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Important information:

Meals must be adhering to the order without any mistake, because the program depends on the type and the order of eating, not on the amount of eating and the amount of calories. Must exercise for half an hour (at least).It is better to run or swim or bike or the aerobic. (The body must be sweating with sports). Observations must be read carefully before beginning and is it is located at the end of each program must be observed. It must take it seriously and with a strong will. If the user of the Diet programme is a diabetic, he must go to a diabetes specialist for making changing to the diet. He also must analyze the sugar in the morning once a week (at least). If you follow the diet, you will lose from 20-25 kg within 4 weeks but you have to follow the meal order without any mistakes.

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The First week

The daily breakfast: Half an orange or half a grapefruit + one/two boiled egg(s). *You can take an orange juice instead of eating the orange. Saturday Lunch: One kind of any kind of fruits. (Orange, Apple, peach, sweet melon or any fruit except figs and dates and mangoes). Dinner: Roast or boiled meat (Segments or pieces (dumpling), without fat (except mutton or goat or calf). Sunday Lunch: Roasted or boiled chicken (must disarm the skin) + tomato +one orange. Dinner: Two boiled eggs + salad (cucumber -green pepper - watercresses - cabbage parsley) or quarter of the whole-wheat toast + grapefruit. Monday Lunch: Any amount of Quraish cheese or any white cheese without any amount of fat (you can eat cottage cheese) + one toast or one / four bread + tomato. Dinner: Roast or boiled meat (as previous). Tuesday Lunch: One kind of fruit with any amount you want (as previous). Dinner: Roast or boiled meat (as previous) + Salad (as previous). Wednesday Lunch: Two boiled egg + boiled vegetables (Zucchini - beans - Sepang - carrots - peas - gumbo - cabbage cauliflower). Dinner: Roasted (fish or scampi) or Tuna oil refinery or washed or tuna water + salad (as previous) + one orange or grapefruit. Thursday Lunch: One kind of fruit with any amount you want (as previous). Dinner: Roast or boiled meat (as previous) + Salad (as previous). Friday Lunch: Chicken (as previous) + tomato + boiled vegetable (as previous) + one orange or grapefruit. Dinner: Boiled vegetable (as previous).

The Second week The daily breakfast: Half an orange or half a grapefruit + one/two boiled egg(s). *You can take an orange juice instead of eating the orange. Saturday Lunch: Two boiled eggs + salad (as previous). Dinner: Two boiled eggs or two small skimmed yogurt cup + one orange or grapefruit. Sunday Lunch: Roast or boiled meat (as previous). Dinner: Two boiled eggs + one orange or one grapefruit. Monday Lunch: Roast or boiled meat (as previous). Dinner 2 boiled eggs + boiled vegetables (as previous). Tuesday Lunch: Two boiled egg + Quraish cheese or any white cheese without any amount of fat+ boiled vegetables (as previous). Dinner: Two boiled eggs or two small skimmed yogurt cup + boiled vegetables (as previous) + tomato. Wednesday Lunch: Roasted (fish or scampi) or Tuna oil refinery or washed or tuna water. Dinner: Two boiled eggs + boiled vegetables. Thursday Lunch: Roast or boiled meat (as previous) + tomato + one orange or grapefruit. Dinner: A mixture of orange, apple, peach, sweet melon or any fruit except figs and dates and grape and banana and mangoes). Friday (measure your self) Lunch: Chicken (as previous) + tomato + boiled vegetable (as previous) + one orange or grapefruit.

Dinner: Boiled vegetable (as previous) + one orange or grapefruit.

The Third week Saturday All the day: Any amount of orange, apple, peach, sweet melon or any fruit except figs and dates and grape and banana and mangoes). Sunday All the day: Any amount of boiled vegetables except potatoes and dry beans. Monday All the day: Any amount of the previous fruit and boiled vegetables + salad in any time. Tuesday All the day: Roasted (fish or scampi) or Tuna oil refinery or washed or tuna water + salad (as previous) Wednesday All the day: Roasted or boiled meat or chicken (as previous) + boiled vegetables (one kind) as previous. Thursday +Friday All the day: one kind of fruit in any amount (apple / pear /orange /peach / sweet melon / Guava / apricot).

The Fourth week

The mentioned amount must distribute to all day but with out any increase in the quantity.

Saturday Four small steaks or 3 pieces of boiled meat or quarter of boiled chicken +3 tomatoes +4 cucumbers + tuna without oil or washed tuna + 1 toast ( or quarter of bread )+ one orange or grape fruit. Sunday Two small steaks (maximum one /5 km) + three tomatoes + four cucumbers + one toast (or quarter bread) + one apple or Guava or pear or sweet melon or melon +one orange or one grapefruit. Monday One Spoon of Quraish cheese (or any white cheese without fat) + one tuna without oil + a small dish of boiled vegetables+ 2 tomatoes + 2 cucumbers + 1 toast or quarter bread + one orange or grapefruit. Tuesday Roasted /boiled half-chicken + three tomatoes + four cucumbers +1 toast or quarter bread + one orange or grapefruit.

Wednesday Roasted /boiled half chicken + two boiled eggs+ 3 tomatoes + four cucumbers +one orange or grapefruit. Thursday Two chickens chest (boiled or roasted) 1 / 8 kilo Quraish cheese or any skimmed cheese + one toast or bread + two tomatoes + two cucumbers + skimmed yogurt + one orange or grapefruit. Friday One Spoon of Quraish cheese (or any white cheese without fat) + one tuna without oil + a small dish of boiled vegetables+ 2 tomatoes + 2 cucumbers + 1 toast or quarter bread + one orange or grapefruit.

Important notes 1 1 1 4 5 6 You must drink a lot of water. Boiled the vegetables without adding any Do not add any oil or butter .The meat and the chicken must be skimmed. You van drink tea or coffee but without sugar or milk or coffee mate but you can use Candel sugar or any Alternative except the fruit sugar. You can drink one glass of soda (any time) and one or 2-diet soft drink. If you fell hungry ,you can eat any amount of cucumbers or lettuce or carrots but you have to :

a-Eat after two hours of the main meal. B-Take one kind of the previous vegetable between the meals. 7 8 9 Must follow the rules and is not allowed to replace the lunch to dinner, or vice versa. If you omit any kind of food, do not replace it with any thing. You have to measure yourself by digital weight and you have to measure once in the morning and with light pajamas.

10- If you stop the dieting programme in any stage, you have to start over, even if make any mistakes. 11- Use any kind of sport even in the house (about 30 min.)Like running .riding fixed bike or swimming. 12 - After the diet, you will fell that your stomach will quickly fill and this will help you to maintain your weight. However, you have to moderate in eating carbohydrates and sugars. 13- If you want to do it back again, you have to two done the 1st week twice and the 4th week twice. 14-It is better to do the programme with a friend or a brother etc... .This will encourage you.

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