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82 Books on Crimean War

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ADYE. Lieutenant Colonel John Miller Adye, A Review of the Crimean War, to the Winter of
1854-5, London, Hurst and Blackett, 1860.
ALEXANDER I. Lieutenant Colonel Sir James E. Alexander, Passages of the Life of A Soldier,
or, Military Service in the East and West, London, Hurst and Blackett, 1857, vol. I.
ALEXANDER II. Lieutenant Colonel Sir James E. Alexander, Passages of the Life of A Soldier,
or, Military Service in the East and West, London, Hurst and Blackett, 1857, vol. II.
ANITSCHKOF. La Campagne de Crimée, par Anitschkof, capitaine de l’Etat-Majpr imérial russe,
traduit de l’allemand de G. Baumgarten par C. Soye, Paris, Librairie Militaire, Maritime et
Polytechnique, 1858.
BARAULT. Dangers pour l’Europe. Origine, progrès et état actuel de la puissance russe.
Question d’Orient au point de vue politique, religieux et militaire, par C.-M. Barault-Roullon.
Avec une carte des agrandissements successifs de la Russie. Paris,Librairie Militaire, Maritime
et Polytechnique de J. Corréard, 1854.
BAUDENS Fr. La guerre de Crimée. Les campements, les abris, les ambulances, les hopitaux etc.
etc., par Jean Baptiste M. Lucien Baudens, Inspecteur, membre du Conseil de santé des armées,
Paris, Michel Lévy Frères,1858.
BAUDENS In. On Military and Camp Hospitals, and the Health of Troops in the Field, being the
results of a Commission to inspect the sanitary arrangements of the French Army, and
incidentally of Other Armies in the Crimean War, by L. Baudens, translated and annotated by
Franklin B. Hough, New York, Baillière Brothers, 1862.
BAZANCOURT Armée I. Baron César de Bazancourt, L’expédition de Crimée jusqu’à la prise de
Sébastoopol. Chroniques de la guerre d’Orient, 5eme édition revue, considérablement
augmentée, Paris, Librairie D’Amyot, Editeur, 1857. Tome Premier.
BAZANCOURT Armée II. Baron César de Bazancourt, L’expédition de Crimée jusqu’à la prise
de Sébastoopol. Chroniques de la guerre d’Orient, 5eme édition revue, considérablement
augmentée, Paris, Librairie D’Amyot, Editeur, 1857. Tome Second.
BAZANCOURT Marine I. Baron César de Bazancourt, L’expédition de Crimée. La Marine
Française dans la Mer 4oire et la Baltique. Chroniques maritimes de la guerre d’Orient, Paris,
Librairie D’Amyot, Editeur, 1857. Tome Premier.
BAZANCOURT Marine II. Baron César de Bazancourt, L’expédition de Crimée. La Marine
Française dans la Mer 4oire et la Baltique. Chroniques maritimes de la guerre d’Orient, Paris,
Librairie D’Amyot, Editeur, 1857. Tome Second.
BAZANCOURT Camp. Baron César de Bazancourt, Cinq mois au camp devant Sébastopol, Paris,
Amyot, 1855.
BODENSTEDT. Frédéric Bodenstedt, Les peuples du Caucase et la guerre d’indépendance contre
la Russie pour servir à l’histoire la plus récente de l’Orient, traduit par le prince E. De Salm-
Kyrburg, Paris, E. Dentu, Libraire-Editeur, 1859.
BRACKENBURY. Descriptive Sketches, illustrating Mr. William Simpson’s Drawnings of the
Seat of War in the East. First series, by George Brackenbury, late Secretary at Kadikoi to the
Honorary Agents pf the Crimean Army Fund, London, Paul and Dominic Colnaghi, 1855.
BUSHBY. A Month in the Camp before Sebastopol. By a 4on-Combatant. [Henry Jeffreys
Bushby], London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1855.
CALTHORPE I. Letters from Head-Quarters; or, the Realities of the War in the Crimea. By an
Officer on the Staff. [Somerset John Gough Calthorpe]. London, John Murray, 1856, vol. I.
CALTHORPE II. Letters from Head-Quarters; or, the Realities of the War in the Crimea. By an
Officer on the Staff. [Somerset John Gough Calthorpe]. London, John Murray, 1856, vol. II.
CARTER. Thomas Carter, Medals of the British Army, and how they were won. Vol. The
Crimean Campaign, London, Groombridge and Sons, 1861.
CLER. Jean Jososeph Gustave Cler, Reminiscences of an Officer of Zouaves. Translated from the
French. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1860.
Blaue Buch. Das Blaue Buch. Erste und vollständigste Sammlung aller wichtigen und
historisch-denkwürdigen Aktenstücke, Depeschen, Noten, Circulare, Manifeste, Fermane,
Proklamationen und geheim Correspondenzen, welche von Russland und der Türkei so wie
England, Frankreich, Oesterreich und Preussen in der russisch-türkischen Differenz
veröffentlich wurden. Mit einer historischen Einleitung und in chronologischer Verbindung.
Wien, 1854. Verlag von Jasper’s Wwe. & Hügel.
D’AYALA Crimea. Mariano D’Ayala, I Piemontesi in Crimea. Narrazione storica, con una Carta
topografica per l’intelligenza delle operazioni militari. Firenze, a spese della società editrice,
DEANE. James Parker Deane, The Law of Blockade, as container in the Deport of Eight Cases
argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty on the Blockade of the Coast of
Courkand, 1854, London, Butterworths, 1855.
DE LA BARRE DUPARCQ. Les Armées des Puissances directement ou indirectement engagées
dans la Question d’Orient. Statistiques militaires par un Officier Allemand, traduit par Edouard
de La Barre Duparcq, capitain du génie, professeur d’art militaire à l’Ecole impériale de Saint-
Cyr, Paris, Ch. Tanera, éditeur – Leipzig G. Remmelmann, 1855.
Tifo in Crimea. Societé Impériale de Médécine de Constantinople, Discussion sur le Typhus
observé dans les armées pendant la guerre d’Orient, Constantinople, Imprimerie d’Henri
Cayol, 1856.
DOBELL. Sidney Dobell, England in Time of War [Poem], London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1856.
DODD. George Dodd, Pictorial History of the Russian War 1854-5-6, with Maps, Plans, and
Wood Engrabings, W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh and London, 1856.
Europe in Crimea. Europe and the Allies of the Past and of To-Day, edited and compiled by an
Officer of the British Army, who served under Wellington, with a complete histiry of the origin
and progress of the present struggle in the East; the battles of Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann;
siege of Sebastopol; and biographical sketches of the Czar, Sultan, Omer Pacha, Schamyl,
Raglan, Canrobert, and other commanders. Illustrated from superior potographs. New York,
Edward Livermore, 1855.
FICQUELMONT Fr. Graf Karl Ludwig Ficquelmont, Examen de conscience à l’occasion de la
Guerre d’Orient, Bruxelles, Meline, Cans et Compagnie, 1856.
FICQUELMONT Ted. Graf Karl Ludwig Ficquelmont, Zum künstigen Frieden. Eine
Gewissensfrage, Bruxelles, Meline, Cans et Compagnie, 1856.
FORCADE. Eugène Forcade, Histoire des causes de la guerre d’Orient, d’après des documents
français et anglais, Paris, Michel Lévy Frères, 1854.
FOWLER. George Fowler, History of the War: A Record of the vents, Political and Military,
between Turkey and Russia, and Russia and the Allied Powers of England and France; Showing
the Origin and Progress of the War to the end of the Year 1854, Compiled from Public
Documents and other Authentic Sources, with two Maps of the Crimea, London, Sampson Low,
Son & Co., 1855.
GOURDON. Edouard Gourdon, Histoire du Congrès de Paris, avec une introduction par M. J.
Conen, Paris, Librairie Nouvelle, 1857.
GUROWSKI. A Year of the War, by Adam G. De Gurowski, A citizen of the United States, New
York, D. Appleton & Co., 1855.
HALL. Herbert Byng Hall, Sayah or, The Courier to the East, London, 1856.
HAMLEY NY. The Story of the Campaign: A Complete 4arrative of the War in Southern Russia,
written in a Tent in the Crimea, by Major Edward Bruce Hamley, Boston, Gould and Lincoln,
HAMLEY L. The Story of the Campaign of Sebastopol, written in the Camp, by Lieutenant
Colonel Edward Bruce Hamley, captain Royal Artillery, with iullustrations drawn in camp by
the Author, William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1855.
HAMMOND. Egerton Douglas Hammond, Memoir of Captain M. M. Hammond, Rifle Brigade,
London, James Nisbet and Co., 1858.
JASMUND I. Aktenstücke zur orientalischen Frage, Nebst chronologischer Uebersicht.
Zusammengestellt von Dr. Julis von Jasmund, Berlin, 1859, Ferdinand Schneider. [Erster
JASMUND II. Aktenstücke zur orientalischen Frage, Nebst chronologischer Uebersicht.
Zusammengestellt von Dr. Julis von Jasmund, Berlin, 1859, Ferdinand Schneider. Zweiter
JASMUND III. Aktenstücke zur orientalischen Frage, Nebst chronologischer Uebersicht.
Zusammengestellt von Dr. Julis von Jasmund, Berlin, 1859, Ferdinand Schneider. Dritter Band.
JOUVE. Eugène Jouve, Guerre d’Orient. Voyage à la suite des Armées Alliées en Turquie, en
Valachie et en Crimée, par M. Eugène Jouve, Rédacteur du Courier de Lyon, Paris, Librairie
d’Alphonse Delhomme, 1855.
KINGLAKE I. Alexander William Kinglake, The Invasion of the Crimea : Its Origin, and An
Account of its Progress down to the death of Lord Raglan, Third Edition, William Blackwood
and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1863, vol. I.
KINGLAKE I. Alexander William Kinglake, The Invasion of the Crimea : Its Origin, and An
Account of its Progress down to the death of Lord Raglan, Third Edition, William Blackwood
and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1863, vol. II.
KLAPKA. The War in the East, from the Year 1853 till July 1855. An Historico-critical sketch of
the Campaigns on the Danube, u Asia, and in the Crimea with a glance atthe probable
contingencies of the next campaign, by General George Klapka, translated from the original
manuscript by Lt.-Col. A. Mednyánszky. London, Chapman and Hall, 1855.
LADIMIR. Jean Ladimir, Les Russes et les Turcs. Histoire complète de leur différend, de leur
guerres et notamment de la ampagne de 1853 ; Moeurs et coutumes des deux peuples ; portraits
de leurs souverains. Ouvrage accompagné d’une Carte du théatre de la guerre et d’une vue-
panorama du Bosphore, Paris, B. Renault, éditeur, 1854.
Questione Oriente. La Questione d’Oriente. Storia contemporanea che descrive le cause della
questione e ne segue l’andamento diplomatico fino alla conchiusione della pace. Sviluppa
l’origine e l’andamento delle conferenze di Parigi. Ne raccoglie i Protocolli ed i Trattati con
quant’altro vi si riferisce e traccia le biografie dei plenipotenziarj. Venezia, coi tipi di Teresa
Gattei editrice, 1856.
Manna. Manna in the Camp, or selections from the Letters of a Medical Officer to his Wife,
during the Eastern Campaign in 1854-55. Dublin, George Herbert, 1856.
MACLEOD. 4otes on the Surgery of the War in the Crimea, with Remarks on the Treatment of
Gunshot Wounds, by George Husband B. Macleod, Formerly Surgeon to the Civil Hospital at
Smyrna, and to the General Hospital in Camp before Sebastopol; Lecturer on Military Surgery
in Anderson’s University, Glasgow. London, John Churchill, 1858.
MARSH. Catherine Marsh, Memorials of Captain Hedely Vicars, 4onety-Seventh Regiment,
New York, Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 1857.
MASQUELEZ. Journal d’un officier de zouaves, suivi de Considérations sur l’organisation des
Armées anglaise et russe et accompagné de l’itinéraire de Gallipoli à Costantinople, par Alfred
Emile Alexis Eugène Masquelez, Capitaine n etraite, chevalier de la Légion d’honneur, Membre
de l’Ordre Impérial du Médjidié. Paris, Librairie Militaire, Maritime et Polytechnique, 1858.
MCCLELLAN. Report of the Secretary of War, communicating the Report of Captain George B.
McClellan (First Regiment United States Cavalry) one of the Officers sent to the Seat of War in
Europe in 1855 and 1856, U. S. Senate, Washington, 1857.
MCCORMIK. Richard Cunningham McCormick jr., A Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol, New
York, D. Appleton and Company, 1855.
Messieurs les Cosaques. Messieurs les Cosaques. Relation charivarique, comique et surtout
véridique des hauts faits des Russes en Orient, par MM. Taxile Delord, Clément Carraguel et
Louis Huart. 100 vignettes par Cham. Paris, V. Lecou, 1854.
MOSELEY. Joseph Moseley, La Russie dans son droit, ou l’autre côté de la question turque,
traduit de l’anglais (Russia in the Right, or the other side of the turkish question), Saint-
Pétersbourg, Tipographie du Journal de Saint-Pétersbourg, 1854.
MÜLLER. The Languages of the Seat of War in the East, with a Survey of the Three Families of
Language, Semitic, Arian, and Turanian, by Max Müller, Taylorian Professor of European
Languages and Literature at the University of Oxford, 2nd Edition, with an Appendix on the
Missionary Alphabet, and An Ethnographical Map, Drawn by Augustus Petermann. London,
Williams and Norgate, 1855.
MURRAY. The Turkish Spies Ali Abubeker Kaled and Zenobia Marrita Mustapha: or the
Mohameddan Prophet of 1854. A True History of the Russo-turkish War, by Lieutenant Murray
of the Allied Armies [pseud. di Maturin Murray Ballou], A. R. Orton, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
NAPIER. The History of the Baltic Campaign of 1854. From Documents and other Materials
furnished by Vice-Admiral Sir C(harles) 4apier, edited by G. Butler Earp, formerly member of
the Legislative Council of New Zealand, London, Richard Bentley, 1857.
NIGHTINGALE. Florence Nightingale, 4otes on 4ursing: What it is, and what it is not, London,
Harrison, 1860.
NIGHTINGALE. Florence Nightingale, 4otes on Hospitals, Third Edition, London, Longman,
Green, Longman, Roberts and Green, 1863.
NIGHTINGALE. Florence Nightingale, 4ote on Mortality of the British Army, in “Healt of the
British Army at Home and Abroad”, in The 4ational Review, vol. XVII, N. XXXIV, Ocrober
1863, pp. 323-338.
NOAKE. War Songs, by Captain R. Compton Noake, Edinburgh, Myles Macphail, 1860.
OLIPHANT. Laurence Oliphant, The Trans-Caucasian Campaign of the Turkish Army under
Omer Pasha, A Personal 4arrative, William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London,
Our Veterans. Our Veterans of 1854: In Camp, and before the Enemy, by a Regimental Officer,
London, Charles J. Skeet, 1859.
PINCOFFS. Experiences of a civilian in Eastern Military Hospitals, with Observations on the
English, French and Other Medical Departments and the organization of military medical
schools and hospitals, by Peter Pincoff, Late civil physician to the Scutari Hospitals. William
and Norgate, London, 1857.
RAVERGIE. Auguste Léonce Ravergie, Histoire de la Russie et de ses projets d’envahissements
depuis le Règne de Pierre le Grand jusqu’à nos jours, Ouvrage illustré de gravures, Paris, P.-H.
Krabbé, Libraire-éditeur, 1854.
RELAZIONE SPAGNOLA I. [Tomás O’Ryan y Vázquez e Andrés Villalón y Hechevarría],
Memoria sobre el Viaje Militar a la Crimea, presentada por les Oficiales del Cuerpo de
Ingenieros nombrados en 1855 para seguir yestudiar las operaciones de la Guerra entre Rusia y
las Potencias Occidentales Francia è Inglaterra auxiliando a la Turquia. Madrid, Imprenta del
Memorial de Ingenieros, 1858, Tomo Primero.
RELAZIONE SPAGNOLA II. [Tomás O’Ryan y Vázquez e Andrés Villalón y Hechevarría],
Memoria sobre el Viaje Militar a la Crimea, presentada por les Oficiales del Cuerpo de
Ingenieros nombrados en 1855 para seguir yestudiar las operaciones de la Guerra entre Rusia y
las Potencias Occidentales Francia è Inglaterra auxiliando a la Turquia. Madrid, Imprenta del
Memorial de Ingenieros, 1858, Tomo Segundo. .
RELAZIONE SPAGNOLA III. [Tomás O’Ryan y Vázquez e Andrés Villalón y Hechevarría],
Memoria sobre el Viaje Militar a la Crimea, presentada por les Oficiales del Cuerpo de
Ingenieros nombrados en 1855 para seguir yestudiar las operaciones de la Guerra entre Rusia y
las Potencias Occidentales Francia è Inglaterra auxiliando a la Turquia. Madrid, Imprenta del
Memorial de Ingenieros, 1858, Tomo Tercero.
RÜSTOW. Wilhelm Rüstow, Der Krieg gegen Russland, Politisch-militärisch bearbeitet, Ester
Band, Zürich, Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Schulthess, 1855.
SANDWITH. A 4arrative of the Siege of Kars, and the six month’s resistance by the Turkish
garrison under general Williams to the Russian Army: together with a 4arrative of Ttravels and
Adventures in Armenia and Lazistan: with remarks on the present state of Turkey, by
Humphrey Sandwith, Chief of Medical Staff. London, John Murray, 1856.
SEYMOUR. H. D. Seymour, Russia on the Black Sea and Sea of Azof: being a 4arrative of
travels in the Crimea sand bordering provinces; with notices of the naval, military and
commercial resources of those countries, London, John Murray, 1855.
Sebastopol Artillery. Siege of Sebastopol. An Account of the Artillery Operations conducted by
the RoyalArtillery and Royal 4aval Brigade before Sebastopol In 1854 and 1855, compiled by
W. Edmund M. Reilly, Captain R. A. and Brevet-Major, London, printed by George Edward
Eyre and William Spottiswoode, for Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1859.
Sebastopol Engineers. Siege of Sebastopol. Journal of the Operations conducted by the Corps of
Royal Engineers, published by order of the Secretary of State for War, Part I From the invasion
of the Crimea to the close of the Winter Campaign 1854-55, by Captain H. C. Elphinstone, R. E.
London, printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, 1859.
SIENKIEWICZ. Recueil de documents pour la plupart secrets et inédits et d’autres pièces
historiques utiles à consulter dans la crise actuelle (Septembre 1853), Paris, Pagnerre, libraire-
éditeur, 1853.
TAYLOR I. George Cavendish Taylor, Journal of Adventures with the British Army, from the
Commencenent of the War to the taking of Sebastopol, in two volumes, vol. I, London, Hurst
and Blackett, 1856.
TAYLOR II. George Cavendish, Journal of Adventures with the British Army, from the
Commencenent of the War to the taking of Sebastopol, in two volumes, vol. II, London, Hurst
and Blackett, 1856.
The Battles. The Battles of the Crimea, including an Historical Summary of the Russian War,
from the commecement to the present time: giving a graphic picture of the great drama of war,
embracing a new plan of Sebastopol and a superb map of the Seat of War. New York, published
by G. S. Wells, 1855.
The Powers. The Powers of Europe and Fall of Sebastopol, by a British Officer, illustrated from
superior photographs, Boston, Higgins, Bradley and Dayton, 1857.
TULLOCH. Colonel Alexander Murray Tulloch, The Crimean Commission and the Chelsea
Board: being a review of th proceedings and report of this Board, London, Harrison, 1857.
WOESTYN. Eugène Woestyn, Guerre d’Orient. Les Victoires et Conquêtes des Armées Alliées,
Paris, 1857. [da notare che nel frontespizio le armi dell’Impero francese sono sovrapposte su
quelle dell’Inghilterra e quelle del Regno di Sardegna su quelle dell’Impero Ottomano].
WROTTESLEY. The Military Opinions of General Sir John Fox Burgoyne, collected and edited
by Captain the Hon. George Wrottesley, Royal Engineers, and aide-de-camp. Part I. National
Defences. II. The War in the Baltic. III. Military Maxims, etc. London, Richard Bentley, 1859.
WYATT. History of the First Battalion Coldstream Guards From February 1854 to June 1856,
by John Wyatt, Battalion Surgeon, 1858.

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