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The energy sector in India is

becoming a growing market for
investments. It has seen a large growth
in the last few years.
The electricity sector in India has an
installed capacity of 185 Gigawatts as
of November 2011, the worlds fifth
largest of the installed capacity: Thermal
powerplants constitute 65%,
hydroelectric power 21%, and the rest
14% is a combination of wind,
biomass,waste - to - electricity and
In December 2011 over 300 million
Indian citizens had no access to
electricity. Over one third of rural
population and 6% of the urban
population had no access to electricity.
To most of the people who have
electricity supply, it is intermittent and
unreliable. Blackouts and power
shedding interrupts irrigation and
manufacturing across the country.
Electricity distribution network in India
is inefficient as compared to other
countries. Indias network losses
exceeded 32%in 2010 as compared to
the world average of 15%.Loss
reduction technologies if adopted in
India can add about 30 GW of electrical
power, while simultaneously reducing
electricity loss and carbon footprint.
India is the worlds fourth largest
consumer of electricity, but it currently
suffers from a major shortage of
electricity generation capacity. The
International Energy Agency (IEA)
estimates that India needs an investment
of atleast $ 135 billion to provide
Indian Energy Sector
universal access of electricity to its
Power development in India was first
started in 1897 in Darjeeling, followed
by the commission of a hydropower
station at Sivasamudram, Karnataka in
1902. Indias electricity generation
capacity has increased from about
100GW in 2001 to over 185 GW in 2011.
Indias growth rates are still less than
those achieved by China, and short of
the capacity of electricity to ensure the
availability of electricity to all its citizens.
Indias energy sector is the worlds
most active player in renewable energy
utilisation, especially wind energy. As
of December 2011, Indias installed
capacity is about 22.4 GW of renewable
technology based electricity.
According to Oil and Gas journal,
India has approximately 38 trillion cubic
feet (Tc f) of proven natural gas reserves.
United states energy information
administration estimates that India
produced approximately 1.8 Tcf of
natural gas in 2010, while consuming
2.3 Tcf. The electricity, power and
fertiliser sector accounts for nearly three-
quarters of the natural gas consumption
in India. Natural gas is expected to be
on increase as the country pursues
energy security.
The country already produces some
coalbed methane and has major
potential to expand this source of cleaner
fuel. India is estimated to have between
600 to 2000 Tcf of shale gas resources.
Despite its natural potential. India has
yet to hold licensing round for its shale
gas blocks. The traditional natural gas
reserves too, have been very slow to
develop in India because of regulatory
burdens and bureaucratic red tape
severely restrict the countrys ability to
harness its resources.
If India were to use its resources to
its full potential, it could say good bye
to its energy problems, no doubt.
5340 Harishankar S
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4890 Kaushal Kishore
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There was a blind girl. She hated

everybody except her boyfriend. She
used to tell himthat, if she had eyes she
would marry him. Then after some days
someone donated eyes to the girl. She
saw her boy friend and was surprised
because he was also blind. The boy
asked his girlfriend, Now you have
eyes, will you marry me? The girl was
silent for some time and said, No. The
boy came near the girl and told her, Take
care of my eyes, Bye.
A Love Story
5213 Adwaith HN
an P\np Ippsf \n
ssIheyamIp s]m]qfmbv
PKZoi Xbcpfn.....\nX
\mhn \npbcs \X hmIyw
]pecnX aSnbn Ipfnsc t]mse
PKZoi X aSnbn NmtbWta
AX amdn Ips t]mse
\X amdn NmtbWta
an hncnbp s]m]pWyta \n
kvt\ln aecmq... Fpao ]mcn
kvt\ln aecmbn \n hmgq...
Fpw kvt\ln aecmbn hmgq.
+ : |
+ +: -
+ + -
+ |-
+ + --
+ -
:+ +: - -
+ +
+ -
:+ : - +,
++ +
5151 Dheeraj Kumar
5272 tKmIp Fw

Rim-zim, rim-zim, drop, drop, drop
I come down dancing pitter, patter
Rim-zim, rim-zim, drop, drop, drop
I come down twittering pitter, patter.
I get a response mixed and vexed
It depends on the time and place
Oft Imwelcome when theyre parched
Or else its all flood and fury.
Rim-zim, rim-zim, drop, drop, drop
I may come down cats and dogs
To the sheltered its all picnic then
But the homeless run all helter-skelter.
Green fields wave and forests sway
To extend their welcome notes
Weary hearts and dreary sands
All alike are filled with joy.
Rim-Zim, rim-zim, drop, drop, drop
I come down spraying spraying pearls of chill
Pearls of chill, pearls of thrill
Oft its welcome as drops of life.
To the Indus, Yamuna and Kaveri
Ima devil and monster sure
But to the dreary stretches parched and hot
Iman angel sought and prayed.
Ponds and wells do well up well
Drains and gutters drain out well
Flora and fauna do up well
And people let a sigh o, well.
K.S. Antony
Dept. of English
For umbrellas both new and old
Its a day of rejoicing
They all come out of their dusty hidings
And take out processions long and winding.
Sometimes I flood lands and homes
And force a frog atop a water-weed
Or a man atop his roof
Or worse, both down and out!!
Parents vex as children rush out to embrace me
Children are fixed as parents frown at them
But the vexed and the fixed all alike
Sing my melodies through and through.
Song of the rai n
There was a lady called Bright.
She travelled faster than light.
She left her home oneday.
And travelled in a relative way.
And reached back home the previous night.
The Relativistic lady
4715 Akash K R
"" M Ei E {x E-E
EEi x Vi ''
4920 Prasanth Kumar
- - + + + +
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5080 Arun Prakash J
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He participates in every activity
And makes people impressed
He gives respect to seniors
And takes respect fromjuniors.
He is a simple person like
All of us-but
He is smarter than anyone else
So only he is an APPOINTMENT.
An appointment is smart
Smarter than anyone else
Physically and mentally fit
So only he is an appointment.
He puts on hackles on his beret
Keeps a formation sign and a
Pair of shoulder flaps and a
Whistle guard and he is an appointment.
Rm {Inv Ifnpsm
n - cn - p - I- bm- bn - cp p . Rm
\mbn ^oUv sNbv Xp. Ifn
Xop. Atm APp. kn.
hp ]dp ""aXnbmov t]mSm''
Fv . R t]mIm- s\m- cpn.
Rm sp- sImv Ip- I- fn
ASnv \Sp. Adn- bmsX Rm
ASnpsImncp Hcp Iv tXma
bpsS ImensImp Ah Ic-
bm- \mp ]s Ic- n .
Rm ]dp ""Imen Fp]n
sbv t\msSm...'' Fv Iptd
{]mhiyw ]dp. Atmsgms
5173 A\-\mKv Fkv F
Ah tZjyn ]dp. ""Hp
t]mSm. . . C\n - sbs hn fn - m
Rm sp- sImv ASnpw''
F\n - Xv hn j- a- ambn . Rm
]nsbpw ]dp ""tkmdnsbSm...''
Atmgpw Ah AtX adp- ]Sn
lukn - sen Rm
s]sv Ipfnp. ]ns Ahs
ASpv sNnv Rm hopw
]dp ""tkmdn- sbSm...'' Ah
Ae- dn - smv Fs- b- Sp v
]dp . "" sKv Hv '' . Rm
]nsbpw tNmZnp anptam Fv.
Ah D- n ]dp. ""sF
tSmUv bp tUmSv tSmIv Sp ao''.
Fv Cwojn. F\np \mbn
hn jaw hp Rm Ic- bp- sa-
mbn. ]s Ic-n AS-n-n-
Snv Ah- \n \nv \S- - Ip.
Ah FsbSpv Cs\ s]cp
amdpw Fv Rm hnNm- cn- n.
Ftmsgnepw tXma FsbSpv
ann- bn- cp- s- n Fv Rm
B{Klnpp. {^vkv \jvSs
Sp- tm A\p- `- hn- p thZ\
AXn-I-Tn-\-am-sWv Rm a\-n-
TheLost Paradise
I saw a beautiful garden,
Where I faced many a burden;
I saw a garden snake
But actually it was a fake
The garden had many colourful flowers;
And so it had numerous powers.
I saw a damsel dancing between the flowers;
While the jasmine scent came across the field;
The smell to make a way into my nose.
I stared at the damsel dance,
To get a chance for a glance
But it was of no use;
She made me confuse,
She didnt grace me with a look;
So I couldnt embrace her with another glance.
Wake up! Wake up! I heard a loud scream,
It was all just a dream!
4963 Rohit S
Those days are gone fromme
and a few others of this state, Kerala.
The days on which I sweated in each
second of the hot sunny climate of this
state. It was only for one single goal, the
Republic Day camp at Delhi.
The tough and strenuous training
of the drill and cultural events started
fromthe first camp itself in which 12 J D
and 24 SD cadets of this prestigious
institution participated. Fromthe hard
and though selection camps held at
Calicut. Finally 104 were selected to
represent Kazhak at Delhi, out of which
5 were Kazhaks. On 28
Dec 2011 we
boarded the Kerala express at 1130 hrs
to Delhi with the songs of josh and the
motto-humDilli J ayenga.
We reached Delhi on 31
2011 by around 1430 hrs. It was freezing
cold in Delhi. All of us kept ourselves
warmwith sweaters. Fromthe railway
station we were taken to the Republic
Day camp site in a bus. After a 3 hour
long journey, we entered the beautiful
100 acre RD village. We were received
by a group of officers and each one of
us still remember the taste of the hot
coffee and the pastries we got at the
Fromthe very next day onwards
the Inter state competitions of drill and
cultural events started. First of all was
the drill competition in which I was lucky
enough to represent the state. It is hard
to believe for anyone that each day
cleanliness competition was held at the
camp. Likewise the days of competition
went on. At last the D-day came, the 26
J anuary. I take pride in saying that one
of our kazakhs Sgt-Shiva-Sasidhar
marched on Rajpath in front of the PM
of Thailand Mrs. Yingluck Shinawatra
and the president of India. On 28
J an
DGs awards were announced. Again
kazhaks proved their worth. Sgt. Ronnie
T. J acob was adjusted the 2
Best cadet
at All India Level. Sgt. Bivin.V
participated in the PM rally and Cdt.
Santhosh Kumar Besra was the right
marker of J D drill team. Another
interesting fact is that totally around 50
cadets from various Sainik Schools
attended this years RDC. Also the
present DG NCC, Lt Gen P.S. Bhalla is
an old boy of Sainik School Kunjpura.
On 31
J an we boarded the Kerala
express and by 2
Feb around 1045hrs
we reached Trivandrum. We were given
warmwelcome by Ministry of Education,
Govt.of Kerala, as well as NCC directorate,
Kerala and Lakshadweep.
Some good things about the RDC
is that, at Delhi each day you will be
interacting with officers of high rank. I
amsure it will increase your motivation
level and also your self-confidence.
Motivation and self confidence are the
corner stones of success. So, I will be
failing in my duty if I dont acknowledge
the help of officers, Teachers, NCC
instructors and PI staff, who ran behind
the stage for gearing up the Kazhaks for
this mission.
An Ever Lasting Experience
5032 Eldho Jacob
It was a pleasant and calm
morning. I took my cycle and went to
Gandhimaidan (Park) as it was my usual
daily routine. That day also I found that
many people young and old were
indulging in some activity. All the young
men playing cricket, while girls and
ladies were doing yoga. All the old
people were walking around. I came to
the centre of the park. Then suddenly I
noticed a mobile on the ground and
immediately I took it. Before keeping in
my pocket, I looked around to see if there
was anyone looking at me. Slowly I kept
that mobile in my pocket went away with
my cycle to outside the park. As soon as
I was out of the park, I peddalled my
cycle fast reach my home frankly
speaking I didnt know what to do with
4918 Santhosh Kumar
skirt and red top. I could identify her
fromfar away but she was still looking
for me. I went close to her and asked
Are you the owner of this mobile?'' With
in a second she took back her mobile
frommy hand and thanked me twice.
She introduced hereself to me saying
that she was studyng in 10
. I didnt
mind her being one class J unior. She
also asked about me. In between the
conversation I couldnt count the
number of thanks fromher. We almost
talked for 20 minutes. Then she at last
asked my contact number. Then I turned
back and kept my right leg on the pedal.
Again she asked, Dont you have any
contact number? I went 10 metres away
fromher and turned back and said. I
already have added my contact number
in your mobile. Once again I turned and
saw she was smiling and waving her
that mobile. My mind changed and
planned to give it back to the owner.
Moreover being a Sainik School cadet
there was no other option for me. I
reached home and said to my mother
and sister about this pleasant morning.
I switched on the mobile, I saw
that the wallpaper was of Katrina Kaif.
My sister asked, What are you going to
do with this mobile? I will give this to
the owner,'' I replied. Soon the mobile
rang and I heard a girls voice: I moved
away frommy sister and mother to have
a private talk with her. She requested to
give back her mobile. I told her, I would
give it back. So again I went back to the
entrance of the park, where she called
me. Once again mobile rang and she
told her dress code. She was in pink
In our world
The virtual place
She came to me by my side.
After gaze met mine as
They were like rulers.
After voice came to me as
They were like music.
Her face towards me has
the radiance of morning sun
Her hair tinkled my senses as
they were like gentle waterfall.
Her smell intoxicated me as
They were of roses.
Her skin made me grey with pleasure as
Alan Anderson Biju
They were like silk
Her lips were seducing me as
The predator was by the prey.
But at last she was lost due
To my awaking frommy dream
I wept like a heart striken lover
For his mate waiting when they
Can become once again as one!
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India at SSKZM
Shri Oommen Chandi, Chief Minister of Kerala, Shri Pallam Raju, Minister of State for Defence and
Shri MA Vahid MLA at the Closing Ceremony of Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Smt Shoba Koshy, Post Master
General, Kerala Circle during
the School Annual Day Celebrations
Shri KC Venugopal, Union Minister of State for Power
at the unveiling of the bust of 2/Lt Radha Mohan Naresh
Smt Kannu Somaiah,
W/o Founder Principal late Lt Col Somaiah
at Guruvandanam
Shri KB Ganeshkumar, Minister for Sports and Forest, Govt. of Kerala at the fnals of
Capt Harshan R AC Memorial All Kerala Basket Ball Tournament
Her Highness Gouri Parvathi Bai,
Chief Guest, Kazhak Expo, being
received by the First Lady of the
campus Smt Suganthi Janardhanan
Sharing a lighter moment....
Air Marshal SP Singh, the Chairman, LBA
with Honble CM and RRM
The teachers and the taught - on the occasion of Guruvandanam
Inspecting Offcers
Brig B Ajit Kumar and
Gp Capt VT Parnaik at School
Reviewing Offcer Air Mshl J Chauhan AVSM, VSM,
presenting the Best All round Cadet
award to School Cadet Captain
Padmasree Darshana Jhaveri,
Performer, Manipuri Dance receiving
memento from Principal
Gp Capt B Janardhanan
Pandit Ronu Majumdars
Flute Recital
Lt Gen Jatinder Singh AVSM,SM
Cmdt NDA - Chief Guest on the
OBA day
Wreath laying ceremony
Guard of honour
Held at Sainik School Bijapur, from 25
to 30

July 2012-72 cadets from SSKZM participated-Cdt
Mohit was selected as the best football player in
junior group-Cdt Bivin won the best player award
in junior basketball-Cdt Vigesh was bestowed the
best player award in sub junior football.
On the Run - Inter house 1 Mile Run Competition
Dramatic Performance - Junior House Day
Something to cherish - Shri. KB Ganesh Kumar, Honble Minister
for Sports & Forest during his visit to school
Parent - Teachers Meeting
Tribute to the Founder - by former President of India
Chappatis in Plenty - Inauguration of Chappati Making Machine
by Shri. Ramachandran, GE and our Principal
sabvUv t^m Cuv AZ
Kmn \K- dnse aqmw
\ honemWv Chs Xmakw.
Chs t]cv cLp. A, A,
A\n- bn Fn- h- tcm- sSm- - amWv
Xma- kw. an- - Ww! cLp- hns\
hntijnnm adp. Ch\mWv
\psS IYm- \m- b- I. kp- c,
shfp \ndw, \ icocw, Fp
th Fm KpWfpw D sNdp
mc. Un{Kn Ignv \np
p. GsX- nepw tImtf- Pntem
bqWn-th-gvkn-n-bntem Ibdn ]m-
\p X{X- m- Sn- em- Wv . Imepw
sshInpw Fmw mv Xs.
CXmWv \psS cLphns PohnXw.
Hcp Znhkw ]Xn- hp- t]mse
Ah mn\v t]mhpIbmbncpp.
{ioIm-cyw Fn-b-tm _n
Hcp s]Ipn Ib- dn. Ch- fmWv
\psS IYm\mbnI. t]cv kvt\l.
\ sFizcyap apJw, \ Ip
I, \o apSn, As\ ]eXpw.
\psS cLphn\v Ahsf BZyIm
gv N- bn Xs Cjv S- s- n- cp- p.
Ah\v Ah- fn \nv Is- Sp-
mt\ tXmnbn. Ahs {i
Cu Ip- ap- ]Xn- hm- bn.
Znhk ISp, BgvNI IS
p, amk- IS- p. Ah
Ahs\ {inp XpS- n- bn- cp- p.
HcpZnhkw AXv kw`hnp! Ah\v
Hcp bqWn- th- gv kn- n- bn AUv an-
j Inn. Fmhcpw ktmjn
em- bn- cp- p. Hcm Hgnv cLp.
Ah\v Ahsf Hcp Znhkw t]mepw
ImWmXncnm Ignbnmbncpp.
Fmepw Ah a\- n- m- a- \-
tmsS bqWn- th- gv kn- n- bn- tev
"t]Snt, Rm \ntmSv
IqsS- bpv ' Fv Imhv ]d-
n- n- t. AXv t]mse Xs
Ahs Pohn- X- n kw`- hn- p.
BZyZnhkw Xs tImtfPn hv
Ah Ahsf Ip . Ah\v
ktmjambn. ]t C{]mhiyw
{]XonmXmWv kw`hnXv.
Ahs\ I]msS Ah Ahs
ASp- tv hp. Ah Xs
kw`m- j- W- n \v Xp S- - an - p .
""ltem t]scm?'' cLp, sam-
\n- CPn- \o- b- dn- v , ]pXnb
4618 A`ntjIv _n
\ sFizcyap apJw, \
IpI, \o apSn,
As\ ]eXpw. \psS
cLphn\v Ahsf BZyImgvN
bn Xs CjvSsncpp.
Ah\v Ahfn \nv
IsSpmt\ tXmnbn.
Ahs {i Xncnp
-InnbtmgmWv Ah\dn
Xv _v Ah\ndt
tmn \npw
Xncn- p- In- n- b- tm- gmWv Ah- \- dn-
Xv _v Ah- \n - d- t
tmn \npw ]pdspIgnp
shv. Hcphn[n Ah NmSn
bn- d- n, Xncn- tmSn As
mns Imcy-n Hcp Xocpam
AUv an - j\m'' Ah adp - ]Sn
\In. ""Rm kv t\l Rm\pw
sam- \n- - em.'' ]pXnb AUv an-
j. Ahs ktmjw Cc-n-p.
s]sv cLp. "Atm {^vkv?'
Ah ssI \on. BZyw Ah
Hp Xg- p. Fnepw Ah
ssI sImSpp. "Hms'.
Ah-cpsS B kulrZw Hcp
hjw \op \np. AXn\nSbn
Ftmtgm B kulrZw Hcp {]W-
b-ambn amdn-I-gn-n-cp-p. ]t
Ctmgpw Ah ]c- kv ]cw Ah-
cpsS CjvSw {]ISnnncpn. HSp
hn cLp Xs B IrXyw \n
ln - m Xocp- am- \n - p. Ah
Fpw kabw sNe- h- gn- m- dp
Ben Nph- n Fn. Ah
]dp "F\np Hcp Imcyw ]d-
bm\pmbncpp' "Fm?' Ah
tNmZn- p. "F\nv ...... F\nv
\ns Cjv S- am- Wv . Ah sRn-
tmbn. Aev]w Ignv Ah adp
]Sn \In.' F\npw.
Ahs ktmjn\v AXn
cpIfnmbncpp. ]t CXv Ch
cpsS am{Xw kz- Im- c- y- am- bn- cp- n- .
aqmasXmcm IqSn CXdnncp
p. hnt\m-Zv. bqWn-th-gvkn-n-bn
cLp - hn - \p - mb GI i{ Xp .
Ahs GXp ap t- - n \p w
FXncp \n cLp- hns BP
i{Xp. Ah Ah- cpsS {]W- b-
spdnv CcphcpsSbpw hon
Adn- bn- p. cp- t]- cp- sSbpw hop-
Im tImtf-Pn hv cLp-hns\
Xp- sa- - h {]Xo- n- p. AXv
ImWm Ah ImWn-Isf hnfn-
p- Iq- n. {]Xon- - t]mse Hcp
Znhkw kvt\lbpsS A Ah
fpsS ktlmZct\bpw Iqn hp.
IqsS ktlmZcs Hcp kplrpw
Dm- bn - cp- p. Fm- hcpw Hcp
v ko ImWm sdUn- bmbn
\np. Ah h DSs\ cLp-
hns\ At\zjnp. Fmhcpw IqSn
tNv cLphns\ AhcpsS apn
Ah cLphns\ Imdn\pn
tev sImp- t]m- bn. Fsm-
stbm ]dp. Ipdp Ignv
cLp ]pd-n-d-n. ]t ImWn-
I {]Xo- n- - t]m- sebpw cLp-
hns apJv ]m ]mbkw IpSn
{]Xo- Xn. Ah cLp- hn\v ss_
]dv Im hnpt]mbn. Fmhcpw
cLp - hn \p Np p w Iq Sn Ah
FmWv ]d--sX--dn-bm
cLp Iptd-t\cw Hpw ann-
bn - . ]n s ]dp "" Ah
Ftbpw hop- Im- scbpw Ipdnp
At\- z- jn- p. ]T- \- n- \p- tijw
BtemNnmsamWv ]dXv.''
hnt\mZns apJv ImtaL
hp IbdpXv Insv
\Snv cLp \Sp.
5111 K K Mathew
They say one who cannot obey
Cannot command
And when they break any rule
We are not able to say this to them.
I dont understand, why is it so?
And who are rebels?
Are we or they ?
Who is a Rebel ?
Cadets say things like
I want to play, I want to talk
But appointment says
Dont play or dont talk
When everyone wants games
They say no games.
They tell us to eat vegetables
Then why dont they eat it?
When we break the rules
Fs a\n ]qphncnbpp
tmSn--fn-smcm _mey-Imew
AqXmSn s]dpnsb app
HmSn--fn-smcm _mey-Imew
\mnse amhnse am ]dnp I
fnp cknsmcm _meyImew
IqpImct\msSmw tNp cknsmcp
a[pcamw thfbmw _meyImew
AqsNmnb IpnIYI Rm
tIpcknsmcm _meyImew
agbpsS \mZhpw InfnbpsS Km\hpw
tIpcknsmcm _meyImew
In tNdns Kw Iesmcm
kpcthfbmw _meyImew
Fs a\n \ntmI ambn
HmSn--fn-smcm _mey-Imew.
]cnnXnbbvp \mep a
\man s]mXphmbv "kv^nb' Dsnepw
hym]vXnbpw LS\bpw Xm]hpw
Ifnpw Nncnpw Nodnbpw NnXdnbpw
Cg-bmp ImWp-o-a-
DpwK _pnbmw am\h Ds
_tbm-kv^n-b BW-Xnt{ijvTw.
]S-cp tIm]m-n- I-f-If
\mZw apg-p hj-]mXw
In-a-d-bp D-I
]dpw XfnII D]-{K-l-
Fmw a-e-m-c-a-tm?
\miw hnXpw Nmcambv amdnbpw
sImmsX sImpp NmImsX
NmIpo a
NInXbmbv \npsmc
Cn-s\-{X-\m \ne-\np-ao-b-!
]cnnXnbpw afpw
4627 hnjvWp Fkv -]n
]ns Rm\pw....
4708 ImnIv ]n. at\mPv
xi E
5164 Aakash Kumar Singh
+ - - -+
- - + - - + +
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There are animals but,
not like tiger.
There are birds but,
not like peacock.
There are flowers but
not like lotus.
There are flags but,
not like tricolour
There are places, but
not like Kerala
There are monuments but,
not like TajMahal
There are leaders but
not like Gandhiji
There are countries but
not like India.
No t l ike India
5023 Vishnu P
+ -:
- - - | +
+ -| ,
+ + | ,
: - - +
+ - | ,
- - :+ ,
- +
+ ,
-- + +
|-+ + - ,
+ - - - +
- -- + |,
+ +
5160 Ankit Raj
Hcp Zo]w InbWbp t\cw
Ccpnemgpp temIw
B temIw Ccpn adbv
ZpxJ hmcnsNmcnbpp...
hnjmZ sImv a\anSnbp
Hcp \pv ktmjsahnsS?
Cu {Iqc temIv
FhnsS Inpw
Hcnp kam[m\w.....?
FhnsSbpw \nehnfnbpw Iocpw
Anbn In Pzenp
Fv Ahkm\npw Cu bmX\I?
BcpsS ]m]`mcamWnXv?
Fv tNmZn-pp Nne
Fmw Cuizc \nbw
Fmw ssZh \nbw.
Ccpnse Zo]w
5058 kzmXn _n.F
Xpcm Imhnse Csm-
s D- h- n\v DS- hm- sf- Sp-
m \dpp hoWncnpXv CS
dv IpSpw_n\mWv.
Imhnse Dhns {][m\
NSmb ]pdsgpn\v DS
hm FSp- m Ign- bp- Xv Hcp-
alm`mKyambn B \mpIm IcpXpp.
]v shdp- samcp Imhm- bn- cp-
p. Fm hjhpw sImSpXn \S
pw. Hcp {]tX- yI kap- Zm- b- m-
cpsS D]m- k\maqn- bm- bn- cp- p-
shn ep w \mp - Im- sc- m- hcp w
tNmWv t{Xw ]WnIgn- n-
Xpw Dhw \S-p--Xp-sa-mw.
{][m\ tZh Xpcm Zp, KW
]Xn, a{aqn XpSnb D]tZ
h-X-I. henb t{X-ambn amdn-
bnpw Ctmgpw Xp- cmImhv
FpXsbmWv AdnbsSpXv.
KW]Xnbvv am{Xta {]XnjvTbp
q. Xp- cm ]oT- n shn
hmfp {]XnjvTnmWv Bcm[nbvp
Xv Cu hm DhZnhkw ]pd
sSpv Ducppn hv XncnsI
hbvpw. kapZmbmcn DShmsf
Spm XmXv]-cy-ap IpSpw_m
cpsS t]cv \dp- n- Spw. Csmw
\dpp hoWXv CS- - dv ]cap-
]WnbqcpsS IpSw- _- n- \m- Wv .
]cap]Wnbq acnnv hjfmbn.
`mcy Imnbbpw aq aI
inh- \pw, `mc- ybpw aI- \pw, Cf- b
aI \\pw `mcybpw aIfpamWv
Ctm IpwSpw_-n Xma-kw.
apd{]Imcw aqh\mb inh
\mWv DShmsfSptXv. \s\m
gnsI Fmhpw AXmWv XmXv ]
c- y- hpw. \- \m- sW- n XnI
`, t{XInn AwKw, Znh
khpw cphw t{X Zi\w \S
pw. BsIbp hcpam\amamb
sNdnb ]eNcpIS t\ct AS
np _mn kabw thWsan
t{X ]ptcm-K-Xnbvpw ap-ap
inh t{X- n- sempw
t]mIm-dn-. t\cw Inm-dn Fp
]dbpXmhpw icn. bYmn
inhs Azm\w sImmWv B
IpSpw_w Ignbp-Xv. IpImenI
sfbpw Irjn- m- c- y- fpw apw
t\mn \Sm inhs\smt
Ign- bq. A ]e- tmgpw ]dbpw
inhm \obpw htm- gpw A- e-
n t]mWw; {]mn-bv-Ww;
Xp-cm \ns IjvS-mSp Ipdp-
F\n - n - sXmcp Ijv S- m-
SmtWm At? ]ns \nsfm
hcpw A- e- n t]mIp- p- -
tm! F\nbv pw IqsS thn
{]mn- v . Fm- hcpw {]mn-
bv p- psSm, \s IS- bn
\nv Ahs Nne- hn\p t]mepw
F\n-n-sXmcp IjvS-m-SmtWm At? ]ns \n-sf-m-hcpw
Aen t]mIpptm! F\nbvpw IqsS thn
{]mn-v. Fm-hcpw {]mn-bvp-psSm, \s
ISbn \nv Ahs Nnehn\p t]mepw Hpw Inmdn hop
Imcy Ignv t]mIpXv \ns Azm\w sImp Xs.
B \n\v BtcmKyw Xcm R Xpcmt\mSv {]mnp
p-v. AXp ]d-tm AbpsS i_vZn\v CS.
Hpw Inm- dn hop Imc- y-
Ignv t]mIpXv \ns Azm\w
sImp Xs. B \n\v Btcm
Kyw Xcm R Xp-cm-t\mSv
{]mn- p- p- v . AXp ]d- -
tm A- bpsS i_v Zn \v
CS. Fmepw t\capmn \o
CSbvsms Aen t]mbn
{]mnWw. \n\Xns KpWw
Inpw. a\dnp hnfnm Xp-
cm hnfntIpw. Rm\dnnp
XmWv t\cnv. \n acnp
Znhkw, \nfv ]nmct; cm{Xn
AkpJw IqSnbtm aqksshZysc
hnfn- bv m t]mbXv \obt.
sshZ-ycp hp acpp sImSpp
Igntm Aev]w Hp abn
bt]mse cmhnse. Bip]{Xnbn
sImp t]mI-W-sap ]d-np
sshZycp t]mbn. Rm {]mnp
sIm- n- cp- p. shfp- m- dm- b- tm-
gmWv Hp abnbXv.
Imo........ s]sv ]nn
\nv Btcm hnfnpp. Xncnp
t\mn. AhnsS D- ze {]Im- i-
n Idpp XSnv sNpSpv
cp{Zm- - am- e- bp- an- p........ Atm,
Imhnse Xp-cm Cu cq]w tIn-
t- bpq In- n- . i_v Zn- m
t]mepw Ign- bmsX \np- t]m- bn.
Imo...... \o hnj- an- bv - cp- Xv .
P\n-m Hcp Znhkw Fm-hcpw
FsSpp ht aXnbmhq. Fm
F\nv Ghpw {]nbshsc Rm
Aev]w t\cs hnfnqw. ]cap
F\nbvv hfsc {]nbsh\mWv.
s]sv Rm sRn- bp- Wp.
Ip Xpdp t\mnbtm......
tXbpq cp i_vZw hopw apg
n. ""`n Fm {]m\am{X
amsWmtWm \o hnNmcnpXv
Ah\hs ISaI \nlnbv m
h Fns\ `\mhpw.''
\ns tPyjv Ts\ t\mq Ijv S
sv Ahs ISaI Ah F{X
`wKnbmbn \nlnpp. \o a\:
]qw ad-p ]e Imc-y-fpw
Ah- \t ]qn - bm- p- Xv
AsXmpw F\np ImWm- Xn- cn-
m Ignbn. IqSmsX Fs Nne
`sc Rm \nSp- tebv v
Abp. \n\v Hm- bp- mIpw
Hcp Ahi\mb hr, ssIIpp
ambn Hcp km[p kv {Xo, hnip
he Hcp sNdnb Ipn. Ahsc
sbms \o klmbntm? Ahtcm
sSmw Zmcn{Zyw ]dp \o Hgnp
Fm Ahscsbmw \ns
tPy-jvT klm-bn-p. Ah-\mWv
bYm `. DShm Ahs\
Sps. \n\v Rm ]nssbmc
hkcw Xcmw''
\ s]sv Ip Xpdp
t\mn. AhnsSsbpw Bcpan.
t{X- n ]n- bp- Wp
\- s\- gp- tv inhs ASp-
tv sNp. inh ]m Idp
tNm........... Rm\ tN\mWv
DShmsfSptXv . FmSm Ctm
tN DShmsfSppXmWv
Xpcm\njvSw! Ans\ Xpcm
Mm ]dp. tN s]sv
sNv Ipfnv t{X- n- tev
t]mbn NSpI XpSntmfq.
Chn- Sps ap Imc- y- Rm
inh Fgptp \s Ip
Ifntep t\mn, Xncnpw \
inhs apJv Hcp bYm
`s\ Zinbv pIbmbncpp. BZy
- ambn, t{Xn Atm \nm
eyZi\ kabambncpp.
aXnbt F{X XhW tIn
pXm; IY tIpsImph \
\mWv AXv ]dXv.
A ]dbsSm \m
Mm..... ]ns \o Xs DShm
sfSpWw. \ns B{Klw \S
s. AXn s X- sd- Sp- p- I
t\ct sNWw. inhs hmp
I tI \s Bm- Z- n\v
AXncnmbncpp. \msfbmWv A
e-n ]mp XpS-p-Xv \
Hcp- - - sfms ]qn- bm- n,
\msf apX {hXamWv.
hon ampw {]Xo- n-
{X Dm- l- sampw In - .
\ t\ct ISbSv A
e- n- tev t]mbn Ahn- Sps
Ae- m- c- fpw ap Hcp- - fpw
]qnbmn honsenbtm
A- cm{Xn Ign- n- cpp Fm-
hcpw Dd- n. \ hcm- - bn
Ibdn InSp. Xosc Ddw hn
]XnhnmsX hcmbn InSXp
sIm- m- bn- cn- pw. AXp- am- {X- a- ;
a\- n Hcp Ip- t_m- [w. a\v
Ak- z- - am- bn- cp- p. ]pe- cm- dm- b-
tm Aev ]- samp ab- n .
\m......... s]sv ]nn \nv Hcp
hnfn. apgp i_vZw. Xncnp
t\mn, AhnsS D- ze {]Im- i-
n ]pSpv cp{ZmaWnp
Hcp cq]w.
\m Fgptn\v DShmsf
SptXv \ob. inh\mWv . \ns
tPyjv T, AXmWv F\nnjv Sw.
\ BsI \ncm- i- \m- bn.
Rm\hnSps `\t? Nnn
Ride on a roller Coaster!
5283 SreeramAnil
Come on brother! Mom, can we
go? my sister asked. I could never
understand why people craved to be
tossed through the air like vegetables in
a blender, instead of enjoying the
peacefulness of the ground!
No! No! No! I answered. But, my
sister didnt give in. She begged my
mother until she said, Okay, go on.
biggest roller coaster that stood infront
of me did amaze me.
Hurry up! urged my sister. I
followed her unwillingly. I was more
nervous when I saw the sign
CAUTION. My sister led me to where
the person-in-charge showed us our
seats. I sat on my seat reluctantly.
Relax and take it easy! my sister
Whenever somebody asks me
to relate an experience that I can never
forget, hundreds of different experiences
come to my mind. But, there is one
experience which I would consider to
be the most unforgettable and scary. It
was the first time I rode on a roller coaster.
Why? The fear and anxiety that I felt is
beyond ones imagination. Let me recall
the whole incident.
It was a scary day. I woke up early
in the morning. The roomthat came into
my view was unfa-miliar. Wired! I
thought to myself. Why couldnt I
recognise my own room? After a while,
I remem-bered, Imin Cochin.
We are going to Veega-land
today. My sisters voice interrupted my
thought. I couldnt understand why there
was a sense of happiness in her cheerful
I wasnt always excited to visit a
theme park. But, I dont want to dampen
my sisters happiness and excitement.
The moment we reached there, my sister
suggested , Lets go for a ride on the
roller coaster. Ive heard so much about
the roller coaster and I amdying to try it!
Ive always been fascinated by
carnival rides, but seeing the huge
monstrosities that would throw people
in the air in all directions never sat well
with me. No way, man. I dont want to
be scared to death! I, 9 years old then,
protested, shaking my head fromleft to
right as hard as I could.
Without wasting a second, my
sister dragged me to where the roller
coaster was. I was really nervous.
Wow! my sister cried out loudly. She
couldnt hide her surprise. This is the
biggest roller coaster I have ever seen.
I agreed with her in my heart. The
tried to comfort me, but it did not help. I
nodded obediently and managed to
flash her a smile.
After a while, I heard a siren that
warned us that the scary trip was to
begin. I shut my eyes tightly. Both my
hands seized the seat so tightly that they
There was a little boy with a very
bad temper. One day his father gave him
a bag of nails and told himthat everytime
he must hammer one nail into the
wooden fence surrounding their home.
The boy did as he was told. On
the first day he drove 30 nails into the
fence and found it was hard work. He
tried to control the temper and as the
The father took his son by hand
and led himinto the fence. He said you
have done well, my son, but the fence
will never be the same again. When you
say a thing in anger, they leave scars,
just like you say you are sorry, the
wound still remains there.
ached. I guess I was panicky. I tried to
calmmyself down but in vain. I heard
people shouting excitedly. They were so
eager to begin.
Finally, I felt the roller coaster move
slowly at first, then faster, faster, and
faster as it began to pick up speed. I felt
my stomach turning upside down. It
moved so fast that I nearly fell frommy
seat. I felt sweat streaming down from
my face and my forehead. My heart was
pounding loudly. I regretted taking a ride
on this scary thing.
When will this big stupid
caterpillar stop moving? Slow down,
slow down or Ill get a heart attack. I
pleaded in my heart but the roller coaster
refused to listen to my pleas. I heard
people screaming crazily. It was driving
me nuts. The roller coaster, swung to
the left and then to the right. It swung so
hard that my head knocked against the
front seat. When the roller coaster slid
down fromthe highest peak, it was the
most frightening part of the whole trip.
My eyes were wide open. My heart
stopped beating. I screamed at the top
of my voice.
The fifteen minutes ride on the
roller coaster was like fifteen years to
me. My face was as pale as a corpse
when I came down from the roller
coaster. I buried my face in my hands,
because I felt that the world was
spinning. My parents rushed to me
when they sensed something was
wrong with me. My whole body was
trembling and my mouth was empty
when I tried to speak. My hands were
ice cold. From that moment on,
whenever people mention roller coaster,
a chill runs through my spine. I think
that was the most unforgettable
experience in my life.
days passed he needed to drive fewer
nails into the fence. Finally a day came
when he didnt lose his temper at all. He
rushed to his father to tell himthe good
news. The father now suggested that the
boy pull one nail each when he was able
to hold his hard temper. The days passed
slowly finally the boy was able to tell his
father all nails were gone.
4517 Vijin V R
I have a sister, a sweet little sister,
Naughty, loving and caring
Her hobby is to make me angry
We often quarrel,
But we really enjoy it,
It lasts just for seconds
Again she is my sister.
My sweet little sister
Mother usually call us
Snake and Mangoose
Mother is wrong, we are like
Honey and bee
How a bee can be alive
without honey?
I love my sister
My sweet little sister .......
My Sweet Little Sister
5199 Sidharth S
amgw ]dnm tIdnbXnsemcph
hoWv ImepsamSnp ssIbpsamSnp
AXnse Nne Ip cknp
AXnse Nnetcm Bp hnfnp
AhcpsS \nehnfn B {]tZiw
apgph Ipepn!
thZ\ amdn; Imew shdpsX ]mgmbn
ssIbpw Imepw A\m h
shdpsamcp amgsmXn tIdn
shdpsX t\cw ]mgmn
Cncn sImXnmbv Hncn \jvSw!
a m g me w
AeIvkv Fw
4865 SathayamDeep
- + | : .
+ - -
- - + +
+ - + +
+ - : --
-+ - - : --
|+ - + ||
+ + - + ,
|+ -+ + -- +
- |+ - +
++ - : |+ |+ - -
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- |+ + -
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: |+ |+ - -+
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- + +
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+ | + - +
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: : : + - +
|| : -- + -- +
+ - : -- + -
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+ - - + -- +-
+ + - + + - +
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+ - - - + -
+ - - |:+
+ + : +
|: :+ - - - -
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-- +
Friends what will be your reaction
if any Reptile a live or dead falls on
your body. You cant imagine that, right?
But this happened to me in my life. And
this is not a lie, its a real life story.
It was a normal afternoon. After
finishing my meals, I came back to
house. But suddenly I felt that something
was not okay. I saw my friends going to
their bed and falling asleep fast instead
of talking or reading. I felt very lonely. I
looked around me. I couldnt hear any
body talking. After sometime I saw
someone coming. I saw one of my
friends coming back to the house after
calling his parents. I felt happy that at
least I got one boy to talk to. As part of
friendship he shared his snacks with me
and I shared a book with him. We were
very excited talking and reading. Without
disturbing anyone sleeping we moved
to the corridor side of central path and
settled down. We were so busy in talking
that we were not concentrating on the
things happining near us. After somtime,
I took out my pen fromthe pocket for
marking some points in the book.
Suddenly my eyes fellon a creature
wobbling on the ground. It was grey in
colour, very long and thin. It coiled on
the ground. I thought it was a leech. But
my mind didnt accept it. Then I saw its
head touched the foot wear of my friend.
Then suddenly I came to a know that the
creature was nothing but a long snake.
4986 Sachin S Kumar
When it coiled it self and got ready to
attack my friend, I shouted at the top of
my voice Snake..... Runnn. We
jumped on the corridor. I saw that the
snake was very angry. Two boys were
not sufficient for killing that reptile. So
we took the help of some seniors. One
of the seniors was very excited after
hearing the name snake. He came
running towards the long reptile and
took a big stone and threw on the
creature- BLAM!!!. But the snake
escaped somehow. One of the stones
fell on the snakes tail. It was unable to
move forward. I can still see that scene
in front of my eyes. When the tail was
stuck all of themcovered its body with
big stones. Many boys gathered there.
After sometime we thought it died. One
of the boys with a stick removed a stone
and we were astonished to see that the
snake survived the pressure of the
stones. One boy told that he was going
to crush the head of the snake. The boy
crushed its head till he could see the
creature stops wobbling. Then he
removed all the stones fromits body.
He thought of a mischief and started
playing hockey with it. We were
standing on the corridor and was
watching what was happening. At that
time that boy scooped the snake with
the stick like a hockey ball. The snake
flew in the air. We thought it would fall
on us and we ran shouting. My friend
ran and looking at me and splash!!! The
snake fell on my head and started to
swing. The blood was all over my face,
its head entangled in my fingers, the
body on my head and what not. I threw
the snake down in a quick action and
ran two times around the house shouting
I ran to the tank, took a bucket of
water and poured over my whole body.
I was shivering like a small child who
had seen a ghost in the midnight. I
applied the soap again and again on my
face and hair till I was satisfied. The snake
was carried on a stick followed by all the
boys. It was looking like a grand funeral
procession of the richest person on
earth. After that I realised that the
uncomfortable thing that stuck in my
mind was nothing but the thing which
stuck on my head.
temIv Fhn - sS- tm-
bmepw Hcp i_v Zw am{
bmfw ad- mepw ad- m Hcp
i_v Zw. AXv Bkz - Zn - m
`Ww t]mepw a\p- jy Dt]-
npw. temIw ImtXmn-cp
i_v Zw. tlmkv ]n- - en Xfp
InS-p Aq-amp t]mepw
Dintcp i_vZw....s]mcntImgn
t]mepw ]d- p i_v Zw... AXv
GXm- sWv \nt- hp- a-
2011 temIw lnm- nb
i_v Zw. '"ssh Znkv sIme- shcn
Un ''. [\p- jn s ambm- h- ebw.
2011 [\p-jns A_ lnmb
]mmWv '"sImeshcn''. [\pjv B
]mv Cs\- n sImSp p .
Bm AXn- t\mSv kl- I- cnv
Bkzm- Znv ImtXmv AXns\
Ah Hcp saKm lnmn. a\n
\p- n \n pw h hcn - I
tImn- W- n- bmWv sIme- hcn
sImeshcn dqkv
APbv F sP
P- sa- Sp- Xv . temI- {]- kn- - amb
Cu ]mns IqsS [\pjpw temI
{]kn\mbn. Ctm FhnsSbpw
[\pjpw sIme- sh- cnbpw \
h 20112012 sIme- sh- cn- bpsS
hjambn \mw {]Jym]npp.
Cu hjw FhnsSbpw sIme
shcn dqkv..........
How do you like to go up in a swing
Up in the air so cool
Oh, I do think It is a pleasant thing
Evey child can do
Up in the air over the wall
Till I can see so wide
Rivers and seas and cattle and field
Over the country side
Ill look down on the garden green
Down on the roof so brown
Up in the air I go flying again
Up in the air and down.
5169 Regith J.S
kuchv {]Imiv
iji E n {iji
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5008 Gaurav
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As you know, right now sitting
on earth, a space rover called Curiosity,
on board a rocket called the Atlas V is
speeding away towards Mars. Curiosity
is also called the Mars Science
Laboratory or MSL in short. It is going
to explore if Mars is habitable.
The Mars Science laboratory,
christened Curiosity, was launched on
the 26th of November 2011 fromCape
Canaveral in Florida. It will land in the
gale crater on Mars in August 2012 if
everything goes according to plan.
The rover weighs almost two
thousand tons, more than t he last three
Mars rovers put together, and so landing
it on Mars will be a challenge. Two thirds
of previous mission sent to Mars have
either crashed or lost contact with the
earth. Methods like airbags to cushion
a free fall will not work, given the weight
of Curiosity.
To solve this problemNASA has
designed an ingenious rocket sky crane
that will hover above the surface and
lower the rover gently down to the
Martian surface.
In short Curiosity will revolutionise
our understanding of Mars. The data
about the atmosphere and weather
collected will take us closer to being able
to send a manned mission to Mars. The
European space agency plans to
performthis by the year 2030.
The year 2012 looks to be an
exciting year for space exploration.
There are various missions which may
be headed towards new discoveries,
starting off with our neighbour planet
It is carrying a large collection of
instruments to Mars. These instruments
are among the most sophisticated
technology ever sent to space. In fact
the instruments are so numerous and
so varied in function that NASA has
likened the rover to a living creature in a
warmbox that protects the circuits and
controls the temperature inside. The
brain of the box is the computer
onboard. The rover has a robotic arm
that will work much like a human
geologist would, scraping and
collecting samples...........
The dawn space craft look off
fromearth in 2007. It then flew towards
mars when passing mars in 2009. It
received a boost to its velocity frommars
gravitational field. It reached vesta in J uly
2011. It is due to take off fromvesta in
J une 2012 and start its journey towards
Dheeraj Kumar
The Journey to Mars
5117 Ap F Zmkv
BIYbn Rm Hcp ]m]n
sImSpw ]mXI sNbvXh
sXsm icnsbdnbm ]np
hn[nbpsS apn ]Ip
\nph Rm
hn[nbpsS hnfbmn
XIp s]msbmcp ]np
a\tp _me
temIn\p apn
Fpw s]mpw XncnbmsX
]Ip \nph\mWv Rm..
hj hjmcw Aep
Rm A ]m\obp aotX.
]Wn\mbv Fpsapw
IpXnp Hcizta[stmse
am\hcpsS Poh_en
sImSpp Rm Im
]Wns AXym{Kln
{]mbNnm F a\w hnn.
GXp KwKbn apnbm
F {]mbNnamIpw?
Aep Rm\ep
BZymhkm\sa Poh..

- I
So quietly I came out
froma belly so stout
just crying all day
I eat and I lie
I sit and I stand
I drink and I chew
Iwill walk with no hand
and Ive teeth met a few
My desire was to learn
New Ive learnt to earn
With many an evaluation
I made a graduation
To a girl I got married
A son I got later
The wife is now worried
Ive more duties than the latter
My son is now earning
Our choices are now charming
The girl hes gonna marry
Should be pretty like a fairy.
We found out one soon
The marriage all done.
J ust like a great boon
A grand child I got one
Imcontent Improud
I stand bold in a crowd
Surrendered to grey hair
I rest on chair
Lay resting forever
Six feet behind my home.
So quietly I go back
The way I had come.
5147 Balakrishna Menon
The Satisfied Man
Sn hn - bn an n - a- d
hm hmbnv Abm sRn-
tmbn . ]p dv ag XIp
s]pp. ^m\n\p Iosgbncpnpw
Abm hnbsm- enp. Nm\-
ens apJy dntm hmbpsS
Bg- - fn apn- - n- sb- Sp
hnh-c- NSp-e-ambn Ah-X-cn-n-
pIbmWv {ZpXKXnbn. {]tXyI
CuWtmsSbmWv hnhcWw. apdn
bntev h `mcy dntamn hnc
ean. ""\miw.... Fpw ImWpw
Ch-mv hnkv X-cn-m Hmtcm-
v''. Ah apdnbn \nndntm
Im Abm Imncpp. Nph
Ac... hnizknm Ignbp
n. hopw kv{Io sXfnp.
hmhmb\mcn Chyq Bcw
`np Ignp. ]e ]mnbnepap
t\Xm--m sNdp-]p-n-cn-tbmsS
c- km- n- sb- p- dnv hmNm- e-
cmbn. ]m- - e- n sIme-
\S ehpw tNmc- m- ep- Ifpw.
A{I- an- I- fpsS shpw Ipp- tav
NnXdnsdn icocw hmcnqnsb
Spp sImp- t]m- Ip cwKw
BhnpsImtbncpp. N
mcpsS kwkmchpw t^mhnfn
Ifpw A\p- tim- N- \- fpw ]c-
Xncnp. asm- cn- Sv ASp
t\Xm- hm- sc N apdp- In- -
Bn- tbmsS Iyma- d- - p-
I c-km-n-bpsS Ipp-a-I-
fn ]Xnp. Xe- apSn amSn- sbm-
Xpn apJw an\pn Ip- I- fn
hnjmZw \ndv {]apJ Nm\ens
kpcnbmb dntm Ipn\Sp
tv... Abm dntamn hnce
kyhpw Hpw Abmp ImWm
Ign- n. Iqp- Im- cs apJhpw
NnnnXdnb icochpw tNpsh
bvm Ab ]mSps]p. hn
P\]npWbp t\Xmhv... Xs
]gb Iqp- Im- c.... c- km- n-
Imbn Nm\ {]tXy- I- sam- cp-
nb Km\w D- m- bn- bn- embn.
""CXn\nbpw \nmdmbnt?'' `mcy
bpsS Bt{Imiw Abm tIn.
Ign- p- t]mb Imew Hms- Sp-
m {ianpXn\nSbn aI
hopw dntamn sXmp. Ctm
AWs]mnb ZpxJhpambn P\
t\Xm- hns hon- tev Hgp- Ip- I-
bmWv . Ic- f- en - bn - p Nn { X-
. . . kmln - Xy- `wKn Ie
h- \- I...
cm{Xn- bmbn. P\- \m- b- Is
hchpw Imv hP\mhen. Io
tcmsS Abmfpw Imn- cn- p- I-
bmWv. kv{Io\n P\qns
Zriy- ...hfsc at\m- l- c- ambn
Hn-sb-Sp-n-cn-pp. Xnn-n-c-
p- - h- cn ]ecpw Iyma- dbv p
t\sc ssIho- ip- pv . Io-
tcmsS Imncnp _p...
Iymad hopw ihantep
aebmf hn`mKw
kv{Io\n P\q
ns Zriy...hfsc
at\mlcambn HnsbSpn
cnpp. Xnnncph
cn ]ecpw Iymadbvp
t\sc ssIhoippv.
IotcmsS Imncnp
_p... Iymad hopw
ihantep Xncnp.
5140 Karthik S
Life is a book - Study it
Life is beauty - Worship it
Life is a challenge - Meet it
Life is a dream - Realise it
Life is sorrow - Overcome it
Life is a tragedy - Face it
Life is a song - Sing it
Life is Love - Enjoy it
Life is a game - Play it
Life is an adventure - Dare it
Life is a promise - Fulfil it
Life is a Struggle - Accept it
Life is a duty - Performit
Life is a journey - End it
Oh! my friend, you are my partner
Come with me, my shadow
Over the meadows and over the bridge
Come with me, my friend!
You are my Best friend forever
You will be with me
In my whole life, though
You tend to move away fromme you cant
Because you are my best friend
And then I wont allow you to go
Come with me in my life as well
Though I have a lot of friends
They make me alone at times dear,
Share my sorrows and pains
And make my life a worthy one.
My F riend
4915 Arjun Raj
About life
Once I was lost
In a forest path
I tried to recover, but in vain
And ill luck tightened its wrath.
I walked on and on,
And the path became lone
The moonlight shone,
And behind the clouds it was gone.
I saw in the moonlight,
Such a wonderful sight
A house with such a height,
Stood with all its might.
I thought I was right,
To enter the house
I was afraid and told myself to Fight,
And not to be such a cowardly louse.
The inside of the house was a host
Such that the beauty was ablaze
and once again I was lost,
In this scary maze.
My senses were right,
Or were they wrong
I tried with all my might,
To concentrate all along.
I saw something move,
Or was it my imagination?
One moment it was there
And the next second it was gone.
A lazy white figure was in front of me,
With skirts that stretched up to her knee
And there was evil in her eyes
And I knew it was the end of me.
4857 V N Krishna Kumar
And all at once I saw a sight,
In the darkness, there was light!
Not just an ordinary light but a tube light
which made me jump and fall.
Getup! Getup! I heard my sergeant call!
One of the crucial aspects of life
that has an impact on everything is
confidence. It plays a major role in
education, work and bringing up of your
friendship. To achieve confidence we
can do many things and if you succeed
in it then your future is brightly written.
Confidence means we should be ready
at all times to face any problems or
challenges. We should Adopt a role
model whomwe believe to be our best
choice. We should accept criticismand
try not to fight with anyone. Knowing
our limits achieve confidence step by
step. Dont ever even think about your
past but live in todays world. Appreciate
Rising of Confidence
4905 Rahul T
yourself and accept compliments from
others. Be your own best friend. Turn
out should be proper whenever you go
infront of a crowd of people. And if you
believe in these then your success is a
In the lap of nature - Class VIII on tour
Best of Luck - Hav Baiju NCC PI Staff being
presented the School memento
Proud Winners - Cock House Trophy (Juniors) for Shivajians
Home coming - Dining in ceremony of Lt Col PG Suresh Kumar
Cup of Joy - Cock House Trophy (Sub-juniors) for Ashokians
Crowning Glory - Cock House Trophy (Seniors) for Prasadians
Impressive oratory - Inter house Malayalam Debate
Verbal Blows - Inter house English Debate
Royal presence - Kazhak Expo at Kanakakkunnu Palace
All Ears! - Visit of Inspecting Offcers, SSS
Good Going - Inter house volleyball competition
Personality development interactive session in progress
Merry Bunch - Freshers Party at Kazhak House
Homage to the Heroes - By Offcers
In Sync! - NCC Contingent Marching at Central Stadium,
Independence Day Celebrations
Bid ADIEU - Farewell to APTC/BHM Anilkumar
A Point to Note - Inter house Hindi Debate
Shri VD Mathukutty at the Farewell Assembly
Smart Kick - Inter house Football Championship
Reward for Merit - Felicitation to Staff members
Framing Future Plans - Local Board of Administration Meeting
Grievances Addressed - Visit of Inspecting Offcer, SSS
Heroes on Stage - La Fest at Loyola School, Trivandrum
Lighting the Torch - Memory of 2/Lt Radhamohan Naresh
Token of love - Shri J Sudhakaran, GE on the
occasion of his farewell function
Send off - ADIEU to Passing out batch
Marching Ahead - Passing out Parade
Gateway to NDA - Class XI with Commandant, NDA,
Alumnus of the School
In Remembrance - Reviewing Offcer, POP
receiving memento from Principal
Taking the Plunge - Inter house Swimming Contest

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