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Tagged: Alternative, Holistic, Natural Cancer Treatments and Therapies

"For almost three decades, world renowned oncological pioneer Dr. Helmut Keller has developed powerful non-toxic synergistic treatments for the presence of life threatening diseases -- as well as chronic infectious and other auto immune diseases and disorders. In 1973 he came upon the dionaea muscipula species of natural plant. His discovery would yield a patented extract he would call "Carnivora." Little did he know that some 30 years later Dr. Keller and his Carnivora would be responsible for having saved and prolonged many lives around the world from the ravages of one of the world's most deadly diseases -Cancer." HERBAL CLIPPINGS SPICY PREVENTION The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has begun a "designer foods" program to investigate disease-fighting compounds in herbs and foods, particularly for cancer prevention. Many culinary herbs are good candidates - tarragon and rosemary inhibit tumors and parsley neutralizes carcinogens. (For instance, rosemary stimulates a detoxifying enzyme.) Researchers at the University of Illinois, Chicago have found that many herbs contain cancer-preventives, especially antioxidants - thyme (Thymus spp.) has 40 and basil (Ocimum basilicum) registers more than 30. Rutgers scientists speculate that even small amounts of culinary herbs reduce cancer risks and think concentrated extracts are not needed to obtain beneficial results. Spectrum #20 9-10,1991 ENCOURAGING CURRY Strong evidence points to turmeric (Curcuma longa) as an anti-cancer agent. Scientists at the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) in Hyderbad, India, Kamala Krishnaswkkamy and Kalpakkam Polasa, gave 16 chronic smokers 1.5 gm tablets of turmeric daily for 30 days. Urinary excretion of mutagens and the ability of enzymes to detoxify carcinogens were both improved. The control group of 6 non-smokers experienced no changes. Since tobacco mutagens cause genetic damage when they alter chromosomes, smokers have a 3 to 8-fold increase in mutagen excretions. In an additional study, turmeric reduced tumors in animals. The average consumption of turmeric in India is estimated at 0.6 gm daily among rural people and 0.4 gm daily in urban areas. The researchers recommend an intake of 1.5 gm daily. UNI Press Services 2-17,1991 (United News of India) VENUS FLY-TRAP CATCHING ATTENTION The Venus fly-trap (Dionaea muscipula) may be the up-and-coming immune stimulating herb. Plubagin, isolated from the common house plant in 1988, boosted immunity in human cancer cells during several labs tests. Dr. Helmut Keller of Germany, curious about his wife's window plants, has done extensive tests on humans and hamsters. In clinical studies, using a decrease in ATP to measure the increase of actions that slow the development of cancer cells, a 50% change occurred after 1 hour and a 100% change after 24 hours (1:10 dilution). Cancer in hamsters was reduced by 59% with no toxicity. Townsend Letter for Doctors 6-91 INDIAN GINSENG? Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera), promoted as "Indian ginseng," has traditionally been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of illnesses. Studies conducted by the Department of Radiobiology and Ayurvedic Kasturbe Medical College, Manipal, helped confirm previous studies that found withaferin-A, an alkaloid extracted from the leaves, inhibits tumor growth in cancer cells. The latest study reports that



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mice treated with doses of 400 mg./kg, body weight experienced complete tumor regression. Larger doses of 1000 mg. were less effective, resulting in a 55% complete response. Jour. Experimental Biology 1991 ALMOST REAL VANILLA Through cell culturing, Escagenetics in San Carlos, CA has created a cheaper way to make natural vanilla which usually sells for $1,200 / pound. When multiplied in laboratory dish, tissue samples of vanilla grow into a large colony of cells. The resulting extract contains vanilla's more than 200 trace compounds with all their subtle overtones that enhance the flavor. The $7/pound synthetic, consists primarily of just the compound vanillin. At less than $200 per pound, it is suitable for premium ice creams and baked goods. Hawaii Star-Bulletin, Jan 20,1992 GARLIC POWER The regular use of dried garlic powder may reduce heart disease risk. In a study conducted by the German Association of General Practitioners, doctors at the Royal United Hospital gave 800 mg. garlic tablets (standardized to 1.3% allicin) to 261 patients over a 4-month period. Cholesterol levels dropped an average of 12% and triglyceride levels reduced an 17% average. Cholesterol levels over 300 dropped to an average of 272 mg./dl. The study was described as the largest clinical study ever done on garlic. British Medical Journal 1991 COLD FACTS Researchers have proved a link between stress and the common cold (actually an assortment of 200 different viruses). Dr. Sheldon Cohen, professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University gave almost 400 people self-evaluating stress tests before exposing them to cold viruses. The higher the stress, the more likely they were to get a cold. American Health, 12-91 NETTLING PROBLEM In a clinical study with 67 men over 67 years old, prostate enlargement symptoms were reduced with stinging nettle (Urticadioica) and dog nettle (U. urens) roots. Mild cases were relieved after taking an alcohol extract for 3 weeks. Severe cases had fewer results and took longer. In all cases, there was little additional improvement after 3 months of therapy. Scientists from the Department de Phytotherapie, Medicine Facility of Bobigny, Paris, France, stated "Urtica appears to be a useful therapy for milder cases ..." and an alternative to surgery. (Testosterone therapy activates latent prostate cancer.) The article mentions using nettle leaves and saw palmetto berries (Serenoa serrulata). Hypoxis rooperi tubers and pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo), also used for prostate problems, contain abundant amounts of Bsitosterol, a mild anti-inflammatory. Belaiche, P. & O. Leivoux. 1990. Pytotherapy Research, p. 268-9. GINKGO REJUVENATES A drug derived from ginkgo leaves was shown to improve erectile problems in 59 out of 70 men under the age of 70 when not due to mental disorders or nerve damage. Ginkgo's rejuvenating abilities were attributed to increased blood circulation. Medical Aspects of Sexuality 11-91 [Ed. Note: Botanical, analytical and pharmacological aspects of Ginkgo biloba, appears in Chem. Abstracts 113:169000n: (Hasler, A. et. al., Dept. of Pharm., ETH Zurich, Switzerland).] BERRY GOOD Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), as well as cranberry (V. macrocarpon) juice, contain a newly discovered (and as yet unidentified) substance that fights kidney and bladder infections. Of seven juices surveyed by the Weizman Institute of Science and Tel Aviv University, Israel, these two inhibited E. coli, the bacteria most often responsible for urinary tract infections. The test tube studies will be followed with laboratory studies. American Health, 12-9 PAW-PAW When Jerry L. McLaughlin, pharmacognosist at Purdue University, IN, first tasted paw-paw (Asimina triloba) at age four, he threw up - and never forgot it! (Immature fruit and twigs are toxic, but ripe fruit can be eaten- in moderation.) He has patented a paw-paw-derived pesticide to market in 4-5 years. One of paw-paw's active acetogenin compounds (asimicin), nearly 200 times more active than strychnine, is effective against blowfly larvae, spider mites, Mexican bean and cucumber beetles, mosquito larvae, melon



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aphids and a nemotode. Six active acetogenins have been isolated, including bullatacin: one million times more potent than the common anti-ovarian cancer drug, cisplatin. Also found in paw-paw's Cuban relative (Annona bullata), it is currently being tested by the National Cancer Institute. A new compound, trilobacin, suppresses growth of cultured cells of leukemia and lung, colon, renal, skin and ovarian cancers. Instead of the typical method of killing a cell by scrambling its DNA, acetogenins starve the rapidly dividing cells of ATP, which acts as fuel, making them unlikely to cause cancer. Journ. Amer. Assoc. Advancement of Science 2-29,1992:143. NEEMING INSECTS W. R. Graces and Co. acquired patents from Vikwood Botanicals Inc. for a neem (Azadirachta indica) insecticide "Margosan-O" for release in 1993. The azadirachtin from neem represents a new class of pesticide that disrupts hormonal changes in the larva of over 200 insects, including mosquito, and cockroaches, but doesn't effect adult insects like honey bees or birds, pets or people. The complex molecule makes it difficult to develop resistance, compared to synthetic oranophosphates like malathion and diaxinon or the carbaryl Sevin, which attack the nervous system. [Ed. Note: In 1990, over 30 million pounds of insecticides were applied to residential gardens and lawns.] Wall St. Journal, 10-30-91 A spray of 0.25% neem oil emulsified in water showed 100% success in destroying pests. In controlled experiments, it protected stored corn and other foods up to 10 months. Entomologist at the University of Illinois, Robert Mercalf says, "In this day and age when we're not very happy about synthetic pesticides, it has great appeal." PID Science Features 1991 Pub. & Infor. Science Dir., India Cansema / Black Salve (Skin Cancer) Castor Oil Packs


Submitted by prokopton on Wed, 2009-01-28 11:43.

NATURAL MEDICINE FOR CANCER: LEADING EDGE INFORMATION PRESENTED Natural Medicine for Cancer: LEADING EDGE INFORMATION PRESENTED One in three: those are the odds of a North American living today to be given a diagnosis of cancer at some point in their lifetime. What is even more disturbing are the reports that modern science has largely failed in its massive and expensive war against cancer. In order to satisfy many of our members' questions regarding natural methods of curing, treating and preventing this disease, Health Action Network Society launched its Alternative Cancer Project last January. On June 13, the fruit of that research was presented at a public forum. Roxanne Davies, a journalist, freelance writer and cancer researcher for HANS, presented her six month research involving scientific articles, books and correspondence with treatment centers worldwide. Many promising therapies used in Europe and South America never reach North America for lack of public knowledge and intervention by the medical and pharmaceutical interests. Ms. Davies outlined the variety of natural and non-toxic therapies which have had good results, including laetrile, shark cartilage, Carnivora (Venus Fly Trap), 714X, antioxidant vitamins, flax seed oil, and the Chinese Tianhua anti-cancer pill, to name a few. Diet is very important since it is estimated a cancer patient's diet must be twenty times more nutritious than that of the average person, studies have shown. Reviewing 200 cases of so-called spontaneous remissions of cancer, Victoria University professor Harold Foster found in 1988 that the great majority of these people (88%) had made major dietary changes, usually switching to a strictly vegetarian diet and avoiding white flour, sugar, canned and frozen foods, before their dramatic turnout regression or complete remission occurred. Most of these patients also used vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements as well as detoxification methods. Ms. Davies also discussed the various healing properties of the Gerson and Kelley diets and the benefits and uses of oxygen therapies which are used throughout the world for serious degenerative conditions. A Vancouver area women who cured her lung cancer using oxygen therapies, brought along her X-rays to provide proof of the success of her oxygen remedy. A unique therapy called "Body Electronics" created by American naturopath Dr. John Whitman Ray uses nutrient saturation through diet and supplementation and a method of sustained accupressure to release emotional blocks.



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Dr. Ray believes that our emotions and thoughts eventually form into a kind of protein "computer chip" and these are lodged in numerous points throughout the body. The body heals on a physical level after the "tight suit" of the emotions is removed. HANS has added many new and informative books on cancer treatment to its library, as well as two filing cabinets filled with information gathered from clinical studies and treatment centers. Heartwarming yet fact-filled testimonials by two recovering cancer patients were also included in the day's event. Byrun Tylor, a 68 year-old retired mining prospector was diagnosed with throat cancer in October 1992. He declined his doctor's recommendation for radiation and began his healing journey with major lifestyle changes including diet, supplements, exercise and essiac tea. He drinks Fresh fruit and vegetable juice daily, bakes his own bread and is busy researching alternatives and sharing his knowledge through a self-published book entitled Ramblings. Audrey Henderson, a retired teacher, gave an emotional account of her recovery from uterine cancer using 714X, the Moerman diet and positive thinking. She gave details of her diet and recounted the emotional events which she feels weighed heavily on her throughout her life and how she developed a healthy mental attitude and a "take-charge" approach to life. Audrey and Byrun are but two people who are recovering from cancer. They have turned the millstones of the cancer diagnosis into milestones along their healing journey. Those who have healed their cancers all share the same characteristics. They made an intensive and prolonged personal efforts, enjoyed vital, healthy lifestyle changes, received effective support from family, friends and support groups and sought the best results from appropriate medical treatment. The keynote speaker was Dr. Don Branigan, a holistic medical doctor and former mayor of White Horse, Yukon. Dr. Branigan was inspiring, as usual, with his candid, humorous yet scientific discussion of treatments he is exploring with which to help his northern patients. Dr. Branigan is only one of a handful of Canadian doctors who has a "Somatoscope", a unique microscope which uses ultra violet light to see the somatids in the blood. He brought his unit for a demonstration. Somatids were identified by Gaston Naessens, a Quebec biologist and researcher, as tiny bodies of energy/matter and they can indicate the status of the immune system. Dr. Branigan explained that viewing the somatids is similar to looking at a star-filled evening sky and indicates in a profound way that we are merely an extension of our external universe. The fascinating story of Gaston Naessens and the somatid theory and its importance in treating and preventing degenerative conditions is recounted in an excellent book, The Galileo of the Microscope by author Christopher Bird. (To order this fascinating book from HANS, see page 14.) Dr. Branigan is also investigating another interesting treatment called "Life Crystals", developed by American nuclear physicist, Dr. George Merkl. Dr. Merkl claims to have discovered pre-nucleic intelligent life, the precursors to mitochondria that he has called "Chondriana". Mitochondria are small granular bodies found in the cytoplasm of the cell, where energy production occurs. Chondriana apparently can enhance organized attacks against cellular invaders such as virus, bacteria, fungi and pathogens. As well, it may stimulate cellular structural repairs due to damage caused by free radicals, pollution and background radiation. Dr. Branigan said he began experimenting with the chondriana treatment when his own blood picture showed that he was in a precancerous condition. He has also been injecting himself with 714X. He told the audience that the combination of both may provide an optimum treatment to reverse degenerative disease. He said the first thing he noticed when be began the treatment was an increase in energy, sphincter control and better facial colour. The body is thrown into a healing crisis when taking the "Life Crystals" as toxins are released into the blood and one can feel uncomfortable as body temperature rises, however this is temporary. Dr. Branigan believes the future will be one which employs energy medicine. We are no just chemicals, but also electricity. There are now machines which can detect electromagnetic frequencies and we will achieve health by balancing our various body frequencies. "Life Crystals" injectables are only available from Dr. Merkl's El Paso, Texas laboratory, Dr. Merkl will be in Vancouver on September 25, 1993 to present his research. Article copyright Health Action Network Society.



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