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Midpoints Meanings


I have always felt that midpoints can be expressed positively. This I have attempted to do throughout. Negative manifestations are usually the result of mishandling the energies and are the signposts to let us know that adjustments have to be made. The concept of the focus planet, I gained from Bil Tirney's book, "Dynamics of Aspect Analysis", although he used the expression in regard to aspect grouping with a planet usually at the midpoint. Many of the midpoints you deal with will have traditional aspects affecting them and it is wise not to forget this. THE PLANET ON THE MIDPOINT The planet at the midpoint challenges the integration of the other two points. It tends to cause internal disharmony, inner inbalance but also offers a resolution of the conflict through the basic urge of the midpoint planet. It can excite the other 2 points into expressing themselves in a discomforting manner forcing you to deal with the energies thus expressed. If you cannot cope with the challenges aroused by the midpoint planet then situations may occur which help to externalise the inner conflict. The basic nature of the planet at the focus shows how the constellation can manifest. A planet on a midpoint offers a greater degree of personal integration than is otherwise present. The two planets whose midpoint it is do not cause the trouble - nothing happens without the intervention of the focus planet, which releases the energies of the other two planets within the context of its own domain. The above is not always strictly true, for example; If the Sun is on the midpoint, it may use the other two planets for it's own ends, because it is the more powerful principle. If the Sun happens to be one of the other two planets it may still draw the energy of the other two planets to its own use. The Moon can also act likewise but is less powerful in this respect. As with all astrological symbols they can work positively or negatively, much depends on how the person's response to these energies in the first place. However, negative manifestations are not really negative, they only come out this way to show that some adjustments are required. PLANETS ON THE MIDPOINT SUN on the midpoint The urge to accomplish through willpower and dramatically. Use of leadership, creative direction and individualism incorporating the energies of the other two points. You can alienate yourself through over-confidence and self-seeking, wilfulness and attention grabbing. Personal adjustments may be required to do with will-power, authority figures and pride. MOON on the midpoint Instincts and emotions are stirred up. The mode of the Moon can indicate how it is going to manifest. Stress is induced through the interaction of the other two planets. The tendency is to withdraw from the emotions or to become immersed in them. A cardinal Moon can be hypersensitive. A fixed Moon can give rise to habits that are difficult to change. A mutable Moon is restless and changeable but the planets may be the keys as to why these problems arise. Adjustments to emotional development, past orientation, and the subconscious may be required. If you are emotionally defensive (dislike getting hurt) you may feel the urge to retire into your shell. MERCURY on the midpoint Communications with the environment may be suspect, perceptions and the resulting concepts may not give a true picture of situations. There may be difficulty in adapting to the prevailing circumstances because of this.

Midpoints Meanings

What you perceive may be correct but concepts built from the perceptions may not be adequately structured or have a perceptual bias introduced by the intervention of the other two points. VENUS on the midpoint Out of touch with social values, which could echo into personal relationships and personal values. Your value system has external bias, giving rise to disharmony within the personal life; something that you value is not appropriate for your present life situation. Material possessions become increasingly important to provide stability and security. You become entrenched, unable to go out and meet others on an equal footing. MARS on the midpoint This shows intensified drive for getting what you want and can indicate how you are likely to go about it. You may use physical force to achieve your own ends, or be paralysed into inaction through fear of getting hurt. Although good at initiating projects with a single-mindedness you may be liable to stir others up against you - the object of violence. JUPITER on the midpoint There is a need to find a belief system which will make you feel more at home in the world and to inspire you to greater achievements. A tendency to overdo things; to be impractical and over-look the small details. Your philosophy will be coloured by the other planets, which may impel you into some situation where you are forced to see the over-all picture to make it understandable. These concepts can eventually be used to inspire others. SATURN on the midpoint Your fears and insecurities can be heightened by the other two planets, making it necessary to restructure how you feel about these principles. There is a need to incorporate these principles within your life by restructuring your approach to them. URANUS on the midpoint The urge for reform through sudden and unexpected actions. Highly strung mental stimulation gives the urge to break free from anything that may impede your progress. You may be out of tune with your peers, which can produce relationship problems. This can be because your manner is brusque and abrasive. Mars can intensify this impulse giving rise to self-seeking actions. Saturn can provide restraint and structure, giving rise to creative forms. It can also block change through fear, which is likely to result in some unexpected break-out of the energy. NEPTUNE on the midpoint The drive is for boundless states of consciousness due to having a highly refined feeling nature. Difficulty with practical realities where everything seems too overwhelming and demanding shows a need to pay attention to the small practical details of life. If you are inclined to self-deception and escapism, this shows a need to screen out destructive influences and people. It may attract the wrong kind of people. Artistically it can manifest as dreams and beautiful ideas and result in new art forms. A good release of this energy is through dramatising your feelings. The ability to adapt and modify responses according to the demands of your environment (the chameleon). PLUTO on the midpoint

Midpoints Meanings

The basic impulse is to investigate the under-currents of life in an obsessive fashion and with penetrating insight. A powerful, all-consuming obsession which at times may be a good thing needs kept in perspective. There may be a need to control others through lack of self control. This can also manifest as a loner who doesn't integrate well. The energies of the other planets can be captivated, as you can feel threatened by their weaknesses. Hence the need to use or be used. They become tools, enslaved, bewitched and not under your own control. ASCENDANT on the midpoint Is dynamic and relates to personal identity or self-image. It tends to be conditioned by the other two planets and may not affect either of them. You may be subjectively involved with the resolution of these 2 different energies and may be concerned at how others perceive them. In utilising the energies of these other two points certain characteristics can be gained which will aid you in your task in life. MIDHEAVEN on the midpoint Your social identity is challenged, i.e. you are challenged to find your true place in the world and how you can best manifest this. It is the final outcome and generally indicates how one can best contribute something meaningful to society. The manifestation can both be positive and negative for the person concerned but positive for the world as a whole e.g., a convicted criminal is an example of the misuse of one's powers - something one would not really desire. NORTH NODE on the midpoint Suggests that associations with others of a like mind are critical to resolving the issues of the other two planets. Your friends may turn against you, redirecting your attention to what is wrong with your outlook. They may give you support and help in achieving your goals. Venus Venus presents problem in interpretation as normally one associates Venus with love but in essence, Venus is all about values. The Taurus face of Venus is material substance and the value one gives to it - it's weighting. The Libra face of Venus is the value one places on certain ideas - what I call, one's belief system. It so happens that one values material things and also what one believes in. Love is at the root of all this, as it attracts substance and also people. You are attracted to someone because you value some property within them. In the same way money is attractive because of its inherent value, just as possessions are; they give security. What matters is your value system; what you have feelings for, what you give weight to. These things have meaning for you; you are biased towards them and desire them. In the interpretations I have on occasion favoured relationships in preference to the abstract term 'value system', which is harder to grasp. The actual manifestations of each midpoint can be radically different and depends upon what one values. Finally, remember that the meanings of the midpoints themselves, which are given in isolation, are very dependent upon the planet aspecting the midpoint and the relationships between the planets in the natal chart.

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