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"The Blood of Jesus Christ HiB. Son Cleanseth us From All Sin.

Vol. XIII. Los Angeles, December 3, 1908 __ No. 23
"Stoop do1on and drink. A pierced hand
Is stretched to meet thy_ sigh!
Why die of drought and fever heat?
Why struggle on with wounded feet ?
Why suffer, faint, in life's defeat?
A Living. Fountain nigh ...
S ALVAT ION saves a man from what ails him.
"I Know You Not."
Did ever such an ;\wful sentence fall upon the ear of
man! Stern kings, presidents and governors.have refused
to listen to the pleadings for life of those eyen who have
been their intimate friends, because of the enormity of
their crimes; but here it is the tender, compassionate
Saviour. who is speaking to those who had professed to be
in .His service, but who had done so from. purely selfish
reasons. To be ignored and refused recognition by one
whom we thought to be our friend is a sword-thrust as
keen as death. When this sentence is pronounced it will
be too late . to change it, for a life sp(mt in a false profes-
sion has no claim f or more time when on the.rim of eter-
nit y. It will be no use to plead for more time to do
ther e will be no more time. He who waita until
et ernity sets in before he begins to amend, will have all
eternity t o r egret it and wail about it. "I know you not. "
What an astonisher it will be to many who thought they
were all right! It will be the more a wful becaus e it will
: come f rom the _lips of Him under whose cloak they had
sheltered \Vhile they did their selfi sh work. It will be
awful because it wpl be the Judge who speaks it, whom
t hey might have had for their friend- if they had been
t rue to Him. Oh, it will be an awful banishing sentence
that I do not want to be spoken to me. D9 you?
THE Calvary mess age m.ust _ be preached in the spirit
of Calvary.
Sunken Rocks.
Sunken rqcks are more dangerous . than those w)lich
stand out above -the waters and are plainly visibie to the
eye. The visible rock out its own warning, and is
avoided, but the vessel that strikes on a sunken reef go_es
to pieces- very seldom being saved. It is so in our Christ-
. ian life. danger 'to God's people is not so much the
evils that meet us on every hand- drunkenness, . the
theatre, races, gambling, and such like- they carry their.
own warning, and for the most part avoided; but the
sunken rocks-self-righteousness, covetousness, self-will,
murmuring, criticising, fault-finding-these are the hidden
dangers upon which the Christian js apt to go to wreck.
Behind all these is the great sunken reef of Carnality,
.and until the dynamite of the Holy blasts the rocks
to pieces there is always and dangers.
. ..
To become a wreGk .upon these hidden shoals is just as
awful as to lie a shattered hulk the crags of drunk.:..
enness or any other coarse siii. Brother, !Jetter let the
Holy Ghost blast the carnal rock to pieces.
You can always have more fun by sharing what you
have wit}l another tlian by keeping i t all t o yourself .
Vain Professions.
Likeness t o God consists not onlyin being in harmony
with His nature, but in being in harmony with Him in all
His will. Whatever professions a. man may make as to
any experience he may have had, if the will of
God in his he has no IJlOre claim to be a Christian
than a man has to be a citizen who is always breaking the
laws of his country or stirring up a revolution against it.
It takes more than a "Say so" 'to make a child of God.
I 'Why' call ye me. Lo'rd. Lord, and do not the things which
I say?" . "Not every one that saith unto me ' Lord, Lord,'
shall enter into tl).e of he that doeth
the will of my Father which is in heaven. " When t hose
who prof ess a high state of grace. have not yet learned. to
control the tongue, hut are snappish, se lfi sh and self-
centered, thei'r influence as Christians does not amount to
much; and they not de'rive any great jo'y from
their profession, f or such conduct does not permit of joy
or peace. If your home or business life does nnt carry out
your prayer meeting professions, you must, to say the
least, be deceiving yourself. o beloved, ma ke no mistakes
on God doesn't .
- KEEP your living your e xperience together .
The Two Main Lines.
There are only two things for a to occupy
his time with-Sin and Holiness. .preaching that gives
any quarter to sin is foolish preaching, as is also preach-
ing that _does not keep :constantly before the people the
necessity of holiness. It is by ''the foofishness of preach-
ing" that men are to be saved, and not by preach-
ing. Doing a foolish thing is that out of which comes no
. practical good..:.... either for time or eternity. Men come to
see that " the foolishness of preaching" has brought saL-
vatiqn to them, and then they see it as "the wisdQm of
God." The rightness of the things of God can only be
trl,lly seen by the renewed nature, and .. never by the
nature controlled .by sin; to that nature, the blood,
righteousness, self-d.enial and the spiritual life,
are all foolishness- they see no beauty in them. What
the worldling thinks are vet:it}es, the Christian knows are
vanities; what the knows are verities, the
worldlings thinks are vanities..:..vain J;hings. Oh, let .us
keep to the old-time preaching- cleansing for sin 1n the
'precious ,blood. P.
Contributed Articles
"Not I, but Christ."-Lord! help me thus to
I am so prone to struggle and to strive;
me that fi!Ulm and everlasting peace,
Which comes at once when human s truggles
"Not I, but Christ. ".-May self be lost in
Thee, .
And othets see Thy life lived out in me;
Cause me to know Thy power wi thin me now,
While at the throne of grace I humbly bow.
'' Not I , but Chri st." - 0 Lord, my life inspire
With this divine, deep passionate desire;
Thy wi ll , not mine, in everything be done,
Thus only will Thy promised prize be won.
"Not I . but Christ. "-Lord! take Thy right-
ful place,
Control me, guide and guard me by Thy grace;
Help me, each day, Thy bond slave thus to be,
No aims, no hopes, no life apart from Thee.
- L. E. H.
$ $
'rhere is a crying need in this day of
stressing holiness, not so much as a doc-
trine, but as a fact manifested in our
l iYeS.
It is possible to be doctrinely correct,
and even be somewhat of an enthusiast
in the advocacy of those doctrines, and
yet squirm nuder a close sermon on the
line of fruitage. There are holiness peo-
ple1 quite a few, "\vl1o are loyal to the
doctrine and who develop quite a shout
in an enthusiastic meeting where the
glory is chiefly spoken of who object to
a wheie the fiuits of the Spirit
are made a test of de"cipl eship, or where
the fruits of the flesh are too
de linea ted. ., ..
:;\lost of these people are emotional,
and very susceptible to what they call a
blessing, and trusting in this as a cer-
tificate of good standing with the Al-
mighty, they often wink at incei"nsis-
teneies in their daily walk.
While it is true that we cannot make
ourselves perfect, except with God's
help, he working in us to will and to
do of his own good pleasure; n everthe-
l ess "c arc exhorted to work out our
owu salvation with fear and trembling.
. We may say that God knows our hearts
(and it is certai n He docs, and we
should be certain he knows them pure)
yet we should remember that the pooplc
do 11ot, and that we arc to let our iight
so shine before men that they may see
om good \\'orks and glorify God.
Brethren, l et me bring your pure
minds to remembrance how we ought to
Nazarene [December 3, _1908
wallc;.evml'as he scei_ngthai tl.Uttifuliy. -applied.
arc livi ng cpisties known and react of of the sin pl.oblciri.
all men. Let us study to show ourselves Ther e is a growing convicti01i 01' my
approved unto God, not only r .ightly eli: heart that one of the weaknesses of the
viding the word of truth, but by our present holiness movement in many
lives cxempl yfying that truth. fllmrtcrs is a tendency to rnsh scckcts
,.. 'C ,..'C $
This is a: subject that needs much
careful and prayerful study. 'l'hat
t her e is much of the superficial in re-
li gious 1nccti.ngs, and a lack of care,
thoroughness and depth in many quar-
t er s, no t.honghtfnl person will deny.
\V.c seem to be in a rush -and hurry.
A big hurrah, a big erowcl, a big time,
a big lot of professions aucl, I often
think, a big l ot of shallo{v work -is clone,
that will not stand the white light . 9f .
the judgment. ., ..
1\I uch of the altar work of today re-
minds one of wagon factories or quggy
shops where a nice looking line of
vehicles is turned out, well covered
with oil, varnish and paint; but a few
rainy days and heavy loads and what is
r eveal ed 1 Old irons, poorly welded;
snarley timber and brash wood. So in
a short time the nice appea1:ing vehicl e
is back at the shop for r ep air. Spokes
must be tightened, a bolt replaced, a
little more oil and varnish, a heavy
coat of cheap paint that will l ast until
the next special meeting.
Honesty and thoroughness in the fac-
tories and shops of this country would
give us a better line of vehicles, and
the same can be said in r efer ence to
work ;f the. today.
Where (}od 's word is fearlessly and
unctuously spoken we are sure t hat
men will be cut to the heart and seek-
ers will be forward. "\hat shall we do
with them?
l\fany of us object to signing
and pledge taking methods, and well
we may, but let us r emember there arc
ways of defeating seekers besides
sliding them into dead churches on a
plank, oiled , with card signing, var-
nished with ni ce promises, and painted
with intellectual l oyalty.
J_,et 's be honest, let's be thorough,
autl seelwr s will get" Bible salvation .
\\r c f ear tli"at amon'g sauctificd people
i t is too often true that t here is a
tendency to have a "big" time, turning
off lots of wor]c, a large number of pro-
fnssions and a much smaller number of
r possessors.
Someone has said that no question
is settled until it is settled right. There
is no place where this can be more
to profess something before they have
smTCJHl crccl or consecrated.
No sinnc1 can behove for 11ardon
untilre.pcntancc is thorongh, scrirtnral
and finished; neither can any believer
be sanctified wholly unt il 1].11 :passes
into God's hands for time aml_ctornity
by an act of consecration on the part
of the seeker. of the so-r.allcd
"taki i1g it by tlry faith" is nothing but;
dry imagination, and is not taki1ig it it t
all, and the longer you try to keep tlp .
the imagination the dryer yon get.
It would seem proper, sensible, right
a:i1d scriptural for us at the altar to take
time to let the sinner pray, repent and
confess until God is and lets
them know. Also tell the bclieve1:..,. to
tarry, wait, yield and surely faith w1ll
he easy when all is consciously given to
Him in a complete consecration. So
all aboard for honesty, thoroughness
and salvation. Amen.
,..'C $ $
A. C. BANE, D. D.
The Holy Spirit is the great revival-
ist ; sec that He is present and in the
place of l eadership. True r evivals are
not gotten up, but r ather arc prayed
A pastor with a tongue of fire and a
people with hearts of love to sinners,
can a revival.
The normal condition of the church
is a continuous revival through all of
the regular church services, with the
pastor l eading. when t he pastor
preaches in order to bring conviction
upon sinners, and then, after an earnest
exhortation, calls the lmsaved to the
altar, or to take some definite stand
for Christ, he will have few fruitl ess
services. The real revival begins in
one man's heart, in answer to personal
prayer. India 's great revival came in
answer to this prayer: "Lord, send
a r evival and l et it begin in me. " . -
"\Vc cn\mot all be public evangelists,
hut we can all be personal evangelists,
and personal evangelism is most ncctlccl.
The f hnreh -will never do its best in
evangelistic work until each member
hears and )ICcds the great commission,
''Go YE and preach the gospel.''
The most snccessfnl soul-wiimcrs arc
young converts; young people can best
reach young people. You ean talk with
3; 1908]
your friends upon every other subject;
pray until you can talk t.o them of per-
sonal salvation. To succeed in soul-
saving work, personal preparation is
necessary for the worker. God must
deal with the worker before the.worker
can successfully deal with souls. Study
in th.e school of the Spirit; pray for
the spirit of intercessory prayer; great
so11l-winners have always .been men of
much and mighty prayer. Af;l an.equip-
ment for this work, you must yourself
have a vital experience of salvation.
Yon must use much tact as fishers of
men and know that all fish . wont bite
the same bait. Tarry before God until
baptized -\\rith the Holy Spirit, you
will have power. Be earnest, he per-
s istent, use God's word freely. Not
yonr words but God's word will move
Approach men alone if possible, write
a letter or give a tract. Speak to them
"ith love and tenderness. Get a clear
mHlf,rstancling of their case, then use
Seripfnr e wisely. Study to know just
what Scripture to usc to meet individ-
Hal cases and difficulties. 'l'each men
that repentance must be full and com-
plete, then help them to the final act
of faith that saves.
"He that winneth souls is wise."
Christian, have yon ever led a soul
to Christ 1 Begin today.-California
('hristian Advocate.
.)C "" ""
In ihis Thanksgiving time of family
g-afherings, all-clay meet ings and other
ltoly r.onYoPations. let. ns praise God for
ilH rapid spread of holiness in onr land,
<'spePial l-'' in the ranks of the Pcntc-
r-oshtl C'lnneh of the Let 11s
ofl'tr earnest prayf'r that t.hc coming
-'r nr may exef'etl thn past. cspc.ciall-'' in
thf' spread of and consen-ing of Scrip-
tual holiness in this nnd all lands, so
that when another annnal Thanksgiv-
ing Day shall haYC eomc we will not
only praise God for hnndteds of acces-
sions, but for thonsands and ten of
i honsands i.hat have joined the great
mulf:itndes of holy people.
In harmony wit h t he sp.ccial r eqncst
of our missionary, l\Iiss Priscilla
Ifitr.hins, of Igatpmi, India, and in line
with his duty ns gcncral111issionary sec-
retary, the writer spent an nfh\rnoon
in visi.ting- Sister 1\L J\ . Jiitthills an<l
hf'r <langhfcr Anna. ihc mofht>J' mHl .s is-
itr of Sisfer J.>ris Pilla, ::\<n tmber lOth.
Nazarene Messenge.r
We found the T[lother very much re-
signed toAhe continued absence of her
daughter, because she -felt that the Lord
had called her to India . for a special
work, and whil e there was a great. de-
sire in her heart to see her daughter,
she was willing to wait two or more
yea-rs if necessary before her desire
could be granted. She and her daugh-
ter at home have. worked hard in ar-
ranging for the large box that has re-
cently been forwarded to India. As
we bowed in prayer at the close of our
visit the dear Lord was pleaseq to pour
out His Spirit in great refreshing and
power, as we prayed for the mother
and absCJ?L.missionary daqghter. I
trust all of the readers will offer up a
silent prayer that this mother may be
granted the privilege of meeting Pris-
cilla once more before going to her
heavenly r eward.
Pittsb:urg, Pa.
On Wednesday p.m. we had an inter-
esting Sub-Missionary Committee meet-
ing of the General :Missionary Board,
during whi ch we went over all of the
foreign and home work as committed
hy the General :Missionary Board to the
Eastern Division, whi ch includes all of
the missionary work heretofore cared
for hy the A-ssociation of Pentecostal
Chnrchcs of America, giving no little
time to discussing and ways
and means of providing for the great
work intrusted to us.
W arren, Pa.
The Board of General Superintend-
ents haYing been . negcd hy our dear
brother, h l\Iilton \Villiams, to give
c- areful and immediate attention to a
company of faithful holiness people in
\Varren, . Pa., where t hree years ago
Brother \Yilliams " as gr eat])- used of
the Lord in gett ing a bout t"o hundred
people sanetificd, ahout thirty
of ,\hom hacl formed a Holiness )[issi on
and were pressing on. The General
Sn1wrintcnllents thought it "ise that
the writer shoul d at hi s earli est eon-
Y<'nien<:r. visit this <'ompany of saints.
and on Thursday night. Novemhcr 12th.
and again on Friday night, I met with
ihem and explained our )fannnl. an<l
preached to them. and decided to
wait until night.
16th, befor e taking action upon uniting
'Yith the Pentecostal Church of the
Syracuse, N. Y.
Dy the prcYious arrangement of our
former pastor, R ev. John Norberry, aud
t hrough the courtesy of Brother John
h Goldt'n, Pnlpit Suppl y Committee,
thr w1it r r went to Syrarus<' for Sunday,
N OY<'mlH' r Lith. \V <' fonn cl a good <>om-
of abont fo1t.y of "our folks"
holding thr. fort dminp: the int crum
of pastors, Rrofhcr haYing
PlosP<l hi s work some two Wl'l'ks prior.
that he mi ght. go into eYangelisti c
\Vc had a good rla-' ntf cn<ling the
cl ass meeting at D :30 a. n1. Talked on
our work from the large map that we
had at . the Assembly at 11 a. m.., and
taught a class in the Sunday School.
We took notice that about all of the
congregation stayed to the Sunday
School, which I believe should be the
rule in all of our churches. Everybody
seemecl to he wide awake in the Sun-
day School.
At 6:30 p. m. we attended the praise
and prayer service, and at 8 o'clock
we gave a talk on foreign and home
mission work and told "our folks"
about our foreign work in India, Brava,
:Mexico, etc.
The Church will adopt the Envelope
system soon in both the Church and
Sunday School: The Church officials
approved of .thc special ftmd for admin-
istration e)tpenses for this year , and
made a liberal pledge fqr the same,
paying two-fifths of it now and the bal-
ance later.
Quite a little enthusiasm was mani-
fested over a new Chnrch huil(ling
project. Let us unite onr that
the right person may he found to take
up this work in this large eity, located
as it is near the ecnter of the great and
wealthy and thirkly popnlatecl stat e of
New York. Sister :-:or berry, ,y}JO has
stood ,\ith her hnshand in the arduous
labors of t he past six months. opr:nmg
up and establishing our 'York. was on
duty at the piano, greatly assisting in
the deYotional sen-i ces during the day.
Another New Church Joined!
'rhc writer returned to \Yarren }{on-
day night. The train ha\ing been be-
l ated hy n seYer e sno"storm. the writer
was late in r eaching the scnicc; hut as
I got off the car nearly half a block
from Brother \\"m. Cr eal's home. where
the meeting ,\-as held. my heart was
made to hound with delight as I heard.
them singing our Assembly hymn to the
tunc of " Dixcy." For a moment the
writer thought he \\as in the Texas
. .\ftcr some about SIX-
tr.rn ,\err. arldPd to t hr roll of members,
nncl at 10 ::W p. m. thr. SL'<:retan "as
ins1 rnrtf'<l to c- ast a ballot fo1 tiH: hod,
ass(' mhh,cl. to unit e 'Yith thr Prnte-
Postn l Churc-h of the :\"azarcJH'. whi ch
he di<l. ancl aftPr sin!ri ncr. tho:> 'n-iter
a r.r <'ptccl ancl .to them the
right han<l of fcllo,\ship. 'H'l r oming
thrm to tho:> frllm,ships. sorrows . .i oys
and tiinmphs of the grca t holiness
lllOYCmen t.
..-\ ftcr so:>Ycra 1 <>om.m i ttres were
elected antl a fe,\ itc<ms of bnsinC'ss
transac-t c<l. tho:> 1ic,\- C'hm<'h of
mcmbcrs a<l.inurnc<l amidst
nn(1 shonts of YietotT.
This ChmPh hns a prop-
in a YPry Prntra I lorntion and ex-
JlL'rt to haYC the C'lmrrh part of it
. r rad-'' for orcnpanr-''
Da_\. wlwn tht';. rxpett Re\. D. F.
nrooks. wh.o i;.; to SUpply them flW a
f,w months. " ill h o:> with thr m fnr the
fir ,; f St' n in' in fl ll'i r Chmth hnntt' . Lr t
all fht' lh' <)ph' prni;:L' Gotl ntHl take
, This being my first opportunity of
,writing to the Messenger, I am de-
lighted to make a report of".our work in
North Dakota. I have been a Methodist
since I have been saved, and a
preacher for the same church, in local
and regular work, over four years, until
having been bitterly opposed by the
powers that be, to get us to compromise
and tone down, which we could not do,
for if we had clone s.o . the preaching
wouldhave been taken. from us, and so
we stood firm. Ha1lelujah! Glory to
God, it pays to go through. We do
know when we w'ere converted and
sanctified, and when our dear, blessed
Lord sent us out to preach the blessed
gospel, which we have to do. Hallelu-
jah! And since we have been in this
work we have seen saved and
sanctified >vhollv. And our God is
marching on, "old time Gospel" is
just as powerful today to take the devil
out of men's hearts and put the Christ
on the throne, as it was in the clays
of our ,fathers. Hallelujah!
The God of our salvation lead us from
Cincinnati, Ohio, to Surrey, N. D., to
preach holiness as a second work of
grace in the heart, snbseq1jent to re-
generation. "\Ve have. gone through
many hard battles for our God, but
Jesus, the captain of our salvation, has
guided us straight and kept us in the
center of His will, and we have been
true to Him and followed on from vic-
into victory and glory unto glory.
Hallelujah! Our God is a consuming
fire. The Lord . helped us to clig out
and blast out some good jewels for His
kingdom here in North Dakota. and we
believe they will stand until Jesus
\Ve have now come into the Pente-
costal Church of the Nazarene, where
we can be free to preach holiness .fur
our blessed Lord. \Ve are truly satis-
fied with the choice we have made and
happy in our new church home. About
fifty of the saints came in w.ith us, and are more to follow. Brother and
Sister Brown, of Seattle, vVash., were
with us. Oh, for more men who will
dare to preach the uncompromising
truth with the Holy Ghost sent down
from heaven . . Bro. Brown did preach
with such miction of the holy fire that
sinners were stirred, and the saints
were inspired, especially when he
pr.eached on the "New Wine. of the
Kingdom.'' Oh, the shining faces! Our
people did gratefully receive the truth
that came from 'God. How good it i"s
to have a come on the field -\.vith
such holy love, and all fired up for God,
and seal the truth and clinch the nails
we have driven! Oh, it did our souls
so much good. Hallelujah! Vve were
not used to having such an "elder"
preach for us. It did us so much good
we had to jump over .it, inid Rho11t and
praise God. Glory 1 : 'fhe devil is doing
best to the work of pure
holiness, but om; God is more than a
matd1 'for him. Glory, hallelujah! We
intend to go through on the hallelujah
line. .
Brother and Sister Brown go from us
with a big "God bless you," a hearty
handshake and a warm place in our
hearts for them.
Our soul is feasting on the good
things of Canaan. Hallelujah! Halle-
lujah ! All out for Jesus, to push the
battles for God and holiness.
Lyman Brough.
.J& .JI .JI
At our meeting at Surrey, North Da-
kota; Rev. H. G. Cowan united with the
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene.
Bro. Cowan comes from Cowan, 1\IIont.,
and is in North Dakota for only a few
weeks. He has been an ordained elder
in the Methodist Protestant church and
later in the Christian Church. He has
endeavored to preach holiness in Mon-
tana and to return to that
state and take up the battle against
sin. He will now represent the Pente-
costal Church of the Nazarene, and we
trust his work will open the way for us
in that needy field. He informs us that
in geneial the spi1;itual condition in
l\fontana is very low. He knows of no
holiness preachers. The pastor of one
church informed him: that ,all . of his
members would attend the theaters,
dance and play cards. "\Vhile there arc
some con vertccl people there seems to
be little or no aggressive spirituallife-
cspcC'ially in the towns is it at a low
ebb. \Ve ask the prayers of God's peo-
ple for blessing and power on our work
in l\Iontana. \Ve are planning to visit
l\Iontana and do some special \YOrk
there as soon as possible.
H. D. Brown.
$ $
\Ve truly have 1i1any reasons to be
thankful. . Every week sees some one
saved or sanctified. Last Sunday se\r-
eral stood up for prayer and one man
came to the altar and prayed through
to victory in the morning, and one in
the evening. The following united with
us in church fellowship: Rev. 0. F.
Goettel, and his wife, Lula l\I. Goettel,
Brooks, Ore., and l\Irs. l\1. Favorite, .a
missionary from Alaska.
Rev. and Mrs. Goettel come to us from
Evangelical ehnrch, of Brool{s, Ore.,
where our brother has been the pastor
... for some time, but owing to his clear
and definite preaching and teaching of
holiness as a second definite worlc of
grace, he was no longer wanted at that
place. "\Ve say no longer wanted, for
this brother had called an evangelist
of his own church, Rev. Guy F . Phelps,
a man who is straight on holiness, to
help him in a revival meeting, a few
[December 190R
weeks ago, when his church p1'actically
closed thei1 against these breth-
l.'Cn and would not stan<} hy them nor
the meeting, because they preached hol-
iness. U1Hler these circumstances
Brother and Sister Goettel felt it their
_!:luty mid privilege to come where they
could have liberty and fellowship and
wlJ_g_re their work would be preserved
aud their fed aud cared for.
\Ve are glad to weleomc this brother
and sister into the family and to com- .
mend them to the brethren wherever
they may go. Bro .. Goettel is a natural
evangelist and is much assisted by his
good wife who is .a good organist and
singer. We bespeak a great future for
these two servan,ts of the Lord and any-
one wanting an evangelist who . . is
straight on hol iness. need not hes1tate
to get Bro. Goettel. 'l'hey ha:re just
left for Iowa, where they expect to
labor the coming year. Pray for them.
M:lrs. l\1. Favorite is a missionary from
Alaska, who expects to enter our Bible
College in Los Angeles in February.
While she was lmiting with the church,
God spoke to one sister and told her to
give this sister $50.00 towards her
schooling, which she did. Our God
answers prayer!
Last week we reported a brother giv-
ing $321.00 for Hope School, India, to
be used for .a missionary, Bible woman
and orphans,. and since we reported that
amount another check for $50.00 has
come in for that same work, for a boy
and a girl. Surely we have much to be
thankful foi.
A. 0. Henricks.'
$ $
\Ye began revival meetings here last
morning. God is trnly with us
in cYery service, with congregations on
the increase, in good, conviction
on the people, and souls are seeking
pardon or entire sanctification. One
man was sanctified yesterday morning
and one last night seeking pardon.
'fhrec seekers for holiness the night be-
fore-one man and two women. "\Ve
mention the men specially, as we have
only one male member. Some have
come out clearly. Notwithstanding last
night was prayer meeting night. at. oth-
er chnrches, we had a well-filled house.
Our day meetings, held at 10 a. m., are
splendid, and quite well attended. The
people gave the pastor and wife a nice
donation last night. They are qnite
eneonrage<l and me faitl1fully filling
their places. Sister \Vallace came up
'fuesday a'nd remained until this morn-
ing, and led in song and helped us
mnch. I wish we could stay here a
couple of weeks longer. Prejudice is
giving away. I think we have the re-
spect of those who hear. as well as the
hearts of the people. The pastor and
wife stand well in the confidence of the
people, and God is blessing them. I
go from here to our Church at North
Yakima, thento Seattle. Pray for us.
Your sister in Jesus, . .
Mrs. Phebe Epperson.
$ . $ .)1
'l'he Church of the Nazarene at Ash-
land, Ore., was organized on March 22,
1!105. At the present time there are
about thirty members in good stand-
ing. The membership was considerably
larger . a y ear or more ago, but -many
have moved away and some have., not
proven faithful, so that the member-
ship has n ecessarily .fallen off, but we
liftve a good working force who are loy-
ally. standing by the work, arid the out-
look is promising. l}ev. Hugh C. El-
liott, recently of Seymour, Ind., is tlh.
ptcsent pastor. The Church is r eceiv-
ing much spiritual encouragement from
hi s la bors among us. Both pastor and
Jn embers are looking forward with
great a nticipation to a gracious out-
ponri ng of God 's Spirit in r evival
pr\\"t !r . 'l'he saints arc praying and bc-
lit\ in g for it. 'l'hc regular services of
t < ' h nrch are well attended, and t here
is g-ootf inter est , and others arc looking
lo\\anl the Church with a vi ew to nni t -
ill g' in the 11 car fut.nrc. The Chnrch has
p:isSc)d throngh some hard places since
it wns orga11izec.l, hnt it has r r. mairi cd
f: Jitld'ul to God an<l He has not for-
t':t ken it, and its member s feel assur ed
t l1at He n ever " ill , if t hey keep true.
The pastor 's sermons arc "not with en-
t it ing words of man's wisdom, hut in
t I!P demonstration and power of the
kpirit. " Consequently, saint and sin-
r eceive their portion in due season,
an<l hotit arc being touched in their
!Jtnrts, sinners convict ed and saints edi-
fied. Several soul s have been san cti-
fi('(l r eccntly. Ther e is much opposition,
nncl the d evil is n ot unmindful of us,
but our battle cry is, "I'm goi ng
!.I! rough, J csns ; I ' m going through."
The Chnr('h d esires the prayers of
Gntl 's people cYcrywhcr c.

came her e the 13th of this month,
rommcnccd in onr c-hurch same
God is truly with us. Up to
t his t ime ther e have been twenty-two
JWr,fcssions. Y csterday thirteen seek-
ers, five conversions,-three men, two
women; eight sanctified wholly. Yes-
1c nlay was a g r eat day in Zion. Bro.
Cr<!ighton went to Troy, Idaho, last
wednesday, and will he home tomor-
row. There are many strangers in thp
a ntl ience, so I am tol<l. Y cstcrday
mnJning w e r.alled our roll of member-
ship. ) \[any r csj)ondecl. Twenty-five
pl <' tlgrcl t.o begin tithing from now on .
'l' hc ont.Jook is gon<l. thn IIJ)Iook nl so.
\\'e push on for anotlwr wrC' k. (xpcct-
ing; g1cat things t o ro111 r. to pnss. and
nre a 11 mnch rnronragc<l . P r ay for us
111\l Ch.
:Mrs. Phebe Epper son.
. ..
SEMINOLE, OKLA. , . upon the members of this -nc\vly-organ..;
Since the great assembly- .at Pilot . ized branch of the church . . The saints
Point, it been our pleasure arc praying, one r ecently prayed all
and privilege to conduct two very night under a burden for souls. A good
omen of victory and salvation.
gracious J;evivals, one at Whitesboro, Alpin M. Bowes.
'l'exas, and tf1e in Seminole, Okla.
These two meetings were fraught with
power and crowned with salvation.
Many were the souls who found par-
don and purity in the precious blood
of Jesus, and went their way rejoicing.
The last meeting mtore especially was
one of great grace, deep and thorough
work, and most gratifying conse-
'l'he IJord wills, we will start on our
evangelistic campaign on the Pacific
Coast the middle of Janua ry. We have
several engagements out there already,
and others are a rranging with us. We
will, in the good providences of God,
conduct meetings with the Nazarenes at
the f ollowing places, Los , \ngel cs, Whit-
ti er and Santa Ana, California.
'l'hose who wish r evival help and
would like to have our labors you will
please communicate with us here, Ring-
" ood, Okla. So that our slate can be
matl c out and t hat you will have plenty
of t ime for prayer a nd preparation for
the campaign.
This passing year has been the very
best and most successful in "inning
souls to the \Vay"bf 'l'ruth .l.!nd Life of
all others.
Allie & Emma Iri ck.
After a number of years as a pastor
aml one y ear of evangelis m I feel we arc
better situated than ever to work for
the salvation of sinners and the entire
san ctification of believer s. I am now
working with the saints in Ponca City
and also pushing the battle in outlying
localities. Yest erday we took np work
within the bounds of the Ponca I ndian
Reservation, hcing gtcatly h elped in
this effort hy Government Indian Agent
II. :\L N oblc and his good wife.
How we prai se God for His rich bless-
ing on our hear ts and for precious vic-
tories g iven the past year in p ermitting
us to sec scores of souls at t h e altar for
pardon and purity.
H. M. Chambers.
.JI .)1 .)1
YestcrJay was our second Sabbath in
t he n ew hall which we have rented. A
large, cheerful, central hall. God was
wi t h us in mi ghty power. Three per-
sons united " it h the church at the
m.orning service. The evening scn ice
was a precious r evival se<>n e . . Set' king
souls bowr tl at thP. alt ar and in the eou-
g-r<'gntiou. 'rhr Christians plead and
with si nlli' l'S who t' nnltl not C':lS-
ih their carucst: r niTeal'i rs. 'rhc
st:l' ll <' was Olll' w<' shall ('Y<' I' l' l' lllt'lllht!'.
\Ve rejoice in th revival spirit that is
BR0_9KLYN, N. Y.
Praise the Lord for fulli salvation!
We a re in the midst of an old-time re-
vival of salvation! \V.e are holding ser-
vices in the John W eslcy Pentecostal-
Nazarene church, Rev. \\T.. H. Hoople
pastor. We began here last week.
From the very b eginning God began to
give blessed fruit. The first da,y.ncarly
twenty seeking soufs knelt at the altar
for pardon or purity, and every night
during the week seeking souls were at
the altar. Last Sunday was another
special day of victory. Not only at
night were there many seekers at the
altar, but in the afternoon, we held a
revival service for the Sunday School.
God was in our midst and when t he in-
vitation was given the l a rge altar was
crowded with the slleking
Christ J esus the Savior of the world!
Not only was the altar cr owded. !Jil t
many knelt at the front scats seeking
the salvation of their sonls. It was a
great sight and one "c ,, ill not soon
forget. haYc just hcgnu these meet-
ings. Expect to continull her e tiH t he .
midcll c of next month. It is a blessed
privilege to work again with my old-
time co-lahot' cr , Br other Hoople. One
rarely fintl s, if e ver , a better helper in
a series of meetings. \\" c haYe ,,or k ed
together in many battles, a nd ha\e seen
::;omc most wondcdul victories. Thank
God! ''The end is not yet.. '' f or . the
batt le that we arc now in is one of
blessed victory a nd power. \'\"e ask the
r ead er s of the. Messenger that God mny
give u s one of the gr eatest victories of
our life! Thank God f or f ull salvation!
IJct us all "Keep on he! icY in..,. "
$ .)1 $ .
\\"ell , praise the \Ve haYC l?ccn
holdin g on for twrhc to get souls
to God. Rc,. F . \V. Domina of Dennis-
port, and Sister Abbie Lawrence h aYe
been with us. Souls arc seeking. Rev.
D. R. Pierce came for 'fhanksgi,ing
week to continue the battle. Sisters
Crow and Kell will be unable to come
lmtil n ext spring. Amen forc\er, Keep
on b elieving.
L. D. Pea ,ey.
.JI .)1 .)1
God is ghing us a good meeting here
at Chestl' r , \Y. Ya. Peopl e arc fimling
God right along for pardon and sancti-
ficati on :;nd gn'at ('OJWidion is st'i zing
man.\ hl'a rts. ::\Il'l'l' itlg und1'l' a uspins
of HolinPss "\ ssniat inn. whi t' h is (' 0111
pnsNl of a li nl' lit tit' hantl of!LN1
Jli' Opll' . 1'1aisC' God for Yidory in my
soul nml in tho IIIL'l'tinl!.
' C. A. Imhoff .
Nazarene Messenger
P. F. Bresee, - Editor
R. Pierce, OUice Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr.
at t he post-office, Aug. 7, 1900, at Los
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It is evident that Jesus Christ r e-
gards heart action as. the vital part of
life. When the disciples asked ""What
shall we do that we may work t he
works of God 1 '' Jesus answered :
"'l'his is the work of God, that ye be-
lieve on. Him '"hom He hath sent."
He also hints that the moral quality of
intellectual activity is differentiated by
the heart, for: ''As a man thinketh in
his heart, so is he .. " It is the heart
going out in thought, and then in
outer activities, ''"hich giYes color and
strength or weakness to character, and
merit or demerit to activities. \Vhen
our Lord, the Ghrist, takes possession
of our being, His throne is the heart
which, clemisecl from every impt1re love
and desire, He fills with His own l ife.
Out from Him, through transfigured
love, all Christian life flows. As a loves, he is noble or base, Christian
or clevilish. . If love pure and Christly
towards others nioves, prompts volit-
ional acts, soul is in a praiseworthy
state, and the benediction of .heaven is
upon it, however much the beneficial
results o those acts may be determined
by the amomit of wisdom entering into
them. little the or if
even the rest1lts. were the opposite of
beneficial , yet the projector Qf. the acts,
moved by pure l oYe, would stili he
crowned. So f in as the doer is con-
ccrn.ed, the real act is the heart act.
The greatness of the act is me[fsurcd
by the strength and intensity of the
love, and not outward possibilities.
Na:zarene Messenger
This is why seemingly ahnost insig-
nificant acts, and small gifts,' burst out
into a giandure like the sunrise, while
seemingly great acts fade away and are .
forgotten. The gift of the two mites
was so much than great amounts
of gold and silver because of the
greater love that prompted it, and that
the poor woman bathing with her tears
and wiping with hei hair the feet of
J esus was doing so much more tha:n
host whose guest He was-she loved
1i1uch. Jesus emphasized the criminal-
ity of heart cmrditions, plainly declar-
ipg that hatred is murder, that 'covet-
ousness is t he:(t, and lust adultery.
'l'hat while outer acts more espcoially
affect society, yet heart condition is
t he act which glorifies or condemns the
individual; by it we stand or by it W!3
fall. Out of the heart proceedeth both
life and destiny. The great crucial
provision of the Gospel is a pure heart.
''Blessed are the pure in heart,'' and
out of this flows all subsequent, glorify-
ing beatitudes.

Vve wish to emphasize the necessity
that spirituality be valued, esteemed,
honored and reverenced. The most in-
sidious attacks : made upon us are
against spirituality. Fiequently-be-
cause seemingly most vulnerable-
against. . the varied manifestations
which more or l ess attend deeply spir-
itual conditions. Pentecosts of
spiritual power, such as are necessary
to move men, are especially obnoxious
to unspi ritual people. They often de-
spise, ridicule and turn f rom them.
They ar e quite frequently, not .regarded
as being in good taste, ariel .t.liose' con-
nected with such manifestations as not
of the elite, and necessarily of the boor-
ish ci ass; and churches where these
conditions exist, as without tone and
proper caste. Spiritual churches are
made to feel t_his, and the danger is
that it 'Will, unperceived, pierce
through. the jo1nts . or the armor and
find lodgment in the soul. That the.
s(igmatti. will not be a matter of joy,
but that the tempter will find , access
an<} there spring up desire and deter-
mination that the excellent
which ai'c known to exist, shall be
recognized. 'l'o this i:mcl unpopular
'manifestations or demonstrations arc
cliscouragccl or suppressed that things
mHy he made respectable and. possibly
after a time el egant. There is a sad
tendency to seck this by some influ-
ential holiness preachers, to '' c.ap
[December 3, . 1908
down" as they call it the "wells, or
gushers,'' and to. be lik(:l others for
sake of others, until there is 'not only
no manifestations of the Spirit, but no
realization of His presence. A sad il-
lustration of this is found in the recog-
nized condition of Methodism in Bos-
As an illustration of warning to our
own people, and the holiness pepple
we repr0cluce a r ecent edi-
tor:lal from. Zion's Herald of Boston:
'An Indictment Against Boston Methodism. ;.
"The Standard of Chicago (Baptist)
cop,tains in the issue of Nov. 11 a com-
prehensive and refreshingly frank con-
tribution in answer to the inquiry: 'Is
Protestantism Dying Out in Boston?'
Referring to the :Methodists, it is said:
'' 'The story of the Methodists can
be easily told. They have about thirty
churches within the city limits, most of
which are small, only two of which are
over 500 in . :and . five
others over 300. 'l'he presence of Bos-
ton University, which has had an hon-
orable career for about a quarter of a
century, adds Jincleecl much to their
position, but for the most part the life
of the city moves on quite unconscious
of their existence. One of the leaders
of this denomination admitted to me
the other clay' tluit the five leading
churches in the city were in a mori-
bound condition. In his opinion what
Boston l\Iethodists needed most was a
r evival of the spirit of Jesse Lee. The
New England atmosphere has without
doubt affected l\Iethodism. Its blood
and fire have disappear ed, . Becoming
conscious of its offences against cul-
ture, in its endeavor to become accli-
mated to the theological and ecclesias-
tical life of Boston it has lost the very
thing constituted 'its strength,
and has become colorless, neither one
thing nor the other.'
''This is a h eavy indictment, aml the
worst that can be said of it is that it
is st:1ictly trne in statement of fact as
well as reason. \Vhat l\Iethod ism in
Boston and New England specifically
and most urgently needs is to be true
to its historic genius, spirit .and work,
and, in our fonncler 's words, be 'at it
and always at it,-' and then respect our-
selves while doing it, .with mnch less
concern about other del10minatiom; and
their l egitimate way of cany ing on
their work.''
Among obscning thinking men
there seems to be an inereasing convic-
tion that there is an incoming .ticle of
r eligious life; which will sweep on,
r eaching further and higher than any-
thing in the past. "Whether the signs
of the t imes warrant those-who study
them in these conclusions .or not. mnst
be l eft largely for each thinker to
answer for himself. No one cn11 qnes-
December 3, 1908]
. ''
tion that iniquity abounds; that the
love of many has waxed cold; that the
world is still "m,oney-mad ; " that the
devotees of amusement and pleasure
ar e multiplied beyond conception; that
pagan cults are being revived and
dressed_ in Christian eriswarthments,
and finding large following in Christian
l ands; and that much of the world in
Christian and heathen countries is sub-
m<'l'ged in unspeakable sin.
But it is' also probably true that
t here are more holy people than ever
before, that t heir influence is more
widely felt, and that t he eyes of many
ar c being opened by the . Holy Spirit
to the folly . of"money worship and
that there is a better way; and men
who know God are looking to Him
wi t h divinely inspired expectancy.
As an expression n ot coming ftom
a churehly source we. publish the fol-
l owi ng r ecent editorial from the. Los
Angeles Times, one of the great daily
papers of tliis country, on
The Strengthening of Belief.
"E\'eu t he car el ess observer of men
and t he ways of men must be impressed
wi t h the present steady trend of the
world toward the simple faith in God
wh:ich chara cterized the early Chris-
tians,. the Jews and those who :wer e be-
fore the J ews. .It is by no means a
wild to say thitt in another
decade t he whole civili zed world, and
part icularly t he Christian world, will
wi tness a r eli gions renaissance un-
equn lied since the clays of t he Crusades.
'' 'l'he world moves in cycl es that
come and pass and r eturn again. This
is not t he first t ime in t he histor y of the
" oriel t hat men have been money-mad.
'l'hc golden calf has had other worship-
ers than we ' '"ho have bowed before it
for these many year s. The world has
had many idols. indeed. but it has
nC\' Cl' been wholly " ithont some ldnd
of r elig.ion. ::\[en have t urned away
from the quest of worldly wealth to
prostrate themsch- es at God's feet
often in the past, as they will again,
and that before long.
Nazarene Messenger
of the. clergy. 'fhere will. be no min-
ister of God. :who will live a of lux-
\lry . in the days to come, but instead
they will consecrate themselves to pov-
erty and chastity as an example, as did
Francis' of Assisi and others since his
''With the gain of belief, what is
now called super stition will be called
faith. J\fen will not then sit in the
high places of the synagogues for the
e.ffect their presence may have' on their
neighbors. In other worgs, religfon
will be a r eal conviction. And it will
be a happy thing for the.- world. It can
mean notliing but greater gentleness,
greater charity, more h elpfulness and
l ess selfishness.''
Home Camp Meeting
The Annual Home Camp Meeting
will begin at the Great Taberna-
cle, cor. Sixth and Wall streets, .
Sabbath, Dec. 6th, '08
will help to lead on the hosts. On
week days (except Saturdays), meet-
ings will be held at 3 and 7:30 p. m.
Let all our people rally for a very
great meeting. Bring friends and
. neighbors. Bring them early in the
meeting, that they may find out, be-
tc;>o much is past, what an
fashiOned meeting. with old-time
religion really is.
Notes and Personals
Dist ri ct Superintendent J. D. Scott;
of Pilot P oint , is spending a two weeks'
visit to his district, Eastern Texas, and
some points in Louisiana.
. Bro. D; C. BalL of Pilot Point, Tex.,
writes: ' 'The fire is burning her e. Yes-
terday was a day of gracious revival.
Several came in from the country and
some of them were saved and
fied. It 's spreading.''
''whether or not r eligion will retain
its hold p erman ently is another. query,
imcl . one that time alone can answer. Superintendent H. F. Reynolds or-
But we are justified in the . belief , as ganiied a new. Pentecostal Church of
well as the hope, that religion is con- the Nazarene in \Varren, Pa., on Nov.
stantly gaining ground, and that while 16, with f orty-eight members. This
it has never been able to hold all the body. of earnest holiness people have
ground it seenre, it Jl loses it all. ! . purchased a clnuch property,- and ex-
For instance, t he r eligion of Christ has pect Rev. D. F . Brooks to serve them
increased its following ever since the as pastor for .some time.
fi r st clay i t was established on this ---
earth, and their numbers were never so . P ray for t he r evival meetings at the
gl'eat as they are at this hour. John 'Nesley Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
"It is also to be expected that .wit h at Bloomsburg, Pa.;' at 'Washington, D.
t he gain of helief t here will also .come C., . nncfthe meetings to conunenec next
genuine r efqrms. Ther e will be unity. . Sa bhath at First Church. Los Angeles,
The denominations will cease their as . well' as t hose being held in other
quarrels, and. above all things, t her e places.
will be a return to simplicity in the
lives of men, and especially in the lives
The new chnl' ch buildiug at Sawyer,
North Dakota, was dedicated on .Sun-
day afternoon; November 16th. Rev.
H. D. Brown, of Seattle, preached the
sermon and . was assisted in the dedi-
cation by Rev. Ly'man Brough . . A good
congregation attended.
BE sure and bring .your fr!ends to
the Tabernacle, 6th and Wall
to hear Bro. Seth C. Reese next Sab-
bath a. m. at 11 o'clock.
THE special meetings at Whittier
under the lead of Bro. I.' G. Martin
are still continuing in . great power,
many souls having been saved and
SETH C. REE"s has just closed a
great meeting with Sister Wallace at
Seattle, Wash., and in a letter from
'him he says : ''Great meeting here.
New church filled. Nineteen at the
altar last night. . Souls getting
through every day." Bro. Rees will
be at the First Church, Los Angeles,
on Sunday morning next and says,
"We must have great victory in Los
The Church. of the Nazarene at
Pasadena is at the corner of Fair Oaks
avenue. and Mary street, just opposite
the Pacific Electric car barn. On
this Thursday, Dec. 3, we will inaug-
urate regular monthly ali-day Pente-
costal meetings, to be held the
first Thursday.of each month. Rev.
Milton L. Haney, recently of Illinois,
now of Pasadena, will preach at 10
a. m., and Rev. Phineas F. Bresee,
D. D. at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. A cor-
dial invitation to attend is extended
to all Nazarenes and all others who
love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincer-
ity . ..
I(' I(' IC'
How our hearts .rejoice .to be able to
report victory at the stree t meetings
on Sunday. The testimonies of our
precious band were heart-stirring.
The power of heaven seemed to have
complete control. We sang, testified
and prayed as the Spirit led. All
knew that Bro. Ke.rns had been much
in prayer, for his message from John
17:3 brought deep conviction to our
audience: As we continued in testi-
mony and song all felt the power of
God's presence. At last we again
went down and no sooner had we
risen than we found a poor sinner at
our feet pleading for God '.s mercy,
but in less time than it takes to tell it
Elner Farmer's name had been
recorded above. For as the meeting
continued he again a nd again pushed
to the front and pled with his old com-
rades to come 'to Jesus. L. E. R.
8 ..
Angeles and Vicinity
The shout of victory was in the air,
from the eight o'clock prayer meeting
to the close, near 10-_e at night.
the whole Sabbath day there is
little time, but what the services in
some form a camp meeting ar_e
ing on.
At 10 o'clock Dr. Bresee -preached
from Joshua 1:8, "Thou Shalt Have
Good Success.'' His theme was ''As-
sured Success. " It was not personal
success, but the success of the work .of
God. Personal success is so braided
into the eternities it is difficult to dis-
cuss, . but under any. seeming victory
or defeat, is sure to him who is
joined to J esus Christ ; but the subject
here is the success of the work of God.
The means, instruments and agen-
cies ordained of God are efficient and
sufficient, and : ensure success. '!'he
sword which l eaped from the lips of
Him whose eyes are as a flame of fire,
and there. are many crowns upon His
head, and His vesture is dipped in
blood, and has written on His vesture
.. . .and on His . thigh: "King of _ Kings
and Lord of Lords ;'' lias not lost its
edge, and the breath from those -lips
will never allow it to become effete.
That sword, which is the Word of God,
pierced the hearts of men, and the per-
sonal Holy Ghost coming in, cleansing
and filling and thrilling the soul with
divine power, makes an agency after
the heave11ly pattern which is sufficient
to do the work of God.
The afternoon serYice was in charge
of Bro. Pierce, who after a brief mes-
sage on ''Preparation for the Revival,''
swung the meeting loose for holy t esti-
mony and praise. Great freedom was
enjoyerl, and the meeting, which was
never dismissed, is going on yet in the
hearts of the people.
The evening Evangelistic service was
in charge of Bro. Goodwin, who
brought the message from Jolm 1:43,
drawing some l essons in Wip,.-
ning'' from Mark 1 :1-9. He
upon us the great business of the
Church was to bring men to Jesus
Christ. All should become soul win-
ners. We should study t he art of win-
ning men as _one of the finest arts in
the world.
There were four seekers at the altar,
two for h eart purity and two for par-
non. All were divinely touched, and
s-a v,c testimony at altar of obtaining
they sought. One who had been
saved at the street meeting, gave glad
Na,_zarene Messenger.
t estimony to the grace of
other ma'n, . who had been at the mee't-
ing a week ago, wanted to tell his ex-
perience, how he was. convicted and
sought the Lord and was wonderfully-
converted durillg the week; thei).
declared . -that he must have the
''Second Blessing,'' and had prayed
throu'gh in .his room in the afternoon.
As the service closed all 'seemed to
feel that we were in the tide of revival
and salvation.
The following persons united with
the Church in the morning: M'r. C. E.
Jones and Mrs. Lena M. Jones,. 619
Kholer street; 'Mr. H. G. Williams, 1042
.Elvarado street; Samuel Dick, Mrs.
. Della Dick, Glendale, Cal.
$ $ $
The service on Thanksgiving morn-
ing at the First Church, Los Angeles,
Cal. , was not a service of duty or com-
pulsion, but one of glad outbursting of
grateful h earts to a gracious Father.
A fine audience was present, among
whom were seen many from surround-
ing churches-Pasadena, Grand avenue,
Vernon, Elysian Heights and Ontario-
with pastors Hutchens; Langdon, Reins-
micht, La Fontaine and several other
preachers . .
The service was . opened by Dr.
Bresee giving out" All Hail the Power
of J est1s 's Name," w hiclMound a glad
response in all hearts, and was sung
with great earnestness.
The was preached by Dr, E.
F. Walker, pastor of Pasadena church,
and was a .clear, earnest and unctuous
message from Ps. 103 :12, full of great
truths and sunshine, and was a great
blessing to the people. Among many
good things the speaker said:
''This is a psalm of praise without a
petition. It properly follows the pre-
ceding one on prayer. A praise se;rvice
is always in order .if a prayer service
has . preceded it. If we would have
,more praying, we would have more
praisings. Blessing God is better than
praising Him. His material works
.,praise Him, but His saints bless Him.
We have power to grieve or delight
God, and we have the power to bless
Him. We-have it in our power to make
God glad, we can add to the felicity of
heaven, This ought to be especially
so with Pentecostal Nazarenes."
At this part of the sermon, Bro. Wal-
ker asked all . who were really Pcntc-
costal -Nazry.rencs in heart to rise flnd
shake hands with their neighbor. This
was done amidst great rejoicing, while
lDecember. 3, -.1908:
the. large congregation isang: "I'm
Orie of tliem. ''
' The speaker than dealt with the
"perfect,_ .gifts of God, saying, "We
are lower critics but higher believers.
The psalmist then chooses :five precious
jewels and them on the neck of
gratitude-forgiveness, health and soul-
healing, loving kindness and tender
mercies. The Lord brings us out of
the prison house of condemnation, and
also out of the pesthouse of soul dis-
eases. I have a certificate of health-
all well.. ' A'' man who has been healed
of all diseases has got soul-health. He
then crowns us with loving kindness
and tender mercies. This is
and the highest. Oh, I'm in love
with iove. We need our Pentecost be-
fqre we can really observe Thanksgiv-
ing_ Day."
The speaker then dealt with the
words of the text, ''and all that is with-
in me;'' all my insides, sho,:ing that
nothing could praise God except that
which was right with God, so that if
a mjan praised God with ''all that was
within him," he gave a full service.
'\Ve are sure that this precious ser-
vice and sermon was a great blessing
to all present, While those who were
not pres.ent missed something .that
would have . added to their thanks-
giving. R. P.
,.,. .)1 .)i
With a touch of the Pentecostal
Glory that was characteristic of the
general assembly the services of the
Grand Avenue Church on last Sabbath
went forward with a bound of victory
and blessing all through the day. Bro.
Le Fontaine preached at 11 :00 a. m.
on" The Liberation of Peter," through
the prayers of the Church, and at night,
on ''The Eyes of the Lord,'' from 2
Chron. 16 :9. The altar services were
especially lmctuous in seeking souls
being wholly sanctified and coming
through into victory with a shout of
glory. The Thursday night service on
Thanksgiving day was addressed by
Bro. Pierce and a triumphant march
was enjoyed by all the souls.
The Sabbath school is preparing a
service for Christmas Eve,
and many new scholars are being added
every Sabbath to the roll. Come in and
enjoy our r egular services and the Lord
will bless you.
.)1 .)1 .:s
c.- v. L.
As we have no Nazarene church in
Redlands, I have been what ! he
gootl Lord has shown me to do in. _the
way of personal work I met with a
little band of Christians tltis afternoon
in the Y. M. C. A. hall imd organized
a little band--of -personal . :w<>rk6rs for
the saving .of SOJils: The oless;_
ing the work I will nowtry to get our
paper into their }Jands, and if I succeed
something will be done for work.
I ask your prayers that God Will help
give us a work here. A. D. Westfall.
Yesterday was a day of blessing for
the Lord is encouraging .us by
ing prayer. Several . strangers were
. present at the morning service. The
pastor, in spealdng of '' Succc'ssful
Christian hood,'' said: ''We are to be
exponents of Christianity by holr,
life work, testimony and suffermgs.
\Ve' praise. the Lord for the blessings
bestowed upon us and are looking to
him f or greater victories.
. Alma Orrin.

We are still pressing the battle in
Fresno. Our attendance, especially on
is on the increase. Yester-
day was a day of blessing. We have
meetings each night ex cept Saturday.
God is with us and we are on the vic-
tory side. We are few in number, but
though f ew now, we expect to incr ease
in the near future. Expect Bro. Lin a- .
weaver to .be . yYith us early in Decem-
ber. We worship in a tent at the cor-
ncr of Tulare and N streets, and would
he .gl ad to liave any of the saints pass-
ing t hrough Fresno t o give us a call.
To evangelists and workers I
say, t her e is now a place in Fresno
" holly devoted to God the second
blessing theory of holiness. Fresno
people are good folks, but have been
t erribly torn up by fanatics and. irre-
sponsible teach ers and professors, until
they must see the fruits of the Spirit
n ctnally manifest ed. The testing time
i s on. Our God is able. We believe
f or a work here that will do honor to
the Nazarene Himself. Halleluj ah!
Pray f or us and l end us a helping hand.
J . V. Langstaff .
..,c ,JC $
We wish to say the children of the
Lord have heard from God, as usual,
for str+mg crying b ixed with fai"th
r eaches His ears and He answers prayer
all along the line. Bless His name for-
ever .
vVe closed a very successful seri es of
ni ghtly meetings of six weeks' duration
on last Sunday evening at high tide.
The blessed Holy Spirit was JJ)anifest
in every service, and souls were seek-
ing salvation. Those who came mean-
ing business with God obtained their
hearts' desire and went on their \\Vay
r{ljoicing, . and tlie children of God r e-
joicing with them, as well as rejoicing
in heaven.
Na-zarene Messenue.,..
The Chuich .was generally' moved-up_
au t he lip. e.: .St. Clnir is a
r eal evangelist, .. 'well equipped of God
and mi ghtily entrenched and :well forti-
fi ed in the whole Word of God. _
As for myself, was . so eniightened
and strengthened within by taking in
--the Word at a Bible r eading on a Wed-
.nesday "morning, on our part in purifi-
cation, and God's part in purification.
We had a most blessed and fruitful!
missionary service on Sunday after-
noon. Seven souls definitely dedicated
themselves to God and His Word for
missionary work at His own appoint-
ment. Place, time and service were so
graciously owned and blessed of God,
till all present f elt the pulse. And a
spirit of more active missionary work,
and especially of giving, seemed to be
We are on the up-grade, with victory
in our souls, and we are crying to God
for a new Church property of our
own-lot, house and - all. The whole
Church pray and give as you will in
God, and he will prosper us. We need
it in San Francisco.
Pray f ervently for the new San Fran-
cisco Church property. W. L. H.
..,. $ ..,c
It'has been a long since I wrote
but I love t o read others have to
say. But" the Lord has been blessing us
so much of l ate I must tell about it. I
was called to preach to a small congre-
gation made up of several denomina-
tions, and : among them many Holi-
n_ess .fighters ; but I must prea ch Holi-
ness and was told that I luid spoiled the
whole thing by preaching Holiness.
Still I kept on and last Sunday the one
who was fi ghting the hardest came to
the altar and was sanctified wholly arid
ca me out clean, as did one other lady,
and- convicti-On -if;-set t ing deep.----Let-a:ll
--{ariUir:.nliiY ..
. . J . A. W.
$ Jf,
wi,l_s a very gracious day of
victory at Hamm:ond, Ind. The Sun-
day School is in a flourishing eondittoD:,
congregations are . constantly increas-
ing. Some are being saved. A poor
drunkard bowed at the altar last night
and . gave evidence - of being saved,
praise the Lord. One seeker for holi-
ness at tb,e morning service. We are
expecting a cloudburst at any time.
Pray for us. We have a band of tried
and true warriors. Hallelujah. We
keep on believing:
Herbert Hunt.
""$ .-
We have jn&t closed a good meeting
here in the P entecostal Chtirch of the
Nazar ene. Sinners were converted,
b acksliders reclaimed, believers sanct-
ified wholly, and the saints strength-
ened. Rev. D. A. Hill led in the bat-
tle. We consider him one of the best
evangelists in the country. He is fear-
l ess in his preaching against all forms
of sins and the traps of the devil. We
believe that church here is better pre-
pared than ever before to go the lone
and narrow way with the Lord and to
push holiness and press the battlt;l
against sin to the very- gates of hell.
. J. F. Harvey . .
.)1 ,)1 .,.
Rev. 0 . B. Wether ell and :i\Iin. (Rev.)
Golden E. Thomps.on were --un'ited in
holy"matri:r_nony at Rockville, Nov.
18, 1908, by Rev. W es. H. -Agnew, dis-
trict !Onperin t en dent. Bro. and Sister
\Yether ell are effi cient minister s of the
P enteesotal Chm:.J:)h of t he Kazarene.
Bro. W ether ell is pastor at Austin,
Chicago, Ill. T. H. A.
The Thanksgiving Number
of the Nazarene Messenger .
We still have sorrie of tlie Thai1ksgiving
Messengers. If any church wants a
supply"_ for their work, or any individual
desires them mailed to their friends, we
can fill the- orders promptly. It is the
best advertising you can get. $5.50 per
100, postpaid. 4 for 25 cents. . . . . . .
N aza.rene Publishing Co . .
Los Angeles, California.
10 .. . Nazarene -
[Doceinber 3. 1908
. ---- --.--- -
f'acific-Bible college
;.s-onl;stories.;:;ar,e_ .
you-- liaviDioticea :there-lll'e-always'-cur--
stories of little boys _miJd girls
64i. 28th .St . LoB. Angele11. ,Pal. illustrating the same m,oral or test; as
PRESIDENT, REV. P. F. BRESEE, VIOE-PREsn:i;;;NT. REV. ISAIAH REID, A.B. . the Clise may be. I ha've thought it
' . ;f'RIN<JIPAL, LEORA MARIS. AI!ISOCIATE PRINCIPAL, BESS S. WOOD. not tO USe these short Storie!!! along
and prayed _ and testified and reJ oiced . the regular leS!!OO story;
Thanksgiving Day at the CoUege
-.-was filled with both t emporal and spir-
. ' itual blessings from early morning wor-
ship to church services, the afternoon
happy social, praise and song service
and the enjoyment of Sister
.nolds 's visi_t with her class . of tiny
Spanish songsters, to the evening ser-
vice in the College chapel, which had
been transformed by the students into
a bower of love!iness. It was with
hearts . overflowing with thankfulness
that we sat down at noon to our thanks-
giving table, loaded down with the
bounties of our "Praying and Paying
Friends, '' and in t he evening were
again filled with the ''fragments that
remained even after we had exchanged
apples and nuts for the songs of the
this is wise .. or npt I.amnot fully aware:
togetlter, and at -the evening service First, I think that the two, with
four knelt at the altars_.:_one young characters -of diffez:ent names and per-
-brother prayed SJlear through to the one of modern type and the regu-
_de:finite witness of the Spirit to his lar story __ in very much differep.t sur-
sanctification, l).nd twci coilt(inued _ccin:- - ro\mdings . are quite confusing to the
stantly seeking until . Sunday . the child's mind, and perhaps the . moral
- blessed ''Holy Ghost witnessed,'' in that we are intep.ding should further
power, accor<;Jing to -' -'llis sure mustrate the story has an en-
word of promise." Oh! how the other different meaning to the .child.
saints shouted and . sang and prayed One story to him is as -important as the
and sang and shouted with thei:n. It other, while I feel we should make the
was glorious. Praise God from whom true Bible stories in their simplified
all blessing!! flow. form the most important.
From two to six seekers have knelt -Then, too, in the short period of
at our altars each Tuesday. All are fifteen minutes one story is all a small
invited. Many visitors who come to child can understand, and if it should
listen often stay to pray. seem too short, a further talk of tbe
The Thanksgiving donations will (D. details o:l;_ the story would be (in my
clear little folks.
V.) be given next week. opinion)' of greater effect. .
Regular class work began again . A closing song-something re-
In the afternoon we sang and chatted .
Monday. fers to the lesson, if possible. Then the
distribution of the cards and
THE SABBATH SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN witli the answers we try to make the
For the opening exereises I have had ---children realize the simpler mea-nings
' they convey and express the meanings
a "l\.1\orning Song" which we sing to- in their own words.
gether; ''Father we thank for the Then a short review of the previous
-night,'' etc. This song . seemed: Sunday's -- l esson, in which 'the teacher
fitt ed for -an opening song and as it draws from the children, by quick, in-
is follo-\ved oy t1le prayer by the teacher t eresting_ quest-ion), - the l esson story.
I would suggest that the t e1J.Cher select
in_ which every child .kneels down. and the important events that would appeal
closes .his or her eyes, it t ends to make mostly to the child 's mind. For exam-
them '{eel a reverence. that -cannot .be ple: In the story of David and the
the or sentiment throughout Giant, first the _point that David loved
the morning, - ?S poy and gladness and trusted God absolutely and that
He brought David the victory. Then
must appeal to their young hearts dur- a. comparison of their different
ing the l esson stories. and the simplicity of David in _merely .
.During the morning song I have using a sling. By using these. "child's
asked the children not to clap their view'' ideas they make an impression
hands. I h aYe clone this to mal;;:e the on mind of the child that h e under-
song a prayer. I w:ould. that stands and .enjoys. '
after the Lord's Prayer ha d been said The offering: This may be done in
a:s a close to the prayer offer ed by. the a variety of ways, but I would suggest
t eacher, that they sing the ''Morning that the children be allowed pli'ysical
Song" while kneeling. Perhaps. at t he activity during that time. It is a long
very opening we might kneel and sing while for little folks to sit still , and a
together, but with thought I was in- little exercise relieves the tension and
clined to feel that the song aft er the when they t ake their seats their minds
prayer might be best felt and r ealize.d . are better able to receive a lesson story.
by the children. _ I do not mean.. to I thought that two or three or
that the opening exercises should not perhaps five minutes "recess" is "not a
bring joy to the hearts of the children. bad idea, because when the r eview or
It should by all means, but with that l esson story is being told I h ave. re-
3oy should come a sense of thankful- . quested that the lips should be abso-
ness, of love and r everence for God that lu'tely quiet. I think they n eed a little
perhaps is not so noticeable in the after time for r ecreation when they are quiet
' part. . .. . long. ,
This followed by some songs cl;10sen As the l esson story is the most im-
by the children (if suitable suggestions portant, rather the central figure,
are offer ed ), or by the teache1::. Be- in the Sunday program, I have allowed
tween songs there would be opportu- from fifteen to twenty minutes for it.
nity for questions such as ""Who is It-is because I would r ather they would
God 7" etc. I would not suggest these h ave this story in their minds rather
for every Sunday, perhaps t he thari the story of the previous Sun-
answers might become a matter of day's lesson that I have suggested that
routine, rather than a little thought the -review be very_ crisp and short.
when questions are given In the Teacher" the l es-
by the children. Allow the children
to help yon as much as possible; it
makes them feel the responsibility and
interest they otherw;ise would lack.
Helen Sevier.
.)1 $ $ .;
Only a few pastors .. have otdered
Mhnites. The present order will not
pay half the expense of printing.
Send in your orders at once. Make
them as large as possible.
$ $
If any young person wants THE YOUTH'S
COMRADE but has not the to pay for
it you can easily earn it.
The subscription price is 75c a year. In
clubs of five it is 60c. . Get four persons to
subscribe for it at the regnlar price (75c) and
get your own !>Ubscription free. If ybu wish
to try this plan send at once for some sam-
ple copies and a blank"receipt hook. You can
do it if you try.
Apples-of GQld;
Or Words Fitly Spoken.
Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past
two years. '
240 Pages, Paper.
With portrait, and introduction
. by Dr. Bresee.
25 Cents
by mail' 30c; in iots of 10 $2 ..
In, _60 cents;_ ' .
Ad<lress; "H. P. ,,
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
December .3.
I know of a land w.l!ere the street10.are paved
With the things we meant to achieve,
It is wallf!d . with the money we . meant to
have saved, .
And the pleasure for which we grieve.
The kind words unspoken, promises
_brol<en, . '
And many a coveted boon;J
Are stowed away there in that fand some-
. The land of "P.retty
There are uncut jewels of possible fame,
Lying about in the dust;
And many a noble and lofty aim,
Cover ed with mold and rust . .
And oh, this plac.e, while it seems so near,
Is farther away than the moon!
Though our purpose is fair, yet we never get
t here.:_
The land of "Pretty Soon."
It is farther at noon than it is at dawn,
Farther at night than at noon;
Oh, let us beware of that land down there_:
The land of "Pretty Soon.""-Selected.
$ $ $
I wonder if there would be work
to do if Edward should hang up his hat
. instead of l eaving it for Mary? If
l\fary should carry her wrap with her
to the carriage instead of sending J):d;
. ward back for. it? If Anna would brin'g
her book downstairs instead of asking
Alice to turn back to get' it ? If, when
Lucy bad l eft the piano, she had shut
it instead of her motller's having to do
so when bedtime came? If Alfred
would close the door when he left the
roo111 ' instead of leaving it for someone
else to close? I remember ho\v willing
we are to do .these little things for each
other...:.._but-I just wonder?

you were not very kind and
cordial to Stella's friend.''
"But, mamma, I ' ll ne:ver see her
again, very likely, I met h er for
only a .few minutes. - It didn't seem
worth while to try to be especially nice
to her."
May's mother .sat . silent a moment;
thinking. Then she said, gently, ".Yes-
terday auntie came home frQm down
town and told us how .pleasantly a
yonng . girl in a bookstor e waited upon
her. '"Do you remember how sl.1e en-
joyed telling of it and how happy it
seemed to have made her?"
"Yes," answered May, reluctantly.
''And last Sunday you were ill-
lighted with Miss Innes' lovely frien'cl,
and so pleased because she said some-
thing pleasant to you."
"Yes, I know. "
''And grandma enjoys so much sit-
ting by the window and catching a .
glimpse pretty. ,.and.
-though::::sh.1t : has sharp:,
Dear, our lives ... ar e made of. such find by by. .
little_ things. It's always worth -while Jus
to try to make someone happy though merry voice agam saymg :._ Oh, Billy,
it's only for a moment. That' moment if there ain't half a p ear ,. and it aIn't
may be multiplied a hundred times in l!mch dirty, 'Cause you haven't .
the life of the ' person to whom. io.; was found .anytlun.g you may take the first.
given. Very few of us can grve to bite."'
others great hati piness; hut we can lend . Billy was goi ng to. take a '
t hem lwppy t.honghts, tmvard ht_tle of_ 1t, l11s
better and sweeter thnF'S delight in smd: _Btte btgger, Btlly! 1\Iaybe we ll
the love we show them.,": ' find another one 'fore very long.''
And this time May was r eady wi th Have you anything. thatt would
a hearty, "Yes, mamma, I }{now it's so pleasure or help t,q other s? Don't _give
when I stop to think of it. "-Sel ected. th<;Jm just a wee .bit, but say, ''Bite
bigger , Billy. "-Exchange.
4 . .
One. niglJt when a fa}rl.ily were . all
gathered around t he fire a little girl
. looked up ai1d -saicl : "Father, why does
everybody like Eva? She h as a weak
back and ean''t play like the rest of us,
and isn't often at school; and yet every-
body likes her. How. is that?"
" "\Vell," said her father, "look at
that lamp. It is a very frail thing, .and
cloesn 't make any noise, yet it
room -very bright and pleasant,
does it not? The lamp gives light; lit-He
Eva gives love, and that is why people
love her." .
Yes, that . was it; Eva -\vas . always
"ministering before the . Lord," for
they who love always do that. Won't
you try, each one of you, to be one of
God's little ?_-Select ed.
. :;c "" ""
One :clay a gentlen1an saw two boys
_going along the streets of a large city.
They were barefooted. Their clothes
weie ragged and dirty and tied to-
gether by pieces of string. One of the
boys was perfectly happy .o::ver a half-
withered bunch of flowers, which he
had picked up in the street.
"I say, Billy," said he to his com-
panion, ''wasn't somebody r eal good
to drop these flowers just where I could
. , o#'.JI$
You find yourself r efreshed by the
presence of cheerful people; why not
pleasure on 1 You will find half
the battle is. gained if you never allow
yourself to say anything gloomy.
.- $ .-
' In selecting Ch;istmas gifts foryou"r young
friends and . relatives you will no doubt
endeavor not only to please but to benefit
them. What could be more pleasing or
profitable than to have the weekly visits of a
real live young people's paper. Mental and
spiritual food in a form in which young and
old delight to receive it. A year's subscrip-
tion-to THE Y,OUTH's COMRADE is just the
thing. It is 'not expensive (only 75c.) but is
nevertheless .valuable. .
If you desire us to do so we will send a
"'Christmes post card to your friend ani!ouncing
the coming of THE YOUTH'S COMRADE for a
'year .. Please to : this paper when
selectmg your Chnstmas gifts."
Mohave Children
Stories life bJ!'
Missionary to Mohave Indians
A beautiful book, illustrated with fine half-
tone engravings, bound in Onyx Bristol.
This book is instructive as well as entertain-
ing and gives an interesting account of real
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its -father. Here we see' 'i>llustrated th.e . grew anxious. and tapped at the door.
He,lpful Reading:
This heresy is especially to
the East, an cl "is fouu.clccl on Acts 1 :8 :
.-'Ye shaH receive power after that tho
Hol), Ghost.:_is e01he.-upon you.'' . - -
__ in.finite imp9r.tance_ of_ hayjng the real '_'N:lll'S<;l_, wJ1a_t . is the matter with
word of God. The omission of the soli- Harry?" sir; for .. that
tary letter .'' h'' in pronouncing shib bo-
n t ', The- father came .
. It is '''<;mderfnl how adroitly Satan
uses the . er j:ors . in the old version to
f ast en his her esies en. so many Il"eople.
'rhis passage is really the great citadel
of this her esy. Onl;.r a few clays ago I
h eard a New- York evangelist manipu-
late this passage ivith great force while
preaching in a holiness college, urging
the sanctified p eople to comq to the a.l-
tni ancl ''seek power, some r esponding to
. the in-vitation. .
It is a shame that holiness people do
not walk in all the light. God gives
them; as only in this way can they be
justified, mucli l ess sanctific?-. The
true r eading of this passage JS very
cl ear and b eautiful : ''You shall r eeei.Ye
the power of the Holy 'Ghost having
come upon you;" i : e., the Holy Ghost
is the !)O,ver, a_ncl the only
power, you ever can r ece1ve.
"Then, Brother Godbey, you make
sanctification the ultimatum of all
pl'ogress." Nay, verily; it. is the.
ginning of -all ml.d spn.It-
ua.l progress. \Vhen- Y<?U receive :);I1m.
(as :von do in sanctification)' you re-
ceive. i10ne other than the very and
etermil God. But you must r e.me1nbcr
you cannot exhaust God. You reach
the swelling flood of the heautifnl Ohio,
faint with thirst; you drink to full sa-
tiet:v; but you do not drink up the
riYer: . it is still there. broad and. deep
as e, :er . .This is a faint illnstration.
God is infinitel y greater .than the wat- .
ery "orld. After yon' r eceive the Holy
Ghost in entire sati sfaction, yon go on
to know Him in a rieher, more copious
and glorious ki10wleclge.
This J1eresy is very adroit, like Satan,

letli. once cost 42,000 Ephraimites their le Wl never ge. . .
lives. ..When you seek ''power'' other back, and the httle fell<YW burst out
than .the imloining of the Holy Spirit, __ a fi_oo1 of tears._
you throw_.wi9-e door went_ t_o. the nursery door again. ''What
tan to come and is the mri'tte; wit:4 Harryf '".Tam afraid
.end . . vam hallucmatwn w1ll he will g.o :into a fit.' ' ''All right, he
bew1lder you 1n the of can go into . one, fo:r; he. is CI'ying for
and fears, where s what he can never have:" The- four-
and _rum you. The mll- year-old ran t o his father with.the t ears
houmres with the1: hoarded gold are running . down his face, and all. yon
.seelcmg afte1:. uotlung bnt . more gold. could get from his was, ''Papa, I want
The .more they have; the more they it I want it. " "Nurse what is it
"aut, till in the awftil .succession of t.hc r.Jarry "He only your
fallen apostle, they J?lnnge head.long m- open razor to play with; sir, and he... .
to hell. Shall the children of this world cmse I wont give it to him he is cry-....,__
he. wiser in. their generatio_n th-an t}le . . like that.'' .. . .
ch1lclre_n of 1 God f<:nbJd. . ..Will you point out the difference be-
So let tlus be our attitude once tween needing a thing and wanting a
all, and forever-that we desire thing1 There are some Christians to-
n othmgf but God. . . . day who actually believe that Philip-
_ln the r eal we receiVe pians says "l\fy God shall supply all
H:m. onr forever . . Henceforth your wants." It is ,,.l\fy God shall sup-
wn tleflect .ne1th
er to the nor, . to ply all your need. " If you. got all
bemg )p,olntely satisfied "Jth you wanted you would sometimes get
.tlnn alone . . Oh, how sweetly r estf_ul opened razors to play with. I-Ie gives
now the soul, utterly. and f01:ever ells- you all you need. Is it grace you need ?
of transitory 'You can have it. Is it p_ower? Yon
more than with can have it, for "My God shall supply
hoarded we are all your need.'' Oh, may He teach

ably pressmg on to heights, increasingly what true prayer is. May
deeper l atitudes,. and we, ,\,ith the confidence of children, tell
m<?re agg.resslVe l_ongitndes, Him our needs and believe that I-Ie is
thmgs bemg lost m eclipse, going to supply tl)em ont of His vast
the glones of the Ommpo- fullness and then in a litt.le time prayer
tent "Our Father. " -Selected. will and eternal praise wilrJ)cgin.
I was once taking some meetings with
Moody jn London. Vve went to tea
during the interval between the after-
noon and evening services, .and when
we got into the drawjng roonl. of the .
house we soon learned the little boy
was crying in the nursery. The father
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