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No. 3 . Vol. XIV. Los California. July 15, 1909

District Superintendent's Annual Report

ffi]HE following excellent report
l1tJ was read by Rev. J. W. Good-
win before the late Southern
California District Assembly:
It is in humility that I undertake to
render to this Assembly the annual re-
port as District Superintendent of this
very important district, not having been
able to p erform the many duties in-
vol\'c!l upon my, office satisfactorily to
mysrlf. Yet when I t hink of the kind
and O\' Prruling providences which have
guided and protected this great work,
bringing us on through the year in such
marrPlons triumph and Yi ctory, with
tides of glory and salYation, I must
revcr1ntl y how in ovel'flowing thankful-
ness to our heavenly Fath'er -for all these
manifestations of his care over this
mo\'Crtl en t :
I was mtwh occupied at thP beginning
of thl' "\ssem bly year with the building
of tlu new church at Ontario, whi ch
seemld to all my time. After
some \\' l' l'l<s. howevlr , it seemed wise
that I should assist Dr. Bresee in the
pastor11 t l' of F'irst Church, JJOS Angel es,
whi ch has takPn mn<'h of my time the
remaining part of the Assembly y<ar.
lily asso1iation with Dr. Bres ee has
been \"Cr y plt>asaut and agrccahle
throul-! hout t he year. and our f c<' blc
effor ts ha Vl' heen blessed of God iu the
salYatiou of souls. I haYc l earned much,
and gathered valuable information, and
much of holy inspiration while
associated with this nobl e and matured
We have not accomplished as much
in OIWning up new fields as we had
hoped. yet we have organized a new
church at Latin, and another at Pasa-
denu to he known as the Seeqnd Pente-
costal Church of the Nazarene of that
city. 'fhis church was organized amid
great r ejoicing, as this was the first
Ethiopian church among us. A number
of our church at Pasadena together
With a from First
Church wer e present and all were great-
ly rejoiced that Ethiopia had stretched
out her hands to us, which gave our
people enlarged visions of-the great mis-
sion field in Africa. :\Ve have received
one new church into f ellowship, known
as the Trinity Pentecostal Church of the
Nazarene; and reorganized our work at
Pomona. 'fhis making in all twenty-
two churches on this district. The de-
mand for this work increases as we go
on, and ther e are open doors calling for
new churches.
Our church at Ontario has completed
a very beautiful and artistic chur ch edi-
fice of cement stone, to the satis-
faction of the town's and much
to the credit of t his noble band of faith-
ful men and women. 'Vhile Latin has
had some struggles during the year in
r egard to a suitable place of worship,
yet it has not g iV('Il Hp and sti ll has
plans to build . in the near future.
Baker s field has, under the untiring ef-
forts of Bto. \Villiams, received new life
a ntl hop<'. Not onl y has t h e mtmbcr-
s hi p in er easNl through a cons tant tillc
of sah ation, but they are at this time
rinrehasing a good church building
whi ch will soon put our work on a sur e
foundation in this ri eedy field.
l\fnny of our churches have had Ycry'cssfnl evangelistic meetings with a
number of new members in some of the
churches, and there is a good tide of
r evival .interest throughout the district.
The tent is at this time pitched in
Bakersfield in a very successful cam-
paign. Ther e are places calling
for such a meeting, and two t ents would
hardly supply the d emand. The great>
n eed is s trong evangelistic prca<'hers
and a little money to put into the work.
Ther e has been an increasing interest
in the churches on the question of mis-
sions. and the envelope system is now
being used in n early if not- all of the
churches. It has been gratifying to
the increasing practice among our
pE>ople in giving in tithes, n ot that this
should be the limit in giving, but with
this standard among our people we shall .
soon be in the lead as a financial force.
The call of God is upon us. The great
fields already ripe for harv-
est stretch out before us even in this the
mother distri ct whieh embraces much
n ew <:ount.ry now being occupied by
n ew settlers. This is the time to strike
- it is our opportunity. \Ve should have
g r eat or camp-meetings in
or n ear the large center s and thus fill..
this country with churches on fire with
holy fervor. God's call is forward. The
deep waters of a Red Sea or the rushing
wat ers of a swelling Jordan should not
r etard the onward march of our forces
in this great movement. God has a ,,.ay
of piling up the waters of diffi culty on
either sid e and taking the hosts of God
through on dry land to sure victory. I
full y heli cve this is God 's last great
moYement in this dispensat ion, a nd the
sun is coming up in its stren gth already;
the sl;:y is all aglow with the li ght of
full sah ation . This is morning time in
this grPat moYement. the day of toil is
hefor e us an<l gr eat t hings he un-
d eitnkcn in the name of our all con-
qu ering Lord and King.
The <'all is for men, r eal men ; men
of ahility; me n of loyalty and fidelity.
Strong 1pen of the h eroi c type with dar-
ing self-sacrifice, determination and nn-
s,verYing purpose. This is t h e time for
ou r preachers to gird up the loin's of
th'eir mind, quit t hemselves like men
and be strong, and very
Our watchword must be ' 'Onward,
F orward, Plan, Dare great thing for
God." \Vith our churches and prea ch-
ers all united. l et us move on and out
into t he en emies' country with the faith
that conquer s. until we have planted
our banner s in all the gr eat centers, aild
until city, town and hamlet in
this district shall hear the glad shouts
of new-born souls jn the church of God
and the songs of everlastiug joy of the
Contributed Articles
Oh pray ye for my chosen people,
'rhey perish, but say they can see,
The veil still untaken, they're dying,
Oh help them to come unto 1\'Ie.
Oh pray ye for my chosen peoplt>.
Oh h elp them the true Light to fiud,
They wander about in the darkness,
Not knowing that still they are blind.
Oh pray ye for my chosen people,
Help them their Messiah to know,
Illumine their way in the darkness.
They 'rc them go:
They turned from their king. the ::\Ies-
\Vho die-d to redeem them from sin,
But He 110\Y in glor.' is r eigning.
Pray that th<>ir He win.
*The Jews.
_,. ,.,. ,.,.
. as well as the most
important department of Christian
work is that of winning the children to
Christ. Those who have grown up in
sin are hard to reach. Their consciences
. haYe been more or less seared. They
are absorbed in the gains and pleasures
of this world. They have formed bad
habits. They have come within the in-
fluence oj. evil associates. They have
adopt ed wrong theories of life. A vast
majority of them will never repent.
)lultitucles of them are dropping daily
into Christless graves, and so it will be
in the future.
Nor should we forget that the sinner
of niature years has lost most of his
spiritual possibilities. His best years
have been wasted or perverted. His op-
portunities for usefulness are compara-
tiYely few. He must suffer eternal. loss
because of his refusal to devote his
childhood and youth to the Savior.
It is easy to get children saved. Their
hearts are tender. Their minds are im-
pressionable. They are near the king-
dom of God. They readily believe the
of life. They ar.e free from sa-
tanic entanglements. It is not hard for
them to consecrate themselves to Jesus.
Everywhere and at all times we
should be on the alert to win the . little
ones to Christ, to pray with them, to
persuade them to repent of their child-
ish sins, and to definitely accept Jesus
as their Savior. The opportuuities af-
forded us to do this in our homes and
in our Sunday schools should not be
Nazarene Messenger
neglected. We should also see to it
that when our children fall into sin,
they should speedily repent and be re-
stored. Otherwise their hearts will be-
come hard, and tbey will become settled
in a sinful life.
In a few years the boys and girls of
today will be men and women, and the
church which .saves ancl conserves its
children will be the strong church of
the future.
Let us practice the blessed art of
feeding the lambs of the flock, of win-
ning them to Christ. and confirming .
them in the love of God. In no better
"ay can we exemplify that holiness
which becometh the Lord's house. ,.,. .JI
To those who are in the experi<>nee
of definite holiness there is a peculiar
charm. moral sweetness and beauty in
the scriptural terms used by lVIr. Wes-
ley's l\Iethodism and the holiness
movement representing the various
phases of Christian experience. ( 1)
ConYiction of sin reminds of oul.' own
conYiction of sin's guilt and condemna-
tion. (2) Repentance r eminds us of
our sorrow for sin and turning away
from it. (3) The exercise of saving
faith in the blood of Christ for pardon,
justification by faith, regeneration and
the witness of the Spirit to adoption all
forcibly remind us of our rejoicing in
our first love. ( 4) And the different
Bible terms used to. represent the defi-
nite holiness experience, all meaning
the same thing, such as Christian per-
fection, perfect love. sanctified wholly .
purity of heart, holiness, etc .. all remind
us of our earnest struggl es in entering
by faith into the experience of entire
Now wherever the \Vesleyan formula
of scriptural doctrines is preached in
its purity these Bible terms are used in
their places, hut where they are not
preached, . these Bible terms are not
used, but if used they are so changed in
meaning as to lose all their original sig-
nificance and power.
The popular preaching of the pulpit
today. has little or no use for the W es-
. leyan formula of doctrines or for the
scriptural terms representing it, and in
some places oppose it. And modern
preaching does not seem to trouble sin-
ners in their sirts nor them to make
a preparation for death or that there
is any danger to which sinners are ex-
posed who die in their sins; neither does
[July 15, 1909
it seem to be calculated to arouse the
church to a higher. and more spiritual
life. Consequently the church and min-
istry have little or no power to draw
the people to the house of worship, to
the meekly prayer meeting and other
means of grace. .Family worship and
home. instr,uction of children arE{ very
much neglected. The Bible is regarded
by many as no better than other hooks
and is not read but little. And a
strange loo&"Cness in moral principle and
a death-like slumber , apathy and indif-
ference to reli'gious things seeln to gcli-
erally prevail. And what will he the
final outcome . of this state of things.
God only knows.
Dundee, Ill.
-" _,.
I was a stranger and yoli took me in.
A stranger in a strange land. A strang-
er to God. I knew. not the Lord.
But here, I got acquainted h
Jesus. He extended to me an inYitation
at my first introduction. "Come unto
1ne all ye that labor and arc heavy laden
and I will give you rest." Ho'w that
appealecl to me.
I was weary of sin, of the "orld, of
its hopes, its d lsappointments, its alur<'-
ments, its snm=cs, its
its ashes of Sodom. And the burdens
too heavy to bear, the wmTies f)nd trou-
bles could all be cast off; eonld be l ai.l
at the feet of this wonderful SaYior.
Beloved, I met here Him who says t o
those who aeeept Him, "I'll nc,er n !
thee. nor forsake thee.'' he tlw t
. trusts in me ''shall abide under 1 he
shadow of the Almighty.''
They told me that I mnst be hom
again; that I could he an heir of God .. -
a joint heir with Jesus, with an inlwri-
tance in heaven. \Vhy I began to fl'f']
as if I wasn ' t a stranger; as if I had
found a home.
"I \vas an hungered and yc gave lllC.
meat. " I was hungry, starving for s;Il-
vation-something that would satisf.'
The unsatisfied longing of my soul, and
I heard the words, ''Repent ye ther<'-
fore and be converted that your sins
may be blotted out. When times of
refreshing shall come from the preseii<e
of the Lord." A ray of hope made a
rift in the clouds and looking up I saw
the pitying face of my Savior on the
cross. I saw the cruel crown of thorn;;,
the pierced hands and side. I saw the
blood, the'-precious blood that saves !liC
from all sin. And I heard with accents
July 15, 1909]
of infinite love arid a mighty yearning
from the great heart of. our Lord to
save a sinful world. 1\'Iy heart broke
within me. i . Ucill be merciful
to me. a sinner. And for 'Jesus' sake
God forgave me; gave me the 'vitness
of the spirit that I was a child of God
bOrn iuto the kingdom. He put a new
song in my mOlJt.h, even praise unto our
":'\nkctl and ye clothed me. " 'rhe
old si 11-"orn garments patched up with
sclf-righti'OtHmcss, . llllbelief, Christian
Scic11c>. higher criticism, and other
thing,; from the d evil 's workshop, were
cast nway and I was "clothed and in
mY right mind,'' and the r;orcl gave me
a la.m p for my feet an cl a for my
patlmay. As T w_ent .onwm;d 'in my
walk ,,ith .Jesus, I found I did not have
perf<!d liberty; that there was some
thing within that was at enmity with
God. The .carnal nature that caused
,envy, hasty words-only
little things, b_ut oh, how they hindered
spiritual progress.
"I was in prison and ye visited me. "
Yes, beloved,' I . " ;as a prisoner, a bond
slave of the. devil, shut out from the
sunlight of God's love; not a ray of
light lit the dark cells of my heart.
Until T heard "Behold I stand at the
d.oot and knock; if any man open the
I wiil come in and sup with him
and he with me.'' Praise God I opened
1he door and let the Son of Righteous-
ness in. And I heard Him say, "Shake
thyself from the dust, loose thyself
from the bands of .the neck, Oh captive
danl:{ht cr of Zion, for ye shall . go out
'vith .ioy and he led forth with peace,"
and He led me out of darkness into
and when. I got one l ook at the
mar,c!lons puritY. of Jesus and the Spirit .
gavt> me n of God's holiness,
although my sins w<>ie forgiven and I
was n hild of God; T l'ried "Unelenn,
lliH:Ic-an:" . I bcgmi to sec that within
tJ1at \\'as at eumi(y with (}od Wll5 not
of God. h1lt was. a s eed of the devil.
"\ nd fro in the Nazarene pulpit I heard
fnll snlvati bn (1 John 3 :8):
' ' F01 thi s tlte Son of God was
llianifest that He . might. destroy the
' \orb; of t.he devil:ll I knew the -sins I
coi111uitt.t>d had; heen forgiven. lnit the
i)1hrJited'. sht :fr'o;lll AdaJti ;s falC the
man. ";ithin.
Jesus ha tl dol1e so much for. I could
t.rnst 1 John l' :7 we ,.;,aik in
the light',as: li _e il:i i1i the iight we have
fr ll n.wshj}> ,\.'tin other, ' and
blontl of JCSll,f? . el eailse th
\Hi fmni all sin." ; I}. this bnt .in
Naz..a.,ene Messengeri . 3:
order to. have a clean heart I inust meet been .uhvays ready ,,,hen' God .wanted-.
the coriditihns; 'mt,tSt be willing to give mi ?.: No, no, :no, -we have not. God for-
everytliing I have, myself, my 'all, into . . gi,<e "'us! ' \Ve have missed :opportuni-
the r,ord 's l1and-go the death .route, tiea ': we have missed souls. But are.
die to self and arise in Christ Jesus. we ready now 1
Beloved; I . went the death. route. It . I have surplus m'oney-money :in.
took me ten days td get end of self, bank or stocks that I do not n.eed, shall .
but glory to God, when 'I' was dead God never need. Am I ready to give for th,e
met me. Dead to self but i;1 Christ world's need 1 I have a voice to speak
Jesus. And I .heard the precious Lord or sing for God, social influence that
say, "Ye are dead and your life is hid might- be turned even more to work for
in Christ." Hallelujah, what a trans- . Him; time that I might save for Him
formation. A stranger, sick, hungry, from my little nick-nacks and useless-
naked and in pri'son, to the child: of the ness-am I ready? I might eV.en-9h
King, clothed in righteousness and filled that .God may send this word-to many
with tlie fuliness of God and free in hearts-might even give myseff to His.
Christ Jesus. . work! \Vhat me back 1 Love of
Beloved, that has been four years
ago last November, and there has been
testings, trials and sifting as l
know .. what . the
have been in the valley, in the deep
canyons. have been made but
they were of the head and not of the
heart, and today the past all under
the blood, praise God. My feet have
found the rock foundation and I feel
more like going on than ever before,
and by. the grace of God I am going bn.
And through the blood of my precious
Savior "the .King's daughter is all glo-
rious within and her clothing is of
wrough-t gold. ''
How I praise him,
Selected Articles.
I am r eady to come. 2 Cor. 12 I
am r eady to preach. Romans 1 :15. . I
am ready not. to be bound only; -but
also to tlie fo1: .the name of the Lord
Jesus. Acts 21 :13. I am now r eady to
offered. 2 Tim. 4
Ready! Aye ieady! It rings down
thropgh UlC ages. Preaching was
ed ,and Paul was ready : cqunsel and
.encouragement must: be given and for
that too, lie was ready: Danger whs to
be fac'ed . "for the name of Jesus." It
1;iight . he bonds, it might be a, l1o!rible
death, and he loosened lov.-
ing -hands that . -\v.ould .hold him =back
and sprang to n1eet it. The Swol'd of
martyrdoni' flashed across his track but
he il.ot.', for the
t .. he '. . . :. ,
Oh .that little word."1eadyi"It blows
a<-ross our :spirits-l'ike a salt :breaze from
tlie' It : cu'ts Ollr' : h'e'atts lilrJ a'
. R cacly ! H ;1 \.e':
home and ease?- A of doing some
str11nge thjng? Bonds of habit-soft
living 'in familiar grooves 1 . There are
enough of- God's . professed children in
the world to.fill every vacant place,- do
every bit of His work. . Am I ready to
do my part-all my part 1
"Had failed to go, had God
Gra:nted his. prayer, there ,,otild have
For him no-leadership to win:
No pillared fire, no magic rod;
No wonders in the land of Zin.
"No smiting of the sea: no t ears
Ecstatic shed on Sinai's steep ;
No Nebo. with a God to keep
His burial. Only forty years
Of desert watching with his sheep."
-Wesleyan Methodist.
,.,. .JI .JI
To be soundly convicted of sin .
To truly repent. Results in confes-
sion to God and men.
Restitution. ns f ast ns light shines
ancl ahility js given.
A heart. f elt promise to forsake all
su1. T.hc rou lrnte. nnd the ones
that h aYC h <'ell lmcd. , \ surrender Up
to nll the light you have, and n purpose
to rccogniz(' nPw or unthought of wrong
things as 'surrendered at the first. :If
one ; Up the Illite one knOWS, not
m1't ch' '\vouid be given up. Godly sorrow
for s in Bible . expression. and would
to Go'd wehenrd;nnct'saw more of it;
Fnith :m the Lord Jesus Christ. Not
ari . assent of the mind bnt a be-
lieving the' Word of promise to the re-
pentant sinner. tliat. God fol' Christ's
sake will have 'mer(>y and forgive when.
we mind. ' '' \Vitli the heart man . be-
lic\ieth nnto righteousness ,' and with the-
mo,tth <>onfession' :js J1utde unto'
tion. 'thi! 'so't11 -,,;alk thi::m;igh
h <j.,;wilL 'soon
thinp: . . . :wlwt :it 1s. to, be, :I,Q_rn
from above. New life . he will feel. A
peace that is heavenly, justification
f eeling in his heart. It will also
his head, see things he n ever saw be-
fore; and .old ones in a new light. H e
will feel like he h as been transformed,
and so he h as. H e begins to sing a new
H e soon, in comm01i with the r est of
converted humanity, f eels his n eed of
another work in his soul. Somehow,
some way, some time, the Lord will
get the light on him that that some-
thing within him ought, and can be r e-
moved. He will pray for it, seek for it,
and if at a ny time the thing gets on
top, he "\-viii fly to God for deliver a nce.
H e will soon b e taught, some means .
or agency, the way.
"It is so plain that the wayfaring
ma n, though a fool, shall not err there-
in." He will be l ed to consecrate. Not
by pi:ecemeal. but to make a consecra-
tion that is all embracing, and he will
see that it is his reasonable service, and
the thing inside that asks now and then
for something which a child of God
ought not to want, he will want deliver-
ance from. With u"p-tur.ned f ace and
up-lifted heart. and hand he will say to
. ''Here I give my ALU to thee;
Friends and time and earthl y store,
Soul and body thine to
'Wholly thine forever more.
ff!Then, as his faith rises, h e will sing,
''I am trusting, Lord, in thee,
Dear Lamb of Calvary,
Humbly at the cross I bow,
J esus sanctifies me now.
.,... j ..
in the promises I trust .
In the cl eansing blood confide,
. I am prostrate in the qust, .
I with Christ am crucified.
Jesus comes, he fills my soul,
Perfected in love I am,
I am every whit made whole,
Glory, glory to the Lamb."
Then onward and upward he goes, a
puzzle to those he has l eft behind, a
convicter to those: who have hea_rd but
hold back, a thor_IJ. t() those who try to
please God and hold on to the world.
A joy to his Goq, a blEissiQg to the
true church, and a blessing to the
converted. The Bible his constant com-
panion. . Secret prayer a delight, the
house of God the gate of heaven, testi-
mony opportunities hailed with pleas-
ure, giving of his means, a tenth, a lux:
ury, serving a holy privilege. .
You can depend upon him. He has
withdra:wn from the "Up-and-Down-
from the ''Doubting-Question-
ing-Fashionable-Fraternity. " Also from
Nazarene Messenger-
[July 1s, I9o9
. every other relation, . and things
which neither help him or others.-
He now lives out his consecr ation: -.
Plenty to do for Jesus. sac-
doing for others, helpi:pg, watch-
ing, praying, giving, liv'ing, growing,
going, staying, whichever and whatever
his Lord says unto him.
He sings often,_
"It pays to serve Jesus
I speak from my heart. ''
-Beulah Christian.
$ .;;& .;;&
vVe used to be somewhat concerned
a nd. puzzl eq when we saw how difficult
it is to r emain in the average pastorate
and be true to holiness work and
preaching. Vl e were mrich concerned
at one. tinie to see so many pastors, who
have the experience leaving the pastor- .
ate for the evangelistic field.
But we have come to see that it is evi-
dently the divine order and leading.
Just as the persecution at . J erusalem
scatter ed the holy people after Pente-
cost and made it t h e means of carrying
the holy fire to the people b eyond. who
otherwise would have remained un-
evangelized, so has it worked in the
evangelism of holiness. God has evi-
dently made the ostracism and hard
lines of h oliness pastors the evidence
to them that He d esires them to carry
this fire to others who otherwise would
hear truth
of the hour .. As a rule, too, those who
have been in the pastorate make the
most efficient evangelists. .
Vve, as a people. have not yet
to the full comprehension of the pre-
eminence that the word of God gives to
the holiness evangelist. Jesus and John
the Baptist were both holiness evangel-
ists, who preached the two works of
grace. Paul mentions evangelists prior
in importance to the p astorate in Eph.
4 :11-12 and says t h at like the other or-
ders of the ministrv they are "for the
p erfecting of the saints.,;
The divine order today for carrying
on this great work is to thrust men out.
who, if they had an easy time in 1 he
pastorate would not go. af? in the days
of the apostles, into fi elds that they had
not especially coveted or thought much
. This thought, that it is the divine or-
der, to- overrule the opposition that has
shut some of the pastorate or rele-
gate_q. them to some place where they
can accomplish little. ought to be a com-
fort and an inspiration to every pastor
:who is thus feeling his hands tied. No
ecclesiasticism can keep a fully conse-
crated man from entering the great har-
vest field so mew here if he is r eady for
the divine call. There- are so few com-
paratively that are willing to do the
divine will that when God finds such
people He"finds',euough for to do,
if they watch a nd' are ready for the
divine leadings. When your wa.J[ is
hedged up begin to ask God to sho'X you
what He wants you to doc-Christian
Dear Messenger:---'--'' scrip-
tural holiness these lands'' is a big
job, and your :correspondent is a small
man ; but tli'e" Lord, who cliooses weak
things, engaged me in t his work many
years ago, and He k eeps 111e at it, and
blessed be His name, He owns me in it.
The at Delanco, N. J.,
contitiued el even clays, and increased in
attendance and power and salvation r e-
sults to the close, July 5th.
It was my privilege as a rul e to
preach twice daily-morning and night.
Associated with me . in the work .-of
"pressing t he ii1stantaneous blessing"
was Miss Clara Boyd, .of Philadelphia,
whom I have known for many years.
She is certai)lly an elect and a n
efficient evangelist ic laborer. Several
others preach ed once, some of whom
came for that service and hurri'ed away
as soon as they had deli vered their mes
sages, even cutting short their messages
to ''make a train.'' This may have
been helpful in some directions, but that
it was contributive to the work as a
whole I have grave doubts. For y ears
I have observed the working of this too
frequent cust om, a nd I am p ersuaded
that salvation r esults are generally hin.,
d er ed thereby. No matter how loyal to
holiness is the ''recognized'' preacher
(and qu_ite frequently the signs of sueh
loyalty are lacking), or how good and
straight . the sermon (and very fr e-
quently it is very indefinite and non
eontributive to t he line of truth r equi
site t o salvation r esults). only those
who are in the business and who bear
the burden, as a rule, can help on the
cause. Certainly ,court esy Is a good
thing-a Christian virtue; but it should
n ever. be shown for its own sake, at the
expense of the hest interests of the hol y
This camp is called '' undenomina
tional, " but Methodists and Evangt>li
cals mainly, attend and support it. In
attendance this year wer e a number of
Pentecostal N azarenes, among them
Rev. J. T . . :Maybury, pastor of onr
church at Camden, N. J. ; A. J . Dol
bow. our pastor at Chester, Pa.; Rt- v.
John W. of X
J .. a r eturned missionary wlio has r e
cently joined l'is; Bro. Henry Elsnc>r.
who is a business man Brooklyn, N.
Y., a member of Utica A venue Church
of that city, a licensed preacher nnd
president of . th.e Long Island Praising
Band. Bro. Elsner came as a vis itor,
but immediately threw himself into the
work, and on the last Sabbath after
noon preached with cl earness and
powei", and conducted a blessed altar
service. So the only .preachers of that
great day were of our church.
.Sister Cassie Smith, of Ocean Grove,
N. J ., three[score years and ten, an old '
time Methodist, was present through
July 15, l009J
out almost the entire meeting, and had
her di:Lily select meetings, such as has .
been her wont for many years. Sister
Smith tells me that when she visited
California several years ago, a bishop
gave her letters to a number' of Meth-
odist pastors on ' ' the coast,'' but that
she found special acceptance among the
Nar.arenes, , and that after her r eturn
East she wrote the bishop that the only
plaee where she found aggressive holi-
ness out there was among that people,
Th.' "Fir st Church" people may re-
member her presence about three year s
With l ove to all.
Edward F. walker.
for seven years and am quite well
known J)y many here, but when they
found out we had entered the Nazarene
Church they 'treated with c.old shoul-
der . I r ejoice that the Holy Ghost in
our hearts giyes us a spirit of love and
un'ity and makes us love all denomina-
tions. I can truly say I l ove the whole
race and especially .those who are be-
gotten of Him. . ''I am going through
Jesus. ''
H. 0 . Vernon and
vVe are having victory at . West Som-
erville, Mass. On Sunday we held the
promptly filled. For fqrther informa.
tion write The Publishing Co.,
inclosing a stamp for reply, and they
will furnish you with all the needed
information with reference to cost of
books, etc.
The above information is forthcom-
ing in response to a petition from one
of the District Assemblies.
H .. F. Reynolds.
July 12 to 31, San Francisco District, Cal.
visiting the churches at San Jose, Milton.
.JI "' .JI
. , fourth Communion servi ce, and bap-
Oakland, San Francisco and Herkeley .
July 29 to Aug. 8, Mississippi Camp meeting.
Aug. 1:3 to 22, Tracy City, Tenn. , Home
\Ve cel ebrated t he anniversary of our
nati on 's independence, and also of a
grPater declaration of independence
than that, :Sunday in our church.
Brother and Sister Roger s, who are h ere
. to conduct a summer campaign for the
Holiness Association, were with us, and
the t ent not being r eady for their meet-
ing, Sister Rogers preached for us in
the morning and Brother Roger s . at
night. Our souls wer e blest and victory
crowned the clay's servi()es.
Brother Vallow and family, of Plain-
ville, Kans. ; havi ng dropped in on us,
said the holiness people here seemed
just like they did everywher e else; they
all talked and looked alike. 'Ne had
visiting Nazarenes from several Wash-
ington cities, as well as from Los An-
geles and from Kansas, they being in
the city to see the A. Y. P. Exposition.
1\'lrs. DeLance ' Vallace.
\\"ife and I have been in a campaign
of five weeks in this pla ce. four
wel'ks we wer e in our t ent and much
goocl was tl one. " ' e ha d our t ent
pitohed among the ri ch class of town
and t hey laid in complai nt about our
shouts and noise. " ' e wer e obli ged to
takP down our t ent 1.111cl since t hen we
have lield street meetings and meetings
from l10usc to house. of t he poor
haYe come out and been made ri ch in
fai t h. The church people as a rule wer e
afraid of ns and the Nazarene Church
and stayed away. They would 1iot
come witl1in t hirty or forty f eet of ns
In the meetings lind some passed
by without even l ookfhg at the '
spised few" s inging ai1d praising God.
'l'hcte are sixteen .. churches here, and
yet ther e is need of ouc mor e wher e
people can get to J esits ',:in the old-
timP way: '' P r ide and. ' v,orldliness cnn-
not bring souls to God. We need chri s-
tianity rather than chnrchianity these
dayfi. We continne ber e a.nother week
r cai1 <say we l ove Jesus and his work
ffiOJ"e t han life. Our meat is to do His
wi ll and serve Him in true holii1ess and
forever . L was n .Pastor
m a certain denomination in Colorado
tized one of our Sunday school girls
who was t he week previous,
and r eceived eight into full connection,
all good, cle3:r cases of salvation. Glory
to God! vVe are pushing ahead. His
banner over us. is love. I f eel the fire
burning in my soul this morning. Praise
His name! C. :warren Pettit .
I wish to announce the r emoval of
the First Pentecostal Church of Staten
Isla nd, whi ch for some time was locat ed
in a store-room at 1248 New York ave-
nue, Rosebank, but have recently
pied the building at 36 Canal street,
Stapleton, which was vacated by the
Salvation Army. We can still r eport
victory, a nd accomplish the work which
the Lord would have us do. Isa. 61 :4.
''And they shall build t he wastes, they
s hall raise up the former desolations,
and they shall r epair the waste cities.
the desolations of many generations. ' '
We ask t he prayers of all the saints in
connect ion with our work in the harvest
fi t>ld of the Lord. 0. H. P. Duncan.
.JI .JI .tl
The Nazarene Publishing Co. will
carry in stock the Books in the Course
of Study for Licensed Preachers and
Evangelists. Mail Orders will be
Camp Meeting.
Aug. 26 to Sept. 5, Nauvoo, Ala.
Sept 6 to 30, Kansas and Oklahoma Dist.
October. General Missionary Board Meet-
ing. H. F. REYNOLDS,
823 River St., Haverhill, Mass.

Holy Scripture
A Remarkable Book of
441 pages by
PRICE, $1.50

This Book has had such a wonderful sale
that the third edition was printed within
three weeks of the first.
The New York Globe says: "Dr. Haldeman
shows us the deadly difference. He does not
attack Christian Science, he merely quotes
it; yet nothing more effective
ian Science has been published. '
Every preacher should re'ad this book.
Bul one for your pastor or get it your-
set and loan it to him to read.
Nazarene Publishing (;ompany
730 San Pedro St., L03 Angelea, Cal.
It Pays to Advertise .. ..
Every Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
We Publish an Eight-page ';l'ract, which i s Very Effective Advertising
. . . . . .
The Pentecostal. Church of the Nazarene.
What is It? What does it Believe? It's Advantages.
It's Relation to Other. Churches. The Church and the Saloon.
Th subject matter of the Tract occupies seven pages. leaving the last page for adver-
tising of your church. -
10.00 Tracts, with our advertisement, on back, $2. 75 post-paid.
1000 Tracts, with back page blank for your advertisement, $3.50
1000 Tracts, with your advertisement printed on page 8, .$4. 60 post-paid.
730 San Pedro Street, Loa Angelea, California
Nazarene Messenger
i : . EDITORS:
P. F, Bresee, . Ecf,itor
R. Pie'rce, - Office Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr.
u. $1. 'a in 'savance; to Ministers 75 cents;
to foreign countries $1.60. Sample copies free.
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SPECIAL NOTICB-Address all business communications'
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Nazarene Messenge,.
lished in Zion's Herald with tacit
dorsement, arid as far as I was
. .. .. . . : . '
never criticise.d by tbe Methodist pres$.
i I1im that
costal Church of the is Wer;.-
l eyan, and as I believe thus . f.plly
Scriptural on this great doctrine of per-
fect love or eritire sanctification. That
we believe that the great dispensathmai
truth is, that Jesus Christ . baptizes be-
lievers with t he Holy Ghost, sanctifying
and en powering t}lem . .
That with.out this " e. l;ave no dis-
tindive dispensational truth, . and that
where this, in substance, is not preach-
ed, we haYe no r eal gospel. That we
feel ours.rlves a part of that body of
believers raised up to ''spread Scrip-
tural holiness over these lands,'' and
thus that ";e are a part of that com-
pany who are the real successors of
John wesley and the early Methodists.
As this question is so often asked,
"e would be glad to h nve it generally
known that this church is on no new
or vague line, but in the way the Apos-
tl es l ed, and the fathers trod. .
This day a miiiister of the l\Iethodist $ $ .JI
. Church; South, from a dis- PECULIAR PERILS.
tant part of the country., entered my Everything that exists has its ene-
study and said he desired a few mies. Every form of life has its perils.
. minutes' conversation. He said: "I Every action . has its hazards. These
want to ask you, what is .the difference acherse influences can only be entirely
between the Pentecostal Church of t he aYoided by non-existence, non-action or
N and the l\'Ietho!}ist Church 1 '' mere negation.
This is not an infrequent questimi, and Hence, it is true t hat every duty has .
I answered him as I have others, viz.: its eorr clatiYe danger. \Vhatever
''The niairi difference is that we ar e tion " e may take, however righteous;.
. . '
more methodistic than the l\Iethodist whatever course we may follow, how-
Church." I then referred to how the ever correct, will involve the el ement
Methodist Church has, in so l arge a of risk, and a risk peculiar to the at.ti-
measure, ceased to be \Vesleyan. I tude which we assume, or the line of
illustrated by referring to an essay action " 'e adopt.
read, .som.e time ago,. before the Boston This is . so in a general way because
Methodist Preachers' l\Ieeting on the inherent in every action is a tendency
"Change of Doctrine in the Methodist which, unless guarded and restri cted ,
Church" by the Professor of Dogmatic will become extreme, and 'bring about
Theology in the Boston University, in disastrous results. In , the spiritua}
which he gave a succinct statement of . this is true for tlie . additional
<:>f John :wesley in , r eason that Satan opposes every holy
'to c hristian . th.en . ' effort; and meets it with a form of
said that it was . that the temptation which is adapted with dia-
Methodist. Chur'ch does not belie,,e this boliC:al ingenuity to th'e case in hand.
in these days. Among the evidences The principle thus briefly stated
he brought f.orward .wefe .kirid cif n'i ight be elucidated and made clear
books i 'he churcl{ publishes, and the with Jl;lany illustrations, . but one will
fact 'oi' . . .
church" do not preach .what .John Wes- The Scriptures clearly that we
ley p.n(lerst
od by Christian :Perfection are to be zealous in behalf of . the King-
or . Perfect Love. . The . essayist did r of God; that . we'. to
speak of it as a t9 he. regretted; iniquity in. every form, and'' absolutely
but seemed to thjpk. ,the had ' ,, . t.o compromise . . sm: ': \rhe
passed on, to .}:)etter .. t}\ings, . I Christian imbued with this spirit will
to the'' that thris :eSsay wa'B' .be quick to. detect any lowering of the
[J.uly; 15: 1909
standards either by the church of which.
he ' is . a member:, or by any. . of h'is:
brethren. He will grieve over tlie back-
sli, of any ,'of his fellow-dis<,; iples,: .
and will . qeeply d_eplore conduct on,
their part which tends to cast a re-'
proach upon the. cause of Christ.
jJp .to t his p<)irit 'an is and'
as it ought . to .he .in the ment al and'
spiritual described. N everthcc
l ess a . danger point has been reached,
and natnic and Satan will c01i1bine to
push the zealous Christian into a wrong
position. 'l'he natural and easy thing
for him to do at this juncture will he
to discuss with ' others the or con-
duct d eernecl reprehensiblP. an<l t.o
unite with in giving
to their ('Ondenmation of h<'haYior.
Ancl right hPrc 8ataq " i ll tempt him
to feel indi gnant at t.ll<' person who lws
thus and injured th<:
cause of Christ, and to regnrd him with
more or less of hostility.
The mere fact that the zealous
tian has been such a .one will
make it harder to meet him on the
former amicable and cordial. plane, and
correspondingly easier to evade, ignore
Or greet him with COld and Scant ('OUl'
From this point onward the d own-
ward progress of the zealous
Christian, unless arrested the spPcial
grace of God, hecomes rapid.
a baekslider, l1e no longer <'nt ert ains
hrne,olent feelings for the other offend-
er, lmt looks upon him with an aversion
which rapidly ripens into hatred. Ro
deceived by the devil, he seeks to jus-
tify his hatred of the oth<'r c nlprit h:v
painting his <'haracter with the dark<st
lmrs. and by making him to appear ns
a veritable anti-C'hrist and enemy of
God. \Yhen this stage of s})iritual dP-
lusion has btf'n r eached the on.(e
Christian, he has fallen fa1tlwr
fron:1 grace nucl is in. great,er darkness,
than ,the erring brother whose s tumbling
was the occasion of his fall.
This .is .hue'. th:e "who'
is . .'in,, ai;cl
into opeJ1 sill. always realizes that he;
has done :wrong, .and either repents
'quickly or gives 't1p' his profession. Bnt
tlw bther bagkslider thoroughly ck
ceived 'a,r.t4';' instea4 ' of ililll ;
self and makes & higher pN-
fession -than: ever; and sets himself np
as a judge of all those who do n'ot agr<'e
w'jth hhn .arid . give him
.. WlieF,'( , _did the. ijne .. de-,
m.arc;'ation . behye(m; :ia:nilable ' ;>.:eal . and
sin 7, .. When he permitted himself . to
July 15, 1909]
become . a harsh critic, and forgot that
Gocl "is married to the backslider"
. '
when he discussed the. misdeeds of the
erring brother, instead of praying for
him, .and when he.,avoided him, instead
of lovingly laboring him and re-
st oririg: him "in the spirit of meek-
.$ . .$ ,c:
That be a happy and. Sticcessful
church where its members have learned
the true relation of inward to outward
holiness. The tendency of some toward
mysticism, and other towards outward
ad.ivity, often causes misunderstanding
lwtwcen the two.
Iloliness, as fellowship with God, un-
obstructed vision and glorious experi-
czwe of divine realities, must express it-
self in love to man, great beneficence,
alHl. henevolenee. Its richest joy must
come from service to others, yea, suffer-
ing for others, and the church that finds
a channel for these activities to flow
l'(gulaHy in, hririg forth most of
the p1;actical fruits of J;oliness.
. . . . . : . . . . . .
spiritual blessing is . given to be
nll'rely possessed, , and expemled upon
one's self. May I say, spiritual bless-
ings mo've us to seek others, by the best
possible methods, t11;lt.
may bestow,
iustrumeutally to them, a like precious
'l'he eln1rc-h having the "best meth-
od " with a dry <'hannel is a truly piti-
alde object: Method without life is
valt1elcss. Life withQut method. and
onler is wasteful. . The only end of the
church is to be a channel for abundant
life to flow through, and all life should
have .a ehnnnel where it cOl'tld be, best
utilized: Now when the church
to b,c place of holy'a ctivity itis}:>ir:cd bj
holy hearts it . will becolile a. menns . of
.some , . end, .. an,<l may , bpc,ome .a
Ill of harmful ends.
A few bo'ly inside th'e church
canri.ot \l'xrMt 'thi t.b Hs
appoint'ed. ' There
bilities before them, ,
of holy ;opposition to
spiritual activities. . What a world of
grace here 1, The
mipd . .
hol:y ser'[ict ar.,tqld to,; :'I,re,ev
:yout: tp Y,op.; all will be
welL" .B1,1t it qon;'t, keep ithat:way. Seer
ond, . to :introduce means fori holy acti v-
ity, and run 'current with unholy acth-
ity' th;e sl1m'e
nanie,' .
r .6jll.',
to iive.holy under ali: the unfavorable:
conditions of a carnal enviropmen t and
take the consequences holy living
poses. This meinl:t to John wesley the
organization, insi<}e 'the' church, of
means ''to spread script\i'ral
<'n;e+ these lands." To what .that
ment has grown, our readers must
imow. .
the church in :its wisdom haR in-
stituted to enhance the spirituality of
all its members.
\Vhen a church beco-mes so unspirit-
ual that those who :wish to mind its
practice its teachings, enforce' its
discipll'ne, and teach its doctrines, are
not allowed . to do so, then the drift is
toward spiritual ruin.. Such a church
has only hope . in a renewed Yisi'tatiori
of the Holy. Spirit. Battle on . .
ones, in the spirit of holiness . . Triumph
delayed will surely come.
G. W . W.
I know of no question more i:>.el;plex-
ing than what one is to dowhen. op.po-
sition to holy living arises; It is non-
sense to say that the sanie kind of Jiv-
ing does not -create any opposition. If
so, \va's insan'e, and many of
best' ,follo\ve.J;s. Nor does it reach
diffi culty to about seeking fellow-
ship nnd enjoyment, and opportunity
here mid l\{
;. \Vesley kept his Dm' ing the year a 1t1any
holiness in a well planned sYstem to s eribers have asked us to continue the
conscr\re it. paper and allow them to pay, later. We
I do not undertake to answer several have .eheerfnlly granted their requests.
questions that naturally . arise her e, we this means of
present, bnt simply . to. sa):, holiness) we Will be glad to
must be' lived if possessed, a'nd .have a 11111ny as find It pOSSible to
place its where all its in-. It durmg the month of July.
terests arc .conserv.ed ., It would. mitur- It is only a. dollar for you to raise,
ally seek ;the line of ]east r esistance and and seems like a small sum for us to
great.est productiveness; and 'the ask, for, b.nt five hm1dred of them make
' it $500, and we rieed the m;oney, notv.
had not iii Itself other \\r e you that ifit is impossible
woul<l be fruit: to send it now, we will
., , , the paper, bi.1t it will be a -great help
A worl(lly,

rch with a to r eceive it from all :who find they can.
membei:snip de\' oid of spiritual life, has help 11s now'. ; ...,_., -c 1
no place, any ecclesiastical sys- Tlierc are also a great' man\'
for a holy mnn living !l holy life. scriptions whi ch expired J'uly ls.t. Be-
vVhere and ho\v will 'such a man prench? cause of the District Assemblv nnd the
:Mariy of tl.1,cm .to mailing of Sunday school we
lisnL The present method for such me1n- were so erowdcd that we
bers now is, not 'to .. tight, hlit absent s<:>nding out our usual noti ces. It is
- tlHmsel:ves .. from such ministry. They om: prat"til' e to remind our suhsei' ibers
.. caimot be made to attend. nnd the work ,\hen the snhsrription expires. and give
of an cYailgelist is brief. Suc h men are them s u:flei ent time to renew before
starved iilt.o silence, or :when stopping a nyozH 's paper. U s ub-
they. " .go (,)UL" scription is duc, will you send .
No churcH can be at its best
intil its ns your n' newal at once?
ethical Jife' mid: service accord with the 1f yon .HI;(' . !lOt prcparetl to send the
life: of its best. men'lbe!s. The money. niw.' SP!Hl n postal cnnl asking
J:n,?derii, t!1at the w.()ak )mist ,\>e fos- us, to (ontinm the papcr , then s<!lHl the
is; rjght,t .but must not be an ex- a 11101111t 1 o us as soon as possibl e ..
cuse to.defend the carnal their oppo- This is the hardest month
sition to spiritual things. ' Tlui ' evidence of thc ycm finaneially. an<l we will ap-
is ,not in but prceiate your dfo1h; to help u s.
:and: rules or' .the
church . should be made to: consen-c
spirituality; and, . because so !)Jade,
should be enforced against e veiy thiug
that opposes !ipl.rituality wQile they nre
a . . of propagating the largest
spirituality .. So has proven.
)f you )V:ant to kn6w what a. church
,qoing . wiJl pot. .find . it in . nnm-
SOCial. status, :DUmber of profes-
SOrs, but in the number wlw use the
. ,
'I'he following Distri ct Assembl'ies are
hereby called, to meet as follows :
Rocky l\fountain District--Septen1-
bcr 23, 1909, 9 a. m. At Denver, Colo.
Chicago Central District-September
30, 1909, 9 a. m. At Canton, Ill.
P. F. Bresee,
General . Superintendent. :
Notes and Personals
.:Malden , Mass., began open-air meet-
ings with nearly 40 workers in the ring.
They report souls seeking the ''double
qtie'' in many of their meetings.
Brother and Sister Speicher, of the .
Grand Avenue Church, formerly of Pas-
adena. are re,joicing over the advent of
a ten-pound girl, born last Friday even-
Rev. B. F. Haynes of Nashville.
'l'enn. , is expect ed to be in Los Angeles
over next Sabbath and to preach in the
First Church, corner of Sixth and \Vall
streets. Be sure and invite the people
to hear him.
The ''Old Douglas'' camp-meeting
opens July 16, with General Superin-
tendent Ellyson and wife as principal
leaders, and the ' ' Kentpcky girls,''
Crow and Kell, will be there to sing
their glorious songs.
Friends wishing to ship fruit for the
Deets Pacific Bible College should ad-
dress it to ''B. J. Franklin, Deets Pa-
cific Bible College, 641 E. 28th St., Los
Angeles, '' and notify Bro. Franklin that
it has been sent. ' f .
Bro. S. M: Staffor.d, Superintendent
of our :Mexican Missions, has been pass-
ing through the New England States.
He expects soon to return to Jalisco
and move his family to Peniel, Texas,
to educate his children.
Bro .. Elliott, pastor at San Diego,
writes : ''Sunday was a day of victory.
The blessing of God was upon the peo-
ple. : Souls wer e at the altar both after-
noon and evening. We are expecting
great things from God in the future."
Bro. John Norberry has pastorated
again, having accepted the call to take
charge of the Pentecostal Church of the
Nazarene at Saratoga, N.Y. Bro. John
is a "renovator," both of churches and
parsonages, and the latter has recently
been receiving his attention. The Lord
bless Bro. John. He will, if he will
''keep, on believing.''
Rev. Wm. I. Abbott of San Diego
writes: ''Sister McReynolds ,and her
faithful band of workers have been with
us for a f ew days. The blessing of
God r est ed .upon their ministrations,
and we all r eceived new inspirati'on in
the missionary work in Mexico. May
the bl essing of God be with them wher-
ever they go.'-'
"Apples of Gold" is just the book
fot an inspiring gift. It will \>less the
.soul faith. Send for one.
25. postpaid; 10 for $2.
Lvs Angeles and Viclnity'
One of California's brightest days
was made to the people of the First
Church one of God's richest and sweet-
est days. 'fhe congregations wer e good,
and from earliest morning until well in-
to the night might have been heard the
songs of,triumph. It was a real camp-
meeting day. The eight o'clock prayer
meeting was choked. off for the Sunday
School, and the Sunday School ad-
,jonrned for the eleven o'clock service,
when ther e was only time for lunch, and
the afternoon holiness meeting was on
hand, and then the young people's
meeting, street meeting, upper room in-
tercessory meeting, etc., followed by
the evening evangelistic service.
At eleven o'clock Dr. Bresee preacheq
from He b. 12 :12, 13. He r ef erred to
the strange speculations in these days
in reference; to the Book; how men r e-
garded as scholarly in their thinking
and utterances seem flooded with folly,
and how there is an overflow of satanic
effort to overthrow the foundations of
God. But amid it all a few things are
certain. The sin question remains. Al-
so a large number of persons, covering
long p eriods of time and a wide scope
of humanity, have found as an experi-
ence that the blood of Jesus could and
does meet and end the sin question. He
also noted that this condition, which
might be known as the new theology, or
infidelity, . or paganism of blasphemy,
has no place for the blood of Jesus, and
does not know of the Holy Ghost.
That there are a goodly number of
humble people who lift their faces unto
the light of the stars and earnestly say,
"Being made free from sin
the servants of God, we have our fruit
unto holiness, " and that "The founda-
tion of God standeth sure, having this
seal. the Lord knoweth them arc
His. '' He then the question
'of the power of Jesus Christ to sanctifv
the people with His own blood.
Three pcrsons .. wcre r ecei ved into the
church. In the afternoon Rev. E. A.
Girvin brought a message full of inter-
est and bl essing from Psalm 91 :14-16,
at)d Rev. 5 :8-14, ir which he brought
out with great clearness the r esults to
human souls of setting their love on
God; how on earth and in heaven the
blessings of God are and will be upon
them. A testimony meeting. of great
. power followed. . .
At night Rev. Bro. Stone, Ne-
.vada, . preached from Is a 35 :8-10. He
spoke of the way of life as here set
forth un.der The Way and the Way,
called the way of holiness; how that it
was a clean, plain, safe and joyous way.
A precious altar service followed. sev-
eral seekers being the altar and three
praying through to vi ctory, one for en-
tire sancti!lcation and two .for justifica-
tion . So the da;y closed in holy triumph.
The following persons united with
the church: Mr. and Mrs. Boresma,
4502 Place. and .. Charl es
Aycock, !H4 North Main street.
[July 15, 1909
Sunday , \rill long be as
an .epoch in the histo.ry.of the Compton
Avenue Chuich. J.<'rom ' the Sunday
School-which, by the way , is. peril-
ously near the 200 mark in attendance
-to late in the evening, we enjoyecl a
great day in Zion. .
At the morning service Rev. J.
"vV. Distri ct Superintendent,
preached a logical, forceful and telling
sermon on the ''Second Coming of Our
Lord.'' Three seekers were at the
two of whom prayed through to
VICtory. . .
In the evening lVIr. vV. A. Brown.
connected with one of the largest
n ess houses in . Southern California and
loved by a vast army of loyal friends.
spoke to us on t he subj ect of '' Chris-
tianity from a Business l\Ian 's Stand-
There is in the heart of evecy small
boy an inclination to idealize some one
older . than himself; be that one a me-
chanic. merchant or professional man.
And h erein is a very sacred trust im-
posed tipon such men, for they have the
power to help to mold young lives for
Christ. So it was that Brother Brown
inspired me as a small boy, and that
inspiration still lives. Praise God for
sanctified business men. One woman
was converted.
The Lord gracious!.\' enabled us t o
give over '$118 for missions the past
month, for which we are truly thank-
ful ; but we are not going to iimit His
power, for our eyes of faith arc alreadY
on the $200-per-month mark.
James Proctor Knott.
Good-sized congregations at all ser-
vices, and salvation for hearts at tlw
altar. with vi ct(lry . and blessings. upon
the saints, marked another day's march
into the land of Canaan for the GraJHI
Avenue Church. Brother LaFontaine
preached at both services; in the morn-
ing the 32ntl Psalm; "Be glad in
the Lord, and r ejoice,'' and in even-
ing from Isa. 12th on "Drawing the
waters of salvation. " The Sabbath
school is growing and developing finel.'
The annual. picnic will be arranged soo:t
and we anticipate. a time than
'al, .111 . .111
J, not her very graci;,m; day was en-
joyed by the saints at Vernon on Sah-
bath last: Altl!ough quite a numlwr
from the Sabbath school and church
services are a \Yay on the fru'it ranclws
or at the beaches. still the same spirit
of holy fellowship pervades the seJ-
vices. The members of this Sahbat h
school arc being taught to memori r.e
scripture t exts. some of the boys aJI(l
girls r epeating from memory as many
as ten verses each Sabbath. At thr
morning service the pastor preached a
July 15, ,19091
searching sermon on "The Spiritual
:Man," showiirg what it is to be spirit-
ual and why we are to be spiritual; and
at night he spoke on "The Lord's Pe-
culiar People;" At the close ther e were
two seekers at the a ltar, both of whom
got to . a definite place.
Nazarene Messenger
the readers of the Messenger to briefly
mention the . marvelous way God
worked among the l\Iexican people in
the salvation of souls. Our last meet-
ing, led by Sister McReynolds, was in-
deed a time of r ejoicing, when some-
thing like ten came forward seeking
salvation. God surely honors His word
when it is preached in the might and
power of the Holy Spirit. We want to
\\Te are back home again from our thank God for the progress . that the
trip to San Diego. We are sure that Gospel has made ,during the' past y ear
our labors there have not been in vain among these people. Surely, fi eld
in the Lord. is whjte unto the harvest, but m e la-
'L'hough we did not see as much re- borers are few . . While our stay in San
suits in the salvation of souls as we Diego was necessarily short, the writer
would like to, yet much seed has been took the opp,ortunity between sessions
sown in many a hungry heart which, to do some personal ; wmk and tract dis-
WP hope, some day will spring forth in- tribution in and around the ci ty among
to eternal life. We held a three days' the Mexican people. and God honored
special evangelistic service with the the effort in the of one soul
Nazarene Church in that city. The in the closing meeting of the conven-
Lnrd 's presence was manifested during tion. To His name l)c all the glory.
the meetings. The saints we.r e really Sari Diego, with its thousands of l\fexi-
hl cssed, and onr own hearts were en- can people. and as many outside, has
larged: Vve will n ever forget these only one protestant church among
d<> ar Nazarenes in San Diego. They the m, the Plesbyterian church. whi ch is
ar e a select band of wholly sanctified doing good work. yet the fi eld is large
folks in whose faces the glory of the and very little has been done, with so
Lord shines. And we cannot speak too ... many hungering for the Gospel. Ther e
highly of dear Brother Elliott, their is a great need for such a work as the
pastor. He has a big heart, full of di- P entecostal <flmrch of the Nazarene.
vine love and passion for souls. He Pray that this will be possible.
has won the hearts and .confidence of F. P et erson.
his people.
1f these dead people keep going as
at present, under the anointing of God,
we will soon have a large center of
in their city.
New Manual
The usual prices in quantities.
The above is- -the tiiie of a poem
which was published ipJhe New Year
Number of the MESSENGER . . It was
composed by Rev:. J . . W. Goodwin, in
honor of Dr. Bresee's 70th
and was read at the Amiiversafy
meeting on New Year's - eve. We
have published it in a beautiful little
Booklet so that those who desire to do
so may preserve it.
Sent post-paid for lOc; 3 for 25c.
730San Pedro St . . Los Angeles.
Special B9ok Offer
60c FOR 25c, PosT-PAID
Plain Account of Christian Perfec-
tion. Wesley.
Experience of Hester Ann Rogers.
God Love, by C. s .. Eby.
Gospel Stamps (120 in a book).
Five Steps to Entire Sanctification;
16-page tract, by P. F. Bresee.
Holiness. 16-p., by C. F. Walker.
Man's Desire to Know God. Ser-
mon by Rev. John Short.
Missionary Sermon, by Mrs. Rose
Potter Crist.
Send 25c for this Collection .
of Books and Tracts
Ther e is a bright prospett of starting
a Spanish work in San Diego. The door
seems to be open.
W c met ther e Brother and Sister Lo-
prz. former member s of our Mission in
Los Auge.,les. They haYe the second
hll'ssing r eal good. anrl are ready to
take charge of the work as soon as the
way opens.
Retail price 25c post paid. ______ ..,;,__ _______ _
The dear brethre n of our Nazarene
Church contributed . some $20 toward
the purchase of a tent. al1d we expect
to r eturn to San Di ego in the nei1r fu-
hue to hold a t en days' mPeting and
establish our Spanish work in this
nredy fi eld. \Ve earnestly ask the pray-
ers of God's children that we might be
used of Him during the summer vaca-
tion in the salvation of souls.
We are out and out for God. The
fight is on ind.eed against the powers of
darkness. We are not discouraged at
all. praise the Lord', for we know God
is on our side. bound to win
in His name, and we know that in due
season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Hallelu,jah! S. D. Athans.
.JIJ ... Jl
Having the happy privilege of being
one of the r epresentatives of our work
with Sister McReynolds to the conven-
tion of Sunday Schools held at San
Diego recently by the differ ent Mexi-
can ehurch denominations of Southern
Calif ornia, I feel that it will be to the
glory of God and of general interest to
.1\azarene Publishing Co.
W f G I
lalttl fr.l::"-301 SHet
aveso ory .
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
Sample, post pa1d :ZSC:
PUB. CO., 730 S11 Ped111 St. La bples, CIJ.
, ..
Pentecostal Songs
' : .... J
of the Nazarene
156 Songs, also Psalms and Readings. A large number of
songs neve'r before published. Round or shaped notes.
ManiUa Cover, Postpaid, 15c
100 Not Postpaid - $12.00
We will deJiver these books to any address for $13.()0 per 100
Nazarene Publishing Company
730 San Pedro Street
; I}

; 'fli'e time is : i.tpciii : us "'h'el't ' it is chs-
.. l\ . . . ' ' . .
tornar,\' for a number o f rielids to send'
b(>xe:;; ' of apdcots; peaches and other
'}d the Pacific. Bibl e College. to
ISe . for the use o,f the
j.he ' vintet. months. we :1 r e ,in:
formed t hat there ar e a bout 1200 quart
j ar s iu t he cellar of t he College,
and that a band of fri ends li as been
fonried t o handle all the fruit that may
be sent in.
The managcn'Jent of the College will
be glad to pay the freight on f ruit, if
l;et all fruit be shipped to :J3, , J :.
Franklin. Deets Pacific Bible College,
641 EaSt' 28th St., Los Angel es, who de-
sires to he notified by card when fruit
is shipped.
Nazarene Messengf:T
with them high ideals and Christian
charact ers that will adorn the doctrine
we t each .. . Tl;le sch6ol already has its
stt1dents hi an of .. . thtr
Preachers, .. teachers, a:n:d
mm1 liaye been tt;air1ed 'pre'-
to. take in tlie ''"orltl
4hiong h1en foi. Go'd ainl -l10liness. ; ..
The good hand' of ' God has' been on
schqpl froni .' the very first. : It. was
born in the hc:hi.r 'of j)rayei. ' Beginning
in. an cow j)astnre, withdut .; any
church bacl{itig; without ri dollar on
ha'nd or one hi sight, thrdqgh faith in
God they em'pl9yed. a presi'dent, ' pub-
a catalog an.d : Went to . ivqrk
Plank by pla:rilfand b1ick by brick , .the
work lias s'teadily'growr1; " ' ith' tlre above
rn'ebtioned results. .. . . ': . .. . . ... .
. Now, . don't forget t he
of the College students.
The convei1ti'on met in ;the college
au'Mtorium. My, what have
been. held iri .this great hall! _ What
moris. .been preached! what great
lilen stood t'lpon its l;Ostr\Jni !' Stich
winter needs mt>h as Dr. Dr. Fowler, Father
Send on the Haney. H. C.' Morrison, Pickett_, Ruth,
Bud .Robinson. L'ou Milton \Vil-
A. M. Hilis, and n}inw others have
SOUnded .Otl't the' gospel . .
.The c,ortim'eiu:ement .exercis_ es were
The 'Annual truly 'in.spirirlg: 'Ever y

of the
christia'n . vVorkers' Convimtion at the was
Texas cess. The. and oraho'rls exhibited
was another great occasion. . the effects of long, careful . training.
They did not consist of gush. The
The Christian Workers' Convention, . thoughts presented were broad and
which' ' 'began a' few d.a:yi pridr to the deep, grapling with a firm hand the
commenc.emeni, vY-as 'attended, and civic, economic, social and religious
the Lo1:d. was with us in power . problems of the day. No extravagance
The were all timely and gave in display, but everYthing presented
forth no uncertain sound. The discus- and discussed from a common sense and
sions which followed were especially scholarly standpoint. No fairy tales or
hel pful . and The sermons ghost yarns, no
were :deeply_ a.nq :ho?o;red of the-stum'p ' c'liea'p;'Johh per-
God, Shoutmg al<m!l :was order of formances. but e'dif yjng;
the day. ening and soul-inspiring' prodi.l.ctions. '
This school is, as its name implies, The whole school. college. conserva-
s_tr_ict).y a holiness schoqL .The property tory, commercial and academy
is: so' deeded that when the sch ool ceases a great work. Conservatory day ,.vas
to!teac h the doctrine of entire sanctifi- one of the great days of the occasion.
cation as a second distinct 'work of The T. H. U. Conservat ory will hold .its
grace subseqtl.ent to regeneration, the

.witl1 in the South, and

property is to revert to :th e origihaf . , would 'be' hard to excel anywhere.
o'vner. The sehool is located at Peniel, The school is .interdenominational, but
Texas, Hunt county, just one and a half : qnt of the; faculty of twenty-one teach-
from t he city of G:rG,nv}lle .. ;.ets arid .the; boatd of thirteen trustees,
whi <- h is the county seat, boasts :a nearly every one of t hem is a full-
po.'pulation of lO,OQQ. )t bas rail- fledged. r ed-hot Nazarene. Hence. vir-
way systems: Peniel is absolutely a col- tually the school is a Nazar en e sch ool.
with a popul,ation of 600
i:J?.- One . of our General Superintendents,
corptiratet1' independt'mt of GreenviHe: :: Edgar P. Ellyson,- D. D:; is cth'e College
It lhas its own Mayor and City Councilr President. . ,, ,: .. : . :' i.' .,
its own postoffice and railway station. I say, thank God for such institu tions.
It !has thE> Orphans' Home, consisting of In these days, when higher education is
h\io large buildings; the P ente- . , he ginning .tq. mean lower infidelity and
l Advoeate P ublishing House, a brutally haser idrals of morality, it is
p'tiblie s('.hool bnildi:ng, four-- mercantile -inrleed r efr eshing to:ndw. and' then find
establis hments, and three college huild- an institution of high cl ass, standing
Thr ol d Gr eenville camp adjoins :firm. on the Roel{ of Ages, ron;tending
tht- town. It is a holiness school , an'd . 'for the :l'aith 'of :ou r, in go"vern-
a hol'i'n rss town. One feels, as he comes nwnt., home and icligion. Om; naHon. is
t h[tt it is a . Pc_niel ; in a gr!'at cr isjs: 'rhere is a crying need
uwl fa<(' lo with God. . . . . for a peopl e, a d mrch, who will stand
. :Out fro1n t hi s town and those sacred. , wit.h all her might and main in her min-
wal ls have gonc:rp ol ' ati(f l aity, ip her Cr eeds an<1
ll()hJe. young men and women mto the toms throughout all her instit utions' as

avocations of / life, carrying on<' soli (l phalanx for God an<l' : I;i ght.
[Ju]y US;. wQ9
:us .cafch tlie. ' inspiration all' down
the line 'have fQr our motto, with
t he Texas =Holiness University, "God
Must Be First.:" " : : .
I .. E: FiSher; S:,
: Abilene District.
,JI .;y.
. The appointed
at .the recen;tAssem!:>ly .of .the
ern California Distr.lct. hav:e ar,r,anged
for a District Camp-meeting ' to , be
held on camp.:.grounds:in South Holly-
new' c9'llege cil.mpu's,
,pri 19; .an.d
closing .. :Sunday .Aug . .. 29, 1909. : Rev.
J.- W. Goodwin; District Superintend-
will be . in general charge of the
:111e.etlhgs .. tr.
,Rev . .. , w;. W. P1:1nrier ,anQ,
Fred. St .. .e::JCpected .special
workers in .addition to all the pastors
of the district. Rev. C. V. :LaFon-
. will have: charge ' of the
grounds, 't'e.nts al)d frl;rnlsliings, etc.,
and all desiri'ng . tQ ;;my
communicate with.- him . .. . Fred Ep-
person will have charge of the singing.
The new so'ng boo-k "Pentecostal
Songs of Nazarene'.'. wiq
Full particulars .mat-
ter will be published next .week.
Books .
. . ... ' . . . . .
Smith's Smaller Scripture' History .80
Theological -Com pend. (Ellyson) . . . 75
of . t _he Church , . . 25
Wesley's Five Se'rmons . . , .. 25
Quiet Talks on Power (Gordon) : :. .80
Pteacher 'and.- Prayer (Bounds) ; ,' '- .30.
None -Like It (Parker): . . :,$1;25; paper .60
. W_e SUJ?ply thewhole 'four-years' course
an!l w:1ll publi,sh .. :- , .. . . . , , ,
. . :730 _Sill) .Pedro: St., Los Ang,eles
Mohave Children
Stories from life . by
. .1\NNA. LINBERG . .
. . M1ssionarv t.o Mohave Indiar s
A beautiful_boqk, jllustt:!lted with half-
tone eng.rav1ngs, . bound m Onyx Bristol .
.This book is instructive a& well as ... e.ntertain-
l!li: 'a nd g iyes an 'account 9f r eal
hfe httle known people. ..
An admirable g ift for Sunday Sch'obl Teach-
ers to present to their classes.
15 cents . . ..
780 Slln P edro. Street
Angeles, Cal.
.New. l:Tntque, Attractive: a pli:ture a11d text on
ev_cry stamp. Suitable for p lacin g o,n lettera, pn-
porB, lx>oks, etc-. Oheaper and mor<! effeetl ire than
m ... per
NAZARENE-Pua: co.: 1ao san Pedro st:; t'os Angeles; ca1.
July 15,
Our YoungPeople
"I love you mother," said little John;
Then forgetting his work his cap
And he was off to the garden swing,
And left h(lr the water and wood to
"I love you mother," said rosy N'ell-
"Lo,e you better than tongue. can tell."
Then she teased and pouted full half
t he day,
Till her mothet: r ejoiced when she :went
to play.
"I love yon mot her. " said littl e ' Fan;
Today I 'Jl help yon all I can .
Ho" glad I am t hat school d oes not
keep!" .
So she rocked the baby till it fell asleep.
Tlwn stepping softly she brought the
And . swept the fioor a nd Ul.ISte<i the
. room.
Bnsy and helpful all day was she,
Helpful and happy as child could be.
"I I ove yo1.i mothe1 , " again they said,
Thrcc little children going to bed.
Do you suppose that mother guesseu,
\Yh ieh of t hem r eallv loved her h est.
\\'hilt king beat down a city and
SO\\'l'tl it with salt 7
\\'hat is the shortest song in the
Bihlc? , .
l n whose funeral processiOn do we
find the first mention of horsemen?
women once tool{ a journey whi ch
r esul ted in a wedding. vnw were the
bridf' and
Ftom whom were the J c\vs forbidden
t o take garments in pawn?
\\'here clo we find an a ceount of an
army being sent to take one man 1
Bv whom were two sticks miracnlons-
ly .;nited and become one ?
_\\'hat garment was hidden in a rock
on the bank of a river 1
\\'hat . men .refused to give bread to
fainting soldiers?
Which of the prophets is it asserts
that thirsty cattl e. call t.o God?
What man was forbidden by the l<ing
to leave Jerusalem?
Which . was the tribe of
and virtue in the exclamation. It says,
''You have done well.''
There is opportunity for a lack of
" Thank you" on account of lack of
training, or a mere forgetfulness. And
there is a hindrance to be overcome,
when the one who is to be tha.riked is
impolite, unkind, or even offensive. But
our acknowledgment may moisten his
heart to shame and he will do better.
Yes, "Thank you." It is useful to
have a quantity of this article on hand.
. A divinely thanlrful h eart naturally has
them on hand. Not of the "while-you-
wait'' kind, as the cobbler says of a job
of mending; but they come up spon-
taneously from the redeeming spirit.
And who dares to live without active-
ly thanking the Lord of his ever-coming
love and ever -active kindnesses 1 'Ve
a r e to live where we love to thank the
Lord. no matter what happens. "Thanl<s
be nnto who -a-1\\'}lys causcth us to
tri1imph , in Christ!" 2 Cor. 2:14.-
Christian Harvester.
.J& .J& .J&
A remarkable book by Elder Can-
right, who was long one of the leading
advocates of Adventism. If you are at
ali" interested in the subject, or if you
have any who are troubled on
this subject, you should get this great
book. .It is intensely interesting, and
is profita ble readiJ}g for any one. Sent
postpaid for $1.00 in cloth binding, or
60 cents paper.
Pins ... -
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such aa
we have heretofore sold, and a new
kind made of Abalone shell with
black .lettering.
Plated .
25c each
50c each
Nazarene -' Pubfisbing Company
- ---
J aco btheHeelgrasper,
Some of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of 350 pages packed full.of
striking lessons from life of writ:-
ten in the clear and dtrect style of this emi-
nent Evangelist.
Bound in Cloth, Price $1.00
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, CaL
An opportunity for Young People
THE NAZARENE MESSENGER goes into . JDany homes where
the young -people do not get THE YOUTH's CoMRADE. We
want to introduce that paper into every home. It is a weekly
paper for young_ people. It . is especially suitable for the
homes of Christian people of any denomination. It is not
. denominational. It teaches definite salvation. It is filled
with interesting l"eading matter. Both old and young a:re
delighted with it.
Young People Can Earn a Year's Subscrip-
... tion by Doing. a Little Work for Us ...
" Thank you'' is the language :
kindness. It is acknowledgment, appre-
ciation, cons ideration.
We want subscribers, an4 we want to introduce our Gospel
Stamps into every CQmmunity. We will send 15 Stamp Books
which retail for 10c each. Send us the $1. 50 and we will
send THE YouTH's COMRADE for one year, beginning with
.thtdirst number. . . .
ents the attention of your children to this offer The
' Stamps are good sellers, and they can earn. the paper in a
-------...:. little. while. We send the Stamps without the money, if
you agree to sell them.and send in the money or return the unsold ones.
A genuine ' ' Thank you'' is a genuine
politeness. Not the product of a mere
"society" demand, bt,t of a genl}ine
heart. It is love that says, "Thank
Yon[ ''
Even we have a right to the
service performed, there is propriety
730 San Pedro St. Los Angeles, California
12 -
Would i t n ot be better to lea ve to-
morrow with God ? Tha t is wha t is
troubling men; t omorrow's t emptations,
tomorrow 's diffi culti es, tomorrow's bur-
dens, tomorrow's duties . l\fartin Lu-
ther , in his autobiography, says: ''I
have one prea cher ' I love better than
any other on earth; it is my little t a me
robin, who prea ches to me daily. I put
his crumbs npon my y;indow sill, espe-
cially at ni ght . H e hops onto the sill
when he wants his supply, and t a k es a s
much as he desires t o satisfy his need.
From t h en ce h e a lways hops to a little
tree close by, aud' lif t s up his voice to
God and siugs his car ol of pra ise and
gratitude. t ucks his li t tle h ead mJd er
his ' wing and goes f ast to sleep , and
l enves tomorrow to-J.ook after itself. H e
. is t he best ]'> r ea ch er I have on earth."
Nazarene Messenger .
by these two lovers. Tirey a r e among
the happiest young people- I know. The
little card has indeed saved their mar-
riage and t he ir home.---:-Exchan g c.
Bnt eva ngelism is an effect , not a
cause ; the power behind the evangelist
is not q_duchtion, eloquence or s o cia bil-
it)', but the Holy Ghost. Ther e is no
power in all the universe capable of
moving the vast machinery and mem-
ber ship of a great church but the Holy
Ghost. No one can r eYcn l the will of
God, a ncl illuminate the souls of believ-
er s and bring d eep conviction t o t he
h earts of sim)e r _but .the H oly Ghost;
\>vh y do we obscure Him, the
irresistible energy of the church . H e is
the of the \Yord. t h e con-
s ervator of brotherlv love that will
unite J ews, a nd R oma n
Catholics . Oh, brethren , why not offer
the Ghost to unhappy, burdened
and weary and tlood the
WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? church wi t h ligl1t, . and moYe " ith
A f ew years ago n dear young wife power ?- I..J. I. McDough>.'
told me one day this story, say a write1; .:11 .:1' .:1'
in the Sunday School Times. She had THE YOUTHS' COMRADE FREE!
b een llla rried a bout a year. She Every person who receives a sample
recoverin_g typhoid feve!; and I copy of the paper is urged to become a
:was tnllnng with. her .. She picked up subscriber. Both young and old are
_ frOnJ: a table a /llustrated card, .. - delighted with the paper. If any one
bearmg the words, "'ha t would J esus who wants it and don't feel able to sub-
do ?" said. " I _want to t ell y ou scribe will send us their name and ad-
tlns card, f or ,l,t saved my mar- dress on a postal _
card asking for par-
1 July 16.
Will Convict, Inspire and Bless
Apples of Gold;
Or Words Fitly Spoken.
Being a Compilation of ' the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past
two .vears.
240 Pages, Paper.
With portrait, and introduction ,
by Dr. Bresee.
Price 25 Cents
bymail30c; in lots of 10$2.
cloth, 60 cent. .--
Address Author,
730 San Pedro St. , Los Angeles, CaL
TRACTS By Rev. R. Pierce.
mary Purpose.
the Justified. I
Them Up.
Price 20c. per doz.; $1.00 per 100, postpaid.
OUR HOLY BUSINESS. "Be ye kind one
to another. "
10c. per doz.; 50c. per 100, postpaid
. . and my e. !lien she -g&e -nculars, we-Will tell you how by a very
me t his story_: When my husband lhtle effort you can get the paper free. 730 San Pedro St. , Los Angeles, Cat
t emper and speech. We thad many a lit- -
tle tiff b efore our wedding, and the first
eve ning we had quite a serious quarrel.
whi ch, however, was soon over. \Vhen
we came into our n ew home, we had a
disagt eement one day at lunch eon. l\fy
lnisband l eft the t a bl e in anger , . and
went. out wi thout kissing me good-h y,
and I came np to my room to cry. Af t er
a time of t ears. I got up nnd ln)r eye
f ell on this card.
"I ha d never noti ced t he words before,
but now the finestion spoke- right t o my
h enr t a nd d ema nded an answer-' \Vhat
would J er-;ur-; I began t o think and
to answer . H e surely would not do as
I am doing- be so impatient and irrit-
able, so easily v exed , so hasty and exact-
ing. I f ell on my knees and fought the
battle, o ut. I settled it there and then
that I would never again have any an-
gry 'vords with my husband, that I
would. be pati ent, loving and .sweet in
spixit and in speech .
' ' I g ot up from my knees, washed
away the t .ears, dressed for dinner, and
when my husband came home I met him
at the d oor in a most loving way. After
dinner I brought him upstairs and
showed him this card. telling him the
whole story of what .l had done. He
sP.w that he, too, had been hasty, qu.ick
in temper , sharp in speech, wilful, and
impatien,t . W e knelt together and told
Christ all about our mistakes, asking
His forgiveness, and promising never
again to repeat the mistakes. "
The l esson has ne ver been forgotten
Holiness University, PENIEL, TExAs
I :o::ess School of Strong Character, with Competent Faculty and Thorough
Scholarship. Indorsed by the General of the
Pentecostal Church qf the Nazarene
LITERARY: WORI{: Primary, Acad-
emy, College, Theology, Normal,
Elocution. Careful attention is triven
to each pupil. Satisfied pupils 1s our
and Greek courses. Bible work equals
that done in any training school. Ex-
cellent place to prepare for either
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direct from this department to good
paying positions. Best methods in
Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Type-
. . writing. No better Business College
The Audltodlllll-One at our Three.Laqre BnlldtnP in the South.
MUSIC CONSERVATORY: Cannot be surpassed by aJ1y school in the South. Com-
experienced teacher.s, Voice, Piano, Organ, Violint.Viola
Cello, Mandolin,
Wind and Reed Instruments. Band, Orchestra and mandolin Club. .
Lo111 Prlca. '17aorougla Work. I
Send for CataiOJ'. REV. E. P. B.S., Pres. -

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