&res to dete%t. 'o$e(er! e+plosi(es gi(e off (apors! some m&%h more than others. Think of it as similar to $rapping onions in %ling $rap and still finding that other foods in refrigeration no$ taste like onion. 9ote also that plasti% g&ns ha(e metal barrels and $ill both set off metal dete%tors and sho$ &p in + rays! et%. They often get past %ertain types of imaging s%ans b&t only be%a&se of operator inattention or masking by other ob;e%ts. /illimeter $a(e f&ll-body s%anners $ill be &sed at airports to make a model of yo&r naked! thro&gh the %lothes! body. 4ear%h $ands $ill in%l&de both metal dete%tors and ne$ mi%ro$a(e imagers. There is also testing of larger passi(e mi%ro$a(e s%anners for airports. ?hen $ill the mandatory standard %a(ity sear%hes begin? To &se e(en lo$-(elo%ity e+plosi(es to take o&t a modern tank p&t in , bore holes! $hi%h %an be angled in from the side or straight do$n. Ea%h %harge at the bottom of a hole $ill $eigh "00 po&nds and the hole filled $ith dirt. The %harges %an be aro&nd N feet apart and alternately and . feet do$n. This $ill gi(e yo& a "0 foot deep %rater $ide eno&gh for the tank to dri(e into. 9ormally the dirt falling ba%k into the hole might fill it half$ay ba%k &p! b&t in this %ase most of this %an %ome ba%k to$n on the tank. ) long bar %r&sh s$it%h in front of the trap and designed to allo$ light traffi% by $o&ld be good. 9ote that if yo& had se(eral h&ndred po&nds of a po$erf&l high-(elo%ity e+plosi(e yo& might be able to blo$ a hole in the belly armor of the tank instead. F(erkill is to be a(oided. =t is an ineffi%ient &se of reso&r%es and $asted reso&r%es %an %ost yo& the $ar. That being said $ar is not f&lly predi%table and all military operations need b&ilt-in red&ndan%y. #nderkill is to be a(oided like a plag&e. =f in do&bt make a bigger bang. )fter that! if things are not going $ell and yo& are &nable to Okill e(ery hostile thereO = s&ggest yo& r&n a$ay (ery fast! b&t not alone! abandoning yo&r fello$s to the enemy $ill soon lea(e yo& $ith no fello$s. There is a damned big differen%e bet$een a retreat and a ro&t.

Tanks %an get o&t of almost anything! as long as they don<t thro$ a tra%k and are not in s$amp &p to the de%k or the like. They keep $orking at it &ntil they ha(e dragged in a lot of dirt and %la$ed their $ay o&t. This kind of %ratering %an %a&se damage to the %re$ and %ost m&%h time if nothing else. 5emember that an e+plosi(e %an be triggered by any n&mber of me%hani%al! pyrote%hni%! ele%tri%al and ele%troni% means. ) basi% le(el of ele%troni% kno$ledge may be re8&ired b&t brain s&rgery it is not. )ny sensor and s$it%hing method that %an t&rn on the po$er $ill $ork. :&st remember to start at the e+plosi(e and $ork ba%k! to make damned s&re the s$it%h is open or the sensor &ntripped! and to p&t the battery or other po$er so&r%e into the %ir%&it last and at the farthest point a$ay from the %harge. =f yo& m&st test the set&p! espe%ially $ith an instr&ment ind&%ing %&rrent! then &se the blasting %ap or a light b&lb! not the e+plosi(es %harges! and if near the %aps %o(er them $ith sandbags. Fnly $hen the %ir%&it tests o&t and the s$it%h is open do yo& remo(e the battery and add the e+plosi(es before going ba%k and inserting batteries again. )gain anything from a laser pointer to a ho&sehold motion dete%tor %an be &sed as a remote %ontrol. #se yo&r imagination! altho&gh simple radio remote %ontrol %an be ;ammed. =f yo& do not kno$ e+a%tly ho$ to do this! $hat yo& are doing and pre%isely $hy! do not do it. Ho not ro&ghly %r&sh or tamp dynamite. =ndeed ;&st as a %lo&d of metalli% material may set off f&Aes &sing laser or radio pro+imity! and ;&st as they %an be other$ise spoofed! an ele%tromagneti% p&lse generator %an be &sed to detonate magneti% infl&en%e mines and traps before yo& arri(eJ &nshielded ele%tri%ally detonated =EHs as $ell. The herd has re;e%ted me. Fh dear. = g&ess that makes me all rog&e elephant and $hatnot. >renades: Co& like $eapons be%a&se yo& are a man! and be%a&se a man $itho&t $eapons is not free. ?hat little boy! = ask yo&! does not lo(e things that flash and bang? 5&le n&mber one $ith grenades: $hen the %onditions of a fight allo$ for grenade &se yo& &se them in n&mbers! and yo& &se them first3 To get the most from $eapons yo& need to &se them in %ombination. Co& need to &se them to %ompliment ea%h other<s effe%ts! and to &se them in mass and $hen their effe%ts $ill be greatest. 4&rprise fire is the most effe%ti(e fire. =f somebody thro$s a grenade at yo& hit the dirt. /&%h of its effe%t is &p$ards and o&t from the gro&nd. ?hen someone nearby tosses the grenade right ne+t to yo& yo& may $ant to fling it ba%k first. Ho not stand &p and thro$ it $ith style. That takes far too long. 4%oop it &p and fling it &nderhand. Then hit the de%k! feet to$ard it if possible. =f yo&r head is pointed in its dire%tion lo$er yo&r head to interpose the helmet. Co& %annot lie there $ith yo&r eyes %losed for (ery long sin%e the enemy $ill take ad(antage. 4ometimes it is best! rather than pi%king it &p! to take a step or t$o and go to gro&nd. Co& %an %ontin&e to lo$ %ra$l if yo& $ish. )t other times it is best to shoot the bomb thro$er before taking %o(er. Ho $arn yo&r fello$s! b&t ne(er ;&mp on the grenade. Co& are s&pposed to kill for yo&r %o&ntry! not die for it. )s a last resort against a nearby and imminent e+plosion try p&tting a frying pan or armored (est o(er it. E(en a strategi%ally lo%ated entren%hing tool has been kno$n to stop some of the fragments from shell b&rsts. Co& might get l&%ky. 9ote: these methods are by no means entirely safe. 9or are grenade s&mps. 4&%h s&mps are merely m&%h safer than ;&mping o&t of a fighting position in the fa%e of hea(y fire. =n the absen%e of hea(y fire on a position the best response to a li(e grenade in yo&r position is to immediately thro$ yo&rself o&t of it. 5ifle grenades are best &sed against enemy positions dire%tly. >renade la&n%her grenades and hand grenades are best for pl&nging fires. E(ery e%helon of a fighting for%e needs kineti% $eapons and e+plosi(e ones! pre%ision and area $eapons! dire%t and indire%tJ flat tra;e%tory and pl&nging tra;e%tory fires. The infantryman<s primary kineti% and dire%t-fire $eapon is his rifle. )lbeit at %lose range only! his primary e+plosi(e and indire%t Dstri%tly speaking! indire%t fire is fire dire%ted by a for$ard obser(er or by map plotE fire $eapon is the hand grenade. >renades %an be lobbed o(er $alls! into tren%hes and

fighting positions and into en%losed pla%es. 9ot only o(er the $all or into the opening b&t also skipped along the gro&nd &nder (ehi%les and bo&n%ed off angles to get aro&nd the %orner. *oint target and pre%ision $eapons are for taking do$n indi(id&al targets! and for s&ppressing positions $ith distrib&ted b&t a%%&rate fires. )rea fires are for harassment! s&ppression and ne&traliAation! and for blo$ing or %he$ing &p str&%t&res and fortifi%ationsJ and most of all for p&tting the h&rt on people foolish eno&gh to mass in the open. >renades are not (ery lethal b&t they are still (ery &sef&l. Fragmentation grenades prod&%e a large n&mber of fragments. This prod&%es n&mero&s $o&nds in nearby personnel! and $ill penetrate $ood frame ho&se $alls. 4ome fragments $ill pier%e soft armor. The blast effe%ts are greatly enhan%ed in small en%losed spa%es! b&t blast and fragments %an be defle%ted or absorbed by (ario&s materials so yo& sho&ld ne(er ass&me that e(eryone in a room m&st ha(e been ne&traliAed. =n a small room $indo$s and %eiling tiles $ill be shattered! and flooring and $all panels $ill be peeled &p. *rone soldiers are m&%h less likely to be hit! b&t the blast! d&st! debris and smoke greatly red&%e enemy performan%e. Ho not &se li(e grenades &ntil yo& ha(e pra%ti%ed eno&gh $ith d&mmy or pra%ti%e grenades to &se grenades safely. >renades are hea(ier than they look! and %an in most %ases not be thro$n like baseballs. Co& $ill learn by e+perien%e ho$ far yo& %an thro$ them and ho$ m&%h effort it takes to drop them at any gi(en range and to get them o(er barriers of (ario&s heights. =f yo& do not do this yo& $ill end &p $ith a grenade bo&n%ed ba%k to yo& or rolling ba%k at yo&. This is not f&n! and $ill for%e yo& to either pi%k &p and thro$ or to l&nge a$ay and go prone. >ood l&%k to yo&. >renades ha(e delays of! &s&ally ,! , ^! or N se%onds. D4ome grenades set &p for boobytraps ha(e no delay. Histra%tion de(i%es may ha(e (ery short delays.E Co& m&st kno$ the model yo& are &sing! b&t sho&ld not tr&st it. *erforman%e (aries. =f yo& release the spoon and $ait before thro$ing! in order to get an airb&rst or to gi(e the enemy no time to thro$ the grenade ba%k! yo& sho&ld ne(er $ait more than t$o se%onds. )ny more delay is (ery dangero&s. Ho not 6%ook off7 grenades $ith shorter than a(erage f&ses at all. >rasp the grenade firmly $ith the spoon pressed in $ith the $eb of the th&mb. 1eft handed do the same $ith the grenade &pside do$n and the p&ll ring handy. )ny safety %lip on the spoon m&st be remo(ed before yo& p&ll the safety pin. Fn%e the pin has been p&lled by the nonthro$ing hand yo& sho&ld not delay thro$ing. =t is possible for the spoon to be released eno&gh to fire the delay $itho&t yo& being a$are. Co& may hear a pop and see smoke b&t don<t depend on that! thro$ the grenade %almly b&t promptly after pin remo(al. The grenade sho&ld e+plode the designated time after the spoon flies off: take %o(er before the e+plosion o%%&rs be%a&se e(en offensi(e Dblast-non-fragment prod&%ingE grenades %an propel pie%es of the f&Ae me%hanism o(er a long distan%eJ se(eral h&ndred meters. Ho pay attention. *eople ha(e been kno$n to thro$ a grenade into a room! and then r&n inside themsel(es before the e+plosion. 4ho&t frag o&t! or other$ise make %ertain yo&r people do not get in the $ay! and then $ait for the bang or bangs before mo(ing. Hoes that remind yo& of the tribesman $ho tho&ght he $as s&pposed to thro$ the pin at the enemy! or the tribesmen $ho tho&ght setting a rifle<s rear sight to its ma+im&m range position made the rifle shoot harder? 'eads &p! and keep the brain engaged at all times. ) little tip. =f yo& fling yo&r arm (iolently ba%k before flinging the grenade for$ard yo& may ha(e it br&sh against yo&r head or roll off yo&r fingertips. Either $ay yo& may end &p $ith a li(e grenade on the gro&nd behind yo&! and that is not good. This is abo&t thro$ing! not abo&t ho$ 8&i%kly yo& %an get yo&r hand ba%k3 There are many interesting $ays to thro$ grenades. 1ying on yo&r ba%k and thro$ing o&t o(er the feet! rising &p from the prone! and thro$ing from the kneeling position. Co& %an lie parallel to the enemy! on yo&r ba%k! rise on an elbo$ to thro$ and end &p on yo&r fa%e! and then %ra$l a$ay to the side. Try different positions $ith d&mmy grenades D$hi%h are legal e(en for th&gs like &sE or get a book on the s&b;e%t.

Thro$ or pla%e smoke grenades on the gro&nd and mo(e a$ay. They sometimes get (ery hot or spit and spatter! and a tr&ly defe%ti(e one may b&rst. 9o$ if that smoke grenade is ?* smoke Din%endiary-smokeE thro$ it as hard as yo& %an and take %o(er before it b&rsts. 4e%&re the grenades in po&%hes! don<t hang them in &n&s&al positions! and do not try to p&ll the pins $ith yo&r teeth3 Hon<t bend the pins. Ho not thro$ them at targets any$here near their lethal b&rsting radi&s from yo& &nless yo&r %o(er is (ery good. This distan%e means the ma;ority of e+posed persons sho&ld re%ei(e at least one serio&s hit. Fragments $ill tra(el farther. 5emember that a rapidly mo(ing target may shoot yo& before yo&r grenade goes off! or may be gone before it does. ?hen less lethal de(i%es or e+plosi(e de(i%es are deployed yo&r partner sho&ld ba%k yo& &p $ith a dire%t fire $eapon. #se some %are $ith these things. They %an take a kno%k b&t the detonators are a little sensiti(e and the firing me%hanisms are sometimes fa&lty. ) grenade may or may not set of another e+plosi(e de(i%e e(en if lying on it! b&t a b&llet that hits the grenade into the detonator may set it off! and $hite phosphor&s grenades $ill ignite if penetrated. 4ome old ?* grenades $ill b&rst if dropped on a hard s&rfa%e. D=t is often said ?* b&rns &nder $ater! and %annot be p&t o&t. ?rong. Thermite and thermate in%endiaries $ill b&rn &nder $ater. Co(er them $ith sand or dirt. E+plosi(e hand grenades $ill e+plode &nder $ater.E ?* on the person m&st be $et do$n and remo(ed lest it dry o&t and reignite. ) large n&mber of grenades %arried on the body fa%ing enemy fire may be a problem. /agaAines f&ll of amm&nition are a prote%tion rather than an e+plosi(e haAard. Fther gear in the right position! sho(els and pa%ks! are helpf&l. =f yo& ha(e a ma%hine shop and ha(e or %an make a de%ent e+plosi(e it is (ery easy to make a good hand grenade. =f yo& ha(e lo$ e+plosi(es only! s&%h as bla%k po$der or shotg&n propellant! do not bother $ith steel and BBs. Cast iron is better be%a&se it $ill fragment to some e+tent $hile steel $ill simply b&rst open. Best performan%e from propellants re8&ires a primer-blasting %ap-detonator! b&t this is not (ery &sef&l e+%ept $ith %ertain spe%ifi% mi+es or ;elled smokeless po$der. 4ome nails or something %o&ldn<t h&rt. Co&r design m&st be reliable and safe. Ho not set off yo&r o$n %harge of bla%k po$der $ith stati% ele%tri%ity! or by s%re$ing a threaded %ap do$n o(er loose grains of po$der. Co& $ill need some kind of igniter! as it is embarrassing trying to light a f&se in the middle of a firefight! and mat%hes and glo$ing f&ses do tend to light &p yo&r position in the dark. =t is possible to &se a battery po$ered ele%tri% igniter and a delay! b&t it m&st be $ell b&ilt. ) s$it%h that %an be operated by mistake is bad. ) grenade $hi%h operates $itho&t yo&r kno$ledge and e+plodes $itho&t any $arning is $orse. 4idearm! any $eapon $orn on the person. *ersonal $eapon! any $eapon belonging to and &sable by one man. =ndi(id&al $eapon! the standard indi(id&al soldier<s $eapon and operable by one man. 4mall arms! firearms and light $eapons-%re$ ser(ed $eapons &p to .V0 %al.! pl&s grenades and shotg&ns. *ersonal defense $eapon-*H?! any $eapon $orn or sl&ng on the body for %lose personal defense p&rposes. 48&ad a&tomati% $eapon-4)?! a light ma%hine g&n or a&tomati% rifle &sed at the s8&ad le(el for fire s&pport! b&t a%t&ally more often at the fireteam le(el. =nfantry hea(y $eapon-%re$ ser(ed $eapon! ma%hine g&ns and infantry mortars or any other re8&iring t$o or more men to operate properly. These are light $eapons only in %omparison to artillery and armor. ) general p&rpose ma%hine g&n D>*/>E is one designed to be &sed as a light ma%hine g&n $ith bipod! a medi&m ma%hine g&n on the tripod! and as a 6hea(y7- s&stained fire ma%hine g&n $hen &tiliAing barrel %hanges. =t is not $ater %ooled nor is it a hea(y Dlarge %aliberE ma%hine g&n D'/>E. #nit le(el-s&pport-fire s&pport $eapons! a fireteam has infantrymen armed $ith rifles b&t also a 4)? g&nner and a grenadier D,0mm /20K! /K20! or the likeE. Battalion le(el medi&m or hea(y mortars may be the fire s&pport $eapons s&pporting the mane&(er and atta%ks of the %ompanies! s&stained fire ma%hine g&ns and light mortars at %ompany le(el s&pporting the platoons! and so on. DTh&mp3 ) ni%e solid ki%k! and yo& %an $at%h the ,0mm grenade ar% &p and then sharply do$n to the gro&nd. Boom. ) p&ff of dirt and smoke. E(en better than setting off %laymores! in a $ay. /20K. /&%h! m&%h smaller blasts b&t yo& get to play aro&nd $ith it.E

Ho yo& ha(e any sho&lder-la&n%hed ro%kets or missiles Dg&ided ro%ketsE? 9o? Too bad. =f yo& do ha(e sho&lder-la&n%hed ro%kets they are not likely to be the most ad(an%ed ones. E(en if yo& %apt&red them from the enemy most $ill be either 1)?! light antiarmor $eapons! or 6b&nker b&sters!7 some maybe of the in%endiary or no(el e+plosi(e types. )d(an%ed ro%ket $arheads are a threat to modern tanks. The lesser breeds do %&m&lati(e damage or hit an &n&s&ally (&lnerable spot mostly by %han%e. This means yo& try to hit a tank $ith V or more ro%kets at the same time. 4hoot from %o(er! and from abo(e and from one side and from behind. 4hooting from both sides is good only $hen yo& $on<t be shooting ea%h other d&e to ele(ation or $hen %o(er is s&perior and g&nners not dire%tly lined &p on ea%h other. Better %ombine s&%h atta%ks $ith snipers firing on e+posed %re$ or sights! (ision blo%ks and %amerasJ and $ith mines! smoke and distra%tions! and tank obsta%les. =nfantry %ome $ith tanks. =f yo& get distra%ted or do not ha(e se%&rity armed for them! espe%ially ma%hine g&ns! mortars and shrapnel mines yo& are toast ;&st as s&rely as if the tanks got their g&ns aligned on yo&. Ho yo& kno$ ho$ easy it is to distra%t people? =f yo& hear a load bang at the ba%k door $here $ill yo& be looking $hen a g&nman appears in the front door? 4hoot at the enemy $hen he is looking the other $ay. 'onestly! in a fist fight merely saying O$hat<s N times NO ;&st before atta%king %an di(ert eno&gh brain po$er to slo$ an opponent<s response. The ad(an%ed ones are light antitank $eapons. The more ad(an%ed &se depleted &rani&m liners rather than %opper! and %ontain 2 $arheads per ro%ket. 'o$ a%%&rate is yo&r la&n%her? Co& need to kno$ ho$ %lose yo& need to be to the tanks to get hits! ho$ %lose is so %lose yo& end &p being $o&nded by yo& o$n ro%ket! and $hat blind spots and armor (&lnerabilities the tank has. /any la&n%hers ha(e odd sights! so pra%ti%e the &se of them. /ost ha(e poor 6triggers7 as $ell. They may for%e yo& to &se 8&ite a lot of for%e and this means it is easy to p&ll the sights off target. ?hen the ro%ket la&n%hes be prepared for a lo&d bang and hold the $eapon steady as the balan%e shifts $hen the ro%ket mo(es do$n the t&be. ?hen it is gone the la&n%her goes light$eight on yo&. There is no real re%oil! b&t many of the disposable or light$eight t&be la&n%hers are hot after this. =f they ha(e no separate pistol grips and forends yo& might $ant to p&t them do$n promptly. That said! not all re%oilless $eapons are totally re%oilless! d&e to design %onstraints! and one $ith damaged (ent&ri may a%t&ally re%oil for$ard. 9e(er fire a ro%ket from a room $itho&t kno$ing e+a%tly $hat yo& are abo&t. /any older offi%ial do%&ments are defe%ti(e! and yo& $ill be kno%ked abo&t if yo& follo$ their g&idelines. Tanks operating at speed from %o(er! h&ll do$n! to %o(er! and &sing &nit bo&nding o(er$at%h tra(el $ith the flo$ of the gro&nd! terrain masking $hene(er possible. #se the path that $ater $o&ld &se! $hi%h is great &nless too m&%h $ater is already &sing it. Tanks also &se t&rret do$n and hide positions. = am too tired to be afraid. Ho not do $hat the $hite )fri%ans did. 4ome of them fo&ght long and hard. That is more than $e ha(e yet done. They said they $o&ld ne(er gi(e in. Fthers sa$ the $ay the $ind ble$ and got they and theirs o&t. That $as a reasonable thing to do. B&t the remainder left behind lost heart. They did gi(e in. The best they %o&ld do then $as to try to hide in the more friendly of the lo%al pop&lations. They got nothing from the fight. 9o re%onsolidation in a smaller territory $hether literal or politi%al. 9o po$er to bite ba%k if molested. Ho not yield! die if yo& m&st! before yo& ha(e obtained something $orth$hile to li(e $ith. Easy to say! not to do. )t minim&m they sho&ld all ha(e been gotten o&t. The real se%ret to p&tting armored (ehi%les o&t of a%tion: The best time to kill %re$ and destroy tanks is $hen the %re$ is o&tside the (ehi%le. The best $ay to disable a tank is to %&t its s&pply of f&el and amm&nition. The best $ay to disable a %re$ is to interdi%t its s&pply of air! $ater and food. To melt holes in armored (ehi%les Ddon<t bother to try this on modern tank front or t&rret armor! bottom or top atta%k is bestE! if yo& %an approa%h (ia blind spot or $hen %re$ is o&tside? Fne $ord: Thermate. Easy to make. F&n to &se. B&t if yo& ;&st pile a b&n%h of it on a s&rfa%e yo& $ill get nothing. =t m&st be properly %ontained in a proper m&nition.

/ortars. First off something not to do $ith mortars. Ho not thro$ the mortar off yo&r pi%k&p tr&%k onto the %on%rete or bla%ktop and hastily point it in the general dire%tion of a target area. Co& need a short period of a%%&rate shooting at the ma+im&m rate. Co& do not $ant to s%atter a fe$ ro&nds o(er the %o&ntryside. Co& fire it on %on%rete and the setting in and re-aiming portion of the shoot $ill damage the sight if yo& lea(e it in pla%e De(en on dirt the sight sho&ld be remo(ed bet$een shooting the baseplate in shotsE! and the mortar $ill skid and bo&n%e $ith ea%h shot. =f yo& are l&%ky it $ill o(ert&rn and break instead of %rashing into yo& and breaking yo&r bones. 4peaking of the sight! keep opti%s and ele%troni%s in their %ases $hen not in &se. 9e(er repla%e them in a %ase damp! more importantly ne(er p&t them in a %ase $hi%h is $et inside. Close %ases as soon as yo& ha(e pla%ed something inside or taken it o&t. 4ealed in moist&re $ill damage ele%troni%s and infiltrate and fog opti%al de(i%es. Ho not &se damaged mortars or amm&nition! and do not e+%eed the rapid and s&stained rates of fire. F(erheat a mortar eno&gh and it $ill (ent gases or b&rst on yo&. Ho not &se a $arped or %ra%ked t&be again. B&rn &p a rifle or ma%hine g&n and it $ill seiAe &p or fall apart. 4omething may b&rst! the m&AAle may be shot off or the glo$ing barrel may droop and get shot thro&gh! b&t if yo& are %aref&l $here yo& pla%e yo&r body parts yo& are pretty safe. =f yo& b&rst a mortar t&be! &se defe%ti(e ro%ket la&n%hers! or fire ro%kets $itho&t a ba%kblast area or from too small a room things $ill go badly for yo&. Ho not try to fire a mortar from yo&r pi%k&p tr&%k! &nless it is a (ery small one. There is a reason mortar %arriers are in the )*C %lass. ?hen yo& &se a lensati% %ompass to find a bearing to target in degrees re%all that " .G mils Da mil is K.K N /F) and V,00th appro+. of a %ir%leE is " degree D"-KV0th of a %ir%leE and that yo& $ill be off by a degree or t$o. *l&s the metal in some eyeglasses $ill thro$ yo& off f&rther. 4teel helmet? ) min&te of angle is ".0, in%hes at "00 yards and 2.0., at 200! et%.! and a mil is " yard at "000 yards Dor " meter at "000mE and do&ble that at 2000 and so on. ) re( is KV0 degrees! a re(ol&tion. There is also the gon Dgrad-gradeE $hi%h is "00 gon for ea%h .0 degrees. " degree is K.V000eYK se%onds! V0 min&tes! " . G mils! "."""" gon! 0.0" ,NK radians! and 0.002 G re(s. " gon is N, min&tes DmoaE! "V mils or 0.. degrees. =f yo& %an<t be a%%&rate eno&gh $ith yo&r first sol&tion yo& %an fire one smoke ro&nd! ad;&st the mortar to negate the error and fire for effe%t. This may be too slo$! and yo& m&st aim ahead of mo(ing targets! b&t it is m&%h faster than any slo$ and %aref&l pro%ess of perfe%ting and fine t&ning shell pla%ement. The only time ma+im&m pre%ision and ma+im&m %ontin&o&s fire is more important than yo&r speed into and o&t of a%tion on e+posed and fleeting targets is $hen the enemy is in positions they are &n$illing to lea(e! yo& are able to stay in position yo&rself $itho&t being destroyed! and yo&r $eapons are po$erf&l eno&gh to be effe%ti(e on any enemy fortifi%ations. Therefore if yo& are not able to get hits 8&i%kly yo& m&st pra%ti%e &ntil yo& %an. Ho not be s&rprised if some of yo&r mortar ro&nds are shot do$n! not ;&st by lasers mo&nted on large tr&%ks or air%raft! b&t also by radar-dire%ted po$ered >atling type g&ns. /ost lo%ations are not going to ha(e these! ho$e(er. The >oy said to the :e$: 6Co& too in(ent and b&ild! plant and har(est! organiAe and finan%e. Co& fight $hen yo& ha(e to! b&t $e are better at it. 4top yo&r post&ring! please.7 Tho&ght %riminal. Tho&ght %riminal3 T'F#>'T C5=/=9)13 'orrid! frightf&l! ghastly little man. Iiolent tho&ghts. 9ot to $orry! dear reader. The tr&ly pea%ef&l $ill send their myrmidons and $ill remo(e the thinkers of (iolen%e from the bo&nds of %i(il so%iety. 'a(e tr&st! and obey yo&r betters! %hildren of a lesser god. 1ight at the end of the t&nnel! imperfe%t ones. Fa%ilities and %are and good dr&gs for yo& if yo& don<t make the bla%k s&ited h&rt yo&. The f&t&re is bright for the a%%epting. The ne$ $orld is being formed. F&%k it! = do not ha(e a %o&ntry anymore. The Fran%e of the far $est! the northern /e+i%o. ?hat distri%t $ill yo& r&n for $hen the #4 breaks &p into K ma;or di(isions? The north! so&th and so&th$est. F&nny thing! people r&nning from the $ol(es $ill be passing ea%h other on the high$ays going in opposite dire%tions. = ha(e brain damage. =f my neighbor says he is going to

shoot me = start thinking of $ays to take him do$n. Fthers! it seems! immediately $onder $here to mo(e. /e a bigot? B&t no. = don<t %are abo&t yo&r %olor! se+ or %reed if yo& %ome for $hat is mine. E8&al opport&nity &nAipper. #p one side and do$n the other. E8&al opport&nity hater. Ces! r&n if yo& think it may do some good! and standing yo&r gro&nd $ill kill yo&J only if yo& plan to %ome ba%k in a more effe%ti(e $ay. =t is better to be dead than to be s&bmissi(e. #nregenerate $hite man3 /any people do not realiAe ho$ small 6foot popper7 land mines are. Fne may look like a small ribbed plasti% %he$ %an. Iery fe$ kno$ $hat they are looking at $hen they see &ne+ploded bomblets Ds&bm&nitions from airb&rsting %l&ster bombsE lying abo&t. 4ome look like (aned balls that $o&ld fit in yo&r hand. They are likely (ery &nstable. =f yo& don<t kno$ $hat it is stay $ell a$ay. 4ee the $eird ones $ith ribbons spreading o&t from them? 4tay $ell a$ay3 )lso! d&d artillery shells that ha(e bo&n%ed may not be as ina%ti(e as they look. ) defe%ti(e 5F pro+imity f&Ae might still respond to yo&r approa%h by setting the shell off after all. *aranoia. 9o tr&st! barriers all the $ay. *aranoia may destroy yo& b&t $hat does fe%kless tr&st do? >ood fen%es... Try to &se ta%ti%s! the &se of the tools at hand to gain an ad(antage o(er the enemy in a fight. Meep a spe%ifi% goal in mind. Hon<t ha(e one? ?hy are yo& there? ?hat do yo& $ant to do to the enemy? 9o$ step ba%k and pi%k an o&t%ome yo& %an a%t&ally %a&se. 4trategy? The arrangement of reso&r%es for the p&rpose of rea%hing yo&r o(erar%hing goal! s&%h as the repla%ement of %riminal leaders. Fperations? /o(ing for%es to position them for a series of battles so yo& %an $in ta%ti%al fights and make &se of those ta%ti%al (i%tories to do &nto yo&r enemy $hat yo& need as a stepping stone to strategi% (i%tory. =f yo& %an think and operate faster than the other g&y yo& ha(e a %han%e. 5emember $ho yo& are. Hear me! yesJ do remember that yo& m&st ser(e in order to ;&stify yo&r rights. Co& gotta obey in order to deser(e freedom. 5ights m&st be balan%ed! gi(e &p yo&r liberty in order to defend yo&r freedom! moron. 5eg&late 6%onfli%ting <pri(ilege<7 $ith proper o(ersight by %ommittee. DTr&e rights ne(er %onfli%t $ith the rights of others.E ?ear a bla%k dress if yo& %an. Co& think yo& are $orthy of freedom if yo& %ommit no %rime. Co& think yo& $ill ha(e freedom if yo& destroy the sla(ers. Child. 9o. Earn yo&r freedoms e(ery day by pro(ing ho$ obedient and responsible yo& are. Co& o$e! yes so m&%h to e(erybody. Espe%ially to the a&thorities $ho make the $orld t&rn so properly. *ay yo&r d&es and one day yo& too may be ele(ated by &s to freedom! prosperity and a&thority. Free like &s to ser(e all mankind as $e! the %ertified $ise and sober! see fit. The reg&latory state. 'o$ abo&t p&tting e(erybody in prison and then only releasing those %onsidered safe? F&%k the #4) 11C3 1ong li(e the Bill of 5ights3 1ong li(e the $hite ra%e3 D=t is am&sing that %onsidering the $ell being of any gro&p e+%ept $hite ones is a good thing.E =f yo& %an field only t$o types of soldier they sho&ld be snipers and demolition e+perts. 5emember that yo& ne(er sho&ld atta%k the enemy $itho&t lo%al ad(antage! s&ffi%ient separation! and barriers to rapid p&rs&it. )lso note that none of this $ill matter if yo& gi(e them time to p&t &p %he%kpoints! amb&shes and blo%king positions aro&nd yo& in the ob(io&s pla%es and yo& intend to e+tra%t thro&gh an ob(io&s pla%e. =deally a sniper engages the enemy $ith at least N00 meters of barriers to mo(ement bet$een he and they! and $ith no enemy in sight more than G00 meters a$ay if on%e lo%ated he %o&ld be fired &pon $ith long-range $eapons he has no hope of mat%hing. 4niping from trees is good as people seldom look &p! a large tree $ill stop b&llets! and yo& ha(e a good field of fireJ b&t it is (ery bad be%a&se a large tree may stand o&t! on%e yo& are lo%ated e(en generally yo& $ill re%ei(e massi(e amo&nts of fire! and the only fast $ay do$n and a$ay is to rappel or m&%h more probably fall. /artial arts is an a%%&rate b&t o(er&sed term. = don<t like it! and find that )sian styles of it are still o(eremphasiAed! not as m&%h as they &sed to beJ b&t still o(erly hyped. The $est has fo&ght $ars for a (ery long time. ?e too ha(e learned a fe$ things. Te%hni%ally all military skills are martial. The

most realisti% of %ompetition systems are not really martial. /ost martial arts systems are primarily sports or religio&s systems. They ha(e been fine t&ned by %hampions and e+perts for the p&rpose of %reating state of the art methods for $orking $ithin the r&les of the religion or %ompetition. This makes them &nrealisti% in %ombat! tho&gh some are m&%h better than others. 4ome of them are spirit&al state of the tho&sands of years past art. Fthers are mi+ed arts de(eloped for intense %ompetition! b&t not for %ombat. There is a great deal of nonsense. ) martial art is a fighting art! and is indeed for fighting! not enlightenment or pea%ef&lness. )nyone $ho says that e8&al for%e or the same $eapons! or la%k thereof! m&st be &sed against an atta%ker is an idiot. )nybody $ho says an &nfair fight is illegal is an idiot. =t is legal to in;&re an atta%ker! and to &se all the for%e needed to stop the atta%kJ b&t no more and yo& %an<t p&nish him after$ard. = add at this point the fa%t that if yo& fight yo& $ill be detained and probably arrested. =f yo& follo$ed the la$ yo& sho&ld then be released! b&t idiots are e(ery$here and yo& $ill probably be %on(i%ted of something! and almost %ertainly if yo& %learly %ame o&t on top. =f yo& are not going to tr&ly master hand-to-hand %ombat! and most soldiers and poli%e offi%ers do not! yo& need to get really good at %ertain ;ob related skills. ) soldier needs to learn really br&tal strikes and thro$s! and needs to &se any tools or e8&ipment that is at hand! as $ell as being $illing to stomp the hell o&t of anyone $ho goes do$n. ) poli%e offi%er needs good lo%ks! holds and take-do$ns! and good sti%k skills. Both need a good stan%e! and some defensi(e blo%king and a(oidan%e te%hni8&es. 9e(er arg&e $ith the poli%e! by the $ay. Total $aste of air. Hon<t bother telling the poli%e they %an<t do that. Co& and the poli%e are alike. Co& both %an do $hate(er yo& %an get a$ay $ith doing. Con(ersely poli%e offi%ers o&ght ne(er to arg&e $ith %itiAens. =f he is %alled to a s%ene or happens &pon persons and does not kno$ $hat is going on or if any %rimes are in progress! or if anyone there is $anted by his agen%y! he sho&ld obser(e and if $arranted ask 8&estions. =f nobody $ants to talk to him he sho&ld ba%k off or simply lea(e. DCo& are thinking none ?)9T to talk to yo& so yo& $o&ld get nothing done. Meep in mind! there is a right to remain silent.E =f he does ha(e legal gro&nds to %ite or arrest anybody he sho&ld listen to $hat they say b&t sho&ld ne(er arg&e $ith people. 'e sho&ld simply make the arrest! or $hate(er! after telling the s&b;e%t $hat he is doing and $hy if %onditions allo$. 9e(er e(en to&%h the handg&n &nless there is potentially serio&s threat offeredJ aim at a s&spe%t if yo& ha(e %a&se to shoot him! holding him at g&npoint if yo& find the need gone $hen yo& get on target! and &ntil yo& find there is no serio&s threat at all. Co& ha(e less lethal tools for lesser threats. Ho not think this means yo& %an $ait &ntil a hostile and &nla$f&lly threatening person $ith a $eapon dra$s on yo& before mo(ing and dra$ing yo&r o$n3 )nd yo& may arrest at g&npoint a (iolent felon kno$n to be armed $hen yo& are on solid legal gro&nd for the arrest. B&t threatening people $itho&t legal a&thority! brandishing yo&r firearm! baiting them! gi(ing them &nla$f&l orders! lying to them! or arg&ing $ith them makes yo& look like an ass and leads to es%alation. 9e(er point a $eapon at anyone &nless yo& are going to &se it if he does not rather 8&i%kly stop $hate(er he is doing. 9ote: Ho not be s&rprised if a s&spe%t ignores yo& %ompletely e(en if yo& get him at g&npoint. )nimals tend to respond to ne$ and potentially dangero&s sit&ations by (ariations on the standard three responses. These are to r&n! to freeAe in pla%e D$hi%h %an be helpf&l b&t only if yo& ha(e not been noti%edE! and to atta%k or %o&nteratta%k. Fne (ariation on freeAing is to pretend the threat does not e+ist. This %an relate to the s&b;e%t thinking yo& $ill not shoot! or his hoping the problem $ill ;&st go a$ay! b&t it often does not in(ol(e %ons%io&s tho&ght at all. =f yo& hold an armed s&spe%t at g&npoint and no OholdO o%%&rs ;&st shoot him if $hat he is %ontin&ing to do is life threatening. Fther$ise arrest him by less lethal means or let him go. '&h. E(er heard of s&i%ide by %itiAen? ) blank look follo$ed by %onsternation and near hysteria. Co& kno$ $hat? 4ometimes yo& ti%k off the $rong people. ) half$ay de%ent rifleman steps &p and shoots fo&r %ops. Co& are not so s&perior! eh? 4omebody blo$s &p yo&r %on(oy and all yo& %an do is shoot &p the general lands%ape. Hamn. E(il! = tell yo&. Hisrespe%t3 Co& %an<t %omplain yo&r $ay

to domination. Co& %an<t be s&perior by $ay of sm&g. *&t on yo&r big girl panties and deal $ith it. Co& do not defeat the foe by being in harmony $ith the &ni(erse and yo&r foe<s energy! tho&gh yo& %an &se his &n%ontrolled moment&m to aid in a trip or thro$. This is not no-mind or magi%. Co& make %hanges to yo&r en(ironment! and $ith ea%h %hange yo& kno$ of something to do and yo& do it. Co& kno$ be%a&se yo& ha(e pra%ti%ed realisti%ally and m&%h! and be%a&se yo& (is&aliAe s%enarios $hen yo& are idle. That last is rather like dry fire pra%ti%e $ith yo&r handg&n. Ho not break &p a training s%enario to intersperse it $ith &nrealisti% a%ti(ities. =f yo& ne(er allo$ an empty magaAine to fall to the mat &nder stress yo& $ill at times take time o&t from the g&nfight to safely store an empty mag in its po&%h. D=f yo& $ant to prote%t magaAines from b&mps pra%ti%e o(er a mat. =f yo& $ant to sa(e the brass $hen shooting lay o&t a tarp to %at%h it. Hon<t $orry abo&t any of this d&ring a%t&al shooto&t phases of any firefight real or pra%ti%e! and do s&%h ho&sekeeping in solid %o(er.E =f yo& bo$ before atta%king yo& may ;&st do that in a real fight. Iery bad thing. #sef&l te%hni8&es %an be learned from almost any system! b&t yo&r basi% system sho&ld be based on bo+ing! $restling and ki%k bo+ing pl&s sti%k fighting! $ith all sports r&les and limitations remo(ed. 4ome of the things most forbidden in the sports are the best to do. Thro$ in a dollop of heel of the palm strikes to bony str&%t&res instead of fist strikesJ go&ging and stomping! and thro$ o&t e+aggerated stan%es D$hi%h do lo$er the %enter of gra(ityE that slo$ yo& do$n. =f yo& &se a stan%e $hi%h in(ol(es tensing m&s%les and making tight fists yo& slo$ yo&rself f&rther. 5ela+ m&s%les $hene(er possible! tighten them &pon impa%t. *&n%h thro&gh the target! not &p to it. #nneeded motions are to be a(oided! b&t yo& sho&ld remain in motion and any thing left hanging o&t $ill be grabbed or broken off! in%l&ding a foot left &p in the air after a high ki%k. ) g&y %an %ome in and take yo& do$n if yo& depend on strikes only. Certainly yo& o&ght to hit him as he %loses if he gi(es yo& an opening for a solid shot! b&t mo(e or thro$ him in order to &se his moment&m. Co&r leading knee m&st ne(er be %a&ght flatfooted $ith yo&r $eight on it. Co& sho&ld keep yo&r stan%e bladed! and sho&ld slide step! slip! t&rn the torso and roll Dyield &nder the blo$! more like! ne(er raise and e+pose the %hinE the head &nder the blo$! and &se any &sef&l part of the body to defle%t or bind a strike to a (&lnerable part of yo&r body. This in%l&des thighs! hips and sho&lders. This in%l&des yo&r b&tto%ks. =n a real stand &p solid blo%ks and 6ro&ndho&se7 blo$s %an break yo&r forearm and hard fists to solid or bony parts of the body %an break not only kn&%kles and hands b&t also $rists and %an dislo%ate m&s%le. 1ooping strikes are &sed only to go aro&nd defenses! and $hile ;abs and sharp kn&%kle p&n%hes to the head are good! &se the heel of the palm for tr&ly hea(y blo$s to the mo&th or sk&ll. Balan%e! balan%e and balan%e3 1o$er the body and $iden the stan%e $hen more stability is needed. Meep the elbo$s in. Meep yo&r mo&th sh&t. Ho not ;&t o&t yo&r manly %hin. Co& %an seldom blo%k blo$s after they are already &nder$ay! and that g&y may be hitting yo& ten times ea%h se%ond. The best 6blo%k7 is not being a stationary target! and already ha(ing elbo$s! arms! and hands in position to prote%t rib%age and %enterline from ;a$ to stoma%h. The position of the leading leg prote%ts the groin. =f yo& lose tra%k of $hat is going on %o&nteratta%k like a son of a bit%h! $itho&t &n%ontrolled moment&m3 and bolt if a good es%ape ro&te be%omes e(ident. 4o %alled soft systems &se defle%tion and redire%tion. =f yo& r&sh the pra%titioner he $ill &se yo&r moment&m against yo&! p&sh or lean on him and he $ill take yo& do$n $hile p&lling yo& in or gi(ing $ay s&ddenly. 'e &ses ;oint lo%ks and pain %omplian%e. 'e &ses thro$s. 1earn from this! b&t do not limit yo&rself to these methods. These methods $ork against the not (ery serio&s. E(ent&ally a serio&s atta%ker $ill get thro&gh the defense and thrash the defender. 1o%ks and pain %omplian%e $ork only on people $ho $ill gi(e in rather than a%%ept pain and broken bones. Thro$s %an be lethal depending on $hat he is bo&n%ing yo& off of! and he may be able to %hoke yo& o&t or st&n yo&r %ir%&latory system $ith a blo$ to the side of the ne%k! perhaps $ith fatal res&lts. /ost fights OdegenerateO into some form of grappling or gro&nd fighting. This is a good thing for those $ho are good at it and fighting one-on-one. ?hy does this happen? 1ook at professional bo+ing! $hi%h is not a %ombat art and is aimed at entertainment. 'o$ long do they po&nd on ea%h other in most %ases before a kno%ko&t o%%&rs? Fnly po$erf&l blo$s relati(e to the opponent<s siAe! and blo$s to %riti%al parts of the body $ork 8&i%kly. ) strangle hold does $ork fast if yo& %an get someone into it. 'o$ e(er yo& got there! if yo& are on the gro&nd or e(en if yo& are only in a %lin%h and yo&r opponent

has an asso%iate handy yo&r sit&ation is %riti%al. ?hile yo& are held in pla%e for only a short time he %an p&n%h or ki%k yo& in the ba%k of the ne%k. >ame o(er perhaps permanently. The 4atani% n&rses3 >i(e me 1ibertines! or gi(e me death3 Eh. ?hat $as that all abo&t? Brilliant. :&st silly! $hat? Brain storms are splendid things! storm in a tea%&p. Co& do not lean on people. ?hen yo& p&sh them it is po$erf&l and makes &se of yo&r $eight! b&t balan%e is immediately re%o(ered. Ho not stand or mo(e $ith the feet %lose together. ?hen = say sho&lder $idth apart = mean both from side to side and front to ba%k. Bend the knees! espe%ially the most for$ard one! if yo& need more stability b&t not so m&%h that all the m&s%les end &p tensed. Co& do not telegraph blo$s. 4tart a strike first and then step or follo$ thro&gh. The light ones are fast and they snap ba%k! the hea(y ones &se a t&rn of the body! hip and sho&lder! yo&r $eight as yo& follo$ thro&gh! p&shing &p $ith yo&r rear$ard foot! or a drop or drop step on the for$ard one! perhaps a step in as $ellJ they do not hang aro&nd o&t there if only be%a&se some retra%tion is needed for yo&r ne+t blo$. 5egain balan%e at on%e. Co& $ill get a feel for timing as yo& make or find openings. Cat%h him as he shifts to$ard yo& for the most po$erf&l blo$s. Ho not let him lead yo&. Break his patterns. =f yo& r&sh in yo& do not allo$ yo&rself &n%ontrolled moment&m. ?hen yo& look at photos of te%hni8&es the atta%ker often looks $ide open. ?ell he may be! yo& o&ght not e+pose yo&rself more than yo& m&st! b&t it is a matter of time! distan%e and post&re. /any sport! spirit and re%reation methods $o&ld ne(er $ork in a fight. The thing to do is to take ad(antage of openings $hen the other person is in no position to respond in time. )ll those %ompetition oriented mo&nt positions and somebody has yo& in a %lin%h $ith his head properly t&%ked in. 'e %an break yo&r balan%e and is prote%ted from any po$erf&l blo$s yo& might ha(e thro$n. 5ip his f&%king ear offJ >od forbid yo& are so st&pid yo& let him pin both arms to yo&r sides. 9o good at the $restling? 4ti%k yo&r fingers in something soft and... =f yo& go do$n get &p again. Mno$ ho$ to fall! ho$ to l&nge and roll. =f yo& try to get &p ne+t to enemies yo& $ill find it impossible. They %an p&sh yo& $hen yo& are half$ay &p and %an sho(e yo&r knees in from behind. Fend them off $ith yo&r feet! or atta%k $hate(er is $ithin rea%h and take them do$n. =f all else fails and yo& %an<t r&n go fetal and oh yo&r e+posed kidney. Co& may! or may not! be able to take do$n one atta%ker. =t is possible! b&t m&%h less likely! to take do$n t$o! and it $ill probably be the res&lt of taking one do$n $hen the other is o&t of position or is not (ery enth&siasti% abo&t things. /ore hostiles than that and yo& are progressi(ely more %ertain roadkill. #se a sti%k. 4hoot them. =f yo& hear shots in the distan%e yo& take %o(er and say! 6no$! $hat is that abo&t?7 ?hen the b&llets are p&n%hing thro&gh the $alls into yo& li(ing room yo& say! 6= %an kill them! &nless it t&rns o&t to be the neighbor kids &sing a poor ba%kstop.7 = lo(e it $hen somebody is trying to kill me instead of beat me &p to some e+tent or other. Bliss! the %ertainty and p&rity of the absol&te3 9o religion or mysti%ism here! ;&st tho&ght and feelings. ) state of mind...&nless = am possessed by /ars and don<t kno$ it@Foohaahaha3 'ard systems tend to rely on hard! straight on blo%ks and po$erf&l blo$s. Blo%ks $ork $ell if in pla%e in time and yo& are strong eno&gh! b&t defle%tions are better and not being there $hen a blo$ arri(es is better yet. Ho not blo%k strikes that are not going to hit yo&. Ho not %lose yo&r eyes! $ell if someone<s finger is abo&t to go in there it might not matter. Ho not %lose yo&r eyes! or merely flin%h ba%k! $hen a fist is %oming at yo&r head. Co& need to see in order to respond properly. )s a r&le a(oid or defle%t and %o&nteratta%k. )s a r&le do not blo%k atta%ks that $ill miss yo&! &nneeded a%tions are $asted time. Co& may need to bind the rele(ant arm if yo& step in past the atta%k and %o&nteratta%k. 'ands %lose and near yo&r fa%e. This does not mean yo& %an stand and al$ays see a blo$ %oming in time to a(oid it. 4ometimes yo& %an! sometimes yo& simply did not stand still for a probable line of atta%k. 4ometimes yo& simply get hit! perhaps $ith eno&gh time to tighten a m&s%le! roll or yield $ith the blo$! or to hop slightly so that yo& are p&shed ba%k as m&%h as p&n%hed. Meep the elbo$s in3 4pinning ro&nd may be something yo& ha(e to do! at times! b&t ha(ing yo&r ba%k to an opponent is not good. 5ememberJ step! sh&ffle! slide and skip $ith yo&r %enter of gra(ity fairly lo$ and feet generally sho&lder $idth apart! b&t also that $hen both feet are off the gro&nd too long yo&r opponent %an p&sh! p&ll! spin and rotate yo& as he pleases. ?ith a hand on yo&r head he %an p&sh yo&

any$here or simply bo&n%e it off of something. 4lide. 4kim. ?ithin %onta%t distan%e mo(e the lead foot and follo$ &p $ith the trail! or the re(erse as %onditions di%tate! to a(oid being hit $ith yo&r ankles %rossed. )nkles %rossed and a p&sh $ill p&t yo& do$n! yo& better be nimble. 9ote that if yo& depend on a system of strikes a good $restler $ill r&sh yo&! a(oid the po$er of yo&r blo$s by %losing! smother yo&r blo$s. 'e $ill then take yo& do$n and smash and ki%k yo& into obli(ion. The primary r&le of 6&narmed %ombat7 is to &se a tool $hene(er possible. E(en monkeys &se tools3 Ho not be atta%king broken-do$n old (eterans. =f they are too old to gi(e yo& a good fight they $ill probably ;&st kill yo&. ?itho&t tools yo& &se anything handy &nder the %ir%&mstan%es. )nything $hi%h %an defle%t! redire%t! slap! bind! hold! blo%k! absorb! p&ll! tear! poke! p&n%t&re! s%rat%h! st&n! br&ise! p&sh off balan%e! trip! %o(er eyes or disr&pt hearing! thro$ or break. Fingers alone or b&n%hed! ba%k! front or either side of hand! (ario&s kn&%kles! $rist! forearm! elbo$! &pper arm! sho&lders! head! teeth! sides! ba%k and $aist! hips! thighs! knees! shins! ball of foot! heel! top of foot and et%. Co& do not ha(e to make a fan%y and fab&lo&s snap ki%k to break a knee! ;&st lift the foot and p&sh his knee in $ith it. 9o fan%y knee to the groin re8&ired! and he is $at%hing for it. ?hen in %lose prote%t yo&r o$n groin $ith a thigh $hile yo& short p&n%h him in the testi%les! or simply grab them and t$ist. 1ook at yo&r atta%ker. Co& need to kno$ if he is inside of N or V feet! and $hen he is near eno&gh to p&n%h. Co& need to kno$ $hat is in his hands and $hat he is doing $ith them! $hen he shifts his $eight! $here his feet are! and if he t&rns or rotates his sho&lder. ?hat is his rea%h? ?hen he rotates his hip Dt&rning his left side ba%k and rotating the right arm for$ard both adds po$er to a right hand p&n%h and adds rea%h! he o&ght also to p&sh &p on momentarily on the toes of his trailing footE! or takes a step? ?here is he looking? B&t! do not get fi+ated! and do not stare at one point. 1ook at him in general and &se yo&r peripheral (ision. 9ote: $hen talking it is seldom good to stare into his eyes! b&t if yo& ne(er look at his fa%e he $ill think he %an take yo&. ?hen yo& look a$ay ne(er drop yo&r eyes. 1ook at his forehead or ear. )lso some people kno$ yo& are going to atta%k if yo& are looking them in the eye and then s&ddenly s$it%h o(er to &nfo%&sed or general obser(ationJ staring beyond. Fn%e atta%ked the talking is o(er. =f yo& do not kno$ yo&r o$n rea%h $hen ;abbing! shifting yo&r $eight behind a blo$! or $hile stepping in yo& $ill be short! or tap him be%a&se yo& are at f&ll e+tension at impa%t. =f yo&r timing is poor yo&r blo$ $ill arri(e as he is already mo(ing o&t of rea%h. 9e(er allo$ yo&rself to be s&%ker p&n%hed. Be a$are. Ho not stand %lose. =f yo&r opponent stands off and spars! mane&(ers! and is not (ery good yo& %an play it in a n&mber of different $ays. 'e may not be (ery serio&s. 'e may think blo%king and p&n%hing is fighting! $hen he sho&ld be fighting a person and not ha(ing a blo%king %ontest. =f he is good yo& $ill ha(e to %hange the fight to a(oid his preferred distan%e and methods. =f the g&y %omes in like a freight train he may lea(e himself open for one or more solid hits. 'e may be thro$n! tripped! or simply p&shed or p&lled past yo&. =f he is %lose and hammering yo&! or is grappling and &sing knees and elbo$s and head into yo&r fa%e it $ill be fast and f&rio&s. E(erything in &se in%l&ding biting his head! breaking his pinky! p&shing him off $ith a th&mb in belo$ the )dam<s apple! tearing the earlobe! sho&lder into %hest and kn&%kle strike to the temple. Co& %an &se the hip to deli(er blo$s! not ;&st to get in lo$ and break balan%e for a thro$. 'ook a foot and %lothesline him. >rab a handf&l of skin and yank or t$ist. 9e(er gi(e &p! keep thinkingJ if yo& need to es%ape grab him and r&n &p and o(er him as if he $ere a ladder. =f yo& see some g&y take a s$ing at a $oman $alk briskly &p behind him and pla%e a foot side$ays on the ba%k of his knee! p&sh in! then step on his %alf and then $ith the other foot on his ba%k or ne%k. Meep on $alking. Ceeha$3 =f yo& are &sing a sti%k or flashlight yo& sho&ld &se raps to the hands! ;oints! and blo$s to the m&s%les. =f the g&y is a problem yo& %an ramp things &p in terms of for%e and hit him in the ribs! basi%ally anypla%e b&t the head! ne%k! spineJ b&t yo& may not $ant to break bones and ;oints. Co&

sho&ld reser(e po$erf&l blo$s and ;abs into the internal organs and blo$s to the head! ne%k! and spine to %riminals $ho endanger yo&r life and not ;&st p&nk %riminals $ho $ant to sho(e on yo&. The sti%k is a fine hand-to-hand %ombat $eapon. =t not only e+tends yo&r rea%h! it is also faster than the hand if yo& p&t a little snap into the tip $hen yo& &se it. B&t there is no need for offensi(e means! eh hopper in st&bble? Hon<t be there or yield before all blo$s! and yo& %annot be harmed. Fnly things that resist breaking %an be broken. *ah! if yo& think yo& %an al$ays yield before a strike by $ithdra$ing the threatened part faster than a fast blo$ $ith hand or e(en sti%k yo& are del&sional. :&st t&rn yo&r body into smoke! that is the ti%ket! and hopef&lly yo& $on<t get blo$n a$ay. Co& kno$! people are programmed in %onfrontations to feel good if yo& are &n%omfortable! and to feel &n%omfortable if they think yo& are %ool and they ineffe%t&al. =f somebody has to feel bad it better be them and often the first to look foolish stays that $ay and the other ne(er feels it at all. This does not mean they $ill like yo&! in most %ases! altho&gh some $ill feel the need to admire or s&%k &p to yo&! after$ard. Ho yo& like ha(ing enemies e(ery$here? )re the ones $ho %hange their t&ne tr&st$orthy? Ho not h&miliate people $hen yo& don<t ha(e to! and if yo& br&sh off sy%ophants do not do it in an ob(io&s or %r&el $ay. =f yo& gi(e &p yo&r $eapons yo& are a s&b;e%t! not a f&ll %itiAen. =f yo& gi(e &p yo&r arms to %ommon %riminals or tyrants yo& are at best a 4E5F. ?ith m&ltiple assailants yo& are ;&stified in ramping &p the for%e le(el m&%h faster and higher. 4ometimes $ith lo$-le(el threats or attempts at harassment no response at all! or simply honestly asking 8&estions and speaking yo&r mind is best! b&t ne(er arg&e $ith serio&s threats or $ith idiots. )t other times off topi% and leading %omments $ill p&t him-them off balan%e. Trying too hard to a(oid a fight %an start one. The best methods for talking someone do$n $itho&t looking like a p&nk or a $eak (i%tim %an fail. Co& sho&ld a(oid fights $hen yo& %an! ho$e(er! &nless yo& %an $in and don<t mind the ba%klashJ or the sit&ation is only going to get $orse &nless a%ti(e steps are taken. >ood l&%k. )lso! $hile yo& sho&ld be able to ignore p&nks $itho&t feeling like shit! or speak $itho&t s8&eaking! yo& may not be able to. )ny signal that yo& are not freaked $ill keep yo& feeling good@if all yo& do is e+%hange eyerolls $ith a friend as y<all keep right on $alking. There is nothing $rong $ith stomping on someones ne%k! breaking arms and legs! in %ombat. ?hen dealing $ith (ario&s kinds of fool yo& o&ght not &se lethal and %rippling methods &nless yo& are in danger of being serio&sly stomped yo&rself. There is nothing $rong $ith biting &nless yo&r opponent is no threat or s&%h goings on $o&ld bring in the bystanders. ?hen dealing $ith s&%h fools! = mention in passing! yo& need not let him lead yo&r mind. =f he says yo& are a %o$ard yo& %an $alkJ yo& %an bring &p a totally different s&b;e%t: do not say 6=<m no %o$ard7 or 6yo& are the %o$ard7J say 6are yo& going to atta%k me?7 =f he does atta%k then try to ki%k his ass. =f there is a pa&se say! 6no?7 and then $alk. =f his immediate response is to say he is going to ki%k yo&r ass ;&st tell him yo& ha(e yet to see it. 'ell! ask him if he is a member of sk&ll and bones! if yo& feel like it3 )lso! it is proper and legal to atta%k him first if he threatens! steps in $ith %len%hed fists or %o%ks a fist! or anything of the like. Co& %an p&n%h him at on%e! if yo& $ish! if he p&rposely blo%ks yo&r mo(ement or grabs onto yo&. This is an art! free form! not a s%ien%e. 4hort of doing $rong! do anything yo& $ant. Co& $ill dis%o(er $hat %an $ork and $hat $ill not. 'a(e f&n! brother3 /ost s%&ffling is rather st&pid! l&%kily there is a %lass of $omen $ho find a bent nose or s%ars attra%ti(e. Ca&liflo$er ears! flat noses! and permanently deformed bro$s are going to far! mind3 H&de! be %ool! none of this st&ff is all that important3 /ost fights are marginally painf&l and yo&r ego sho&ld not be all that tender. F&%k them if they %an<t take the ;oke3 :&st be $illing in preferen%e to being a door mat. =t is not a (ery good idea to break the orbital! flatten the nose or kno%k o&t the teeth of yo&r a(erage snotty %lassmate! b&t not so if a man atta%ks yo& on the street. *robably yo& $ill %&t yo&r hand on teeth! and &sing a fist for the others %an break itJ %ertainly if yo& %an<t make a proper fist Dth&mb t&%ked in on the o&tside! please! and don<t miss and st&b it! or strike $ith the kn&%kle of the little finger! ehE. )nd if a th&g is mopping the floor $ith yo& and a brother $alks &p and asks yo& if yo& %o&ld &se a

hand! say 6yes! thanks.7 =f yo& li(e in an area $here the bash them and then p&t the steel-toed boot in %ro$d is king by no means hesitate at all and do &se tools. F&%k them &p badly! p&t them do$n no$ and hard. The steel toe makes an e+%ellent striking implement! b&t bon&s! it hinders the other$ise (ery effe%ti(e stomping of their feet. They are s&%h 9ellies! they probably $ear groin %&ps too. ) sti%k may ha(e no (isible effe%t on the atta%ker $hen yo& strike the long m&s%les. =f this happens sharp raps to boney areas! not the head if possible! sho&ld $ork. Break bones or e(en ;oints if it be%omes ne%essary. Brothers and sisters...there m&st be a lot of in%est going on. 4orry. Hare = ask yo& not to play rap or $ear baggy pants? )nd = really hate shorts. :E 4hort of gi(ing &p! this is $hat %an stop yo&. Co& %an be so strongly %onfined that yo& %annot f&n%tion. This might re8&ire one (ery strong person holding yo& do$n! or a (ery hea(y person lying on yo&. =t might take a pile of people on yo&! or se(eral people to ea%h arm and leg. The &se of hand%&ffs and leg restraints may do it. DCo& %an easily pass %&ffs &nder the feet to bring the hands to the front! and most hand%&ff keys $ork on most %&ffs.E *erhaps a ne%k loop r&nning to %&ffs and then do$n to ankle %&ffs to hold yo& in a bent at the knees position $ill do it. Co& %an be too physi%ally e+ha&sted to f&n%tion. Crippling in;&ries to m&s%le and bone %an stop yo&. Co& %an be in sho%k! si%k $ith pain! blind and deaf! &n%ons%io&s or dead. =t has been this $ay sin%e 4atan $as a little girl Df&%k me and %all me 1&%y she said.E Fops! that m&st be one of them ra%ial memories! or maybe that %olle%ti(ely s&b%ons%io&sness thing? ?arning: Meeping a person &nder a $eight %an res&lt in death. >ags and ne%k loops %an res&lt in death. 1ea(ing a hand%&ffed person lying on his %hest %an res&lt in death. 'anging a person by his arms %an res&lt in death. #se of Taser DTom 4$ift ele%tri% rifle?E or st&n g&n against people $ith medi%al %onditions may res&lt in death. E+%essi(e &se of st&n g&ns %an res&lt in death. #se of st&n g&ns in an inflammable en(ironment may res&lt in fire and death. #se of %hemi%al sprays against those $ith medi%al %onditions may res&lt in death. E+%essi(e and %ontin&ed e+pos&re to %hemi%al sprays may b&rn the skin! damage the eyes! and %an res&lt in death! and may sensitiAe the s&b;e%t res&lting in allergy. *yrote%hni% %hemi%al de(i%es may %a&se fires and death. 5iot %hemi%als &sed in %losed spa%es %an %a&se death. 'ea(y d&sting $ith FC po$er %an %a&se skin damage. Flash-bangs may start fires! and %an kill if yo& are hit by the firing me%hanism or are (ery near the e+plosion. 5&bber b&llets and other riot %ontrol pro;e%tiles fired at fa%e or head! or from a dangero&sly %lose distan%e may res&lt in death. Blo$s to the ne%k may res&lt in death. Baton blo$s to the head! ne%k or spine may %a&se death. *o$erf&l blo$s to the head! spine! and internal organs s&%h as the kidney and heart may res&lt in death. Blo$s to the groin may res&lt in permanent disability. 4&ffo%ation or strang&lation may res&lt in death. *o$erf&l blo$s to ;oints! and ;oint breaking te%hni8&es! may res&lt in permanent disability. Breaks to the hip ;oint and large bones of the &pper leg may res&lt in death Dbleeding or sho%k! a broken hip %an bleed internally eno&gh to killE. The &se of 6kno%ko&t7 anestheti% %hemi%als may &nderdose! dose! or o(erdose and may res&lt in death. =nterrogation dr&gs may res&lt in ad(erse rea%tions! may be gi(en in e+%essi(e doses! and may res&lt in death! and $alking aro&nd the rim of a large bo$l that remains stable be%a&se of the $ater inside &ntil yo&r spirit&al de(elopment and pra%ti%e allo$ yo& to do it $ith less and less $ater is garbage. 4oni% and laser daAAler $eapons %a&se diAAiness! na&sea! and sometimes $orse. Histra%tion de(i%es-st&n grenades-flash bangs are not offensi(e-blast-%on%&ssion grenades. They ha(e a (ery sharp report or reports and a (ery bright flash or flashes. =f they land at yo&r feet some body parts may be blo$n off! and nearby they %an %a&se %on%&ssions to the brain. 4ho%k $a(es thro&gh the brain lea(e damaged areas thro&gho&t. Hisr&ption of the inner ear %an res&lt in diAAiness and na&sea. /ost of the time they deafen and o(erload the eyes for abo&t N se%onds. /ost hearing %omes ba%k and the eyes sho&ld only ha(e 6spots before them7 for a limited time. =f $earing prote%ti(e gear yo& %an operate (ery %lose to them@do not look at the de(i%e as it e+plodes.

This sho&ld also indi%ate to yo& that there is no s&%h thing as a nonlethal $eapon. There are less-lethal $eapons and lethal $eapons. The &se of a lethal $eapon may not kill yo&. The &se! espe%ially mis&se! of a less-lethal $eapon may kill yo&. *eople seem to think defense sprays $ill p&t anyone do$n! and that a ;olt from a st&n g&n $ill 6kno%k them o&t.7 )%t&ally! a good shot to the fa%e $ith /a%e! and the like! may pain! disorient! s&ffo%ate and blind! or may not effe%t the person beyond dis%omfit and possible rage. =f yo& are %lose to the assailant and blind lat%h on and ma&l. =t takes some time for the ma+im&m effe%t to o%%&r! so do any shooting $hile yo& ha(e (ision remaining. 1ater keep yo&r eyes $ide open and any blindness sho&ld end in a matter of se%onds! less than a min&te any$ay. This $ill (ary if a lot of li8&id %hemi%al is on yo&. =f yo& start dripping m&%&s yo& may (omit. Co& %an fl&sh the eyes $ith $ater or milk! do not r&b! or $ipe the %hemi%al ba%k into the eyes. ) ;olt from the st&n g&n &s&ally b&t not al$ays h&rts like a bit%h and makes yo& go rigid and s%ream or gr&nt. Co& may thrash! b&t that happens mostly after yo& ha(e %ollapsed. Co& may be disoriented! and $ill take a min&te to get things f&lly &nder %ontrol again. =f yo& do pass o&t somebody really o&ght to %all the paramedi%s. *&t on the prote%ti(e mask. =f yo&r armor is not thi%k eno&gh yo& %an pla%e a %ond&%ti(e layer &nder an o&ter layer and o(er an ins&lating layer. This $orks &nless the Taser darts are able to physi%ally penetrate both o&ter and middle layers! and &p to a point e(en then. By the $ay! don<t lea(e a %anister of defense spray on the dash of yo&r (ehi%le on a s&nny day. =f it gets hot eno&gh it $ill b&rst! and yo& $ill be s&rprised at the damage the blast %an do in a %onfined spa%e. 9e(er &se less-lethal $eapons alone against the enemy. #se them to add %onf&sion and misdire%tion to the fight or to red&%e %i(ilian %as&alties! b&t in %on;&n%tion $ith lethal kineti% Darea target! point target and pre%isionE and e+plosi(e D&ng&ided and g&idedJ penetrating! blast! fragmentation and flameE $eapons! area and point targetJ dire%t! pl&nging and indire%t fire! of s&itable type at e(ery &nit siAe and le(el. This is mostly a matter of $eight and amm&nition s&pply related to &nit siAe and means of transport. There m&st be a balan%e of systems! tho&gh this balan%e needs to be ad;&sted to the sit&ation. #se less-lethal de(i%es in personal defense and $hen needed to make the arrest! and only to the degree needed and $ith armed ba%k&p. )gainst a poli%e state &se less-lethals only $hen yo& ha(e a better %han%e at s&%%ess &sing sti%ks and stones against riot %ontrol for%es than yo& $o&ld ha(e in a firefight. Co& need to mo(e (ery fast in loose &nits $hi%h %an %on(erge and fight and then disperse rapidly. 1oosely %onform yo&r mo(ements to yo&r leader<s and be prepared to %on%entrate at any moment. Ho rabbit if yo& ha(e to in order to sa(e yo&r ass! b&t not to sa(e yo&rself br&ises. Co& m&st be more dis%iplined than the other side and e+pe%t losses. There is some &tility in padding or %ond&%ti(e layers (ers&s st&n g&ns! shields (ers&s r&bber b&llets and millimeter and mi%ro$a(es! prote%ti(e meas&res against so&nd! gas and flash and the like: yo&r real prote%tion is speed of mane&(er Din%l&ding dispersion and &se of %o(er and terrain maskingE and the $eight of yo&r half bri%k or bl&dgeon atta%ks. =f the other side &ses lethal $eapons yo& are a fool to remain there $ith yo&r sti%k. 5emember that po$erf&l slingshots shooting steel balls %an %a&se fatal $o&nds to the head! ;&st as poli%e a&tomati% FC 6pepperball7 g&ns ha(e killed $ith hits into the &nprote%ted eye. )l$ays keep the goal in mind! nothing to gain means yo& o&ght not to be there. ?hat are yo& trying to do? )tta%k isolated opposition. Hisr&pt their operation and break their formations. =f possible! dri(e them o&t of the area. This $eakens them and loosens their hold on the area! then e+pe%t es%alation. Ho &se s%o&ts and s%reening for%es. Be prepared for the in;&red. 4t&dy the 5oman legions. )lso the mo&nted nomads. Hisperse! mo(e! shoot! %omm&ni%ate. Con%entrate as m&%h as the sit&ation re8&iresJ amb&shes are al$ays goodJ then s&r(i(e! e(ade! es%ape! disperse. =f yo& allo$ yo&rself to be %&t off and s&rro&nded yo& are done. 5e%r&it! sele%t and train. Ho not gi(e people the plan $eeks in ad(an%e. Call them in and tell

them $hat is to be done! then do it at on%e. The opposition $ill ha(e little time to prepare $hen yo&r $eaklings and spies gi(e them the heads &p. =t is easiest to do all this if the organiAation as a $hole is r&n as a legal politi%al or %haritable organiAation! $ith only a tiny inside gro&p in the kno$. =n the ma;ority of %ases the best $ay to handle an e+posed traitor or spy is simply to e+pel him. Co& %o&ld gi(e him false information. Co& %o&ld get radi%al abo&t the $hole thing. =t is seldom $orth it in the long r&n. #nless he got people killed. /ake no mistake. =f yo& take a%tion against the state yo& $ill be identified. ?hisper %ampaigns asking like minded people to sho$ &p before an a%tion! masked! and to operate in loose %ooperation on the street %an $ork. 4ome of those attending $ill be informers there to attempt to identify the others. 4ometimes the informers are the ones to %all the a%tion to a pla%e of arrest! and if the r&mors of an assembly are o&t for too long before the a%tion the a&thorities may be there ready to make arrests any$ay. Basi%ally &nless there is so m&%h going on that the state %annot a%t on all of it or the re(ol&tion is so strong %ertain $hole areas are at least part of the time o&tside its %ontrol yo& m&st ha(e alternate (alid identities and homes and b&sinesses-;obs or e(ent&ally informers! =H and transa%tion re%ords! %ameras and other sensors! or the more %ommon road blo%ks and random stops are going to get yo&. 'o$ many people are tr&ly prepared for this? 4treet a%tion is a $aste of time in most %ases. Hon<t end &p in prison on bog&s %harges o(er a pea%ef&l b&t annoying street a%tion. The go(ernment is %ra%king do$n. =f yo& intentionally damage property belonging to &nin(ol(ed parties! and are not agents of the state! = kno$ $hy they do itJ $hat in hell are yo& doing that for? Complaints to the )&thorities are a $aste of time &nless the leadership is &na$are of defe%ts or fa%ing too m&%h resistan%e. They also pro(e yo& are a part of the s&bordinate %lasses. *ea%ef&l protests only pro(e ineffe%ti(e &nless the treatment the protesters re%ei(e enrages people of m&%h more infl&en%e. ?hen they $ork they $ork se%ond hand. Ci(il disobedien%e today is slapped do$n. =f yo& are a%ting $ithin yo&r rights and-or resisting tyranny and yo& let people p&t their hands all o(er yo&! p&sh yo& aro&nd! and detain yo& for three days $itho&t a (alid %harge being pro%essed yo& are a sla(e re8&esting de%ent treatment from the master and $illingly taking the ab&se if they disagree. Co& ha(e p&t on the &niform of the ho&sehold ser(ant. ?hy not ;&st sh&t yo&r mo&th? Co& ha(e already yielded e(erything else. Fleeing and el&ding the poli%e $hen they are not follo$ing the la$ is no %rime. 4o $hat! yo& think poli%e! prose%&tor or ;&dge $ill agree $ith yo&? They do not follo$ their o$n r&les and said r&les often (iolate the prin%iples of liberty. The time of d&e pro%ess is o(er. = say againJ so $hat? ?hat are yo& going to do abo&t it? 4erf. Co& f&%king anar%hists and so-%alled anar%hists. Ceah yo&. Fighting to be fighting! or for reasons politi%al yo& really don<t like to admit too. =t is more f&n to fo%&s on the hypo%riti%al pigs yo& are apposing. Co& are all hot air and no fight. Can<t take a bloody nose $itho&t $imping o&t. 'onestly! $e need to import some )sian or E&ropean rioters. E(en the street gangs ha(e lost their ner(e. They ne(er made a pra%ti%e of fighting the poli%e! and $ere not as $ell armed ba%k in the day! b&t $hen the poli%e sho$ed &p they ran for it and only a fe$ $ere %&t off and arrested. 9o$ they are stopped on the street and hand%&ffed $hile the poli%e ask 8&estions! r&n names! take photographs and frisk them. They are released ea%h time only after they ha(e bo$ed properly before a&thority. E(en the petty rebels ha(e fallen from gra%e. E(en o&r bedamned %riminal %lass %an no longer prote%t its t&rf. )lien organiAed %rime has no more or less e8&al balan%e sa(e the bankers and the go(ernment! and they all are along $ith the poli%e! a big gang themsel(es! in and o&t of ea%h other<s po%kets. ?ho r&ns the %oke into yo&r area! the Colombians? ?eed? The :amai%ans. ?ho %ontrols this pla%e? The 5&ssian D:e$ishE mob. ?e %an<t e(en %ompete at street le(el (i%e. 'eh. FrganiAed %rime has al$ays had international %onne%tions! finan%ing or dire%tion! and it has al$ays been %entered aro&nd immigrant gro&ps and %orr&pt politi%ians. =mmigrants! &ntil they be%ome mainstream )meri%ans if they e(er do! are al$ays isolated! hostile and resentf&l in large part and from odd %&lt&ral belief systems. They are (ery prone to %rime and s&b(ersion. They are easy for $ealthy and po$erf&l manip&lators to agitate. They often fall for

%omm&nist propaganda or ethni% strongmen as $ell. ?e are not ;&st afraid of dying! Christians! 9e$ )gers and th&gs alike and all denials self-di(ersion! $e are all terrified of a pother. ?hom does offi%ialdom dislike most! a %riminal or a man $ho is disrespe%tf&l? ) passel of enfor%ement types sho$ed &p at my home. = said! OCo& are bloody late3 ?hat do $e pay yo& for! anyho$3 Ho yo& kno$ ho$ long = ha(e been e+er%ising my rights! and only no$ do yo& finally sho$ &p. 1aAy is $hat = %all it3 /y ta+ dollars at $ork.O Fh $ait! = don<t think that happened. =s it ;&st a fe$ bad apples! or is it general %orr&ption? 'o$ %an yo& tell? =t is easy. 4hort an o%%asional s%apegoat! does the organiAation prote%t bad apples from appropriate indi(id&al p&nishment? Ces. There it is. Embra%e yo&r tr&e nat&re! )meri%a. Conta%t yo&r representati(es and ask for a federal la$ to make it a %rime if yo& do not kneel! looking at the gro&nd and holding &p yo&r ele%troni% =H! $hene(er a go(ernment employee passes by. ?hy not? =f there $as s&%h a la$ yo& $o&ld obey it! so stop $hining and post&ring. :&st be yo&rsel(es. This is a great %o&ntry! and = respe%t $hat the fo&nders did. 9obody s&pports %i(il rights more than =3 = lo(e o&r %onstit&tion! b&t...yo& %an<t be rigid abo&t its meaning. 'o$ %an yo& ha(e yo&r freedoms if yo& are disrespe%tf&l of a&thority? 'o$ %an yo& ha(e progressDi(esE $itho&t allo$ing the %entral go(ernment to do good Dfor the f&t&re of all mankind as a $holeE? Co& m&st &nderstand these things! hayseed! in an enlightened Dill&minatedE $ay3 D/mmmm! n&mn&mm. 4a%rifi%e yo&rself to &s3 ?orship me3 ?orship the 1ight Bring... ?hoa. 4orry! = got a bit o(er$ro&ght.E ?hen the shit hits the fan yo&r first mo(e! ;&st as in %ombat! may be to mo(e or defend yo&rself b&t ne+t priority is to find yo&r partner and base yo&r mane&(er on him. The senior partner lo%ates his senior and orients on his mo(ement and a%ti(ity. This is the $ay pairs orient on the fire team leader<s a%tions! and he on the platoon<s! platoon on the %ompany a%tion! et%. *"! *2J pair one and pair t$o of a fireteam. )lpha team! Bra(o! CharlieJ fire teams in 2 or K team s8&ads D)T! BT! CTE. "st 48&ad! et%. )nother $ay is to &se the name of ea%h &nit leader as the name of the &nit and pairs are &nits too. The leader of the pair $ill normally be the one $ith the most e+perien%e! b&t %an also be the one $ith the more agile mind and the most kno$ledge. 9ote that leaders! radio operators and snipers $ill be spe%ifi%ally targeted by the enemy. =f yo& often operate $itho&t a partner! dress or are ob(io&sly e8&ipped differently! or are seen pointing! sho&ting and signaling more than the others yo& $ill be sele%ted for spe%ial attention. The %ommon rifleman needs more gear than is &s&al any$ay! load limitations not$ithstanding. For e+ample! a rifleman &sing iron sights sho&ld ha(e a small pair of bino%&lars! and a %ompass! ;&st as s&rely as an offi%er sho&ld. 5eally there sho&ld be K fire teams in a s8&ad! and a s8&ad le(el $eapon $ith the %ommand element $o&ld not be amiss. Ea%h fireteam sho&ld be b&ilt aro&nd a primary $eapon! s&%h as a ma%hine g&n! grenade or ro%ket la&n%her! re%oilless rifle! or sniper rifle. The other members of the team are first and foremost there to s&pport the operation of the team $eapon. This means bodyg&arding! s%o&ting! amm&nition s&pply and pro(iding a%%ess to all other s&pport in%l&ding food and $ater! %omm&ni%ations! medi%al aid and maintenan%e. They are there to keep a %ontin&o&s s&pply of amm&nition and spares going to the g&nner. This does not mean ea%h man does not bear arms! and &se them $hen possible. Ea%h man $ill ha(e personal and indi(id&al $eapons in%l&ding s&pplemental ones s&%h as grenades! a fe$ rifle grenades! kni(es and handg&ns! or disposable ro&nds like the VVmm ro%ket. =n the f&t&re light$eight and handy single &se la&n%hers $ill in%l&de (ersions for b&nker b&sting! flame! and fragmentation as $ell as antiarmor &se. ) similar ro&nd for fire and forget g&ided &se against heli%opters and lo$ flying atta%k air%raft $o&ld be s&per. These things do not take the pla%e of proper %re$ ser(ed $eapons. They s&pplement and they add %apability to the &nits do$n to the lo$est le(els. /en in the fireteam may %arry *H?s in%l&ding pistols! assa&lt rifles! battle rifles! p&rpose-b&ilt a&tomati% rifles Dmany ma%hine-light a&tomati% rifles are standard rifles b&t for being 6f&ll a&to7 firearmsE and sharpshooting rifles. The mi+ depends on the p&rpose of the &nit and the skills of its members. )nother $ay to do this is to p&t a sniper! ma%hineg&nner! and sho&lder la&n%hed ro%ket g&nner in ea%h team and keep the amb&shes short and s$eet. The right balan%e of te%hnology

and simpli%ity! spe%ialiAation and red&ndan%y are needed. =ndi(id&al $eapons and gear %an and sho&ld be gotten on the time and e+pense of the &ser. Big ti%ket items and %ons&mables &sed &p rapidly in %ombat m&st be pro(ided %ontin&o&sly by a s&pply line ho$e(er %r&de. Ho not allo$ the man $ho %an afford the most e+pensi(e (ehi%les and $eapons to %ommand the &nit. The best leader sho&ld do this. Co& %an not $in $ars by stealing from the enemy or feeding from a lo$ te%hnology infrastr&%t&re alone. =f yo& ha(e no prod&%tion base yo& m&st be able to b&y from o&tside ind&stry by bribe! bla%k market deals or sm&ggling. ?hen another %o&ntry offers s&pport take it! b&t be $ary. Ho not let them t&rn yo& into a pa$n. Think t$i%e. 9o$ this $o&ld be a ;olly lo(ely ;ob. The lo%al poli%e sho&ld ha(e a spe%ial type of offi%ers $ho $o&ld spend their time strolling aro&nd in pairs. They $o&ld be hea(ily armed! and e8&ipped $ith ele%troni%s! opti%s and head to toe le(el =IY body armor. ?hat $o&ld these s%ary b&ggers do? =gnore minor iss&es! in%l&ding %itiAens bearing armsJ report more serio&s %rimes and any need for a medi%al response! and shoot anybody they see %riminally threatening others $ith potentially lethal for%e. Three shifts on d&ty t$o $eeks of ea%h month and training the other t$o. Fh my stars3 ?hat illegal and dangero&s elitism3 The poli%e $e ha(e are %riminal and dangero&s! and any %itiAen has the right to shoot a hostage taker or Oa%ti(e shooter.O 9o? ?imps. =t $o&ld be the best ;ob e(er! tho&gh. =magine this! if there $as a %ommotion these flies $o&ld tend to drift in from all dire%tions. Fly dra$n to %arrion! eh? 4&ppose poli%e $ere dragging a s&spe%t from his %ar and he p&lled loose and ran at an offi%er $ith a knife. ) spe%ial $o&ld shoot him. ?hat if instead they got him do$n and %&ffed! and then an offi%er started sho&ting threats and p&t a g&n to the s&spe%t<s head? ) spe%ial $o&ld shoot him3 Co& $o&ld need some %old bastards for that ;ob! able to $ait &ntil %ertain of the fa%ts and then to engage $ith speed and pre%ision. /ost 6anar%hists7 are ;&st 6re(erse ra%ist7 %omm&nists! $hen they are not pro(o%ate&ring for the poli%e. )ntifa th&gs are %omm&nists. The skinheads are fools! not be%a&se they are $illing to fight! b&t be%a&se they $ant a di%tatorship. There are not (ery many skinheads in the #4 any$ay. There are more in E&rope! b&t e(en more antifa there. )ntifa like to s$eep thro&gh and ki%k the hell o&t of any people they meet $ho ha(e b&AA %&ts! or $hom they kno$ to dislike immigration! or to a%t&ally be 6right $ing.7 =f yo& are mobbed by th&gs do not s%atter like 8&ail. Ho not try to defend yo&rself as if alone &nless yo& are in fa%t alone. 5&n only $hen yo& ha(e to and only if es%ape is pla&sible. >et ba%k to ba%k b&t not so %lose yo& %an<t fight $itho&t bo&n%ing off ea%h other. #se any and all $eapons at hand and ;&stified by the sit&ation and beat or if badly o&tn&mbered stab or shoot them do$n. Ho not think yo& %an ha(e a dis%&ssion $ith a mob. *rote%t ea%h other. =f yo&r gro&p is large eno&gh make a sort of hollo$ s8&are and p&t a reser(e and non%ombatants inside. =f all those fa%ing o&t$ard %an fight $ell open the rank so yo&r fighters ha(e , feet of spa%e bet$een ea%h of them. This gi(es them room. 4till help ea%h other $hen possible! and those inside sho&ld help also $hen they see an opening. ?hen someone goes do$n one or more persons from inside sho&ld step &p and stand o(er him $hile others p&ll him into the s8&are. =f yo& m&st mo(e it sho&ld be a steady and deliberate mo(e of the entire s8&are as a &nit. *&t yo&r most steady man in front so the speed of the &nit %an be %ontrolled. )%t&ally! %omm&nists are short%&t so%ialists! they are all f&%king fla(ors of so%ialist anar%hist so-%alled indi(id&alism not$ithstanding. )nar%hists are Oshort%&t to &topiaO %omm&nists. Iario&s of the other leftists $ant to $ork their $ay to sharing and h&manist perfe%tion! b&t %omm&nists $ant more speed thro&gh re(ol&tion and di%tatorship right after! and anar%hists think yo& %an skip di%tatorship and reed&%ation by o(erthro$ing all a&thority and going straight to m&t&al %ooperation of the %ommon people. /orons. >lobal elites: bankers! %orporationsJ instit&tions and a%ademi%s! et%.? 1ike %omm&nist party leaders they $ant to r&le the $orld for the benefit of all! nat&rally! and the people $ill li(e in a so%ialist manner. ) kind of international neonaAi thing or global %omm&nism depending on mood and le(el of %ontrol is $anted. This is neofe&dalism really. The fe&dalism of the middle ages $as a form of so%ialism $ith e(erything belonging to the king and noble families holding territory on his behalf as long as they $ere &sef&l and didn<t t&rn the tables and o$n the king.

E(erybody kne$ his pla%e and no e(il free markets there. Iery tightly %ontrolled e%onomy indeed! s&%h as it $as. B&t fas%ists and aristo%rats are right $ing3 4&re! if nationalism is right and globalism is left? ?hat $o&ld a global empire be? Tr&th is the left likes to %all itself Ofor the people!O and some systems ha(e leaders that do not pretend to be. The (ast ma;ority do pretend! and leftist systems are among the pretenders as they are a&thoritarian or totalitarian and di%tatorships end &p being r&n by elites and for di%tators. 4till! demo%rati% so%ialism is $ay keen. Co& get tyranny thro&gh a demo%rati% pro%ess! and $hile the f&n%tionaries al$ays do (ery $ell! the top le(el of politi%ians (isible to the p&bli% %an be rotated in offi%e so no one of them gets to en;oy the di%tatorship for (ery long. 1o(e it. B&t anar%hists are for personal freedom3 4&re! freedom from %apitalism. 9o$ if anar%hists $ant to destroy the system and li(e $itho&t go(ernment $hy do they riot $hen st&dent aid is %&t? /ost are so%ialists proper! or hired th&gs. The real anar%hists riot also! as an opport&nity for destr&%tion e+ists d&ring the &nrest. = $as born in hell! so =<m gonna go to hea(en. Ceah! that really $orks. = $as born st&pid! $hat is yo&r e+%&se? 9o$ $e are e8&al3 5ela+ed. *erfe%t shooting position. = %an feel it in the bones. =n the Aone! friend. ?hen the reti%&le is ;&st right $here it needs to be = fire the shot $itho&t %ons%io&sly p&lling the trigger! ;&st as an e+perien%ed d&%k h&nter does $hen the lead is right. Follo$ thro&gh! see the p&ff of d&st on b&llet impa%t. =f = had dry-fired the rifle th&s a %oin on the barrel $o&ld ha(e stayed in pla%e. 'ell! it $o&ld not ha(e mo(ed. The bastard hit folds as if boneless. *&ll slo$ly f&rther ba%k into %o(er and e(ade and es%ape. = am easily entertained. ?hen the fighting is hand to hand %lose ranks! $ithin limits. ?hen yo& are being stoned open ranks &nless yo& ha(e shields! and non%ombatants stand behind Dor bet$eenE fighters $illing to take hits d&e to limited mobility. Being stoned h&rts like a bit%h and %an kill yo&! brother. 'a(e yo&r %harge hold on to yo&r belt at the rear and do not mo(e in a manner $hi%h $ill e+pose him or her. )(oid the hits yo& %an! other$ise &se anything a(ailable to prote%t yo&r head e(en if it is only yo&r fists and arms held before yo&r fa%e. Co& are a bra(e one. ?hen in %ombat ma+im&m dispersion and &se of terrain is %alled for s&b;e%t to the need to %ooperate and s&pport ea%h other. =f yo& are alone r&n for an opening or to make one! or p&t yo&r ba%k to the $all and prote%t head! ne%k! ribs and groin. Blade yo&r stan%e and prote%t yo&r groin $ith a thigh! be %aref&l of yo&r lead knee! the artery in yo&r &pper thigh! and &se elbo$! forearm and the o&tside edge of the hand to prote%t ribs! ne%k and head. Ho not e+pose the inside of yo&r $rist. ?hy are yo& alone in this $onderf&l rainbo$ neighborhood? 5eally p&t the h&rt on anybody $ho gi(es yo& an opening and good l&%k. Ho not $hine. Ho not %omplain. Ho not get hysteri%al and talk shit. This $ill only make the mob see the blood of a $eak ra%ist %apitalist pig. Ho not beg! and that in%l&des begging the poli%e. =f they $on<t do their ;ob $hining is not going to help yo&. after$ard! if there is an after$ard! file offi%ial %harges and %i(il s&its if there is any point to it. 5egarding %omm&nists and historyJ if yo& are in any kind of str&ggle politi%al or other$ise and are so $eak or foolish yo& m&st ally yo&rself $ith them to $in yo& better hope yo& ne(er f&lly do s&%%eed be%a&se they al$ays p&rge the likes of yo& after (i%tory. ?hy do = %ontin&e to see anti-illegal immigration protesters Dand yo& sho&ld be against the %&rrent legal immigration poli%y as $ellE trade %omments $ith p&nks $ho mo(e ba%k and forth $hile $orking themsel(es &p before r&shing in to p&n%h a head or grab a %amera? ?hy do the protesters respond by r&shing abo&t and sho&ting? ?hen threatened made a f&%king $all and prote%t ea%h other people3 Cameras o&ght to be ba%k o&tside of easy rea%h. *&t the atta%ker do$n3 #se FC spray. *&t the plasti% Aip ties on the g&y. Meep prisoners se%&re! b&t prote%t them from f&rther in;&ry. T&rn them o(er to the poli%e along $ith a list of $itness names and telephone n&mbers. Ho something &sef&l3 The poli%e don<t like it $hen yo& defend yo&rsel(es? F&%k them if they don<t like the la$. = say it! blo$s to the bridge of the nose kill by %on%&ssion! not nose bone splinters. Co& %annot dri(e a stiffened hand into the heart for man&al remo(al: that $orks abo&t as $ell as death by $a(es of the hand and pra%ti%ing to make yo&rself lighter or hea(ier Dpra%ti%e %an make yo&r balan%e better! yo&r

$eight better distrib&ted! and yo&r $alk smoother! 8&ieter and more s&re on poor s&rfa%esE. The mo(ies $o&ld ha(e it that yo& grab a g&y by the head and t&rn it sharply to the side. 9e%k broken like a t$ig. =f yo& look yo& $ill noti%e that a person %an t&rn his head that far. They also %hoke people to death in a shorter time than yo& %an hold yo&r breath. 4trang&lation is another matter! it %&ts off the flo$ of blood to the brain $hile s&ffo%ation only %&ts off the s&pply of ne$ o+ygen to the l&ngs. The Canadian &narmed %ombat system is not (ery good! the army system not m&%h better. The marines probably ha(e the best. =t is a fa%t that the a(erage %i(ilian hobbyist is better $ith rifle! pistol! knife! sti%k or his fists than is the a(erage soldier. 'e gets more training and m&%h more pra%ti%e. =nfantrymen are fit and aggressi(e: the st&pid ones $ho are in many bar fights and the ones $ho see a lot of %ombat get pretty good. E(en then! in so far as shooting is %on%erned! skills learned in %ombat ha(e more to do $ith $eapons handling and ho$ to beha(e in a firefight than $ith a%%&ra%y. Ces! the military training and &se of &narmed %ombat! kni(es! tr&n%heons! bayonet and handg&n is piss poor! and of e(en the sho&lder-fired ro%ket not good. They do only a fair ;ob training in riflery. They ha(e other strengths. 1ook at it another $ay. Ci(ilians are better at these things! b&t $hi%h %i(ilians? )meri%ans do not read or st&dy anything not re8&ired by the employer. They train as a r&le as the boss re8&ires and so as to &nderstand the sport they follo$ on tele(ision. ?hat per%entage of people are e+perts and enth&siasts of shooting and the fighting arts? =f yo& are a bla%k belt and so are the gifted "2 year olds in the do;o? 'o$ many )meri%ans shoot more than on%e a year? The best are %i(ilians! serio&s pra%titioners and hobbyists! b&t they are not many. ) soldier really o&ght to be training $hen he is not off d&ty! on holiday! or on a%t&al operations. There sho&ld be a lot of li(e fire and $ar games sho&ld be free form $ith the &nit<s offi%ers making the de%isions. That said! the start %onditions and te%hni%al training sho&ld be $ell planned o&t ahead of time! and the %ost of blanks and li(e amm&nition be damned. Close 8&arters %ombat or battle in(ol(es &sing e(ery possible method of defeating an enemy at %lose range@from hand-to-hand or room-to-room range to &rban or forest fighting ranges. 'and-tohand %ombat takes pla%e at bodily %onta%t to l&nging distan%es $hi%h is abo&t N feet at most! b&t do not forget it takes only a %o&ple of se%onds to dash a%ross a room. =t %an in(ol(e the &se of lethal and lesslethal short-range $eapons b&t in%l&des &narmed %ombat. Ho not &se these methods &nless yo& %an<t kill the enemy $ith the press of a b&tton from miles a$ay. Ho not &se these methods &nless yo& ha(e a lo%al ad(antage at this le(el of %ombat! or ha(e been &nable to a(oid atta%k. Ho not be afraid to r&n a$ay if es%ape is possible and sensible. Co& do not al$ays ha(e to be physi%ally stronger than the enemy! b&t yo& ha(e to be strong eno&gh to do the re8&ired damage and m&st be able to position yo&rself to infli%t it. The a(erage $oman %an h&rt a man b&t not p&t him do$n. =t is not hard to get in some blo$s! e(en bloody a nose! and easy to get aro&nd a blo%k by 6noodling7 the arms and grabbing or s%rat%hing. This is like a %hain striking behind a shield by bending aro&nd it. Ho not stop there! do some real damage or yo&r efforts fail. )nd if yo& are too slo$ he $ill kno%k yo&r blo%k off. = think it is time for a nap. There are (ery ad(an%ed de(i%es Dele%tro-opti%alE $hi%h %an be &sed to dete%t and tra%k from miles a$ay. There are e(en po$erf&l handheld bino%&lars &sing stabiliAation te%hnology $hi%h allo$ heli%opter passengers to (ie$ people on the gro&nd $itho&t (ibration. 4ome of these sensors are e8&ipped $ith lasers! and gyros and >*4 or mil s%ale %ompasses and %an find the range to and transmit the target<s lo%ation to fire &nits a&tomati%ally do$n to "0 digit grid lo%ation a%%&ra%y. 4ome of these de(i%es $ill pro%ess images in the infrared spe%tr&m! heat energy emitted or refle%ted! s&%h as F1=5 sensors &sed in air%raft. There are also thermal sights and imagers &sing emissions from ob;e%ts in one of t$o Dmore depending on $hi%h s%ale yo& are &singE other fre8&en%y bands. The small ones are handheld or mo&nted on small arms. These ha(e the least range b&t &s&ally %an dete%t and image people as bright silho&ettes at K00 meters or more. Fthers ha(e m&%h! m&%h better range and image 8&ality. They may be mo&nted on tripods. They may be first or se%ond

generation sights in armored (ehi%les! or in air or spa%e (ehi%les. The ones in tanks %an be &sed against other tanks at night o&t to at least 2000 meters. /ore than ,000 meters is %ommon. Thermal systems are effe%ted to an e+tent by bad $eather! and are less effe%ti(e d&ring thermal %rosso(er. This o%%&rs ro&ghly " ho&r after both s&nrise and s&nset. =n fa%t! d&sk and da$n are bad for nearly all night sensors. *eople &s&ally $ant a night bright eno&gh to gi(e them good performan%e from their night (ision gear! b&t no more. Co& $ant it (ery dark! b&t may ha(e tro&ble mo(ing in some terrain. Fb(io&sly a f&ll moon is more likely to be too bright! b&t %lo&d %o(er! $eather! is a bigger fa%tor. =f possible plan yo&r path o&t %aref&lly! and &se a %ompass. H&sk begins abo&t half an ho&r after s&nset and lasts an a(erage of ""-"N min&tes. Ha$n is abo&t half an ho&r before s&nrise $ith the same d&ration. = am old. Fld. = ha(e seem the $orld. E(erything. = kno$ e(ery %at door in 'ell. 1ight intensifi%ation de(i%es do not image heat as s&%h! tho&gh they do display part of the infrared spe%tr&m. They amplify a(ailable light and display it rather like a bla%k and $hite TI image. There are small handheld s%opes! night (ision goggles Done t&be! or t$o t&beJ the latter gi(ing a stereo imageE and $eapons sights Ds%opesE as $ell as lo$ light TI and night %ameras-=5 %ameras. These prod&%e shades of green images and are effe%ti(e at (ery %lose range only for small se%ond generation s%opes and o&t h&ndreds of yards on a bright night for good third generation s%opes. )ll these de(i%es narro$ yo&r field of (ie$ and prod&%e images $hi%h %an make identifi%ation diffi%&lt. =t is hard to $alk $hen yo& %an<t see in front of yo&r feet. 9one of them allo$ yo& to see thro&gh most day sights! $hi%h is $hy yo& repla%e them $ith night sights meaning yo& %an<t see in the dark e+%ept $hen sighting in on something! or yo& &se goggles! 9IH! and =5 lasers mo&nted on the rifle so yo& %an see $hat yo& are pointed at. =5 lasers are in(isible to the &naided eye! as are =5 signals! glo$ sti%ks and flares! b&t the laser spot is (isible in the goggles. This last is a fairly short range proposition b&t is s&per a%%&rate %ompared to trying to &se day sights at night. E(en the best thermal rifle sight is hard pressed to allo$ snipers to operate at fall range! ho$e(er. The image from a se%ond generation light intensifi%ation de(i%e is normally not as good as that of a third generation one b&t things are seen differently thro&gh them. The spe%tr&m they amplify is not 8&ite the same. 4ometimes %onditions are better for one! sometimes another. The older te%hnology is more easily damaged by (ery bright lights and is more effe%ted by glare! b&t %an a%t&ally gi(e better res&lts in a %ity $here it is fairly $ell lit at night. The ne$er de(i%es are at their best o&t &nder good moon and starlight. 9one of them! e+%ept for passi(e thermal! and there are as yet no s&%h goggles Dsa(e a fe$ ne$ short-range &n%ooled mono%&larsE! $ork in tr&ly dark pla%es. =5 $eapon lights or =5 flashlights! %hemi%al light sti%ks or flares $ill light the pla%e &p. =t is hard to see green %hem lights $ith night (ision goggles. Co& %annot see any %hem light thro&gh thermal sights at all $ith the e+%eption of ones designed to emit in ;&st the %orre%t =5 band. =5 flares may %a&se glare and do emit some (isible light. /&AAle flashes! e(en &sing lo$ flash propellants and flash hiders or s&ppressors are (ery (isible at long ranges as are e+plosions &sing any passi(e thermal or light intensifi%ation de(i%e. )ll ele%tro-opti%al sights %an be effe%ted to a degree by yo&r o$n m&AAle flash. /a%hine g&ns are ;&st abo&t the $orst. Cameras %an repla%e for$ard obser(ation or listening posts and pro(ide yo& $ith $arning! and sometimes $ith eno&gh information to %o&nteratta%k into a flank! amb&sh! or target $ith artillery. #p %lose a thermal %amera may %risply image a pistol holstered &nder e(en a leather ;a%ket! by the $ay! as it $ill be %older than yo&r body and $ill %ool the ;a%ket. Fn%e inside a b&ilding! blo$ them &p3! it is %ommon to s$it%h o(er to $hite lights and 4?)T team ta%ti%s. 4ome of the things dis%&ssed herein $ork (ery $ell indeed! b&t operator inattention or error and e8&ipment malf&n%tions o%%&r. 1aser g&ided bombs almost al$ays hit $ithin feet of the lased point! b&t sometimes the designator is $rongly dire%ted! there are m&ltiple laser refle%tions! there is hea(y rain or an ele%troni% breakdo$n lea(es the bomb to miss by a mile. ?ith small s%opes yo& may simply ha(e r&n o&t of batteries. #sing goggles is a strain to the eyes! and %an res&lt in a total loss of sit&ational a$areness. 4ome people &sing them d&ring a ro&gh (ehi%le ride may get a heada%he and lose their sense of balan%e after only K0 min&tes. 4erio&s na&sea is 8&ite %ommon. )lso! some %olors are more (isible than others!

not that they are displayed in those %olors! b&t the %olored item or light is faded o&t or $hate(er. 5ed is seen $ell! b&t in green! yes? >reen and bl&e are less (isible. There are air%raft that %an s%an yo&r home and map its heat patterns! in some %ases in%l&ding the temp of (ented air! smoke or (apors. 5adars that %an lo%ate ob;e%ts in yo&r ho&se and +-ray de(i%es inside of the frame of yo&r %ar. Fthers that ha(e a fair ability to dete%t a mine field or other b&ried ob;e%ts from heli%opter altit&des. Ff %o&rse there are metal dete%tors! and ne$er (ersions that dete%t the infl&en%e of b&ried nonmetalli% items. They are not al$ays reliable! and %an be fooled@if only by b&rying lots of ;&nk aro&nd important spots and at de%oy lo%ations as $ell. 4ome things %an be b&ried deep or &nder other thingsJ d&g in from the side for e+ample. =t is almost impossible to hide a fa%ility! or its nat&re! from a f&sion sensor or m&ltiple sensor feeds pro%essed and %ombined by %omp&ter. #nless yo& are hiding in plain sight by looking and a%ting like e(eryone else. E(en basi% =5 sensiti(e film %an often be &sed to see the differen%e bet$een dying or artifi%ial %amo and nat&ral foliage. /i%ro$a(es %an be &sed to po$er b&gs ha(ing $a(eg&ide shapes in them b&t no ele%troni% parts! to for%e yo& to r&n a$ay &nless yo& ha(e shielding or %o(er d&e to the pain! to make yo& ill o(er time! and to destroy targets DmaserE. There are also %omm&ni%ations systems Dline of sightE and radars. Battlefield radars %an dete%t (ehi%les &nless masked by terrain for some miles and tell tanks from tr&%ks. Hete%ting people is a more diffi%&lt b&siness b&t %an be done for tho&sands of meters if gro&ps are in the open. /ost battlefield radars are not for dete%ting stationary targets tho&gh. 4erio&sly! $hether done from the air or from the gro&nd a steel helmet or a %offee %an %arried o(er the plain $here there is nothing else to %onf&se and %l&tter the ret&rn makes for a signal as easy to tra%k on the s%reen as a spotlight is easy to see at night. E(en metal b&ttons! tabs and Aippers are a bad idea! really. Iel%ro $o&ld be FM b&t for rapid $ear! pi%king &p debris and failing to $ork! and the noise made if yo& are for%ed to open a po%ket $hile on night listening post d&ty! and the like. 4ome fairly rare laser! radar! and a%o&sti% systems %an lo%ate and target snipers 8&i%kly. 4ome %an e(en tra%k the b&llet! so p&ll ba%k into %o(er $itho&t delay. Hid yo& kno$ the )H4 mi%ro$a(e riot %ontrol de(i%e mo&nted on a '&mmer %an hit an indi(id&al at more than G00 meters and th&s %an be &sed to dri(e off snipers? There is also a handheld g&n that mo&nts both a daAAler! and an =5 laser that %an %a&se pain thro&gh a ;a%ket at %loser ranges. /illimeter $a(e a%ti(e sensors ha(e a higher fre8&en%y and th&s more resol&tion. There is a handheld imaging radar that %an see yo& thro&gh the $all of yo&r ho&se if held &p o&tside. =t might be $orth hanging al&min&miAed strips along yo&r $alls and stirring them &p $ith fans. For $hat it is $orth! it is possible for a %omp&teriAed de(i%e of this type to dete%t yo&r p&lse and breathing in the mo(ement of yo&r %hest. There are %ameras operating passi(ely at e(en higher fre8&en%ies DterahertAE that are not m&%h good at any distan%e b&t &se energy gi(en off by the body to image it! and any pa%kages! thro&gh most %lothing. Hefeat this by $earing plasti% e+plosi(es in sheets %onforming to the bodyJ tho&gh range and Aoom get better e(ery day! and better signal pro%essing %an identify materials not a%t&ally shielded. The %&rrent airport s%anners don<t $ork all that $ell! and fail to dete%t metal ob;e%ts at yo&r sides $hen yo& fa%e themJ b&t in a fe$ more years it may be possible to image yo&r fingerprints from t$enty feet a$ay! or to &se laser spe%trometry from yards a$ay to identify materials &nder most %lothing and e(en &nder yo&r skin. That $ay they %an dete%t that illegal real b&tter on yo&r lips and snat%h yo& off of the street. That is going to be e(en %ooler than the &nder%o(er +-ray (an. Things do ;&st get better e(ery day. 4o&nd dete%tion and triang&lation systems %an a&tomati%ally lo%ate snipers. =5 sensor de(i%es %an lo%ate and tra%k b&llets in the air and %al%&late the ballisti% tra%k ba%k to the sniper<s position. Co&nterbattery artillery radar of (ario&s types %an do the same for ro%kets and mortar shells! or for artillery shells. =t is $ise to &se the lo$est tra;e%tory $orkable $hen firing mortars against a target! and to fire from a position $ell ba%k from $here the mortar bombs $ill enter their line of sight. Terrain masking. =f they dete%t it and soon eno&gh! ho$e(er! %o&nter fire $ill be pretty a%%&rate and if they are good! on the $ay after a min&te or so. ?hen the enemy does not ha(e radar high angle fire is best. )irb&rst is for e+posed troops! s&rfa%e b&rst for troops $ith some %o(er! and delayed for b&nkers@sa(e in %ases $here they %an be more easily %ollapsed by not &sing a delay. This happens if resistan%e is inade8&ate and the e+plosion too deep. 4o&nd! (ibration and magneti% field dete%tors! s&re. #ltraso&nd! =5 and mi%ro$a(e motion dete%tors. /ines $ith s&%h as triggers! or $ith light sensors in %ase yo& &n%o(er them. E+plosi(e

%harges $ith =5 laser dete%tion or beam disr&ption sensors. Co& bet! and also tilt dete%tion if yo& lift them. )long $ith the more &s&al to&%h! get too near or step on ribbons and t&bes! and the trip or release! or step on or remo(e a $eight from me%hani%al de(i%es. Fh yeah. 4o&nd $eapons to in;&re yo& or merely make yo& na&seo&s. Ces! or to ;&st blast yo&r ears. There are parks in the #4 $ith posts protr&ding from the gro&nd along the trails. They are net$orked and $ill dete%t a person $alking by $ith a sho(el. )lso the metal in a rifle. There are &s&ally %ameras abo&t as $ell. ?e are so f&%king free. 'andheld ;ammers are good (ers&s $ireless nets. 1asers %an be &sed to find the range! and $ith >*4 systems %an pre%isely lo%ate the target on a map. Hid yo& kno$ %i(ilian >*4 re%ei(ers are sent a more ina%%&rate fi+! $hile go(ernment re%ei(ers pro(ide a (ery a%%&rate one? 1asers %an be &sed to daAAle and blind! to in;&re the eyes Dhardkill blindE! to pro(ide a target for g&ided m&nitions! and to damage opti%s and related ele%troni%s. They are part of %ertain line of sight %omm&ni%ation systems! and %an be bo&n%ed off $indo$s and demod&lated in order to ea(esdrop. Ff %o&rse yo&r phones and Fnstar %an be a%ti(ated and &sed against yo&! and a (an do$n the blo%k %an &se a%ti(e systems to find o&t $hat %hannels yo& are listening to and a passi(e one to re%onstr&%t $hate(er is on yo&r %omp&ter s%reen! no lasers needed. '&h. Co& $o&ld need good ele%tromagneti% shielding to a(oid this. 9ot to $orry! yo& are probably &sing &nen%rypted $ireless net$orks and phones any$ay. )nd yo&r =4* is spying on &nen%rypted traffi% also. 1asers %an also be &sed to kill people and shoot mortar shells o&t of the sky! b&t are still (ery large and their generators are to$ed aro&nd by tra%tor trailer rigs! or %arried in large %argo air%raft. There are $ays of mapping $ith lasers DladarE! and methods of s%anning for refle%tions from opti%s $hi%h then %an be atta%ked $ith a more po$erf&l laser! and >od help yo& if yo& are looking thro&gh bino%&lars. 5&n of the mill (ideo %ams %an a%t as a b&ffer bet$een yo& and lasers. 1o$ po$er! e(en eyesafe! lasers %an blind a %am $hile a%t&ally lasing! and 5ed and =5 1EHs aro&nd yo&r hat brim may keep yo&r fa%e from being re%orded Dfa%e re%ognition soft$are $orks! not highly a%%&rately! and %o(ering the forehead and ears is importantE! b&t in sit&ations like this a non-eyessafe or $eapon %lass laser that $o&ld in;&re yo&r eyes $ill probably damage yo&r %amera instead. =t also allo$s yo& to see some of the =5 a%ti(ity o&t there! some lasers and remote %ontrols. 'ood the lens! &se a t&be in front of the lens! to limit the n&mber of people $ho %an see light glint off it. 9e(er look dire%tly into e(en an eyesafe laser! by the $ay. /ore po$erf&l lasers sho&ld not be dire%ted at refle%ti(e ob;e%ts! espe%ially at %lose range! or at least look a$ay $hen yo& do it. 4ome things are %ool. /ore po$erf&l ele%tromagneti% p&lse de(i%es to blo$ o&t yo&r &nshielded ele%troni%s! less po$erf&l de(i%es to sh&t do$n yo&r %ar. Carbon fibers draped o(er po$er lines to short e(erything o&t. ?eather modifi%ation! and $orse. Beha(ior modifi%ation! in%l&ding %hemi%al and ele%tromagneti% $arfare against the brain. /ethods of modifying the ele%tromagneti% en(ironment and the like. /i%ro #)Is and s%attered mines and sensors. Troops of the f&t&re net$orked into the system. Co& may not be able to listen in or meddle! b&t yo& s&re %an tra%k and lo%ally ;am them. >*4 is easily ;ammed lo%ally. 4ome systems are not easy to ;am be%a&se they are (ery po$erf&l! operate o(er large areas! or &se (ery %le(er mod&lation! %oding and fre8&en%y hopping methods. 4ome &se te%hnologies making it almost impossible to e(en dete%t their operation e(en if on a fi+ed %hannel and trying e(ery demod&lation method yo& ha(e e(er heard of. 5efle%ted energy from $ireless internet %an also be &sed to tra%k mo(ement in a b&ilding. Hr&g dogs! poli%e atta%k dogs! g&ard dogs! dogs that h&nt by sight and tra%king dogs. =ndeed. Hr&g dogs are not al$ays reliable and %an be trained to bark on a signal! n&ff said. =f yo& are atta%ked by a poli%e dog either prote%t yo&r throat and lie absol&tely still! or kill the dog. 4ometimes yo& %an %at%h them in the air and t&rn them o(er! b&t they are (ery fast and dangling hands get nailed. =f yo& ha(e a hefty %l&b yo& $in! a knife and yo& get h&rt! a g&n is better if yo& %an shoot. Blood ho&nds may not tra%k the person yo& think they $ill. Co& %an<t take a g&y<s so%ks o&t of storage and e+pe%t them to tra%k the %orre%t person e(ery time! ?hen they do lo%k onto a s%ent they are hard to beat. Co& %an &se the standard r&nning $ater drill by mo(ing in a stream! smear yo&r shoes and pants legs $ith a lo%al plant or m&d. ?ash yo&rself in s$amp $ater! and try to a(oid %onta%t $ith plants and the like as yo& $alk. #se animal s%ent or s%ent ne&traliAing $ashes and sprays as h&nters do. *ray for rain and high $inds. Try to deaden their senses $ith pepper spray! ammonia or pepper. 4pend some tra(el time &p on

high gro&nd! tra(eling o(er a rooftop D%ome off the b&ilding into a d&mpster and smear yo&r feet $ith garbageE! atop a $all or fen%e! in a se$er t&nnel or mo(ing thro&gh trees. Ho not br&sh against $eeds! br&sh and trees! b&t there are times $hen %r&shing plants and r&bbing yo&r feet and legs $ith them is helpf&l. 'ide the remains of same. 4ome dogs are good at tra%king by airborne s%ents alone if the trail is not too many ho&rs old! or by the odor of all the plants yo& ha(e br&ised along the $ay. =t is said that there are times $hen dogs not yet on yo&r trail %an be a(oided by %aref&lly entering lo$ gro&nd and lying still and breathing into the grass belo$ yo&. 4tay at least 200m a$ay from s&%h dogs e(en if they are &p$ind of yo&. *robably best if yo& %ir%le ba%k at a good pla%e to amb&sh and ;&st kill them. =f %onditions remain good! h&mid b&t not rained o&t! temperate and still! a dog may pi%k &p a trail , days old. dogs trained for the ;ob are (ery good at finding traps. They %an smell the trapper. They $ill see and may e(en hear the $ind mo(ing by a trip$ire long before yo& see it. Hogs are e(en able most times to ba%k a$ay before tripping a $ire they ha(e to&%hed. Co& %an<t really mask s%ents. Co&r s%ent tends to hang aro&nd &nder the same %onditions many %hemi%al $eapons do. 4o it is sad yo& %an<t hang o&t on high open gro&nd taking in the s&n and en;oying a stiff dry $ind. :&st add s&ns%reen! a lo&nge %hair and fr&ity drinks. Temporarily seal s%ents in! atta%k the dog<s nose! stay abo(e. Think abo&t $hat yo& are doing b&t there are times $hen sheer bloody mindedness $orks a treat. )tta%k the dog! better yet the handler. Histra%t the dog to %hange its goal@so&nd! prey! bait! %arrion. Co& $ill of %o&rse realiAe that $hen the inse%ts go 8&iet! birds s%old or more %ommonly take flight! and s8&irrels %hatter some fool is making a dist&rban%e. /aybe yo&. Hogs are e(en $orse than people abo&t looking &p or do$n &nless they a%t&ally see Dnot hear or smell! altho&gh some are &sed to treeing game and are harder to foolE the prey %limb &p b&t %an hear and smell things yo& %an<t! and horses are 8&ite good at a(oiding %amo&flaged pits and the like. Hid yo& e(er &se a %at as a sentinel? 'e &s&ally $on<t alert yo& so yo& ha(e to keep an eye on him. ) %at %an sit inside a $indo$ behind glass and dete%t things o&tdoors yo& %annot see! hear or smell. =f yo& see him staring at a spot something is probably there! or is %oming. = on%e $at%hed a %at stare at the $oods for 20 se%onds before another %at $alked into (ie$. 'e may stare at a pla%e or ob(io&sly be follo$ing something $ith his eyes! 'e may start t$it%hing his tail. =f he p&ffs &p and gro$ls he is feeling pretty safe $here he is b&t really dislikes $hat he sees! or it is a strange male %at. =f he takes off before yo& %an e(en see anything be $ary. Be honest. Mno$ yo&r enemies. =f yo& %annot identify them and lo%ate them %losely eno&gh to target them $ith a gi(en $eapon system yo& %annot fight them. They $ill tear yo& apart. Thermal sights %annot 6see7 thro&gh $indo$ glass! nor thro&gh opa8&e solid materials $ith the e+%eption of some %olored plasti% sheeting. 9ight (ision goggles %an! of %o&rse! &nless there is too m&%h refle%tion off the glass or no light in the room. ?ith the %&rtains open and (ario&s IC5 displays blinking there is some light in the room. 9at&rally if it is lighter inside than o&t or yo& are ba%klit they don<t need help seeing yo& and reg&lar bino%&lars $ith largish ob;e%ti(e lenses are better at night than the &naided eye! e(en more so if yo&r eyes ha(e not ad;&sted to the dark yet. =f yo& stand against or (ery near something! or inside a (ery small spa%e! $hi%h %an be heated by yo&r presen%e the res&lting hot spot may be noti%ed. =f yo& lie on the gro&nd for some min&tes an airborne sensor may dete%t the hotspot after yo& ha(e left. Try o(erhead %o(er of any type! or get in a small hollo$ and stake &p a blanket o(er a spa%e blanket. The blanket keeps the thermal blanket from being a refle%tor for ;&st abo&t e(ery other type of sensor! e+%ept radar. ) fa%eted s&rfa%e or the s&rfa%e at a slant relati(e to the radar might help. )llo$ a spa%e for airflo$ and do not remain in %onta%t $ith the %o(er. 4ome handhelds at %lose range %an dete%t hand and footprints on things yo& ha(e to&%hed b&t only for a se%ond before they fade. B&t hell! a heli%opter pilot $ith the right light %an glan%e o&t the $indo$ and see the path yo& made $alking thro&gh the %enter of a grassy field. Co& might try going &nder$ater for a time! a breathing t&be among the r&shes? Being behind i%e or in a sno$ %a(e is good. 5adar! laser! light intensifi%ation s%opes and goggles! and thermal sights are all degraded in (arying amo&nt by rain! sno$! storms! d&st! smoke! fires! and the like. Thermal sights still $ork reasonably $ell &nder most of these %onditions! and radar as $ell. 1ight intensifi%ation is as likely to be degraded as normal (ision. )ll %an penetrate foliage to different degrees and depending on the type and density of same.

*rototypes for ne$ %amo&flage systems abo&nd. For e+ample! sensors on one side of a (ehi%le %an pro(ide data &sed to display or pro;e%t the image of the ba%kgro&nd s%ene onto the other side of the (ehi%le. =t is possible to do this $ith thermal imaging as $ell! &sing elements on one side to mat%h the thermal pattern of the ba%kgro&nd beyond the other. 'a(e yo& heard of %loaks of mi%ro-antennas! $hi%h %an ne&traliAe radars in the spe%ifi% fre8&en%ies a spe%ifi% %loak is designed to %an%el o&t? There is no $ay to be on the mo(e and in(isible. Thermal sights %an dete%t temperat&res differing by " degree or less. B&t small shades of differen%e may go &nnoti%ed by g&nners and shooters. /ilitary &nits %an be e8&ipped $ith %ommer%ial =5 %amo s&its that are 8&ite effe%ti(e! as $ell as =5 %amo&flage paste for hands! ne%k and fa%e in%l&ding ears. There are %amo&flage pattern layers and %oatings for military (ehi%les that m&te them 8&ite $ell $ith respe%t to the most threatening radars and thermal sights! and reasonably good %amo nets that s%atter radar energy as $ell as s%reening against other threats. Co& ho$e(er ha(e a problem. >oing &p (ers&s gro&nd radar yo& sho&ld stay as far from it as possible and &se the gro&nd to mask yo& from its line of sight. 4tay as far ba%k in foliage as yo& %an! stay lo$ if yo& %an! mo(e slo$ly if possible. 'ea(y rain and lea(es mo(ing in the $ind is best. Meep rifle and steel helmet! plasti% or %erami% is best! on the other side of yo&r body and sin%e Me(lar absorbs radar energy keep the rifle on the other side of yo&r body armor. =f yo& m&st atta%k $rap the rifle barrel in Me(lar slee(es and &se the gro&nd d&ring the approa%h! %ra$l if yo& ha(e to. Meep ob;e%ts bet$een yo& and the enemy as long as yo& %an. Me(lar is a good thermal barrier! b&t is more transparent to than absorbing of radar energy. To %amo&flage against thermal sights yo& %an make a ;a%ket! possibly pants as $ell. #se a %amo pattern %loth ;a%ket and line it $ith a thermal Dspa%eE blanket %&t $ith %amo pattern slits and a m&ltiply (ented plasti% layer &nder that. The metaliAed /ylar may make yo& a radar magnet. This %an be hot b&t $ear Me(lar if yo& %an. The idea is to (ent heat $hile m&ting yo&r emissions and most important of all to %hange yo&r apparent shape. This lea(es yo&r fa%e a great shining o(al. ?ear a knit Me(lar mask or drape %otton %amo %loth o(er the fa%e! b&t loosely if it %an be done. )n inner layer of foam plasti% ins&lation might help! or make a thermal mask as yo& did yo&r ;a%ket. Co&r thighs and feet are a lesser! b&t real! problem. Camo&flage yo&r ne%k! ears and hands day or night. )lso yo&r fa%e. Harken high points and &se lighter %olors on the lo$-shado$ed points of the fa%e. Ho not be neat abo&t it! irreg&lar not neat and symmetri%al. 9o shiny anything! in%l&ding the boots. Camo&flage the rifle in an irreg&lar pattern! $ith a knit Me(lar slee(e $rapped aro&nd the barrel &nderneath! and %amo&flage any opti%s as $ell. E+tend the t&be of any opti%s to hood it! b&t no %amo sho&ld e(er interfere $ith the free f&n%tion of rifle or s%ope. Co& might %onsider netting on the helmet that %an be loosed at the front and draped o(er the s%ope $hen shooting prone from a %on%ealed position. 4teel helmets need help. #se Me(lar! and anything else yo& %an think of. Break &p o&tline and shape. 9o ob(io&s s8&ares and straight lines! and no ob(io&s and reg&lar %&r(esJ body! head or helmet silho&ettes. 4ho&lders! fa%e! throat! lo$er abdomen and thighs are often &narmored! and the thighs ;&st as often improperly %amo&flaged. *rod&%ts are a(ailable. )nother good liner is %arbon aerogel. 4ili%a aerogel or e(en a liner of a%ti(ated %arbon %an be of &se! also fiberglass! b&t %arbon absorbs moist&re and aerogel e(en more so &nless sealed in and aerogel m&st not remain in %onta%t $ith the skin or skin damage may res&lt. ?arning! aerogel is easily %r&shed. )lso remember that it is best that there is air flo$ and that yo&r thermal self appear mottled and yo&r o&tline disr&pted so some in(enti(ely shaped pie%es need to be indi(id&ally sealed in plasti% and fi+ed to the garment<s lining. For radar! ;&st for f&n! look into " part in V r&st po$der to paint mi+t&res. The basi% o&ter %amo&flage pattern? /&lti%am is a good general p&rpose %amo&flage. Higital DO#ni(ersalOE )C# is good in some &rban areas. British H*/ Ddispersed pattern! militaryE or $oodland BH# is better in the appropriate forests than most. Fli(e drab or sage %an be good! e(en matt or %har%oal gray in some pla%esJ &rban or sno$ and shado$ for e+ample. 4no$ %amo&flage &s&ally needs

a bit more than ;&st p&re $hite! b&t some patterns in another %olor on the other$ise $hite &niform is often better than gray. Mhaki is a good desert %olor in many pla%es b&t tends to refle%t =5 light! of %o&rse foliage is refle%ti(e as $ell so the problem lies in getting a mat%h bet$een yo& and the en(ironment. 4o ho$ &sef&l is a fe$ b&rning tires or gasoline pits? 9ot (ery &nless the sensor is fo%&sed on or (ery nearly on them. ?hat then? 5ed phosphor&s Db&rningE and metaliAed glass fiber! graphite fiber or graphite e;e%ted into a f&el smoke generator Dheat ind&%ed oil fogE stream! $ater spray! p&l(eriAed d&st %arbon! brass! r&bber! titani&m dio+ide DTitani&m dio+ide is a (ery fine $hite po$der &sed in s&nblo%k! as a pigment in paints! et%. Blo%ks millimeter $a(e! =5! and (is&al bands b&t may stay in the air in s&ffi%ient %on%entration for se%onds only. )t least it is not m&%h of a fire-e+plosi(e haAard and does not re8&ire a pyrote%hni% filler in the grenade! tho&gh a dispersion method $hi%h may %onsist of a small e+plosi(e %harge is re8&ired.E! iron! terephthali% a%id D&sed to man&fa%t&re polyesterE! al&min&m! or fire e+ting&isher dry po$der. 5ed or $hite phosphor&s is not (ery effe%ti(e as =5 s%reening smoke Dit is great b&t for %ooling too rapidlyE! &se it to heat and disperse s&itable parti%les. There are some related iss&es $ith radar %haff systems! $here $ires or strips of metaliAed material is %&t to "-2 of the radar $a(elength. DThermal systems normally operate in the . -, mi%ron! ,-V mi%ron or G-"N mi%ron bands. /&AAle flash and e+plosions are best dete%ted in the short band b&t $ill be seen in all. Fperating gro&nd (ehi%les are best dete%ted in the mid$a(e and people in the long$a(e. =maging relies not only on s&rfa%e temperat&re b&t also on ho$ refle%ti(e the target is of infrared energy from o&tside so&r%es as $ell.E 5emember also the %arbon fiber bombs &sed to short o&t the =ra8i ele%tri%al system. Ho not merely try to mat%h the ba%kgro&nd in %olor! brightness and te+t&re! or in thermal emissionsJ it is not possible to al$ays f&lly do so. )lso try to %hange the (is&al and thermal shapes of body and gear. *lasti% trash bags and the like may be of some &se! b&t only &ntil yo& serio&sly o(erheat. >illie s&its. 4nipers ha(e long &sed %amo&flaged &mbrellas. ?hile it is not good to ha(e a metal frame in yo&r %amo&flage %o(er yo& %an make a thermal shield and hold it bet$een yo&r body and the e+pe%ted lo%ation of any airborne thermal sensor. )nything that $ill present a $armer or %ooler s&rfa%e temperat&re to more readily mat%h the ba%kgro&nd e(en for a short time may help. Blankets! $et $ool! $hate(er! b&t if yo& don<t need to $ear it stake it o&t $ith a good gap bet$een yo& and it. 9ote that a thi%k pile of blankets has a (ery different temp on the top of the sta%k %ompared to the bottom! and may sa(e yo& the $orst effe%ts of %hemi%als as $ell. That if yo& don<t die of heat stroke or s&ffo%ation. This estimation b&siness is dangero&s! and doing the physi%s %al%&lations needed to get it right may be impossible or far to slo$. The best thing is to test the %amo $ith yo&r o$n thermal %amera or sight. 'ot h&mid air! rainfall or sno$fall@good times to mo(e $hen the enemy is &sing thermal sights. 4torms %an really mess &p! at times! an array of %omm&ni%ations! dete%t and target! and imaging systems. ) ro$ of e+plosions $ill momentarily blo%k e(en radar. =%e fog! sandstorms or really hea(y pre%ipitation is great. )t night bla%k smoke is better than $hite! &nless yo& are &sing flares or other types of ill&mination $ithin! or are p&tting the enemy against a ba%kdropJ bla%k smoke better blo%ks thermal imagery than do standard $hite smokes any$ay. Being able to &se smoke to blind $eapon sights! or to blind enemy yo& %an<t s&ppress-gain fire s&periority o(er is important! e(en tho&gh the enemy may already ha(e yo&r position and ob(io&s es%ape ro&tes dialed in. Ho not e+pe%t basi% $hite smokes to ha(e eno&gh effe%t on thermal sights. ?hene(er possible! day or night! stay lo$ and stay in shado$. =f yo& enter a room it is not $ell if both yo&r rifle m&AAle and yo&r o$n shado$ lead yo& by some distan%e! only one is needed to alert the enemy. ) light or $indo$ behind yo& %an alert yo&r enemy if he is behind a %losed door b&t yo&r shado$ is (isible in the %ra%k &nder it. The rifle is yo&r best bet! as it also gi(es the enemy a handle on yo&. #se %amo&flage e+%ept d&ring any &rban operations $herein %amo %onsists of looking and a%ting like e(erybody else &ntil the mask or hood is p&t on and the e+plosi(es or small arms %ome o&t. /asks and hoods restri%t (ision and %an red&%e hearing a%&ity. The helmet interferes $ith hearing. ?hen the sit&ation re8&ires disg&ise or other$ise any of the abo(e yo& ha(e to balan%e the pros and %ons of the

sit&ation. Then yo& engage! pass off or d&mp the gear! and a%t normal. Ho not lea(e H9) behind. B&rn the hood if yo& m&st! or &se a%id or blea%h. D) %ommon mistake is to $ipe prints from the e+terior of a g&n! b&t to lea(e prints or a hair on interior parts d&ring %leaning or on the magaAine or amm&nition. 'air! body fl&ids in%l&ding sali(a Dif eno&gh %ells are in itE! and skin %ells %ontain H9). )lso sometimes marks are left by fingers in thin r&bber glo(es altho&gh no skin oils pass thro&gh so it is rare! and sometimes glo(es are left behind $ith prints on them.E Fn %o(ert operations try to lea(e nothing behind! in%l&ding %artridge %ases. ?o&nded $ho %an be e+tra%ted need a preplanned assisted ro&te to medi%al help. 4hotg&ns lea(e behind no b&llets $ith rifling marks. Ho not get %a&ght $ith a firearm from $hi%h the poli%e ha(e m&ltiple re%ently fired b&llets and %artridge %ases. )nd yo& sho&ld lea(e behind no firearms yo& bo&ght retail &nder yo&r o$n name! or $ith yo&r %redit %ard! or that ha(e been r&n by the poli%e $hen they detained yo& at a traffi% stop. ?ash the body and %lothes thoro&ghly before yo& %an be tested for g&npo$der resid&e! e(en tho&gh those tests sometimes gi(e false positi(es. ?hen in do&bt play d&mb. *la%es near good amb&sh spots are dangero&s. The ones $here they %an hit yo& both from a side and from the front or rear is bad. ) %&r(e in a stream or a %&r(e in the road $ith nearby higher gro&nd or thi%k forest. =f they %an hit yo& from abo(e it is $orse. Bo&ndaries are dangero&s. *eople are there. Traps are planted there. Treelines. 5idgelines. 5i(ers and sea shores. *orts. ?here (alley gi(es $ay to hills or to$n to %o&ntry. 5oads and fen%es. Entries are bad. The streets! the gate in the fen%e! the door! $indo$! the pass or the ne%k of the (alley. Ele(ators and stair$ays. Bike trails! foot paths! abandoned fighting positions and dit%hes! and t&rn aro&nds! e(en more so if yo& are kno$n to &se them or they are near a ni%e %&r(e $ith enemy %o(er side and front pl&s that lo(ely open kill Aone. Fr nearing an enemy position. The on and e+it ramps! and o(erpasses. Bad. E(il things. *rominent and eye %at%hing pla%es and ob;e%ts also are bad. Crossroads. Tallest b&ilding or tree. 1one b&sh! tree or ho&se. Fdd things. 4tay a$ay3 4harp ridges do ha(e one ad(antage. )rtillery shells tend to fall ;&st short or far of the top! and belo$ yo&. This is m&%h more safe for yo&. 'o$e(er! if yo& are really going to defend a for$ard slope it is &s&ally better to dig in belo$ the %rest and on gro&nd r&gged eno&gh to present %o(ered es%ape ro&tes and some %on%ealment. =f yo& mo(e along bea%h or ri(er this is an ob(io&s barrier to many types of atta%ker from the other side! b&t this kind of bo&ndary is (ery dangero&s if yo& %an be trapped there. 'a(e boats or other flotation means a(ailable. =f yo& do mo(e do$n a bea%h $alk in the $ater! other$ise yo&r tra%ks $ill be apparent to the most %as&al. Before the day of the long range air%raft and the satellite there $ere fe$ or no na(al battles o&t in the o%eans. 4hips %o&ld %ross $itho&t sighting another ship. The danger %ame $hen yo& %ame $ithin landfall! say $ithin 2N miles of the bea%h. 1ea(ing or entering a port $as the $orst. B&t $alking aro&nd in the open is the nastiest thing of all. = mean! if yo& ha(e the best sensors and $eapons and are so far o&t in the middle of the great open that yo& are o&t of range all is good. 'o$ likely is that? >o thro&gh $alls or roofs. Be in fortified b&ildings $ith basements! on hills or mo&ntain b&t not at the ob(io&s spots or lined &p along the %rest and ba%klit by the sky. ) light behind yo& makes it m&%h easier for others to see yo& &nless it is so bright it is blinding. ) sniper $ho %an mo(e &ntil both the s&n is at his ba%k and the %ross$ind has be%ome a head$ind is l&%ky. *&tting the $ind behind yo& as $ell is better &nless g&ard dogs are present. =f yo& go lo$er! or flatter! than the other fello$ yo& may be able to see him against the sky e(en on a dark night. >o &ndergro&nd. Co(er the ro&tes and %hoke points! and those ob(io&s pla%es $ith obsta%les and by fire! b&t do not o%%&py them. ?hen yo& mo(e near bo&ndaries stay as far ba%k in %o(er and %on%ealment as possible. Cross bo&ndaries $ith %are. 4tay ba%k in the trees $hen yo& %an and if yo& need to see o&t mo(e to a pla%e as far into the $ood as yo& %an be $hile obtaining obser(ation. ?hen the ho$itAers or bombs go into a%tion a treeline is no pla%e to be. =t is generally better to be e(en for$ard of the treeline rather than in it if yo& %an disperse &nder b&shes and into g&lly! dit%h and depression than to be ba%k there. E(en tanks $ill %he$ yo& &p $orse there than they $ill in the open if yo& %an dig deep and narro$ holes $ith some o(erhead %o(er or %on%ealment! and ha(e dispersion in depth.

=f yo& stand there they $ill &se s&rfa%e or near-s&rfa%e b&rsts. 1ie do$n and they $ill &se air b&rsts. >et into %o(er and they &se s&rfa%e and delayed f&Aing b&rsts. ) narro$ tren%h may red&%e "00L %as&alties to K0L. F(erhead %o(er! s&%h as a b&rster layer pl&s logs and plenty of dirt may res&lt in "0L losses. =t is also often said that KV in%hes of pa%ked dirt stops b&llets! b&t only "G is needed to stop most shell fragments. 'ea(ily pa%ked earth best stops pro;e%tiles and fragments! b&t soft earth &nder a hard layer! s&%k as ro%ks! best absorbs blast. 4ometimes the best thing to do is mo(e rapidly a$ay in %o(er and %on%ealment. 4ometimes the best yo& %an do is to &se e(en minimal (ariations in terrain! s8&at and sit on yo&r heels! open yo&r mo&th! p&t %hin on %hest! and %o(er yo&r head $ith yo&r arms. 9e(ertheless! on a(erage! mortar fires targeting yo& $hen yo& are prone $ill get half the hits on yo&r gro&p than if they had %a&ght yo& &pright. ?hat in hell has happened to the )meri%an people? 4hallo$! narro$! ignorant! intolerant and r&de. Cet they are also do and kno$ nothing keep-yo&r-(oi%e-do$n %o$ards $ho $in%e at politi%ally in%orre%t slogans! $et their panties $hen the >-man sho$s &p! and (omit at the sight of an in;&ry. 'o$ ha(e middle-aged men li(ed so long $itho&t to&ghening &p? The general p&bli% in this %o&ntry is in %lose %onta%t $ith the inner %hild@$hi%h %hild is a . year old prin%ess easily sho%ked or frightened and s&b;e%t to periods of s&preme priss. Co& do not make yo&r approa%h mar%h deep in hea(y ;&ngle and o(ergro$n forest! or in e+tremely steep terrain! be%a&se it is (ery slo$ goingJ perhaps a half mile per ho&r! and potentially dangero&s. This e(en tho&gh yo& %annot be targeted at range and are &nlikely to meet anybody any$ay. Co& may $ant to rethink that &nder %ertain %onditions! sometimes haste is a poor idea.. =f yo& do make %onta%t yo& better be loaded for bear and 8&i%k on the dra$. They may be 20 meters or less a$ay if 8&iet. Co& %ertainly %annot stroll o(er in the open fields and (alleys &nless yo& ha(e fire s&periority and a fast %ombined arms &nit. *erhaps yo& are sho$ing the flag! g&nboat diploma%y style@trolling for hostiles by e+posing yo&rself as a target? 4o yo& approa%h in the a(ailable %o(er and %on%ealment. That is along treelines! or not to too deeply $ithin the trees! and the like. =f it is not an e+pe%ted entry to their positions the %o(er need not be large. =t %an be a single drainage dit%h! b&t yo& need ba%k&p if yo& ha(e to $ithdra$ &nder fireJ and es%ape ro&tes. )gain! this means bo&ndary %onditions better than open e+pos&re! b&t $here %onta%t is likely and booby traps are to be e+pe%ted. ?are any paths or trails3! and stay o&t of small forest %learings. 1ook o&t for hidden b&nkers and t&nnels! and %on%ealed high pla%es. Hid yo& kno$ some spider holes and fighting positions are sit&ated for yo& to $alk past them to be shot in the side or ba%k! and a %lose amb&sh %an make rea%tion drills into a ;oke. ?iped o&t in a min&te. Think of the terrain as the enemy sees it. Fn other$ise flat and open gro&nd partial or f&ll %on%ealment or %o(er from dire%t fires may be had by lying in t&fts of grass! in a (ery small depression or against a slight rise or b&mp in the s&rfa%e. ?here $o&ld or does the $ater go? This does not mean yo& enter and follo$ e(ery ra(ine or g&lly yo& see. They are narro$! hard to get o&t of! and amb&sh from high gro&nd on the flanks is lethalJ so ha(e flank g&ards &p there $here they %an periodi%ally obser(e the gro&nd o&tside of yo&r little depression! b&t $itho&t lea(ing %on%ealment. 4ilho&etted against the sky is bad. From a distan%e rather large folds in the gro&nd may be in(isible to obser(ers. 1ying in the f&rro$s in plo$ed fields or in (ehi%le r&ts may be all that is needed. 1earn to noti%e fine details of terrain. 'ell. E(en the %omp&ter printers p&t their serial n&mbers on e(ery page! inside the letters themsel(es in a dot %ode. Ho not register yo&r printer by $arranty %ard or %redit sale. /any %hain stores photograph or (ideo e(ery %&stomer at %he%ko&t. This is in addition to other %ameras thro&gho&t the fa%ility. ?hen yo& pay $ith %redit! &se a loyalty or membership %ard! or ha(e yo&r =H %ard s$iped a re%ord is kept and go(ernment databases are &pdated in many %ases. =f the itemDsE ha(e a serial n&mber it is retained as $ell. ?arranties %olle%t yo&r information also. Therefore! and for e+ample! the serial off yo&r %omp&ter printer %an not only identify yo& b&t %an lead dire%tly to a photo of yo& b&ying the printer in addition to yo&r name! address! telephone n&mber! =H n&mbers! and s&%h. ?hen stalking yo& mo(e silently! slo$ly and smoothly bet$een positions. ?hen not mo(ing yo& are in %o(er. Co& do not mo(e $hen there is no need to! and there are times $hen t&rning the head!

e(en slo$ly! to look at something $ill dra$ fire. =f possible look by mo(ing the eyes only. Take ad(antage of anything that distra%ts the enemy. /o(e or shoot at that time! ;&st as yo& $o&ld mo(e $hen it rains or d&ring strong g&sts of $ind $hen ba%kgro&nd mo(ement and noise %o(er yo&r so&nd and motion. /odern %a(alry may mean donkey Dmo&ntain goat $o&ld be ni%eE in the mo&ntains and horse in hill %o&ntry if forested b&t not too o(ergro$n or r&gged! b&t for the most part it means mo&nted operations $ith tanks and armored %arriers in open %o&ntry. E(en then speed and the f&ll &se of terrain feat&res are &sed to red&%e long range fire effe%ts. #narmored (ehi%les! horses and b&rros %annot be &sed in anything like a %harge in the (ast ma;ority of %ases and sho&ld not be e+posed to effe%ti(e fire at any range. ) %ar motor and %ertain other %omponents $ill stop a rifle b&llet! the sloped $indo$s are s&rprisingly resistant depending on the angle of impa%t! and pistols! some rifles! and shotg&ns are not reliable penetrators of (ehi%le bodies. B&t. ) .mm pistol b&llet $ill pass thro&gh a door panel! and a .V2mm b&llet in one side and o&t the other &nless it hits something a little harder on the $ay. ?hen a b&llet hits a barrier that deforms b&t does not fragment it and then hits yo& $ith lo$er energy b&t $ith eno&gh left to still go deep! $ell it ;&st makes an e(en bigger hole than it $o&ld other$ise ha(e done. 5i%o%hets too sometimes do this. Hon<t hide behind a %ar door! &se the door frame. ?ith %ars the engine blo%k is the best %o(er! along $ith frame! transmission! a+les! dri(e shaft! differentials and $heels! b&t many rifle b&llets are %apable of damaging the motor eno&gh to stop it and .N0 %aliber $ill p&n%h holes into it. ?hile other parts of a %ar may stop or defle%t b&llets and shot of some types .mm $ill go thro&gh most door panels and it gets $orse from there! and anything bigger than .N0 $ill make immediate or! $ith a fe$ more hits! short $ork of the engine as $ell. 4ome motor%y%les! %ars and tr&%ks are (ery lo&d. 4ome are (ery 8&iet. /ost armored (ehi%les are lo&d as $ell! and tra%ked ones ha(e tra%k noises to add to the %lamor. Ho not think this means yo& %an listen for approa%hing tro&ble. Co& m&st keep a %lose eye on things. 4ome of the ne$er tanks may s&rprise yo&! m&%h as yo& $o&ld be if yo& think all %ombat heli%opters are as lo&d as they &sed to be. 4ome $heeled fighting (ehi%les %an %r&ise &p 8&ietly and 8&i%kly eno&gh that if yo& depended on noise to alert yo& yo&r alert $o&ld %ome far to late to be of &se. Co& need se(eral planned ro&tes of es%ape. =f they are not ob(io&s to the enemy they may e(en $ork for yo&. 'a(ing g&ides and medi%s at %riti%al points along these ro&tes may keep yo& from amb&sh and pro(ide medi%al help and alternate transportation for the $o&nded. ?hen all else fails breaking o&t in all dire%tions and as indi(id&als and small gro&ps may allo$ a fe$ of yo& to get a$ay. Ho not think yo& %an make like the light %a(alry and s$amp enemy &nits $ith armed motor%y%les and %ars. There is a pla%e for these! and for (ans and tr&%ks. 'ea(y tr&%ks %an be armored and %an soak &p a fair amo&nt of small arms fire too. B&t thin skinned (ehi%les ha(e (ery thin skins. Tr&%ks are better &sed for hiding the get-a$ay %ar. ) pri(ate garage or shed is better. This sort of thing has been tried many times and $orks on a small s%ale and $ith s&rprise. )fter the s&rprise $ears off yo& %ar $ill look like the tin %an yo& &sed for target pra%ti%e. =f yo& are &nable to lea(e the area and blend in some$here in a timely fashion the ob(io&s se%ondary roads o&t of the area $ill be patrolled by air%raft and the main ones $ill ha(e road blo%ks. =f yo& are not set &p to get thro&gh the %he%kpoints yo& m&st not think staying in yo&r (ehi%les and on the road is a $orthy idea. )bandon the %ar! b&rn it to destroy hair and blood if yo& m&st! b&t it %ontains =H n&mbers all o(er and m&st not tra%e ba%k to yo&. 1ea(e the area in other (ehi%les and $ith good =H or on foot by the t$isty path. Fr fit in and hang o&t some$here safe and lea(e after the f&ror dies do$n. The open street is not really yo&r friend. =f yo& $ill not heed my $ords and $ant to make raids in yo&r %ar p&t in roll bars and good seat belts! &se N a&tomati% $eapons in that thing! and dri(e like the $ind on se%ondary roads ha(ing m&ltiple %onne%tions Dto a(oid being trappedE as soon as the hit is in. 'elmets and (ests are al$ays good! b&t all that amm&nition and yo&r g&nners are going to $eigh that %ar do$n. 'o$ good is yo&r s&spension? Co& %o&ld p&t in a bank of solenoid-fired />s and ha(e a short %areer as a fighter pilot in t$o dimensions = g&ess. For an e(en shorter r&n &se a bank of shrapnel filled t&bes $ired ele%tri%ally. ?hat

(er(e and elan. Fn%e %lear yo& need to %hange appearan%es and slo$ do$n to a(oid attention. /ay yo& lose them! my friend! b&t = think not. Co& %an<t o&tr&n a b&llet! b&t may be able to rea%h %o(er before a missile arri(es! and yo& %an<t o&tr&n a heli%opter $ith yo&r %ar. Fn%e spotted yo& are in tro&ble. 'igh speed %hases are mostly a $aste of effort. =f yo& %rash yo& are going no pla%e. =f yo& r&n o(er someone else yo& are %harged $ith mansla&ghter or $orse! of %o&rse if the poli%e %hoose to ram yo&r (ehi%le d&ring e(en a NN /*' %hase they $ill %harge yo& $ith attempted (ehi%&lar homi%ide on the offi%er $ho %rashed his %r&iser into yo&r %ar. DThey also $ill %harge yo& $ith b&rglary if yo& %riminally trespass and steal $hile there by t&rning on an ele%tri% lamp for a min&te.E 1ook at that. 4ee all those soldiers standing aro&nd o&t there? 4tanding abo&t in the open! $hat reason %o&ld there be for that? Co& do not stop in the open on a battlefield. Co& do not stop in the open on a potential battlefield. Co& do not e(en enter an open area $itho&t need. Co& &se e(ery fold in the gro&nd and e(ery bit of %on%ealment. Co& mo(e slo$ly or on yo&r belly if yo& do not $ant to be seen. Co& do not %l&ster &p %loser than yo& need to be. /o(e from %o(er to %o(er! and make f&ll &se of it. =f &nder fire or already spotted yo& mo(e if e+posed! or yo& m&st. /o(e fast and lo$ to the ne+t %o(er. Ho not stop in the open. Ho not r&n dire%tly at the enemyJ ;ink! $ea(e! or slant a$ay. >et do$n $ithin se%onds! as soon as possible. =f &nder effe%ti(e fire mo(e only if yo& ha(e to be%a&se yo&r position is going to be hammered to pie%es. The enemy may mane&(er into a position $hi%h hopelessly e+poses yo&. =f yo& are not f&lly %o(ered yo& may ha(e to mo(e to a(oid a%%&rate fire! a sniper<s perhaps! $hi%h %an hit any e+posed body part. /o(e &nder %o(ering fire. =f all else fails yo& may get to e+perien%e that last desperate ta%ti% %alled the hare<s ;&mp. 4&ddenly roll a$ay from yo&r last kno$n position! spring to yo&r feet! and sprint $ildly and errati%ally o&t of the area. 1&%ky yo&3 ) %l&ster of troopers milling aro&nd! a %l&ster f&%k is $hat that is. Co& 4o&therners stop %alling ea%h other bit%hes and yo& Brits stop referring to ea%h other as %&nts: it is &nseemly. )nd no $earing of sandals3 The ends do ;&stify the means! b&t not %o&nting the negati(e ends is %heating. Cons%ription is immoral. =t is a form of sla(ery. = kno$ the arg&ment: a free people m&st be responsible! $orthy of freedom be%a&se they ser(e the nation and obey orders. ) s&ffi%ient n&mber of persons $ill not (ol&nteer for to&gh d&ty and the nation! and freedom! m&st be defended. B&ll shit3 4er(e the oligar%hy! more like. =f yo& $ant to fight b&t there are not eno&gh people $ho agree $ith yo&! then %onsider yo&r o$n moti(es. )ny %o&ntry $hi%h $ill not defend itself $hen atta%ked is probably a poor pla%e and not $orth defending. 9e(er demand absol&te loyalty and p&nishment for sla%kers and deserters. Fire sla%kers! $a(e goodbye to 6deserters.7 Co& need no rel&%tant fighters in a %ombat &nit. 4ometimes people $ho are poor performers in one ;ob are good at another. Co& don<t o$n those people. 4ome are simply &nable to f&n%tion as soldiers. Fthers are %ontemptible people. =t is tr&e. ?hy do yo& $ant them aro&nd? 5el&%tant fighters are not the sort of people yo& $ant ba%king yo& in a firefight. *oor leaders %an do more harm than too fe$ leaders. #n$illing fighters %an be more harmf&l than ha(ing fe$er fighters. ?ant to be a sla(er? *er(ert. 4la(ery harms the mind and bodies of the sla(es. =t per(erts the minds of the sla(ers. Ho not start do$n that slope! $ho kno$s $here yo& $ill end &p? *ossibly $here the #4 has done in the past@&sing people as test animals for biologi%al and %hemi%al $arfare pro;e%ts! or mind %ontrol resear%h. )h! that higher p&rpose3 4a%rifi%e3 1et someone else die in o&r pla%e. Hel&ded arrogant pri%ks. /ostly 8&ite $illing to (ol&nteer others! less likely to %ons%ript themsel(es. 4a%rifi%e. Be a saint! gi(e &p e(erything in order to earn $hat yo& no longer $ant! or pray that a saint $ill s&ffer for yo&. 9o$ yo& are $orthy of sal(ation3 ) ma;or mistake of go(ernments fighting ins&rgen%ies is &sing dis%ipline $ithin their o$n troop &nits rather than telling the troops the tr&th abo&t $hat they intend to do and $hy. They lie to the people as $ell! be%a&se per%eption $orks as $ell as tr&th $hile it lasts. This is an easy thing to fall into

sin%e troops are s&pposed to obey any$ay and tr&th %an be embarrassing. =t tends to fail in the end $ith respe%t to the general p&bli% b&t may $ork $ith the poli%e and military sin%e they are gi(en some po$er and pri(ilege! and are fa%ed $ith se(ere p&nishments in a (ery %onstrained li(ing en(ironment if they re(olt. 4ome dogs $ill li%k yo&r boots if yo& sho&t at them. =s not pet o$nership fine? ?ar is $hen yo& and the other g&y po&r troops and e8&ipment into the grinder and hope he r&ns o&t first. =t is ni%e if yo&r people are harder n&ts and tend to grind more slo$ly. Fther$ise ;&st try to ha(e more n&ts. The $inner is the g&y $ith something left at the end. '&rray3 ?hat is sa%rifi%e! any$ay? =t is $hen someone else pays the pri%e for yo&! or $hen yo& gi(e things to a god in hopes of getting a fa(or. =t is sa%rifi%ing in hope of a(oiding disaster or be%a&se yo& $ant to e+press yo&r lo(e for the god $ho does not e(en e+ist3 *er(erts. Ho! or allo$ $hen yo& %o&ld stop! e(il that good may %ome. *eople kno$ things to be tr&e. This is a feeling. They are right or $rong based on the fa%ts! b&t e(en $hen right they ha(e seen eno&gh and no$ feel the %ertainty of kno$ing. =f yo& belie(e in the kind of god the >od is lo(e ne$ age Christians do! or a similar se%&lar do%trine! yo& ha(e blinkers on. =f yo& lo(e those gods $ho tort&re! $ho %a&se parents to eat their %hildren yo& ha(e 4to%kholm 4yndrome. ) harsh parent in the sky! ;&dgment! tort&reJ $o&ld a%t&ally be %omforting in a si%k $ay. =n theory he or it $o&ld %are for at least some of the people. 4pirit&alism is a some$hat less harsh b&t e(en more &nrealisti% lie. Mno$ $hat is the most s%ary thing? The tr&th. The tr&th is lonely be%a&se there is no high drama and no h&ge eternal se%ret. *eople do $hat they %an in rather drab and small $ays before they die and are forgotten. >od made them eat their o$n %hildren? = think not3 /y god $o&ld ne(er do that! = mean! it says he did make them Dall or someE do that! b&t it only appears to mean $hat it says. ?hat it means is >od had nothing to do $ith it and ne(er intended them to do it b&t they did it of their o$n free $ills. 4o there. ?e do if $e %an $hat makes life good! dignified! and en;oyable. The religio&s tend to do $hat they think prepares them for death. /y mind is like an atti% filled $ith %otton balls. =t is not so good for thinking b&t is an e+%ellent fire haAard. = am yo&r tea%her! %hild. Ho not 8&estion me! and bring in some fire$ood before yo& goJ so long as the sto(e $as grandfathered in as installed before the ban! and the smoke is less than N0L opa8&e. Hemo%ra%y is the only form of totalitarian di%tatorship $here e(en the di%tator is not a free man! b&t no di%tator e(er $as free to do 8&ite e(erything he $ished! and it is easily %ontrolled by the prominent and infl&ential as an e(er shifting gro&p. This is not to say that %ertain late Christian! as the o(erall history of the same goes! and Christianity des%ended %on%epts are inferior to the global norm. ?ho is this O$e!O $hite man? Ho not sa%rifi%e yo&rself and do not $illingly a%%ept the sa%rifi%e of others. B&t fighting for $hat yo& belie(e in is no sa%rifi%e. ?e do o&r best to kill to defend o&r rights! not die for them! tho&gh risk is &na(oidable. Carrying yo&r $o&nded brother is no sa%rifi%e. 'elping o&t $here yo& %an and defending those yo& lo(e is no sa%rifi%e. '&man sa%rifi%e is (ile and (ol&ntary h&man sa%rifi%e is si%k. 9o! not yo&! <tis = $ho am the ?alr&s3 Co& probably think yo& $ill go free not be%a&se yo& are good or faithf&l b&t be%a&se someone else took yo&r p&nishment or prayed for yo&. )%h. >ods! like globalists! r&n things. Think so? Then they are poor managers. )ll >od<s little %hildren are insane. 4o are 1&%ifer<s. 4o are /ar+ and 'itler<s. =f the best and brightest are in %harge then = $ill agree $ith the >reek $ho said the gods are mad. Free $ill means yo& %an make de%isions $itho&t the %ontrol and threats of p&nishment of others! parti%&larly go(ernment. Both free $ill and fate in a more absol&te sense do not e+ist! b&t yo& $ill beha(e a%%ording to yo&r nat&re. )re yo& %apable of hearing me? Ff %o&rse! if people ;oin the other side they be%ome the enemy. = am not talking abo&t enemy non%ombatants. Co& don<t target them e(en if they sympathiAe $ith or s&pport the enemy. Co& do not kill e(ery %i(ilian yo& meet $hen on yo&r $ay to an amb&sh! on the gro&nds that any one of them

might report yo&r lo%ation. 4t&pidity! again! is not a %rime. Ho not e+pand yo&r ;ob to near infinite diffi%&lty. *eople are remarkably del&ded. 'a(e yo& e(er seen a shr&nken old man $ith his tro&sers p&lled &p to his armpits sh&ffling abo&t sho&ting that he %an take on any n&mber of yo&ng $hippersnappers be%a&se kids today are all $eaklings? Ho yo& not ha(e s&ffi%ient enemies already? Ho yo& think yo& %an %leanse the $orld? Co& do atta%k military targets tho&gh %i(ilian $orkers may $ork there. =f the enemy &ses h&man shields! and yo& need to hit them! yo& do shoot the enemy kno$ing some of the %i(ilians $ill also be hit. 5emember that their li(es are as intrinsi%ally (al&able as yo&r o$nJ they are not! ho$e(er! more (al&able. =t sho&ld go $itho&t saying that yo& do not &se h&man shields! nor do yo& for%e others to disarm traps or lift minesJ b&t does it need saying? Crimes are ne(er ;&stified! mitigated at times b&t ne(er ;&stified. 9o one is that spe%ial if yo& $ant a reasonably stable and fair so%iety. 9e(er &se non%ombatants as shields! or fire from among them to deter %o&nterfire! b&t do not think this means yo& %an al$ays a(oid &sing b&ildings and operate only o&tside of to$ns and %ities. >i(e %i(ilians time to $ithdra$ $hene(er yo& %an. 1et them &se the deepest %o(er $hen yo& %an<t. 9e(er! by the $ay! fall for the &s&al b&llshit that yo& are a %riminal for firing from a ho&se th&s ;&stifying the other side in e+e%&ting to$nies in retaliation! or for ha(ing blo$n &p the entire to$n. They $ill do these thingsJ a(oid %i(ilian losses as m&%h as possible! b&t the enemies o(er$eening disease of self righteo&sness is not yo&r fa&lt. =f yo&r o$n are fo&nd g&ilty of rape! m&rder or tort&re of non%ombatants yo& sho&ld e+e%&te them. The same if they do those things to the enemy! b&t it is not as easy to pro(e m&rder. =f yo& %apt&re enemy $ar %riminals and %an pro(e the %harges yo& sho&ld e+e%&te them as $ell. 1ong prison terms are good too! if yo& ha(e a prison. 1a%king long-term ;ail %apa%ity take %are not to &se the death penalty for e(ery bloody thing! and not to get too $eird and $onderf&l $ith %orporal p&nishments. The poli%e offi%ial! politi%ian! offi%er! and mob boss is a %ombatant e(en if he ne(er fires a shot himself: if a person does the planning or gi(es the orders he is in the enemy %hain of %ommand. 4hoot him ;&st as yo& $o&ld a &niformed enemy soldier! on sight &nless he is %apt&red! in%apa%itated or is able to s&rrender in time. Ces this also applies to spies and s%o&ts. =f yo& %an<t %apt&re them then shoot them. ?hen someone is an enemy %ombatant or is %riminally threatening yo&r life yo& do not gi(e them any time to s%re$ aro&nd. Co& go abo&t the b&siness of killing them. ?hen they are no longer a threat yo& stop shooting. )t that point they are disarmed andPor s&rrendered! in%apa%itated or dead@it does not matter $hi%h. 9at&rally s&rrender is rare in %lose 8&arter battle DCBBE be%a&se e(erything happens so 8&i%kly. Ho not kill non%ombatants3 ?hat kind of p&nk are yo&? B&t fighters! e(en if not military or poli%e! are %ombatants! as are people $hether military or %i(ilian in the %hain of %ommand of any %ombatant military and paramilitary organiAations. )lso! %i(ilians $orking for the abo(e sho&ld not be targeted! b&t it is no $ar %rime if some are killed $hen their $orkpla%es m&st be atta%ked3 =t $o&ld be great if no killing $as needed! and no m&rdero&s s%&m e+isted. 9ot killing $hen killing is right is a serio&s mistake. Milling $hen &n;&stified is bad. Milling the $rong people entirely is terrible. 5emember that most %ar %rashes o%%&r $hen yo& are nearly home. *eople get %areless $hen the end is in sight. =f yo& are almost %lear! or almost at the %amp! do not head in like a horse to the barn. Take a deep breath and %on%entrate on the task at hand. /any amb&shes are set &p near the gate. ?e soldierly types do not steal. That sort of pl&ndering is for the rabble. ?e seiAe the property of the enemy. 9ot personal effe%ts. 9ot the property of non%ombatants. #sing property $itho&t permission is ;&stified only d&ring emergen%ies and to sa(e life. E+ample: yo& break into an &no%%&pied d$elling and &se the telephone to %all an amb&lan%eJ yo& trespass on pri(ate property in order to engage the enemy d&ring a firefight. That is the sort of thing. ?ho ta&ght &s o&r 6modern7 (al&es? ?ho made &s all into pa%ifists $hen it %omes to resistan%e! and militarist s&pporters $ith regard to go(ernment a&thority? ?hy ha(e $e allo$ed &ntr&ths related to 6rights7 to ;&stify (iolation both of good sense and of the la$? The $hole system is

part of an ideologi%al mo(ement! and is the ne$ $orld order. Co& kno$! the 5&ssians &sed $omen as snipers and pilots. =srael &sed to ha(e females in the %ombat arms! and has an e+perimental &nit today. Canada has $omen in the infantry. The deadly se+! fatalisti% and fier%e in defense of their yo&ng. They learn to shoot more easily! not being so ma%ho! and ha(e finer motor skills. 1ikely to ha(e better eyes. 4afer dri(ers! they are. They bring good sense to the poli%e for%e! rather than mere bra$n. 1i(e longer! they doJ are more resistant to stress and to the %old. ?hy! they are ;&st as %apable as men. E+%ept $hen they are better. ) man is ;&st a $oman $ith a penis $hile a $oman is a man $ith a (agina. Ho tell3 The a(erage man has a lo$er =B than the a(erage $oman Daltho&gh! oddly! the highest tested =Bs are men<s! $ith a ma;or e+%eptionE. Co& do kno$ that %&lt&res are different b&t none better than another? 5a%es differ only in skin %olor? =f this %o&ntry $as s$amped by a massi(e ma;ority of Chinese! and they $anted to modify things to s&it themsel(esJ so $hat? Treat people as indi(id&als. Things $o&ld be e(en better d&e to di(ersity. )ll indi(id&als $o&ld still ha(e their rights as is re%ogniAed by the %onstit&tion! &ntil the form of go(ernment is %hanged by the ne$%omers. ?ho are yo& to ;&dge? The se+es are the same e+%ept for the $omen being better than men in many $ays! and $estern %i(iliAation is the same! in e(ery important $ay! e+%ept for being $orse than the others. ?o&ld a ma;ority of the ma;ority be Chinese $ho oppose traditional )meri%an (al&es? ?hate(er! $e are not ra%ists and $ill ignore problemati%al iss&es. =dentify indi(id&als $ho are enemies of freedom and destroy them! and like magi% yo& also destroy the gro&p made &p of enemy! in%l&ding the ma;ority of the Chinese. )maAing3 ?ar is %ool! $e don<t need no stinking border %ontrols: let the $orld %ome in and things $ill sort themsel(es o&t. )(erage =B: :e$ "0G! Chinese "0N! $hite "00! 'ispani% G ! bla%k GN! bla%k )fri%an 0! and )&stralian nati(e V". #s&ally NL of yo&r =B related %hara%teristi%s are inherited. )rab s%ores are on par $ith 'ispani% for the most part. Eastern E&rope and some )sian gro&ps s%ore in the .0s. :e$s tend to dominate in theory and ling&isti%s! )sians in the te%hni%al and mysti%al...dis%ipline and order. Bla%ks dominate in bo+ing! football! basketball! and r&nning. ?hites dominate in mi+ed martial arts! ho%key! and long-distan%e r&nning. >eneti%s is a ma;or fa%torJ n&trition! e+er%ise! so%ialiAation! litera%y and ed&%ation are also fa%tors. /ale and female! more a%%&rately! =B is nearly identi%al! b&t fe$er $oman ha(e the lo$est and highest =Bs! and aptit&des are not dire%ted at the same fields of st&dy. /en really are more likely to be s&ited for engineering! for e+ample! and this too is both geneti% and en(ironmental. This is not abo&t ra%e! it is abo&t freedom. There is only one ra%e! the h&man ra%e. =t is ;&st that the ra%es need to learn to get along! and those $hite people need to stand aside and let the other ra%es ha(e their time in the s&n. 1et the $hite ra%e die. =t is de%adent. F&r $omen sho&ld m&rder o&r %hildren! his and hers! her %hoi%e in freedom. 1et there be no f&t&re! and let die that $hi%h $ill die. The remainder sho&ld be bred o&t of e+isten%eJ b&t geneti%s is only for other animals and not for people! there are breeds of sheep b&t not breeds of man! and let $omen gi(e &p family %lannishness and genealogy@it is ra%ist pride. =f yo& $ill not a%%ept e&geni%s and tyranni%al %ontrols ho$ %an yo& belie(e in geneti%s? 1astly let &s ha(e no more s%ien%e and no more tr&th. ?e %an only be good if $e are happy to tell the needed $hite lies Dred lies?E. )nyho$! none of &s are e(er $rong b&t good manners re8&ires &s to dis%&ss things $ith people before $e go on any$ay! or &se for%e. 9one of &s e(er has anything to learn from these dis%&ssions! nat&rally! and $hat is tr&th the man said. Co& ha(e gi(en them a %han%e to agree $ith yo& so $hate(er happens no$ is their o$n fa&lt...b&t = babble! and ra%e has nothing to do $ith &s so get $ith the si%kness. = ha(e forgotten more than yo& e(er learned! &nfort&nately = no$ kno$ less than yo& do ha(ing forgotten e(erything. = ask yo&! $hy $as the si%k man of )sia si%k? 'e had a%hie(ed too m&%h spirit&al perfe%tion. ?hat prof&ndity in morib&ndity. Too m&%h spirit and perfe%tion is as destr&%ti(e as any amo&nt of slothf&l degenera%y as they are the same thing b&t yo& don<t %ome ba%k as a b&g3 4hheeeeeiiiite33 Ca$! C)?3 = do feel $ell today. 'o$ y<all doin<? )pparently %omm&nism and politi%al %orre%tness too are too perfe%t. =f 5&ssia keeps it &p they

$ill be%ome both the si%k man of E&rope and ha(e only N0L of their %&rrent ethni% pop&lation in abo&t KN years. California has nearly the lo$est a(erage =B in the %o&ntry! by the $ay! in %ompany $ith states like )labama. There is no danger of depop&lation! ho$e(er! e+%ept for of the $hites. ?hite and Bla%k people are the same! the single e+%eption being skin %olor. )sk any person of )fri%an des%ent. 'e $ill tell yo& it is not tr&e. This is! ho$e(er! be%a&se he is ;&st as %onf&sed abo&t ra%e as yo& are3 The gender iss&e is alike to this. The only differen%e is Opl&mbing3O Fairness may di%tate! in fa%t! that e(ery ind&stry be N0L female. 4in%e the $omen may not be physi%ally %apable of doing some ;obs $e sho&ld let them r&n things! $hile the men do the s$eating and dying. =n this $ay $e %an prote%t them from dying at a rate e(en higher than o&rs. ?e are saintly fello$s. They s$at &s for holding the door open! yet $e %ontin&e to ser(e. ?e $ant nothing o&t of this for o&rsel(esJ gentle so&ls@saints = say3 /ost men do not make good soldiers. The &nfit and old make e(en poorer light infantry. /ost good light infantrymen are bet$een "G and KN years old! b&t most people in that age gro&p are not good light infantry. Co&r ;ob is to fight effe%ti(ely $itho&t $asting li(es. To re8&ire the meeting of standards appropriate to the ;ob! or as high as %an be obtained in the re8&ired n&mbers. =t is not yo&r ;ob to &se &p &n8&alified people d&e to shortages of manpo$er! to b&rn &p ser(i%e troops and spe%ialists in other fields in infantry %ombat! or to $aste a$ay yo&r reser(es and training establishment. )lso! lea(e the %hildren alone. Ho not &se &p yo&r so&r%es of prod&%tion and do not destroy yo&r o$n f&t&re. =t is a mistake to a(oidably mis&se a persons skills and talents! espe%ially $hen it makes him more likely to be killed. =t is tr&e that some $oman are 8&ite s&ited to any of these ;obs: ) small n&mber indeed. ?omen are not better dri(ers. They tend to %lose their eyes and hope for the best $hen they ha(e lost %ontrol of a (ehi%le. They are safer dri(ers be%a&se they don<t take st&pid %han%es. DE+%ept $hen distra%ted.E ?hile fe$er of them %ommit s&i%ide more of them attempt it. They %ertainly do not li(e longer &nder primiti(e %onditionsJ look at the death rate among o&r pioneer $oman. ?omen are the deadliest Ospe%iesO follo$ed by stories of nati(e $omen! or Comm&nist $omen! et%.! ab&sing prisoners! of female poisoners and s&%h. This is not soldiering or poli%ing. Hon<t forget the fe$ pirates! the $oman g&nners! pilots! )maAon legends! and female partisans. There is little e(iden%e of %ombat %apability here! $ith the possible e+%eption of snipers. The female poli%e offi%er sometimes brings s&ffi%ient strength and good sense to the ;ob. Fften instead they bring striden%y or timidity! $hi%h is a magnet for assa&lt. ?oman do not ha(e the potential end&ran%e and speed of men. They do not ha(e the load %arrying ability. 4ki ;&mping is (ery dangero&s for them@m&%h more likely to break their ne%ks. They s&ffer a m&%h greater in%iden%e of physi%al in;&ry. The shooting? That fine motor %ontrol is lost as soon as they handle a b&lky or hea(y $eapon. 5e%oil %ontrol %an be a problem. They sho&ld &se $eapons they %an handle deftly. /any shoot m&%h and hit nothing in emergen%ies. 'a(e yo& e(er seen a gro&p of $omen laden $ith gear and trying to r&n! %ra$l and %limb? That gear looks to beat them to death. The helmet tips do$n o(er the eyes. E(en an /"V)" is too %l&msy a b&rden. ) sad sight3 /en are faster Dabo&t "0LE! %an mar%h longer! DK0 to N0 miles at K to N /*' $ith gearE! and %an %arry a third more gear. #pper body strength is at least 2N per%ent greater b&t is often N0L or more. They are harder emotionally and! $hile they may handle fr&stration badly! they s&ffer less often from post tra&mati% stress disorder. /en ha(e a better sense of dire%tion! and %an ;&dge distan%e more a%%&rately. Fn long mar%hes it is %ommon to alternate periods of fast $alking and slo$ r&nning! along $ith ho&rly rests of "N min&tes. Female end&ran%e is ro&ghly VVL of the physi%al end&ran%e of malesJ e(en her grip! the strength of her grasp! is only abo&t half that of a man<s grip. 4oldiering ne(er $as entirely abo&t br&te strength! and firearms $ere added to g&ile to make this more so! as $as more modern te%hnology. 4o the big dog is not any longer the largest strong man. =t is the one best able to %ombine g&ts! skill! and an appropriate $eapon. 4ometimes that $eapon is a ma%hine! and there are al$ays $eapons behind the s%enes if not front and %enter! and sometimes that

tool is a t$isty mind and a big mo&th. /any ;obs still re8&ire strength! ho$e(er! and %ombat re8&ires a mindset that fe$er $omen possess. 4ome say a fit man %an %arry a load NNL of his o$n $eight o(er long distan%es! a fit $oman ,0LJ in any %ase do not %arry a hea(y pa%k into %ombat. *erhaps a total of N0 po&nds at most and the lighter the better! s&b;e%t to the need for mission essential gear. ) fit person might make "00 miles in a day! b&t this is &nen%&mbered. =f yo& arri(e $itho&t the tools $ith $hi%h to s&r(i(e and fight yo& o&ght to ;&st keep on r&nning. Faster elements %an mane&(er aro&nd slo$er ones! &sing the slo$er as a base! b&t a &nit of $hate(er broad %ategory %an in fa%t not tra(el faster than the slo$est man or (ehi%le. ?hile some elements may need to be faster to respond to alarms or sit&ations and too m&%h &niformity is foolish it is also the %ase that too m&%h di(ergen%e in loads! h&man fitness or (ehi%le %apability is foolish. The slo$est man either sets the pa%e! or is left behind and lost. =f somebody is simply too slo$ for the &nit type p&t him in a &nit and position $here he %an perform. 4oldiers may mar%h on their stoma%hs. They also mar%h on their boots. B&ality and appropriateness of boots! and to (arying degree! load bearing e8&ipment and %lothing is %riti%al. )lso! e+pe%t to &se &p to fi(e times the small arms amm&nition yo& planned on. ?hat does all this mean? The BalkaniAation of the $est. Co& are on yo&r o$n! b&ddyJ ea%h alone or str&ggling for his o$n little s&bgro&p among the fragments. ?riters are p&shing the &se of O4irO as an address for $omen. =f this $ere to be%ome %ommon it $o&ld not be long before the term be%ame asso%iated $ith its ob;e%t and $o&ld be repla%ed! and no = am not the one $ho thinks $omen need to be seen as more mas%&line. Consider 4%ot%h and 4%ots! Friental and )sian! =ndian and 9ati(e )meri%an! and Colored! 9egro! Bla%k! )fro-)meri%an! )fri%an )meri%an and Bla%k. 6=ndian gi(er7 is of &nkno$n originJ $hate(er happened! $hites $ere at fa&lt. /odern military fi%tion is f&ll of female $arriors. The a(erage )meri%an is most likely a middle-aged $hite $oman. Iag&ely liberal! %ollege ed&%ated! slightly o(er$eight and di(or%ed at least on%e! and making abo&t K0!000 dollars a year in a ;ob in(ol(ing the ser(i%e ind&stry or a lot of paper$ork and no (iolen%e or hea(y lifting. D=t also is f&ll of a&thoritarianism! hero $orship! &nlikely perfe%tion! martial la$! S et%.E *ay it no mind. /artial la$ is s&pposed to be instigated in a %onstit&tional manner. 4o are states of emergen%y and $ars. =t allo$s go(ernment to fight and ro&nd &p rioters! paramilitary terrorists! in(aders and armed re(ol&tionaries against %onstit&tional go(ernment. =t does not allo$ federal troops to poli%e the people! or the go(ernment to (iolate the rights! by disarming or other$ise! of the general p&bli%. *oliti%ally %orre%t fi%tion and nothing else. ?hat? 4illy b&ggers3 4tates rights and don<t like the fed? 'o$ dare yo&3 Co& lo%al go(ernment! poli%e! and military types s$ore an oath to defend the %onstit&tion. =t is of no import that the oath is to %onstit&tional prin%iples and go(ernment! and not to any parti%&lar standing go(ernment! president or $hat-the-hell e(er. 5e(olt against %onstit&tional go(ernment is a %rime. 4e%ession is a %rime. ?e do not ha(e to follo$ the la$! $e are the go(ernment and opposition to &s makes yo& an oath breaker3 The tr&th is $omen are better than men e+%ept that they ha(e been sla%king off for tho&sands of years. They %o&ld ha(e taken o(er and r&n things right b&t ha(e been feeling rather laAy. ?hy is the 6golden age7 fetish so per(asi(e? )fri%an! matriar%hal! %lassi%al pagan! ChristianJ and the noble sa(age lies do$n $ith the lion and the lamb. *&re nonsense! and before yo& r&dely point the fingerJ no perfe%t age of lo(ing patriar%hy e+isted! tho&gh patriar%hy $as m&%h more %ommon than matriar%hy and still is! and $e do not think this %o&ntry<s fo&nders $ere perfe%t either. :&st smart and more $ise than most! they $as. =f $omen are to be poli%e and prison g&ards $hy not %ombat soldiers. ?ho %ares. ?e kno$ there are prisoners that $ill thro$ &rine and fe%es at g&ards! and that some $o&ld happily beat a g&ard to death if they %o&ld. ?e kno$ all kinds of disg&sting things go on. ?e also kno$ ho$ most prisons are r&n! and that g&ards are t$isted by a n&mber of stressors! and $hat idiot de%ided to p&t female g&ards in male prisons and (i%e (ersa? )ltho&gh female inmates may a%t&ally get better treatment $ith

male g&ards than female! and no! = am not saying they need to get laid. /en are often harsh $ith other men! b&t $omen are hard on other $omen as $ell. Female g&ards are more likely to ha(e se+ $ith male prisoners than male g&ards $ith female ones! and homose+&al-lesbian DOgayO and lesbian are both homose+&al b&t dislike the s%ientifi% termE relationships ha(e more (iolen%e than heterose+&al ones do. ?oman are in fa%t more likely to m&rder or physi%ally ab&se %hildren than men are! and the most se(erely in;&red are &s&ally small boysJ ;&st in %ase yo& think the ladies are all s$eetness and light. 'o$e(er! the point ma;or is that the prison %&lt&re $ill al$ays be a bad one! b&t it is $orse than it $o&ld other$ise be be%a&se of the %orr&ption and poli%e-state mentality at the top $hi%h is mostly the fa&lt of men tho&gh the st&pid frame$ork $ithin $hi%h the ;&sti%e system is s&pposed to $ork has been feminiAed. 1et a&thority do $hate(er it $ants so $e $on<t ha(e to. =s it possible? )re $omen ;&st sla%kers? 9ope. =t is a matter of the indi(id&al and the spe%ifi% ;ob. B&t no3 = do digress. =t is not eno&gh that $omen and men ha(e e8&ality and fairness! e8&al rights &nder %onstit&tion and la$. They m&st ha(e e8&al bloody-mindedness! strength and skill in e(ery $ay. 4o! sin%e they are ;&st as able to defend themsel(es as yo&! $hy sho&ld yo& take any serio&s risks in their defense? ?ell! if the means are a(ailable! and yo& $o&ld really en;oy smashing the p&nks in 8&estion... ?hy not3 =f the means are not at hand! and yo& kno$ yo& $ill lose b&t also kno$ yo& %an<t get help in time? Co& %an try to distra%t the atta%kers! or to get help@$ho kno$s for %ertain yo& $ill fail? =f yo& $o&ld rather die than yield the $oman &p to her atta%kers yo& $ill fight any$ay. =t is &p to yo&. ?hite knight disease. ?hat some men $ill do to ser(e their egos3 9ot$ithstanding any of the abo(e! all $omen $ho are not %riminals and ha(e not been! nor sho&ld be! ad;&di%ated mentally in%ompetent o&ght al$ays to %arry a handg&n. =f some th&g serio&sly looks like he is going to po&nd on her! rape her! drag her into a (an! %&t her or shoot her then she sho&ld promptly shoot him. 4he sho&ld %ontin&e to shoot him &ntil he r&ns a$ay or is helpless and disarmed on the gro&nd. B&t she might shoot someone &nne%essarily3 4omeone might take her $eapon and shoot her $ith it3 4hit. E(en = am not as 6se+ist7 as all that. 4he is a %hild? 9o! she is not. =f she fo&ls it &p she $ill pay the pri%e! $hether legal or other$ise. 4he is an ad&lt. For yo& this also means yo& treat anyone $ho is trying to kill yo&! and is managing to a%t&ally be a threat! the same. They are shooting at yo&! yo& shoot them $itho&t hesitation! man or $oman. Ces! if a %hildJ $ho sho&ld not be armed! is thro$ing hand grenades! yo& do the same for him. Ho yo& feel sorry for people $ho ha(e been drafted? 4o do =! b&t not to e+%ess. They try to kill yo& in order to a(oid imprisonment or death. They think they are of more (al&e than yo&. Mill them in %ombat ;&st as 8&i%kly as may be. Ho not approa%h and do try to a(oid the enemy if yo& are not $illing to a%%ept atta%k. 9e(er! e(er! keep or bear arms if yo& are not perfe%tly $illing to &se them $hen atta%ked or $hen most effe%ti(ely appropriate. Ho%trinaire types $ill e+%&se %rimes against yo& if yo& are armed! &nder $arlike %onditions they $ill e+e%&te %i(ilians %a&ght in possession of $eapons! and tyrants ne(er admit to being $rong. Co& disagree? = $ill not arg&e. = s&spe%t yo& of politi%al %orre%tness. Mno$ $hat a f&ndamentalist is? 4omeone $ho a%t&ally belie(es and tries to li(e by a do%trine or dogma. There are good /&slims! :e$s and 6old testament7 Christians be%a&se most people do not take their beliefs all that serio&sly and literally in pra%ti%e. =t %a&ses resistan%e and interferes $ith b&siness. The morality in the Talm&d! Moran! and Fld Testament is e(il. Br&tal di%tatorships are e(il. 4erio&s f&ndamentalist /&slims! Frthodo+ and 'asidi% :e$s! Fld Testament Christians! Comm&nists and Fas%ists and other tyrant $annabes are e(il. F&ndamentalist 9e$ Testament Christians are more %onf&sed than e(il! e+%ept for that $omen and sla(es thing! and their arrogan%e is of the &nd&ly h&mble 6passi(e aggressi(e7 (ariety. To say this is not so is to say it is $rong to belie(e that the gro&p of all

persons $ho ha(e Din fa%t! not la$E m&rdered! has members $ho ha(e m&rdered nobody. )ll these tr&e belie(ers in e(il do%trines promote and ser(e e(il. That means yo&! also! Federals. 9eo%onP9eolib s%&m. Come no$! $e do not take religio&s $ritings too serio&sly or literally3 Ho $e take politi%al &topian $ritings literally? 5eligions are ne(er at fa&lt be%a&se they are fo%&sed on doing good for the most part! and only a fe$ fools try to &se religion as an e+%&se for their o$n st&pidity. 'o$ fort&nate. ?ell! ho$ &nfort&nate! b&t religion is at fa&lt. E(il do%trine e+ists in those $ritings. This $ill ha(e an infl&en%e on the %&lt&re of the belie(ers! and $ill p&t ideas into the heads of fools $hi%h they may or may not ha(e other$ise had. These $ritings p&t into the heads of fools the ready-made e+%&ses they $ant. =f yo& tell somebody something that means in English that m&rdering %hildren %an be a good thing b&t mean something else be%a&se yo& are &sing highly symboli% lang&age do not be s&rprised if yo& are mis&nderstood! and the tr&th is many of the original $riters flatly meant some of $hat they seem to ha(e saidJ in%l&ding e(il parts and more or less literally! in fa%t3 Ho not arg&e $ith the politi%ally %orre%t. 9e(er arg&e $ith the dogmati% b&sybody. Ho not arg&e $ith :e$s! my friend. =t is like arg&ing $ith a donkey: nothing really sinks inJ all yo& $ill get ba%k is braying arrogan%e! misdire%tion and sophistry. )rg&ing $ith the politi%ally %orre%t is like arg&ing $ith religio&s and-or Rionist :e$s! f&ndamentalist Christians or orthodo+ /&slims! or $ith hard%ore Comm&nists! 9aAisJ En(ironmentalists! or Iegans. They are f&ll of dogma and feelings of s&periority. The /e+i%an in(asion. ?hat per%entage of the /e+i%an nation is here instead of there? 'o$ many de%ades has it been reported that there are still "2 million illegals here? Bah. The /&slim in(asion: Co& do re%all that before E&ropeans needed to be e+pelled from their %olonies )sians and /&slims had to be booted o&t of the east and so&th of E&rope o(er a period of many h&ndreds of years? 6Their domination of $oman ;&st pro(es they %are3 They lo(e yo& so play m&si% and be p&nished37 Hoes this mean $e sho&ld %ontin&e to o%%&py =ra8? Ff %o&rse not. Tr&e $ords. 4pirit&al de(elopment is $here it is at. Food is not n&tritio&s for material reasons! b&t by prayer or be%a&se it is still ali(e and yo& absorb its life for%e. The life is in the blood! (ampire. /aterialism. ?ell! ;&st try to be immaterial and li(e $itho&t material things. Take yo&r pills! (egan. Fther$ise yo& $ill be no better off than that red meat and a si+-pa%k a day person! or do yo& too intend to be%ome a breatharian? ?hen they %ommit no %rimes - ignore them. ?hen they do - arrest them at on%e and lo%k them &pJ shoot them only $hen yo& ha(e to. :-EG )dditionally! the ?elsh ne(er tried to get o&t of a deal! the 9ati(e First )meri%an *ersons ne(er e+pe%ted gifts ba%k in ret&rn for giftsJ the :e$ish people ne(er tried to %heat on pri%es! )rabs ne(er ga(e yo& anything yo& admired and then hated yo& if yo& a%%epted it. )fri%ans and )rabs ne(er snat%hed yo&r $oman if yo& let her o&t of yo&r sight! and so on. E(eryone is f&ndamentally the same and generally good! e+%ept for Ca&%asians of %o&rse. 5emember too! there are no %onspira%ies! e+%ept for 6right $ing $hite7 ones! and that antisemitism is an &nreasoning hatred of 4emites and )rabs are 4emitesJ also there ne(er $ere any sla(es &ntil $hites began ensla(ing only non$hite people. =t<s tr&e3 )nd these latter gro&ps are not e(en &niform in their morality. Hid yo& kno$ that being %onsidered a $hite de(il is a (ery great %ompliment? *eople are ne(er responsible for 6their o$n a%tions.7 They are molded by %&lt&re and en(ironment! by so%iety and h&man nat&re. They %annot be blamed for $hat they are. :&st as belief in a %onspira%y makes yo& a tinfoil hat $earing redne%k &nless the belief in 8&estion is abo&t ra%ist $hite %onspirators! $hites and 6%onser(ati(es7 are the only ones $ho a%t&ally are e(il and responsible for it. This means they are the only people $ho trans%end nat&reJ the only ones $ho %an tr&ly be blamed for their %hoi%es. )lso! sin%e

they are at the root of most! of perhaps the only tr&e! e(il! they ha(e tremendo&s po$er. = may mo%k and say the riffraff do as they do be%a&se of their past mistreatment! and = respond to them be%a&se of my o$n: both gro&ps as nat&ral and predi%table as $ater r&nning do$n hill! in my heart = kno$ that they are rightJ $e $hites are as po$erf&l and important to e(ents as 4atan himself. 'onestly. 'ahaha. Criminals and tyrants beha(e a%%ording to their nat&re. =t is on &s to a(oid anar%hy by ref&sing to resist. 9o! it is o&r nat&re to shoot them. Mill $itho&t ;oy? Ceah! b&t really! if = s&r(i(e and the bad g&ys do notJ if my friends are safe! = am going to be 8&ite happy abo&t the o&t%ome. Coolness %o&nts $hen fighting! b&t so does passion! and a little ;oy isn<t amiss. '&nting is an en;oyable pastime. = like almost e(erything abo&t it! and hate nothing! b&t = $on<t kill a %o&gar or $olf e+%ept in self defense be%a&se they are pretty and smart. The forests and deserts! na(igation and s&r(i(al! stalking! tra%king! and ta%ti%s are all good. ) %ertain amo&nt of %amping is FM &ntil it gets boring. = lo(e the proper and effe%ti(e &se of the rifle. = do not en;oy killing the animal! nor m&%h en;oy b&t%hering it either! b&t do like to impro(e and &se the skills! and all of this is good training for more important things like serio&s s&r(i(al or %ombat %onditions. = $o&ld rather kill people than animals in most %ases. ?hat did that animal e(er do to me? 4ome enemy are to be killed m&%h as yo& kill a deer! b&t there are others $ho need to be stopped lest they %ontin&e $ith s&%h (ile beha(ior that defeating them makes a fello$ (ery happy. 9o! they are not 8&ite the same. = like steak b&t long pig is not my thing. Co& ne(er $ant to o(er-h&nt the game pop&lation! b&t h&nting do$n all the enemy is a good thing. ?hat the hell. *rea%hing to the %hoir. ?hen there is freedom people ha(e less to fight abo&t! b&t there are al$ays some $ho ha(e to be restrained by threats and others $ho m&st be imprisoned or killed. F(er time %ompeting interests b&ild &p po$er and &se it to the politi%al ad(antage of their friends and to $eaken their enemies. )s a&thoritarianism gro$s there is a str&ggle bet$een the e(er gro$ing n&mber of hostile gro&ps $ho fight ba%k $hen harmed and fight for po$er $ithin the system as it gro$s. There %omes a time $hen e(eryone right and $rong hardens in hatred to$ard those $ho $ill not agree $ith them and (iolen%e begins to flo$er. They feel a (ery real threat from other politi%ally a%ti(e gro&ps be%a&se the loser in any poli%y battle $ill ha(e the po$er of the state t&rned against him and the losers $ill t&rn more and more to &nsan%tioned (iolen%e! or to %o(ert (iolen%e. There is nothing to be gained by not fighting ba%k. This $ill not limit the t&rmoil. =t $ill simply allo$ others to eat yo& ali(e. /&t&al %ontempt has set in. 9o one b&t %onstit&tionalists $ill listen to the $ords in a book like this. They are often r&ral. 9ot often gi(en to politi%al ambitions and other types of empire b&ilding! they ha(e little %on%entrated po$er. )ll they really ha(e is firearms! the ability to gro$ %rops! b&ild and repair things! and their (al&es. >ood l&%k $ith that. 5emember $ho yo& are. ?hat abo&t that )Atlan b&siness! the retaking of territory on%e held by 4pain or /e+i%oJ or held by neither in some %ases. There are many good people on the other side of the immigration iss&e. They feel sorry for /e+i%ans Dsomething not all /e+i%ans appre%iateE! and %onsider it an iss&e of ra%e and ra%ism@and only ?hites D sin%e $hen is $hite %apitaliAed?! probably sin%e Bla%k $asE %an be ra%ist! of %o&rse. They think %onser(ati(es blame OBro$n peopleO for all their problems. D4ome of them! also! like ha(ing ser(ants.E 'o$e(er! immigration is not an isolated iss&e. The 5ep&bli% is dying! and some people are killing it by design. The Constit&tion says the Constit&tion and treaties are the s&preme la$J not treaties are the s&preme la$! and not reg&lations and presidential orders. 4&rprise! %hildren. =t is not a%t&ally legal to stop la$f&l a%ti(ities by targeting said a%ti(ities $ith %olor of la$ perse%&tions &sing! mis&singJ ta+ la$! %ommer%e reg&lation a&thority or treaties! n&isan%e stat&tes-ordinan%es or land &se! planning or permit re8&irements! and et%.. Federal in(ol(ement $itho&t en&merated %onstit&tional po$ers is greatly improper! b&t state le(el beha(ior of this sort is $rong! anybody &sing this method against a %onstit&tional right egregio&sly so. Too! it is not

legal to &se r&le making and bl&ster to a&thoriAe &nla$f&l beha(ior. ?e ha(e a *resident $ho belie(es in a O&nitaryO e+e%&ti(e! the f&hrer prin%iple. 'e r&les by e+e%&ti(e order and international agreements. =f he la%ks a po$er he signs an order gi(ing himself that po$er. =f he (iolates the Constit&tion then Congress passes a la$ D?E a&thoriAing it! so long as someone pops o(er to dis%&ss things $ith them o%%asionally. F&r foreign poli%y is r&n by neo%ons! $ho are $annabe neofas%ist globalist empire b&ilders. ?e ha(e %orr&pt grasping dithering fools in Congress! and ;&dges on the 4&preme Co&rt $ho think they %an gro$ the Oli(ing Constit&tionO as they please. The president and (i%e president of the #nited 4tates need to be tried for treason against %onstit&tional go(ernment. D?hat need be said abo&t Fbama? That man of mystery! of sealed re%ords and false so%ial se%&rity n&mber? 'e is a sm&g t$it and liar! B&sh all o(er again! b&t at a time $hen go(ernment gro$s! the %o&ntry falls! and freedom is lost at an e(er more rapid pa%e.E 1ook at all the lo(ely anar%hists! %omm&nists! so%ialists! Oliberals!O 6progressi(es!7 elitist ?hitesJ ethno%entri% ?hites! :e$s! Bla%ks! Bro$ns... The globalists! international banks and %orporations D$ith their s&b(ersi(e fo&ndationsE. 4ee the immigrants! $ho $ant a better lifeJ or ;&st $ant $hate(er they $ant! ha(e been belittled in the past! and $ant $hat they $ant no$. )lso! they are more Onati(eO! er! s&rely? Fbser(e their organiAers and leaders: they $ant to demoniAe )meri%ans! they $ant to o(erthro$ the 5ep&bli% in the 4o&th$est! or the $hole %o&ntry $o&ld be ;olly good if they %o&ld p&ll it off. 4ometimes this lot e(en %ooperate. They %an sort it o&t among themsel(es after they $in. They are agitating to identify and strengthen friends! and to %onf&se! $eaken! and identify enemies@ espe%ially intra%table ones. Hi(ide and %on8&er3 D?hy list politi%al and ethni% enemies together? Be%a&se e(ery ethni% gro&p has its hostilities! and those $ho %hoose to play that game are $el%ome on the list. 9o! $hite )meri%ans are not the $orst Ora%istsO of them all. 4o sorry. 5ead some history. Compare big %ity s%hools dominated by a minority or %ontaining m&ltiple large ethni% gro&ps to r&ral ones $here $hite is the ma;ority and minorities tend to fit in 8&ite $ell by %omparison. Iery hostile pla%es! and not ;&st to $hites. Rionists! for e+ample! detest m&lti%&lt&ralism at home b&t promote it in the $estern $orld.E The fa%t is that s%hools and prisons $ith a large OminorityO pop&lation are dangero&s. Espe%ially if the t$o largest gro&ps are bla%ks and 'ispani%s. )sians and $hites generally stay o&t of it $hen they %an. =f yo& are a $hite pla%ed in a prison $ith a /e+i%an ma;ority! for e+ample! and yo& see that the /e+i%ans are allo$ed to get in the food line first be a$are that ref&sing to $ait %an get yo& beaten to death. 1arge /e+ifornia s%hools ha(e ra%ial fights reg&larly! and a ma;or bra$l on an ann&al basis. #s&ally this in(ol(es /e+i%ans and bla%ks! b&t some s%hools are not dominated by these d&e to the n&mbers! and the assholes are then sometimes /&slims! )sians! et%.! rarely $hites! and sometimes are Frthodo+ :e$s Dsee ho$ they beha(e in =sraelE. DThat last not abo&t large p&bli% s%hools! ob(io&sly.E =t is interesting ho$ often 9ati(e )meri%ans and /e+i%ans fight one another! by the $ay. 4ome of these people $ant a $ar Dor poli%e a%tion e8&i(alentE! b&t they $ant to manage the pro%ess. They $ant to be prepared so they %an defeat those intra%table ones. 4ometimes it is good to gi(e an enemy $hat he $ants! it may be $anted by both sides b&t for different reasons. There is no reason! ho$e(er! to gi(e it ho$ and $hen he $ants it. 'o$ %an yo& deal $ith a problem in a sensible $ay if yo& ref&se to re%ogniAe the problem and $ill not %onsider and &nderstand it? ?ho is being di(isi(e here! the ones $ho tell the tr&th! the ones $ho tell lies! or the ones $ho are politi%ally %orre%t in order to 6limit di(ision7 $hen this di(ides them from their o$n nat&ral politi%al! national and ethni% allies? This $hen *C is a di(ide and %on8&er ta%ti% of their enemies3 ?e need to stop obeying &nla$f&l orders. ?e need to stop follo$ing in(alid la$s. ?e all ha(e different strengths and $eaknesses! b&t resist $here yo& %an. Co& %an ask yo&r friends to (ote the pigs

o&t? Fine. Co& %an harass t&rn%oats in Congress? Fine. Co& %an stand tall in the streets? That too is fine. 9o! no! yo& m&st obey the la$ no matter $hat it is. )s long as it stands yo& m&st obey or yo& $ill %a&se %onfli%t and a breaking do$n of so%iety. FM. Try saying it this $ay@yo& m&st pass only good la$s no matter $ho yo& are. Co& m&st %ontrol yo&r ambitions or yo& $ill %a&se %onfli%t and so%iety and the r&le of la$ $ill break do$n. = )/ the la$. >ood or bad! the la$ is $hate(er propaganda and the threat and &se of for%e says it is. ?hat is $onderf&l is ho$ often mystery-soaked propagandists %ome to belie(e their o$n b&llshit. ?e sho&ld ha(e a 9ational B&rn a /e+i%an Flag Hay. ?hy? Be%a&se it is a %hallenge! one = hope they $ill take &p. =f they %hoose not to bite $e $ill lose gro&nd in the Oyo& are a ra%istO $ar. They %all &s ra%ists any$ay. 4o $hat? DThe /e+i%an hordes yearning to be free fleeing the ethni%! politi%al-e%onomi% and e(en ra%ial &pper %lasses ba%k home in order to fight the )meri%an r&ling %lass instead. They do this be%a&se o&r aristos are less tyranni%al! making them easier to fight and %a&sing them to lea(e more $ealth in the general e%onomy for $orking and $elfare %lass /e+i%ans to %ompete for against the %ra%kers! bla%ks! and other lo$-in%ome %itiAens. Ho not fear! my %hildren. This $ill %hange as the #4 is finally globaliAed and e8&aliAed.E ?hen there are many many idiots o&t there pla%e yo&rself so that only the s&bset yo& $ant to kill has a line of fire to yo&. Then yo& engage them $ith minim&m e+pos&re! ;&st a sho&lder and half yo&r fa%e if possible! and $ith all Heliberate haste. ?hen yo& shoot from %on%ealment yo& stay ba%k in it as far as yo& %an. Co& are not as %aref&l as yo& %o&ld be! b&t s&rely it is good eno&gh? =t is ;&st sad to p&t yo&rself into $hat yo& think ade8&ate %on%ealment only to ha(e the first gro&p of passersby immediately point yo& o&t to ea%h other3 'o$ (ery (e+ing. Co& need to get yo&r partner into appropriate gear and into a n&mber of representati(e positions so yo& %an obser(e from o&tside. #se bino%&lars and any sensors yo& ha(e to determine ;&st ho$ effe%ti(e %on%ealment is! or is not. #se %amo&flage e(en in b&ildings. 4lide &p and slo$ly present the $eapon. 1ook thro&gh the br&sh and e+pose as little of yo&rself to do this as is possible. Be a$are of $hat is behind yo& as yo&r %amo&flage needs to mat%h. 1ook o&t for ba%klighting. )fter yo& shoot p&ll slo$ly ba%k farther into %o(er $hen sniping. =f yo& don<t do this it is (ery important that yo&r hands be $ell %amo&flaged and s%reened as yo& operate the bolt 8&ietly and smoothly. =f yo& &se the th&mb to mo(e the bolt ba%k slo$ly yo& %an %at%h the empty %ase. ?hen yo& shoot the enemy $ill hear. 'e $ill kno$ yo&r general dire%tion! perhaps an appro+imation of yo&r distan%e as $ell. 'e is not likely to ha(e yo&r e+a%t position! b&t the longer yo& shoot the more likely it is that yo& $ill be lo%ated. =f one shot makes m&ltiple e%hoes from ob;e%ts in different dire%tions the enemy $ill go $ith the first! dire%t line! so&nd &nless they arri(e so %losely together %onf&sion res&lts. =f yo& are doing rapid fire p&ll ba%k and aside as soon as yo& %an. ?ire! metalli% mesh! and metal fen%ing material are sometimes &sed to tie %amo&flage in pla%e! or as a form or s&pport for artifi%ial %o(er or field fortifi%ations. These materials may ha(e a different thermal signat&re. They may n&llify or s%atter ele%tromagneti% energy! or they may refle%t or %ond&%t and emit it. =t is often better to &se $ood or %ertain plasti%s! in%l&ding $o(en mats! and to &se string! t$ine! elasti% bands! %ord and rope instead of $ire. /etal is a more serio&s se%ondary fragmentation so&r%e than $ood! b&t thi%k steel-reinfor%ed hardened %on%rete is al$ays ni%e. Being aro&nd the %orner is no prote%tion $hen a fragmenting airb&rst m&nition passes the %orner and e+plodes beside yo&. Co& m&st think of %o(er at and abo(e yo&r indi(id&al position! and sometimes belo$ it. ?hen yo& fortify a ho&se make fighting positions inside. =n%l&de o(erhead %o(er and %o(er beneath as $ell if on &pper floors. *la%e fire e+ting&ishers and %ontainers of $ater abo&t and &se bra%es to strengthen the $alls and roof. 9e(er tr&st &ns&pported old-style bri%k. )ny sho%k $ill b&ry yo& in bri%ks. /edi%al s&pplies and skills are al$ays important. 4o is food. Hig fighting holes in the floors of gro&nd le(el rooms! &se applian%es and hea(y tables to prote%t positions and es%ape ro&tes from roof %ollapse. Hig es%ape tren%hes and t&nnels. /o&se hole $alls $here needed. =n(entory the

pla%e and note %hemi%als! f&els! ele%tri%al o&tlets and anything else yo& may be able to &se in the fight! and tools and s&pplies at hand. Be$are of e+posed to+i%! fire and e+plosi(e haAards. Fire DfilterE hoods and o+ygen masks are helpf&l if there is a fire Dthe hoods only last long eno&gh for an es%apeE sin%e %hemi%al masks are of (ery limited &se in hea(y smoke. Me(lar and 9ome+ are fire resistant and make great glo(es and masks. Ho not remo(e armor and goggles ;&st be%a&se yo& are indoors. =f yo& ha(e to shoot from a $indo$ stay as far ba%k as yo& %an. =f yo& %an shoot from an interior hall$ay! thro&gh a door or holes in a $all! the room and o&t the $indo$ yo& sho&ld do it. 1oopholes in $alls! floors and %eilings sho&ld be angled if yo& $ish to deny easy a%%ess to frontal atta%kers. Camo&flaged! in a s&pported firing position! and making ma+im&m &se of yo&r lo%al %o(er Din%l&ding o(erhead %o(erE and $earing armor. ?hat a p&ssy3 'ah! yo& $ill die soon eno&gh. )nd &nless the b&ilding is (ery! (ery large and st&rdy yo& need to b&g o&t before the pre%ision g&ided bombs arri(e. Co& %an al$ays %ome ba%k and &tiliAe the r&bble. Taking %o(er after the enemy has opened fire $ill be too late for many of yo&. )gain! %o(er gi(es yo& some time. ?ood is a m&%h better %on%ealment than %o(er! and may splinter. 'ard stone is good! &nless hit by %annon! b&t &nless %o(ered $ith something to absorb ro%k fragments yo& are likely to need that body armor. ) solid ba%kgro&nd too near $ill %a&se e+plosi(e m&nitions that ha(e missed to kill yo& any$ay. B&ildings do offer prote%tion from %hemi%al atta%k. 9ot al$ays eno&gh. =f %hemi%als are in;e%ted inside! tho&gh! the b&ilding is a trap and many agents $ill pool at the lo$est le(els. Meep yo&r CB5E gear at hand in any %ase. =nter%oms! field phones! or radio headsets are fab for %oordinating the defense in b&ildings. Ho not e+pe%t m&%h range $hen &sing radio inside m&ltistory %on%rete and steel str&%t&res tho&gh. 5emoted antennas on ea%h le(el %an be pla%ed! or dire%t $ire r&n! b&t %he%k o&t any e+isting phone system in the b&ilding as it may be &sable e(en if yo& m&st pro(ide the po$er yo&rself. The enemy may also &se the phone system in yo&r b&ilding! as b&gs. Comp&ter (ideo also %an be pi%ked &p thro&gh nearby antennas or %ond&%ti(e materials and re%reated on the other side<s s%reens. =t is f&nny ho$ military fi%tion al$ays forgets the basi%s. =f yo& are in a hole or narro$ tren%h a side hole to &rinate in or a hole at one end that yo& thro$ some dirt in after ea%h &se as a toilet is better than nothing. Hefe%ation at night sho&ld be a(oided. >oing for$ard of field positions for this p&rpose is s&i%idal. Cra$ling o&t of yo&r position in the dark $ith the intention of $alking to the rear and &sing a %at hole &nder a ni%e b&sh is (ery nearly as dangero&s. Chemi%al toilet s&pplies are $onderf&l things if yo& m&st spent the %riti%al t$o $eeks after a nearby n&%lear strike %onfined in yo&r d&go&t. Hid yo& e(er noti%e that any se%tion of tren%h not f&rnished $ith %amo&flaged o(erhead %o(er needs to ha(e its floor %amo&flaged $hene(er pra%ti%able. =t is best if it mat%hes the s&rro&nding gro&nd. Tren%h and t&nnel engineering is a good skill to ha(e. Tren%hes m&st be as narro$ as possible! and not straight if more than a fe$ yards long. )ny prote%ti(e slit tren%hes off the main one! if $itho&t o(erhead %o(er and %on%ealment m&st be (ery narro$ indeed and at least armpit deep b&t deeper yet is better and firing steps %an be pro(ided if needed. This makes yo& a small target and e(en air%raft fire has a poor line to yo& &nless %oming do$n almost dire%tly from o(erhead. Barely room to pass along is best here! and if things get really ro&gh lie at the end $ith sho&lders against a $all! knees &p on %hest! and forearms and hands prote%ting the fa%e. =t is easier if yo&r feet are against a $all to hold yo& in position. Body armor! helmet and masks sho&ld be $orn. Ho 9FT fire from s&%h a tren%h if yo& ha(e to rest yo&r elbo$s at gro&nd le(el! there is no s&itable ba%kdrop! and no %l&tter or other %on%ealment at and before yo&r position. ?e do not need to kno$ s&%h things. Federal la$ is s&perior to state la$s. ?hat %onstit&tion $as that? :&st obey! yo& %an tr&st the nobility. )ll r&lers ha(e noble %hara%ters don<%ha kno$? *eople $ho %annot make themsel(es better than yo& by effort and ma+imiAing their o$n talents $ill make themsel(es better in %omparison by making yo& $orse! e(en if they ha(e to forbid yo& ed&%ation or information or straightfor$ardly steal yo&r reso&r%es to do it. ?hate(er their ethni% ba%kgro&nd! patriots sho&ld fight to defend themsel(es! and ea%h other! and for good go(ernment in a stable )meri%a. 9ot stagnant! b&t more stable.

) people! and )meri%ans are a people of *rin%iple not ra%e! that $ill not defend its o$n is pitiable. = belie(e )meri%a $ill fall $hen ?hite )meri%a is fallen! not that all )meri%ans m&st be ?hite. =f yo& are )sian! 'ispani%! Bla%k or anything else! and are tr&ly )meri%anJ = kno$ yo&. '&mane treatment for e(eryone! e8&al treatment &nder the la$ for all %itiAens of $hate(er ethni%ity. )nd $hy sho&ld $e a%%ept yo& if! for $hate(er reason! yo& are not people of that basi% prin%iple? Hi(ersity is good! b&t not to the point of deta%hment from the basi% prin%iples of honor! la$ and liberty. = do not %are $hat kind of %redentials some %lerk gi(es yo&. Co& are an )meri%an by prin%iple! or yo& are not. This parti%&lar polity %ame from a nation DpeopleE and may die o&t $itho&t it! or e(en $ith it. =t is fla$ed! b&t it is good. ?e do not %are if there are )meri%ans o&tside of this %ore gro&p! b&t $e $ill not tolerate in&ndation by those loyal to alien prin%iples. ?e $ill fight. =t is only the sla(e and the post-%i(iliAed man $ho $ill not fight. 9o$: There are e(il do%trines politi%al! e%onomi%! philosophi%al and religio&sJ in%l&ding those $hi%h are merely a part of a larger gro&p of folk $ays or traditions. Co& ha(e to be able to m&ltitask. 'ostile gro&ps e+ist o&tside of the dire%t grasp of the globalist pretenders! and ne$ $orld order d&pes and tools %an be ;&st as hostile as independent fools and %riminals. /e+i%ans! /&slims and others are &sed by media propagandists. Tr&e. /any of them are happy to play their allotted role. The ma;ority of them do not take a%ti(e part b&t also do not speak o&t against this. )lso tr&e. =t may s&rprise ho$ many belie(e )meri%a $ill be bro$n soon. This thing is a reality then? = tho&ght anyone $orried abo&t the 6bro$ning of )meri%a7 $as ;&st a p&nk happy to blame somebody else for his o$n fail&res? =t is a di(ersion! go $orry abo&t another globalist program! b&t not this one3 ?ant some %heese $ith that $hine! redne%k? Ces please. 'a. =t is tr&e! )meri%a has failed to defend itself from antagonist gro&ps and mo(ements. Fnly )meri%a is really at fa&lt for anything. #h h&h! sho n&ff. = tho&ght = $as ranting for the benefit of my blood press&re! b&t = am $hining! eh? ?hile = do find it am&sing $hen people $hine abo&t other people<s $hining! = hear yo&. )meri%ans ha(e no right to %omplain. They only ha(e the right to take $hate(er they ha(e the po$er to take! or $as that 6they ha(e the obligation to yield to e(eryone else to atone for past pri(ilege.7 = get those %onf&sed. Conf&sion. 9o do&bt it is the res&lt of all the propaganda. Ho not be afraid to tell the tr&th. Call a spade a spade! oh $ise gatekeepers. ?hite people need ;&st a little more solidarity. Ca think? Ho not p&t ethni%ity abo(e tr&th and ;&sti%e! or abo(e )meri%an (al&es! b&t more solidarity is definitely %alled for. =sn<t that tribalism? 9ot really! b&t it may be too %lose to it for yo&. Ethno%entrism %an be taken too far. =t leads to &nne%essary %onfli%t and regional separatism. )nti-parti%&larism %an also be taken too far. 5ight no$ it is being &sed to fragment $hites into an inert mass $hile s&rro&nded by hostile ethno%entrists and into the hands of gro&ps %hara%teriAed more by dangero&s ideology than ethni% solidarity. )re yo& offended yet? 'ater3 )gain: there are many perfe%tly de%ent s&pporters of Comm&nism! Fas%ism! :&daism! 6politi%al %orre%tness!7 =slam! Catholi%ism! 9eopaganism! deep-green en(ironmentalism! 9eo%onser(atism! 61iberalism7 and 6Fld Testament7 Christianity! et%.J and yet there are many e(il do%trines fo&nd $ithin all of these %redos. 'o$ is this possible $hen beha(ior based on a stri%t adheren%e to the r&les of any of the abo(e Dkeep in mind that /&slims ha(e te+ts and la$ beyond the Moran! 'adith S 4haria 1a$! ;&st as Frthodo+ :e$s ha(e Talm&d! S et%. beyond Torah and Catholi%s *apal B&lls! and so onE $o&ld res&lt in oppressi(e beha(ior any$here it %an be gotten a$ay $ith? = $ill po&nd it into yo&r head3 /oderate s&pporters do not kno$ the r&les (ery $ell! or li(e somepla%e $here they do not feel they m&st be 6radi%al7 or 6f&ndamentalist7 and ha(e %hosen not to be so. O'ey! = am a 4atanist b&t = don<t a%t&ally follo$ all those old r&les! so = am not a selfish sort of fello$.O Co&ld e(en be tr&e. 5eal men don<t do self abasing shit like m&%h of this! nor the h&miliation and domination of others like this. 5eal men do h&man dignity and h&mane treatment of others! ha(e an atta%hment to libertyJ %o&pled $ith a $ill to fight tyrants and %riminals.

Ho feel free to %all me a bigot. ?hile = am no kind of Christian! = am a nationalist! patriot! and belie(e $estern %i(iliAation is generally s&perior to the others. = $ill fight for my liberty and in no $ise $ish to be s&bs&med by alien politi%al and legal %&lt&res. B&t! hey! some of my best friends are stri%t Moran-follo$ing /&slims3 = spit. DFh! ho$ r&de.E F&%k yo&. )nd = smile $hen = say that. 6?hoa. Bla%k )meri%ans ha(e a m&%h higher %rime rate than $hites.7 6That may be tr&e! b&t it sho&ld not be said37 O?hoops. 4orry! = don<t $ant to go ba%k to sensiti(ity training. = $ant my pension.7 6Then keep yo&r mo&th sh&t! tr&th is no defense in a hate %rimes trial37 /ost of the people best s&ited physi%ally and mentally to be professional football players are bla%k and male! tho&gh some good %andidates $ill be $hite and sho&ld be hired. Hoes this mean yo& o&ght to take yo&r re%r&itment %ampaign to the area of the $orld most predominately $hite so as not to seem ra%ist? Ff %o&rse not! in fa%t yo& probably sho&ld instit&te affirmati(e a%tion for the s&pport and managing staff. 'o$e(er! if $e are talking abo&t something $hite people do best? Ho not e(en dis%&ss this iss&e! or those bigots $ho hate $hite people as s&%h! as an ethni%ity! $ill eat yo& ali(e@gi(en that yo& are too soft to defend yo&rself. Co& %an<t fight the 6=ll&minated Fnes7 be%a&se yo& are %onfronted by foot soldiers and don<t $ant to shoot the drafted. Co& %an<t fight other threats Ddistra%tionsE be%a&se they are not 9?F. Ces it is better to atta%k the head. Take off the head and the body $ill follo$J after some possibly dangero&s thrashing abo&t. B&t yo& do not al$ays ha(e a general in yo&r sights. =f yo& $on<t fight the d&pes at street le(el $hen they atta%k yo& r&n or die. 4ometimes yo& both r&n and die. =f yo& are a tea%her yo& kno$ this. *eople p&sh. Children take ad(antage of $eakness. Tea%hers are assholes. They &se this fa%t as an e+%&se for arrogant beha(ior. Th&s $e tea%h ea%h other to obey or to rebel! dominate or be dominated. *atriots fo&ght! killed and died so )meri%ans need not bo$. Fbedien%e to the state. ?e all kno$ that ed&%ation planners promote politi%al %orre%tness be%a&se they $ant to tear &s do$n and not be%a&se they are minorities themsel(es. /y %hildren bo$ to nobody and to nothing. Fight the state. *erhaps a s%hool<s poli%y has nothing to do $ith state re8&irements? Then e+plain to them $hy they meet the definition of idiots! and $hen they $ill not reform let all sensible people take themsel(es and their o$n a$ay. *romote their %ompetition. 4%hool offi%ials tend to do rather ab&si(e! dare = say O&nfair!O things. They like odd r&les and gro&p p&nishments. The e+%&se is that yo& need to get &sed to the real $orld. 4o is it too m&%h to ask that they tea%h %hildren the differen%e bet$een ins&lts and assa&lt! and the atta%ker and defender? Ces. The tr&th is that m&%h of $hat they do $o&ld get them s&ed in the Oreal $orld.O 4ho&ld $e not obey the a&thorities? 5eminds me of the hard%ore patriot $ho said: 6?ell = kno$ it is &n%onstit&tional and that there is no la$! b&t he disobeyed the poli%eJ so $hat did he think $o&ld happen to him? Hisrespe%tf&l of a&thority! he $as.7 Big bad *atriot $ill ba%k yo& &p! brother. )s long as he need not disobey the state or say and do politi%ally in%orre%t things. >od forbid that $e sho&ld offend anybody3 >&ess $hat? Co& are bloody $ell offending me3 *erhaps = sho&ld ha(e yo& fired from yo&r ;ob. Ho yo& $ant to get along! as $ell as %an be e+pe%ted! $ith agents of the poli%e state? :&st let them fee! fine! detain! and h&miliate yo& $itho&t %omplaint and $ith a s&bmissi(e demeanor. >i(e them an in%h and they $ill take a mile! b&t if yo& ;&st gi(e them the mile from the start they may get bored and go a$ay for a$hile. ?e t&rn o&r ba%ks on o&r an%estors. ?e gi(e a$ay their (i%tories. The thing is! poli%e are trained to take %harge of a sit&ation immediately. ?hen yo& disagree $ith them they $ant yo& off balan%e! r&shed! and %onf&sed. They $ant yo& to ha(e no sit&ational a$areness and to be rea%ting! not a%ting. ?hen this happens the la$ means nothing &ntil they feel %onfident of their a&thority! if they e(en kno$ the la$ in the first pla%e! and things %an get o&t of %ontrol (ery 8&i%kly. 4o! a%%ording to 5omans "K the poli%eman is a minister of >od and if he is th&mping yo& it is be%a&se yo& are e(il. >i(e trib&te and honor to those it is d&e. )nyho$ some folk are dangero&s so the poli%e may ha(e to p&t a pistol to yo&r head no$ and again for safety reasons. =t is tr&e! b&t do read 5omans "2 and "K again. They ha(e nothing to say abo&t defense. *ri(ate

retrib&tion is banned. >o(ernment p&nishment of the $i%ked is appro(ed. Co& are to be s&b;e%t to the la$. >i(e honor $here it is d&e! not $hen it is not. = say Caesar is not >od. 9ot e(erything is his. 9o$ it is also tr&e that lethal defenses are a problem if yo& take tho& shalt not kill literally! as m&%h of the Bible itself does not! and too that at the minim&m yo& m&st be $illing to take some ab&se $itho&t responding $ith (iolen%e a%%ording to the t&rn the other %heek do%trineJ b&t is a lethal atta%k e(en hinted at in that do%trine? = think not! b&t don<t really %are as = am not $illing to take any physi%al ab&se at all $itho&t responding. Call ."" or $ait to be approa%hed or $a(ed on or o(er if yo& see poli%e in a%tion and ha(e information or 8&estions. 1ea(e the area before %alling if free to do so! as loitering to obser(e $ill get yo& %harged $ith interfering. Co& ha(e no right to obser(e yo&r p&bli% ser(ants and their ;ob performan%e. Co& ha(e no right to approa%h or speak to a poli%e offi%er. Co& might be a threat to him! and he damned $ell is a threat to yo&. Co& are ;&st l&%ky if he does not fast dra$ his s$ord and behead yo& at the end of that single stroke. Call .""! and then let the poli%e do $hate(er they $ill. )nd do not annoy go(ernment boy. Then it is not yo& broke the la$! and are arrested. =t is yo& are sti%king yo&r nose in! so no$ $hat %an = %ome &p $ith to ;&stify p&tting the h&rt on yo& ass? *eople $ho play games $ith a&thority ha(e mental problems. They made their %hoi%es. They deser(e $hat they get. There is one %rime higher than this! and it is not petty %rimes like m&rder $hi%h only feed the system. =t is %ompetition. Break la$s and get fed into the system. 4%off at the a&thorities and be%ome the enemy. D>o in and ask for a %omplaint against an offi%er form if yo& don<t like $hat they did and really $ant to be intimidated. The %omplaint $ill be ignored G0L of the time too3E )gain! do keep in mind: Co& ha(e rights e+%ept $hen %onditions may %a&se yo& to a%t&ally make &se of them. H&ring emergen%ies $hen yo& may need yo&r firearm yo&r rights $ill be temporarily s&spended. ?hen the %rimes yo& ha(e been a%%&sed of are so many or so (ile %orners m&st be %&t be%a&se yo& m&st be g&ilty to ha(e been a%%&sed so? 4omebody says yo& deal dr&gs or ab&se kids? 9o proof at all? :&st send o&t n&isan%e abatement and take the %hildren $hile %losing do$n yo&r ho&se. 9o trial needed. /o(e else$here! p&nk. FM. /aybe yo& do ha(e some rights! spee%h! to bear arms and $hate(er! b&t if anybody at all %omplains yo& are ob(io&sly probably dist&rbing the pea%e-disorderly or something so yo& m&st be arrested. =t is my D JE E honest belief that good manners are more important than freedom. =f anybody fails to doff his %ap as = pass he sho&ld ha(e said %ap nailed onto his head. 5oofing nails. 9o %ap present? Find him one and then nail it home. )h! b&t = ha(e not paid my d&es. 'a(e not p&%kered lipped my $ay &p to s&%h a position of a&thority. 4o! = $ill self employ and do the ;ob myself3 ?ho needs &nfettered rights any$ay? ?ell! people $ith the skills sho&ld be self employed any$ay. ?hat $e need is a good amendment allo$ing lese ma;esty la$s. 1i%ense my %omp&ter printer! please3 Co& need to be prod&%ti(e. /ore importantly! to meet standards. The dit%h digger is less important than the floor manager at the se+ toys fa%tory! and he meets the dress %ode. 'e does as he is told! sho$s his s&bordination by his adheren%e to r&les! and dire%ts the labor of others. The $orld needs plasti% $omen too. Co& kno$? 4itpissy Freedom Fighters. They are $ell trainedJ domesti%ated. ?ith friends like this $ho needs enemies? Clotting ;ellyfish %onstit&tional $arriors3 The neoameri%ans dominate. The mental %onditioning and ignoran%e ha(e pre(ailed. 6Conser(ati(es7 and libertarians %annot dis%&ss an iss&e $itho&t getting into an arg&ment o(er $hether e(en dis%&ssing it is not politi%ally %orre%t! tho&gh they $ill not admit to being *C. Conser(ati(es today are so%ialists b&t $on<t admit to the term. 1ibertarians think ha(ing no borders is free trade! and that not letting the /e+i%ans in to help &s (ote on )meri%an iss&es is ra%ist and anti-liberty. 9o established party = am a$are of really s&pports %onstit&tional prin%iples and the rights re%ogniAed in the Bill of 5ights. *eriod! end of story. Cep! = am a bill-of-rights fanboy. =t is $rong to think in terms of gro&ps. Ho not ;&dge the indi(id&al either. 5ights and iss&es

related to minority affairs m&st be done in gro&p think! &nless yo& ha(e something negati(e to say. 9e(er think in gro&p terms abo&t ma;ority affairs &nless yo& ha(e something negati(e to say. Ho yo& think some persons may $ant yo& tied &p in knots and silent? =f $e %annot find and ret&rn to a balan%e of politi%al liberty! indi(id&al freedom! la$ and solidarity that allo$s &s ma+im&m freedom %ombined $ith ;&sti%e and the ability to defend o&rsel(es $e $ill be%ome a more or less stable poli%e state! or $e $ill be%ome the Balkans. There $ill be ins&rre%tions $ithin the ne+t t$enty years b&t they may be fail&res. Fear signals $eakness. Cielding to press&re dra$s opponents like rot dra$s flies. Hefending &n;&st poli%ies o&t of a fear of being seen to yield does also. )nd e(eryone seems to think e(erybody other than the more %ranky Christians need spe%ial treatment. 4ensiti(ity %lasses for Christians. Both Canada and England talking spe%ial trib&nals or mediation for /&slims. ?ho are all yo& s&perior moral relati(ists? The most inh&mane beha(ior is FM as long as a ?)4* did not do it. )ll belief systems are basi%ally the same right? )llah is ;&st another name for >od! :&piter! The #ni(erse or 9at&re of Things. :a? 'o$ dare yo& tell &s religio&s freedom is &nimportant? ?here do yo& get off insisting that the religio&s are allo$ed to %ommit %rimes s&%h as assa&lt D&nless ChristianEJ or is it that yo& pretend there is no e(iden%e /&slim dogma promotes ins&lt against freedom? Hifferent la$s for different gro&ps Din mediationE? /ost /&slims do not p&bli%ly s&pport this and the &s&al elitists do so $e sho&ld not talk abo&t nor resist it. Ceah! 9e$ Testament Christians sho&ld not ha(e to go to %o&rt o(er alleged %rimes among themsel(es. )d;&di%ate pri(ately &nder Ch&r%h la$3 Hon<t disagree! it might make Christians look bad. Tr&th? Co& abhor tr&th. 4omeone might ab&se it! might o(errea%t to it. )rrogan%e3 ?hen yo& spin all the $ay aro&nd looking for %lose threats lo$er yo&r %enter of gra(ity as yo& t&rn Dprogressi(e %ro&%hE and bring in yo&r elbo$s. Be smooth and not too fast! $ith yo&r $eapon sho&ldered or presented. ?hen yo& t&rn aro&nd among friendlies al$ays point the $eapon dire%tly &p or at the gro&nd! not at yo&r feet! before rotating aro&nd it and bringing it ba%k &p. ) good habit. Take yo&r sm&g propaganda and sho(e it &p yo&r asses. = $ant )meri%a ba%k! $ith e(en more prin%ipled go(ernment than $e e(er had before! b&t am not getting )meri%a ba%k at all. = kno$ it. 4hort of the globalists starting ??K o&r most pressing problems are all related to the loss of freedom! and many of these iss&es in(ol(e ethni%ity be%a&se of press&re gro&p politi%s! blo%k (oting! and politi%al %orre%tness. The so%ial planners are making ma;or so%ietal %hanges and the destr&%tion of old middle %lass and mostly $hite (al&es is needed in order to do this. Fh my >od3 = mentioned ethni%ity. = am being di(isi(e and m&st so m&%h en;oy being able to to blame all my problems on one iss&e and gro&p3 'o$ %olle%ti(ist of me. Co& mean the $ay yo& blame e(erything on $hite men? The impending takeo(er of the 4o&th$est is a real problem! b&t so-%alled freedom fighters %an<t e(en dis%&ss the problem be%a&se another %&lt&re %annot be harmf&l. That $o&ld be ra%ist &nless yo& are talking abo&t 6$hite male7 %&lt&ral %ommonalities and norms. Co& all are as blind as bats! as ignorant as posts! and as sm&gly $ell trained as *a(lo(<s dogs. Co& stink of mali%e and %orr&ption. ?e take no f&rther responsibility for yo&. Co& are on yo&r o$n! and good l&%k to yo&. 6'o$ am = likely to be treated if = tra(el there?7 6= %annot say.7 6?hy e(er not?7 6There may be a ma;ority that $o&ld treat yo& $ell! or ill! and the minority opinions may be rare or s&ppressed by (igoro&s la$ enfor%ement...or not. B&t = m&st treat ea%h indi(id&al fairly! and not generaliAe after the manner of the bigot.7 6'o$ (ery noble! and helpf&l! of yo&.7 This is not my go(ernment. This is not my %&lt&re. This people are %lose to not being my people any longer. =t $as f&n $hile it lasted! eh? #nited nations! alien nationalities $ithin o&r borders! DChinese %ontrolled to$nships? Hearborn! /i%higan. =srael. /e+i%o.E neoameri%a and neoameri%ans. Those of yo& $ho think )meri%an Christians in general $ant to hang &n$ed mothers or that the

9e$ Testament tea%hes the killing of s&%h are tr&ly effing bigots of the most (ile. 9ah. ?hether e(eryone is pretty m&%h the same or someone else has done $orse $e then are allo$ed to all admit to fa&lts and then blo$ e(erything off. Take responsibility like a real politi%ian! man. ?e m&st ;oin $ith o&r =slami% brothers to fight the global go(ernment the $ay $e ;oined $ith o&r Comm&nist brothers to fight the 9aAi3 4ome people $hip $omen to death for failing to pro(e rape. Fthers e+e%&te %on(i%ted serial m&rderers. )ll the same. Minda br&tal. Ho not tell some tr&ths! in order to prote%t other tr&ths? *oliti%al %orre%tness too is a 9?F program. ?e ha(e to treat minority gro&ps differently be%a&se there is risk of a loss of national &nity if they are offended. Co& see! they might riot or something. )pparently different treatment &nder the la$ ne(er offends the so-%alled ma;ority so this is safe. The fa%t is that telling the tr&th makes people angry b&t does not destabiliAe a %o&ntry as m&%h as spe%ial treatment for some gro&ps and not others. Ces! there are times $hen a dangero&s gro&p really hates the tr&th and rea%ts so badly that the %o&ntry is threatened $ith BalkaniAation. Ces! and this is $hen yo& are s&pposed to fight a $ar. 'ey! some of my best friends are Frthodo+ :e$s3 They $ill hardly look dire%tly at me! $ill not shake my hand! and $ill eat no$here in my (i%inity. They think = am a dog $itho&t a h&man so&l. Fther than that they are the best friends = e(er had. *eople do ha(e reasons for hating! and there is a differen%e bet$een ha(ing a o(erall negati(e opinion of a gro&p of people and $anting all of them br&taliAed. =t is dangero&s and foolish to $ant re(enge on entire %lasses and ethni%ities! parti%&larly for %rimes %ommitted long ago and e(en more so $hen %ommitted by an%estors. =t is $ell! ho$e(er! to be a$are of potential threats. 4o. ?hy do = hate a%ti(e and do%trinaire %omm&nists? Be%a&se they are a %lass of people all of $hom still ha(e %riminal intent. /any radi%al /e+i%ans are Comm&nists. Comm&nists $ill tell yo& they are not so bad! and that they $o&ld fight the e(il imperialist globalists. The 4o(iet #nion $as a state %apitalist system! of a type. =t $as totalitarian. Today Comm&nists like to blame 4talin! and rea%tionary $re%kers! and the e(il ?est for all Oe+%esses.O They think man %an e(ent&ally be molded! the O4o(iet /an!O &ntil he is fine and de%ent and shares e8&ally $ith e(ery other %lone of his simpering perfe%t self. The /e+i%an ones like to speak of the ne$ BronAe 5a%e. To get there yo& first m&st m&rder opponents and set &p a di%tatorship of the people. Then yo& %ra%k do$n hard on any diffi%&lt %ases! people $ho ;&st $on<t fit in@they are (ile! be%a&se they do not merely rebel against the state. They are %lass traitors! they take the (ery bread from the mo&ths of %hildren. *erhaps they are ra%ists. They are $orse than m&rderers. 4peaking of m&rder! 1enin $as no saint! he on%e %alled prostit&tes follo$ing the army parasites and ordered them shot. /ore terror is $hat $e need. B&t this di%tatorship is not a real one! oh no! be%a&se it is $hat yo& need. )t last one fine day e(eryone $ill be %hanged! free of employers! and the state o$ned %ommand e%onomy $ill ha(e limped along &ntil it got all better. Finally! there $ill no longer be need of any go(ernment at all. =t is ;&st like hea(en really. =s tr&e3 =n hea(en yo& %an ha(e $hate(er yo& $ant. B&t people ha(e %rippled imaginations. ?hat sho&ld they $ant? 4o yo& m&st be perfe%ted before yo& may be translated into hea(en. 4&rprise! yo& all $ant the same set of things to be a(ailable there. The perfe%t %onditions for perfe%t people3 *h&&t. B&ll3 Comm&nism starts o&t as (iolen%e! oppression and totalitarian di%tatorship. Then it di(es right in and gets e(en $orse. ?hy? = o$n property. = ha(e some freedom on it. =f = ha(e any de%en%y = share $ith others if they ha(e an emergen%y and = the means to help. The #4 go(ernment %omes along and reg&lates and ta+es the hell o&t of me. 1ess freedom. /y go(ernment is making deals $ith global gro&ps and big %orporations. =t is a kind of internationalist (ersion of fas%ism. Then the 9aAis sho$ &p. They do not steal all yo&r land! b&t they tell yo& $hat to do $ith it. 5esist and they $ill kill yo&. They $ill also kill some other people they ;&st don<t like. They are not as totalitarian as the Comm&nists! b&t they %ontrol and are the Ode fa%to o$nersO of the land. 9o$ here are the Comm&nists. They take it all. The people o$n the land in %ommon. This means the state o$ns the land. This means the high party

offi%ials %ontrol the land: the de fa%to elite o$ns e(erything. )nd they probably ha(e international handlers and bankers. *ri(ately o$ned land is better %ared for than most p&bli% land. Fh! that selfishness thing again3 9ot to mention that %ommittee politi%s thing and general top-do$n slo$ and poorly organiAed planning thing. 9e(er say so3 =n the #4 more than "-Krd of the land is federal! illegally! and $ho kno$s ho$ m&%h land is o$ned or %ontrolled by appro(ed %h&r%hes and other go(ernment bodies? This by o$nership or in(estment! not ;&st general reg&lation and offi%io&sness. =t is not as bad as =srael! $here :e$s m&st lease! not o$n! land. ?here )rabs may not e(en lease it. )sk yo&rself! ;&st ho$ %lose to so%ialiAation are $e! ne(ertheless. >o(ernments o&ght ne(er to o$n sto%ks! and the like. They and their 6nonprofit7 pets sho&ld ne(er o$n land not needed for their en&merated f&n%tions! and they sho&ld pay for their operations $ith legally implemented ta+es. =magine a la$nmo$er that belonged to e(erybody. =t %o&ld only be &sed for appro(ed pro;e%ts! on a s%hed&le. ?hen people &sed it e(en ref&eling had to be done in an appro(ed manner! a form filled o&t and the f&el gotten from the appro(ed so&r%e. Before passing it on most $o&ld do little more than br&sh the grass off it. =f it needed repair it $o&ld ha(e to be t&rned in to a b&rea&%ra%y for maintenan%e! $orking on it yo&rself being forbidden. 5ed tape is the order of the day! and yo& tho&ght dealing $ith /i%rosoft %&stomer ser(i%e $as a pain. )nd do not be borro$ing things. =f a friend lends yo& a rototiller on its last legs and it breaks do$n $hen yo& are &sing it he $ill like as not s&ggest yo& mis&sed it instead and demand yo& b&y him a brand ne$ one. *&t in pla%e a system of total s&r(eillan%e and %ontrol and leaders $ill &se it. =t $ill e(ent&ally happen in )meri%a after the poli%e state has been f&lly b&ilt and in pla%e for a$hile. The globalists $ill be as totalitarian as they %an get a$ay $ith being! so the sol&tion is Comm&nism? >agging here! folks. 4ome of the reasons for ??" $ere to $eaken the CAar and E&ropean aristo%rati% %onser(atism! so%ialiAe the ?est and to bring in the 1eag&e of 9ations. 4ome of the reasons for ??2 $ere to b&ild &p Comm&nism and %reate the #nited 9ations. 9e(er be selfish. 9o! no! no. 9e(er do anything on yo&r o$n. =f a farmer likes peas and has a market for peas! e(en if he gi(es some of his peas to the poor! he is a selfish pig if he %hooses to gro$ peas. 'e sho&ld find o&t his neighbor likes %orn. Then his neighbor o&ght to gro$ peas and he %orn so that they %an dole o&t a fair share of ea%h to e(eryone. Comm&nism is an ineffe%t&al e%onomi% system and re8&ires for%e to %ond&%t. E(en if e(eryone did it (ol&ntarily Dne(er happensE and $orked 6&nselfishly7 it $o&ld restri%t indi(id&al rights and be ineffe%t&al as all 6planned7 e%onomy non freemarket systems are. Totalitarian systems %an b&ild pyramids! pala%es! dams or $ar ma%hines@ $hate(er the planners fo%&s the people on. They %annot b&ild a more general prosperity! %lear thinking or personal initiati(e. Ff %o&rse o&r %&rrent nanny state %an<t do these things either. Co& tea%h yo&r %hild he has to share his toys. >ood eno&gh. Co& %an ha(e no party $itho&t h&man intera%tion! no game $itho&t the players &sing the game pie%es! and no friendship or b&siness asso%iations $itho&t %ooperation. FM. B&t yo& are not tea%hing him to be &nselfish. Co& are also tea%hing him that e(erybody else m&st allo$ him to &se their things! and if they ref&se they are selfish and need to be p&nished. /i+ the tr&th and lies! and yo& spin! spin! spin. Comm&nists are some of the best propagandists in the $orld. 6The 1ie is a means $hi%h one is not only permitted to employ! b&t it is the most pro(en means in the Bolshe(ik str&ggle.7 1enin. B&t don<t try to kid a kidder. Comm&nists sho&ld not try that %rap here in )meri%a. ?hen armed th&gs %ome to o&r ho&ses to steal o&r property for the %olle%ti(e $e shoot them. ?ell! not really. ?e mostly ;&st $hine abo&t it. E(erybody in )meri%a has a right to ha(e and speak his opinion! be%a&se things are $orse for e(eryone long term $hen a go(ernment starts %ontrolling $hat people %an think and say. This right does not make that opinion a %orre%t or honest one. 9or does it gi(e the opinion holder the right to take my rights. )meri%ans $ere not all that fond of state %h&r%hes. The British tho&ght )meri%ans did not pay their share of ta+es and D%orre%tlyE that the

%olonies %ost them a lot of money. )meri%ans $ere disloyal and arrogant so they sho&ld be ta+ed more! ha(e ma;or %ontrols on their trade! and sho&ld ha(e their liberties restri%ted and $eapons seiAed. F&r selfish! deist! dead ra%ist angry $hite men fo&nders tho&ght shooting British soldiers a better idea. Co& p&nks %an think $hat yo& $ill! b&t yo& ha(e no right to steal my property! my life or my freedom in general. F&%k yo&3 4o then! $ho r&les the $orld? 9obody. 9obody r&les in the sense that e(erything and e(eryone is %ontrolled by a net$ork fo%&sed on a single %entral a&thority! and nothing %o&ld %ontrol e(erything e(ery$here at all times. The $orld is %loser to %entraliAed global tyranny than e(er before! ho$e(er! so $ho r&les? >o(ernment allian%es! %orporate allian%es! ethni% and ideologi%al allian%es! e%onomi% %ommon %a&ses $orking in Oan inter%onne%ted $orld.O ?ho is at the top in terms of general po$er and infl&en%e o(er others? The 5ed 4hield3 The 5ed 4hield3 D?here e+a%tly did 4olomon<s seal %ome from! any$ay?E ?ho personally o$ns the most land? The B&een. Freedom fighters in )meri%a. ?hat a la&gh. Co& %an<t o&t(ote the elitists. Co& %an<t fight them be%a&se (iolen%e is $rong. Co& $ill not fight their programs be%a&se that $o&ld entail disobedien%e to 6the la$s.7 /ost of all yo& may not e(en talk p&bli%ly abo&t their poli%ies $hi%h in(ol(e ethni%ity or religion be%a&se s&%h bigotry is di(isi(e and a di(ersion from the real iss&e. ?hat is the real iss&e? Co& are o&tn&mbered and yo& $ill not fight ba%k. Co& think the real iss&e is resisting globalism? Co& think most people are basi%ally on yo&r side be%a&se they are learning the go(ernment is %orr&pt? =diots. /ost people say they are for freedom! and $ant %lean go(ernment. Co& kno$! a go(ernment that gi(es them $hat they $ant &sing h&ge b&t effi%ient and %orr&ption free federal programs $hile fighting bigotry and poll&tion. )argh. The real iss&e is that yo& %annot resist the $hole if yo& ref&se to fight the parts. ?hen yo& or any &nit takes on a poli%e for%e or army yo& are in a sense fighting that $hole army! b&t in any gi(en engagement yo& a%t&ally fight only that part of it that %an parti%ipate at that time. Co& %an<t fight an enemy battalion if yo& $ill not look at and identify the indi(id&als and s&b&nits $hi%h make it &p. =f they send %hildren against yo& lie do$n and die. =f /inorities ref&se to e(en see them as enemy. Co& really %an oppose something e(en $hen a priest is in(ol(ed. E(en if poor people are in(ol(ed. Co& really %an3 'arden &p! man. Co& %an be hard%ore $itho&t be%oming a m&rdering p&nk or $annabe sla(e o$ner. Co& ;&st %an<t see it. Co& mil8&etoast 6freedom fighters7 are patheti%! and are doomed. = $ill be honest $ith yo&. = hate 9aAis. = hate Comm&nists. B&t if = had been a >erman $hen either the 9aAis or the Comm&nists $ere going to %ome o&t on top! = $o&ld ha(e $in%ed and ;oined the 4tahl 'elm! and = $o&ld ha(e killed as many Comm&nist fighters as = %o&ld. = $o&ld ha(e tried to get my family o&t first. 'ell! perhaps myself as $ell. = might ha(e fo&ght both and died a glorio&s death rather than s&pport either! b&t = really hate Comm&nists. =f = got st&%k $ith the 9aAis instead of Comm&nists = $o&ld ha(e been better off for it too! if not for the idiot 9aAi militarism that al$ays gets e(eryone<s %ities bombed into d&st. Fh! $ell. 4t&pid bloody 9aAis. = hate 9aAis b&t $o&ld rather kiss one on the mo&th than make a deal $ith a Comm&nist. >et my drift? = am no 9aAi. Fo&rteen $ords yes! GG no. = belie(e in free markets! b&t not as the term is no$ &sedJ free trade agreements $ith tho&sands of pages of reg&lation! p&bli%-pri(ate partnerships and permits. Co& %all me a 9aAi and ra%ist e(en after my earnest dis%laimer? Ca$n. Competition is healthy3 =ndeed. #nless %riminal methods are &sed. B&t = ask yo&! is it healthy to help yo&r enemy to %ompete $ith yo&rself? B&t if not for so%ialism $ho $o&ld gi(e shoes to the %hildren? Hemo%ra%y is $onderf&l and tr&e %omm&nism e(en better. ?e m&st gi(e the people $hat they $ant and they $ill $ant $hat $e tea%h them to $ant. They $ant &nise+ bathrooms and boys bro&ght &p like girls! global finan%ial! go(ernmental! en(ironmental! and e%onomi% systems. They $ant pop&lation %ontrols! partial birth abortion and mer%y killing for the old! and they $ant a one $orld religion and a $orld$ide ban on g&ns. 9o more pri(ate $eapons and no more pri(ate transportation! and an end to pri(ate ed&%ation. ?e $ill all lo(e one another. = fairly 8&i(er in delight at the tho&ght. Ho yo& $ant to kno$ a se%ret? =f

tomorro$ a proper %onstit&tional %on(ention amended or a treaty %orre%tly appro(ed by the senate %ontradi%ted the prin%iples of liberty s&itable to a free people re%ogniAed as pree+isting by the Bill of 5ights it $o&ld not make tyranny legal nor the ne$ %onstit&tion (alid. Co& (iolate rights and the agreement is (oided. The a%ts of the organs of demo%ra%y be damned. )nyone $ho a%ts to ann&l these prin%iples $hether se%ondhand thro&gh the &se of la$ or a&thority enfor%ed by poli%e and military agen%ies or dire%tly by &sing for%e himself deser(es to be killed in the fighting or imprisoned for his %rime against the people. Ho yo& hear me? Co& so%ialists of $hate(er stripe need to kno$ that trying to enfor%e yo&r beliefs in a manner that ignores or %an%els the rights of )meri%ans is a death senten%e ;&st as s&rely as yo& yo&rsel(es are $illing that 6%riminals7 $ho resist yo&r la$s be killed if they resist arrest. =t does not matter $hether yo& %hange the la$s to benefit yo&rsel(es. The prin%iples remain. )nd $e are better shots than yo& are. 9o$! old man! if yo& are not some kind of 9aAi yo& m&st be some type of libertarian. 9o? /an! = am not a prin%ipled libertarian. E+tremists follo$ dogma $here(er it leads and $hat %an plainly be seen be damned. 4hit fire and sa(e mat%hes3 ?e belie(e in indi(id&alism and freedom! not in %olle%ti(ism and %oer%ion. Meeping people off any land not yo&r personal o$n and &sing for%e to do it is a (iolation of other people<s right to tra(el and to &se their o$n property as they see fit. =t is $rong to %ontrol immigration. ?ar is bad. For%e is bad! and %olle%ti(ism is bad. C&p! $ithin limits! small go(ernment is best. B&t! yo& kno$ $hat?! (oting on a la$ or for a representati(e is %olle%ti(e and the minority $ho (oted no is %oer%ed to a%%ept. That is $hy o&r fo&nders limited legislati(e la$ by %onstit&tional prin%iple Dnot that this is still in effe%tE. *rin%ipled libertarians apparently do not mind the fa%t that their kind of politi%s $o&ld see them s&rro&nded and s&b;e%ted to /e+i%an politi%al boss politi%s and go(ernment! )fri%an tribal politi%s or =slami% la$J or $hate(er! depending on $here they li(e. F&r bla%k fello$ )meri%ans ha(e been here a long time. They are less )fri%an than some think! and they belong here. /e+i%an )meri%ans belong as $ell! b&t /e+i%an 9ationals trying to flood the #4 today are another iss&e. ?as it :efferson $ho said that the %onstit&tional go(ernment of his day $o&ld not $ork for a less &pright people? 1et the $orld po&r in and see ho$ o&r already %orr&pt politi%s are altered by (ery different politi%al %&lt&res. ?e %an learn m&%h from the &pstanding /e+i%an. Iillage medi%ine for e+ample. Ho yo& ha(e a festering dog bite? C&t the dog<s tail off. 9o$ say the magi% $ords and tie the tail to the $o&nd. Fi+ yo& right &p! eh gringo? )lien %&lt&res. 9o person is illegal. *eople are not aliens. )lien $as a term &sed for (ery different strangers long before spa%e aliens be%ame a fad s&b;e%t. )nd some %&lt&res are (ery alien indeed. 9o person is illegal! and no firearm is illegal: there is this thing! ho$e(er! %alled illegal a%ti(ity by a person and &nla$f&l &se of a firearm. Hogma3 /anip&lation. ?e are not listening my friend. For%e &s3 /y people ha(e dominated yo&r ra%es! ethni%ities and genderJ yo&r religio&s and %&lt&ral gro&ps! at (ario&s times and in (ariable degree. Co& hate me. = am yo&r enemy. = see yo&. = $ill like yo& if = find yo& likeable. =f = do not like yo& = am a bigot. = do not %are if yo& like me. Co& are my enemy? = don<t gi(e a rat<s ass. Co& think = am yo&r friend? Co& don<t kno$ me3 )ll my friends are long dead. Co& said the 5 $ord3 5a%e! ethni%ity! nationalism. = am allo$ing the enemy to di(ide &s. Hi(ide and %on8&er. *lease. Co& do not kno$ $ho the enemy is. ?e are already di(ided. = sho&ld do $hate(er it takes to ;oin 6&s!7 then? 4&re! and if = make &s all friendly! %ompatible and &nited there $ill no longer be any enemies left. B&t di(ersity is $onderf&l and the m&tt is smarter and more hardy than the p&rebred? =t is (ery possible to ha(e too narro$ a (ie$! too small a pool of ideas! and too shallo$ a gene pool. =nbred dogs are defe%ti(e. Hiseases and ner(es. B&t! this means thro$ o&t the best of ideas if they %ame from $hite gro&ps? This means breed yo&r large $orking dogs $ith toy poodles DlapdogsE and &se the offspring to

herd %attle? Hestroy pri(ate rights and enterprise! and get rid of %onstit&tional go(ernmentJ p&t $hite people Dor $hite men?E in their rightf&l pla%e be%a&se they and their an%estors ha(e earned it. 'ell! $e need to dispose of the %attle any$ay! to sa(e the en(ironment... There is no s&%h thing as ra%e! and $e are all part of the h&man ra%e! and abo&t ..L geneti%ally identi%al. H&de. ?e are all the same spe%ies! not the same ra%e! and abo&t .NL geneti%ally identi%al to %himpsJ and %himps are not of o&r spe%ies. CitiAenship for %himps no$3 Co& spe%iesist s%&m. Fh! sorry! = forgot $e sho&ld kill retarded babies and p&t healthy p&ppies on the national health plan. ?hoops! sorry. Homesti% animals are as bad as people. *&t $ild animals on the health plan. Fnly fools think people are not animals! and only fools think inse%ts and people sho&ld be treated the same or that any of this ;&stifies people mistreating ea%h other. Fh yeah! drop dead all yo& brain damaged neoameri%an s%&m. The insane are r&nning the asyl&m. Ff %o&rse! many of yo& are ;&st arrogant and ra%ist p&nks. =f = do like yo& then yo& $ill ha(e tro&ble de%iding if yo& sho&ld be pleased or ins&lted. =f a serio&s effort $as made to remo(e and keep o&t anyone fo&nd to be in the %o&ntry illegally it $o&ld res&lt in (iolen%e? )rmed resistan%e or riots perhaps? '&h. Co& admit that the %o&ntry is already &nable to enfor%e its la$s. There is not eno&gh (iolen%e in )meri%a3 = remember those perfe%t a&t&mn days. 4&nshine b&t $ith a %ool breeAe. ?alking a%ross the grassy plain! slee(es rolled &p and the K, on my sho&lder. Taking in the (ista of rolling terrain! small %opses! s%attered farms and small streams. /y %omrades in ragged single %ol&mn! N and "0 meters apart. :&st eno&gh effort to keep the m&s%les loose and to $ork &p a light s$eat. The enemy ran more often than fo&ght. ?e $at%hed s%attered artillery impa%ts! and the tanks mane&(er and d&el. Bla%k smoke in the distan%e. )t times $e $ent to gro&nd for a short time $hen things got a little hot! or deployed from the mar%h and the %artridges $o&ld po&r thro&gh the g&n. The steel rain. This $as before the bitter $inter and the %o&nter offensi(es. Those $ere the days. Being a $inter patriot is not so pleasant. B&t! hey! yo& don<t like &s? ) heap big lot? =t does ha(e an effe%t if yo&r dislike is e+treme eno&gh. Co& tell &s yo& are o&r enemy. =<ll take yo&r $ord for it! brother or sister. Co& $ant to be a f&%king enemy of $hite dinosa&rs like this old man? = do not %are abo&t that either. =t is good to ha(e real enemies. There is pain in it! b&t pride! and indeed f&n also. )re yo& real enemies or mere braggarts? F&%k yo& 5ed or 9aAi! globalist or other %rime gro&pJ 9igger or 4pi%J Mike! ?og or $hate(er it is yo& are. F&%k yo& all. /&;! traitor against $estern %i(iliAation! or >ook@yo& %hoose to be the enemy and yo& are all the same to me. Conspire against o&r rights! plan or order armed repression! take &p arms yo&rself. ?hite boy %an<t dan%e! ;&mp or r&n. 'e ;&st make systems $itho&t )sian despotism. 'e ;&st in(ent indi(id&alism! prod&%ti(ity! a more general prosperity and better $ar ma%hines. Co& h&rt my feelings3 Take &p arms! f&%ker3 Those days are o(er3 Hon<t like playing games! bro. Come get &s. ?e $eak no$3 Be the enemy %ombatant for real3 Those gro&ps $ho are all enemy $ill be dealt $ith as s&%h! $hile those $ho are a base for the enemy $ill be %ombed for the enemy. D= $ill add at this point that military a%tion is for armed bands and defended positions $hile in(estigati(e operations sho&ld &se poli%e style methods. )%tionable intelligen%e is the key. Co& %an<t raid or amb&sh something if yo& do not kno$ $hat and $here it is.E =f yo& do not s&pport yo&r brothers in this yo& are no enemy of mine! b&t do not be s&rprised by some %a&tion on my part. Hon<t like the lang&age? F&%k yo& if yo& %an<t take a ;oke3 The b&llshit Obalan%eO of the east! $hi%h in a%t&ality is despotism. )meri%a itself $as m&%h more in balan%e than they &ntil re%ently. Co& interfere $ith my rights by ha(ing rights. F&%king /ormons. D= am so s$eet = make my teeth a%he.E = do not say e(ery )meri%an $ho does not s&pport the Bill of 5ights o&ght to be p&nished or e+iled. = do say that if too many do not s&pport it freedom $ill be lost. = do say )meri%ans $ho are %riminal sho&ld be stopped $hether they are %ontra%t m&rderers or (iolators of %onstit&tional rights. The person $ho says the Bill of 5ights sho&ld be abolished is an idiot. ?hat if a gro&p of people

organiAe s&pport for and gi(e %ampaign f&nds to a %ongressman $ho then starts a mo(ement in go(ernment to pass a la$ ann&lling those rights &nder the &s&al pretense that la$ tr&mps rights. Congressmen (ote for it! *resident signs it! and ;&dges appro(e it. )ll in(ol(ed are %riminals! not ;&st idiots b&t s%&m and traitors. ?hate(er! hipsters. The only freedom $e need is the freedom to HF ?hat is 5ight. Co& $anna do $hat<s right. Hon%ha? ?hy be so selfish? Children need to be instilled $ith goodness. ?hat makes yo& ad&lts so spe%ial? Co& all from president to beggar sho&ld! sho&ld beat ea%h other &ntil all of yo& tr&ly belie(e in doing $hat is right. *&nishment does make yo& good. =t ne(er makes yo& rebel. ?hat a $eight off the mind no$ that yo& %an feel $orthy and forgi(en. /orons. Fh yeah! please send me some #9 troopies <%a&se if yo& hang<em from trees they s$ing in the $ind and the bl&e helmets make great targets D'yperbole3E. 4o mote it be! ya silly b&ggers. = $ill tear yo& apart in a blood mist and s%atter yo& to the $inds. ?hen yo& kill me = $ill die killing yo&. Co& feel me! 'olmes? = $ill kill yo& all! and = $on<t e(en let >od sort yo& o&t3 1ala la. Co& smell f&nny. = am not $itho&t the finer sensibilities yo& kno$. = ;&st ha(e little &se for them. Co& are a pro! if yo& are one! be%a&se yo& think and be%a&se yo& ha(e good habits and not so that yo& %an get a$ay $ith ignoring them no$. = $ill say it all day if = ha(e to. Meep grenades properly stored in se%&re po&%hes and not hanging on things. 'andg&ns are the premiere %lose %ombat $eapon &nless yo& are &p against people $earing hea(y body armor and a fast handling military %arbine on a breaka$ay assa&lt sling! b&t they are dangero&s for trainees be%a&se they %an<t seem to keep their fingers off the trigger and small $eapons are (ery easy to t&rn on a friend by mistake. :&st as yo& ha(e to pra%ti%e %arrying a rifle all day! ne(er p&tting it aside &nless the ;ob re8&ires it and al$ays remembering to ha(e it $ithin rea%hJ as $ell as not $alking off $itho&t it! $hile al$ays keeping it on safe &nless in the fight and yo&r finger off the trigger &nless shooting and ;&st as yo& m&st al$ays drop or raise the m&AAle of a rifle $hen t&rning to a friend or seeing one passing by yo& m&st learn these habits and ingrain them in yo&r mind $ith regard to the handling of pistols. 9ormally $hen yo& t&rn aro&nd the pistol sho&ld be (erti%al so it %an rotate before being raised or lo$ered. This is not the %ase $hen t&rning along an enemy o%%&pied area $hen the $eapon sho&ld be &p and tra%king $ith yo&r eyes. ?hen yo& first $alk off and forget yo&r rifle it is (ery h&miliating and yo& $ill not forget again. ?ith the pistol it sho&ld be kept se%&rely holstered &ntil a need for it %an be foreseen! b&t there is a tri%k to help $ith the finger on the trigger iss&e. )gain! ne(er allo$ the $eapon to be pointed at any part of yo&r body at any time! nor at any friendly persons or inhabited d$ellings at any time. >rip a handg&n properly high &p on the grips and in the (ee bet$een th&mb and fingers. Ho not look at the $eapon3 Complete yo&r grip $ith the trigger finger straight and o&tside the trigger g&ard. Ho not look at the $eapon. :&st $ait. )fter a time yo& $ill lose tra%k of $here yo&r finger is relati(e to the trigger g&ard and trigger. Co& $ill try to lo%ate the g&ard and trigger by feel and if yo& stand there long eno&gh yo& may find that yo& ha(e yo&r finger on the trigger. ?hen yo& realiAe this yo& $ill be as embarrassed as hell and m&%h less likely to forget again. F&%k the goddess! by the $ay. The >oddess! $hat a pie%e of $ork! he is the tr&e /other of &s all. 9o %hildren! this does not mean = do not &nderstand and therefore $ish to ab&se silly ne$ age types. There are some $ho do ;&st as there are silly ne$ age types $ho lo(e to &se the for%e of go(ernment against the likes of me. Heli%ate pearls of $isdom dripping from the de$y lips of the gods. Be honest. =f )meri%a and )meri%ans $ere tr&ly and f&lly pa%ifisti% the (&lt&res $o&ld des%end! and that $o&ld in%l&de half of /e+i%o $alking o(er the border $ith %orn kni(es and big plans for e%onomi% betterment. =f )meri%a! or large parts of it! be%ame a /e+i%an %o&ntryJ $ith a /e+i%an ma;ority and a predominantly /e+i%an %&lt&ral and politi%al ethos: $o&ld $e ha(e lost anything of (al&e? ?o&ld the $orld? ?hat lang&age. =t is $rong to deh&maniAe or demoniAe people. *eople are not demons! nobody is! and all people are h&man beings. =f yo& are not able to shoot h&man beings to stop them as they $ar

on yo& then yo& do not belong in this b&siness. Heh&maniAation helps 6;&stify7 atro%ities! b&t $e %ertainly do not need it to ;&stify shooting %ombatants. 6From the depths of hell = spit at yo&!7 says Esa&. Can their elders not! in%identally! reign in those (apid and embarrassing fe$ yo&ngsters $ho think it noble to gather for the p&rpose of do$ning and stomping random 6bro$n-skinned7 pedestrians? D*rofanity is a sign of lo$ =B and limited (o%ab&lary. )nd $oman sho&ld al$ays be %lothed! be%a&se n&dity is less sed&%ti(e and $e $ant to en%o&rage li%entio&s beha(ior.E 5a%e baiting is sad. 4hooting random people is si%k! b&t an enemy and a knife thr&st thro&gh the eye so%ket is a lo(ely thing. Too bad it is s&%h a diffi%&lt target $hen the head is mo(ing. :&st ho$ %ommon are o&trages $ith ethni% roots? 'o$ often does the state tolerate s&%h in the name of di(ersity? Co& and = need to ;oin the o&t%ry $hen there are %rimes %ommitted by $hites for possibly ethni% reasons. 4t&pidity by other ethni%ities are! no do&bt! more rare and yo& and = sho&ld ne(er fight any in;&sti%e this %a&ses. Fnly a bigot $o&ld noti%e them. =n the &nlikely e(ent that they be%ome a ma;or and systemi% problem in the f&t&re yo& may then! perhaps! be able to take a%tion $itho&t yo&r innate ra%ism being ob(io&s to all. The poli%e are going to ha(e to de%ide ;&st $hi%h side they are on. D9o! = don<t $ant them to look a$ay $hen some idiot %ommits a %rime against an immigrant.E This b&siness of biased enfor%ementJ yo& in%ite them by being here! yo& are a (igilante be%a&se yo& atta%ked them $hile they $ere beating that )meri%an! ho$ dare yo& be armed be%a&se yo& are ready to defend yo&rself and this is the %o&ntry of the 4e%ond )rti%le of the Bill of 5ights: That nonsense m&st end. OHon<t blame me! if = disobey =<ll lose my poli%e pensionO ;&st $on<t %&t it anymore. =t<s FM be%a&se yo& are only doing it for the money? D9o! = am not saying the bloody st&pid 6if yo& are not for &s yo& are against &s.7 =f yo& obey %ertain kinds of order yo& are a%ting against &s3E Co& %ra(en f&%kers3 The ne+t time yo& hear the snap! %ra%kle! and pop of an a%ti(e shooter inside a s%hool yo& better shr&g into that (est and 5#9 to the so&nd of the g&ns. Too m&%h heat for yo&? >et o&t3 The Feds are s%&m and the poli%e leadership is retarded. =t is impossible for a %riminally insane person to enter a b&ilding and shoot ,0 people. That is! in a %i(iliAed %o&ntry. There people do not %l&ster &p and $ait to be shot. They ;&mp o&t $indo$s! fight ba%k $ith fire a+es and flagstaffs! and more to the point they shoot ba%k. 4heep! (ery sadly! and the poli%e $ait o&tside for , ho&rs before entry. =f yo& are a s&r(i(or be$are of hasty poli%e trigger fingers. 'o$ many $o&nded (i%tims die before the poli%e get them medi%al %are? =f more than half the people shot $ith pistol or )M, type none+panding b&llets die e+pe%t to find that the shooter took %are to finish his targets! or that poli%e left them to bleed to death. =t is almost al$ays the latter. 4o! yo& think = am an a%%essory to the %rime be%a&se = s&pport g&n rights. =f there $ere no g&ns there %o&ld be no mass shootings. '&h. ?hen people are killed be%a&se they obeyed all yo&r la$s and had no tool $ith $hi%h to defend themsel(es are yo& an a%%essory to their m&rders? Co& are trading li(es for li(es. They sho&ld at least ha(e had a metal dete%tor in ea%h door$ay. That $ay $hen the shooter began his m&rders an alarm $o&ld ha(e been going off at the same time! &nless he &sed a $indo$. Be enlightened! the best $ay to take do$n a b&ilding f&ll of people is to blo%k e+its and b&rn the pla%e do$n. Ban inflammable materials. )%%elerants bad3 Cep! all yo& need do to be safe is ban (iolen%e! tools! and kno$ ho$J then p&t a Ono $eapons allo$edO sign &p. O4afe AonesO are the preferred pla%e for mass m&rders! fool3 )rmor and %o(er in%reases yo&r %han%e of s&r(i(ing the initial atta%k. Barriers are for slo$ing the enemy do$n. )larms gi(e yo& more time to take a%tion. Cameras %an be &sed to re%on areas before yo& enter. 5e%orders pro(ide e(iden%e to poli%e after yo& are dead! and poli%e are for in(estigations and %itations. =f yo& are not prepared to take a%tion none of these things benefit yo& at all. ?hat abo&t offi%er safety? ?hat abo&t good ta%ti%s? :&st ho$ bleeding hard is it to take do$n an a%ti(e shooter! oh le(el , armored emergen%y response team members? B&t the shooting has stopped. =t is no longer an a%ti(e shooter sit&ation. There is no need to r&sh things. Ceah! the shooter

likely killed himself. Find o&t $hat is going on! e(en if yo& ha(e to gain entry. 'o$ long do good ta%ti%s take? The shooter died after the initial g&nfire! and yo& %reep in ho&rs later. Ho not let the Feds interfere $ith yo&r ;ob. Co& are $orthless! $orthless as tits on a boar hog! good only for door-smashing da$n raids on sleeping dr&ggies $hom yo& shoot if they t$it%h at the $rong time. 5emember to shoot the g&y<s dog. 'o$ long are yo& going to let (i%tims bleed? Co&r (ehi%le stolen by poli%e be%a&se they say they sa$ yo&r asso%iate dri(ing it $hen he stopped and talked to a prostit&te. Co& %an %ome to %o&rt and try to pro(e it $as not there3 /e+i%an style ;&sti%e $here people are ;ailed and %harged room and board for their p&nishment. Co& ne(er get o&t if yo& are &nable to %ome &p $ith the money. This is a ret&rn to the good old days! as is the asset seiA&re Odr&g $ar!O of in8&isition and ta+ farmer %orr&ption %a&sed by the fa%t that it destroys d&e pro%ess and it pays offi%ials dire%tly to lie in order to steal. :&dges are not s&pposed to ;ail people for more than V months $itho&t trial on %i(il %ontempt %harges Daltho&gh there may be no stat&te on this! and the r&le may (ary by stateE! and yet $e hear of those $ho ha(e been ;ailed for a year and a half. ?e %an<t hold yo& for more than three days on Os&spi%ionO so o&t yo& go. FM! yo& ha(e been o&t! stop right there! yo& are &nder arrest on another s&spi%ion of s&spi%io&sness3 Free men really o&ght to %arry the sheathed an%estral s$ord in one hand e(ery$here they go. 9o! 4ir pinhead! = mean an a%t&al s$ord! yo& kno$! >reat >reat >reat >randfather<s saber? =n the s%abbard a fine less lethal tool! o&t of it rather more lethal. )bs&rdly silly and (ery %raAy h&h? F&nny ho$ yo&r an%estors $o&ld not ha(e agreed $ith yo&! b&t hey they $ere primiti(e and $o&ld not a%%ept tyrants@they had the g&ts to fight $hen threatened. Things are m&%h better no$. :&st stay a$ay from the bad side of to$n and lo%k yo&rself in at night. 4&re. Co& $ill likely be ) FM. ?hat beha(ior. = say $ear the holstered handg&n as $ell. Bring it! bring it on! %ome get it. Fan%y boys do talk big! eh lads? =t is not &n&s&al today to deny a ;&ry trial e(en tho&gh they $ant to take some property from yo&! or e(en some of yo&r time! ;ail time. They don<t al$ays pro(ide an attorney either. Fne tri%k is to say no p&bli% defenders are a(ailable! b&t that they $ill make f&nds a(ailable so yo& %an hire yo&r o$n la$yer. They then open a line of %redit too small to allo$ yo& to hire any of the lo%al es8&ires. *oorho&ses $ill be ne+t. Ho not be s&rprised if they! espe%ially at the federal le(el! get a$ay $ith re%ording yo&r %on(ersations $ith yo&r la$yer if they let yo& ha(e one. Fffi%er safety tr&mps all s&b;e%ts rights. Co& may get a g&n m&AAle pressed against yo& head if poli%e kno$ yo& ha(e a $eapon. =t is yo&r fa&lt if a %op breaks the la$. Co& are like a battered $ife. O= kne$ he had a temper on him! it<s my o$n fa&lt for making him angry.O 'e may be ha(ing a bad day. Ceah? Co& m&st let the poli%e do $ith! or to! yo& $hate(er they please. Co& %an ha(e yo&r day in %o&rt if the legal system $ill ha(e yo& and if yo& are ali(e. )ll orders are la$f&l orders. Hon<t think so? = lo(e it $hen a %op says OCo& $anna h&mble yo&rself a bit! or do ya $ant me to shoot yo&? Co& $hining do&%hebag3 Co& $anna be ali(e! or dead right?O Co& are the one ha(ing responsibility for def&sing things if they seem o&t of hand. 9ot the poli%e. )nd ne(er do legal things in a pla%e $here the poli%e do not like them. That $o&ld be asking for itJ yo&r fa&lt! not the hard $orking and stressed offi%er<s fa&lt yo& baited him $ith yo&r presen%e. 4till and all! blah blah! as $e li(e in an oligar%hy-mobo%ra%y and yo& %an<t fight %ity hall keep in mind that resistan%e is f&tile! st&pidity is its o$n re$ard and yo& ha(e nobody to blame b&t yo&rself. The road to serfdom is already $ell tra(eled. ?e are no longer men. 4top pretending. Te+as $here the to&gh g&ys %annot legally $ear a holstered pistol. )&stralia! o&tba%k hard%ases abo&nd! and a bo$ie knife is illegal. The right to self defense dead in E&rope. ?itho&t a $himper yielded &p. 4o stop pretending. )t least = %an fairly say that if yo& are r&de to the a&thorities yo& $ill be beaten do$n for it. Try it. =t may not happen the first time yo& do it! b&t it $ill happen. =f yo& let them h&miliate yo&! ;&mp yo& thro&gh some hoops! they may Dor notE let yo& go $ith a pat on the head. 4mile and say 4ir a lot! and say Onothing 4irO $hen yo& are asked $hat the hell yo& are smiling at. =t is dangero&s to %at%h the attention of any a&thority. =t is dangero&s to be $ithin $eapons

range of military on operations! %riti%ally so to approa%h to $ithin a fe$ h&ndred yards. =t is more dangero&s to be in the near (i%inity of poli%e than to the more a(erage sorts of %riminal. 'o$ many times m&st it be said? 9e(er arg&e $ith armed th&gs. There is seldom any good reason to e(en speak to them. Meep in mind that soldiers and poli%e do not ha(e an effing %l&e half the time! $hi%h %an make them feel inse%&re. F&rther! one thing they do kno$ is that they are the ones $ho are s&pposed to be in %harge and their safety is ;ob one. This means O%i(iliansO $ho do not immediately obey $itho&t %omplaint are at best p&nks $ho in many %ases really o&ght to be th&mped if not shot. O?e gonna go kineti% on their fool asses3O 5ights %ome in se%ond if at all. *oli%e really do think of themsel(es as the $ild animals in the forest in the sense that $hen en%o&ntered on the street anyone $ho sets them of is like a person $ho mishandles an animal that %annot be e+pe%ted to make sensible de%isions like a h&man %an. They %annot be morally ;&dged by 6%i(ilians.7 =f things go as $ell as they e(er do! a %itiAen $ho thinks he is follo$ing the la$! and is $rong! is told ignoran%e of the la$ is not an e+%&se. *l&s he is a little bit%h for %omplaining. =f a %op thinks he is follo$ing the la$! mistakenly! he says he made an error! o&t of ignoran%e b&t in good faith! and he is &s&ally good as gold. =f he kno$s he is breaking the la$ he ;&st says he did not kno$. 1iar! b&t $ho are yo& to 8&estion? = spit on yo&r $isdom. = spit on yo&r a&thority. = need no permission to tra(el &nhindered and &nendangered! as = do not &nd&ly hinder or endanger others on my $ay! nor do = need yo&r permission to ask people 8&estions abo&t my missing sister! to prote%t myself from %riminal atta%k! to look for a s&spe%ted robber! to make a %itiAen<s arrest $hen = $itness a %rime! or to prote%t a threatened a%8&aintan%e or his propertyJ not e(en if he pays me something for it: yo& gormless f&%king g&ild retards3 *ri(ate poli%e are illegal! pri(ate armies and paramilitary a%ti(ities are illegal! keeping and bearing arms are illegal! and appro(ed agen%ies are reg&lated and trained. B&t hay! the state may permit yo& pri(ate se%&rity3 'a(e yo& seen the le(el of training for se%&rity offi%ers in most ;&risdi%tions? =t is e(en $orse than most poli%e training. This is abo&t t&rning the ma;ority of offi%ers into door men! abo&t taking yo&r %&t! and abo&t restri%ting Otrade.O Hon<t belie(e me? Co& think a Obad appleO either li%ensed or no %an<t be arrested? B&t yo& $ant things to be done right the first time3 Co& mean like the $ay one agen%y at the s%ene of a dro$ning has to $ait 20 fatal min&tes for the appro(ed res%&e agen%y to %ome? The $ay poli%e hold %itiAens $ho $ant to res%&e a friend do$n as the friend dies? )gain! the a&thorities restrain the p&bli% as a first priority! and only se%ondarily e+pend energy on %rime and res%&e. >o(ernments are not (ery good at helping people $hen they really need it. They are good at raising ta+es and restri%ting trade d&ring a bad e%onomy. The more people doing FM! the fe$er $ho need help@$e $o&ld not $ant that. They are also good at interfering $hen others try to help. ?hat they are best at is tra(el restri%tions! %&rfe$s! e(a%&ation Aones! and arresting people o&tdoors d&ring states of emergen%y if they possess spray paint! gasoline %ans or firearms. Frdering rationing or pri%e %ontrolsJ they are good at that too! b&t not at fi+ing the problems that are the res&lt. :&st add %&rren%y inflation and stir. /at&rity is learning $hi%h side yo&r bread is b&ttered on. The poli%e! the military leadership! and go(ernment f&n%tionaries are all (ery mat&re people. They are also peasants and th&gs! and not aristos! for the most part. *easants obey and fight $home(er they are told to fight! aristo%rats are ready to fight at the drop of a threat to themsel(es $hi%h threats they find ins&lting. #narmed se%&rity is treated as doorman! deli(ery boy and fire alarm. )rmed se%&rity is restri%ted to armored %ar and bank g&ard if possible. Bodyg&arding is a shit ;ob &s&ally. #narmed for p&shing thro&gh fans and armed to make a (ery important type look good. Hress &p b&t don<t o(ershado$ the boss! don<t look stern b&t be alert. Carry my pa%kages o&t to the %ar. =f yo& dri(e the %ar yo& are not a bodyg&ard. Ces! a se%&rity minded Ota%ti%al dri(erO is a fine thing! b&t if there is only one g&ard present and he is %ha&ffe&ring $here is the bodyg&ard? The poli%e leadership is retarded! $hen it too is not also s%&m. ?hy min%e $ords here? /ost poli%e ha(e a strong sense of &s against them. They ha(e %ontempt for 6%i(ilians7 in general! ;&st as %riminals tend to hate all poli%e. They respe%t soldiers and ea%h other. They respe%t people $ho do the ;ob. 9e(er tattle on anyone on the ;ob! anyone $earing the shield. They feel entitled to a little %orr&ption sin%e their ;ob is so to&gh and &nre$arded. They hate politi%ians b&t they kno$ $here their

a&thority and pay%he%ks %ome from. 'istori%ally most military and poli%e for%es ha(e obeyed orders! and $hen they did not it $as &s&ally in order to ;oin a party promising e(en more po$er. /ost poli%e $ill enfor%e tyranny. They $ill feel sm&g in the doing of it! and $ill feel %ontempt for 6%i(ilians7 and deserters $ho $hine abo&t it. There are fe$ things more hated by o&r %op brothers than a s&b;e%t $ho %omplains! says he is inno%ent! and@horrors@talks abo&t rights and %onstit&tion. /any of the g&ilty say they are inno%ent. 4o do most of the inno%ent. To them yo& are an &ndis%iplined mal%ontent $ho sho&ld lo(e it or lea(e it. Freedom is not a nat&ral right! it is nat&ral that it has to be earned. Freedom is earned by paying the d&es DobeyingE. /ost do not s&pport g&n %ontrol! b&t their ma;or %on%ern is for the rights of themsel(es and theirs. /ake no mistake! yo& $ill be fighting many of the poli%e. =t $ill probably feel like all. 9e(er ask for $hat yo& %annot take! ne(er order $hat yo& %annot enfor%e. 9e(er gi(e $arning on%e the fighting is already beg&n. 9e(er %ooperate $ith the enemy. Ho not lose $itho&t ha(ing fo&ght. 9e(er yield $itho&t ha(ing been defeated! nor break before yo& ha(e been tort&red. They $ill sneer if yo& are soft! and right is $hate(er the regs say. They $ill respe%t to&ghness! b&t $hat does their opinion matter? ?hen the lines ha(e been %rossed ;&st blo$ them &p and %arry on the fight. Fn%e $ar has been de%lared by the a%tions taken by any one %ombatant gro&p! all else is for%e of arms. Talk is %heap and only a%tions $in and lose $ars! and talk %an def&se $ars only $hen both sides got into the fighting by mistake. This does not mean $ars do not end $ith talks on%e one or both sides ha(e been less than (i%torio&s for too long a time. The tr&th is that it is right that yo& sho&ld be free of tyrants! b&t freedom is not earned Da%t&ally! obtained and retainedE by obedien%e and ser(i%eJ it is earned by spilling the blood of the tyrants and %riminals. Ho it the right $ay! %ommit no %rimes! b&t be hard: the d&es m&st indeed be paid. Code of silen%e. Thin bl&e line. *rofessional %o&rtesy? *artially this is ;&st h&man nat&re. ?ho does not like spe%ial treatment? ?hile a person $ho has made the $rong enemies! or has the dime dropped on him for fall g&y! gets treated as badly as any %ommon %itiAenJ go(ernment employees are normally gi(en (ery different treatment than tro&blesome or s&spe%ted O%i(ilians.O There is another reason for this. =f they $ere handled the same $ay the a(erage person $as the system $o&ld %ollapse. 4ome ;&st %an<t be bothered abo&t ab&se if they don<t ha(e to feel it themsel(es. =f the federal dr&g $ar and related takings of property $as de%lared illegal! $hi%h it is! b&t %orporations $orking $ith the feds %ontin&ed to drag s&spe%ts in and to seiAe property on the gro&nds that they $ere able to get signat&res on do%&ments and to %on people into going before Oadministrati(e %orporate ;&dgesO and signing release forms $o&ld this make e(erything FM be%a&se of %ontra%t la$? Bah3 Co& really %annot afford to Osnit%h!O yo& kno$ that? Co& think the a&thorities need to be notified so they %an do their ;obs? ?hat do yo& really learn from s%hool on this s&b;e%t! OCo& kno$ $hat $e think of tattle-tales in this s%hool?O They ;&st dislike the mali%io&s toadies $ho a%t&ally en;oy making tro&ble. 9ot. ?hat do yo&r %lassmates think? Friend! a&thorities! among other things both good and bad! are rank %ons%io&s! inse%&re and laAy. They do not $ant the $ork. They do not $ant the %riti%ism that %omes $ith too many problems reported or poorly handled. Co& really o&ght to go a$ay. They $ant to a(oid problems and ad(an%e by seniority if nothing else arises. Co& %an profit from reporting problems in spe%ial %ir%&mstan%es s&%h as $hen do$ngrading a ri(al! b&t generally only $hen reporting %riminals %ompletely o&tside of yo&r %lass and $ith the s&pport of yo&r so%ial e8&als. =f yo& are &nder a threat yo& be%ome a pain if yo& keep %alling for help. Co& be%ome the problem. Either yo& are e+aggerating the problem or yo& are a magnet for tro&ble. 1earn to fit in! get along $ith people e(en if yo& think they are th&gs! yo& tro&blemakerJ or mo(e. *erhaps yo& $o&ld fit in better among yo&r o$n kind? 'o$e(er! the poli%e do &se 6professional7 snit%hes $ho are $illing to finger ;&st abo&t anyone the poli%e $ish! and %oer%ed ones as $ell. This is often another res&lt of poli%e sloth and %orr&ption. =t may pay yo& to %ooperate! both in %ash or dr&gs and in forgi(eness of yo&r o$n %rimes! &ntil the poli%e b&rn yo& or other %riminals drop a dime on yo&. 4&%h is life. :&st a small lesson for yo&. O)&thoritiesO are not there to prote%t yo&. They are there to make a li(ing and to maintain a system in ret&rn for that s&pport for themsel(es and their o$n. 4ometimes! in%identally! that in(ol(es prote%tion for yo&! b&t not often and only to a point. 5eporting %rimes $orks best as a tool for &se in %o&rt. =f yo& end &p shooting someone after a series of threats! assa&lts and break-ins a paper trail sho$ing yo& asked for help %an %ome in handy. =f yo& are yo&ng and pretty! b&t

male! and yo& get off the b&s only to ha(e a lo%al per( physi%ally grab onto yo&? Ho p&n%h him in the nose! b&t e+pe%t the poli%e to tell yo& to get lost or be arrested for battery. Iery %ommon in 4an Fran. Co& may e(en do some ;ail time for defending yo&rself. ?ho lo(es ya! baby? ?ell! mostly yo&r mamma! %hild. #s&ally. The %ommon people m&st be%ome as %hildren $ere of old. 4een b&t not heard. 4peaking $hen spoken to. *lease and yes 4ir. *olite! %heerf&l and obedientJ and may = be e+%&sed? Ho yo&r %hores! be helpf&l! and do smile. Ho not take the last or largest s$eet. =dle hands are the He(il<s playgro&nd. 4pare the rod and spoil the %hild. Eat $hate(er is pla%ed on yo&r plate. ) %hild &nable to learn may try harder if spanked. The best %&re for an &nhappy or s&llen %hild is p&nishment@soon eno&gh she $ill at least pretend to be happy to ser(eJ tidy and %lean! and gratef&l for all that yo& ha(e done for her. =t is not tr&e that free men go armed. =t is not tr&e that free %itiAens are the aristo%rati% %lass in )meri%a. ?at%h that attit&de! boy3 ?hile at $ork or s%hool )meri%a<s %hildren are treated like little prisoners! b&t they r&n $ild the rest of the time. Fh! for the days $hen any passing ad&lt $as free to paddle r&de and laAy g&ttersnipes3 Eh! not really. The poli%e attit&de to$ard the p&bli% is a milder (ersion of the attit&de of soldiers in 6elite7 &nits. *eople may think hard%ore training is there for the p&rpose of hardening the trainee $hile $eeding o&t those $ho are not %apable of being smart and dis%iplined fighters able to end&re the hardships of $arfare $hile fighting for freedom. 9ah. They do not $ant people $ho $ill fight ba%k $hen ab&sed. /ost of the hardships of training are arbitrary b&llshit and %omplaining is the greatest sin short of threatening an offi%er. Trainees are left to $ork o&t their o$n pe%king order! &nless it gets totally o&t of hand! and infra%tions are p&nished on a $hole &nit basis so that the trainees themsel(es $ill p&nish tro&blemakers. These are people $ho $ill take ab&se. *eople $ho %an be beaten do$n. Fn%e they learn their pla%e and ha(e been passed o&t of training they identify $ith the ingro&p and sneer at o&tsiders $ho ha(e not end&red $hat they ha(e. )nd $hy sho&ld the poli%e not pepper spray or Taser a mo&thy p&nk $hen the poli%e offi%er himself had to go thro&gh it in training? The offi%ers ha(e sergeants as a b&ffer! and the r&ling %lass the offi%ers. Ea%h le(el in the system has lost its freedom! other than the r&ling %lass! b&t ea%h le(el has its o$n pri(ileges. )t the bottom the soldier %an feel s&perior to %i(ilians and hard%ore! %an $ork for a$ards and for 9CF stripes! and %an drink! $hore! and o%%asionally fire $eapons d&ring training e(ery si+ months or so. )nd! finally! there are times $hen he is t&rned on an enemy and %an shoot &p things and feel the r&shJ $orking off his fr&strations. This is not to say infantrymen do not re8&ire great physi%al and mental stamina. = forgot again. This is the ne$ army. They ha(e a strange ne$ %heer that starts 8&ietly and b&ilds in (ol&me. They do it at the drop of an offi%er<s %ap. Hid yo& kno$ e(en the an%ient 5omans said any per%ei(ed problem &s&ally res&lted in another mostly pointless reorganiAation? 4oldiers still are selfless defenders of freedom $ho p&t d&ty and the %hain of %ommand abo(e their o$n! and other people<s! %onstit&tional rights. 9o$! ho$e(er! they trade their li(es for others $hile remaining %lean and dignified on the battlefield! and $hile refraining from smoking in go(ernment (ehi%les. They no longer drink or f&%k in theater! s$ear or gest&re! or gripe abo&t anything as they display the re8&ired religio&s! se+&al and ra%ial sensiti(ity. F&%king ) right3 Co& better belie(e it! yo& %o$ardly to$elheaded bastards3 The artillery! = mean fires both lethal and nonlethalJ in the &nit of a%tion! are they %ombat or %ombat s&pport! oops! = mean operating or generatingJ yo& kno$! $hate(er! they spend their time doing patrols any$ay. 1ife s&pport operating systems in a net%entri% battlespa%e@bleeding post battle $arfare. C<all do not ha(e ma%hine g&n or hea(y )T>/ Dantitank g&ided missileE spe%ialists! b&t yo& do ha(e internment-relo%ation spe%ialists: yo& are going to bleeding sa(e the $orld by keeping it in a prote%ted (illage! a %amp. Tr&th3 The army is being destroyed as a f&ll spe%tr&m %ombat organiAation. The #4 is losing it. ?e ha(e al$ays been s&b;e%t to program boondoggles b&t no$ $e are &nable to manage o&r o$n systems. Third $orld performan%e looms! folks. F&t%ome based ed&%ation as if it $as not al$ays o&t%ome based. Comm&nity poli%ing. Effe%ts based $arfare. )s if naming it for

$hat it has al$ays been makes the %&rrent proto%ols $ork properly. ?e $ere at the point of being as good as ??== >ermany at %ombined arms operations and b&ilding $eapons systems that $orked and no$ $e are thro$ing it a$ay to fo%&s on a ne$ $ay of fighting poli%e a%tions. ?e ha(e ne(er been (ery good at that! and al$ays instit&tionally forget $hat $e ha(e learned in the past. The /"V is a hard$are e+ample. Consider the 4tryker armored (ehi%le. =t gets st&%k offroad! tires are %onstantly repla%ed! ele%troni%s o(erheat! the armored g&n (ersion is dangero&s to it o$n %re$. /any items in and o&t of the 4tryker $ere not modified to $ork together. The %omp&ters are a ;oke. The remote %ontrolled $eapon t&rret %an not hit targets $hen the (ehi%le is mo(ing and %an not target anything at night $hen it is raining. )lso! it rotates so slo$ly it %an not respond to threats. ?e $o&ld be better off $ith a man man&ally operating a nightsight e8&ipped ma%hine g&n in an armored %&pola he rotates aro&nd $ith the g&n by hand3 The %amera at the rear is partially blo%ked by the anti-5*> %age3 /i%key /o&se programs galore! and the programs take fore(er and do not $ork properly $ith ea%h other. Then the maintenan%e programs Ds&stainment operating systems3E %an not s&pply 8&ality repla%ement parts. To yo& re%on8&istas: F&r attit&de to$ard the likes of yo&? *erhaps a little e+planation is in order. Ho yo& ha(e any idea $ith $hom yo& are dealing? = re%ently read an arti%le on some bloody $eb page or other. =t seems that it $o&ld be a (ery bad thing if )meri%ans had %o&nter-demonstrated on )pril "0. ) terrible idea too for any )meri%an to b&rn a /e+i%an flag. ?hy? =t might in%ite an immigrant or t$enty into a regrettable and (iolent a%tion. The %&rrent theory is this: yo& propitiate radi%als and Opress&re-spe%ial interestO gro&ps! and then a(oid O&nne%essaryO (iolen%e by telling the more %i(iliAed to stop being bigotsJ to s&%k it &p! and not to Oin%iteO any (iolen%e. ) %o&ntry is only as good as its people. ?e %ommon and boring )meri%ans Oin%iteO theft by dri(ing e+pensi(e %ars or lea(ing them &nlo%ked. ?e in%ite %rime by being in the $rong pla%e in o&r o$n %o&ntry. ?e in%ite (iolen%e by resisting robbery or by simply being armed $hen the %rimes o%%&r. Co& think for%e is not yet in play? 4ti%k yo&r ne%k o&t. >et noti%ed. Then e+plain to the hostile %ro$d! or to %orporate se%&rity! poli%e or soldiers that no for%e is in play. 4ee $hether yo& ha(e either to yield to or fight rather belligerent and for%ef&l people. Co& %an not stop (iolen%e by being non(iolent or &narmed if someone $ants to be (iolent. =t is still (iolen%e if yo& h&ddle on the gro&nd $hile they ki%k yo&. There is for%e in(ol(ed $hen yo& are p&t into the %r&iser. Ho yo& think there is no for%e in(ol(ed $hen an armed robber de%ides not to shoot yo& if yo& gi(e him the money? Ho not die! or kill and die! for tr&th and pea%e. 1i(e for them. =f yo& &se (iolen%e first the enemy $ill $in. End&re and tea%h. =t is &nfort&nate that the pra%ti%al effe%t of this! $hen the &se of for%e is in play! is the same as if yo& ran a$ay and hid &nder a ro%k. )lso! it is not al$ays possible to hide. Hid yo& die for something after all? Take the long (ie$! the path of enlightenment3 *ea%e $ill %ome $hen e(erybody has been ta&ght to be good. 9ot all pa%ifists are %o$ards. Hie for life! do not kill for death! or something like that. Hying for pea%e! if yo& stand &p for it! takes %o&rage. Fighters are %o$ards be%a&se they fear death and p&nishment so m&%h they are $illing to kill to prote%t themsel(es. *erhaps they are ;&st per(erts $ho like blood. *a%ifists are %o$ards be%a&se they fear fighting more than death? 9o! no! right is right. Hying is %ool b&t killing is $rong be%a&se killing is al$ays $rong. Too bad $e ha(e to allo$ them to h&rt themsel(es by killing &s. ?e are selfish and do not kill them to prote%t them from sin? Come on! fighting too often fails to end the a%ti(ities of the br&tal. =t takes t$o to tango and t$o or more sides to fight a $ar. =t only takes one to pillage and rape. Be disarmed! damn it3 Tr&sted %itiAenship: tr&st &s be%a&se $e %an not tr&st yo& &ntil yo& are f&lly %ontrolled. 5emember to al$ays gi(e o&r poli%e and military the benefit of all do&bt! ho$e(erJ they are o&r boys and girls. )re they not pretty? B&t make them pay for any gear they lose $hen they are hit. 4t&pidity is good and %ontradi%tion is king. *romise and threaten! %a;ole and %onf&se. Bribe and stir &p the faithf&l! b&t try them too be%a&se hardship is $orthy of pride. Conf&se and threaten the &nreliable masses as fr&stration

and %onf&sion lead to $eakness and ina%tion. 4eparate o&t resisters and p&nish them! make e+amples! b&t h&miliate before yo& kill sin%e no martyrs are needed. Those yo& %annot %on into soldiering or ;ingoism sho&ld be %onned into pa%ifism! if not that then rendered ina%ti(e by blatant and &np&nished %ontradi%tion and lies. Co& %an<t fight %ity hall! noob. The hard%ore remnant %an be destroyed as abs&rdly and br&tally as possible. /ake %lo$ns and pitif&l fools of them. They ha(e no %ohesion and most of their fello$s $ill s$ear at their tro&blemaking or la&gh $hen the hammer falls. Homination games! pe%king orders! e%onomi% and se+&al politi%s. Ceehah3 *&t on the po$er s&its men. 1et &s get a glimpse of yo&r &nder$ear as yo& %li%k do$n the halls! $omen. )nd if yo& are too $eak to be a po$er! then s&%k &p to the most po$erf&l gro&p that $ill ha(e yo& and feel safe and pro&d of yo&r master. 5E>=/E9T /E3 5E>#1)TE /E3 = heart me some >lobal >o(ernan%e. )11 ')=1 T'E 9?F3 DCan = ha(e a go(ernment ;ob! please?E )ll go(ernment is so%ialism! in%l&ding its poli%e and militaryJ $hi%h is $hy sensible people keep their go(ernment as small as possible! and all so%ialism is %reeping absent e+plosi(e gro$th %a&sed by and leading to f&rther massi(e fail&res...and the Ogreat intelle%tsO of monolithi% systematiAation Dpo$er and greedE are ne(er too shy for intentional %risis %reation $hen st&pidity does not pro(ide ;&stifying disaster at the re8&ired rate. 1arge s%ale so%ialism is a&thoritarian or totalitarian and is the faith of $o&ld be tyrants and of the fearf&l. F&eled by %risis it plays into the hands of the po$erf&l and %orr&pt or those $ishing to be%ome s&%h. H&ring the monopoly days of the early robber barons already there $as an interplay bet$een go(ernment and the barons to make it possible. ) more totalitarian (ersion of this p&ts the players inside go(ernment and party! and in the bla%k markets! b&t is m&%h the same in effe%t sa(e that the monopolies are e(en stronger. 5emember! the tr&e goal of monopoly is not a booming general e%onomy. =t is a bigger share of po$er! %ontrol and property for the monopolists. 9e(er &se (iolen%e first. 9e(er be organiAed for it. That is $hat they $ant. They %an pin the blame on yo&. *rotests are &s&ally a $aste of time and riots more so. Tr&e. 4o if somebody $ants to dominate yo& the only $ay to a(oid domination is to not resist. Ceah right. =f yo& fight and people s&ffer and yo& get sla&ghtered yo& lose and they do yo& more harm then yo& did to them. =f yo& do not resist they do $hate(er they $ant to yo&. =f yo& &se passi(e resistan%e they do $hate(er they $ant to yo& b&t %annot %ontrol e(eryone at all times so some goals are not met and they &se terror and make e+amples. Co& think they %are if &n%ooperati(e people h&rt the e%onomy? They $ant po$er and a bigger share. Ho they %are if their o$n system! b&rea&%ra%y! shrinks the o(erall e%onomy? They don<t %are if yo&r share shrinks. They don<t %are if the o(erall e%onomy shrinks. =n primiti(e Friental so%ieties or in the E&ropean dark ages the 5a;a did not %are that the a(erage person sla(ed for s%raps and died yo&ng. 'e still had a pala%e! food and drink! ;e$els and $omen. 'is soldiers and o(erseers did not %are either. They got a&thority and a bigger share than most. The middle path has the same fla$ as resistan%e by for%e! and to an e(en greater degree. *assi(e resistan%e only $orks if a system %ollapses d&e to a (ery great n&mber of people ;oining yo& in being ;ailed! beaten or killed for disobedien%e. Christians are amaAing %o$ards. The religio&s say there are no atheists in the fo+holes. E(erybody kno$s &nbelie(ers are %o$ards $ho $ill break do$n and pray for help $hen endangered. =t do happen. )nd the folks $ho get religion promptly p&t a$ay all that %r&de soldier beha(ior. 5ight. ?ar destroys faith as often as it %reates faith. =t lea(es men br&tal as often as pea%e lo(ing. The tr&th is that Christians $ho think they $ill go dire%tly to hea(en if killed by the e(ildoer ha(e no e+%&se $hate(er for a(oiding a ;&st fight. )nybody $ho has some %are for his fello$s and is not a %riminal $ants to help. ?hat abo&t the t&rn the other %heek (ariety? They $ill not fight be%a&se they are %o$ards@they fear losing eternal life if they disobey the pa%ifist Ola$.O Too bad for others! espe%ially if they ha(e no eternal life to loseJ not being tr&e belie(ers. =t is not selfishness! it is obedien%e to >od3 Bah3 9o fear in lo(e and pea%e that is beyond &nderstanding my big $hite ass. /ost people take &p a religion in the hope of sa(ing themsel(es. *eriod and the end. The ma;ority of Christians $ill no more

take the time or risk to pro(ide personal emergen%y assistan%e than $ill members of any other ma;or gro&p. The pea%eniks among them $ill not defend others at all. = feel sorry for those s&pernat&ral beings. They s&ffer o(er &s so! &nlike h&man beings $ho ne(er s&ffer. They ha(e to listen to the %onstant praise songs they ha(e demanded! and p&t &p $ith s&%h sorry follo$ers they ha(e %hosen for themsel(es. *oor babies. )nd don<t $ear a %ross! yo& might offend a :e$ or /&slim $ith yo&r fo&l presen%e3 D/ay their honored persons be f&%ked.E The Catholi% religion is st&pid. =f the $earing of the %r&%ifi+ is banned = $ill start $earing one! and so sho&ld yo&. *oli%e and military personnel are ;&st like :es&s! 6b&t not in a sa%rilegio&s $ay.7 'omer. =t $as e(en better $hen $e $ere drafting soldiers! be%a&se then they $ere o&r h&man sa%rifi%es to the gods of safety. 'o$ dare yo& %riti%iAe o&r prote%tors3 'o$ dare yo& oppose the poli%ies implemented by them3 They die for yo&! &ngratef&l $help3! and the high go(ernment offi%ials are o&r 6F&r Father! $ho art on Earth.7 =f soldiers are &nderpaid! if the treatment of o&r s&ffering ser(ants is sometimes ab&si(e! $ell! :es&s $as s%o&rged before they h&ng him on the tree. )n e(en better sa%rifi%e. F&%king t$o year olds. D)%t&ally! the a(erage offi%er ne(er fires his handg&n o&tside of training! and that might %onsist of V0 to .N ro&nds fired at ann&al re8&alifi%ation. 9e(er has a shooto&t in his lifetime. 1&mber;a%ks and fishermen li(e a more dangero&s life than the poli%e. The poli%e ;ob is (ery stressf&l! and is boring! b&t not (ery risky. /ost poli%e and military men li(e to retire.E The s$ord itself often in%ites a man to fight. 4o says the other 'omer. 4o do large m&s%les! %len%hed fists! and baseball batsJ as does small stat&re both be%a&se of the tenden%y to ab&se the $eak and of the small to o(errea%t to threats. 4o does anything that irritates! angers! frightens! or e+%ites. )lso anything that yo& $ant! or don<t $ant. ?hate(er. Those poli%e today are so spe%ialJ bello$ and $hine so = %an<t tell if yo& $ant to be re(ered or ;&st pitied. E(en a %at may look at a king. 9ot f&ll in the fa%e! ho$e(er! and if it stares too long it $ill go hard on it. 5&bbish3 Fh? 5&bbish = say. 1ook at the peasants $ho m&st stop by the poli%e at an interse%tion. They are often afraid to speak or $a(e! and they are fearf&l of taking pi%t&res any$here near one. They stare straight ahead! b&t fear not looking abo&t normally $hile also fearing looking at the offi%er. They try to seem inno%ent and rela+ed $hile tense and as stiff as a board. =f the poli%e follo$ them do$n the street they are afraid to %ontin&e in %ase ner(o&sness sho&ld %a&se a traffi% error! and afraid to p&ll off and stop for fear of seeming to attempt to e(ade. = say if yo& are %learly being follo$ed b&t do not fear for yo&r life yo& sho&ld park yo&r %ar in a legal manner! lo%k it before they p&ll in to %he%k on yo&r s&spi%io&sness! and sit on the hood of yo&r (ehi%le &ntil they tire of asking 8&estions yo& $on<t ans$er and either arrest yo& or go a$ay. *eople do not fear the poli%e be%a&se the people are %riminal. They fear be%a&se they are not (ery bra(e and the poli%e are often st&pid or mali%io&s. =f yo& ti%k them off or %at%h their interest yo& may be able to beat the %harge! b&t yo& %an<t a(oid the ride. 4o the high %o&rt says safety %he%kpoints are &n%onstit&tional b&t minor (iolations and needed. The 4&premes ha(e s&ng3 The go(ernment interest al$ays o(errides rights. 9o problem! they $ill ne(er go f&rther than they think they sho&ld. B&t ask the go(ernment $hat it has been &p to and they lie! lie! lieJ be%a&se they ha(e pri(a%y rights. 6#nfort&nately! all nine of o&r %ameras malf&n%tioned d&ring that in%ident.7 Co& look ner(o&s! %hief3 ?hat do yo& all ha(e to hide boys? 'eh. = ha(e it! on good a&thority! that not all )meri%ans are falling for this. =f yo& feel lo(e for the monsters yo& are a per(ert. =f yo& hate yo&r lo(ing $ife yo& are a per(ert. 1o(e! lo(e f&%king lo(e. ) hell of a lot of :e$s $ere m&rdered d&ring ??==. 9ot systemati%ally in gas %hambers and not a ni%e ro&nd V million. /any others $ere m&rdered also. 4o $hat? Hoes this fa%t make any of those m&rders less horrid? 1ook at the little girls $aiting to be shot and d&mped in a hole. Hoes yo&r f&%king blood boil? )re yo& a h&man being and a man? Try that shit in my neighborhood. B&t tell me! did those :e$s get killed be%a&se they did not lo(e the 9aAis eno&gh? =f they had been s$eet and nonthreatening the 9aAis $o&ld ha(e been &nable to %arry on. Ces? F&%king retarded gits. /orons! yo& ha(e fallen for the leftist and religio&s demagog&es. They $ant yo&

disarmed <%a&se yo& are their sheep to shear. 4pirit&al mo(ements are to (aried degree %omm&nitarian. 4o%ialist. Both the 9aAis and Comm&nists are so%ialist. ?e need heroes $ho b&ild! $ho make pea%e. Co& are %orre%t. 9ot my ;ob! man. = am a soldier. = break st&ff. >asp3 *ea%e and lo(e ha(e a(oided $ar! if felt by the right people. 1o(e not (iolen%e has ne(er $on a $ar. ?hile most $ars end badly! freedom and ;&sti%e are $orth fighting for. =f yo& are s%&m t&rn yo&rself in no$. Co& $on<t tho&gh! so $e $ill take yo& e(ent&ally. =f yo& are a man let nobody take yo&r $eapons. 4&re! if yo& are dealing $ith reasonable people making &nderstandable mistakes yo& %an go along and sort it o&t later. =f they are th&gs go into defense mode. =f they are %onstit&tion breakers it is killing time. 4ee that old man $alking do$n the street? T$eed ;a%ket $ith leather elbo$ pads and a s&bd&ed bl&e diamond sho&lder pat%h? 4il(er sk&ll and bones ring on his finger? C&p. That<s me3 *robably has a pistol and se(eral other $eapons &nder there. >et him3 Fpen %arry or %on%ealed %arry? Fpen %arry is bad be%a&se it attra%ts attention and be%a&se an atta%ker $ill make yo& his primary target if he %hooses to atta%k e(en tho&gh yo& are armed. D=f = am $alking $ith my family = $ant to be any %riminal atta%ker<s first target.E Con%ealed %arry is bad be%a&se a %riminal might mistake yo& for prey and atta%k yo& $hen he $o&ld ha(e passed yo& by other$ise. Co& %an Otake an atta%ker by s&rpriseO only if yo& are present b&t his fo%&s is on another! or on something else. Fn%e somebody has yo& %o(ered! at g&npoint! yo& better r&n as yo& dra$! and yo&r %han%es are slightly $orse if yo& %arry %on%ealed. Co& are almost %ertainly going to be shot at before yo& are able to shoot! &nless the other side is distra%ted. /o(ement and-or armor is important. 1&%ky for &s most th&gs are poor shots! and most poli%e and soldiers train seldom. The more diffi%&lt yo& %an make a%%&rate shooting! e(en if it makes things harder for yo& as $ell! the better for the more skilled. 1ook! if the other g&y is only half the shooter yo& are b&t the %onditions of the fight are s&%h that both of yo& $ill be able to easily hit the other yo& are e8&al. The more diffi%&lt yo& make it for him to hit yo&! by shooting on the mo(e perhaps! the more diffi%&lt it is for yo& to shoot a%%&rately as $ellJ b&t diffi%&lt %onditions fa(or the more skilled. 4o train yo&rself. 4&rprise is golden! shooting first %an be %riti%al! b&t getting hits is $hat really %o&nts. ?itho&t his getting hits on yo& if possible. Co& kno$? 9e(er fight ba%k if they already ha(e the drop on yo&. 5eally? Co&r %han%es may be poor! b&t %onsider thisJ on histori%al a(erage half of the prisoners of $ar ne(er %ame ba%k. ?hile most people taken in by poli%e s&r(i(e! in $hate(er %ondition! yo&r en(ironment may (aryJ and $hen some random th&g takes yo& a$ay the likelihood of e(er being seen again is (ery small. =f someone s&ddenly ;abs a g&n into yo&r ba%k he is going to kill yo& immediately! or he is going to kill yo& later! or in some %ases not at all. Fften yo& $ill ha(e no idea $hi%h it is going to be. /ost times yo&r best bet is to t&rn sharply side$ays $hile &sing yo&r elbo$ to s$eep his $eapon aside. >rab on if yo& %an. Hra$ a tool if possible. )tta%k! best do it $ith a knife or pistol. 4ometimes yo& sho&ld ha(e dodged and r&n! dropped to the gro&nd $hile dra$ing yo&r handg&n! or froAen in pla%e and obeyed orders. Too bad! s&%ks to be yo&. 5isky isn<t it! being at g&npoint? Ho try to a(oid that %ondition. /any dislike open %arry! the Constit&tion! et al. ?hat if %riminals started %arrying openly too? )s = see it yo& sho&ld not e+er%ise any rights lest irritated persons res%ind them. Eh? Eh? :&st do $hat the th&gs! the ones not in &niform! do. :&st %arry $hate(er yo& $ant in an &ndete%ted manner! atta%k from the shado$s! and be in the $ind. ?hat do = %are if they ban something. Caref&lly not doing something lest it be banned is the same in pra%ti%e as something banned. D4emper tyrannis! B&bba. ?e don<t need no stinking O4i%.OE The mere e+er%ise of any right %an not be a %rime. 9or %an it %reate reasonable s&spi%ion for a stop! or probable %a&se for a sear%h or arrest. 4pee%h alone is not eno&gh! yo& m&st e+hibit beha(ior that is alarming or threatening. 'a(ing a holstered pistol or sl&ng rifle is not eno&gh! yo& m&st beha(e in a $ay that endangers or threatens $itho&t legal %a&se! andJ self defense is no %rime. 9e(er $illingly enter a pla%e $here they tr&st yo& so little and yo& tr&st them so m&%h that yo& m&st let them take yo&r

$eapons lea(ing them $ith both their and yo&r arms. 'ere is the thing abo&t %l&bs and bars. #nlike other free fire no defense! = mean g&n free Aones! bars are not the kind of pla%es %raAy people $ill in(ade for nefario&s p&rposes. Co& got nothing to $orry abo&t. )lso! dr&gged and dr&nk folks do not lose their inhibitions and sometimes atta%k ea%h other! or if they do they %an do little damage if they see no $eapons signs or get strip sear%hed %oming in. Hoesn<t matter ho$ big and mean they are. Co& yo&rself sho&ld ne(er handle firearms $hen trashed! and any al%ohol is too m&%h. Besides! designated dri(ers %an<t also be designated armed se%&rity be%a&se any s&%h person $o&ld shoot any dr&nken fool $ho thre$ a p&n%h at a friend! &nless his dr&nken e+-girlfriend had already snat%hed his pistol from its le(el K retention holster! of %o&rse. 4olly %holly! the defender is the instigator of all the negati(e attention he re%ei(es. 4top resisting! stop resisting3 1et e(erybody be disarmed. 1et martial arts be banned. *oli%e need to &se (iolen%e no more than anybody else. They too sho&ld def&se %riminals by r&nning a$ay! by taking blo%king positions $hen other (i%tims are present! by a%%epting in;&ry in order to pla%e %oals of fire on the perp<s heads! and by &sing their $ords. ?hate(er. =t is The 2"st Cent&ry in the f&%king #nited 4tates of )meri%a! =n%. Hirty b&ildings. Cra%ked side$alks. The po$er goes o&t in e(ery $ind storm! and the tap $ater $on<t a%t&ally kill yo&. *robably. 1east said! soonest mended. 1east learned! the less forgotten. 'aste makes $aste so ne(er do today $hat %an be p&t off &ntil tomorro$. =f yo& %an a(oid antagoniAing the general p&bli%! yo& sho&ld a(oid antagoniAing the general p&bli%. =n any gi(en sit&ation the %&re sele%ted %an be $orse than the disease. 'o$e(er! there is no need to ha(e the general p&bli% on yo&r side in order to $in. *robably ha(ing "0L of the pop&lation as fighters! a%ti(e s&pporters and passi(e s&pporters $o&ld be eno&gh! &nless the general p&bli% is in a%ti(e opposition. Ho yo& e(er only fight $hen yo& kno$ for %ertain yo& $ill $in? Ta%ti%ally yo& sho&ld ne(er fight an impossible engagement if it %an be a(oided! b&t only fools think they al$ays kno$ if a $ar $ill go as $ell as $ars e(er do. Co& %an<t $in a $ar if all yo& do is hide. 'eroi% meas&res! pain and the indignity of str&ggle? =f do%tors in the past all had the attit&de many ha(e today! triage! they still $o&ld be dr&gging or allo$ing to bleed o&t %as&alties $ith perforated bo$els. )fter all! they $o&ld only die of infe%tion $ithin a fe$ days any$ay. 9o$ s&rgeons sa(e most of these people Dif still ali(e $hen they rea%h the hospitalE. Fften there is nothing yo& %an do b&t if yo& stop trying! and stop learning! nothing %an e(er be impro(ed. There is a key differen%e bet$een pra%ti%al and realisti%! and the passi(e and resigned. ?e try. =f a thing is impossible $e $ork aro&nd it. =f it %an be done if done differently $e learn. ?hen something is (ital to &s $e may try &nto death. =f e(ery single person in a nation kne$ the go(ernment $as %orr&pt it $o&ld not matter if nobody did a damned thing abo&t itJ and there is no f&ndamental differen%e bet$een a reg&latory and a ;&sti%e system. 5ight! p&ppy? C<all s&r(i(alists are p&nks! b&bba. 9o ;oke. Co& think yo& %an sto%k &p and hang o&t in yo&r hide &ntil e(erybody else is $iped o&t and yo& %an emerge to b&ild yo&r %lan system. )t $orst yo& belie(e yo& $ill shoot a fe$ feral strays and b&ry them in the ba%k$oods! or lose p&rs&ers in the $ilderness. ?hat is m&%h more likely is that e(ent&ally someone organiAed and n&mero&s $ill finally de%ide to take noti%e. =f they are friendly they $ill ha(e done yo&r fighting for yo&. =f the other kind too bad for yo&. 9o$! it is better to be a li(e instead of dead p&nk. =f it is a matter of staying &nder the radar $hile getting thro&gh shortages and disr&ptions more po$er to yo&. Co& are not &nder any moral la$ demanding yo& sa%rifi%e yo&rself! b&t on%e again $hen 6good7 people do nothing $ho is it $ho pre(ails? 9o$ this: Co& geni&ses might $ant to %onsider this: yo& are in%iting a response from the )meri%an people. Fh! yo& $ant to in%ite a response so yo& %an make e+amples? 4o do $e. 5esistan%e is f&tile! yo& say. Constit&tional go(ernment is o(er. >i(e &p yo&r arms! a%%ept the

end of o&tdated %on%epts of liberty and )meri%an %&lt&re. 1atinos $ill be the ma;ority! nothing %an be done! yo& 9aAi or 9aAi d&pe yo&3 D?itho&t immigrants #4 pop&lation is already at Aero gro$th.E )ll empires %ome to an end! gaba%ho! gi(e in gra%ef&lly. D)s if patriots $ant an empire! b&t $e already ha(e stolen the %ontinent! eh?E ?e did not steal Te+as! there $as a rebellion against a tyrant. 'e $anted to disarm the lo%als! for e+ample! and many of the rebels $ere 'ispani%s. 4ome of the other areas $ere stolen! tho&gh $e sho&ld not belie(e all $ere %i(iliAed sa(e for $hite people. There $ere treaties! often broken and often by both parties to any parti%&lar one. )ll peoples ha(e bad beha(ior in their history. 4ome more than others! ob(io&sly. ?e destroyed the First 9ations! for e+ample. /any of them tried to destroy! tort&re! et%.! &s right ba%k b&t $e $ere better at it. This happened in the past. =f yo& $ant to hammer the (ario&s )meri%an ethni%ities into yo&r o$n ne$ empire yo& may try. E(ery pla%e on the earth has been o%%&pied by different peoples at (ario&s times. To &se this to ;&stify (iolen%e today is e(il. To &se it to ;&stify taking peoples rights is $rong. *ropaganda alone $ill not be eno&gh! and of %o&rse not /e+i%o nor any one tribe e(er %ontrolled all the %laimed territory. B&t $hile might does not make right! it does make po$er for %on8&est. =f the ma;ority of peoples and tribes ;oin yo&? =f the &nholy $hite is o&tn&mbered too greatly by the hostile? ?e shall see the o&t%ome. )ll things do end! and $hile = do not $el%ome $ar = $ill en;oy the final str&ggle. =f yo& do %reate a BronAe %ontinent = $ish yo&r %ommon people $ell! and yo&r leaders and fighters great destr&%tion. Co&r system $ill be (astly inferior to the best that )meri%a and E&rope ha(e done and beenJ = $ill la&gh no$ as = may $ell be dead then. Blah! blah blah. = don<t really gi(e a f&%k. = $ill defend my freedom! my people! and my land. The noble sa(age $as in harmony $ith nat&re. 'e b&rned it! and killed and ate it! b&t he prayed $hen he did this and it sa%rifi%ed itself for him. =t did kill him $ith diseases. B&t e(erything is FM be%a&se! as it t&rns o&t! e(erything is nat&ral. The thing = ha(e tro&ble &nderstanding is the per(asi(e fighting o(er territory! li(esto%k! $omen or ;&st plain sa%rifi%es and sla(es and O%o&p %o&nting.O =t seems that in many %ases nat&ral harmony re8&ires kno$ing yo&r tribe as the h&mans and e(erybody else as enemy. The /e+i%an nati(e history lies rather so&th of here! so yo& %an imagine ho$ h&man they tho&ght the northern tribes $ere. The a(erage $hite $as more %i(iliAed than the a(erage =ndian! b&t the treatment the $hite polity as a $hole deli(ered to the nati(e pop&lation $as e+tremely br&tal. There is no 8&estion of that. =f yo& $ant my people dead or gone! = $ant yo& dead! imprisoned or gone. ?ords no longer mean anything $hen reason is re;e%ted $ith %ontempt and for%e is in play. Blood and iron! f&%kers. = $ill go any$here = please in my %o&ntry. >et o&t of my fa%e! and that in%l&des yo& %op. = $ill yank yo&r %&te little m&sta%he off. :a! ;a! ;a! ;a. >o on abo&t yo&r %omm&nist! so%ialist! %orporatist! anar%hist! ra%ial or 6la$7 and order &topias. The $hole premise of limited go(ernment is to allo$ for ma+im&m freedom be%a&se it limits %onfli%t and allo$s for personal interests! inno(ation and h&man dignity. ?hen that is not eno&gh! and yo& m&st (iolate the %onstit&tion? This is )meri%a! ;oy boy. ?hen yo& break the highest la$ in the landJ $hat does that make yo&? Head! perhaps? 9ah. This is Fran%e! b&t = am thinking = may be ins&lting the Fren%h $ith the %omparison. )n am&sing aspe%t of so%ialism is the $ay it engenders %allo&sed and selfish indi(id&alism in many people. 4in%e a f&lly de(eloped system lea(es most indi(id&als po$erless to effe%t the system in a meaningf&l $ay! and lea(es them little %ontrol of their o$n li(es! most of them spend $ork free time not de(oted to planned re%reation a%ti(ities! mandated (ol&nteer $ork or indo%trination sessions o&t drinking! ha(ing se+ Dand abortionsE! and %ompeting for bla%k market goods. They are (ery self absorbed and not likely to help anyone else or gi(e &p any partying time. This attit&de! along $ith the generally poor res&lts of so%ial and so%ialist planning %a&ses %omplaints. To $it! there is too m&%h indi(id&alism and the sol&tion is more go(ernment. 'ah. Hon<t fall for this. =nstead ;oin the %&t-throat str&ggle to rea%h a position of a&thority Dgreater ser(it&de to the peopleE and yo& may be allo$ed a %ar $hen others m&st &se p&bli% transportation. Co& may e(en be able to take o(er a part of the bla%k market and dispose of yo&r enemies. Free at last3

=<m ;&st yankin< yer %hain. The tr&e p&rposes of go(ernment are three. Employ as many do goobers &h gooders! %onfiden%e men! b&sy bodies! nai(e $ell-meaners! nosy parkers! nat&ral ;oiners! %ontrol freaks! bro$n nosers! do%trine fanati%s! %harity %ases! organiAed psy%hopaths! gold bri%kers! and th&ggish enfor%ers as possible. 1o%k &p and indo%trinate as many %hildren! tro&ble makers and mental %ases as possible. F&nd all this by %harging people a fee for the doing of e(erything they are allo$ed to do Dand a fine for e(erything they are notE. B&t sometimes they ;&st like to totally f&%k e(erything &p so they %an b&y &p the real property for pennies on the dollar. Ha! To(ari%h. *ra(da. There is going to be m&rder! rape! tort&re! imprisonmentJ there $ill be star(ation and disease! riot and e%onomi% %ollapse. There $ill be $ar! and some le(el of %ombat in the #4. ?e $ill not take part in the riots! rapes! tort&re and m&rders! b&t so%ietal breakdo$ns %ame $ith in%reases in the things = listed! and $e $ill be blamed for them. =t $ill ne(er be any fa&lt of yo&rs! f&%king liars and thie(es of rights! it is al$ays the fa&lt of any $ho resist. The last days of the 5oman empire! yo& all think like indolent! arrogant! de%adent 4enators. Co& are going to dro$n in yo&r o$n blood. F&%k yo&. /y honor is not my loyalty. 'onor has many parts! and loyalty is one part! as are blood and soil. Co&rage! ;&sti%e! mer%y and honesty are among them. Iindi%ti(eness! %o$ardi%e and %red&lity! and ina%tion are not. Ho not say 6honor! d&ty! %o&ntry7 be%a&se it seems to imply d&ties and patriotism o&tside and abo(e! or on an e8&al le(el $ith! honor. *atriotism! b&t not ;ingoism! is a part of honor. 5ightf&l d&ties are also. 4ay 6honor.7 *atriotism taken to the point of thinking the %o&ntry and the go(ernment is yo&r daddy is foolishness. *assions o&ght ne(er to o(erride tr&ths. Ho not be the kind of person people la&gh at. ?hen yo& sho$ &p people sho&ld not say! 6Fh hell! one of those idiots. Call the poli%e. They %an be dangero&s.7 They sho&ld say! 6=t<s one of those. They $on<t do yo& any harm if yo& lea(e them be. 9o3 Hon<t %all the poli%e! those g&ys are dangero&s.7 Co& are $hat yo& are! not $hat yo& a%t like or say yo& are. 4ometimes yo& %an make yo&rself into a thing. *ost&ring $ill not do it. 5emember $ho yo& are. =f = had my $ay a b&n%h of like-minded people $o&ld appear on the streets ne+t ,th of :&ly. They $o&ld $ear pistols and armor! and $o&ld %arry sl&ng rifles. ) bl&e diamond pat%h on e(ery slee(e. They $o&ld go abo&t their daily ro&tine! $o&ld 8&it any employer $ho %omplained! and $o&ld sh&n all anti-2nd amendment b&sinesses. =f threatened they $o&ld engage and $o&ld be s&pported by all others $ithin %all. '&h! if = had my $ay people $o&ld beha(e and none of this shit $o&ld be needed. ?hate(er! #topiaman. Chaos! eh? ?hen all else fails battle e&phoria is eno&gh. 9onsense. 1et &s sa%rifi%e o&r %hildren on the alter of histori%al g&ilt3 1a 5aAa. ?hy! the 1a 5aAa DThe 5a%eE so%ial Odemo%ra%yO might not e(en be so (ery bad! eh? = mean nothing is $orth fighting for D&nless yo& are a OminorityOE and losing is bad3 Choose yo&r sides! s$eethearts. The time for talking is FIE5. Ho yo& think yo& %an keep doing this fore(er? Co& really think yo& %an take o(er $itho&t a fight? Ho yo& kno$ $hat English soldiers are? )nglo-4a+ons? Te&tons? 9ormans? Iikings? >ermans? Ho yo& think yo& %an p&t yo&r finger in o&r fa%es fore(er? DCes yo& do! $hi%h is $hy the talking is o(er.E Ho yo& really &nderstand $hat )meri%an soldiers are? 1atino shills say a sleeping giant is $aking. There is another sleeping giant. =t may be the Osilent ma;orityO of )meri%ansJ or it may be only a minority no$! b&t it is still a giant. Ho not $ake &s &p! yo& moroni% fools3 Fr! do. There is pleas&re in $ading into the goblin hordes. DFh /other /ary sa(e &s! that is is deh&maniAing lang&age3E Meep &p the press&re! keep p&shing. 4ome of &s $ill fight for this %o&ntry. 4ome of &s $ill fight for )meri%a. Ho yo& kno$ ho$ )meri%ans fight? Ho yo& kno$ any history at all? )meri%ans! &s&ally! don<t blo$ &p the non%ombatantsJ shoot the $o&nded! or tort&re the %apti(es. DThere ha(e been! and %&rrently are! sad e+%eptions.E )meri%ans do fight hard! they fight smart Dor dirtyE! and they ha(e no mer%y in battle. ?ar is not a game! altho&gh some of &s en;oy it. =f yo& are one $ho thinks $hite men sho&ld all be killed and the $omen ensla(ed yo& better

keep it in yo&r head as an idea! not something yo& plan and prepare for. Conspira%y to %ommit geno%ide. Co& $ill end &p either dead in %ombat or tried and hanged for the %riminal yo& are. =f anybody $ill take &p arms for tyranny they better kill &s first! be%a&se they $ill be killed &nless they are able to s&rrender (ery 8&i%kly. /e+i%an radi%als and mobs %an do no more than riot and engage in lo$ le(el terrorism and g&errilla $arfare. Co& ha(e an ad(antage against these g&ys if yo& are a (eteran. Co& are a better shot and better in a firefight. Co& also ha(e a $eakness. Co& may be better in hand to hand b&t $hen they s&ddenly atta%k yo& at %lose range! in n&mbers and $ith knife or pistol! yo& are dead &nless yo& ha(e a%8&ired skill $ith the handg&n and baton and a hair trigger. Be s&rprised or slo$ to rea%t and die. >&errilla $arfare $ill be fairly easy for them in the so&th$est of the %o&ntry and (ery diffi%&lt in the north. E+plosi(e de(i%es are al$ays a possibility. >lobal and federal for%es %an &se this t&rmoil to their ad(antageJ and are a serio&s threat. >et yo&r hands off of me! f&%kers. =f yo& to&%h my $eapons yo& die. 1ast time = heard E&ropeans $ere abo&t eight per%ent of the pop&lation of the $orld D or is it "2L! the trend is do$n either $ayE. ?e are o&tn&mbered3 "2 to"! to "! or getting %loser to ". to "? Ca&%asians are a minority ra%e. 4%ary. That ne(er kept &s from r&ling most of the planet in the past. =t may in f&t&re! so be it. )h! b&t this time the $estern nations do not ha(e most of the $ealth and po$er. This time $hites are among the %onf&sed and relati(ely &nprod&%ti(e. ?e $ill not li(e in dishonor. Heath before dishonor! kill or be killed! 4emper Fidelis. 'e %an $ho thinks he %an. DThat last is a lie! b&t it so&nds good.E )gain! $e do belie(e in g&n %ontrolJ kill the enemy and take his g&ns. Co& $ithdra$ in order to dra$ the enemy in. Co& $ithdra$ be%a&se yo& are losing a battle! and yo& %an better fight at another pla%e and time. Co& r&n! r&n a$ay to es%ape a battle $hen the enemy has yo&r n&mber and yo& $ant to li(e to fight another day. ?hen yo& gi(e &p on the entire $ar it sho&ld be be%a&se yo& sho&ld not ha(e been fighting it in the first pla%e! or be%a&se an honorable pea%e is offered and the f&t&re is something yo& %an li(e $ith. Ho not think = s&ggest $e sho&ld gi(e &p the immigration battle. = am not saying! either! that $e sho&ld gi(e &p the $ar for the f&t&re of o&r %o&ntry. )bsol&tely not3 ?e are not going to $in this battle. ?e are not going to $in the $ar. The $ay to end ra%ism is to flood 6$hite7 %o&ntries $ith immigrants $hile restri%ting $hite emigration to pla%es they do not belong. The $ay to prote%t religio&s freedom is to %ontrol religio&s beha(ior and offensi(e spee%h! and the $ay to end religio&s %onfli%t is to stamp o&t any dissenters from the spirit&al ideal. The other side is smarter than $e are. They are organiAed. They ha(e the ma%hinery of finan%eJ b&siness! media and go(ernment. They %ontrol these things in many lo%alities! nearly all states Dperhaps allE! and at the federal and international le(els. They are the oligar%hsJ globalists. Things are %oming to a head. /any of those things $ere planned! or planned for! as $ell as h&man ability allo$s. Follo$ers of global po$er b&ilding or the one $orld dream ha(e fo%&sed on their goals for h&ndreds of years. =t is an instit&tionaliAed endea(or! and instit&tions %an last a long time. Hoes it s&rprise yo& that 'ar(ard still e+ists? There are families that ha(e reg&larly s&pplied agents to this ideology for more than a %ent&ry. ?ho is this rea%tionary old man? 'e sho&ld get in(ol(ed! $ork $ithin the system. B&%k &p! old man! don<t be s&%h a radi%al3 The old man is a nobody. There is nothing inherently $rong $ith that! $e %an not all be important and famo&s. 4ome of &s $o&ld not $ant to be famo&s if $e %o&ld. 'e $ants to ;oin any effe%ti(e mo(ement. The old man does not think there are any. FrganiAe the people then! old man3 'e has no people skills! friends. There is no system in $hi%h to $ork. The 4o(iet #nion &sed to hold ele%tions. The party %hose se(eral %andidates for the (ario&s positions and %ommitteesJ the people (oted for the Olesser of t$o e(ils.O ?e ha(e a t$o party system here. They are linked at the top! and they both offer &s se(eral party

%hosen %andidates for ea%h position. There is not a dime<s $orth of differen%e bet$een them? Ces! there isJ ;&st abo&t a dime<s $orth. The (oters still ha(e some infl&en%e. *ress&re is still effe%ti(e at times. ?e ha(e a dra$! %&rrently! in %ongress $ith regard to the immigration bill. Feeling the press&re from both sides! o&r fearless leaders got s%ared and ran home to think it o(er. Hid yo& see the 6immigration rights7 protests of 200V? The other side did an e+%ellent ;ob p&tting those demonstrations together. /ass demonstrations in perhaps "00 pla%es! almost entirely pea%ef&l. The /e+i%an flag flap $as a mistake! 8&i%kly fi+ed and mostly %o(ered &p by the media. Tightly %ontrolled! flags and t-shirts laid on! f&nded by manyJ in%l&ding the likes of the Ford Fo&ndation. ?e sho&ld telephone 1a 5aAa $ith o&r %ongrat&lations3 Those $ho sa$ the CB4 ne$s kno$ $hat = mean $hen = say: a masterpie%e of propaganda3 They said )meri%ans $ant a g&est $orker program! forgot to add that they $ant troops on o&r border. DTime /agaAine poll.E = greatly admire the /in&temen! tho&gh there seems to be some %orr&ption there. They are probably already s&b(erted. They stood &p! and are taking some real heat on the front lines! b&t they are not going $in this one for &s. They bro&ght it to a head! a good thingJ b&t that is all. There are al$ays going to be %riminals in any gro&p. The tri%k is to maintain yo&r o$n ideals e(en $hen s%&m asso%iate themsel(es $ith yo&! and to ref&se to tolerate %orr&ption. =f %rime is e+%&sed or ignored the gro&p as a $hole be%omes %orr&pt. =f this happens it is time to get o&t of that gro&p! and to oppose it. 9ot al$ays its de%lared goals! if they are ;&st ones! b&t the %orr&ption of that gro&p. Things ha(e %hanged (ery greatly! b&t things are still not that bad. ?hile the #4 is perhaps as %orr&pt as it has e(er been this is still a good pla%e to li(e. Ces. B&t. There are trends! people. /aybe o&r ne+t ele%tion $ill prod&%e a gro&p of de%ent and sensible p&bli% ser(ants! not someone like 'ilary 5odham in an anti-B&sh ba%klash? = think not. =t %o&ld get a little better. Ces. Those trends! friends! mo(e t$o steps for$ard to$ard a poli%e state and globalism for e(ery step ba%k. ?e $ill get an amnesty program by another name. They $ant to legaliAe all &nder an a&tomati% pro(isional residen%y %ard program. DThis mad old man is not a resident! he is a CitiAen3E *ast ta+es forgi(en. Criminal ba%kgro&nds no %on%ern. Co& %an not tr&st %ongress. =f they pass a pea%e bill! e+pe%t a $arJ a pri(a%y bill! e+pe%t a ne$ database on yo&. ?e $ill get border %ontrols. They $ill be mostly &nenfor%ed. *erhaps e(en a $all! $alls are &seless &nless there is someone o(er$at%hing them. )meri%ans ha(e politi%al parties! %o$orkers! immediate family and a fe$ friends. They are s%attered in gro&ps of ones! fo&rs and tens. The media tells them they are the only ones $ho think as they do. =f the ma;ority they still think themsel(es in the minority. ?e ha(e no organiAation. The %rime rate not$ithstanding! $e are too la$ abiding. =magine a tyranny $hi%h made it legal to disobey its la$s3 =ndi(id&alism does not mean yo& allo$ robbery! that yo& let indi(id&als sell arms to a nation yo& are in a de%lared $ar $ith! or that yo& let an indi(id&al set immigration poli%y by importing his o$n foreign g&est $orkers. =t does not mean indi(id&als do not ha(e family! friends! and (ol&ntary %ooperation among themsel(es. ?hen an indi(id&al or gro&p dire%tly interferes in %onstit&tional a%ti(ities indi(id&al a&tonomy ends. 'o$ %an this s&pposedly s&pport a need for so%ialism on the one side! or ;&stify anar%hy on the other? 9at&rally $e m&st re%ogniAe The 9aAi in the %onser(ati(e! %onstit&tionalist! %onser(ati(e libertarian and %lassi%al liberal! yes! altho&gh $e are hard pressed to pro(ide good e(iden%e of ;&st $hat in )meri%an tradition the national so%ialists are trying to %onser(e. ) national Dor international for that matterE di%tatorship is more re%ent than traditional in this %o&ntry. =ndi(id&alism is s&perior to %olle%ti(ism! b&t to my kno$ledge no go(ernment or so%iety has e(er been able to resist an organiAed assa&lt of gro&p so%ial and finan%ial press&re! %orr&ption and legal and politi%al manip&lation! and threats and appli%ations of for%e &nless that so%iety %an respond $ith immediate and effe%ti(e %o&nter for%e. This is not! or need not be! a ret&rn to barbarism. Cooperate $ith one another or hang separately. There shall be no %r&elty! no robbery and no polygamy. 9o sla(ery! damn yo& all to hell3 There

shall be no narro$ intoleran%e. There shall be no meeknessJ there shall be family and %omm&nity@yo& $ill kno$ $ho yo&r friends are! and $ho yo&r enemies are! and yo& $ill ha(e %o&rage in the fa%e of the enemy or yo& $ill be destroyed. Br&tal! yes. This is the art of $ar: a(oid &nneeded $ars! and destroy the enemy $here he is most easily destroyed. 9obody $itho&t prin%iple! no man &nable to lo(e and to bond $ith one $orthy $omanJ no man $ho %annot make and keep good friends! ed&%ate his %hildren and re%ogniAe his people is any thing other than a %ripple. )meri%ans ha(e lost their $omen. ?e ha(e not treated them $ell! better than DprobablyE any$here else! b&t not (ery $ell. ?e ha(e lost o&r %hildren. ?e ha(e t&rned them o(er to the enemy. F&r $omen do not kno$ $ho they are. They think )Aad is their brother and ?& their h&sband. They think the $orld is their family and th&s ha(e no tr&e family at all. ?omen! $eep for yo&r %o&ntry. ?eep for yo&r people. DCry little sister. 1ost Boys is it? /ore like lost )meri%ans.E 'o$ %an any of yo& %onsider yo&rself de%ent men and say yo& $ill not kill and die to prote%t o&r mothers and $i(es! o&r sisters and da&ghters? Co& $ill not see one another. Co& $ill not help ea%h other! nor $ill yo& risk taking a b&llet for those less able or &nable to defend themsel(es. Co& say yo& don<t belie(e in (iolen%e! or that yo& are opposed to ra%ism or against nationalism. ?ell! (iolen%e belie(es in yo&! e&n&%h. Fn the other hand! a man needs a feminist D$ho tend to be se+ist! ra%ist! neopagan! and so%ialistE like a man needs a th&mbta%k in the b&tt. =t is time to p&ll ba%k and defend yo&r o$n people. )tlas shr&gged! baby. )re yo& planning to take part $hen the re(ol&tion %omes? =t already took pla%e! in the <.0s! and is already o(er. ?hat happens $hen yo& ha(e a re(ol&tion and nobody %omes? There are (ery! (ery many angry people. This is a reso&r%e for demagog&es. =t $ill be reso&r%ed by s$ine! and re%all that $e are all 6h&man reso&r%es!7 rather than by a ne$ )meri%an re(ol&tion. 9e(er be afraid to fight! b&t ne(er allo$ yo&r emotions to manip&late yo& into the hands of the &sers. Ed&%ation is for the benefit of the st&dent. =t is not for ad(antage to so%iety! go(ernment or %orporation. 5emember %hildren that arg&ing and %omplaining are of (al&e only if yo& find them re%reational. 4o do not bother to arg&e $ith me. B&t no! say the %olle%ti(ists D%orporate! national! and internationalE! yo& m&st be 6gi(en7 only $hat yo& earn by yo&r politi%al %orre%tness. =f yo& are &nable to s&%%eed it is yo&r o$n fa&lt. Co& failed to meet the demands of the en(ironment e(en if part of that en(ironment is the likes of &s p&shing yo& off yo&r path and taking yo&r gains. =t is tr&e that people! that person &nder those %onditions! are al$ays all they %an be at that time. They fail to realiAe $e are part of their en(ironment too and they deser(e to fail if $e sho(e them of the path instead. :smile: Then again! they kno$. They do $ant &s dead! or in prison! or in an asyl&m. Ho not let them %ontrol o&r instit&tions and la$s to the point $here they &se &s against o&rsel(es. Fh! yeah. They already do3 =f there $ere to be (iolen%e in the 4o&th$est! or $ar $ith /e+i%o! the go(ernment $o&ld &se the emergen%y as an e+%&se to e+pand its po$ers. ?e $o&ld try to defle%t the e+%&ses! b&t that has not $orked in the past! $o&ld it $ork in the f&t&re? H&ring the 4e%ond ?orld ?ar many &n%onstit&tional things $ere done $ith not a peep from the %o&rts. )fter$ard the %o&rts ;&mped in and remo(ed many of them! b&t by no means all. T$o steps for$ard and one step ba%k. The army $ants to re%r&it illegals! poli%e for%es also. /e+i%ans are great s&pporters of %onstit&tional and limited go(ernment! yes? Crisis $hether nat&ral or man&fa%t&red is the instr&ment and e+%&se for all parties $hether so%ialist or national so%ialist! this in%l&des both nanny staters and the %orporate partners. =s all this martial la$ planning %oin%iden%e? Ces! Iirginia! there is no 4anta. 9o Iirginia! there is s&%h a thing as %oin%iden%e. Co& %an go to the minimart at the same time as 1oser the sti%k&p man $ith no dire%t %a&sal relationship $hatsoe(er. ?hen! ho$e(er! they are (ery %on(enient for somebody! or threatening! in(estigate. 4&%h %oin%iden%e is often not.

Come to think of it! open the borders %ompletely. ?hen thoro&ghly s&rro&nded by hostile people and s&b;e%ted to atta%k then there $ill be a fight. ?hat a day that $ill be3 Hear me! = am a bleeding heart. )hem. *romoting (iolen%e. = $ill be s&b;e%ting the $omen and %hildren to danger3 Boys and girls! yo& keep the dependents o&t of danger as m&%h as yo& %an. =f yo& try to prote%t them too m&%h yo& are a good and h&mble fello$! are ensla(ed! and yo&r family is left totally &nprote%ted after all. = forgot. Fearf&l people do harm to others and the others m&st respond $ith an a%t of good so the %y%le of (iolen%e $ill be ended. 4trangers are not $rong! they ;&st ha(e other tr&ths. This $ith the e+%eption of right $ingers! ra%ists and other bigots! and 9aAis Dand 5ep&bli%ansE. They need to be reed&%ated! or 4?)T teamed sometimes. 4end in the $orld b&t no ?estern E&ropeans please. ?e $ill be the better for it! and $ill learn so m&%h3 = $ant pea%e and g&n %ontrol. 9e(er mind my Che >&e(ara poster and )M, held high flag. = do not $ant a national =H %ard. DThe 65eal =H7 is a national =H.E = do not $ant a border fen%e. = $ant strong b&t %onstit&tional enfor%ement. ) road .0 miles north of the border is not the border! border patrol. The %onstit&tion does not apply here! that so? Co& ha(e the right to remain silent. )nything yo& say $ill be &sed against yo&! and attit&de is against the la$. )ns$er all my 8&estions or = $ill p&ll yo& from yo&r (ehi%le and detain yo& &ntil yo& de%ide to %ooperate $ith yo&r ab&ser! and any$ay! ref&sing to $ai(e yo&r rights is gro&nds for s&spi%ion. '&nt do$n illegals yo& poli%e and immigration enfor%ement types. Ho not (iolate o&r rights to do it. B&t that makes o&r ;ob so hard3 Babies. ?hen yo& %ome a%ross an illegal send him home. Ho not %at%h and release. ?hen yo& %at%h an employer breaking the la$ %harge him $ith a %rime! instead of fining his %orporation. There are too many fines. They be%ome a %ost of doing b&siness be%a&se go(ernment likes money and not ;&sti%e. ?hen go(ernment fines 6itself7 Dthe ta+payerE it is ;&st too f&nny. *&t military training gro&nds along the border and let re%r&its pra%ti%e digging in and rifle marksmanship there. = did see me some border patrol. ?ith the a%%ents and $hatnot = tho&ght it $as the /e+i%an border patrol! b&t = g&ess not. )t least it is! still! /e+i%an-)meri%an at least. 5ight? 9e(er kneel to tyranny! )meri%ans. 9e(er bo$ do$n. The la$s and reg&lations are like the Bible! they ha(e absol&tely nothing to do $ith The Constit&tion! and anybody $ith the po$er to get a$ay $ith it %an %herry pi%k prophets and (erses to ;&stify $hate(er he $ants. 4till! as = said! things are not that bad yet. The pessimisti% old man %an not see the f&t&re3 )h! b&t he %an see the trends. 'e sees a %entral go(ernment and regional distri%ts. 'e does not see a federal go(ernment. 'e sees go(ernment s%hools! go(ernment land! and a&thorities. 'e does not see p&bli% s%hools! p&bli% lands! p&bli% ser(ants D$e need no bleeding ser(ants! b&t they do $ork for &s and not the re(erseE or pea%e offi%ers. 'e sees gi(e &p yo&r rights to sa(e the planet. 'e does not see gi(e &p the planet to sa(e o&r rights. 'ah. Mill the enemy! red&%e the pop&lation. D?estern %o&ntries already ha(e de%lining pop&lations! sa(e for immigrants. Co& sho&ld ha(e t$o %hildren if at least one is a boy! other$ise ha(e three. ?e do not need to be o&t of balan%e like China $here there are far too fe$ $omen! nor like 5&ssia $ith its rapidly shrinking pop&lation.E =f "-K of yo&r pop&lation is middle aged then at least "-K better be yo&ng. ?hy? ?hen yo& retire yo&r money! gold! or in(estment property is not going to feed yo& if there are no $orkers from $hi%h to b&y. Co& better store e(erything yo& are going to need ahead of time! eh? /e+i%an immigration $ill sa(e yo&? Hamn! brother! they are a drain not a so&r%e of s&rpl&s. 'alf pay no ta+es! and they &se so%ial ser(i%es at a higher rate. )ny$ay! $hat makes yo& think they $ant to pay for yo&r old age? Fight ba%k! fight ba%k! and the third time fight ba%k3 Congress is not s&pposed to lead &s Dyo& 4enators are %ongressmen too! st&%k &p bastards! as the %ongress has t$o ho&ses and yo& are in oneE. The %o&rts are not s&pposed to lead &s. 4ti%k to yo&r proper ;obs! &pstarts3 /r. *resident. Fool? Fh! $e need strong leadership3 Co& are not to lead the people! y<all tinpot royalty. Co& are an ele%ted representati(e $hose ;ob %onsists of administering the

people<s e+e%&ti(e bran%h of federal and %onstit&tional go(ernment. ?hat people? The )meri%an people! oh nationalisti% one. DThe *res: First among e8&als! other$ise kno$n as some animals are more e8&al than others.E D?hen s%hools! p&blishers and libraries begin to ban or %ensor books like ".G, yo& $ill kno$ that o&r o$n go(ernment is so bad it no longer $ants to see any %omparisons.E )nd no$ $e ha(e three ho&ses of %ongress! $ith t$o of the three a%ting as se%ond and third presidents $ith regard to fis%al legislation...(eto po$er only. 4&i%ide of legislati(e po$er by gi(ing it all a$ay to o&r dear leader and to the ne$ politb&ro? ?ell! they keep their benefits. 4ello&ts. They $ill str&t &ntil the ship has a%t&ally s&nk a$ay beneath them! and $o&ld not lea(e &nless p&shed o&t at s$ord point. E(ery$here and al$ays the $eak ha(e obeyed the strong or taken the %onse8&en%es. )l$ays. 4ome strong men are fairly h&mane! most are not. )ll are tyrants sa(e those fe$ $ho only gi(e orders to %riminals! and = mean %riminals not r&le and reg&lation breakers. =f yo&r master %an<t remain more po$erf&l than yo& by in%reasing his abilities! he $ill do it by $eakening yo&r o$n. There are more good men among the $eak than the strong! sadly mostly be%a&se there are so many more $eak than strong! b&t it is not tr&e that it is better to r&le in hell than to ser(e in hea(en. =t is better to be free in hell than to ser(e in hea(en! and better yet to be free in hea(en! oh disaffe%ted one. Be as strong as yo& %an be! and ally yo&rself $ith good men. 9othing better than this e+ists. 4t&dy $ar no more? Co& %an<t prepare for pea%e if yo& prepare for $ar3 *ea%e! pea%e! and there $as no pea%e. =f yo& $ant pea%e prepare for $ar! and yo& %an not a(oid them all. 4t&dy $ar! )meri%ans. Co$boys do not %&t o&t some bee(es by %harging the herd! brothersJ they separate o&t and isolate a n&mber they %an easily handle. They don<t trade head b&tts $ith the b&lls! either. )re yo& smarter than the bo(ine mind? ?ho are the $orst %riminals in the $orld? ?ho the $orst in the #4? Those $ho $illf&lly (iolate the highest la$ are the greatest %riminals. The highest la$ of the land is the Bill of 5ights. ?hat do yo& do $ith ma;or felony s&spe%ts? ?hat if they resist arrest $ith armed for%e? )ny $itting and a%ti(e parti%ipant in the taking of rights is a %riminal! any of them taking &p arms against &s is the enemy. Ho any of yo& really kno$ $hat the &nderlying s%ien%e behind the latest en(ironmental fad is? Hoes solar o&tp&t or planetary tilt and orbital (ariation ha(e a ma;or effe%t on %limate or is a&tomobile poll&tion the tipping point fa%tor leading &s to hell? 4%ientifi% spe%&lation and mathemati%al modeling. =t don<t matter none! ;&st tr&st the #nited 9ations. They ha(e al$ays been right in the past. ?hat is behind the ne$est pea%ef&l transition to &topia fad? ?ho %ares? Follo$ the leader! mi%e. ?ell! $e do kno$ man-made global $arming is garbage. There has ne(er been solid e(iden%e for it! and no$ the global a(erage temperat&re is do$n. 5ising seas? The sea le(el is do$n! slightly! as $ell. ?e sho&ld ha(e star(ed by no$. =%e age! silent spring! pop&lation disaster! dead polar bears! oAone layer! $arming! and 6%limate %hange.7 'o$e(er! $e ha(e of late been ha(ing more disasters than &s&al. 4ome emergent diseases! bad $eather! earth8&akes! spills@is this nat&ral! or has the de%ades of resear%h finally beg&n to pay off? Hon<t kno$. Hisaster is good b&siness tho&gh. 5ight? 9e(er let a good disaster go to $aste. = al$ays do say $e ne(er sho&ld ha(e &sed antibioti%s and no$ disease organisms are be%oming imm&ne and it is not as if they $o&ld ha(e been imm&ne to no &se of antibioti%s. 4ame thing $ith p&mping oil from beneath the earth! $hen yo& p&mp yo& %an r&n o&t e(ent&ally! so $e sho&ld ha(e left it do$n there. ?e are ne(er tr&ly o&t of reso&r%es &ntil $e ha(e r&n o&t of ideas. FE/) %amps! brothers! %ontin&ity of go(ernment poli%y by presidential order rather than %onstit&tional s&%%ession. The diehards $ill fight. They $ill lose. /ost 6%onstit&tionalists7 are phonies. Constit&tionalists are o(er$helmingly! (ery (astly o&tn&mbered. F&r ne+t form of go(ernment $ill not be the %onstit&tional rep&bli%. )re yo& an old dog $ho ref&ses to learn ne$ tri%ks? #nless yo& die of old age first! it depends on the timing! they are going to kill yo&. Meep yo&r heads &p and yo&r asses %o(ered. =f

yo& don<t fit in they $ill %ome for yo&. Co& may simply not look like a $orm %ra$ling on its belly. *erhaps yo& $ill ref&se to be a rat bastard. =nfantrymen li(e in the dirt! in the %ra%ks and %re(i%es! b&t not me$ling and eyes sh&t. ?hen yo& die let it be be%a&se they ha(e %ome in and ha(e p&t their heads into yo&r noose in order to do it. Take some of them $ith yo&. =t is a p&bli% ser(i%e! a last a%t of good $ill to$ards men. Blo%k! disr&pt! %onf&se! ;am! %hannel! trap! blo$ &p! shoot do$n! b&rn! %hoke! poison! and tear limb from limb. ?e old timers $ill die rather than be dominated. Hon<t be too pleased by this! $e $ill ride many of yo&r s%reaming so&ls do$n into hell. Fig&re of spee%h! s$eety. =f yo& do meet a hostile spirit snat%h it &p and ring it o&t like a $et dish %loth. :&st attit&de! friend3 The )meri%an patriot $ill! in general and $hen the %risis is &pon him! fight only if he thinks s&rrender $ill end in death. This is be%a&se resistan%e is likely to be fatal to him. )gain! there $ill be some %ombat for a n&mber of reasons. T$o of these are s&dden and (iolent assa&lts by th&gs! and the fa%t that %onta%t bet$een hostile gro&ps al$ays makes for error and often hasty shooting by one side or the other. Co& still here? >l&tton for p&nishment? E(ery good )meri%an has a %lean .K0-0V and a saber o(er the mantle. 9e(er sell yo&r land! yo&r $eapon or yo&r armor. D9or yo&r $ife! %hildren or dog. 'eh.E 9e(er sell o&t. =nformation! allies! sil(er! gold! $eapons! amm&nition! medi%al s&pplies! stored food and $ater or man&al p&mp and filters! %igarettes and al%ohol. F&nny ho$ $e are al$ays being $arned not to annoy others for fear of triggering a (iolent o&tbreak. ?e $arn yo& no$: p&sh &s too far and be g&ilty of sparking a (iolent ba%klash. 9ot to brag! b&bi! b&t on%e $e get started $e ha(e bigger and more s&stained o&tbreaks than most. 'ell! the only thing $hite trash $ill %ome together for is a good fight. 'ehehe3 Fkay! no$ that n&t ;ob old man is really going too far3 Can yo& see the old man<s %orpse being dragged o&t of his Obarri%adedO home? Hid the old man fail to obey the ne$ g&n ban? Hid he fail to s&rrender 8&i%kly eno&gh $hen they b&rst into his ho&se? 'e sho&ld not ha(e resisted. Foolish old man3 6?e7 %o&ld end this nonsense by dri(ing the s%&m o&t of go(ernment. There might still be time if the )meri%an people stood &p and p&t de%ent people into offi%eJ ref&sed to a%%ept %orr&pt ele%tions and %orr&pt politi%ians. There ne(er seems to be a 6$e.7 = do not e+pe%t it to happen. /ost )meri%ans are %o$ards. ?e are a nation of %o$ards. 4ometimes it seems all the bra(e among are are either re%r&ited by the globalists or into lo%al street gangs. =f yo& are an aggressi(e type e+pe%t to be di(erted! e+pe%t to be separated from the %ommon )meri%an. Co& $ill be a %riminal enfor%ing orders at home or abroad! or shearing the sheep in some other $ay. Co& %an also be of &se feeding the %orre%tions ind&stry. Ho not forget to al$ays blame the (i%tim for getting himself into tro&ble3 Fnly those $ho feel they ha(e nothing left to lose resist. They b&rn in the pyres of Frder. Their brothers pass by! eyes a(erted! and hiss 8&ietly to themsel(es like frightened sa(ages a(oiding taboo. 4ome people ;&st %an<t be sensible. They %an<t li(e $ith it. 9o matter ho$ hard they try! $hen they see the &tterly (ile thing they are enraged. They r&n o&t and fight. They die. Ea%h one of them is $orth "00 of yo&3 4till! altho&gh )meri%ans ha(e ;oined the ranks of the B&e Hogs and ?hite /i%e! ??== $as a ma;or $atershed! they $ill fight $hen operating &nder a&thority and in large organiAations. =t is likely that the yo&ng men $ho (ol&nteer for %ombat ;obs today are more ready to kill and more lethal than e(er before. )n =sraeli named H'4 de(il is going to get me! lions and tigers... This may be a bad one! people. ?orse than the se%ond $orld $ar! &nless $e ;&st let them take &s a$ay. Then it may be $orse than China. ?hile $hate(er happens internally goes on! o&tside enemies $ill try to take f&ll ad(antage. 4t&pid bastards to let it %ome to this.

=t is a serio&s mistake to &se (iolen%e $hen it is not needed. =t is an e8&ally serio&s mistake to not &se it $hen it is needed. )s the man says! yo& kno$ $ho yo& are! (iolen%e only $orks $hen yo& &se it. The golden r&le. Iiolen%e is golden. Hid yo& e(er get tired? :&st kill them all! ho$e(er and $hene(er yo& %an get a$ay $ith it. 1et their o$n a%tions mark them. ?hen yo& %an<t kill then in;&re! or harm or %ost or annoy. 4teal their mail! %an%el their &tilities or po&r paint remo(er on their %ars. =ns&lt them on the street. 9ah! the mad old man is ;&st gr&mpy. Co& %&rm&dgeon! yo&. The elites &se %risis to ;&stify poli%y and make gains. H&ring the se%ond $orld $ar the intensity of the %onfli%t ;&stified a massi(e draft! rationing and the takeo(er of ind&stry. :&st abo&t e(eryone s&pported this $ith fer(or! and yo& %o&ld get arrested or more %ommonly beat &p by yo&r neighbors if yo& $ere in o&tspoken disagreement. ?hen the elites tr&ly fear s&ffi%ient opposition to &nseat them $hat $ill they do? They ha(e a massi(e se%&rity system in pla%e b&t if too many people fight ba%k this se%&rity s%reen $ill fail. ?ill they &se the military to fight a h&ge %i(il $ar? /aybe. /&%h more probable is an intentional effort to dig the %o&ntry or $orld into s&%h a massi(e %risis that the people $ill feel there to be no other options to &ni(ersal ser(i%e and regimentation. B&t ho$ %an $e lose? ?e o&tn&mber them by a h&ge amo&nt. #h. 9o $e don<t. /ost )meri%ans are so risk ad(erse as to be rather f&nny. ?e are a small minority $ithin a minority. 'o$ many )meri%an men are of fighting age? ?hat per%entage of them are $illing to take risks! and for $hi%h side? 'o$ many $omen are both able and $illing to help? 4orry! old man! it doesn<t look that good. = kno$ )meri%ans are depressed and fr&strated. They don<t need f&rther losses in morale. They need impro(ement to moraleJ reason to take a%tion. >&ess $hat? Things are $hat they are. *atriot propaganda is abs&rd. 9o$ $e are the ones $ho sho&ld mislead people in order to get s&pport? = %o&ld say $e are all going to hea(en $hen $e die! and that >od is $ith &s. >ott mit &ns. ?e %annot fail if $e tr&st >od. = %o&ld say $e are )meri%ans! and o&tn&mber o&r enemies. Fail&re is impossible3 *erhaps = sho&ld say Constit&tionalists o&ght to ;oin &p $ith all the other gro&ps to fight the tr&e tyrants to an easy defeat! or $itho&t any (iolen%e at all. 'o$e(er! all those things are lies. = am not going to f&%king lie to yo&. Be$are too of patriots $ho $ant to reb&ild the %o&ntry by %onfis%ations follo$ed by ta+f&nded national pro;e%ts! or $ant to atta%k and p&nish anybody $ho e(er $orked a go(ernment ;ob. These folk are more fas%ist than %onstit&tionalist! and the metermaid o&ght to be p&nished only if she %an be fo&nd g&ilty of spe%ifi% %rimes in a %o&rt. ) $orld $ar D&nless $e tr&ly m&st fight for o&r s&r(i(alE or a national draft is a triggering e(ent. ) ro&nd&p of dissidents into the %amps is a triggering e(ent. ) regional or national firearms %onfis%ation is a triggering e(ent. Fpen and &nopposed (iolen%e against a %omm&nity by %riminal gangs or by foreigners is a triggering e(ent. For%ed e(i%tion from the r&ral areas is a triggering e(ent. ) ban on &na&thoriAed tra(el! and a ban on &na&thoriAed p&r%hases are triggering e(ents. 1one $olf? D?ol(es are pa%k animals! lone $ol(es are fe$ to none in nat&re! and the pa%ks fight ea%h other.E ?ant to be part of a mo(ement $herein many may die! b&t if most %ontin&e for ten or t$enty years $ill $in in the end? )ll that is really needed is for yo& and those $ho are like yo& to periodi%ally! b&t not too predi%tably in terms of timing and pla%e! get a single hit any$here on an enemy soldier<s body or to destroy any (al&able enemy ability or material before es%aping. 9o es%ape means no g&errilla %ampaign. 9o a%t&al %ampaign means yo& lose. The #4 army is not good at %o&nterins&rgen%y. DOThe parado+ of %o&nter-g&errilla $arfare is that if yo& in%rease yo&r se%&rity yo& $eaken it.O Fh! ho$ mysterio&s not to mention bloody %&te3 )ll this means is if yo& try to in%rease se%&rity by doing things that piss too many people off yo& $ill fa%e more danger rather than less. Beanie $earers! ye gads3 = meant to do that. Hidn<t h&rt. = %an do it by myself3E ?e do not %are $hat yo& say anymore. ?e are not interested in yo&r sophistry. ?e fe$ $ait for an e(ent %reating an ob(io&s opport&nity to fight. ?hen $e kno$ a happening $ill gal(aniAe

%onstit&tionalists nation $ide $e $ill %ome o&t to play kno$ing the others $ho are like &s $ill be doing the same. This $ill be o&r time. /y rant is almost o(er. Ba%k to sleep &ntil some st&pid bastards %ome for me! tired old dinosa&r that = am. Co& do not like the $ay = p&t these things? Hid = mention 6f&%k yo&7 yet? *ea%e is important. =n order of importan%eJ freedom! ;&sti%e! se%&rity! prosperity and pea%e. = may be $rong abo&t some of this. That $o&ld be nothing ne$. =t $o&ld be ni%e if = $as. ?rong abo&t most of it? 9e(er3 =t is f&n to feel s&perior Ddon<t $allo$ in it3E! b&t $rong to feel so if yo& are ;&st as bad. ?hen yo& %ommit %rimes! as the s%&m do! any feelings of s&periority on yo&r part are a sign of mental aberration. Ho not r&n from the $ol(es. =f too many of yo& are too afraid of dying and r&n from the $ol(es all in yo&r gro&p $ill be s&b;e%ted to the %hase. There are %ir%&mstan%es $here not $anting to die $ill kill yo&. B&t = $arn yo& again. Ho not tr&st anybody too far! and most people not at all. Meep yo&r plans! possessions and a%ti(ities to yo&rself3 4ome of yo&r grand%hildren $o&ld t&rn yo& in! yo&r sister $ill report yo&. Ho yo& tr&st yo&r brother-in-la$? =s yo&r $ife really on board? *&t another $ay! keep yo&r f&%king mo&th sh&t3 Ho not be an ab&ser3 Ho not %ommit %rimes. Ho not impose anything beyond basi% %ontrols on %riminal beha(ior. 9ot reg&lations! ;&ry trials for people s&spe%ted of re%kless or intentional harm to others $ho are neither %riminals being stopped nor the enemy. Criminals $ho are being stopped are stopped by (iolen%e before any trial! b&t not by re%kless or e+%essi(e (iolen%e! and the enemy is simply defeated. The enemy is those $ho impose &pon &s! $ho are o&tside of the %ontrol of the ;&sti%e system Dbe%a&se of %orr&ption or of their s%ale of operationsE and $ho $ill &se for%e if resisted. )meri%ans ha(e lost all moral %o&rage. Mill the enemy? Mill the enemy3 Mill the enemy3 Mill the enemy3... 'ooooaah3 Foooraah3 ?ar hammer. 4$ord and shield. Be hard! yo& s8&ish $hen poked. The time for talk is FIE53 M=11 T'E F#CM=9> E9E/C! )/E5=C)943 D'ey! yo& think this g&y $ants &s to kill the enemy?E 1i(e free or die3 5agnarck is %oming. HE)T' TF T'E 9E? ?F51H F5HE5. 1F9> 1=IE T'E CF94T=T#T=F9)1 5E*#B1=C3 ?hat e(er am = saying here? Co& m&st do $hat is right and $hat is legal. 9e(er kill go(ernment agents on sight3 Mill only %riminals in self defense or $hen there is no me%hanism for redress of grie(an%es. Then and only then! do kill go(ernment enfor%ers on sight3 'ahaha. 'eh. Children! %hildren: b&t forget all this. Co& do not $ant to be a fighter. '&sh. >o ba%k to sleep. Fighters are $annabes. 4ad! really. *eople $ho take a%tion are real only in books! in%l&ding history books! and in mo(iesJ the $orse things get the more heroi% the TI heroes $ill be. 1i(e thro&gh 'olly$ood. Fnly $eak and phony men think they themsel(es are fighters. 4o m&%h for passing o&r %&lt&re on to the ne+t generation. ?hat if o&r %hildren are threatened? Can $e hide or prote%t them? =f one %hild dies in the %rossfire the rebellion is not $orth it. 5e$ard the terrorists. /ake threats pay! sh&t &p %hildren! and gi(e all tro&blemakers o(er for e+e%&tion. )nybody $ho says he $ill &se for%e sho&ld be gi(en $hate(er he $ants. ?e are a people ripe for the pl&%king. ?e are a nation no longer. ?e! in fa%t! are the p&ssy Dsoft softE polyglot in a global territory. )%%ept! do not $hine. The sadly fragmented mind is too disorganiAed to %ontin&e. The fan%if&l end state of anar%hy is a pipe dream! good dr&gs d&de! and its earlier phases a spot painf&l! b&t e(en if the li(ing off the land thing is a hard! short lifeJ = find myself thinking of ;&st $alking the %o&ntryside and stopping $hen = $ill to %amp! h&nt or fish. ?hen disease! maln&trition! the res&lts of &na(oidable e+pos&re or that b&llet the ref&sing to yield to arrest for trespass on p&bli% land got me brings me do$n = %an sit at the base of a tree o(erlooking the (alley and ;&st $at%h &ntil it all fades. = do lo(e a good plan! b&t ho$

many %an yo& ha(e and still %arry them o&t! my friends? 9othing in this book sho&ld be &nderstood to be an atta%k on )&thority. =t is mere entertainment. Freedom of spee%h. 4e%&rity in person and in home. 5ight to be armed. 5ight to defend oneself from e+%essi(e for%e. 5ight to make money $itho&t Fed>o( %ontrols. There is little freedom in the $orld! and most that remains is on yo&r o$n land. 9o: yo& ha(e the right to remain silent! to tra(el to $ork and the stores! and to pay yo&r ta+es. )&thority has the de fa%to right to reg&late b&siness and property &se! and the right to reg&late personal beha(ior in the p&bli% interest. The Bill of 5ights means Fed>o( ne(er sho&ld do anything &nless it thinks it is a reasonable restri%tion in the interest of a go(ernment %on%ernJ so yo& sho&ld ne(er a%t&ally HF anything $ritten is this book. Hon<t be %hildish! be realisti%! be so%ialiAed. Change is good and %o$ards fight %hange. Fighters are egoists! %ontaminated by attit&de as are teens $ith green hair. 4ee a head shrinkerJ they ha(e a $onderf&l tra%k re%ord of s&%%esses. ?e are too old! fat and st&pid to be tr&sted $ith $eapons any$ay. B&it $hining. The a&thorities are yo&r friends. Be respe%tf&l. Meep yo&r papers on yo&r person at all times. Mno$ yo&r pla%e! lo$est of the lo$! $hite )nglo-4a+on male. The a&thorities follo$ the la$. :&st ask them! they $ill tell yo&. Then they $ill ask yo& $hy yo& are asking s&%h an impertinent 8&estion and $ill r&n yo&r =H for priors. Co& ha(e the right to die! the state $ill e(en pay for it D6assisted s&i%ide7 la$s! b&t if yo& did not kill yo&rself it $as not s&i%ideE. Co& are at liberty to do anything the go(ernment says yo& %an do and to do anything they tell yo& to do. Co& ha(e the right to ask for some happy pills. 1earn to be a balan%ed person. Hon<t be negati(e. Co& li(e in a E&ropeanstyle so%ialist demo%rati% state. =t is smart to ha(e national =H %ards! tra(el %ontrols and permissions to $ork. =t is smart to red&%e yo&r o$n freedom. Co& $ant to fight finan%ial %orr&ption and to ha(e sensible immigration %ontrols! don<t yo&? Fight the terrorists. They $ant to take yo&r freedom so embra%e the top-do$n so%ial planners. ?el%ome the %hange agents! %hildren. Things are to&gh? ?o$! ;&st imagine ho$ m&%h $orse things $o&ld be if the neofe&dal oligar%hs $ere not in %harge3 1earn to do e(erything $ith and thro&gh the %entral go(ernment. 1earn to %ompete $ith the other press&re gro&ps for that go(ernment a%%ess and appro(al. >ood boy3 Fne day $hen the pop&lation has been red&%ed yo&! or some of yo&r %hildren! $ill be able to e+perien%e hea(en on earth. Co& $ill be gro&ndskeepers on the great! bea&tif&l and green estates! and $ill ha(e yo&r o$n assigned dear little %ottage or fine airy spa%e in an en(ironmentally friendly barra%ks. 'andi%apped babies $ill be gently helped on in %heerf&lly de%orated rooms and the elderly and mortally ill $ill be allo$ed to pass on! in a %ir%le of friends and holding mementos! $ith the help of painless dr&gs. 4$eet! oh s$eet the pla%id apathy3 9o. =t $on<t really happen. Co&r l&nati% $o&ld-be masters $ill se(erely damage the earth long before that f&rther l&na%y %o&ld e(er happen. =f de%ent )meri%ans of all ethni% ba%kgro&nds %annot $ork together the #4 is dismembered. )re there no %ore )meri%an (al&es more important than ethni%ity! e%onomi% %lass and gender? )pparently not. /ost large %orporations are anti-freedom go(ernment-partnership Dinternational %artel fas%ismE organiAations. 1arge &nions are anti-freedom! and %onne%ted to %omm&nism and the mob. )sk >od to help yo& %heerf&lly a%%ept $hat %annot be %hanged. This is not abo&t yo&. 4o. 5eal men do as they are told! they ha(e the dis%ipline to do this. They %an take it. 5eal men kno$ that only moral $eaklings fight ba%k. This is be%a&se resistan%e! not tyranny! is $hat %a&ses %onfli%t. )nger is bad and real men do not e+press it. Confli%t harms the passersby and the friends and families ;&st as m&%h as it harms the fighters. 4elfish and shallo$ fighters3 Be a real man! gi(e in no$3 D)h. >ender biased lang&age3 )nd! 6feminists7 don<t think all men e(il! only all men yet to make the effort to be%ome pro-feminist men. 4o it goes.E ?hen tyrants are in %harge and yo& %o&ld not stop them go thro&gh the steps of grief in a timely manner. )%%eptan%e! or go get %o&nseling. 5eminder! goslings: 9o (iolen%e! (iolen%e is a sin against so%iety! and the some$hat feminiAed gods. Fnly professionals! programed people $ho &se only ne%essary for%e against the mentally ill and &nr&ly! &se (iolen%e $ith the proper %oolness and lo(e. Ho not break the r&les and reg&lations3 = kno$

$hat = am talking abo&t. = do3 =t is not a per(erted lo(e! = s$ear3 Cield to the state. =t is yo&r m&mmy. 5ights %ome $ith responsibilities. *ay for yo&r freedom $ith obedien%e. >i(e &p yo&r liberty so that freedom %an be defended. /assi(e %o$ardi%e. >i(e &p and do anything if yo&r terror of terrorists may be partly ass&aged. ?hy do any of yo& %are $hat on%e $as! or $hat sho&ld be? >o ba%k to yo&r li(es! yo& are going to li(e the life yo& $ill li(e. *oli%e yo&rsel(es so that the state $on<t ha(e to. 1ea(e things to the people $ho are of the proper %lass! and %an a%t&ally make things happen. '&sh! go ba%k to sleep. )h... 4orry! gotta go. /y /ommy is %alling me... 4he $orries! yo& kno$. '&h3 Hon<t be afraid! baybee. /ost of all! no matter ho$ ignorant and e(en traitoro&s they may be! prote%t o&r $omen and %hildren from both the %riminal $ithin and the in(ader from $itho&t. Care for yo&r %hildren no matter $hat. *rote%t anyone from %riminal atta%k if yo& reasonably %an! b&t do not ally yo&rself $ith dogs for short-term ad(antage. Co& $ill get fleas. )lly yo&rself $ith people! no matter ho$ different other$ise! $ho are honorable. ?omen get no freebies here! again! they are ad&lts and if they s&pport the enemy they are not yo&r friends Dmost are not %ombatants! ho$e(erE. Cooperate $ith one another. ?ife and %o&ntry! s%ot%h and %igarJ g&n and dog! good books and a good tr&%kJ hey! maybe some metal: there are still some brothers ali(e in )meri%a. : S B s%ot%h. ) de%ent beer is good too! b&t not /iller 1ite... Honkey piss. For%e /a;e&re. The end.

?arning. Ho 9FT HF anything in this book3 This is 9FT the land of the 4e%ond )mendment3 This is demo%rati% Fran%e! yo& ha(e the right to 5E)H most books. Co& are no freeman or aristo%rat. Co& %an o$n %ertain $eapons. Co& may 9FT %arry or &se $eapons3 $ith the e+%eption of those $ith go(ernment appro(al. Co& $ill not s&r(i(e defiant beha(ior. CF# ')IE BEE9 ?)59EH. >o %raAy! ya n&tty b&ggers. 9o! steady lads. 'ahaha'aa'aaaa')'haha3 Ho $hat tho& $ilt. Ho $hatsoe(er tho& $ilt and harm none. The only tr&e freedom is obedien%e to the la$. Fne leader! one people. Mill the ri%h. Mill them all and >od $ill kno$ his o$n. 1et them eat %ake Dshe ne(er really said thatE. 4&ffer not a $it%h to li(e. Tho& shalt not kill. Fne shot one kill. 5ea%h o&t and to&%h someone. Be a man among men. =f it feels good do it. Eat the poor. 1o(e the one yo& are $ith. 5ise &p and kill yo&r atta%ker. ?ar is pea%e. 1o(e is selfishness. >od<s representati(e on earth. =gnoran%e is strength. :oy thro&gh ser(i%e. From ea%h a%%ording to his ability. Mno$ yo&r pla%e. 5eed&%ation %amps for the parasite. 1o(e is all. B&rn baby b&rn. Babblefish. = %ordially in(ite yo& to >ehenna! my broken %hildren. F&%k yo& all. 4$ift and terrible s$ord. .V23 ..233 .N0333

Co& san%timonio&s and s&perstitio&s gr&bbers after po$er and $ealth. Co& enemies of freedom. Co& destroyers of liberty $hether for yo&r o$n benefit! or for the benefit of the %lasses of people yo& lo(e abo(e the others. 4$ine honest or dishonest. 4$ine religio&sJ or atheisti% follo$ers of nat&re! histori%al ine(itability! or fate. 4$ine e(il or s$ine of the >reater >ood. = ha(e only deepest %ontempt for yo&. Ho yo& %are? 9either do =. =n the end the naked steel $ill de%ide. Can $e please go to the bayonet before = die of old age? )aaarrggh3 >od damned motherf&%king sons of bit%hes! = keeel yo&! bleeding arsehole bastidsJ gonna rip off an arm and st&ff it! s$amp $ater s&%kers...33 5aaahhrrrr333 Co& (itamin depri(ed %anines3 :heeheehee: Fld people are so s$eet and %hildish. 9e(er a harsh $ord in their li(es and the $omen ne(er e(en had se+ or a bad attit&de. Their hobbling gait is so %&te. Thank yo& e(er so m&%h for yo&r attention. = am tired no$. ?here is my p&dding? Ho%tors in a 6pri(ate health %are system!7 as a gro&p! do not %are if a patient dies so long as they got their money. They do not like %ompetition! b&t m&st not dri(e e(erybody a$ay! and do not $ant to kill off all potential so&r%es of re(en&e. =n a go(ernment or go(ernment-%orporate %ontrolled system on%e they get %ontrol of the money they $ant to keep as m&%h as possible. )s a general r&le it is good if patients die! so yo& %an stop $asting yo&r money on them. /embers of the p&bli% are happy to s&pport this! as old people do not $ant too m&%h spent on the yo&ng $hen they hope to get more as a res&lt! and the like $ith the other %lasses and gro&ps. 'o$e(er! the p&bli% does not ha(e m&%h %ontrol. Hemo%ra%y is all abo&t playing gro&ps against ea%h other $hile a%t&ally gathering and keeping as m&%h of their $ealth to yo&rself as yo& %an. Fbama%are. =n other $ords! in theory at least do%tors &sed to do the best they %o&ld to keep patients ali(e and as %omfortable as possible. 9o$ they de%ide $hen yo& $ill die! before yo& die on them any$ay.

o FF o o o o 0 o oooooFooooo o 0 o o o o F F F F = %&rse yo&! ?ith a %&rse = %&rse yo&! /ay yo&r stones rotJ Co&r eyes in yo&r head. =n the name Enli%ht-Thissadon! = %&rse my enemies. 4elai3 D J-EG

) ;oint prod&%tion of The 4o%iety for the *reser(ation of *rin%ipled >o(ernment! and of The 4oldier! 11CJ also kno$n as Bl&e Hiamond and as The 4il(er 4k&ll 4o%iety. Established ".,G and 200". D?arning. Fake organiAations. The a&thor needed an ego boost.E [His%laimer: The 4oldier is in no $ay asso%iated $ith Bl&e Hiamond 4o%iety! a gay and lesbian gro&p! nor $ith 4oldier /agaAine or the 4k&ll S Bones fraternity. 9or is the sil(er sk&ll ring and bl&e diamond pat%h symboli% of any other organiAation! gro&p! agen%y or b&siness.\ This is not eno&gh! nor good eno&gh. =<m ;&st a st&pid gr&nt. There are many smarter and better ed&%ated than =. 4o get off yo&r asses. This is an effort to get some original material o&t on this s&b;e%t. Those of yo& $ho %an prod&%e deeper and more a%%&rate information! or material = ha(e not %o(ered at all! get to $riting. *lease do3 Feel free to asso%iate yo&rsel(es $ith the abo(e organiAations if it $o&ld am&se. 5espe%tf&l greetings to the *atriots o&t there. )lso! and no dirty ;okes no$! to those liberty and la$ respe%ting /ilitary! *oli%e! 4e%&rity! Constit&tionalist /ilitia and )rmed CitiAens o&t there! $hate(er yo&r religion! se+ or ra%e: = lo(e yo& g&ys! and = don<t e(en kno$ yo&3 D= do kno$ some important things abo&t yo&.E )ll the best. #n%o(er! and remember the fallen.

F&n%tion %he%k. Clear the $eapon! %lean it! and inspe%t all parts for %ra%ks! and for deformation. F&lly assemble. /ake %ertain the %hamber and magaAine are empty. Meep the $eapon pointed in a safe dire%tion at all times! be%a&se this sho&ld be habit&al. Co%k the $eapon. Engage the man&al safety and press the trigger. Ho not try to break the me%hanism! ;&st make s&re the safety $orks normally. 5elease the safety. 4emia&tomati%. *ress the trigger and hold it ba%k! $eapon sho&ld 6fire.7 Co%k it it again and it sho&ld not fire &ntil yo& reset the trigger and press it again. )&tomati%. Co%k. *ress the trigger and release it. The $eapon sho&ld fire. Co%k it again. =t sho&ld not fireJ b&t if yo& %o%k! press the trigger to fire! and hold the trigger ba%k as yo& %o%k it again it sho&ld fire again.

4o there you have it. I don't care very much anymore, I just needed to blow off some frustration as stupidity tends to annoy. I don't care to live in your brave new world. Raving and complaining at an end. Rant over. When there is no cohesion you are weak. The globalist ideology is a worldwide movement and infects people more than they reali e. It has many enemies but is strongly embedded in all institutions of note. Whatever. If you are weak you will pay the price. !tiff upper lip, ducklings. I will see you in the funny papers. It has been very therapeutic. "iao#

Hon<t ;&st read it3 4t&dy it! and to the e+tent possible and safe! pra%ti%e it. Ho the h&manity a ser(i%e. Mill at least one bad g&y before yo& die.
The go(ernment has be%ome! on the $hole! a massi(e %an%er eating the %o&ntry ali(e.

5emember $ho yo& are. 5emember all those =talian %o&sins? 9o$ many ha(e not a one. Family is dying along $ith the $hite pop&lation. =t &sed to be said starting yo&ng and getting lots of e+perien%e tea%hes yo& $hat yo& $ant and allo$s yo& to settle into a satisfying relationship. T&rns o&t it instils habits! red&%es likelihood of marriage! and in%reases di(or%e rates. 9o %lose relationships e8&als red&%ed personal se%&rity.

?hen yo& think the earth has gro$n old and tired! Co& are the one $ho has gro$n so! b&t: The sky is not the same %olor it &sed to be3 ?a%o. B&ilding . Ho not dress do$n! or pretend! $hen yo& help someone else. Choosing to be h&mble is no great thing b&t is a thing also of little $orth. )lso do not pretend to be more. Co& are $hat yo& are. Co& ha(e the right to do $hate(er yo& $ill and other$ise ha(e the ability to doJ and the right to be $hat yo& are@e(en if all yo& are is a dying %hild. Be ;&st. Choose to do ;&sti%e. 5emember $ho yo& are. The ma;ority of )meri%ans are neoameri%ans. )meri%ans no longer (ote the e%onomy! they (ote their Caesar. Crisis politi%s. By the $ay! it is %hildish to %ompare g&ns and 6sho&ting fire in a %ro$ded theater.7 ) better %omparison is bet$een mis&se of firearms and mali%io&sly &sing $ords to %a&se an alarm.

The dr&nken 4aint. The 4aint of the Hr&nken. D6F&r )rmy Today.7 Taken from the %ommons. :E E

The 9e$ )rmy.

*&blished by :ohn H. Meightley The /ad Fld /an T/F/ C-F F%%&pant "KN00 4E B&nn 1n. Hayton! F5 . "",- 0 K

>ifts of d"! dN or d"0 bills $ill be a%%epted! regretf&lly. Thank yo&. The End! finis! 5eally. ? 4tate go(ernments sho&ld strike do$n illegal federal la$s internally. ) ne$ Constit&tional Con(ention $o&ld be a Iery Bad =dea. = like the $ord 5ep&gnant. 4tates3 Ho 9FT threaten se%ession. Ho not separate. The states m&st $ork together to resist rog&e go(ernments. Hon<t threaten to se%ede! threaten &n%onstit&tional go(ernment3 5emo(e la$breakers and &nla$f&l reg&lation? Cooperation of 4tates: to enfor%e firing them. D9o enfor%ement means none of them $ill lea(e.E ?e all die e(ery moment. Ho any of &s ha(e bodies %ontaining a single li(ing %ell more than fi(e years old? ?e are %opies of a pre(io&s person! badly preser(ed! and $ith the same memories so far as $e %an remember them. =s this any different from a separate %lone if $e %o&ld program its brain $ith the %loned person<s past? DCloning does not %opy a person! it prod&%es a baby nearly identi%al to the baby a person on%e $as.E )t some point $e are merely %opies of a person $ho on%e $as. ?e all die many times before $e die. 9ah! Co& $ill ha(e many of yo&r brain %ells for life. 'o$e(er! $hat does %ontin&o&s mean? B&anta or 6analog?7 'eh. DThe de%ision to not &se (iolen%e is 9FT non(iolent resistan%e! people3 There a%t&ally has to be some kind of resistan%e in(ol(ed3 Iiolen%e does not $ork $hen yo& are going to lose. 9on(iolent resistan%e does not $ork $hen the other side is $illing to &se the re8&ired amo&nt of (iolen%e. 9o go(ernment or organiAation %an e+ist $itho&t some &se of (iolen%e! and yo& are &sing it indire%tly if yo& take ad(antage of their se%&rity or legal systems. 9onresistan%e is not non(iolent resistan%e! and it is not going to bring tyrants and th&gs o(er to yo&r side. *l&s! sin%e yo& are doing things their $ay! their $ay is yo&r $ay3 >od3 9on(iolent resistan%e means either yo& do things yo&r $ay $hen &nobser(ed! or yo& do things yo&r $ay $hen they are not %&rrently able to stop yo&. Co& ?=11 pay a pri%e $hen dealing $ith tyrants! no matter $hi%h %hoi%e yo& make3E

?hen yo&ng and strong yo& sho&ld %ontrib&te to so%iety. ?hen yo& are old or ill! yo& are a drain on it. )h! b&t $e sho&ld help those $ho are likely to be of e(en greater &se to &s later. Cost-benefit analysis. ?ho is the best target for o&r in(estment? ?ho $ill respond to treatment best! at the least %ost to &s? )n in(estment3 Co& sho&ld p&t in more than yo& take o&t. The s&rpl&s is a good thing for &s to ha(e. ?e %an &se it to help people. ?ho are people? ?ho are $e! $ho is 6&s?7 'o$ is this better than a person yo&ng or old! smart or st&pid! healthy in mind and body or $eak! $ho has only $hat he himself makes? =f yo& ha(e something more $ill be gi(en to yo&. =f yo& ha(e nothing yo&r life $ill be taken a$ay. =t is better for some and $orse for others. =t destroys %onstit&tional go(ernment. =t damages the general e%onomy. =t destroys li(es! and sa(es some. ?here does this s&rpl&s go? ?hy does all of this helping %reate more poor and needy rather than less? 'arm many and sa(e a fe$. The ones $ho benefit most from %olle%ti(ist 6h&manism7 are the parasites...go(ernment! %orporation! %h&r%h! a%ti(ists and gro&ps! and some of their more obno+io&s s&pporters@the 6$e!7 6so%ietyJ7 the g&ild and its mobs. )h! the states are like a b&n%h of $omen. /ost $omen find ;&st abo&t any ri%h man attra%ti(e! b&t most do not think to themsel(es! 6= $ant his money and $ill trade se+ and ad&lation for it.7 /ost really feel the attra%tion. They really feel the attra%tionJ they think he is attra%ti(e! that they $o&ld lo(e to be his $ife! and their li(es $o&ld be so $onderf&l. )n atta%k on a friend is an atta%k on yo&. ?hen threatened yo& m&st defend yo&rself! b&t also pla%e se%&rity on any the enemy thinks important to yo&. )tta%ks on yo&r friends $eaken yo& generally! take o&t a spe%ifi% %apability! or %ontrol yo&r beha(ior thro&gh threats or a%t&al hostage taking. *rote%t yo&r friends and family to safeg&ard them! b&t also to prote%t yo&rself. =f anyone e(er ki%ks yo& o&t of yo&r home! $ith no pla%e to go@ne(er go ba%k. =f yo& $ere at fa&lt forgi(e if yo& $ill! b&t going ba%k merely positions yo& for f&t&re tro&ble. =f they $ere at fa&lt ne(er tolerate their presen%es again! nor that of any $ho appro(ed and any that did not gi(e help it $as $ithin their means to offer! andJ oh yeah! FT?. D?hi%h does not mean for the $in! yo& gits.E )n elephant ne(er forgets. ) smart elephant ne(er e+poses his ba%k to those persons again. =f they are trying to tea%h yo& a lesson learn it! if it is $orth learning! b&t no longer $ith them. )lso learn the lesson stated abo(e. )tta%k the enemy $hile he is b&sy atta%king the &ndefended pla%e. The states need to stand together. The federals m&st be for%ed to obey the la$ of the land. There is s&%h a thing as stability for a time! b&t nothing is tr&ly se%&re. 'edge yo&r bets! ha(e options. ) reasonably stable money in %ash is one s&%h tool. =f yo& la%k the right! or the po$er! to ki%k them o&t instead...only then go. '&h. ?ell! nothing in the $orld is $orth more than d"..N! and e(erything in it lasts abo&t fi(e min&tes. 4erio&sly? )re yo& still here? ?hate(er.

Co& are dri(ing me %raAy3

D)nd yes! do not fret! %hildrenJ it is tr&e that any so&nds yo& hear $hi%h $ere made by the approa%h of a s&personi% pro;e%tile are heard long after the pro;e%tile has missed yo&.E The poli%e really are dirty! and far too many feel like big men be%a&se they %an lord it o(er hand%&ffed s&spe%ts...espe%ially female s&spe%ts. =n %ombat do not hold the %enter line. =n hand to hand the %enter line is key! b&t it sho&ld be mo(ing. F&%k the go(ernment. F&%k the ne$ army. F&%k the ma;ority of poli%e agen%ies in this %o&ntry. ?hen the go(ernment feels the need to retaliate for e(ery slight it says it is not doing so! or that respe%t m&st be maintained. The real reason is sadism or ab&se mimi%king strength. )re poise! gra%e! %onfiden%e! forthrightness! pride! %o&rage and freedom admired? 9ot so m&%h. 4la(es and ser(ants ha(e o(er millennia been s&b;e%ted to harshest dis%ipline &ntil either broken or made the finest ill&sion of freedom. This is the s&perior ser(ant. Consider the %o&rtesan! the ballet dan%er! the $ine ste$ard. The ill&sion of freedom is fab&lo&s! b&t the a%t&al %o&rage to resist $o&ld be a disaster@$hat a $aste of reso&r%es. Fly little s$an! fly. *erfe%tion in motion3 )ll good things m&st be balan%ed. ?o&ld yo& ha(e The ?ay destroyed by %haos? *eople m&st be dri(en and ridi%&led! slapped on the head. ?alk $ith the book $ell balan%ed also! and sometimes the feet m&st bleed. Co& deser(e appre%iation on%e the lessons are f&lly internaliAed. Can yo& tell the differen%e bet$een $orking hard to make $hat yo& $ant to make! and a%%epting ab&se in order to earn the toleran%e or respe%t of others? This is the Krd Edition Final: Fighting Book of the /ad Fld /an. 5ead it if yo& %an bear it! and kno$ that it is imperfe%tJ and also that reality dri(es men mad $hile lies make them st&pid. =n the more e+treme %ases both %an kill. *eople are s%re$ed &p! and the most %ommon type of s%re$ed &p people are those $ho make the li(es of those they %onsider s%re$ed &p so lonely and hopeless! and yo& kno$ too a r&ler $ho is disliked strongly by the ma;ority of people! or by the oligar%hy and military! $ill not be po$erf&l be%a&se his po$er %omes of p&lling in and organiAing the po$er of others. This means a %orr&pt and sadisti% man may be pla%ed in po$er o(er a good one if people do not like the good manJ perhaps he goes to the $rong %h&r%h e(ery 4&nday. *eople prefer lies o(er tr&ths. ?omen ha(e more bise+&ality! more Opress&re gro&pO morality! dirtier minds! and lie abo&t ho$ many se+&al partners they ha(e had@by minimiAing. ?i(es %heat on h&sbands as often as h&sbands on $i(es@ abo&t half of them do this. /en %heat on their $i(es and girlfriends and e+aggerate their Opro$ess.O They are more $illing to ha(e se+ $ith strangers! b&t their fantasy li(es a simpler. Co& %an depend on fe$! and $ill not re%ogniAe them $hen yo& see them. )ll lo(e is tr&e! $hile it lasts! and some lasts a lifetime@ b&t no lo(e is Otr&eO lo(e. 9o relationship tr&ly $orks $ell! most last a short time any$ayJ and many long ones are bad ones. /en are more (iolent! $oman more maso%histi% and more &ntr&st$orthy. *eople stay together o&t of dependen%y! habit! g&ilt! gratit&de! sadomaso%hism...mostly they don<t stay! and if they did the one they $o&ld ha(e left behind may be the one left feeling g&ilty. 9othing $orks the $ay yo& $ant it toJ most things $ork badly. )t least $hite men almost ne(er rape bla%k $omen. *oor $hite $omen! far too often raped by $hite men! and e(en more likely to be raped by bla%k men if they are not %aref&l. Bla%k $omen are mostly targeted by bla%k men. )bstinen%e h&rts people. =t makes them feel &nhappy and &n$orthy. *romis%&ity h&rts people be%a&se

%onstant %hange gets oldJ and the patterns are the sameJ people get h&rt! and there is inse%&rity and a sense of shallo$ness or %heapness. /ost people try to get along in the middle! b&t that $orks rather poorly too. There is still some inse%&rity! long periods of boredom or &nhappinessJ disill&sionment. Then yo& die. :apan! o(er s&bstan%e. 4&rfa%e is more important than %ontents. 9ihilism@doing things %orre%tly! or seeming to! an emptiness at the %ore. '&mans are )sians $ho a%t properly! others are all barbarians. 'ypo%risy. 9o engorged se+&al organs allo$ed in pornography! so make the s%enes as per(erted and (iolent as possible to make &p for it! and tolerate real life prostit&tion! yo&ng se+! and the s&bmission of $omen. The highest s&i%ide rates on earth res&lt. )t least the g&n and s$ord %ontrol la$s are stri%t! b&t $hy not legaliAe b&ll baiting? )lso! the :apanese! and espe%ially the Moreans! ha(e serio&s hair iss&es. )sians and E&ropeans kno$ life s&%ks! so $hy not fo%&s on d&ty or the bad and sho$ ho$ pragmati% or %osmo-&rbane yo& are. ?hy not play po$er games! (isit Olo(eO hotels! or ;&st ha(e one night stands! $hen yo& %an display yo&r thi%k skin $ith the most sleaAy people yo& %an find. *ro(e yo& kno$ the s%ore. Ff %o&rse the $orst of this beha(ior is (ery %ommon in some pla%es! and not so %ommon in others! and in e(en the $orst areas the a(erage person is not an e+treme e+ample. )meri%a is be%oming like E&rope! b&t there is still eno&gh differen%e in %&lt&re to make an ob(io&s distin%tion. )sians li(e too %lose to the floor. The $orld is a sad pla%e. ?hy! by the $ay! do so many mothers %onstantly try to pimp their da&ghters o&t to any likely prospe%ts? There are fe$ things indeed that a man %an get &p to $itho&t se(eral $omen being $illing to take part. ?omen ha(e al$ays played a ma;or role in their o$n degradation. #s&ally they %ooperate in it! often they fa%ilitate it. They often help ab&si(e men and oppose their o$n se+. Hon<t be like that. *rote%t the good! and prote%t e(en the bad or foolish $hen yo& %an...b&t not by tolerating e(il. *oliti%ians are $hores. 'ey! yo&3 )re yo& 4T=11 blind? >od damn it. Fh! my poor %o&ntry. 1i(e $ell! and help others $hene(er yo& %an. Ho not atta%k foolish people be%a&se they do not s&pport yo&! and do not arrest them. 1ea(e them alone. Ho yo& $ant to atta%k that silly girl be%a&se she ga(e food to an enemy soldier! that $oman $ho is here illegally $ith her family? ?o&ld yo& ab&se that %hild be%a&se he $as &sed as an &narmed messenger or spy? ?ill yo& arrest! ab&se! or m&rder that foolish yo&ng $oman for handing o&t books s&pporting the same beliefs the enemy holds? =f there $as a god = $o&ld say: >FH FF5B=H3 1ea(e her alone.

Gun Control: Kill the enemy, and take his guns.J b&t if yo& kill ;&st be%a&se yo& $ant a person to be dead yo& are s%&m! if yo& h&miliate be%a&se yo& $ant a person to feel h&miliated yo& are s%&m! and if yo& infli%t pain $anting a person to s&ffer yo& are the s%&m of the earth. F&%k it all! and they are going to %ome for yo&r $eapons. Maren ). Meightley. = lo(e yo&! /om. There are plenty of enemy to kill. Ceeha$3

5E/E/BE5 ?'F CF# )5E333

)h! don<t bother. The #nited 4tates of )meri%a is done. *&t a fork in it. The la$s of $ar allo$ enemy %ombatants to be imprisoned &ntil the end of hostilities. They do not gi(e the go(erning po$er a&thority to p&nish $itho&t trial and %on(i%tion for $ar %rimes. They do not a&thoriAe tort&re. 9eo%on-lib filth. Boston has ta&ght the $orld ho$ to goad )meri%an go(ernment into doing the $ork of its enemiesJ a million )meri%ans kept %o$ering in their holes o&t of fear of their o$n "0!000 6prote%tors.7 This is $hat one teen $ith a g&n and some bla%k po$der %an do? 9o! it is $hat a poli%e state looks like. *&ssylandJ yes! on%e again o&r tr&e nat&re shines thro&gh. ?e are finished. ?hat ne+t! $e sh&t do$n 9e$ Cork o(er a g&y $ith a kit%hen knife and some %amp sto(e f&el? C&lt&re. ?hy! by the $ay! is pop&lar %&lt&re no$ so strongly promoting the idea of $omen fightingJ fighting other $omen! and killing $omen? 1ife is (ery %heap. Britain! it is offi%ially admitted! let in the foreign hordes for the spe%ifi% p&rpose of %hanging the ethni% and %&lt&ral make&p of the nation. ?hat are the %&lt&ral mo(ers in the #4 trying to do here? F&%kers. ?e ob(io&sly need to ban all types of $eapons and amm&nition! $hi%h $o&ld also ban self defense and h&nting. ?e m&st ban all dangero&s %hemi%als. ?e m&st ban all information or training related to these things! and m&st ne(er allo$ anyone o&t in p&bli% $ith %lothes! pa%kages and %ontainers! or bags &nless they are %ompletely transparent. /ost of all: ?e m&st totally B)9 press&re %ookers3 The bad g&ys had a BB g&n? Eek3 Blondes and other fair Ca&%asians are on par $ith any other gro&p ali(e. 4hall $e do 6good7 that e(il $ill %ome? 4emia&tomati% rifles do not ki%k as hard as bolt a%tion rifles. =nternal motion! springs! and b&ffers absorb energy. ?imps . His%laimer3 Co& ha(e the right to remain silent. Co& ha(e the right to resist a&thorities and their agents $hen they are not a%ting legally. Co& ha(e the right to bear arms. 'o$e(er! the %o&rts ha(e held that yo& %annot remain silent &nless yo& tell them yo& are doing so. )lso! that yo&r 6pri(ilege7 of not ans$ering may be remo(ed if a ;&dge for%es yo& to talk to him and de%ides to say yo&r ans$ers do not tend to in%riminate yo&. F&rthermore! some r&le that if yo& e(er ans$er 8&estions or make statements $ith regard to an iss&e yo& may ne(er %hoose to e+er%ise yo&r 6rights7 on that s&b;e%t in f&t&re. The %o&rts often r&le too that if gi(en orders! grabbed! mo(ed or taken by poli%e so m&%h as stiffening yo&r m&s%les and remaining still is a %rime EIE9 =F *F1=CE )5E )CT=9> F#T4=HE FF )9C 1)?. There are no inalienable rights in the #nited 4tates. Ho not e+pe%t other$ise. /F/ The Meightley Family Dthat part beginning and ending $ith :ohn Hee MeightleyE /otto: 6Be fearless; but not, entirely, stupid.7 Co& ne(er ha(e to apologiAe for yo&r e+isten%e if yo& are ready to die fighting any time it is %hallenged. )lso! is has been pointed o&t that my memory is shot. This book is %ompletely $rong. Hisregard. 5emember $ho yo& are! or not. ?hate(er. :E *ilate $ashes his hands.

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