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Dhyana Kriya:Shuddhi Dhyana Kriya

Shuddhi = purification or cleansing of the subconscious mind which can clear out a lot of chaotic mental energy. Let go of, detach from whatever arises within your screen of awareness without encouraging thoughts, sensations, emotions, boredom, fantasy, sleep; without daydreaming, and without suppressing or chasing away the thoughts. Be a witness to them, continually detaching from them. Detach from negative and positive impressions equally. Repeat often detach, or let go, as you dissociate, Use a word in your mother tongue or: I am not this thought, I am not this emotion or svahaa. The goal is not to make this mind go blank, although at some point the mind may become stilled. Be present and avoid to check out into a blank unconscious stance state, allow more subconscious movements to arise, in order to continue the cleansing process of your subconscious mind. Periods of silence may arise; eventually detachment from even the act of detaching results in the state of pure witness consciousness, the ultimate experience in the state of Samadhi, the state of being self in communication with the Absolute Reality. Remenber detachment is not coldness , true detachment is of most compassion , gratefulness and unconditional joy Attachment to pleasure or pain is binding and the absolute unconditional love. Become aware of the fact that most of your thoughts are actually coming from outside.

Dhyana Kriya: Eka Rupa Dhyana kriya.

Eka = One Rupa = From Focus on one single part/ detail of a chosen visual object during the entire session, take an object which exists and you know well and you enjoy to look at. Do not change perspective or the point of focus during a session. Take a detail which you can focus on without moving. Begin with about 1 minute of Shuddhi (1st technique), if distracted, practice Shuddhi again briefnly, and then return to your object. Training of Visualization power, concerntration power and will power.

Third Dhyana Kriya: Inay Rupa Dhyana Kriya

Similar Forms A Silent Movie in inner eye, dynamic, no sound, no other senses. The same object chosen in the 2nd technique (Eka Rupa) is the point of departure. Think of a long sequence of events, like taking a trip, building a house, or preparing a meal, etc.,

Begin with about 1 minute of Shuddhi, then after about 1 minute of Eka Rupa, continue with Inay Rupa, Use the same object as in 2nd technique for a longer period of time. Remember it is only a point of departure. You can leave it and go from anywhere from here, and detach from your negative thoughts. Training additionally your creativity, flexibility, spontaneity, inspirational flow.

Dhyana Kriya: Purna Bhava Indriya Dhyana Kriya:

Purna = Complete, Indriya = The Five Subtle Senses, Bhava = Positive Emotion Movie with all five senses and positive emotion, Subtle Senses / Indriyas = Vision, Sound, Touch, Smell, Taste, A positive emotion is one of the 12 Bhavas (e.g. love, gratitude, joy, contentment, peace, ecstasy, bliss, aspiration etc.), Visualisation of a move with all the senses and positive emotion, Training of Manas, the imagination part of the mind, and the Indriyas (the subtle senses) Benefits: increased sensual awareness and sensitivity, draw towards yourself the experiences you are seeking.

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