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Los Angeles, California, June .25, 1908 No. 52 - Vol. XII.

-==='== = =================:===== ==== ""= = .. .

. The Northwestern District Assembly .

-HE regular husiriess sessfon of the dent Brown the latter part Seattle, Garfield and North
Northwest District Assembly, of the forenoon session. The North- Yakima, all in Washington, were nom-
held in. First Church, Portland, Ore., west.District was the first.district of .-inated. Seattle was chosen. almost -
occupied three full days, .June the Church : of the Nazarene to be unanimously.
Portland is called- by its-citizens "The organized. It was organized thre.e The afternoon preaching was by
City of Roses;" and what is called. a and a half years ago with three Rev. A. B. Culbertson, a young man
:rose festival/' "rose fiesta," churches. The report of p-resent con- full of fire and earnestness.
of roses" or "rose carriival" has ditions by the superintendent and pas- In the evening Rev. Mrs. De Lance
come to be an annual institution: tors aroused great enthus_iasm. Many Wallace of Seattle preached a power-
This year it occupied the first week of the figures brought out will be ful sermon from. Heb. 6:8, 9. One
of the "month of roses," and the fmind in the report of the statistical young man was sanctified. A. middle-
parades, displays and noises came to secretar-y. Bro. Brown's report .closed aged woman under. the
their culmination during. the days of . wit;h this apt quotation: . influence of liquor, came to the :aitar
the .. . :Tis weary watching, wave on wave, and professed conversion . .
The regular. session was preceded : And yet the tide onward; . The election-of District .
by a rally and reception. in the church We climb, like corals, grave Qn grave, dent had been made the order for
Wednesday. evening. About half the And build a path that' s . Saturday forenoon. An informal hal-
We're beaten back in many a fray, -
members .of the Assembly were pres- Yet newer strength we -borrow; lot showed that H. D. Brown had a
ent, with a goodly "SttEmdance from And where our vanguard camps today majority. A formal ba1lot him
the city. It was a precious season of Our rear shall march tomorrow. an increased majority, .and he was
praise and fellowship. The two Gen- At the afternoon session, the report declared elected. Dr. Bresee brought
eral Superintendents had arrived from of . the nominating committee was Bro . . Brown to the front of the plat-
t heir Eastern itinerary that morning, adopted as a whole; The following form to present him to the Assembly.
and District Superintendent Brown com_mittees were ordered, all but. the He spoke of the time when he, a pre-
and wife were on hand in due time. last to report to this Assembly: Mis- siding elder in Iowa, yet in twen-
Stirring a"ddresses were made in sions, Orders and Recog nition of Or- ties, found a great awkward boy, not
the following order: Revs. .H. D. ders, State of the Church, Publishing out of his teens, to whom he, ilponthe
Brown,.:..A._O_ Henricks (the. pastor), Inter ests, Education, Temperance church, gave
H. F. Reynolds and Dr. P. F. Bresee. Prohibition, Sunday Schools, Young license to exhort; relating so,me inci-
About the middle of the exercises, People's. .Work, Resolutions and dents connected the affair.
Mrs. -Libbie Beach Brown sang by Memoirs, District Advisory Board, - As Bro. man Of rhassive
special request the song, ''Holiness is and Blank for Incorporating frame; towering Hke Saul aboveevery-
Marching On, " composed and sung Churches. body in the ri>om, stood bashfully by
by her at 'the General Assembly at . At 3 o'clock Rev. C. Howard Davis while the Doctor related the incident
Chicago. preached an excellent ' sermon from 1 and spoke o(him a boy, the situa-_
The regular session opened at 9 Cor. 3:16. One la_dy was sanctified. tion grotesque and highly
o' clock Thursday forenoon, the first In the evening Rev. H. F. Reynolds amusing. Bro. Brown followed with
hour being -given up to devotion, arid preached from Luke 24:49, 1:4 a few apt remarks. .
- the devotional t hr-oughoqt and Acts 2:39. The preacher traveled The reports of . and. of
were reall-y _devotionaL back and forth over the chain, w.eld- the statistical secretary were pre'-
The business sessions each forenoon ingthe links together in a strm)g . this _afternoon. . .
occupied the hours from 10 to 12, and convincing___way; the sermon. closing . The orders of the following breth-
an kfternoon session somewhat shorter with a rousing climax. The service ren were recognized:' Rev. H. C.
was held each day. ' . was closed wi.tlt a general waiting at Ethel, from Meth. Epis. Church;
The organization was perfecte d by the altar. Rev . . Henry J. EHitt, from People's-
the re-election of Rev. De Lance Wal- The -Friday .forenoon sessiO,n was Mission .. Rev. A. S. Westfall.
lace of Seattle as secretary, with D. taken. up largel'y with the reports of from Church of J _esus Christ; Rev.
L. Rice of Ashland as assistant; and . P,astors and the passage of characters. Chas. H. Rose, .:from Union Mission
0 . A. Clark statistical This was continued at intervals th:ro' Association; Rev. John D. Cart, from
Fif ty:..three members answered to the the next day. Methodist Episcopal Cht,Jrch . .
first roll-call. . . In the afternoon the fixing of the The following were . elected to
The report of District Superinten:- of the A:ssembly was taken ,:_Elders orders: John .,_T.- Little, Gar-
.. Nazarene . . Mes!lenger [June 25; 1oos
field; A. B. Culbertson, Walla Walla. ings. The , was made day's serviees wet:e about a dozen per-
. allace, treasurer necessary by the 8'reat extent of the sons converted, reclaimed oi' sancti-
of the District Missionary expense -
sen ted his report. On motion of H. of the travel entailed upon the Dis- evening service. -
D. Brown the fund was abolished. taict Superintendent. This. was said to be the largest and
The report of :the' statistical seci'e- An enthusiastic .. .Missiomiry Rally best District .Assembly ever held in
tary showed the following figures: . wa,s held Saturday evening: the Great car.e and labor
Organized and Incorporated ........ 12 were made by Sister E; G. Eaton of had been bestowed upon .. the prepara-
Members . ..... .. , . ... .... ... .. . ..... ..... ...... t.: ....... 551 Portland, District Missionary Secre- tions by--Pastor Henricks im.d his peo-
Sunday School scholars . . . , .... ..... .. ......... .. .470
Number of Officers. 1lnd Teachers .......... .. ... 89 . tary';- Rev. H. F. Reynolds, ple of the First Church, seconded as
NVulmberfiCnhYouhng Peoptle's s'ocieties$.23-- 5"5'o"'o8o7 Missionary Secretary, and Dr. Bresee. far . as' possible _by ' Bro. and'
a ue o urc proper y........... .. .. , .
Indebtedness ... : ... .............. .. . ............ 6,205. 00 Sunday was---g:lv:elWlp_to __ _his little at . . The
, 1
4 . an ali-day service, and it was a glo- Assembly was -well advertised. Pro-
For Ministerial Support . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... 4, 794.59 . rious day of rich blessings. visions were made for dinner and
For Current expenses .... .. : .... .. .. .. ... ... 2,123. 69 .The first division of the service was supper for all in regular attendance,
For-sunday School expenses ........ .. ...... 509.20 . .
Paid for Rent .. .. ... ......... .. ....... .. .... .. ...... 892.90 . a love-feast, conduCted .by Rev. c. H. in church. Lodg-
. .. Raised forMissions ............ .-.... .. .. ......... 618.45 Davis of Sp - okane. It commenced a ing was provided there . for a few.
For Benevolences ........... : .. .. .. .. .... 463.35 . .
Total amount raised ... .. :: .. .. .... ... ...... 16,506.90 little after 9 o'clock, and had to be Others were lodged as conveniently
stopped a few minutes before 11 to as POf,!sible, Everybody praised the
Evangelists . .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. .... .. .. .. .. : ......... .... . 5 . make way for the preaching service. manner in which were
Rev. H. F. Reynolds preached from out. .
The plan of the district forthe com- John 17:17-23-a marvelous linking . The people greatly_ appreciated the
ing year is as follows: together and imp-ressing upon thepeo- ., presence and gracious ministrat}ons
pie the elements of the Saviour's of their two General f?u:perintendents.
District Advisory Board-Rev. J. B. Creigh-
ton, North Yakima; Rev. Elsie M. Wallace,
Seattle, Wash. M'r. 0. A. Clark, North :Ya-
kima; Mrs. C. F. Mille, Ore.
Missionary H. D. Brown,
Dist. Supt. , Chairman, 1948 Eighth ave.,
West, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. E. G, Eaton,
St:cretary>;- 1117 E . Market street, Portland,
Ore ; Rev. DeLance Wallace, Treasurer, 1620
Kilbourne street, Seattle, Wash. ; Mr. J. C.
Hayes, 604 Kinnear Place; Seattle, Wash. ;
Rev. A. 0 . Henricks, 430 Burnside street,
Portland, Ore.
District Superintendent-H. D.
- 1948 Eighth ave., West, Seattle, Wash.
Asst. District Superintendents-Northern
Idaho, J . B. Creighton, North_ Yakima, Wash. ;
Southern Idaho; H. C. Ethell, Mountain Home,
Pa:'tors-Ashland, Ore. ,
Botse, Idaho, to be supplied:
prayer contained in those verses. Bro. Reynolds -took from first a
Before this service two high place in the love and esteem. of
were brought forwar4 . and baptized the people. - The humble, tepder and
by Dr. Bresee: Colem-an Bresee Hen- brotherly spirit manifested by Dr.
ricks, about one year old, son .of Rev. in all his administrative duties
and Mrs. A. 0. Henricks; and Burton commended itself to all. He carried
Lorain King, aboutfouryears old, son a deeply devotional spirit through all
of Mrs. Edith King, a deaconess of sessions. His sermons,
the Ashland Church. Little Coleman his addresses on special occasions and
was the first child ever baptized in the those whiGh he interjected into the
Portland. Church. sessions to us the
After . the service Dr. Bresee re- fact that he has a luminous v1sionor -
ceived five persons into the Portland God and of divine things, which he is
Church: Mr. and Mrs. Bristol, from seeking to impart tc;,> the people, that
the church at Berkeley, Cal.; S. B .. , he dwells upon a high plane, above
Manis; from the Church at Los Ange- the cheap and petty things of this
Everett, Wash. , Vernie E. Clark.
Coulee City, Wash. (Circuit), Cbas.
les; Mrs. Dell Palmer, _. from the world, and he is trying with all
Church at Ashland, Ore. ; arid Mr. his mignC to lift- all the people over-
v. Williams, a young brother lately con- whom God has so strangely made him
verted in the Portland church. . overseer up. to the samt! level. Rice .
. G11rfield, Wash. , J . T. Little. B f th ft D
Medical :Lake, Wash:, B. Valjean. e ore e a ernoon serv1ce r.
M W h J hn B C t
Bresee, assisted by_ General Superin-
oJtroe, as . , o . ar . . _
......... '
Mountain Home Circuit, A. B. Culbertson. ten dent Reynolds, and nearly all the This is our . conception. and con vic-
North Yakima,. Wash.; J. B. Creighton, elders present; ordained John T. Little tion relative to the-Pentecostal Church
and one to be suppiied. rfi d d Alb
Plainview, Wash., Mrs. Sarah-Franklin. pastor at Ga el ' an ert B. Cui.: of the Its origin was not
Portland, Ore. , A. 0. Henricks, 430 Burn- bertson. of Walla Wall a. of man. It was of God from Alpha to
side street. Dr. P. F. Bresee preached in the Omega, from base to pinnacle. The . -
Sellwood, Ore., Harry J. Elliott. afternoon .from three words, "Some glory of God attende<_l its every form-
Seattle, Wash.,. Mrs. Elsie M._Wailace,1620 BetterThing.s," from Heb. 11:40: He
Kilbourne street. . . . ative step, and crowned . its consum-
Salem, Ore., to be supplied. traced the . provisions under the old mation 'with a display of the divine
. Southwick, Idaho (Circuit), to bevsupplied. covenant and under the new,, showing effulgence almost as as that
Walla Walla, Wash. (Circuit), to be sup- in a luminous way the "better things" which attended the dedication of Sol-
plied. . God has- provided for us. It was a omon's Temple . . :And. better still, the
.. ldaho (Circuit), to be supplied. wonderf!llly.inspiririg . ' God of Pentecost' has continued to
Idaho (P. 0. , Kendrick),
t_o be supplied. .. The evening service was a link inspire and bless this young giant, full
Spokane, Wash., C. Howard 61! .:between the work of _the Assembly of Heaven's new wine, at step
Spofford avenue. and the Evangelistic meetings that . of conquest . it has taken thus far in
The two sub-districts indicated were to follow for two weeks or more.-' its b'rief hist.ory. From the Atlantic
.above forme-d to facilitate .the .' Rev. Phelps, the evangelist to the Pacific, and Nov-a Scotia
working of territory that served to engalred for these meetings, preached the current of -love's hivinc-
cfurnish. a number of from Acts 1 :8; ' The- results of ible is this
June 25, 1908] .
- Mess_enger 3
land of ours. we should praise edge of the nature and ol-the, clean beasts by sevens, Qf others by_
God for a church with one great pur- iioiiness movement; but by reading twos. What .a systematic march that -
____Eose passion -::-the its publications or attending its : when God had so organized even
conversion of tllelost everywhere, and-_:-nreetings-;:sl>tliat- mkirtg_ thit1gs as -the aninial-kingdom-that-'tbey fell-in- -
the sanctification of the church for t _hey are I not wonder that the . line and marched the ark iri regu- -
which ''Christ" gave . - holiness movement is but little known Jar ordei .
Beulah Chris;Jti4n .. - by the Church and ministry. When the fullness of time was come
... .II .II . But it is not . the fault of holiness . for Iin1iel"to Egyptian
rt f b t d. Art l people this- general ignorance they were one mass of. downtrOdden ---
Tl U .e lC es touching this point, for and confused slaves, scatterec:4.among
iwLINESS MOVEMENT GENER- keep nothing back, but: pre.ach with the of Pharaoh, . {vjth __
ALLY UNDERSToon: and demonstration of the .leader. Here God interposed--o-and- -
. spirit. and with remarkJJ.ple unity, the made their enemies . educate their
I believe it to be a fact that the same old Wes,eyan of Scrip- leader, Moses, all - the wisdom of
- . , - tural doctrines, experience testi- the .Egyptians/' and then -sent him
character of the holiness movement f
is not general_ly known __ or_ correctly__ mony <> entire sanctification as a -for a post-graduate course to a flock
understood either by tbe Church . or . distinct faith of, at the back. si_de -of---the--:.
- subsequent to regeneration, With as Midian desert, and had him remain
ministry. But almost everybody has . definite results iri the conversion of there until his parchment was
he"ard of one or more factions who ""
sinners and sanctification of believers by the flames _of the burning bush.
call themse_lves. holiness people, but as ever crowned the efforts of early Then wit _ h the r_od of aut_ hority he
who are really .a sort of e<>me .. out.ers,
. fanatics and cranks, who do much Methodism. . marched into Egypt and called for the
harm to the holiness cause: I do not As God has so wonderfully set His elders of his afid .created senti-
doubt but Pome of them are honest seal. upon the Holiness Association, ment among his brethren and opposi-
the Holiness Union and the . Pente- tion in the-house of Pharaoh until all
. and sincere and meant to do right.
costal Church of the Nazarene, l . Egypt was m an. uproar. Then with
But I want it clearly understood that trust they wjll continue to go forth in a high hand he led this confused mass :
this class o"f professors of holiness the name and-strength ofj;he.Ma8ter, of slaves, _th_ree -_miliiori strong, out of
form no part of the great" holiness
who will, I believe, enlarge bondage toward a land flowing with
movement of this country; neither is their borders, strengthen their s_pirit-" rri.ilk and honey. . ' .
it jn any way responsible for their
working or methods. .And one reason power and influence arid. make. He had not gone far until God calied
why this class of . professors . of holi- them l;>ecqme one of the a halt and gave Moses the most
ness is better known; . is because the agencies in the conversion and sane- plan- of organization for . the
opposers of holiness refer-to -them: as tification of this world to God. And camp -of brael, that was afterward
a fai.r specimen of the move- in doing .it is a to have maintained throughout their journey.
ment, so as. to bring it into-disrepute the defimte rich experienc_e of perfect Now read the plan of organization.
and to keep people away from its love in order to have success and holy Num: 1:52: "And the children . of
meetings. triumph in saving the world. Isrne( shall pitch tqeir tents, every
The inquiry naturally arises, "How Dundee, Ill. man by his own and every
is it possible for the true nature and -" .- -" man by his own. standard * *
extent of the movement to THE CALLED OUT ORGANIZED. the ensign of his fathet .. s
be so little understood generally by c. s:- Moses-was-to be-their General .
the Church and ministry?'' The fol- ''God is not the author of confu- erintendent, but he was to hav_e a Dis-
lowing incident will throw someli.ght siop." 1 Cor. 14:33. "Remember trict Superintendent, an elder .from
upon the subject: It is said that two them which have the rule over you, every tribe; And with you there
. Methodist editors were overheard . .-.. w..h.o .. h.aye spoken unto 'Yo:r:d be a man of every-tribe; everyone head
talking about the holiness 111ovement. of God." Heb. '!3:7. of the house of h1s father/' Num. ;1.:4.
One "I never advertise them or Each time that God the "So I took the chief of your tribes,
their work." The other said, "Nei ... ' remnant of His p"' eople from the pre- wise men and an9 made them
ther do I.'' So. that reading the ceding- dispensatio_n and called them heads over you,. captains over thous-
church periodicals no one could learn out from the a new and higher ands, and captains hundreds, and
anything of the great and rapidly order of things, he placed over them captains over and captains
growing ---Church (;f -the- God-called and Goa: o-rdained; leaders over and officers among- your --
Nazarene, the - Nationa.l Holiness who organized . them . Deut. 1:15.
Association with .its state and county order. God never made a- rope of Then Ist:ael camping or marching
associations .and Holiness Union; .:.. -sand by which to pull humanity along, must observe . a regular order; and
which all together constitute the but the rope of His providence is of when the . pillar of croud they
great holiness moveme:pt . . with- its ' fine texture, closely jnterwoven and . wer:.e to erect _the tabernacle just -
numerous- holiness colleges, : Bible firmly knit together, so that it will under the cloud, and tribe of Levi
?ouses, period- stand the strain .of a-pard .pull. . was to camp around it, whjle . the
. teals and holmess hterature. And as_ When Noah was called out of his tribes of Judah, Issaehar and Zebulon
the holiness movement is not' gen.: godless surroundings into the ark of .were to always camp on the east .
erally regarded with :favor by the God's -pro'tection, they, wel)t ... in by i\nd Sime<;>n and Gad were to
Church . and ministry, there is n& twos ari_d Noah and his occupy .the south, and
' other way to obtain a_ correct knowl- and their theJril\Vivep-of ':Manasseb Benjamin. w.ere tQ
. - . .- .. .
-- - - . .
. - 4 Nazarene Mess-en ..ger 25, 190ti .
. . d a d . a r-eal work of Bible holiness "through
camp on west, and Naphtali an Stno n ence .. - .
I I I ' . a chalmel where it will be perpet-
, Dan on the north.
. INDIANA"'YO"L""Is;-IND:- the- dear Lord has been bless-
' cloud led the way and the tribe of Bless the Lord We are ing us, espeCially since we got into
Judah was to take the lead, followed shouting for personal victory and for our own church and .every meeting
by'lssachar and then the way God is leading and blessing is a regular old fashioned _revival
Gershon, the sons of Levi, bearing- - in the workof the Church here. meeting . . Hallelujah! We have Bud
the tabernacle, and on till the tribe Of haps our Robinson-engaged for a meeting as
Dan closed up the rear. know something-of what we are pass- soon as he can get to it and-are_plan-
.. Reader, do you think all this order : ingthtough and of what God is doing ning and expecting great . things in,
. and :ritual ..:.lias rio . significl:lnce? If for us: ' . ' ., . the 'name of our Christ 'through . the
God'& Israel needed. this who were The devil has hotly contested every channel of the and :near-
commanded to . be a holy :n.ation does inch of th-e-w-ay inour getting started .est the "Bible line Church ot any on
God's. holy people of today need.any :here, but bless God! he is getting ,the - earth. Pray for. us when you. think
less? . . . ' . "worst of it and God i.s leading on. of it for we are still in the fight,- but
After Israel went into captivity in . Hallelujah! After being : qriven . . that the sufferings of this
Babylon and . God wanted them to around from place to place to. hold present time are not worthy to be
return to Judea and Jerusalem, He our services God has just opened the compared to the glory that shall be
raise<i up Nehemiah to pray . enough way for us to purchase a little church revealed in us." Our God is moving
tnoneyout of a heathen king to rebuild in a very desirable 'Part of . the city C. A. IMHOFF, Pastor.
the walls of Jerusalem that then lay for our work, and we are now perma- .- _ .- .-
in heaps cif ruin; but on . his attempt-. nently located in our home,
ing his God-ordained work was 1205 East Market street, corner of
laughed to scorn, mockedandder.ided,. Highland avenu.e. We . are to get
arid even threatened with war, but he this property for $2600; . which . a .
created that all real bargain. The building !s not
the-families in Jerusalem, forty-five large, but will be large enough for a
in number, began to build a wall, and the lot is 120 feet long, so
e.vecy man in front of his own house, we have plenty of room to . build an
and all joined the wall together thus addition as soon as needed:
making a strong fortification against The location is an ideal one, not far
the enemy. The wall would be worth- from the center of the city, ' making
less unless they had joined it together. it of easy access from all parts and
Brethren, let us learn a lesson from still iri a residence district composed
this. we alL have been building in of the .. great middle class of common
front of own door as occasion working people. 'rt is where we can
demanded; now why not join thewalls dra.w from the entire Northeast Dis-
all together in the coming General trict which is all composed of this
Assembly at Pilot Poiht, Texas, next class of peovle. Glory to God!
October; where the Pentecostal Asso- Many were the difficulties and
ciation of Churches and the Churches obstacles to be overcome since we
of the: Nazarene and the Holiness have been here as pastor, and crosses
Church of Christ consummate and 'hardships not a few, but when a
their pending un,ion. We also invite preacher is really sanctified wholly
every wall builder of every tribe of and filled with the Holy Ghost, he
Israel's holy peopleto come and camp does not run<When the devil opens
under the ensign of your family, fire. We kept urging the people on,
around the tabernacle of Jehovah, and while there has been some sift-
and wheli the pillar of cloud rises fall ing out as m. the case of Gideon's
into iine of march to the conquest of band, we knew God had a people here
the nations. and knew He wanted a Pente-
This systematic army of Israel terri-
fied the nations around them until
their hearts melted within them . ....:
-Holiness Evangel.
THE.Favorite Text Wall Roll is just
the daily you .. need in your
home. Send for to the
ing House.
.$ .- .- .
THE ,Annual Meeting of the. Chicago
Centrat 'Dh3trict is announced to be
held on b 'ct. -1, i908.
costal Church of the Nazarene, and
instead of looking-at difficulties and .
obstacles and all_that sort of thing,
we are looking to the great God of
the universe and- are holding on to
Him for victory._,. We have had a
fight; some of the folks were afraid
and went home and strange as it
seems \he most of our opposition has
been from some holiness professors
who seemed to think we had come as
intruders their ground. We
'said that is not the kind of holiness
. we have and we 'are here to
The First Pentecostal Chureh of the
Nazarene of Chicago, Ill., is still on
the .Many precio\ls souls
have knelt at her ,.. altar, _and May
was a month of- great vi<!tory; The
last Sunday sixteen persons knelt for
salvation. One man over .65 years of
age, who was a cripple and longed to
have his sins forgiven, said he coum
not kneel, . but he to be saved.
As soon as the words left his lips, Bro.
Cornell said: "Brother, Jesus will
have mercy on you sitting in-that
chair," and the Lord heard his cry.
God is wonderfullY. blessing our
church.. Truly Bro. Cornell's sermons
are backed up by the power of the
Holy Ghost; therefore sinners are
saved-and--believers- sanctified. Bro. __
Agnew, our District Superintendent,
was with us one Sabbath, and was a
great source of inspiration and bless- the many that-heard him. We
, praise God for the meri .who ar e filled
with the Holy Ghost and not afraid to
show their colors. Come again. F.

I came to the great National and
Iowa camp held at Oskaloosa; Iowa.
The camp was great in every respect.
I never heard Drs. Fowler; Carradine
and Huff preach better. singing
led by Bro: and Sister Harris, was
great and blessed of God. . This was
their fourteenth year as leader iri this
national camp, and tl}ey are invited
for 1909. We begin our camp-meeting
at Hampton, Io\Va, June 26, to. last
. . ,
over two Sundays. My co-workers
are Rev-. A. S. Cochran and.Rev. T:H.
.. : '5

PLAINVILLE, KAN. : way our young converts are taking God is with them in power and victory,
camp here closed last . . . hold of work. We have recently and they are joyfully pressing
It was a -real meeting . . Bro. organized a young . people's -society . greater triumphs . . Let all of our pOO-
. _ Irick of Texas-was-my-co.labol'er--. - He- that._is:Jloing .. splendid wor..k.__Tw.o_ __ J,iliLp-t.ay much for Santa Rosa."
united with. the Nazar:enes when.Dr. young men of.muchpromise havejust
Bresee was at Peniel; Texas. He has added to our membership. SPIRITUAL INSPIRING BEPRESBiNG
the true Nazarene spirit: Bro. Bowes man savedto(Jay. Others
was also with tis . and did his part of are serious and way of life.
the preaching. He is one of the Our outlook and uplook are both very
ing: evangelists of the holiness move- good, and so we thank God and press
ment . . No finer. boy lives. On the on to new victocy. G. W.
.last. afternoon . of . the meeting . we . , .- .
asked for money to build an Associa-
tion-tabernacle, and in a few minutes -
Or, Words Fitly '
. . . . . . .
Being a Compilation of brief.Splnt\lal:
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of thfil MESSENGER during the past
two years.
By _REV. R. PiERCE . .
they gave me We go from . OuR - Sister Victorine Yorba, in
here to Chicago camp, which is to be charge of the work: at Santa Rosa;
-held -at-West-Fullman.- Our- meetinl!.g__,_, w_., :dtes that since the tent has been
at Denver was glorious. The people removed for .. t-,
" enjoyed the preaching. of Drs. are looking place Introduction by Dr. Bresee. .
and Reynold!? very much. Their pres- . of worship. At present they are hold- Price 25c, -by mail30c; in lots.of10$2.
,_:ence in the Queen City of the plains ing services in her "own hired In cloth, 60 .
has set in motion quite a strong senti- Since to . the work she has Address "R. P.,.''
, . . ment in favor of th-e organization of a never seen an hour-of- discouragement.- -730 San-:pedro.St-;;:bos-Angeles;:-CaJ. -

crave an interest in the prayers of an Gos . Stam;n

the readers of the MESSENGER. 'Y -y
I. G. MARTIN. The Latest and Most Attractive

. ...
.- .Ji .Ji.
"Since. coming here March 6, souls
. have been at the altar in the regular
services of the Pentecostal Church of
the Nazarene for pardon and purity
and found victory. There is a fine
openi;ng in this beautiful little city of
7,000 so1,1ls for holiness.. .
We are arranging for spechil ser-
. vices with District SupedntEmdent
Norris of Pittsburg. Prayers of
friends are requested for a gracious
outpouring. . ....
It was my privilege to attend the
of their. kind. . Those who have
seen. them are enthusiastic over
. . The ...
prec1ate. the1r value JS to get a
sample book.
120 Stamps in a Book.
(Sixty Varieties.)
a Book;' 3 :Sooks, 25c
We want an Agent
in Every
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
CamP-Meeting !
District Assembly at Pittsourg May __ _
20-23 and . preach once. Some
reported being The power of
God rested on the Assembly. Dr.
.Bresee's preaching was honored by
the conversion and sanctification of
souls, and especially by new anoint-
ings with power on the saints. My
soul caught new fire, for which I am
profoundly thankful. .
Since home several have . been at
the altar for sanctification 'in.'the
regulAr servjces. God is. with . -
.JJ .JJ' .JJ
The :Pr_E!sence and power of. the Holy
Ghost is very markedly felt in all' our
meetings._ Thjs prayers,
messages and testimonies,"' and the _
glory of the Lord rests upon every
s9uL We-.. are especially. i filled with
gratitude and praise. to God for the
The Second Annual Camp-Meeting
Pentecostal Church of , the Nazarene
will be held in Beulah Park, East Oakland. Gal.,
July 1 .to 12, 1908.
REV. P. F. D. D., General Supt., Los Angeles; Cal.
REV. H. F. REYNOLDS, General Supt., Haverhill,' Mass.
MARTHA E. CURRY, Stoneham, Mass.
- - will be held on the-forenoons-of July 8 to 10 . . .
, on the g;rounds. v.:m be. 'made for lodgin_g by
the mght or for the entire season at reasonable rates. Tents and furniture
can be ren:ted" fort_he season. Order early. . _
- Further inforrriati_on can be by seeing or writing to _ . . .
. REV. H .. 0. WILEY. Sec'y, 1816 Derby St., ;Berkeley, Cal.
or REV. P. G. LINAWEA VER', District Superintendent, - -
. 1016 Tenth Street, Oakland, Cal .
25, 1908
7\!a'' .... ene 11_1 essenger. great', acceptability and power; then work, and there is lifted . . up another
.ll!t ""'' ' .lr.l.4 he went on his way to visit the light for
churches .in Eastern Washington, and . The recent District Assembly at
P. F. Bresee, Editor .. k ..
R. Pierce, - . Ollice Editor wor until over the Sabbath, which opening a new erra in this northw.ef?t.
J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and_Bru. Mgr. : was a great day,- the large audience- This is a grea.t dis_.
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS: room peing_ filled at all three Of the tances,. great mountains, great rivers,
E . "'it. Girvin P. G. LinaUJeGrJer C . E . Co; nell . . .
'.k P. Coleman .. J. B . . services and the-presence of the Lord . great.cities, a_nd we are lo.oking_fo ..
H. D. Browll.. J. W. Goodwin .. .. W. C. Wilon
manifest in saving power. great ..
at Los seattle is a, great city, widely spread Bro. Brown and his coadjutors ent_er
Published Every out, with a great lake at least a half upon-the work with new zeal, and we
' TERMS . ...: $1 a year in to 'IS a ' mile iii diameter'in the: very centre, . believe with greater divine . anoint-

and state with high . hills .here and there, ings, and are expecting to double the
t: =n Sent, and the office and State . to which their faith . says, "-Be "re-. .number of tQiS church before the next
EXPIRATION OF TIME -Subscriptions are p_ayable IN mov.ed and be cast I'nto the' sea, and District. Assembly, and that a mult_i-
Unless is made or request is made
it will be at they obey-'-at least some of thein do; tude will be saved and sanctified.

the- rest add to the picturesque-' ---- ... HOMEWARD BOUND

matters on same P9Stal or sheet with' any other matters. . f th 't It ' fi 1
It always causes tro1,1ble and delay, and may cause neSS 0 e Ct y. tS ne Y COn-
mistakes. d b d f t
Parties receiving the paper regularly without having necte Y a gOO SyStem 0 Stree
subscribed for it will know that it has been presented 'l h' h f
to them by some friend and there will be no bill. rat ways, W tC , seem to trans er
In case of any irregularity or failure to receive your h I h h
paper, notify the Publisher by mail at once. everyw ere. n t e Very eart,
How To REMIT- Remit by Money Order or 'Bank 1 h h' 1
_ Draft,_payabie to a most t e exact geograp tea centre,
NAZARENE PUBLISHING co. as shown upon the map, near its great
730 SAN PEDRO ST. LOS ANGELES, CAL. COOSSWays, haS been established the
Tel. BroadtDa
Home F-
Pentecostal Chu'rch of the Nazarene.
After an absence of nearly three
months. my heart thrills as I turn my
face towards horne even if near two
thousand miles stili intervene. From
Seattle to Los Angeles is a magnifi-
cent . trip. Mountain ridges with
scenes made passable by some of the
finest engineering in the world, with
Some years ago our dear Sister Col- beautiful .snow- capped summits,
bourn came to this city. She was one rivers which. seem to ine broader than
. " uf the charter members of our Church the Mississippi, and then again dash-
at its beginning at Los Angeles, fully ing torrents, and waterfalls where
SE"ATTLE, WASH. devoted to the Master and loyal to this streams are turned into spray;_ and
It -had been arranged that after the work of God. She prayed anq claimed then again the sea which .. always
close of -the District . Assembly at from the Lord its establishment here. . charms. But there is one over-mas-
Portland, Ore., for the General Super- Months Jengthened into years, but her . tering desire- that the car wheels
intendents to give a few days visiting expectancy was triumphantly secure will roll fast, to bring us to those we
the churches and doing some little in her trust that God would bring it love. Some will notbe there to greet
service in this Northwestern District. about. Three or four years ago Bro. us-they wait a little further on_;but
Therefore Rev. F. H. Reynolds and H. D. 'Brown and wife, .and -later a .. that intensifies the for those
myself came at once to this city .few others carne into the church here who tarry. This trip has _ taken m
and took boat for Everett, a flourish- and a small class was . formed, which through considerable of the United
ing city of 25,000 inhabitants, three met (with some irregularity) at Bro. States, and to many great as well as
hours' ride by boat up the Sound. We Brown's home; but as he became Dis- lesser cities. I have been permitted
by the Pastor; Rev. Vernie trict Superintendent and was much to preach about seventy times, make
Clark. Arrangements had been made away, the meetings were irregular and about twenty-five other addresses,
for service at night and we were soon the work made little progress. But preside at five District Assemblies,
'at the tabernacle, which was well about a year.agoaplacewasrentedand and 'meet a goodly ntiinber of Christ-
filled with people . . -Bro. Reynolds regular begun, Bro. Brown ian workers of our own and other
hung up his map and spoke. of the giving .to it such time as was possible Churches. The work is . difficult, in
work of-the united church, . and others helping. A few months many places so. The
preached, and a precious altars .. rvice ago Bro. and Sister .. Wallace were enemy attacks it seemingly, in every
wa&-held, at which one young man transferred from Seattle; Sister Wal- way, and. combinations of
professed the blessing of entire sane- lace accepting .a call from the church influences are against it, as against
-tification and others were blest. here to be 1ts pastor. .. no other form of Christian work.
There seems to. be a good opening The forces have been rallied, pl!ovi- That itis not a shadowy or fleeting
_-- for our church-at Everett. They are dential agencies have-been raised up, influence;. but is an abiding pres.:.
planning the of a lo.t and the a lot has been secured, a .church built ence, .preaching holiness and gather-
erection .of a church building and -though not finisl}eg - of ing loyal . adherents about that
, praying for and expecting a great holding a large audience, salvation has banner, unites and intensifies opposi-
tide .of salvation. come to the people, Sister Colbourn's tion. But thanks be to God the
Bro. Clark is an alumnus . of our . faith has beerihonoJ;"ed, and all rejQiCe. : cause triumphs . ... Doors---are opening ...
Deets Pacific Bible College, .has just Great things are . in s_tore for this on every hand; thoughtful, earnest
been married, and with his young wife church. A week-day holiness meeting . men areturmng toit-;-andas_- fast as
enters enthusiastically upon his work . has been established,J;o !>e held Tues- it can be moulded into unity 'for its
here. The next morning we returned day at 2: 30 p. m. every w.eek. All great end, it is taking on larger pro-
to Seattle, and for two nights. Bro. the agencies of a church are in opera- portions. In eveay part of the land
Reynolds preached. the W()rd, with . tion, and the blessing of God oil the it is ,being planted like corn in the ..
J 25, 1008] . N4zflr.en .. e.: .Messenger.
tops of the. mountains and it will soon SisTER MARTHA E. CuRRY;--.Whom DISTRicr.
shake like Lebanon. many of our California We, thELGenera.l Superintendents of
With thanksgiving and holy aw,e, remember with pleasure when visiting _ the Pentecostal 9hurch of the Naza-
:will rene, hereby cal the Southern- Cali-
.JJ .JJ .JJ of the special preachers at the Beulah . fornia District to meet fn Annuai
. CLOSE OF VOL. XII. _Camp-meeting, Oakland, which opens Assembly- at the First Church, Los
This issue of the MESSENGER closes July 1. We pray the to make Angeles, CaL, corner.Wall and Sixth
another volum.e of. its work .and .an- her a great blessing to.many.on .. this . streets, .July 30, -1908,. 9:30.- a. -m. - JL. ,
other of the gracious work which . visit. -- Let all interested-take note that all
it repres.ents. _since the opening of THE International Sunday-:School Pastors, Elders, Licensed Preachers, .
the volume it has welcomed to its fel- Association held its twelfth -Triennial Sunday. School Superin-
jn the organized convention in 'Louisville; Kyi , '. tkndents, Deaconesses :anp_properly.: ..
holiness the Beulah Cknstian of the 18-25, in the great Armory on Walimt certified delegates are members, aliia
East and .the Holiness- Evangel of St :It was a undenominational of the of the
South.' . There is therefore opened to . connectional fabric, for the promotion all melnbers.Of the District As8embly
the MESSENGER a wider scopefor its of which leaders and workers of phe- from the beginning to the close of
by_the .. of:..the. Petite- nominal enthusiasm have been sessions, also there. be _much ....
costal Church and the Holiness Church up. prayer for a great . outpouring of the
of _Ch_rist than .it has hitherto filled, WE are glad to report improvement Holy Spirit upon all its
bot.h m re!erence to the enlargement in the condition of Brother and Sister P. F. BRESEE,
of its circulation and also in the larger; _ Glover and their si.x- children who H. F. REYNOLDS,-...
. field its of have .all _ with General Superintendents.
orgamzed ?ohl_less, and a This has not only been a testing time .JJ Jl'
through which the churcJ:l:. can obtam to tl)e devoted of our Santa Ana . UPLAND, . cAL. . ....
the news from all par_ts of the field. .. Church but also to tbeChurch itself The meetings were blest of God
It is the of the editors No doubt the Lord will make it "work last Sabbath. The. pastor preached
publishers to make the out for them a farmoreexceedingand in the morning,. Bro. -Cagle. in .the -
second to none as a clean! bright hoh- eternal weight of afternoon and Sister .'.Cagle in. .,.
ness a_ndto do- .this . - . . . . . .evefiin:g . . About"" seven .knelt at the
have the co-operation of pastors and . REy. C. B. EBEY, . one of tlie most altar in the evening service and sev- .
evangelists to keep them as to m the Free Meth- eral souls were satisfied. . People are
what is going on in their fields of odist die.d suddeJ!l! last week getting hungry for salvation and we
labor, and by strong articles on all at the Hermon, are trusting God for victory.
phases of the holy lifeand experience. . Cal. . Beindes ?emg one of the strong. BERTHA MAE WILSON;
We hope that every pastor and preachers Qf f?r .- .JJ .JJ
member will help to make the opening years presidmg m Ilhnms, We hereby acl,mowledge-the'receipt
volume bette.r than . any yet issued, and for .four editor of the of the following-named sums for
not only, but 'run up the subscription Methodut, !twas stated he was Escobar:
list to a paying basis. R. P. offered the position of General Super- Helen Stormer ............. .............. $ . 50
.JJ .JJ .JJ intendent of the Church, but refused Clemmie Gay ....................... .. .. 2.00
it because he . desired to remain in Mrs . . F. M. Stoddard- -- ------ ----- -- 1.00
Notes and Personals Southern .California. Through his
efforts ll)ainly the work of the Free W. E. and Mrs. Anderson ...... .. ... 1.00
A Friend ... ............ .................... 1.00
THE Tuesday afternoon Holiness Methodist Church was established in .JJ .JJ .
Meeting at the. First Chruch, Lo.s Southern California. The funeral MORE AND .MOHE.
Angeles, . was a. gracious time of re- took place. from...,-the Chapel' of the And this I pray. that your love may abound yet more
'freshing under the lead of Dr. Bresee. . .College at Hermon, 23. . and z: 9.
. coming out from all that_,Ainderq me,
THE pastor!) . of -the Southern Cali- .JJ .JJ .JJ More ilej>aration, 0 my Lord. to Thee'-
fornia District will please fill out the SPANISH MISSION. Self-cnicified,' and all that self involves;
statistical blanks sent them and return The best day we have seen in our More trust to Thee, and less of high resolves,
not . later than one week before the Mission was Sunday; real blessing all More patient prayer, more Bible, ar.d
=-District Assembly. . the day through . . Bro. Juan Rios'

earth, and more God above;

REV. C. J. FoWLE_R closed .- the. message in a: m.-, .. A life ,that dee}lens -in .things of God,
a very successful- meetmg . With the Bro. Avella m the p. m., Supermten- Endunng hardness, bowmg to the rod;
John Wesley Pentecostal Church of at night; Bro: Alberto Mejia . in Christ. 'all my hope, and naught from Him
the. Nazarene, . N . . Y.,_ charg?_of Plaza meeting. -F'?u!:. pilot, and His word my cl}'art-
which Bro. Hoople IS pastor. . : ... s-eekers. durmg .. the da!-three for So shall I weather life's.tempe's'tuous sea;
A NEW Pentecostal Church of the pardon and one for hohness; eleven And find eternal peace, my Lord, with Thee,
Nazarene. was organized at Du Bois, seekers . during -. the week. Seventy- .. -c. Butler-Stoney.
Md., May '18. Trustees have been in the Sunday School. June 28, .JJ .JJ .JJ
-.. elected and have purchased an acre of at night will be -children's service. . WHAT THEY AY IT.
d d b
1d h h B Alb t M t C DEAR. BRO. KINNE; I am m rece1pt of your
groun , an are soon to UI a c urc ro. er. eJta goes
ucamonga Wall Roll and am more than pleased with it.
edifice. They are i:tow worshiping in and OntariO 'for a few days to do -- It is to I _have_ ever seen
a tent. The Lord prosper this new some visiting ainong the Mexicans. . of the md, and
ope t wlll h.ave a large
. . sale.. You111 _truly, ... .. L G.I'!fARTIN.
vine. . MRS. Jd. MCREYNOLDS. 772 E. 41st St., Los Angles, .Cal.
. ..
-- .. :.8 -- Nazarene Messenger
[June 25, i908
Los. _A-,geles and Vicinity He then went on to"show clearly that today,. with Reys. Humphrey, Ross
the altar to "The Unknown 6od" was and Edwards as preachers, apd a good
. A.T T_HE .. -'-- __ a the heathen that .there is antic-ipated. .
Surely the earnest hearts that " seek was a God, and " that they aia noc -.
first the kingdom" in the early morn- know Him. He briefly brought out CO.MPTON .. AVENUE .CHURCH.
ing meeting for prayer at the Taber-- the fact that all unenligl)tened Another. high day in Zion was ours
hacle receive the blessing of the Lord._ heathen: all legalists, an a!ld to enjoy. 'At the morning hour for
This meeting is always a gracious all formalists were worshippers of worship the Sabbath- School and
spiritual preparation for the services the Unknown God, fn that they church had a union service; Sister
which follow. trusted in their forms and ceremonies Armour preached ... :wonderful serm-on
The: Sabbath school was . largely . apd did .not \<:now God in their hearts. to the lambs of the . flock and -to the
and . was .. or great interest Xfte:f reViewing Pllul 's method with edification of the_:_sheep, showing how
and helpfulness. . __ _ the heathen he showed that the the Good Shepherd cared for both.
A large congregation--assem-bled at cause Ignorance of God was our At the altar call about twenty-boys
the 11 o'clock service, fn aftti,cipation sins, our . sup-erstitions, and our reli- and girls felt their need of Jesus, and
of_ welcoming home Dr. Bresee, after gious nature, when misused. He also as they cried, wept and prayed, God
his nearly . three . months' absence in showed that the results of lgiloranae spoke peace to their hearts. One
visiting' the churches in the South, of God were fruitlessness, weakness, mother also was at the altar, and
East: and Northwest. Instead of a fear, delusion and death, and closed while she wept and cried, she did not
formal sermon, Dr. Bresee gave a by naming the conditions of knowing surrender all, but went away with a
very interesting account of his itiner- God, which were the use of rightfac-_ heavy heart. At night Sister Arm-
_ary, showing how graciously and rap- ulties not only, but the right use of our's sermon dealt with the Gracious
idly the Lord is making the Pentecos- the right faculties. As the speaker Invitation in the last c.hapter of Reve-
tal Church of the Nazarene a power earn'est exhortation several lation, Two souls came,
in the land, an<;i how all sections of seekers came to the. altar, aJ!d the blessed be God! - v. J. J.
the holiness forces are- turning their . helped them. .JJC .,c .,c
eyes it. He quickly .Those who al'Ef to attend COTTAGE MEETINGS.
the work and spirit of the various the Company E meetmgs_ .these days How our hearts were made to
District Assemblies, and enthused all find that God is marvelously manifest- rejoice as we saw Father and Mother
hearts with the tone of victory which ing Himself i'n our midst. Sister Murray coming with . thei r two pre-
pervaded them all. Those of our Imogene Kenoyer gave us a clear, cious boys to the altar seeking' salva-
readers who have followed the Doctor definite, holiness message, using tion. We feel like exhorting other
fri his interesting editorial letters in Abram's sacrifice as -a text. She fathers and mothers who have
the MESSENGER followed him again spoke of the need of a complete con- unsaved children to open up their
in his rounds with added Interest. secration showed the steps-into homes for cottage prayer meetings,
After this interesting talk the fol- the fountain of cleansing. Three for there is no q)lestion but that _it
lowing persons were received into souls were at the altar, for which we has been through _the power of God's
church fellowship: . Mrs. Ida N. praise the Lord; one came out'victo- Spirit in the Tues day night meeting
Greene, Nellie Greene, Clarence rious. held in Bro. and Sister Murray's
Greene and Pearl Stoner (all by letter) ; .JJC .JJC .JJC home; Los Angeles, that their four
W. T. Hill, 907 Fifth st., Los Angeles; GRAND-A"VENVE CHURCH. precious children_ have been wonder-
C. M. McCorin:ick, Mrs. C. M. McCor- " Just - like a old-fashioned fully saved from sin to say nothing of
'mick and Samuel McCormick, Melrose Methodist meeting," was the r-eport many other . victories won. Let us
Hili, Los Angeles ; S. P. Stansbury, of some tourists who .attended the give Jesus all the glory and earnestly
Melrose Hill, Los Angeles; Grace Con- Grand A venue Church on.. Sabbath pray for other precious souls.
r Pe11.nsylvania av.e., Los An- Jast, where Brp._LaFontaine preached. L . E. R.
geles; Harold Tracey, Deets Pacific at 11: 00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. to good _. .- .-
Bible'College, Los Angeles; Mrs. A. sized audiences, and with much of HOLINESS CAMP-MEETING.
Moore, 3427 .Poydras st.,.BoyJe Hts., - blessing. The morning sermon was The Southern California Pentecostal
LOs Angeles; Mrs. M. A. Joy, Ven- based on 1 John 3:3, "Every man that Holiness Association has arranged for
tura, Cal. hath this hope in Him purifieth him- a mountain park Holiness Camp-Meet-
- The afternoon Holiness_.,Meeting self, evEm as He is pure." One lady ing at Carter's Camp, near Sierra
-.-was in charge of Dr. Bresee, who was converted and rej oiced in her Madre, at the foot of Mt. Wilson, -
read a portion of Scripture with help- new-founq salvation. L. E. beginning on Monday, June 29, and
f1,1l comments. A gracious season of Rogers. gave the message at the after- continuing until -July 6, with prorni-
praise and testimony was enjoyed and !loon test imony meeting and the nent preachers. as speciat workers.
two_ seekers were the altar. mg of tJle Lord rested upon the samts. Special day services .for July 4th will
The evening service opened by a Mrs. LaFontaine preached- at the be arranged, and it will make a -
spirited song service, after which young people's service to the_ edifica- delightful place to spend the glorious
Bro. Whitcomb preached a fine ser- tion of all, and the evening text was Fourth. . Tents 10 x 12 . with double
mon on . "IgnQrance of God," from upon "Being Justified Freely," from bed can be secured forthe entire time
. Acts 17:23. He opened his sermon Rom. 3:24. Two ladies were forward all completely-furnished for $6.00, or .
- with a description of Paul's Second as seekers of ; salvation and were with two double beds for -$7.00. The
Missionary Journey; closing an .blessed of God. .round trip to Sierra Madre is only 50c.
accouPt of his dis:course on Mar's Hill. - The ali-day meeting is being" held Already a good number of tents have
June. 1908] " Nazarene

been for.. -- Any one - aguacates, and :qtany other COTI'AGE FOR RENT .
. to go to the Camp can arrange with of tropical and serrii-:tropical fruits. . Five-Room Modem ..Q;ttaie, on. BoYi"e -
Fred Ross of the Euclid.Heights __ field are: Sugar
M. E. Church telephone Boyle 1185. cane, cotton, corn, potatoes, .n.ce, shrubberr-Iotsof fruit. House newly tinted

N ' f T, . .
fiber plants and alfalfa. The raismg and vam1she!I. Big steel range connected for
Severa azarene ami Ies WI . tent, of cattle and-sheep is very profitable. hot water; no gas; will furnish good gasoline
and many others . are arranging to All .garden .vegetables grow _to.per- stove. Its a snap. $16.25. Call up
spend the .Fourth and Sabbath fection during the entire year, can be wav
.. .
ing at the meeting. It is expected to produced to mature from November ! HEALTH IS WEALTH.
make this a permanent Camp for the to .April 30,,at a when Two essentials to good health -are
Holiness People.of Southerri Califor- brmg the prices, there bemg air and.pure w.a.ter. Both these
. . . . . no competiti6n. furmshed with lots purchased . in
. . The Is , bY, ;the_ yield usually hyice a yea..r, . . Hill . Tract . . and
S1e:ra Madre cars- frotn Sixth and VfhiCh can be made certam by i.rriga- properties.. . . . -
Mam Streets: bon.. The profits run from $100.00 to InformatiOn furmshed by A. N .
.- . .- .- $300.00 per acre. Shipments can be Clark at his residence on Graham
made by sea to all ports of the world. Ave., Melrose Hill. Take
SAN DIEGO, CAL. Rivers run through the land, affording Aye. 0. address: Melrose
Our faith . takes hold of God for very cheap irrigation. HJll. R. F. D. 11. Los Angeles, Cal.
great things. He has been blessi"ng - Rainfall is from 40 to 50 inches each - - - - ----
us so that we are encouraged to ask year. The climate is delightful all FoR SALE.-A good $100 organ,
largely. We are praying for a lot on the year round. It is one of.the most nearly new. Will sell very reasons-
favored spots in Mexico, and can be bly to a new church in need of. an
which to place otir tabernacle, so as made one of the most attractive. organ. Address Mrs. Jones,
to avoid the heavy expense of $25 per The first colonists will leave about-. (Via Sausalito) . Ft. Baker, Cal.
month for :rent. Let every body heip the- middle of December.- l.'h.ose who .!II .- .!II
us pray. for this. Since last report go first naturally get the most desir- Have you ever used a Wall Roll? Try it.
there have been several definite able locations, as well as the most You will find it a great blessing to have a
ke S a d bt
'n s d f h favorable prices and terms. helpful text on the wall to keep your
see r n o at er , an our ave .. For further information, call or
united with the Church. God is mov- dd D G W C thoughtsheavenward as you go about . your
. a res,s, R. HAPMAN,._ -daily work. The Favorite Text Wall Roll is
ing things here. P. w. GIRVIN. . . 619 S .. Hill. St.; Los Angeles, Cal.. the finest iii print.- Get it. .
.JI ,Jj . .JI...
received the Favorite Text Wall Roll
from the Nazarene Publishing Co . . We
think, as for construction and- contents, it
. .J!llrpasses in beauty iuid helpfulness any it
has been our privilege to see. We highly
appreciate it a.nd wish that every family
might hav.e it in their home.
Preferred Advertisements
One thousand good families to col-
onize 100,000 acres of exceedingly rich
land in a very healthful" and
location in Mexico; State of Jalisco.
on the Pacific Ocean, the finest deep
water port on the coast. The climate
is se!lli-tropical, varying very little in
temperature, . and cures catarrh and
some forms of lung trouble. Hunting .
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This boOk- is r;;il of GEMS OF TRUTH. haridy for milLE READING. and illustrative
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641 . E. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal. --
of Commencement Week .
[June 25, 19.08
Baptism 6f . Grace Delight Johnson
(infant daughter the founders),
by Rev. P. F. ]3resee, D. D.
Serinori to College Students, by Rev.
A.B., Vice..:President.
. '. . .
_ suN_DAY, JUNE 28-FIRST CHURCH. Sermonette Corneal Clark --- -- Commencement
Sermon: . m: . s ermonette . . ' Fred Schield_s .. Song. 0 . , .Congregation
Rev. P. F. . -Solo-- Viola Sharpless Prayer Rev.-:..:- .A:.-L.-Whitcorrib
Annual Sermon 7:30 p. m. Sermonette Florence Borland --Solo Henry Scheidmari
Rev. A. L. Whitcomb, M. s: _ Sermonette and Altar Call c. P. Ellis _ "Have Faith in God"
Benediction Prof. Reid Introductory Dr. P. F. Bresee; Pres.
. Paper Rev. lsahih Reid A.B., Vice:P .
TUESDAY, 3 P. M. -FIRST. CHURCH. "In the .. of . Knowledge
''God: n - - "
Sinooing . Coliege Studen . ts Song . . College Students
,., "It Must Be Told.''
Scripture Reading Fannie Brewer Address Charles William Griffin
Prayer . Hulda Grebe Holiness a Bible
Solo Pearl Stoner Address Alma Alverda Orrin
Sermonette Leoda Grebe Holiness a Necessity.
Sermonette Martha Howe Solo Pearl Stoner
College Platform Meeting.
Leader Prof. Isaiah Reid, A. B.
Singing College Students
Prayer , . . Prof: Reid
Duet Misses 'stoner and Kenoyer
Sermonette George Franklin
Sermonette Alice R. Barnes
Sermonette Hulda'Grebe
Chorus College Students "I've Fourid the Way to Heaven."
,._ Jessie Figg Sermonette Speros Athans Address Arthur Lee Grinnell
Emma Suess -- Sermonette Imogene Kenoyer . . Universal. . .
. . Pe.arl Stoner Altar Call Emina Suess - Address , Mae Emma Burk
Prof. Reid Benediction Rev. A .. L. Whitcomb Holiness. Experimental .
Altar Call
Song _College Students .
"We'll Sing and Preach Holiness."
TUESDAY, 7 :30 P. M. -COLLEGE. d f Cl
. . . . Address an Presentation o ass
Semor Expenl!-ce and Tesb- Leora Maris, Principal
Don't miss Sunday afternoon.
Hear your. College students preach.
MOlWAY, 3 P.
Students!-Sacred-Song- Senice. ___ _
mony Meetmg. - . Address and Conferring of Diplomas
Class Motto:-..!. We'--ll- -Bing and Pr-eac,h-- -- - -- ... Rev. P . . F-.-Bresee .. D..D..._&es. .
- Holi ness." The College Song "Contentment"
Charles William Griffin By College-Students
Leader Pearl Stoner
College. Students
Scripture Reading Martha Howe
Mae Emma Burk Benediction Rev. P. F. Bresee, Pres.
Prayer Lola Blessing
Alma Alverda_ Orrin All are most cordially invited . .
Arthur . Lee . . our Paying Friends''
. Solo Imogene Kenoyer
Chorus -College Students
College students w1ll smg and pray. especially invited.
Don't miss the Pentecostal blessing ====== == ========;::=
our God is going gfvE:{ BOOKS
Duet Viola Sharpless, Henry Scheid-
Quartette Misses Stoner, Logan.
McNaughton, Howe.
Chorus College Students
Quartette Misses Stoner, .Kenoyer,
Messrs. Keeler, Scheidman.
Solo Harold Tracy
The Annual Meeting of the Board of
Duet. Messrs. Ledig, Athans WEDNESDAY, 7 :30P.
Chorus College Students Great Missionary Meeting of
Solo Bertha Mae Wilson . Students.
Quartette Misses Howe, Kenoyer, Leader, Leora Maris, Principal.
-- H. Grebe; Stofiel' : 'Singing - - - College Stud eats
D.uet Bro. and Sister C. P. Ellis Scripture Reading . Bess S. Wood
Solo _ . Stoner Prayer " Mother" Seymour
Song edley Leader, B. Mae Wilson S9lo . . . Pearl Stoner
. Doxology . 'ffly...(;)ali-"Missioris'' Corneal Clark
Benediction Dr. Bresee My Call......,"Japan" . E'thel McPherson
My-Call- "China" A. L. Grinnell
MONDAY>' 7 : 30 P. ;rtr.-COLLEGE. - My CaU- " India" Leoda 'Grebe .
. Freshman_Services. My Call- "Egypt" Lida Bleasdale
Singing College Students My Call- "Mexico" Speros Athans
Scripture Reading Mamie Barr Quartette :Misses Stoner, Wil$,on,,
Prayer Bessie Sallee Kenoyer and Howe
Solo Harold Tracy Altar Call
, -Sermonette , _ .. Benediction Dr. Bresee
Holiness Bible Readings (cloth)
How They Grow ''
Soul-Help Papers (paper)
The Holy Way ''
730San Pedro St., Los Angeles.
t .
""""'I .
.i. M. HARRIS, Editor; W. :J.
. Co nt. EC::Iltor.
. Pe)>,bled Cloth . 25c, pos tpai d.
J.:t<fentlon this ad.
730Sin P1dro St. Los Anplu, C1l.
Pen_tecostal Church of the Nazarene
Get now an<I up with the procession.
730' Saii Pedro St. Loil Angeles, Cal.
Jime 25, .1908]
Our Young People

A TEACHER in theSunday:School
had asked the boys in her class
how"' much they loved their mothersl
and one boy said:
''I love my mother . more than
tongue can tell."
. ,.,I love mine a thous.alid
''What would yo_u be willing to do
for her?" asked the teacher.
''0, I would be willing to die . for
her," replied one boy.
''I would be willing t9 fight for my ..
mother," said another boy of tert
years . . "Just let a fellow say any- ,
thing against my mother, and I g1,1ess
he'll I wouldn't'let any one -
say a bad thing about my mother!"
"Neither would I!" exclaimed
another boy.
''You haven't said anything yet,
Willie," said the teacher to a little ..
chap about ten years old. "What
brave thing would. you be .. willing to
do for your mother?"
After a moment's reflection he said:
''Well, I am always willing to get up
in the morning the first time she calls
me. I think that is doing a good deal.''
'.!_Y-es, Wi-llie, +t- is,'' -repiied the-
teacher, laughing heartily. ''Judging
from my experience with boys, I think
that the-boy who gets up at the first
call from his mother, especially on a
'frosty" morning, is a pretty brave
boy.'" -Sel.
Nazar.ene MeBae_nger
father''s we may be sure. but
when they are coupled with continual
forgetfulness, there is a jar in. the
music. It tlie-gfrl_WliO. remembers
fathe.r's requests and anticipates his
wishes whose loving words always
rfng true. - Sel. :.
.JI Jl .JI
The Sunday Sch1R1l--tessTJn-.--
, July 5; .1908 .. . .
Israel Asks for a King.!_:_
- ----- 1 Sam 8:10-22. " .
Read I Sam S.:l-22 Commit Verses 19, 20
me kings reign,
princes 8:1.5.
Mon.; Jtlnc 29, 1 Sam. 8:122 . . Tues.,
Prov. 3 :512. Wed., Num. 11: 110. Thu.,
Num. 11:1820, 31-34. Fii., Jer. 18:1-17.
Sat., Hos. 13:915. Sun.. 2 Cor. 6 :1418 . .
Suggestive Notes and Comments.
We r esume t he study of the Old Testa-
ment times where we left it six months
since. It is just after the time of th!J ,
Judges. The date is somewhere about
1141, according to Smith's history. From
Ruth to the birth of David was not a long
period, and it is probable that while Samp-
son was fighting Philistines at one point
in the Jewish territory Eli was establish-
ing the r eligious center of the nation at
Shiloh. There is no systematic ch ronology,
' the idea. of the Bible not- .being to give
historical chronology, but to select and
give us the story of the special training
and discipline of God's chosen people. It
is, as. some one has said, a history of f acts
as God sees the m referred to their true
center in Him, explained by his dealings
with men and his workings with them.
The book of Samuel contains the passing
_of the ..
the kingdom. Out of the stormy period
of the Judges, with its mixed conditions,
peoples and religions, and its utter lack of
centralization, either civil or religious, we
sec the shaping of a new order of things.
Samuel is God's '' maa of destiny' ' for
the period. He needed to be born.
So we have the s tory of his birth and
e nvironment in t he early chapters of the
book. Our l esson begins after year s had
passed. Sa muel is well up in age. The
.. .
' 11
providential control. If .we choQse a king,
God lays down law.for liim. Neither . king
nor his law excuses from our alleg1ance
'to our King of Kings. If Israel would
llavc a .. king they must also hear what that __ _
kind of a govemment would-'involve,, We
do not get away from God by makmg a
. king of our own. Both God and the
prophet considered the choice of. the peo
ple _was the rejection. of God as_
There were practical reaso.ns.why the .
people wanted a king. (1) They needed __
national organization for their own pres- .
servation and protection. (2) They need-
.ed a central head of
authority to levy war ' and (lirect armtes
in . national def ence. ( 3) They. needed
leadership, both. in the s tate and church,
-d in the prosecution of war and. for
preservation of r eligion committed to
them. (4) It naturally seemed to them
that they needed like organization, to
meet' organized poplc around them. (5)
Perhaps apart from . these conditions in
the very nature of the case, much of the
unrest ,among the people was due to an
undue h
a nke r to be like other people,
rather than be the ' ' peculiar'' people
God wanted them to be.
On the prophet ' s side it may be said:
(1) . He stood with God. (2) When the .
people did not go that way, then he .stood
with the next best thing that could be
done. (3) To Samuel it was not .only the
abandonment of the Divine plan for the .
nation, but of himself as judge. He was
now well up in years, and had given his
life to the lifting up of the people, ere
ating a true nati onal life and and
establishing a central location of religious
authority arid influence, .- Like . Eli; ' he.
carried the high priesthood, and judge
ship, which was kingly, as well as the
pries tly, both in his individual manage:
ment a nd supervision. The making of a
king sepal"ated these responsible func-
tions. It was in one sense the dethron-
ing J1f . . Samuel, as if aband-

see bow it antagonized both the hope
and faith of the proph'et. The respect in
which Samuel was held is manifest in the
r equest of the people that he , himself
s houhl do this for them, but it is evidently
done in such a mandatary and cl'amorous.
\"ay that it tarnished ttie request with a :
trick of policy.
issue has come- wht>n- the peoplc- demand.--
'Ye shall be servants. '' Though told,
they did not seem to know. The prophet
explains,_nJls..e_r_theless,_ the_y_Jl_ersist in hav-
ing their own way and sny, "Nay, but We
"THERE'S a button off my ove:-
. coat, Molly. Can you sew It
cin for me?"
"Why, of course, papa, dear."
The answer came so promptly, and
Mollie's hand patted her father's
sleeve so affectionately, that almost
any one' who listened would have been
astonished a few days later to hear
him say, . "By the way, Molly. that .
button sewn on yet."
Molly gave a little horrified cry.
''0, you poor, patient papa! How
neglectful I have been! I surely __
sew it op tonight." . But she was so
absorbed---in::_her----shadow embroidery -
that 8he forgot it again, and her father
stopped at' the tail.or's the next nfght,
and the button \vas sewed on. As for
Molly, .she forgot that she had forgot
ten, and never thought about the.
putton again.
Kind words I;\9Und sweetly in a
a king.
On the change from a republic to a king- ..
dom there seems to be two views: ( 1)
1 Sam. where God did not desire
a change, and, - 1 Sam. 9:16, where He .
sanctions the change. As elsewhere, God
adjusts his to the moral
agency of men. God may overrule our
choices, but he has limited Himself. in 'Ill
lowing persona! freedom, though he sees
to it that moral freedom involves def;lnitc
responsibility. When we will have our
way, He sees to it that soul-leanness fol-
_l,qws bad plead for
the thl.'ocratic, or republican, form of gov
crnmcnt. '!'he people per sistently' :wanted
a. monarcl1y. The issue was now on. The
Lord ha1l directed Samuel to accede to
their claims, . so in the first words of the
lesson we are told that this old prophet,
true to his office, told all the words of the
Lord unto the people.
.How f ew nrc able to follow him in this ...
respect I ' 'All the words. ' ' Not some,
not the smooth words only. Not "no
bell, ' ' when God says there is. Indeed,
'all' ' is just all. Are the necessary
truths .necessary to full salvation t '"It
must- be told. " Dear, heroic old saint,
like Abraham be stood up s t raight atid-
''staggered not.''
Manner of the king. Our choice ot a
new . d c:>es not take . out. of God's
will have a king. ' ' They c hose their own
slavery. It is the-.old story, and the new
story as well. We ourselves choose the
yokes we arc to wear, and by our free
elect a nd decz:ee our future, We
'cnmio't be told when we clo not want to
be told. In v ain <lo we warn the boy of
the first drink. In do we try to
forewarn the young girl of her danger.
It is only the old story, ''Nay, but we will
have a g.' '
Nevertheless the people refused. ' ' It
was not light they needed. The trouble
was not jgn<irance. It_ a of re-
jection of light. It was the choice of a
perverted heart. God explains the moral
problem involved, namely, rejection of
Himself. Reje'ction of Go<l is the rejec- .
tion that always lies behind the thin Vl!il
of circums tance. Having thei:r: way about
a form .of government was- rejecting God.
''That we also may be like all the na-
tions." What. a sacl <lepat;ture from
_ _ .Moses' ideal of national life which made
Israel a peculiar people ! "That our kiJ:lg
may go out before us, and' fight bat-
tles for us.
........ .....
- avaso.
"WIIQE Pll. CO.. Sa,_.. Sl ..... Cll..
Give me, 0 God, give me the spirit
-of let me Keep ever near
to the throne of grace, that my soul
may not come thither as a stranger,
and that in . every surprise I may
address Thee as a God near at hand;
and. that in the .. of my great
High-Priest. Jes1.1s, the Son_ of God,
I may find grace ready to help . me in
the time of need. . . . . ' .
Wean me, 0 Lord, from all the
delights and hopes o flesh and sense!
Mortjfy me to all the honors and the
joys of a perishing life in a vain
world. Arm my soul all : over with a
religious hardiness{. that _I may vent-
into the field of battle,. arid may
scarce feel the wounds which I
receive in T,hy cause. Give me the
happy skill of diverting my fears
when I once . subdue them,
and lead me into proper employments
of my heart and hand for. this
I wotild live as under the ey_e of
God.. I would take notice of Him in
all 'the affairs of life and all the
dangers that atteDd me. I would
learn. of Moses to endure the fight . of
afflictions, as seeing Him who is
invi.sfble. Let me hear Thy voice, 0
-J-esuS0Jiy-Saviour,-let- me--hear- T-h:y
voice walking upon the waters; when
I am toss.edl about. upon the waves of -
distress and difficulty, speak to my
soul and say: " It is I; be not afraid. " .
I would be bravely prepared for the,
worst of sufferings to which my cir-
cumstances in this life may-expose .
me. I would be ready to meet con-
tempt and scandal, poverty, sickness
and death itself. Jesus can support
me in the heaviest distresses, though
all the sorrows ! "' fear should come
me, He can"bear me on the wings of
and_ hope, high . above all the
turmoils and disquietudes of life; He
can carry me through the shadows of
the dark vall ey, and scatter all the
terrors of it. . Give me, 0 Lord, these
wings of faith and hope, and bear me
upon them through all th,e remains of
-my short journey in the wilderness.
Make me active and in the
cause while -I live . . and! . convey me
above the reach of fear;
through the valley of death, to the .
inheritance .prepared for me in the
land of light. ThEm my fears shall
' cease forever, for enemies and dan-.
gers are not 'known in that land.
There all our conflicts shall be
. changed . jnto everlasting triutnphs,
. while songs of honor' and'
Nazarene Me$senger
ascend in a full choir to the
that has made us overcomers. Amen
. - Isaac W.at_ts.
Two New Tracts.
. . AND ..
Are Words in season-to tliEt justified.
Can be had from the author, Rev. R.
730 San Pedro St.r:eet, Los
Angeles, Cal. Price, 20c per doz.; $1
per 100.
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Pilot Point, Texas.
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Published by The Pentecostal Advocate
Publishing Co., Peniel, Texas.
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Published-by-H;- B;- Hosle ,
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